Graphic image of the sun for children. How to draw the sun with a pencil step by step

Graphic image of the sun for children. How to draw the sun with a pencil step by step

Young children are very fond of drawing the sun. They start by taking a yellow felt-tip pen or pencil and starting to draw part of the circle in the corner of the paper. There is even a line from a children's song - "The solar circle, the sky around ...". How to draw the sun so that it decorates the drawing and makes it lively and truly sunny?

To draw the sun, children can use a variety of materials in yellow, red and orange colors. For the base, it is better to use a bright yellow, and to decorate the rays - orange and red.


  • watercolor paints;
  • gouache;
  • colour pencils;
  • felt-tip pens;
  • crayons;
  • watercolor pencils;
  • honey paints;
  • oil paints.

Experimental artists will love to work with face painting, food coloring and materials completely unexpected for drawing. The sun can be drawn on a sheet of paper, on a face, on a tile or glass surface. It is only important to choose the right material and choose quality brushes.

How to draw a cute face sun

The sun with a cute face is the decoration of any child's drawing. To draw such a sun, you can use a compass or draw a circle by hand. You can also circle a round object, such as the bottom of a mug. This method needs to be taught to the child as early as possible, because it makes life much easier.


You can also use a black liner or thin marker to trace out pencil lines.

Following a simple instruction, you can draw a sun with a very cute face:

  1. Place a sheet of paper in front of you. Draw a circle of the desired diameter with a compass or pencil.
  2. Freehand sketch out the lines emanating from the sun. These are rays. It is advisable to adhere to the same distance between the rays, for this you can use a ruler, but this tool is undesirable in drawing.
  3. Draw the eyes of the sun with a simple pencil. These should be slightly elongated circles. On the right side of the peephole, draw highlights - two small ovals.
  4. Draw a mouth - a small semicircle. The closer the mouth is to the eyes, the sweeter the face of the sun will turn out. You can add pink cheeks right under the eyes. Glare on the cheeks can be done with a corrector, or you can leave them natural.
  5. Carefully paint over the circle and rays in yellow.
  6. Circle all the details with a black felt-tip pen.
  7. Paint over the eyes of the sun with a black felt-tip pen, leaving the glare white. If you accidentally paint over the highlights, then they can be redone using a corrector (putty). You can add eyelashes.
  8. Color the mouth of the sun pink.
  9. If desired, decorate the sun with decorative elements - a bow, rhinestones or beads.

Such a cute little sun with a face can become a charm for a bracelet, a base for a pendant or earrings made of polymer clay.

How to draw the sun with unusual rays

Sound waves near the sun always look original and unusual. In order to draw a sun with such rays, you will need the following materials:

To draw the original sun, necessary:

  1. Place a sheet of paper in front of you and draw a circle.
  2. Color the circle with a yellow felt-tip pen, if you wish, draw a face near the sun.
  3. Circle the circle with a black felt-tip pen.
  4. Use an orange felt-tip pen to draw rays in the form of sound waves. The wave that is closer to the sun should be larger. Draw waves in descending order. Wave colors can be alternated - orange with yellow or orange with red.
  5. Optionally, you can glue orange woolen threads according to the wave pattern. This will make the drawing volumetric and will look even more beautiful.

How to draw a sun with sharp rays

One of the most accurate and accurate options for drawing a sun for kids is drawing a sun with sharp rays. Such rays are isosceles triangles with high lateral sides and a small base. To draw such a sun, you can use any materials, but you will definitely need a simple pencil and a ruler for it.

Following the simplest instructions, you can draw a wonderful sun with sharp rays:

Drawing the sun is fun and interesting... You can use different techniques to draw rays and also use different materials to get interesting results. It is very easy to teach a child to draw the sun, this is one of the favorite drawing objects of many children. To make the sun bright and colorful, you should use clean, bright shades of yellow - pure paints, pure gouache or a thick felt-tip pen that will not leave streaks.

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In this lesson, we will consider 6 options for how to draw the sun with a pencil step by step, one of the six options will be for children, namely the smiling sun. The sun is the star of the solar system, our earth and other planets in the solar system revolve around the sun, and the sun itself revolves around the Milky Way.

Option 1 how to draw the sun. We draw a circle and around it from the outside we draw straight lines in the middle horizontally and vertically. Then between these lines in the middle we draw the same lines, then between the existing lines we draw small lines in the middle.

Option 2, how to draw a sun for children, draw a smiling sun. We draw a circle, a nose, a mouth and eyes near the sun, then we draw rays near the sun in a chaotic manner, just how many rays you draw, you draw as many.

Option 3 sun. The drawing principle is the same as in the first version, only the lines are curves, only as you draw all the large curves between them, you need to draw an average curve in the middle, and already between all the curved lines, draw small straight lines in the middle between them.

Option 4 sun. You need to draw a main circle and an outer circle with thin lines and divide it with two perpendicular straight lines in the middle. Now we divide each quarter into three equal parts (we draw two straight lines in each quarter). Then we draw a zigzag and erase all the auxiliary lines that we drew.

Option 5 how to draw a sunset or a setting sun beyond the horizon. By the way, I have a similar one in the lesson, how to draw an African sunset, to watch. We draw a straight line and a semicircle, then we draw haze or clouds.

Option 6 sun. Here you just need to repeat the bends, draw a circle and around it the flame of the sun, as it is convenient for anyone, it is convenient for me to start from above and go clockwise.

Many perceive the Sun not only as an object for studying astronomy, the source of life on Earth in the most pragmatic sense, but also as a symbol of goodness, joy, and sincerity. It is not for nothing that good, kind people are often affectionately called "the sun". Now we will look at several options for how to draw the sun.

The sun with a cheerful little face

First, let's draw a cute, cartoon version of the sun with a smiling face. Of course, this option is more suitable for children - it will perfectly teach the kid how to draw the sun beautifully. But such a sun will certainly give an adult a positive charge.

First, let's outline the main shape - a circle.

Then we will depict the details of the face - large shiny eyes, a smile, small eyebrows and a blush on the cheeks.

And, of course, you need to draw rays. They will form a single crown-like shape.

Now let's color our masterpiece - the circle will be yellow, the rays will be orange, and the eyes will be pale blue.

That's all, the sun is drawn.

Sun with big eyebrows

Let's continue the theme of cartoon suns. This time, our heavenly body will not only have big eyes and a dazzling smile, but also thick dark eyebrows. And also - freckles. This is a very funny example of how to draw the sun in stages.

Just like last time, let's start with a circle. This will be the most basic figure.

Then we outline angular rays of different sizes. This will make them look more natural.

After that, we will begin to depict the face: the eyes will be elongated and dark, the mouth will be large, and the eyebrows, as we agreed, will be thick and dark. And don't forget the freckles!

Sun with small eyes

Time to try out another style - although this will make the sun's “face” very small, it will look incredibly cute. You can see for yourself if you try to learn how to draw the sun with a pencil.

Traditionally, the beginning will be to draw a circle. Try to make the figure as even and correct as possible. Don't worry if you don't succeed the first time: the beauty of the pencil technique is that all flaws can be quickly corrected.

Now the rays. Here they will be even, triangular, curly.

Time to do your face. Little dots-eyes, a shy smile, circles of blush - isn't it lovely?

On this note, we will end - the drawing is ready.

Widely smiling sun - we are charged with positive

What could be more positive than the sun literally shining with joy? This can cheer you up even on the gloomiest and most stressful day. So if you want to always stay upbeat, it is worth learning how to draw the sun with a smile. The children's song told the truth - it really makes it brighter.

As in all other cases, our sun will be round. The circle should be smooth and beautiful.

Now - oval eyes with highlights and a wide smile.

After that we will depict the rays. They will be very peculiar, curved like tongues of flame. Moreover, short rays will alternate with long ones.

Now let's take a good look at all the contours. The best way to do this is with a felt-tip pen or marker.

Now everything is ready - smile at your sun. And no rain is terrible now!

There is no rain for the sun - we draw the sun with an umbrella

In autumn, the sky is often covered with clouds. Many people do not like it, because gray, rainy weather causes despondency and sadness. But our sun is not afraid of clouds or rain, because he has a wonderful umbrella for such cases. Let's draw it - at the same time we will learn how to draw the sun with paints.

The first step is to draw a cloud, soft and fluffy in appearance.

Now there is a round sun with an open mouth in a smile, a funny button nose and cute eyes. However, for now it will be somewhat similar to Kolobok.

And now we will depict our main weapon in the fight against clouds - a folded umbrella. By the way, our shining character will have gloves on his hands.

Time to draw the rays - wriggling, uneven, almost alive. And we will make polka dots on the umbrella.

Time to get busy with paints. Let's make the "Taurus" yellow, the rays and the nose red, the umbrella pink, and the cloud blue. You can take any paints - watercolor, gouache, acrylic or even oil.

Now our bright drawing is over.

Pictures for children with the sun will delight, cheer up, even when it's cloudy or snowing outside. The heavenly body warms our Earth and all its inhabitants, his photo, cartoon images are associated with something warm and affectionate.

It will be useful and interesting for the child to know what the Sun is, what it really is. From the catalog of our site you can download for it a photo of our star from space, landscapes against the background of the sun, bright drawn pictures for it. For the development of your baby and expand his horizons, we also offer you easy-to-remember rhymes and educational videos.

Pictures of the sun

In the distant, distant times, when the science of astronomy did not yet exist, people did not know literally anything about what space, the solar system, the galaxy, etc. are. But even then they were sure that the round, yellow, bright heavenly body that appears in the sky during the day gives them life, warmth and light. The sun was worshiped, deified.

Over the years, with the development of science, people have studied the Sun quite well. Today even little ones know that it is not small, but huge, that no one takes it out in a chariot or nails it to the firmament. However, they love cute cartoon images of the luminary, such as these, on transparent backgrounds.

Photo against the background of the sun

A child 3-6 years old who is interested in knowing what the Sun is, how it interacts with our Earth, is best taken to the Planetarium. There it is intelligible to him, according to his age, they will explain that this is a star that is the center of our system. He will be told that she is not actually yellow, but white, huge-huge and hot-hot. The temperature of the solar corona is 5.5 thousand degrees Celsius, the core temperature is up to 15 million degrees Aim. Both the Earth and the other seven planets of the system revolve around the star at their own speed, along their trajectory. But, for example, not every adult knows that the Sun itself revolves around the center of the Milky Way. It makes a complete revolution in about 250 million years.

In the Planetarium, from a school astronomy course, from an encyclopedia or from the Internet, a child can learn many scientific facts about the sun. But they hardly interest us, when every new day we simply enjoy its bright, warm, gentle rays. If the landscape outside the window does not please the eye with bright colors, look at beautiful photos against the background of the sun, download them to your desktop.

Drawn sun

Most often, the sun can be seen as one of the details of the landscape. There are also pictures where the drawn sun is the main element. Then he is depicted not just in the form of a yellow circle with or without rays, but stylized, for example, with a face.

With a smile, sad

A smiley is very similar to the sun - a funny picture with the help of which people who communicate on the Internet have the opportunity to convey their emotions. For example, an emoticon with a smile means joy, with the corners of the mouth down - sadness.

With bright rays

The radiant cheerful sun can be used to decorate kindergarten group rooms. In order for the child to remember well where his locker is in the dressing room of the group, print, cut out and paste a drawing with a smiling face with rays on his door.

The sun and the cloud, with a rainbow

Let the child not be sad when the sun is hiding behind the clouds. Imagine with him: the hardworking starlet just decided to take a break under a duvet. Pictures for children with a rainbow. Does your baby already know why this miracle appears in the sky? Together with him, read an informative article on our website.

Animated pictures

Send a gif with a shining sun to a friend as a wish for a good day and good mood.

The sun shines on us both in winter and in summer. Will you be able to clearly tell the kid why in the summer his rays are the most pleasant?

Video for children

The author decided to shoot this educational video for children after his little son asked him what the Sun is.

And you can dance to the funny song from the video below!