Soloists "Yin-Yang" explained why the daughter's Jewish name was given. Tatiana Bogacheva: Personal life Yin Yan Tatyana Bogacheva

Soloists "Yin-Yang" explained why the daughter's Jewish name was given. Tatiana Bogacheva: Personal life Yin Yan Tatyana Bogacheva

Two years ago, the soloists of the Yin-Yang group Artem Ivanov and Tatiana Bogacheva in an interview with our publication first told that they were associated with romantic relationships.

Photo: Irina Kaidalina

Most recently, young people shared with OK! Another joyful news: they had a daughter of Mirra. And today, the baby, whom the month has just been fulfilled, takes part in the photo shoot.

Artem and Tatiana met in 2007 at the "Star Factory 7". Artem immediately attracted the attention of Tanya with his external similarity with David Beckham. "The fact is that in childhood I adored this football player. When Artyom saw, she caught the similarity, "recalls Tanya. "Then he conquered me by cavulusity - a very brought up young man was. I remember, I dragged to a hotel with a huge suitcase, and here I met Artem. He galaned helped me to put a suitcase in the room. For me it was something out of a series of outgoing. But I then had a guy and thoughts about new relationship I was distilled off. "

After some time, everything changed and Tanya with Artyom understood that they love each other. However, they preferred their relationships not to advertise, and other people's guesses were in no hurry to confirm. It is not surprising that Tannina pregnancy was hidden until the latter. "The fact is that for some reason I had a lot of prejudices regarding Tanina pregnancy," says Artyom. - I was very worried, so the fact that we will have a child, knew a very limited circle of people - only our parents and my close friend. The rest were recognized from the fact when we saw Tanya already with the stomach. ( Smiles.By the way, one of my very close friend who lives in another country, sent me a screenshot of a page of some magazine, where Tanya is already with a big tummy, and wrote: "And when did I have to know?" Thank God, I have friends understanding, they know that I am with Pribabaha. " ( Laughs.)

That's certain. To the last to hide the pregnancy and at the same time show a child who barely fulfilled a month, - few parents are ready to take such a step.

Artyom: The fact is that it is more on the Tanina part. After the birth of Mirra, she had some kind of superstition, and I, on the contrary, only during pregnancy.

Tanya: To be honest, I was afraid of everything and was against: Too my daughter is small. But Artyom discharged me. ( Smiles.)

A.: I am a supporter that you need to share joy. In addition, such beauty must be carried into the masses. ( Laughs.)

Interestingly, and babes for babes buy in advance or in this regard you are also superstitious?

T.: I wanted to quickly start buying everything. But Artem offered to pose this after childbirth. I tried to explain how much you need. ( Turning to K. Artem.) In the end, I think you did not regret that we all bought in advance?

A.: Yes, at the end of pregnancy, I still surrendered and we began to acquire some things - furniture, strollers ... But it was a scandal. Tanya, falling into the shop of maiden clothes, began to buy everything in a row.

Did you know that you will have a girl?

T.: Yes, but I still have anyway, who we will have - a boy or a girl.

A.: I also did not have such that I really wanted the boys. On the twelfth week, we have already told the sex of the child, so we soon got sick with the idea that we would have a daughter.

Which of you came up with such an unusual name?

T.: This was invented by Artem. Honestly, I would have risen ... although I also like this name, but he looked like, and that's it!

A.: Yes, the right to choose the name for the daughter I wrote unconditionally. It was very important for me that her name for me did not associate with anyone. I opened a list of Jewish names and chose something that most liked. On that day, when we learned that there would be a girl, I came and said: "The daughter will call Mirroy." Tanya first took it into the bayonets.

Artyom, why exactly the Jewish name?

A.: She has Jewish roots. Everything is confused there, but they are. For some reason, it always seemed to me that my daughter should have the Jewish name.

Was it planned pregnancy?

T.: For us, this was not a surprise, because we were combined with a marriage and, of course, they thought about the child. True, we did not think that it would happen so quickly. ( Smiles.)

A.: We are not "mangy", did not count the days, we worked on this process naturally.

Mirra gives you to sleep at night?

T.: With sleepless nights we have already encountered, but Artem helps me a lot. He is a beautiful father. Says: "Sleep, I'm happy today with a baby."

A.: While we are afraid to hire a nanny. I can not imagine how such a small child can trust someone else's person. For a couple of weeks, my grandmother came, my mom, and so we cope with ourselves.

Looking at the calmly sleeping Mirra, and you will not say that you have sleepless nights with her.

A.: It is more likely to look at us, in the afternoon, the child will dry for a cute soul, but at night ... ( Smiles.)

Night awake?

A.: Like all young children - then the stomach hurts, then you are capricious.

T.: Yes, at night she has a stormy activity begins.

Artyom, a woman after childbirth immediately realizes that she became a mother, and his father needs to get used to this thought. Do you have a father's instinct already woke up?

A.: I still do not have it to the end.

That is, while you have a feeling that you are kept on your hands?

A.: Not that someone else's ... when she starts with consciousness and a response will appear, then, probably, everything will change. At this age, kids or torn, or shout, or they want to eat. It seems to me when she tells me something, then yes, this instinct, probably immediately wakes up.

Tanya, was not scary for the first time to take the baby in his arms?

T.: It was very scary. I did not know how to approach her, I had a real panic. I was generally very afraid to give birth. Mom reassured me: "Everybody gave birth, and you give birth to what you get yourself?" I think this fear I detained the moment of childbirth, and Mirra was born later than the appointed term.

And at what time did you stop performing?

A.: Tanya toured until the eighth month, we sewed her special costumes, and, in truth, not everyone even saw that she was pregnant.

Artyom, you did not insist that the spouse still went to maternity leave?

A.: If I wanted to myself such a wife, I would not marry the singer. ( Smiles.In addition, she had special conditions: a separate machine, business class flights, a separate suite in a hotel. The only thing when we flew to a concert in Tolyatti, I already understood that it was enough to perform. But this performance was approved in advance, and it was impossible to refuse it. But thank God, everything went well.

Tanya, didn't you want to take a break in work and enjoy your condition?

T: I wanted. It was hard to work with the stomach on stage. Physically hard. I straight pants. And how worried! I thought suddenly I face. ( Laughs.) At some point, I realized that it was hard for me not to fly so much as it was exactly on stage. At that concert, in Tolyatti, I even endured a chair on the stage.

Mirra did not start pushing even stronger when did you go to the scene?

T: On the contrary, it sank. But it seems to me if I went to a full-fledged maternity leave, it would probably be crazy. ( Laughs.)

Artyom, during pregnancy Tanya did not capricious?

A.: Tanya is generally a capricious person. She is singer. ( Smiles.)

That is, you are already accustomed to whims?

A.: For me it was not a shock. Tanya had only some taste perversions. She snapped soap all the time and was ready to eat it.

T.: Soap is economic. It seemed to me that it smells so tasty.

And the strawberries did not ask among the night?

A.: Only a mint chemge. I bought it with packs, but when Mirra was born - everything went.

Artyom, did you present in childbirth?

A.: I was present on the fights. Tanya was put in the ward, and I went for hours at six in the evening. Then she called me and said that everything starts. I arrived, sat with her and went out into the lobby not to see the process. So I supported Tanya at a distance.

Tanya, and you did not want my husband next to and, for example, cut the umbilical cord?

T: No, I myself said to him: "Get out, please." ( Smiles.) In general, this is such a process, during which I want no one to be nearby.

Artyom, and you helped Tanya for the first time to bathe daughter?

T.: It seems to me that it is dad who must bathe daughter. I also dad dad. Mirrich really like this process. Probably when it turns out to be in a warm water, it seems to her that she again falls in that medium in the tummy. So there are no problems with bathing.

You already thought how to raise it?

A.: While we do not know what kind of character will be, therefore, it is difficult to pick up the education line.

T.: We discussed it before pregnancy and agreed on what would need to give a child to a music school. In the future it will come in handy.

A.: I do not know a single adult man who went to music school as a child, even from under the stick, and then would not say to parents thanks. I hated music school. What is the piano? I dreamed of being a football player! But it is now that I understand that my mother was softer with me than it would be worth it.

And you, Tanya, made music forced?

T.: Yes. I went to the opera studio to six years. Solfeggio hated and, as soon as I went to the first class, these classes threw. And only after the eleventh grade, I entered the vocal department. I had a big break. I was shy and squeezed, sang quietly at home and did not even speak at school events. And now I also tell mom, that I had to make me do.

BUT.:There are children who love to do music, but, as a rule, this is an exception. The main thing is to love the child and try to give him what is needed. The girl can also pamper. It's with a guy, probably needed.

Tanya, what do you think?

T::The girl needs to say, what it is beautiful, so that the complexes do not develop.

Did you say so in childhood?

T::My mother loves the truth-uterus at all, and dad protects me all the time. But mom said that I am pretty. ( Smiles.)

Style: Valeria Balyuk. Makeup: Elena Wide / Mary Mary Kay. Hairstyles: Sargis Ayrapetyan / Laimalux Group

On the second May, the soloist of the Yin-Yang group Tatiana Bogacheva first became Mom. His beloved, a colleague in the group Artem Ivanov, the singer presented her daughter. The fact that a couple will have a girl, artists learned on a fairly early period of pregnancy Tatiana. Graduates of the "Star-7 factory" had enough time to decide which name to choose for a future child. Artem had his own idea how to name the heir.

"Yes, the right to choose the name for the daughter I wrote unconditionally. It was very important for me that her name for me did not associate with anyone. I opened a list of Jewish names and chose something that most liked. On that day, when we learned that there would be a girl, I came and said: "The daughter will call Mirroy." Tanya first took it into the bayonets, "said Artem.

However, Tatiana did not immediately accept the idea of \u200b\u200bhis beloved. Bogacheva admits that it was ready to consider other names for the firstborn. However, the chosen of the singer was adamant and insisted on his. He managed to convince the beloved that this particular daughter should call.

"She has Jewish roots. Everything is confused there, but they are. For some reason, I always seemed to me that my daughter should have the Jewish name, "the graduate of the" Star Factory 7 "admitted.

Tatiana told that he was very worried about childbirth. And the fact that Mirra was born a little later than the outlined period, Bogacheva connects with his fear to become a mother. Moreover, until the eighth month, the singer did not go on maternity leave and continued to perform on stage. But during pregnancy, the artist created special conditions so that she felt as comfortable as possible.

Now the couple enjoys happiness to be parents, but about the methods of educating the girls are not thinking about. Tatiana appreciates what Artem constantly helps her in leaving her daughter, and unlike many celebrities, which immediately hire assistants, the couple copes on their own.

"While we are afraid to hire a nanny. I can not imagine how such a small child can trust someone else's person. For a couple of weeks, my grandmother came, my mother, and so we cope with themselves, "said Tatiana in an interview with OK magazine.

Tatyana Bogacheva became the only girl in the Yin-Yan group after she left her another participant in Julia Parshuta. But the guys are not going to turn their group to a quartet again - they feel comfortable and threesome. Personal life Tatiana Bogacheva From early childhood is associated with music - from five years old she was engaged in a children's opera studio in his native Sevastopol. These classes gave her a lot for the future career - Tanya learned to sing correctly, hold on to the scene, suffered as a pantomime. Early, she began to participate in various vocal competitions. After school, Tatiana easily entered the Kiev "State Academy of Headers of Culture and Art" for a course of pop vocals.

In the photo - Tatyana Bogacheva and Artem Ivanov

Attractive appearance also played his role in the personal life of Tatiana Bogacheva - for some time she worked as a model and starred in numerous commercials, not forgetting about the main goal - to become a famous singer. It was for this that she in 2007, successfully overcoming the casting, became a member of the project "Star Factory 7". It is on the "factory" two guys and two girls using producers organized the Yin-Yan group, with which many events in the personal life of Tatiana Bogacheva are connected.

When the guys were still members of the Star Factory, the audience, who watched the romantic relationship between Tatiana and Artem Ivanov, assumed that all this was really informative and was not really done in order to draw attention to the project. However, later, when they became parties to the group, relations between them were preserved, and later Tatyana and Artem said they live in a civil marriage.

In the photo - the group "Yin-Yan" today

Now the Yin-Yan group is very different from the one that was at the very beginning. The guys became more elegant and stylish, acquired a huge musical experience. They work a lot - their touring schedule is so tight that the time for personal life remains quite a bit. Together they have been almost native to each other for many years, so it works very easily together. They spend time together and outside work - sometimes rest, shop, picking up clothes for concerts. Tatyana and Artem together go to the gym and do fitness to keep themselves in shape.

Singer Date of birth 17 February (Aquarius) 1985 (34) Place of birth Sevastopol Instagram @Bogacheva_T

Tatyana Bogacheva was known in his homeland, in Ukraine, even before the beginning of a professional musical career. Thanks to the external data of the girl, the future of the model was proper. However, Love Bogacheva to music turned out to be stronger.

Biography Tatyana Bogacheva

Tatiana was born and spent all his childhood in Sevastopol. I barely learned to walk and talk, the girl began to show a special interest in songs and dances. Already in 3 years, Bogacheva arranged at home improvised concerts. Noticing the desire of his daughter to music, in 5 years, parents found for Tatiana teacher vocal. Then she began to attend classes in the children's opera studio. There, Bogacheva was trained in singing, pantomime and acting.

Already in junior high schools, Tatiana participated in song contests of various scale. By the time of receipt of the certificate of secondary education, the Bogacheva in the asset there were already several dozen awards and letters received at festivals.

After school, Tatiana went to study in Kiev. There, the girl easily entered the prestigious State Academy of Culture and Arts. The main direction of Bogacheva chose a pop vocal.

Being a student, Tatiana signed a contract with a model agency and was often starred in advertising. After graduating from the university, the girl was offered to completely devote themselves to the career of the model, but Tatiana refused.

In 2007, the singer learned about the casting in the television show "Factory of Stars - 7", the producer of which was Konstantin Meladze. Not a minute not doubting, Bogacheva decided to participate. The girl immediately liked the jury and was soon accepted into the project. It was there that Tatiana united with Artem Ivanov in the yin-yang duet. Later, the producers expanded the duet to the quartet.

The group became very successful, the hits went out one by one. After the end of the television show, the team released several successful compositions.

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Personal life Tatiana Bogacheva

Before participating in the project "Star-7 factory", Tatiana had a serious relationship, but the long-term separation did not allow them to develop. On the TV project itself, Tatiana Bogacheva and Artem Ivanov rather quickly rose a novel. The producers of the show were unhappy with the musicians too close relations in a duet, but to ban anything could not.

During the project, Tatyana and Artem dispersed several times. At that time, Bogacheva had short novels with other participants of the show. But soon they realized that they wanted to be together not only on the scene.

After the "Factory of Star-7" Bogacheva, with Ivanov, removed the apartment and began to constantly live together. Registered officially, the couple did not in a hurry. Cardinal changes in the life of lovers occurred on May 2, 2016: on this day, Tatiana gave birth to a daughter. The girl got a rare and beautiful name of Mirra.

Tatyana Bogacheva - singer, actress, participant of the popular once show of the First Channel - "Star Factory". The girl became a finalist in the 7th season, as well as a soloist formed on the Yin-Yang quartet program, in the present - a teacher of the Vocal Studios.

Children's and Youth Years

Tatiana was born in the Crimea in mid-February 1985. Children spent in Sevastopol. Already from the young age he was interested in music, parents noticed that the child grows by the real artist.

In 5 years, Mom took the daughter to the studio of the opera. There, Tatiana was given a voice, taught the right execution, taught the Aza of acting skills.

Sing Career

After some time, the girl began to take part in musical competitions and song festivals. I won a lot, became a winner. Thanks to the active classes at the School of Opera, Tatiana opened the prospect of entering the Kiev Academy of Culture and Art. What she did when receiving a certificate, choosing the direction of "pop vocals".

In parallel studies at the institute, the girl tried strength in the model business. Several times they were invited to take part in the filming of commercials, posters. In Ukraine, Tatiana knew many long before she came to the "Star Factory - 7".

Participation in TV project

The ability to show your musical abilities arose from Tatiana Bogacheva in 2007. At that time, the producers of the factory gained talented youth to participate in the project. The girl passed the casting and got into the team.

Thanks to the efforts of the producer of the seventh season of the TV project - Konstantin Meladze - a group of "Yin-Yang" appeared, which first included Tatiana Bogachev and Artem Ivanov, then Sergey Ashinymin also joined. Presented the newly educated team of the guys in the last reporting concert of the "Star Factory".

After the TV project began a real "star" life. The guys fully engaged in a creative career - worked a lot, removed several video clips, recorded songs, went on tour. Real hits that exploded all sorts of charts, became "Kamikadze", "Karma", "NOTE".

Personal life Tatiana Bogacheva

Before Tatyana came to the "factory", she met with a young man. However, the relationship did not check the time and distance. After parting, the girl met on the draft Artem Ivanov. There was a sympathy between young people. The guy seemed to Tatiana very similar to the football player David Beckham. After a close dating, the girl appreciated the personal qualities of a young man.

Their novel was beautiful, but at the same time not fragile. Producers did not assume such a development of events, many thought that the rapid start of relationship would lead to the same rapid conclusion. However, the feelings were deep. After the end of the project, Tatyana and Artem continued to meet. And in 2016 got married. Soon happy newlyweds became parents - their daughter appeared on the world, which parents gave an unusual name - Mirra.

Than singer is doing now

At the moment, the singer is engaged in a new activity for himself - teaching. In early 2018, she became a teacher Vocal Studio Voice "Studio. Together with his wards, Tatiana records songs, puts voice, reveals the strengths and weaknesses of future pop performers. It is noteworthy that the studio organizers cooperate with the TV-show, thanks to which promising students have the opportunity to get the first serious experience of interaction with the public.

In connection with the pregnancy and decree of the performance with the Yin-Yang group, for some time they stopped. However, the autolists plan to resume activities, and the new peaks of the musical Olympus will be conquered with the new composition.