Video tutorial "Literature and its role in the spiritual life of a person. Plan-abstract lesson in literature (grade 9) on the topic: literature as the art of the word and its role in the spiritual life of a person

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Video tutorial "Literature and its role in the spiritual life of a person. Plan-abstract lesson in literature (grade 9) on the topic: literature as the art of the word and its role in the spiritual life of a person

The attitude to the classics largely depends on the cultural level of society, aesthetic consciousness and the material situation. What is the role of classical children's literature in the upbringing and education of the younger generation at the modern stage of life of our country?

Why do we need classical literature?

The person first faces the classics in childhood when parents read him out loud of Pushkin's fairy tales, Andersen, the presentation of Robinzon's adventures, Gullivier. The first acquaintance is the most important thing. The fact that a person learns in childhood will remain with him forever and becomes the basis for his erudition. When a child begins to read himself, he first takes the books that cultivated in his family. Often it turns out to be a classic. 20 years ago Children with ropes read Duma, Conan Doyle, Stevenson. Today, television and computer replaced them with this pleasure and crowded classical literature.

In addition, one important condition is needed to read the classics - you need to be able to enjoy it. It is necessary to be able to dive into calm and measured narration, you need to have patience when reading too long descriptions, you need to be able to enjoy the language of old masters. And you have to have time to throw out all the everyday problems from my head, completely surrender to the book, which watches the watch spent on it. Classical literature helps to feel the era in which they were written, give a clear picture of the present. Each of these books assumes many interpretations. Each hides a special mysterious world.

It will not be superfluous to say about this advantage of the classics, as its ability to form a self-awareness in humans, the ability of a deeper understanding of social reality, the psychology of people, finally, the opportunity to master the skills of the competent Russian speech exposed recently linguistic American surgery.

The role of classical literature in the education of children

It is not by chance that the progressive figures of the past considered the story of the best educator. Reading the books of classics, children get acquainted with the past of our homeland, with life and life of distant ancestors, with history and geography of the country. Thus, the classic contributes to enrichment and accumulation of historical memory. As a result, children begin to realize themselves with successors of all the cases created on earth and continues responsible for the fate of the planet. From the works of classics, the young reader absorbs the humanistic and progressive ideas of the past, sees the eternal struggle of the labor nation for the best life. Running from the newly read pages about the past, excited by the story of hopeless need and grief, he sympathizes his peers with his tender heart and at the same time involuntarily compares their position with his life. The classics recreated the rich inner world of man, created images of heroes, distinguished by moral purity, conscientious, ability to sympathize with others in trouble.

Classical literature today

Classical literature in the face of Tolstova, Griboedov, Dostoevsky, Dickens, Chekhov, who looked around the minds and the imagination of people who did not leave anyone indifferent, gave her honorable place on the book shelves of the store with a modern "day" literature. Under the latter, I understand rather not literature in a traditional understanding, but some "commercial projects", the meaning of which, as they speak in the people, "kill time." While the classical literature makes thinking and thinking, perceive and evaluate, finally, she brings up and ensures a spiritual growth of man. According to the results of a recent survey of the WTCIOM conducted on the eve of the 210th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin, 62% of Russians after the end of the school of Russian classics never reread. Those who, after all, read the classics, most often appealed to A.S. Pushkin (14%), L.N. Tolstoy (11%) and N.V. Gogol (9%). Only 59% of Russians were able to correctly indicate the author of the "copper rider", and only 21% of the author "Poltava".

Literature is a huge repository of spiritual and moral values.

It would seem that each of us has long been familiar with the concept of "literature". But as far as literature is multiformed and multigid, we, sometimes, do not even think about it. But the literature is a grand phenomenon, it is created by the genius of a person, is the fruit of his mind.

What is the role, the meaning of literature in a person's life?

Literature is a means of knowing the world, she helps us understand, "what is good and what is bad," indicates the origins of universal conflicts.

Literature helps us see the inner beauty of a person, learn to understand and appreciate it.

Literature is a powerful source of education of the Spirit, personality. Through the disclosure of artistic images, the literature gives us the concept of good and evil, truth, and Crift, Truth and Lie. No reasoning, the most eloquent, no arguments, the most convincing, cannot have a person of such an impact as a truthful image. And this is the power and significance of the literature.

There is a very important concept in the literature - "Text". Proper work on the text of the best masters of the word, the writers is of great importance. It expands the horizon of a person, tears to thoughtful reading, to understanding those ideas that the author expresses through images. Competent work on the text enriches human vocabulary, develops the ability to own literary language and various art techniques.

Literature is a powerful weapon that can heal.

Literature points to us the path of self-improvement.

About Russian literature silence the word. Among the advantages of Russian literature there is one, perhaps the most valuable. This is her constant desire to sow "reasonable, kind, eternal", her persistent gusting to the light and truth. Russian literature has never closed in the field of purely artistic interests. Her creators have always been not only artists describing phenomena and events, but also by teachers of life, defenders of "humiliated and offended", fighters against cruelty and injustice, adherents of truth and faith.

Russian literature is extremely rich in both positive and negative images. Watching them, the reader has the opportunity to survive the entire gamut of feelings - from indignation and disgust to everything low, rough, lying, to deep admiration, adventure before the true noble, courageous, honest.

Literature erases the boundaries of time. She introduces us with the spirit of one or another era, with the life of a social environment - from the King of Nicholas to the teacher of the Gymnasium Belikov, from the landowner shabby to the poor peasantry - the mother of the soldiers'.

The disclosure of artistic images is the main part of the literary reading, its basis. Any artistic image, as is well known, is at the same time and reflection of the reality and expressions of the ideology of the writer. Little just to familiarize yourself with the literary work. We must try to penetrate the mystery of the idea, know the background of creating an essay.

Literature develops mind and feelings. She is our teacher, mentor, conductor. The conductor into the world is real and unreal. The ability to express thoughts in the Word is a distinctive feature of a person. Words are a mirror in which the degree of spiritual development is clearly reflected. All that is included in our soul from the outside, is imprinted in our feelings, thoughts, and in the manner of their expression.

In the creations of one writer, we encounter laughing paintings, picturesque images: this is because his spirit was brought up on the lap of nature, where she scatters her gifts in a generous hand.

The other mows on the lyre of his battle and battle, horrors, sad phenomena of the suffering life: it's because the soul of the Creator knew a lot of moans.

In the works of the Third Nature, human is in the very miserable contradiction with the idea of \u200b\u200bexcellent: because, on the one hand, the evil, eternally, with the blessing, on the other, is unbelief into a high appointment of a person, they have elapsed by the possession.

Literature multifaceted, its creators are very different. Literature adultel together with Pushkin and Lermontov, Gogol and Czech, Block and Akhmatova. It develops now. Her ideas continue to live and fight on our planet, they help to save the world from bad, cruelty, insignificance.

The meaning of spiritual literature in a person's life

(Report by the head of the Religious Education and Catechization of the Yaroslavl Metropoline Archpriest Paul Rakhlin on the section "The role of spiritual literature of the Yaroslavl Territory in the formation of spiritual and moral culture of personality")
No bread will live a person

but every word of God.

(Luke Gospel; 4.4)

The value of the book in the life of every person and the whole society as a whole cannot be overestimated. The book as a source of knowledge and experience can seriously affect the human worldview, generating deep feelings in the soul of human and encouraging him to serious reflections.

But the strength and influence of the book is much stronger than it may seem at first glance. Any book is not just a passive set of information, but first of all, a certain view of reality belonging to the author of the book: It forms some ideas about the world, knowledge, skills and, transmitting these knowledge and skills, shares his thoughts, with his experience with Other. And if we consider that the content of the book, entering the resonance with the thought of the reader, affects not only his mind, but also on the soul, the importance of the Orthodox book as spiritual literature in the modern world plays a special role in the cultural and spiritual and moral life of society.

The bridge to spiritual literature, of course, can be classic, and first of all Russian, literature. It is appropriate to remember that Orthodoxy and in general, Christianity played in the formation of Russian literature, one of the main, if not a major role.

The baptism of ancient Russia gave the Russian people and writing, and literature (literature). This historical coincidence determined the exceptional importance and high authority of Russian literature in the spiritual life of the people and the state. Compiled by Byzantine monks - the holy equivalent brothers Kirill and Methodius - the Cyrillic alphabet quickly spread throughout the territory of Eastern Slavs. But Holy Cyril and Methodius gave Russia not only a written language, but also transferred to the church-Slavic language the book necessary for worship: the Gospel, the Apostle, Psalrty. These books played a big role in the education of the nature of the Russian man.

Due to these historical events, all Russian classical literature is on the light of high truths of Orthodoxy. She is a keeper and an expressive of Christian values \u200b\u200band a Christian view of the world. In the works of great Russian writers and poets in front of the reader, questions are often given, to answer which only religion can. As an art, possessing the most powerful power of emotional impact, the literature in the formulation of these issues is drawn not only to the mind, but also to the heart of the reader. For many people, the relevance of theological issues has become apparent thanks to Russian classical literature.

However, in order for a person to understand the truth about himself, he needs to read exactly spiritual literature - and above all of the Holy Gospel and St. Labor. It is in these books, according to the inspired recognition of the Orthodox spiritual writer and the philosopher N.E. Pestov "As in the precious vessel, the most collected truth. Who wants to sanctifying his soul, cleansing the heart and enlightenment of the mind, he must get down with greedy mouth to this vessel to constantly nourish himself truth " (N.E. Pestov, "Modern Practice of Orthodox Piece", Tom Seconder).

According to one of the greatest holy devotees of the XIX century, Bishop Feofan "Without reading stuffy and soul starving". He also owns a note: "You can no longer find and buy the kingdoms of heaven, future joys and eternal peace, as soon as this thing is. This is a reading alone and the hearing with the attention and diligence of the Words of God, the Scriptures of the Otchen and other spirits. Nobody cannot be saved if he won't read or listen to the sainted silent scriptures. Like a bird without wings can not take off to the height, so the mind without holy books can not know how to escape " (Testament of St. Faofan Restunner on reading the Scriptures of Otchen and other Frightess (Saints) books).

Spiritual books are the best friends of a man, his leaders, educators and mentors. They must be read, reread, study. In such books, we offer invaluable experience of saints - carriers of the Holy Spirit of God, the heroes of the Spirit, conscience and resistance.

In front of a person who studies spiritual literature and applying her truths in his personal life, opens as a third dimension of the world. He begins to look at the world around him from the point of view of good and evil and thus sees another, before that, vaguely distinguished side of life. There is increasingly understanding of the causes of actions - both their own and other people - and the influence of their consequences for the life of a person and at his entourage. Therefore, a good spiritual library at all times was the most valuable treasure on Earth, for the acquisition of which people thinking did not regret neither the means or the time.

Today, spiritual literature is available for any wishing to appeal to it. There are no obstacles to to perceive the invaluable treasure of the gracious spiritual experience of the Holy Orthodox Church.

However, it should be remembered that the miracle of the complete transfiguration of the human soul is impossible to make a miracle of the complete transformation of the human soul, since self-deception is created in life with the reading of spiritual books, which began in life. Spiritual life is replaced by imagination, "Because knowledge of truth is not the fact that knowledge of truth".

Finally, we again give the words of N.E. Pestov written by him about the treasure of truth contained in the spiritual books:

"True - good and joyful - there is food soul, without her soul dies. The soul needs thoughts of invigorating, warming, towering and overlooking it.

The benefit of those who can constantly feed themselves with them. It is easy to live with them, with them it is easy to overcome all temptations, increments of longing, despondency, tanniff and neractions.

At the same time, deeply perceived truth can not stay inactive: it makes it not only otherwise to think, but otherwise live. "



Role of book

In spiritual and moral education

lecturer Spetsdiscipline

higher qualifying category

Hilchuk O.A.

Tiraspol, 2014.

The role of a book in spiritual and moral education

The book is a great gift to man from God. It serves not only for the transfer of historical information, but serves as a door to the future: from what will be the books depends on and what the ideals of young people are, which means that our future depends. "

Metropolitan Kaluga and Borovsky Clement, Chairman of the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church

Value is a characteristic feature of human life. For many centuries, people have developed the ability to allocate objects and phenomena in the surrounding world, which meet their needs and to which they relate differently: appreciate and protect them, focus on them in their livelihoods .

Today is relevant to talk about the value and roles of the book in society .

Since the typography was originated, the books became the component of the life of the intelligentsia. It has always been made to judge the education and erudition of a person in the number of works read by him, but here it is important not only the quantity, but also quality. Order Printing works can everyone, in any case, today, but it does not mean that reading his creation, you will acquire something useful for yourself or find out something cognitive. The production of books is a healthy component of modern society. It is known that all artistic and journalistic works on earth are 129864880, the total number of publications.

The value of the book in the life of each person and society as a whole cannot be overestimated. It is known that the book as a source and a storehouse of knowledge and experience can seriously influence the worldview, enrich the person, as well as cause strong emotions and generate deep feelings and serious reflections.

In the book - the whole immense spiritual world of mankind. The book condenses and distributes all the experience, all knowledge, the whole mind of mankind. This is a powerful and most universal means of communication of people, peoples, generations. The book develops a dream, creative fantasy, emotional and educational activities, an active attitude to life, love for art, introduces into the world of images reflecting life, enriches knowledge, expands the life experience of children, withdrawing him over the verge of personal observations, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe world, about the native national language, its beauty, expressiveness, manifold.

A very large part of our life is connected with books, when there was no television, people drew their knowledge from works, instead of television series, they were enthusiastically read F.M.Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy or

A.S. Pushkin. It was the works of great authors that formed public opinion and could influence the fate of a person or even a whole nation.

Good literature, communication with the book can be called a modern "spiritual medicine" for all who cares about the spiritual health of future generations.

It is well known that life attitudes and the interests of people of different generations are very different. Significant part of it - young people - is raised outside religious traditions, but it is she who today turns their attention to faith, love, justice. Under these conditions, Christian religion can help young people in the development of moral and moral norms. The work of the library also contributes to this. The wealth of world fiction is focused in the modern library - an inexhaustible potential for the formation of the spiritual and moral culture of young people.

First of all, it should be noted, what is Orthodox literature?In the literal translation from Greek, Orthodoxy means "the right teaching". This is the direction of Christianity, confessing the foundations of good and peacemaking.

Orthodox literature is those books that configure a person to the spiritual salvation of the soul and show ways of spiritual perfection.

Why do you need to start the Orthodox reading to a person who did not hold anything before in his hands? It is necessary to read the Gospel, you can advise reading the books of modern Orthodox missionaries, how they discovered for the people of God. These include Metropolitan Anthony Surozhsky, Diacon Andrei Kuraeva. But first of all, you need to pay attention to the Sacred Scripture, many know about him, but few people deal with his reading, and this is the basis of Christianity.

The book can significantly affect a person. Why? The book is the most optimal tool for upbringing produced by human culture. Thanks to good books, a person can learn a lot. First of all, he gets the necessary education of feelings - the fact that people do not read more completely else. Not on the Internet with his constant swearing, scarce and often literally to learn this to study it?

The power and influence of the book is much stronger than it may seem at first glance. Because any book is not only a passive set of information, but this is a certain look at reality. View either bright and cheerful, or look, dark, stupid by sin and human vice.

And if we consider that the content of the book, entering the resonance with the thought of the reader, affects not only his mind, but also on the soul, the importance of the Orthodox book as spiritual and bright literature in the modern world plays a special role in the cultural and spiritual and moral life of society .

The book for the PMR, as well as for the whole Christian world, means a lot. It is enough to remember the words of Lord Jesus Christ, who said that "a person will live with bread, but every word emanating from the mouth of God" (MF. 4. 4). For centuries, the Word of God, as the most important Orthodox book, was that the source from which the wisdom was evaded by many generations of Christian peoples. In this regard, the Orthodox book is a powerful tool of spiritual and moral impact on the human soul.

Books in Orthodoxy are distinguished by the level of spiritual authority. The unconditional authority of the Words of God possess the books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. Useful for casting the books of the Holy Heritage, theological literature and other church publications.

However, not all literature using Orthodox attributes can be called Orthodox and deleteful. On the contrary, recently there was a mass of pseudo-orthodox books containing sectarian, split and marginal views. Therefore, for the reader, which is at the beginning of the path of acquaintance with Orthodoxy, it is desirable to determine his circle of reading, together with the priest who implements its spiritual guidance or read the literature recommended by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church or blessed by its priestly.

A special and important topic is the need to instill with children love for books and taste for literature. It is important to instill the foundations of the culture of Orthodox Christianity since childhood. The soul of the child is clean, there is no place for the scene, lying and envy. Orthodox literature for children helps parents in raising children in Christ in the spirit of Orthodox faith and Christian morality.

On the day of the Orthodox book - March 14, Holy Patriarch Kirill noted the incredit meaning of the book in the modern world: "Today, except for the book, there are many other types of information carriers - television, Internet and video. People get information not so much through the word, but through the image, and this method is very attractive, because everything is shown here on the screen. But reading an artistic work, a person should in his mind to create an image independently: pushing away from the description in the text, imagine heroes, imagine how they look like they are dressed as they behave and so on. There is no screen, there is no video - all this should arise in the consciousness of the reader.

"Give God that your attention reached good, good books that would help you understand the meaning of what is happening in the world, helped to understand what you mean genuine, irreversive values \u200b\u200bfor a person, based on which, he is capable of increasing as a person, is able to participate in public Life is able to benefit to your Fatherland, "the Patriarch wished. He also wished to "use a book with constant joy, with pleasure, for the benefit of his soul and the benefit of nearby."

Orthodox literature is designed not only to affect the mind and expand the horizons of the reader, not only to draw his attention to the circle of those or other issues distracted from the life, but first of all, to introduce eternal truth and beauty reading in the spiritual world. Such a book puts on the fore In modern confused axiology, the incredit values \u200b\u200bof the Divine character and urged to relate their lives with these values.

Make our world is lighter, kinder and just - this is the main goal that the Orthodox book puts. The world of the Orthodox book is a place where everyone who seeks to true faith can get answers to the most important questions.

For several years in a row in Transnistria there are days, weeks and decades of the Orthodox book.Within the framework of these events, all dioceses host round tables and conferences on the history of typography in Russia, the reading and dissemination of Orthodox literature in modern society. Creative evenings and meetings with writers and poets, concerts of spiritual music, as well as exhibitions of rare handwritten and printed books from regional, regional and republican museums foundations.

Book exhibitions open on, which presents the rare publications of Orthodox books, the sale of church literature, charitable shares on the collection and transfer of Orthodox literature in urban and district libraries. They, in turn, hold evenings dedicated to the work of Orthodox writers and poets S.A. Baglia, A.A. Melnichuk, O.N. Molchanova.

The head of the Tiraspol-Dubossar diocese Bishop Savva during such events noted that "in fact, not only spiritual, but any book - both artistic, and historical - may be Orthodox, if the spirit of Orthodoxy is preserved in it."

God's help to everyone in learning!


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    Barenbaum I.E. History of the book: Tutorial. 2nd ed., Pererab. - M.: Book, 1984. - P. 138

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    Katsprzhak E.I. History of writing and books. - M.: Art, 1955. - P. 285

    Gurin V.E. Formation of moral consciousness and behavior of high school students. - M.: Pedagogy, 1988.

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    Internet resources.

Reading is an important part of human life. This is an easy way to preserve the clarity of the mind for many years. A person familiar with a large number of literature of various genres has a broader outlook, develops his brain. Often, schoolchildren get homework - write an essay in which the arguments in favor of this occupation.

Objectives of writings

Why do teachers of the Russian language include the task of this kind in homework for students? In the process of writing to each thesis, the schoolboy must lead weighty arguments. The role of literature in a person's life is an extensive theme that allows you to once again refresh in memory those evidence that confirm the importance of reading in modern life. People of the XXI century are much easier to come home, sit down at a computer or TV, rather than start reading the book.

Everyone understands that such a relationship contributes to mental degradation. However, for some reason, many other classes prefer books. A schoolboy can try to write an essay that will be called upon to convince the reader in the importance of the role of literature in a person's life. The arguments that the student will use, he can take from a variety of sources: everyday life, cases with long-standing familiar, own experience. The main thing is that one or another idea should be proved or explained. And of course, do not forget about such important moments as spelling, punctuation, as well as the style of writing.

Understand yourself

Reading various literature, watching the story of books developing, people will begin to reflect on serious matters of our existence. After all, it was precisely for this purpose that great works were written - they help the reader to focus on a certain problem with which a person may face. Watching the characters that read learns to identify and in every way to predict their actions in everyday life.

It often happens that the writer himself survived certain difficulties at some stage of his life and decided to transfer his experience to subsequent generations through novel, play, novels or stories. The role of poetry is equally important - reading the poem, a person can penetrate the mood of the poet, his worldview at a certain point in time. And sometimes poetry carries and healing power. For example, reading a poem about difficult times, a person feels that he is not one in his problems that people once come across such difficulties before him.

The role of literature in a person's life: arguments

So why is it so important in our time to remember the importance of reading? Many will like this thesis: reading books can remove stress. It translates the reader to another world, where he can distract from everyday problems, plunge for a while in a new atmosphere. Today, a very large number of people suffer from constant stress. And this plus reading will be assessed by those who are already tired every day think about endless problems.

Psychological pluses

Another argument is interesting to the role of fiction in a person's life. Scientists have proven that we are older when our brain ages. That is why reading is able to even slow down a bit and "postpone old age." After all, devoting the time of literature, a person is forced to think, to make conclusion, to understand the meaning of what is described in the book. And the additional load on the brain favorably affects the functioning of the entire body.

Arguments for the problem "The role of literature in a person's life" do not end. Scientists have established that reading can contribute to a good sleep. If a person regularly reads a book for the night, soon his brain will perceive this occupation as a signal - it's time to sleep soon. Due to reading, so people can feel the next morning.

Cons reading

However, when describing the role of literature in a person's life, the arguments should not necessarily prove its benefit. The schoolboy can adhere to the opposite opinion. For example, it can be designated that too fond of reading can ignore the difficulties of real life using this classes. For tons of literature, in this case, the usual fear of reality is worth. Of course, a person always recognizes something new from books. But it is impossible to know everything with the help of literature. Most of the experience, people are obtained by interacting with reality. Here you need to comply with the principle - "everything must be in moderation."

The role of the teacher

Great and role of teacher literature in a person's life. Arguments here, most likely, every student will give out of their own experience. After all, the literature teacher is the one who introduces the class with the works of great classics, helps better understand the meaning who wanted to convey the descendants writers and poets through their creations. In a sense, a literature teacher is the first psychotherapist, with whom a person faces in his life. After all, it is he who introduces schoolchildren into the world of people and the variety of relations between them.