Panicapy: an ancient city near Kerch. PanticaPay

Panicapy: an ancient city near Kerch. PanticaPay
Panicapy: an ancient city near Kerch. PanticaPay

Kerch is an eternal city with a life that is incessant from ancient times. Back at the end of the VII century BC. e. On the east of the Crimean Peninsula settled Miletsky colonists, founded the ancient panticapy. Kerch leads its own story from that day.

Not every settlement boasts to the sea, and in Kerch there are two of them to the Azov Sea (motis) and black (Pont Evksinsky). The place unique in its geographical position attracted different peoples here. Panticapey remembers raids, war, changing rulers, ups and downs of empires.

History Pantikapey - Kerch

The first memories of Him historians are found in the ancient Greek myths about the legendary argonauts: the son of King Kolkhida Aieta was the first settler of these places and the founder of the settlement, with the name of the local River Pantikapa. The name of the royal son remains a mystery, but the Okista - the founder of the settlement, who arrived from the mile called, possibly archecript.

Wise Greeks chose this place not by chance. Trading routes were crossed here, the earth was rich in clay and iron ore, the natural building stone was walking on the dwellings, sea fish in food, the climate was suitable for growing grain, vegetables and fruits. All this was the key to successful accommodation in this part of the Black Sea region.

In different ways were the relationship of the colonists with the tribes living in the neighborhood. With agricultural metals and sinds are better than with militant nomades and Scythians. In fact, being the invaders and enslavers of the local population, in order to resist the raids of the warring tribes themselves, the Greeks have placed the village close to each other, gradually uniting and strengthening them, so the city of Panticapey appeared in Crimea. Subsequently, he became the capital of the Bosporus kingdom, uniting such Crimean Greek settlements as:

  • Nymph
  • Tyritaka;
  • Mirmekii;
  • Kimmerik;
  • Porpheme;
  • Chinese, etc.

The location of most of them is installed, excavations are carried out, and now these ancient settlements are quite popular tourist facilities.

But, we continue to remember the story. As in his historic homeland, the Mr. Mitridat Greeks erected the upper part of the city - Acropolis. Its stone fortifications surpassed at the capacity of Athenian. An honorable place in Acropolis occupied the temple of Apollon, the temples of Aphrodites and Dionysus were nearby.

In the lower part of the Panticapy, residential neighborhoods, agora, city port were located. Necropolis, the city of the dead, was in the vicinity of the city. Earth embankments on the burial pits of the burial of the Panticapets - Kurgan, have been preserved today in a plundered state, unique finds shedding light on the life of the ancient peoples are stored in the museums of the world and in private collections.

Under the residential building of modern Kerch in the depths of Mount Mutrand are the remains of necropolis - this is a complex system of crypts, united by Lases of "black" archaeologists. Excavations were started at the beginning of the XIX century, as a result of the research it turned out that the area of \u200b\u200bnecropolis is over 15 hectares, hundreds of crypts date back to the III-V century N. e. It is assumed that in the necropolis more than 3.5 thousand cameras. The idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a funeral chamber can be compiled by visiting the small museum at the foot of the Mithridate Staircase. It is called "crypt demeters."

Catouts of the History of the Crimea, at the mention of Pantika, a picture of a part of the colonnade appears. These are the remnants of the distance reconstructed in the 70s - a Greek deliberative body. Once the honorary citizens were gathered here, foreign guests of the city were invited here. From the "House of the authorities" from which the management of the powerful kingdom on the bosporement was conducted, fragments that store centuries-old palace secrets remained.

Panticapey and Mount Mitridat are inextricably linked in the history of the city. From the top of the mitridate, to the left of the path leading down the path leading to the remnants of the ancient city. A little fantasy and can be represented on the site of the incessant excavations of the outline of defensive structures of the Acropolis, residential buildings, buildings, city buildings located on the terraces of steep slopes Mitridat. The height of public buildings reached 10 m, which proves a high level of urban planning during the twist of PentantyPhey. The photo shows that they basically remained some foundations.

Walking through the ancient city you can find clay shards of kitchen utensils of different eras. The temple dedicated to the powerful Apollo with difficulty is viewed by the preserved foundation. Finding ancient city: coins, ceramics, weapons, precious jewelry - are located in the Kerch Museum. Antique Pentantypey stopped existence in the V century, leaving many mysteries and amazing works of art.

How to get to Pantikapey

In Kerch are monuments of different eras. Panticapy is located right in the cultural center of the city. The top of the legendary Mountain Mitridat is connected to the center of the Mithridat staircase - a work in the style of classicism of the Italian architect A. Digby. Overcome 436 steps, and you will open an extraordinary view of modern Kerch, Kerch Bay, a new Kerch Bridge and ancient Panticapey. At the top of the mountain, Mithridat burns eternal flame in memory of the heroic defenders of the city during the Great Patriotic War. According to legends, he admired Pantikapee and the Black Sea Pontic King Mithridat. Standing at this place, feel the change of epochs and different generations.

How to get to Pantikapey from Kerch bus station:

Route buses: №23, №5, №3. Go to them. Lenin, about 3 min.
Further walking meters 700 on the street. Admiralty passage, ul. Theatrical, then turn left on the street. 51 army. Your eyes will open a view of the obelisk and a large Mithridate staircase.

Panticapey in Kerch was preserved worse than in Sevastopol, but his ruins allow us to understand how majority this construction was, to touch the living history of an amazing place called Crimea.

History of Pantikathey

Panticapey was the largest and most influential policy among all Greek cities-states of the region. Like most of them, he was founded by the colonists from the Milestone in the VII century to our era. For some time, the policies were quite independent units united in the Union, the purpose of which was the development of trading with the metropolis and confrontation by the indigenous residents of the peninsula - brands, Scythians, Motam.

Panticapy became the central city of the Union and gradually acquired a dominant position over smaller cities, such as Pormfius, Tyritaka, Mirmekiy. In 430, Spartok comes to power to power in the city, which became the founder of not only the whole royal dynasty of Spartokidov, but also the Bosporus kingdom, which existed the three centuries before the conquest of his Pontic kingdom. Son Spartok Satir I spread the influence of Panticaphea to another major city of the region - Nymfe. In the Spartokyads of Panticady Ros and wound. The convenient location of the capital of the Bosporus kingdom made it the center of North-Terrorogen Trade and Culture.

The city decline began with the accession of the Bosporian kingdom to Pontic in the first century to our era. The Pontic Kingdom was led by permanent wars, but three wars with the Roman Empire turned out to be especially depleting, which led the latter Panticapey. Panticapey Another three centuries were the capital of the dependent Bosporian kingdom and, like his suzerane, took a blow of the Varvarov's waves that gone from the north. At first they were goths, then the destructive wave of wild Horde Huns.

Panticapy was partially destroyed and lost its value both as the capital, and as a major shopping center. For some time, Pantikapehae owned by Byzantine, giving him in the VIII century Khazara. Since then, the antique period of the city was completed, PanticaPay became the property of history, which continues to be modern Kerch.

Archaeological excavations Pentantypey

The historic center of Kerch, and its predecessor of Pantikathey is Mount Mridat. It was here that the strengthened Acropolis of the city was stood. His name of the mountain (91 meters) received on behalf of the Pontic Tsar Mithridate IV Evpator, who was committed to Pantikapee, broken by a severe defeat from Rome and a plot organized by his own son.

Mountain subsoil keep a huge necropolis, plundered many centuries ago. The ground part of the Panticaphey was almost completely destroyed, the stone of the temples and structures was interpreted by the local population of many centuries. Long before the revolution, the archaeologists beat in Nabat, pointing out that the locals are predatoryly chosen the antiques found in the ground, reselling them abroad. In becks and shops, Kerch could buy vintage coins, vessels and other utensils, larger in the ground two millennia. For a long time, to fight this fishery was no one.

As a result, it was the official archaeological excavations that gave most of the historical heritage of the ancient city. Excavations confirmed that a magnificent palace was built on the Mount Mountain Plateau, the magnificent palace was built, which is the central part of the acropolis - the most fortified part of any ancient Greek city.

The confirmation of the fact that the Acropolis was not just a strengthening, but also by the work of art, serves the discovery of the marble head, which was the continuation of the column that was once in the palace. Also about the presence of columns is evidenced by the found inscriptions-dedication to the gods that were usually posted on their bases.

The temple whose foundation was opened by archaeologists, was intended to serve the residents of the palace. The temple was dedicated to Apollon, who was the patron of Pantikathey. In addition to the main temple, the churches dedicated to Zeus, Demetra, Dionysus stood on Acropolis. The sculptural image of the latter was found on the estimated location of the temple.

At the top of the Acropolis stood a citadel, or fort, expressing modern concepts, which served at the same time. The Acropolis was rebuilt several times, including after the devastating earthquake in the second half of the III of the third century to our era. Under Mithridate, Evpator Acropolis was very destroyed by the new earthquake of 63 BC, when other cities of the Kerch Peninsula were injured, nymphi, Chinese, Pormfius.

On the northern slopes of Mount Mitridat, outside the Acropolis, there was a public and shopping center of Pantikapey - Agora, a place of assembly of residents of the city, business meetings and trade. Here was the trintians, the State Council and the sanctuary of Gesti, where the sacred fire was constantly maintained.

The attachment building was excavated in the mid-60s of the last century and could surprise even the archaeologists of their sizes (it occupied almost 500 square meters in its original form) and well-preserved two columns. Some scientists suggest that Pentanty Agrofa was located in the port area, although it was commonly put on agor. I existed in Pantikapee and the theater, the confirmation of which the marble theatrical chair was found. There were in the city and numerous terms, which corresponded to the Greek attachment to the beauty and purity of the body.

Outside the Acropolis and, as they remove from the center of Pantoat, there was a magnificent population, which is noticeable by the modesty of excavated housing and their chaotic distribution. In the new millennium, the growth of craft quarters is noticeable. Archaeological layers, the corresponding period after invasion are ready no longer present surprises in the form of luxurious buildings, temples and architectural elements adorning the city. These are more and more residential and economic buildings, wine-modeling buildings, warehouses and fisheries.

Necropoli Pantikathey

Excavations on Mount Mitridat gave a rich material for research. Here is Greek and Roman coins, painted ceramics, fragments of amphorous, household items and decorations, fragments of columns and sculptures.

The genuine archaeological property is numerous necropolis, among which the royal kurgan is allocated, the construction of which refers to the period of the emergence of the power of the Dynasty of Spartokidov (IV century to our era).

Inside the Kurgan leads a stone corridor of thirty-six meters long, crowning the burial chamber. The burial, naturally, was long looted. But the necropolis itself produces a proper impression.

The burial chamber of the Tsarist Kurgan in Panticaphea on the lithographs of Carlo Bossely (1840-1842)

Also interesting and other necropolis of the same era - Melk Chesme Kurgan. The crypt is well preserved, but the burial itself was also completely looted.

Attracts the unchanged interest of scientists the so-called crypt demeters (later name) - the burial structure, the walls of which are painted with frescoes, by now the time partially disappeared.

One of the opened necropolus Pantikapey:

There are many Scythian Kurgans around PentaPay, also of interest, but related to another culture and another era.

As already mentioned, in the bowels of Mount Mridat found a lot of burials corresponding to various epochs. There are also earthen graves, and stone sarcophages, and crypts, there are and amphoras with ashes after cremation. Some scleps are painted with drawings and inscriptions, some have found weapons, vessels, household items, mirrors, decorations. In the burials of the III-IV centuries of our era, Christian graves are increasingly meeting, which can be seen by the orientation of the body and the funeral subjects. Also, when analyzing the burials, the impoverishment of the population and increased assimilation of it with the non-probe tribes is noticeable.

Given that many crypts and burials are under residential buildings and access to them is difficult, most cameras apparently will not be open. In addition, in addition to official archaeological expeditions, black archaeologists are industrially industrial. It is unlikely that today at least a small part of the underground necropolis of the mountain Mridat and its slopes are investigated.

Visiting Razvalin Pantikathey

Being in Kerch, it will be not difficult to find a mitridat rising above the city. You can climb it according to the famous Mithridate staircase.

The fortress faith in Kerch is one of the most famous archaeological monuments of the Crimean Peninsula, causing a living interest in scientists, and among tourists who come often only in order to see it with their own eyes. Although the preservation of the ancient capital of the Bosporian kingdom disappoints many visitors - only very little here can be seen, but this is enough to understand and present his former power and greatness. The attention of the lovers of antiquities are represented by the ruins of numerous temples, fortress walls, residential neighborhoods, tombs and palaces of Bospor's kings, where, it seems, still twists the spirit of those distant and romantic times.

Where is the ancient city in the Crimea?

The ancient settlement was spread in the eastern Crimea, in the east of the Kerch Peninsula. It is located in the majority in place modern and partially in its surroundings.

Panticapey on the map of Crimea


The history of the city begins long before its foundation, when the first settlements appeared here. They refer to the middle of the II millennium BC, however, about the tribal affiliation of the first settlers there is no consensus. But there are many archaeological finds confirming the correctness of dating.

The base of the same PanticaPhey occurred almost a thousand years later, in the second half of the 6th century BC, when crushed through the bipos of the Kimmerian, these lands were the new birthplace of numerous Greek immigrants. It was a small colony that settled mainly by the Ionians, from the Milestone, is nothing noticeable and only one of many on.

Elevation of the Polis

It began in the second half of the 6th century, when all Greek colonies were often hostile, united in the fight against the Scythians, founding the military confederation. But Pentantypey remained only the first among equal, in the war, he was superior to many, but the rest of the city-states of the Confederation did not recognize his unconditional hegemony. Although it draws attention to one fact - Panticapey was the first policy in the Crimea and one of the first in the world, which began to focus their own silver coins. It can only speak of growing power, claims for the championship among the others.

This process stretched for 150 years. During this time, in view of the danger that emanated from the militant Scythians, Pentantyapy gradually subordinates the remaining Greek cities of the state. Around 388 BC. The Levkon i from the Spartokid dynasty founds where the lands are not only the Kerch, but also the Taman Peninsula, and it becomes a panticapey. The city during this period is experiencing an unprecedented flourishing, it is applied to a powerful fortress wall, there are beautiful cult facilities, such as the Temple of Appolone on the Acropolis, majestic palaces and numerous public buildings.

Further fate of Pantikathey

Like the current Kerch, Panticapey was a huge, beautiful city, which occupied the area of \u200b\u200bmore than 100 hectares, and the beauty and power exceeded many polishes of Greece. Such well-being was due to an extremely profitable geographical position, so for some time he became the center of world trade and used this advantage at the maximum. Soon the Bosporian kings began to claim broader dominance,
Racing to turn the Black Sea into the inner lake of his state.

Following this, internal turmoils, caused by the struggle for power between representatives of the royal house, replaced by a period of gradual decline continued from the end IV to the end of the II centuries. BC. After the rebellion of Savmak and the murder of the last representative of the Dynasty of Spartokidov in 107. BC. The Bosporian kingdom fell under the power of the Pontic rulers.

For a short time, Pantikapey survived the second flourishing, but already in 14 G. turned into a puppet kingdom and Vassal of the Roman Empire. The kings chaotic replaced each other for almost 400 years, were appointed by the governors of Rome and did not possess any real power. At the beginning of the 4th century, the Bosporus was subjected to a crushing strike from the outstand, but still half a century continued to exist. Finally, the kingdom was destroyed by Huns who captured him and destroyed it to the ground in 371. After that, the settlement over the course of several centuries remained abandoned, while there was no other in his ruins, which became the current Kerch.

What is the tourists attracting Panticapey?

Excavations of an ancient city, more precisely, from him left, began in the middle of the XIX century - these were unauthorized searches for the mythical treasures of the Bosporian kings. In a short time, what was not destroyed by Huns, Nature and residents of Kerch,
We used the remnants of Pantoaty as building material, eliminated the treasures. Now the most preserved part of the policy is on Agore, or.

But the most interesting for scientists and tourists remains necropolis of this sights of Kerch. He suffered less and from the hands of conquerors and vandals. Here are somewhat completely untouched, even the time of the royal tobs.

The necropolis is located on the southern outskirts of Kerch, is represented by the whole groin of the funeral mounds of YUZ-Both, consists of hundreds of hills, where the remains of representatives of the Scythian nobility and military leaders are resting. Many of them are open to visiting, which attracts the most travelers. Especially interesting for inspection, gold and mounds, preserved in immunity.

How to get to sights?

To get to the settlement of Panticapey is easy to public transport. Sitting on bus number 5 or №28 in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city bus station, it will be necessary to go out at the Lenin Square stop and go through about 1 km in the western direction.

On the car to get to Memoy Kerch can this way:

Tourist on note

  • Address: Mount Mridat, Kerch, Crimea, Russia.
  • Coordinates: 45.350886, 36.469573.
  • Phone: + 7-36561-2-50-61.
  • Official website:
  • Mode of operation: according to preliminary applications.
  • Prices for visiting: for adults - 50, for children - 20 rubles.

Having visited in Kerch the settlement of Panticapey, as if they touch his ancient history, which does not seem so far. Most of his beautiful buildings are irretrievably lost, others are located under modern quarters, but still a lot can see here. It is able to surprise even very creeful tourists!

Based on (it was then called modern Kerch), like many antique polls on the coast of the Northern Black Sea region, at the beginning of the 6th century BC. Greek colonists.

Already across the century (about 480 BC), the city of the coast, located on the territory of the current Taman and Kerch Peninsulas, united in, recognizing the panticapy with their capital. At the beginning of the I century BC. The Bosporian kingdom is included in the possession of the Pontic Tsar, leading endless wars with the Roman Empire. In the first centuries, our era of Panticapey comes in decline, it starts to flourish again, it falls into a tough dependence on Rome, it becomes more independent. In the V century AD. The Bosporus kingdom, precipitated "barbarians" ceases to exist. Its cities are burned and destroyed, residents most of them are interrupted or fell into slavery.

In the VI century AD Bospospor (so now called the city) enters the Byzantine Empire. A new fortress is built. The new era of rebirth begins, but it lasts not long.

In the VII century, now Karsha is already captured by the warriors of the Khazar kaganate.

In the IX-X centuries, the territory of the Northern Black Sea region began to actively master, and Korchev, becomes an integral part of the Tmutarakan principality, which, in turn, was part of the Kiev Rus, and was an important outpost of Slavs at the intersection of trade routes.

In the XII century, the Slavic Korchev was taken and destroyed and, at speed, returned to the zone of influence of Byzantium.

In the XIII, Korchev was taken again, but this time already in single hordes of nomads.

In 1318, Cherkio (PRA) becomes part. Build on the shore of the spiring new not a large defensive facility of the castle type. The city becomes a large seaport.

In 1475, the Genoese fortress was captured, and now the creep has entered the Ottoman Empire. Near the Turks destroyed by the Genizan Castle are building another fortress.

In 1774, after the end of the Russian-Turkish war, Kuchuk-Kainardzhi Agreement, Kerch and were transferred to the "full, eternal and inviolable maintenance of the Russian Empire".

In the XIX century, Kerch is experiencing an era of the rapid economic development and construction, interrupted by the Crimean War of 1853-1856.

The city and war of the 20th century were not bypassed the first world and civilian civilian war. But the most bloody and heroic events fell on the years. However, Kerch surrendered and rose from the ruins, how rises and now, after the 90s, a heavy rink of rolling on the destinies of citizens and urban enterprises. Rises, and, wasting, seeking to master the new status of the resort town. And, of course, waiting for guests to her.

The Crimean Peninsula, like no other place on the map, is rich in historical and cultural facilities of the past, natural beauty and excellent opportunities for recreation and recreation.

An ancient panticapey is incredibly powerful by its atmosphere - a point on the map, where it is necessary to go, if you are lucky to break out to relax to the sea. Let these only remnants and ruins, but the ancient Greek city, the date of the foundation of which is considered to be the end of the VII century BC, hides it is still enough secrets for an inquisitive mind.

The city of Panticapey existed on the site of the current Kerch. At the time of his heyday and prosperity, the settlement occupied about 100 hectares. Here was his unique acropolis, located on Mount Mitridat. And the main deity of the patron saint of the city from the Milette, built the city, was appointed Apollo - the Srebroud Wildlown of Ancient Greek God. I did not know any equal in the battle, nor in merry, Apollo also considered the patron of sports competitions, he worshiped doctors and healers, brought the gifts of merchants.

It is possible that that, in honor of God, the Grand of Apollo ITER, which was completely built only through the century, was launched, completely built only through the century, by the end of the 6th century BC. A little later, next to the Palace of Spartokidov, erected with the inherent Greek skills, built temples in honor of the Goddess of Love Aphrodites and God of Vejelia Dionysus.

According to dry data, Pantikapey is the capital of the ancient Bosporian kingdom. Once the city was the main among policies based for trading with different countries. And there are reasons - there were as many two ways out to the sea, so trading was very brought and the polishes flourished, expanding and causing an exorbitant envy of the militant neighbors: Scythians, Mets, Tavrov.

History of ancient city

For its existence, the city saw a lot: a period of prosperity, decline, raids, war, looting and revival. The story of Pantikaty is incredibly rich in events. As the richest and influential center among all policies, the city literally "shoved" smaller settlements with a single chain. Hence the decrees went out, the observation of all trade was carried out, and the main wealth was flocked here.

Prosperity and shocking, pentantypey, the modern name of which Kerch acquires dominant importance over other villages: Pormfius, Tyritaka, Mirmekiy becomes less noticeable against the background of the giant. The coming to power of the new ruler of Spartoca, only enhances the influence of PentantyPhey and distributes it to the largest shopping center - the city of Namfe.

Spartokid gave rise to a new dynasty of Spartokidov, ruling for three hundred years before the city's sunset. Interestingly, in translating the name of Panticapey means "Fish Path" - the road where the first city was built, existed for a very long time. She has already enjoyed not one century, carrying fish and other goods, engaged in trading the tribes of the Thracians.

In the period of the I century BC. e. The Bosporus kingdom suffers many defeats and the joining of the bosporithi to the Pontic kingdom, which also leads permanent wars. It would seem that two huge powers were to unite, become one of the most powerful states, but three wars with the Romans thoroughly crossed all the hopes for prosperity and led to the breakdown not only the Pontic cities, but also the loss of Pantikapee and their independence.

Crossing the power of the Roman Empire, the history of Pantikapey is experiencing the first wave of a raid of the Horde of the Barbarov who came from the north. The capital of Bosporus takes the northerners first, then wild destructive wars with Gunns and comes the period of oblivion. Almost to the very foundation, the destroyed city completely ceases to exist as the capital, they master the Byzantines, resold the point by Khazars already in the VIII century, and the ancient city period ends.

Gladiators Pantikathey

The art of circus performances reached our times from deep antiquity. But if today it is rather entertainment, then bloody battles on the arena were considered in the Pentanty Circus. The spectacle is undoubtedly cruel, but at the same time collecting a huge crowd of admirers. The Bosporus kingdom, being under the rule of Rome, did not inferlude a suzerena in cruelty. In imitation of the latter, the city of the Black Sea region acquired amphitheaters and gladiator's arons. While it is reliably unknown, in which part of the city was Arena for battles, but there is a confirmation of the conducted violent entertainment.

In particular, archaeologists have discovered a kind of beast, where ferocious bears, wild boars, tigers, panthers were kept. There are frescoes depicting fighting people with predators, which means that there were terrible contests on their interchange. The gladiators performed as one for one with the beast, so there were horsebridges, who were coming on bears with spears, and hiking warriors could use the tridents of a certain form.

But many images and finds confirming that the most often gladiators dressed in light armor and fighting with an enraged beast ended sadly for a person. Images are narrated about the fist fights between people, the gladiators beat both pars and in the team.

In general, a lot of domestic events saw Panticapey for his history, it is a pity that the ruins of this dazzling city of antiquity can tell about everything.

Archaeological excavations, History of Pantikapey in Nakhodka

The modern name of the city of Panticapy - Kerch, and the historical center of modern Kerch, like an ancient shopping policy, was Mount Mridat. It was here that the Acropolis was located, unfortunately, strongly looted and already had long enough. But despite this, the excavations of archaeologists amazing imagination!

The stone from which the buildings were erected, the inhabitants were rearranged for their homes, and in benches and shops for a long time it was possible to find vintage coins, decorations, vessels, utensils from the capital of Bospor. But such a loot ceased, and scientists were able to find out that the amazing beauty of the Palace of Spartokidov was built on the grief at one time, which also became the most fortified object of the city. The beauty of the structure and sophistication of the object is confirmed by the found residues of the columns, decoration from marble heads, as well as calligraphic discharges on the walls dedicated to the gods.

The temple of Apollo Icera was far from the only, albeit the main place of Pantikathey. Nearby, as already mentioned, the temples of Aphrodites, Dionysus, Zeus, Demeters are located. They were decorated with sculptures, an expensive decoration inside was supplemented with exquisite utensils. In addition, the top of the Acropolis was equipped with a citadel who served the beacon for ships. Several earthquakes did not prevent the citadel to remain a strong stronghold, the masters constantly repaired the walls, rebuilt and completed the fort.

It is known that the northern slopes of Mithridat served as the location of the trading warehouses, public institutions, immediately settled and Agora is an area where business meetings, meetings of citizens and the city council were arranged. And tries (advisory body), the opening of which occurred in the middle of the last century, struck even experienced scientists - the building occupied almost half a thousand meters and, judging by the remnants of the columns, was skillfully decorated. In Pantoapee, in addition to the gladiator fights, theatrical ideas were arranged, which indicates that residents did not have the arts, and numerous terms (baths) confirm the habit of inhabitants to the purity and the glorification of the beauty of the body.

But all this concerned only the rich central part of the city, just below the acropolis, outside the quarters of the merchants, there were poor shacks and at home. This is noticeable by chaotic distribution of housing. Interestingly, the last century of the existence of PantikaPhemy is marked by a huge development of handicrafts - this testifies to the workshops from excavations, the construction date refers to the period of ownership of the city of the Romans.

Necropoli Pantikapey - a separate head of history and excavations. The abundance of household goods, values, coins, accessories gives rich food for historians. Of particular interesting is the royal kurgan, relating to the reign of the Dynasty of Sportkid. Inside the tomb is leading a long corridor of 36 meters ending the burial chamber. She, of course, was looted, as the chamchard Chesmen Kurgan, and Pantikapey did not avail the invasion of the barbarians.

No less interesting excavation of the demeter crypt, where the wall painting - frescoes are partially preserved. Also delivered a lot of historical troubles and mysteries numerous Scythian mounds, relating to a completely different era. Mitridat at the time of the existence of the capital of the Bosporian kingdom, was the center of the policy - it is undoubtedly. Mountains are abounding with frescoes and inscriptions, many unproved burials gave an understanding of the level of wealth of residents: mirrors, sarcophages of stone, thin-walled amphoras, weapons, household items skillfully and intricately decorated - all these artifacts cost considerable money.

Considering that some burial places today are under residential buildings, so unavailable to excavations, it is possible that Mithridat will still surprise a couple of generations of archaeologists with their excavations and presents a lot of secrets that only have to solve.

Excursion in Panticapey: What to see today

Gathering for a walk, many travelers expect to see columns and palaces, houses and stone square Agora, but the history of Pantikapey is over, and the city is almost completely destroyed. Small residues of columns, some stone ruins and, perhaps, everything. Fragments of the walls are almost completely covered with grass, but do not hurry to be disappointed - Pentantypey can surprise!

In the 70s of the last century, the architects managed to reconstruct part of the truth, restore part of the colonnade. A little imagination, the fantasy itself draws a picture where defensive structures, residential buildings, shopping buildings will be built on the excavations. Think, the height of some public buildings reached almost 10 meters, at that time it was real "altitude".

Do not hurry to leave the city and look attentively under your feet - you can still find the fragments of ancient utensils, kitchen shards related to different epochs. And although the temple of Apollo is looking with difficulty, the foundation is barely preserved, but the atmosphere of the place is still alive. The story of the PanticaPay is alive and can tell a lot to someone who can see and hear.

How to get

Kerch is the modern name of the city of Panticapey, you can take any point of the peninsula by bus, our own transport or cross the crossing. And Panticapey is located in the heart, on Mount Mridat, where the staircase leads. Only 436 steps and you will open a stunning look, already in itself representing considerable value.

If you go from the bus stop Kerch, then it is better to take a bus number: 23, 5, 3 and go to Lenin's stop. After walking on foot to theatrical (go through the Admiralty passage), roll to the street named after the 51st army and see the most unique staircase leading to the mitridat.

Despite the fact that Panticapey is almost lost for us, the ruins make it possible to understand how great the Bosporian kingdom was, if his capital was luxurious and undoubtedly one of the most influential centers in the city of Panticapey.