Sailormun all characters with names. The world of eternal sailor moon

Sailormun all characters with names. The world of eternal sailor moon
Sailormun all characters with names. The world of eternal sailor moon

Sailor Moon:
Name: Zucino Usagi (Princess Moon - Syrinthi)
Birthday: June 30
Astrological sign: Cancer
Blood group: O
Favorite color: white
Hobbies: To eat pies
Favorite food: ice cream

Problems with: dentists, haunted
Good it turns out: poddle, cry
Dream: Become a good bride / wife
Favorite stone: diamond


Usagi can be boldly attributed to the discharge of the two. Such as she in Russia would become in socialist time by janitor. It is usually late for her lessons, his homework does not make, extremely lazy, and indeed ... lives according to the principle - "Well, you can't sleep, now you can sleep." Time free from food and sleep is usually dealing with all kinds of nonsense: dreams of a good life, falls in love or reads manga. He loves to laugh a stupid laugh. He loves to constantly be in the center of attention and is very emotional - for any occasion begins to shout loudly or cry. He does not like school and what is connected with it (later, however, decided to take up the mind and start learning, but nevertheless, with the preparation of lessons she is still tight). Full zero in all areas of housekeeping - for a long period of time, did not have learned how to cook and sew, referring to the failures of what did it "with love." Unrestrained in the comments. Usually does not listen to those who communicate with her and in a fair period of time managed to "get" all their girlfriends and acquaintances. He considers himself an expert in love affairs and is constantly trying to act as a Cupid for someone from friends. He herself was in love with Motoki and Toxedo Mask, flirted with Jadeitis and Eil. Partly also flirting with Sayeia and Haruka (with the last, though, only in the manga, besides, not in its fault, Haruka climb himself). Before the meeting with Ami, he was friends with Osaka. With all the girls (with the exception of the Rey) made friends from any mercenary considerations - with Ami then, so that she helped her, with Makoto, to prepare her food and helped to get out.
But despite all these flaws, Usaga has a kind heart and quickly forgives everyone who offended her. In difficult situations, it always finds the right and right words and if necessary always sacrifices. Despite sufficient attention from the guys, strongly, almost before self-reliance, loves Mamor and for the sake of him ready for all sorts of victims.
Usagi lives in a separate (and, by the way, very expensive) house with parents and younger brother Shingo. Her mother is a housewife, father works in the editorial office of the magazine.
Usagi reincarnates to the Moon Warrior - Sailor Moon. She is the princess of the lunar kingdom and in the future neo-queen selenitis.
For the first time appeared in the 1st episode.

Taxedo mask: (Defender of the Earth - Prince Edimion)
Name: Chiba Mamoru (Darien Shields)
Birthday: August 3
Astrological sign: lion
Blood group: a
Favorite color: black
Hobbies: Reading Books
Favorite food: chocolate
Least Favorite Food: No

Problems with: conviction of the crying Usagi (?)
Good it turns out: like girls
Dream: Become a doctor
Favorite stone: (not specified)

At the beginning, Mamorra appears as a rather rude man who laughs at estimates and hairstyle. In the subsequent appearance, it and the case pods the "spishmed" than causes the attacks of indescribable anger.
Mamoru lives alone, since his parents died in a car accident, when he was 5 years old. Since then, he does not remember anything about his past. Sometimes he involuntarily turns into a mysterious person - Toxedo mask, who, like warriors in the sailors, is looking for a silver crystal to remember the past. Mamoro himself cannot understand the causes of these reincarnations, but Sailor Moon and other soldiers helps in an example of the mask.
Having barely appeared in front of Syilor Moon in the image of Toxedo Mask, he causes her completely opposite reaction: if Usagi is infused at the sight of Mamor, then Sailor Moon immediately falls in love with his Savior.
Mamoru is a university student, very serious and smart. On his desk always lies with scientific books, and its very often meet in the library.
Being a dream with many girls, Mamoru - Odnolyub, there is only one only one for him. And, remembering his last life when he was a prince of land by an endimion, and was in love with Princess Moon - Seleniti - Usagi, she becomes this girl. Despite the fact that his beloved Plaques, very jealous and sometimes behaves like a little, he sincerely loves this girl, and even seeming her burnt cookies.
After the victory over the dark kingdom, Mamorra loses his memory, but still helps his beloved girl in the image of the moonlight knight.
In the future, Mamorra will be the king by an endimion and together with Neo Queen Seleniti (Usagi) will rule Crystal Tokyo, they will have a charming baby Chibius.

Sailor Baby: (Sailor Chibi-Moon)
Name: Usagi - Nickname Chibi-Usa (Rini)
Birthday: June 30
Astrological sign: Cancer
Blood group: O
Favorite color: red and pink
Hobbies: Collectibles of all associated with Usagi (can also be translated "of all related to rabbits")
Favorite food: Pudding
Least Food: Carrot
Favorite school subject: Drawing
The most unloved school subject: in.yazyki
Problems with: home maintenance in order
Good turns: to ask for yourself gifts
Dream: Become a real lady
Favorite stone: diamond

First appearance: 60 episode
The baby first appeared original. It in the literal sense fell from the sky on the kissing Mamor and Usagi. Pink Baby's Hair Fallen to the shoulders and were laid in the form of Odango, but not such a little like Sailor Moon. The girl introduced himself as Usagi and demanded a silver crystal from his beloved Chiba, putting a blonde gun to his forehead. At this point, the baby appears before us a serious and purposeful, and not a defenseless little girl. Lovers even frightened such an ease. But, shot in Usagi, the suction cup, the girl unexpectedly disappeared.
Blonde, coming home, it discovers with horror that the same "Nasty Girl" sits in the house. It turned out that she hypnotized the Usagi family, and now they all said that the baby is her cousin. Only the moon and the schoolgirl did not know anything about her, because at the time of "dating" were not at home.
Usagi and Chibius (so began to call a girl, so as not to be confused; Chibi is a small, Usa - a brief Usagi) did not immediately be revealed. One of the reasons were quarrels because of Mamor. The guy spent a lot of time with the baby, because he regretted her and tried to help, because the girl was so lonely without his parents. And Chibius gladly went to visit Chibo, he reminded her father. Usagi, of course, jealous and often started talking on the topic "You love more than me."
Soon Zucino learns that new enemies hunt for a little girl and trying to help. Usagi often saved the baby in the image of Sailor Moon, but Chibius did not know that.
When the pink-haired girl was sad, she often communicated with her toy moon pi. Moon Pi is a certain ball, something like the head of the cat's cat. The whole charm is that the toy could turn into any item. But there was not a toy with the Chibius at all. It was an adult voice of a girl who always supported the girl and advised to believe in Sailor Moon.
In fact, the baby arrived from the 30th century, Crystal Tokyo. It turned out that mighty enemies attacked the city, because of which her mother fell asleep and could not wake up now. Remembering about how dad told her legends about the greatest warrior Sailor Moon, Chibius returned to the past to find it. But she did not know that Usagi, Sailor Moon and there is her future mom - Queen of Seleniti. And when Tsukino itself learned about this, it turned red and almost fainted. The baby led warriors in sailors to the future so that they helped her family. But even the silver crystal of the past could not awaken the Queen. Desperate, the girl ran out of the palace, and there it was waiting for her sage. He took advantage of her pain and offend and inspired that she was alone. In fact, the enemy just needed her huge energy, but the baby listened to him and turned into a dark lady. Outwardly, she grew up, but a silly child continued inside her, not knowing life. Dark lady on trying to return her to normal condition, answered that a person is born alone and dies alone, everything in this world of darkness. Nevertheless, Usagi was able to return Chibius. She reminded her about human kindness, about good memories and about of real love Her parents.
Usagi could not defeat the sage with a silver crystal. And then the baby remembered why the dark moon so easily captured the city. Little lady wanted to grow as soon as possible and be like a mother. She stole an artifact from the repository, and he hid in her body. In the last battle of Chibius, a silver crystal appeared from her tears. Together, the little princess and Usagi, which turned into a new Queen of Seleniti, destroyed the enemy.
And it's time for a little girl to say goodbye to new friends. She said that one day, Ami will help her in school, Ray wandered, Mako will teach her to cook, and Minako will play with her. Despite all the quarrels, Usaga was difficult to say goodbye to Chibius. And the farewell words of babies were:
- Thank you, mom ...
Because of them, Zucino almost dispersed.
With the help of a time key, a pink-haired girl returned home, where she was already waiting for the Queen of Seleniti.
The second time of Chibius appeared in 103 episodes, but already in the role ... Sailor warrior. She introduced himself as a spare warrior in the sailorke Sailor Chibimun. She even had his own attack with the help of a rod. Unfortunately, sometimes he just did not work. Her "The Heart of Rose Sweets" simply delayed the demon for a few seconds, but did not destroy.
The baby told the girls that she returned to the past again to practice Pope. And Mom said that in the 20th century she should find friends. Queen Seleniti was sure that it would be easier for her to understand people when she rushes to the throne.
For a long time, the girl went through the streets, looking for potential friends. But such attempts did not lead to good results. Usually she came across too strange children: then a boy who removes shorts in the middle of the street, then a girl who from the Tea Ceremony's master turned into a valiant soldier of tea and bowls. Baby first fell in love with 107 episode. She rejected on a classmate Masanari. He is a very talented boy. Masanari looked very beautiful from clay. But the "sculptor" was in love with the teacher (Michiru) and brought her gifts and flowers, and Chibius was angry and jealous, but still tried to conquer his heart. When Yujil attacked the boy, the baby was not afraid and took the pure heart from the witch. It was then that Masanari understood who his real "goddess". Previously, he looked the sculpture of Michiru, but redid her and made the statue of Chibius. But another girl turned out to be the most real friend. Baby met her in the park. Brunette Hotaru became bad, and the young lady spent her home. This was the beginning of the Great Friendship. Even when Chibius found out that the Messiah of Darkness is hotar, he still defended her and believed that there was another way to save the earth than killing Tomo. After the attack of the tracks for the future Saturn, the hotaro disappeared. All her things have just evaporated somewhere. The baby was very worried about his girlfriend. And even wanted to quarrel with "PI" (Sailor Pluto), which was never done before. She said that the tracks were to blame for everything, and Seshun calmly explained to her that he could sacrifice one person to save millions. Chibius was so afraid of Tomo that went dark night In the image of Sailor Chibimun in the House of Hotaru to find it. But Corinait took advantage of this, she knew that the babies had a very clean heart, which was perfect for the awakening of the Dark Messiah, and kidnap her. Young lady Even before her girlfriend was going to pick up a pure heart, only was pleased:
- Khotar! I am glad that you are a mustache and unharmed ...
So the Messiah of Darkness awakened, but the former Tomo still lived in it. Only thanks to the friendship and faith, the baby, Khotaro was able to displace all evil from himself. Only thanks to the baby girlfriend became Sailor Saturn, who wanted to save the earth.
In the fourth season, Chibius meets another devoteed friend. In dreams, the winged horse comes, who calls her to himself and asks for help. Pegasus settles in her dream. Now that Hotaru began to live with her father, the baby had a friend again. It was he who helped her to gain a new force. The girl in the room has a mascot disguised as an ordinary box. With the help of him, Pegasus came to the young lady and talked to her. Often he addressed her "My girl, my little girl." Probably he treated her rather as a friend, but, as a favorite girl. She only understood him. Soon, the baby learned that Pegasus is only a form of a beautiful young man, the guardian of the golden crystal, Helios. She saved him from non-man and realized that he actually loves him. He so quickly said goodbye that Chibius did not have time to tell him about his dreams. And Usagi said they will still meet.
But one misfortune did not have time, another came. The non-elimination was revived and enchanted Mamor. Now he was looking like a zombie and did not hear anyone. Because of this, the baby began to disappear, because if Usagi and Mamoru will not be married in the future, then the girl will not appear. Fortunately, Sailor Moon, his love quit him, and the young lady returned to the future to his parents, leaving Usagi.

Sailor Mercury: (Warrior Wisdom)
Name: Mitsuno Ami (Amy Enderson)
Birthday: September 10
Astrological sign: Virgo
Blood group: a
Favorite color: Aquamarine (sea wave color)
Hobbies: Reading, Chess
Favorite food: Sandwich
Least Favorite Food: Hamati ("Hamachi" - Zholetny Tuna)
Favorite school subject: Mathematics
The most unloved school subject: no
Problems with: love letters
It turns out: counting / calculations
Dream: Become a doctor
Favorite stone: sapphire

Ami Mitsuno - Warrior in Matrolsk, Guardian Princess Seleniti. Sailor Mercury patronizes Mercury Planet and Element Water. Hence the favorite color of Mitsuno - Aquamarine, and appearance - blue hair.
There are several versions of the transfer of its name: water of water, water network, water rain. Choose what you like.
Ami is very and very smart. Its IQ is equal to tremstam points. This is a lot, even a lot. Roughly speaking, this is the level of real features, what it is. It is not necessary for the tasks of any complexity. She is always the first at school, and not only. She is known throughout the country as the "best student of Japan." Newspapers repeatedly wrote about her outstanding mental abilities. But Ami is not such a person to throw his fame. She studies only for themselves, and not for someone else.
Not only is such an intelligence of nature from nature, she also develops it with a mad speed. All is free time She spends tutorials. In addition to the usual school, there is still a few additional private. And at the amazed glances of the peers do not answer anything. So it is necessary.
Ami had never had friends (before Usagi), so she wanted to be needed to be needed all her life to help people. So, following the example of Mom, she dreams of becoming a doctor. Yes, no one doubts that she will succeed. An excellent man understands what you need to have a big luggage of knowledge to go to a good institute. Following your dream, Ami even on vacation is littered with reference books. She never knew how to have fun and relax, Mitsuno simply does not know what it is. She rises an hour earlier than usual to read. Her favorite food is completely unpublished sandwiches, and just because they do not interfere with the second hand hold the book.
Amazing thrust of Ami to mathematics makes it a big lover of computers. She spends a lot of time on the Internet, in search of useful information, knows all the most latest news and achievements in the world of computers. But in the yard another 20th century! By the way, the moon gave Ami super-mini-computer, conqueringly believing that he gave him to the right hands. After all, "Usagi will still not understand what to do with it."
Mitsuno is very versatile developed. One day, having found amazing music in the world network, she easily wrote to her poems that struck the composer. She has a lot of talents, but not everyone is disclosed. The fact is that Ami is often unsure of itself. Probably, everything from the misunderstanding of the peers of her passionate love for study. Odnoklassniki consider her computing machine without soul. But actually it is not. Ami also knows how to dream and love, be sad and rejoice. In addition to mom, no one ever appreciated Mitsuno's abilities. Therefore, the girl always wanted to find them worthy and useful use.
And the abilities are really a lot. And thank you for them by Parents. After all, it is hereditary. Mom - the same clever and kind, works by a doctor. Dad - talented painter. He long divorced his wife, so he does not live with his family. But the father never forgets about his daughter and sends his wonderful paintings.
The excellent man understands that she is very clever and talented, knows the price. But it never shows that, considers it just superfluous. As they say, "if the truth, and will see the blind." She is working on itself all the time, and if suddenly something does not work, flows into depression. After all, Ami always wanted to be an ideal for everyone, and most importantly for himself. But to satisfy your own requirement to yourself, you need to try to really try. Although to the top of perfection, she is quite close to hand. In childhood it was well brought up. Mitsuno rose polite, kind, attentive, modest. And this is despite the fact that it is very rich and can afford anything. Ami appreciates what Mom earns big money, but understands that it is impossible to spend them. She herself wants a lot to achieve in this life and become successful woman. In principle, Mitsuno never had temptations like purchases of the most expensive and fashionable clothes, etc. etc. Usually she spent big money only on reference books.
Ami does not care about its appearance. Dress up in what is convenient, and in general it is content with the fact that nature has awarded it with a pretty face. And, in general, she has no time to run around the hairdresser and clothing stores. Study, study, study !!!
Mitsuno almost nowhere goes. In huge Tokyo, it only happens at home, at school, in the temple of Hikawa (when girlfriends are going there to discuss events or prepare for exams). Oh yes! She also loves to go to the swimming pool. She swims perfectly and all this because of the patronage of Mercury. In the water, Ami feels like a fish and only there can relax and relax.
The excellent man was insanely glad to become Sailor Warrior. First, she finally found real friends, secondly, now she is needed not only to girlfriends, but also to all mankind! Magic attacks Sailor Mercury is perhaps the weakest (if not comparing with Chibius, of course). But they are very helpful to detain or confuse the enemy. And yet Sailor Mercury is a very important person in the team of warrior. Only due to its special glasses, a super mini-computer and stunning smelling, girls can get out of sophisticated situations. Ami very seriously refers to his mission and for friends, and for all humanity can sacrifice their lives.
Girlfriends were always surprised: how can I learn all the time, without even thinking about your personal life? She probably thinks about her, but in school years he considers meaningless to meet with a guy. After all, it takes a bunch of time, strength and prevents his studies!
Ami is terribly afraid love letters. When he sees them in his locker, it will certainly blush and flows into panic. Or maybe she is just afraid to fall in love? After all, being in a state of love, all the time you think about your passion, and how then focus on learning? You need to choose something one. And Mitsuno has long chosen the main thing in his life - study. Girlfriends sometimes laugh at it and say that looping on books is abnormal. Or maybe Ami does everything right? She is building a carefree future, because they will not disappear with such abilities.
Mercury is the only one in the team who does not lose his head and is not angry. Only once, she herself destroyed the demon, because it was madly angry. What do you think, because of what? Due to the fact that yoma (shameless!) Picks out knowledge of knowledge! And it is unforgivable!
But even if the power runs out, she will still fight to the end. Despite its softness, it is a very resistant warrior.
Ami - also very devoted and true friend. She always tries to help her friends. Salzing his free time, she helps girls prepare for exams, and they are very valued. After all, the occupation with Mitsuno is almost like a lesson with a good tutor.
The feature was very good with the Moon, because the cat was the first one who appreciated her.
At the end, I want to remember the old phrase: "Athlete, Komsomolka, Beauty and just a good girl!" Of course, Ami is not a Komsomol, but, in my opinion, it is almost perfect for her description.
For the first time appeared in the 8th episode.

Sailor Mars: (Mercy Warrior)
Name: Gino Ray
Birthday: April 17
Astrological sign: Aries
Blood Group: AB
Favorite color: red and black
Hobbies: prediction of fate (in the game on Super Famicom - in addition, reading)
Favorite food: Fuigu (dish of fish-dog, very poisonous, if it is wrong to cook it, but in general, very tasty)
Least Favorite Food: Canned Asparagus
Favorite school subject: Vintage writing
The most unloved school subject: modern society
Problems with: television
Good it turns out: meditation
Dream: Become a senior clergyman
Favorite stone: Ruby

Sailor Mars - Warrior in a sailor pack, defender Princess Seleniti. She commands fire, which is very suitable for her temperament. Ray is very quick-tempered. Immediately begins to yell, if something does not suit her. For example, the case with Usagi. With her, she immediately began some kind of trouble. Ray sometimes just infuriated when Zucino disgraced them or simply did not understand the elementary things
In the usual life, the Lady Fire serves priestess (or Miko) in the temple of Hikawa. There she lives with a grandfather, who is not averse to running for a pretty girl in a mini skirt. And granddaughter always tells him and literally pulls out "for the shkir" from girls.
Ray's opinion about itself astronomical, but it is justified. After all, she is studying in a prestigious gymnasium. And learns very well. Gino - Prima in his school, because sings very well. She even gave her own concert, but the ill-fated demon Eyla and Anna spoiled everything. He was given a task to pick up all the energy from the expensive spectators of the singer. It was at that moment that I realized that Sailor Mars is just scary ^. ^. She has fallen a lot. I would still slightly killed.
From the 1st season, Ray was in love with Mamoru and Toksedo Mask. For her, he is just the incarnation of the ideal of guys. For a meeting with his "dream" Ray has developed a whole plan. True, he went wrong, as she expected, but Randevo achieved. All evening, Khino literally saved on the neck of Mamor. But it seems, and Chiba liked the girl. Probably, they would have something and happened if it were not for the fact that in the past life, Mamor and Usagi loved each other very much and everyone remembered. But still friendship Ray with Usagi defeated Jealousy Ginos. When Beryl "cleared" Chiba brains, and he became a dark endimion, Sailor Moon was very worried. After all, she did not have time to find her love, as she immediately lost. Ray strongly supported the girlfriend and, dying (episode 45), said that it was necessary to kiss the toxado mask. After the victory over Queen Beryl Mamoru lost his memory. Then instead of toxado mask to help the soldiers began to come the knight of the lunar light. Sailor Mars has lost his head again. But it was waiting for her disappointment again, because this knight turned out to be the part of Mamor, who remembered that it was necessary to help Seylora in a difficult moment and that he loves Usagi.
Once a girl came to the temple of Hikawa, introducing a cosmetics seller. In fact, it was Koan. She heard the reasoning Usagi and Ray about love and said that love and trust, completely different things. She was sure that Rubeus also loved her, like her she. But when he left Koan one, saying that he never flashed with love for her, sister-pursuer wanted to spread everything in the world. She believed that her life was over. Sailor Jupiter got angry and wanted to hit her, but Sailor Mars closed her and said that Koan could still become happy. Ray asked Sailor Moon to clean the girl with a silver crystal. Next time, Koan came to the temple to sell cosmetics again, but now she was actually a man and worked as a seller.
Soon in the temple of Hikawa, Yuchiro appeared, which remained to live there and fell in love with Ray. And she did not perceive his feelings seriously. In the 3rd season, when girls still thought that Haruka was a guy, the warrior of the fire she really liked. Yuchiro learned about it and decided that he needed to leave because His beloved did not respond to his feelings. And then Ray realized that this clumsy and not a handsome guy, to some extent, her degree. She ran after him, and when he went into the train car, the demon attacked him and took the pure heart. But warriors, as always, arrived in time and saved Yuchiro.
In the fifth season, we first find out that Ray has a cousin. Girls go to the lake to relax on the summer vacation. Sayia, Thai and Yatin decide to scare the girls, changed one of them in the monster. But in fact, a real demon attacked sailors. Aluminum siren managed to pick up the star seed from Kengo (Brother Ray), and he turns into a monster. Kengo - Potter. As early as Ginino was small, her brother, probably, was immersed in depression and therefore broke all his wonderful work. But when it came to the beautiful little little bird from the burned clay, Ray burst up and asked him to give this medallion to her. Kengo was surprised, he was confident that his work was not good anywhere. Brother gave her a bird and promised that someday he would make her something much better.
In addition to Sailor, the warrior has no friends at all. The only, with whom she communicated to the girls is the grandfather and her defenders of the crows Fobos and Dimos (see the article "Sailor Mars: Phobos and Dimos"). When people passed by a beautiful young priestess, Ray often heard:
- Hey! Here she is! This priestess can find out your future!
- Yes? But she can send evil spirits to us! She scares me!
Usagi was the first who noticed that this Miko was very beautiful, clever and good. Because The third warrior has long served as a priestess, she has special abilities. It can feel without reincarnation to feel the streams of evil energy and stunning demons with a special scroll - offy. She throws him into the enemy and says such a phrase:
- Akuruoi Taisan !!!
Ray is almost perfect and very suitable for the role of the main character. In 152 episodes, Gino became very popular thanks to the press. The journalists published an article that in the temple of Hikawa lives a beautiful virgin, which prays for other people, does not think about his happiness and sells mascots bringing love. Girls, read it, envied Ray. And all because after this article in the temple, it also came crowds of beautiful guys and even swear, which of them will be the first to take the mascot from the hands of an excellent Virgin. And once the girl came to Ginno, Nanako, who dreamed of becoming a wonderful Virgin and be like Ray. She was so admired by the priestess that one day he asked her to become her older sister. Mars said nothing, but only smiled. But Nanaku lost her dream after he heard that Ray said about "sister". Ginino got angry, learning that Nanako had his own dream, but only repeats for Miko. Little girl ran out with tears in his eyes and repeated the same thing. She told that her dream was broken. But then the weight-weight attacked her and selected the dream mirror. The weight-weight was a demon who repeated all people everything in the world. And when Mani Mani devoured Nanaco's dream, he began to be swirled and melded a poor girl, retelling her dream. Ray saw it and was very angry. She said Nanak that every girl herself is able to fulfill his dream. At that moment Sailor Mars received a new attack Mars Flame Sniper, which she stopped the demon. After a while, the popularity of Kryno vulled, but on the cover of the magazine a bright photo of Nanac with the title appeared: "The beautiful Nanako from the cafe is our new idol."
Sostilor Mars strength is surprisingly depends on its emotions. If she focuses, he can collect huge energy and hit the enemy.
In the fifth season, when Galakscia took star seeds Inner, the last words dying Ray were:
- Usagi, you are not a child! Do you have a mumor, remember?
With this phrase, the girl disappeared. And when Usagi saved the Galaxy and sprinkled because of the fact that her friends were not returning, she probably did not stand it and the first said:
- But you are not alone!
Probably, Ray wanted to explain to the plaques that all Sailors were always there and worried about Usagi.
For the first time appeared in the 10th episode.

Sailor Jupiter: (Power warrior)
Name: Movie Makoto (Lita)
Birthday: December 5
Astrological sign: Sagittarius
Blood group: O
Favorite color: pink
Hobbies: shopping hunt at competitive prices (on sales, etc.)
Favorite food: cherry pie
Least Favorite Food: No
Favorite school subject: household
The most unloved school subject: physics
Problems with: aircraft
Good it turns out: cook food (in the game on Super Famicom as a hobby)
Dream: Become a good bride / wife, sell patties, trading the Favorite Stone: Emerald

Sailor Jupiter - Warrior in Matroska, Princess Princess Seleniti. She commands thunder and lightning. Maca died in a plane crash, so she lives alone in the Azabu Juuban area. The death of parents made Makoto strong, independent and responsible girl. She loves to get out of the house. By the way, Maco delightly prepares! Girls (especially Usagi) adore her threshing (especially all cookies). Cinema is very well developed physically. She does not take her strength. It is always ready to protect innocent and therefore often gets involved in fights. After the next "battle" Mako transferred to school, where Ami and Usagi learn. Because of her reputation, the students were afraid of cinema. And because of this, she had no friends until she met Usagi and the rest. Her weak side - These are beautiful guys. Maco falls in love with almost every handsome, motivating that he looks like one of her former guys.
Sailor Jupiter is a very strong warrior (after Sailor Moon naturally). She tries to give all her energy to defeat evil. In the 3rd season, she worried that she was waste her power and could not cope with the demon without the help of Sailor Moon. Then she went to the monastery to gain power. And she was able! She destroyed the demon herself, without someone's help!
For the first time appeared in the 25th episode.

Sailor Venus: (beauty warrior)
Name: Aino Minako (Mina)

Birthday: October 22
Astrological sign: Scales
Blood Group: B
Favorite color: Yellow and red
Hobbies: Before the "Stars" (celebrities)
Favorite food: Curry (Indian dish - rice with special spices)
Least Favorite Food: Siatake Mushrooms ("Shiitake" - Large Brown Mushrooms) Favorite School Item: Physical Education
The most unloved school subject: Mathematics, English
Problems with: Mom and Police
It turns out: play (in the game on Super Famicom as a hobby)
Dream: Become a "Star"
Favorite stone: Topaz

For the first time appeared in the 33rd episode.

Sailor Venus - Warrior in the sailor pack. She became Sailor much earlier than Usagi. See you with girls, she lived in London and fought crime along with the police. Then she was world famous under the name Sailor V. At that time, Minako was so popular that they wrote about her in newspapers, showed in news on television, produced goods with her logo, in short, she was a mud of many people. Minako - Natura Romantic. She is always looking for his "only love." And everything, probably, because, living in London, Iino first suffered from unfortunate love. In the capital of England, the girl met with beautiful boyfriend Alan (by the way, he was a police officer). But one day, at the next mission of Sailor V, it happened, because of what she left the United Kingdom. Minako learned that Alan actually loves her girlfriend - Catherine. Beloved people think that the "heroine" died during an explosion, and Aino quickly leaves for Japan. Later, Katrina still learns that Minaco alive and comes to her, however, being influenced by a demon, whom Sailor soldiers successfully destroy.
With the appearance of Sailor Venus, the girls immediately thought that she was the most princess. And everything, probably, because of its spectacular presentation: beautiful girl In the mask slowly jumps from the roof and gently lands on the ground. White cat is demonstratively, as if the entertainer announces: "This is the last Sielor Warrior, fighting for good and justice. Her name is ... (* meaningful pause *) Sailor Venus. " Immediately after the appearance, Minako could easily "join" in the team. Probably she was very happy to acquire new friends, because in addition to the cat of Artemis, she had no one. The girl was very worried when Usagi changed after what happened to the Taxedo mask in the first season. She came to the princess to support her and offered to do new hairstyle. It can be seen that the warriper of love is understandable, because offered many options and styles.
At first, Aino impressed a serious and smart girl. But they say correctly: "The first impression is deceptive." Subsequently, it turned out that the warrior of love is very similar to Usagi, however, not such a plax. Very often, late in school, Venus met with Tsukino. Minako all the time failed the exams and, so he always went to the re-exclamation with "Plax".
"The girl of love" is very frivolous. There are times when it laughs louder over it than above Usagi. For example, in the full-length "First Love Ami", she said: "Love is a battle, so the life is short." Everyone was shocked. Even "Odango" and then dropped a briefcase from surprise. And Artemis, the ever taking the goddess of love, quickly corrected: "Life is short, love you can still." Of course, Minako flashed nonsense, but it had more than once having fun her girlfriends.
Venus has always had any problems with young children. Usually kids, when meeting with her, they often called her old woman. And the white cat just laughed at her, for which he received a small buckle. But in 52, the episodes of the kids helped her to understand that in difficult situations should always be believed to believe. Thanks to them Sailor Warper and received a new strength Crescent Beam Shower.
In the third season, Minako was very worried about the fact that all girls took crystals of pure hearts, and she did not. It seemed that she was obsessed to become "clean" so that she was attacked. Girlfriends considered this idea insane, because they themselves experienced this and admitted that the "seizure" of the crystal is not the most pleasant feeling. And the goddess of love was looking for the dictionaries the meaning of the word "pure heart", asked the amazed Haruki and Michiru and ran every day to the medical center to pass the blood. Girls were very worried about her, because her health could spoil her. And finally, Aino waited for an attack. Right in the middle of the street, Yujil took the heart crystal from the enthusiast. But what was the surprise on the face of the witch, when Minako, attening the presence of a pure heart, took him in his hands and ran! True, it did not leave, and Sailor Moon still had to defend her.
Previously, before meeting with Sylora, the goddess of love was perfectly played in volleyball. She was a professional in his team. But, returning from London, the volleyball player stopped attending classes. After all, she was busy fighting the Dark Kingdom. Once I met my former partner On the team, Minako regrets that she threw volleyball, but she had no choice. But at that moment she was worried about this only, because they fell in love with "colleague." And he said that he liked the girls who go to the sports club. When Aino still decided to tell about his feelings, a demon attacked Tsuto. Huma placed the crystal of the head of the volleyball player in the ball and said that if the girls would not sober her file, the athlete's heart breaks. Then Sailor Venus said that he would do it. She beat the ball with his famous blow. Zutomo found out in the warrior of Love Minako and asked to convey to her hello.
Aino is very loving than very similar to Makoto. In the fourth season she met at once with two guys, and, as it turned out, they were enemies (tiger and hrictered eyes). They together began to watch her dream mirror. But when the warriors appeared, Minako quickly retired from the scene to reincarnate. Sailor Venus was very angry. In this episode (and only there), she first showed her real force (Furious Random Crescent Beam Shots). The goddess of love was angry, because he thought that the enemies faded her. But in fact she was deceived;). But then Aino calmed down. She decided that this situation was good lessonAnd now it will be easier for her to find his true love.
The cherished dream of Minako becomes a famous singer. In the fifth season she went to the final of the competition of young talents. At first, the "star" did not want to participate due to the fact that new enemies came to the ground, and Usagi said that the blonde should only go, because now this time is. Jury entered the jury. Upon learning that Venus is involved, Ko bored. He considered it a frivolous and careless act. But in fact, he, fulfilling his mission, completely forgot what a dream is. When the jury asked questions to contestants, the healer could not stand and asked Mina why she wants to become a star. Aino was not confused and answered that he wants to fulfill the dreams of people with their songs. Due to the pressure of Yathan at the beginning of the goddess of love, it was not very well sang. But then, remembering the words of Usagi, she was so singing that the composer Moramos closed his eyes from pleasure. Minako won in this competition and decided that she would always have time to become a star, and now she has friends in the first place.

Sailor uranium:
Name: Teno Haruka (Amara)
Birthday: January 27
Astrological sign: Aquarius
Blood Group: B
Favorite color: Golden
Hobbies: Machine or motorcycle control
Favorite food: salads
The least favorite meal: Natto ("Natto" - a Japanese dish of worshiped soybeans, which even most of the Japanese refuses to eat. The taste is not the arsenic, not the peroxide - in general, persistent associations with the dental office.)
The most unloved school subject: modern Japanese
Problems with: Recognition of errors (you can also translate "with confessions in your feelings")
Good it turns out: Racing on machines / motorcycles
Dream: Become a rider
Favorite stone: amber

Haruka is 16 years old. Parents together with her sister live far from her, in another city. Currently lives in Tokyo with Michiru. He studies with Michiru in the last grade of the older school of Mugen Jacuen. Now, however, no. Her building suffered greatly when the Messiah of Darkness appeared on Earth, and they temporarily learn from the high school of Juban with her friend. Next to them are engaged in Usagi, Makoto and Ami. From school items like physical education and considers a boring modern Japanese. I really like to engage in light athletics, and in general I like to go sports, often participates in different competitions. Hobbies - unusual things. In addition, he reads the old japanese traditions and customs. He considers himself a serious man, but sometimes just adores to make fun of people, especially when it comes to her gender. (Haruka: This is holy!) Wear men's clothingtrimmed as a guy and looks like a handsome young man. Therefore, sometimes people cannot understand - a guy or a girl in front of them. Most of all in the world loves salads and just hates soy.
Haruka is a separate soldier Sailor Uranus.
For the first time appeared in the 90th episode. (In fact, Haruka and Michiru can be seen in the 89th episode, and in the 92nd they arrive in the form of warriors for the first time.)

Sailor Neptune:
Name: Kayo Michiru (Michili)
Birthday: March 6
Astrological sign: Fish
Blood group: O
Favorite color: sea blue
Hobbies: Cosmetics Collectibles
Favorite food: SASIMI ("Sashimi" - a dish of raw fish, sliced \u200b\u200bby pieces)
Least Favorite Food: Kikuragege ("Kikurage", a variety of mushrooms)
Favorite school subject: music
The most unloved school subject: no
Problems with: Seasy cucumbers (hello)
It turns out: play violin
Dream: Become violinist
Favorite stone: Aquamarine

Michiru 16 years old. Lives in Tokyo with Haruka. Studies in the graduation class of the Muen School and is preparing to enter the Muen College. From items like music, because it plays a violin and dreams of becoming a professional violinist. In addition to music, he is interested in painting and swimming. Easily makes new friends. It has a beloved hair. In his free time combines pleasant with useful - visits exhibitions, concerts, goes to museums, accompanies Haruku in search of unusual things. Unlike her, it loves to just entertain: go to discos and in a cafe, having fun with Usagi, compete in the pool with Ami, argue with Minako about fashion. Does not consider himself a conservative person, but sometimes it becomes a little pleasant when looking at happy Usagi and Mamor. Haruka tears over her and says that she is "old woman", but everything understands.
Michiru is a separate warrior Sailor Neptune.
For the first time appeared in the 90th episode.

Sailor Pluto: (warrior time)
Name: Meio Satsuna (Tristas)
Birthday: October 29
Astrological sign: Scorpio
Blood Group: A Favorite Color: Dark Red
Hobbies: shopping
Favorite food: O-'("O-cha" - green tea)
Least Favorite Food: Eggplant
Favorite school subject: Physics
The most unloved school subject: music
Problems with: cockroaches
Good it turns out: sew
Dream: Become a designer
Favorite stone: grenade

Sailor Saturn: (warrior of destruction)
Name: Tomoe Hotaru
Birthday: January 6
Astrological sign: Capricorn
Blood Group: AB
Favorite Color: Violet Hobbies: Reading, Collecting Lamps
Favorite food: Nihon Sob ("Nihon Soba", Japanese noodles from buckwheat flour)
Least Favorite Food: Milk
Favorite school subject: World History
Problems with: Running for long distances
It turns out: treat injured
Dream: Become a doctor
Favorite Stone: Fluoritis (Plavik Spate)

Khotaru is a separate warrior Sailor Saturn. It is endowed with destructive power.
Khotaru 12 years. Lives in Tokyo with his father, Mom died when Hotaru was born. He studies in high school of his father, Professor Tomoe, Jacuen Muen. At school like lessons world History And it does not waste physical culture, as she herself is very weak and quickly tired. See you with Chibi-Usagi friends were not. Her classmates with caution belong to her gift to heal wounds. Now with her always girls with Usagi, ready to support in a difficult moment. It rarely walks, reads more, sitting at home. He is interested in collecting lamps. Does not like to charge and drink milk. She dreams of becoming a doctor as Ami, or a scientist, like her father, Professor Socychi Tomo. She sacrificed at the end of the 3 season to save the Earth from the coming of Pharaoh Nipenti, but Sailor Moon by his love saved her and she was releasing!
For the first time appeared in the 112nd episode.

Sailor Star Fighter:
Name: Ko Sayai (Sailor Warrior)
Birthday: July 30
Blood group: a
What does in the group: the main vocalist (additionally: playing the keys, writes texts, writes music)
Club membership: American football club
Hobbies: American Football
Favorite school subject: Physical
The most unloved school subject: literature
Favorite food: Hamburgers
Problems with: girls

Seja, like the remaining star warriors arrived on Earth from another galaxy in search of his princess. For him, no one existed, except the princess until he saw Usagi. One glance was enough to fall in love with her.
Love for Usagi was unclear for him; At first he thought she liked him only because she was similar to his princess. But, having acquainted with her closer, seeing her kindness, self-dedication and how much she loves her boyfriend, Seya realized that his feelings are real and he really loves the "donut". Despite the fact that Seiya knew that the heart of Usagi belongs to Mamoru, he was always next to her and supported her in a difficult moment.
On Earth, all three warriors, despite the fact that they were girls turned into guys and created the Three Lights group. Seya became a vocalist and guitarist of the group. He loves sports. The school played football, softball and basketball. He has a huge power of Will: He even Usagi taught to play softball.
Unlike his companions, Seiya is not able to have fun and take adoption for girls. I barely enter the classroom, he immediately began to flirt from Usagi. As with all the boys, he liked her to do, and when she began to be angry and shout, he did the kind that there is nothing at all.
He immediately did not have a relationship with Haruka. Partly due to the fact that Seiya loved to muggy with Michiru and constantly spit close to Usagi.
He first decided that the star soldiers followed to join Sailormun and her team. And although the external warriors and his friends opposed this, in the last battle they fought shoulder to shoulder. Even a strict Haruka, dying, taught Seyan to protect the lunar princess.
By defeating Galaxcia, star warriors and their princess flew to their planet to restore it.

Sailor Star Maker: (Sailor Creator)
Name: Taiki
Birthday: May 30
Blood Group: AB
What does in the group: Guitarist (additionally: Plays on the keys, writes texts) Club membership: Club in literature
Hobbies: Pych Declamation
Favorite school subject: Literature
The most unloved school subject: no
Favorite food: sushi ("SUSHI" - Rice cakes with filling from fish / seafood / caviar / greenery and wrapped in algae)
Problems with: disputes

Sailor Star Healer: (Sailor healer)
Name: To Yaten
Birthday: February 8
Blood Group: B
What does in the group: keyboard player (optional: arranger)
Club membership: graduation club
Hobbies: Photo
Favorite school subject: art
The most unloved school subject: physical education
Favorite food: caviar

For the first time appears: 173 series.
Sailor Star Healer is a beautiful girl with bright green eyes and ash white hair tied in a long tail. She is a protector of Princess Kakai, along with two girlfriends - warrior and the hardware. One day, Galaxia attacked from the planet Kinmoku, and Princess Kakiu was forced to run to the ground. Star warriors rushed to her searches, but could not find a princess. Therefore, they turned into men and created the boy group "three stars", as girls prefer to listen to men's groups. In the group - keyboard player. Additionally arrange.
Yaten (Healer's Earth Form) is very purposeful. He was never distracted by the mission to find a princess and even forgot what a dream is. But in 192, Minako series proved him that you can fulfill my dream, even when fulfilling the mission. In 178, Yaten became friends with a cat in the moon, but the very closest friends remained seia and taiki.
Phrase when: Yami Wo Kirissa Sassurai No Nagareboshi, Sailor Star Healer Stage ON!

Sailor / Princess Kakuuu

Kakuuu - Princess Planet Kinmoku. She is the same princess as Usagi. She also has a protector: Sailor Star Warper, Sailor Star Healer and Sailor Star Torteller. Once the Galaxia attacked the planet Kinmoku and destroyed it, but the princess managed to run to our planet the Earth, where she wanted to find the rest of Sailor-Warring to unite and resist Galaxia. Starlight-s flew over her, but not found. Then the star warriors turned into men and created the Three Lights boys group to find the princess, since the girls listen more men's groups. Sayia, Yatin and Thai wrote very beautiful songs that they are looking for Kakuu and thought she would not hear them. But the princess listened to their songs all this time, but could not appear, because Galaxia would immediately find it and would take her starry seed. And now it's time princess to appear. After the death of Sayler Sirena, the crow found a digitage diary, where it was written that Usagi and there is Sailor Moon. Then the crow attacked Tsukino and took her stellar seed. But so that no one tries to save her, the crow captured the secret weapon, the so-called "black hole". But Sailor Cat spoiled and released a black hole. In her "suspicious" to the crow and Usagi, but Chibi Chibi absorbed a black hole with a smoking room of the princess. And here, Kakuu slowly descends from the sky, holding on his hands not yet to the end of the Usagi. Starlight-s Madly happy, they fulfilled their mission, but at the final concert of the "three stars", Galaxia attacked and took the stellar seed of Princess Kakuu. Dying, she said that the warrant should find "Light of Hope", this is the only thing that can stop the Galaxcia.
When Usagi saved the Galaxy, Princess Kakyuu was resurrected and, together with his star warriors, returned to the planet Kinmoka to create a new world.

Season 1: Dark Kingdom

Queen Beryl:
Name: Queen Beryl
Age: twenty with something
Birthday: November 1
Loves: Anarchy, Pears and Chaos
HE Loves: Sailor Moon and Warriors in the sailors
Hobbies: peeping, spying and sabotage
Special advantages: ability to control subordinates
Favorite food: liver
Favorite color: black
Favorite animal: Scorpio
Favorite topic for conversation: how to take possession of the world

Beryl was the Government of the Dark Kingdom and right hand Metal, while she was still weak. She wanted to revive the old metal forces and enslave the solar system again. In addition, she wants to take revenge Sailor Moon and sailor warriors for the past defeat. In the times of the Silver Millennium, she was in love with Prince Edyimion and jealous of him to the lunar princess. After in the present Momor, it was wounded in a battle with a tioity, she ordered to bring the wounded to himself, erased his memory and put him under the influence of the power of evil. Beryl is an impatient and ruthless government. With failures, she does not even try to understand the guilty and very strictly punishable. Her strength is very large, but the body is very weak. In the final battle, after entering it roses Edimion, the queen is rejected to ask for help from metal. After the union, she received a chunk power, but despite this, Sailor Moon, she also princess Seleniti, won Beryl with a silver crystal.
- Shots with negative energy in the form of lightning driving out of the palms.
Magic abilities:
- Teleportation of others (item or man dissolve in the air and appear elsewhere)
- Telekiev (moves things with thought)

Create illusions
- immerse people in eternal sleep (a person is a piece of crystal)
- Reflection of magical attacks
Weapons / Magic Things:
- Wand
- Crystal ball (through it observes what is happening on earth)
- the camera of the dark forces (with its help you can erase a memory and control it, in such a way, endimion got into the dark kingdom network)

4 Lords of Dark Kingpeva:

Lord Kunsite:
Attacks: Measurement game, Energy Management, UM appeal.
Clothing: differs significantly from the form of other lords. Golubo-gray nipple on the chest unzipped, long pants under the color of the nurse. No boots, but ordinary boots wearing feet. On the shoulders will throw a white cloak.
Appearance: Long silver hair, narrow bluish-gray eyes, dark skin.
Features: often referred to as the Ice King. The most powerful and judicial from the lords. Owns powerful magic. Able to control itself. Good strategist and tactic. Gord. Ruthless.
First, Kunsite appears in front of the Queen Beryl only with the tioity. Only when the search for rainbow crystals was practically finished, he volunteered to help the tide. According to Plan, Kunsite was supposed to capture and retain Sailor-warriors, but Sailor Venus who appeared unexpectedly appeared.
The following task was assigned to both Lordam. They had to deliver the Taxed Mask to the Dark Kingdom and get seven rainbow crystals. Mamoru was able to capture, but the rainbow crystals prewing into a silver crystal remained at Sailor Moon.
Zeisite broke the ban of Queen Beryl, for which she was destroyed. He died on Kangcite's hands. After that, Kuncite, having Sailor Moon and Taxedo Mask, decided to take revenge on the death of a friend.
In the 36 series Kunsite gets a task to find out who Sailor Moon and take the silver crystal from it. It was necessary to carry out the order in collaboration with a dark endimion, but permanent rivalry led to failure of all plans. The methods incented by Kunsayt were slyers and diverse. For the first time it was a hairdresser, where Sailor Moon could figure out the lost hairs. Then - the School of Princesses, a ski competition for the title of lunar princess, a learral of figure skating, using the best friend Minako ... However, no of these plans was destined to be completed.
In the end, Sailor-soldiers themselves reached the dark kingdom, at the entrance to which Kangcite was met. Lord sent them to multi-dimensional chaos, but the warriors were able to get out, in addition, remembering their past. Kunsayt died, defending entrance to the dark kingdom.

Lord Jedite:
Jedit was the first Lord of the Dark Kingdom. Queen Beryl sent him to earth so that he would collect the energy of people to awaken the queen of metal and the destruction of warriors in the sailors. The Jedite was an illusionist and possessed the ability of Telekins. He took the energy from his victims and subordinate them to himself. After Sailor Mars and Sailor Mercury joined Sailor Moon, the Queen of Beryl, angry with his constant failures, gave Jadeite the last chance to justify themselves. And then the Jedite lured people (among them there were warriors in sailors) to the airport, where with the help of telekinease orders the aircraft to attack defenseless people. It was then that he finds out who Sailor-Warfish is actually. After the defeat, returned to the queen Beryl, he wanted to tell her all, but she did not listen and immersed him in eternal sleep.

Lord Nephritis:
In the dark kingdom is the position of commander of the North American region. The second of the heavenly kings who had to face Sailor-Warps, and at first he asked for participation in the operation. However, Queen Beryl refused to him in this and gave the last chance of Jadeita (which he failed with a crash). Nephritis criticizes Yum Jadeita and its methods to perform tasks, believing that sand-dolls are too weak and stupid, and the plans of the Jadeitis are too soft and closed with stretched.
This truly enters the game after the death of the Jedge. His task is all the same collection of energy for the Queen of Metal, the search for a silver crystal and the destruction of Sailor-Warring. To fulfill its tasks, uses its shadows that take the appearance of people, as well as can enjoy in a person or subject (for example, in a mannequin).
Appearance: Long Curly Dark Hair and Dark Eyes. Earrings-buttons. Wears a gray poult with dark edge and black pants, tired in high boots. Hands - short gloves.
Favorite Pose: Stand, arms crossed on the chest.
Configuous age 19 years. He fell in love without waiting for the Usagi's girlfriend and died to protect it.

Lord Zoisite:
One of the four celestial kings subordinate to the queen Beryl. It appears in anime simultaneously with jade, but no enemy feelings feel it, rather, on the contrary - they are going on for the fate of Jadeita. Enters the game after the death of jade. His task is to find Sailor Moon and pick up a silver crystal.
May reflect the attacks of Sailor of the Warring, turning them against the attacker. From the hands of the tskitis, ice crystals grow, which are his weapon.
Appearance: Long, wavy disobedient blond hair collected in a low horse tail. Green eyes, a very feminine face (successfully mastered under a woman). Wears a long gray cuitel, dark pants refilled in high boots.
During the Silver Millennium, he served as an earthly prince to endimion. However, the metal was warm and switched to the side of evil. He led one of the units of the Dark Kingdom army during the attack on the moon.
Zoisite is the youngest of the four commander, it is approximately 16-17 years old. He is a familiar baby. Kunsite treated him as QC younger brother. It uses dirty attack methods.

Season 2: Other

Eil (Sayjuro Jining)
For the first time appears: 47 episode
Voiced: Midorikawa Hikaru
Possible translation of the name: Two kandzi used for the "Ginga" surname mean "Milky Way" or "Galaxy". In the name of the first kanzi "SEI" means "star", the second kanji "Juu" means "ten", and the third kanji "ROU" means "recalculation of sons".

Anna (Natsui Jean)
For the first time appeared: 47 episode
Voiced: touma yumi
Possible translation of the name: Possible translation of the name: Two kandzi used for the Surname "Ginga" mean "Milky Way" or "Galaxy". In the name of the first kanji "Natsu" means "summer", and the second kanji "mi" is "beauty".


After the victory over the dark kingdom, the warriors lost memory and lived calmly and happily. But one day, or rather it would be to say the night, a strange meteorite fell to the ground. The next morning, after the incident, two new things arrive at the school girls: brother and sister. This is Sayjuro Jining and Natsui Jing.
All girls of the school fall in love with Sayjuro, because he plays perfectly on the flute. And the Sayjuro himself starts at first glance, the Usagi likes, which is very annoying his sister Natsui. However, Natsui and herself "goes to the side", ending with Mamor and falling in love with him. But Mamorra already has a girl - Usagi, and therefore he does not pay attention to the new one. Natsui begins to hate Usagi. Sayjuro has a similar problem - Usagi is in love with Mamor, and there is no place for Sejoro in her heart. Because of this, the seitoro hates his rival. The case is finally spoiled by Makoto, who took the sejoro for the Knight of the lunar light and began to care for him.
Almost simultaneously with the landing of the meteorite and the arrival of new things, the dales begin to attack people again. The moon has to return to the girls memory. But the demons are very strong, and the warriors are already harder to cope with them.
In the end, it turns out that new not so simple, as it seemed at first sight. They are aliens with another planet, Eil and Anna, who arrived on Earth in order to steal energy from people. But, unlike the dark kingdom, the energy was required by them not to capture power, but in order to extend the life of the tree of the dark world, which was their mother.
During the final battle of the warranty heard the sad story of Eil and Anna from the tree itself.
Long ago on one planet there was a lonely tree in the midst of the endless ocean. But the tree became boring, and it decided to create premium creatures with pointed ears, like Eil and Anna. There were a lot of these creatures, and they lived happily, but not long. The family began to be discorded, grew into war. The children themselves destroyed their planet, and only Eil and Anna were saved, capturing a tree with him. All the subsequent time they walked around the space in search of a new home, and stopped on Earth.
Eil and Anna collected energy with the help of demons that did not differ in particularly reality. Most often, they could distort only their name, well, shout "cleansing" before turning into a charred card. In this part, the demons were called "Cardian", because they called them with the help of tarot cards. Anna made a map, and Eil released a demon from her using the game on the flute.
But despite all the efforts of their children, the tree of the dark world is all chashlo and Chakhlo. How many energy would not collect Eil and Anna, she did not help. And the tree could not more endure that his own children do not notice that he really needed. He needs the energy of love of her children. And the tree decides to kill those who created.
Here Eil is driven into the corner, and the angry tree is preparing to kill him. But Anna closes his Eil's body from attack and admits that he always loved only him. And then, Eil understands that he loved only Anna, and not Usagi, but it's too late to change anything, and Anna dies in his arms. Eil is repent, and therefore the tree of the dark world revives Anna, and the silver crystal turns the tree into a young sprout, giving the aliens a chance to start all over again. Eil and Anna take a sprout and fly to look for a new empty planet on which a new home can be established.
Interesting fact:
Children of the tree - Eil (Earl) and Anna (Ann). Apparently, such names were given to them to make a possible game of words: "Earl" in Japanese pronounced "Eil", and together with "Ann" ("Ann") is obtained by "Alien" ("Alien from Cosmos").

Season 2 (Part 2): Brotherhood of the Dark Moon

The history of the Brotherhood of the Dark Moon

In the thirtieth century, the world will be immersed in sleep. And only the Neo-Queen of Selenite will be able to awaken it. It will create a utopia, known as Crystal Tokyo.
However, to live there, the people of the Earth should have been purified by silver crystal. There were also those who did not want to do this, and they rebelled. Together with the endimine of Seleniti defeated the uprising. Those who still refused to obey her left the land and did not hear about them until the dark moon was attacked.
All this time, the attackers lived on a tenth planet of the solar system, a dark nemesis, black opposites of the moon. That is why no one knew about their existence. Meanwhile, people who lived there were united in their own civilization, called the Brotherhood of the Dark Moon (as well as the Black Moon clan, the Dark Moon Family, the Brotherhood of the Black Moon, the Dark Moon clan, etc. There are many translations of this name to Russian , But no one came to a common opinion. On our site we will call them the brotherhood of the Dark Moon.) Their ancestors swore to take revenge on the devils for the visited misfortunes.
It is quite unexpected when the silver crystal disappeared, the dark moon attacked the inhabitants of the Earth. The only hope of Earthlings were Sailor Warper, who agreed to create a shield around the palace. Endimion was injured in the attack, but the keeper's warriors managed to save and put on the neo-Queen of Seleniti, and they themselves died in a battle with a dark moon. Crystal Tokyo was destroyed. Little lady storing a silver crystal (and she did not guessed it), Sailor Pluto sent for the help of the Senche from the past (ie, our real). To catch and kill the baby, pick her silver crystal from her and thus prevent the occurrence of Crystal Tokyo in the 20th century, the pursuit was sent.

Prince Almaz:
Almaz - Senior in the Brotherhood of the Dark Moon. He helped create dark gates, led the attack on Crystal Tokyo and organized a hunt for Chibi Usagi. But all this forced to do his sage. The sage manipulated a diamond, growing in it hate to earthlings. After all, it was the earthlings that the genus of Diamond on Nemesis - a cold and uninhabited planet. The dream of Almaz was only prosperous and quiet life for their people, but the sage convinced him that this could only be achieved by the war with the Earth.
Prince Almaz was in love with the Neo-Queen of Seleniti, but she did not respond to his feelings of reciprocity. Seleniti and endimion could not stop the attack of Nemesis ships. Chairman of the Future - Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Venus sent the daughter of Queen and King - Young lady - To the gates of the time that Sailor Pluto guarded, so that Pluto would protect the heir to the throne. The warrior themselves combined their strength to protect the neo-Queen, which was already injured when she closed his daughter with her body from attacking diamond. Only thanks to the four warriors, the palace still held back the onslaught of enemies, and, in the end, the minions of the Dark Moon were pushed. They did not remain anything else, as with disgrace to turn to flight.

But the sage could not serve defeats. He persuaded the diamond attack on Tokyo in the past (that is, in our present) and, finding the baby, kill her. But the expedition of the rubingus and sisters-pursuers was not crowned with success. As long as they chased Chibi Usagi, Almaz saw Sailor Moon and found out her beloved in her - Neo-Queen. Then he decided to intervene in the course of the battle, not paying attention to the indignation of Sapphire and Emerald.
Diamond had a huge force. He could, like a sage, subordinate to the will of people to himself. He hypnotized them, while his black crescent on the forehead turned into a third eye from which dark energy flowed. Therefore, when the diamond appeared before the warripers, they could not undertake anything. The hypnotized sailor moon followed the diamond, and they disappeared together.
They moved to the palace of Almaz on Nemesis, and there he finally understood that Sailor Moon is his seleniti. Then he decided that he would not give it to anyone and

Description of seasons

First season.

The first part includes the first 46 episodes. She goes under the name "Sailormun, Moon in a sailor pack"

"Hi, my name is Usagi Zucino. I am 14 years old and I study in the second grade of college!"
So this series begins.
On this day, the baths as usually slept and rushed to school with screams ... On the way, she saw that the children were tormented by a cat and decided to help. She saved the cat and removed the plaster of that from his forehead, it turned out the cat there was a crescent. Then, frightened a strange view of the Bunny's cat rushing to school. On the same day, she meets the opposite boy of Chiba Mamoru, in which he got his control ... Their relationship for the first season is quite funny ... Then the cat comes home to the baths and it turns out that the cat is not so simple - she says !!! Her name of the moon. She tells the baths that she is Sailor Warrior. And from that time, the Bunny begins to fight as a fighter for the good and justice of Sailor Moon. She didn't like it very much ... Bunny like to sleep more and eat, yes comics to read, but she is generally afraid of the demons. But the mysterious will comes to the rescue of our heroine and helps her. Of course she falls in love with him ... Then, with strange circumstances, she meets another 4 soldiers of the planets solar system- Mars, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, who make up the Sailor Sense team. Their task is to find the lunar princess and a silver crystal. But who might think that both they will find in a simple Usagi Zucino, which is their future queen. The dark kingdom sends his demons behind the sacred crystal, but the princess of Serenity, the world saves his love, resurrecting his girlfriends who donated their lives for her. But everything is not so simple, because they lost memory ...

Second season.

The second part includes a series from 47 to 89. She goes under the name "Sailormun again with us" (SailorMoon R).

First part. The history of the tree of the dark world.
Usagi, girls and takshedo - resurrected. They live as ordinary peopleBecause they completely forgotten everything. Moon and Artemis are always there, they are watching them. The moon is a bit sad, from the fact that they all forgotten, but it will not for a long time! The threat arose again! New enemies from space arrived on Earth. These are children of the dark tree - Eyl and Anna - they travel through space in search of a new home and energy, and now they find the earth. They flew not with a peaceful goal, but became barbaric methods to abduct vital energy of people. Moon cats had to awaken Sailorov's memory, and new battles began. Sometimes tougher than in death. The demons were stronger .... Sailormoon and the rest of the warriors, fighting with them moving to the next step and get a new, more powerful force. In addition, they were able to instruct the "aliens" on the way true and with a purified sprout of the dark wood, they went back to space in search of a new home.

The most interesting thing is that only Cailers remembered their past, and the poor MoMer was so kidden. Lucky guy on various amnesia. Probably under a lucky star born!

The second part of. The history of the kind of dark moon.
The battles are over again, but ... can not have everything smoothly from our heroes. At first, Usagi torments some strange premonition, and then from the sky on her and Mamoru (at the most inappropriate time - when they kissed) a little pink-haired girl falls. She dwells from the future. This 6 year old girl, very similar to Usagi. And for her and new enemies - with the dark moons of Nemesis. They hunt for a silver crystal and no matter from the future he or from the past, only he can prevent them from capturing the earth. With the acquaintance, she "introduced" the Bunny. The girl was the future daughter of Usagi and Mamorra - a little lady, flew from the future to find help. At her city of the future, people from the Black Moon attacked, and captured Crystal Tokyo, as well as her parents (Queen Serreniti and Prince Anddimion), who no other, like Bunny and Mamor in the future. But they will learn about it almost at the very end. Sailormun helps her save the world of the future, and saves the baby from the dark power of the mezesis. Saving her Sailormoon and her friends were able to save 4 sisters with Nemesis, who decided to live in the world with earthlings. But the enemy is a cunning and a dark sage was able to beat the head of the baby Usagi, turning it into a dark lady. The land was on the verge of destroying, but the love and courage of her future parents and girlfriends helped to return the baby and defeat the power of two silver crystals of the servant of the wisely. The land was saved and the baby Usagi went home - back to the future.
Neo Queen in this part performed the role of sleeping beauty ... Probably remembered how they did not give her the role to play and decided to tear off :))

Third season.

The third part includes a series from 90 to 127. It is called the Sailormoon SailorMoon S).
In the midship of the mission.
This part begins with the fact that the rei began to dream of strange dreams about the death of the Earth. In addition, the new enemy appeared, hunting for pure hearts. In them, he hopes to find talismans, which they will be able to get a sacred grail. At the head, Dr. Tomoy - Head of the Muen School, whose graduates - "Witches" help him in search of. In addition to the enemy, new soldiers of Uranus and Neptun hunt the talismans. Sailormoon cannot afford to suffer to innocent people, for this she had to go to a new level of force again. After many searches and battles it turned out that two talismans were in the hearts of the Uranus - the Space Sword, and Neptune - the mirror. The third talisman was in the rod of Pluto. Pluto knew how to call the Grail. After his appearance it turned out that Sailormoon did not know how to manage, but his strength turned her in a stronger SailorMoon Super war. Leaving the Grail to storing Sailormoon The external warriors began to search for the mission. In their search, they accidentally found Hotaru - Professor's daughter there and the Sailor Saturn turned out. In many ways, this happened thanks to the friendship with her baby Usagi, who returned to the past to study and in search of Duzia. Little lady is not the same, now she can also fight, turning into Sailor Chibi Moon. The Hotaro was the Messiah of Darkness, in addition to their will, and only thanks to the general efforts and her friendship with the baby Usagi, they could save the Earth from a terrible catastrophe. Sailor Moon cleared Hotaru and now Saturn became a baby. Dr. Tomo became an ordinary person and his new life began with his daughter.

Fourth season.

The fourth part includes a series from 128 to 166. It is called "Sailorum Super S Series".

History of Pegasus.
On the day of complete solar eclipse on Earth, the tent of the circus is descended, but it turned out that it was new enemies. For a long time, no one paid attention to this, only strange creatures began to attack people in Tokyo. This was first there was someone from the Amazonian trio, then from the Amazon Quartet, and the master of church was headed by their actions. They were looking for a man, in the dreams of which Pegasus hid. The fourth season more tells us about the baby's bass than about Sailormun. Here we are talking About Pegasus, who is a baby in dreams. This is a magical winged unicorn, which is looking for non-adequate, and her servants: zirconium, Amazonian trio and Amazonian quartet. He hides in the dreams of people, and they have to look for them with the help of demons that have a dream mirror in people, looking for a golden mirror in which Pegasus hides.
In fact, Pegasus is a boy, Helios, whose horn is nothing more than a gold crystal, which is so looking for enemies. He gives warriors extra forces so that they oppose evil and they become super warriors in the sailors.
There are no external warriors in this part, but the little katens of the bass appears, which turns out to be the daughter of the Moon and Artem. Strange feelings arise between the baby and Helios. He saves at the end of Serenity and the baby, who almost dying. They defeat the unhelm, and concluded it somewhere between the worlds, where she forgets about their problems and on warriors in the sailors.

Yeah ... very strange - I did not think that Helios and Pegasus can be viewed as one whole ... but well, everything happens!

Fifth season.

The fifth part includes a series from 167 to 200. It is called "Sailormun Sailor Stars series."

Revenge of non-advice
Wars already thought that it was peaceful time ... Setsuna takes Hotaru, which is growing rapidly and sees the vision of the death of Serenity. Girls entered the highest school. Baby Usagi was going to return to the future, but she was prevented by meteoric rain. Someone freed the unhealthy and now she is eager for mens. Felnings breaks the dream mirror. His dark fragments fly to the ground with the rain meteorite. Those in whom the fragments of "get sick" unknown Disease! They look in the mirror all the time! One of the fragments falls into the eyes of Mamor, when he and girls follow the future to the baby. Mamorra more and more goes into herself, surrounding the mirrors. Feline abducts him and Usagi rushes to help. Usagi alone goes to the kingdom of non-adequate, and the warriors catch up with her, but all their non-adeces will sharpen in their mirrors. Warriors from the side watched their princess fighting. They wanted to help her, but the mirror did not give a chance to get out. There were tears on their cheeks. Already exhausted Usagi sorry, she forgave her the pain that she causing her. Usa realized how hard he was in the heart, because she was alone. Sailor Moon's power released Mamorry, warriors. Then the whole team collected energy and handed it to the princess. Now she became the eternal Sailor Moon. Using his strength, Usagi returned to the fault in the past, and all the past events for non-adequate seemed to sleep. She finally gained friends, now she is happy. All warriors are happy that everything is so good! But everything turned out to be much more difficult. After all, someone seal with non-ads ... Who was it?
Just Alice in the Looking Game ...

Sailorman Sailor Stars.
Warriors live peacefully. Usagi became more serious (as far as possible ...) Mamorra flies to America, and in Japan a new pop group appears in Japan. Baby returns to the future and Usagi really misses her. There are strange things in the city. New enemies appear, also Sailor Warriors, who are supervised by Sailor Galaxia. She hunt for star seeds. Three fires are also not ordinary artists. This is also sailor warriors, only from another world. They are looking for their princess that fled to the ground. But everything is not so simple. External warriors against the friendship of three lights and warriors in the sailors. It would be simple if Seia, one of the members of the group, would not love Usagi.
In the Osagi family, too, replenishment is a little sister Chibi Chibi, who also becomes a small warrior. Gradually, everything comes so far that the warriors die, leaving Usaga one. The princess of three lights prays to trust Sailormun and dies. Now there are four warrings left, which are obliged to destroy Galaxcia. But after all, she is not entirely to blame, because Hosh wounded it ... And the soul went to the true warrior, revived in a little girl with an exango in the form of hearts. The light of hope revived Sailormoon, when everything would seem lost. The light of hope suggested to destroy the Galaxcia. But Usagi did in his own way, she did not fight against the Great Warrior, because Galaxcia was a victim of chaos, sharpened in it. She believed that he could return her.
Sailormoon saved Galaxcia and returned all the girlfriends, Mamorra and Chibichibi - everyone who died from the hands of Chaos. All stars of grain returned to the universe. This means that all soldiers of the universe also revived. And Starlights, saying goodbye to new friends on Earth, went together with their princess home. The world reigned on Earth. How long?....

At first glance, it is noticeable that this cartoon belongs to someone else's Asian culture, completely unacceptable for a normal person with a European mentality (not applies to marginal youth). Drawing, expression of individuals, the rest of the details are all someone else's. And even if there are no corpses and blood in the frame, some wild cruelty is simply felt, which is most amazing.

As a child, I saw a lot of cartoons (including American), but the most unpleasant memories were from Japanese. Although in those days they were still just beginning to be imported, there was censorship that did not miss an obvious meat grinder. Matured, I learned a lot interesting facts. For example, that Japan is the only country that has officially used suicide bombs and even producing special "man-rockets" and "man-torpedoes." They also own a priority in the most prior arts over prisoners of war (even to Germans) and in the "ecological terror" (an attempt to arson the US forests by balloons), and the first large-scale use of bacteriological weapons. It is not worth mentioning about the attacks without declaring war - for noble samurai is the norm, they are just so fighting. The Japanese went into the course of all that they had, having spoiled on all laws of war, so what are they indignant that the Americans did the same, throwing atomic bomb on them?

And now, attention! The people, in cruelty and frosting surrounding everyone (except the Arab terrorists) makes cartoons for children - it's just a black humor! No, for young scumbags, daily appearing in a criminal chronicle (a pensioner scored to death or a little girl raped) completely comes. Any anime and other Japanese product is just for them. But I meant the normal children.

Farless no sentimental Americans also scolded for cruelty in children's cartoons, but they have a little thing. If the aircraft is knocked down in the "miracles on the devices", then the pilot on the parachute is defined. And in the Japanese "ghost ship" (two hundred and twenty years before) anything like that - the drift is so drip. By the way, it may have been the first cartoon where European audience saw the corpse.

And what this cruelty japanese culture Directed on foreigners (the Japanese is rarely killed by each other, the criminogenic environment is not very sharp there) the essence does not change.

What is still noticeable "Sailor Moon" is noticeable, so it's the fact that some kind of unnecessary female company is fighting for the first time here, and the role of men is radically less than in all past cartoons. In Japan, homosexual traditions were much more developed than in Europe or the United States, therefore they have priority in this matter. Although, of course, there are also closely there are no such heights of Lesbian civilization as in the "FEEE" and other modern cartoons that previously spoke.

In Anime "Sailor Moon", the characters of the first and second plan are quite bright personalities. The animated series has already been published in the mid-90s, and in 2014 he decided to reconcile him. At the same time, the characters did not lose their attractiveness, on the contrary, in the new graphic shell they look even more beautiful. All of them pursue their goals in the fabulous universe and follow their own principles.

Main heroine and her close

In the Serial Moon's Multiserial Animation TV series, the main character is the name of Usagi Zucino. She was the most ordinary schoolguard until he met the speaking cat Moon. The magic animal endowed the girl with the ability to turn into the same name with the anime warrior and getting much power. She uses all his skills to protect families, close people and friends from different evil forces.

Among other anime characters "Sailor Moon" closest to Usagi is Mamoru Chiba. This guy is studying in college and after a children's car accident received the opportunity to predicate events in the future. It can turn into a lunar light knight, which makes it a powerful fighter. The fate of these two characters was intertwined in such a way that they became her husband and wife, and soon they had a daughter called Chibius. This bold girl at one time go back to the salvation of parents, and later wishes to become a warrior.

The following warriors

In this series, not only the main heroine has forces. There are eight characters with such capabilities, and one of them is Ray Hino, she is Sailor Mars. The girl is a servant of the temple of Hikawa and may even translate evil spirits from people thanks to their skills from people. By the nature of the heroine reminds more than a teenager with interests to pop culture, the dreams become a model and marry beautiful man. It is studying in a Catholic school for girls, but it does not want to become a monk. After transformation, it is possible to control the forces of fire. In battle I. everyday life She always helps two crow - Phobos and Dimimos.

Sailor Mercury, unlike Mars, is quite modest, quiet, but incredible smart girl. It was her main heroine that found the first and took to his team. The real name of this girl ammi Midzuno. She always had problems with acquiring friends who considered a smart classmate too arrogant. In fact, she is just shy, and it is difficult for her to correctly express their emotions. Her main dream is that to learn to the doctor and work in the field of medicine, where the level IQ 300 may become incredibly useful. When it turns into a warrior, it gets the ability to control the element of water.

Jupiter and Venus

Warrior Sailor Jupiter is real name Makoto movies, and it is the strongest of the whole team in terms of physical abilities. For the girl she has an impressionable growth and a strong physique. The parents of the heroine died in a plane crash, and since then she lives alone. She has a fear of aircraft, but otherwise she is always able to stand up for himself. Macoto perfectly owns karate and meets the main heroine when the hooligans attacked. After transformation into the warrior it is available to lightning control. This powerful element is suitable for strong character Heroine, and she always enjoys her for the battle of enemies.

Sailor Venus is not similar to Makoto, because it is a rather fragile and cheerful girl. Her forces opened the cat Artemis, and he also showed her his own castle in the orbit of the planet. Over time, Minako Aino (real name of the heroine) became the defender of the Earth and joined the Usagi team. In Anime, the authors made her a prehistory associated with England and an acquaintance with an officer Interpol Catharina. At the same time, its character remains as cheerful, and all viewers can be convinced of this. Minako loves physical education and all kinds of sports, along with this tolerate cannot be to study mathematics and languages.

Love line

Michiru Kayo in Anime is a warrior Sailor Neptune and is considered almost the oldest of all characters. In the entire history of its existence, she had different forms, transformation and strength regimes. In the current reincarnation, the girl is incredibly talented violinist and artist. Her performances and paintings are already known to the whole world, but for Michiru Kayo, it is precisely the protection of the Universe as Sailor-Warrior. Water for her main way to relax, and swimming is used by the heroine to restore forces. Its power is the power of the ocean - a wide variety of attacks of deep waters, which are much stronger than the elements of Sailor Mercury.

After meeting, Sailor Uran Kayo immediately fell in love with his future companion of life, and together they began to fight the enemies of their solar system. Haruka's girl Tanno answered her reciprocity and glad was a meeting with a pleasant and strong Michiru. It is an external warrior and is interfered with speed. In battle, uses his powerful cosmic sword, with which it makes incredibly strong blows. About her family, preferences and tastes are not known anything. Haruka Tanno behaves hidden, although it always works selflessly in command battles. The girl is characterized by force and simply proves his power in the fights.

Pluto and Saturn

In the animated TV series "Sailor Moon", the characters have their duties, and the Girl-Warrior Pluto named Satsun Mayo is no exception. Its main responsibilities include tracking space-time gates, and without its permission, no one is allowed to pass through them. Because of his work, the girl often suffers from loneliness. In the series, she becomes a man for a while - a university student. She is very interested in physics and studies her every way. It is often remembered about it as a all-knowing goddess, at least such Satsun does not consider.

Reincarnation left her trace in terms of emotionality. It became more open, but still rarely expresses emotions. He loves to take care of sailor-baby. In Anime "Sailor Moon", the last of the warriors is Stotarom Tomoe (Sailor Saturn). Even before the awakening of the strength, she knew how to heal any wounds and tried to help people. Instead of gratitude, they were afraid of her and tried to avoid. In school for gifted children, where he was the director of Father Hotza, the heroine had no friends. Her first girlfriend became Chibius, which became an important event In Tomoe's life. This little girl on the way to his forces was a victim of a demon, was forced to let the power of evil in his body, and later came to the care of the team's other soldiers.

Cats as mentors

If the characters "Sailor Moon" from the category of warriors look usually, then the cat-mentors immediately attract attention. There are three of them three - Moon, Artemis and Diana. On their forehead they have crescents that marks them eternal life. The first of them, the moon, after the fall of the kingdom of the princess, Serenity was sent to the ground, where Zsagi Tsukino found. She told her that she was hidden for the strength of a reborn warrior. The cat helped the main character to awaken them in himself and start the path of the defender of the solar system.

Artemis became the main companion and mentor Sailor Venus. He told the girl about her fate and became a faithful companion in all future battles. This cat has more complete memories of his life in the silver millennium, and he does not care at all in honor of one greek goddessEven if this often resembles Minako.

The Moon and Artemis has a daughter - a young cat Diana. In the anime "Sailor Moon" it appears only after the 133rd episode. Diana appears when parents begin to quarrel due to the suspicion of the Moon in the treason of their husband. When Chibius becomes sailor baby, Diana joins it as a mentor and keeper. She quickly made friends with the daughter of the main character and helped her in every way in different situations.

Family of the main heroine

In the anime "Sailor Moon" at the main heroine of Usagi Zucino there is a family on Earth. Her mother name is Ikuko and she is typical woman older years. Often it is shown preparing food or a barrier daughter for the fact that she has enough low estimates at school. Despite this, Usagi is in close relationship with the mother, and this can be seen in a variety of different scenes. The Father Defenders of the Earth works as a regular reporter in the journal. In the course of the narration, he receives the position of chief editor. It appears quite rarely on the screen, and it is explained by its permanent business trials associated with work. You can see it in an additional episode with the wedding of Usagi, where the man was voiced and he had her replicas.

The main heroine is not the only child in the family. She has an even younger brother named Singo Tsukino - an annoying and cynical guy who knows the secret about transformation into a warrior of his sister. His strongly attracts urban legends about the girls sailor, their forces and opportunities. He is the younger sister for about three or four years, only good grades receive at school. Among his other hobbies, you can note the reading of books and video games, which are often shown in the series. In the family he is a white crow, because it does not behave like parents with her sister.

Families of other warrior

The animated series "Beauty-Warrior Sailor Moon" flew by the families of two other warriors. Ami Midzuno has a mother and father, which is mentioned in the plot. They divorced another a few years before the narrative story began. The mother is called Sao, and she works as a doctor in the main clinic of the city. The series almost does not appear under the guise of what is constantly engaged in patients. Her personality, principles, character and self-dedication greatly influenced the identity of Ami Midzuno. It was the work of the mother who became the main incentive in the fact that the girl began to strive to strive to become a doctor.

She also has a father, but it never appears on the screen and only sometimes sends his paintings as a gift. Ray Hino also has grandfather and father who always support her. The name of the dad in the series "Sailor Moon" in Russian Takasi, and it works as a politician of a democratic liberal party. He is always busy with his work and pays incredibly little time for his daughter. All the upbringing of the girl he entrusted his grandfather that was the ideas of Takasi Khino. His name is never mentioned, at least later it turns out that this elderly man with a mustache and a beard is a keeper of one of the seven parts of the silver crystal. Father visits a daughter only for his birthday, gives a bouquet of Casablanca lilies and a white dress.

Best girlfriend and smart classmate

The animated series "Beauty-Warrior Sailor Moon" among the secondary characters highlights the Osaka - the best friend of Usagi, which is compassionate. The girl knows about the secret of Tsukino, because it once with the help of transformation, he protected a voyage from hooligans. Especially strong, Osaka marked in a secondary love line with jade. The guy responded to strong feelings, but soon he learned about the death of his beloved. This fact relieved her depressed, and she even lost a desire to live further. Over time, she was able to recover and even started at the end of the show to meet with a new guy, Gurio Umino.

According to the surveys of the audience, the nephery is pretty popular Character. Another noticeable minor hero is the most Umenino who studies with girls in one class. This guy notices any trifle and knows about all incidents in the city. New school students, all sorts of rumors, any noticeable information - all this he reports Usagi Tsukino, and for this the main heroine appreciates him. In the form of Gurio a rather attractive person, if he shoots his favorite spiral glasses, which are a symbol of his outstanding mind.

Other personalities

In the animation series "Sailor Moon" 7 season and all previous ones there have appeared a huge number of passing personalities. Among them, not everyone is remembered to the audience, but some worthy of attention. The first in the list is worth noting the teacher Harun Hosada, who teaches lessons in the class of main heroine. A woman behaves in childish, has an eccentric character and always forgives their tricks.

The same list includes Yumiko and smokers - girls who are always mistaken near the main character and consider it their girlfriend. They can be noticed when the warrior find Usagi for a new business, then they quickly run away in their affairs.

The character of Ryu Urava appears only in two series, but is remembered by the ability to see the future and love in Ami Midzuno. For the sake of attraction of her attention was able to beat the heroine school rating ratings.

Among other characters also appear classmates Chibius. Some of them cause disgust, others, on the contrary, are attracted by kindness and dedication. Often they are not remembered due to the fact that they appear quite rarely and are lost among the set scenes with warriors.

For seven seasons, several dozen heroes appeared on the screen. Each viewer will be able to choose for himself a beloved of the total number of people. Start watching the series right now.

From the moment the Anime "Sailor Moon" is released, the characters literally captured the minds of girls in Japan, and a little later, and around the world. The reasons for such popularity can be called several, but the main thing is that the heroines are very diverse and "life". Every girl can find among them the one that is most like her.

Briefly about the plot

Tokyo lives seven of the most common schoolgirls with their concerns, problems and joy. However, they have one secret that united such seemingly different in the nature of adolescents. All of them, when the earth threatens the demons from other planets, can turn into "warriors in sailors" and fight the villains. One of them is Usagi (Bunny) Tsukino, the main heroine Anime "Sailor Moon", becomes the leader of the team. She learned about his abilities, having met the Major Cat Moon, who spoke about her purpose.

In the first of five seasons, courageous warriors face a group of demons, calling themselves the "dark kingdom". Taking energy from people, the demons gradually gain strength, and only Usagi with their friends can interfere with their girlfriends. To do this, they need to find magic rainbow crystals. If you collect all these crystals, you can find great power, and therefore it is impossible to make them getting into the hands of demons.

However, it turns out that in the hunt for crystals there is a third party - a mysterious warrior in a mask named Toksedo Mask. As is found in most "Girls" Anime, Sailor Moon itself falls in love with Toksedo. This character, however, is trying to find crystals not to help warriors, but with its own goals.

Although in the end, the "lunar team" girls warriors manage to defeat these demons, in each of the four next seasons, the enemies are threatened with other planets, so Sailor Moon, her friends and toxado mask have to stand at the guard of good justice.


Perhaps those who have never looked anime will become a question: what is he, a typical character "Sailor Moon"? What's this? This definition is very difficult, because all the main characters are very different in nature, habits and appearance. However, one thing can be said for sure: the heroes of this anime are the most ordinary schoolgirls Tokyo, possessing supernatural forces.

main characters

The main leading plot, the heroine in Sailor Moon five. All of them are schoolgirls with different characters and various prehistory, who united the mission to save the Earth's Enemies ("We carry good and justice" - here are their motto). Each of the warriors in the sailors patronizes its heavenly body - Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus. This partly determines their character and combat abilities.

Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon)

The name of this bright and childish is a naive fourteen-year-old girl translates as a "lunar hare." It even looks like a bunny, especially due to the fact that the hair will turn the hair in 2 characteristic tails resembling the bold ears.

Merry and carefree Usagi (which in the first seasons of Anime call Bunny) does not like to learn, although not all the way and without any problems, when preparing for them. But it usually doesn't want to prepare at all, it is much more interesting to go with a girlfriend to the Karaoke club, bake another snack or once again quarrel with harmful guy named Mamor.

So there would be a bunny the most ordinary life, if one day he did not meet the cute (at first glance) the speaking cat Moon. Cat told Usagi that she was one of the "warriors in sailors", which are designed to defend Serenity, the princess of the moon kingdom, and interfere evil demons In the implementation of their villain plans, in one word - to carry a retribution at and how to manage not to throw school? The task is not from the lungs, but Usagi will definitely cope.

In addition to the main character, there are characters in Sailor Moon, without the help of which she could not cope with emerging problems.

Rey Hino (Sailor Mars)

The second most important thing after Sailor Moon Character is Sailor Mars, she is also Rayno. Its name means "Fiery Soul", which is fully consistent with the planet patron, and the nature of this girl. Long before Rei learned about his belonging to "warriors in sailors," she had a supernatural ability to predicts with the help of fire. Classmates with caution treated her and even accused of all those taking place around the oddities.

Stubborn and quick-tempered, brave and independent, Rei far did not immediately agreed to join the Sailor Moon team, but still had to do it to resist the impending threat.

The Rey is very disapproving about the frivolousness of Usagi, which is why friction arises between them. But there is in this and positive side: Thanks to its practicality and calculating, Ray often cools the dust of their too in love girlfriends.

(Sailor Mercury)

Odnoklassnitsa Usagi, Ami, whose name means "Water rain", is another of the warriors in the sailors. Responsibility, perceivers for study and some closure is all about it. In the classroom, the girl was considered torture and did not want to be friends, so she is alertness to others.

Having learned that Ami is also a warrior in a sailor pack, Usagi tried to make friends with her, but she managed to do it right away. Like Ray, Ami did not want to take his fate, only the reason was completely different. If Ami will spend time on the fight against evil forces, how do she have time to learn and learn? And it is necessary to learn to learn, and certainly on "excellent," because Ami in the future is going to devote himself to medicine as her parents. Perhaps if she lived in our world, to the question "What is Sailor Moon, this character could hardly answer, because this girl does not have time for such nonsense as anime.

And yet something to be, not to power, and therefore Ami also had to fight to protect himself and girlfriends.

Makoto Cinema (Sailor Jupiter)

In the team of warriors in Matoski Makoto (translated from the Japanese name means "truth") seems older not only by age, but also in nature and life experience.

Early losing parents, the future Sailor Jupiter was forced to learn to stand up for himself. Perhaps because she has formed a fighting, truly Usagi is afraid of a new girlfriend and its ability to apply combat techniques, but at the same time, like the other main characters in Sailor Moon, respects it as a senior sister. Despite the boy's behavior, Macoto loves to cook and generally bother on the housework, gladly can stroll through shops along with their friends, so that this heroine is not really so unequivocal, as it may seem at first glance.

Minako Aino (Sailor Venus)

The famous pop singer, the cummy of Tokyo schoolgirls, including Usagi and Ami, Beauty and the Kidnapper of Hearts - All this can be said about Minako. But she has a second, hidden side of life: when there is a threat to good and justice, Minako turns into a mysterious warrior Sailor vi (only later, joining the Usagi team, she began to be called Sailor Venus).

Beautiful blonde long-haired Sailor Vi outdoor is very similar to Princess Serenity, which is designed to defend the warrior in the sailors. She enjoys this feature to distract enemies from the real princess - Usagi.

In addition to appearance, Minako has another similarity with Usagi - both helped awaken their magic power cats. Minaco has a white cat Artemis, with which she has a very warm relationship.

Secondary heroes

What anime for girls can do without a "beautiful prince"? That is why, in addition to the main characters, there is another character, in the "Sailor Moon" metasaryia, which has a leading role, although the appearing episodically, Toxed Mask.

The mysterious Assistant Sailor-Warriors, which is mask, always accompanies his appearance of a scarlet rose. Of course, Sailor Moon falls in love with this handsome, without being suspected that he is always a Mamorry Dzhiba ("Defender of the Earth" in the Japanese) - the same person.

The embodiment of Prince Anddimion is intended to be together with Sailor Moon (Princess Serenity). In the lunar kingdom in the future they had a daughter of Chibius. When the kingdom again threatens the danger, the baby goes to the past and literally falls on Usag's head. So for the first time a character of Sailor Chibi Moon appears. From Anime, we learn what happened in the future and why such a little girl decided to become a warrior as Sailor Moon.

There are characters in the anime "Sailor Moon", not so significant, but also being warripers in sailors. " Sweet couple"- Neptune and Uranus (Michiru Kayo and Haruk Teno), for example, almost never break. They are both girls, but hotaru (she is Sailor Uranus) in ordinary life looks and behaves like a guy. Michiru seems full opposite girlfriends. She is tender and feminine, fond of the game on the violin and perfectly draws. Closer to the Anime final, they became practically adoptive parents for another warranty - Sailor Saturn (Zhotar Tomo). This girl differs from the rest not only by soreness and physical weakness, but also the origin of his gift. Because of the accident that happened in his childhood, the dark warrior of destruction became a dark warrior, and he managed to return it to the bright side, only turning it again into the baby and raising it again.

Seshun Meio appeared in the plot at that moment when Sailor Moon and Chibius traveled in time. Pluto guards the gate of time from the unreasonable guests, and during his service it became very lonely and noticeable, although it belongs to the rest of the warriors are quite friendly.

Villa Neodai

Appearing in the anime "Sailor Moon" characters, as in any fairy tale, are divided into positive and negative. Each season presents his group of alien demons, which certainly need to seize the souls of people, power, land and generally to negotiate with the Light Princess Serenity.

At the very beginning, a group of villains appear, calling themselves the dark kingdom. They are looking for seven rainbow crystals, which collected together will turn into one powerful, able to help capture power. Well, in general, the leader of this gangster group, Queen Beryl, together with his assistants takes the souls of people to return to the life of their ladies to the metal.

In the second season, when the warrior in the sailors lost his memory and healed the usual teenage life, the children of the Dark Forest, Eil and Anna flew to the ground. Considering that for the revival of their tree, human energy is needed, they took the souls of people and did not even suspect the real need for a tree in love.

After a happy salvation of two beloved, in the second half of the season, Sailor soldiers had to fight with another demonents, sisteners who hunted the baby chibius.

In the third season, the warroduces in Mastroskov had to fight with Professor Tomo, the father of Sailor Saturn, and his apostles of death. And after Khotaru joined the team of Sailor Moon, Earthlings attacked the Circus of the Dead Moon, the demons of which were fed by human dreams. Well, finally the final enemies of the warriors in the sailors became Sailor Galaxcia and other the same star warriors, as they themselves.

And in addition ...

In addition to the five seasons, Anime, three full-lengths also came to the television screens: Sailor Moon R, Sailor Moon S and Sailor Moon Superse, the game series Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon and many musicals. Fans of manga can also read the source for which the anime was made, and in 2014 - even a reissue, closer to the manga. In general, in Japan, and around the world, this anime has become one of the most popular. Almost all of the characters presented in Sailor Moon were inspired by the numerous cosphares. Their photos were presented in the article.