Characteristics of the archaic period of ancient Greece. Culture of ancient Greece: briefly

Characteristics of the archaic period of ancient Greece. Culture of ancient Greece: briefly

the rhaic period is not separated from the Homeric sharp chronological boundary: its beginning is determined by approximately 8 centuries, the end - the beginning of the 5th century, sometimes - the end of the 1st quarter of the 5th century. The historical background of the period was the Great Greek colonization, which spread the limits of the world famous to the Greeks. Lyrics (Sappo 29, Alkey, Alkman, Ivik, Anaconte and Many others) arises in the archaic era), Epic poetry continues to develop, a special genre of historiography (Logographed Miletsky), first playwrights (Fespident, etc.) appear, is formed The system of dramaturgical theater action itself.

A characteristic feature of the Greek archaic culture and the whole Greek civilization in general becomes agonism thirty . The competitiveness permeates all areas of the Greeks: from sports, musical, theatrical, poetic competitions to competition in the field of art, which has an undoubted impact on all accelerating development and changing all branches of knowledge and experience in Greeks 31. Philosophy is born in the archaic period - the first called himself a philosopher Pythagore 32. The largest philosophers, and rather in the ancient meaning of the wise men, were representatives of the Miletsky (Ionian) school, Fales, Heraklit, and others. At the same time, the concept of a philosophical school transmitting and developing tradition from its founder arises: the development of philosophical schools becomes gradually one From the binders of the Greek thought rods up to the end of the antique civilization itself.

For Greek art, this is the era of discoveries: innovations in architecture, sculpture and painting determined the appearance of the whole Greek culture as a whole. Never more Greece knew that the number of art schools, paths, wealth, diversity and originality of searches. In 7-6 centuries. The type of Greek Temple with the Cell, surrounded from all sides of the colonnade, with the dominant of the facade portion with a sculptural group, two main orders of Greek architecture are formed: a strict doric and elegant ionic. The oldest of Greek temples, known to us to a large extent on the remnants, are the temples of the Gera in Argos and Olympia and the Temple of Apollo in the farm (Etolia).

In Greek ceramics, stylistically very diverse, in the 8th century. The so-called orientalizing (Eastern) manner, which affected the strong Middle Eastern influence, is widely distributed. In 7th century Athena Chernofihigur Vazopus acquires a dominant position, and when Athenian ceramists (Andokid) are transferred to gray. 6 c. BC e. To redfig technique, this step is decisive for all Greek territories.


Greek classic

the assessed point of development of the Greek culture and art of the era of antiquity was classic (from lat. Classicus - exemplary) period , The beginning of which is usually referred to the time after the Greek-Persian wars (480-470s BC), the end - by the time of the beginning of the conquest campaigns of Alexander Macedonsky at the end of the 4th century. BC e. The political background of the heyday of culture and art in the era of classics, a kind of his analogue was the flourishing of democratic policies, cities-states of Greece (for example, Athens of the period of pericla 33). In 5 c. Greece experienced the hardest war in his history and fell under the power of a stronger and politically united Macedonia.



isological excellence and spiritual beauty as a reflection of the highest nobility and human dignity is the main meaning of the search for classical art. Great masters of sculpture of Greek classics were Polyclet. - The creator of the famous "spear" ("Doryifora"), in which he calculated the "right" proportions of the human figure and first tried to submit a person in a calm move-step; Miron.who developed the topic of a complex angle movement (the statue of the "disk thrower" - "discobol"); FIDIA - probably the designer of the entire architectural and sculptural complex of the Acropolis in Athens, the highest creation of the Greek world, Praxitel - The creator of the most famous statue of the antiquity "Aphrodites of the Book", first introduced the human figure in a state of rest and peace ("Hermes with Dionysis", "Recreation Satir", etc.); Skas and LisypeFor the first time, depicting pain and suffering on the human face and who are no longer the canon of the polyclet, but according to the ideas of clean artisticity and plasticity. It was the art of Prakkitel, Lisippa and Schopasa that had the most severe effect on the sculpture of Hellenism.



rkhtectec Classical Period created exemplary types doric and Ionic temples (Peripter, Dageter, Prompt, Amphiprostil, etc.). In 4 c. BC e. Arsenal of architecture was introduced lush and elegant corinthian Order, gradually crowded two main - doric and ionic. Tempence of the Epoch is a temple of Zeus in Olympia, Parfenon at the Athenian Acropolis, Apollo Temple in Bass. The best architects of this time were Iktin. (Parthenon, Temple in Bass) and Kallikrat(Parfenon, Church of Nicky Apterems on the Acropolis). The appearance of the architectural buildings of the classics period is distinguished by clarity and simplicity, severity and purity of lines. The great experiment of the era was the Acropolyan complex in Athens, which combines buildings of different orders, elements of various orders in one building (Ionian frieze with a Panafineian procession in Parfenone, doric periputer). In 5 and 4 centuries. BC e. The famous theatrical structures of Greece are created - Dionysus Theater in Athens and the theater in the epidavre.



the iteration of the classic period is the most representative corpus of the ancient world. Father tragedy was considered Eschyl, whose younger contemporaries were Sophokl, king of poets, and Euripid., comedy father and its largest representative - Aristophanes, father of history - Herodotus. An outstanding historian 5 in. BC e. was also Fukidide - author of the history of the Peloponnesian war.

In the field of philosophy 5-4 centuries. BC e. - The time of the genuine and great flourishing, expanding the activities of philosophical schools (Socrates 34, Platon 35 - the founder of the Academy, Aristotle 36 is the founder of Likement 37 and the school of Peripatetics, etc.).

Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region

Moscow State Regional University

Historical and Philology Institute

Faculty of History, Political Science and Law

Department of History of the Ancient World and Middle Ages

Course work on the topic:

Greece in the archaic era and and its influence on the world.

Performed: Klimenko I.E.

student II course d / o

Scientific adviser:

k.I.N., Doc. A.S. Klemeshov

Moscow 2014.

Introduction ........................................................................ ... 3

Writing .................................................................. .. 7

Poetry .............................................................................. 7.

Religion and philosophy .......................................................... 10

Architecture and sculpture ...................................................... 13

Vazova painting ............................................................... 15

Greek alphabet ............................................................ ..15

Olympic Games ............................................................... 18

Historiography…………………………………………………………. 21.

Mathematics ................................................................................... .. 23

Theater ................................................................................. 23.

Coins ...........................................................................................24


List of literature


Archaic period in the history of Greece (8-5. BC) - The term adopted among historians since the XVIII century. Appeared during the study of Greek art and originally belonged only to the times of the dark centuries and classical Greece. Later, the term "archaic period" was distributed not only to the history of art, but also on the public life of Greece, because during this period, which followed the "dark centuries" began a significant expansion of political theory, raising democracy, philosophy, theater, poetry, revival of the written Language (the appearance of the Greek alphabet instead of the forgotten during the period of "dark centuries" Linear letter B.).

This epoch I became the time of the rapid and active development of ancient Greece, during which all the necessary conditions and prerequisites were made for the future amazing takeoff and heyday. In almost all areas of life, deep changes occur. For three centuries, an antique society makes a transition from the village to the city, from the generic and patriarchal relations to relations of classic slavery.

The state city, the Greek Policy became the main form of the socio-political organization of public life. Society as if all possible forms of the State Device and Board (i.e., the search for the political institution) is a monarchy, tyrant, oligarchy, aristocratic and democratic republic.

The rapid development of agriculture leads to the release of people, which activates the growth of crafts in the country. Because it does not solve the "problem of employment", the colonization of neighboring and distant land began in the Ahasey period, as a result of which territorial Greece grows to huge sizes. The economic leap contributes to the increase in the market and trading operations in which the main support cash circulation system. Appeared coin coin, which accelerated these processes.

There were great achievements and victories in the formation of spiritual culture. In its development, the absolute role was played by the appearance alphabetical letterwho became the main achievement of the culture of Archaic Greece. It was made on the basis of Phoenician writing and differ amazing simple and affordable, which made it possible to create an extremely effective education systemThrough which there was no illiterate in ancient Greece, which was also enormous success.

During the archaic period, the main ethical standards and values Ancient society in which the main thing is a feeling of collectivism to be connected with an agonistic (competent) start, with the formation of the rights of individual and personality, the spirit of freedom. Patriotism and citizenship occupy a special role. The sewn of his policy began to be considered as the highest honor of the citizen. At the same time, the symbol of a person is also born, in which the spirit and body are in harmony.

The embodiment of this image was influenced by the emerged in 776 BC. Olympic Games. They took place every four years in the city of Olympia and went five days, during which the "Holy World" was observed, which stopped all sorts of military actions. Having taken 1 place at the games enjoyed great success and received significant social guarantees (tax exemption, lifelong pension, permanent sites in the theater and on holidays). Three times the winners ordered his statue in the famous sculptor and put it in a sacred grove that surrounded the main shrine of the city of Olympia and all Greece - Zeus Temple.

In the Archaic Epoch there were such symbols of ancient culture as philosophy and spider. Their father became Falez her, whom they are not yet separated strictly from each other and are within the framework of one naturophilosophy.One of the founders of antique philosophy and philosophy generally as science is also the legendary Pythagorar, who has a science that takes mathematics It is already quite an independent value.

The real flourishing in this era occurs in poetry. Epic poems of Homer "Iliad" and "Odyssey" were the greatest monuments of ancient literature. A little later, Homer worked another famous Greek poet - Hesiod. His poems "Theogony", i.e. The pedigree of the gods, and the "Women's catalog" complemented the work of Homer and the antique poetry acquired its classic, the perfect image.

Among other poets, the works of archite, the founder of lyrical poetry, are deserve, his poems are filled with personal suffering and experiences that combined the difficulties and adversity of life. This also includes the creativity of the Lyric Sappo, the great antique poets from the island of Lesbos, who survived the feelings of a loving, jealous and suffering woman. Creativity of Anacreonta, having caught everything beautiful: the beauty, feelings, joy, passion and fun of life, had a great influence on European and Russian poetry, in particular on A.S. Pushkin.

A high step in the archaic era reaches artistic culture. At this time develops architecture, standing on two types of orders - doric and ionic. The leading type of construction protrudes the sacred temple as the abode of God. The most famous and revered becomes the temple of Apollo in Delphi. Arises also monumental sculpture - First wooden, and then stone. Two types are obtained the greatest popularity: the nude men's statue, known under the name "Kosur" (the figure of the junior attendant), and the draped female, the example of which was the bark (straight-standing girl).

The main elements of the town-planning structure of the archaic period were Acropolis (Sanctuary) and Agora (shopping center), there were residential neighborhoods of houses. The main place in the construction of cities was occupied by temples, who first built from raw bricks and wood, then from limestone, and from the end of the VI century. BC. - From marble. A architectural order is created in its doric and ionic versions. Harsh, somewhat heavy doric style is characteristic of strict, geometrically correct kapitel Columns. In an ionic, more magnificent, the style of the column is not only as a support, but also as a decorative element, it is characterized by a heap with curls - volitions, a more complex base, she herself is much more elegant to the Doric Column. Among the buildings of the Doric Ordera were especially famous were the temple of the ger in Olympia, and the Ionian order - the temple of Artemis in Ephesus.

During the archaic period there is a synthesis of architecture and sculptures - temples outside are decorated with reliefs, inside the statues of the Divine, which is dedicated to the temple. Figures depict not only gods, but also mythical heroes (Hercules, Perseya, etc.). Greek ceramics of the archaic era surprises with its wealth and variety of forms, beauty style. Corinthian vases painted in the so-called orientalizing, i.e. Oriental style, which is distinguished by the beauty and fad of the picturesque decor, and attic blackfoot and later red-burning vases with the image of the everyday life of people. A peculiar archaic culture was put on the basis for the heyday of the culture of the classical, which played such a significant role in the development of world civilization. The quality of the time created by the sculptors of the time was the sculptures of naked boys - the karos and chastely draped girls - the bark. Persons sculptures Individuality ("Cleobis and Biton" Polymented), possessed static, tense decorated, nobility and majesty. In the VI century BC. Decorations of temples appeared. Motives for the created compositions served traditional, artistic and changed myths described by Homer historical events and their participants. A large role in the sculpture was played with a hue. Collected parts of the body of kuros and clothing were painted. Sometimes precious stones inserted in the eye. In Vazopysi in the VI century. BC. The Black-Figure Style is known (the founder of the exeke) - the black lacquer was applied to a red clay, as well as a red-chicken style (founder of epichet) - painted ceramics, in which the images remained in the color of burnt clay, and the background of the vessel was covered with a black varnish. The campaign of the second style was the appeal of artists to dissimilar household plots ("Girl heading for the bathing" from the Mastercaster Euphronia

Religion. Greek religion still served as a combining role in society. Important meaning at the same time played the image of Apollo in Delphi. This cult of the Delphic Sacred Board in the Greek state was very large, but carried a county nature, as the priests did not participate in the state administration. In the polishes, elected priests were made by the sacraments and rites, while at the same time carrying out religious education of citizens. The cults of Dionysus and Demetra played important in Greek religion.

The goal of the course work is to show how the world has changed with Archaika. What Archaica made a contribution to the development of Iskovishi and how the whole world has changed with it passing the path of experiments both in mathematicals and in philosophy and in westing too.

In the archaic period (VIII - VI centuries. BC) Changes in economic life led to the creation of a new economic system. Greece has overtaken in its development all neighboring countries. Agriculture was intensified: the peasants moved to the cultivation of more profitable crops - grapes and olives. The main cells of agricultural production were small peasant farms and larger estates of labor nobility processed by impoverished relatives. The land was leased, 1/2 harvest was charged as the aristocrats fee.

The craft focused in the cities, it clearly took shape its branches: metallurgy, metalworking, shipbuilding. Pottery production was massive serial character. The leading industry has become trading, the finds of Greek ceramics speak of central and Western Europe. Money appeared (legend attributes their invention to the leaders). Purchase transactions spread to all types of material values. Roshchism originated, and with him and debt slavery. Slaves were also from the colonies. Nevertheless, the economic role of slaves was a small, the bulk of artisans was free people.

In the VIII - VI centuries. Great Greek colonization was carried out. Its reasons were, firstly, the lack of land due to an increase in the population and the concentration of land in the hands of nobility; secondly, the need for new sources of raw materials, the search for sales markets for agricultural and craft products, the need for the Metal absent in Greece itself, the desire of the Greeks to put control of trade routes; Thirdly, the political struggle, which forced victims of the defeat to look for good luck in the colonies.

Highlight three main directions of colonization. The first is the western, most powerful. Sicily and Italy were so thickly populated by the colonists, that they became called Great Greece. The second is the northeast - on the Black Sea coast. The third is the southern and southeastern, the weakest, because here the Greeks met the powerful resistance of Phoenician merchants.

Colonization somewhat muted social conflicts, contributed to the development of crafts, trade. She widely spread the foci of the Allenian culture, opened the scope of human abilities, released the personality from under the control of the genus.

In the VIII - VI centuries. There was the formation of ancient policies - states - states with the territory adjacent to them. The policy was based on an antique form of ownership, which was the unity of the state and private principles of ownership of the property as a team of citizens had the right of supreme ownership of Earth. At the same time, only citizens of the policy could be the owners of the Earth. The main economic principle of the policy was the idea of \u200b\u200bAvtarkia (self-sufficiency), speaking as the economic basis of freedom. The polis system of values \u200b\u200bhas been developed: the idea of \u200b\u200bthe superiority of agricultural labor over all others, condemnation of the desire for profits, etc.

Two main types of policies can be distinguished: 1) Agricultural, with the absolute predominance of agriculture, the weak development of trade and crafts, commodity and money relations, the highly specific labor wages of the dependent workers, as a rule, with the oligarchic device (Sparta, the city of Fessiona, Boeotia); 2) Trade and craft, with a large specific weight of crafts and trade, commodity and money relations, the introduction of slave labor into production, democratic device (Athens, Corinth, Millet, Syracuse, etc.). Previously, the polis system appeared in the southern part of Greece on the Peloponnese Peninsula (Sparta was most studied), later - in Attica (Athens).

Athens in economic terms were more developed, the generic relationship was faster here. Dracon laws (621 BC) issued the right of private property. The most important of the reforms of Solon (594 BC) was as follows: all debts made under the fixation of the Earth were forgiven, the peasants restored the status of owners, the appeal of Athenians into slavery for debts was prohibited, a loan percentage is limited. The export of olive oil for the purpose of profit was allowed, and the grain is prohibited. Craft activity was encouraged. Land maximum was introduced to limit the concentration of land ownership.

Reforms, undermining the political domination, were of great importance: all Athenian citizens were divided into four discharge in the magnitude of land income. Now the size of private property determined the significance of a person. And the legislation of Clisphen (509g. BC) completed the elimination of the generic system - all citizens, regardless of the property situation, ended with equal rights.

Thus, in the VIII - VI centuries. BC. There was a decomposition of the generic building and new forms of the socio-economic organization were established, although this process in different parts of the ELDA flowed in different ways. Often, scientists unite the Homerovsky and archaic periods in the development of ancient Greece economy in a single. If you analyze this period of time, then you can say the following. It covers two stages of the history of ancient Greece: the so-called dark century (XI-IX centuries BC) and the archaic period (viii - vi. BC. E.). Dark centuries are often called the Homeric period, since along with archaeological data, the main source for studying this time is the poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey" attributed to Homer. Usually XI-IX centuries. BC e. They consider the interim stage, on which, on the one hand, compared with the Ahase Greece, the level of development is reduced, but, on the other hand, the prerequisites for the further heyday of Greek states are created with the beginning of the production of iron tools of labor. The archaic period is characterized by two major processes that have determined the impact on the development of Greek civilization: - Great Colonization - the development of the Herbichery of the Mediterranean, Black, Azov Sea; - Registration of the policy as a special type of community. Two main types of policies can be distinguished:

Agrarian - the absolute predominance of agriculture, weak development of crafts, trade, large specific weighing of dependent workers, as a rule, with a oligarchic device; - Trade and craft - with a large proportion of trade and crafts, inventive money, the introduction of slavery in the means of production, a democratic device.

In the XI-IX centuries. BC. In the Greek economy, natural type of farms dominated, the craft was not separated from farming. There was some improvement of the working instruments, in particular, a plow with a metal couch appeared. Livestock also played an important role in agriculture, cattle was considered one of the main types of wealth. In the craft of XI-IX centuries. BC e. There was some differentiation, weaving, metallurgy, ceramics were developed especially developed, but production was focused only on the satisfaction of the urgent needs of people. In this regard, trade developed very slowly and had a major character. In the VIII-VI centuries. BC e. The economic situation in ancient Greece has changed significantly. During this period, the craft separated from agriculture remaining the leading industry in the economy. The weak development of agricultural production at the previous stage, the inability to provide food the growing population of policies became one of the main causes of Greek colonization. The most important feature of the colonies located in the Black Sea basin was the supply of metropolis bread. The focus is on cultures, the cultivation of which more corresponds to the natural conditions of Greece: grapes, olivans, all sorts of garden and garden cultures; As a result, agriculture begins to increasingly focus on the market.

Handicraft production also acquires a commodity character, and, not the latter role played by Greek colonization in this, contributing to the expansion of the raw material base and the development of trade. Many Greek policies become large craft centers. Greek trade in the era of the Great Colonization is developing very actively. Permanent links are being established between metropolises exporting mainly craft products, and colonies supplying various types of raw materials and agricultural products. In the most developed Greek policies, maritime trade becomes one of the most important sectors of the economy. The main distinguishing feature of the Greek Polis was the participation of all members of the civil community in the management of the state, and this feature largely determined the internal policy of policies. In particular, in many Greek cities-states existed laws that limit the acquisition and sale of land and aimed at protecting the land ownership of individual citizens. However, in most areas of Greece, the development of commodity production and lack of land led to an increase in large land tenure, strengthening social differentiation and the exacerbation of the conflict between the aristocracy and the people (Demos). In many polishes of the archaic era, socio-political conflicts were often ended by the establishment of personal power regime. In most cases, tyrants sought to enlist the support of Demos, cared for improving its position, contributed to the development of crafts and trade, the improvement of cities. Economic development in the XI-VI centuries. BC e. This period of time covers two stages of the history of ancient Greece: the so-called dark centuries (XI - IX centuries BC) and the archaic period (VIII - VI centuries. BC). Dark centuries are often called the Homeric period, since along with archaeological data, the main source for studying this time is the poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey" attributed to Homer. Usually XI - IX centuries. BC e. They consider the interim stage, on which, on the one hand, compared with the Ahase Greece, the level of development is reduced, but, on the other hand, the prerequisites for the further heyday of Greek states are created with the beginning of the production of iron tools of labor. The archaic period is characterized by two major processes that have decisive influence on the development of Greek civilization: 1) Great colonization - the development of the Herbichery of the Mediterranean, Black, Azov Seas, 2) the execution of the policy as a special type of community.

Sectoral structure of the economy in XI - IX centuries. BC. In the Greek economy, natural type of farms dominated, the craft was not separated from farming. As before, the main agricultural crops were grain (barley, wheat), grapes, olives. Irrigation systems were still created, soil was used. There was some improvement in labor instruments, in particular, a plow with a metal (especially iron) coulter appeared. Livestock also played an important role in agriculture, cattle was considered one of the main types of wealth. In the craft of XI - IX centuries. BC e. There was some differentiation, weaving, metallurgy, ceramics were developed especially developed, but the production, as in agriculture, was focused only on the satisfaction of the urgent needs of people. In this regard, trade developed very slowly and had a major character. In the VIII - VI centuries. BC e. The economic situation in ancient Greece has changed significantly. During this period, the craft separated from agriculture remaining the leading industry in the economy. The weak development of agricultural production at the previous stage, the inability to provide food the growing population of policies became one of the main causes of Greek colonization. The most important feature of the colonies located in the Black Sea basin was the supply of metropolis bread. In many Greek polishes, growing grain growing, and the focus is on cultures, the cultivation of which more corresponds to the natural conditions of Greece: grapes, olivans, all sorts of garden and garden cultures; As a result, agriculture begins to increasingly focus on the market. This also contributes to the wider distribution of iron tools of labor. Handicraft production also acquires a commodity character, and, as in agriculture, the Greek colonization has played a latter role, which contributed to the expansion of the raw material base and the development of trade. Many Greek policies become major craft centers, they appear entire quarters of artisans. Greek trade in the era of the Great Colonization is developing very actively. Continuous links between metropolises exported mainly craft products, and colonies supplying various types of raw materials (especially metal, forest) and agricultural products (especially grain) are being established. In addition, the colonies become intermediaries between Greece and the remote barbaric periphery. In the most developed Greek policies, maritime trade becomes one of the most important sectors of the economy.

Land ownership. The organization of production during the period of the dark centuries was the property of the territorial community, the main production unit was Okos (from the house) - the household of the patriarchal family. For each family included in the community, the land plot passed by inheritance was fixed; However, it is possible that the edges of the Earth were held from time to time. Slavery in XI - IX centuries. BC e. There was still a patriarchal character, the main producer of products was a free farmer. The archaic period made great changes in the property relationship. The leading form of ownership of land is becoming a polis (or antique) - the right of land ownership in the territory has only citizens; Personally free people who were not citizens (Metheki), did not possess this right. Citizens could sell, lay down the land, hand out. In the VIII - VI centuries. BC e. There is an important change in the organization of production - the slavery of the classical type begins to form. This process was associated with the development of commodity production and a significant increase in the number of slaves - aliens coming from the colonies. Cheap slave labor allowed more income and more actively used in the main industries.

Cash relations

At the turn of II - I thousand BC. e. In connection with the predominance of natural economy and the weak development of the trade of money, as such, their role was carried out mainly in cattle. In the era of the Great Colonization, metal bars, bars and, finally, approximately at the turn of the VII - VI centuries are increasingly used as money. BC e. Begins the chasing of the coin. To vi in. BC e. In Greece, there were two main monetary systems - the Eginsky and Evobsey. The basis of each system was talent - the weight unit which was 26.2 kg on Evbee, and 37 kg on the enemy. From one talent, 6 thousand drains were minted - silver coins. The Eginsky Standard was distributed to most of the territory of Greece and the islands of the Aegean Sea, Evoby - on the island of Evie, in many Western Greek colonies, as well as in the two largest polishes - Corinth and Athens. In the archaic period, the people with money reversal developed usury, and insolvent debtors, as a rule, turned into slaves and could even sell abroad.

The role of the state in the economic life of the main distinctive feature of the Greek Polis was the participation of all members of the civil community in the management of the state, and this feature largely determined the internal policy of policies. In particular, in many Greek cities-states existed laws that limit the acquisition and sale of land aimed at protecting the land ownership of individual citizens. However, despite this, in most regions of Greece, the development of commodity production and lack of land led to an increase in large land tenure, strengthening social differentiation and the exacerbation of the conflict between the aristocracy and the people (Demos). In many plants of the Archaic Epoch, socio-political conflicts were often erected by the establishment of tyranny - personal power regime. In most cases, tyrants sought to enlist the support of Demos, cared for improving its position, contributed to the development of crafts and trade, the improvement of cities. However, tyrana constantly needed money and various ways were repurchased by their population; In the end, in most masses, the tyranny was overthrown.

Conclusions: The economy of the Homeric period was quite backward. The natural economy was dominated, the cattle was considered a measure of wealth, the society did not know. However, at that time important changes occurred. First, in the X-IX centuries. BC e. Greek economy was widely introduced iron. Secondly, an autonomous economy of a small patriarchal family was put forward to the fore. Slavery does not get widespread. The Political and Economic Center was the settlement of Polis. The main population of the city was cattle breeders and farmers. Thus, by the end of this period, Greece was the world of small community policies, the association of farmers' peasants, with the lack of external connections, the top of society was not very highlighted. In the archaic period, Greece overtook all the neighboring countries in their development. The main cells of agricultural production were minor peasant farms and larger estates of a generic nobility. The craft focused in the cities. Main industries: Metallurgy, metalworking, shipbuilding. The leading industry has become trading. Money appeared. Roshchism originated, and with him and debt slavery. In the VIII-VI centuries. BC e. Great Greek colonization was carried out. The reasons for the colonization are the following: lack of land, due to an increase in the population and its concentration in the hands of nobility, the need for new sources of raw materials, the search for markets for their products, the need for metal (in Greece itself it remained very little), the desire of the Greeks to put under control all maritime trading Ways, political struggle. In the VIII-VI centuries. BC e. There was an antique policies. The policies were based on an antique form of ownership. Policy had the right of supreme ownership to land. The main economic principle of the policy was the idea of \u200b\u200bself-sufficiency.

Epoch of the VIII-VI centuries. BC e. - This is the time of the most intensive development of ancient Greek civilization. During this period, changes in all areas of the life of ancient Greece - from the economy to culture - were so large-scale and radical that their totality is often called archaic revolution. The entire appearance of Greek society changes. If, by the beginning of the archaic era, it was a traditional, almost no progressive, non-integer, rather simple society, then by the end of this epoch, it is already possible to talk about society to the highest degree of mobile, complex, in short on historical standards Dognavash, And in a number of relations, even the countries in its development of the Ancient East in its development. In Greek land, the foundations of statehood are again. But new government entities take the form of non-palace kingdoms, as in the Myckene era, Apolisov (the states of an ancient type in the form of a civil community), which further led to the specifics of the whole ancient Greek civilization.

As a result of a number of reasons (not all of them are completely clear scientists) in Greece in the first centuries of the Archaic era, the population has increased dramatically (this is fixed by archaeological data, in particular quantitative analysis of burials). A real demographic explosion happened: for some century, the population of ELDA increased several times. There is no doubt that a significant increase in the population was a consequence of the processes that began in the previous, presumed era. Due to the absence during this period of external threat, a gradual, but steady growth of welfare as a result of introducing products from iron products, a few centuries of stable life were granted to the Greek world.

It should be noted that the growth of the population was noted in the region, poor natural resources, including fertile soils. As a result, in some areas of Greece, such a phenomenon appeared as a wall-hot (i.e. "Agrarian" overcrowding, which resulted in the "land hunger"). Most acutely, the wall-hot manifest itself on East (the experiencies connecting the peloponneum with Central Greece) and in the areas adjacent to it, as well as on some of the Aegean Sea Islands (especially on Evbee), in Multiaziary Ienia. In these densely populated areas, sizes (i.e., agricultural land) was negligible. To a lesser extent, the wall-hotness was felt in the attic. In Boeotia, Fessiona, in the south of Peloponnese, thanks to large areas of the land treated and high (according to Greek standards), the soil fertility demographic explosion did not lead to negative consequences. It is characteristic that in these areas and the pace of economic and political transformations were usually lower: the need is a powerful engine of progress.

An extremely important process, in many respects identified the development of archaic Greece, was urbanization - urban planning, the formation of a city lifestyle. From now on, until the end of the existence of an antique civilization, one of the most specific devil was its urban character. It was to some extent aware of the Greeks themselves, for whom the word "policy" (in the value "city") was one of the key characteristics of the whole being, and small in Greece in this era

states with the city as a center received the name of the policies.

If, by the beginning of the archaic era, in the Greek world, there were almost no foci of urban life, then the Greece was truly to be truly in the "country of cities", many of which (Athens, Corinth, Corinth, ARGOS, Millet, Ephesus, etc.) became the largest economic , political, cultural centers. Cities could form in various ways. One of the most common was the so-called Sinakism (literally - "lining") is a merger into one political unit of several small settlements of a rural type located near each other, on the territory of the same area. This process could be accompanied by a real resettlement of residents of several villages in one city. So, Sinaikism in the Attics, which tradition attributes to the legendary Athenian tsar Teshe (although this process took place in the first half of the 3,000 years BC. Er and continued for several centuries), did not lead to the resettlement of the entire rural population into a single center. Even in the classical era, more than half of Athenian citizens lived on the choir, in the Athens themselves there were only general bodies of government.

The Greek city of the Archaika period played the role of an administrative center for its surrounding territory, and speaking more precisely - the administrative and religious center, since religion in antiquity was closely connected with state life. But at the same time the city was the most important economic center, the focus of craft production and trade. Thus, it is necessary to note a certain duality of the functions of an ancient Greek city (however, it is typical of the city of any historical era). She was in stock in almost every city of two centers. One of them wascropolis (Otakros - Upper + Polis - the city), which was a fortress. It was usually located on a hill either on a more or less impregnable rock and possessed a complex of defensive structures. Acropolis was the heart of the city and the whole state; It has the main temples, the main religious cults were sent. At the Acropole, the buildings of the policy of the Policy controls were originally. In addition, in the event of an attack of enemies, the Acropolis served as Citadel, the last stronghold of the defendants.

The second "center" of the city was originating most often at the foot of the Agro Acropolis

- The main city square, where the market was located and where the people were going to gather. Agora, as well as Acropolis, was considered sacred. Around the Agora, actually the city binds were crowded, in which artisans were inhabited, merchants (who were, however, a minority of the population), as well as peasants, who were sent to work on their land, located near the city daily.

Once arising, the city has undergone a certain evolution during the archaic era. First of all, it is necessary to mention the gradual increase in the significance of Agora, about transferring the main administrative functions with Acropolis on it, which ultimately becomes almost exclusively a venue for religious rituals. In various Greek cities, this process was walking with varying degrees of intensity, correlated mainly with the pace of political development of one or another policy.

Bronze helmets (VI century BC)

Acropolis lost its defensive function, which was a consequence of another process characteristic of that time - an increase in the protection of cities in general. The rapid development of military art urged the creation of a system of fortifications in the cities that covered not only the Acropolis citadel, but also the entire territory of the city. By the end of the Archaic era, many cities, in any case the largest and prosperous, all over the perimeter were surrounded by defensive walls.

However, in all regions of the Greek world, urbanization has reached high development. In areas such as ELIDA, Etolia, Akarnania, Ahaya, life in the cities was still at a pretty primitive level. A special case was the largest center of the Southern Peloponnese-Sparta, which the antique authors were called a non-monitoring policy. Not only in the archaic era, but in the future (right up to the Hellenistic period) this policy did not have defensive walls. And in general, the appearance of Sparta was far from urban, because it was, in fact, a totality of several rural settlements.

Extremely important changes occurred in military affairs. In the VIII-VI centuries. BC e. Heroev-aristocratic heroes of Homer's martial arts described in the poems of Homer's martial arts. From now on, the main thing in the art of war was a collective principle, and a crucial role in the battlefields began to play squads - heavy infantrymen. The armor of the goplit consisted of a bronze helmet, a shell (either entirely made from bronze or leather, bronze plates), the bronze stuff, which defended the shin of the warrior, and a round shield from several layers of bullish leather on a wooden frame, usually by bronze plates. Goplit was armed short (about 60 centimeters long) by an iron sword and a longer wooden spear with an iron tip. Both armor and weapons, Goplit had to acquire in his own account, so in order to serve in this kind of troops, it was necessary to be a wealthy person, a citizen-landowner (initially complete Goplitian armament -panofilia - only an aristocrats were available at all).

Panoplia (armor of Goplite from Argos) (VIII century BC.)

In battle, Goplites acted as specially closed-building - Falanga. The warriors became a shoulder to the shoulder in a few rank into a rectangle strongly stretched along the front. The length of the Greek phalanx varies depending on the total number of squad and could reach one kilometer, the depth usually accounted for 7-8 rows. Built and prepared for the battle, Goplites were covered with shields, put a spear forward and moved to the enemy, trying to apply as soon as possible. A similar living wall that swept everything in its path, Falang for centuries remained the most perfect way to build troops. The strongest side of the phalanx was, perhaps, it is its irreparable onslaught; In addition, heavy armor defended Goplit well, which made the number of victims among the warring minimal. This building has been disadvantages: weak maneuverability, vulnerability from flanks, invisibility for combat actions at rough terrain. Both Goplitskaya weapons and phalanx appeared at the turn of the VIII-VII centuries. BC E. Most likely in Argos - one of the largest Peloponnese centers. In any case, it was in argolide in one of the graves archaeologists found the most ancient version of Panopalia. Naturally, from ARGOS, a new way of conducting hostilities spread very quickly throughout Peloponnes, and then almost throughout the Greek world.

Triera. Picture

The poorest citizens, unable to acquire Goplitis and weapons, during the war made up the auxiliary parts of the passenger-plated warriors - the gymnops. Among them

there were archers, prashasts, dupps, dart thrusters (short copies). The gymnasters, as a rule, began the battle, and then taught on the parties, freeing the place for the collision of the main forces - Goplitsky phalange. The gymnops considered the least valuable part of the troops, and sometimes the policies even concluded an agreement with each other, prohibited to use onions during military clashes, the rasms, etc.

The cavalry, completed exclusively from the representatives of the aristocracy, played a little role in battles: cavalrymen must protect the phalanx to the left and right to avoid its environment. More active actions of the cavalry prevented, in particular, the fact that the saddle was not invented with stirrups, and therefore the position of the rider on the horse was very unstable. Only in some Greek regions (especially in Fessiona), cavalry detachments occupied a truly significant place in the structure of the troops.

Along with military art, maritime caused. In the archaic era, the Military ships of the combined sailing-rowing type appeared. The earliest species of such ships of the Werezteconter, which was a very large boat with a sail and about half nozzles, each of which was driven by a row. In the VI century BC e. On the change of Pentekonter, the sewer is a ship with three rows of fun (just up to 170 cheers) on each side. According to the ancient authors, the tries first began to build masters from Corinth. Sailing rigging on the Trier was extremely simple and was rarely used, mostly the ship was moving on oars, especially during the sea battle. In this case, the ability to develop speed up to 10 nodes in combination with high maneuverability did a trine with a very efficient weapon. Throughout the archaic and most of the classical era, it remained the most common type of military vessel.

The Greeks were considered the greatest in the then world of the Morakhodas; already in the archaic era, a pronounced "maritime" orientation of their civilization was determined in the archaic era. Along with the ships, intended for warfare, the Greeks were trading, transport ships. Trading ships were shorter and wide than

pentectors and tries that have extended an elongated shape. The movement of such a vessel was carried out primarily with the help of sails. However, the sailing equipment of the ancient Greek ships was even quite simple. Therefore, excessive removal from the shore threatened such a ship with almost imminent death, as well as swimming in winter, in the season of storms. Nevertheless, progress in the development of marine spaces was obvious.

Of course, all innovations in the field of urban planning, in military and maritime matter would be impossible if they did not accompany the rapid development of the economy. True, in agriculture, which was the basis of the economic life of ancient Greece, these changes were felt weaker. Agricultural production was still based on cultivating the cultures of the so-called "Mediterranean triad" (grain, grapes, olives), as well as in cattle breeding, which played mostly a supporting role.

Significant changes occurred in the VIII-VI centuries. BC e. In craft production, which has already separated from agriculture.

Corinthian ceramics (approx. 600 BC.)

Technical progress has affected many manufacturing industries, such as shipbuilding, production and processing of metal. The Greeks began to build mines, opened welding and soldering iron, developed new bronze casting technologies, etc. All this contributed to the development of weapons. In the field of ceramic production it should be noted expanding the range of vessels. Elegant and stylish decoration with the help of painting turned these objects of utilitarian purposes into real works of art. In the most developed Greek polishes, monumental stone buildings of cult and public appointments are appear: temples, altars, buildings for the operation of authorities, port structures, water pipes, etc.

Economic achievements would be impossible without overcoming the clinut of Greek communities characteristic of the Homeric period. Trade, including external, contributed to the restoration of connections with the ancient civilizations of the East. For example, in Al-Mine (on the Syrian coast) there was a Greek merchant factor. In other words, Greece finally left insulation. However, the level of trade in trade in

the archaic era should not be exaggerated. Vegetability of the Greek economy, i.e., the focus on the market was low. The foreign trade exchange was, first of all, not selling products of ancient Greek policies, but, on the contrary, obtaining from other places that there was no own territory: raw materials, craft goods and food, especially bread, in which the Greeks always needed. The absence of a sufficient amount of natural resources in Greece led to the fact that imports were the main component of foreign trade.

Rhodes ceramics (VII century BC.)

Trade, economic contacts attracted interaction in the cultural sphere. Easter influence enhancing in the Archaic Epoch gives a reason to some scientists even talk about the oriental (i.e.-oriented) period of the development of civilization in ancient Greece. Indeed, from Phenicia came to the Greek policies of the alphabet, from Egypt - the technology of manufacturing monumental statues, from Asia Minor - coin. Ellina was readily perceived with more experienced oriental neighbors all useful innovations. However, they walked on a completely new, unknown Eastern civilization of the development path.

The emergence of money was a very important factor in the economic life of the Greek world.

IN the beginning of the archaic era in some areas of Eldla (especially in Peloponnese) the role of money played iron and copper bars in the shape of rods -oboli. Six Obolis areged (i.e. handful - this amount could be captured by one hand).

IN VII century BC e. A checked coin appeared. It was invented in Lydia, a small rich kingdom in the west of Malaya Asia. The Greeks very quickly adopted innovation. At first, the largest low-immigory Greek policies began to make a coin on the sample of the leaders, and then coins were included in the Balkan Greece (primarily on the aethe). Both the Lidia and the first Greek coins were minted from electra - natural alloy gold and silver, and therefore their nominal nominal were quite high, and hardly these coins could be used in trade. Most likely, they served to carry out major settlements of the state (for example, for payment for services Mercenary warriors). However, over time, small nominal coins appeared and it entered the active trade turnover.

Athenian Silver Tetraddrahma (V C. BC.)

By the end of the Archaic era, silver became the main material for coining. Only in the classic era, a small exchange coin began to do from copper. Gold coins minted in extremely rare cases. It is characteristic that new money has retained old names. The main monetary unit in most policies was drachma (6 Obolis). The weight of the Athenian silver drachma was approximately 4.36 grams. Coins also coins of intermediate dignity - between drachma and oblave. There were also coins more weighty than drachma: Dydrachma (2 drachmas), very widespread processradam (4 drams) and extremely rarely released flags (10 drachms). The largest measures of value are the minimum (100 drachma) Itlant (60 min, i.e. about 26 kilograms of silver); The coins of such dignity naturally was not.

In some ancient Greek cities, there was their own mint-based system based on a monetary unit Stater (about 2 drachmas). Each policy, being an independent state, produced his own coin. The authorities certified her state status by placing a special image on a coin, which was the symbol, or emblem, polis. So, on the coins of Athens, Athens and Owl's head were depicted, which is considered a sacred bird of the goddess, on the coins of Egina - Turtle, on the coins of Boeotia - shield, etc.

Sources about the history of ancient Greece in the archaic era testify a variety of

sources whose value, however, is not the same. The central place is occupied by written data contained in the works of antique authors. At the same time, monuments that were created during the archaic era itself are the greatest value, because it is evidence of contemporaries, and sometimes even eyewitnesses of the events described.

Important information is given historical writings: after all, ancient historians just put the goal to tell about the events not only the modern era, but earlier. As you know, historical literature first appeared in Greece in the Archaic Epoch, in the second half of the VI century. BC e. However, the works of the first logographic writers who worked in the historic genre (Hecatery of Miretsky, Charon Lammsaksky, Akusila Argossky, etc.) - to great regret, were preserved only in the form of a few and disparate fragments cited by the "later" authors. Of course, some valuable information can be obtained from these fragments, but in general the information in them is quite scarce and, in any case, do not allow to recreate a holistic picture of Greece's development in the archaic era.

For any complete reconstruction of the history of this time, you have to actively use written monuments of various genres, for example, the works of poets, which in Eldead VIII -VI centuries. BC e. there were many. Very important material we find the Gesiod - the largest representative of the didactic

(instructive) epic. Its Poem "Proceedings and Days" contains a description of the entire labor life of a peasant with a peculiar poems of economic instructions, religious prescriptions and moral rules of life of the poor Greek epoch of early archaic. The world of "rural Greece" rises from the pages of the poem in all its completeness and colorfulness, and, it should be said, this world contrasts sharply with the world of Homer - with his militant heroes and almost constant battles.

The source of information is numismatic evidence. The very first coins of Greek policies make it possible to judge the nature of the monetary circulation, about the paths of interstate trade, the systems of measures and weights, etc.

Buildings and sculptures, poems and thoughts of great philosophers are all this components of the Greek Miracle, as scientists call it today.

If you are interested in culture briefly familiarize yourself with it in this article. So, what admires even the most inexperienced in the art of man for four thousand years? Let's deal with more details.


An antique period, which is characterized by the rise and flourishing Ella (so the ancient Greeks called their country), for most art historians is the most interesting. And not in vain! After all, at this time there was a birth and formation of the principles and forms of almost all genres of modern creativity.

All scientists share the history of the development of this country for five periods. Let's look at the typology and talk about the formation of certain types of art.

Aegean epoch

This period is most brightly represented by two monuments - Mycena and Palaces. The latter is more famous today as a labyrinth from the myth about theses and minotaur. After archaeological excavations, scientists have confirmed the truthfulness of this legend. Only the first floor has been preserved, but it has more than three hundred rooms!

In addition to the Palaces, the crotto-mycean period is known for masks of the Ahase leaders and critical sculptures of small form. Figurines found in the caches of the palace are striking with their filigree. Women with snakes look very realistic and elegant.

Thus, the culture of ancient Greece, the summary of which is presented in the article, originated from the symbiosis of the ancient island civilization of Crete and those who came to the Ahasey and Dorian tribes that dated the Balkan Peninsula.

Gomera period

This era differs significantly in the material plan from the previous one. From the XI to the IX century, many important events have occurred to our era.

First of all, the previous civilization died. Scientists suggest that due to the eruption of the volcano. Next, the statehood there was a refund to the community device. In fact, the formation of society re-appeared.

An important point is that against the background of material decline, spiritual culture is fully preserved and continued to develop. We can see this on the example of the works of Homer, which reflect this fracture era.

Refers to the end of the Mina period, and the writer himself lived at the beginning of the archaic era. That is, "Iliad" and "Odyssey" are the only testimonies about this period, because besides them and the archaeological findings are not known about him today.

Archaic culture

At this time, there is a rapid growth and formation of policies. The coin begins to minimize the alphabet and the formation of the letter.

Olympic games appear in the archaic era, a cult of a healthy and athletically folded body is formed.

Classic period

All the culture of ancient Greece is increasing today (there is a summary in the article), it was in this era.

Philosophy and science, painting and sculpture, and poetry - all these genres are experiencing takeoff and unique development. The apogee of creative self-expression was the Athenian architectural ensemble, which still amazes the audience with its harmony and the grace of forms.


The last period of the development of Greek culture is interesting thanks to its ambiguity.

On the one hand, the Association of Greek and Eastern traditions occurs due to the conquests of Alexander Macedon. On the other hand, Rome captures Greece, but the latter conquers it with its culture.


Parthenon, probably, one of the most famous monuments of the ancient world. And Doric or Ionian elements, such as columns, are inherent in some later architectural styles.

Basically, the development of this type of art we can trace the temples. After all, it is in this kind of buildings that the most power, means and skills were invested. Even the palaces were valued less than the place for sacrifice to the gods.

The charm of the ancient Greek temples is that it was not the formidable capital of mysterious and cruel carens. According to the internal device, they resembled ordinary homes, only equipped with elegant and coated richer. And how differently, if the gods themselves were portrayed like people, with the same problems, quarrels and joys?

In the future, three orders of the columns will form most of the styles of European architecture. It is with their help that the culture of ancient Greece briefly, but very exccoation and durable entered the life of a modern man.


The works of this type of art are most numerous and investigated today. In school, children learn information about what the culture of ancient Greece (briefly) was represented. Grade 5, for example, is a period of dating only with myths and legends.

And the first monuments of this civilization, which students see, is a black-shaft ceramics - very beautiful and copies of which served as souvenirs, decorations and collectibles in all subsequent epochs.

Painting of the vessels passed several stages of development. Initially, these were simple geometric ornaments, known since the times of the Minoan culture. Next, they are added spirals, meanders and other details.

In the process of becoming a vasopcript acquires the features of painting. The vessels appear plots from the mythology and everyday life of the ancient Greeks, human figures, images of animals and household scenes.

It is noteworthy that the artists managed not only to pass the movement in their paintings, but also to give personal features of the characters. Thanks to its attributes, there are easily recognizes individual gods and heroes.


The peoples of the ancient world perceived the surrounding reality a little differently than we used to understand it. The deities were the main force that was responsible for what was happening in a person's life.

At school, they are often asked to make a brief message on the topic "Culture of Ancient Greece", briefly, interesting and describe in detail the legacy of this stunning civilization. In this case, the story is better to start with mythology.

The ancient Greek Pantheon included a lot of gods, demigods and heroes, but the main ones were twelve Olympians. The names of the part of them were already known during the critical-mix civilization. They are mentioned on clay signs with a linear letter. It is noteworthy that at this stage they had female and men's analogs of the same character. For example, he was Zeus-He and Zeus-she.

Today we know about the gods of ancient Greece thanks to the monuments of visual art and literature, which remained in the centuries. Sculptures, frescoes, figurines, plays and stories - the worldview of Ellinov found in all this.

Similar views survived their time. Artistic culture of ancient Greece, briefly, has presented a paramount effect on the formation of many European schools of various types of art. Artists of the Renaissance resurrected and developed the ideas of style, harmony and forms, known in classical Greece.


Many centuries separate our society from the society ancient Ellala, besides, in fact, only crumbs have reached us from what was written. "Iliad" and "Odyssey", probably, the most popular works, thanks to which the culture of ancient Greece is known. A summary (about Odyssey and his adventure) can be found in any readstatology, and the feats of this wise person are impressive society so far.

Without his advice, there would be a victory of the Ahaseians in the Trojan War. In principle, both poems form a ruler's image in perfect light. Critics are perceived as a collective character, which is in place of many positive features.

The work of Homer refers to the eighth century BC. Later authors, such as Eurypid, made a completely new jet into their works. If they were the main relationship between the heroes and gods, as well as the trust of the celestial and their interference in the life of ordinary people, now everything changes. The tragedies of the new generation reflect the inner world of man.

Culture Briefly speaking, in the classic period, trying to penetrate deeper and answer most of the eternal questions. In this "study", areas such as literature, philosophy, visual art participated. Speakers and poets, thinkers and artists - everyone tried to realize the many-sidedness of the world and convey to the wisdom to descendants.


Classification of art is based on elements of vases. The Greek (Ahaseco-Mina) period is preceded by Crito-Mysensky, when a developed civilization existed on the islands, and not on the Balkan Peninsula.

Actually the culture of ancient Greece, a brief description of which we give in the article, is formed at the end of the second millennium BC. The most ancient monuments were temples (for example, the Apollo temple on the island of Fera) and the painting of the vessels. The latter is characterized by an ornament in the form of the simplest geometric shapes. The main era was a ruler and a circulation.

In the archaic period, which began near the seventh century to our era, art becomes more developed and bold. Corinth Chernolak ceramics appears, the poses of people depicted on vessels and bas-reliefs are borrowed from Egypt. There is a so-called archaic smile at sculptures that are becoming increasingly natural.

In the classic era, the "relief" of architecture occurs. Doric style is replaced by Ionian and Corinthian. Instead of limestone, marble is beginning to apply, and buildings and sculptures become more air. This civilization phenomenon is completed, by Hellenism, the heyday of the Empire of Alexander Macedonsky.

Today, the culture of ancient Greece is studied in many institutions - briefly for children, more fully for adolescents and deeply for researchers. But even with all the desire, we do not fully cover the material left to us by representatives of this sunny people.


Even the origin of this term is Greek. Ellinov distinguished the strongest love for wisdom. Not in vain in the whole ancient world, they were considered the most highly educated people.

Today we do not remember anyone from the scholars of Mesopotamia or Egypt, we know the units of Roman researchers, but the names of the Greek thinkers at all on hearing. Democritis and Protagor, and Pythagoras, Socrates and Plato, Epicur and Heraclit - they all made a huge contribution to the World Culture, enriched the results of their experiments to civilization so much that we still use their achievements.

Pythagoreans, for example, absolished the role of numbers in our world. They believed that with their help, it is possible not only to describe everything, but even predicting the future. Sofists basically paid attention to the inner world of man. Good was determined by them like what is nice, and evil - as a thing or an event causing suffering.

The democritus and epicurus developed the teaching of the atomism, that is, the fact that the world consists of meager elementary particles, the existence of which has proven only after the invention of the microscope.

Socrates transferred the attention of thinkers from cosmology to the study of a person, and Plato idealized the world of ideas, considering it the only real.

Thus, we see that the features of the culture of ancient Greece, briefly, they reflected through the prism of the philosophical worldview on a modern life of a person.


Those who visited Greece for a long time remembered a stunning feeling that a person is experiencing, being in the amphitheater. His magical acoustics, which even today seems miracle, conquers the hearts for more than one thousand years. This is a structure in which there is not one tens of rows, the scene is located under the open sky, and the viewer sitting at the furthest place is able to hear how the coin falls on the scene. Isn't a miracle of engineering thought?

Thus, we see that the culture of ancient Greece, briefly described above, formed the foundations of contemporary art, philosophy, science and social institutions. If it were not for the ancient Ellity, it is unknown, no matter how modern lifestyle was.