Primitive people drawings. Skatal painting of primitive people: what is hidden behind her? Hunter - scheme of phased drawing with children "Rock painting"

Primitive people drawings. Skatal painting of primitive people: what is hidden behind her? Hunter - scheme of phased drawing with children
Primitive people drawings. Skatal painting of primitive people: what is hidden behind her? Hunter - scheme of phased drawing with children "Rock painting"

There is something magically attractive and at the same time sad in petroglyphs. The names of talented artists of antiquity and their history we will never know. All that we have left is the rock paintings by which you can try to imagine the life of our distant ancestors. Let's look at the 9 famous caves with weak pictures.

Cave Altaamira

Opened in 1879, Marcelino de Soutola in Spain is not known for the Sicastine Chapel of Primitive Art. The techniques that were in service with the ancient artists, the impressionists began to use in their work only in the 19th century.

Painting found by the daughter of an amateur archaeologist, made a lot of noise in the scientist community. The researchers were even accused of falsification - no one could believe that such talented drawings were created by the millennium ago.

Pictures are realistic, some of them are volumetric - a special effect managed to achieve using a natural relief of the walls.

After opening in the cave, everyone could go away. Due to the permanent visits of tourists inside the temperature has changed, mold appeared in the pictures. Today the cave is closed for visitors, but not far from it is the Museum of Ancient History and Archeology. Just 30 km from the cave of Altamir, you can get acquainted with copies of rock paintings and curious finds of archaeologists.

Cave lacco

In 1940, a group of adolescents accidentally found a cave next to Montylekom in France, the entrance to which the tree was discovered during a thunderstorm. It is small, but thousands of drawings are under vaults. Some of them ancient artists began to apply on the walls in the 18th century to our era.

People, symbols and motion are depicted here. Researchers divided the cave on thematic zones for convenience. Far outside of France are famous drawings of the bull hall, the other name is Rotunda. There is the largest rock painter, of all discovered - 5-meter bull.

Under the arches there are more than 300 drawings, including here you can see the animals of the ice age. It is assumed that the age of some pictures is about 30 thousand years.

Cave NIO

In the south-east of France, there is a painting inside which local residents knew back in the 17th century. However, the proper values \u200b\u200bof the drawings did not attach, leaving a number of numerous inscriptions.

In 1906, Captain Molyar discovered inside the hall with images of animals, which later received the name of the black cabin.

Inside you can see bison, deer and goats. Scientists believe that in antiquity there were rituals to attract good luck on the hunt. For tourists, the Pyrenean Park of Prehistoric Art is open, where you can learn more about archeology.

Cave cosk

Not far from Marseille is located, to get into which only those who can swim well can. To see ancient images, you need to swim through the 137-meter tunnel, located deep under water. Opened an unusual place in 1985 Diver Henri Kosk. Scientists believe that some images of animals and birds discovered inside were made 29 thousand years ago.

Capov Cave (Schulgan-Tash)

Cave of Cueva de Las Manos

In the south of Argentina in 1941, also discovered an ancient painting. There is not one cave, but a whole series, the total length of which is 160 km. The most famous of them is Cueva de Las Manos. Its name is translated into Russian as "".

Inside many images of human palms - our ancestors did on the walls of the prints with left hands. In addition, here you can see the scenes of hunting and ancient inscriptions. Images are made from 9 to 13 thousand years ago.

Nerja caves

Nerja caves are 5 km from the city of the same name in Spain. The rock paintings were open by chance by teenagers, as it had previously happened and in the cave shop. Five guys went to catch bats, but accidentally saw a hole in the rock, looked inside and discovered a corridor with stalagmites and stalactites. Nakhodka interested scientists.

The cave turned out to be impressive sizes - 35,484 square meters, which is equivalent to five soccer fields. The fact that people lived in it, a lot of finds testify: tools, traces of the hearth, ceramics. Below are the three halls. The ghost hall scares guests with unusual sounds and strange outlines. The waterfall hall was equipped with a concert hall, 100 viewers can simultaneously be located.

Montserrat Caballe, Maya Plisetskaya and other famous artists appeared. The Bethlehem Hall is striking with bizarre columns with stalactites and stalagmites. Fashionable drawings can be seen in the Hall of Copy and Hall of Mountains.

Before the discovery of this cave, scientists assumed that the most ancient drawings are in the cave of Shaw. According to the latest research, our distant ancestors began to engage in creativity even earlier than the modern science considered. The results of radiocarbon analysis have shown that six images of seals and sea seals were made allegedly 43 thousand years ago - respectively, they are even older than rock painting discovered in Shaw. However, the conclusions still do early.

Cave Magura

Images in all these caves and methods of applying drawings are completely different. Nevertheless, there are general features. Artists of antiquity were transferred with the help of creativity their perception of the world and shared their eyes on life, just did it not with words, but pictures.

October 13, 2014, 13:31

Folded images of horsepower canyon, Utah, USA.

Similar the oldest historical monuments are not concentrated somewhere in one place, but scattered throughout the planet. Petroglyphs were found not at the same time, sometimes the discoveries of various drawings share considerable intervals.

At times on the same rocks, scientists find drawings from different millennia. The features of the similarities of a variety of rock paintings are traced, so it seems that there was a single praise in antiquity and universal knowledge associated with it. So, many figures in the drawings have the same features, although their authors knew nothing about each other - they were shared by a huge distance and time. However, the similarities in images are systematic: in particular, the heads of the gods always emit light. Despite the fact that the rock paintings have been studied for about 200 years, they still remain a mystery.

It is believed that the first images of the mysterious creatures were rock paintings on Mount Hunan, China (drawing above). They are about 47,000 years old. These drawings presumably depict early contacts with unknown creatures, possibly guests from extraterrestrial civilizations.

These drawings were found on the territory of the National Park called Sere Da-Kapivara in Brazil. Experts argue that the paintings were created about twenty nine thousand years ago:

Interesting rock paintings by age more than 10,000 years, were recently discovered in the state of Chhattisgarh, India:

This rocky image dates back to about 10,000 years before our era, and is located in Val Camonik Valley, Italy. Drawn figures are similar to two creatures on which protective suits are put on, and their heads emit light. In their hands, they hold strange devices:

As the next example, you can cope with a shining person, which is 18 km west of Navoi (Uzbekistan). At the same time, the shining figure recreses on the throne, and the figures standing near her on their faces wear something similar to protective masks. There is no man who stands on his knees at the bottom of the drawing of such a device - it is at a considerable distance from the luminous figure and, apparently, does not need such protection.

Tassilin-Adjer (Plateau Rivers) is the largest monument to the creak of Sugara. Plateau is located in the southeastern part of Algeria. The most ancient Petroglyphs Tassilin-Adjer are dating 7 thousand years BC. And the latest - VII century of our era. For the first time drawings on the plateau were seen in 1909:

The image relating to about 600 BC, from Tassilin-Adjer. In the figure of a creature with different eyes, a strange hairstyle "out of petals" and a shapeless figure. Similar "gods" in the caves were found more than a hundred:

These frescoes found in the Sahara desert are a manoid creature in a scaffle. Frescoes - 5 thousand years:

Australia is isolated from other continents. However, the Kimberly Plateau (North-West Australia) there are whole galleries of petroglyphs. And here are all the same motives: Gods with similar persons and with halo rays around the head. The drawings were first discovered in 1891:

These are images of Vandina, the goddess of the sky, in the halo shining rays.

Floral image in Puerta del Canyon, Argentina:

Canyon of this, Utah, USA. The most ancient petroglyphs appeared here more than 8,000 years ago:

"Rock newspaper" in the same place, in yut:

"Alien", Arizona, USA:

California, USA:

An image of the "aliens". Kalbak-Tash, Altai, Russia:

"Sun" from the Karakol Valley, Altai:

Another of the many petroglyphs of the Italian Val Camacon Valley in the Southern Alps:

Fashionable drawings of Gobustan, Azerbaijan. The most ancient drawings scientists belong to the era of mesolitis (about 10 thousand years ago:

Ancient rock paintings in Niger:

Onega petroglyphs at Cape Befores Nose, Russia. The most famous of Onega Petroglyphs is a demon, its length is two and a half meters. The image crosses a deep crack, separating it exactly to two halves. "Gap" in another, other world. In a kilometer radius from the demon, satellite navigation is often refused. Watches also behave unpredictably: they can run forward, can stop. With which such an anomaly is connected, scientists only suggest. Ancient figure is cut by the Orthodox Cross. Most likely, his monks of the Murom Monastery in the XV-XVI century won it over the demonic image. In order to neutralize the devilish power:

Petroglyphs Tamgali, Kazakhstan. Folded drawings are replete with the most different plots and the most common of them depict Divine Solved Beings:

White Shaman's cliff in the Nizhny Canyon, Texas. The age of this semometer image in the opinion of experts is more than four thousand years. It is believed that the white shaman hides the secrets of an ancient disappeared cult:

Shark images of giant people from South Africa:

Mexico. Veracruz, Las Palmas: rock paintings with the image of creatures in the spaces:

Framed drawings in the valley of the River Pethtsky, Chukotka, Russia:

Twin gods fight on battle axes. One of the petroglyphs found in Tanumshead, Western Sweden (drawings are painted in red, already in a modern period):

Among the petroglyphs on the rocky massif, a giant (height 2.3 m) image of God with a spear (perhaps one) is dominated:

Sarmysh Sai Gorge, Uzbekistan. The gorge was found numerous ancient rock paints of people in strange clothes, some of which can be interpreted as images of "ancient astronauts":

The rock paintings of the Indian Hopi in Arizona, the United States depicting some creatures - ryasch. Hopi believed these mysterious swinging with their heavenly teachers:

In addition, there are many ancient rock paintings whether solar symbols, whether there are any objects resembling aircraft.

Fashionable drawings of the cave San Antonio, Texas, USA.

This ancient rock figure, discovered in Australia, depict something very similar to the ship's aliens ship. At the same time, the image may well mean something completely explained.

Something resembling a whittle rocket. Kalbysh Tash, Altai.

Petroglyph with the image of UFO. Bolivia.

UFO from the cave in Chhattisgarh, India

Petroglyphs of Onega Lake are depicting cosmic, solar and lunar signs: circles and semicircles with outgoing rays lines, in which a modern person will see the radar, and a jade. Moreover - TV.

Fashionable drawing, Arizona, USA

Petroglyphs Panama

California, USA

Caulk drawings of Guangchi, Canary Islands

Ancient images of a mystical spiral symbol are found everywhere in the world. These rock paintings were once created by Indians in Canyon Chaco, New Mexico, USA.

Skatal drawing, Nevada, USA

One of the drawings found in the cave of the island of youth, off the coast of Cuba. It can be found in it a great similarity with the structure of the solar system, where there is an image of eight planets with their largest satellites.

These petroglyphs are located in Pakistan, in the Valley of the Indian River:

There were no time in these places there was a highly developed India civilization. It is from her that these ancient images awaited on the stones remained. Consider - Don't you think that these are mysterious vimans - flying chariots from ancient Indian myths?

The opening of the cave art galleries set up a number of questions in front of archaeologists: what did the primitive artist painted, as he painted, where the drawings posted, what did it paint and, finally, why did he do it? Studying the caves allows you to answer them with one degree or another.

The palette of primitive man was poor: there are four main paints in it - black, white, red and yellow. To obtain white images, made chalk and grain-like limestone; black - charcoal and manganese oxides; Red and yellow - hematite minerals (Fe2O3), pyrochitis (MNO2) and natural dyes - ocher, representing a mixture of iron hydroxisals (limonite, Fe2O3.h2o), manganese (Ppiilylan, M.Mno.mnO2.nh2o) and clay particles. In the caves and grottoes of France, stone plates were found, which were frozen, as well as pieces of dark red dioxide manganese. Judging by the painting technique, the slices of paint were treated, divorced on the bone marrow, animal fat or blood. Chemical and X-ray structural analysis of paints from the cave LASCO showed that not only natural dyes were used, mixtures of which give different shades of the main colors, but also quite complex compounds obtained by firing them and add other components (kaolinitis and aluminum oxides).

Serious study of cave dyes is just beginning. And the questions immediately arise: why were only inorganic paint used? A primitive collector man distinguished more than 200 different plants, among whom were painting. Why in some caves drawings are made by different colors of the same color, and in others - two colors of one tone? Why is it so long to enter the early painting of the color of the green-blue-blue spectrum? There are almost no of them in Paleolith, in Egypt, they appear 3.5 thousand years ago, and in Greece - only in IV century. BC e. Archaeologist A. Fortozov believes that our distant ancestors did not immediately figure out in the bright plumage of the "magic bird" - the Earth. The most ancient colors, red and black, reflect the harsh flavor of the then life: a sunbar at the horizon and a fire flame, full of dangers of darkness of the night and bringing relative peace of mind the cave. Red and black associated with the opposites of the ancient world: Red - warm, light, life with hot scarlet blood; Black - cold, darkness, death ... This symbolism is universal. Long was the path from the cave artist who had only 4 colors in his palette, to the Egyptians and Shumens who had added two more (blue and green) to them. But even further from them to the astronaut of the 20th century, which took the set of 120 color pencils in the first flights around the Earth.

The second group of issues arising from the study of cave painting concerns the technology of drawing. The problem can be formulated like this: the beasts displayed in the patterns of the Paleolithic person, "came out" from the wall or "gone" into it?

In 1923, N. Caster discovered in the cave Montiespan Late Pallolithic clay shape of a bear lying on Earth. It was covered with depressions - traces of dart blows, and numerous bare feet prints were found on the floor. There was a thought: it is a "layout", which entered the hunting mile attached to the tens of millennia at the carcass of the murdered bear. Next, the next row is traced, confirmed by the finds in other caves: a bear layout, made in a natural value, dressed in its skin and decorated with a real skull, is replaced by its clay similarity; The beast gradually "gets up on his feet" - it is leaning for stability to the wall (this is a step towards creating a bas-relief); Then the beast gradually "leaves" into it, leaving the static, and then a picturesque contour ... so represents the emergence of Paleolithic painting Archaeologist A. Solar.

No less likely another way. According to Leonardo da Vinci, the first drawing is the shadow of the subject lit by the bone. Primitive Begins to draw, mastering the technique of "Body". Caves have retained dozens of such examples. On the walls of the Gargas Cave (France), 130 "ghostly hands" are visible - the fingerprint of the hands of a man on the wall. Interestingly, in some cases they are depicted by the line, in other - cluster external or internal contours (positive or negative stencil), then appear drawings, "torn" from the object, which is not previously shown in the profile or frontal. Sometimes items are drawn as it were in different projections (face and legs - profile, chest and shoulders - frontal). Gradually grows skills. The drawing acquires clarity, the confidence of the stroke. At the best drawings, biologists confidently determine not only the genus, but also the appearance, and sometimes - subspecies of the animal.

The next step is made by Madelene artists: they transmit dynamics and perspective by painting. This very helps color. Full lives of Horse Cave Grand Bin as it were running in front of us, gradually decreasing in size ... In the future, this technique was forgotten, and such drawings are not found in rock painting either in mesolite or in neolithic. The last step is the transition from a promising image to volumetric. So the sculptures appear, "released" from the walls of the cave.

Which of the above points of view is valid? Comparison of absolute dating of figures made of bones and stone indicates that they have about one age: 30-15 thousand years BC. e. Maybe in different places the cave artist walked in different ways?

Another of the puzzles of cave painting is the lack of background and framing. Figures of horses, bulls, mammoths are freely scattered along the rock wall. The drawings are like hanging in the air, even the symbolic line of the Earth has not been carried out under them. On uneven arches, the caves animals are placed in the most unexpected positions: down head or sideways. No in drawings of primitive man And a hint of landscape background. Only in the XVII century. n. e. In the Netherlands, the landscape is drawn up in a special genre.

The study of Paleolithic painting gives specialists abundant material for finding the sources of various styles and trends in contemporary art. So, for example, a prehistoric master for 12 thousand years before the appearance of Pointelist artists depicted animals on the wall of the Marsula cave (France) with the help of tiny color points. The number of such examples can be multiplied, but more is more important: images on the walls of the caves is the alloy of the reality of the existing and reflection in the brain of the Paleolithic person. Thus, Paleolithic painting carries information about the level of human thinking of the time, about the problems he lived and who worried him. Primitive art, open more than 100 years ago, remains a real Eldorado for all sorts of hypotheses on this matter.

Dublyansky V. N., Scientific and Popular Book

On December 18, 1994, the famous French speleologist Jean Marie Shaw discovered a cave gallery with ancient animal images. Nakhodka received a name in honor of his discoverer - Cave Sow. We decided to tell about the most beautiful caves with weak pictures.

Cave Shaw.

The opening of the sew cave in the south of France near the town of Pont d'Ark became a scientific sensation, which forced to revise the existing idea of \u200b\u200bthe art of ancient people: earlier it was believed that primitive painting was developing in stages. At first, the images were very primitive, and should have passed not one thousand years so that the drawings on the walls of the caves had reached their perfection. Nakhodka Shaved talks about the opposite: the age of some images is 30-33 thousand years, which means that our ancestors have learned to draw before relocation to Europe. Found rocking painting is one of the oldest samples of cave art in the world, in particular, the drawing of black rhinos from the seach is still considered the most ancient. The south of France is rich in such caves, but none of them can be compared with the cave seam neither in size nor the preservation and skill of drawings. Mostly on the walls of the cave depicts animals: panthers, horses, deer, as well as woolly rhino, Tarpan, cave lion and other animals of the ice age. In total, images of 13 different animal species are found in the cave.

Now the cave is closed to visit tourists, since the change in air humidity may damage the images. Archaeologists can work in a cave just a few hours a day. Today, the sew cave is the national heritage of France.

Nerja caves

Nerja Caves - Amazing A Series of Huge Caves near the city of Nerja in Andalusia, in Spain. Received the nickname "Prehistoric Cathedral". Were found random in 1959. Are one of the main attractions of Spain. Some of their galleries are open to visit, and in one of them that forms a natural amphitheater and has excellent acoustics, even concerts. In addition to the largest stalagmites in the world, several mysterious drawings were found in the cave. Experts believe that seals or sea seals are depicted on the walls. Fragments of charcoal were found near the drawings, the radiocarbon dating of which gave the age between 43,500 and 42,300 years. If experts prove that the images were made by this coal, the seals of the Nerch cave will be significantly ancient than the rock paintings from the sew cave. This once again confirms the assumption that the Neanderthals had the abilities to the creative imagination, no smaller than that of a sensible person.


Capov Cave (Schulgan-Tash)

This karst cave was found in Bashkiria, on the White River, in the area of \u200b\u200bwhich the Schulgan-Tash reserve is now located. This is one of the longest caves of the Urals. The rock paintings of the ancient people of the Late Paleolithic Epoch, like which can be found only in very limited places in Europe, were found in the Kapovoy Cave in 1959. Images of mammoths, horses and other animals are made in the main ocher-natural pigment based on animal fat, their age is about 18 thousand years old. There are several drawings with coal. In addition to animals, there are images of triangles, stairs, oblique lines. The most ancient drawings dating back by early Paleolithic are in the upper tier. At the bottom tap of the cave are later images of the ice age. The drawings are also notable for the fact that human figures are shown without realism inherent in the beasts depicted. Researchers suggest that the images were made to take the "hunting gods". In addition, cave paintings are designed for perception not from one specific point, but at several angles of view. To preserve the drawings, the cave was closed to visit in 2012, but an interactive kiosk was installed in the museum on the territory of the reserve for all wishing to look at the drawings virtually.

Cave of Cueva de Las Manos

Cave of Cueva de Las Manos ("Cave of Hands") is in Argentina, in the province of Santa Cruz. The world fame of Cueva de Las Manos in 1964 brought studies of the professor of the archeology of Carlos Graddan, who found a lot of wall drawings and prints of a person in the cave, the oldest of which are dated to the IX millennium BC. e. More than 800 prints, overlapping each other, form a multi-colored mosaic. So far, scientists have not come to a single opinion on the meaning of the images of the hands, according to which the cave received its name. Imprinted mainly left hands: out of 829 fingerprints only 36 - right. Moreover, according to some researchers, hands belong to teenagers. Most likely, applying an image of his hand was part of the initiation rite. In addition, scientists have built the theory about how such clear and clear prints of the palms were obtained: apparently, the special composition was recaptured in his mouth, and through the handset with force was blown on the hand applied to the wall. In addition to the prints of the palms, people, Nanda, Guanako, cats, geometric shapes with ornaments, hunting processes are depicted on the walls of the cave (the drawings shows the use of Bolas - the traditional throwing weapons of South America) and surveillance. In 1999, the cave was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Cave lacco

The cave received the nickname of the "Sicastine Chapel of Primitive Painting", she has no equal in the number, quality and safety of rock paintings. It was discovered in 1940 by four teenagers near the city of Montignac, in France. Picturesque and engraved drawings that are here, do not have accurate dating: they appeared about the XVIII-XV millennium BC. e. And depict horses, cows, bulls, deer, bears. In total, there are about six hundred animal drawings and almost one and a half thousand cars on the walls. Pictures are made on a light background with shades of yellow, red, brown and black. Scientists argue that ancient people did not live in this cave, but used it exclusively for drawing, or the cave was something like a cult place. LASC Cave was included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979.

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After visiting the cave of Altamir in the north of Spain, Pablo Picasso exclaimed: "After work in Altamir, all the arts went to the decline." He did not joke. Art in this cave and in many other caves that are located in France, in Spain and other countries, refers to the number of the greatest heritage in the field of art, which ever was created.

Cave Magura

Magagura Cave is one of the largest caves in Bulgaria. It is located in the northwestern part of the country. The walls of the cave are decorated with prehistoric on-line drawings, created from about 8,000 to 4000 years ago. More than 700 drawings were discovered. The figures depict hunters, dancing people and many animals.

Cueva de Las Manos

Kueva de Las Manos is located in South Argentina. The name can be literally translated as the "hand cave". In the cave depicted mostly - left hands, but there are also scenes of hunting and image animals. Pictures, as believed, 13,000 and 9500 years ago were created.


Located in Central India, Bhimbet contains more than 600 prehistoric rock paintings. Figures depict people who lived at the time in the cave. Animals also paid a lot of space. Images of Bizonov, Tigers, Lviv and Crocodiles were found. It is believed that the oldest picture of 12,000 years old.

Serra da Kapivara

Serra da Kapivara-National Park in Northeast Brazil. This place is the house of many stone shelters, which are decorated with weak pictures, which are ritual scenes, hunting, trees, animals. Some scientists believe that the oldest rock paintings in this park are created 25,000 years ago.

Lasa Gal.

Laas Gaal is a set of caves in the north-west of Somalia, which contain some of the earliest known arts on the African continent. Prehistoric rock paintings, according to scientists, between 11,000 and 5,000 years. They show cows, ceremonially dressed people, domestic dogs and even giraffes.

Tadrart Akakus

Tadrart Akacus forms a mountain range in the Sahara desert, in Western Libya. This area is known for its weak drawings from 12,000 BC. up to 100 years. Pictures reflect the changing conditions of the Sahara desert. 9,000 years ago, the local surroundings were full of greenery and lakes, forests and wild animals, as evidenced by the rock paintings depicting the giraffes of elephants and ostriches.

Cave Shaw.

Cave Shaw, in the south of France, contains some of the earliest known prehistoric rock paintings in the world. Images that preserved in this cave may have age about 32,000 years. The cave was discovered in 1994 by Jean Marie Shaw and his team of speleologists. Pictures found in the cave represent images of animals: mountain goats, mammoths, horses, lions, bears, rhinos, lions.

Skatal painting Cakada

Located on the North Territory of Australia, Kakada National Park contains one of the largest concentrations of works of art created by the aborigines. It is believed that the oldest works of 20,000 years old.

Cave Altaamira

Detected at the end of the 19th century, Altamira Cave is located in Northern Spain. Surprisingly, the paintings found on the rocks were such a high quality that scientists had doubted their authentication for a long time and even accused the discoverer of Marcelino Sans de Sautola in falsifying painting. Many people do not believe in the intellectual potential of primitive people. Unfortunately, the discoverer did not survive until 1902. In this mountain, paintings were recognized as genuine. Images are made by coal and okra.

Pictures lacco

Lascular caves located in the south-west of France, are decorated with impressive and famous squeal pictures. The age of some images is 17,000 years. In most, the rock paintings are depicted far from the entrance. The most famous images of this cave are images of horses and deer bulls. The largest rock painted in the world - a bull in the cave shop, which is 5.2 meters long.