Who invented an atomic bomb? The history of the invention and the creation of a Soviet atomic bomb. The effects of the bomb explosion

Who invented an atomic bomb? The history of the invention and the creation of a Soviet atomic bomb. The effects of the bomb explosion
Who invented an atomic bomb? The history of the invention and the creation of a Soviet atomic bomb. The effects of the bomb explosion

The nuclear (or atomic) weapon is the weapon of explosive action, which is based on an uncontrollable chain reaction of the division of heavy nuclei and the reaction of thermonuclear synthesis. Even URAN-235, or Plutonium-239, or, in some cases, URAN-233, are used to implement the division chain reaction. Refers to weapons of mass lesion along with biological and chemical. The power of the nuclear charge is measured in a TNT equivalent, it is usually expressed in kilotons and megatons.

The nuclear weapon was first tested on July 16, 1945 in the United States at the Trinity Polygon at the city of Alamogordo (New Mexico). In the same year, the United States applied him to Japan in the bombardment of Hiroshima cities on August 6 and Nagasaki on August 9.

In the USSR, the first test of the atomic bomb - the RDS-1 product was held on August 29, 1949 at the Semipalatinsky landfill in Kazakhstan. RDS-1 was an aerospace atomic bomb of the "drop-shaped" form, weighing 4.6 tons, with a diameter of 1.5 m and a length of 3.7 m. Plutonium was used as a dividing material. The bomb was undermined at 7.00 local time (4.00 MSK) on the mounted metal lattice tower with a height of 37.5 m, placed in the center of the experimental field with a diameter of about 20 km. The power of the explosion was 20 kilotons in TNT equivalent.

The product of the RDS-1 (the documents indicated the "reactive engine" C ") was created in the Design Bureau No. 11 (now the Russian Federal Nuclear Center - All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics, RFNC-VNIIEF, Sarov City), which was organized for The creation of an atomic bomb in April 1946. Works on the creation of the bomb were led by Igor Kurchatov (scientific director of the atomic problem since 1943; organizer of the bomb test) and Julius Khariton (Chief Designer KB-11 in 1946-1959).

Atomic energy studies were conducted in Russia (subsequently the USSR) back in 1920-1930. In 1932, a group of kernel was formed in the Leningrad Physico-Technical Institute, headed by the director of the Institute Abram Ioffe with the participation of Igor Kurchatov (deputy head of the group). In 1940, a Uranium Commission was created at the USSR Academy of Sciences, which in September of the same year approved the work program on the first Soviet uranium project. However, with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, most studies on the use of atomic energy in the USSR were minimized or terminated.

Studies on the use of atomic energy in 1942 resumed after receiving intelligence on the deployment of works on the creation of an atomic bomb ("Manhattan Project"): September 28, the disposal of the State Defense Committee (GKO) "On the organization of work on uranium".

On November 8, 1944, GKO made a decision on the establishment of a large uranium mining enterprise in Central Asia on the basis of Tajikistan deposits, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. In May 1945, the first in the USSR began to work in the USSR, the enterprise for the extraction and processing of uranium ores - Combine No. 6 (later Leninabad Mining and Metallurgical Combine).

After the explosions of American atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the GKO Resolution dated August 20, 1945 was created by the Special Committee at the GKO led by Lavrenting Beria for the "Guidelines by all the work on the use of uranium intraate energy", including the production of an atomic bomb.

In accordance with the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated June 21, 1946, Khariton was prepared by the "Tactical Type of Atomic Bomb", which marked the beginning of full-scale work on the first domestic atomic charge.

In 1947, 170 km of the west of Semipalatinsk was created "Object-905" for testing nuclear charges (in 1948, transformed into a training ground No. 2 of the USSR Ministry of Defense, later became referred to as Semipalatinsky; in August 1991, it was closed). The construction of the landfill was completed by August 1949 to the test of the bomb.

The first test of the Soviet atomic bomb destroyed the US nuclear monopoly. The Soviet Union became the second nuclear power of the world.

The message about testing nuclear weapons in the USSR was published by TASS on September 25, 1949. And on October 29, a closed decree of the USSR Council of Ministers "On Awarding and Awards for Outstanding Scientific Opening and Technical Achievements on the Use of Atomic Energy" was published. For the development and testing of the first Soviet atomic bomb, six employees of KB-11 were awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor: Pavel Zernov (director of the KB), Julius Khariton, Kirill Schelkin, Yakov Zeldovich, Vladimir Alferov, Georgy Fleers. The deputy chief designer Nikolai Spirit received the second gold star of the Hero of Socialist Labor. 29 Bureau employees were awarded the Order of Lenin, 15 - the Order of the Labor Red Banner, 28 became the winners of the Stalinist Prize.

Today the layout of the bomb (its building, the charge of the RDS-1 and the remote control, with which the charge was undermined) is stored in the Museum of the Nuclear Weapon of RFTC-VNIIEF.

In 2009, the UN General Assembly announced on August 29, the International Day of Action against Nuclear Tests.

In total, there are 2062 nuclear weapons tests that have eight states. The US share accounts for 1032 explosions (1945-1992). The United States of America is the only country that applied this weapon. The USSR conducted 715 tests (1949-1990). The last explosion took place on October 24, 1990 at the Test Polygon "New Earth". In addition to the USA and the USSR, nuclear ammunition were created and tested in the UK - 45 (1952-1991), France - 210 (1960-1996), China - 45 (1964-1996), India - 6 (1974, 1998), Pakistan - 6 (1998) and the DPRK - 3 (2006, 2009, 2013).

In 1970, an agreement on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons (NPT) came into force. Currently, its participants are 188 countries of the world. The document was not signed by India (in 1998 he introduced a one-sided moratorium on nuclear tests and agreed to put his nuclear facilities under the control of the IAEA) and Pakistan (in 1998 introduced a one-sided moratorium on nuclear testing). North Korea, signing an agreement in 1985, in 2003 came out of it.

In 1996, universal termination of nuclear tests was enshrined in the framework of the International Treaty on Comprehensive Banning Nuclear Tests (CTBT). After that, nuclear explosions conducted only three countries - India, Pakistan and DPRK.

Nuclear combat part of the torpedo caliber 533 millimeters
Adopted in 1967
Removed with weapons in 1980
Mass of 550 kilograms
Developed by the All-Russian Research Institute of Automatics named after N. L. Dukhov (Moscow), Chief Designer A. A. BRISH.

It was used as part of the vapor-gas torpedoes, self-dispericant acoustic electric torpedoes (SAET-60), donational electric self-watering torpedoes (DEST-2) from the submarine of the project 671TM "Pike".

Tactical and technical characteristics of Torpeda SAET-60
Caliber ............ 533.4 mm
Length ............. 7.8 m
Mass ............. 2000 kg
Location .... 13 km
Stroke depth ...... 14 m

Nuclear aviation bomb
Adopted in 1971.
Removed with weapons in 1984.
Developed in RFNC - VNIITIF (Snezhinsk).
Serial production - instrument-making plant (Trechgoror).
Mass of 430 kilograms.
It was intended for use with anti-submarine aircraft BE-12 (aircraft amphibia), IL-38, Tu-142, helicopter Ka-25.

Nuclear combat part of the winged antique rocket
Adopted in 1977.
Removed with weapons in 1991.
Mass of 560 kilograms.
Developed by the All-Russian Research Institute of Automatics named after N. L. Dukhov (Moscow), Chief Designer A. A. BRISH.
Serial production - instrument-making plant (Trechgoror).
Used in the composition of the winged anti-worker missile P-35 and the Rocket "Progress".

Tactical and technical characteristics of the anti-restaurant rocket P-35
Length - 9.8 m
Case diameter - 1 m
Mass starting - 5300 kg
Mass without starting engine - 4500 kg
Mass combat part - 560 kg
range - 300 km
Flight height - 100-700 0m

Nuclear Artillery Caliber Caliber 152 Millimeter

Adopted in 1981.
Removed with weapons in 1991.
Developed in the Russian Federal Nuclear Center - the All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Physics (RF'ac - VNIITF, Snezhinsk) in 1971-1981. Scientific leader of the development of academician E. I. Alebakhin, the chief designer of the nuclear charge Academician B. V. Litvinov, the main designers of the development of a nuclear ammunition: L. F. Klopov, O. N. Tikhane, V. A. Vernikovsky.
Serial production - instrument-making plant (Trechgoror).
The most small-sized nuclear ammunition. Withstands the overload of the artillery shot without destruction and loss of characteristics. Designed in the intensities of a regular fragmentation-fugasal projectile to a self-propelled cannon.
Designed for use as part of an artillery shot of guns and haubs of various designs: Gaubitizers d-20, Gaubi-20 guns ML-20, Self-propelled Maubitis 2c3 "Acacia", guns 2A36 "Hyacinth-b" (towed), gun 2С5 "Hyacinth -C "(self-propelled).

Tactical and technical characteristics
Weight - 53 kg
Diameter - 152.4 mm
Length - 774 mm
Footing range - 15-18 km

Nuclear Artillery Caliber Shell 203 Millimeter
adopted in 1970.
Shot with weapons in 1997. Developed in the Russian Federal Nuclear Center - the All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Physics (RF'ac - VNIITF, Snezhinsk).
Serial production - instrument-making plant (Trechgoror).
It was intended for use with a towed Gaubitis B-4M, self-propelled artillery gun 2c7 "Peony".

Information from Standa
History of the creation of nuclear artillery shells
the creation of tactical nuclear weapons, including for artillery systems, has become an urgent problem since the appearance of the first atomic bombs. In the USSR, the task of creating an artillery projectile with a nuclear filling was put back in the first half of 1952. In 1956, a successful charge of the RDS-41 charge for a car of 406 millimeters was carried out at the Semipalatinsky landfill under the direction of E. A. Negin.
In the NII-1011 (RFNC - VNIITF) Research work on the search for the possibility of creating a small-sized and workable in the conditions of an artillery shot of a nuclear charge was launched in 1959 on the initiative of K. I. Schekin.
Full-scale work on the creation of a nuclear equipment of artillery ammunition for artillery-mortar systems that are in service with the land forces of the Soviet Army, who provided the Parity of the USSR and the United States in this assessment of weapons, was launched in the NII-1011 (RFTUC - VNIITF) in the mid-1960s.
In the early 1970s, nuclear combat units were created in Snezhinsk. Calibers of 240 and 203 millimeters, which are equipped with: towed Gaubitz B-4M (1971); heavy towed mortar M-240 and self-propelled mortar 2c4 "Tulip" (1973); Self-propelled artillery instrument 2c7 "Peony" (1975).
Creating a nuclear charge for artillery shells of less than 203 millimeters of caliber was extremely complex and time-working task. It was necessary to ensure the survivability of systems under conditions of ultrahigh overloads characteristic of an artillery shot. At the same time, it was necessary to ensure nuclear safety and eliminate the possibility of unauthorized undermining.
The development of nuclear shells of a caliber of 152.4 millimeters is one of the most prominent pages in the history of the creation of nuclear ammunition in the USSR. In a very limited amount of 152.4 mm, a unique small-sized nuclear charge and the automation of their undermining, workable in the conditions of an artillery shot, were created.
From 1966 to 1992, all artillery systems of large caliber standing in service with land forces were equipped with nuclear weapons in the USSR. A complex of work on the creation of small-sized, high-strength, safe in circulation and reliable in the work of nuclear charges and nuclear ammunition based on them for artillery-mortar systems was marked by three state premiums of the USSR (1973, 1974, 1984) and one Leninist Prize (1984).

Head part of the ballistic rocket of submarines P-29

Removed with weapons in 1986.

Serial production - instrument-making plant (Trechgoror).
The monoblock head part with the thermonuclear charge of the megaton class is designed for the P-29 submarine ballistic rocket R-9 complex. The first intercontinental missile [with the underwater start].
The removed from weapons and finalized heads (the rescue "WALAN") was used to conduct scientific and technological experiments under short-term weightlessness during subborital and orbital flights.


Mirny atom - in Skin Hatu!
Industrial nuclear explosive device

Created in 1968.
Developed in the Russian Federal Nuclear Center - the All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Physics (RF'ac - VNIITF, Snezhinsk). Chief Designer B. V. Litvinov; Physicians-theorists: E. N. Aurrin, E. I. Alebakhin, L. P. Feoktists, A. K. Zebnikov.
Diameter 250 millimeters.
Length 2500 millimeters.
Weight of 300 kilograms.
It is intended for conducting "pure" on the residual tritiation of camouflage (underground) nuclear explosions for peaceful purposes: seismic sensing of the earth's crust, elimination of oil and gas fountains.

Small-sized combat unit of a dividing head of a scattering type of BRPL R-27U

Head part of the ballistic missile submarine P-27U
Adopted in 1974.
Removed with weapons in 1990.
Developed in the Russian Federal Nuclear Center - the All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Physics (RF'ac - VNIITF, Snezhinsk).
Serial production - instrument-making plant (Trechgoror).
Monoblock head part with a thermalide charge of a megaton class with an enlarged power. Developed for a ballistic missile for submarines of the R-27U complex

RO D-5U. It was also used to replace the combat equipment of the ballistic missile for submarines P-21 complex RO D-4M.
Head parts shot after refinement were used in research rescuables "Sprint" and "Ether".

Drummer Lobova
Instrument factory, Trechgoror
Used in product products when meeting with obstacle

The one who invented the atomic bomb did not even imagine to which tragic consequences could cause this miracle invention of the XX century. Before this super authorities experienced residents of Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, was done a very long way.

A start

In April 1903, his friends gathered in the Parisian garden of France. The reason was the defended thesis of the young and talented scientist Mary Curi. Among the famous guests were attended by the famous English physicist Sir Ernest Rutherford. In the midst of the fun, the light was extended. Announced everyone that there will be a surprise. With a solemn view, Pierre Curie made a small tube with radium salts, which shone green, causing extraordinary delight among those present. In the future, the guests were hot argued about the future of this phenomenon. Everyone construed in the opinion that due to the radium will solve the sharp problem of the lack of energy. It was all inspired by new research and further prospects. If then they were told that laboratory work with radioactive elements would put the beginning of the terrible weapons of the 20th century, it is not known what their reaction would be. It was then that the history of the atomic bomb began, the hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians began.

Play on ahead

On December 17, 1938, the German scientist Otto Gunn was obtained irrefutable proof of uranium collapse into smaller elementary particles. In essence, he managed to split an atom. In the scientific world, this was regarded as a new milestone in the history of mankind. Otto Gunn did not share the political views of the Third Reich. Therefore, in the same, 1938, the scientist was forced to move to Stockholm, where with Friedrich Starsmann continued his scientific research. Fearing that fascist Germany will get a terrible weapon, he writes a letter with a warning about it. The news about the possible advance strongly alarmed government of the United States. Americans began to act quickly and decisively.

Who created an atomic bomb? American project

Even before the group, many of whom were refugees from the German-fascist regime in Europe, the development of nuclear weapons was entrusted. Initial research, it is worth noting, conducted in Nazi Germany. In 1940, the Government of the United States of America began financing its own program for the development of atomic weapons. For the implementation of the project, an incredible amount of two and a half billion dollars was allocated. Outstanding physics of the 20th century were invited to the implementation of this secret project, among which were more than ten Nobel laureates. In total, about 130 thousand employees were involved, among which were not only military, but also civilians. The developer team was headed by Colonel Leslie Richard Groves, Robert Oppenheimer became the supervisor. It was he - that person who invented an atomic bomb. In the area of \u200b\u200bManhattan, a special secret engineering building was built, which is known for us under the code name "Manhattan Project". Over the next few years, the secret project scientists have worked on the problem of uranium nuclear cleavage and plutonium.

Nevirny atom Igor Kurchatov

Today, every schoolboy will be able to answer the question about who invented an atomic bomb in the Soviet Union. And then, at the beginning of the 30s of the last century, no one knew this.

In 1932, Academician Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov One of the first in the world begins to study the atomic nucleus. Having collected like-minded people around himself, Igor Vasilyevich in 1937 creates the first cyclotron in Europe. In the same year, he creates the first artificial nuclei with his like-minded people.

In 1939, I. V. Kurchatov begins to study the new direction - nuclear physics. After several laboratory successes in the study of this phenomenon, the scientist is at his disposal a secret research center, which was called "Laboratory No. 2". Nowadays, this classified object is called "Arzamas-16".

The target direction of this center was a serious study and the creation of nuclear weapons. Now it becomes obvious who created an atomic bomb in the Soviet Union. In his team, then there were only ten people.

Atomic bomb to be

By the end of 1945, Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov was able to collect a serious team of scientists with a more than one hundred people. The best minds of different scientific specializations came to the laboratory from all over the country to create atomic weapons. After discharging by the Americans at the nuclear bomb on Hiroshima, Soviet scientists understood that this could be done with the Soviet Union. "Laboratory No. 2" receives a sharp increase in financing and a large influx of qualified personnel from the country's leadership. Responsible for such an important project is appointed by Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria. The huge works of Soviet scientists gave their fruits.

Semipalatinsky polygon

The atomic bomb in the USSR was first tested at the landfill in Semipalatinsk (Kazakhstan). On August 29, 1949, a nuclear device with a capacity of 22 kilotons shook the Kazakh land. Nobel laureate, physicist Otto Hans, said: "These are good news. If Russia has atomic weapons, then there will be no war. " It is this atomic bomb in the USSR that is encrypted as a product No. 501, or RDS-1, eliminated the US monopoly on nuclear weapons.

Atomic bomb. Year 1945

Early in the morning of July 16, the Manhattan Project held its first successful test of the atomic device - a plutonium bomb - at the Alamogordo Polygon State of New Mexico USA.

The money invested in the project was not in vain. The first in the history of mankind was produced at 5 hours 30 minutes.

"We have done the work of the devil," will say later - the one who invented the atomic bomb in the United States, named afterwards the "father of the atomic bomb."

Japan does not capitulate

By the time of the final and successful testing of the atomic bomb, the Soviet troops and allies finally defeated fascist Germany. However, one state remained, which promised to fight until the end of the domination in the Pacific Ocean. From mid-April to mid-July 1945, the Japanese army has repeatedly carried out aviation strikes on allied troops, thereby applying large losses of the US Army. At the end of July 1945, the Military Government of Japan rejected the demand of allies to surrender according to the Potsdam Declaration. In it, in particular, it was said that in the case of disobedience, the Japanese army is waiting for rapid and complete destruction.

The President agrees

The US government kept his word and the beginning of a targeted bombardment of Japanese military positions. Aviation strikes did not bring the desired result, and US President Harry Truman decides on the invasion of American troops into the territory of Japan. However, the military command discusses its president from such a decision, motivating this by the fact that the invasion of Americans will entail a large number of victims.

At the suggestion of Henry Lewis Stimson and Dwight David Eisenhawer, it was decided to apply a more efficient way to end the war. The big supporter of the atomic bomb, the Secretary of the US President James Francis Burns, believed that the bombing of Japanese territories would finally stop the war and put the United States to the dominant position, which would have a positive effect on the course of the events of the post-war world. Thus, US President Harry Truman convinced that this is the only correct option.

Atomic bomb. Hiroshima

As the first target, a small Japanese city of Hiroshima was chosen with a population of just over 350 thousand people who are in five hundred miles from the capital of Japan Tokyo. After arriving at the US naval base on the island of Tinian a modified bomber in-29 "Enola Gay", an atomic bomb was installed on board the aircraft. Hiroshima should have experienced the action of 9 thousand pounds of uranium-235.

This unprecedented weapon was intended for civilians of a small Japanese town. The commander of the bombard was a colonel Paul Warfield Tibbets Jr.. The US Atomic Bomb wore a cynical name "Kid". On the morning of August 6, 1945, about 8 hours and 15 minutes, the American "baby" was reset to Japanese Hiroshima. About 15 thousand tons of Tttila destroyed everything alive within a radius of five square miles. One hundred and forty thousand inhabitants died in seconds. The survivors of the Japanese died with a painful death from radiation sickness.

They destroyed the American atomic "kid". However, the devastation of Hiroshima did not cause immediately the surrender of Japan, as everyone expected. Then it was decided to another bombardment of the Japanese territory.

Nagasaki. Heaven in fire

The American atomic bomb "Tolstik" was installed on board the aircraft in August 9, 1945, everything is in the same place, at the US Naval Base in Tinian. This time the aircraft commander was Major Charles Susini. Initially strategic target was the city of Kokura.

However, weather conditions were not allowed to make a conceived, a lot of clouds prevented. Charles Suini came to the second round. At 11 o'clock 02 minutes, the American atomic "fat man" swallowed Nagasaki. It was a more powerful destroying aviation strike, which in its strength, which several times exceeded the bombardment in Hiroshima. Nagasaki experienced atomic weapons weighing about 10 thousand pounds and 22 kilotons trotyl.

The geographical location of the Japanese city reduced the expected effect. The thing is that the city is located in a narrow valley between the mountains. Therefore, the destruction of 2.6 square miles did not reveal the entire possible potential of American weapons. The test of the atomic bomb in Nagasaki is considered a failed "Manhattan Project".

Japan surrendered

At noon, on August 15, 1945, the Emperor Hirokhito announced the surrender of his country in the informant to the residents of Japan. This news quickly scattered around the world. In the United States of America, celebrations began on the occasion of victory over Japan. The people have shook.

On September 2, 1945, on board the American Linkar "Missouri", anchored in the Tokyo Gulf, a formal agreement was signed on the termination of war. Thus, the most cruel and bloody war in the history of mankind ended.

For many years, the world community went to this significant date - from September 1, 1939, when the first shots of Nazi Germany were sounded in Poland.

Peaceful atom

In total, 124 nuclear explosions were held in the Soviet Union. It is characteristic that they were all implemented for the benefit of the national economy. Only three of them were accidents that caused the leakage of radioactive elements. Programs on the use of a peaceful atom were implemented only in two countries - the United States and the Soviet Union. Atomic peaceful energy knows the example of the global catastrophe, when the reactor explosion occurred on the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl NPP.

The emergence of atomic (nuclear) weapons was due to a mass of objective and subjective factors. Objectively, the creation of atomic weapons came through the rapid development of science, which began with fundamental discoveries in the field of physics, the first half of the twentieth century. The main subjective factor was the military-political situation when the states of the anti-Hitler coalition began a tight race in the development of such strong weapons. Today we learn who invented an atomic bomb as it developed in the world and the Soviet Union, and also get acquainted with its device and the consequences of the application.

Creating an atomic bomb

From a scientific point of view, the year of creating an atomic bomb was the distant 1896. It was then that the French physicist A. Becquer opened the radioactivity of uranium. Subsequently, the chain reaction of uranium began to be considered as a source of huge energy, and the basis for the development of the most dangerous weapons in the world. Nevertheless, Beckel rarely remember, speaking about who invented an atomic bomb.

For several subsequent decades, alpha, beta and gamma rays were discovered by scientists from different parts of the Earth. At the same time, a large number of radioactive isotopes were opened, the law of radioactive decay was formulated and the beginning of the study of nuclear isomerism was laid.

In the 1940s, scientists discovered the neuron and the positron and first carried the core of the uranium atom, accompanied by the absorption of neurons. It was this discovery that became a turning point in history. In 1939, French physicist Frederick Jolio-Curie patented the world's first nuclear bomb, which he developed together with his wife, confessing a purely scientific interest. It is the Jolios Curie that is considered the creator of an atomic bomb, despite the fact that he was a convinced defender of the world around the world. In 1955, he, together with Einstein, Borne and a number of other well-known scientists, organized a Paguchian movement, whose members advocated peace and disarmament.

Rapidly developing, atomic weapons became an unprecedented military-political phenomenon, which allows to ensure the safety of its owner and reduce the possibility of other weapons systems to a minimum.

How is a nuclear bomb?

A structurally atomic bomb consists of a large number of components, the main of which are the case and automation. The body is designed to protect automation and nuclear charge from mechanical, thermal, and other effects. Automation controls the temporal explosion parameters.

It includes:

  1. Emergency undermining.
  2. Constructing and protection devices.
  3. Power supply.
  4. Various sensors.

Transportation of atomic bombs to the place of attack is made using rockets (anti-aircraft, ballistic or winged). Nuclear ammunition can be part of the Fugas, torpedoes, aviation bombs and other elements. For atomic bombs use various detonation systems. The simplest is the device in which the projectile entering the target, causing the formation of supercritical mass, stimulates an explosion.

Nuclear weapons can have a large, medium and small caliber. The explosion power is usually expressed in TNT equivalent. Malocaliberian atomic shells have a power of several thousand tons of trotyl. Middle-caliper will meet tens of thousands of tons, and the power of large caliber reaches millions of tons.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of a nuclear bomb is based on the use of energy released when the chain nuclear reaction is processed. During this process, heavy particles are divided, and the lungs are synthesized. When an atomic bomb explode, in the shortest period of time, on a small area, a huge amount of energy is distinguished. That is why such bombs relate to weapons of mass lesion.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe nuclear explosion, two key areas are distinguished: the center and the epicenter. In the center of the explosion, the energy release process directly proceeds. The epicenter is a projection of this process to the earth's or water surface. The energy of a nuclear explosion, projection on the ground, can lead to seismic shocks that apply to a significant distance. Harm to the environment These shocks bring only within a radius of several hundred meters from the explosion point.

Factor striking

Atomic weapons have such factors of lesion:

  1. Radioactive infection.
  2. Light radiation.
  3. Shock wave.
  4. Electromagnetic impulse.
  5. Penetrating radiation.

The consequences of the bomb of the atomic bomb are destructive for all living things. Due to the release of a huge amount of light and warm energy, the explosion of a nuclear shell is accompanied by a bright flash. By power, this flash is several times stronger than the sun's rays, so the danger of lesion light and thermal radiation is within a radius of several kilometers from the explosion point.

Another dangerous afflicting factor of atomic weapons is the resulting radiation in the explosion. It acts just a minute after the explosion, but has a maximum penetrating ability.

The shock wave has the strongest destructive effect. She literally erases with the face of the earth, everything that is on her way. Penetrating radiation is hazardous to all living beings. In humans, it causes the development of radiation sickness. Well, the electromagnetic impulse is harmful only by technology. In the aggregate, the amicing factors of the atomic explosion carry a huge danger.

First tests

Throughout the history of the atomic bomb, America extended the greatest interest in its creation. At the end of 1941, the country's leadership allocated a huge amount of money and resources on this direction. Robert Oppenheimer was appointed by Robert Oppenheimer, which many consider the creator of an atomic bomb. In fact, he was the first one who was able to realize the idea of \u200b\u200bscientists in life. As a result, on July 16, 1945, the first test of the atomic bomb was held in the New Mexico Desert. Then America decided that for the complete end of the war, she needed to defeat Japan - an ally of Hitler's Germany. The Pentagon quickly chose targets for the first nuclear attacks that should have become a bright illustration of the power of American weapons.

On August 6, 1945, the US atomic bomb, called the "baby", was reset to Hiroshima. The shot turned out simply perfect - the bomb exploded at an altitude of 200 meters from the ground, so that her explosive wave inflicted terrifying damage to the city. In areas remote from the center, the furnaces with coal were overturned, which led to severe fires.

A thermal wave followed by a bright flash, which in 4 seconds managed to melt the tile on the roofs of the houses and incite the telegraph poles. Behind the heat wave followed the drums. The wind, swept around the city at a speed of about 800 km / h, demolished everything in its path. Of the 76,000 buildings located in the city before the explosion, it was completely destroyed about 70,000. A few minutes after the explosion from the sky, it was raining, whose large drops were black. The rain fell out due to the formation in the cold layers of the atmosphere of a huge amount of condensate consisting of steam and ashes.

People who hit the fiery ball within a radius of 800 meters from the explosion point turned into dust. Those who were a little further from the explosion burned the skin, the remains that threw the shock wave. Black radioactive rain left on the skin of the oversized incurable burns. For those who miraculously managed to escape, signs of radiation sickness soon began to manifest: nausea, fever and attacks of weakness.

Three days after the bombing of Hiroshima, America attacked another Japanese city - Nagasaki. The second explosion had the same detrimental consequences as the first.

For counting seconds, two atomic bombs destroyed hundreds of thousands of people. The shock wave practically erased from the face of Hiroshima. More than half of the local residents (about 240 thousand people) died immediately from the wounds. In the city of Nagasaki, about 73 thousand people died from the explosion. Many of those who survived, were subjected to strongest radiation, which caused infertility, radiation and cancer. As a result, some of the surviving died in terrible flour. The use of an atomic bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki illustrated the terrible force of this weapon.

We already know who invented an atomic bomb, as it works and what consequences can lead. Now we find out how things were in the USSR.

After the bombardment of Japanese cities, I. V. Stalin realized that the creation of a Soviet atomic bomb was a matter of national security. On August 20, 1945, the Nuclear Energy Committee was created in the USSR, the head of which was appointed L. Beria.

It is worth noting that the work in this direction was conducted in the Soviet Union since 1918, and in 1938, a special commission on atomic core was created at the Academy of Sciences. With the beginning of World War II, all work in this direction was frozen.

In 1943, the Scouts of the USSR were transferred from England materials of closed scientific papers in the field of nuclear energy. These materials illustrated that the work of overseas scientists to create an atomic bomb was seriously advanced. At the same time, US residents contributed to the introduction of reliable Soviet agents in the main centers of US nuclear research. Agents have transferred information about new developments by Soviet scientists and engineers.

Technical task

When in 1945, the question of the creation of the Soviet nuclear bomb was hardly a priority, one of the project managers Y. Khariton was a plan for developing two projectile options. On June 1, 1946, the plan was signed by the Supreme Guide.

According to the task, the designers needed to build a RDS (special jet engine) of two models:

  1. RDS-1. A bomb with a plutonium charge that is undermined by spherical compression. The device was borrowed from Americans.
  2. RDS-2. A cannon bomb with two uranium charges, bringing closer in the trunk of the gun before the critical mass is created.

In the history of the notorious RDS, the most common, though comic wording, was the phrase "Russia does herself." She was invented by the deputy Yu. Hyriton, K. Schelkin. This phrase very accurately conveys the essence of the work, at least for RDS-2.

When America learned that the Soviet Union owns the secrets of the creation of nuclear weapons, she had a desire for a speedy escalation of a preventive war. In the summer of 1949, a plan "Troyan" appeared, according to which on January 1, 1950, it was planned to begin fighting against the USSR. Then the attack date was postponed to the beginning of 1957, but with the condition that all NATO countries join it.


When information about the plans of America was received by the intelligence channels in the USSR, the work of Soviet scientists accelerated significantly. Western experts believed that the USSR atomic weapons would be created no earlier than in 1954-1955. In fact, the tests of the first atomic bomb in the USSR were held in August 1949. On August 29, the RDS-1 device was undermined at the Polygon in Semipalatinsk. In its creation, a large team of scientists took part, at the head of which Kurchatov Igor Vasilyevich became. The design of the charge belonged to the Americans, and the electronic equipment was created from scratch. The first atomic bomb in the USSR exploded with the power of 22 CT.

Due to the likelihood of a response strike, the Troyan plan, which suggested a nuclear attack of 70 Soviet cities, was ripped. Tests at Semipalatinsky became the end of the American monopoly on the possession of atomic weapons. The invention of Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov completely destroyed Military plans of America and NATO and warned the development of the next world war. So began the epoch of the world on earth, which exists under the threat of absolute destroy.

"Nuclear Club" of the world

To date, nuclear weapons are available not only in America and Russia, but also in a number of other states. The totality of countries owning such a weapon is conventionally called the "nuclear club".

It includes:

  1. America (since 1945).
  2. USSR, and now Russia (since 1949).
  3. England (since 1952).
  4. France (since 1960).
  5. China (since 1964).
  6. India (since 1974).
  7. Pakistan (since 1998).
  8. Korea (since 2006).

The nuclear weapon is also of Israel, although the country's leadership refuses to comment on its presence. In addition, on the territory of NATO countries (Italy, Germany, Turkey, Belgium, Netherlands, Canada) and allies (Japan, South Korea, despite the official refusal), there is American nuclear weapons.

Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan, who owned a part of the USSR nuclear weapons, after the collapse of the Union transferred their bombs of Russia. She became the only heir to the Nuclear Arsenal of the USSR.


Today we learned with you who invented the atomic bomb and that it represents. Summarizing the foregoing, it can be concluded that the nuclear weapon today is a powerful tool for global politics, firmly included in relations between countries. It, on the one hand, is an effective remedial means, and on the other hand, a convincing argument to prevent military confrontation and strengthening peaceful relations between states. Atomic weapon is a symbol of a whole era that requires particularly careful circulation.

The Fathers of the Atomic Bomb officially recognized American Robert Oppenheimer and the Soviet scientist Igor Kurchatov. But in parallel, the deadly weapons were developed in other countries (Italy, Denmark, Hungary), so the opening on the right belongs to everyone.

The German physicists Fritz Strasman and Otto Gan, who, in December 1938, managed to paint the atomic uranium core for the first time in December 1938, were first. And six months later, at the Kummersdorf polygon under Berlin, the first reactor was already built and urgently purchased uranium ore in the Congo.

"Uranov project" - Germans begin and lose

In September 1939, the Uranov Project was classified. To participate in the program, 22 authoritative scientific centers were attracted, studied studies Minister of Arms Albert Speer. The construction of the installation for the separation of isotopes and the production of uranium to exhaust the isotope that supports the chain reaction was instructed by the "IG Farbenindusty" concern.

Two years, a group of masted scientist Heisenberg studied the possibility of creating a reactor with and heavy water. A potential explosive (uranium-235 isotope) could be solved from uranium ore.

But for an inhibitor, a slowing reaction, is graphite or heavy water. The choice of the latter option created an insurmountable problem.

The only plant for the production of heavy water, which was located in Norway, after the occupation was dismissed by fighters of local resistance, and small reserves of valuable raw materials were exported to France.

The rapid realization of the nuclear program also prevented the explosion of an experimental nuclear reactor in Leipzig.

Hitler supported the uranium project until he was hoping to obtain heavy duty weapon, able to influence the outcome of the war unleashed by him. After a reduction in state financing of the work program, for some time continued.

In 1944, Heisenberg managed to create cast uranium plates, a special bunker was built under the reactor installation in Berlin.

It was planned to complete the experiment to achieve a chain reaction in January 1945, but a month later, the equipment urgently recalled to the Swiss border, where it was deployed only in a month. In the nuclear reactor there were 664 cubes of uranium weighing 1525 kg. It was surrounded by a graphite neutron reflector weighing 10 tons, the active zone additionally uploaded one and a half tons of heavy water.

On March 23, the reactor finally earned, but the report in Berlin was premature: the critical mark reactor did not reach, and the chain reaction did not occur. Additional calculations showed that the mass of uranium should be increased at least 750 kg, in proportion to the amount of heavy water.

But the stocks of strategic raw materials were at the limit, as well as the fate of the Third Reich. April 23 to the village of Hyherloch, where the tests were carried out, the Americans entered. The military dismantled the reactor and crossed it in the USA.

The first atomic bombs in the USA

A little later, the Germans took up the development of an atomic bomb in the United States and the UK. It all started with the letter of Albert Einstein and its co-authors, immigrants, directed by them in September 1939 by the President of the United States Franklin Roosevelt.

The appeal emphasized that Nazi Germany is close to creating an atomic bomb.

For the first time, Stalin found out of the nuclear weapons (both allies and opponents) for the first time in 1943. Immediately decided to create a similar project in the USSR. Instructions were issued not only by scientists, but also exploration for which the extraction of any information about nuclear secrets became super-inflated.

Incidental information on the development of American scientists, which was managed by Soviet intelligence, has significantly advanced the domestic nuclear project. She helped our scientists to avoid ineffective search paths and significantly speed up the deadlines for the final goal.

Serov Ivan Aleksandrovich - Head of the Operations for the creation of a bomb

Of course, the Soviet government could not disregard the successes of German nuclear physicists. After the war in Germany, a group of Soviet physicists - future academics in the form of colonels of the Soviet Army was sent.

The head of the operation was appointed Ivan Serov - the first departure of the internal affairs, this allowed scientists to open any doors.

In addition to German colleagues, they found the reserves of metal uranium. This, according to Kurchatov, reduced the deadlines for the development of a Soviet bomb at least than a year. Not one ton of uranium and leading nuclear specialists were taken out of Germany and the US military.

In the USSR, not only chemists and physicists were sent, but also a qualified labor force - mechanics, electric zeles, glass windows. Part of the staff found in camps for prisoners of war. In total, about 1000 German specialists worked on the Soviet atomic project.

German scientists and laboratories in the USSR in the postwar years

From Berlin transported a uranium centrifuge and other equipment, as well as documents and laboratory reactants von Ardenne and the Kaiser Institute of Physics. Within the framework of the program, the laboratory "A", "B", "B", "G", which were headed by German scientists.

The head of the laboratory "A" was Baron Manfred von Ardenne, who developed a method of gas-diffusion purification and separation of uranium isotopes in a centrifuge.

For the creation of such a centrifuge (only on an industrial scale) in 1947, he received the Stalin Prize. At that time, the laboratory was located in Moscow, on the site of the famous Kurchatov Institute. In the team of each German scientist there were 5-6 Soviet specialists.

Later, the laboratory "A" was taken out in Sukhumi, where the physico-technical institution was created at its base. In 1953, Baron von Ardenne became the Stalin Laureate for the second time.

Laboratory "B", conducted experiments in the field of radiation chemistry in the Urals, headed Nicolaus Rile - a key figure of the project. There, in Snezhinsk, the talented Russian Genetic Timofeev-Resovsky, with whom they were friends in Germany, worked with him. The successful test of the atomic bomb brought Rile a star of the Hero of Socialist Labor and the Stalinist Prize.

Research by the laboratory "B" in Obninsk was led by Professor Rudolph Posa - Pioneer in the field of nuclear testing. His team managed to create reactors on fast neutrons, first in the USSR NPP, projects of reactors for submarines.

On the basis of the laboratory, the AI \u200b\u200bPhysico-Energy Institute was created later. Leipunk. Until 1957, Professor worked in Sukhumi, then in Dubna, in the Joint Institute of Nuclear Technologies.

The laboratory "G", located in the Sukhumian sanatorium "Agudzer", headed Gustav Hertz. The nephew of the famous Scientific XIX century received fame after a series of experiments confirmed by the ideas of quantum mechanics and the theory of Niels Bora.

The results of his productive work in Sukhumi were used in the creation of an industrial installation in Novouralsk, where in 1949 they made a filling of the first Soviet bomb of RDS-1.

The uranium bomb, which Americans dropped on Hiroshima, was a cannon. When creating RDS-1, domestic nuclear physicists focused on Fat Boy - the Nagasaki Bomb made from Plutonium on an implosive principle.

In 1951, the Stalinist Prize was awarded for the fruitful activities of Hertz.

German engineers and scientists lived in comfortable homes, from Germany they transported their families, furniture, paintings, they were provided with decent salary and special specialization. Have they had the status of prisoners? According to Academician A.P. Alexandrov, an active member of the project, prisoners in such conditions they were all.

Having received permission to return home, German specialists gave a subscription to non-disclosure of their participation in the Soviet Atomic project for 25 years. In the GDR, they continued to work in the specialty. Baron von Ardenne was twice the laureate of the German National Prize.

The professor headed the physical institution in Dresden, which was created under the auspices of the Scientific Council on the peaceful use of atomic energy. He led the Scientific Council Gustav Hertz, who received the National GDR Award for his three-volume textbook on atomic physics. Here, in Dresden, in the Technical University, worked and Professor Rudolph Posa.

Participation in the Soviet atomic project of German specialists, as well as the achievements of Soviet intelligence, do not reduce the merits of Soviet scientists, which their heroic work has created domestic atomic weapons. And yet without the contribution of each member of the project, the creation of the nuclear industry and a nuclear bomb would be stretched to uncertain