Yakuza: Legendary Japanese mafia. Yakuza - a losing combination in Japanese poker and merciless mafia of the country of the rising sun

Yakuza: Legendary Japanese mafia. Yakuza - a losing combination in Japanese poker and merciless mafia of the country of the rising sun
Yakuza: Legendary Japanese mafia. Yakuza - a losing combination in Japanese poker and merciless mafia of the country of the rising sun

Probably, everyone who at least once heard this word was asked - who are they? Indeed, in every country there are both law-abiding citizens and not very. Some states have become practically fully associated with such a phenomenon as Mafia. The word who came to us from Italy also entrenched in Russian and became the synonym for all types of organized crime.

In Italy itself, Sicily is tied with Mafia (indeed, for the most part Italian mafioses are industrially there, or they come from there). Even mysterious Japan, so far from Europe, has its criminal syndicate. Called Yakuza.

Yakuza are members of traditional organized criminal groups in Japan. In essence, this is a network of 22 gangs divided into fractions that are struggling for wealth and influence in the country. Their traditional sources of income are prostitution, usury, extortion, gambling and drug smuggling. IN recent decades They began to more actively participate in the shadow economy and business.

Yakuza six times more italian mafia And significantly surpasses the mafia in the United States of America. According to the police of Japan, almost 83,000 gangsters operate in 22 criminal syndicates, which contribute to the economy controlled by Mafia, in the amount of about 20 trillion yen ($ 242 billion) per year. Yakuza, also known by the title "Gokudo".

Japanese police and media at their request, call their BO-Ryokudan, which can be translated as a gangster group, and Yakuza call themselves "Ninkyo-Dantai", "Knight's Organization".

Yakuza is known for its strict behavior codes and a very organized character. In July 2010, the National Police Agency published a report, which states that multinational criminal organizations become "increasingly globalized" and are increasingly aiming for Japan. He discussed how gangs cooperate with separate groups Persons to create a network of underground banks, Missing huge financial resources, organize fictitious marriages and coating stolen cars abroad.

The history of the creation of Japanese mafia

The name of the Mafia itself came from the popular Japanese game Oito-Kaba, which was translated as unnecessary, worthless. She reminds our game to the point where the values \u200b\u200bof the cards are summed up into the total number, and the last figure is decisive in victory.

The most bad alignment for the player is a combination of eights, nine and three - in the amount it turns out 20 points, that is, 0. If the player has such cards on the final, then a huge skill and agility of hands were required to not lose. Japanese the values \u200b\u200bof the cards - I, ku, sa. So the word Yakuza appeared.

Initially, the gangs were taken exclusively to the peasants and slaves, that is, the people of the lower class. They move different reasons - Escape from taxes, despair (loss of all property, the death of loved ones), just thirst for adventure and light profit. Yakuza took them and gave her shelter, arranged to work. The gang members also walked for criminals who fled from prisons, which made Yakuzu even a more dangerous organization. Some came there simply to get respect and honor among neighbors and fellow citizens.

Separately, it is worth noting the membership of samurai. The history of the hobs of noble warriors in the category of bandits is enough prose and simple. In the 17th century, as a result of reforms, hundreds of thousands of samurai were not deeds. Without knowing how to wave a sword, they began to create their own groups and took up banditry - robbed merchants on the roads, drove into the house and applied not only material, but also physical (not to mention psychological) damage.

The police in those century did not remind today today - the maximum, for which they had enough skills - to separate the drunks in a fight. Therefore, against professional warriors, she could not do anything.

Then the help came on the other side - people themselves began to fight groups. However, it is worth making a note that these most fighters themselves were, as they say, not in freaks with the law - small criminals, thieves. Therefore, it turned out that some criminals are struggling with others. Gradually, the victory over samurai was obsessed, and the wrestlers themselves organized a grouping of Mati-Ekko, which became the prototype of Yakuza.

Membership in Yakuza is not illegal. "In most other countries, criminal syndicates are prohibited, but Japan continues to recognize their right to exist," said the British newspaper Guardian Atsushi Mizoguti, the main expert of Japan on organized crime.

The gang of Yakuza are not hiding from the people and the state, such as they make their Italian or Chinese "colleagues." Organizations of Yakuza often have an office with a wooden board on entrance door, openly showing its name of a group or emblem.

Japanese mafia today

Until recently, many Jacuzi members worked in offices with the names of their organizations in a prominent place. Some mafia members wear business cards with the name of the criminal syndicate. Jack Jake Adelstein wrote in the American Internet magazine The Atlantic Online.

"The government silently recognizes their existence, and they are appointed for their positions, their work and relationships are regulated. Yakuza earn money on extortion, blackmail, construction, real estate, collector services, manipulation financial Market, Rack, fraud and network of submersible companies, including labor dispatch services and private detective agencies. They make a job that no one else will do. "

Police traditionally tolerant refers to Yakuze. The roots of this direction can be traced in the 1800s, when the forerunners of Yakuza were allowed to wear weapons, provided that they helped maintain order when the police lacked the labor force.

Yakuza clans compare with "families" sicilian mafia. The clan has a hierarchical structure and built as well as general family In traditional. The leader of the clan is called Olyabun ("Father"). Under his rule are smaller members of the clan, brothers. This is not his real children or relatives, but only designations of rank and position in the clan. All members of the clan are subject to Olyabun, and he in turn protects them from all dangers. Olyabun Almighty in the clan, and his words-law.

Everyone obey him without thinking and not worrying about own Life. Olyabun has an adviser called Saiko-Comon, and he has the staff of lawyers, accountants, secretaries and advisers. Obnabina has an assistant, so to speak, deputy. He acts as an intermediary to see that Olyabun orders are performed. Members of the gang of Yakuza rupture family bonds and transmit their loyalty to the gangs. They belong to each other as family members - fathers, senior and junior brothers. Yakuza almost fully consists of men, but there are also women called "non-san" (older sister). Since Yakuza consider women weak creatures that are not capable of loyalty and self-denial, they are recognized only by the leaders of the leaders.

Distinctive sign Yakuza is great amount Tattoos covering the body of mafia. However, these are not just drawings, but signs accessories to a specific gang. So Yakudz learn "their". Sometimes the tattoo marked the new name of the member of the gang - after all, as mentioned above, when he joined the organization, a person became part of new family, and all connections with the former completely broken. Humiliated and disadvantaged, member, new members of the Yakuza gang with a new force were taken to deal with those who are former Life Mocked over them. And to no one from the retaliation of Yakuza.

Japan for most is a high-tech society with its culture. But behind the width of a closed country lies a lot of interesting things. There is also own organized crime, its traditional form is called Yakuza. These are real criminal syndicates, which determine the local criminal world.

Compared from Yakuza according to the degree of influence can, for example, Asian triads or mafia in the West. That's just the organization of Japanese crime is completely different than that of similar structures. And Yakuza works differently. It is said that this mafia has even its office buildings, and about her actions openly reason in the press.

Yakuza appeared in the XVII century, when the feudals suddenly began to understand that the open struggle with the enemy, as samurai do, is less effective than hidden and imperceptible. Today, Yakuza is, without exaggeration, one of the Japanese attractions. But in the West knows about it is extremely small, so you should tell about the most interesting facts About this secretive organization.

Socaia - a bribery organization. The word of the Socaia implies not just bribery, but a large-scale form, which is practiced by Yakuza. The Japanese Mafia acquires the major stake in companies sufficient for presence and voices on the Board of Directors. After that, the criminals try to learn about the company's management maximum, looking for a compromising on them. Then there are already peculiar auction. Yakuza threatens shareholders to disclose confidential information, making pay for silence. This is a very serious threat, because in Japanese corporate culture Shame is a powerful pressure lever, so such tactics usually turns out to be successful. Unusual in this bribery is that all this happens with extreme politeness. The threats themselves, as well as the fee for silence, is not directly carried out, but by the neighbral paths. For example, Yakuza can arrange a kind of contest or sports CompetitionAnd I unobtrusively recommend victims to purchase tickets for very overestimated prices. I must say that many Japanese companies waited for such a fate. For example, one of the extorters landed for the grille for eight months after he tried to blackmail the management of Mitsubishi. The representative of Yakuza tried to take advantage of the information about the illegal use of rental payments for the holiday home. Socaia already in 1982 reached so impressive scale that the government even introduced a number of laws that prohibited to pay to extortioners. But the benefits of this turned out to be a bit. Yakuza immediately responded to it, invented simply a more complicated scheme for concealing its activities. Hearters often have to indulge in Yakuza, because information about participation in the past in the Sokaya faces a criminal case. Today, corporations came up with their an effective way Fighting extortioners - holding meetings of shareholders in one day throughout the country. As a result, Mafia members cannot physically be simultaneously in several places. Such a measure was accepted on Tokyo stock Exchange. There in 90% of cases of the corporation hold their annual meetings on the same day.

Hard struggle with Yakuza. The authorities of Japan know a lot about the largest criminal syndicate of the country, Yamaguty Gumi. IN lately The US government, his branch to combat organized crime, was also included in the fight against it. American citizens simply forbidden to go to any financial transactions with the head of Syndicate, Cenyti Synod. In the "black list" fell and his " right hand»Kiezi Tsayama. Yes, and all the assets of the organization on the territory of the United States were frozen. In Japan, laws also appeared, which are designed to break the ties of Yakuza with a law-abiding business. Earlier in the country ascending sun Measures were limited only by the introduction of fines for those enterprises that go to cooperate with the crime. New measures were surprisingly effective. As a result, the number of representatives of Yakuza in Japan has decreased to a record level for the last half of the level. Synod himself believes that the disappearance of its syndicade will be a problem for the country. After all, thousands of unemployed gangsters will come to the streets, which will be a threat to public order in Japan.

Help needing from Yakuza. In 2011, natural bad weather came to Japan - the country was attacked by powerful tsunami. But among the first organizations, who came with the help of injured areas, was Yakuza. And this case is not at all rare - back in 1995 after the earthquake in large city Kobe, Mafia members organized the delivery of valuable cargo to the destroyed quarters of the metropolis. For this, Yakuza used helicopters, boats and a scooter. There is even a legend that Yakuza always helps the needy when they need it. After all, members of the criminal organization are outcasts that cannot do not sympathize with the injured from the official authorities. Others people adhere to a more practical and cynical point of view, for them this behavior of mafios is just a form of a PR and a way to receive public support. Well, after such a charity, call society to combat Yakuza? However, not only the image conquers Yakuzz with such good deeds. They bring to criminal syndicates also a considerable financial benefit. Immediately after the earthquake in 2011, controlled by Yakuza organizations were able to obtain profitable state construction contracts. The catastrophe was so large-scale that the authorities were simply forced to resort to the help of dubious firms. Especially since the underground syndicates do not openly advertise themselves, trying to act through fake companies. And let's try out which of them is associated with crime. Interestingly, one of such contracts brought the head of the passing company to prison. He just put into his pocket part wages Own employees, believing that Yakuza will be able to defend him.

Journal Yakuza. In Yamaguchi Gumi, it is customary to distribute newsletters to all members. IN last time They went to 28 thousand members of the organization. In this peculiar corporate magazine, a haiku and fishing articles were also published under the name "Yamaguchi-Gumi Gumi". The editors expressed the opinion of the head of the Syndicate that difficult times comes for him. At that time, the affairs of Yakuza really went bad, so the magazine became a kind of tool to raise the mood of his criminal readers. Surprisingly, some copies of the publication fell into the hands of ordinary peaceful Japanese. Experts believe that "misskushka" is not accidental. Yakudza understood that the rumor about the release of the magazine would be leaking. So the newsletter was carried out deliberately not only by members of the syndicate, but also to some ordinary citizens. So Mafia tried to reduce its established violent reputation in the eyes of fellow citizens.

Ritual Jubitsum. In Yakuza, it is accepted in its own way to punish those who guessed. Bandits, which came incorrectly from the point of view of the whole organization, are forced to cut the tip of their own finger. This is also called Jubitsum. If only the tip of the little finger is cut off for the first misconduct, then there are already serious injuries for further provinces. As a result, many Japanese mafiosi, the left little finger is lacking partially or completely, and sometimes there are no other fingers. On the one hand, it can be seen who in front of you. And on the other, it is clear that this is not the most successful mafia, once he was repeatedly punished. Such a ritual put even the beginning of demand for artificial fingers. It is clear that the absence of them on hand is a stamp shame. Hide it is difficult, but just necessary - most of the Japanese in the ritual of Jubitsum. The famous English expert on the skin, Professor Alan Roberts, exported so many natural externally prostheses to Japan, which he received in Yakuza, even the nickname "Mr. Finger". Obviously, its services are in demand.

Complex tattoos. An important part of the cult of Yakuza is unusual colored tattoos on the bodies of criminals. Japanese mafia use traditional wayIntroducing manually ink under the skin. This method is called or distinguishes with extreme soreness. But passing through this procedure, you can prove your bravery. It should be noted that color tattoos have recently become popular and among ordinary Japanese. The most popular drawings are women, dragons and mountains. And although the tattoos have spread in conventional society, members of the criminal organization are still associated with them. The mayor of Osaka even introduced a ban on such native arts for civil servants. The official asked subordinates or get rid of the tattoos, or to look for another job.

Yakuza and Court. We are not surprised that our criminals are judged, but here are the claims to criminal structures - this is possible only in Japan. Not so long ago, one owner of the restaurant sued Ceniy Synod, the most powerful head of Yamagui Gumi. The woman argued that Yakuza should be responsible for his representatives who have extorted money for her defense and threatened to burn her institution. The hostess of the restaurant officially demanded from Yakuza to refund damage in the amount of 17 million yen, or 2.8 million dollars. And this is far from the first time when on Yakuzu sued. Something similar happened in 2008. Then several citizens went to court to evict the Doinkai gang from their headquarters in Kurum. After the organization began to collapse from the inside, thanks to the internecine shakes in the struggle for leadership, the present broke out brutal war. The townspeople claimed that they have the right to life in the world, so they demanded that they demanded the gangsters to leave their city. But Yakuza does not always stand on the side of the defendant. In early 2013, Syndicate Kudo Kai from the south of the country was officially informed by law enforcement agencies "Dangerous". The members of Yakuzz were involved in a series of attacks at the headquarters of another mafia organization. With these attacks, the gangsters even used grenades. At the trial, the lawyer Kudo-Kai said that such a characteristic of his supporting unjust. The fact is that Syndicate is only one of five, which operate in this region. Such infringement of the rights of Yakuza, according to a lawyer, is a violation of the Constitution of the country.

Exams for mafia. In 2009, in the Yamaguchi-Gumi members of the organization forced to undergo a special test on 12 pages. The Mafia step went to such a step after the government took serious steps against organized crime. It was believed that thanks to these exams, the members of the Syndicate will be able to protect themselves from different troubles and demonstrate their knowledge of laws. There was a lot of diverse in the questionnaire from the illegal garbage ejection and ending with ron of cars. It seems ridiculous that evil tattooed bandits are sitting humbly in the audience and pass exams, carefully removing all the answers. However, this approach gives a whole representation of the whole Japanese economy. Long ago it is already considered that it is Yakuza that is a kind of criterion national Culture and economics. And if even the bandits recognize that their organization is in crisis during these times and are ready to go to everything to minimize the problems, then the rest of the Japanese has no better.

Dedication to the members of Yakuza. It is known that in Japan, the converts Mafia members are forced to fulfill the role of subordinates for more experienced members of the organization. Newbies are called Cobun, which literally means "the role of the child." Per long years The existence of a local mafia in it was developed a rather difficult management structure. So it is not easy to reach the top, there is a lot of steps to overcome. The newcomer dedication ritual is based on the sake ceremony called SakazukiGoto. Dedicated to be sacred opposite their oyabun, the dominant member of the grouping, a kind of "father." Other mafia members are preparing a drink in the meantime. The newcomer relies the smaller part of the drink, while his teacher relies full bowl. Thereby emphasizes the status of a member of the gang. After each pumps off his bowl, they exchange them. So the ceremony is completed. The ritual himself implies the creation of a connection between the Olyabun and Kobun, which resembles the connection of the adopted father and son. Sake platform ceremony is generally quite traditional for japanese cultureSo the invisible links between people are created. This drink itself is considered as a binder between people and deities, and also allows you to strengthen the relationship between people. Sake would seek a good harvest. This ceremony is considered historical and even religious. It is no coincidence that it is held in the Japanese Shinto Temple.

Yakuza and politics. In 2012, a loud political scandal broke out in Japan. The Minister of Justice was forced to resign after it became aware of his connections from Yakuza. But Japanese politicians did not always keep up their relationship with Mafia. For example, it is known that the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), which ruled Japan for 54 out of 58 recent yearshas not bent for cooperation with Yakuza. It is known that the first prime minister from LDP, Nobuseuk Kishi, actively interacted with Yamaguchi Gumi. In 1971, he, together with some other politicians, made a deposit for the mafia leader, convicted, by the way, for killing. The premiere was also seen at the weddings and the funeral of members of the mafia syndicate. In the election, the members of Yakuza usually play a prominent role - they perform the functions of agitators and bodyguards. Due to the organization, gangs can provide in elections to the necessary candidates big number votes. One representative of Yakuza in Kyoto stated that it could provide at least 30 thousand votes to elect a certain official. Yes, and at least four other prime ministers had quite definite relations with Yakuza. We are talking Including Nobura Takeshit, who came to power in 1987. Shortly before the elections, the pressure of ultra-right opponents began to put pressure on it. I had to apply for help to the largest structure of Yakuza in Tokyo, Inagawa-Kai. Mafia quickly decided all the problems of the future premiere. But in the country, many have become wondering about the abovely comfortable stay of the ruling elite under the protection of organized crime.

Boss of the Japanese Mafia Kenyiti Synod

The largest grouping of Japanese Yakuza Yamaguchi Gumi split. At least ten gangs of criminal syndicate declared the exit of the organization due to disagreement with the course of the current Boss Kenjiti Synod. Japanese law enforcement officers fear that the split of the mafia will lead to war for the redistribution of the spheres of influence - this has already happened in the 1980s. However, the crisis in Yamaguchi-Gumi lasts not the first year, and the split of the group was only its logical continuation.

The Japanese police are given a state of high readiness. The reason for this was the split of the largest grouping japanese mafia Yakuza Yamaguchi Gumi. News is illuminated on local TV channels.

According to Japanese media, more than ten gangs associated with this criminal syndicate, apparently intend to separate and create their own organization. Before today's day This happened only in the distant 1980s - then the split in Yamaguchi Gumi led to the war for the redistribution of the spheres of influence and caused the death of at least two dozen mafiosi.

The split signal was the untestessing of the bosses of several groups on the overall gathering at the headquarters of Yamaguchi Gumi this week. It is expected that the department will be officially executed at the meeting at the beginning of the next month. After that, the organization will even change his name by adding the word "kobe" into it - the so-called city in which the Syndicate headquarters is located.

Police sources that refer to Japanese media, argue that the cause of the current division of the group was discontent with the course conducted in Yamaguty-Gumi Boss Kenyiti Synod (also known as syncla zucas). Some of the syndicate did not like that Synod pays too much attention to its own grouping of Code-Kai, founded by him in 1984. With the current boss, Yamaguchi Gumi began to strengthen its influence in Tokyo and the eastern parts of Japan, while the Western part - traditional sphere The influence of this grouping - remained overboard.

Experts tend to see another reason underlying the split - economic. As Journalist Bratt Bull writes, specializing in organized crime in Japan, Mafia membership simply ceased to bring revenues to some bandits: "The division of Yamaguchi-Gumi is not connected with anything other than the Japanese economy. Roughly speaking, "cut cabbages" in Tokyo is simpler, and therefore the focus of the Sinodes on Code-Kai and Tokyo caused disappointment among the gang members in the western part of Japan. "

According to law enforcement officers, as of the end of last year, there were more than 23 thousand bandits as part of Yamaguchi Gumi. Five years ago, 27.7 thousand people consisted in the grouping. Nevertheless, Yamaguchi Gumi is still taken to consider the largest grouping by a country where half of all Japanese mafiosi. The syndicate was even nicknamed by the "Walmart" of the criminal world of Japan for his ability to easily straighten with opponents and generate huge revenues.

Back in 2010, when the Syndicate began to produce its own corporate magazine "Yamaguchi-Gumi Sympo", Keniti Synod in his column complained that for mafiosi came hard times. He also acknowledged that Yamaguchi Gumi could no longer rely on his "brand" to ensure the profitability of their operations.

The number of Jacuz members annually falls - it seems, the gangsters are becoming increasingly harder to cope with their tasks due to mafia fight policies, which does not allow them to open new bank accounts or enter into contracts for the purchase and sale of real estate. At the same time, it has historically developed that the Government of Japan suffer activities of Yakuza and do not put the mafia outside the law, although in particularly shining cases of the collision of gangsters and the police occur. In addition, in the consciousness of the Japanese Mafia, and remains the unchanged attribute of society.

Yakuza's activities and the life of Japanese mafiosi, widely ran in films, television series and magazines, create the impression that Gangsters lead a luxurious life and live on the Samurai Code of Honor Bouusido. Yakuza appeared in a variety of films: "Kill Bill" Quentin Tarantino, "Wasabi" and "Taxi-2" Luke La Beson, "Triple Fursazh" Justin Lina (who took all the following "foresters") and even in Rosomakh, which seemed to seem , no relation to the Japanese mafia has no. It is not surprising that the "screen" Yakuza is very different from real gangsters that managed in Tokyo. However, Japanese directors with this phenomenon are familiar to much closer, and their films allow you to imagine how the life of Japan's mafia groups is actually arranged. Very indicative film Takeshi China "full chaos", in which the collision of the "old" and "new" in the life of Yakuza is depicted. In the film Purchase to the sideline, old bosses drink no longer sake with beer, but a red and white wine, but in general new reality refer to irritation.

In addition, the director clearly explains that representatives of all generations honor the samurai principles only in words, betraying each other at every step.

Yakuza relies on the values \u200b\u200bof the patriarchal family, the principles of unquestioned submission to the boss and strict adherence Code of Rules (Mafia Code), for the violation of which is provided inevitable punishment. Between ordinary members of the group, horizontal "fraternal" relationships are supported, which provides clans relative stability.

Yamaguchi Gumi is named after Her Founder Haruki Yamaguchi. With its roots, this grouping goes to the traffic union in the pre-war Cobe (Japan), founded in 1915. Despite the fact that Yamaguchi Gum is experiencing not the most best timesShe still remains the largest of all groupings of Yakuza.

According to the police, the Syndicate receives billions of dollars arrived per year from extortion, gambling, sex industry, weapon trafficking, drugs, as well as real estate and construction operations.

They also participate in the stocks of manipulating the market and create pornographic sites.

Yamaguchi Gumi takes responsibility for more than 40% of organized crimes in the country. Syndicate headquarters is located in Kobe, but the organization operates throughout Japan and performs its business and abroad, mainly in Asia and the United States.

The word "Yakuza" was invented in Bangobe Bakuto, consisting of Japanese card players. And played members of Bakuto in oito-Kaba - Japanese poker version. "I" is 8, "ku" - 9, "Dza" or "San" - 3. In the amount of these numbers give 20, or the most hiking number in this card game.

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At first, "Yakuza" was called simply unnecessary thing, then a useless person. And the members of Bakuto were just such with the rudies and losers, and they themselves gave themselves the name - "Yakuza". Then this word began to call all Japanese organized gangs.

Legal mafia

Yakuza in Japan does not hide from anyone. Headquarters of this organization are indicated by a special sign on the doors. Yakuza has its own enough diverse business in the country - from production and construction to porn industry.

But do not confuse Yakuzu with an illegal Japanese mafia - Boroekan.

Criminal learning on tattoos

Like almost all other world criminal groups, in Yakuza love to be tattooed. Drawings of Jacuz member figures are applied only manually without any electrical machinery. The whole body of Japanese mafiosi is covered with a dense colorful pattern. But the narrow band, separating the chest and the stomach, leave the liver unsturbed, so as not to load the liver once (for some reason, the members of the Yakuza believe that the paint under the skin has a negative effect on this organ).

In Japan, people distinguish mafios on tattoos. That is why the gangsters wear the most closed clothes - so as not to "glow" once again.

Painted spouses

But not only the members of the Yakuza are passionate about the tattoo, they are also painting their wives! And although mafios spouses are mostly sitting at home and engage in children, they should be tattooed! Perhaps because of this, the remaining Japanese belong to the drawings on the body with a coolness, as an unchanging mafia attribute.

Yakuza in the service of the Motherland

If earlier Yakuzu associated themselves with the challenge card combination itself, now this organization has become so powerful that he often helps his country. For example, when the earthquake in Kobe happened, Mafia members have provided secure shelters in the city. Then Yakuza first came to help the victims!

Rubber and sociopathy

More than half of all members of the legal mafia of the country of the Rising Sun are descendants of Burakuminov from the caste of the rogue of Japan. Burakumini became a separate group in the 11th century. These people were engaged in small criminal divids, performed dirty in the straight and figurative sense Work and were untouchable.

Burakuminovans harmoniously complemented Bakuto's roofed gamns and strengthened Yakuzu at the dawn of her existence.

Mafia without fingers

If a member of Yakuza guessed before the main mafiosa or made a mistake, he must cut off his finger phalange and give the boss. If the offering is accepted, unfortunate mafia is considered farewell. If not, then no one ever will hear about it again! And right, what a gambler without fingers!

Yakuza outside of Japan

Yakuza has long been out of Japan. The largest branches of the Japanese mafia are located in the States, and Hawaii is still sissed by members of Yakuza. From here, Japanese mafiosi monitor drug smuggling in the United States and the export of American weapons outside the continent.

Yakuza is staying at the 2020 Olympics

Tokyo OI already bring a decent income Yakuza, because under the mafia lies almost all building bussiness countries. The closer the Olympics more money Yakuza, which is building the Olympic facilities, infrastructure and is engaged in other issues of games.

And here is the photo of the head of the Japanese Olympic Committee and Boss Yakuza.

Japanese Yakuza is the main criminal grouping of Japan. Among the Japanese police and the media, they are customary to call Borekudan, which can be literally translated as "gang". However, representatives of criminal syndicates themselves consider such a word offensive, as it can be applied to any kind of crime. In Asian countries, there are many groups of groupings similar to Yakuza, for example, the Chinese analogue of the Japanese Yakuza is a triad.

Japanese mafia Yakuza, without a doubt, are that social groupwhich is known not only in the territory of its country, but also beyond. Members of the group have an impact in the most significant spheres Life of Japanese society, and especially in politics and business. Even despite the fact that they are representatives of the criminal world in Japan, to Yakuzz relate to certain respect, due to the fact that they keep their centuries-old traditions and steadily follow them.

The history of the appearance of Yakuzza

  • Tekiya - a gang, which consisted mainly of robbers and Ronins, who lost their ruler. There is such a grouping, as a rule, robbery and resale stolen things.
  • Bakuto - members of this group were vassals who lost all their property and land under the influence of the sogun. Their main earnings were in organizing and conducting gambling.

The connection of modern Yakuza with criminal groups of the Edo period can be traced in their rituals, which have many similarities with Tekyci rituals and Bakuto.

During World War II, Japanese clans of Yakuza lost their significance and were destroyed, since all the attention of the Japanese was aimed at suppressing hostilities. Most people who were in gangs were killed. After the end of the war, the remaining representatives of Yakuza began to revive their grouping.

Rituals Yakuza

Yubitsima is a ritual cut off the fingers. In accordance with this tradition, if a member of the grouping will make any misconduct, he must cut off a part of the maiden on his left hand and provide it with his boss.

The roots of this tradition are reduced to the features of the fencing by the Japanese sword. That the sword reliably held in his hand, stick it with three fingers of each hand, but index and big fingers There are not in such voltage as everyone else. Cutting off the fingertips, starting with the little finger, makes the grip weaker, as a result of which a person cannot apply deadly blows and he can only defend himself.

Looking through the photos of Yakuza on the Internet you can see that they have a lot of tattoos all over the body - Iredezum. The difference between this tradition, the tattoo is that almost all the yakuza tattoos are made manually, that is, with the help of bamboo or ordinary needles, the paint is introduced under the skin. Such a procedure is considered very painful and expensive, as well as the process of applying a needle tattoo can take more than one year. Usually, members of the group carefully hide their tattoos, but at the game of the card - Oito-Kaba, they shoot their shirts and tie on the belt, thereby demonstrating each other patterns on the body.

One of the most famous traditions of Yakuzz is the joint drinking of sake - such a ceremony allows to strengthen the relationship not only inside the clan, but also will enlist the support of other mafia groups.

Hierarchy Yakude

The basis for a modern hierarchy in the Japanese mafia clan is the system "from the Father - to the Son." The head of the gang is called Olyabun or kuite, which is translated as "head of the family", and its subordinates are Cobun. To prove his loyalty to the head of the clan, Cobun is reversed from blood ties and bring fidelity to the leader of the clan. In addition to the oath, the rite of Sakazuki is committed - the newlywall and head of the clan drink Sake from one bowl, after which they are considered members of the same family. Also in the clan there are Saiko Kamon "Senior Advisor" and Co-Honbucho, who are assistants of the head of the clan. After them on the hierarchy there is a Vacagassir - manager small quantity Band in any area, and Sostagasir - a man for whom the management of specific gangs is enshrined. The gang includes usually from 20 to 200 people, and in the clan may consist of several tens of thousands of Yakuza.

Men, women consisting of a criminal group occupy a major part of the grouping representatives, are very rare, and they turn to them as not to men, they call her-san that in translation sounds like a "older sister".

Despite the fact that we meet a woman among the gang members, there are such cases when the wife of the deceased kid could become a new boss. Such a case occurred in the criminal syndicate of Yamaguchi Gumi, where Fumiko, the wife of the late Kadzuo Taoca, headed the clan instead of her husband.