Statuses about love with meaning to tears. New beautiful short statuses with meaning

Statuses about love with meaning to tears. New beautiful short statuses with meaning
Statuses about love with meaning to tears. New beautiful short statuses with meaning

It is very important that your statements fully expressed the meaning of your sadness. All you write on social networks must be endowed with a deep meaning. Then no one can blame you in ignorance or in insincerity.
Magnificent thinking about a variety of types of sadness are waiting for you on our website. With us you can find the status of sad to tears, and you can find and its analogue filled with sarcasm or regret.
The whole gamma of feelings is waiting for you on our live rolling pages that are constantly updated. We do it for you.

Sad statuses to tears

Sad statements capable of making crying not only the most sentimental, make your page in the place of crying. Your account for a while turns into the semblance of the Watch Wall, where everyone can speak. But this is not secret, but open.
Statements in social networks are the desire to be heard and understood. If your soul wants to shout, you will find exactly that cry of the soul, which will correspond to your way of thought.
Do not be afraid to be frank. You will not understand only coarse and smooth. But you write not for them. Nobody writes them. Their soul is cold.

Very sad statuses

Do sadness also have a definite scale? How to determine it? It will define your heart correctly. Come to us, read the statements offered by us, and you will be much easier. Perhaps in your sadness to blame some people who are sensitive to you. Well, on our pages you will find exactly what you need. Your offensive will regret what they did.
Sadness is a sign of spiritual beauty. Do not let her in your heart for a long time. You are worthy of joy. Our site is able to satisfy your aesthetic feelings and aspirations. Come to us and draw our verbal treasures that we have collected for you.

The saddest statuses, often piercing to tears, on the! There are times when the world around the world ceases to delight us. When even on a sunny day we want to be in silence. Close and friends cause only irritation and anger. We are covered with their gray waters of hopelessness and sadness. At such moments on our pages on social networks, the statuses are sad and dreary. How so we think we, yesterday we sang the birds and we wanted to tell all the world about your happiness. And today there are pain in the soul, and all thoughts are filled with despair. Listful pages of other people on the Internet, you suddenly stumble upon sad statuses To tears, to the most acute pain in the heart. And now on your cheeks, like two streams, tears flow. And you think, why does this happen to you.

Why do we sad?

Why our life is not always so careless and simple. Why a friend is fine, and I have a problem for a problem. So at least once in life, each of the residents of the planet Earth thinks. But for many centuries, and even the Millennium wise men are trying to find answers to all these questions. And many were able to formulate their vision of the problem. On our site statuses, here you can find sad statuses with meaning. These are quotes and statements of great people who saw themselves from the side and left their descendants tips.

Sad statuses for classmates, like a cry for help!

Or maybe everything is not so bad? You just need to put priorities correctly, sit down and talk. If you have seen sad statuses for classmates on the page of a friend, he may need your help. After all, we are so often not visible for a small one. And as they say in the famous saying, make a big elephant from fly. And sad statuses on your page is simply a reason for meeting with friends. But no, sad statuses, it's not just a reason, it is a cry for help for loved ones. It happens that we have sad after watching an interesting film or a performance, or your favorite music inspired melancholy. And then we are looking for very sad statuses that could transfer our thoughts to other people. It is said that in the twenty-first century the problem of the loneliness of a person in this world is on one of the first places. Is it so, not to solve us, but sometimes in a large family, people feel lonely. Our sad statuses about loneliness is your word facing the most beloved people. And let them understand and help.

The saddest and beautiful quotes!

What is sadness? This is the state of the soul or just a bad mood. Difficult question. One thing is clear if the cats scream on your heart, our sad statuses for Vkontakte are a reason to give to understand your second half that something is wrong. Man is the most difficult creature in our world. We ourselves cannot understand ourselves. Sometimes rejoice without much reasons, sometimes sad. On the statuses, you can always find the saddest statuses and let friends break their heads, what is the cause of your longing. After all, it is necessary sometimes and just sink. Or maybe your beautiful sad statuses are just a game of words. Or you really like the statements of famous people about life and love. No, as they say, there is no smoke without fire, and you are sad, because it's cold and raw outside the window, and just such a strange mood.

Let the sad statuses replace positive!

Our life is a very changeable thing. Disappointments are replaced by delights, failures - take-offs and universal admiration, depression - insane optimism. However, in difficult moments it is hard for us to believe that ever cut the light. Sometimes a person simply needs to walk in his sadness to the depths itself, so that later, pushing from the bottom, climb to more enjoyable experiences. In real life, we can express our feelings with the help of facial expressions, gestures, on the Internet you have to do only to graphics and words, so it is important to choose the status corresponding to the mood. Let the new sad statuses that you find here remain on your pages no longer than the day.

It's a shame and very painful, unless I deserve this ((but I will be glad if you find the one that you need and I will not interfere (( 147

Now someone is born, dying, laughs, rejoices of life, it catches his palms, falls in love, lives, sick, loves, crying, and I just listen to music, under tears about you. 160

This is not the end, my boy is only the beginning of a bright future, without you! 123

I sit down and I drive on a sheet of paper with a tassel - I draw love ... That's just for some reason dark paints ... 120

After all, you are not mine, I know it!
Why then I suffer, suffering?
Why love your gulf?
After all, you are not mine, why judge
I am destined to find out?
Why did I meet with you?
Only to suffer?
Why did you make in vain,
You love so much?
Oh if you knew you
How terrible
Be unloved and love. 299

The main thing to you to have fun, to find painting,
Hour how familiar, you shout that you love strongly
Hands smooth, kiss the neck,
Love, you nervously smoke and forget. 92

You are alien to me, but also native, I don't need you, but it hurts you, it seems to understand you, but it is unrealistic, you don't seem to be a mirage, but not real ...
Church some kind of love! 76

You said - I love, I believed you. You spoke - one, the only one, native. And I naive again believed you. But you just played the game, in a ridiculous game that I invented myself, causing me hellish pain. 127

I like rain. It can hide your tears in it ... 187

How bad, when you love your loved one, you can't live without him, and he knows it perfectly and uses it! 138

I don't need much - I want only to be with me ... here and now. 148

Still, it is very painful to be disappointed in those people who let me too close to themselves ... 174 - Sad statuses

Do you feel that?
- What?
- What our party is played ...
- In terms of?
- It's all over short.
- I will not let you go!
- All over, farewell!
Everyone can leave these words, take care of your love ... 82

How to delete the file of our relationship from memory? Yes, nothing! I am not a computer! And sorry ... After all, they have no hearts. 107

Yes, it hurts, but I hold my back straight and do not show the pain! 152

The Higher Happiness of Life is the confidence that you love: love you for yourself, or rather, they love to love ... and you really love you! 33

I feel very good with you ... When you're near, I want these moments to laugh eternity, I have very little time that we spend together, I want more ... I love you, like anyone and never. 92

Love as spam :) Sometimes you need, but more often a barder. 51

What is love? For someone iron chains, for someone freedom and dream ... My advice to you, if you want to save the relationship, I do not tell anyone about them. 64 (1)

It doesn't matter how many you know - a week, month, a year or a lifetime ... If you miss a person, it means he managed to touch your heart, then he became native for you. 86

I love everything, and I do not care about whom you are there now! 99

It's easier to drive the night darkness than you from my head ... 90

I want him to call and said: "In short, baby, I don't care with whom you are now and who is your boyfriend. Tell him that you are only mine and it is not discussed! " 429

"Call me back in 289 minutes" ... in his language - it meant "Never" ... And she thought. 344 (5)

"This status for all those who once foolishly lost their second half and missed the moment when he could return it" 379 (2)

They quarreled ... She cried in a pillow, and he broke his fists about the wall ... 518

On cigarettes they write: cause lung cancer, on alcohol: harm health, why do not write on guys - dangerous for the nervous system? 275

"I'm flying wounds," the time said. "I'm painting" - said happiness. "And I wonder, raise the heavens, and then throw on the ground" - Love grinned. 236

People want to sometimes part in order to be able to wander, wait and enjoy a return.

Only if you finally break up with a person, you begin truly interested in everything that concerns him.

Even the most beautiful and perfect flowers sooner or later fade, inevitably turning to the handful of ash.

Do not hold back tears. Let them sound your soul.

Sometimes even the best friends you become not needed, because in their lives there is something more important than friendship.

You think: okay, I will survive it. I am ready for the worst, - but still delete little hope, and it is she spoils your life. Just kills you.

My subscriber is no longer mine. He someone. Someone drinks tea, coffee. Talks about me as a catastrophe.

We must be able to close the boring book, go away from bad cinema and part with people who do not value you.

Sometimes she was peering into my eyes without any reason. And every time I became unbearably sad.

Merry people make more nonsense than sad, but sad make big stupidity.

Just rolling sometimes I can't so much. I need a person next to me, and not just someone and so I can breathe next to him.

It is very beautiful in the morning, sleeps little. It is afraid of evil people, bites her lips so that before the blood. Everything takes close to heart. She is so. Quickly get used to people, burns, disappointed, crying.

You begin to understand that everything is really bad when the person is crying, who has always reassured everyone.

How hurts to be a friend with those who love.

Everyone in life is not to the end of the person's forgotten.

When support is needed, you usually do not need anyone. But in fact, you constantly need anyone. You just notice this only when you need support.

Nothing changes every day, everything is as usual and sad in the soul, and you do not know why you live. Outside the window is the autumn bad weather, the heart is cold winter.

Learn to give up a sad and uninteresting book on time, do not inspect a boring movie to the end, to leave work that does not fit you, and cross out of your life of bad people.

I voluntarily became dead, because to be alive - too hurt.

We will never understand how we need little in this world for absolute happiness until we lose it.

"James Matthew Barry"

The cigarette is the best painful. Together with the smoke exhale sadness.

Nothing is eternal. So it is better not to wait. After all, when there is nothing, and not terrible to lose.

If this is your destiny - no one and nothing will separate you. But if someone else's fate - nothing will make her your.

Sad statuses with meaning

In the world there is an end to everything: love, tears, suffering, but there is no end to one - memories.

Painfully - the heart said. Forget - reassured time. But I will sometimes go back - my memory whispered.

Sometimes reaching your ceiling, you realize that it is just half the floor.

I probably, the saddest person I met in my century.

I was always nearby, only you did not always notice.

We make unhappy people who love us and try to make happy people who are happy and without us.

Think to keep the whole pain inside, people do not care about your feelings.

Try to forget someone - it means all the time to remember about him.

Sad statuses with meaning - "Erich Maria Remarque"

The most difficult to forget those people with whom you forgot about everything.

When you have a close man soling,
The soul from this, of course, will not die.
But the question goes from the century to century:
"And if lying, is he a close man?"

It is outside, I make the impression of a person satisfied with his life. But inside, under the outer gloss, the rules of despair.

Loneliness is the code you are surrounded by wonderful people who love you and understand, but each of them has someone closer than you.

Tears kill beautiful women, but are salvation for ugly.

True pain is quiet and imperceptible to others. And tears and hysterics are only a cheap theater of showing feelings.

Day and night she cries under the same music. Tears roll, and she is trying to convince himself in indifference.

You are the only reason for my last happiness and present pain.

Best status:
Why in the room dark? - Saving light. - And why are you sitting on the floor? - Armchair. - Why does the face in tears? - Dick cut. - Straight now? In the dark and on the floor?

Words are able to squeeze the soul, and it follows through the eyes. That's why people cry.

Want to save your happiness? Nobody talk about him.

I was going to destroy anyone who dares me offended? Do you have any courage to deal with you?

In four years, you are from the resentment cry and shout to the whole world, at ten years you are quietly crying in the corner, and after fifteen years old you learn to pour your mouth with your hands so that no one has seen your tears.

If a woman is crying - it is just offended, if a woman is silent - then do not doubt that it is now that she transfers the most difficult moments of his life.

How hard is friends leaving in another city 🙁

Do not be sad! After all, every minute the exchange and return is not subject to)

Sometimes we absolutely do not run away from a person what hurts us, and try to be as close as possible to her ...

To cause the most terrible pain to a person can only be the one who presented him most of all happiness. - Sad statuses

If I am silent, it does not mean that I have nothing to say ... just silence is the most painless and sad status will not help here.

you know so insulting when my mother behaves, as if you are the last shit in the world

Sooner or later, we discover that the Lady Luck is an ordinary prostitute, and you have ended in cash and the time of sad statuses.

Looking for a prince. To forget the king (s) - Sad statuses

So sad does not happen when the best friend throws because of the guy!

Tomorrow will be a new day, sadness, longing.

how strange when there is not enough time for love. We scream, we whisper, that this is the most important thing in life, and as a result, it is more important to study_-creative-todrugye parallels and constant sad statuses.

Beautiful - does not mean a toy. Break - does not mean heartless. Lonely - does not mean loner. In love - does not mean happy.

Every minute, when you are angry with someone, you lose 60 seconds of happiness that you will never return!

Sillen is not the one who did not fall, and the one who fell and got up! - Sad statuses

Only a cigarette smoke dispels the thoughts about you, but not for a long time ... and only gray rain hides tears, love so hurt ... And in dreams I do not see colors - everything erased with the soul ... I love, you are silent? Silent ...

In complete despair and hopelessness, close your eyes and imagine that you are blind, and then open your eyes - you will understand that you are happy!

Time passes, feelings remain, the time passes, but the pain does not treat, only tears dried on the face, but everything is remembered about him, and everything knocks everything so quickly, and exactly everything does not breathe ....

Almost every woman would like to keep loyalty, the difficulty is only to find a man who can be stored loyalty. by

She always looks into the eyes, but no one understands her. She loves flowers, but does not know how to care for them. She believes people, often sore about it ...

Parso. Burn all bridges and understand that you are not from the other side.

I just don't have enough words and the breath no longer ... After all, I love you and I do not think stupid it! (from)

Throwing to drink, smoking and falling in love. Shore liver, lungs and nerves ..

When the question is "How are you?" I answer "I have everything perfectly," I want someone to look into my eyes and said "Tell me the truth" ...

[The worst, wait until he writhes ... And then ... Hooray! "My messages (1)". You open, and there spam ...].

People are often lonely, because they build walls instead of bridges and drown in sadness.

I have allergies to change in your mood.

Sometimes it seems that the whole world is against you. But it just seems. In fact, all do not care.

If I don't like me ... Fuck Off ... I can't fix it ...

Sometimes I want to just turn around and tell everyone: Yes, go in FIG!

at the same time, anger and sadness ... I want to spawn on someone, and then regret ...

It's a shame that there are very few such people who will take and just write, without reason, and the reason is simply that they miss.

Beautiful girl almost never happens alone, but, alas, it is often alone ... - Sad statuses

It is necessary to be able to close the boring and sad book, leave bad cinema, dismiss with bad work and part with bad people - sad statuses

Tears - defensive liquid.

Spring is a wonderful time of year when you can cry and pretend that it is just an allergy.

Loneliness is the code you are surrounded by wonderful people who love you and understand, but each of them has someone closer than you ... - Sad statuses

[Crazy, abnormal ... but beautiful, sexy ... worker's mercenary, insatiable ... still sweet and naive ... There is no conscience, nor repentance ... only sincerity and despair ...] - sad statuses

It happens ... you are, and you do not need anyone ... (((

she sleeps little. Afraid of evil people. bites lips so that before blood. Everything takes close to heart. She is so. Quickly get used to people. Groats. disappointed. crying .. (c) - sad statuses

Never forget about two things touching me: first-first-I know about you more than you think ... u in Vioria-I do not regret Mom what I did. - Sad statuses

- Yes, the case is rubbish, especially if you fell in love with such a hysterical as you! - I'm not hysterical !!! - Well, again: I said that I love you, and you only hear the tantrum!

Tears? No, it's raining. Painfully? No, everything is okay. Together? Alas, but we apart. Dream? They don't understand me. Memory? It will not erase it. A heart? Broken do not glue. Thoughts? They are all with you. Feelings? Do not change them

It is at that moment when you understand that you know a person on 1eo% he will prove to you that you do not know anything about him.

Stupid thoughts, cigarettes, clubs ... Find time to make lips ... It would be possible to find time to admit it .. what's all. The End. time to change…

The girl, accompliding the guy in the army, gave him his photo, and after six months he wrote to him: I met the other, to return the photo. The guy gathered photos of their girls with all friends, and sent former, with the words: I do not remember where you choose, the rest moved away to me

I am too happy to love someone ... love is experiences ... and I don't want to worry-I want to live! ... in my status there is no place to be sad ... - Sad statuses

Proud - because already humiliated! Eternal - because the soul died ... Bitch - because once threw! ... I swore not to love, nobody never ...

I will forever remember this phrase, I am an old man said: "Can not be beautiful eyes that have never been crying"

But when I was so meaninglessly happy when the sun came to my tea in the evenings

How often I notice I am not even voluntarily - my yesterday's friends do it hurt me today ...

All human sad. The hidden source of humor is not joy, and grief. In heaven humor no

If friends do not call and do not write .... Everything is good for them!

In my life there are a lot of adventures, melodramas, detective, comedy, thrillers ... Sometimes I just look up and looking for a camera ... But she is not ... And then I understand, this is my life ... Interesting and diverse ... in which sadness is only thorough me - sad statuses

It is very beautiful in the morning, sleeps little. It is afraid of evil people, bites her lips so that before the blood. Everything takes close to heart. She is so. Quickly gets used to people, burns, disappointed, crying ...

Points the point is not harder. It is harder to divide, as a person to whom you wanted less pain, all the time gives two more ...

The worst thing that could happen with me - is allergic to tangerines: (((

i will always smile .... What is very sad to you .... You have seen how to see you! - Sad statuses

We make unhappy people who love us and try to make happy people who are happy and without us.

She can sit for hours: listen to the same song, wipe the tears with his palm and convince yourself that she is still ...

"... time does not heal. It only helps to come to accept ... Heal deep wounds. But still scars still remain ... just small souvenirs for life"

When it was sad, it hurts and sadness to look at someone else's happiness.

Sometimes we pay from laughter ... But lately, we are increasingly laughing, so as not to cry .... Then absorbs sadness

If the world was a good place, we would not cry at birth. © ©

I miss you very much. I love you so much. I just ask ... do not come back

The most important problem in life is the suffering that you cause, and the most sophisticated philosophy cannot justify a person who has explored the heart that he loved. When you write sad statuses expect that he will read them and understand ... - Sad statuses

It is outside, I make the impression of a person satisfied with his life. But inside, under the outer gloss, the rules of despair.

She worked out for a long time, she gives tears for laughter. With her, so much happened in life, everyone believes - in the soul of her ice. She grows the pain to the beginning, she hides for the mask fear. Too many people promised to suffer from any collapse.

I want gouache the colors of her eye. Discover all the walls and slowly die from happiness.

Sometimes I feel nobody who is unnecessary, even parents ... just throwing society ...

Better tears from laughter than laughter through tears.

I will wait for you, just to know that you need it ...

I would really like to swell me on the cheeks and said: "The fool, it's not love, there is nothing at all, you understand it and live on"

Sometimes it becomes so scary, from what has become so for FIG, that was so important.

Many people think that I am a jester and I always laugh because I am fun ... But not many know that under the mask the jester - sadness, and laughter only hides tears.

do you know what is scary? When your parents live in the same apartment, but at the same time hate each other most of the world ... And you look at it and you can't do anything ...

Why are you crying? ... - What is the fool ... - Why is the fool? ... - What cry!

As a rule, the phrase "Well, do not cry", provokes hysterics ...

You do not even know how to hurt her. Do you want to hear. They are playing with her and she is dark with it - sad statuses

You sit in a funny company and loudly to the tears laughing ... And at night - they cry quietly ...

Cold floor ... a tutu cigarette ... Gloomy look ... and only one question in my head: "Why is everything? So strange and difficult?

at night, we are trying to think that we could not say that day.

- Did you see her eyes? - Well, yes, I saw. Blue, beautiful such. - And I saw in them as she at night because of you, fool, sobs .. (c)

I dedicate this status to every girl who is now reading him and sadness, do not be sad, bunny !!! Everything will be super! 🙂

Having arrived home, it will go online again, it will open the site, but it is no longer available to Vkontakte. I will look at his page, "you know, because everything could be different ...

Today, accidentally found your smell in the bedroom. Never ... At the same time, the heart did not spin and did not shrink the head ...

Angels do not condemn Khkhani ... Angels are just crying from pain that they loved their beloved ...

I want to cry, and I am mercy. I hide in a laugh deadly sadness. I draw a smile, kidding without end, I live behind the facade of someone else's face ... everyone thinks happy, everyone smiles to everyone, and this soul is broken!

Never stop smiling, even when you are sad, someone can fall in love with your smile - sad statuses

All will be. There are only pheettes.

here you are cheerful and smiling, and there you are sadger than the Irish sheep Doris ... life game ... love ...

Let's play the game. The rules are simple: do not call him, do not write, not reading his status, do not wait for his call, because you know it is right. And the main prize in the game is a feeling of lightness and liberation from the past. After all, you want it.

Look in my eyes, and say that you see them? Sadness, sadness, longing, deception. . . Do you think hurt? No, I'm used to ... - Sad statuses

The subscriber does not respond or temporarily unavailable. Try no longer call ...

... It happens, I want to forget about everything: about problems, enemies and even about friends who have not seen 100 years ... and think only about you ... but you are not there. Sad.

I was always nearby, only you did not always notice.

Time treats, but the campaign must treat the liver .... - Sad statuses

As I'm tired ... I want to wrap in a warm plaid and, sitting in a comfortable chair, drink hot chocolate and not think about anything ... And so that no one sticks to stupid questions ... just sit alone, in an embrace with your favorite cat ... Only he dying eyes I will look at me and it will just bounce into my cheek, as if saying: "Do not worry, everything will be fine ..."