By cities and countries. customs of the peoples of the world and strange superstition

By cities and countries. customs of the peoples of the world and strange superstition
By cities and countries. customs of the peoples of the world and strange superstition

The customs and traditions of other peoples are interesting, amazing, and sometimes strange and even shocking. People of other nationalities can express their feelings or mental attitude at all as they are taken. Also, the peoples of different countries of the world have unique rituals, beliefs and holidays that reflect their history or beliefs. Knowing all these nuances, you can better understand what they live in a particular country. Studying national customs is not just entertaining, but also useful if you plan to go on a journey.

The strangest and original traditions of the peoples of the world

Undoubtedly, one of the important aspects of any culture are its rules of etiquette: a way of greeting, farewell, behavior at the table, etc. For example, among Russians it is customary to shake hands, loving and friendly Spaniards can generally kiss when meeting. But in Japan, it is better not to do this - personal space appreciated and let only close friends.

What other extraordans are in the world? Here is the ranking of the 10 most unusual traditions of other countries:

  1. On the streets of India, you can see men holding hands. This does not mean that they are in a romantic relationship. So they show their friendship. But Indian couples in love never express their love publicly.
  2. In Germany, do not chlo in your hands when they want to climb. To express their feelings, the Germans are used to knocking on the table.
  3. The peoples of some Asian countries, such as China, Korea or Japan, consider to be a good tone of the chagua during meals visiting. Thus, they show the owner that the dish is very tasty.
  4. In Japan, it is considered indecent and rude to high in humans. If someone needs to be cleaned, then they do it away from all and very quiet.
  5. For residents of South Korea to write someone's name in red - taboos, and all because previously red ink was used to record the names of the dead people.
  6. In Malaysia, point to something index finger - it is rude and offensive. Instead, it is customary to show on things with a thumb.

Another interesting feature: While in many countries, people face cemeteries, they turn them into peculiar parks in Denmark, where you can communicate. Pretty pragmatic use of space, is it not true?

Holidays are part of the culture of the people. Often they use unusual rites and customs that can be very funny, and sometimes frightening.

Monkey banquet

In Thailand, the banquet monkey festival is held annually dedicated to God Rama, who, according to the legend, the monkey helped defeat enemies in a big battle.

In the last month of November, monkeys who live in the province of Lopburi and are considered among the local sacred, in the middle of the temple there are tables with a huge number of fruits, vegetables, sweets and drinks.

It is said that there is more half a thousand primates there and that they need to feed about 2 tons of food! Their singer looks very funny: non-cultural guests are thrown by food, fighting for the right to get the most delicious fruit, teased those who came to tourists.

Tomato battles

Battle snowballs - last century. Tomatoes apply in Spain for these purposes! At the Tomatin festival, which is held there every August, thousands of people are going to participate in the battle of tomatoes. Vegetables are brought on the carts and all participants of the action take each other within an hour, turning everything around into the red alive. In total, about 15 tons of tomatoes use in battle!

Officially, the holiday is dedicated to the patron saint of the city of St. Louis, but in fact he has long been a shit for tourists.

Day goose

On the occasion of this Spanish holiday held in the city of Bilbao, choose a goose, lubricate it with fat and tied over the water on the rope. Competing swim to it on the boat and bounce to catch. The goal is to tear the animal head. The winner gets his carcass and universal respect.

It is worth mentioning that they used to use a living goose, but then, at the request of the Society for the protection of animals, he was replaced by the dead. Someone the competition may seem cruel, but for the Spaniards is an indicator of strength, endurance and dexterity of men.

Cobre Festival

Indians worship snakes since ancient times, cobra are considered especially sacred. In Indian temples there are images and statues of these reptiles, they pray and bring sacrifices.

In some cities and villages of India, the festival is arranged in honor of the worship of the Snake "Nag Panchami". It passes in the middle of summer. Just then, the pouring rains flood the holes of the reaches and they crawl out.

Nag Panchami directly devoted to God Shiva, who is depicted with Cologves on the neck. During the holiday, people dance to music, carrying snakes in pots on the head. The procession bypasses the whole village and moves to the main temple. After chants and prayers, snakes sprinkled with turmeric, give them honey with milk to back up, and they are released into the courtyard of the temple. Animals crawl, performing peculiar dances. The holiday is spectacular and fascinating, which attracts crowds of tourists.

It is noteworthy that people during the holiday often bite, and some snakes of poisonous, but no one suffers from it. Phenomenal!

Night Krampus

This terrible holiday celebrates this terrible holiday in the first 2 weeks of December before Christmas in Austria, Bavaria and Switzerland. About a thousand men are dressed up with Krampus - devilish creatures with horns and hooves, which are antipode Santa Claus. They walk through the streets, scaring children and adults. Custom "learn" Krampuses beat the rods.

The celebration is accompanied by mass fairs, processions and contests. Residents of cities compete for the best and most terrible suit. Unclear it is not terrible!

Ritals and rituals

Particularly unusual and strange are the customs and traditions of the peoples of the world associated with religion, marriage and various rituals of initiation. Some of them may seem absurd, but the natives believe that this is important, so you should not consider them stupid. Perhaps some traditions of our country also seem to someone deprived of meaning.

  1. Japanese warriors still adhere to the Codex Becido, according to which, in the event of a defeat, he must commit suicide. It is better to die than to get into the hands to enemies.
  2. In Muslim countries, a girl in 2 days before the wedding is covered by temporary tattoos from Henna - Mehendi, which symbolize femininity, fertility and good luck. They should only apply a woman, happy in marriage. Mehendi usually paint feet and hands. The longer the tattoo will last, the better, so the bride even liberates home from work.

Chinese brides, namely a resident of the city of Fuji, should cry for a whole month before the wedding. So they are preparing for married life. Maybe they think that all tears will pay and in the future do not have to cry?

  • And here is another unusual folk rite. When the man of the tribe of Tanomanani (Brazil) dies, his body cremates. Close dead mix the dust with the decoction of the plantain and drink. They believe that it pleases a dead soul, which finds a resting place in their bodies.
  • The Greeks have a strange custom to spit on everything. In their opinion, such a ritual brings good luck and scares the devil. Ritals with spurs they are carried out in different special cases, such as christening or weddings. In the old days, guests had to spit on the bride's dress well, but now everything is done rather symbolic. It is enough to pronounce TFU TFU TFU.
  • Young guys in Brazil are undergoing an extraordinary initiation rite. To prove its courage and strength, members of the Satar Mave tribe put hands into a glove filled with poisonous ants. It is necessary to hold out 10 minutes, and because the bites are extremely painful, and the pain lasts the whole day! There were even fatal cases.

In fact, there is a lot of fascinating in every culture. Some can consider these customs inhuman. Others still seek meaning in them, because even the strangest customs and traditions in the world there is an explanation.

Unusual traditions and rites of the peoples of the world

5 (100%) 1 voted The most unimaginable sexual customs from different parts of the earth,about which you probably did not hear before.

They are not very combined with the progressive XXI century, many people seem to be an invention of a writer with a swift fantasy. But, no matter how cool, these things really exist and are practiced with might and main. It suggests to get acquainted with the most unimaginable sexual customs from different parts of the Earth, which you probably did not hear before.

"Love hut" for teenagers

In most countries, fathers try to protect their young daughters from communicating with the opposite sex as long as possible. In Cambodian tribe, creatures are different. Here men do not just approve the early romantic relationships of their daughters, but even build special "love huts" for them, where girls can give their cavaliers to learn better and closer to them.

In such a hut, the girl is free to bring an unlimited number of workers. Goodbye, according to the customs of the tribe, can last until the hut hut will find that guy of his dreams, with whom will contact life. Probably, this practice is associated with the law, according to which the striculous marriage is not forbidden.

Divided by fraternal

Some tribes in Nepal practitioners the so-called "fraternal polyandry". That is, several men divide one woman among themselves. As a rule, such a phenomenon is characterized by men associated with relatives, first of all, brothers. It is believed that this tradition appeared due to lack of land suitable for agriculture. Instead of getting every brother to marry and live with a separate family, men find one woman and live together under one roof, I use one block of land.

Night change

In Indonesia, a holiday is held 7 times a year called "Pon". As part of this celebration, the spouses are allowed to change each other - choose the partner to the partner for sexual merits. Participants in the holiday believe that in this way you can attract good luck. Well, the happiest, according to local beliefs, will be the one who will succeed in the year 7 times to enter into sexual relations with the same stranger.

Sex in clothes

On a small island of Inis Big, a community lives near Ireland, in which sex is considered shameful hobby. To engage in love jits, members of this community are permitted exclusively in the underwear, not being gone.

Exhibitionism as a method of flirting

The natives-women are the island of Bougainville (part of the state of Papua - New Guinea) is practiced a rite of attracting partners through a public demonstration of their intimate places. According to custom, if a woman goes to such a gesture, it means that she invites a man to join her sexual relationships.

Sex lessons

The inhabitants of the small island of Mangaia in the Pacific Ocean began to train the younger generation of men with sexual wisdom. As soon as the boy turns 13, he can choose a partner to himself - a mature woman. The lady should teach a teenager with all intimate secrets accumulated by life. The main task of the teacher is to pronounce the student how to make sexual acts the longest that his future wife always remains satisfied.

Cocktail masculination

Teenagers from the community of Sambiya (again Papua - New Guinea) are subjected to even more strange test. Here, the boys accepted for four more years to isolate from women in order not to be tempted. But this is not the worst thing. During the recovery period, adolescents are forced to drink a special cocktail, which, according to local beliefs, will help make real men. At the heart of the beverage - the sperm of the elders of the tribe.

Love for brothers less

In most countries, zoosexual relations are outlawed. But there are exceptions. For example, in Lebanon, men are officially permitted to communicate with the pet. True, with one reservation - the pet must be a female. For contact with the male, a man threatens the death penalty. Until 2015, such relationships were resolved in Denmark. "Love" with animals in this state banned in April and introduced a penalty for violation - a year of imprisonment.

Sex with witnesses

In the city of Kali, located in the southwest of Colombia, there is an entertaining custom relating to the first marriage night. According to him, a girl who first enters into an intimate relationship with his spouse, should do this in the presence of a mother who acts as a witness.

Indicative night

Something similar is practiced at the Marquis Islands (French Polynesia). Among the locals are common custom, according to which spouses, entering into an intimate relationship, do not prohibit their offspring to observe the process, so that they remembered the future what.

How much interesting and unexplored the traditions of the peoples of our planet. And, the mysterious and the forbidden topic of sex could not remain aside and naturally, was reflected in various rites and customs, sometimes very unusual. So, we go on the journey.


Australian aborigines - wars, instead of the usual handshaking for us, the friendliness demonstrate a little different gesture, namely, touching a member of his interlocutor.

North Kamchatka

Until now, in the deaf villages of Northern Kamchatka, a centuries-old tradition of a guest copulation with the owner's wife is preserved. Moreover, for the sake of the consent of the guest, the woman is ready for everything, as it is considered a great honor. And, if after the act a woman becomes pregnant, then at all, luck and happiness will be this house and all seal.


In order to marry a Tibetan girl should have at least a dozen sexual partners.


Here, the number of sexual bonds of the bride is not particularly important, but at the same time, it is definitely due to have at least two kids.


Germany, as in other matters and many other European countries are famous for the randomness of sexual relations between people. The next German custom is especially interesting: when the Cologne Festival passes passersby quite seriously offer to each other to have sex and do it, sometimes, not even getting acquainted.


Local morals, forcing the bride to marry a virgin, and before the girl will be admitted to her groom, she will have a rite of deprivation of virginity by a stone knife. The rite is carried out by the friends of the groom, which for another three days can engage in sex with the future wife of their friend. Then, the "happy" newlywed moves to other men of the tribe and, only after them to their legal spouse.

South Africa

Men of local tribes, afraid to bring offspring in the form of twins, which are a prototype of sin and the most terrible curses, cut out one egg. In other matters, as it is known, the servants of the Hammers of the East - Eunuchs, expose themselves a more terrible execution - absolute castration.

Other African tribes are caused by representatives of a strong floor before the wedding to go through some test. A, it is, to have sex with the Mother of the Bride, as many times as you need, in order to prove your consistency. True, before this, they undergo a mandatory inspection (in the literal sense of the word: teeth, body, and so on) in front of their future test.

Central Africa: Schiluki tribe

The tribe leader has the right to get into his wife the most beautiful girls, even if there are more hundreds of them. But, God forbid, His Wives Take a conversation that their husband does not satisfy them. In this case, the poor thing faces not only overthrowing from the honorary post, but also death in terrible flour, for, as the belief of Shilukov, the impotent cannot betray the fertility to the earth and the cattle yard.

Brazil: Topinamba Indians

Local tribes believe that women like only the huge amounts of genital organs, and therefore, these very bodies are subjected to the bite of the most poisonous snakes (for swelling and increasing)

Micronesia: Tribe "Panape"

For the excitation of women, the bites of stagnant ants are used.

Japan and Korea

Since ancient times, and so far, to strengthen passion, Japanese and Korean, they use their "coronal" reception - a gala needle groove.
Undoubtedly, some customs are far from our peoples seem to us terrifying, but who knows, maybe our habits would cause them shock. "

From the Temple Prostitution in Mesopotamia to the ancient Japanese sexual tradition with the poetic name "Yobi"

In ancient times, in some settlements of Kamchatka, a special honor for the house was considered the night held by the guest with the owner's wife. The lady, by the way, tried to seduce the guest with all possible ways. And if she managed to get pregnant, then it was celebrated the whole village. What was, of course, reasonable - fresh genes. Such traditions are not uncommon: Eskimos and Chukchi, for example, also used the beauty of their wives for the benefit of the clan. They gave them to "use" men who went to the fishery. Well, on Tibet, it was thought that if the guest liked someone else's wife, on the will of the Higher Forces and oppose them well, no way.

Oh kuddakh

For example, on Tibet, the girl was considered an enviable bride only when she changed a dozen-other partners. Virgin, as you can see, in the country of the Dalai Lama were not in honor. But the Brazilians from the Topinambian tribe went to impressive victims to enjoy their ladies. The fact is that the girls found all the huge genitals worthy of their attention. For this, men substituted penises to poisonous snakes, after whose bites, men's advantages were consistent with the expectations of the discerning women of Topinamba.

But the Hindus sophisticated in love had much more options for extreme entertainment of this kind. For example, their treatises about the art of love taught the use of "Apadravia" - male piercing of gold, silver, iron, tree or buffalo horns! And the great-grandfather of the modern condom "Yalaka" - empty inside the tube with bursts outside - also invented in India.In Japan and Korea, there was a curious practice of strengthening male orgasm. To make it brighter and memorable, enough injection in groin Golden needle, Eastern traditions say. Residents of the Natober Islands were very ingenious in bed joy. What is only the habit of brushing the partner's eyelashes, it is considered their traditional caress. I would like to see the teeth of these clatters, because to grasp the eyelashes, the teeth should be at least sharp.
Lovers of acute sensations in sex from the Batt tribe from the island of Sumatra had a tradition to shove the pebbles or pieces of metal under the extreme flesh. They believed that it would be able to deliver a partner much more pleasure. Argentinean Indians also had a similar idea in their arsenal. They were attached to a phallus tassels from horsehair. It is terrible to think about the hygienicness of meetings with such wellms.
Interestingly increased their attractiveness of a resident of Tanzania. They did not decorate themselves and did not dress up. They crawled at the lowned man ... Moth and sandals! In those parts, the listed things are of particular value, so a man of the will of the unilietes had to go to die property, and there - what the hell is not joking.
And what about our compatriots? In ancient times, in some settlements of Kamchatka, a special honor for the house was considered the night held by the guest with the owner's wife. The lady, by the way, tried to seduce the guest with all possible ways. And if she managed to get pregnant, then it was celebrated the whole village. What was, of course, reasonable - fresh genes. Such traditions are not uncommon: Eskimos and Chukchi, for example, also used the beauty of their wives for the benefit of the clan. They gave them to "use" men who went to the fishery. Well, on Tibet, it was thought that if the guest liked someone else's wife, on the will of the Higher Forces and oppose them well, no way.

Japan - crawl and "yobay"

An ancient sexual tradition with the poetic name "Yobi" existed in the Japanese outback until the end of the XIX century. The essence of the custom "crouching in the night" (approximate translation) was as follows: Any young man under the cover of the night had the right to penetrate the house to the unmarried lady, to get to her under the blanket and, if the chosen was not against it, to do directly delightful "Yobi" . In Russian, however, it does not sound like the name of the tradition, but more as a call to action.
If the Japanese girl came across a frequent, then the upset young man had to go to the ravis. Like any tradition, the custom "Yobi" was regulated by strict rules. The potential lover was supposed to go to a romantic date absolutely naked, since the night visit of a dressed man was considered a robbery and could end it for him. However, the guy had the right to cover the face and appear before the girl in the role of an excellent stranger. Such here are Japanese role-playing games.

Tibet - Journey one way

Once in Tibet, the visits of men met with genuinely angry. In travel notes of the famous traveler, Marco Polo tells about the local sexual tradition, which prescribed all young girls to weddings to coordinate at least twenty-different men. Whether men in Tibet were not enough, whether fresh girls on custom was intended exclusively to alien, but travelers were valued here on the weight of gold. And those poor people who could not stand for themselves, the genital swells literally "praised like a tuz." Therefore, a trip to Tibet for some of our fellows was becoming the last.

South America - Indian Babalification

The sexual traditions of the Kagaba tribe can forever repeal the desire for a man in good faith to fulfill their marital debt and start offspring. Representatives of the strong half of the tribe are terribly afraid of women. It's all about the strange ritual of the initiation of young men in men: his first sexual experience, the young Indian Kagaba is obliged to acquire with the oldest lady of the genus. For this reason, in the marital relationship, a manless man is, and if the wife hints into closeness, he prefers to cowardly hiding in the jungle in a bunker equipped for such purposes (such as hunting).
It happens that several fugitives are hiding in the bachelor burglar at the same time. Then the female half of the tribe is equipped with a search expedition. Role-playing games in Slave and Mrs. always end predictably. Unsatisfied wives are twisted by the jungle until Schron detects and will not return their faithful families.

Africa - Food Preferences
Who is interested in military parades? Unless the military, and the simple people require bread and spectacle. Swaziland's king knows how to make the soul holiday for his subjects, and therefore every year is satisfied with the grand march of virgins. Thousands of seductive dilapidated beauties cheerfully marched in front of the monarch. In Swaziland, it became a good sexual tradition when the king chooses a new spouse from the participants of the parade, and each failed wives are awarded a large meal. And believe me, on these criteria is the royal gift!

The sexual traditions of the peoples of the world exist different, as well as beauty standards. Can a woman from the Valley of the River Zambezi be considered attractive if she has full of teeth in his mouth, like a crocodile? To become beautiful, the girl of the Batok tribe needed to marry. In the first wedding night, a satisfied spouse turned the "ugly" girl in a beautiful woman, knocking her front teeth. Such a custom, accompanied by a simple plastic surgery, makes the woman of the Batok, happy and radiant smile never leaves her face.In the Baganda tribe (East Africa) there is a belief that sex directly on agricultural land increases their fertility. By the way, such a sexual tradition was inherent in many peoples. However, the natives did not suit vulgar orgies on the garden of the plantain (the main aft culture of the Bagagandians). For the ritual, the married couple was chosen - Parents of the twins. The event was held on the field of the leader of the tribe and was as follows: the woman lay on his back, the plant of the plantain was placed in her vagina, and her husband had to get it without the help of hands, using only a hearth. According to custom, to demonstrate the wonders of equilibristics, the family of agronomists accounted for only on the field of the leader. At the gardens of their tribesmen, it was not required to play role-playing games, it was enough to dance a little.

Mesopotamia - Temple Prostitution

Each resident of the ancient Babylon was to commit a sacrifice to the goddess of Love Ishtar. To fulfill the ritual, the lady went to the goddess sanctuary, sat down in a prominent place and waited for a stranger man. The client gave the chief coin, after which they went to some secluded corner, where they committed a generous sacrifice.
It was enough once. However, some particularly zabitans constantly practiced similar role-playing games, offering strangers an interesting holiday for money, which then went to the needs of the temple. It was impossible to leave his territory until the end of the ritual was impossible, therefore the pretty girl "shot" quickly, and a non-pieces had to wait for his prince for a long time, sometimes even for years! Accommodation and food provided. Similar sexual traditions existed in Cyprus, and the sacrifice of Greek girls brought the goddess Aphrodite.

Russia - Country of Soviets

Family life in Russia Case is nozzy! To feel this approval of the marriage pair was already at the wedding. All night before the holiday of the bride on the ancient Slavic custom, spruce braids and sang with girlfriends dreary songs. In the morning it was expected a lot of tiring wedding rites, which continued until late evening and on an empty stomach. Even during the festive feast, the bride could not eat. The bridegroom was also not sweet - all the celebration he was obliged to jump around numerous relatives.
And finally, the day ended. Exhausted young turned out to be alone in crowded and were going to do unrestrained sex to sleep. Locked! The sexual tradition assumed the active participation of relatives in the first marriage night of newlyweds - Guests until the morning were irradiated under the bedroom windows of obscene chastushki, and one of them (specially elected for this purpose) periodically knocked on the door and was interested in: "Loda drove?". In such a situation, the bridegroom soon began to realize that the mission is impossible, and his efforts are vain, despite the body immobilized from fatigue. Therefore, the young spouse was able to rehabilitate for several next night. If, it's still not going on, then the experienced advisers were connected to him: Brother or Father Bridegroom. It is known that in Ukraine in some villages, the Commissioner Suffler comfortably arranged under the bed, from where he helped how to make it all right, and at the same time he created an atmosphere of an unusual holiday.

Micronesia - Love with a light

If you are confident that role-playing games with elements of sadomasochism invented the most disguised Marks, I have a hurry to disappoint - this is a common delusion. The natives of the island travelers were fascinated by members during sex even before Makiza de Garda mouse imitated an orgasm in a simple missionary pose. Custom consisted in the following: While the partner diligently puffed, making reciprocating movements, the ardent lover set fire on his body small balls from the breadwinner. As she did during sex, it is rather difficult to imagine ... It can be assumed that the man copulating not with the whole lady, but with its remote part (for example, heel). These natives are such a pursuit!

Despite the efforts of historians and ethnographers, the history of these peoples still keeps their riddles.

1. Russians

Yes, the Russians are one of the most mysterious peoples. Scientists still can not come to a common opinion about the fact that the Russians became "Russians" nor about where, in fact, this word happened. The question of the origin of the people remains controversial. In the ancestors of the Russians, Normanov, and Scythians, Sarmatov, and Venenov, and even the South Iibirsk people are Usuni.

We do not know neither the origin of the Maya people or the where he disappeared. Some scientists will build the roots of Maya to the legendary Atlantam, others believe that their ancestors were Egyptians. Maya created an effective agriculture system, had deep knowledge in the area of \u200b\u200bastronomy. The calendar developed by Maya was used and other nations of Central America. They used the hieroglyphic system of the letter, partially deciphered. Mayyan civilization was very developed, but by the time of the arrival of the conquistadors was deeply decadging, and the Maya itself was dissolved in history.

3. Laplandians

Lapland residents are also called saamas and vocabies. The age of this ethnos has no less than 5000 years. Scientists are still arguing who are Lampland and where they came from. Some consider this people with the Mongoloid, others prove that Laplanders are PaleoEuropeans. The language of the Saami belongs to Finno-Ugric, but Lapland residents have 10 Sami dialects, which are so different from each other, which can be called independent. It even makes it difficult to communicate some laplandes with others.

4. Prussians

The origin of the name of Prussians is shrouded in secret. The first time it is found only in the IX century in the form of Brusi in the draft of an anonymous merchant, and later - in Polish and German chronicles. Linguists find it analogies in many Indo-European languages \u200b\u200band believe that it goes back to the Sanskrit Purusa - "Man." Not preserved sufficient information and the language of Prussians. The last carrier died in 1677, and the plague of 1709-1711 destroyed the last Prussians and in Prussia itself. Already in the XVII century, instead of Prussian history, the history of "Prussianism" and the Kingdom of Prussia begins, whose local population has had little in common with the Balt's name of Prussians.

5. Cossacks

The question of where the Cossacks came from, still remains unresolved. Their homeland is found in the North Caucasus, and in the Azov region and in West Turkestan. The pedigree Cossacks will be asked to Scythians, to Alanam, to Circassians, to Khazar, to Gotham, to Porodnikov. Supporters of all versions have their own arguments. Today, the Cossacks are polyethnic community, but they themselves love to insist that the Cossacks are a separate people.

6. Pars

Parts are an ethnocon confessional group of followers of Zoroastrianism in South Asia, having Iranian origin. The number of her now is less than 130 thousand people. Parts have their own temples and the so-called "Silence Towers", where, in order not to desecrate the sacred elements (land, fire, water), bury the dead (the corpses are screaming vultures). Parsers are often compared with the Jews, they also have forced to leave their homeland and meticulously in matters of compliance with the cults. The Iranian League in India began the beginning of the 20th century to promote the return of Parsi to their homeland, resembling Jews Zionism.

7. Gutsules

The meaning of the word "Gutsul" is still disputes. Some scientists believe that the etymology of the word goes back to the Moldovan "Gots" or "HUTS", which means "the robber", others - by the word "Kochul", which means "shepherd". Gutsulov is also called "Ukrainian mountaineers." Among them are still strong traditions of the sign. Hutsul sorcerers are called Molframes. They can be white and black. Molfires enjoy continuous authority.

8. Hitty

The Hittal Power was one of the most influential forces on the geopolitical map of the ancient world. The first constitution appeared here, the Hetta was the first to use battle chariots and revered a double-headed eagle, but the information about the hittines is still sniffing. In their "tables about courageous acts" kings many marks "next year", but the year of the report is unknown. The chronology of the Hett Power We know the sources of its neighbors. The question remains open: where did the Hetta disappear? Johann Leman in his book "Hitty. The people of thousands of gods "leads a version of the fact that Hettites went to the north, where they were assimilated with German tribes. But this is only version.

9. Sumerians

Sumerians are the most interesting and still one of the most mysterious peoples of the ancient world. We do not know whether they came from, no one language family belong to their language. A large number of homonyms suggests that it was tone (as, for example, modern Chinese), which means that the meaning of said often depended on intonation. Sumerians were one of the most advanced peoples of their time, they first began to use the wheel in the entire Middle East, created the irrigation system, invented a unique writing, and the knowledge of the Sumerians in mathematics and astronomy is still affected.

10. Etruscan

The ancient people of Etruscov unexpectedly arose in human history, but also suddenly dissolved in it. According to the archaeologists, the Etrusca settled the north-western part of the Apennine Peninsula and created a rather developed civilization there. It was the Etruscans founded the first cities in Italy. Historians also believe that Roman numbers can also be called Etruscians. It is not known where the Etrusks disappeared. According to one of the versions, they moved to the East and became the Rodonarchists of the Slavic Ethnic Sheet. Some scientists argue that the Etruscan language is very close to Slavic in their structure.

11. Armenians

The riddle remains the origin of the Armenians. Versions set. Some scientists relate Armenians with the people of the ancient state by Urartu, but the genetic component of the Urarts is present in the genetic code of Armenians as well as the genetic component of the same Hurrites and Luvians, not to mention protoarmen. There are Greek versions of the origin of Armenians, as well as the so-called "Haiaas hypotheses", in which the landorodine Armenians become Haias - the territory of the east of the Hittt kingdom. Scientists did not give a final response to the question of the origin of the Armenians and most often adhere to the migration-mixed hypothesis of Armenian ethnogenesis.

12. Gypsy

According to linguistic and genetic studies, Roma ancestors left India's territory in an amount not exceeding 1000 people. Today there are about 10 million Gypsies in the world. In the Middle Ages, Roma in Europe considered the Egyptians. The word Gitanes itself is derived from Egyptian. Tarot cards, which are considered the last preserved fragment of the cult of the Egyptian god of the Tota, were brought to Europe by Gypsies. They were not in vain called "Pharaoh Tribe". The striking was for Europeans and the fact that the Gypsies were embarrassed by their dead and were buried in the crypts, which was laid everything necessary for life after death. These funeral traditions are alive in Gypsy today.

13. Jews

Jews are one of the most mysterious of the now living peoples. For a long time it was believed that the very concept of "Jews" rather cultural than ethnic. That is, that "Jews" created Judaism, and not vice versa. In science, fierce discussions are still underway that the Jews were initially represented - people, a social layer or religious denomination.

Mysfresses in the history of the Jewish people set. At the end of the 7th century, five sixth Jews disappeared entirely to our era - 10 of 12 ethno-forming births. Where they disappeared - a big question. There is a version that from Scythians and Kimmerites, like descendants of 10 knees, Finns, Swiss, Swedes, Norwegians, Irish, Welsh, French, Belgians, Dutch, Danes, Irish and Welsh, are almost all European peoples. The discussion remains the question of the origin of Ashkenazov, about their proximity to Middle Eastern Jews.

14. Guangchi

Guangchi - Aboriginal Tenerife. The mystery of how they were on the Canary Islands, still not solved, as they did not have a fleet and did not possess the skills of navigation. Their anthropological type did not match the latitudes where they lived. Spores cause and rectangular pyramids on the island of Tenerife, similar to Maya and Aztec pyramids in Mexico. It is not known whether their buildings, nor the goal with which they were erected.

15. Khazara

About the Khazars wrote a lot of neighboring peoples, but they themselves almost did not leave information about themselves. As far as unexpectedly, the Khazars appeared on the historical stage, as suddenly they came out. Historians still have no sufficient archaeological data on the fact that the Khazary was represented, nor an understanding of what language the Khazars were spoken. It is unknown and where they eventually disappeared. Versions set. Clarity is not.

16. Basque

Age, the origin and language of the Basque is one of the main mysteries of modern history. Basque - Euskar, is considered the only relic of pre-European language, not related to any current language family. As for genetics, according to the study conducted in 2012, National Geographic Society, all the basks contain a set of genes, significantly distinguish them from other people around them.

17. Haldei

Haldey is the seven-Aramaic people who lived at the end of the II - early I thousand BC. On the territory of South and Middle Mesopotamia. In 626-538 BC BC. In Babylon, the Rules of the Chaldean dynasty, founded the Novovavilon Kingdom. Haldey were the people who still associate with magic and astrology. In ancient Greece and ancient Rome, Khaldayy called priests and gadels of Babylonian origin. Haldey made predictions by Alexander Macedonian and his heirs Antigong and Selevka.

18. Sarmati

Sarmati is one of the most mysterious peoples in world history. Herodotus called them "lizardogol", Lomonosov believed that Slavs occurred from Sarmatians, and the Polish gentball called themselves their direct descendants. Sarmatians left a lot of mysteries. They probably had a matriarchy. Some scientists lead the roots of Russian Kokosnik from Sarmatians. Among them was the custom of artificial deformation of the skull, thanks to which the head of a person acquired the shape of an elongated egg.

19. Kalashi.

Kalashi is a small people living in the north of Pakistan in the Gindukusha mountains. He is probably the most famous "white" people of Asia. Disputes on the origin of the Kalash continue today. Kalashi themselves are confident that they are the descendants of the Macedonian itself. The kalash language is called phologically atypical, it retained the basic composition of Sanskrit. Despite the attempts of Islamization, many Kalashi retain polytheism.

20. Philistines

The modern name "Palestine" comes from "Filfish". Philistines are the most mysterious people from those mentioned in the Bible. In the Middle East, only they and Hetta owned the technology of smelting steel, marking the beginning of the Iron Age. The Bible states that this people takes place from the island of the cafor (Crete), although some historians relate to the Philistines with Pelasgami. The Egyptian manuscripts and archaeological finds are also evidenced by the critical origins of the Philistines, and archaeological finds. Where the Philistines disappeared, it is still not clear. Most likely, they were assimilated by the peoples of the Eastern Mediterranean.

Many rituals are very harmless and there are traditions that are popular in the whole world, but there are also those that can plunge you in shock. Very strange rituals, sometimes painful and violent, can be found in different parts of the planet. Some of them we will tell you in this article and recall that when traveling it is necessary to be very vigilant and neat.

Dance of the Sun.

As you know, the indigenous people of America did many rituals in honor of the spirits of the Earth. These all rituals are needed to communicate with the great spirits, they also sacrifice themselves and this in order to save direct contact with the tree of life. Direct contact with the tree occurs in this way: a spit attached to the pole, the skin is pierced on the chest. All participants begin to move forward, then back and try to break out, and at this time their skin is still associated with the pillar. This dance can last a few hours.


In India, Aghori Baba lives in India in Varanasi, which are known for those who eat dead people. Many of them think that the most in life a person is afraid of his death, and that this fear bothers him spiritually enlighten. Aghori Baba believe that if they eat a dead man, then this fear disappears, and they begin to enlighten. According to the laws of Hinduism, 5 types of people can not be cremated: pregnant women, children, saints, unmarried women and people who died due to the bite of snakes or from leprosy. These people first give the Gang River, and then Aghori come from there and begin to consume.

Jumping with a vine

Golk-ritual, which is held in the village of Bunlap. This ritual resembles Banji Jumping. At that moment, when men are preparing for jumping, all other residents sing and dance. Jumpers around the ankles tie a vine and then jump from the trees from the tree, which are made specifically for this ritual. Apparently, men are not concerned about how it can threaten, they simply believe that the higher the point of the jump, the more the blessing of the gods.


During the sacred month, Muharram, every year, followers of Shiite Islam are mass self-vaccination. Thus, they worship the memory of Hussein's death, as well as the grandson of Mohammed. During the ritual of a man, her body test the blades that are attached to the chains. Men do not feel pain, as they are all in a state of trance.

Heavenly burials

The sacred ritual, which is called heavenly burials, is in Tibet. Buddhists believe that there is no need to maintain the body after death, since there is a turn of rebirth. The bodies of dead people are transmitted by air predators. In order for the body to disappear as quickly as possible, it is cut into slices and in the area are given to be awarded.

Voodoo and spiritual possessions

West Africa is popular by voodoo followers. One ritual is famous for the fact that the person takes the spirit or a friend of the soul as in the vessel. Although man and consciousness, but it is believed that the spirit of the body masters completely, and at the end of the ritual the spirit is in man for another 3 days.

Dancing with the dead

In Madagascar, the festival "Turn the bone" passes. Residents believe that the spirit gets faster to the afterlife, it is necessary for the body as quickly as possible. Therefore, once every 2 years, for 7 years, they roll their loved ones, they dance with them around the grave and then they need to be reburied elsewhere.

Fiery walks

Malaysia believes that to push the evil effects from themselves or strengthening male strength and get rid of bad thoughts, you need to go through the cleaning ritual and go through the burning coal by barefoot. This will believe hundreds of people and therefore take part in this festival.

Mortal rites

The tribe Janas is considered one of the primitive in the world. According to residents, death is not a natural phenomenon. After death, the body cremates and mix it with bananas and begin to consume. In their opinion, thus, a member of the tribe does not leave them, but continues to live with them.


A very dangerous ritual is held annually on Phuket in Thailand. Participants are pushing their cheeks with swords, spears, knives or even weapons. All this is held, because the inhabitants believe that the gods introduce them to trance during this action, and this helps protect against evil and brings good luck in the future.


The spiritual connection between the tribe is very important in Paula (New Guinea), so they have an unusual ritual. One of the ceremonies is held in the "House of Spirit". The ritual lies in the fact that adolescents live secluded in the House of Spirit for two months. After the expiration of isolation, everyone is preparing for a dedication, after which their transition to maturity is recognized. During the ritual, punctures are applied from bamboo fragments. All these jazbins are very similar to crocodile skin. Tribal residents believe that people occurred from crocodiles. According to believe, the crocodile swallowed the boy and left an adult man instead of him and because of this, all signs on the body resemble traces of crocodile teeth.

Evidence of the centuries each people had surrounded their lives by regulated rules, hoping for someone to protect against evil spirits, and who would agree with the forces of nature in their favor. As a rule, they were associated with religious views, economic and social constraints adopted in this society. It seemed to people that only performing ancient rituals, they would be able to achieve all kinds of benefits from fate, giving gods, to ensure the health of all the descendants of a kind of tenth knee. Therefore, most of these rituals are associated with the most important episodes of life: with the position and status of a family member or a tribe among conifers, with the stages of sexual mature, with childbirth and with a funeral, with calls for a rich hunting or catch, a large harvest ...

Many of these traditions are represented today devoid of elementary meaning and monstrously cruel, if not to say narrowly allowed! However, they still exist in the world, they are studying ethnographers scientists and, it is not surprising, but find logical explanations to even the most strange and dangerous rituals.

The most unusual traditions, rituals and customs. Top 5.

1. That's Africa, and the tribe of Masayev from Kenya and Tanzania. In the life of the hunting community the most important qualities of each mature men are endurance and durability. Boys there remain almost 30 years old. To become a recognized man, it is necessary to undergo a special initiation rite, which is called "Emulatar". It occurs every 10-15 years and ten-twenty-year-old teens participate in it.

To hold the population, the whole village erects the whole world. On the appointed day there are solemn dances and ceremonial singing, a feast, and the boys have to drink a "cocktail" from bull blood, milk and alcohol, after which the elders subjected to circumcision. This is the most responsible moment in the men's life of this tribe. After circumcision, the boy is considered a man and warrior, which has proved his fearlessness, the power of will and contempt for death pain.

Three months heals the wound, and all this time the cropped goes in black clothes and live separately, in the huts built for them with women. It is believed that these women express their respect for new soldiers. But this rite does not end: ten years of youth live in the villages of the villages, where the military wisdom is learning, taken in their tribe and traditions of ancestors, learn to hunt and protect their village, as well as grow cattle. Then follows the second part of the initiation: "Eunoto". This is a great holiday, during which the mother of a young man shares his head. From now on, he is considered the eldest warrior and only after that he is allowed to marry.

3. But in Japan About the woman caring differently. The first menstruation of the girl is celebrated as a great day in life and herself, and her family. Among the treats must be red rice - but not because of the color, but for the reason that this is the most expensive rice variety. Agree, wise and beautiful tradition to praise a woman and her strength of the kind!

4. What you can not say about some countries of Europe. Here is an unexpected example - rich and respectable Switzerland. Clean air, beautiful ecology, famous ski resorts, authoritative banks ... Well, who would have thought that in this civilized country such a wild tradition to fill the bride in the mud? Yes, yes, it is literally.