Briefly about different things - interesting facts from life. Interesting Facts.106 Facts about famous people Amazing facts from people's life

Briefly about different things - interesting facts from life. Interesting Facts.106 Facts about famous people Amazing facts from people's life
Briefly about different things - interesting facts from life. Interesting Facts.106 Facts about famous people Amazing facts from people's life

Forced to think about this attentive observer, the diversity of life is surprised or it should be laughed.

But in the fuss of everyday trouble, we sometimes do not notice these things. Want to expand your horizons?

We are offering to you interesting facts from life, Which will definitely raise your mood and teach to look at the world around the world.

  1. According to statistics, chronic alcoholics live for 15 years longer than those people who work without vacation. Rest, more, gentlemen, but alcohol do not abuse!
  2. 25% of our compatriots think about sex, standing in traffic. Oddly enough, only 6% reflect on work.
  3. Blue-eyed people are less likely to suffer from violations of vision than carbohylase and art.
  4. Karglase people are more adapted to everyday difficulties.
  5. An interesting life fact: the more often the man makes love, the lower the risk of heart attack. Consider this instruction to action! On women, alas, it does not apply.
  6. In the morning we are above 1 centimeter. During the day, the joints are compressed, which makes us in the evening slightly lower.
  7. No one in the world can sneeze with open eyes. Want to check it out? You are welcome! Just do not make it driving a car. According to statistics, 2% of all accidents occur due to the fact that the driver sneezed and lost vigilance for a couple of seconds.
  8. In a day, women utter 13 thousand more words than men. With this fact will agree to all men, but women may be indignant!
  9. Interestingly, nightmares are more often shot in the cold bedroom.
  10. Occasional brand is capable of fucked by pain. Probably Russian builders feel it at an intuitive level!
  11. The more often you overeat, the worse your ear.
  12. Cat taste receptors are not sensitive to sweet. By the way, read in a separate article.
  13. Men's hair is tougher and thicker female. However, on the female head twice the hair!
  14. If a woman periodically listens to the child's audio record, over the week her breasts can increase by 2 centimeters.
  15. There is a small pocket on men's jeans designers invented to hide a condom there. In fact, it is intended for hours. Recommended for reading.
  16. The best cleaner for teapots, baths, toilets and ovens is the usual "Coca-Cola"!
  17. Unpainted "Coca-Cola" has a green color.
  18. Aromatized cigarettes contain urea.
  19. The voice of the voice of women who work in the men's team is significantly lower than the ladies who work side by side with other women.
  20. Regular sex eliminates headaches. Interestingly, but this fact does not use all women in their lives. But men can take it to armared as an argument!
  21. Lefters are more convenient to chew in the left side of the jaws.
  22. You can stop the yawn, touching your finger to the language.
  23. With a conversation with a cute man, our pupils involuntarily expand.
  24. When a lot of cows are a flock. Many horses are called to herd. Large group of sheep - Otar. But when a lot of frogs are ... Army! At least so called their zoologists.
  25. 4-5 Summer Child Specifies about 400 questions per day.
  26. Fear before Friday 13 is considered to be a disease and successfully cured by psychotherapists.
  27. Visual fact of life: the average person in life eats 35 tons of food.
  28. Turtles are able to breathe rear-pass.
  29. OK (Okay) is the most frequently used word in most languages \u200b\u200bof the world.
  30. 95% of letters sent by email - spam.
  31. Cork from champagne can jump up to 12 meters high.
  32. Interestingly, it did not exist in the entire history of the Earth two identical snowflakes. However, like people. Even twins have small differences.
  33. For 2 years, the races are able to produce more than a million more pair of rats. For comparison - a pet for a whole life gives birth not more than 100 kittens.
  34. The first president George Washington in his free time adored admire the lush cannabis bushes, which grew in his garden.
  35. Do not heal the grapes in the microwave, otherwise it will explode!
  36. Cow is not able to descend down the stairs.
  37. Incredibly, but the fact: the biggest eyes on the ground belong to the giant (colossal) squid. In size, they are approximately a soccer ball.
  38. Louder than all animals on Earth shout hoppy whales. The cry of these mammals is louder than the roar aircraft and is heard in the open ocean by more than 500 kilometers.
  39. You will not believe, but the caterpillars have more muscles than a person.
  40. People in white swimsuits and swimming trunks are more likely victims of sharks on the beaches.
  41. Nostrils Aclaus - an olfactory body, but not breathing. Breathe sharks by gills.
  42. Babies have more bones than adults.
  43. The lighter beard, the faster it grows.
  44. An interesting fact from life: the smartest woman (according to the results of the IQ test) was ... a housewife.
  45. More than 1000 people die every year from a lightning strike.
  46. Initially, cologne was treated with plague.
  47. Koalas sleep 22 hours a day. Eh! ..
  48. The peak of household injuries and heart attacks falls on Monday.
  49. Every day there are 13 new varieties of children's toys.
  50. The most common tree in the world is a Siberian larch.
  51. And this is a terrible fact, despite the fact that he is about life. Some sharks eat their brothers and sisters in the womb. Truly, survives the strongest!
  52. Contrary to common conviction, the amusements do not eat ants. Their main food - termites.
  53. Indians and Aztecs used cocoa beans instead of money.
  54. A quarter of our skeleton makes the bones of the legs.
  55. Dogs are able to guess the intentions of the owners. Pay attention to .
  56. The heart of the shrimp is in the head, in the nape area. Nearby are the genitals.
  57. The tongue of the giraffe reaches a length to half a meter.
  58. Blue may not breathe 2 hours.
  59. Surprisingly, but the fact: the female of the nightingale does not know how to sing.
  60. Postage stamp contains one tenth of calorie.
  61. Prints of the language, like fingerprints, are unique and unique.
  62. In the mourning sign in Turkey put on violet clothes. In all other Muslim countries, white color is considered mourning.
  63. At the end of the 19th century, Cocaine was treated with insomnia and cold.
  64. If during the cleaning of the bow chewing the chewing, it is impossible to cry.
  65. Pliers can do without food for 10 years.
  66. Until the end of the 19th century in Russia, it was possible to buy vodka only in a 12 liter bucket. They knew the same people a measure once! By the way, we recommend reading where we collected a very curious selection.
  67. Among men are more than the ranconies than among women.
  68. This fact from life can surprise you. The fact is that some men are panicly afraid of virgins. Psychologists call this phenomenon of parthenophobia.
  69. The snail hibernation period can last 3 years.
  70. Vinegar can dissolve pearls.
  71. 99% of living beings ever who lived on Earth are currently extinct.
  72. Daily on Earth 3 people make a sex change surgery.
  73. Well, friends, we hope that you liked interesting facts from life. Of course, we do not call them the most important nor the most interesting. Just such collections help keep the brain in tone and exercise memory.

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Famous personalities differ from us not only by their achievements in one or another sphere of life. Facts from the life of famous people confirm their oddities. Famous people possess such an entertaining biography that she wants to study it completely. Interesting facts from the life of famous people will love both children and adults.

1. captured Italy at the age of 26.

2. The year of the year Hitler called the "Time" edition.

3. Cleopatra was married to his brother.

4. Facts from the life of the famous people of America confirm that Andrew Jackson, President of the United States, considered the Earth flat.

5. By the wedding of Queen Victoria presented a piece of cheese, the diameter of which was 3 meters, and the weight is 500 kilograms.

6.uinston Churchill was born in the ladies toilet. When was the ball, his mother felt ailments and soon gave birth to him there.

7. Bushovens always cooked coffee from 64 grains.

8. Beria was syphilis.


10. Almost always flooded before the fireplace. Because of this, he had a lack of sleep.

11. The socks believed the socks.

12. The king of the Tonga island is considered to be a loving man, which is in the Pacific Ocean. His name was Powls Fatafee.

13. There was never children, and intimate relationships too.

14.Facts from the life of the famous people of Russia say that Alekland Suvorov did not lose a single battle.

15. Always worked on the field on a par with other men. And this happened despite the fact that he was a graph.

16.Nikola Tesla had a panic fear in relation to microbes.

17.Andriana Lima, who is considered the famous Brazilian model, kept loyalty to the wedding. And exactly 9 months after the wedding, her daughter was born.

18.Pol McCartney because of his own workload did not have time to purchase a wedding ring to own chosen.

19. Krishtian Ronaldo is the most expensive player in the history of football.

20.Mama Jackie Chan las off his 12 months and born this famous man with a weight of more than 5 kilograms.

21. Interesting facts about famous people provide information that Merilin Monroe before became the famous model, worked at the aviation factory.

22. The first work of Breda Pitt was performances on the streets in the clothes "Chicken".

24.Bustgalter Merlin Monroe was sold at an auction for $ 14,000.

25. Walking hair loss, Julius Caesar put on his head a wreath of Lava.

26. The first is the first of the taxes of men who had a beard.

27. Larger than $ 500 million, John Rockefeller distributed for his own life.

28. Not less than 15 cigars in the day smoked Winston Churchill.

29. Similarly, 700 wives and 100 mistresses had Tsar Solomon.

30.Mart has never been to school.

31.Zigmund Freud had panic rhines before the number 62.

32.Lui Paster was a sponsor of the beer plant.

33. Alsendr Macedonian knew about 30,000 their own soldiers.

34. Similarly, 3000 outfits were at the Queen Elizabeth.

35.Tello Voltaire was stolen from the grave.

36. Golland artist Van Gogh had the attacks of madness. In one of them, he cut off his ear.

37.Yuria Gagarin in front of the flight into space wrote a farewell letter to the spouse, because he did not know what the expedition would be completed.

38. Luring Pavarotti was fond of football.

39.Chincheshan had a panic fear of death. And it despite his cruelty towards enemies.

40. When Alla Pugacheva was born, cancer was discovered on her throat. He was immediately removed.

41.Silvester Stallone was often beaten in school years.

42. Participated in duels more than 90 times.

43.Saddam Hussein wrote Quran his own blood.

44.The Charlie Chaplin after 3 months was stolen by the doorman members who demanded a ransom.

45. When Vladimir Putin worked in the KGB, his code name was "mole".

46. \u200b\u200bThe most large fee of the amount of 20 million dollars first received Julia Roberts.

47.The shoes for Paris Hillon is on the order, because it has a large foot size and it's hard to choose the desired shoes.

48.Owi Goldberg, which is considered an actress, there are no eyebrows.

49.Rianna did not even finish school.

50.Betchen was poured by ice water in order to raise his thought tone.

51. In childhood, the father of Charles Darwin considered his son with pristentness.

52. The demosphenant in childhood was a speech defect.

53.Chingshan died in the process of making love.

54.Artur Conan Doyle, who wrote Sherlock Holmes, was an ophthalmologist by profession.

55. Disney for life was afraid of mice throughout his life.

56. Movement began to compose music at the age of 3rd. In 35, he had more than 600 works.

57. In the 3rd age, Albert Einstein did not say a word.

58.Timberlake is very afraid of spiders.

59.The Napoleon Bonaparte created Napoleon.

60. Mother of 17 children was Queen Anna.

61. Autographer of the Roman emperor Yulia Caesar rated $ 2 million.

62.Charlz Dickens preferred to sleep only face north.

63. The birth of George Washington was the only birthday - a day off in the USA.

64.The Wam Turman was a monk and a professor of eastern religion.

65.Thiror Swift for the first time played a guitar in a 10-year-old age.

66.Shton Kutcher studied on biochemistry.

67.riana was the cadet of the Barbados Army.

68. Agelina Jolie in the orphanage wore braces and glasses, for which her teases guys.

69.Do 16 years old Jennifer Garner did not wear thong and did not use cosmetic means, because she was forbidden to do it.

70.U Tom Cruise was a dream - to become a priest.

71. Demi Moore in school years was an attempt to complete the life of suicide.

72. Some 40 years in Tourés after the death of her husband held Queen Victoria. She did not remove black dresses at this time.

73.Mussolini was afraid of cats to death.

74.Alfred Hitchcock was afraid of eggs in any form.

75.Hulio Iglesias in his youth played in the team of football Madrid "Real".

76. Charlie Chaplin is considered to be a highly paid actor.

77. American Montro rose in the orphanage.

78. Tchaikovsky was legal education.

79.Dext children Ricky Martin gave birth to a surrogate mother, and all his life he hid his own orientation.

80.Gitler belonged to vegetarians.

81. The English King Henry Eight of His spouse was executed from their six spouse.

82.Mama Paul McCartney was an obstetric and helped the kids appear.

83.kipping could not write his works in ink due to the fact that they were black.

84.Bejamin Franklin wanted to make turkey by the National Bird of the United States of America.

85.Bill Clinton for all the years of his reign sent only 2 emails.

86.jorge Washington did not shock when meeting his hands, but only bowed.

87. Before starting writing activities, was a doctor.

88.Cleopatra preferred to check the poisons on their slaves.

89.uinston Churchill on the mother line had the ancestors of the Indians.

90. Koroleva Victoria spoke English with a German accent.

91. Henry Ford, who is considered a successful businessman, was only secondary education.

92.Sar Jessica Parker is tied to a black little dress, so she even married in a black dress.

93. On one of the concert of Ozzy Osbourne bit off the head of a bat.

94.Alizeth Taylor possessed a double eyelashes.

95. In school years was a two-story physics.

96. Salvador Dali drew Salvador Dali.

97. Cate Middleton wedding dress in the morning after a celebration could be purchased for 300 dollars.

1. 26 years old was Napoleon when he captured Italy.

2. The University of Baghdad has assisted good - the eldest son Saddam Hussein is a scientific degree of Dr. Political Sciences. Although he did not even have secondary education. His thesis was called "the decline of American power by 2016."
3. In 1938, the magazine "Time" called Hitler's "man of the year".
4. During the service in the KGB, Vladimir Putin had a nickname "Mole."
5. Hitler was a vegetarian.
6. The Egyptian Queen Cleopatra checked the effectiveness of its poisons, forcing their slaves to accept them.
7. Cleopatra married his native brother - Ptolemy.
8. Cleopatra was not an Egyptian. She had Macedonian, Iranian and Greek roots.
9. Lafayette became the US Army General of 19 years. Its full name sounds like this: Maria Joseph Paul Yves Rocher Gilbert de Molet, Marquis de Lafayette.
10. The Minister of Culture of the RSFSR in the 50s, Alexey Popov was a famous Marthernik.
11. Mongolian Timur Conqueror (1336-1405) played something like polo skulls killed by him. He created the pyramid of their severed heads of 9 meters high.
12. At the time of the death of Lenin, his brain had only a quarter of the usual size.
13. Napoleon was not born in France, but at the Mediterranean island of Corsica. His parents were Italians, and they had eight children.
14. The National Flag of Italy was invented by Napoleon.
15. One of the drinking cups of Napoleon was made from the skull of the famous Italian adventurist Caliostro.
16. The founder of the theory of communism Karl Marx was never in Russia.
17. The first American supreme judge John Jay bought slaves to free them.
18. The first person in history that was hit by the train was a member of the British Parliament William Khuskinson.
19. The ancestors of Winston Churchill on the maternal line were ... Indians.
20. US President Andrew Jackson believed that the land is flat.
21. During the reign of Elizabeth I, there was a tax on male beards. However, Peter did not complain the first bearded.
22. The Queen of Madagascar Ranavalon ordered to execute his subjects, if they were to her in dreams without its permission.
23. Queen Victoria at the wedding presented a piece of cheese with a diameter of 3 meters and weighing 500 kilograms.
24. King England Henry VIII executed two of his six wives.
25. The President of Uganda and one of the most ruthless dictators in the world of Go Amin before coming to power served in the British army.
26. British Prime Minister Lord Palmerston died in 1865 on the billiard table, which was engaged in love with his servant.
27. At the court of the King of Spain Alfonso existed a special position - a himenik. The fact is that the king did not have a musical hearing at all, and he himself could not distinguish the anthem from other music. The gymnic should have warned the king when the national anthem would play.
28. Roman emperor Nero married a man - one of his slaves named Smers.
29. The Roman Emperor Nero forced his educator of the philosopher in the Sequeci to commit suicide.
30. The growth of Peter of the First was about 213 cm. Despite the fact that in those days the average growth of men was significantly lower than this time.
31. Sir Winston Churchill smoked no more than 15 cigars per day.
32. Tom Cruise at the age of 14 entered the seminary to become a priest, but threw it in a year.
33. The French king Louis XIV was 413 beds.
34. The Israeli king Solomon had about 700 wives and several thousand mistresses.
35. The King of France Louis XIV, known as the "sunny king", was more than 400 beds.
36. Napoleon had Aylurofobia - fear of cats.
37. Winston Churchill was born in the female toilet of the Blenheymov tribal castle. During the score, his mother felt ailments and soon gave birth.
38. Physicist and owner of the Nobel Prize Nils Bohr and his brother famous mathematician Harald Bor were players. Harald at the same time was a player of the Denmark national team and even took second place at the 1905 Olympics.
39. The phrase "King died, Long live the king" said Ekaterina Medici, when he learned about the death of his son Karl IX.
40. Swedish king Charles VII, killed in 1167, was the first king of the state named Charles! Charles I, II, III, IV, V and VI never existed, and it is not clear where he took the "Seventh" prefix. And after a couple of centuries, the King Charles VIII (1448-1457) appeared in Sweden (1448-1457).
41. Arthur Conan Doyle, the author of the stories about Sherlock Holmes was an ophthalmologist by profession.
42. Athila-Barbar died in 453 in a wedding night immediately after the wedding.
43. Beethoven cooked coffee always from 64 grains.
44. British Queen Victoria (1819-1901), ruled by Britain for 64 years, spoke in English with an emphasis. She had German roots.
45. In 1357, a dead woman was crowned by the Queen of Portugal. She became Princess Inez de Castro, the second wife Pedro I. 2 years before, her mother-in-law, Alfonso "proud", who hated her for being a common woman, secretly ordered her people to kill her and her children. When Pedro became the king, he ordered to extract the body of Iez from the grave and forced the nobility to recognize her as Queen of Portugal.
46. \u200b\u200bIn 1849, Senator David Atchison became president of the United States only for 1 day, and most of this day he ... I slept.
47. Great Vizier of Persia Abdul Cassim Ismail (who lived in the 10th century) never parted with his library. If he went somewhere, then the library "followed" behind him. 117 thousand book volumes were transported by 400 camels. Moreover, books (along with camels) were alphabetically alphabetically.
48. The Great Gengizhan died during sex practices.
49. Hannibal died in 183 BC. e. Having accepted poison when I learned that the Romans came to kill him.
50. Hans-Christian Andersen could not write almost a single word without mistakes.
51. Heinrich IV is often the portor of his son, the future of Louis XIII.
52. Danish King Frederick IV was two. Twice he married his spouse Queen Louise was alive. His first beloved died during childbirth, his second mistress was the queen only 19 days after the death of Queen Louise. All children from both his mistresses either died at birth, or in infancy, as he believed in his sinful life. Later he became extremely religious.
53. Jack Ripper, the most famous 19th century killer, performed his crimes always on weekends.
54. Dr. Alice Chase, who wrote a book "Healthy Nutrition" and many books about proper nutrition, died of malnutrition.
55. Somehow the merchant of Krasnobullukhov appealed to Alexander I asking for the change of the surname, and he allowed him to be called him ... Sinebryukhov. After that, the merchant with grief went to Finland and founded the famous brewing company "Coff" there.
56. When the Russian Queen Elizabeth I died in 1762, more than 15,000 dresses were discovered in its wardrobes.
57. Mozart began writing music in 3 years.
58. There was not a single descendant of William Shakespeare left on Earth.
59. Before writing music, Beethoven poured a bucket of cold water on his head, believing that it stimulates the brain's work.
60. Working out a light bulb, Thomas Edison copied 40 thousand pages.
61. "Sleeping in the summer night" Felix Mendelson wrote at 17 years old. This has become its most famous work.
62. Beria was sofilis.
63. More than 100 descendants of Johanna Sebastian Bach became organists.
64. In the ZZ Top group, only one participant has no beard. And his name is Beard, that translated from English means ... "Beard".
65. Since 1932, only Jimmy Carter and George Bush were not elected in the United States for the second term of the presidency.
66. Ilf and Petrov discarded the ideas that came to mind right away - to avoid stamps.
67. When Beethoven wrote the famous ninth symphony, he was absolutely deaf.
68. Composer Ferenz Sheet was the test of the German composer Richard Wagner.
69. The mother Paul McCartney was midwife.
70. The writer Reddard Kipling could not write ink if they were not black.
71. Writer Charles Dickens worked, turning face to north. He also slept always head north.
72. The Roman emperor Commod collected from the entire Roman Empire of Dwarfs, cripples and freaks to arrange battles between them in the Coliseum.
73. The Roman Emperor Julius Caesar wore a laurel wreath on his head to hide the increasing ballast.
74. Russian composer Alexander Borodin was also a chemist in St. Petersburg.
75. The smallest of American presidents - James Madison (1, 62 m), and Abraham Lincoln is the highest (1.93 m).
76. The lowest British monarch is Charles I. Its growth was 4 feet of 9 inches (approximately 140 cm). After he cut off his head, his growth was even less.
77. The body of Voltaire, who died in 1778, was stolen from the grave and was not found. Lost discovered in 1864.
78. Balzac has a whole book dedicated to ... Tie.
79. The British Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603) had about 3,000 outfits.
80. American Peet Ruiff knocks down an apple from his own head using a boomeranga.
81. American Industrial Magnate and billionaire John Rocfell donated more than $ 550 million. In different funds and institutions.
82. The US President Benjamin Franklin performed a turkey to National Bird of America.
83. In 1856, English Chemist William Perkin when attempting to get from Aninylin chinin invented the first artificial dye, Movein.
84. In the village of Lobovskaya Saratov region. The beekeeper lives, which is able to withstand 40 hours in the hive with bees completely naked.
85. In the period from 1952-1966, 5 children were born in the Ralph family and Carolin family and all of them had a birthday on February 20.
86. Galileo Galilee was the first person who offered to use the pendulum for measuring time.
87. Hannibal died in 183 BC Accepting poison when I learned that the Romans came to kill him.
88. Grover Cleveland was the only president of the United States, married in the walls of the White House.
89. James Madison was the smallest of American presidents (1.62 m), and Abraham Lincoln is the highest (1.93 m).
90. Dr. Alice Chasis, who wrote a book healthy eating and many books about proper nutrition, died of malnutrition.
91. For 35 years, Mozart has created over 600 works. But after his death, the widow did not have money for a separate place in the cemetery
92. The famous fighter with bulls 19 century. Lagariajo (nee Rafael Molina) killed 4867 bulls.
93. When the German physicist A. Einstein died, his last words went with him. Nurse, formerly near, did not understand German.
94. The maximum number of crosswords amounted to Andrian Bell. From January 1930 to 1980, he sent 4520 crossword puzzles in the Times Times newspaper.
95. Robert Lincoln, the son of President Lincoln, was saved in an accident of some Edwin Booth (Edwin Booth). As it turned out, Edwin is a brother of Abraham Lincoln's killer, John Wilkes Booth (John Wilkes Booth). Father tried to kill her father, and their children saved each other
96. The first American president who used the phone was James Garfield.
97. The concept of the negative number first introduced the Italian merchant Pisano in 1202, denoting their debts and losses.
98. The world's largest private collection of meteorites belongs to American Robert Haagu - from 12 years old, he collected 2 tons of heavenly stones.
99. Thomas Edison had a collection of birds in 5,000 copies.
100. The French Jeanne Louise and Gi Bruti made a crossword on a sheet of paper with a length of 5 m and width of 3 m, out of 18 thousand words and 50 thousand cells.
101. Shakespeare in his poems mentioned roses more than 50 times.
102. Andrew Johnson, 17 President of the United States, was the only president, self-seized clothes.
103. Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin were born on the same day - February 12, 1809. The scientist lived for almost 20 years longer politics.
104. Bill Clinton sent for all his presidency Already two emails, one of which was a test to verify that everything works fine. I wonder who was the second letter? Maybe Monica?
105. In 1759, Arthur Guinness rented the Brewer of Saint Gate for 9,000 years with a rent of 45 pounds per year. There began cooking famous beer guinness
106. In 1981, Deborah Anne Fountain, Miss New York, was disqualified for non-valid consumption of cotton pads in the competition of swimsuits
107. George Washington did not shine at the meeting - he preferred to bow
108. The only President of the United States, part-time being the chairman of some Union - Ronald Reagan, heading the guild of actors (Screen Actors Guild)
109. If you remember a little school course, you know that there is a Richter temperature scale. So this very charles Richter was a malicious nudist, because of what a wife was gone from him
110. If you are reading the works of the writer Stephen King, we should notice that most of the actions of its stories occur in the state of Maine. Paradoxically, but in this state the lowest crime rate in the US.
111. For the founder of psychoanalysis, there are quite a few oddities. Freud was panically afraid of numbers 62. He refused to reserve the room at the hotel with more than 62 rooms because of the fear of inappropriately get a room with number 62. He used Cocaine, like many of his contemporaries.
112. The famous entrepreneur Henry Ford preferred to hire people with physical injuries - among the employees of his factories in 1919 on four healthy accounted for one disabled.
113. Research Louis Pasteur sponsored one beer factory. They paid him and a ticket to the International Congress. When the word was given at the Congress, he was first of all began to hang advertising posters with beer on stage. And began his speech with the words that this beer is the best. And only then switched to business.
114. Madonna and Celine Dion are cousins \u200b\u200bof the wife of a prince Charles, Camillas
115. Father of the famous comedian Leslie Nielsen ("Naked Pistol", etc.) served in Canada a policeman, and Brother worked in the Canadian Parliament
116. Tennis player's father Andre Agasy represented Iran at the Olympic Games of 1948 and 1952. He was ... Boxer

A person lives on earth so long ago that in the entire history of its existence of coincidence has become an integral part of the life of our kind and they occur with enviable regularity. Most often, people take them for divine ideas, sometimes they simply do not pay attention. So, or otherwise, but even scientists who are perfectly focused on the theory of probabilities, are surprised by chance that occur in our lives.

the site also admires some coincidences, to seek explanations that do not want to not spoil their impressions of interesting facts.

1. Founders of Rome and the last emperor

Many people know that according to the legend Rome was founded by Romulom and Rem brothers. Later, Romulus was recognized as the first ruler of Rome. Oddly enough, but at the sunset of the Roman Empire, the last emperor became a man named Romul Augustus (Flavius \u200b\u200bRomulus August), which ruled in 475-476 of our era. So coincided that the history of the greatest empire in the history of mankind began and ended with people named Romulus.

2. Girl with Petrokes

In 1974, when the film "Girl with Petrokes" was filmed, Anthony Hopkins, who played one of the main roles in this film, wanted to read the original book of George Faufer to fold his idea of \u200b\u200bthe image of the hero. But it happened that in any bookstore the books did not turn out. Already desperate, Hopkins suddenly found someone forgotten torus of the novel right on the bench in the subway. The actor could not believe his happiness.

Later, when the film started shooting, Hopkins met George Feefer, and the writer in conversation has complained that he did not have a copy of his own book. All because he lent him to his friend, and he lost him somewhere in the subway.

3. Curse of the genus?

In the Bermuda in 1975, there was a case that still remains an example of a terrible coincidence, the explanation of which no one is decided to give. A young guy named Erskin Lawrence Abbean was driving along the road on his moped, but he was unexpectedly knocked off a taxi. By itself, the accident would be quite ordinary if it were not for one "but". Approximately a year ago, in 1974, the brother was killed on the same road. Moreover, he was shot down on the same moped, the same taxi driver, and in rumors, the same passenger sat in the Salon Taxi.

4. Edgar Alan software and travel time

Edgar Alan software consider one of the most mysterious writers. Moreover, some facts associated with it really cause questions. For example, in one of his books called "Tale about the adventures of Arthur Gordon Pima" tells about four sailors who survived shipwreck. The victims tried to survive at any price, because they had to eat their jung, whose name was Richard Parker. Moreover, I actively claimed that the book wrote on real events.

The coincidence is that after 46 years after the publication of the novel, the ship really sank in the open sea, the part of which was saved. To survive, the sailors had to eat their young comrade, whose name was Richard Parker.

5. The first and last victim

By perfect accident, these graves are located nearby, at a distance of just a few meters. One of them was buried the first British soldier who died during the First World War, and in the other - the last one. It was not scheduled.

6. Two presidents and many coincidences

As often happens, after the death of the celebrity in her life, it is starting to seek all sorts of coincidences with other historical events. The US history fans found several entertaining facts that coincided in the biographies of two presidents: Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy.

For example, both presidents were shot dead in the back of Friday, and next to both at the time of their death were their wives. Also, each of the presidents had a friend whose name was Bill Graham. Everyone had four children. Specially, or not, but Kennedy hired a secretary to his administration, whose name was Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln was the secretary named John.

7. Incredible accident

Car accidents are not uncommon now. However, at the end of the 19th century, when there were practically no anyone, no one could think about clashes. Nevertheless, in 1895, a car accident occurred in America, which is due to one fact: in those days in the state of Ohio, in which the cars collided, there were only two cars, and they somehow managed to find each other.

8. Gover dam curse

The Hoover Dam in the US is famous for the whole world. This brilliant structure has become one of the characters that a person can at least somehow cope with nature. But few knows an interesting fact about this dam.
In the construction of the dam, people died, and one of the first was the person named George Tarnney, who died during construction work on December 20, 1922. The public stipulated the fact that Patrick Tarnney became the last dead man in the dam of Hoiver - the son of George, and he also died on December 20th.

9. The death of "Titanic" was predicted in advance

Sometimes the coincidences are so frightening that goosebumps on the skin are fleeing superstitious people. It so happened with the crash of the Titanic. The fact is that in 1898 the writer Morgan Robertson released a work called "futility" in which he described the death of a huge ship with the title title. The coincidence would seem more random if not other facts.

So, the writer described in detail the technical characteristics of his ship, and they were surprisingly similar to the characteristics of Titanic. The developers of both ships considered their courts are unspexed. Both ship collided with Iceberg in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean. And on both ships passengers lacked boats for salvation. "Titanic" sank 14 years after the publication of the novel.