The value of tattoo "Deer. Deer - tattoo with a special meaning

The value of tattoo "Deer. Deer - tattoo with a special meaning

Deer symbol is very ancient, it is present in all historical traditions. It is always a fertile symbol of rebirth and updates, strength and nobility, courage and purity, piety and piety - symbol human soul, but also a warrior symbol.

Deer in the mythology of Slavs

The image of the deer played in the life of Slavs special roleThey attributed him to the royal animals, and endowed with fantastic features. He was called "wonderful", "Willing beast", "Tour". By believing, he knew how to create different miracles, speak human language.

Slavic deer was considered the personification of ancestors. Deer tolerated the souls of the dead in the other world, many of their images were found on the walls of ancient ritual caves.

Russian North has retained the image of a deer in architecture, thread, embroidery, fairy tales, epic. IN russian museums Collected richest collections of tissues embroidered with patterns, the main element of which is a deer.

The deer was a symbol of the Slavic goddesses of Rozhanits - Mother and daughters who born all living things. They were depicted on embroidery in the form of two deer or horned female figures. The images of this horned deity, most likely, decorated the dwellings of the Slavs and the tradition to hang a deer horns inside the house may have more ancient than we think the roots.

Deer - male, especially during Gon, was the embodiment of strength, courage, decisiveness and prudity at the same time. The graceful and buggy female could enter into a mortal fight, protecting his cub. The man always admired the strength and beauty of the deer, felt his superiority over himself.

And already at all amazing effects provided a deer horns on a person. According to beauty and greatness, they were compared with the Sun, were the personification of life and its updates. The horns played one of of most important roles In religious rituals for many millennia. Magnies appeared in horned heads.

The image of the deer is captured on many household items: bark, clay vessels, Toys. It is known that in clay for these vessels, a flour from bones of deer was sometimes added. Folk toy In the form of deer, continue to sculpt and now in the Russian north and in the central part of Russia.

On Russian embroidery, two deer with wood in the center were depicted as sacrificial deer sacred wood. According to the legend, deer came from the sky, came with a deer and his sacrifice himself, wanting to give people food.

In Ilyin, the day in Russia stopped swimming - "Deer plunged hoofs into the water - it is impossible to bathe." "Does not knock, I do not rattle with hooves, and the deer flies down, the deer of the hoofs is silver, the deer Horn is red gold. - Where are you flying, young deer? - I run, I'm flying to river water ... you need to step in the water with a hoof. To the hoof silver water to teach. "

Deer is a creature, correlated from the Slavs with the Sun. Songs about the golden deer are recorded in Russia, in Serbia, in Bulgaria. Deer is an animal endowed with divine symbolism. It is closely intertwined by the features of not only folk and pagan, but also of Christian origin.

Deer in the Christian tradition.

On the Bulgarian referee, the deer is forbidden to kill, because there is a deer that has a cross on the horns, the murder of such a deer threatens to man with death. FROM christian tradition The image of a deer with a crucifixion on the horns and the idea of \u200b\u200bdeer as a servant of God is connected. IN ukrainian fairy tale Angel takes the appearance of a deer. The Belarusian mystery of the deer: "Alive - and in the church is not, died - they did not boil, and the Bogonian."

Symbolic deer is depicted on tombs, icons, chores - drinking at the foot of the cross. The symbolic representations of Christ as a deer in combination with a cross, a deer image with a crucifix between the horns.

Deer - a symbol of fineness, piety and cleanliness in christian culture. He symbolizes Christ and is associated with a soul, seeking to hear the Word of Christ: "As a deer wishes to the flow of water, so the soul wants you, God!"

In the Christian iconography, the tricky land is a symbol of a Christian of fighting with evil, the emblem of the nobility and the power of the Spirit. "ZRI: like Oleshk snakes devour, he drinks the key water, and SIM from poison is again clean, and the person sees the meaning here: he is crisp with the baptism of baptism."

A special attitude of a person to deer is also manifested in heraldic images: the sun is abundance, Laurel - Glory and Honor, Lev is the strength and courage. Deer also applies to bright heraldic images and is a symbol of a warrior, in front of which the enemy runs, the symbol of the human soul, which thirsty God and struggling with temptations.

In Christian culture, the image of the deer was often interpreted as the image of the human soul. This applies to both the Byzantine and Old Russian art.

Deer is a wicked emblem, a symbol of a male nobility. This emblem meets in the knight's coat of arms of militant ancient peoples. Especially deer was popular in England and Germany. In Russian heraldry, a deer running snake serves as a warrior emblem, which runs the enemy. But not only Christianity honors a deer ...

Deer in Buddhism

Not far from the Chinese city of Sanya on a huge territory there is one of the modern centers of Buddhism, in which there is a deer park.

In Buddhism, there is a legend that the Creator of Buddhism of Shakya Muni in one of his past lives was a deer - the king of all deer with luxurious gold horns. Maybe it is no coincidence of the Buddha first outlined his learning in the deer grove, the blizzards of Benares (modern Varanasi) in 7 weeks after reaching awakening.

In the ancient capital of Japan, Nara near old temples, more than 1,000 years old has been living out of 1,200 spotted deer. According to the legend, the first emperor of Japan Jimm went down from heaven and arrived in a riding on deer, and modern deer, descendants of the deer, are protected as messengers of the gods.

Deer is one of the most important symbols of Buddhism, and the Buddha is often depicted with a deer.

Deer - European Divine Symbol.

Celtic tribes deer was a symbol of fertility and vitality. Deer symbolized the sun, update, creation, he was considered a first-end. Chief God Celts Cerner depicted sitting next to a deer, and the head of God was decorated with branched deer horns. An image of a man - a warrior with a deer horns on the head was a symbol of masculinity and military valor.

The deer was a member of ritual rituals, as he was considered Mr. Animal and had power over fertility, abundance and updated. Deer appear as wonderful messengers and conductors pointing the path to their goal.

Deer as the symbol of the Universe is mentioned in EDDE, the main work of German scandinavian mythology. Deer is a sacred animal in Greek mysteries, a satellite of the Diana hunter. The image of this noble animal is widely represented in art Ancient Greece.


In the art of all peoples, there is an image of a mighty beast - the progenitor of a tribe, relative and a patron. This phenomenon is called totemism and deer in it is presented quite wide.

Ancient Maya, for example, called themselves "Ah-Maya" - "deer people." Deer was considered the main tribal rapid committee. Ovicany Indians also called themselves "deer people." In the Saham mythology, wonderful deer - the werewolf Mändash is a totem animal - the son of the Saami.

The word "Saka" in the ancient Scythians marked the deer - male, and many Scythian tribes squeezed themselves with "Sakas". This name is correlated in Iranian with the word "Saka", in the Persian - "Sax", in Buryat - "Saga", in Russian "Sawy" and matters "deer".

Reindeer reverence in such completely different historical traditions can hardly be called random. All this, one way or another, reflects deep, in many ways the spiritual relationship of man with a deer is a symbol of a noble soul of man.

Deer is a kind and positive animal. He has long been hit people with his strength and beauty, caused respect and admiration. This is a kind of symbol of all wanderers and travelers, meaning noble loneliness.

Image of a deer with roses in color

What does the deer tattoo mean?

To some degree, deer is associated with mysticism. It is often compared with the "Life Tree". He is also depicted next to the snake. In this case, he symbolizes the struggle forces of evil and good. If the deer is a snake with hooves, it personifies the victory of light strength over the dark, the celebration of ideal concepts over the material.

Deer is a symbol of good, benefactors, vital energy.

Chb An image of a deer at the forearm

History of the occurrence of tattoo deer

What does a deer tattoo mean? In ancient legends and myths, deer was a good divine envoy. Even in Christian stories there is a story that tells about the deer, between the horns of which was a cross. He was familiar with the embodiment of God. In the Holy Scriptures, you can find analogues between the deer, tastling, and people who crave from the Holy Truth and Divine Enlightenment. Male, as a sign of awe's reverence, often paint on baptismal fonts.

Important! Not all tattoos are intended to attract attention. There are cosmetic tattoos or permanent makeup. It includes applying eyeliner, emphasizing the lip contour, painting eyebrows. Such tattoos help to save on cosmetics, but to maintain them in proper form, correction is still needed.

Oak leaves on a deer background

In the American Indians, deer horns were associated with a tree of life. And the animal itself was called the symbol of cyclicity of being and sunlight. Deer is an undoubtedly kind animal associated with feelings of pity and love. It helps in search of real love.

As a child, I loved the cartoon "Bembby". When I grew up, I wanted to make a tattoo with the image of this cute deer. I made a tattoo on my shoulder. Looks pretty pretty.

Rimma, Volgograd

In Rome and Ancient Greece, deer was a symbol of Diana. In Scandinavia, a deer skin was used for sacred rituals. Especially revered here the reindeer, since it is a rare animal. The Mayan tribes considered a deer with a prototype of God Takhila - a patron of hunting. Ancient Celts considered deer the most ancient animals, so here he symbolized revival and durability. In Europe, during the period of the Middle Ages, this animal was a sign of justice and vitality. The Chinese were identified with abundance, good luck and material well-being.

In addition, deer is associated with:

  • rebirth;
  • music and poetry;
  • beauty and graziness;
  • caution and self-confidence;
  • originality and originality

Deer tattoo, the value of which only positive aspects for girls and for guys have arisen a long time ago, but found her place and in modern world Tattoos.

Tattoo Little Olennka in the Grass

Tattoo deer in the modern world

Deer on his body can apply both women and men. In any case, she will look beautiful and original. Beautiful half of humanity, as a rule, choose a tattoo in the form of female deer or a cute deer. The value of the tattoo remains the same, however, it is added naivety, tenderness, bugs, graziness. But men prefer adult animals, which is an abundance symbol. Today, such a tattoo is rarely used as a charm and a magic symbol. As a rule, this is a peculiar addition of the established image. The deer tattoo, the photo of which is presented in a variety of different images, is equally popular among different layers of the population.

For me, the deer has always been a symbol of nobility, so it was using such a tattoo that I wanted to emphasize my positive qualities.

Misha, Omsk

Primitive sketch of deer

How can the deer be depicted?

Typical deer qualities is beauty, graziness and speed. A person who inflicts this animal to his body wants to demonstrate those surrounding these qualities. Another important quality Any deer is loneliness, because they prefer to dwell in the forest one. An animal with horns, as a rule, is associated with female floors, therefore symbolizes grace, gravity, credulity.

Sometimes the deer is depicted in the form of horns. Of course, such a tattoo cannot carry a positive meaning. It is chosen by people associated with demonic forces or people who look at this world with a negative. The tattoo of the deer, the sketches of which is in any catalog of the tattoo salon, is popular and among creative personalities.

A peculiar deer on the chest. Can be executed in such a style

Tattoo deer for creative people

Deer tattoo is a kind of symbol creative people. Due to its beauty and grace, this animal was often identified with various species art - poetry, music, etc. If you are a representative creative profession Or just fond of art, the deer can become your peculiar guard. Of course, it is not necessary to apply it in the form of a tattoo, but in this case it will have a special magic force.

Video: 25 deer tattoos

Sketches of tattoos deer

White deer is a character of many Celtic myths and symbolizes a period of 7 months. This is the beginning, initiating energy. Therefore, if you want your business that you begin to argue, you can ask for help from White deer. If you want the energy of prosperity always attended next to you, you can always call Deer Spirit For help in every new moon and every full moon.

White reindeer energy Gives great hope And enthusiasm, but at the same time to overcome the physical obstacles to you still have to do, although it can be significantly easier to do. If you are often in meditations to appeal to white deer, then accept its character traits, such as caution to life, restraint and perseverance in achieving the goal. Huge energy of this symbol can raise a person very high.

Also, with the help of this symbol, you can eliminate conflicts in the family and even help in promoting a career.

How to work with a white deer symbol?

Light a white candle. Imagine yourself in the forest and try to imagine the totem in front of yourself. Deer is a symbol of fineness, so try to be alone so that you do not bother you. And for the beginning, tell him that he can lie in hard cargo on your soul. That is, at the beginning, of course, cleansing. In order to work with this symbol, you will have to completely clean yourself. Deer is the enemy of snakes, you will have to pull out these snakes from inner world And clearing the road for new energy.

In order for your spiritual emanations to connect with the energies of this symbol, firstly Energetic contact should be carried out constantly as a meeting. Then, the soul must sincerely wish to express yourself. The soul should choose the forms of his work, to know exactly how she could take advantage, and what would never accept. Therefore, listen to what the conscience will say. When interacting with this symbol, you can start meeting people from the past, from those reincarnations in which you interact or even from past this life will meet those people with which you are unfinished. You should not be afraid of difficulties, just remember that you are under the highest leadership and you should now go. It comes to what seemed forgotten and you will need to finish some kind of relationship or find out until the end of the situation.

After 40 days in a row you will work with this symbol, you can go and buy a ring with a stone. It will be your amulet. He will support you when difficulty will come, protect you from some situations, just remember that any amulet will not live for you. You, like Robin Gouda, have to fight and go ahead. Only you, like him, will keep top patrons.

Wise solutions will come to you and intuition will rise to more high level. Only, in addition to all this, develop multiple and modesty. The energy of this symbol will help you to establish harmony and the correct relationship between soul and circumstances, even with those that occurred in the past incarnation. What is normal for you and traditional may change. Continue to work with this symbol, and the best proof between you and the symbol energy will be if the white deer visit you in a dream. Then do not doubt that you are stored and protected.

Deer is a favorable symbol associated with the sun, sunrise, light, cleanliness, upgrade, revival, creation and spirituality. Due to the similarity of deer horns with branches, the image of a deer is associated with a tree of life. In addition, the deer horns symbolize the sun's rays, fertility. Adult deer male - solar emblem abundance.

Like eagle and lion, deer is the enemy enemy of the snake; It is symbolithically connected with heaven and light, while the snake is associated with at night and life under the ground. Deer in a fight with a snake symbolizes the conflict of positive and negative, light and darkness.

As an eagle and horse, deer is an intermediary between heaven and earth, the messenger of the gods. Hittite, Suzyrian-Semitic and Shinto deities were moved on deer, deer harnessed in the wagon of time and christmas.

Most characteristic signs deer - swiftness, grace and beauty; Maybe therefore, the deer is associated with poetry and music.

IN medieval artin the west deer symbolized privacy and impossibility, and in japanese poetry - Loneliness and love thomy.

W. chinesemeans happiness and longevity, white deer male symbolizes the show-blue, God of longevity. In addition, deer is associated with wealth and success, the word "deer" in China is consonant with the word "abundance".

Ancient Maya.ah-Maya called themselves, "deer people." This animal was considered the main tribal rapiered and therefore the sacred animals. The constellation of the deer (Capricorn) from Maya was associated with the New Year, another stage in life. This month was recommended to navigate only on earthly worries. It was believed that how to live a month of active deer, so it will be all year. It was believed that the born this month differ, on the one hand, the relationship with traditions, and on the other, the desire for a new one, to improve the existing one. In this month, the ancient Maya appealed to the priests for predictions or they themselves were engaged in progress.

W. celtov Deer is a symbol of the sun, fertility and vitality, dignity, masculinity, speed, mediator between the world of the gods and the world of people. Celts believed that deer is the main animal in the magical herds of the gods. The deer horns were considered a symbolic mapping of tree branches. The branches of horns, like bitch and leaves on the trees, were considered symbols of revival and reproduction. Celtic God Cerner, associated with the cycles of dying and reviving nature, was depicted with branches of deer horns or with a deer and bull standing at his feet. The legends appear white deer, which was for the Celts mystical animals that appeared on Earth from the other world and with the gift of wisdom and omniscience.

IN german-Scandinavian mythologyfour deer tightening the leaves of the world tree Igdrasil. In addition, Deer Eikurmir ("With the oak tips of the horns") and the goat Hagerun eat his leaves, standing on the roof of Valhalla.

IN greco-Roman traditiondeer - Attribute Artemis (Diana). The Akteon Hunter was turned into an angry Artemide in a deer for sawing her batheling.

IN christian symbolismdeer personifies religious inspiration and zeal, since the newly converts have eased knowledge "... as a deer craves to achieve a cool stream to get drunk." It is in this value that the deer is depicted on baptized fours, as well as in religious painting - Drinking at the foot of the Cross. In the Christian iconography, the trapping snake deer is a christian emblem fighting with evil. Some saints are depicted with a deer as their attribute, such as a deer with a crucifix between the horns - the emblem of the Holy Governor.

IN alchemydeer together with the unicorn means the dual nature of Mercury, philosophical mercury. Alchemists see B. antique myif About the hunter Akteon, the converted goddess Artemida in a deer, the proof of the possibility of transformation of metals.

W. slavsdeer was considered the personification of ancestors. According to believe, he knew how to create different miracles, speak human voice. In the ancient carols of deer, as horses suffer the souls of the dead in the otherworldly world. Deer attributed to the royal animals: he rules all horned animals.

Deer often appears in heraldicimages where "means grace and moderation."

Words - painful tubes,
growing in the deaf forest -
followed by a rude,
where I carry the flame.
But what am I Lai Diana greedy,
fit Topot and Flight?
My soul - deer huge -
pnights distraught shake!
Shakes - and on the lame by burning
drove by opening the horns
through black nightstairs
on fire shore!

Vladimir Nabokov

To date, the tattoo is considered one of the most popular body jewelry. Some people when choosing a picture are guided by their tastes and preferences. In the other, each tattoo has certain meaning. In any case, the drawing of the picture on the body is now not considered something scary and shameful. Application of patterns on the body can be called art.

What does deer mean: tattoo

Before you fill in the body any drawing, many people are interested in what it is symbolized. Currently, the deer is a symbol of purity, kindness, loyalty and beauty.

Also, this animal is a symbol of masculinity. After all, B. of real life Deer can only participate in fatal battle in order to be a conductor for several deer.

Deer Tattoo for Men

Currently you can meet a large number of People who have chosen such a noble animal for their tattoo. Deer, the value of which lies in masculinity and determination, conquered a lot male hearts. Large Rogs also symbolize the sexuality of the partner.

Why do deer choose creative people?

Pay attention to the person of the creative profession. Most often, he is sophisticated, graceful and to some extent gugl. This is how it is possible to characterize the deer. Such people have a unique soul and peculiar worldship. Their goal is to give this world beauty.

The same can be said about so noble and beautiful animals. Therefore, the deer is a tattoo displaying creative potential man.

Tattoo with a deer for a girl

Deer is a tattoo, using particularly popular and in light gender. Girls on their body drawing a deer are trying to symbolize the purity, beauty and wisdom. This pattern also characterizes the calm of the soul and positive energy.

Tattoo: deer in a triangle

Very often such an image of an animal can be found in young people who have to hipster. In this case, a deer, taken in a triangle drawn on the body. This symbol indicates the uniqueness of a certain group of people.

Where is the best way to apply a deer image?

In fact, such a tattoo will be perfectly looking at any part of the body. Most often, the deer can be found on the legs, hands, torso or back. Some girls make a small drawing in the neck area. Here you can manifest your imagination as your heart.

Deer in different cultures

Deer - Tatu, interpreting differently of different nations World. Consider the most popular values:

In Celtic peoples, a drawing in the form of a deer symbolizes longevity;

Europeans most often use this symbol to express sexuality and masculinity;

According to the Scandinavian mythology, the image of a deer on the body is special signsaying that a person with him is a messenger from the sky and must serve humanity;

- The peoples of the North believe that deer is a symbol of wisdom, energy and vitality;

The Chinese, wearing a tattoo in the form of a deer, believe that this sign will bring them good luck and financial welfare. But the animal painted in white color - This is a symbol of purity, longevity and mind.

Methods of execution

On the this moment Can be found great amount Drawings for a tattoo with a deer or invent your own sketch. In this case, the fantasy may be limitless. In this case, the drawing can be made in both black and white and in color design.

A tattoo in the form of a deer is an excellent choice for both women and men. Using this symbol, you will not only decorate your body, but also give it a special energy. The main thing is to believe in it, and deer will bring you happiness.