Chernyshevsky what to do the year of writing. Analysis of the novel Chernyshevsky "What to do? Formation of a "new person" in the middle of the XIX century

Chernyshevsky what to do the year of writing. Analysis of the novel Chernyshevsky
Chernyshevsky what to do the year of writing. Analysis of the novel Chernyshevsky "What to do? Formation of a "new person" in the middle of the XIX century

Particularly written in response to the work of Ivan Turgenev "Fathers and Children".

Chernyshevsky wrote a novel, while in a single camera of Alekseevsky Rodnelin Petropavlovskaya Fortress, from December 14, 1862 to April 4, 1863. From January 1863, the manuscript of parts is transmitted to the Investigation Commission on the Chernyshevsky case (the last part was transferred on April 6). Commission, and after her, and censors saw in the novel only a love line and gave permission to press. The lack of censorship was soon seen, the responsible censor of Beketov was removed from office. However, the novel was already published in the magazine "Contemporary" (1863, No. 3-5). Despite the fact that the rooms of the "contemporary", in which the novel "What to do?" Was printed, were banned, the text of the novel in handwritten copies was divided into the country and caused a lot of imitation.

In 1867, the novel was published by a separate book in Geneva (in Russian) by Russian emigrants, then was translated into Polish, Serbian, Hungarian, French, English, German, Italian, Swedish and Dutch. In Soviet times also at Finnish and Tajik (Farsi). The influence of the novel Chernyshevsky is felt by Emil Zol ("Dame happiness"), Strindberg ("Utopia in reality"), a worker of the Bulgarian national revival of Lyuba Carvelev ("Is the fate" guilty "is guilty).

"What to do", like "fathers and children", gave rise to the so-called anti-dense novel. In particular, the "on the knives" of Leskov, where the motifs of the work of Chernyshevsky are used parodigo.

A ban on the publication of the novel "What to do?" It was removed only in 1905. In 1906, the novel was first printed in Russia with a separate publication.

In the novel N. G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?" Mentioned aluminum. In the "naive utopia" of the fourth sleep, the faith of Pavlovna, he is called the metal of the future. "Big Future" Aluminum reached the middle of the 20th century.

"Lady in Tourra", appearing at the end of the work, is Olga Socratna Chernyshevskaya, Writer's wife. At the end of the novel, we are talking about the release of Chernyshevsky from the Petropavlovsk fortress, where he was during the writing of the novel. He never waited for liberation: on February 7, 1864, Kathers were sentenced to 14 years later, followed by settlement to Siberia.

The main characters with the surname of Kirsanov are also found in the novel of Ivan Turgenev "Fathers and Children", but researchers refuse the heroes of the Genovers of Chernyshevsky and Turgenev among themselves.

With the ideas of Chernyshevsky, in particular with his thoughts about the future of mankind, F. M. Dostoevsky in "Notes from the underground", thanks to which the image of the "Crystal Palace" became the common motive of world literature of the 20th century.

Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky

What to do?

From stories about new people

From the editor

Roman N. G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?" It was written in the walls of the Petropavlovsk Fortress in December 1862 - April 1863, soon printed in the "contemporary", he played a colossal, with nothing with a comparable role not only in the artistic literature, but also in the history of the Russian socio-political struggle. No wonder thirty-eight years later V. I. Lenin also entitled his work dedicated to the basics of the new ideology.

Printed in a hurry, with an uncess-invertible loaf, which could prohibit the publication of the next chapters, the magazine contained a number of negligence, typos and other defects - some of them remained uninhatened.

The rooms of the "contemporary" in 1863, containing the text of the novel, were strictly seized, and the Russian reader for more than forty years was forced to use either five foreign reprints (1867-1898), or by illegal handwritten copies.

Only the revolution of 1905 removed the censorship ban from the novel, by the right of the name of the "Life Tutorial". Until 1917, four publications were published, prepared by the Son Writer - M. N. Chernyshevsky.

After the Great October Socialist Revolution and until 1975, the novel was reissued in Russian at least 65 times, a total circulation of more than six million copies.

In 1929, the Publishing House Polcotorzhan was published shortly before the Chernovaya detected in the royal archives, half the encrypted text of the novel; His reading is the result of the heroic Labor N. A. Alekseeva (1873-1972). ([Necrologist]. - True, 1972, May 18, p. 2.) However, from the point of view of the requirements of modern textology, this edition cannot satisfy us today. It is enough to say that options and stricken places are not reproduced. Many inaccuracies are also contained in the publication "What to do?" As part of the 16-Tomny "Complete Work Collection" Chernyshevsky (T. XI, 1939. Goslitisdat, Preparation of N. A. Alekseeva and A. P. Skaftimova): Compared to him in this book more than one hundred corrections.

Whatever enough, but the scientific publication of the novel has not yet been implemented. The text of it has never been fully commented: some, understandable to contemporaries, but the dark places for us remained unscrew or incorrectly interpreted.

The present edition gives the scientifically verified text of the novel and completely reproduces the draft autograph. In addition, Chernyshevsky's note is printed to A. N. Pyptin and N. A. Nekrasova, important for clarification of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel and the long time remaining mistakenly understand. The Annex provides articles on the problems of studying the novel, and notes necessary for its proper understanding.

Sincere thanks to the granddaughter of the Grand Revolutionary and Writer, N. M. Chernyshevskaya for a number of advice and unchanged friendly assistance and M. I. Perper for important texture instructions.

The main text of the novel, the note for A. N. Pyptina and N. A. Nekrasov, the article "Problems of studying the novel" What to do? "" And notes prepared S. A. Reiser; Article "Chernyshevsky-artist" - E. Tamarchenko; draft text - T. I. Ornahskaya; Bibliography of translation into foreign languages \u200b\u200b- B. L. Candel. The general edition of the publication was carried out by S. A. Reiser.

"What to do?"

From stories about new people

(Dedicated to my friend

In the morning, on July 11, 1856, the servant of one of the large Petersburg hotels at the Moscow Railway station was in bewilderment, partly even in anxiety. The day before, in the 9th hour of the evening, Mister came with a suitcase, took a numer, I gave my passport for registration, asked my tea and a cake, he said that he was not disturbed in the evening, because he was tired and wants to sleep, but so that tomorrow certainly At 8 o'clock, because he has hasty things, locked the door of the number and, twirling with a knife and Wilco, seamlessly arrived, - it can be seen, fell asleep. Came morning; At 8 o'clock the servant knocked back to yesterday's arrival - visitors do not give votes; The servant knocked stronger, very much - the visits did not respond. Seen, tired tired. The servant waited a quarter of an hour, began to wake up again, he did not appear again. He began to consult with other servants, with a buffet. "Doesn't happen to him what?" - "I need to break the doors." "No, it's not suitable: you need to break the door with polycietary." Decided to try to wake again, rising; If it does not wake up, send for polycia. Made the last sample; not visible; sent for the police and are now waiting for what they will see with her.

An hour for 10 am, a police officer came, knocked himself, told the servants to knock, - the success of the same as before. "There is nothing to do, break the door guys."

The door broke out. The room is empty. "Puck under the bed" - and under the bed there is no passage. The police officer approached the table, - a sheet of paper lay on the table, and it was written in large letters:

"I'm leaving at 11 o'clock in the evening and will not return. They will hear on the casting bridge, between 2 and 3 hours. There are no suspicion of anyone."

So it is, the thing is now understandable, and then they could not figure out in any way, "said the police officer.

What is Ivan Afanasyevich? - asked the buffet.

Let's tell me.

The story of a police officer has long served as an animated retelling and reasoning in the hotel. The story was what kind.

In half the 3rd hour - and the night was cloud, dark - on the middle of the casting bridge flashed fire, and a pistol shot heard. The guard ministers rushed to the shot, the small passersby were escaped, "no one was on the place where the shot was heard. So, did not shoot, but shot himself. Hunters were found to dive, dragged after a few times the bugs, pulled even some fishing network, dived, groped, caught, caught fifty big chips, but did not find bodies and were not caught. And how to find? - Night dark. It is in these two hours on the seaside, "look, look for there. Therefore, there were progressors who rejected the former assumption: "Or maybe there was no body? Maybe drunk, or just a mischievous, he suffered, - he fired, and she ran away - and then, perhaps, rightly stands in a cotton crowd yes Fall over the alarm, which one has done. "

But the majority, as always, when it argues prudently, it turned out to be conservative and defended the old one: "What he thought - let me put a bullet in his forehead, and that's it." Progressists were defeated. But the winning party, as always, was divided immediately after the previously. Shot so; But why? "Drunk," - was the opinion of some conservatives; "Dragged out," the other conservatives argued. "Just a fool," said someone. On this "just a fool" came together, even those who rejected that he shot himself. Indeed, drunk, whether the fucking shot himself, or a mischief, was not shot at all, but only threw a thing, it's still a stupid, stupid thing.

This stopped on the bridge at night. In the morning, in the hotel at the Moscow Railway, it was found that the fool did not think, and she shot himself. But as a result of history, the element with whom they were committed and defeated, precisely, that if he did not stalk, but he shot himself, then the fool. This satisfactory for all the result was particularly durable for all because the conservatives were enthusiastic: in fact, if only stunned a shot on the bridge, then, in essence, it was even doubtful, the fool of Lee, or only a mischief. But he shot himself on the bridge, - Who is shooting on the bridge? How is it on the bridge? Why on the bridge? Stupid on the bridge! And therefore, undoubtedly, the fool.

Again, in some doubt: shot himself on the bridge; It is not shooting on the bridge, "hence he was not shot. "But by the evening, the servants of the hotel was brought to the part of looking out of the water out of the water a shoe foam," everyone acknowledged that the forage was the most that was on the roadway. So, undoubtedly shot himself, and the spirit of denial and progress is finally defeated.

Roman N. G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?" Created by him in the cell of the Petropavlovsk fortress in the period from 14/12/1862 to 4/04/1863. For three and a half months. From January to April 1863, the manuscript was transferred to the Commission on the case of a writer for censorship. Censorship nothing reprehensible and allowed the publication. Nonading was soon discovered and the censor of Beketov was removed from office, but the novel was already published in the magazine "Contemporary" (1863, NO 3-5). The prohibitions of the log numbers did not lead to anything and the book was divided into the country in Samizdat.

In 1905, under the emperor, Nicholas the second ban was removed for the publication, and in 1906 the book was published in a separate circulation. The reaction of readers on the novel, which was divided according to two camps. Some supported the author, others found the novel by deprived artisticity.

Analysis of the work

1. Socio-political updating of society by revolution. In the book, the author because of censorship could not deploy this topic more. It is given by semi-skills in the description of Rakhmetov's life and in the 6th chapter of the novel.

2. Moral and psychological. That a man of his mind is capable of creating new defined moral qualities in itself. The author describes the whole process from the small (struggle against despotism in the family) and to a large-scale, that is, the revolution.

3. Women's emancipation, the norms of family morality. This topic is revealed in the history of the Faith family, in the relations of three young people to the imaginary suicide of Lopukhov, in the 3rd sodes of faith.

4. Future Socialist Society. This is a dream of a beautiful and bright life that the author unfolds in the 4th dream of Vera Pavlovna. Here is the vision of lightweight work with the help of technical means, i.e., the technogenic development of production.

(Chernyshevsky in the camera of the Petropavlovsk fortress writes a novel)

Pafos Roman - Promotion of the idea of \u200b\u200bconverting peace through the revolution, training of the minds and expectation of it. Moreover, the desire to participate is active in it. The main goal of the work is to develop and introduce a new methodology for revolutionary education, creating a textbook on the formation of a new worldview for each thinking person.

Story line

In the novel, it actually covers the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. It's not for nothing in vain at first, even censors considered the novel no more than a love story. The beginning of the work, deliberately entertaining, in the spirit of French novels, was aimed at confusing censorship and simultaneously involving the attention of most reading public. The plot is based on a simple love story, behind which the social, philosophical and economic problems of that time are hidden. Ezopov The language of the narrative is permeated by the ideas of the coming revolution.

The plot is such. There is an ordinary girl Vera Pavlovna Rosalskaya, who the mercenary mother tries in every way to give out for rich. Trying to avoid this fate, the girl resorts to the help of his friend Dmitry Lopukhov and concludes a fictitious marriage with him. Thus, she gets freedom and leaves the parent of the parents. Hospitations earnings Vera opens the sewing workshop. This is not a completely ordinary workshop. There are no workers, workers have their own share in profit, so interested in the prosperity of the enterprise.

Faith and Aleklander Kirsanov are mutually in love. To release the imaginary wife from remorse of the conscience of Lopukhov, the suicide is drawn (it is from the description of it and all the action begins) and leaves for America. There, he acquires the new name Charles Biamont, becomes an agent of the English company and, fulfilling its task, comes to Russia to acquire a stearin plant from the industrialist of Polozov. Lopukhov at home by Polozov meets his daughter Katya. They fall in love with each other, the case is ending with. Now Dmitry is declared in front of the family of Kirsanov. Family friendship begins, they settle in the same house. Around them forces a circle of "new people", who want to arrange their own and social life in a new way. Lopukhov-Biamont's wife Ekaterina Vasilyevna also joins the case, suits a new sewing workshop. Such is a happy ending.

main characters

The central character of the novel - Vera Rosalskaya. Especially sociable, refers to the type of "honest girls", not ready to compromise for a profitless marriage without love. The girl is romantic, but, despite this, quite modern, with good administrative deposits, as they would say today. Therefore, she was able to interest the girls and organize sewing production and not one.

Another character of Roman - Lopukhov Dmitry Sergeevich, student of the Medical Academy. Slightly closed, prefers loneliness. He is honest, deceitful and noble. It was these qualities that promoted him to help faith in her heavy situation. For the sake of it, he still takes into account in the last year and begins to engage in private practice. Following the official husband of the faith of Pavlovna, he behaves in relation to her extremely decent and noble. The apogee of his nobility becomes his decision to draw his own death to give some other friend Kirsanov and faith to unite his destinies. Just like faith, it refers to the formation of new people. Smole, adventurous. This can be judged at least because the English firm entrusted him a very serious thing.

Kirsanov Alexander Male Vera Pavlovna, the best friend of Lopukhov. Very impressed his attitude towards his wife. He doesn't just love her tenderly, but also looking for her a lesson in which she could self-realize. The author is experiencing deep sympathy to him and responds about him as a brave person who knows how to lead to the end of the case for which he took. At the same time, the person is honest, deeply decent and noble. Not knowing about the true relations of faith and Lopukhov, falling in love with Pavlovna faith, disappears for a long time from their home, in order not to disturb the peace of his favorite people. Only Lopukhov's disease forces it to appear to treat a friend. A fictitious husband, realizing the state of lovers, imitates his death and frees the place for Kirsanov next to faith. Thus, lovers gain happiness in family life.

(In the photo Artist Karnevich Valua in the role of Rakhmetov, the play "New People")

A close friend of Dmitry and Alexander revolutionary Rakhmetov is the most significant hero of the novel, although he is given a little place in the novel. In ideological canvas of the story, he fell a special role and dedicated to a separate retreat in the 29th chapter. Man extraordinary in all respects. At 16 years left, he left the university for three years and wandered in Russia in search of adventures and cultivation of character. This is a person with already formed principles in all spheres of life, in material, physical and spiritual. At the same time, having a boiler in nature. He sees his further life in serving people and is preparing for this by placing his spirit and body. Refused even from the beloved woman, because love can limit him in actions. He would like to live like most people, but can not afford it.

In Russian literature, Rakhmetov became the first revolutionary practice. Opinions about it were completely opposite, from indignation, before admiration. This is the perfect image of the revolutionar - the hero. But today, from the position of knowledge of history, such a person could only cause sympathy, as we know how accurately the story has proven the correctness of the emperor of France Napoleon Bonaparte: "The revolutions are conceived by the heroes, fools are performed by their fruits." Perhaps the voiced opinion does not fully fit into the framework of the image formed by decades and the characteristics of Rakhmetov, but this is indeed. The foregoing does not diminish the quality of Rakhmetov, because he is a hero of his time.

According to Chernyshevsky, on the example of faith, Lopukhov and Kirsanova, he wanted to show ordinary people of a new generation, which thousands. But without the image of Rakhmetov, the reader could have a deceptive opinion about the main characters of the novel. According to the writer, all people should be such as these three hero, but the highest ideal, to which all people should strive, this is the image of Rakhmetov. And with this I fully agree.

Roman Nikolai Chernyshevsky "What to do?" Contemporaries perceived ambiguously. Some considered him "abomination", others - "Charming". This is due to a complex composition, attempts to hide the main idea of \u200b\u200bdreams of the main character and the love triangle and, finally, with the peculiarities of language design. Nevertheless, the novel had a serious impact on the Russian Federation of the XIX century. Schoolchildren study it in the 10th grade. We offer a brief analysis of the work of "What to do?", Which will help qualitatively prepare for lessons and to the exam.

Brief analysis

History of creation - N. Chernyshevsky created a novel when he was in the Petropavlovsk fortress. The writer was arrested for radical ideas. The work was thought of as an answer to the "fathers and children" of Turgenev, therefore, between the images of Evgenia Bazarov and Rakhmetov there is some similarity.

Subject - In the work, you can allocate two main topics - love and life in a new society, built on the basis of labor laws and equality.

Composition - The structure of the work has features. Through Roman Lines - the Life of Vera Pavlovna, the fate of Lopukhov and Kirsanov. Main role in these storylines play love peripetics. With reality, the dreams of Vera Pavlovna are closely intertwined. With their help, the author encrypted socio-political motives.

Genre - Roman, in which it is possible to notice the features of several genre varieties - Roman-utopia, socio-political, love and philosophical novels.

Direction - Realism.

History of creation

Over the analyzed work, the writer worked for several months: from December 1862 until April 1863 at that time he was arrested in the Peter and Paul Fortress. They concluded him for radical glances. The novel thought as an answer to the "fathers and children" of Turgenev, therefore, between the images of Evgenia Bazarov and Rakhmetov there is some similarity.

Working on the novel, N. Chernyshevsky understood that censorship would not allow him to print if the acute political subtext would notice. To deceive the controlling authorities, the writer resorted to artistic techniques: I framed the social motifs with a love context, introduced dreams into the plot. He managed to print his work in the "contemporary", but soon the authorities banned not only to distribute the novel, but even imitate him. Allowed to publish the work of Chernyshevsky "What to do?" Only in 1905


The novels showed motifs characteristic of Russian literature of the XIX century. Their writer has implemented in an extraordinary, confusing plot. He filed situations that should pushing the reader to independent conclusions.

N. Chernyshevsky uncovered several meanings, among which the following are allocated: love that feeds on common interests, mutual respect; Dreams of new life. These topics are closely intertwined and determined problemsWhat to do? ": Marriage without love, friendship, equality of men and women, the role of labor in human life.

A significant part of the novel is dedicated to the life of the faith of Pavlovna. The mother of the heroine wanted to marry her for a rich man. She considered the Master Son's profitable party. Mother did not even think about the fact that it was a slate, with whom her daughter would not have happiness. From the unsuccessful marriage of the Veroil saved a medical student Dmitry Lopukhov. There was a gentle feeling between young people, and they got married. Faith became the owner of the sewing workshop. However, she did not use hired work. The heroine made girls who worked with her, co-owners, the income they divided the robust. In the story about the workshop of faith, Pavlovna, the author embodied the idea of \u200b\u200bequal labor.

Marriage with Lopukhov soon collapsed: the Verochie fell in love with her husband, Kirsanov. To unleash a love knot, Lopukhov decided to shoot. It turns out that he left a note that was discussed at the beginning of the novel. In the message, he stated that no one was to blame for his death, and Vera Pavlovna calmly married Kirsanov.

Couple healed happily. Vera Pavlovna was passionate about his favorite business - sewing workshops, began to study medicine, and her husband helped her in every way. In the descriptions of the family life of these people, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe equality of men and women is manifested. At the end of the novel, we learn that Lopukhov is alive. Now I took the last name Biamont and married the polozoa Catherine Vasilyevna. Kirsanov's families and Burmont begin to be friends and distribute the ideas of "new" life.


In "What to do?" Analysis should be added to the characteristic of the composition. Features of the formal and semantic text organization allow the author to reveal several topics, to carry out the forbidden motives. At first glance, love peripetias play the main role in the novel. In fact, they are mask hiding socio-political problems. To disclose the last, the author used the description of the dreams of Vera Pavlovna.

The constituent plots are placed inconsistently: the author provides an event from the development of actions before exposure, and only then the scene elements are built into a logical chain. And at the beginning, and at the end of the novel appears the image of Lopukhov. So, a peculiar framing is created.

main characters


The genre of the work is a novel, since it has several storylines, and the central problem remains open. The product is inherent in genre syncretism: they intertwined the features of love, philosophical, socio-political novels and utopia. The direction of the work is realism.

Test on the work

Rating Analysis

Average rating: 4.1. Total ratings received: 72.

Your novel "What to do?" The famous Russian writer Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky created at that time when it was imprisoned in one of the chambers of the Petropavlovsk fortress. The time of writing a novel - from December 14, 1862 to April 4, 1863, that is, the work that became a masterpiece of Russian literature was created in just three and a half months. Already since January 1863, at the time of the final stay of the author, he passed the manuscript in parts to the commission, which was engaged in the writer. Here the work took place censorship, which was approved. Soon, the novel was published in 3, as well as 4 and 5 rooms of the contemporary magazine for 1863. For such inoperation, the censor of Beckets lost his position. After that, the prohibitions of all three log numbers followed. However, it was too late. The work of Chernyshevsky was separated by the country with the help of "Samizdat".

And only in 1905, during the reign of Emperor Nikolai, the second ban was removed. Already in 1906 the book "What to do?" published a separate circulation.

Who are they, new heroes?

The reaction to the work of Chernyshevsky was ambiguous. Readers, based on their opinions, were divided into two opposite camps. Some of them believed that the novel was deprived of artisticity. The second fully supported the author.

However, it is worth remembering that the images of "extra people" were created to Chernyshevsky writers. The bright sample of such heroes are Pechorin, Oblomov and Onegin, which, despite the available differences, are similar in their "smart nanity." These people, "Pigmeys of the Cause and Titans of the Words" were the ones of divorced, suffering from a constant disorder between the will and consciousness, a matter and thought. In addition, their characteristic feature was the moral exhaust.

Not such represents Chernyshevsky's heroes. He created images of "new people", who know that they need to be desired, as well as are able to carry out their own intentions. Their thought goes next to the case. Their consciousness and will are not in the breakdown among themselves. Heroes of Roman Chernyshevsky "What to do?" represented by carriers of the new morality and the creators of new intermediary relationships. They deserve the author's main attention. No wonder even brief content on the chapters "What to do?" Allows you to see that by the end of the second of them, the author "lets from the scene" of such representatives of the old world - Marjo Alekseevna, Storshnikova, Serge, Juli and some others.

Main essay issues

Even a very brief content "What to do?" It gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe issues that the author raises in his book. And they are as follows:

- The need for socio-political updating of the Company, which is possible by carrying out the revolution. Due to censorship, Chernyshevsky did not deploy this topic in more detail. He gave her in the form of semi-shafts when describing the life of one of the main characters - Rakhmetov, as well as in the 6th chapter.

- Psychological and moral problems. Chernyshevsky claims that a person using his mind is capable of creating new moral qualities in itself. At the same time, the author develops this process, describing it from small, in the form of a struggle against despotism in the family, to the most large-scale, which has found an expression in the revolution.

- Problems of the norms of family morality and female emancipation. This topic reveals in the three first dreams of faith, in the history of her family, as well as in the relations of young people and imaginary suicide Lopukhov.

- Dreams of bright and beautiful life, which will come when creating a socialist society in the future. This topic of Chernyshevsky lights up thanks to the fourth Snu of Vera Pavlovna. The reader sees here and lightweight work, which has become possible due to the development of technical means.

The main pathos of the novel is the propaganda idea about the conversion of the world by incurred by the revolution, as well as its expectation and preparation for this event of the best minds. At the same time, the idea of \u200b\u200bactive participation in the upcoming events is expressed.

What is the main goal set by Chernyshevsky? He dreamed of developing and implementing the latest technique that allows the revolutionary education of the masses. His work was supposed to appear a kind of textbook, with which every thought person would have to form a new worldview.

All content of the novel "What to do?" Chernyshevsky is divided into six chapters. At the same time, each of them, apart from the last, is divided into small gestures. In order to emphasize the special importance of concluding events, the author speaks separately. To do this, in the content of the novel "What to do?" Chernyshevsky includes a single-page iron called "change of decorations".

Start history

Consider the summary of the novel Chernyshevsky "What to do?". His plot begins with the found note, which in one of the rooms of the St. Petersburg hotel left a strange guest. It happened in 1823, July 11th. In the note it is reported that soon her author will hear on one of the bridges of St. Petersburg - Foundiny. At the same time, the man asked to be guilty not to look. The incident happened to the same night. Some person shot him on the casting bridge. From the water they caught the reinforced cap belonged to him.

Next, the brief content of the novel "What to do?" I introduces us with a young lady. While the morning when the event described above, it is located on the cottage located on the Stone Island. The lady sews, at the same time, at the same time, the bold and brisk French song, which refers to the workers' people, to release which the change of consciousness will need. This Woman's name is Vera Pavlovna. At this point, the maid brings a letter to a letter, after reading which she begins to cry, closing their face. The young man who entered the room makes attempts to calm her. However, the woman is crazy. She pushes a young man. At the same time she says: "On you his blood! You're in the blood! I am alone ... "

What was said in the letter, which Faith Pavlovna received? We can learn about this from the presented summary "What to do?". In his message, the writing point indicated that he leaves the scene.

The appearance of Lopukhov

What then we learn from the summary of the Roman Chernyshevsky "What to do?". After the events described, there is a story telling about the faith of Pavlovna, about her life, as well as the reasons that led to such a sad outcome.

The author suggests that his heroine was born in St. Petersburg. It also grew here. Lady's father - Pavel Konstantinovich Prsalsky - was the managers at home. Mother was engaged in giving money on bail. The main goal of Maryia Alekseevna (Mother of Vera Pavlovna) consisted of a profitable marriage of his daughter. And to solve this issue, she made maximum effort. To his daughter, the evil and not unhappy Marya Alekseevna invites Music Teachers. Buys faith beautiful clothes, goes to the theater. Soon, the son of the owner is drawn to the Son - Officer of Storchnikov. Young man decides to seduce faith.

Marya Alekseevna hopes to make Strushnikov take her daughter's wife. For this, it requires the faith of favor to a young man. However, the girl perfectly understands the true intentions of his Uhager and in every way refuses the signs of attention. Somehow it can even be misleading her mother. She pretends to be favorable to Lovela. But deception will reveal sooner or later. This makes the position of the faith of Pavlovna in the house just unbearable. However, everything was suddenly resolved, and at the same time the most unexpected way.

Dmitry Sergeevich Lopukhov appeared in the house. This median student of the graduation rate Parents of Verkhov invited her brother Fed as a teacher. Initially, young people treated each other very wary. However, then their communication began to flow into conversations about music and books, as well as about the fair direction of thoughts.

Time passed. Faith and Dmitry felt sympathy for each other. Lopukhov learns about the distressful position of the girl and makes attempts to assist her. He is looking for a governess place for the winder. Such work would allow the girl to live separately from the parents.

However, all the efforts of Lopukhov turned out to be unsuccessful. He could not find such owners who would agree to take a girl who escaped from home. Then the in love of the young man takes another step. He leaves his studies and begins to engage in translation of the textbook and private lessons. This allows him to start receiving sufficient funds. At the same time, Dmitry makes faith proposal.

First Son.

Faith dream first dream. In it, she sees herself from the dark and raw basement and having met an amazing beauty, calling himself love for people. Veroch is talking to her and promises to produce girls from such basements that are locked in them, as she was locked.

Family well-being

Young people live in a removable apartment, and they all make up well. However, the housing housing displays oddities in their relationship. Verochka and Dmitry call each other only "nice" and "cute", sleep in separate rooms, entering them only after the knock, etc. All this in an outsider is surprising. Verochka is trying to explain to the woman that this is quite normal relations between spouses. After all, it is possible to not bother to each other.

A young spouse leads the farm, gives private lessons, reads books. Soon she opens his own sewing workshop, in which girls do not work, but they get part of income as co-owned.

Second Son.

What else will we learn from the summary of the novel Chernyshevsky "What to do?". Along the plot, the author introduces us with the second sleep of Vera Pavlovna. In it she sees a field with grows growing on it. The dirt is also located here. And one of them is fantastic, and the second is real.

Under real mud means concern that most of all needed in life. This was constantly burdened by Marya Alekseevna. On this and you can grow ears. The fantastic dirt is the care of unnecessary and superfluous. On such soil, the ears will never grow up.

The appearance of a new hero

The author shows Kirsanova to the volitional and courageous person who is capable of not only a decisive act, but also on thin feelings. Alexander spends time with faith when Dmitry is busy. Together with his friend, he happens in the opera. However, soon, without explaining any reasons, Kirsanov ceases to come to Lopukhov, which is very offended by them. What was the true reason for this? Kirsanov's love in his friend's wife.

The young man appeared again in the house when Dmitry Dreams to cure him and help faith in care. And here the woman understands that he is in love with Alexander, which comes to full confusion.

Third Son.

From a brief content of the work "What to do?" We learn that the faith of Pavlovna dreams the third dream. In it, she reads the pages of his diary with some unfamiliar woman. From him she learns that only gratitude to her husband is experiencing. However, at the same time faith needs a gentle and quiet feeling, which she does not have to Dmitry.

Solution to the problem

The situation in which three decent and intelligent people turned out to be, at first glance it seems intractable. But Lopukhov finds a way out. It shoots on the casting bridge. On that day, when Vera Pavlovna received this news, Rakhmetov came to her. This old familiar Lopukhov and Kirsanov, which is called a "special person."

Acquaintance with Rakhmetov

In the summary of the novel "What to do" "a special person" Rakhmetov is represented by the author of the "Higher Nature", to awaken which Kirsanov at one time helped to the desired books. The young man is a leaving from a rich family. He sold his estate, and the money reversed for him distributed scholarships. Now Rakhmetov holds a harsh lifestyle. In part, he fought his unwillingness to have the fact that there is no simple person. In addition, Rakhmetov raised his goal of her own nature. For example, for testing its physical abilities, he is decided to sleep on nails. In addition, it does not use wine and does not make dating women. In order to approach the people, Rakhmetov even walked with burles along the Volga.

What is still talking about this hero in the novel Chernyshevsky "What to do?". A summary makes it clear that the whole life of Rakhmetov consists of sacraments that have a clearly revolutionary sense. The young man has many cases, but all of them are not personal. He drives Europe, but at the same time after three going to Russia, where it will certainly be necessary to be.

Rakhmetov came to the faith of Pavlovna after receiving the note from Lopukhov. After his persuasion, she calmed down and became even cheerful. Rakhmetov also explains that Vera Pavlovna and Lopukhov had very different characters. That is why the woman reached into Kirsanov. Soon, Vera Pavlovna went to Novgorod. There she was married to Kirsanov.

On the landliness of the characters of the windows and Lopukhov, and in a letter, soon those who came from Berlin. In this message, some kind of medical student who allegedly knew Lopukhov, handed over to the words of Dmitry that he began to feel much better after parting the spouses, as he always sought to solitude. Namely, the sociable vera Pavlovna did not allow him.

Life Kirsanov

What then tells his reader the novel "What to do?" Nikolai Chernyshevsky? The summary of the work makes it possible to understand what the love affairs in the young couple arranged to the general pleasure well. The lifestyle of Kirsanov is not much different from the one that was at the Lopukhov family.

Alexander works much. As for the faith of Pavlovna, she takes the baths, eats cream and engaged in two sewing workshops. In the house, as before, there are neutral and common rooms. However, a woman notes that her new spouse does not just just make it a lifestyle. He is interested in her affairs and is ready to come for help in a difficult moment. In addition, the spouse perfectly understands her desire to master any urgent occupation and begins to help it in the study of medicine.

Fourth Son.

Getting to get briefly with the novel Chernyshevsky "What to do?", We go to continue the plot. It tells us about the fourth dream of Vera Pavlovna, in which she sees the amazing nature and paintings from the life of women of various millennia.

At first, it appears the image of slave. This woman will obey her master. After that, in a dream, Vera sees Athenians. They begin to bow the woman, but at the same time they do not recognize her equal to themselves. Next, the following image occurs. This is a wonderful lady for which the knight is ready to fight in the tournament. However, his love immediately passes after the lady becomes his wife. Then instead of the face of the goddess Vera Pavlovna sees his own. It is not distinguished by perfect features, but at the same time illuminated by the radiance of love. And here a woman appears, which was in the first dream. She explains the meaning of equality and is the paintings of the citizens of future Russia. All of them live in the house erected from crystal, cast iron and aluminum. In the morning these people work, and in the evening they begin to have fun. The woman explains that this future needs to be loved and should strive for it.

Completion of history

What ends Roman N. G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?". The author tells his reader that guests often come to the House of Kirsanov. Among them, the Biamont family will soon appear. When meeting with Charles Biamont Kirsanov lets Lopukhov in it. Two families are so close to each other, which decide to live on in the same house.