Sofia Rotaru and her new husband. Sofia Rotaru: Personal life, new husband

Sofia Rotaru and her new husband. Sofia Rotaru: Personal life, new husband
Sofia Rotaru and her new husband. Sofia Rotaru: Personal life, new husband

Sofia Rotaru is the famous Russian singer and actress, in the repertoire of which at the moment more than 500 songs in 11 languages. The sonorous surname of the legendary performer is actually a pseudonym, who came up with Edit Pieha.

Since childhood, Sofia walked the surname of Rotar rather common in her homeland, so Pieha's famous by that time advised her to add French notes to behalf. That is how the name appeared to the world, which was later destined to find out the whole world.

Growth, weight, age. How old is Sofia Rotaru?

Looking at the shining beauty and happiness on the scene singer, it is difficult to guess how many years Sofia Rotaru. However, Sofia Mikhailovna does not hide his data - its height, weight, the age of everyone is known.

Rotaru was born on August 7, 1947 (at the moment she is 70 years old) and with an increase of 170 cm weighs 68 kg. Interestingly, by mistake, the date of birth of the singers was registered on August 9, so she celebrates his birthday twice.

Biography and personal life of Sofia Rotaru

The birthplace of the famous singer - the village of Marinsha Chernivtsi region village. Sofia Rotaru is joking that she was connected with music from childhood, saying that she was "only a nipple" prevented her. " However, the talent of the future singer really manifested himself from an early age: with seven Rotaru sang in the church choir, then performed Moldovan folklore in the circle of amateur in art, learned the game on musical instruments. At the local school, the girl was a real celebrity: besides the fact that Sofia had an amazing soprano beauty, she also winned athletics competitions, fond of theater.

However, I found my true vocation by Rotaru already at fifteen years: in 1962 she won first at the city competition of amateur activities, then at the regional view, and after it was sent to the Republican Folk Talent for the Republican Festival, where the best was recognized as the best. At seventeen years, success has already found a talented Moldova: it was propheted by the future of the famous singer, called "Bukovinsky Solovy", and her photo was decorated with the cover of the Ukraine magazine.

Rotaru studied in the Chernivtsi Music School. 1968 was saturated for Rotar with important events: after speech at the Festival of Youth and Students, she even was awarded the praise of Lyudmila Zykina. That same year, Rotaru married Anatoly Evdokimenko immediately after graduation.

The fame of the singers grew rapidly - in 1971 she was given the first role in the film "Chervon Ruta". Rutar's debut in the cinema was successful: she became famous in Ukraine and got a job with Chernivtsi Philharmonic.

However, in 1975, Sofia Rotaru was forced together with his family to move to Yalta because of oppression by the authorities. But this test did not break the singer: Exactly a year later, she received the title of People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. It is noteworthy that the People's Artist of the USSR Rotaru became much later in 1988. By this time, she was already starred in a number of famous moviestin and almost completely began to execute songs in Russian.

It was then that Sofia Mikhailovna stopped acting in the "Chervon Ruta" ensemble and began his solo career. The rank of the singer of the republican scale did its job: Rotaru Potaro was invited to concerts, famous directors offered roles in movies. Rotaru was devoted to work more and more time, which was reflected on her appearance: the singer looked exhausted and washamed. That is exactly the numerous rumors that Rotaru is sick tuberculosis, to which Asthma was added after some time, and the move of Sofia Mikhailovna in Crimea was allegedly necessary for her treatment. Rotaru hid his problems with the lungs, combining enhanced treatment with work, but the vocal cords of the famous singer were damaged and gave it a notch. At that time, she actively starred in films, where her voice had to replace with a surround voice: he changed his disease so much. However, Rotaru was able to cope with this test: after some time the singer finally returned his health.

In the 1990s, a new round began in the work of Sofia Rotaru. In 1991, the singer appears on stage with the album "Caravan of Love. The singer radically changes his image: cuts his hair and makes a fashionable magnificent hairstyle, and instead of folk costumes, extravagant trendy pants put on. By performing hard rock on the scenes of huge halls, the singer falls into a new wave of popularity. The author of the new image of Sofia Rotaru became Alexander Stefanovich, director of the film "Soul", in the filming of which the singer took part at that time. The script of the film seemed to be written for Sofia Rotaru, which then suffered an operation to voice ligaments: the screens came out about the singer, losing voice. It should be noted that the picture caused a big resonance in public not only because of the almost autobiographical plot, because many said that the main role in it was initially owned by Alla Pugacheva. However, due to the rupture of relations and quarrels with Stefanovich, the role of the singer who leaves the scene got a young and charming Sofia.

This story has become a reason for new rumors about hate to each other two primaudonne. Alla Pugacheva and Sofia Rotaru, who began a musical career about one age and are almost likely to be considered irreconcilable rivals. Many have noticed that the singers do not speak together in any concert that the performer themselves was explained by the incredible charts of the tour.

Nevertheless, the myth of a long-standing enmity was almost dispelled on the 60th anniversary of Alla Borisovna, where Sofia Rotaru sincerely congratulated her right on stage, and then singer, hugging and bodied, as if the long-standing girlfriends, together performed the hit "We will not catch up."

Family and children Sofia Rotaru

Sofia Rotaru rose in a poor family, where in addition to her there was still six children. Love for music was in the blood of everyone in the family: in the evenings under the leadership of the Father, who possessed an excellent hearing and voice, Sophia with the Moldavian People's Sisters and sisters.

Sofia was the eldest daughter in the family, after dosling from Zina's disease, so most difficult homework lay on her shoulders. The singer often recalls how in childhood it sold the greens in the market, and still considers trade in difficult craft. The older sister of Rotar Zina, who, because of the loss of vision, hearing has strongly developed, taught the girl to truly hear and feel the music, as well as sing in Russian.

Husband Sofia Rotaru - Anatoly Evdokimenko

The story of the love of Sofia Rotaru and her husband Anatoly Evdokimenko looks like a plot of the film: By pumping the military service, the young man accidentally saw a photograph of a beginner singer in the magazine "Ukraine" and fell in love with first glance. At an amazing coincidence of the circumstances, Evdokimenko also faithfully loved music and even during the service did not part with his favorite tool - a pipe, playing in the Army Orchestra. It was this that it helped him find the key to the heart of the young Sofia: Returning home, Anatoly founded the ensemble of Chervon Ruta, where he invited his beloved as a soloist. Rotaru agreed, and two years later he married Evdokimenko.

Sofia Mikhailovna recalls his own wedding with a smile: "We celebrated modestly, two hundred people." The celebration was a real mixing of cultures and peoples: on the one hand, the poor Moldovan family Rotaru, and on the other hand, the wealthy relatives of Ukrainian Evdokimenko. But despite these and many other differences, young people for many years have tied not only love to each other, but passion for music, common cause and sincere friendship and respect. The only reason for disagreements, however, was almost the "creative brainchild" of the newlyweds: the "Chervona Ruta" ensemble could not "get out" outside the Chernivtsi regional philharmonic, which did the ambitious anatoly and forced him to fully dive into work at that time How Sophia dreamed of a family.

Sofia Mikhailovna admits that she even had to lie to her husband about early pregnancy, to persuade him to have children, but a small deception went only to benefit: Soon the pair appeared the desired son Ruslan.

Happy marriage Rotaru and Evdokimenko lasted long thirty years, but in 2002 Anatoly left life. His death became an irreparable loss for Sofia Mikhailovna, did not shoot Mourning all year, not appearing a scene and secular events. The first concert, who gave Rotaru, again after the time appeared in public, was devoted to the memory of her late spouse.

Now the famous singer is a widow, however, the beauty and success of this woman makes it dream about many men. Nikolay Baskov was Nikolay Baskov's most famous rehabiller Sofia. At one of the joint concerts after the joint execution of the song "I will find my love", the famous singer admitted to Rotaru in love and suggested her hand and heart. The answer of Sofia Mikhailovna was simply unequivocal: there will be no other love in her life, except for her late husband.

Sofia Son Rotaru - Ruslan Evdokimenko

In 1971, the life of the married couple Anatoly and Sofia covered the birth of the firstborn. Despite the established stereotypes, the appearance of Ruslana's light did not put the cross on his parents' career: Sofia and Anatoly only with a double power continued to work.

Their efforts soon paid off: the "Chervon Ruta" ensemble gains enormous fame in the USSR, the spouses are constantly in roadside downstairs. Sofia Mikhailovna admits that a little time paid to the upbringing of the Son, in which her brothers and sisters had an invaluable help. In addition, for the sake of Career, Rotaru had to abandon the birth of a second child, in which she sincerely considers himself guilty to the only son.

Where now Sofia Rotaru is the latest news

"Where to disappear Sophia Rotaru?" - The fans of the famous singer are wondering. After the celebration of his 70th anniversary, which Sofia Mikhailovna celebrated in Baku, it became more and less and less often appearing on stage. The most bright of her last speeches were participating in the creative evening of Ruslan Kwita and in the Festival "Heat". According to the singer, now she is trying to spend as much time as possible with his family, but it does not plan to say goodbye to the singer.

Much's descendants are known about the descendants of the famous singer: her granddaughter Sonya inherited the beauty of his grandmother and has been engaged in a model business for many years, removed for Russian and foreign magazines. Grandson Anatoly is studying in London, is fond of design and photography, and Niece Sofia (Sonya Kay) - gaining popularity of the singer.

Sofia Rotaru with and without makeup photo

Surprisingly, in her 70 years Sofia Rotaru looks much younger than many Russian pop stars. Many fans are guess why she does not age, because Rotaru is over the age of his famous rival Alla Pugacheva, but it looks much fresh. Rotaru herself says that all his life is watching his nutrition and regularly engages in sports, but it does not deny that she resorts to the help of a plastic surgeon and made several operations for the correction of the face and body.

Death of Sofia Rotaru - True or not?

In recent times, there has been a false information on the Internet that Sofia Rotaru died in Maldives. According to distributors, the cause of death is a sun blow, which caused complication after the plastic surgery. However, these data were not confirmed and were only rumors.

Instagram and Wikipedia Sofia Rotaru

Instagram and Wikipedia Sofia Rotaru are replenished with new facts and interesting details from the life of the star. The singer spends a lot of time with his family and therefore often posts on social networks photos with an adult son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren - 16-year-old Sofia and 23-year-old Anatoly. In all pictures, Sofia Mikhailovna shines health and beauty, forcing millions of fans to admire her not only on stage, but also in life.

Thus, the celebration of its 70th anniversary of Sofia Mikhailovna celebrated a bright photo in the profile: she is surrounded by a family flying on a plane to rest in Sardinia. Other famous photos of the star are pictures from the beach in Maldives, where taut and tanned singer posing under the palm trees in a bright swimsuit under a white blouse. Photos caused a real delight among subscribers: even in their years Sofia Mikhailovna looks like a girl. was found

To get rid of the ex-wife, Vasily Bogatyrev had to give her a few apartments

An unexpected surge of interest in the privacy of the 70-year-old People's Artist of the USSR Sofia Rotaru recently opened the singing hairdresser Sergey Zverev. "Rotaru? Is it free? She is married, "he stated in an interview with the" Lighting "edition. The son of the singer Ruslan Evdokimenko hurried to speak with refutation. "This causes only laughter," Ren TV channel brought him. - She has a heart busy her husband, though late. Forever, believe me. " But did the Sofia Mikhailovna sibling? Did she always be so faithful to the deceased in 2002 Anatoly Evdokimenko?

It is not a secret for a long time that even in the life of her husband, Rotaru was associated with a very close relationship with the patron Alimzhan Takhtakhunovknown in criminal circles as Alik Tyvenchik. According to eyewitnesses, the singer not only took dear gifts from him, but also in the absence of Evdokimenko invited to her hotel rooms.

Then the morning did not differ from others, - testified in his book "One day tomorrow" the deceased today's concert director Oleg NepomnyazhamAt the beginning of the 70s, he who was rotary on tour. - I was habitually knocked on the door of a three-bedroom "Lux", which was served by Sonya and Anatoly, but, despite the usual, no one responded to my knock. I automatically pushed the door, she swung open, I entered and stopped, unable to move away. She was stunningly beautiful in his height. I made an incredible effort to get out of the stupor and bless it. She sawingly asked not to look at her and ran into the bedroom to dress.

Alimzhan Tachtakhunov is close to Sofia ...

I asked where Anatoly, she answered something, and immediately he had a knock at the door. I went to open. In front of me stood a low young man with an oriental incision of the eyes and a narrow, fastened by a pointed face. In her hands, he kept an accident from which conviliures, bottles and fruits sticking out. "My name is Tyatanychik," Vizier introduced himself. "Let go," Sonya responded. He walked into the room and began to delve the contents of the tracks on the table. The abundance of products would be quite useful for light lunch for two. According to some phrases, I realized that the Tatanchik was directly related to the criminal medium. I was terribly curious to know how and when he met Sonya, but I had enough mind not to ask stupid questions. I was waiting for things, and I was forced to spare.

... since the 70s. Photos from a personal archive

Rescued from arrest

For us on shooting, it often came to the famous Alik Tivanchik, - recalled former husband Alla Pugacheva - film director Alexander StefanovichWith whom Rotaru in the early 80s was filmed in the film "Soul". - He was accused of a breakdown of the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. They say, bribed the judges for victory Marina Anisina. He even sat under the investigation in prison in Venice.

We met when I was still married to Alla. Once he brought her flowers and gifts as a sign of respect for her talent. Seeing it on the set "Soul", I at first could not remember where we met before. "Who is this person?" I asked Sony. "This is my friend Alik," she explained. It turned out that they are familiar for many years. Once we sat in the hotel "South" on the balcony of my "Lux" and suddenly saw that black "funnels" approach the entrance, and militiamen with guns come out of them. "This is followed me," Alik said quietly.

It turned out, he was declared all-union wanted list. It seems to be pursued for the card game. We all did not even sympathize with the authorities. And they took to save Alik from the arrest. Hid him in the room where our operator with his wife lived, and did not allow police officers there. Alik constantly brought on our shooting a basket of delicacies and bouquets for Sony. And when in Moscow it became cold, he gave her a fur coat. Sony has since remained with Alik a very warm relationship. She even sang on his 60th anniversary in Moscow.

The only son of the singer Ruslan and his wife Svetlana categorically against that the man got a man. Photo:

And after deathAnatoly Evdokimenko Sofia Mikhailovna stubbornly attributed a novel with a young musician Vasily, Or, as he called himself, Vassie Bogatyrevwho accompanied her on the guitar during television filming.

Moreover, himself was not publicly admitted in gentle feelings to Rotar. And even in one interview with 2012, it was mentioned about the intention to play with her wedding in Las Vegas. I didn't he mean Sergey Zverev, talking about the existence of a secret husband's singer?

Invite to the work of Bogatyreva, Rotaru advised I and her daunt of Svetlana, - the former concert director of the People's Artist told Olga Konyakhina. - Once Sofia Mikhailovna sent to him to record a song for the next teleproject. We observed with Svetlana, like Vasily steering a record. And we had the idea that he would have looked beautifully with a guitar next to Rotaru and one could not carry the musicians from Kiev every time on shooting Moscow and not pay them insane money. Sofia Mikhailovna approved this thought. And Bogatyrev immediately took advantage of the situation to attract attention.

Crystal Rosa

Despite the presence of a wife and child, Vasily began to carely care for Rotaru, "Konyakhina continues. - gave her a crystal rose, then some more crazy gifts. And in every way played the press, thirsting to see their lovers. Sofia Mikhailovna smiles supported favorably and did not stop his games. Apparently, she was nice that everyone spoke about her relationship with a young interesting guy. But nothing serious between them could not be. Her son Ruslan would not close to her mother to her mother so that her money would not give God! - did not go to the side. He did not even allow her to meet her old love - a former musician from the "Chervon Ruta" group, which was announced after the death of his father. "Sonya, he is old and terrible," Ruslan said. - Why do you need him?". "I would just like to see him and talk to him," she tried to arouse. But the son did not listen to her.

Bogatrev with the young wife of Isless Allen. Photo:

Future celebrity was born in a small village of Marshinitsa, which in the late 40s was considered the territory of Romania, and then was transferred to Ukraine. Hence the eternal confusion with the surname: Surname Rotar, which is written in the passport of stars - the Ukrainian version of Romanian Rotaru. In the family, the singer is correct, still the original, Romanian version. However, Rotaru's roots at all Moldovan, which the beauty never hid.

Her musical abilities manifested themselves at an early age. As soon as Sofia went to school, as teachers have already become trying her in vocal circles and children's creative teams. Sofia Mikhailovna recalls that the first lessons of the vocal gave her the oldest sister of Zina. The girl suffered a typhus and lost sight. But the aggravated hearing became its distinctive feature and presented the opportunity to sensate all the halftone, as well as to teach the music of younger children.

"Music lived in me always"

So the singer will say in one of the interviews when journalists want to trace the whole creative way. Little Sonya was passionate about singing and school, and in church choir. For the last, it was agreed to exclude from October, but a girl from a good, working family took too active life position. Sofia not only sang, but also studied at a music school. To practice the game on the accordion, took it from school, and late in the evening went to the barn - to pick up new songs under the bayan.

In addition to music, Rotaru also worked out and sports. There was a school champion in athletics, she took prizes in sports. Sport she will never quit ever, and already in adulthood, removing the cinema, will carry stunts and on a motorcycle, and on the surfboard.

But the first serious success was still musical. At 15, the girl participated first at the district vocal competition, then in the regional, and then was sent to Kiev, where he also won victory. The beautiful and talented owner of the first place by MiG was placed on the cover of one of the Ukrainian magazines, where the future husband noted her.

Modest Wedding Man for 200

Anatoly Evdokimenko was a representative of "Golden Youth", the son of a major official. A young man studied in a prestigious university, was going to build a career of physics-optics, although he was engaged in parallel with music - played on the pipe. And here - photo Beauty Rotaru in the magazine!

Young met, loved each other. In 1968 they played a beautiful, perky wedding in her native village. The singer later will joke: "It was a modest wedding, a person for 200." Walked a huge company, with national Ukrainian and Moldovan traditions, rounds, songs and dances. The wedding of Rotaru and the Evdokimenko will last for a long time will call the holiday of the unity of the two peoples.

After the wedding, Anatoly became a real support of ambitious artist, her producer and the first assistant in everything. They had a son Ruslan, who now gave the singer's grandson and granddaughter. The hand in hand will go through life, and will be together until his death in 2002.

Mount left a deep imprint in the heart of Sofia Mikhailovna. She wore mourning all year. All this time did not come out of her plates, there were no new sound recordings. Sofia did not give concerts, did not participate in public life. A year later, for the first time after the death of her husband went on stage. Speech dedicated to his memory.

The mystery in which Rotaru did not admit

The period of courting of the future husband behind the singer is covered with darkness. Lovers usually love to tell the details of the most sweet sometimes of their life, but Rotaru and Evdokimenko kept it secret. And all the secret is of great interest and the desire to figure it out.

So many years ago, journalists tried to track five years of life of Sofia to marriage, and there was an assumption that Evdokimenko was not the first husband of celebrities. Her first love is called Vladimir Ivasyuk, poet and composer, the author of the famous "Chervona Ruta". It is known that at the beginning of the 70s, the man's body was found in his apartment hanged. Despite numerous wounds from the beatings, the police refused to initiate a criminal case, and recognized the death of suicide.

The singer does not hide that there was a tragedy in her life: kidnapped her child, but she assures that the son of Ruslan was involved in the abduction. However, close familiar Rotaru say they kidnapped the singer of the first and carefully hidden child - a daughter born from Ivasyuk.

There is a suggestion that the first husband of the singer was involved in the crime. Understanding that the whole family is threatened with danger, blessed Sonya for the second marriage. And her daughter was forced to hide due to constant threats.

Sofia Mikhailovna does not confirm and does not refute this information. Promises to start giving interviews on personal topics only after it goes from the scene.


After the death of a legitimate spouse, Rotaru "married" several times. At first, information about her novel with a young musician of his own team was leaked. In her mouth put the words that they were happy together for seven years despite the fact that the man is married. His feelings do not hide, love each other in real. In another interview, Sofia Mikhailovna claims: they did not have any novel. And the rumors were only embarrassed by her, because the young man is an approximate family man!

In 2011, Nikolay Baskov began to take care of the spectacular Sofia Mikhailovna. He always emphasized admired the famous singer, and at one of the techniques, in the presence of six thousand guests said cherished words. But Rotaru only dismissed, declaring once again that he would always love her husband and would remain true to him until the end of days.


In recent years, Sofia Mikhailovna rarely happens in Russia. The conflict of his native Ukraine with our country singer decided to meet in his homeland.

It is known that during the "Orange Revolution", the singer with members of his family distributed the food to people who came to the Independence Square in Kiev. Moreover, its mission was truly humanitarian: the food was delivered to everyone independently of political preferences.

Ten years ago, Sofia Mikhailovna took part in the elections, running from one of the parties. Gave a charitable tour in Ukraine in support of his candidacy, but never gained enough votes.

All his life, the famous Ukrainian musician Anatoly Evdokimenko dedicated to one woman - his beloved wife, which became. For her, he created a musical team in his youth. To perform together with Sofia on the same stage, Anatoly mastered the musical instruments - at first it was a pipe, then double bass.

He created all the conditions for the development of her musical career, independently directed all her performances and touring tours. Sofia answered full reciprocity, always making a priority of common interests. Together with his wife, Evdokimenko lived life, full of creative victories and stories of overcoming.

Anatoly Evdokimenko and Sofia Rotaru in youth

A musician was born in 1942 in Chernivtsi. By education, he was not associated with music or creativity, having received a diploma mathematics in the higher educational institution. Departs to the army. Then, having met his beloved Sofia and taking her love for creativity, he decides that it will create all the conditions for its development.

Thanks to his talent, Anatoly organizer collects the musical team of Chervon Ruta, which makes Sophia soloist. Then he begins to act as part of this team by a musician, and after it is replicated in the administrator and director of tour from Rotaru.

Anatoly Evdokimenko is a people's artist of Ukraine.

Personal life

In 1968, he legalized a long-standing relationship with the singer, who later became famous for the entire Soviet Union. Young people became acquainted peculiar - Anatoly saw the photo of the winner of the musical competition on the cover of the magazine and decided to find it and meet. Founded, confessed in feelings - and two more years actively worked until Sofia recalcisable.

Together, Sofia and Anatoly traveled the whole world. At first, Sofia went beyond her husband to Novosibirsk, where Anatoly exiled during the service, then Evdokimenko accompanied his wife during her tour. They lived like husband and wife together 34 years old. The couple has a beautiful son who has its own children. So, the grandson was often visiting grandparents.

For the sake of his wife Anatoly all his life did unusual actions. For example, to recognize Sofia in love in her native language, Evdokimenko still mastered Moldavian language in his youth.

Rotaru did not lag behind her husband. She devoted a lot of time and dedicated his health in a mature age, literally pulled him out of the disease, investing all income from touring in his treatment.


Anatoly's health was not the strongest, and with the age of Evdokimenko collided with many serious diseases. He led a long productive struggle with cancer, as a result, defeating a serious illness.

Anatoly Evdokimenko and Sofia Rotaru in recent years

Unfortunately, after the death of Father Anatoly is experiencing the first stroke, followed by the second and fatal third. The funeral of the artist was held in Kiev, after them the family appealed to Mourning - Sofia canceled all the tour and performances.

In memory of this musician in his hometown called the street in his honor.

Despite the restless fire in the view, grace and beating energy, Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru celebrated its 65th anniversary in 2012. But to leave the scene and finish your storm creative career the legendary singer is not going yet.

Future star childhood

The official biography of Sofia Rotaru contains some inaccuracies. The future legend of Soviet pop in a small village of Marinsha Chernivtsi region was born. According to Sofia Rotaru, the date of birth in its certificate is incorrect. In the village council registered Sofya Mikhailovna Rotar, born on August 9, 1947. The real date of birth of the singe - August 7 of the same year.

In the difficult post-war years, children from working families worked from an early years not to give up hands. It was such a childhood that a nugget from Marshinets.

A controversial question: "Sofia Rotaru who is by nationality?"

An interesting fact: between the two countries - Ukraine and Moldova - even an unlawful dispute arose for the right to call the singer with his native. The actress proudly says that both countries are relatives for her. To which ethnic group herself relates to Sofia Rotaru? Who is this great singer by nationality? Her father is Moldovan, and she is Ukrainian in the passport.

The world after the Second World War radically changed. The borders of the USSR, as one of the countries of the winners, seriously expanded. It is this story that happened to the singer's native village. Until 1940, Bukovina was the territory of Romania, then moved to the Ukrainian SSR. But be that as it may, the girl from the Bukowinsky village in childhood and could not have thought, what an incredible life path disadvantaged her fate.

By the way, the surname Rotaru is a real surname of singer's father. After the transition of this territory to the "Soviets" of many residents forced to change the names for Russians. So the surname Rotar appeared.

Parents and family singers

Father Sofia - Mikhail Fedorovich Rotar - was a machine gunner in the years of World War I, passed the whole war to Berlin. Later he returned to his native village and worked as a brigadier of grapes. Mikhail Fedorovich was an excellent bayanist, had a good voice and hearing. Probably, thanks to the gift of the head of the family, all siblings Rotar were talented - sang, danced, played musical instruments.

Mom of the future actress - Alexander Ivanovna - was from the working and peasant family.

Sophia was a second child in the Rotary family. Subsequently, she had two more brothers and as many sisters. In total, the family had six children. Her older sister Zinaida was a support of the mother, and Sonya, in turn, was constantly on picking in Zinik.

When Zina was four years old, she fell ill with a typhus and lost sight in one day. Senior sister Rotaru Sofia Mikhailovna is grateful to this day. After all, Mom constantly worked, and Zina, despite his ailment, looked after the kids.

Children's years were very difficult for the Sonechi. Constantly had to work, help parents on the economy. The family was engaged in growing vegetables and fruits. After collecting the harvest, Alexander Ivanovna, with Sonya, got up before sunrise and went to the market, sold a grown crop.

From the early childhood, Sonya had a magnificent voice and musical hearing. Father believed in her future and said that his daughter would be a great singer. And the baby herself really wanted her singing to hear everything.

But while they enjoyed them only homemade sisters Lida, Aurik and Brothers Tolik and Zhenya. By the way, the Rotar family was famous for his hospitality, and when guests came to their parents, the head of the family instantly organized the choir.

Youth years. Carier start

Sofia Rotaru, the date of birth of which falls on the postwar years, it is recognized that in many respects those heavily tempered its character. After all, she had to constantly help parents, and even after all was studying at school and circles. The girl learned to play Dombibre and Bayan, mastered singing, went to the dance circle. On weekends sang in church choir.

In 1962, Rotaru Sofia Mikhailovna first participated in the district view of amateurs and, of course, received his first prize. Already the next year, young artist participated in the regional competition, where he also received first place. Already in 1964, she participated in the festival of young talents in Kiev, which became the winner.

The photo of the new asterisk of domestic pop appeared on the cover of the All-Union magazine "Ukraine". And the recognized Master of the Ukrainian stage Dmitry Gnatyuk focused on the girl a big future.

After such success, she was sent to study in Chernivtsi Music School on the conductor-choir department.

Husband Sofia Rotaru. Love story

It is not surprising that, seeing such a beauty on the screens of televisions and on the cover of the magazine, many enviable grooms lined up. But Sonya decided that marry would go only for a simple guy from Chernivtsi.

His first and only love The future husband of Sofia Rotar Anatoly Evdokimenko saw on the cover of the magazine "Ukraine". At this time, Evdokimov served in Nizhny Tagil. It turned out that a talented beauty is his countryman. The girl from the cover was over in the heart of a young soldier, which, having served the period, he returned to his native Chernivtsi and found it.

At this time, Sofia Rotaru studied at a music school and performed on various song contests.

At the end of the school, the artist went to Bulgaria, where he took part in the VIII world song festival, which was held in Sofia. This city of the young star conquered, the publication about her immediately appeared on the first bands of newspapers.

Meanwhile, Anatoly entered the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Chernivtsi University, additionally played in the student orchestra on the pipe. This team constantly accompanied Rotaru's speeches. So they met. It was love at first sight. In 1968, they got married and began their joint path not only in personal life, but also on the stage.

Children of Sofia Rotaru

Sofia Rotaru's biography is full of interesting facts. Some editions write that the girl to further bind the guy to themselves, told him about pregnancy a few months earlier. As a result, by passing a position eleven instead of nine months, Sonya gave birth to a son. The singer herself claims that he just threw a fishing rod and looked at the reaction of her husband.

The first few years after the marriage singer was rare. She even had to postpone the entrance to the Institute of Art in connection with the movement of the family in Novosibirsk. Anatoly at the factory passed pre-diploma practice. In 1970, the singer became his mother. Sophia Rotaru The Year of Birth of the Son Ruslan calls one of the happiest in his life. After all, in this period, their young family was constantly together.

After a year, the concerns about Ruslan had to shift on the shoulders of her husband's parents. After all, Tandem Evdokimenko - Rotaru began to tour throughout the country and beyond.

In those rare days when the family was going together, Sofia spent all the time with her son, took it from school for several days to enjoy the communication with the whole family. After all, these moments were so rare and precious.

Nevertheless, Ruslan grew serious, purposeful young men. Today he is a successful architect and support for his famous mother.

Creative path and recognition of Sofia Rotaru

Already in 1971, a career of a young singer began to gain momentum rapidly. And all the invitations began to participate in the filming of the film "Chervon Ruta", where the young singer showed himself and as a good actress. By the way, this is not the only role of its role. Repeated Sofia Rotari song performed in the cinema, playing, as a rule, the main characters. Such movies like "the song will be among us", "a monologue about love", "Golden Heart", "Where are you, love?", And many others will forever be remembered to the audience from the penetrating game of the artist.

After filming a debut picture, Rotaru, together with her husband, organizes a vocal-instrumental ensemble with the same name "Chervon Ruta". The management of the team takes on Anatoly Evdokimenko.

In 1973, the singer performs in Bulgaria at the Golden Orpheus competition and brings the reward from there for the first place. In 1974, she performs at the festival in Sopot and becomes the owner of the second place.

Every festival and competition in which the young singer took part, became prize for her. This is not surprising, because Sophia Mikhailovna has always been a special, penetrating manner of performance not only folk, but also a pop song. And the cooperation already at that time with many talented authors provided it with a magnificent repertoire.

Eternal hits of the star Russian pop

A hit that brought the All-Union's popularity of the young artist was "Chervon Ruta". The biography of Sofia Rotaru is generally inextricably linked with these two words. And the ensemble, and the song - it was they who were at one time a business card of the singer. The cooperation of the singer with Vladimir Ivasyuk continued on the composition of the "Ballad of Two Violins" and many others.

In 1974, the singer begins to cooperate with Evgeny Doga and Evgeny Martynov. The song "Swan loyalty" performed by Rotaru became the hit of the past years.

Another gift of fate Sophia Rotaru calls songs and cooperation with composer Vladimir Matetsky. "Lavender", "Moon, Moon", "was, but passed", "Farmanka", "Wild Swans" and many other compositions today are known to everyone.

Every new song Sofia Mikhailovna itself calls a little novel with his world of feelings and the main characters.

Blow of fate

Unfortunately, the biography of Sofia Rotaru consists not only of utensils and good luck. It has a place to tragic moments. In 1997, the mother of the artist - Alexander Ivanovna died. And in 2002, the singer's beloved husband was not beloved - Anatoly. They lived together for 35 years.

The blow was so strong that the singer left the scene and did not speak for about a year. A new stage of creative life Sofia Rotaru began with the song "White Dance".

Creative way in the new millennium

In 2003, the new album of the singer "the only one" dedicated to her husband was released. Starting from this year, Rotaru works actively, writes new compositions, drives touring around the world. Only a loving family and creativity helped to look into the future, Sofia Rotaru is recognized. Songs about love performed by her are devoted to Anatoly.

In 2004, she gave her first concert in the United States for 4 years.

In 2007, the biography of Sofia Rotaru was replenished with another event - the sixty-year-old anniversary. From around the world, thousands of fans gathered in Yalta to congratulate the favorite artist. In the same year, she became the owner of the State Order of the II degree "for merit". Of course, this date, the artist marked his anniversary concerts in the Kremlin, which I unposteen pleased with my fans.

Today, the singer sometimes tours in Ukraine, Russia and the countries of neighboring countries, takes part in some musical shows and competitions as a member of the jury.

Family Sofia Rotaru is increasingly enjoying her presence in the family nest in the Crimean Yalta.

Future plans

Speaking of future plans, Rotaru does not look far ahead. Today, the world famous singer is a loving mother and grandmother of two beautiful grandchildren, Tolik and Sony. Sofia Rotaru's year of birth of his grandchildren considers one of the most magical in his life, but, as the singer itself admits, until it is ready to become a great-grandmother.

Today, Sofia Mikhailovna is as cheerful and energetic, as at the beginning of his creative path. Who would have thought that in a few years this charming woman is going to celebrate his seventieth anniversary.