Turkish Orthodox Church. Orthodox temples of Turkey

Turkish Orthodox Church. Orthodox temples of Turkey
Turkish Orthodox Church. Orthodox temples of Turkey

The Ukrainian scenario threatens to become for the Ecumenical Patriarchate suicide ...

Fanar Roles via vagnet. Being a tiny island that existed for many centuries only by the grace of God and the care of the Russian Orthodox Church, lost in one of the Istanbul neighborhoods, the Ecumenical Patriarchate showed such universal ambitions, to cope with which he could not.

Those who pushed Patriarch Bartholomew K.adventure have already shown in the Middle East What is their strategic tricks. However, the servants of the Ecumenical Patriarchate must also face things too. Alas, fanariots have long turned from the servants of the church in church bureaucrats.

Once, on Sunday morning, the author of these rows, which was in Istanbul with a tourist purpose, was able to go to the fanar on the suspended Sunday service. And it turned out that services there is not only on weekdays, but often on Sundays. At the same time, as the guards confirmed, and the patriarch on the spot, and all the rest too. Only God to pray no time. And these are these fanarides want to approve their championship in the Orthodox world? But with such complaints from the fanar can not stay anything.

Attempts to create a "national" Orthodox churches, which the ecumenical patriarchy rests on, will inevitably affect him. Thus, the Turkish Orthodox Church (TPC) has already filed a lawsuit to court to Constantinople Patriarchate and Patriarch Bartholomew. The plaintiff claims that the Fanar has no authority to send their "Exarch" to Ukraine and give some autocephaly there. The status of the Konstantinople Patriarch, according to the Lausanne peace treaty of 1923, is limited by the departure of the Greeks living in Turkey. And that's all! The CCC called the action of Bartholomew "Crime", according to "both Turkish laws and the Lausanne Treaty, which clearly prescribed him [Ecumenical Patriarch. - D.M.] Responsibility and terms of responsibilities. " The CCC believes that due to exceeding the authority, the warfolome can not be left in Turkey.

The non-canonical CCC was formed in 1922 to solve the Turkish government, which was trying to create a national church, not related to Greek Orthodoxy. Today, this church has three temples, five communities and less than 1 thousand parishioners. It is officially registered as a religious structure, may have and expand its church property. Currently, the Turkish Orthodox Church is headed by Patriarch Eftim IV (Erenerol), in the world Pasha Yumith Erener, grandson of the founder of the Ephtima Church I.

So far, the CPC is not recognized by any of the 15 local Orthodox churches of the world. However, in the logic of the Ukrainian scenario, the Turkish state has all the grounds to declare the "National Church" it is the CCC, and fanariths to register as a foreign education. Then the entire church property of the Ecumenical Patriarchate will switch to the CPU, and the Turkish authorities, like the Ukrainian authorities, will ask for recognition. And why does anyone to deny the Turks in this if the car flew has already paved the track?

The impetus to such development of events can give further steps of the fanar, scheduled for them in the near future. At the end of October - November, Bartholomew intends together with the Romanian Orthodox Church to begin the next phase of the ROC split: plans to provide the carfall of the Moldovan Orthodox Church with the subsequent transition to the power of Romanians. The Ecumenical Patriarch here has its own benefit - he would have moved away in this case the Orthodox parishes of Gagauzia. Of all the Turks living in Moldova, Orthodox Gagauz (150 thousand) in their dialect closest to the Anatolian Turks. A lot of them moved in former years to Turkey, and recently they come there and on earnings. The total number of Gagauzians in Turkey can reach 50-75 thousand Greeks, no more than 2-3 thousand remained in Turkey.

Thinking up "Moldavian maneuver", Bartholomew expects to strengthen its position in Turkey, but here it can be disappointed. For the TPC Gagauz - the main address environment, since other Orthodox Turks (Chuvashi and Yakuts) are quite far from the language and culture of Anatoly and are much stronger integrated into the ROC. Gagauza Bartholomew will not get it, it is not forte, and free people. Rather, they are destined to become an additional bridge between the ROC and the CPC, and consequently, between Turkey and Russia. After receiving the property of Fanar and expanding the flock, at the expense of Gaguzov, the CCC may well join a number of recognized small Orthodox churches.

The National Greek (Eleladskaya) Church has long been delighted with the claims of Bartholomew, but he has not yet rejected special obstacles to the sense of national solidarity. However, in the context of the Wartholoma (suicidal for the fan), the plane of the World Orthodoxy for the National Apartments of the Elaladsk Church may well wish the transition to its Omoform while controlled by the ecumenical Patribe of parishes in Crete, and most importantly, such a precious shrine, like Mount Athos, where from 20 monasteries 17 - Greek. And why would the Russian Orthodox Church do not support these aspirations? Thus, the legal inconsistencies around the status of Athos, which arose in the grace of the fanar can be settled and significantly improved ROC relations with mainland Greece.

In this regard, the visit to the Sochi of the Egyptian President of AS-Sisi is drawn to special attention. In the new conditions, one of the topics of his negotiations with V. Putin could be the situation in the upcoming Orthodox world of the Patriarch of the Alexandrian Meodor II.

The main Orthodox churches referred to the second in Diptyja and supporting the ROC in its dispute with Constantinople, he in the meaning of Alexandria in the formation of ancient Christianity may well become first. It is here, in Egypt, the world's first Christian monasteries of St. Anthony and St. Paul have been created and until now. For Egypt, who believes part of a large holy land and considers that he has much more rights for this than, for example, Turkey, obtaining such an honorary championship in the Orthodox world is prestigious in itself. Note that at least 8-10 million East Christians live in Egypt compared to several thousand in Turkey.

The actions of the fanar may not lead to expansion of unheard of size, but to its complete marginalization and subsequent oblivion. And it will certainly be sorry, because, together with this Istanbulsky district, the important part of the Byzantine culture will take place. However, how to save those who do not want it? The initiators of the Ukrainian Avochefalia from Washington and Kiev, history will make merit pretty quickly, but hierarchs that are led to the call of sweet-haired Sires will have to respond to God's judgment.

And what is waiting for them in earthly life? It is possible that the last refuge for the Bartholomew will be the same andreva church in Kiev (near the house of Mikhail Bulgakov), which is donated by the Ecumenical Patriarch Poroshenko. And in the interlocutors, the Bartholomew will be the ghost of such a Bulgakov literary hero, like Woland. Who knows, maybe all this moving from the non-microgenic Istanbul in beautiful Kiev is planned consciously. However, the enthusiasts of Tomos promised to Ukrainians something other, and not expensive dependents. And then the inhabitants of Ukraine may seem very strange distribution of the national-cultural and religious doors, the severity of whom and there is no matter what ...

Dmitry Minin

The Turkish Orthodox Church filed a lawsuit to the court to Constantinople Patriarchate and Patriarch Bartholomew, reports.

As the spokesman for the Patriarchate of Turkish Sevy Erenerol, the lawsuit was filed against the background of decisions to proceed to the provision of church auto-reflies in Ukraine. According to her, the claim states that "this is a political and distant matter from religion."

"Varfolomew has no authority to send his Exarch to Ukraine and give the autochefali of her church.

The status of the Constantinople Patriarch, according to the Lausanne peace treaty of 1923, is limited to the departure of the Greeks for living in Turkey, "said Erenerol.

She also stated that Bartholomew exceeded his powers and intervened in the internal affairs of countries.

Other local churches were reacted into the actions of Constantinople. The head of the Orthodox Church in America Metropolitan Ion (Paffhausen) called on the parties responsible for the split, to repent and stop the madness.

According to him, the provision of the Avtokhefialia of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) is the "great temptation of evil." At the same time, in his opinion, the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) had no choice but to stop relations with Constantinople. He suggested that

the provision of autocephaly can lead to a serious confrontation in Ukraine, noting that believers will protect their temples, "how they defended them from confiscation in the Soviet Union from.

Serbian Patriarch Irinev believes that the decision of the Constantinople Patriarchate on the provision of autochefalia of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) may be "catastrophic".

"Today our church is in great temptation. The temptation that has been comprehended by our first hierarch, the Universal Patriarch: to make a decision that may be catastrophic for the Church ... to recognize the split church and even give her Avtochefali, "said the clergyman about the decision to provide the UPC autofall.

He stressed that Bartholomew "There was no right" to make such a decision that threatens the integrity of other Orthodox churches.

"In the move, which led to the split, and not only on the canonical territory of the autonomous Ukrainian Orthodox Church ... the possibility of creating new units in other local churches," is concerned about Irina.

The concern of the Serbian patriarch on this occasion is not surprising. The jurisdiction of the SPC applies not only to Serbia, but also to Macedonia and Montenegro, and, in the latter, the soluble self-proclaimed Chernogorsk Orthodox Church operates.

The head of the Serbian Church recalled that "the talent of the Avochefalia cannot be the prerogative of only one Constantinople Patriarchate", such decisions are accepted only with the consent of all the local Orthodox churches.

Irina warned by Konstantinople patriarchs from dating the Ukrainian church unilaterally, because it "will not bring the consent and peace to the Ukrainian land, but, on the contrary, it will be the cause of new divisions and new splits."

And indeed, after the Synod is adopted by the ROC decision on the breaking of relations with Constantinople,

the threat of split bought not only over the world Orthodoxy, but also over the UPC MP.

Being part of the Russian Orthodox Church, the UPC supported the Synod solution, but individual clergymen are ready to proceed under the jurisdiction of the Universal Patriarchate.

The Hierarch of the Moscow Patriarchate Metropolitan Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky and Vishnevsky Alexander (Dabinco) declared himself by the cleric of Constantinople Patriarchate.

"At the last meeting, Constantinople Patriarchate canceled the transfer of Kiev Metropolis to the Moscow Patriarchate. Since then, we can assume that the territory of Ukraine is the territory of the restored Metropolis of Constantinople Patriarchate. Actually, from that moment we are, today, the clerics of the Konstantinople church, "said Metropolitan Alexander.

Thus, the priestly violated the solution of the Synod of the ROC, which prohibits the priests of the Russian Church to interact with Constantinople.

- notes in a conversation with "Gazeta.Ru" a leading researcher at the Institute of Europe and the President of the Guild of Experts on Religion and Roman Lungin.

According to the expert, according to the rules, the Ukrainian priest should now be devoted to Anathema, but the solution can only be adopted by Metropolitan MP onufriy.

At the same time, Dabinco does not first oppose the official position of the UEs of the Moscow Patriarchate. In 2012, the Holy Synod of the UPC MP even accused him of unworthy behavior and took him off the head of the Department of External Church Relations. As stressed at the meeting, Metropolitan "sowed troubles and suspicion among the episcopate and clergy."

By that time, when this decision was made, Dabinko for many years was the referential of the Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine, Vladimir, who was then sick.

Already this year, in the spring, he signed an appeal to the Bartholomew with a request to provide UPC independence. At about the same time, he published an article on LB.UA website, which explained the need for autochefalia.

Moreover, Metropolitan accused Russia in an attempt to annexation of the Ukrainian territory.

However, Dybenko is not really a major figure in the Ukrainian church, Mokin notes. "He is a Metropolitan without a diocese. Surely he went for Constantinople in search of a "good life" and some more worthy role in creating a single Ukrainian church, "says the expert.

At the same time, Dybenko is not the only Ukrainian priest who has been configured to Moscow before the current split. There are several dozen of such clergy in UPC MP, says Lunkin.

Nevertheless, even looking at this, the threat of split in the framework of the UPC MP cannot be considered serious.

"And for this there are several factors. First, Ukrainian politicians have been transferred to the church. It could not not affect the opinion of the clergy. Secondly, in the UPC MP there is a clear understanding that the actions of Bartholomew is unlawful. Finally, in the UPC MP, few people want to associate themselves with the Raskolnik Filaret, who now looks like the most likely candidate for the role of the head of the United Constantinople of the Ukrainian Church, "the expert argues.

Stambul, November 14th.In Turkey, a campaign is rewritten demanding to prohibit the activities of the Constantinople Patriarchate and transfer it to Greece. It is held at the initiative of the Foundation of St. Nicholas, and found support from various organizations of the country, RIA Novosti reports.

"Our actions set the purpose of banning in Turkey Konstantinople Patriarchate, appropriate for the provision of status, similar to the Vatican. We are supported by various organizations - public, humanitarian and political," RIA Novosti said the head of the Muammemer Karabuluth Foundation.

According to him, Turkish citizens can express their attitude to the problem of the patriarchy by interactive voting on the Internet. From this Saturday, it is organized on a special site "Patriarchate - to Greece," said the head of the St. Nicholas.

One of the first initiatives of the prohibition of activities in Turkey Konstantinople Patriarchate supported Patriarchate T.N. Independent Turkish Orthodox church.

"Konstantinople Patriarchate - the Religious Institute of Greece, where it should be," the representative of the Church Sevgi Ernerol said.

"Turkey is a secular and democratic state, and no religious organization has the right to engage in its territory political activities. Constantinople Patriarch Bartholomew I, called himself universal, violates not only Turkish laws, but also illegally assigns leadership over the Orthodox world." - The representative of the Turkish Orthodox Church was noted.

According to Ernerol, "Bartholomew, using certain forces in the United States, puts plans to split Turkey and subordination to the Konstantinople Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church."

The initiative of the prohibition of activities in Turkey of Constantinople Patriarchate was also supported by representatives of nationalist organizations united in the "Platform of the National Forces". On the eve of them spent the picketing of the Patriarchate in Istanbul.

"We will not allow the transformation of the part of Istanbul to the Vatican," said RIA Novosti one of the leaders of the Platform, the head of the Union of Lawyers of Turkey, Kemal Kerinchsiz.

"We condemn the authorities who are not able to put an end to the ecumenical lawlessness of Bartholomew," the interlocutor said. He pointed out the inadmissibility of the violation of the head of the Constantinople Patriarchate of existing laws relating to its status. According to Turkish legislation, Bartholomew I is a leader of a few Greek community, the head of the Union of Lawyers said.

The ecumenical activity of the Constantinople patriarch in recent years has repeatedly became the subject of serious disputes in the political circles of Turkey on the status of the Patriarchate.

The minister of Foreign Affairs Abdullah Gul recently led the hell, stating that the status of the Constantinople Patriarchate remains unchanged.

At the same time, he referred to the Lausanne Agreement from 1923, as a result of which modern Turkey was formed, and said that "there is no word about the status of the Patriarchate and Patriarch."

Reference. According to the site "The Hierarchy of the Churches", the Turkish Orthodox Church was unrecognized by the local Orthodox churches in 1922 on the orders of the Turkish government, which was trying to create a "national" Orthodox Church, not related to Greek Orthodoxy. He headed the Church Paul Karakissaridis, a turco-speaking Greek from Malaya Asia. It was an attempt to tear the Greeks living in Turkey from Greece and make them patriots of young Turkey.

This undertone failed - except for the small number of Orthodox Turks, and the minimum of the Greeks, nobody went to this neoplasm. Paul himself, after the proclaim itself, "Patriarch" took the name Eftim and changed the Greek surname to Turkish - Ernerol. At the beginning of the existence of the Church, Ephtima managed to get a small number of followers, on June 1, 1923, they tried to kidnap the Patriarch of Meltyoi IV, and on October 2, Papa Epima siege to the Synod of the Constantinople Church and appointed his synod, trying to spend the coup in the church, and for a short time he occupied the Patriarchate building.

After the election of the new Patriarch of Constantinople in December of the same year, the self-proclaimed dad and the patriarch repeated the action, but this time the police expelled him quickly. In 1924, he captured the Church of Mary in Galate (Istanbul district, where there was the greatest number of his supporters). On June 6, it was decided to postpone the residence of the "Turkish Orthodox Patriarchate" from Cayseri to Istanbul. In 1926, Eftim captured the second church in Galat. However, soon the Turkish government ceased to support the church openly, and after the death of Ataturk, she generally lost its support.

In 1956, Eftim captures two more Orthodox churches in Galat. After Ephitim fell ill, his throne occupies his son Turgut (Georgy) Ernerol under the name Eftim II. The church has always been extremely small, but it existed until recently and even had two communities outside of Turkey (not clear how real). World Orthodoxy does not recognize this movement due to numerous canonical violations, up to a married bishopath and Turkish nationalism. After death, Eftim II Patriarch was his brother Celhuk Ernerol. As the site "Hierarchy of churches" notes, except the Ernerol family, there are no more believers in this church, temples do not function due to the lack of priests.

The heads of this religious organization were:

Eftim I (Ernerol) (September 15, 1922 -1962)
Eftim II (Ernerol) (1962-1991)
Eftim III (Ernerol) (1991 - December 2002)

Turkey (Tour. Türkiye), officially Turkish Republic (Tour. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti) is a state mainly in South-West Asia, and partly (about 3% of the territory, 20% of the population) - in Southeast Europe (Eastern Frace). It was formed in 1923 as a result of the separation of the Ottoman Empire after its defeat in the First World War and the following national liberation war of the Turkish people, the abolition of the monarchy and the transformation of the territory with the predominance of the Turkish ethnos into the Turkish National State. State language - Turkish.

Largest cities

  • Istanbul
  • Ankara
  • Izmir.
  • Bursa
  • Adana
  • Antalya
  • Konya

Orthodoxy in Turkey

Christianity (and after the church 1054 and actually orthodoxy) - The main religion on the territory of modern Turkey in the III-XV centuries. Formerly under the 20th century, a significant Orthodox minority (Greeks, as well as Arabs) since the 1920s has undergone a sharp reduction and is now preserved in Istanbul and Islands. The whole territory of Turkey is within the church jurisdiction of the Konstantinople Patriarchate (Hatay was previously entered into the Antioch Patriarchate).


In the region, which later became the territory of Turkey, in the I and II centuries preached a number of apostles and husbands of the apostolic, in particular Andrei was the first-surveyant, which is revered as the founder of the Konstantinople church; There were meetings of all church cathedrals recognized in Orthodoxy universe. According to the New Testament Book of Acts (11:26), the first name of Christians for the followers of Christ was applied in Antioch (now Turkey, near the city of Antakya).

By the beginning of the twentieth century, Muslims were prevailed as in Eastern Frakia, although the Orthodox majority (71%) were preserved in the Aydin area (Smirna / Modern Izmir) and Trapezund (Trabzon); Orthodox also accounted for a significant minority of the population of Constantinople (the capital of the Ottoman Empire).

Under the conditions of the Greco-Turkish exchange of 1923, the Orthodox Greeks were obliged to leave Turkey, and Muslims - Greece; Exceptions were Muslims of Western Frace in Greece, on the one hand, and Orthodox Greeks in Constantinople - on the other. Most of the latter left the country after the pussy of 1955.

Modern position

For 2011, according to certain researchers, the number of Orthodox in Turkey is 0.008% of the population of the country (i.e. about 5897 people).

In the territory of the Republic of Turkey, there are currently 5 Dioceses of the Constantinople Orthodox Church:

  1. Constantinople Archbishopia, headed by Patriarch: Istanbul and surroundings;
  2. Halkidon Metropolia: Asian part of Turkey
  4. Princonis Metropolia: Princes Islands
  5. Derkaya Metropolia.

The Saints

  • sv. ap. Pavel
  • sv. ap. and ev. John theologian
  • sv. ap. Philip
  • sv. SVT. Nikolai Mirlijsky
  • sv. Right. John English
  • sv. PS Feodor Studit.


Istanbul (Constantinople).

St. George's Cathedral of the Victorious Konstantinople Orthodox Church. Power and icon:

  • mC. Solomonia (Maccaveyev brothers),
  • mC. Evfimia All-Unwanted (IV century),
  • sv. Emperorian Feofania (IX century),
  • sVT. John Zlatoust (?),
  • sVT. Gregory theologian (?),
  • icon of the Mother of God "All-Blended."

Monastery of Our Lady Balcles of the Constantinople Orthodox Church:

  • icon of the Mother of God "Library Source",
  • the icon of the Mother of God "Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of God."

Ephesa ruins. Destroyed temple of St. John the Cologovo:

  • the grave is. John the Bogoslov.

Ancient Hierapolis (Pamukkale):

Holy places and temples

  • Saint Sophia Cathedral (Istanbul)
  • Church of St. Irina (Istanbul)
  • Studiy Monastery (Istanbul)
  • Church of Saints Sergius and Vakha (Istanbul)
  • Church of God Mother Pamacaristos (Istanbul)
  • Cave settlements of the historical region Cappadocia
  • House where Holy John lived (Yugryp city)
  • Church of Saints Constantine and Elena (Mustafapasha)
  • Lycian worlds
  • Ancient Hierapolis / Pamukkale (place of sermons and death AP Philip)
  • The grave is. John the Theologian (Ephesus)
  • Grotto seven Ephesian
  • Ancient theater - the place of the scourge of the AP. Paul
  • Church of St. Sophia, where the first universal cathedral was held (Nikia)
  • Church of the monastery of the Savior in the choir
  • Church of the Most Holy Virgin in Velverne
  • Livestone Source of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Temple in Balykli
  • Bulgarian Church of the archidacon Stephen
  • Midician Monastery in Zeytinbaga
  • Monastery Panagia managed on the rock of Trabzon
  • The former temple at the site of the original burial SVT. Nicholas (Demrem)


  • Monastery of the Holy Trinity on the island of Heibeliad (acting)

The Turkish Orthodox Church is an unrecognized split church.

Brief History of the Church

The church was formed in 1922 by order of the Turkish government, which was trying to create a "national" Orthodox Church, not related to Greek Orthodoxy, and, accordingly, with Greek nationalism. He headed the Church Paul Karakissaridis, a turco-speaking Greek from Malaya Asia. It was an attempt to tear the Greeks living in Turkey from Greece and make them patriots of young Turkey. This undertone failed - except for the small number of Orthodox Turks, and the minimum of the Greeks, nobody went to this neoplasm. Paul himself, after the proclaim itself, "Patriarch" took the name Eftim and changed the Greek surname to Turkish - Ernerol. At the beginning of the existence of the Church, Eftim managed to get a small number of followers, on June 1, 1923, they tried to kidnap the patriarch of Meltyoi IV, and on October 2, Papa Epima was siege to the Synod of the Constantinople Church and appointed his synod, trying to spend the coup in the church, and during a short time he occupied the Patriarchate Building. After the election of the new Patriarch in December of the same year, the self-proclaimed dad and the patriarch repeated the action, but this time the police quickly refuser. In 1924, he captured the Church of Mary in Galate (Istanbul district, where there was the greatest number of his supporters). On June 6, it was decided to postpone the residence of the "Turkish Orthodox Patriarchate" from Cayseri to Istanbul. In 1926, Eftim captured the second church in Galat. However, soon the Turkish government ceased to support the church openly, and after the death of Ataturk, she generally lost its support. In 1956, Eftim captures two more Orthodox churches in Galat. After Ephitim fell ill, his throne occupies his son Turgut (Georgy) Ernerol under the name Eftim II. The church has always been extremely small, but it existed until recently and even had two communities outside of Turkey (not clear how real). World Orthodoxy does not recognize this movement due to numerous canonical violations, up to a married bishopath and Turkish nationalism. After death, Eftim II Patriarch was his brother Celhuk Ernerol. After his death, the existence of the Church is doubtful, since in addition to the Ernerol family there are no more believers in it, the churches do not function due to the lack of priests. One of the three churches belonging to the jurisdiction in the hiring. In 2003, the fourth Patriarch was the grandson of the first of them, but it is doubtful that someone is handcapped, and most likely the church operates as a political organization. Nothing is not known about the implementation of plans to attract the church to the church.

Head of the Church - "Dad"

Eftim I (Aernerol Zekka) (September 15, 1922 -1962)
Eftim II (Turgut Ernerool) (1962-1991)
Eftim III (Ernerol Cell) (1991 - December 2002)
Eftim IV (Pasha Yumit Ernerol) (2003 -