How can you draw a New Year tree. Drawing a New Year tree in the middle group stages with photos

How can you draw a New Year tree. Drawing a New Year tree in the middle group stages with photos
How can you draw a New Year tree. Drawing a New Year tree in the middle group stages with photos

Drawing greatly develops in children. In addition, the child has the opportunity to express his emotions on paper. Classes of creativity helps to instill an aesthetic taste from an early age, bring up an imperishability.

Children try to draw what they are familiar well and interesting. Many people like to depict animals, cartoon characters, flowers, nature. The guys of different age will be interested in learn how to draw a Christmas tree with paints or pencils in stages. After all, this tree is well acquainted to each kid.

How to paint the Christmas tree beautifully?

There are many different ways to portray forest beauty. It should be sorted out how to properly draw a pencil, markers or other ways to paint the Christmas tree.

Option 1

You can offer a child a simple way to portray fir a few steps.

  1. First, you should mark the stem. To do this, it is necessary to draw a straight vertical line in the middle of the sheet. Older children can do it on their own. Junior should help parents. At the top and bottom line to read small stripes.
  2. The next step should be drawn branches that depart from the trunk to the sides.
  3. Next, the main branches must be drawn smaller. Let the child himself determine their number and length.
  4. At the final stage, the kid can portray small needles on his own green pencil, which should put each twig.
  5. To this fir, you can draw multi-colored balls, then the New Year's picture will work. If the question arose how to draw the winter tree in the snow, then you can simply add white or bluish traces to her on the branches.
  6. In order to portray a spruce forest in the warm season, you can draw several trees in this way, and draw grass, flowers, sun.

Option 2.

Another method is also for the preschooler, besides, this method requires a certain perfection and hardness.

  1. Starting work is necessary from the image of the vertical line. This must be done to designate the axis of symmetry. From this straight it is necessary to outline the location of the tiers of branches going down at an angle.
  2. Next, you need to start carefully draw each tier, portraying the branches, needles.
  3. Having finished the entire picture, you should erase the extra lines.
  4. Next, you should decorate the pattern with paints. It is best to apply the background at your discretion. If the baby asks how to draw a Christmas tree in the snow, then you can simply apply a brush on a picture of white paint smears. And you can be depicted next to the forest beautiful mushrooms, flowers and all that remind about summer time.

If the child loves to work with the paints, then you can tell him how to draw this Christmas tree gouache in gradually. In this case, the contour is painted with green paint with a thin brush.

Option 3.

Each child is looking forward to New Year's holidays. Therefore, the kids will gladly listen to how to draw a christmas tree with a pencil and decorate watercolor or other paint.

  1. First, draw a triangle. At the bottom of the base depict a small square, and under it a rectangle. This is a tree trunk and a stand. On the sides of the triangle pounce lines going down under the tilt. These are tiers of the Christmas tree.
  2. Next, you need to thoroughly draw branches, connecting tiers with a triangle. It can be carefully removed with the elasty.
  3. Now you can depict on the top of the star, sketch the garlands and basic decorations.
  4. At this stage, you need to pay attention to small details. Children love to decorate the New Year tree, because with pleasure draw a variety of decorations.
  5. Discover the picture can be watercolor.

Such drawings can be hanging on the wall, and you can give a grandmother.

Take a sheet of paper or album, pencil and eraser. Ask a child than he will decoke on the hedgehog and make pencils, markers or paints with a tassel.

Tell the child the rules how to work with paints.

  1. Clean water prepare and moisten the paints;
  2. mixing paints to produce on a palette (white paper) without forgetting to flush brushes;
  3. smoothly close the surface of the background and characters in the composition;
  4. at the end of the work, wash the brush, do not leave in a jar with water, and wipe it with a cloth;
  5. at the end of the paint, the pencil is removed in the boxes or pencils.

How to draw a new year tree

Step-by-step instruction "Step by step" how to draw a New Year's Christmas tree.

1. Draw a triangle. Now draw a star on the top of the triangle. Leave enough space to add the rest of the tree.

2. Draw the top of the tree, which consists of three branches, as shown in the figure. Do not try to draw too precisely, not quite even lines will look better. The ends of the branches of the branches must join the star.

3. Now add two more row of fir branches. Moreover, in each subsequent row of branches, one more is becoming one more. Thus, 1 row are three branches, 2 row - four branches, 3 row - five branches.

4. Then, just under the tree, draw a bucket and attach to a tree with two lines that will be a spruce. Add two lines in the center of the bucket in the form of a tape, as shown in the figure. Erase all auxiliary lines.

5. Dorisite the bow on the ribbon and draw on the ball on each branch. Star on top of the tree give the effect of sparkling. Our New Year's Christmas tree is ready! You are great!

6. Now you can proceed to decorating.

To nor drew your child, be sure to praise it and hang the resulting masterpiece on the wall so that the baby felt like a real artist.

How to draw a tree

We offer a tree version that you can decorate as you wish.

Send us the resulting drawing on the e-mail. Specify I.F. child, age, city, country where you live and your baby will be a little famous! We wish you success!

Figure of the New Year tree and Santa Claus - the newest theme of children's drawings. You can draw a New Year tree in different ways, the main thing is to correctly draw the proportions of the branches of the Christmas tree and chew, needles. The New Year Christmas tree should be "slender" and beautiful with "fluffy" and thick cheese. Draw the Christmas tree is easy, but so that the Christmas tree was smooth and beautiful, I propose my version of the lesson. " How to draw Christmas tree"Pencil, as usual, stages. On the last stage, the drawing is easy to color with colored pencils.
To draw a beautiful Christmas tree, the top of the crown must be decorated with an asterisk and draw a lot of bright toys on the branches. In order to create the mood of the upcoming holiday in the picture with the Christmas tree - New Year, draw near Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. There are such lessons on the site.

1. Figure Christmas tree. General contour

Figure Christmas tree will be the right form if you first draw a general contour in the form of such a simple geometric shape. The shape of the Christmas tree will be smooth and neat if you are sure to draw the separation line exactly in the center, which will serve as a Christmas tree barrel and at the same time a guideline for the entire drawing. To create in the drawing of the volume of branches, it is necessary to draw an angle at the bottom of the circuit at the bottom of the circuit.

2. Approxing contours of needles and branches

Since the tree is covered with needles, the branches draw for it not necessarily. But still to figure Christmas tree It was beautiful and correct, you need to make an easy markup, which will allow you to break the drawing on the plots of the alleged branches.

3. Fir branches in detail

A real Christmas tree that will stand at your home, not quite similar to this drawing ate. But we mainly draw a beautiful and symmetrical Christmas tree, and after decorate it with toys and draw the right interior. Therefore, painting the Christmas tree schematically, making symmetric sharp edges of the branches on both sides of the christmas tree. From the central line of the trunk, draw sharp edges of the branches, thanks to this, the Christmas tree on your drawing will be fluffy and beautiful.

4. Detailing Figure Christmas Tree

Fill out arbitrary strokes the remaining gaps between the edges and the middle of the Christmas tree. Try to make them symmetrical on both sides. Do not press a strongly pencil, because we plan to paint the Christmas tree at the last stage with colored pencils.

5. Finish to draw the Christmas tree

At this stage you need a drawing of a Christmas tree to make more "clear." Sharp and solid pencil draw as many major contour lines as possible. So that the Christmas tree looked beautiful, try to draw symmetrical branches on both sides. Now we can say that the drawing of the Christmas tree is completely complete. It will only be left to decorate it with New Year's toys and an asterisk on top of the crown.

6. Decorations for the New Year tree

What a Christmas tree without jewelry! Of course, you need to draw a lot of bright toys and the most important thing to paint the gum green pencil. Next to the Christmas tree can draw boxes with gifts and if necessary surrounding its interior, including Snow Maiden and Santa Claus. If you need to draw Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, deer and other forest animals, then on our site you will find such lessons.

Drawing of Snow Maiden is made on a graphic tablet in stages. You can use this lesson to draw the Snow Maiden as an ordinary simple pencil.

On New Year's Eve, many children want to draw Santa Claus and the New Year tree. Figure of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden will need for the New Year's wall newspaper and for the original, "handmade" greeting card.

If you need to draw a New Year's postcard with the image of the Christmas tree and Santa Claus, the reindeer may well complement such a drawing.

The drawing of a brown bear requires a certain preparation, animal drawing practices. You need to be able to reflect the nature of the fierce and dangerous beast. Of course, if you draw a children's illustration for a New Year's postcard with a Christmas tree and Santa Claus, the bear must have a good view.

Kitten draw not just. First, the kittens are small, secondly, very movable. The picture will take a lot of time, and it is impossible for even a minute, it is impossible to make a fixed kitten.

If you need to draw a New Year tree in the forest, you can draw several forest "residents", for example, Lesu.

All children love to sculpt in winter snowmen. Try to draw a snowman, securing your impressions on a piece of paper.

For some people is a problem image of items on paper. If a person does not know how to draw a Christmas tree, this article will be aware. Detailed master classes will help solve this problem.

Christmas tree of geometric shapes

For novice artists, there are many options how to draw a Christmas tree. Most often in symbolic drawings use geometric shapes.

Several partially overlapping triangles, located in the form of a pyramid, with a small brown rectangle at the bottom (barrel) perfectly symbolize the Christmas tree.

Since you can draw the Christmas tree in a more simplified version, you should consider the use option in the image of one triangle. Corners can also be smoothed or pointed and elongated.

There is another option how to draw a Christmas tree symbolically. For such an image, geometric shapes are not used. It is enough for a straight line to draw branches that are directed either down at an angle or up.

Symbolic Christmas tree for postcards, manufacture of interior items and decoration

Here, the designer is simply needed by the method of image of a tree with the help of geometric shapes. You can even smooth the corners of the christmas outline or, on the contrary, sharpen and stretch slightly, lift on top. After all, any tree in the early period of growth of the branches stretch to the sun.

The contours of such a Christmas tree can be used as applications for decorating clothing and making mats, to develop jacquard patterns on knitted products, for sewing sofa pillows and creative chips from pillows, making patterns for wallpaper and in a variety of other interesting options.

Master class for kids

Usually children easily cope with the image of the Christmas tree. But if the difficulty still exists, it is also possible to train the drawing of babies using this master class. He gives a clear idea of \u200b\u200bhow to draw a christmas tree with a pencil phased.

  1. At first, there are several triangles in such a way that each, located above, was a little less than the previous one. Usually grabs three figures.
  2. For completely tiny artists, the process of learning the drawing of the church can be completed on this and start paint the object. If adults show how to draw a Christmas tree in gradually, children are more adults, for example, kids 3 - 4 years old, then you can complicate the task. Let the child make the side sides of the triangles concave inside the figure, and the base is an arched outward.
  3. Eraser remove the auxiliary lines.
  4. A rectangle is drawn from below, which depicts a tree trunk.
  5. Next, the color is imposed on the object. You can only use the green one shade and brown for the trunk. But you can make every upper triangle lighter than the previous one.
  6. At the request, the tree can be decorated with toys and beads. Then the picture will be in the New Year version.

Natural image of ate

To draw serious paintings with a pencil - for example, landscapes - you need to know how to draw a Christmas tree in stages. Interestingly, what is starting to depict an object in the same way as in a children's master class, with auxiliary triangle. Then inside the main contour sketch make the "rows" of branches - these are pyramidally located partially overlapping smaller triangles.

The bases of triangles should be made "ribbons", uneven. Yes, and the sides need to transform. Let them become not solid straight, and consisting of interrupted segments that have a little different angle of inclination. Overlapping a hatching on a fir, the artist creates the effect of a spiny tree.

Especially working should be over the barrel. First, it is drawn in the form of a rectangle. Then the lower part is slightly expanded, turning it into a trapezium. The lower base of the trapezium makes "ribany".

Now you need to impose a final hatching so that in the middle of the tree is lighter than from the edge. Some twigs can "break out" from the main circuit - these are young twigs that have not yet seen under the severity of their weight, stretch to the sun. Top sticks a sharp twig.

Winter landscape

Most often, coniferous trees attract artists in winter. After all, around everything in the forest goal, and only evergreen stands as if there are no cold and snow for them. Such landscapes look beautifully both in the black and white variant and in color.

About how to draw the Christmas tree with a pencil phased, was described in detail in the previous master class. Having mastered this algorithm, the artist can portray the winter landscape, where snow hats and collars lie on the branches. Make the "robes" of trees is quite simple. It is just necessary to make a snowy snowdrift on the already ready made, and then remove the eraser is all too much.

Sometimes another option is used for the image. It is applicable to drawing major perennial trees. Elutes are painted not with a solid hatching, but make more "transparent", writing out each branch or a group of branches separately.

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Photo Gallery: How to figure out the Christmas tree with toys and New Year's garlands easily and beautiful: master classes for children

On the eve of the new 2018 in kindergartens and schools throughout the country, festive events will be held. And we are talking not only about such matineel long-awaited children, but also about creative exhibitions and art competitions with young talents. Since such events are devoted to the New Year and everything is connected with it, then various festive symbols are more often as the main children's work. For example, virtually no children's drawing during this period costs without the main green beauty - a New Year tree decorated with garlands and toys. It is not surprising that the question of how to draw the Christmas tree in gradually, easily and beautiful, on the eve of the holiday is very relevant, especially for beginner artists. In our current article, simple master classes are collected with photos and videos on the image of the Christmas tree with pencil and paints (watercolor, gouache). We really hope that thanks to these lessons, your child will easily learn to draw the most beautiful and festive Christmas tree for the new year.

How to draw a New Year tree with toys and garlands in kindergarten - step-by-step master class with photos

We offer to your attention a step-by-step master class, how to draw a New Year tree with toys and garlands in kindergarten. The technique described in detail below is very easy to perform, so it is easily eared the pupils of senior groups. All the details, how to draw a New Year tree in toys and garlands for kindergarten in the next workshop with a photo step by step.

Necessary materials to draw a New Year tree with toys, garlands for kindergarten

  • listed album
  • simple pencil
  • rule
  • eraser
  • feltolsters

Step-by-step instructions, how to draw a New Year tree in toys and garlands in kindergarten

How easy to draw a Christmas tree to a child with a pencil in kindergarten - a lesson with a photo of stages

Technique how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil easily from the next lesson, is also suitable for a small child in kindergarten. It differs from the previous fact that it does not have a ruler and a drawing. For details on how easy it is to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil to a child in kindergarten in a lesson with a photo further.

Required materials to make it easy to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil to a kindergarten

  • pencil
  • eraser
  • listed album

Step-by-step instruction, how to make a Christmas tree with a pencil in kindergarten to a child

How to draw a Christmas tree for the new year 2018 with a pencil easily and beautifully to school - a master class in stages for beginners with a photo

The next master class, how to draw a Christmas tree for the new year 2018 with a pencil easily and beautifully will not only go to school, but also novice artists. At will, you can add toys and paint in bright colors. All subtleties, how to draw a Christmas tree easily and beautifully for the new year 2018 with a pencil to school in a master class for beginners below.

Necessary materials to draw a Christmas tree for the new 2018 pencil easily and beautifully to school

  • pencil
  • eraser
  • rule
  • paper

Step-by-step instructions, how to draw a Christmas tree easily and beautifully for the new year with a pencil to school beginner

How to draw a Christmas tree with paints (gouache, watercolor) in school- master class in stages for beginners, video

Now, when you know how to draw a Christmas tree easily and beautiful pencils to school, you can move to a more complex paint drawing technique (gouache, watercolor). This option is ideal for beginners, as the video tutorial, presented below, describes in detail all the details of paint drawing. Of course, this master class is not suitable for a child in a kindergarten for the new year 2018, but some individual tricks will be able to learn and kids. Learn how to draw a New Year tree with paints (gouache, watercolor) to school with garlands and toys from the next video with a phased lesson.