Religious symbols of Christianity. Signs and Symbols of Faith in Orthodoxy

Religious symbols of Christianity. Signs and Symbols of Faith in Orthodoxy
Religious symbols of Christianity. Signs and Symbols of Faith in Orthodoxy

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The first Christian symbolic images appear in the painting of Roman catacombs and refer to the period of persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire. During this period, the symbols were the character of the Tynopisi, allowing the uninterests to know each other, but the meaning of the symbols already reflects the formative Christian theology. Protopressil Alexander Schmeman notes:

The early church did not know the icons in her modern dogmatic value. The beginning of Christian art - painting catacombs - is symbolic (...) It is inclined to depict not so much a deity as the function of the deity.

Active use in the ancient Church of various symbols, and not icon-painted images L. A. Asspensky binds to the fact that "for gradually prepare people to truly incomprehensible the mystery of the award, the church first appealed to them in the language, more for them acceptable than Direct image. " Also, symbolic images, in his opinion, were used as a way of concealing from the christian sacraments announced before the time of their baptism.

So Kirill Jerusalem wrote: "To hear the gospel to everyone is allowed, but the glory of gospel is provided with one sincere ministers of Christ. Those who could not listen to, the Lord spoke in parables, and alone spoke to the disciples ". Ancient catabase images include the scenes "worship of the wilts" (about 12 frescoes with this plot), which are dated II century. Also, the II century refers to the appearance in the catacombs of the images of acronym ιχθςς or symbolizing its fish.

Among other symbols of the catacomb painting are allocated:

  • anchor - the image of hope (anchor is the support of the ship in the sea, hope is the support of the soul in Christianity). This image is already present in the Epistle to the Jews of the Apostle Paul (Heb. 6: 18-20);
  • pigeon - symbol of the Holy Spirit; · Phoenix - symbol of resurrection;
  • eagle - a symbol of youth ("UKO Yako Youth Your Youth" (Ps. 102: 5));
  • peacock is a symbol of immortality (according to the ancient, his body was not subjected to decomposition);
  • rooster - a symbol of the resurrection (Creek Rooster awakens from sleep, and the awakening of Christians should remind believers about the terrible court and the universal resurrection of the dead);
  • the lamb is the symbol of Jesus Christ;
  • lion is a symbol of power and power;
  • olive branch - a symbol of the eternal world;
  • lily - a symbol of purity (distributed due to the influence of apocryphic stories about the presentation of the Archangel Gabriel Virgin Mary with the Annunciation of the Lily Flower);
  • grape vine and basket with bread - the symbols of the Eucharist.

Characteristics 35 of the main characters and signs of Christianity

1. Hee ro. - One of the earliest crushing symbols of Christians. It is formed by the imposition of the two first letters of the Greek version of the word Christ: Chi \u003d X and Ro \u003d p. Although technically chi ro is not a cross, it is associated with the crucifixion of Christ and symbolizes his status of the Lord. It is believed that the first used Hee RO at the beginning of the IV century. AD Emperor Konstantin, decorating them with Labarum, Military Standard. According to the Christian Apology of the IV century of lactations, on the eve of the battle of the Milvian bridge in 312 AD. The Lord appeared to Konstantin and ordered the image of Hee RO on the shields of warriors. After Konstantin's victory in the battle of the Milvian Bridge, the Cie RO became the official emblem of the Empire. Archaeologists have found proof that chi ro was depicted on a helmet and shield of Constantine, as well as his soldiers. On coins and medallions that were minted in the era of the Board of Constantine, hee also was carved. By 350 AD Images began to appear on Christian sarcophages and frescoes.

2. Lamb: The symbol of Christ as an Easter sacrificial lamb, as well as a symbol for Christians, which reminded them that Christ is our shepherd, and Peter ordered to feed his sheep. The lamb is also served by the sign of St. Agnes (her day is celebrated on January 21), the martyrdom of early Christianity.

3. Baptist cross: It consists of a Greek cross with the Greek letter "X" - the initial letter of the word Christ, symbolizing the revival, and therefore it is associated with the rite of baptism.

4. Cross Peter: When Peter was sentenced to martyrs, he asked to crucify his head out of respect for Christ. So, the inverted Latin Cross became his symbol. In addition, it serves as a symbol of the papacy. Unfortunately, this cross is also used by Satanists whose goal is "coup" of Christianity (see, for example, their "black Mass"), including the Latin Cross.

5. Icyus(Their-Tus) or ichtis in Greater means "Fish". Greek letters that wrote the word: Yota, Hee, Teta, Ipsylon and Sigma. In English translation is Ixoye. Five named Greek letters are the first letters of the words of Iesous Christos, Theou Uios, Soter, which means "Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Savior." This symbol was used mainly among early Christians in the I-II centuries. AD The symbol was brought from Alexandria (Egypt), which at that time was a crowded seaside port. Goods walked from this port throughout Europe. That is why the symbol of Ichtis was the first to begin to use sailors to refer to God close to them.

6. rose flower: Holy Deva, Mother of God, symbol of martyrdom, secret confessions. Five roses, combined together, denote five wounds of Christ.

7. Jerusalem Cross: Also known as the cross of the Crusader, it consists of five Greek crosses that symbolize: a) five wounds of Christ; b) 4 Gospel and 4 sides of the world (4 crosses smaller) and Christ himself (Big Cross). The cross was a common symbol during wars with Islamic aggressors.

8. Latin CrossAlso known as the Protestant Cross and the West Cross. The Latin Cross (Crux Ordinaria) serves as a symbol of Christianity, despite the fact that he has long before the foundation of the Christian church, he was the symbols of the pagans. It was created in China and Africa. Its images are found on the Scandinavian sculptures of the bronze century, embodying the image of the God of war and thorus. The cross is considered a magic symbol. He brings good luck and distinguishes evil. Some scientists interpret the rock painted images as a symbol of the sun or symbol

Earth, the rays of which denote the north, south, east and west. Others point to its similarity with the human figure.

9. Dove: Symbol of the Holy Spirit, part of the cult of the baptism of the Lord and Pentecost. He also symbolizes the liberation of the soul after death, is used to call the pigeon Noah, the harbinger of hope.

10. Anchor: The images of this symbol in the cemetery of the Holy Domitille are referred to the I century, they are also found in the catacombs in epitaphy of the II and III centuries, but especially many of them on the cemetery of Holy Priscilla (only there are about 70 samples), Holy Caliksta, Coetemetarium Majus. View the Message to Jews 6:19.

11. Eight Cross: The eight-spin cross is also called the Orthodox Cross or Cross of Saint Lazar. The smallest crossbar denotes title, where "Jesus Norazhai, King Jewish" was written, the upper end of the cross is the path to the Heavenly Kingdom, which was shown by Christ. The seven-party cross is the variation of the Orthodox Cross, where the title is not attached not across the cross, but from above.

12. Ship: He is an ancient Christian symbol that symbolized the church and each individual believer. Crosses with a crescent, which can be seen at many churches, just depict such a ship where the cross is a sail.

13. Calvary Cross: Cross-Calvary is monastic (or samplen). He symbolizes the sacrifice of Christ. Having widespread in ancient times, now Cross-Calvary is embroidered only in Paramanva and Analave.

14. Vine: It is the evangelical way of Christ. This symbol has its own value for the church: its members are branches, and grape clusters - a symbol of communion. In the New Testament, grape vine is a symbol of paradise.

15. Ihs.: Another popular monogram name of Christ. These are three letters of the Greek name of Jesus. But with the decline of Greece began to appear other, Latin, monograms with the name of the Savior, often - in conjunction with the cross.

16. Triangle - Symbol of the Holy Trinity. Each of the parties personifies the hyposta of God - Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. All parties are equal, and together form a single whole.

17. Arrows, or a ray piercing heart - allusion for the statement of St. Augustine in "confession". Three arrows piercing the heart symbolize the prophecy of Simeon.

18. Skull or Adamova Head Equally, it is like a symbol of death and a victory symbol over it. According to the sacred legend, the ashes of Adam was in Calvary, when Crucified Christ. The blood of the Savior, washing the skull of Adam, symbolically washed all mankind and gave him a chance to salvation.

19. Eagle - The Ascension Symbol. He is a symbol of a soul that is looking for God. Often - a symbol of a new life, justice, courage and faith. Also, the eagle symbolizes the evangelist of Jaonna.

20. All-seeing eye - Symbol of allocating, omniscience and wisdom. It is usually depicted inscribed in a triangle - the character of the Trinity. May also symbolize hope.

21. Seraphim - Angels, closest to God. They are six-cycle and wear fiery swords, can have from one to 16 faces. As a symbol, they mean the cleansing fire spirit, divine fever and love.

22. Bread - This is a reference to the biblical episode, when five thousand people were saturated with five breads. Bread is depicted in the form of non-erases (sheaves symbolize the collection of the apostles) or in the form of bread for communion.

23. Good shepherd. The main source of this image is the evangelical parable, in which Christ himself calls herself so (in 10: 11-16). The actual image of a shepherry is rooted in the Old Testament, where the leaders of the People of Israel (Moses - IS 63:11, Joshua - Numbers 27: 16-17, Tsar David in Psalms 77, 71, 23) are called shepherds, the Lord itself says - "Lord, Shepherd My" (PS Lord says - "Lord, My Shepherd" (PS 23: 1-2). Thus, Christ in the Gospel parable indicates the fulfillment of the prophecy and the acquisition of the consolation by the people of God. In addition, the woman had a shepherd It has everything a clear meaning, so that today in Christianity it is customary to call the priests shepherds, and the laity is a flock. Christ-shepherd is depicted in the form of an ancient shepherd dressed in Hiton, in the shepherd-laced sandals, often with a staff and a vessel for milk; in his hands he It can keep a cane flute. The milk vessel symbolizes the sacrament; rod - power; Flute - the sweetness of his teachings ("no one ever said like this man" - Ying 7:46) and hope, hope. Such is the mosaic of the start IV century. Basilica From Aquileia.

24. Burning bush - It is a thorns bush, which burns, but does not burn. In his image, Moses came to God, calling him to bring the people of Israel from Egypt. The unhapable buggy is also a symbol of the Mother of God, who touched the Holy Spirit.

25. a lion - a symbol of vigilance and resurrection, and one of the symbols of Christ. He is also a symbol of the evangelist Mark, and is associated with the power and royal dignity of Christ.

26. calf (bull or ox) - the symbol of the evangelist Luke. Taurus means the sacrificial ministry of the Savior, his godfather. Also, ox is considered a symbol of all martyrs.

27. Angel Symbolizes the human nature of Christ, his earthly embodiment. Also is the symbol of the evangelist Matthew.

28. Grail - This is a vessel in which Joseph Arimafi allegedly gathered blood from Rounds Jesus Christ during crucifixes. The history of this vessel, which acquired miraculous force, was set forth by the French writer of the beginning of the XII century by Coreyne de Troita and a century later, in more detail by Robert De Voronen on the basis of the apocryphal gospel. According to the legend, the Grail is stored in the mountain castle, it is filled with sacred living rooms, employees for the communion and giving wonderful forces. The fanatical search for the relics knights crusaders in many ways contributed to the creation of legends about the graveyard, processed and decorated with the participation of many authors and reached the climax in the Tale of Parsiffal and Galada.

29. Nimbus It is a brilliant circle that the ancient Greek and Roman artists, depicting gods and heroes, was often placed above their heads, denoting that these are higher, unearthly, supernatural creatures. In the iconography of Christianity Nimbi since ancient times, it became an affiliation of images of the Highests of the Blessed Trinity, Angels, Our Lady and Saints; Often, he also accompanied the Lamb of God and the figures of animals serving the symbols of four evangelists. At the same time, nimbits of a special kind were installed for some icons. For example, the Lick of the Father's Lick was placed under the namm who at first form

triangle, and then the shape of a six-pointed star formed by two equilateral triangles. Nimba Virgin Mary is always round and often deliciously decorated. Nimbi saints or other divine persons are usually round and without ornaments.

30. Church In a Christian symbolism, the Church has several values. Its basic value is the house of God. It can also be understood as the body of Christ. Sometimes the church is associated with the ark, and in this sense it means salvation for all her parishioners. In painting the church, placed in the Holy Hand, means that this saint "was the founder or bishop of this church. However, the church in the hands of St. Jerome and St. Gregory means not some particular building, but the church in general, which these saints had enormous support and became her first fathers.

31. Pelican, A beautiful legend is connected with this bird, which exists in dozens of some different options from each other, but very similar in meaning on the ideas of the Gospel: self-sacrifice, burning through the gender of the body and blood of Christ. Pelicans live in coastal reeds at the warm Mediterranean sea and are often subjected to snake bite. Adult birds feed on them and immune to their poison, and there are no chicks yet. According to the legend, if Pelican's chicks will bite a poisonous snake, then he spits his own breasts to grab their blood with the necessary antibodies and those save their lives. Therefore, Pelican was often portrayed on sacred vessels or in places of making Christian worship services.

32. Chrisma - This is a monogram composed of the first letters of the Greek word "Christ" - "anointed". Some researchers mistakenly identify this Christian symbol with a two-season secretion of Zeus - "Labarum". At the edges of the monogram, the Greek letters "A" and "ω" are placed. Christ was depicted on the sarcophages of martyrs, in the mosaics of Baptisteriyev (baptized), on the shields of warriors and even in Roman coins - after the era of persecution.

33. Lily - A symbol of christian purity, indisputability and beauty. The first images of lilies, judging by the song song, served the decoration of the temple of Solomon. According to legend, Archangel Gabriel on the Day of Annunciation came to the Virgin Mary with White Lillia, which since then has become a symbol of her purity, innocence and devotion to God. With the same flower, Christians portrayed the saints, famous for the purity of their lives, martyrs and martyrs.

34. Phoenix Represents the image of a resurrection associated with an ancient legend of the eternal bird. Phoenix lived several centuries and when he had time to die, flew to Egypt and burned there. Only a bunch of nutritious ashes remained from the bird in which, after some time a new life was born. Soon, the new rejected Phoenix rebelled out of it and flew to search for adventures.

35. Cock - This is a symbol of universal resurrection that expects everyone in the second coming of Christ. Just as a crunch of a rooster awakens people from sleep, the pipes of the angels will break away people at the end of times to meet the Lord, the terrible court and the inheritance of a new life.

Color symbols of Christianity

The most significant difference between the "pagan" period of color symbolism from the "Christian" is, first of all, in the fact that light and color are completely stopped identified with God, mystical forces, and become their

attributes, qualities and signs. According to Christian canons, God created the world, including the light (color), but he himself does not boil down to the light. Medieval theologian (for example, Avrellius Augustine), praising light and color, as manifestations of the Divine, however, indicate that they (colors) can be fraudulent (from Satan) and identifying them with God is a delusion and even sin.


Only white color remains an unshakable symbol of holiness and spirituality. Especially important was the importance of white as purity and impurity, liberation from sins. In white clothes, angels are depicted, saints, the resurrected Christ. White clothes put on converts of Christians. Also white color is the color of baptism, communion, holidays of the Nativity of Christ, Easter, Ascension. In the Orthodox Church, the White is used in all worships from Easter to the day of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is depicted as a white dove. White Lilia symbolizes purity, it accompanies the images of the Virgin Mary. White does not have negative values \u200b\u200bin Christianity. In early Christianity prevalted the positive symbolic meaning of yellow, as the colors of the Holy Spirit, Divine Revelation, Enlightenment, etc. But later, yellow acquires a negative meaning. In the era of gothic, it is beginning to be considered the color of treason, betrayal, deceit, jealousy. In the church art of Cain and the traitor, Judas Iskariot often portrayed with yellow beards.


Used in christian painting as an expression of Divine Revelation. Golden radiance embodies the Eternal Divine Light. Many gold color is perceived as a star light from heaven.


In Christianity, symbolizes the blood of Christ, shed for the save of people, and, therefore, - and his love for people. This is the color of fire faith, martyrdom and the passions of the Lord, as well as the royal celebration of justice and victory over evil. Red - the color of worships on the feast of the Holy Spirit, Palm Sunday, during a passionate week, in the days of the memory of martyrs who shed blood for their faith. Red rose points to shed blood and wounds of Christ, on the bowl, taking the "Holy Blood". Therefore, it symbolizes in this context revival. Reds were celebrated in the calendar joyful events dedicated to Christ, the Lame and Saints. From the church calendar, the tradition came to allocate festive dates. Easter Christ in temples begins in white vestments in the sign of the Divine Light. But Easter liturgy is already (in some temples it is customary to change the vestments, so the priest appears every time in the riza of another color) and the whole week serve in red riza. Often red clothes are used to Trinity.


This is the color of heaven, truth, humility, immortality, chastity, piety, baptism, harmony. He expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bself-sacrifice and meekness. Blue color as if to mediate the connection between heaven and earth, between God and the world. As a blue color blue color expresses a person's readiness to take for himself the presence and strength of God, Blue has become the color of faith, the color of loyalty, the color of the desire for something mysterious and wonderful. Blue color is the color of the Virgin Mary, it is customary to depict in a blue raincoat. Maria in this meaning - the Queen of the Heavenly, covering

this cloak, protecting and saving believers (Pokrovsky Cathedral). In the painting of temples dedicated to the Mother of God, the color of heavenly blue. Dark blue is characteristic of the image of Cherubis clothing, which are constantly in reverent reflections.


This color was more "earth" meant life, spring, blossom of nature, youth. This is the color of the Cross of Christ, Grail (according to legend, isted out of the whole emerald). Green is identified with the Great Trinity. On this holiday, according to tradition, temples and apartments, it is customary to decorate bouquets of green twigs. At the same time, green had a negative meaning - cunning, temptation, the devilish temptation (Satan attributed their eyes green color).

The black

The attitude to the black was, mainly negative, as the color of evil, sin, devil and hell, as well as - death. In the values \u200b\u200bof the black, as in primitive peoples, the aspect of "ritual death", death for the world has also developed. Therefore, the black became the color of monastic. Black raven from Christians meant trouble. But black has not only such a tragic value. In icon painting in some plots, he means the divine mystery. For example, on a black background, which meant an incomprehensible depth of the universe, a space was depicted - an elder in the crown in the icon of the Fathest of the Holy Spirit.


It is formed by mixing red and blue (blue). Thus, purple color combines the beginning and end of the light spectrum. It symbolizes intimate knowledge, silence, spirituality. In early Christianity, violet symbolized sadness, affection. This color is assimilated by the memories of the cross and a great service, where the suffering and the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ are remembered for the rescue of people. As a sign of the highest spirituality, in combination with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe godniegency of the Savior, this color is used for the bishop mantle, so the Orthodox bishop as it were to have the whole to the gloor feat of the heavenly bishop, and the imitator of which the bishop is in the church.

Brown and gray

Brown and gray were the colors of commoners. Their symbolic meaning, especially in the early Middle Ages, was, purely, negative. They meant poverty, hopelessness, mildness, abomination, etc. Brown - earth color, sadness. He symbolizes humility, rejection of worldly life. Gray (mixing white and black, good and evil) - ash color, emptiness. After the ancient era during the Middle Ages in Europe, the color again returned its position, primarily as the symbol of mystical forces and phenomena, which is especially characteristic of early Christianity.

Let's talk about the symbolism of the Orthodox Church. Why about symbolism, but because any character carries a certain shortening sense, its reduced load.

The main symbol of the ROC is as a famous cross. This symbol is present everywhere, from a native, to the wedding paste of Orthodox churches and monasteries. And that's what is interesting, for some reason, the appearance of crosses on the domes of temples in the most incomprehensible way recently began to change. Let's illustrate it.

New crosses installed on temple domes:

In the village of Umya Vada district, crosses are consecrated for the erected Spassky Temple

Cross Temple Seraphim Sarovsky in Medvedkovo

But the crosses on the domes of historical monuments transferred to the state of the ROC

Resurrection New Oyerusalem Monastery

Sofia Cathedral in Vologda

Here is how the elements of the cross of the Cross Priests are:

Anyone who saw the Orthodox Cross paid attention to his oblique fit, the truth was not always present on the crosses. But not many know that this foot is symbolically represents the crossbar of the "scales" of a terrible court, as priests assure us.
If you remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, then do not do without a story about two robber, crucified next to him. One of the robbers repented of sins, believed on the cross in Jesus and entered with him in the kingdom of heaven. Another villain remained unskilled. So in the life of every person - the cross serves as a measure of his spiritual state. Either under the severity of sins of the crossbar of the scales is lowered down, or, lightweight, rises up.
The six-pointed Orthodox cross with oblique lower crossbar is one of the oldest Russian crosses.
In the people, the foot of the cross got the name "stood". The right end of its lower braid crossbar is always raised upwards, showing, like God's compass, direction path. Unlike the usual compass "Arrow", it is fixed motionless: the upper end points to the north, and the bottom facing south.

Crescent at the bottom is a symbolic bowl . Combined grape vine and the bowl remind that when performing the sacrament of the Eucharist (communion) - bread and wine are presented in the body and blood of Christ . Coming by the holy secrets, a person connects with Christ and is made by the participant of eternal life.

Even a quick comparison of these characters shows a significant difference. And such a comparison can be given and brought. So what's the difference? What has acquired and lost our church during this substitution, not replacement, namely substitutions. Let's deal with this issue.

At the heart of oldercian crosses, decorated and adorning the magnificent dome lies deep old-Slavic antiquity, namely Bukova Staroslavan scholarship literacy ( Cross. This grade was granted to our ancestors more than 7,500 years ago and contains 144 symbols - beech. Inscription and semantic image of beaks Cross Let's lead in the picture:

So majestic and diverse in the initial (sensitive) understanding of the root basis "Cross" that many and many volumes are written about this. Many beaks carry elements on the cross, more often, however, according to the composition of the "cross" - of this soaked display of a human biomembrane energy source, and not only it. And there is no wonder any icon - "Pastdantovovo unintelligent sky-space and a stroke" she directly or indirectly has a cross.

And it is not by chance at the heart of all the swastor symbols of ancient Arya lies a cross

Now, however, understanding how hard it is hard to defeat hevristry, even people sometimes began to understand the "anticipation" in an eater's sense: "carry their cross", allegedly undesirable, difficult matter. But it is necessary to defeat the gratis of the human genus !!! The gazes for attempting to raise disgust for the meaning of the beech the cross consisting of elementsA and, MA, O And and others, since ancient times began to depict the cross, as if he was (Jacred) is an instrument of torture, martyrdom. And it's a shame that the dogs hanged many even seemingly educated Christians on the chest symbol of the temporary martyrdom of Christ as a temporary victory over the Son of God with an attempt to perpetuate the Jewish nails in Jesus Christ, while the Son of God should be eaten by Christians - as if blood by means of communion. According to them, it turns out that instead of the heart of Christ a liquor-vodka plant for opiumizing believers in Christ.

The true intention of the beech of the Cross is this tricuresta, elderly on the radiance! - bioenergy beytization in even more sublime systems of life derivatives.

So the Orthodox Cross is another borrowing of the oldest "pagan" knowledge of our ancestors, cut and distorted to their opposite.

The earliest Christian symbolic images relate to the times of the ancient catacomb church and the first persecutions. Then the symbolism was used primarily as a cryptogram, the Tynsopcript so that the units could recognize each other in a hostile environment. However, the meaning of the symbols was entirely due to religious experiences; Thus, it can be argued that they were conveyed to us theology of the early church.

The world of "other" is opened in this world through symbols, therefore the symbolic vision is the property of a person who is intended for being in these two worlds. Since the Divine to some extent was revealed to people of all pre-Christian cultures, it is not surprising that the church uses some of the "pagan" images that do not actually go to paganism in paganism, but in the depths of human consciousness, where even the most fiery atheists hacking the thirst for the scribbling. At the same time, the church cleans and clarifies these symbols, shows the truth standing behind them in the light of revelation. They turn out to be similar doors to another world, covered for the pagans and open the manifestation in Christianity. Note that in the pre-Christian world, the Old Testament Church was enlightened in the greatest completeness. Israel knew the path of knowledge of a single God, and therefore, the language of his symbols was most adequate to what was standing behind them. Therefore, many Old Testament, transformational symbols naturally enter the Christian symbolism. Objectively, this is due to the fact that the first Christians were mainly the people from the Jewish environment.

The symbolism of the Christian art of this pore was the manifestation of "natural" for a religious person of the vision of the world, was a way to know the intimate depths of the universe and his creator.

Attitude towards the immediate image of God and the "Invisible World" was ambiguous even among the early fathers of the Church; All before their eyes had an example of a paganism in which religious venerations took place at the primordination of the Divine and was transferred to his form embodied in one or another material.

It was a very difficult task to artistically convey the secret of incarnation and the cross. According to Leonid Asspensky's remark, "in order to gradually prepare people to truly incomprehensible the mystery of the award, the church first appealed to them in a language, more for them acceptable than a direct image." This explains the abundance of symbols in early Christian art.

A rich material for studying the early Christian symbolism gives the creation of the Clement Alexandria, who writes about the preferred images for Christians. The alloy of the images of the windscreen and general cultural we find in the anthem of the Christ of its composition (approx. 190):

15 Forapiece
Eternal Vladyka,
Mortal Roda
Savior Jesus
Shepherd, PAKAR,
20 Fed, mouth,
Heaven wing
Saint herd.
Fisher of all mortals
To you saved
25 In the waves of hostile.
From the sea of \u200b\u200bwicker
Sweet life catching,
Lead us, sheep
30 Reasonable shepherd
Holy, lead us
Children's king immaculate.
Foot of Christ -
Way of heaven.

Here we will give only the main symbols from the totality of ancient Christian symbolism, which conveys a holistic picture of the world of the church and the aspirations of the heavenly kingdom.

The main symbols are naturally related to the most significant in the life of the Church - the Savior, his godfather and the sacrament of God-Eucharist approved by it. Thus, the main Eucharistic symbols: bread, grapes, items associated with the Vinogradar case - got the most widespread in the painting of catacombs, in the epigraphy; They were depicted on the sacred vessels and household items. Actually, Eucharistic symbols include images of a grape vine and bread.

Bread It is also depicted in the form of non-erase (sheaves can symbolize the collection of the apostles), and in the form of pieces of communion. We give the drawing, clearly appealing to the miracle of the enhancement of breads (MF 14: 17-21; MF 15: 32-38) and at the same time depicting the bread of the Eucharist (for the symbolism of the image of the fish, see below).

Vine - The evangelical image of Christ, a single source of life for the person he serves through the sacrament. The vine symbol also has the importance of the church: its members - branches; Grape clusters who often peck the birds, the essence of the communion symbol - the way of life in Christ. Grape vine in the Old Testament - the symbol of the land of the promised, in the new - paradise; In this value, the vine is still used as a decorative element. Here is a perfect image of a vine from Mozaic Mausoleum San Constanta in Rome.

The symbols of grapes also include images of cups and barrels used when cleaning it.

Grape vine, bowl and cruciform monogram of Christ.

Let us give a fragment of the equal mosaic VI century, depicting the vine, the monogram of Christ and Peacock, - a bird, symbolizing the revival to a new life.

Images themselves are related images fish as a kind of reference to the name of Christ; Good shepherd (Ying 10: 11-16; MF 25:32); Lamb - His Old Testament Preview (for example, IP 16: 1, Wed. In 1:29), as well as it nameexpressed in the sign (monogram) and in the insertion of the cross in the image anchors, Ship.

Let us dwell first of all on the Monogram named after Christ. This monogram, consisting of initial letters X and P, was greatly distributed, possibly since the apostolic times. We find it in the epigraphy, on the reliefs of sarcophagus, in mosaics, etc. Perhaps the monogram dates back to the words of the apocalypse about the "Print of God's Living" (Rev 7: 2) and the "New Name of Winning" (Rev 2:17) - faithful in the kingdom God's.

The Greek name of the CRISMA monogram (own. "Anointing, Miropomanazing") can be translated as "printing". The shape of the monogram was significantly modified over time. Ancient forms :. The most involved option is complicated in Ranneconstantinovsky time :, OK. 335. It is converted to (disappears the letter X). This form was very spread in the East, especially in Egypt. Often it decorates palm branches or is approved in a laurel wreath (antique symbols of glory), accompanied by letters and. Let us give the image of the detail of the sarcophaga II century, in which the actual chrism is not present, but the value is saved. Such use and goes back to the text of the apocalypse: I am alpha and Omega, the beginning and end, says the Lord who has and was coming, Almighty. (Open 1: 8; see also Revelation 22:13). The initial and ultimate letters of the Greek alphabet are thus the divine dignity of Jesus Christ, and their connection with his name (chrism) emphasizes "... His disabled birthday with his father, his attitude to the world, as the original source of all and the ultimate goal of every existence." Such is the image of chrysm on the coin of Emperor Konstantin II (317-361).

An additional reference to Christ could serve as an inscription, which was a cipherogram of his name Christos - Ikhthus, "Fish". In addition to simple analog similarity, this word acquired an additional symbolic load: it was read as an abbreviation phrase Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior, Iesus Christos Theu Yu Sotir. Cf. Silver plate IV in. (Trier).

Image of chrysm - the constant motive of Christian art. Let us give an interesting modern graphic version of chrisms - the logo of the magazine "Sourozh".

All these images are really a tynenopcript: for the well-known forms of letters of the alphabet, etc. Hiding the image of the crucifixion of the inclined God and the opportunity for a person to change through the attachment to the secret of the cross.

This is an image on the gravestone stone (Tunisia, VIII century).

There are also anchor to such images - the symbol of Christian hope for the future of Sunday, as the Apostle Paul says about the Apostle Paul in the Epistle to the Jews (Heb 6: 18-20). Here is an anchor anchor from Roman catacombs.

Images of the cross and anchors merge in the early Christian gem. It is accompanied by fish - the symbols of Christ, and from the base palm branches grow - symbols of triumph. In the literal sense, as an image of salvation, anchor is used in an image with two captured Christian fish from the Roman catacombs of the II century. And this is another, a graphically worked version of the same plot.

Another common symbol is a ship that also often turns on the image of the cross. In many ancient cultures, the ship is a symbol of human life floating to the inevitable pier.

But in Christianity, the ship is associated with the church. The church as a ship, driven by Christ, is a common metaphor (see above in the anthem of the Alexandrian Clement). But all the Christian can also be like a boat, following the church ship. In the Christian images of a ship, carrying the waves of the life of the Sea, under the sign of the Cross and guide to Christ, an adequately expressed the image of Christian life, the fruit of which is the acquisition of eternal life in unity with God.

Let us turn to the image of Christ - a kind shepherd. The main source of this image is the evangelical parable, in which Christ himself calls herself so (in 10: 11-16). The actual image of a shepherry is rooted in the Old Testament, where the leaders of the People of Israel (Moses - IS 63:11, Joshua - Numbers 27: 16-17, Tsar David in Psalms 77, 71, 23) are called shepherds, the Lord itself says - "Lord, Shepherd My" (PS Lord says - "Lord, My Shepherd" (PS 23: 1-2). Thus, Christ in the Gospel parable indicates the fulfillment of the prophecy and the acquisition of the consolation by the people of God. In addition, the woman had a shepherd It has a clear meaning, so that today in Christianity it is customary to call the priests to the shepherds, and the laity is flown.

The worship of the Shepherd is depicted in the form of an ancient shepherd dressed in Chiton, in shepherd-laced sandals, often with a staff and a vessel for milk; In his hands, he can keep a cane flute. The milk vessel symbolizes the sacrament; Wand - Power; Flute - the sweetness of his teachings ("no one ever said as this man" - in 7:46) and hope, hopes. Such is the mosaic of the beginning of the IV century. Basilica from Aquileia.

Antique images of the shepherd could serve as artistic prototypes of the image, the patron saint of Hermes, with a lamb on the shoulders, Mercury with a lamb at the feet - the image of the bob. The Lamb on the shoulders of a good shepher of the Divine Joy about the missing sheep - the sinner - in the Gospel of Luke (LK 15: 3-7), where the prophecy of Isaiah is revealed: "The lands will take on their hands and wear their chest, and led daisy" ( IP 40:11). Here the secret of the redemption of the world in Christ, the relationship of God, "believing his life for the sheep" (in 10:11), to people. The sheep in this case is the image of the fallen human nature, perceived by God and erected by him to Divine dignity.

In the image of a good pastor in early Christian art, the image of the Lamb - the Old Testament Preview of the Victim of Christ (Victim Abel; Victim Abraham, Easter Sacrifice) and the Gospel Lamb, "The Sins of the World" (Ying 1:29). Lamb - Christ is often depicted with shepherd accessories, which literally follows the words of revelation "Lamb<...> There will be a grazing of them and drive them on live sources of water "(Rev. 7:17). The Lamb is an Eucharist image, and in Christian iconography, he is often portrayed at the bottom of the liturgical vessels. The Lamb is called in modern liturgical practice and part of the prosphora consecrated in the Eucharist.

The lamb can be depicted on a rock or stone, from the foot of which the jets of four sources be hit (characters of a four-day), to which other lambs are ridiculed - the apostles or, wider, in general Christians. Lamb from Mosaics Ravenna (VI century) is depicted with a halby, on whom - Christ; Thus, his correlation with Christ appears as completely indisputable.

The image of Christ in the form of the lamb hints at the secret of the godfather, but did not discover it in front of non-Christians; However, in the times of widespread dissemination of Christianity, it was prohibited by 82 Rules VI (V-V-VI) of the Universal Cathedral of 692, since the championship in the reverence should not belong not to the sobrase, but the very image of the Savior "on the human being". In relation to the "direct image" such symbols were already remnants of "Jewish immaturity"

For our readers: Symbols of Orthodoxy and their value with a detailed description from various sources.

25 main orthodox characters

To understanding Christianity, you can come by decrypting its characters. On them you can trace his story, and the development of spiritual thought.

1. Cross eight-spinning

The eight-spin cross is also called the Orthodox Cross or Cross of Saint Lazar. The smallest crossbar denotes title, where "Jesus Norazhai, King Jewish" was written, the upper end of the cross is the path to the Heavenly Kingdom, which was shown by Christ.
The seven-party cross is the variation of the Orthodox Cross, where the title is not attached not across the cross, but from above.

2. Ship

The ship is an ancient Christian symbol that symbolized the church and each individual believer.
Crosses with a crescent, which can be seen at many churches, just depict such a ship where the cross is a sail.

3. Calvary Cross

Cross-Calvary is monastic (or samplen). He symbolizes the sacrifice of Christ.
Having widespread in ancient times, now Cross-Calvary is embroidered only in Paramanva and Analave.

4. Vine

Grape vine is the evangelical manner of Christ. This symbol has its own value for the church: its members are branches, and grape clusters - a symbol of communion. In the New Testament, grape vine is a symbol of paradise.

Ichthis (with DR. - Fish) is an ancient monogram name of Christ, consisting of the first bekes of the words "Jesus Christ of God's Son Savior." It was often depicted allegorically - in the form of fish. Intis was also a secret identification sign of Christians.
The pigeon is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, the third hatch of the Trinity. Also - symbol of peace, truth and innocence. Often 12 pigeons symbolize 12 apostles. Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are also often depicted in the form of pigeons. The pigeon that brought the olive branch, marked the end of the World Flood.

Lamb - Old Testament Symbol of the Victim of Christ. Also, the lamb is a symbol of the Savior himself, it refers to believers to the secret of the godfather.

Anchor - Hidden Image of the Cross. He is a symbol of hope for the future of Sunday. Therefore, the anchor image is often found in the boron places of the ancient Christians.

Chris is a monogram name of Christ. The monogram consists of the initial letters X and P, on the sides of which letters often write α and ω . Chris is greatly distributed in the apostolic times and was depicted at the Military Standard of the Emperor Konstantin Great.

10. Ternist Venets

The crown is a symbol of the suffering of Christ, often depicted on cubs.
IHS is another popular monogram name of Christ. These are three letters of the Greek name of Jesus. But with the decline of Greece began to appear other, Latin, monograms with the name of the Savior, often - in conjunction with the cross.

12. Triangle

Triangle - Symbol of the Holy Trinity. Each of the parties personifies the hyposta of God - Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. All parties are equal, and together form a single whole.
Arrows or ray piercing heart - Allyusy on the statement of St. Augustine in "confession". Three arrows piercing the heart symbolize the prophecy of Simeon.
Skull or Adamova head is equally as a symbol of death and a symbol of victory over it. According to the sacred legend, the ashes of Adam was in Calvary, when Crucified Christ. The blood of the Savior, washing the skull of Adam, symbolically washed all mankind and gave him a chance to salvation.
Eagle - the symbol of ascension. He is a symbol of a soul that is looking for God. Often - a symbol of a new life, justice, courage and faith. Also, the eagle symbolizes the evangelist of Jaonna.

16. All-seeing OKO.

Eye of the Lord is a symbol of alluring, omniscience and wisdom. It is usually depicted inscribed in a triangle - the character of the Trinity. May also symbolize hope.

17. Seraphim

Seraphim - Angels, closest to God. They are six-cycle and wear fiery swords, can have from one to 16 faces. As a symbol, they mean the cleansing fire spirit, divine fever and love.

18. Eight-pointed star

The eight-pointed or Bethlehem star is a symbol of the birth of Christ. In different centuries, the number of rays changed, until finally, did not reach eight. Also, it is called a Motherod's star.

19. Nainty Star

The symbol arose in approximately the V century AD. Nine rays of the star symbolize the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit.

Bread is a reference to the biblical episode, when five thousand people were saturated with five breads. Bread is depicted in the form of non-erases (sheaves symbolize the collection of the apostles) or in the form of bread for communion.

21. Good shepherd

Good shepherd is a symbolic image of Jesus. The source of this image is the evangelical parable, where Christ calls himself a shepherd. Christ is depicted in the form of an ancient shepherd, sometimes carrying lamb (lamb) on the shoulders.
This symbol penetrated deeply and entrenched in Christianity, the parishioners are often called a flush, and the priests are shepherds.

22. Unpassed binary

In the pentateuch, the unhapable bundle is a thorns, which burns, but does not burn. In his image, Moses came to God, calling him to bring the people of Israel from Egypt. The unhapable buggy is also a symbol of the Mother of God, who touched the Holy Spirit.

The forest is a symbol of vigilance and resurrection, and one of the symbols of Christ. He is also a symbol of the evangelist Mark, and is associated with the power and royal dignity of Christ.
Taurus (bull or ox) - the symbol of the evangelist Luke. Taurus means the sacrificial ministry of the Savior, his godfather. Also, ox is considered a symbol of all martyrs.

Angel symbolizes the human nature of Christ, his earthly incarnation. Also is the symbol of the evangelist Matthew.

Signs and symbols exist on Earth has long been. They are depicting attitudes to a certain culture, religion, country, family or things. The symbols of Christian Orthodox culture emphasize belonging to God, Jesus, the Spirit of the Holy, through faith in the Holy Trinity.

Christian signs of Orthodox express their faith, but few even baptized, know their meaning.

Christian characters in Orthodoxy

History of symbols

After the crucifixion and resurrection of the Savior, the persecution of Christians who believed the arrival of the Messiah began. In order to communicate with each other, believers began to create secretion codes and signs to help avoid danger.

The cryptogram or the Tynsopus appeared in the catacombs, where they had to hide early Christians. Sometimes they used long-known signs from Jewish culture, giving them a new meaning.

The symbolism of the early church is based on the vision of the man of the Divine World through the intimate depths of the invisible. The meaning of the occurrence of Christian signs is to prepare early Christians for the adoption of the aversion of Jesus, who lived on earthly laws.

Tyunopisi signs at that time were more intelligent and acceptable between Christians than sermons or reading books.

Important! The basis of all signs and codes is the Savior, his death and ascension, the Eucharist - the Mystery, left the mission before His crucifixion. (Mark 14:22)


The cross symbolizes the crucifixion of Christ, his image can be seen on the domes of temples, in the form of native crosses, in Christian books and many other things. In Orthodoxy there are several types of crosses, but the main is the eight-spin, the Savior was crucified on such a cross.

Cross: The main symbol of Christianity

Little horizontal crossbar served for the inscription. "Jesus Nazares, Tsar Jewish". The hands of Christ are nailed to the big transverse crossbar, to the bottom - his legs. The top of the cross is directed into the sky, and the kingdom is eternal, and under the legs of the Savior - hell.

Fish - ichthis

Jesus called for pupils of fishermen, who later made people to people for the kingdom of heaven.

One of the first signs of the early church was the fish, subsequently the words "Jesus Christ of God's Son Savior" fit into it.

Fish - Christian symbol

Bread and grape vine

Belonging to the Eucharist or the sacrament of communion is expressed through drawings of bread and grapes, and sometimes wine or grape barrels. These signs were applied to the sacred vessels and were clear to everyone who took faith in Christ.

Important! Grape vine - a prototype of Jesus. All Christians are his branches, and the juice is a sample of blood, which cleans us during the adoption of the Eucharist.

In the old Testament, the grape vine is the sign of the promised land, the new covenant presents the vine as a symbol of paradise.

Grape vine as a symbol of paradise in the New Testament

Bird sitting on a vine of grapes symbolizes revival to a new life. Often bread is drawn in the form of non-sections, which simultaneously is the sign of the unity of the apostles.

Fish and bread

The bread depicted on the fishery belongs to one of the first wonders committed by Jesus on Earth, when he is five breads and two fish (Luke 9: 13-14) fed more than five thousand people who came from afar to listen to the mission sermons.

Jesus Christ - in symbols and codes

The Savior acts as a good shepherd for their sheep, Christians. At the same time, he is a lamb, slaughtered for our sins, he is a saving cross and anchor.

The Universal Cathedral of 692 forbade all the characters relating to Jesus Christ to move the focus not on the image, but on the living Savior, however, they exist and so on.


Little lamb, obedient, defenseless - a sample of the victim of Christ, who became the last victim, for God became unreleased by the Jews of the sacrifice in the form of the camp of birds and animals. The Most High Creator wants to be worshiped with pure hearts through faith in his son, the Savior of mankind (John 3:16).

Lamb Symbol

Only faith in the saving victim of Jesus, who is the way, truth and life, opens the road to eternal life.

In the Old Testament, the lamb is the prototype of Abel's blood and the victim of Abraham, to whom God sent to the sacrifice of the lamb instead of his son Isaac.

In the Revelation of John the Bogoslev (14: 1) referring to the Lagni, standing on the mountain. Mountain is an universal church, four streams, - the Gospel of Matvey, Mark, Luke and John, who feed the Christian faith.

Early Christians in Tynopisi depicted Jesus a good shepherd with a lamb on his shoulders. Now the priests are called shepherds, christians - sheep or fluffy.

Monogram names of Christ

Translated from the Greek Monogram "CRISMA" means the world-formation and translates as printing.

We are sealed for the blood of Jesus Christ for his love and salvation. The letter X.P is hidden the image of the crucifixion of Christ, embodied God.

The letters "Alpha" and "Omega" denote the beginning and the end, the symbols of God.

Monogram names name Jesus Christ

Little-known encoded images

Ship and anchor

The image of Christ is often transmitted by signs in the form of a ship or anchor. In Christianity, the ship symbolizes human life, church. Under the sign of the Savior, believers in the ship by name church float to eternal life, having anchor - a symbol of hope.


The Holy Spirit is often depicted in the form of a pigeon. The pigeon fell on the shoulder of Jesus with his baptism (Luke 3:22). It was the pigeon that brought a green leaf of Noah during the World Flood. The Holy Spirit is one of the trinity, which was from the beginning of the world's creation. Pigeon - bird of peace and purity. He flew only to where there is peace and peace.

Symbol of the Holy Spirit - Dove

Oco and triangle

The eye, inscribed in the triangle, means the all-seeing Oco of the Most High God in the unity of the Holy Trinity. The triangle emphasizes that God Father, God's Son and God of the Holy Spirit are equal in their destination, are one. It is almost impossible to understand this simple Christian. This fact must be taken faith.

Virgin Star

At the birth of Jesus, the Bethlehem star was lit in the sky, which in Christianity is depicting eight-pointed. In the center of the star is a bright face of Our Lady with a baby, so the name of the Motherod's name appeared next to the Bethlehem.

In four her corners, images in the form of a person, an eagle, a lion and the calf, under which four Gospels are encoded.

Virgin eight-pointed star

The evangelist Mark is represented by Leo, chanting the power and the royal dignity of Jesus. Taurus symbolizes the evangelist Luke, who in his message emphasis on the sacrifice of Christ, after which the Taurus became the prototype of martyrs.

Jesus in the human image is described by the evangelist Matfey, it is shown in the upper left corner an angel or man.

Evangelist John is symbolized by an eagle that represents the Holy Spirit and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Star of gifts of the Holy Spirit

Among Christian signs often meets a nine-party star, every end of which means the gift of the Holy Spirit. (1 Cor. 12: 8-11)

Ninestone star as a symbol of the Holy Spirit

Nine gifts left the Holy People's Spirit:

  • Word of wisdom;
  • Word of Knowledge;
  • Vera;
  • The gift of healing;
  • Wonderful;
  • Prophecy;
  • Distinguishing of spirits;
  • Speaking in other languages;
  • Interpretation of languages.

Important! In Christian culture, many signs, however, for all Orthodox believers, the main symbol of faith remains the prayer and confession of the Holy Trinity.

Video about Orthodox prayer

We all know that if the main symbol of Muslim is crescent, then the sign of Christianity is a cross. But at the same time, any religion is performed tens of signs. Some are well known to our generation, others are so old that only frescoes or mosaics at the old cathedrals can remind of times when such signs were considered sacred. In this article we will try to collect them together, and at the same time talk about the meaning of each.

Early Christian Symbols of Faith

Early Christians were often mercilessly executed, so they hid their faith. However, many wanted somehow identifying their brothers, so symbols were created, at first glance, not reminiscent of the Son of God, but in fact somehow relating to his lives. These early Christian characters still find asylum caves who served these people as the first temples. However, on old icons, and in the old churches they can also be found too.

Or "Iphis" - so this word sounds in Greek. He was not honored: the word was an acronym popular among Christians phrases "Jesus Christ, God's Son, Savior" (she sounded like "Jesus Christ Feu Ios Soder").

Also do not forget about the wonders of the Savior, in which the fish appeared. For example, about the Nagorn sermon, which many people gathered, and when they wanted to eat, he spread on all 5 breads and 2 fish (therefore, in some places, the fish was depicted along with bread). Or about the meeting of the Savior with the apostle Peter, Rybak - Jesus then said: "As you caught fish now, you will catch people."

This sign people wore on themselves (on the neck, as we are now a cross), or depicted on their homes in the form of a mosaic.

  • Anchor

This is a sign of hardness, reliability of the church (after all, anchor could keep a huge ship in place), as well as hopes for resurrection from the dead.

At the domes of some old temples you can see the cross, more similar to anchor. It is believed that this sign means "Cross wins Crescents", that is, Muslim. Although other historians religion are confident: it is anchor.

  • Pelican

According to legend, adult birds were not afraid of the serpentine poison. But if the snake crawled into the nest and cousal Pelican's chicks, they could die - so that this did not happen, the bird spread his own breast with the beak, giving his blood as a medicine.

That is why Pelican became a symbol of self-sacrifice, bloody communion. This image was more often used during worship services.

  • Eagle soaring

Means the height of faith.

Nowadays, transformed in the Bishops' Orlets (solemn service attribute).

  • Phoenix

In the old days, they believed that Phoenix lived 2-3 centuries, after which it flew into Egypt and died there, burning. From this ash rebelled new, young bird.

Thanks to this legend, the creature has become a sign of eternal life.

  • Cock

Sign of resurrection of all people. This bird sings woe early in the morning, and all people wake up. It will also be ringing the angels pipe for the last hour of the Earth, and the dead will rise for the last trial.

  • Peacock

The symbol of the paradise life, which is waiting for the righteous on the other side of death.

  • Chrisma

This is a monogram of two Greek words "anointed" and "Christ". Often it is decorated with two more letters - "Alpha" and "Omega" (that is, "beginning" and "end", which means the Lord).

Where can I see this christian sign? On baptizals, sarcophagi martyrs. And also on military shields and old Roman coins (when the persecution of Christians ended and this faith became state).

  • Lily

Many know that this is a royal heraldic sign, but first of all it is a symbol of purity and indispensability (which is why even on modern icons, Maryia is depicted with such a flower in his hands). By the way, it can also be seen on the icons of martyrs, martyrs and saints, honored for a particular righteous life. Although this sign was honored in the Old Testament times (for example, lilies were decorated with Solomon Temple).

When Archangel Gabriel came to the Virgin Mary to notify that soon she would give birth to the Son of God, in his hand was this flower.

Sometimes Lily was portrayed in Turns.

  • Vine

As we know, Jesus said: "I am a grape vine, and my father is vinogradar." The topic of wine is often mentioned in Christianity, because this particular drink is used during communion.

The image of the vine was decorated with temples, as well as ritual utensils.

In addition to the characters described above, there were others who used the ancient Christians:

  • pigeon (Holy Spirit),
  • bowl of wine and basket of bread (saturation, faith and the Lord is enough for everyone),
  • olive tree twig,
  • spikes, ear, sheafs (apostles),
  • ship,
  • the sun,
  • house (or one wall, isolated from brick),
  • lion (power and power of God, church),
  • taurus, ox, bull (martyrdom, ministry to the Savior).

Symbols known to modern loyals

  • Ternist crown. They are jeaciously "crowned" the Roman soldiers, leading him to the execution. This is a sign of suffering voluntarily brought for someone (in this case, for all humanity).
  • Lamb. Sign of the Savior's sacrifices for the sins of mankind. Like young lambs or pigeons lay on the altar sacrifice to God at that time, and the Son of God became a victim for all people.
  • Shepherd. So denotes Christ, who is worried about the souls of people loyal to him, like a good shepherd for his sheep. This image is also very ancient. The first Christians painted the image of a good shepherd in their shrines, since there was no "Kramole" in him - it was difficult to immediately guess that this is the image of the Son of God. By the way, for the first time the image of a shepherd is mentioned in the psaltire, in the 22 Psalm of King David.
  • Dove. The Holy Spirit, the third hatch of the Trinity (the Lord, his son and the Holy Spirit). This vintage sign (like Easter images of the Agnets) people are still honored.
  • Nimbus. Means holiness and approaching to the Lord.

Orthodox signs

  • Eight-pointed cross. Also known as "Orthodox", "Byzantine" or "Cross of Saint Lazar". The average crossbar - on it they crucified the Son of God, the top is the same signboard, on which cynically wrote "Jesus Nazaryanin, Jewish king." The lower crossbind, if you believe the historians of the church, was also britched on the very cross, in which Jesus rushes his sacrifice.
  • Triangle. Someone mistakenly considers him a mark of Masons. In fact, this is the Trinity Trinity Symbol. Important: All sides of such a triangle should be equal!
  • Arrows. On icons, they are often embedded in the Mother of God (remember at least the Icon "Semistral"). This sign means the prophecy of Simeon's god reclamation, who announced that Jesus was the Son of God almost immediately after his birth. In the prophecy, he spoke to the Virgin: "You will be in the soul to you, and the thoughts of many people will open up."
  • Skull. Adamova head. At the same time a sign of death and resurrection. One legend reads: On Calvary, where Jesus crucified, there was a dust of the first man Adam (therefore, on the icons, this skull is placed at the base of the cross). When the blood of the Savior sheds into this dust, she was symbolicly washed from sins all of humanity.
  • All-seeing eye. This is the Lord's eye - the sign of his wisdom and all-living. Most often, this symbol is included in the triangle.
  • Eight-pointed (Bethlehem) Star. The symbol of the birth of Jesus. She is also called the Mother of God. By the way, in the old century, the number of her rays was different (constantly changed). Let's say, in the 5th century the rays were nine, they meant the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
  • Burning bush. More often - a burning thorn bush, through which the Lord spoke with Moses. Less often - the sign of the Virgin, in which the Holy Spirit entered.
  • Angel. Means the earthly embodiment of the Son of God.
  • Seraphim. Six-colored angel from the most close to the Lord. Wear a fiery sword. It can have both one face and a lot (up to 16). This is the sign of the Lord of Love and Cleansing Heavenly Fire.

And besides these characters, there is still a cross. Rather, the crosses - the great set of them in the Christian (as well as the pre-Christian) tradition, and everyone carries some meaning in themselves. This video will help to figure out the ten most popular, although in fact they are much more:

And of course, we could not but say about how the Orthodox cross differs from the Catholic. And even though it is believed that it does not matter what crucifixion you wear, but the faith is important - still not worth a native cross to break the dogmas of your religion. Tips for choosing this not decoration, but the strongest charm and the sign of the conscious choice of life path - here.

At the heart of this religion lies faith in Jesus Christ as the Godhead, the Savior, the embodiment of the 2nd person of the Trice Divine. The acquisition of believers to Divine grace occurs through participation in the sacraments. The source of the creation of Christianity is a sacred legend, the main thing in which is the Holy Scripture (Bible), as well as the "symbol of faith", the decisions of the universal and local councils, the individual creations of the fathers of the Church. It is known that not only the apostles, but Jesus Christ himself refers to himself as a symbol and a model erected by Moses in the Desert of Copper Zmia (John 3:14; Luk. 24:27). Church fathers, starting with the Varnava, each detail in the Old Testament is interpreted as a symbol or a modity of this or another fact of Christian history. During the persecution of Christians created a special symbolic language. The symbolic images found and described so far, the first centuries are partly in part in the hexam, but mainly to the ancient Christian church. Already the apocalypse contains a lot of characters depicting the attitudes of the primitive church to the then Roman state, and vice versa. In the second century, Christian symbols are already decorated with no places of religious assemblies and prayers, but also private home life. The exchange of symbolic images, images or icons among Christians was often replaced by the conventional signs of belonging to faith. Lilia and rose make up the constant affiliation of St. Virgin Mary in its images; sv. George striking his guard of the sea dragon; Nimb is surrounding most of the head of the saints.

Currently, the total number of Christians exceeds 1 billion people. This creed has three main directions: Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism.

Symbols of the faith of Christianity

A summary of the Christian dogmas, the unconditional recognition of which the church prescribes every Christian. According to the church tradition, the "Symbol of Faith" is compiled by the apostles, in fact it is the text of later origin: it was formulated on the Nicene Universal Cathedral of 325 and redesigned between 362 and 374, served as a reason for the division of Christian churches to the Catholic and Orthodox branch.


The solemn exclamation that occurred from the Hebrew "Gillel" - "Praise God". This word was a common exclamation of joy and alignment in Jewish service. They begin and end some psalms. This exclamation is used to this day in the worship of the Christian Church.


"True", "May Be." Used in various cases, this word has the same meaning. It serves as a confirmation of the answer and consent to make a concession. It is sometimes translated by the word "truly" and was often used by the Lord, when he cried some important and immutable truth. In the Christian church, the word "Amen" serves as an eloquent and sublime symbol of the conclusion of the Psalm or worship.


In the Christian church, the altar symbolizes both the Tomb of Christ, and the place of His Resurrection and Eternal Life. The Christian altar is a stone or wooden table of elegant work. It is placed in the center of the temple and is the main place in it. According to the Rules of Liturgy, the altar must be addressed to the East - on Jerusalem, the Holy Land, where Christ crucified.


As the Messengers of God Angels are intermediaries between the sky and the Earth. This is an intermediate beings that are not limited to earthly laws and space, their bodies are not from flesh and blood. They are similar to the natural spirits of the Middle Ages - Sylves, Undines, Salamanders and Dwarfs - who rule over the elements, but do not have the soul. According to the Christian teaching, the angels in the hierarchy are closer to the person than God. In the revelation of John Angel is an evangelist and shows the "holy" city of Jerusalem, "cooked as a bride." John falls on his knees to worship angel, but Angel says: "Do not do this; For I am a servers, and your brothers. "


One of the highest angelic ranks.

Archangel Mikhail, the Messenger of God's Court, is depicted in the form of a warrior with a sword; Archangel Gabriel, the Messenger of God's mercy, which is the good news - with Lily in his hand; Archangel Rafail, God's Healer and Keeper, - as a pilgrim with a staff and kitombo; Archangel Uriel, the fire of God, his prophecy and wisdom, - with a scroll or book in his hands.

Archangel Hamul - these are the eyes of the Lord; Archangel Eyophyel - his beauty; Archangel Nadil - His True.


So in the Christian church is the collection of books written in the inspiration and revelation of the Holy Spirit through the consecrated people called the prophets and apostles. The Bible is divided into two departments - the Old Testament and the New Testament. To the first one belongs to books written in pre-Christian time in Jewish language and revered by sacred both Jews and Christians. The second one belongs to the books written in Greek by the ongoing muscles of the Christian Church - apostles and evangelists. The Bible is already in itself - the symbol of belonging to Christianity.


Creator of Heaven and Earth and South Fisher of the Universe. The creature is original, independent, unchangeable, unconditional, eternal (Rev. 1: 8).

God exists in three horses: like father, son and spirit. As a philosophical category, this is the essence of all-gracious, gracious and merciful and at the same time punishing people for their sins or the same muruting them as a result of righteous life. God is a symbol of good and perfection and in this capacity opposed the evil in the image of the devil, the tempting of a person, pushing people to commit bad actions (see the Devil).

In church painting, God-Father is depicted in the form of an elder, with long white hair and a fluttering beard.


In Christian art, grapes acts as a symbol of Eucharistic wine and therefore the blood of Christ. Vine vine is a generally accepted symbol of Christ and Christian faith, based on biblical metaphor, in particular, in the parable of Christ about the vine: "I am a true grape vine ..." (John 15: 1-17).


During the birth of Christ in Jerusalem, "Celebre came from East and asked where the born King Judaian (Matt. 2: 1-2). What were these people from which country and what religion - this evangelist does not give any instructions. Magi stated that they came to Jerusalem, because they saw a star in the east born king Jewish, who came to worship. Having bowed to the newborn Christ, found by them in Bethlehem, they "moved their country", expulsing the extreme irritation of Herod (after that there was a Bethlehem beating of babies). They developed a whole cycle of legends, in which the eastern wise men are no longer simple wise, and the kings, representatives of the three Mankind. Later, the legend calls their names - Kaspar, Melchior and Valtasar, and describes in detail their appearance.


Christian symbol of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the third face of the Holy Trinity. Sacred Scripture clearly and undoubtedly teaches the Holy Spirit as a face other than God-Son's God.

The personal properties of the Holy Spirit are depicted by the evangelist John (15:26): "He comes from his father and the son is sent."

Hedgehogs (wiring)

It is a round fresh loaf, which priest sanctifies during communion or mass. His name happened from the Latin word "Hostia", meaning a sacrifice or donation.

The living and especially with the bowl symbolizes the sacrifice of Christ on the cross.


The vessel in which Joseph Arimafi allegedly gathered blood from Rounds Jesus Christ during crucifixes. The history of this vessel, which acquired miraculous force, was set forth by the French writer of the beginning of the XII century by Coreyne de Troita and a century later, in more detail by Robert De Voronen on the basis of the apocryphal gospel. According to the legend, the Grail is stored in the mountain castle, it is filled with sacred living rooms, employees for the communion and giving wonderful forces. The fanatical search for the relics knights crusaders in many ways contributed to the creation of legends about the graveyard, processed and decorated with the participation of many authors and reached the climax in the Tale of Parsiffal and Galada.

Virgin Mary - Virgin

Mother Jesus Christ. Joachim's daughter and Anna. Joseph's wife.

The most reverent and comprehensive image of Christianity.

The disadvantage of information about the life of the Virgin, which we obtained from the Holy Scriptures is abundantly replenished by many legends, of which some have undoubted printing of deep antiquity and, in any case, reflect the faith of Christian society since ancient times.

Star Bethlehemskaya

Shortly before the Nativity of Christ, namely in 747 after the founding of Rome, in the sky it was possible to see an extremely rare combination of Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation of fish. It could not not pay attention to everyone who watched the starry sky and was engaged in astronomy, that is, the Chaldean Magi.

Next year, Mars joined this combination, which even more strengthened the extraordination of the entire phenomenon. Thus, the Bethlehem Star, which led the Magi in Judea, is a fully justified phenomenon.


One of the sacred vessels of the tabernacle and the temple, used to invade the Fimiam in particularly solemn cases.


One of the necessary attributes of church activity. The bell tower convenes believers for worship. The sound of the bell of Sanctus on the altar during the communion notifies the arrival of Christ.

The ark

The wooden box of large sizes in which Noah and his family was escaped from a worldwide flood, taking with them "every creature in a pair." Strictly speaking, this construction vessel cannot be called, at best, the barges. But, no matter how to regard this unit, he fulfilled his historical task: Savior mankind and fauna of the planet for the future life. The legend of the Noah's Ark Christianity is somewhat different than Judaism. Noah is one of the main patriarchal "types" of Christ. Early fathers of the church and apologists compared a flood with Christian baptism. The ark was a frequent plot in Christian art from its very beginning. In Roman catacombs, he personified a new Christian concept of the Resurrection. In the Bible, the end of the World Flood symbolizes a pigeon that brings no one in the ark olive branch.


A brilliant circle, which is ancient Greek and Roman artists, depicting gods and heroes, was often placed on their heads, denoting that these are higher, unearthly, supernatural creatures. In the iconography of Christianity Nimb, from ancient times, became an affiliationmost of the Hospitality of the Blessed Trinity, Angels, Our Lady and Saints; Often, he also accompanied the Lamb of God and the figures of animals serving the symbols of four evangelists. At the same time, nimbits of a special kind were installed for some icons. For example, the face of the Father's Lick was placed under the nymm who at first the form of a triangle, and then the shape of a six-pointed star formed by two equilateral triangles. Nimba Virgin Mary is always round and often deliciously decorated. Nimbi saints or other divine persons are usually round and without ornaments.

Easter candle

In Christianity, the candle symbolizes the presence of Christ with students for forty days after the resurrection of Jesus.

Candle burns forty days - from Easter to Ascension. For the Ascension, it is quenched, which symbolizes the care of Christ from the Earth. In addition, the candle depicts the light of Christ that rebels from the dead, and a new life, as well as a fiery pillar, which forty years led the people of Israel.


The word of Persian origin, meaning literally "garden."

Distinguish two paradise:

1) "Earth", armed by God himself for the first people and was, in the expression of the Book of Genesis, "in the East" (from the place where this book is written, that is, probably Palestines), in the Edemskaya country;

2) Heavenly - the "kingdom" prepared by God from the beginning of the world, where the souls of the righteous and saints live after the death of the earth and private court, until the resurrection of bodies on Earth and the Universal Court, not knowing neither disease, no sorrows, no frustration, feeling alone Incessant joy and bliss.

Crucifixion (Cross)

The ancient and most cruel and shameful execution, which the Romans applied exclusively to the greatest criminals: traternals and villains.

Executed outside the city on the elevation. After the bogging, the leather leather of the criminal was nailed to a cross of 3- 4.5 meters from cypress or cedar.

The crosses were equilateral, stretched up or in the form of the Greek letter "Tau" - T. The torment of the suffering on the cross lasted up to three days.

Such execution was subjected by Jesus Christ

Rob (bugs)

A bright red or purple robe, wearing the first persons of the Church as one of the symbols of the sufferings of Christ in court and, consequently, the symbol of the passions of the Lord.

"Then the warriors of the ruler, taking Jesus to Pretoria, gathered on him the whole regiment and, undressing him, put the bugger on him ... And when they were laughed at him, they took the bugger from him and dressed him in his clothes, and led him to the crucifixion." (Matt. 27: 27-31).

Scary court

Faith in a terrible court was in the Christian Church of the Universal and Permanent.

The initial symbols of private ancient churches are confirmed by this. Shepherds and teachers of the church, starting with apostolic times, and firmly kept themselves, and other generations were transferred to the universal faith in the future universal court.

According to St. Polycarp Smirnsky, "Who will say that there is no resurrection, no court, that firstborn Satan."

The terrible court should begin after the angel is incense in the pipe, convening to court and living, and the dead.


The crown from the prickly branches of the Thurning, who soldiers put on Christ before holding it, was a parody of a festive wreath of the Roman emperor. "And the warriors took it inside the yard, that is, in Pretoria, and collected the entire regiment; And dressed him in the bugger, and, the crunch of the thorns crown, laid on it; And they began to welcome him: Rejoice, Tsar Judaian! " (MK. 15: 16-18). Christ crucified on the cross is usually depicted in a ternswent.


Christianity teaches that "the United God is Troic."

The doctrine, according to which God is one, however, according to Matthew (28:19), manifests itself in three faces - Father, Son and the Holy Spirit; This theory was justified by Augustine in his treatise "De Trinitate" (Lat. "About Trinity"). Trinity, could be depicted in the form of ideograms - for example, three connected circles. God-Father was originally portrayed in the form of a symbolic eye or a hand stretching from the cloud, perhaps holding the crown. The Holy Spirit is most often symbolized by the pigeon. In painting, the pigeon is ferry right above the head of Christ. Another, less common type, which existed with the data, depicts a trinity in the form of three human figures.

Christ Jesus

This word means "anointed" and represents the Greek translation of the Jewish "Masters" (Messiah).

At the time of the birth of Christ, the Jews were expected to see in the Messiah of the National Chief, the deliverant of the Romans, the righteous, invincible and eternal king from the house and History of Davidov (in the era of the struggle of Jewry with Rome, there were many lzhemeziusi - political agitators on a religious lining. On the phenomena of false christov and Falseproorokov warned his student the Savior himself). The first person who directly argued about himself as a promised Messiah-Christ was the divine founder of the greatest in its moral altitude and his historical significance of religion - Christian, Jesus Christ from Nazareth Galilean.


In a Christian symbolism, the church has several values. Its basic value is the house of God. It can also be understood as the body of Christ. Sometimes the church is associated with the ark, and in this sense it means salvation for all her parishioners. In painting the church, placed in the Holy Hand, means that this saint "was the founder or bishop of this church.

However, the church in the hands of St. Jerome and St. Gregory means not some particular building, but the church in general, which these saints had enormous support and became her first fathers.


Threads with wooden, glass, bone, amber and other grains (balls), topped with wooden, glass, bone, amber and other grains.

The appointment of them is to serve as a benefit for the account of prayers and bows, which indicates and the very name of their "rosary" - from the verb "Honor", "count." The use of them in the Orthodox Church is assigned only to monasticists of both sexes and bishops.