Roerich Nikolai Konstantinovich artist. Artist, archaeologist, editor and scientist

Roerich Nikolai Konstantinovich artist. Artist, archaeologist, editor and scientist
Roerich Nikolai Konstantinovich artist. Artist, archaeologist, editor and scientist

Life and creativity N.K. Roerich
People's Peturburg

"It's not easy to describe my life, it was so much a variety. Some called even a variety of contradictions ... Let's call these features of life in labor, "Nikolai Konstantinovich Rerich starts his autobiographical notes, which the world of the artist and a scientist, publicist and public figure, a citizen, who really loved his homeland opens. His path really consisted of creative, painstaking, joyful, enthusiastic labor, giving grain on all the funds, where a person can attach his strength.

The life of this man took place in the complex historical era of wars, revolutions, led to the east, not allowing her home to return, but she serves as an example of amazing integrity, as if each event was filled with a single meaning, uniting names, dates, countries and cultures.

Childhood of Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich, student years, and almost 18 years of tireless work took place in St. Petersburg, much connected with him with this city.

Here on October 9, 1874, he was born. In the house on the Neva Embankment Nikolaev Most. (Nowadays Lieutenant Schmidt) passed the childhood of little Nicholas. Under one roof with a residential apartment was the office of the Father, the famous St. Petersburg notary of Konstantin Fedorovich Roerich. Among his clients were well-known scientists, writers, public figures, people of art among which D.I. Imendeyev, Kramskaya, Yaroshenko, Meatseedov, A.I.Kyujji and others. Mother Nikolai Konstantinovich, Maria Vasilyevna Roerich, nee Calashnikov, came from families. The ancient Scandinavian family of Roerichs settled in Russia as early as Peter I and gave a lot of state and military leaders.

In 1882, in the eight of the age of Nikolai Roerich comes to study in a private gymnasium of K.I. Ma. "Will be a professor" - at the first acquaintance, Karl Ivanovich May, director of the gymnasium. From the first years of gymnasic training in Nikolai, the interests that determined the direction of all its creative multifaceted life - This is painting, theater, history, archeology and travel.

Every year in the summer, the whole family of Roerich leaned into the country estate of the isvar, located in forty versers from Gatchina. Here we walked together two favorite hobbies: History Ancient Russia and art.

The toastfulness of a young gymnasium brought closer with the famous archaeologist and scientists L.K.Ivanovsky, who came in the summer of 1883 to produce excavations of the ancient Kursians around the estate. "Nothing will not bring any way to the feeling of the ancient world as a person's own excavation," it will later remember N.K. Ryrich. He transfers his first findings and reports on excavations to the gymnasium.

Here, in the iswar, the third love has come in vague - love for India. According to legend, the name of the estate comes from the Sanskrit word "Ishvara", which means "the mercy of the gods". "In the time of Catherine II, some Indian Raja lived nearby," writes Roerich in his diaries. In one of the rooms on the wall, the picture was hung a picture of the five-chapted peak of Kanchenzhangi, which Nikolai Konstantinovich will subsequently see in the Himalayas.

A close contact with the world of ancient, with their culture will make the desire to become an artist and determine the first motives of creativity. In order not to go in advance of the will of the Father in 1893 at the end of the gymnasium Karl Ivanovich May, Nikolai Konstantinovich enters the legal department of the University of St. Petersburg, but it does not leave his dream and keeps the exam in the Imperial Academy of Arts. In parallel with this, he managed to attend lectures at the Historical Faculty of the University. Since 1895, Roerich goes to the workshop to the famous artist Archka Ivanovich Kindji, who will become a "teacher not only painting, but also his whole life." His teaching system was built in a special way. Arkhip Ivanovich developed in the disciples a sense of color decorativeness, insisted that the paintings wrote down "by memory" so that artists put into themselves the composition and color. So the Byzantine and Old Russian masters opened, so the old Italian and Dutch artists wrote, and Buddhist masters in the East worked, and this will create Nikolai Konstantinovich that would create their paintings, calling them "writings." Queenji loved to say: "Everything can be explained, and you go and win."

Many victories won Rerich. In 1897, he honors the title of the artist, the Tretyakov himself acquires it for his famous gallery. Another student Nikolai Konstantinovich comes closer to the outstanding artists of the time of the time V.V.Stasov, who will introduce him to L.N. Tolst. "Let your messenger holds the steering wheel", "gives Roerich a lullness of a great writer.

In 1898, Roerich comes proposals to occupy a seat of the director of the Museum of the Society for the Promotion of Arts and the Assistant Place of the editor of the Art and Art Industry magazine. A year later, Nikolai Konstantinovich became the secretary of the Imperial Society for the promotion of art. At the same time, Roerich begins cooperation with the Art Association "World of Art". No archaeology classes are left.

In the summer of 1899, the Russian archaeological society commits Roerich to Pskov, Novgorod and Tver province to study the issue of preserving monuments of antiquity. Nikolay Konstantinovich comes along the way to the estate of Prince P.A. Putyatina in the bologna of the Tver province, where he gets to Elena Ivanovna Shaposhnikova, who originated from the ancient noble rhodation Kutuzovy-Kutuzovy. Two years later, in 1901, Elena Ivanovna becomes the wife of the artist, they will pass the hand of the hand all the difficulties of life path. After many years, Roerich will record: "Forty years - a considerable term. In such a distant swimming, many storms and thunderstorms can be met. We passed all sorts of obstacles together, and obstacles appealed to the opportunity. I dedicated my books my wife, Elena, the other, the companion, inspirer. Each of these concepts was tested in the lights of life. Worked together. No wonder it is said that my works should wear two names: Male and Women ... "

Nikolay Konstantinovich and Elena Ivanovna paid a lot of attention and time to raise the sons. The eldest of them - Yuri was born in 1902 in Okulovka Novgorod province, and the younger - Svyatoslav - in 1904 in St. Petersburg. In the future, Yuri Nikolaevich will be an outstanding easistful, and Svyatoslav Nikolaevich is a famous artist.

In 1903 and 1904, Roerichs are sent on a large trip through the cities of Russia. More than forty cities are visited by, and, and everywhere Nikolai Konstantinovich is trying to penetrate the very depth, in the culture, in tradition, in the origins. The world-famous cycle "The beginning of Russia is born. Slavs, "where the artist acts as a witness of the events of the long days. He is trying to present all the variety of cultural relations of ancient Russia, find the community of the origins of ancient cultures. Roerich penetrates the holy of saints and it opens the meaning of the Byzantine heritage in Russia, he is trying to comprehend the meaning of mystical rites of our pagan ancestors. And all searches will be reflected in his works: in the libretto and scenery of the ballet "Spring Spring" (summer of 1911), in the paintings of the temples (in Talashkino, near Smolensk, in 1914 the artist completes its work on the painting of the Church of the Holy Spirit), in scenery To the operations "Prince Igor" A.P. Borodina, "Snow Maiden" N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov. The list of works by the artist in the field of theatrical decoration painting is not exhausted: it works on the works of M.Metherlinka, R. Vagner, Ibsen.

In the spring of 1906, Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich claim the director of the School of Society for the Promotion of Arts. Transformations that followed for several years Alexander Benois Write a miracle: "This miracle happened due to the energy of one person, one artist - Roerich, which deserves more and more respect for the sequence with which he fights for living art against the desolet and caasens." Nikolai Konstantinovich headed the Society Society for the Promotion of Arts until 1917, and during this period of time it became one of the largest and deocratic educational institutions in Russia. Eighty teachers trained two and a half thousand students. School belonged to two houses - on the sea and in the Demidov Lane, four country offices, an excellent museum, assembled by D.V. Grigorovich. Permanent exhibitions and exposition of artists and students of senior classes. Along with the leadership of the Rerich school, the class of composition teaches, works on decorations for theaters, writes paintings and participates in foreign exhibitions of Russian art.

In 1909, Nikolai Konstantinovich honors the title of Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts and becomes a member of the Raim Academy in France. By this time, he was repeatedly invited to international exhibitions in the largest cities of Europe, his paintings acquire Louvre and the National Museum in Rome, the artist's work is in the center of attention of the famous "Russian seasons". There is fruitful work in all directions, but the pictures already appear notes of anxiety.

In the premonition of the 1914 war, well knowing about the deplorable state of cultural monuments throughout Russia, Roerich speaks with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Covenant Covery Coverage. He thinks this document as international and at the beginning of the First World War appeals to the governments of Russia, France, the United States with a proposal to sign it, but meets full indifference. This circumstance does not stop Nikolai Konstantinovich, and the work of the protection of cultural values \u200b\u200boccupies an important place in his life.

In December 1916, Nikolai Konstantinovich, together with Elena Ivanovna and two children, Yury and Svetik moved to a permanent residence in the city of Serdobol, Finland (now G. Sortavala in Karelia). As a state of health, Roerich is contraindicated to live in a big city. Proximity to St. Petersburg makes it possible to leave and continue the management of the Society Society for the Promotion of Arts.

The February Revolution of 1917, Rerich meets in Serdobol. In August of the same year, Nikolai Konstantinovich refuses to lead the school in connection with the impossibility of daily business, but remains a member of the Committee and the Trustees, taking an active part in the life of the school's life in new conditions. Along with this, he is a member of the Commission Committee "on issues related to the development of art in free Russia" collected by M. Gorky.

In January 1918, Finland is separated from Soviet RussiaAnd in May of the same year, the border between the countries becomes closed. Nikolay Konstantinovich with his family, being on the territory of Finland, it turns out on the other side of the border, and the visit to Russia becomes impossible.

During this period in diaries and literary works Roerich increasingly mentions East, India. His dream is to arrive "in the mysterious cradle of humanity" - becomes more feasible.

After recovery in 1918, Nikolai Konstantinovich receives an invitation to Stockholm to organize his exhibition. Opening took place on November 8, 1918, the exhibition had a great success. In Stockholm S. Dyagillev offers Roerich to take part in the opera "Prince Igor" in London. In March 1919, Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich, along with his family, leaves Finland, leaving to England.

So the "Petersburg" period of the life of Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich ends. Everything was reflected in it: the desire and dreams of distant India, and the love of their people, to his past in all the variety of his ancient cultural ties, and the rapid rush to save, protect, protect the cultural heritage of Russia and all mankind. This period was an important milestone in the life of Roerich and thanks to talents, aspirations, will and, of course, the work of painstaking, joyful, passionate, opened the way to great achievements and excellent conquests, so we need today.

Abstract on the subject

"Culturalology." on the topic:

"Life and creativity of Nicholas

Konstantinovich Roerich "

Moscow 1998.


Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich occupies an honorable place among Russian cultural figures. Roerich - man interesting biography, phenomenal knowledge, rare talent. It is widely known in the world as a major artist, a scientist, public figureLeaving a huge heritage after himself.

Forty-two years, Roerich lived in Russia, about twenty in India, three years in the United States. He visited almost all countries in Europe, America, Asia. Five years old, the artist spent in a large scientific expedition on Central Asia.

Over the years, Roerich has been the director of the Society Society for the Promotions of Arts in Russia. In New York, they founded the Institute for Joint Arts and the Museum, in India, in the Culu Valley, - the Himalayan Institute of Scientific Research.

Worldwide recognition and approval received the so-called "Pact of Roerich", the international convention on the protection of cultural property in the event of an armed conflict in 1954.

Per long years Roerich created more than seven thousand paintings. They diverged worldwide. The collections of the artist's works are available in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Riga, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, New York, Paris, London, Bruges, Stockholm, Helsinki, Buenos Aires, Benares, Allahabad, Bombay and many other cities. Twenty-seven books belonging to Peru Roerich were released by various publishing houses of the world.

The life of this artist, who comes to many countries and carried worldwide worldwide about Russian culture around the world. In the history of our visual art, there is perhaps no name of another figure who would receive such widespread recognition as Roerich.

Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich was born on September 27 (October 9) of 1874 in St. Petersburg in the family of a major lawyer. Already in the gymnasium years, its rare giftedness and latitude of interests were manifested. He was fond of history, geography, composed epics and tales, painted. Roerich had little knowledge he received in the gymnasium. In his free time, he constantly found some new fascinating classes. His curiosity was not the end. Especially fruitful for him were the summer months in the estate of the father in the isvar near St. Petersburg.

Roerich maniled to themselves deaf dumping forests, Lake the lake with thick fogs, threw the reeds. Early, his attention was attracted by Kurgan. Subsequently, this was displayed in many of his work.

In 1893, he graduated from the gymnasium and at the same time passed the exams at the University and the Academy of Arts. At the insistence, he entered the Faculty of Law, but the historical and philological was beloved for him. Especially Roerich fascinated archeology.

He studied at the Academy of Arts with great passion. From the first days of study, in addition to the class tasks, he tried to work on historical compositions independently.

The first who drew attention to Roerich and hardly supported him, was I. Repin. Also Roerich interested and Stasov, primarily its own burden to Russian history, the breadth of their creative plans.

By the fall of 1895, the overall neturized class was over, and Roerich entered the workshop A. Quyungi. Queenji had a great influence on his student. He woke up in him a new gift - a dar of a landscape player. Roerich, who felt thinly, begins to work much over landscape etudes from nature. It changes and the system of its historical canvases. In them now the landscape playing an active role. It becomes one of the components of the content of its works and the main source of mood.

In the field class, Roerich repeatedly tried to compose sketch on the "plots of pure archaeological content". In 1897, he is taken for the exercise of great design. He was deeply interested in the most important moment of history - education in the 9th century an ancient Russian state. This period was presented to him complex, full of acute tense struggle both inside the tribes and neighbors. Roerich is thinking about individual plots for a long time, tries to develop various compositions. Gradually, he develops the idea of \u200b\u200bthe big series "Start Rus. Slavs."

In 1897 there was the first picture of the series - "the messenger. Rebelled the genus. " The picture takes imagination in distant times. Deep night. In this picture, the penetration into ancient, understanding the spirit of the historical era with her characteristic features: types and feelings of people, intense moments of their life, landscape. A peculiar color flavor is also given by the mostly taken historical details: a single-show boat, a fortified Slavic town. Over them, the artist worked especially a lot. He was repeatedly consulted with the Stasov about the type of ancient Slavic hut, the paradise of the town, the form of a boat, sent him his sketches in the letters and, only when he received full approval from Stasov, introduced them to the picture.

And at the same time, there is no slave follow-up in the picture, desire for extremely accurate reconstruction of the past. Turning to the distant era, which then could be judged mainly on scarce, sometimes learned from the expedition information, single monuments material culture, Roerich acutely felt the impossibility of creating artistic works only on the basis of this material. He came to a firm conviction that the artist should be widely complemented by famous facts by poetic fiction, guessed and seeks to transfer in the picture primarily a holistic understanding of the era, a certain historical mood. This idea has determined the method of creating many works of Roerich, and in the "messenger" found its first successful embodiment. The success of the picture was finally enshrined by the fact that it was bought from the exhibition P. Tretyakov.

After graduating from the Academy of Arts, over the years, Roerich continued to work on the series "Start Rus. Slavs". One after another, his paintings appear in which he, essentially, one of the first so wide and talentedly began to show a little yet studied world slavic RusAnd it put forward it in the ranks of original masters. Of early work Especially interesting "idols" (1901) and "Overseas guests" (1901), performed in France, where the artist went to the fall of 1900 to replenish his artistic education. In his time, these pictures received a high assessment of contemporaries.

In addition to them, Roerich begins the paintings "Traitor", the "Old Russian city", develops sketches to two large panels "Prince Hunting". New ideas arise, one replaces the other, and they are all connected with ancient ruus, with Things about the Motherland. But the larger creative plans accompany the sharp melancholy in their homeland. And in the summer of 1901, the artist leaves France.

Upon returning to Motherland, Roerich is even more destructed to the study of Russian antiquity. These years are full of intense creativity, the completion of the old, searches for new topics and artistic solutions.

One of the most interesting works of this time was the painting "ominous" (1901). Anxious, the leaning heart of the foreboding causes the audience. Neradostin her dull, gray landscape. Fasulously drawn crows. Something ominous, painfully concluded in their immobility and cavity.

In 1902 another significant work was created - "the city is built." From the alarming premonitions, from the "sinister", Roerich returns to Slavic Rus and is looking for life ideals in it, the answer to the question of the fate of the people. This artwork caused a lot of disputes. Viewers most surprised the unusual manner of writing. At the advantage of the picture was able to estimate the then few, and above all V. Serov, insisted on acquiring it to the Tretyakov Gallery.

Searches for the images of ancient folk Russia, the desire for a concise decorative manner of letters affected in other works of this time: "Town" (1902), "build roas" (1903), "Ancient Life", "Alexander Nevsky fight with a Bigger Bigger ), "Slavs on the Dnieper" (1905).

In May 1903, Nikolai Konstantinovich began a large journey in Russia - a detour of the cities rich in monuments of antiquities. In the summer of next year, the journey resumed. This peculiar trip "For ancient", as her artist called, covered the huge area - Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod, Vladimir, Suzdal, Rostov, Vilna, Mitava, Riga, Pskov, Tver, Uglich, Kalyazin, Zvenigorod and other cities.

Roerich set himself a major task of studying the ancient Russian architecture of various eras and schools. Along the way, he got acquainted with the old painting, in the deaf remote villages patiently wanted objects of applied art, she listened to the fairy tales, the songs, admired dancing. And in all this I saw the true beauty of the folk, "his diva divided, the centuries they are tremendous."

During the trip, Nikolai Konstantinovich opened the majestic sight of diverse, unique in their forms of monuments of domestic antiquity. It completely refuses at this time from styling. His wide confident smear is beautiful, expressively conveys the most characteristic features of various architectural structures. Roerich writes them with a subtle understanding of the constructive foundation, the characteristics of the style of the era, a kind of historical beauty. They created a large picturesque series, numbering the ninety works. They are widely shown by the diversity and wealth of the Old Russian architecture, it takes the most valuable and expensive, which is the pride of Russian art. "Our Pantheon former glory"," Roskovy Elysey Fields "called these etudes one of the artist's biographers. Unfortunately, this series of works was lost by Russia: seventy-five paintings were sold apart from the auction.

During traveling through the ancient Russian cities, Roerich saw another - the terrible paintings of the destruction of antiquity monuments, the death of many of them. Since then, he has repeatedly acts in periodical printing with propaganda of native art and encourages urgent measures to save it.

Nikolai Konstantinovich Rarich (in a number of sources - Rörich) (September 27 (October 9) 1874, St. Petersburg - December 13, 1947, Kulu, Himachal Pradesh, India) - Russian artist, philosopher-mystic, scientist, writer, traveler, public Worker, politician.

The creator of about 7,000 paintings (many of which are located in the famous galleries of the world) and about 30 literary works, the author of the idea and initiator of the International Treaty on the Protection of Arts and Scientific Institutions and historical monuments (Pact Roerich), founder of the international movement in defense of culture.

Reading legends, youth learns to dream. This is a great quality, for it fills the hearts with the best, powerful lights. Young people know how to distinguish between the truth.

Roerich Nikolai Konstantinovich

I had a special impact on the development of New Age in Russia. The version is widespread that Roerich was the Bolshevik agent of the Comintern and collaborated with the NKVD.

Representatives of the kind of Roerichs since the time of Peter the first held prominent military and administrative posts in Russia. His father - Konstantin Fedorovich - was a famous notary and public figure.

Mother - Maria Vasilyevna Kalashnikov, came from a merchant family. Among the friends of the Roerich family there were such prominent figures like D. Mendeleev, N. Kostomaraov, M. Mikishin, L. Ivanovsky and many others.

Truth does not know the calculations, only the heart language knows where he lives great truthwhich, no matter what, leads humanity to climb.
(Legends, collector "Power of Light", Himalayas, February 1931)

Roerich Nikolai Konstantinovich

From the children's years, Nikolai Roerich attracted paintings, archeology, history and rich cultural heritage of the East.

In 1893, at the end of the Gymnasium Karla May, Nikolai Roerich at the same time enters the Faculty of Faculty of the University of St. Petersburg (graduated from 1898) and to the Imperial Academy of Arts. Since 1895 he is engaged in the studio the famous artist Archka Ivanovich Quinji.

At this time, he is closely communicating with the famous figures of the culture of the time - V. V. Stasov, I. E. Repin, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, D. V. Grigorovich, S. P. Dyagilev. Already in the student years, Roerich becomes a member of the Russian archaeological society. Conducts numerous excavations in the St. Petersburg, Pskov, Novgorod, Tver, Yaroslavl, Smolensk provinces.

Is there no legends of the best colors garlands? About small, about insignificant and pathetic mankind does not flow legends. ... In any case, each legend contains something extraordinary. Does this unusual spirit do not behave on top of the twilight of the mechanical standard?
(Legends, collector "Power of Light", Himalayas, February 1931)

Roerich Nikolai Konstantinovich

Since 1904, together with Prince Putyathin, discovered several neolithic parking lots on Valdai (in the vicinity of Lake Piros). Neolithic finds of Roerich caused genuine sensation in Russia and Western Europe.

In 1897, N. K. Roerich graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. His diploma picture "The messenger" was acquired by the famous collector of the works of Russian art P. M. Tretyakov. Stasov V. V., the famous critic of the time, highly appreciated this picture: "You must have to visit Tolstoy, let the great writer of the Earth of Russian will produce you to the artists."

Meeting with Tolstoy for young Roerich became a fateful. Turning to Him, Lion Tolstoy said: "Was it happened in the boat to move the high-speed river? It is always necessary to rule the above where you need, otherwise demolish. So in the field of moral requirements it is always necessary to steer above - life will demolish everything. Let your messenger holds a very high steering wheel, then I will get it! ".

The legend, which frees us from the overwhelming conditions of everyday routine, updates our thinking, allows you to dive into new depths of knowledge, full of inexhaustible young zador.
(Legends, collector "Power of Light", Himalayas, February 1931)

Roerich Nikolai Konstantinovich

Also, the spiritual farewell for Roerich was the words about. John Kronstadsky, which often visited the home of the parents of Roerich: "Do not pain! We'll have to work hard for the Motherland. "

N. K. Roerich works a lot in the historic genre. In the early period of creativity, it creates a web: "Elders agree" (1898), "Plach Yaroslavna" (1893), "Start Rus. Slavs "(1896)," Idols "(1901)," build roams "and others. In these works, the original talent of the artist and innovative search in art are manifested.

"In the first pictures, the peculiar style of Roerich is emerging: his inclusive approach to the composition, clarity of lines and laconism, purity of colors and musicality, great simplicity of expression and truthfulness." The artist's paintings are built on deep knowledge Historical material, give the feeling of the spirit of time and are saturated with philosophical content.

Dreams are not the signs of illiteracy, but the differences of sophisticated shower.
(Legends, collector "Power of Light", Himalayas, February 1931)

Roerich Nikolai Konstantinovich

In 24 years, N. K. Roerich becomes a assistant Director of the Museum under the Imperial Society for the promotion of art and at the same time assistant editor of the art and art industry. Three years later, he ranked secretary of the Imperial Society for the Promotion of Arts.

In 1899, he meets Elena Ivanovna Shaposhnikova. In October 1901 their wedding took place. Elena Ivanovna became a loyal companion for Nikolai Roerich, the whole life they will be hand in hand, creatively and spiritually complementing each other. In 1902, they will have the son of Yuri, the future scientist-orientalist, and in 1904 - Svyatoslav, the future artist and public figure.

In 1903-1904, N. K. Roerich, together with his wife, comes a trip to Russia, visiting more than 40 cities known for their ancient monuments of antiquity. The purpose of this "trips to Starin" was the study of the roots of Russian culture.

It would be the greatest mistake to think that the concept of heroes together with the past. The synthesis of our era crystalls its heroes. It is possible to hope that bonfires, prisons and executions will no longer be the indispensable attributes of these great souls!
(Legends, collector "Power of Light", Himalayas, February 1931)

Roerich Nikolai Konstantinovich

The result of the trip was the large architectural series of artist paintings (about 90 etudes) and articles in which Roerich one of the first raised the question of the tremendous artistic value of the Old Russian icon painting and architecture.

As an artist Roerich worked in the field of machine, monumental (frescoes, mosaic) and theatrical decorative painting.

In 1906, he creates 12 sketches for the Church of the Pokrov of the Virgin in the estate of Goluba in Parhomovka near Kiev (arch. Pokrovsky V. A.), as well as sketches of Mosaik for the Church in the name of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul on the Schlisselburg Powder Plants (Arch. Pokrovsky in . A.), for the Trinity Cathedral of the Pochaevsky Lavra (1910), 4 sketch for the painting of the chapel in Pskov (1913), 12 Panel for Villa Livshits in Nice (1914). In 1914, they were framed by the Church of St. Spirit in Talashkin (composition "Queen of heavenly" and others).

It was impoverished mankind and squeezed spiritually. That is why so rejoice, seeing every beautiful, but also an affordable edition. So, a close ill will appeal in the tale, and from the legend will grow again a fairy tale. Life is a wonderful fairy tale.

Roerich Nikolai Konstantinovich

The multi-faceted talent of Nikolai Roerich manifested itself in his works for theatrical performances: "Snow Maiden", "Per Gunt", "Princess Malen", "Valkyrie", etc.

He was among the leading ideologues and the creators of the reconstructive "old theater" (1907-1908; 1913-1914) - a noticeable and unique phenomenon in the cultural life of Russia of the first quarter of the 20th century, and N. Rerich participated in this historical and dramaturgical event and as The creator of the scenery, and as art historian.

During the famous "Russian seasons" S. Dyagilev in Paris in the design of N. K. Roerich was held " Polovtsky dances"From" Prince Igor "Borodin, Pskovysian, Roman Corsakov, Spring Sacred ballet on the music of Stravinsky.

Good old old man, until it prevents the future. But what should happen if the death of an excellent past is allowed and the future is prohibited?

Roerich Nikolai Konstantinovich

The era of the Silver Age, in which N. K. Rerich began his creative path, was the epoch of the spiritual lift, which undoubtedly had an impact on the formation of the personality of the artist. Pleiad of outstanding thinkers: V. S. Soloviev, E. N. Trubetskaya, V. V. Rozanov, P. A. Florensky, S.N. Bulgakov, N. A. Berdyaev, and others. Introduced deep philosophical idea to Russian culture, I sat down in tense searches for the meaning of life and moral ideals. The Russian intelligentsia showed a special interest to the culture of the East.

In search of values \u200b\u200bthat have universal importance, N. K. Roerich, in addition to Russian philosophy, also studied the philosophy of the East, the works of the outstanding thinkers of India - Ramakrishna and Vivekananda, the work of Rabindranat Tagora.

Acquaintance S. philosophical thought The East has found his reflection in the work of N. K. Roerich. If in the early paintings of the artist decisive plots was the ancient pagan destination, the colorful images of the National Epos ("City are built", "ominous", "overseas guests", etc.), from mid-19905, many of his paintings and essays were devoted to India ( "Lakshmi", "Indian Way", "Krishna", "Dreams of India", etc.).

A breath of unknowable began to give rise to the world, and exhale makes him disappear. This process continues to be worn and our universe is only one of the infinite series that does not have any beginning.

Roerich Nikolai Konstantinovich

The ancient cultures of Russia and India, their overall source, are interested in Roerich as an artist and as a scientist. In his historical concept, the ratio of the temporary categories of the past, present and future is essential. It measures the past and the present future: "... when I call to study the past, we will do it only for the sake of the future." "From the ancient wonderful stones to fold the stage of the coming."

From 1906 to 1918, Nikolay Roerich is the director of the school of the Imperial Society for the promotion of art, while simultaneously engaging in teaching work. From the same time, the artist is constantly involved in foreign exhibitions. With his work, Paris, Venice, Berlin, Rome, Brussels, Vienna, London became acquainted with his work. Pictures of Roerich acquired the Roman National Museum, Louvre and other European museums.

From about 1906, a new, more mature period in the work of Roerich is noted. His approach to the historical topic changes: history, mythology, folklore turn into sources, of which the artist draws material for a metaphorical fine language. In his art, realism and symbolism are combined. During this period, the search for the wizard in the field of color is enhanced.

Poverty patch, stripes judovo need to be able to remove. We must be able to open in full form a touching appearance of human souls. These images are vaguely in a dream, - the milestones of these paths are hard to open.

Roerich Nikolai Konstantinovich

It almost refuses oil and moves to tempera techniques. Experimental experiments with the composition of the paints, uses the method of overlapping one colorful tone to another.

The originality and originality of the art of the artist was marked by artistic criticism. In Russia and Europe, for the period from 1907 to 1918, nine monographs were published and several dozen art journals dedicated to the work of Roerich. Leonid Andreev figuratively called the world-friendly world - "Power Roerich".

In 1909, N. K. Roerich was elected academician of the Russian Academy of Arts and a member of the Reimary Academy in France.

Many cataclysms are needed and have their own goal.

Roerich Nikolai Konstantinovich

Since 1910, he heads the Arts Association "The World of Art", whose members were A. Benua, L. Bakst, I. Grabar, V. Serov, K. Petrov-Vodkin, B. Kustodiyev, A. Ostrumova-Lebedev, Z. Serebryakova and etc.

"The Greatest Intuivist of the Century", by definition of A. M. Gorky, N. K. Roerich in symbolic images expressed its disturbing premonitions on the eve of the First World War: the paintings "Preternal Hard - Enemies", "Angel Last", "Zarla", " Human affairs, "etc.

They show the topic of the struggle of two began - light and darkness, passing through all the work of the artist, as well as the responsibility of a person for his destiny and the whole world. Nikolay Roerich not only creates paintings of an anti-war character, but also writes articles on the protection of peace and culture.

In 1915, N. K. Roerich makes the report to Emperor Nicholas II and the Great Prince Nikolai Nikolayevich (younger) with a call to take serious state measures According to the nationwide protection of cultural treasures.

In 1916 due to severe disease Lygsky N. K. Roerich at the insistence of doctors together with the family moves to Finland (Sandobole), on the coast of Lake Ladoga. Proximity to Petrograd made it possible to engage in the affairs of the Society Society for the Promotion of Arts.

March 4, 1917, a month after the February Revolution, Maxim Gorky collected a large group of artists, writers and artists in his apartment. Among those present were Roerich, Alexander Benoit, Bilibin, Dobuzhinsky, Petrov-Vodkin, Shchuko, Shalyapin. The meeting was elected commission for arts. It was appointed by M. Gorky, the assistants of the Chairman - A. Benua and N. Roerich. The Commission dealt with the development of art in Russia and the preservation of antiquity monuments.

After the revolutionary events of 1917, Finland closed the borders with Russia, and N. K. Roerich with his family turned out to be cut off from his homeland.
"Song about Shambal. Tang-la. 1943.

In 1919, having received an invitation from Sweden, Nikolai Roerich rides with exhibitions on Scandinavia countries. In the same year travels to London, hoping to go to India. Together with his wife enters into the E. P. Blavatskaya Founded Society. In the autumn of the same year, at the invitation of S. P. Dyagilev, Russian opera on music M. P. Mussorgsky and A. P. Borodina decore in London.

In 1920, N. K. Roerich comes a proposal from the director of the Chicago Institute of Arts to organize a great exhibition tour of 30 US cities. Among the 115 artist's canvases were exposed: "Treasure of Angels" (1905), "Angel last" (1912), "Viking daughter" (1917), "Call of the Sun" (1918), "Ecstas" (1917), Series "Heroic" And the "dreams of the East" and others. Exhibitions had a great success. In America Roerich, a series of paintings "Sancta" (saints), "New Mexico", "Suite Ocean", "Wisdom Dreams", etc. were written.

In America, Roerich earned a reputation as a seer, Guru and the opponent of the war in particular among the prosperous people who provided to him the funds and even built museums for him, one of which still stands in New York.

Due to the funds provided by Roerich, among other things, it is based on Beluha Corporation, which was struggling for the acquisition of mining and land concessions in the vicinity of Beluhi Mountain in Southwestern Altai. Cultural and educational organizations were also founded.

In November 1921, a master institution of the United Arts opened in New York, the main goal of which was the rapprochement of peoples through culture and art.

Almost simultaneously with the Institute for the United Arts in Chicago, the union of the artists "Cor Ardens" was established ("Burning Hearts"), and in 1922 there was an international cultural center "Corona Mundi" ("Crown of the World"). In November 1923, the New York Museum of Nicholas Roerich, which is opened large collection paintings by artist.

In the secular environment of St. Petersburg, the passion for spiritualism was common, and from 1900 year old Nikolai Roerich participated in spiritual experiments. From the spring of 1920, the whole family of Roerich was fully absorbed by the spiritic sessions, they often had spiritual sessions in the house, who were invited to friends and high-ranking dignitaries.

The method of "automatic letter" was mastered, under which in the occult-mystical practice it means contact with some spirit, in which the person himself is in a meditative-semi-conscious state, and the pencil writes by itself, fulfilling the will of the Spirit that has come to "contact".

Direct records by the automatic letter method made mainly N. K. Roerich, and in part and his son Yuri. Roerich made a series of pencil portraits in a trance, on which the Eastern teachers - Buddha, Lao Tzu, sister Oriox, Teacher Roerich Allal-Ming and others. The Roerich article "On the freedom of movement of art objects" is given by an automatic letter.

About the spiritual sessions of the Roerichs is also known from their intra-family correspondence and diary records, where there are evidence that the souls of dead people called on sessions with the Table of the Roerichi.

During the spiritual sessions of "jurisdictions", which were not an end in itself, Roerichi tried to establish contact with teachers (Mahatmami), which, according to their idea, they managed to do from the second half of 1921.

Later, the Roerichs began to prohibit their surrounding to use spiritual sessions, and to visualize their interlocutors and for their hearing the family of Roerichs no longer needed the help of the table. Some researchers believe that real meetings of Roerichs with Mahatmami took place, the actual existence of which is considered to be science unproved.

The events of the first Central Asian expedition were reflected in the diaries of N. K. Roerich "Altai-Himalayas" and Yu. N. Roerich "on the trails of Midrangea Asia." In the 1990s, the diaries of other participants of the Tibetan journey were published, in which attention was drawn to the special "Buddhist mission" of the expedition to Lhasa (Ryabinin, Portnagin, Cordashevsky).

At the same time, materials were found in the State Archive of the Russian Federation regarding the activities of the Roerichs and their American employees regarding concessions in Altai in 1926-29. There are also a number of declassified documents of Soviet, English and German intelligence on the activities of the Roerichs during the expedition period.

On December 2, 1923, N. K. Roerich, with his family arrives from America to India. The expedition route passed through Sikkim, Kashmir, Ladak, China (Xinjiang), Russia (with a race to Moscow), Siberia, Altai, Mongolia, Tibet, according to the unexplored regions of Transgimalayev. The expedition continued from 1924 to 1928. Officially, the expedition was announced as American.

It is believed that on the uniqueness of the route and the collected materials, it rightly occupies a special place among the largest expeditions of the 20th century.

Archaeological and ethnographic studies were carried out in the unexplored parts of Asia, rare manuscripts were found, linguistic materials were collected, the works of folklore, the descriptions of local customs were made, books were written ("The Heart of Asia", Altai - Himalayas), created about five hundred paintings on which the artist Displayed the picturesque panorama of the expeditioning route, the series of cavities "Himalayas" began, created the Maitreya series, "Sikkimsky Path", "His country", "Teachers of the East" and others.

After the October Revolution, Roerich stood in an open opposition to Soviet power, wrote an accusatory article in the emigrant press. However, soon his views suddenly changed, and the Bolsheviks were in the discharge of the ideological allies of Roerich. In the fall of 1924, he went from America to Europe, where the representative office of the USSR was visited in Berlin, met with a plenipotentiary N. N. Krestinsky and then with his assistant G. A. Astakhov.

Ideological proximity to communism manifested itself from Roerichs in the literature. The Mongolian publication of the "community" (1926), one of the books of Agni Yoga, contained frequent mentions of Lenin and were held parallels between the Communist Community and Buddhist. Subsequently, when Romani again turned away from communism, all paragraphs about Lenin were excluded from the Riga reprint of the book in 1936.

For example, in paragraph 64 "Communities" of 1936, there are no words that were in the 1926 edition: "The appearance of Lenin accept as a sign of sensitivity of space."

In Khotan, Rhrikhov had a famous letter to Mahatm for the transfer of the Soviet government and a casket with the Himalayan Earth on the grave of "Mahatma Lenin". All the gifts, including several paintings and the "community" (1926), Roerich presented to the Commissar Chicherin in June 1926, and he conveyed to the Institute of Lenin.

Also in Hotan on October 5, 1925, the artist conceived the painting "Mount Lenin", which is now kept in the Nizhny Novgorod Museum of Fine Arts. The picture is clearly drawn easily recognizable image of Lenin. Later, Roerich renamed the picture in the "phenomenon of the term", however, in Moscow, she appeared under its original name, as in the gift of River's own hand, wrote: "Mount Lenin".

In the process of training the River's expedition, together with American businessman Louis Horsh, created two business corporations in New York - "UR" and "Belukha", which were to conduct broad business entrepreneurship in the Soviet Union - in the fields of forestry, mining, transport, construction, construction , agriculture and others.

In Moscow, American employees of Roerich defended the interests of "Belukhi" to acquire concessions in Altai, conducting meetings with the officials of the power structures B. N. Melnikov (Narkomointell) and M. A. Trilisser (OGPU). Roerichi visited Altai with a scientific and intelligence and ethnographic expedition, conducting selection of places for the alleged concessions and studying the opportunity "Organization in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Beluhi Cultural and Industrial Center."

The first Central Asian Expedition N. K. Roerich took place in several stages. Upon arrival in Mongolia, she turned into an independent Tibetan journey, known now as the mission of Western Buddhists in Lhasa (1927-28.).

In terms of its nature, the Tibetan expedition was not just an artistic archaeological, but, according to her leader, Roerich, had the status of a diplomatic embassy on behalf of the "Union of Western Buddhists". With its surroundings in the expedition, Roerich was considered as the "West Dalai Lama". However, in reality in Buddhism, Roerich did not appeal.

During the seven-month parking in Urge, there was a solid preparation for the Tibetan campaign. Roerichi sent a task to America to America - to make the Order of the "Buddha of the Allbearing", which was supposed to reward the Dalai Lama. Sketch for the Order Drew Rerich himself. This Buddhist sign was ordered in the best workshop of New York, from hereditary jewelers Tiffany.

Against the background of double vajra, a relief gilded figure of Manjushry with a fiery sword was distinguished, and a five-pointed star was conquered at his lotus stop.

However, the meeting with the Dalai Lama did not take place: in the fall of 1927, the expedition was detained by the Tibetan authorities on the approaches to Lhasa and five months was in a snow captivity highly in the mountains on the Changtang Plateau, where Roerich wrote numerous letters to Tibetan authorities, including Dalai Lama, On how unfairly met the first "Buddhist embassy".

The expedition was never admitted to Lhasa and was forced to be incredible difficulties and losses to break into India. Upon completion of the expedition, Roerich wrote a letter to the Buddhist center in New York, in which he called on to dissociate the Dalai Lama and interrupt all means with him.

There are several versions of what was the main goal of the ride of Roerichs to the Central Asian Expedition. There is no unity of opinion, and there is an information war between adherents of various versions.

The version of the solely artistic and ethnographic purposes of the Central Asian expedition of the Roerich is described in the works of L. V. Shaposhnikova and P. F. Belikov, who wrote the biography of Roerich in 1972, when additional sources about the expedition were not yet available.

According to this version, the ability to make a scientific expedition to Central Asia Roerich provided the sale of paintings, fees for the design of theatrical performances, publication of numerous articles, revenues from the activities of American public cultural and educational organizations. To confirm its version, its adherents appeal to the words of the Rhurichs themselves.

For example, leading the words of Roerich: "In addition to artistic tasks in our expedition, we meant to familiarize yourself with the position of monuments of antiquities of Central Asia, observe modern condition religions, customs and mark the traces of the great resettlement of peoples. This last task has long been close to me. "

An active role in the distribution of this version is played by the International Roerich Center in Moscow, leading an active information war against other versions.

The version of the relationship of Roerich with the OGPU was set forth Oleg Shishkin in the book "Battle of the Himalayas", in which he makes more than 150 references to documents of various archives. Based on the theory of O. Shishkin, a number of articles in the media and books were written, including the documentary and historical book "Occult Secrets of the NKVD and SS" Anton Armushina, Igor's book "Teacher's temptation.

The version of the life and death of Nikolai Roerich, "and also removed the transfer and documentariesshown in the TV channel "Culture" and "NTV". A number of articles were published in the media, the authors of which refute the relationship of Roerich with OGPU. However, the Shishkin version was widespread and considered to be reliable among a number of professional historians.

According to this version, Nikolay Roerich was published by the OGPU and the money of the Soviet Union was sent to America in order to contribute to the economic and other relations of the USSR. Together with the Soviet intelligence, the American businessman Luis Horshore by Nicking "Buddhist", financed by Moscow, the Roerichs organize a number of companies in America, including Beluhu.

The Central Asian Expedition was organized for the money of Soviet intelligence, the purpose of which was the overthrow of the Dalai Lama XIII, who had achieved in 1913 the independence of Tibet, and invited to modernize the Tibetan army of the British. It was not satisfied with the Soviet authorities, so the coup plan was invented in Tibet, in order to cause unrest and dismiss the dismissal USSR Dalai Lama XIII.

According to Shishkin, Yakov Blumkin used one of the main coordinators of the Tibetan mission, which, under the guise of the Buddhist monk, took part in the expedition. However, the mission for the overthrow of the Dalai Lama suffered Fiasco, since the expedition caused suspicion not only by the British, but also in the Dalai Lama and his environment.

Subsequently, Blumikina was shot, and Luis Horsh received a directive from his leadership to ruin all the agencies of Roerich in the United States, using his debt obligations stored, which happened in the second half of the 1930s.

The version is proposed by V. A. Rosov, who defended his doctoral dissertation on it. The dews indicated that he conducted his research to resist the chaos of "intellectual marauders" of the type O.Shishkina and A.Pernushina, exhibiting Roerichs in false light. According to the version of Rosov, analyzing the Tibetan and Manchurian expedition, Roerich was involved in a large policy, trying to implement the utopian dream of a "new country".

According to Rosov at meetings in the fall of 1924, Nikolai Roerich with N. N. Krestinsky and G. A. Astakhov in the representative office of the USSR in Berlin, the general plan "United Asia" was developed, the main thesis of which was to unite the teaching on a state scale Buddhism with communist ideology.

The world plan of Roerich contained the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a new country at the expanses of Asia. The construction plan for the Mongol-Siberian state with the capital in Zvenigorod in Altai was based on the cult of Maitrei. The concepts of Shambhala and Maitrey Roerichi were directly related to the communist ideals. "The procession of communism needs to be strong with the name of Maitrei." Thus, the beginning of a new religious movement in Asia was laid.

Regarding the visit to Lhasa Rosov, the artist intended to offer Vladyka Tibet, Dalai Lama XIII, a union for the patronage of the Buddhist world, on behalf of Western Buddhists. Rosov suggests that the main point of the planned negotiations of Roerich with Dalai Lama was to be the thesis on the merger of Buddhism and communism.

Since it was breeding the need to reform Buddhism in Asia, N. K. Roerich intended to establish the "Order of the Buddha of the All-Following" and agree with the Dalai Lama on the independent parallel branch of Western Buddhists.

It would be the final step before proceeding to the creation of an independent state called the conditionally "new country". In this, according to Rosov, the world view of the Roerichs, conceived in order to smash the map of Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

However, due to the opposition, the British Roerikham could not reach the capital of Tibet and meet with the Dalai Lama, the Buddhist campaign on Siberia's expanses and the Mongolian steppes were postponed, the global plan has undergone a change, and the following manchuric expedition has become necessary and its main part.

V. A. Rosov is the "Heritage of Roerich" the State Museum of the East, where the version of Roerich as a policy was adopted and, in particular, published in brochures issued by the museum.

According to one of the versions of the Roerichi, they went to the Central Asian expedition to find Shambalu, and not to study plants, ethnology and languages. It is also assumed that the mission of Roerich was the return of Chintamani mysterious stone in Shambal (SanskR. "Jewelry, executing wishes), entrusted to him by the Liga of Nations. Members of the expedition were confident that Altai is a great spiritual center, a certain way associated with Shambala.

It is assumed that Roerich in search of Shambhala inspired the translation of the "Jumbal Guide", written in the middle of the XVIII century by the third Panchen Lama (1738-1780). There was described that the journey to Shambalu is an internal spiritual search. However, this explanation did not resist the Roerichs from attempts to reach Shambhala, simply coming there on foot or riding.

In the work of "Shambala: In search of a new era" (1930), Roerich described Shambalu as a holy city north of India, where his ruler preaches the teachings of the Maitrey Buddha for the Universal World. Roerich also hinted at the similarity between Shambala and Tula - the country hidden in the North Pole, which inspired the Germans in search of a mystery land. He also mentioned the connection of Shambhala with the underground city of Agarti, in which you can get through the underground tunnel under the Himalayas.

Extensive scientific material collected by Roerichi during the expedition, demanded systematization and processing, and at the end of the expedition in July 1928 in Western Himalayas, in the Valley of Kulu N. K. Roerich, it is based on the Institute of Himalayan Research "Urusvati", which translated from Sanskrit means " Morning star light.

Here, in the Culley Valley, the last period of the life of the artist will pass. The director of the Institute becomes Yuri Roerich, the eldest son Nikolai Roerich, an oriental scientist with a world name. He also led the ethno-linguistic studies and exploration of archaeological monuments. The institute worked medical, zoological, botanical, biochemical and many other laboratories.

There was a lot of work in the field of linguistics and philology of the East. The rarest written sources of centuries-old prescription were collected and translated into European languages, semi-free adverbs were studied. Invited specialists and temporary staff collected botanical and zoological collections.

Dozens of scientific institutions of Europe, America and Asia have been cooperating with the institute. Scientific materials he sent to Michigan University, New York Botanical Garden, University of Punjab, Paris Museum of Natural History, Harvard University in Cambridge, Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

Academician N. I. Vavilov, the well-known Soviet botanist and genetics, addressed the Institute of "Uruzvati" for scientific information, and also received seeds from there for his unique botanical collection. Collaborated with the Institute and such outstanding scientists as Albert Einstein, L. De Brogl, Robert Millique, Sven Genin, etc.

Since 1931, a yearbook has been published at the Institute, which published the results of the scientific activities of his employees. In scientific and periodic publications of Asia, Europe and America, articles on special issues developed in "Urusvati" were published.

Roerich shared the ideas of the Eurasian role of Russia and Panmongolism among the Russian intelligentsia of the beginning of the 20th century, and analyzing the trends of world politics and the prophecy collected in the Central Asian expedition, it comes to the conclusion that the mid-1930s can be marked by the exploration of the "Unity of Asia", which will begin with Mongolia, Manchuria, North China and South and Southeast Siberia.

Wheging whenever possible to take part in this process, it organizes a long-term expedition to Manchuria and North China through the American Agricultural Department. In 1930, Roerich became friends with the city of E. Wallace, who, becoming a minister of agriculture in the administration of Franklin Roosevelt, sent Roerich to the expedition in order to collect plant seeds that prevent the destruction of the fruitless soil layers.

The expedition was organized in 1934-1935 and consisted of two parts. The first route included the Khingansky Ridge and Bargin Plateau (1934), the second - the desert of Gobi, Ordos and Alashan (1935). These routes were held through the territory of the inner Mongolia, located in the northern and northeastern part of modern China.

As a result, about 300 types of drought-resistant herbs were found, medicinal plants were collected. 2000 seed parcels were sent to America. The artist wrote a lot of etudes, conducted archaeological studies, collected materials on linguistics and folklore. Reerich for 17 months wrote 222 essay for "Diary Sheets", which reflect expeditionary work, affect scientific and philosophical topics.

However, during the expedition, Roerich, ignoring the mission for mostly entrusted to him, plunged into Asian politics, vainly encouraging Buddhist masses to the revolution. The first business meeting of Roerich after leaving from the United States to the expedition was in Japan with the Military Minister Sedzroo Hayashi, and the purpose of the meeting was to study the possibilities of creating a new state in the north-east of Asia.

During the expedition, Roerich and his son, Yuri, not only formally collaborated with emigrant organizations, such as the Military Monarchic Union, the Military Casual Union, legitimists, but also undertake concrete steps, for example, provided financial assistance Siberian Cossack tiles and bought the Russian Word newspaper for the Russian Program Union.

Roerich was the most active activity among numerous Russian emigration, becoming a very noticeable cultural leader. It caused strong dissatisfaction with the US authorities, from whose behalf and at whose funds an expedition was held. It also attracted the attention of the White Guard Counterintelligence, which establishing the fact of visiting the Roerich Moscow and its theosophical hobbies, inflated loud scandal in press.

The Japanese authorities, supported by proyapon circles, were unhappy with the work of Roerich on the unification of emigration in the Far East and conducted a campaign in the Harbin press on discrediting the cultural mission of Roerich. The Japanese censorship arrested the entire circulation printed in the printing house of N. K. Roerich "Holy Watch".

After publishing a scandalous article in the Chicago Tribune newspaper in June 1935, which reported on the military preparations of the expedition at the boundaries of Mongolia, Minister Wallace interrupted relations with Roerichi, as they could spoil him a reputation in the eyes of voters.

The expedition was early terminated in Shanghai on September 21, 1935. Depriving support from the Minister of Minister of Wallace and Businessman L. Chorsch at the end of 1935 led to the destruction of all the activities of all Rerich institutions in the United States.

In his philosophical and art essays, Roerich creates a completely new concept of culture based on the ideas of living ethics. Culture, according to N. K. Roerich, is closely related to the problems of the Space Evolution of Humanity and is the "greatest ruined" of this process. "Culture rests on beauty and knowledge," he wrote.

And he repeated the famous phrase of Dostoevsky with a little amendment: "Beauty awareness will save the world." Beauty will give birth to a person only through culture, an integral part of which is creativity. This is stated in the books of living ethics, direct participation in the creation of which was taken by Roerichi. Elena Ivanovna recorded, and Nikolai Konstantinovich displaced the ideas of living ethics in artistic images.

In the widespread concept of culture, N. K. Roerich included the synthesis of the best achievements of the human spirit in the field of religious experience, science, art, education. Nikolay Roerich formulated the fundamental difference between culture from civilization.

If culture is related to spiritual peace man in his creative self-expression, then civilization is only exterior arrangement human life In all its material, civil aspects. The identification of civilization and culture, argued Nikolai Roerich, leads to the confusion of these concepts, to the underestimation of the spiritual factor in the development of mankind.

He wrote that "wealth itself does not yet give culture. But the expansion and thinning of thinking and the feeling of beauty give that refinement, then the nobility of the Spirit, which is characterized by a cultural person. It is he who can build a bright future of his country. " Based on this, humanity not only should develop culture, but also obliged to protect it.

In 1929, N. K. Roerich in collaboration with the doctor international law and political Sciences The University of Paris G. G. Shklyaver prepares the draft treaty on the protection of cultural values \u200b\u200b(Pact of the Roerich).

Together with the Agreement N. K. Roerich, a distinguishing mark proposes a distinctive sign to identify the objects of protection - the banner of the world, which is a white cloth with a red circle and inscribed in her three red circles, symbolizing the unity of the past, present and future in the circle of eternity. For international cultural activities and the initiative of the Covenant in 1929, Roerich was nominated for the Nobel Prize of the World.

In 1930, the text of the draft agreement with the accompanying appeal of N. K. Roerich to the governments and the peoples of all countries is published in the press and is sent to government, scientific, artistic and educational institutions of the whole world. As a result, in many countries, committees were formed in support of the Covenant. The project of the Covenant was approved by the Museums Committee under the League of Nations, as well as the Pan American Union.

The Roerich Pact has a great educational value. "The Pact for the protection of cultural treasures is needed not only as the official body, but as an educational law, which from the first school days It will bring up a young generation with noble ideas about the preservation of the true values \u200b\u200bof all mankind, "said Nikolai Roerich.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Covenant was supported by Romain Rolland, Bernard Shaw, Rabindranat Tagore, Albert Einstein, Thomas Mann, Herbert Wells, etc.

The signing of the Cove took place on April 15, 1935 in the White House in Washington with the personal participation of US President Franklin Roosevelt. Initially, the document was ratified by 21 countries of the American continent. Further, another 15 countries joined the Covenant.

The Pact of the Roerich was the first international act specifically dedicated to the protection of cultural property, the only agreement in this area adopted by a part of the international community to the Second World War.

A few years after the war, the Roerich Pact played an important role in the formation of international legal norms and social activities in the field of cultural heritage protection. In 1949, at the 4th session of the UNESCO General Conference, it was decided to proceed to work on international legal regulation in the field of protection of cultural property in the case of armed conflict.

In 1954, the Roerich's pact lay on the basis of the Hague "International Convention on the Protection of Cultural Values \u200b\u200bin the Cause of Armed Conflict", and the Special Flag offered by N. K. Roerich, the banner of the world, announcing the object of inviolability of all treasures of culture and art, and to this day flutters Many cultural and educational institutions around the world.

The ideas of the Covenant were reflected in the art of Nikolai Roerich. The emblem "Banner of the world" can be seen on many of his pits of the thirties. A specially dedicated to the Picture of Madonna-Oriflamma.

While in India, Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich from the very first days of World War II uses all the possibilities to help Russia. Together with the youngest son Svyatoslav Roerich, he arranges exhibitions and sale of paintings, and all the money reversed lists to the Foundation of the Soviet Red Cross and the Red Army. Writes articles in newspapers, speaks by radio in support of the Soviet people.

In these terrible years, the artist in his work again refers to the topic of the Motherland. During this period, he creates a series of paintings - "Camping Igor", "Alexander Nevsky", "Partizans", "Victory", "Bogatyri woke up" and others that use images of Russian history and predicts the victory of the Russian people over fascism.

In 1942, before Stalingrad battleNikolai Roerich took a wrestler for the freedom of India Javaharlal Nehru and his daughter Indira Gandhi. Together they discussed the fate of the new world, in which the long-awaited freedom of conquered peoples will enthusiame. "They spoke about the Indo-Russian Cultural Association," Reerich recorded in the diary, it's time to think about cooperation useful, creative ... ".

Indira Gandhi recalled about several days spent with the family of the Rhus: "It was a memorable visit to a gifted and amazing family, where everyone in itself was a remarkable personality with a clearly defined circle of interest. I remember Nikolai Roerich himself, a man of extensive knowledge and huge life experience, a big soul man, deeply penetrating everything that watched. "

During the visit, the ideas and thoughts were expressed about the development of closer cooperation between India and the USSR. Now, after the conquest of India independence, they received their real incarnation. And as you know, today there is friendship and mutual understanding relationship between the two countries. "

When Hitler's troops occupied many territories of the USSR, Nikolai Roerich turned to his employees with a request to serve as a mutual understanding of the peoples of two powers - Russia and the United States. And in 1942, the US-Russian Cultural Association (Arch) was created in New York. Among the active employees were Ernest Hemingway, Rockwell Kent, Charlie Chaplin, Emil Cooper, Sergey Kosvitsky, P. Geddas, V. Tereshchenko. The activities of the Association welcomed the world-name scientists Robert Millique and Arthur Compton.

The global recognition of the Russian artist and the philosopher is evidenced by the fact that more than a hundred institutes, academies, scientific corporations, cultural institutions around the world elected him with their honorable and valid member. In India itself, famous Indian philosophers, scientists, writers, public figures were personally familiar with Nikolai Roerich.

In India, the artist continues to work on a series of paintings "Himalayas", which is more than two thousand canvases. For Roerich, the mountain world is an inexhaustible source of inspiration. Artistic critics noted the new direction in his work and called the Master Master. In India, the Shambala series, "Chingis Khan", "Kuluta", "Kulu", "Holy Mountains", "Tibet", "Ashrama", and other masters exhibited in various cities of India and were visited by a large number of people .

N. K. Roerich always remained a Patriot of Russia and its citizen, having only one Russian passport with him. The idea of \u200b\u200breturning to the homeland did not leave him never. Immediately at the end of the war, the artist requested a visa to enter into Soviet UnionBut on December 13, 1947 he leaves life, and without learning that he was refused in a visa.


Kavaler of the Russian orders of St. Stanislav, St. Anne and St. Vladimir;

Kavaler of the Yugoslav Order of St. Sava;

Cavalier of the Order of the Honorary Legion of France;

Cavalier of the Royal Swedish Order of the Polar Star.

The list of organizations whose member was held by N. K. Roerich
1. Actual member of the Russian Academy of Arts.
2. Founder of the Institute for Joint Arts in New York (USA).
3. International founder cultural Center "Corona Mundi" (USA).
4. Honorary director of the N. K. Roerich Museum in New York and its branches in Europe, America and the countries of the East.
5. Valid Member of the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts (Zagreb).
6. Valid member of the Portuguese Academy (Coimbra).
7. Valid Member of the Ramskaya Academy (France).
8. Actual member of the International Institute of Science and Literature (Bologna, Italy).
9. Honorary Member of the Committee on Culture (Buenos Aires, Argentina).
10. Vice-President of the Company Mark Twain (USA).
11. Vice-President of the American Institute of Archeology (USA).
12. Honorary member of the educational society of Benares (India).
13. Honorary member of Mora's society (France).
14. Member of the Red Cross (France).
15. Member of the Society for the Study of Antiquities (France).
16. Lifetime member of the French Artists Federation (Paris).
17. Member of the Autumn Salon (Paris).
18. Lifestyle member of the Society of Antiquaries (Paris).
19. Honorary President of the International Union in support of the Roerich Covenant (Bruges).
20. Honorary patron of historical society at the Academy (Paris).
21. Honorary President of the Society named after Roerich in France (Paris).
22. Member of the Founder of the Ethnographic Society (Paris).
23. Honorary President of the Roerich Academy (New York).
24. Honorary President of the Company for Cultural Progress "Flamma" (Indiana, United States).
25. Honorary President of the Roerich Company in Philadelphia (USA).
26. Honorary member of the Society for the Protection of Historical Monuments (New York).
27. Honorary President of the Latvian Society of Roerich (Riga).
28. Honorary President of Roerich societies in Lithuania, Yugoslavia, China.
29. Honorary member of the subhash chandra boshe institute (Calcutta).
30. Member of the Jagadis Boz Institute (India).
31. Member Nagati Pracari Sabha (India).
32. Life member of the Royal Asian Society in Bengal (Calcutta).
33. Lifestyle member of the Society "Art of East" (Calcutta).
34. Honorary President and Doctor of Literature of the International Institute for the Study of Buddhism in San Francisco (California) (International Buddhist Institute (USA)).
35. Honorary member of the Russian Museum of History and Culture in Prague (Czechoslovakia).
36. Honorary member of the Society of Society Luzas (Paris).
37. Honorary member of the League in defense of art (Paris).
38. Patron of cultural society (Amritsar, India).
39. Member of the International Study Association (Paris).
40. Honorary member of the Field Association (S.-Louis, USA).
41. Honorary member of the Burraw Society (Java).
42. Honorary Member of the National Association of Natural Medicine in America (Los Angeles, California).
43. Honorary President of the Center for Arts and Culture (Allahabad, India).
44. President of the League of Culture (USA).
45. Honorary President of the American-Russian Cultural Association in New York (USA).
46. \u200b\u200bVice-President of the American Institute of Archeology (USA)

Main works N. K. Roerich
1. Art and archeology // Art and art industry. St. Petersburg., 1898. No. 3; 1899. № 4-5.
2. Some antiquities of the Shelonian five and the Bezhetsky end. St. Petersburg., 1899.
3. Stone Age on Lake Piros. St. Petersburg., 1905.
4. Collected Works. Kn. 1. M., 1914.
5. Ways of blessings. New York, 1924.
6. Heart of Asia. Southbury, 1929.
7. Power of light. Southbury, 1931.
8. Firm firm. New York, (1933).
9. The banner of the world. Harbin, 1934.
10. Holy Watch. Harbin, 1934.
11. Gate to the future. Riga, 1936.
12. Independent. Riga, 1936.
13. Altai - Himalayas: travel diary. M., 1974.
14. From the literary heritage. M., 1974.
15. Flowers Moria: poem. M., 1984.
16. Tales. L., 1991.
17. Abode of Light. M., 1992.
18. Take care of the old days. M., 1993.
19. Ancient sources. M., 1993.
20. Artists of life. M., 1993.
21. Young friend. M., 1993.
22. Urusvati. M., 1993.
23. East - West. M., 1994.
24. Culture and civilization. M., 1994.
25. About the Great Patriotic War. M., 1994.
26. Shambala. M., 1994.
27. Soul of peoples. M., 1995.
28. Diary sheets. In 3 tons. M., 1995-1996.
29. Shambhala. New York, 1930.
30. Banner of Peace. New York, 1931.
31. Himalayas - Abode of Light. Bombay, 1947.
32. Adamant. NEW YORK, 1967.

Outcome creative Life Roerich became the richest heritage, which threatened a rather wide international spiritual and cultural movement. Today, the Reerick public organizations work in many countries of Western Hemispheres, Europe and some Asian countries, as well as in Australia. In Russia there are hundreds of Roerich and informal groups. The Roerich movement of admirers of "living ethics" has specially affected the development of New Age in Russia.

The first Museum of Roerich was opened in 1921 in New York with the help of a close range of Roerich's associates with the financial support of the businessman L. Horsh. However, the scandal around the Roerich Museum, provoked by Horsh, led to the ruin of all American organizations of Roerich and including the museum.

Thanks to the efforts of E. I. Rerich, K.Kempbell-Stibbe and Z. G. Fosdik in 1949, another Museum of N. K. Roerich was opened in New York. He is the world's oldest center representing the painting of Roerich and spreading the reproductions of his paintings and numerous books about him, about his life and work.

In the State Museum of the East in Moscow on the basis of collections received from K. Kempbell and S. N. Roerich, a memorial office of N. K. Roerich, a permanent exposition of his work and the scientific department of the heritage of Roerichs were created.

Already in 1977, a specialized Roerich hall was opened in the museum in its permanent exposition. In accordance with the requirements of the girls, Rani Roerich, the only heiress of Svyatoslav Roerich, resolutely expressed his will on the transfer of the family heritage of the Roerichov in the hands of the Russian state, was adopted by the government of November 4, 1993 on the establishment of the State Museum of Roerich as a branch of the State Museum of the East with accommodation in the estate Lopukhini chosen by Svyatoslav Roerich. However, the State Museum of Roerich exists so far only on paper.

In the estate of the island near St. Petersburg, the Museum-Manor N. K. Roerich was opened, which is a unique complex of monuments of nature, archeology, architecture, history and culture, the first in Russia of the State Museum of Roerich. It was opened in 1984. Currently, the museum complex is located on 60 hectares and includes 9 manor buildings of the XVIII-early XX century., Ancient Park, Rodnikovy Lakes.

As a result of complex and dramatic events, Museum named after N. K. Roerich was created public organization "International Roerich Center", headed by the sole leader of L. V. Shaposhnika. On the wave of "redistribution", this organization stated his claims by the State Museum of the East and demanded to transfer 282 paintings by Artists N. K. Roerich and S. N. Roerich from the State Museum Fund of the Russian Federation. The trial for the possession of the paintings lasted for more than ten years and ended with a court decree dated October 9, 2001, when the question of the claims of ICR was finally closed.

Thanks to L. V. Shaposhnikova and Yu. M. Vorontsov, more than 400 paintings were brought to his homeland, the archive, library and family relics family relics. This legacy has become the basis for the opening of the N. K. Roerich public museum in Moscow. The first museum exposition was opened in this building on February 12, 1993. In the halls of the museum there are annual international scientific and community conferences with the participation of large scientists and public figures, exhibitions and concerts are organized, lectures dedicated to the Rerichov Heritage are being read.

Highly appreciated the cultural activities and scientific and philosophical legacy of N. K. Roerich and his families such figures of science, culture and higher state bodies as the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation A. A. Avdeev, Emergency and Plenipotentiary Ambassador, Academician of Raen A. M. Kadakin, Laureate Nobel Prize MI of M. S. Gorbachev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Member of the Presidium of VAK, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, E. P. Chelyrayev, President of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Russia O. L. Kuznetsov, President of the Russian Academy of Arts Z. K. Tsereteli, Academician RAS, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, E. M. Primakov, Foreign Minister S. V. Lavrov, Chairman of the Federation Council M. Nikolaev, Academician RAS, President Vaschnil, Minister of Agriculture Latvia A. A. Nikonov, Academician RAS, President of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics. K. E. Tsiolkovsky A. S. Korotheev, Academician RAS, President of the Russian Ecological Academy, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation A. L. Yangshin, Academician and Vice President of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic V. M. Flat, and many others.

According to the English encyclopedia of the "British" N. K. Roerich was mystic. Roerich himself, such points of view refuted: "In different countriesah write about my mysticism. Involve the cut and so, and I generally do not know what these people are trying so much. Many times I had to say that I generally fear this indefinite word - mysticism. " He believed that the desire for the "cognition of the subtlest energies" is not mysticism, but the search for truth.

Some sources argue that N. K. Roerich was engaged in politics, which is denied as by most modern researchers, so N. K. Roerich and his family members.

Memory about N. K. Roerich

In Moscow, a monument to N. K. and E. I. Roerikham was established in Moscow in Moscow in the territory of the estate of Lopukhins in front of the N. K. Roerich museum.

In honor of N. K. Roerich, one of the streets in the center of Riga are named.

In the village of Izvar Leningrad region, where Nikolai Roerich lived for a long time, since 1984 there is a Museum-Manor N. K. Roerich.

In St. Petersburg there is a St. Petersburg Art School. N. K. Roerich and the Rhus family Museum.

In 1999, two commemorative coins dedicated to the 125th anniversary of N. K. Roerich were issued by the Bank of Russia.

In honor of N. K. Roerich, the ship "Artist Nikolay Roerich" is named.

In 2007, the new Aeroflot airliner was named after Nikolai Roerich.

Acquaintance with the life and work of Nikolai Roerich is included in the mandatory program of training high school students in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. This decision adopted the Council on the formation of this region in the north of India, where Nikolai Roerich and his family lived for many years. According to the Chairman of the Council for the formation of Himachal-Pradesh, Chaman Lal Gupta, the younger generation should be aware of the life and heritage of such an extraordinary person.

On March 25-26, 2008, within the framework of the Year of Russia in India, the Russian-Indian Festival "Roerichi and Cultural and Spiritual Unity of Russia and India" was held in New Delhi, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the foundation by Roerichi in Naggar (Valley Kulu) of the Himalayan Institute Research "Urusvati" and 100th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding Indian film actress girls wound Ranium Spouse junior Son N. K. Roerich - S. N. Roerich.

In September 2009, a monument to N. K. Roerich on the territory of the special economic zone "Turquoise Katun" in the Altai Territory.

As part of the celebration of the 135th anniversary of the birth of N. Roerich on November 11, 2009 in one of the largest universities in the Indian capital "Jamia Millia Islamia" (New Delhi) took place grand opening Photo exhibitions "The Banner of the World - Pact of the Roerich", organized by the representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in India, together with the Academy of the Third World Countries ("Jamia Millia Islamia").

To the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the signing of the Roerich Covenant, the International Exhibition Project "The Reer History" (St. Petersburg) is confined, in which more than 70 museums, libraries, archives and private collections from 33 cities of Russia and the world took part.

On October 15, 1969, the Astronomos of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory Nikolai Stepanovich and Lyudmila Ivanovna Black opened a small planet (asteroid) in the solar system and is named after the Rhus family. Registered asteroid at number 4426.

In October 1999, in his speech at N. K. Roerich Museum about this event, astronomer N. S. Black, who opened more than 500 asteroids, said: "The name was approved by the Special Commission of the International Astronomical Union, consisting of 11 representatives of different countries of the world. Only with a unanimous opinion the name is accepted. The appearance of the Little Planet "Roerich" is an international recognition of creativity and outstanding achievements Roerichs. "

Geographical objects, named after N. K. Roerich

Peak and Pass named after N. K. Roerich in Altai

On August 15, 1963 on Independence Day, Tomsk mountaineers V. Syrkin, Schwartzman, A. Ivanov, V. Petrenko, L. Spiridonov, Skryabin, V. Slyusarchuk, Y. Salivon, B. Gusev, S. Lobanov rose On the previously nameless top and called it with the name of N. K. Roerich.

Next to the peak of Roerich is the pass, also named in his honor.

Glacier and passes named after N. K. Roerich on Tien Shan

Tian-Shan is two pass and a glacier called in honor of N. K. Roerich.

Pass Roerich, located on the Saryzhaz Ridge. Pass height - 4320 meters. It connects the valleys of Chontash, Tyuses and Achiktashsu. The first position of the pass was performed by a group of climbers under the leadership of A. Posychenko.

The second pass called by the name N. K. Roerich is located in the northwestern part of the Ak-Yhyrak Ridge and connects the middle part of the Petrova glacier and the valley of the Sary Tor River. Pass height - 4500 meters.

The Glacier Nikolai Roerich is located at an altitude of 3,700 meters and originates on the Alamedir wall.

Stamps With the image of N. K. Roerich and his creativity

1974, the USSR - the USSR Ministry of Communications was issued a marked envelope. It depicts the portrait of N. K. Roerich against the background of his paintings "Overseas guests". In the same year a brand came out with the image of this painting.

1974, India - the anniversary brand was released, which depicts an obverse of a commemorative medal created in 1929 in Paris on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the artistic, scientific and social activities of N. K. Roerich.

1977, the USSR - the Ministry of Communications of the USSR was released two stamps with the image of the Church of the Holy Spirit in Talashkino, over the entrance of which the mosaic "Savior" was performed on the sketch of N. K. Roerich.

1978, Bulgaria - a brand was released with a fragment of Portrait N. K. Roerich, made by S. N. Roerich. In addition to the brand, an envelope of the first day was released, and at the Chief Advice of Sofia on April 5, 1978, quenching the first day stamp.

1986, Mexico - released a brand with a coupon dedicated to the International Year of the World (ANO INTERNACIONAL DE LA PAZ). On the brand - the UN emblem and the symbol of the Banner of the world N. K. Roerich, signatures - "onu" (UN) and PAX Cultura (cultural pact).

1990, the USSR - two stamps were released on the Soviet Foundation of Culture. At one of them, the picture of N. K. Roerich "Unchrad" (1909) was reproduced, on the second - picture "Pskovo-Pechora Monastery".

1999, Russia - the Publishing Center "Mark" of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of Russia was issued a marked envelope "Russian artist N. K. Rerich. 1874-1947 "To his 125th anniversary. On Mark, a fragment of Portrait N. K. Roerich, written by S. N. Roerich in 1934, against the background of the fragment of the picture of Nikolai Roerich "Book of Life".

2001, Russia - Mark's Publishing Center of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of Russia issued a labeled envelope dedicated to the International Agreement on the Protection of Arts and Scientific Institutions and Historical Monuments (Roerich Covenant). In the illustration - Painting N. K. Roerich "Culture Pact. The banner of the world "(1931).

2003, Moldova - a brand has been released depicting the painting "Pact of Culture. The banner of the world "(1931), as in the Russian brand of 2001.

2008, Russia - the Publishing Center "Mark" released an envelope dedicated to the Central Asian Expedition of Nikolai Roerich (1923-1928).

Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich - Photo

Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich - Quotes

Garden to grow beautiful to everyone is given. But where are the gardeners who know the grade of the grain?

Do not cry where non-tears are needed, but the arrows piercing the dark spirit.

Pure music thoughts help current transmission.

Ask: where is the search for perfection? Reply: to us in love, beauty and action - those three ways enough.

Inaccessible today - easy tomorrow.

Nikolai Konstantinovich Rarich (in a number of sources - Rörich) (September 27 (October 9) 1874, St. Petersburg - December 13, 1947, Kulu, Himachal Pradesh, India) - Russian artist, philosopher-mystic, scientist, writer, traveler, public Worker, politician.

The creator of about 7,000 paintings (many of which are located in the famous galleries of the world) and about 30 literary works, the author of the idea and initiator of the International Treaty on the Protection of Artistic and Scientific Institutions and Historical Monuments (Pact of the Roerich), the founder of the International Movement in Protection of Culture.

I had a special impact on the development of New Age in Russia. The version is widespread that Roerich was the Bolshevik agent of the Comintern and collaborated with the NKVD.

Representatives of the kind of Roerichs since the time of Peter the first held prominent military and administrative posts in Russia. His father - Konstantin Fedorovich - was a famous notary and public figure.

Mother - Maria Vasilyevna Kalashnikov, came from a merchant family. Among the friends of the Roerich family there were such prominent figures like D. Mendeleev, N. Kostomaraov, M. Mikishin, L. Ivanovsky and many others.

From the children's years, Nikolai Roerich attracted paintings, archeology, history and rich cultural heritage of the East.

In 1893, at the end of the Gymnasium Karla May, Nikolai Roerich at the same time enters the Faculty of Faculty of the University of St. Petersburg (graduated from 1898) and to the Imperial Academy of Arts. Since 1895 he has been engaged in the studio of the famous archite artist Ivanovich Quinji.

At this time, he is closely communicating with the famous figures of the culture of the time - V. V. Stasov, I. E. Repin, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, D. V. Grigorovich, S. P. Dyagilev. Already in the student years, Roerich becomes a member of the Russian archaeological society. Conducts numerous excavations in the St. Petersburg, Pskov, Novgorod, Tver, Yaroslavl, Smolensk provinces.

Since 1904, together with Prince Putyathin, discovered several neolithic parking lots on Valdai (in the vicinity of Lake Piros). Neolithic finds of Roerich caused genuine sensation in Russia and Western Europe.

In 1897, N. K. Roerich graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. His diploma picture "The messenger" was acquired by the famous collector of the works of Russian art P. M. Tretyakov. Stasov V. V., the famous critic of the time, highly appreciated this picture: "You must have to visit Tolstoy, let the great writer of the Earth of Russian will produce you to the artists."

Meeting with Tolstoy for young Roerich became a fateful. Turning to Him, Lion Tolstoy said: "Was it happened in the boat to move the high-speed river? It is always necessary to rule the above where you need, otherwise demolish. So in the field of moral requirements it is always necessary to steer above - life will demolish everything. Let your messenger holds a very high steering wheel, then I will get it! ".

Also, the spiritual farewell for Roerich was the words about. John Kronstadsky, which often visited the home of the parents of Roerich: "Do not pain! We'll have to work hard for the Motherland. "

N. K. Roerich works a lot in the historic genre. IN early period Creativity creates a canvase: "Elders converge" (1898), "Plach Yaroslavna" (1893), "Start Rus. Slavs "(1896)," Idols "(1901)," build roams "and others. In these works, the original talent of the artist and innovative search in art are manifested.

"In the first pictures, the peculiar style of Roerich is emerging: his inclusive approach to the composition, clarity of lines and laconism, purity of colors and musicality, great simplicity of expression and truthfulness." The artist's paintings were built on a deep knowledge of historical material, the feeling of the spirit of time and are saturated with philosophical content.

In 24 years, N. K. Roerich becomes a assistant Director of the Museum under the Imperial Society for the promotion of art and at the same time assistant editor of the art and art industry. Three years later, he ranked secretary of the Imperial Society for the Promotion of Arts.

In 1899, he meets Elena Ivanovna Shaposhnikova. In October 1901 their wedding took place. Elena Ivanovna became a loyal companion for Nikolai Roerich, the whole life they will be hand in hand, creatively and spiritually complementing each other. In 1902, they will have the son of Yuri, the future scientist-orientalist, and in 1904 - Svyatoslav, the future artist and public figure.

In 1903-1904, N. K. Roerich, together with his wife, comes a trip to Russia, visiting more than 40 cities known for their ancient monuments of antiquity. The purpose of this "trips to Starin" was the study of the roots of Russian culture.

The result of the trip was the large architectural series of artist paintings (about 90 etudes) and articles in which Roerich one of the first raised the question of the tremendous artistic value of the Old Russian icon painting and architecture.

As an artist Roerich worked in the field of machine, monumental (frescoes, mosaic) and theatrical decorative painting.

In 1906, he creates 12 sketches for the Church of the Pokrov of the Virgin in the estate of Goluba in Parhomovka near Kiev (arch. Pokrovsky V. A.), as well as sketches of Mosaik for the Church in the name of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul on the Schlisselburg Powder Plants (Arch. Pokrovsky in . A.), for the Trinity Cathedral of the Pochaevsky Lavra (1910), 4 sketch for the painting of the chapel in Pskov (1913), 12 Panel for Villa Livshits in Nice (1914). In 1914, they were framed by the Church of St. Spirit in Talashkin (composition "Queen of heavenly" and others).

The multi-faceted talent of Nikolai Roerich was also manifested in his works for theatrical productions: "Snow Maiden", "Per Gunt", "Princess Malen", "Valkyrie", etc.

He was among the leading ideologues and the creators of the reconstructive "old theater" (1907-1908; 1913-1914) - a noticeable and unique phenomenon in the cultural life of Russia of the first quarter of the 20th century, and N. Rerich participated in this historical and dramaturgical event and as The creator of the scenery, and as art historian.

During the famous "Russian seasons" S. Dyagileev in Paris in the design of N. K. Roerich, "Polovtsy dances" from "Prince Igor" Borodin, Pskovysian, Roman Korsakov, Ballet "Spring Sacred" for the music of Stravinsky.

The era of the Silver Age, in which N. K. Rerich began his creative path, was the epoch of the spiritual lift, which undoubtedly had an impact on the formation of the personality of the artist. Pleiad of outstanding thinkers: V. S. Soloviev, E. N. Trubetskaya, V. V. Rozanov, P. A. Florensky, S.N. Bulgakov, N. A. Berdyaev, and others. Introduced deep philosophical idea to Russian culture, I sat down in tense searches for the meaning of life and moral ideals. The Russian intelligentsia showed a special interest to the culture of the East.

In search of values \u200b\u200bthat have universal importance, N. K. Roerich, in addition to Russian philosophy, also studied the philosophy of the East, the works of the outstanding thinkers of India - Ramakrishna and Vivekananda, the work of Rabindranat Tagora.

Acquaintance with the philosophical idea of \u200b\u200bthe East has found his reflection in the work of N. K. Roerich. If in the early paintings of the artist decisive plots was the ancient pagan destination, the colorful images of the National Epos ("City are built", "ominous", "overseas guests", etc.), from mid-19905, many of his paintings and essays were devoted to India ( "Lakshmi", "Indian Way", "Krishna", "Dreams of India", etc.).

The ancient cultures of Russia and India, their overall source, are interested in Roerich as an artist and as a scientist. In his historical concept, the ratio of the temporary categories of the past, present and future is essential. It measures the past and the present future: "... when I call to study the past, we will do it only for the sake of the future." "From the ancient wonderful stones to fold the stage of the coming."

From 1906 to 1918, Nikolay Roerich is the director of the school of the Imperial Society for the promotion of art, while simultaneously engaging in teaching work. From the same time, the artist is constantly involved in foreign exhibitions. With his work, Paris, Venice, Berlin, Rome, Brussels, Vienna, London became acquainted with his work. Pictures of Roerich acquired the Roman National Museum, Louvre and other European museums.

From about 1906, a new, more mature period in the work of Roerich is noted. His approach to the historical topic changes: history, mythology, folklore turn into sources, of which the artist draws material for a metaphorical fine language. In his art, realism and symbolism are combined. During this period, the search for the wizard in the field of color is enhanced.

It almost refuses oil and moves to tempera techniques. Experimental experiments with the composition of the paints, uses the method of overlapping one colorful tone to another.

The originality and originality of the art of the artist was marked by artistic criticism. In Russia and Europe, for the period from 1907 to 1918, nine monographs were published and several dozen art journals dedicated to the work of Roerich. Leonid Andreev figuratively called the world-friendly world - "Power Roerich".

In 1909, N. K. Roerich was elected academician of the Russian Academy of Arts and a member of the Reimary Academy in France.

Since 1910, he heads the Arts Association "The World of Art", whose members were A. Benua, L. Bakst, I. Grabar, V. Serov, K. Petrov-Vodkin, B. Kustodiyev, A. Ostrumova-Lebedev, Z. Serebryakova and etc.

"The Greatest Intuivist of the Century", by definition of A. M. Gorky, N. K. Roerich in symbolic images expressed its disturbing premonitions on the eve of the First World War: the paintings "Preternal Hard - Enemies", "Angel Last", "Zarla", " Human affairs, "etc.

They show the topic of the struggle of two began - light and darkness, passing through all the work of the artist, as well as the responsibility of a person for his destiny and the whole world. Nikolay Roerich not only creates paintings of an anti-war character, but also writes articles on the protection of peace and culture.

In 1915, N. K. Roerich makes the report to the emperor Nicholas II and the Great Prince Nikolai Nikolayevich (younger) with a call to take serious state measures on the national protection of cultural treasures.

In 1916, due to the serious disease of the Lekhsky N. K. Roerich at the insistence of doctors, together with his family, moved to Finland (Sandobol), on the coast of Lake Lake. Proximity to Petrograd made it possible to engage in the affairs of the Society Society for the Promotion of Arts.

March 4, 1917, a month after the February Revolution, Maxim Gorky collected a large group of artists, writers and artists in his apartment. Among those present were Roerich, Alexander Benoit, Bilibin, Dobuzhinsky, Petrov-Vodkin, Shchuko, Shalyapin. The meeting was elected commission for arts. It was appointed by M. Gorky, the assistants of the Chairman - A. Benua and N. Roerich. The Commission dealt with the development of art in Russia and the preservation of antiquity monuments.

After the revolutionary events of 1917, Finland closed the borders with Russia, and N. K. Roerich with his family turned out to be cut off from his homeland.
"Song about Shambal. Tang-la. 1943.

In 1919, having received an invitation from Sweden, Nikolai Roerich rides with exhibitions on Scandinavia countries. In the same year travels to London, hoping to go to India. Together with his wife enters into the E. P. Blavatskaya Founded Society. In the autumn of the same year, at the invitation of S. P. Dyagilev, Russian opera on music M. P. Mussorgsky and A. P. Borodina decore in London.

In 1920, N. K. Roerich comes a proposal from the director of the Chicago Institute of Arts to organize a great exhibition tour of 30 US cities. Among the 115 artist's canvases were exposed: "Treasure of Angels" (1905), "Angel last" (1912), "Viking daughter" (1917), "Call of the Sun" (1918), "Ecstas" (1917), Series "Heroic" And the "dreams of the East" and others. Exhibitions had a great success. In America Roerich, a series of paintings "Sancta" (saints), "New Mexico", "Suite Ocean", "Wisdom Dreams", etc. were written.

In America, Roerich earned a reputation as a seer, Guru and the opponent of the war in particular among the prosperous people who provided to him the funds and even built museums for him, one of which still stands in New York.

Due to the funds provided by Roerich, among other things, it is based on Beluha Corporation, which was struggling for the acquisition of mining and land concessions in the vicinity of Beluhi Mountain in Southwestern Altai. Cultural and educational organizations were also founded.

In November 1921, a master institution of the United Arts opened in New York, the main goal of which was the rapprochement of peoples through culture and art.

Almost simultaneously with the Institute for the United Arts in Chicago, the union of the artists "Cor Ardens" was established ("Burning Hearts"), and in 1922 there was an international cultural center "Corona Mundi" ("Crown of the World"). In November 1923, the New York Museum of Nikolai Roerich was opened, containing a large collection of artist's paintings.

In the secular environment of St. Petersburg, the passion for spiritualism was common, and from 1900 year old Nikolai Roerich participated in spiritual experiments. From the spring of 1920, the whole family of Roerich was fully absorbed by the spiritic sessions, they often had spiritual sessions in the house, who were invited to friends and high-ranking dignitaries.

The method of "automatic letter" was mastered, under which in the occult-mystical practice it means contact with some spirit, in which the person himself is in a meditative-semi-conscious state, and the pencil writes by itself, fulfilling the will of the Spirit that has come to "contact".

Direct records by the automatic letter method made mainly N. K. Roerich, and in part and his son Yuri. Roerich made a series of pencil portraits in a trance, on which the Eastern teachers - Buddha, Lao Tzu, sister Oriox, Teacher Roerich Allal-Ming and others. The Roerich article "On the freedom of movement of art objects" is given by an automatic letter.

About the spiritual sessions of the Roerichs is also known from their intra-family correspondence and diary records, where there are evidence that the souls of dead people called on sessions with the Table of the Roerichi.

During the spiritual sessions of "jurisdictions", which were not an end in itself, Roerichi tried to establish contact with teachers (Mahatmami), which, according to their idea, they managed to do from the second half of 1921.

Later, the Roerichs began to prohibit their surrounding to use spiritual sessions, and to visualize their interlocutors and for their hearing the family of Roerichs no longer needed the help of the table. Some researchers believe that real meetings of Roerichs with Mahatmami took place, the actual existence of which is considered to be science unproved.

The events of the first Central Asian expedition were reflected in the diaries of N. K. Roerich "Altai-Himalayas" and Yu. N. Roerich "on the trails of Midrangea Asia." In the 1990s, the diaries of other participants of the Tibetan journey were published, in which attention was drawn to the special "Buddhist mission" of the expedition to Lhasa (Ryabinin, Portnagin, Cordashevsky).

At the same time, materials were found in the State Archive of the Russian Federation regarding the activities of the Roerichs and their American employees regarding concessions in Altai in 1926-29. There are also a number of declassified documents of Soviet, English and German intelligence on the activities of the Roerichs during the expedition period.

On December 2, 1923, N. K. Roerich, with his family arrives from America to India. The expedition route passed through Sikkim, Kashmir, Ladak, China (Xinjiang), Russia (with a race to Moscow), Siberia, Altai, Mongolia, Tibet, according to the unexplored regions of Transgimalayev. The expedition continued from 1924 to 1928. Officially, the expedition was announced as American.

It is believed that on the uniqueness of the route and the collected materials, it rightly occupies a special place among the largest expeditions of the 20th century.

Archaeological and ethnographic studies were carried out in the unexplored parts of Asia, rare manuscripts were found, linguistic materials were collected, the works of folklore, the descriptions of local customs were made, books were written ("The Heart of Asia", Altai - Himalayas), created about five hundred paintings on which the artist Displayed the picturesque panorama of the expeditioning route, the series of cavities "Himalayas" began, created the Maitreya series, "Sikkimsky Path", "His country", "Teachers of the East" and others.

After the October Revolution, Roerich stood in an open opposition to Soviet power, wrote an accusatory article in the emigrant press. However, soon his views suddenly changed, and the Bolsheviks were in the discharge of the ideological allies of Roerich. In the fall of 1924, he went from America to Europe, where the representative office of the USSR was visited in Berlin, met with a plenipotentiary N. N. Krestinsky and then with his assistant G. A. Astakhov.

Ideological proximity to communism manifested itself from Roerichs in the literature. The Mongolian publication of the "community" (1926), one of the books of Agni Yoga, contained frequent mentions of Lenin and were held parallels between the Communist Community and Buddhist. Subsequently, when Romani again turned away from communism, all paragraphs about Lenin were excluded from the Riga reprint of the book in 1936.

For example, in paragraph 64 "Communities" of 1936, there are no words that were in the 1926 edition: "The appearance of Lenin accept as a sign of sensitivity of space."

In Khotan, Rhrikhov had a famous letter to Mahatm for the transfer of the Soviet government and a casket with the Himalayan Earth on the grave of "Mahatma Lenin". All the gifts, including several paintings and the "community" (1926), Roerich presented to the Commissar Chicherin in June 1926, and he conveyed to the Institute of Lenin.

Also in Hotan on October 5, 1925, the artist conceived the painting "Mount Lenin", which is now kept in the Nizhny Novgorod Museum of Fine Arts. The picture is clearly drawn easily recognizable image of Lenin. Later, Roerich renamed the picture in the "phenomenon of the term", however, in Moscow, she appeared under its original name, as in the gift of River's own hand, wrote: "Mount Lenin".

In the process of training the River's expedition, together with American businessman Louis Horsh, created two business corporations in New York - "UR" and "Belukha", which were to conduct broad business entrepreneurship in the Soviet Union - in the fields of forestry, mining, transport, construction, construction , agriculture and others.

In Moscow, American employees of Roerich defended the interests of "Belukhi" to acquire concessions in Altai, conducting meetings with the officials of the power structures B. N. Melnikov (Narkomointell) and M. A. Trilisser (OGPU). Roerichi visited Altai with a scientific and intelligence and ethnographic expedition, conducting selection of places for the alleged concessions and studying the opportunity "Organization in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Beluhi Cultural and Industrial Center."

The first Central Asian Expedition N. K. Roerich took place in several stages. Upon arrival in Mongolia, she turned into an independent Tibetan journey, known now as the mission of Western Buddhists in Lhasa (1927-28.).

In terms of its nature, the Tibetan expedition was not just an artistic archaeological, but, according to her leader, Roerich, had the status of a diplomatic embassy on behalf of the "Union of Western Buddhists". With its surroundings in the expedition, Roerich was considered as the "West Dalai Lama". However, in reality in Buddhism, Roerich did not appeal.

During the seven-month parking in Urge, there was a solid preparation for the Tibetan campaign. Roerichi sent a task to America to America - to make the Order of the "Buddha of the Allbearing", which was supposed to reward the Dalai Lama. Sketch for the Order Drew Rerich himself. This Buddhist sign was ordered in the best workshop of New York, from hereditary jewelers Tiffany.

Against the background of double vajra, a relief gilded figure of Manjushry with a fiery sword was distinguished, and a five-pointed star was conquered at his lotus stop.

However, the meeting with the Dalai Lama did not take place: in the fall of 1927, the expedition was detained by the Tibetan authorities on the approaches to Lhasa and five months was in a snow captivity highly in the mountains on the Changtang Plateau, where Roerich wrote numerous letters to Tibetan authorities, including Dalai Lama, On how unfairly met the first "Buddhist embassy".

The expedition was never admitted to Lhasa and was forced to be incredible difficulties and losses to break into India. Upon completion of the expedition, Roerich wrote a letter to the Buddhist center in New York, in which he called on to dissociate the Dalai Lama and interrupt all means with him.

There are several versions of what was the main goal of the ride of Roerichs to the Central Asian Expedition. There is no unity of opinion, and there is an information war between adherents of various versions.

The version of the solely artistic and ethnographic purposes of the Central Asian expedition of the Roerich is described in the works of L. V. Shaposhnikova and P. F. Belikov, who wrote the biography of Roerich in 1972, when additional sources about the expedition were not yet available.

According to this version, the ability to make a scientific expedition to Central Asia Roerich provided the sale of paintings, fees for the design of theatrical performances, publication of numerous articles, revenues from the activities of American public cultural and educational organizations. To confirm its version, its adherents appeal to the words of the Rhurichs themselves.

For example, leading the words of Roerich: "In addition to artistic tasks in our expedition, we meant to familiarize yourself with the position of monuments of antiquities of Central Asia, to observe the current state of religion, customs and note the traces of the great resettlement of peoples. This last task has long been close to me. "

An active role in the distribution of this version is played by the International Roerich Center in Moscow, leading an active information war against other versions.

The version of the relationship of Roerich with the OGPU was set forth Oleg Shishkin in the book "Battle of the Himalayas", in which he makes more than 150 references to documents of various archives. Based on the theory of O. Shishkin, a number of articles in the media and books were written, including the documentary and historical book "Occult Secrets of the NKVD and SS" Anton Armushina, Igor's book "Teacher's temptation.

The version of the life and death of Nikolai Roerich, as well as the transferred and documentary films shown in Culture and NTV television channel. A number of articles were published in the media, the authors of which refute the relationship of Roerich with OGPU. However, the Shishkin version was widespread and considered to be reliable among a number of professional historians.

According to this version, Nikolay Roerich was published by the OGPU and the money of the Soviet Union was sent to America in order to contribute to the economic and other relations of the USSR. Together with the Soviet intelligence, the American businessman Luis Horshore by Nicking "Buddhist", financed by Moscow, the Roerichs organize a number of companies in America, including Beluhu.

The Central Asian Expedition was organized for the money of Soviet intelligence, the purpose of which was the overthrow of the Dalai Lama XIII, who had achieved in 1913 the independence of Tibet, and invited to modernize the Tibetan army of the British. It was not satisfied with the Soviet authorities, so the coup plan was invented in Tibet, in order to cause unrest and dismiss the dismissal USSR Dalai Lama XIII.

According to Shishkin, Yakov Blumkin used one of the main coordinators of the Tibetan mission, which, under the guise of the Buddhist monk, took part in the expedition. However, the mission for the overthrow of the Dalai Lama suffered Fiasco, since the expedition caused suspicion not only by the British, but also in the Dalai Lama and his environment.

Subsequently, Blumikina was shot, and Luis Horsh received a directive from his leadership to ruin all the agencies of Roerich in the United States, using his debt obligations stored, which happened in the second half of the 1930s.

The version is proposed by V. A. Rosov, who defended his doctoral dissertation on it. The dews indicated that he conducted his research to resist the chaos of "intellectual marauders" of the type O.Shishkina and A.Pernushina, exhibiting Roerichs in false light. According to the version of Rosov, analyzing the Tibetan and Manchurian expedition, Roerich was involved in a large policy, trying to implement the utopian dream of a "new country".

According to Rosov at meetings in the fall of 1924, Nikolai Roerich with N. N. Krestinsky and G. A. Astakhov in the representative office of the USSR in Berlin, the general plan "United Asia" was developed, the main thesis of which was to unite the teaching on a state scale Buddhism with communist ideology.

The world plan of Roerich contained the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a new country at the expanses of Asia. The construction plan for the Mongol-Siberian state with the capital in Zvenigorod in Altai was based on the cult of Maitrei. The concepts of Shambhala and Maitrey Roerichi were directly related to the communist ideals. "The procession of communism needs to be strong with the name of Maitrei." Thus, the beginning of a new religious movement in Asia was laid.

Regarding the visit to Lhasa Rosov, the artist intended to offer Vladyka Tibet, Dalai Lama XIII, a union for the patronage of the Buddhist world, on behalf of Western Buddhists. Rosov suggests that the main point of the planned negotiations of Roerich with Dalai Lama was to be the thesis on the merger of Buddhism and communism.

Since it was breeding the need to reform Buddhism in Asia, N. K. Roerich intended to establish the "Order of the Buddha of the All-Following" and agree with the Dalai Lama on the independent parallel branch of Western Buddhists.

It would be the final step before proceeding to the creation of an independent state called the conditionally "new country". In this, according to Rosov, the world view of the Roerichs, conceived in order to smash the map of Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

However, due to the opposition, the British Roerikham could not reach the capital of Tibet and meet with the Dalai Lama, the Buddhist campaign on Siberia's expanses and the Mongolian steppes were postponed, the global plan has undergone a change, and the following manchuric expedition has become necessary and its main part.

V. A. Rosov is the "Heritage of Roerich" the State Museum of the East, where the version of Roerich as a policy was adopted and, in particular, published in brochures issued by the museum.

According to one of the versions of the Roerichi, they went to the Central Asian expedition to find Shambalu, and not to study plants, ethnology and languages. It is also assumed that the mission of Roerich was the return of Chintamani mysterious stone in Shambal (SanskR. "Jewelry, executing wishes), entrusted to him by the Liga of Nations. Members of the expedition were confident that Altai is a great spiritual center, a certain way associated with Shambala.

It is assumed that Roerich in search of Shambhala inspired the translation of the "Jumbal Guide", written in the middle of the XVIII century by the third Panchen Lama (1738-1780). There was described that the journey to Shambalu is an internal spiritual search. However, this explanation did not resist the Roerichs from attempts to reach Shambhala, simply coming there on foot or riding.

In the work of "Shambala: In search of a new era" (1930), Roerich described Shambalu as a holy city north of India, where his ruler preaches the teachings of the Maitrey Buddha for the Universal World. Roerich also hinted at the similarity between Shambala and Tula - the country hidden in the North Pole, which inspired the Germans in search of a mystery land. He also mentioned the connection of Shambhala with the underground city of Agarti, in which you can get through the underground tunnel under the Himalayas.

Extensive scientific material collected by Roerichi during the expedition, demanded systematization and processing, and at the end of the expedition in July 1928 in Western Himalayas, in the Valley of Kulu N. K. Roerich, it is based on the Institute of Himalayan Research "Urusvati", which translated from Sanskrit means " Morning star light.

Here, in the Culley Valley, the last period of the life of the artist will pass. The director of the Institute becomes Yuri Roerich, the eldest son Nikolai Roerich, an oriental scientist with a world name. He also led the ethno-linguistic studies and exploration of archaeological monuments. The institute worked medical, zoological, botanical, biochemical and many other laboratories.

There was a lot of work in the field of linguistics and philology of the East. The rarest written sources of centuries-old prescription were collected and translated into European languages, semi-free adverbs were studied. Invited specialists and temporary staff collected botanical and zoological collections.

Dozens of scientific institutions of Europe, America and Asia have been cooperating with the institute. Scientific materials he sent to Michigan University, New York Botanical Garden, University of Punjab, Paris Museum of Natural History, Harvard University in Cambridge, Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

Academician N. I. Vavilov, the well-known Soviet botanist and genetics, addressed the Institute of "Uruzvati" for scientific information, and also received seeds from there for his unique botanical collection. Collaborated with the Institute and such outstanding scientists as Albert Einstein, L. De Brogl, Robert Millique, Sven Genin, etc.

Since 1931, a yearbook has been published at the Institute, which published the results of the scientific activities of his employees. In scientific and periodic publications of Asia, Europe and America, articles on special issues developed in "Urusvati" were published.

Roerich shared the ideas of the Eurasian role of Russia and Panmongolism among the Russian intelligentsia of the beginning of the 20th century, and analyzing the trends of world politics and the prophecy collected in the Central Asian expedition, it comes to the conclusion that the mid-1930s can be marked by the exploration of the "Unity of Asia", which will begin with Mongolia, Manchuria, North China and South and Southeast Siberia.

Wheging whenever possible to take part in this process, it organizes a long-term expedition to Manchuria and North China through the American Agricultural Department. In 1930, Roerich became friends with the city of E. Wallace, who, becoming a minister of agriculture in the administration of Franklin Roosevelt, sent Roerich to the expedition in order to collect plant seeds that prevent the destruction of the fruitless soil layers.

The expedition was organized in 1934-1935 and consisted of two parts. The first route included the Khingansky Ridge and Bargin Plateau (1934), the second - the desert of Gobi, Ordos and Alashan (1935). These routes were held through the territory of the inner Mongolia, located in the northern and northeastern part of modern China.

As a result, about 300 types of drought-resistant herbs were found, medicinal plants were collected. 2000 seed parcels were sent to America. The artist wrote a lot of etudes, conducted archaeological studies, collected materials on linguistics and folklore. Reerich for 17 months wrote 222 essay for "Diary Sheets", which reflect expeditionary work, affect scientific and philosophical topics.

However, during the expedition, Roerich, ignoring the mission for mostly entrusted to him, plunged into Asian politics, vainly encouraging Buddhist masses to the revolution. The first business meeting of Roerich after leaving from the United States to the expedition was in Japan with the Military Minister Sedzroo Hayashi, and the purpose of the meeting was to study the possibilities of creating a new state in the north-east of Asia.

During the expedition, Roerich and his son, Yuri not only formally cooperated with emigrant organizations, such as the Military Monarchic Union, the Military Casual Union, legitimists, but also undertake concrete steps, for example, provided financial assistance to the Siberian Cossack tiles and bought the Russian Word newspaper »For the Russian Promotional Union.

Roerich was the most active activity among numerous Russian emigration, becoming a very noticeable cultural leader. It caused strong dissatisfaction with the US authorities, from whose behalf and at whose funds an expedition was held. It also attracted the attention of the White Guard Counterintelligence, which setting the fact of visiting the Roerich Moscow and its theosophical hobbies, poured a loud scandal in the press.

The Japanese authorities, supported by proyapon circles, were unhappy with the work of Roerich on the unification of emigration in the Far East and conducted a campaign in the Harbin press on discrediting the cultural mission of Roerich. The Japanese censorship arrested the entire circulation printed in the printing house of N. K. Roerich "Holy Watch".

After publishing a scandalous article in the Chicago Tribune newspaper in June 1935, which reported on the military preparations of the expedition at the boundaries of Mongolia, Minister Wallace interrupted relations with Roerichi, as they could spoil him a reputation in the eyes of voters.

The expedition was early terminated in Shanghai on September 21, 1935. Depriving support from the Minister of Minister of Wallace and Businessman L. Chorsch at the end of 1935 led to the destruction of all the activities of all Rerich institutions in the United States.

In his philosophical and art essays, Roerich creates a completely new concept of culture based on the ideas of living ethics. Culture, according to N. K. Roerich, is closely related to the problems of the Space Evolution of Humanity and is the "greatest ruined" of this process. "Culture rests on beauty and knowledge," he wrote.

And he repeated the famous phrase of Dostoevsky with a little amendment: "Beauty awareness will save the world." Beauty will give birth to a person only through culture, an integral part of which is creativity. This is stated in the books of living ethics, direct participation in the creation of which was taken by Roerichi. Elena Ivanovna recorded, and Nikolai Konstantinovich displaced the ideas of living ethics in artistic images.

In the widespread concept of culture, N. K. Roerich included the synthesis of the best achievements of the human spirit in the field of religious experience, science, art, education. Nikolay Roerich formulated the fundamental difference between culture from civilization.

If the culture is related to the spiritual world of man in his creative self-expression, the civilization is only the exterior arrangement of human life in all its material, civil aspects. The identification of civilization and culture, argued Nikolai Roerich, leads to the confusion of these concepts, to the underestimation of the spiritual factor in the development of mankind.

He wrote that "wealth itself does not yet give culture. But the expansion and thinning of thinking and the feeling of beauty give that refinement, then the nobility of the Spirit, which is characterized by a cultural person. It is he who can build a bright future of his country. " Based on this, humanity not only should develop culture, but also obliged to protect it.

In 1929, N. K. Roerich, in collaboration with the doctor of international law and political sciences of the University of Paris, G. Shklyaver prepares the draft treaty on the protection of cultural values \u200b\u200b(Pact of the Roerich).

Together with the Agreement N. K. Roerich, a distinguishing mark proposes a distinctive sign to identify the objects of protection - the banner of the world, which is a white cloth with a red circle and inscribed in her three red circles, symbolizing the unity of the past, present and future in the circle of eternity. For international cultural activities and the initiative of the Covenant in 1929, Roerich was nominated for the Nobel Prize of the World.

In 1930, the text of the draft agreement with the accompanying appeal of N. K. Roerich to the governments and the peoples of all countries is published in the press and is sent to government, scientific, artistic and educational institutions of the whole world. As a result, in many countries, committees were formed in support of the Covenant. The project of the Covenant was approved by the Museums Committee under the League of Nations, as well as the Pan American Union.

The Roerich Pact has a great educational value. "The Covenant for the protection of cultural treasures is needed not only as the official body, but as an educational law, which from the first school days will bring up a young generation with noble ideas about the conservation of the true values \u200b\u200bof all mankind," said Nikolai Roerich.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Covenant was supported by Romain Rolland, Bernard Shaw, Rabindranat Tagore, Albert Einstein, Thomas Mann, Herbert Wells, etc.

The signing of the Cove took place on April 15, 1935 in the White House in Washington with the personal participation of US President Franklin Roosevelt. Initially, the document was ratified by 21 countries of the American continent. Further, another 15 countries joined the Covenant.

The Pact of the Roerich was the first international act specifically dedicated to the protection of cultural property, the only agreement in this area adopted by a part of the international community to the Second World War.

A few years after the war, the Roerich Pact played an important role in the formation of international legal norms and social activities in the field of cultural heritage protection. In 1949, at the 4th session of the UNESCO General Conference, it was decided to proceed to work on international legal regulation in the field of protection of cultural property in the case of armed conflict.

In 1954, the Roerich's pact lay on the basis of the Hague "International Convention on the Protection of Cultural Values \u200b\u200bin the Cause of Armed Conflict", and the Special Flag offered by N. K. Roerich, the banner of the world, announcing the object of inviolability of all treasures of culture and art, and to this day flutters Many cultural and educational institutions around the world.

The ideas of the Covenant were reflected in the art of Nikolai Roerich. The emblem "Banner of the world" can be seen on many of his pits of the thirties. A specially dedicated to the Picture of Madonna-Oriflamma.

While in India, Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich from the very first days of World War II uses all the possibilities to help Russia. Together with the youngest son Svyatoslav Roerich, he arranges exhibitions and sale of paintings, and all the money reversed lists to the Foundation of the Soviet Red Cross and the Red Army. Writes articles in newspapers, speaks by radio in support of the Soviet people.

In these terrible years, the artist in his work again refers to the topic of the Motherland. During this period, he creates a series of paintings - "Camping Igor", "Alexander Nevsky", "Partizans", "Victory", "Bogatyri woke up" and others that use images of Russian history and predicts the victory of the Russian people over fascism.

In 1942, to the Stalingrad battle, Nikolai Roerich took a wrestler for the freedom of India Javaharlal Nehru and his daughter Indir Gandhi. Together they discussed the fate of the new world, in which the long-awaited freedom of conquered peoples will enthusiame. "They spoke about the Indo-Russian Cultural Association," Reerich recorded in the diary, it's time to think about cooperation useful, creative ... ".

Indira Gandhi recalled about several days spent with the family of the Rhus: "It was a memorable visit to a gifted and amazing family, where everyone in itself was a remarkable personality with a clearly defined circle of interest. I remember myself Nikolai Roerich himself, a man of extensive knowledge and enormous life experience, a big soul man, deeply penetrating everything that watched. "

During the visit, the ideas and thoughts were expressed about the development of closer cooperation between India and the USSR. Now, after the conquest of India independence, they received their real incarnation. And as you know, today there is friendship and mutual understanding relationship between the two countries. "

When Hitler's troops occupied many territories of the USSR, Nikolai Roerich turned to his employees with a request to serve as a mutual understanding of the peoples of two powers - Russia and the United States. And in 1942, the US-Russian Cultural Association (Arch) was created in New York. Among the active employees were Ernest Hemingway, Rockwell Kent, Charlie Chaplin, Emil Cooper, Sergey Kosvitsky, P. Geddas, V. Tereshchenko. The activities of the Association welcomed the world-name scientists Robert Millique and Arthur Compton.

The global recognition of the Russian artist and the philosopher is evidenced by the fact that more than a hundred institutes, academies, scientific corporations, cultural institutions around the world elected him with their honorable and valid member. In India itself, famous Indian philosophers, scientists, writers, public figures were personally familiar with Nikolai Roerich.

In India, the artist continues to work on a series of paintings "Himalayas", which is more than two thousand canvases. For Roerich, the mountain world is an inexhaustible source of inspiration. Artistic critics noted the new direction in his work and called the Master Master. In India, the Shambala series, "Chingis Khan", "Kuluta", "Kulu", "Holy Mountains", "Tibet", "Ashrama", and other masters exhibited in various cities of India and were visited by a large number of people .

N. K. Roerich always remained a Patriot of Russia and its citizen, having only one Russian passport with him. The idea of \u200b\u200breturning to the homeland did not leave him never. Immediately at the end of the war, the artist requested a visa to enter the Soviet Union, but on December 13, 1947 he leaves his life, and without learning that he was denied a visa.

- Awards

  • Kavaler of the Russian orders of St. Stanislav, St. Anne and St. Vladimir;
  • Kavaler of the Yugoslav Order of St. Sava;
  • Cavalier of the Order of the Honorary Legion of France;
  • Cavalier of the Royal Swedish Order of the Polar Star.
- List of organizations whose member was held by N. K. Rerich
1. Actual member of the Russian Academy of Arts.
2. Founder of the Institute for Joint Arts in New York (USA).
3. Founder of the International Cultural Center "Corona Mundi" (USA).
4. Honorary director of the N. K. Roerich Museum in New York and its branches in Europe, America and the countries of the East.
5. Valid Member of the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts (Zagreb).
6. Valid member of the Portuguese Academy (Coimbra).
7. Valid Member of the Ramskaya Academy (France).
8. Actual member of the International Institute of Science and Literature (Bologna, Italy).
9. Honorary Member of the Committee on Culture (Buenos Aires, Argentina).
10. Vice-President of the Company Mark Twain (USA).
11. Vice-President of the American Institute of Archeology (USA).
12. Honorary member of the educational society of Benares (India).
13. Honorary member of Mora's society (France).
14. Member of the Red Cross (France).
15. Member of the Society for the Study of Antiquities (France).
16. Lifetime member of the French Artists Federation (Paris).
17. Member of the Autumn Salon (Paris).
18. Lifestyle member of the Society of Antiquaries (Paris).
19. Honorary President of the International Union in support of the Roerich Covenant (Bruges).
20. Honorary patron of historical society at the Academy (Paris).
21. Honorary President of the Society named after Roerich in France (Paris).
22. Member of the Founder of the Ethnographic Society (Paris).
23. Honorary President of the Roerich Academy (New York).
24. Honorary President of the Company for Cultural Progress "Flamma" (Indiana, United States).
25. Honorary President of the Roerich Company in Philadelphia (USA).
26. Honorary member of the Society for the Protection of Historical Monuments (New York).
27. Honorary President of the Latvian Society of Roerich (Riga).
28. Honorary President of Roerich societies in Lithuania, Yugoslavia, China.
29. Honorary member of the subhash chandra boshe institute (Calcutta).
30. Member of the Jagadis Boz Institute (India).
31. Member Nagati Pracari Sabha (India).
32. Life member of the Royal Asian Society in Bengal (Calcutta).
33. Lifestyle member of the Society "Art of East" (Calcutta).
34. Honorary President and Doctor of Literature of the International Institute for the Study of Buddhism in San Francisco (California) (International Buddhist Institute (USA)).
35. Honorary member of the Russian Museum of History and Culture in Prague (Czechoslovakia).
36. Honorary member of the Society of Society Luzas (Paris).
37. Honorary member of the League in defense of art (Paris).
38. Patron of cultural society (Amritsar, India).
39. Member of the International Study Association (Paris).
40. Honorary member of the Field Association (S.-Louis, USA).
41. Honorary member of the Burraw Society (Java).
42. Honorary Member of the National Association of Natural Medicine in America (Los Angeles, California).
43. Honorary President of the Center for Arts and Culture (Allahabad, India).
44. President of the League of Culture (USA).
45. Honorary President of the American-Russian Cultural Association in New York (USA).
46. \u200b\u200bVice-President of the American Institute of Archeology (USA)

- Main works N. K. Roerich
1. Art and archeology // Art and art industry. St. Petersburg., 1898. No. 3; 1899. № 4-5.
2. Some antiquities of the Shelonian five and the Bezhetsky end. St. Petersburg., 1899.
3. Stone Age on Lake Piros. St. Petersburg., 1905.
4. Collected Works. Kn. 1. M., 1914.
5. Ways of blessings. New York, 1924.
6. Heart of Asia. Southbury, 1929.
7. Power of light. Southbury, 1931.
8. Firm firm. New York, (1933).
9. The banner of the world. Harbin, 1934.
10. Holy Watch. Harbin, 1934.
11. Gate to the future. Riga, 1936.
12. Independent. Riga, 1936.
13. Altai - Himalayas: travel diary. M., 1974.
14. From the literary heritage. M., 1974.
15. Flowers Moria: poem. M., 1984.
16. Tales. L., 1991.
17. Abode of Light. M., 1992.
18. Take care of the old days. M., 1993.
19. Ancient sources. M., 1993.
20. Artists of life. M., 1993.
21. Young friend. M., 1993.
22. Urusvati. M., 1993.
23. East - West. M., 1994.
24. Culture and civilization. M., 1994.
25. About the Great Patriotic War. M., 1994.
26. Shambala. M., 1994.
27. Soul of peoples. M., 1995.
28. Diary sheets. In 3 tons. M., 1995-1996.
29. Shambhala. New York, 1930.
30. Banner of Peace. New York, 1931.
31. Himalayas - Abode of Light. Bombay, 1947.
32. Adamant. NEW YORK, 1967.

The result of the creative life of Roerich was the richest heritage, which threatened a rather wide international spiritual and cultural movement. Today, the Reerick public organizations work in many countries of Western Hemispheres, Europe and some Asian countries, as well as in Australia. In Russia there are hundreds of Roerich and informal groups. The Roerich movement of admirers of "living ethics" has specially affected the development of New Age in Russia.

The first Museum of Roerich was opened in 1921 in New York with the help of a close range of Roerich's associates with the financial support of the businessman L. Horsh. However, the scandal around the Roerich Museum, provoked by Horsh, led to the ruin of all American organizations of Roerich and including the museum.

Thanks to the efforts of E. I. Rerich, K.Kempbell-Stibbe and Z. G. Fosdik in 1949, another Museum of N. K. Roerich was opened in New York. He is the world's oldest center representing the painting of Roerich and spreading the reproductions of his paintings and numerous books about him, about his life and work.

In the State Museum of the East in Moscow on the basis of collections received from K. Kempbell and S. N. Roerich, a memorial office of N. K. Roerich, a permanent exposition of his work and the scientific department of the heritage of Roerichs were created.

Already in 1977, a specialized Roerich hall was opened in the museum in its permanent exposition. In accordance with the requirements of the girls, Rani Roerich, the only heiress of Svyatoslav Roerich, resolutely expressed his will on the transfer of the family heritage of the Roerichov in the hands of the Russian state, was adopted by the government of November 4, 1993 on the establishment of the State Museum of Roerich as a branch of the State Museum of the East with accommodation in the estate Lopukhini chosen by Svyatoslav Roerich. However, the State Museum of Roerich exists so far only on paper.

In the estate of the island near St. Petersburg, the Museum-Manor N. K. Roerich was opened, which is a unique complex of monuments of nature, archeology, architecture, history and culture, the first in Russia of the State Museum of Roerich. It was opened in 1984. Currently, the museum complex is located on 60 hectares and includes 9 manor buildings of the XVIII-early XX century., Ancient Park, Rodnikovy Lakes.

As a result of complex and dramatic events, the N. K. Roerich museum was created at the Public Organization "International Roerich Center", headed by the sole leader L. V. Shaposhnikova. On the wave of "redistribution", this organization stated his claims by the State Museum of the East and demanded to transfer 282 paintings by Artists N. K. Roerich and S. N. Roerich from the State Museum Fund of the Russian Federation. The trial for the possession of the paintings lasted for more than ten years and ended with a court decree dated October 9, 2001, when the question of the claims of ICR was finally closed.

Thanks to L. V. Shaposhnikova and Yu. M. Vorontsov, more than 400 paintings were brought to his homeland, the archive, library and family relics family relics. This legacy has become the basis for the opening of the N. K. Roerich public museum in Moscow. The first museum exposition was opened in this building on February 12, 1993. In the halls of the museum there are annual international scientific and community conferences with the participation of large scientists and public figures, exhibitions and concerts are organized, lectures dedicated to the Rerichov Heritage are being read.

Highly appreciated the cultural activities and scientific and philosophical legacy of N. K. Roerich and his families such figures of science, culture and higher state bodies as the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation A. A. Avdeev, Emergency and Plenipotentiary Ambassador, Academician of Raen A. M. Kadakin, Laureate Nobel Prize of the World M. S. Gorbachev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the Presidium of VAK, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation E. P. Chelyrayev, President of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Russia O. L. Kuznetsov, President of the Russian Academy of Arts Z. K. Tsereteli, Academician RAS, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation E. M. Primakov, Foreign Minister S. V. Lavrov, Chairman of the Federation Council M. Nikolaev, Academician RAS, President Vaschnil, Minister of Agriculture Latvia A. A. Nikonov, Academician RAS, President of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics. K. E. Tsiolkovsky A. S. Korotheev, Academician RAS, President of the Russian Ecological Academy, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation A. L. Yangshin, Academician and Vice President of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic V. M. Flat, and many others.

According to the English encyclopedia of the "British" N. K. Roerich was mystic. Rerich himself has refuted such points of view: "In different countries they write about my mysticism. Involve the cut and so, and I generally do not know what these people are trying so much. Many times I had to say that I generally fear this indefinite word - mysticism. " He believed that the desire for the "cognition of the subtlest energies" is not mysticism, but the search for truth.

Some sources argue that N. K. Roerich was engaged in politics, which is denied as by most modern researchers, so N. K. Roerich and his family members.

- Memory about N. K. Roerich

  • In Moscow, a monument to N. K. and E. I. Roerikham was established in Moscow in Moscow in the territory of the estate of Lopukhins in front of the N. K. Roerich museum.
  • In honor of N. K. Roerich, one of the streets in the center of Riga are named.
  • In the village of Izvar Leningrad region, where Nikolai Roerich lived for a long time, since 1984 there is a Museum-Manor N. K. Roerich.
  • In St. Petersburg there is a St. Petersburg Art School. N. K. Roerich and the Rhus family Museum.
  • In 1999, two commemorative coins dedicated to the 125th anniversary of N. K. Roerich were issued by the Bank of Russia.
  • In honor of N. K. Roerich, the ship "Artist Nikolay Roerich" is named.
  • In 2007, the new Aeroflot airliner was named after Nikolai Roerich.
  • Acquaintance with the life and work of Nikolai Roerich is included in the mandatory program of training high school students in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. This decision adopted the Council on the formation of this region in the north of India, where Nikolai Roerich and his family lived for many years. According to the Chairman of the Council for the formation of Himachal-Pradesh, Chaman Lal Gupta, the younger generation should be aware of the life and heritage of such an extraordinary person.
  • On March 25-26, 2008, within the framework of the Year of Russia in India, the Russian-Indian Festival "Roerichi and Cultural and Spiritual Unity of Russia and India" was held in New Delhi, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the foundation by Roerichi in Naggar (Valley Kulu) of the Himalayan Institute Research "Urusvati" and the 100th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding Indian film actress girls Rani Roerich wife of the younger son N. K. Roerich - S. N. Roerich.
  • In September 2009, a monument to N. K. Roerich on the territory of the special economic zone "Turquoise Katun" in the Altai Territory.
  • As part of the celebration of the 135th anniversary of the birth of N. Roerich on November 11, 2009 in one of the largest universities of the Indian capital "Jamia Millia Islamia" (New Delhi), a solemn opening of the photo exhibition "The Banner of the Peace - Pact of the Roerich" was held, organized by the representative office of Rossotrhealth in India Together with the Academy of Third World Countries ("Jamia Millia Islamia").
  • To the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the signing of the Roerich Covenant, the International Exhibition Project "The Reer History" (St. Petersburg) is confined, in which more than 70 museums, libraries, archives and private collections from 33 cities of Russia and the world took part.
On October 15, 1969, the Astronomos of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory Nikolai Stepanovich and Lyudmila Ivanovna Black opened a small planet (asteroid) in the solar system and is named after the Rhus family. Registered asteroid at number 4426.

In October 1999, in his speech at N. K. Roerich Museum about this event, astronomer N. S. Black, who opened more than 500 asteroids, said: "The name was approved by the Special Commission of the International Astronomical Union, consisting of 11 representatives of different countries of the world. Only with a unanimous opinion the name is accepted. The appearance of the Little Planet "Roerich" is the international recognition of creativity and outstanding achievements of Roerichs. "

- Geographical objects named after N. K. Roerich

  • Peak and Pass named after N. K. Roerich in Altai
On August 15, 1963 on Independence Day, Tomsk mountaineers V. Syrkin, Schwartzman, A. Ivanov, V. Petrenko, L. Spiridonov, Skryabin, V. Slyusarchuk, Y. Salivon, B. Gusev, S. Lobanov rose On the previously nameless top and called it with the name of N. K. Roerich.

Next to the peak of Roerich is the pass, also named in his honor.

  • Glacier and passes named after N. K. Roerich on Tien Shan
Tian-Shan is two pass and a glacier called in honor of N. K. Roerich.

Pass Roerich, located on the Saryzhaz Ridge. Pass height - 4320 meters. It connects the valleys of Chontash, Tyuses and Achiktashsu. The first position of the pass was performed by a group of climbers under the leadership of A. Posychenko.

The second pass called by the name N. K. Roerich is located in the northwestern part of the Ak-Yhyrak Ridge and connects the middle part of the Petrova glacier and the valley of the Sary Tor River. Pass height - 4500 meters.

The Glacier Nikolai Roerich is located at an altitude of 3,700 meters and originates on the Alamedir wall.

- Postage stamps with the image of N. K. Roerich and his creativity

  • 1974, the USSR - the USSR Ministry of Communications was issued a marked envelope. It depicts the portrait of N. K. Roerich against the background of his paintings "Overseas guests". In the same year a brand came out with the image of this painting.
  • 1974, India - the anniversary brand was released, which depicts an obverse of a commemorative medal created in 1929 in Paris on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the artistic, scientific and social activities of N. K. Roerich.
  • 1977, the USSR - the Ministry of Communications of the USSR was released two stamps with the image of the Church of the Holy Spirit in Talashkino, over the entrance of which the mosaic "Savior" was performed on the sketch of N. K. Roerich.
  • 1978, Bulgaria - a brand was released with a fragment of Portrait N. K. Roerich, made by S. N. Roerich. In addition to the brand, an envelope of the first day was released, and at the Chief Advice of Sofia on April 5, 1978, quenching the first day stamp.
  • 1986, Mexico - released a brand with a coupon dedicated to the International Year of the World (ANO INTERNACIONAL DE LA PAZ). On the brand - the UN emblem and the symbol of the Banner of the world N. K. Roerich, signatures - "onu" (UN) and PAX Cultura (cultural pact).
  • 1990, the USSR - two stamps were released on the Soviet Foundation of Culture. At one of them, the picture of N. K. Roerich "Unchrad" (1909) was reproduced, on the second - picture "Pskovo-Pechora Monastery".
  • 1999, Russia - the Publishing Center "Mark" of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of Russia was issued a marked envelope "Russian artist N. K. Rerich. 1874-1947 "To his 125th anniversary. On Mark, a fragment of Portrait N. K. Roerich, written by S. N. Roerich in 1934, against the background of the fragment of the picture of Nikolai Roerich "Book of Life".
  • 2001, Russia - Mark's Publishing Center of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of Russia issued a labeled envelope dedicated to the International Agreement on the Protection of Arts and Scientific Institutions and Historical Monuments (Roerich Covenant). In the illustration - Painting N. K. Roerich "Culture Pact. The banner of the world "(1931).
  • 2003, Moldova - a brand has been released depicting the painting "Pact of Culture. The banner of the world "(1931), as in the Russian brand of 2001.
  • 2008, Russia - the Publishing Center "Mark" released an envelope dedicated to the Central Asian Expedition of Nikolai Roerich (1923-1928).

Russian painter, theater artist, archaeologist, traveler, writer, public figure. Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich - Father Orientalda Yu.N. Roerich (1902-1960) and artist S.N. Roerich (1904-1991). Translated from the Scandinavian surname Roerich means rich in glory. According to the family legend, its emergence relates to the times of the Vikings. One of the oldest representatives of the Roerich kind in the XIII century headed the knightly order of the Templars, among the ancestors of N.K. Roerich were politicians and warlords.
Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich was born on October 9 (according to the old style - September 27) 1874 in St. Petersburg, in the family of the notary of the district court of St. Petersburg (from 1873). Father Nikolai, Konstantin Fedorovich Roerich, in 1860 married Maria Vasilyevna Kalashnikova and settled with her in St. Petersburg - in the mansion on the Nikolaev Embankment (now University), in which he opened his own legal advocate. In addition to Nikolai, the family had three more children: the younger brothers Boris and Vladimir and the elder sister Lydia. Together with his family, the grandfather lived along the Father's line, Fyodor Ivanovich (died at the age of 105), who had a collection of Masonic symbols. Summer and winter holidays The Roerich family spent in the rustic estate acquired by Konstantin Roerich in 1872 at the Count Seeds Vorontsov (the name "Izvar" was given by the estate of Vorontsov after returning from the journey in India; in translating Sanskrita means "God" or "Divine Spirit" ). In 1883 Nikolay Roerich passed entry exams In one of the best and expensive private schools of St. Petersburg - the gymnasium of Charles Background May. The exams were handed over with such ease that the background may exclaimed: "Will be a professor!" Most subjects were taught on german language. Among the diverse hobbies of Nicholas were drawing, geography, history, archeology, collecting minerals, horse riding, hunting. The first drawing teacher was a friend of Nicholas - artist Mikhail Mikeshin.
In 1893, Nikolai Roerich entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, where he studied at A.I. Queenji (graduated in 1897). At the same time, by the condition expressed by the Father, who wanted to the Son of more practical education, Nikolai entered the Faculty of Law to the State University (graduated from 1898); Listened to the course of the historical and philological faculty. Simultaneously with training at the University, Nikolai Roerich begins to earn illustrating in the magazines "Star" and "World Illustration" and an icon-painting, receiving orders from several churches. In 1897 N.K. Roerich, among other students, Quinji leaves the Academy as a sign of protest against the dismissal of a favorite teacher and continues to work on the started series of paintings on the topics of the life of the ancient Slavs ("Start Rus. Slavs"). The ancient chronicles and books began to study more thoroughly from 1895 when I met V.V. Stasov, heads art Department in Public Library. Back in the years of study at the University, Roerich entered into members of the Russian Archaeological Society.
At the end of study at the Academy and at the university, he became an assistant to the editor-in-chief of his own journal Stasov "Art and Art Industry", articles that have printed in the journal signed the pseudonym R. Zonga. With the support of Stasov, became an assistant director of the Museum of Society for the Promotion of Artists. Nikolai Roerich's first trip was made on a steamer in the summer of 1899 from St. Petersburg to Novgorod to the Great Waterway, according to which more than a thousand years ago, Varyagi swam in the Ladyakh Vikings. Konstantin Roerich died in 1900, Maria Roerich sold Izvaru, and Nikolai was able to fulfill the long-awaited dream for the money - in September he went to study in Paris, along the way, driving in Berlin, Dresden and Munich. In the workshop of the historic painter Fernana Kormon Nikolai Roerich studied until the mid-1901, returned in the summer of Russia. October 28, 1901 in the Church of the Imperial Academy of Arts, in B hours after a noon, Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich and Elena Ivanovna Shaposhnikova, who became acquainted in the summer of 1899, became her husband and his wife. Elena Ivanovna, Princess Putyathina's niece, was the younger than Nikolai Roerich for five years. For the rest of his life, she will become his "outdoor and inspirational", and he will call her "Lada", an old Russian name, in which "Harmony, inspiration and power" sounded for him. In order to provide a family, in the same 1901 Roerich proposed his candidacy for the post of secretary of the Company's promotion of artists and was adopted, despite the presence of other, older and experienced, applicants. In the summer of 1903 Roerich and his wife traveled in Russia, visiting twenty-seven cities. The purpose of the journey was to study the ancient architecture. The results of the trip were presented at the exhibition of the architectural etudes of Roerich, which opened in the society of the promotion of artists in January 1904. Nicholas II, who visited the exhibition, wished that the entire series acquired the Museum of Alexander III (now the Russian Museum), but on the day of his visit, Russia declared war on his visit Japan, and it remains unfinished. In the same year, seventy etudes and several other paintings by Nikolai Roerich was sent to America as part of the Russian exposition at the exhibition and sale in the city of Sant Louis (the paintings in Russia returned only after seventy years).
From 1906 - director of the drawing school at the same time society (until 1918). From 1909 - a valid member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. In 1910-1919 - Chairman of the Unification of the World of Art. To the revolution 1917 N.K. Roerich treated sympathy; He was part of the Affairs Commission created in March 1917 chaired by A.M. Gorky. In May 1917, due to severe lung disease, Nikolai Roerich was forced to go to Karelian shelters.
From spring 1918 lived abroad: in the early 20s in the USA; From 1923 with interruptions, and from 1936 constantly - in India. In 1918 N.K. Roerich comes a trip to Finland, Norway, Denmark, England with an exhibition of their works, and in 1920 goes to America, where his work enjoys a particularly great success. In the 20s and 30s, he made two large expeditions in Central and East Asia (in 1924-1928, together with his wife E.I. Roerich and Son Yu.N. Roerich and in 1934-1935). In 1926, he visited Moscow, was in Altai. In 1929, together with the Son, founded the Institute of Himalayan Research ("Urusvati") in Nagar. Since the 20s, Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich led educational activities to attract the world community to the case of the protection of cultural monuments (on the basis of the so-called Roerich Covenant in 1954 in 1954, the final act of the International Convention for the Protection of Cultural Values \u200b\u200bwas signed in the case of armed conflict ratified by many countries, including the USSR). In 1942-1944 was an honorary president of the US-Russian Cultural Association. N.Kr Roerich died on December 13, 1947 in the town of Nagar (Valley Kulia, Punjab, India). In 1991, the International Roerich Center was created in Moscow (transformed from the Soviet Foundation Roerichs).
Among literary work Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich - poems, prose, journalism: "Legal status of artists in ancient Russia" (1898; thesis at the Law Faculty of St. Petersburg University), "Flowers Moria" (1921; collection of poems), "Blessing Ways" (1924) , "Asia Heart" (1929), "Firm Fire" (1932), "Independent" (1936), "Gates to the Future" (1936), "Altai - Himalayas", "Art technique in applied to archeology" (lecture course In St. Petersburg Archaeological Institute), articles on art and protection of monuments of antiquity
Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich is the author of more than 7,000 paintings united in thematic cycles and series. Among the picturesque works of Roerich - Mongolian, Tibetan, the Himalayan series of mountain landscapes, symbolic compositions, a series of ninety canvases (monuments of the ancient Russian architecture): "The messenger." Retained the genus "(from the cycle" Slavs. Beginning of Russia "; the picture was represented by Roerich as a graduation work at the end of the Academy of Arts; 1897; Tretyakov Gallery), "Hiking" (1899), "Overseas Guests" (subtitle - "Folk Painting"; 1901; Tretyakov Gallery; At the exhibition at the Academy of Arts in 1902, the king of Nikolay II acquired the picture for the Tsarskoye palace), "City build" ( 1902; Tretyakov Gallery), "Heavenly Fight", "Stone Age" (1910, Location Unknown), "Human Puprats" (1911, Location Unknown), "Creek Snake" (1913, Pskov Museum), "Conditioned" (1914 , Location Unknown), "Sign" (1915; Odessa Art Museum), "Guga Chang" (1931; Tretyakov Gallery), "Geser Signs" (1940; Russian Museum), "Himalaya. Nanda-Devi" (1941; Russian Museum ), "Tibet. Monastery" (1942; Russian Museum), "Remember" (1945; Russian Museum). Among the work in the field of theatrical and decorative painting - scenery to the opera "Pskovtyanka" N.A. Roman Corsakov (1909), Drama "Per Gunt" G. Ibsen (1912), Ballet "Spring Sacred" I.F. Stravinsky (1913), play M. Meterlinka "Sister Beatris" (1914), opera "Prince Igor" A.P. Borodin (1914; Russian seasons S.P. Dyagilev). Among the work in the field of monumental art - sketches for church paintings and mosaics: Church of the Holy Spirit in Talashkin (1914), Maitolike Friezes and picturesque panels in private mansions. From 1906 N.K. Roerich wrote Tever, since the 20s - mostly synthetic paints. 10 years after the death of N.K. Roerich, more than 400 works created by him in India, on the will of N.K. Roerich was transferred to the Museums of the USSR.
Information sources:
Project Mystic-World - resource (large soviet Encyclopedia, Encyclopedic Directory "St. Petersburg", World Encyclopedia of Classical Art "Great Masters", Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary)
Project "Russia congratulates!" -