Natalia Mosiechuk Personal Life. TV presenter Natalia Mosiechuk and her handsome sons: photos from the family archive

Natalia Mosiechuk Personal Life. TV presenter Natalia Mosiechuk and her handsome sons: photos from the family archive
Natalia Mosiechuk Personal Life. TV presenter Natalia Mosiechuk and her handsome sons: photos from the family archive

14:24 22.03.2012

The leading information program "TSN" ("1 + 1") Natalia Mosiechuk is preparing to become a mom for the second time.

"The husband, of course, was very happy. We wanted this child and planned him - told Natalia magazine "Telendel". - By the way, even before I found out about my interesting position, he somehow looked at me and said: "You know, and in my opinion we are pregnant, a bead."

Hidden Natalia told the publication about his personal life, frankly responding to intimate questions. I propose to familiarize yourself:

- What does the usual day of the leading news look like?

I wake up at 7.15, I accompany the Son to School (Anton 13 years old. - Approx. Red.), And a husband to work. Then I am preparing lunch and dinner, but before this you need to run shopping and buy products. Plus something to wash, stroke, remove ... up to 14.20 - time when the start of the house, turns like a squirrel in the wheel. In 40 minutes, while I go to the television center, rest. From 15.00 to 21.00 I am at work - and so five days a week.

- Laying the flights at the end of the day?

Necessarily. First, we are interested in how my son was held. If you find some painful point, it falls into two flywheel (laughs). Then check your homework. It takes about an hour - Anton learned to quickly prove that they understood everything. Further dinner and discuss your affairs with my husband. In general, everything, like everyone else.

- Books for sleep coming reading?

Is that the "history of Ukraine" or "global history". Or something from Ukrainian literature, if this did not go to school. How else? You need to talk to the child in one language, be in the subject. As for reading for themselves, it has recently been fascinated by books about the great, including autobiographical. I read about Churchill, Thatcher, Ranenevskaya, Gurchenko, Gerdta and already compiled a list of books that plan to enjoy in the next few months ... under the peaceful fellow of the baby.

- You have no afternoon at home. Teach Anton to independence?

He is a very conscious boy - does not want us to upset us with her husband. In addition, failures are afraid. But I still call him every hour, I suck something, helping. It is inconvenient: I am distracted from affairs, he is forced to interrupt and wait for me to have a free moment. But it does not work differently.

- Did you think that your fate will be like that?

What do you! He considered the work on television is disorder! I always knew that I would be a teacher. In the meantime, he studied at the institute, television was my hobby, which made it possible to earn money. I remember, even on a 45-minute change, he managed to run on the TV channel and record some announcements. It came there as a journalist-an international to work out on translations. This later I looked at me and said: "Well, sitting in the frame!".

But life made its own adjustments. He married, it was necessary to earn their own apartment. Despite the fact that in Zhytomyr, he worked in several works - both at the institute, and on television, and English courses were led, the provincial city did not give such an opportunity. It was really done only in the capital and certainly not in a teaching position. Although in Kiev, he tried to make a specialty - in Polytech, at the Department of English. I was refused, because there was no Kiev register.

Natalia with Son Anton

 - What happiness that it was not!

But I do not know whether happiness. Maybe I would have a different fate. Or it would be easier to live. I still feel guilty to the child. It came to work when the son was 10 months old. He "lent" his mother and for two years came to Zhytomyr in its weekend - I then worked a week in a week.

In your daily chart there is no point that is often found in all public persons - the gym ...

The lives of many people whom the audience see on TV is not so bohemian as they think. No one eats a rainbow! I have not seen with my girlfriend 20 years. When they met, talked, she was very surprised: "And I thought you do not erase, not prepare, and your life is not connected with life." Why? After all, this life has been canceled ...

- But the gym is not necessarily a tribute to fashion. There is a physical need to give the load to the muscles.

I got only this year, so I bought for the whole family a subscription to the sports club. And what? Husband with her son go, and I think everything, how to carve time in the morning and swimming. But since it is necessary, including for the health of the future child, I will definitely think about something.

- How did your favorite men responded to the fact that the family will be replenished?

The son immediately began to pick a baby name. And since the movie "One House" was watching the day before: "If there is a boy, let's call him Kevin" - as the main character. What did the spouse replied: "Kevin Ilyich? Very good sounds! " (Laughs)

 Male TV presenter Ilya

 - Do you plan to sit for a long time on decoet?

I do not know how to work out ... Some are already a week after childbirth. It seems to me that it is wrong - my mother should be with a child. However, if she managed to pay attention to her husband, eldest children and baby, and even earlier - this is wonderful. Another thing is not sure if I have time.

- When after the first birth, they decided to return to work (Natalia then was leading in the television company "UTA". - Approx. ed.),you did not take. This time somehow reinsured?

What can be warranty? Another thing is that then I had a complex of inferiority: if you did not take back, then I am a bad specialist. Although in fact I did not even try to find out why I was not restored. Now I am more confident in my professionalism - I have my own price on the television market. Besides, I am a workaholic - which employer does not like it?

As for the situation of 13-year old ... If I hadn't learned such a "slap" then, I would not come out of me.

 - Are not afraid to recover after childbirth?

I even have no thoughts! Nature and life are all balanced. After the first pregnancy, for example, overweight dropped a week after childbirth. And how else could be if one with a child was left on the fifth day - in the house where there is no elevator and you need to carry the stroller itself?

- Spouse works by a television operator?

My fate is very similar to the life of the main character of the film "Moscow I do not believe in tears", only my "Gosha" is not a locksmith at the institute, but a manager in a large corporation. My first child's father is really a televiser. Unfortunately, this is my second marriage. I say "unfortunately," because I would like to meet the current spouse before. Only now he felt "for her husband." This is my wall, my shoulder, a native person, a friend and me, and Antoshka.

- With my son, the husband generally found a common language?

Anton perceives all people very positively. As for their relationship with his spouse ... You know, sometimes even jealous. It seems to me that he loves her husband more than me. In any case, they have more common interests.

- You recently returned from vacation. Where were you? We drove together or threesome?

Were in the Middle East, together - it was a selfish trip for me (laughs). Very well rested. Finally managed to calm down. When they returned to Kiev, even called the hotel to find out which company they had a mattress. They are so comfortable that I want to buy such a home, in my position it is very relevant.

In general, always try to relax together. I believe that at such age, children still show the versals and colisees early - quickly erase from memory. But Turkey, for example, where the mass of children's entertainment and can relax in full, - just right.

- How are you relaxing?

Only when I'm leaving from Kiev. It is worth seeing the hell out of the capital, and I already rest.

Congratulations to Natalia!

According to the materials of the "Teleenadel"

Photo - "Telendel", provided by the press service "1 + 1"

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The leading TSN on the channel 1 + 1 Natalia Moseychuk this year sent the eldest son Anton to the graduation class. On his Facebook page, the journalist shared family photos and told about the tests that would have to go through her children.

"Definitely, the year in our family will be a shock in connection with the upcoming final exams. I say" with us ", because I worry about your older son Anton. He is ahead - the unknownness that Him, thank God, does not scare. I already have The experience of graduation, entrance and other exams. I am covered by horror due to the fact that my son should pass through it. And the most offensive - "latomy" character of these tests. After all, very often in the question of the future child plays a role, and not hardworking, Knowledge and perseverance. Here with these fears I enter the new academic year. Anton is unlike me more optimistic. He has a huge employment - school classes, tutors, self-education. He, like me, 24 hours in days already a little , "Natalia wrote.

But the younger son of Natalia Moseichuk is still a little baby, he is only two years old. On September 1, the boy with the whole family went to school to the elder brother, while the guest.

Patriotic dress code - embroidery.

"Who is now in an absolutely happy condition - it is Matvey - younger. He has a completely carefree time. It's a pity that the kids do not remember these days. He is two years and three months. He bathes in general love, caress. He is forgiven hacking Caverza, mood swings. And on September 1, it was not an outstanding day for him - just one of the others happy. I pray for my boys. Let them all succeed. And let their life be peaceful! ", - Writes Natalia Moseychuk in the social network.

The leading program "TSN" on the channel 1+1 Natalia Moseychukdoes not really like to spread on your personal life. But for Telenide Made an exception - told about raising children, rest, care for themselves and how one copes with three men.

No need to help - at least do not interfere!

You have a little changed the ether image. How easily agree to experiments in the frame and in life?

Nothing radically changed, it seems to me. If you mean a more natural hairstyle, I can't even remember, it appeared thanks to my good mood or, on the contrary, bad (laughs). I think this, as you say, "Changed Ether Image" - the result of the effort of make-up artists, stylists and hairdressers. I am very calm about any changes. Do not chase them, but if they occur, accepting positive.

A working woman is not easy to combine career and care for the family. I know that you do not have helpers on the farm. Are there your own lifehaki, allowing you to quickly remove in the house or also quickly cook a delicious original dinner?

In this sense, I trust progress. If you need to wash the slab, buy a means that half an hour will help remove dirt without a special effort. Need to put in order window? The ammonia and vinegar, as before, I won't wipe off. Understanding windows washing liquid and special brushes, allowing to solve the problem to the maximum per hour. And everything will be glittered! Believe me, if you do this twenty years, do the hand to such an extent that you will do everything no worse than the most expensive cleaning agency. And if the guests are on the threshold, I have a multicooker, which borsch is cooking in 15 minutes, the keet - in an hour, and the cake is bake in 20 minutes. This is a real miracle of technology, I want to cook a lot with her and different things.

The higher the requirements for me, the higher the pace of my life. Everything happens faster - including cleaning and cooking. The only time that is not shrinking is that we expect your children. What exactly I will not save, so it's for walks with 4-year-old Matvey. Better something at night I am completed.

What household appliances, except for a slow cooker, significantly facilitate life?

We have a dishwasher. But, frankly, we use it when I remember its existence. The rest is like everyone else, nothing special.

How do you cope with one with three men? Or so skillfully organized the process that they themselves help you?

It's not about help. Do you know how I usually say? If only they did not interfere! (Laughs.) I confess, the organizer of me is no, so I count on their consciousness. If she tells them what you need to help, I will not refuse. But sometimes it is easier to cope with the most. I remember when they did repair, I gladly glue wallpaper. And I liked it that! Begotes, because I got quickly and professionally! True, it was many years ago. Now I can not imagine this process without the help of Ilya. If only because I want to do with him not only to do something, but also to communicate. So easier, and more fun.

My coffee morning

Is there enough time? How much should it be to relax, do some favorite rituals?

For some time, I had a rule - get up a little earlier husband and children to quietly drink a cup of coffee. My colleague advised: while everyone sleeps, you cook coffee, focus on the plans and mentally organize your day. I like it. Here on this episode - "coffee morning" - all slowness and ends (laughs). Then we turn on the turbo accility and spend the whole day work and family.

Many women are confident that "people from the TV" life takes place in beauty salons. This is an illusion! I have a catastrophically lack of time. Therefore, limit to only the most necessary. About "threatening in the bathroom" when you have a small child, you must forget. And it is more correct to make a choice before it is born: or baby, or relaxing in the bathroom full of foam. I did myself. Spa treatments will wait. Now you need to catch every moment until Matthews, remember all his facial expressions and funny words, write statements, a lot to photograph. In short, I only dream. But I do not regret it.

How do you manage to look so good?

In ordinary life, we practically do not use cosmetics. The purse is mascara, blush and lip gloss. But together, they rarely use them. I have a sufficiently essential makeup. And then, I know perfectly perfectly, as in the literal sense, the word "is done" is the beauty, so I appreciate it not by how a woman is painted, but as it looks without makeup.

I constantly promise myself: here next week I will definitely go to the salon to the face care procedures. And every time I deceive - I prefer some more important things in the campaign for beauty. I'm sorry to take time in children and devote it to himself.

Psychologists say that the spouses must have a personal space - so that everyone can be alone with him or to do a loved one. Do you get so much?

I am frankly sorry for the family in which someone needs a personal space. Husband of the same opinion. We have a different problem: since Matvey has been born, there is practically no time for each other. We are either at work, or with children. I pay little attention to each other - it's true. We are trying to change the situation, but so far to no avail. As soon as we plan a trip somewhere together, it must be something that happens, and our plans rushes.

How to avoid boredom?

No need to stand in one place - we must try to develop. In different directions! Meet interesting people, read books and bring impressions from them to the house. Exchange opinions. You can even dinners, breakfasts and dinners to do the most diverse as possible.

The main thing is not to get out of the shores

In the life of each family there comes a difficult moment - the transitional age of the child. You have already survived it with the eldest son. How did you cope with him and with you not to break and not "get out of the shores"?

You are absolutely right - it was difficult to "get out of the shores". I am a very emotional person, I'm looking at the half-turn, as they say. But also easily and calm down. Especially since the adolescent age of Anton coincided with my sleepless nights with Matvey. I myself was emotionally unstable, and there are still hormonal surges of the elder ... Fortunately, far from gone. There were no shoots from the house, as it happens in some families, the appearance of some detrimental habits - like smoking or, God forbid, drugs. Everything came down to the discussion with the ANTOSHKO, often on elevated colors. But even they were hard for me. Therefore, grateful to his son for not the test of more complex teenage manifestations.

Until me, only now began to come up, that he becomes an adult man. And it's hard to let it "let go." I have to know about each minute of his life. I am not indifferent to whom he is in which company, having fun or sad.

Anton is a sophomore student. The process of choosing a university was difficult?

The son was broken between the desire to study at the Kiev National Economic University and the hobby of computer sciences. As a result, we decided on the family council that he will receive economic - at the Faculty of International Economy, and programming will master in parallel.

Student has requests higher than a schoolboy. Do you somehow regulate his spending?

We do not have such problems as "Anton Tracts." He has a day to study and the house, he does not walk around the cafe and not stupid. Very helps in the housework. I often ask him to run for shopping: milk, bread, water. So it was and remains our great assistant. All his spending - on the subway and the minibus to the university. Never asks for clothes or shoes. He has no special requirements for his wardrobe - the Son does not belong to the golden youth and is not spoiled with money.

Sea Already to Boykov!

Your children have a big difference in age. It is possible to organize the rest so much to spend it with the whole family - to interesting things and the youngest and the older?

This is the first year when the children rested not together. Anton passed the session and left in the United States, and we were healing Matthew to the sea. True, there are few - two weeks. We were waiting for cosmetic repairs, so the vacation turned out short. Although before he and her husband did not last longer.

In the last interview with the Telendel, you said that while Matvey is small, prefer not to travel to him to rest abroad, so as not to experience all the charms of acclimatization. Did you decide to take a chance?

Yes, the rule "Do not leave" we have already grown (smiles). Matveka matured. Thank God, did not hurt the sea. We wonderfully spent time. The baby stopped being afraid of water, learned to dive, swim. With dad, they floated Already to the buoshov!

Now we have everything on the contrary - the infection clings immediately after returning "with the seas". I suspect that the environment has the environmental situation in the capital. This is not only my observation. Moms who brought children with cottages near Kiev, also complain: it cost one day to spend in the metropolis - and the baby is already incomprehensible for what reason the nose and tricks in the throat.

Matthew has a nanny, or does he go to the kindergarten?

He has an angel keeper - his Valya (smiles). She is for Matthew - girlfriend, mentor and companion. When I leave a child on her, my heart is calm. Whatever happens, I can rely on our nanny. This is a big rarity - find a "my" person who thinks with you equally ... Fortunately, periodically life sends us people who can support and teach something. I am sure that Nanny Valya is just like that.

But the kindergarten and my husband and I were said together. "No." Categorical "no". Perhaps this decision is a consequence of psychotrame from childhood. But I do not want constant diseases. So, as it was with the senior: three days in kindergarten - three months sick. I will not conduct such experiments over the Matthey for socialization. There are schools of early development, where children come only on classes, and we plan. I also want to write to the sports session. In the pool. And spend a maximum of time in the fresh air with him.

Natalia Mosiichuk was born on May 30, 1973 in Teden, Turkmen SSR. Father - Military, Mother - Pedagogue. In 1990 he graduated from high school in the city of Berdichev Zhytomyr region. In 1995 he graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bof the Zhytomyr Pedagogical University.


In 1993, Natalia Mosiichuk began working as a journalist and leading in Zhytomyr regional television.

Since 1997 - the leading information and entertainment program "Morning Review" on the Inter TV channel.

Since 1998 - the leading news on the YTAR channel.

Since 1999 - the leading news of the "Express Inform" television company.

Since 2003 - the leading information service "5th channel". The author and leading program "VIP-Woman".

From August 2006, it became the leading television service of the news (TCN) on the channel "1 + 1". Also was the author and leading project "Hidden Life" on the public and non-public parties to the lives of famous politicians.

Natalia Moseychuk, together with Lydia, Taran leads the main issues of TSN.


Moseychuk transition to 1 + 1 Genproducer "5 channel" Yuri Staksky commented on this: "I know for sure that this is not a desire to earn more and not the desire to go with the" 5 channel ". She had a dream to work for 1 + 1 and, in my opinion, it should be the reason for this. "

In turn, herself herself in an interview with the Lviv Portal said that the reason was the reason for the dismissal from the channel of several figures for her - in particular, the leading, "teacher and friend" of the novel Pleaspina. And also expressed the view that by the time the "channel of honest news" changed noticeably: "It was not the news that we did in 2004 ...".


Awarded a sign of the difference between the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Named journalist of the year in the field of electronic media (award "Man of the Year 2009")

Personal life

Married, brings up two sons - Anton (1998 R.) And Matvey (2012).

Natalia Nikolaevna Moseicuk (UKR. Natalia Mikolaїvna Moseichuk; born May 30, 1973, Teden) - Ukrainian TV presenter, journalist leading TSN on channel 1 + 1.


Natalia Mosiichuk was born on May 30, 1973 in Teden, Turkmen SSR. Father - Military, Mother - Pedagogue. In 1990 he graduated from high school in the city of Berdichev Zhytomyr region. In 1995 he graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bof the Zhytomyr Pedagogical University.


In 1993, Natalia Mosiichuk began working as a journalist and leading in Zhytomyr regional television.

Since 1997 - the leading information and entertainment program "Morning Review" on the Inter TV channel.

Since 1998 - the leading news on the YTAR channel.

Since 1999 - the leading news of the "Express Inform" television company.

Since 2003 - the leading information service "5th channel". The author and leading program "VIP-Woman".

From August 2006, it became the leading television service of the news (TCN) on the channel "1 + 1". Also was the author and leading project "Hidden Life" on the public and non-public parties to the lives of famous politicians.

Natalia Moseychuk, together with Lydia, Taran leads the main issues of TSN.


Moseychuk transition to 1 + 1 Genproducer "5 channel" Yuri Staksky commented on this: "I know for sure that this is not a desire to earn more and not the desire to go with the" 5 channel ". She had a dream to work for 1 + 1 and, in my opinion, it should be the reason for this. "

In turn, herself herself in an interview with the Lviv Portal said that the reason was the reason for the dismissal from the channel of several figures for her - in particular, the leading, "teacher and friend" of the novel Pleaspina. And also expressed the view that by the time the "channel of honest news" changed noticeably: "It was not the news that we did in 2004 ...".


Awarded a sign of the difference between the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Named journalist of the year in the field of electronic media (award "Man of the Year 2009")