Swastika in Buddhism - familiarity with the original value of this symbol. Swasty symbol - views and meanings

Swastika in Buddhism - familiarity with the original value of this symbol. Swasty symbol - views and meanings
Swastika in Buddhism - familiarity with the original value of this symbol. Swasty symbol - views and meanings


Many people have a swastika associated with fascism and Hitler. This opinion was injured in the heads of the people for the last 60 years. Few people remember that on Soviet money from 1917 to 1922 was a swastika that the soldiers and officers of the Red Army in the same period, the same was the swastika in a laurel wreath, and the RSFSR letters were inside the swastika. There is even such an opinion that the Swastika Hitler was presented by Comrade I. V. Stalin in 1920.

The History of Swastika goes its roots in the depths of the Millennium ...

History of Swastika

The swastor symbol is a rotating cross with curved ends directed by or counterclockwise. As a rule, now all over the world, all the swastit symbols are called in one word - the swastika, which is incorrectly incorrect, because Each wastuchy symbol in ancient times had its own name, purpose, faithful strength and figurative value.

The swastor symbolism, as the most ancient, most often occurs during archaeological excavations. More often than other symbols were found in the ancient mounds, on the ruins of the ancient cities and settlements. In addition, the welcoming symbolism was depicted on various details of architecture, weapons, clothing and household utensils in many nations of the world. The welcoming symbolism is everywhere meets in ornamentika as a sign of light, sun, love, life.

The oldest archaeological artifacts with the image of a welcoming symbolism are now dating approximately 4-15 thousand years BC. (On the right is a vessel from the Scythian kingdom of 3-4 thousand to our era). According to the materials of archaeological excavations, the richest territory for the use of swastika, both religious and cultural and domestic education symbol is Russia. Neither Europe nor India nor Asia can be compared with Russia into the abundance of the swastor symbols covering Russian weapons, steaks, national costumes, homemade utensils, objects of everyday life and agricultural purposes, as well as homes and temples. Excavations of the ancient Kurgans, cities and settlements speak for themselves - many ancient Slavic cities had a clear form of a swastika oriented on four sides of the world. This is visible on the example of Arcaim, Vendogard and others.

The swastika and the welded-solar symbols were the main elements of the most ancient Praslavyan ornaments.

Swastacious symbolism in various cultures

But not only the arias and the Slavs believed in the mystical power of the swastor patterns. The same symbols were found on clay vessels from Samarra (the territory of modern Iraq), which are dated to the V Millennium to our era. Swastile symbols in left-handratching and releger form are found in Mohenjo Daro dearity culture (Indus River Pool) and Ancient China around 2000 BC. e. In Northeast Africa, archaeologists have found the funeral stele of the Kingdom of Meroz, which existed in the II-III centuries of our era. The fresco on the stele depicts a woman entering the afterlife, a swastika in the paddle's clothes.

The rotating cross decorates the gold weights for the scales belonging to residents of Ashanta (Ghana), and the clay utensils of the ancient Indians, beautiful carpets woven with Persians and Celts. The man-made belts, created by Komi, Russians themselves, Latvians, Lithuanians and other peoples, are also filled with savory symbolism, and at present even the ethnographer is difficult to deal with any of the peoples to include these ornaments. Judge for yourself.

Swastacious symbolism from ancient times was the main and dominant almost all peoples in Eurasia: Slavs, Germans, Mariers, Pomorov, Skalvov, Kurys, Scythians, Sarmatov, Mordvov, Udmurts, Bashkirov, Chuvash, Hindu, Icelanders, Scots and many others.

In many ancient beliefs and religions, the swastika is the most important and brightest religious symbol. So, in ancient Indian philosophy and Buddhism, the swastika is a symbol of the eternal cycle of the universe, the symbol of the law of the Buddha, which is subject to everything. (Dictionary "Buddhism", M., "Republic", 1992); In Tibetan Lamaism - a security character, a symbol of happiness and a talisman.

In India and Tibet, the swastika is depicted everywhere: on the walls and gates of temples, on residential buildings, as well as on the tissues that all the sacred texts and signs wrap up. Very often, the sacred texts are framed by the sacred texts from the Book of the Dead, which are written on the funeral covers, before goding (cremation).

The image of a set of swastik, you can observe both on the old Japanese engraving of the XVIII century and on non-unobed mosaic floors in the halls of the St. Petersburg Hermitage.

But you will not find any messages in the media about it, for they have no idea what a swastika is what an oldest figurative meaning it carries in himself that it meant for many millennia and means now for Slavs and Ariyev and many Peoples inhabiting our land.

Swastika in Slavyan

Swastika in Slavyan- This is a "solar" symbolism, or in other words "solar" symbolism, which means the rotation of the solar circle. Also the word swastika means "Heavenly Movement", Sva - Heaven, Tik - Movement. Hence the names of the Slavic gods: Bird Mother SPI (patroness of Russia), the god of Svarog and finally the Svarga is the habitat of the bright gods of Slavic myths. Swastika translated from Sanskrit language (under one of the versions of Sanskrit - the Old Russian Slavic language) "Svasti" - greeting, wish good luck.

In the swastika believed both in the talisman, "attracting" luck. On ancient Russia it was believed that if you draw Kolovrat on my palm, then I will definitely be lucky. The swastika drew on the walls of the house, so that happiness reigned there. In the Ipatiev House, where they shot the seven of the last Russian emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexander Fedorovna painted all the walls with this divine symbol, but the swastika did not help against the boots. Nowadays, philosophers, losas and psychics are offered to build urban quarters in the form of a swastik - such configurations must generate positive energy. By the way, these conclusions have already been confirmed by modern science.

With Peter I, the walls of its suburban residence were decorated with swastika. The ceiling of the throne room in the Hermitage is also covered with a sacred symbol. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Swastube has become the most common wubble symbol in Russia, Western and Eastern Europe - the influence of the "secret doctrine" E.P. Blavat, the teachings of the Guido background sheet, etc. The simple people for thousands of years used welded ornaments in everyday life, and at the beginning of the current century, the authorities of the property appeared interest in the steastal symbols. In Soviet Russia, the violated stripes of fighters of the Red Army of the South-Eastern Front since 1918 decorated with a swastika with Abbrevia R.S.F.S.R. Inside.

After the overthrow, the autocracy of the Swastube appears on new monetary bills of the temporary government, and after October 1917 - on denunciation of the Bolsheviks. Now, few people know that the matrices with the image of Kolovrat (swastika) on the background of a double-headed eagle were manufactured at a special order and sketches of the last king of the Russian Empire - Nicholas II.

Since 1918, new bills in 1000, 5,000 and 10,000 rubles are introduced by the Bolsheviks into appeal, which shows not one swastika, but three. Two smaller - in lateral veins and a large swastika - in the middle. Money with a swastika was printed by the Bolsheviks and were in everyday life until 1922, and only after the formation of the Soviet Union was derived from circulation.

Schedule symbols

Swastile symbols carry a huge secret meaning. They laid a huge wisdom. Each wastuchy symbol opens up a great picture of the universe. Ancient Slavic-Aryan wisdom says that our galaxy has the form of a swastika and is called Wati., and the system of Yaril-Sun, in which our Midgard-Earth makes his way, is in one of the sleeves of this heavenly swastika.

In Russia numbered 144 speciessweet symbols : Swastika, Kolovrat, Satura, Saint Dar, Svasti, Swor, Solntserat, Agni, Faha, Mara; Inglia, Sunny Cross, Saltard, Jedar, Sleeping, Flower Fern, Perunov Color, Wati, Race, Conversation, Welsh, Svatok, Yarovrat, Legebra, Rodimich, Charov, etc. It would be possible to list, but it would be better to consider further briefly somewhat solar welcoming symbols: their drawing and figurative value.

Kolovpat. - Symbol of the ascending Yaril-Sun; Symbol of eternal victory of light over darkness and eternal life over death. Color of Kolovrat also plays important: fiery, symbolizes rebirth; Heavenly - update; Black - change.

Inglia - symbolizes the primary life of the divine fire of creation, from which all the universes and our Yaril-Sun system appeared. In the faithful source, Inglia is a symbol of the initial divine purity that protects the world from the forces of Mraka.

Saint Dar. - symbolizes the ancient sacred northern pranodine of white peoples - Daria, called now: Hyperborea, Arctic, Severia, the Paradise Earth, which was in the Northern Ocean and died as a result of the first Flood.

Soboop. - symbolizes the endless, permanent celestial movement, called - the Swag and the eternal cycle of the vitality of the universe. It is believed that if Swor is depicted on home utensils, then in the house there will always be prosperous and happiness.

Svaor Solntserat - symbolizes the constant motion of the Yarily-Sun in the sky. For a person, the use of this symbol meant: purity of thoughts and acts, goodness and light of spiritual insight.

Agni (Ogun) - Symbol of sacred fire satellite and home hearth. The overall symbol of the highlights of light gods, guarding the dwellings and temples, as well as the ancient wisdom of the gods, i.e. Ancient Slavic-Aryan Vedas.

FASH (flame) - symbol of protective coast of spiritual fire. This spiritual fire purifies human spirit from egoism and low-lying thoughts. This is a symbol of the power and unity of the military spirit, the victory of the bright forces of the mind above the forces of darkness and ignorance.

Satisfied - the symbol of the setting, i.e. yarily-sun leaving on peace; Symbol for the completion of the creative work for the benefit of the kind and the Great Race; Symbol of spiritual perseverance of man and peace of nature.

Charovrat - It is an overlooking symbol guarding a person or an item from the guidance of black char. Charovrat portrayed in the form of a fiery rotating cross, believing that the fire destroys the dark forces and various spells.

Bhognal - personifies the eternal power and the patronage of the bright gods to a person who has become the path of spiritual development and perfection. Mandala, with the image of this symbol, helps a person to realize the interpenetration and unity of four first elements in our universe.

Rodovik - symbolizes the light strength of the kind of generator, helping the peoples of the Great Race, has a permanent support for the ancient multi-sorts of ancestors to people who work for the benefit of their kinds and creating their descendants.

Wedding - The most powerful family charm, symbolizing the combination of two births. The merger of two echiguous welder systems (body, souls, spirit and conscience) into a new single life system, where the male (fiery) beginning is connected with female (water).

D.UNION - symbol of the connection of the earth and heavenly living fire. His destination: to maintain the paths of permanent unity of the genus. Therefore, all the fiery altars for the pebble of the Burnless demand, brought to the fame of gods and ancestors, was built as a given symbol.

Heavenly Vepr - the title sign on the navigation circle; The symbol of the patron saint of the drawing - Rakhata. This sign indicates the connection of the past and future, earthly and heavenly wisdom. In the form of a guard, this symbolism was used by people who were inserted on the path of spiritual self-improvement.

Grobood - Fiery symbols, with which it became possible to control the natural elements of the weather, as well as the chokes, was used as an overlap, protecting against the bad weather and temples of childbirth a great race.

Gromovnik - the heavenly symbol of God Indra, guarding the ancient heavenly wisdom of the gods, i.e. Ancient Vedas. As an overlap, I was depicted on military weapons and armor, as well as the entrances to the repository, in order to be included in them with evil thoughts were amazing thunder (infraser).

Call - symbol of fiery update and transformation. This symbol used young people who joined the Family Union and waiting for the appearance of a healthy offspring. A wedding bride was given decorations with Colert and Solore.

Solaard - symbol of the magnitude of the fertility of the mother of raw land, receiving light, warmth and love from the Yaril-Sun; The symbol of the prosperity of the earth. The symbol of fire, giving prosperity and prosperity of childbirth, creating for their descendants, to the glory of bright gods and multi-sorts.

Ognevich - Fire symbol of God's god. Its image is found on Kummir Roda, on platbands and "towels" on the rods of roofs at home and on the shutters of the window. How the guard was applied to the ceilings. Even in the Temple of Vasily Blessed (Moscow), under one of the domes, you can see the fire.

Yarovik - This symbol was used as a charging for the preservation of the harvest assembled and avoiding the case of livestock. Therefore, it was very often portrayed over the entrance to the barns, lining, sheepskin, riga, stables, cowshes, oxins, etc.

SWASTIKA - symbol of the eternal cycle of the universe; It symbolizes the highest heavenly law, which is subject to everything. This fiery sign people used as an overlap, which protected the existing law and order. Life itself was dependent on the inviolability.

Sustain - Symbol of movement, cycle of life on Earth and rotation of Midgard-Earth. The symbol of the four sides of the world, as well as the four northern rivers, separating the ancient sacred Darius by four "areas" or "countries", in which four kinds of Great Race initially lived.

Sonon. - An ancient sunny symbol of a man protecting and his goodness from the dark forces. Depicted as a rule, on clothes and household items. Very often, the image of Soloni is found on spoons, pots and other kitchen utensils.

Yarovrat - The fiery symbol of the Yaro-God, which controls yarre flowering and all the graceful weather conditions. The people were considered mandatory, to obtain a good harvest, draw this symbol on agricultural workers: plows, sickles, braids, etc.

Soul swastust - used to concentrate the highest healing forces. The soulful swastika had the right to include in the ornament of clothing only priests, rising to a high level of spiritual and moral perfection.

D.Khovna Swasta - enjoyed the greatest attention from Kudesnikov, Magi, Ladov, she symbolized Harmony and Unity: Teles, Soul, Spirit and conscience, as well as spiritual power. Magitis used spiritual power to manage natural elements.

Colladnik - Symbol of god carriages, which makes updates on Earth and change for the better; This is a symbol of victory of light over darkness and a bright day over night. In addition, the beaddler was used as a male charm, giving her husbands to the creative work and in the battle with a loud body.

The Cross of the Lada-Virgin - The symbol of love, harmony and happiness in the family, in the people they called Ladynets. How he was walked in the main girl in order to have protection from "bad eyes." And so that the power of the power of the Ladinz was constant, he was fitted into the Great Kolo (Circle).

Leb neck - This symbol was the main faith for protection against various diseases. The people believed that sickness per person was satisfied with evil forces, and a double fiery sign could burn any birth and illness, clean the body and soul.

FERN FLOWER - a fiery symbol of the purity of the spirit, possesses powerful healing forces. In the people, it is called Perunov color. It is believed that he is able to open the treasures hidden in the ground, execute desires. In fact, he gives a man the opportunity to reveal spiritual forces.

Sunny cross - Symbol of the spiritual power of the Yaril-Sun and the prosperity of the genus. Used as a native charm. As a rule, the solar cross emphasized the greatest force: the priests of the forest, grieving and whims, which were portrayed on clothes, weapons and cult accessories.

Heavenly cross - Symbol of the heavenly spiritual strength and power of generic unity. It was used as a native charm, guarding the one who wears him, giving him the help of all the ancestors of his kind and help of the kind of heavenly.

SweetiT. - A symbol of the eternal relationship between the earth's waters and heavenly fire. From this connection, new pure souls are born, which are preparing for the incarnation on Earth in the obvious world. Pregnant women embroidered this charm on dresses and sundresses to be born healthy children.

Sveti - This symbol personifies the connection of two great fiery flows: earth and divine (extraterrestrial). This compound generates an universal swirl of transformation, which helps a person to reveal the essence of multidimensional being, through the light of knowledge of the ancient basics.

VALKYRIE - Ancient charm, guarding wisdom, justice, nobility and honor. This sign is particularly reading in warriors protecting native land, your ancient genus and faith. As the security character was used by priests for the preservation of the Vedas.

Svarga - The symbol of the heavenly path, as well as a symbol of spiritual climb, through many harmonious worlds of spiritual perfection, through multidimensional terrain and reality located on the golden path, to the end point of the soul to be called - the world of the rule.

Welmer - The symbol of the heavenly power of the god of the Svaraga, preserving the entire variety of life forms in the original form in the universe. A symbol of different existing reasonable forms of life from mental and spiritual degradation, as well as from complete destruction as a reasonable look.

Rodimich - The symbol of the Ecumenical Power of the Poshordroda preserves in the Universe in the original form the law of the continuity of the knowledge of the wisdom of the family, from old age by the youability, from the ancestors to descendants. The chalk of the chart that reliably retains generation generation to generation.

Rasic - Symbol of unity of the Great Race. Inglia inscribed in a multidimensione, it has not one, and four colors, in the color of the Iris eye of the childbirth race: Silver, yes "Aryans; green at X" Aryans; Heavenly from the Svyatarusov and Fiery at the Rassell.

Stribersich - The symbol of the god manager by all winds and hurricanes - striboga. This symbol helped people protect their homes and fields from bad weather. Sames and fishermen gave a calm water surface. Melniki built windmills resembling a sign of a striboga, so that the mill was not stood.

Vedaman. - The symbol of the Guardian Priest, who keeps the ancient wisdom of labor of the race of the Great, because in this wisdom, they persist: the traditions of communities, culture of relationships, the memory of the ancestors and the gods of patrons of childbirth.

Eden - The symbol of the priest-keeper of the ancient faith of the first-enders (drop-inglengling), which keeps the shining ancient wisdom of the gods. This symbol helps to know and use ancient knowledge for the benefit of the prosperity of childbirth and the ancient faith of the first.

Dop - The symbol of the spiritual revival and insights of the Great Race. This symbol combined: Fire Kolovrat (Revival), moving in a multidimensione (human life), which joined the divine Golden Cross together (illuminating) and Heavenly Cross (spirituality).

Symbol of race - The symbol of the Ecumenical Unified Union of the Four Great Peoples, Arya and Slavs. Peoples of Ariev United together childbirth and tribes: yes "Aryans and X" Aryans, but Narody Slavs - Svyatarusus and Rassell. This unity of four peoples was marked by the symbol of the inglia of solar color on the celestial space (blue). Solar Inglia (Race) crosses a silver sword (conscience) with a fiery handle (pure thoughts) and directed by the edge of the blade of the sword in the bottom, which symbolizes the preservation and protection of the trees of the Divine Wisdom of the Great Rassa from the various forces of darkness (silver sword, with the direction of the blade at the bottom , means protection against external enemies)

Eradication of Swastika

In the second half of the 20th century, in America, Europe and the USSR began to decisively eradicate this solar symbol, and eradicated it in the same way as previously eradicated: the ancient People's Slavic and Aryan culture; ancient faith and folk traditions; The true legacy of the legacy of the legacy of the legacy of the legacy of the legacy of the legacy of the legacy of the legacy of the Slavic people, the carrier of the ancient Slavic-Aryan culture itself.

Yes, and now they are trying to prohibit any kind of rotating solar crosses in many ways the same people or their descendants, but using other pretexts: if earlier it was done under the pretext of class struggle and anti-Soviet conspiractions, now it is a struggle with the manifestation of extremist activities.

One generation is replaced by another, government systems and regimes are crumbling, but until then, until the people remember their ancient roots, honor their great ancestors, retains their ancient culture and symbols, until that time people are alive and live!

For those readers who wish to get more information about the Swastika, we recommend the ethnorebical essays of Roman Vladimirovich Bagdasarov "Mystic Fire Cross", etc.

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Encyclopedia of delusions. Third Reich Likhacheva Larisa Borisovna

Swastika. Who came up with the fascist cross?

They don't even need crosses to graves -

They will come down on the wings of the crosses ...

Vladimir Vysotsky "Two songs about one air"

Many believe that the main symbol of the Third Reich is a black swastika on a red background - he came up with Hitler himself or people from his closest environment. But in fact, this opinion is nothing but a misleading. The Nazi shrine, as, however, and other attributes of fascist Germany, existed long before the endless fuyrera coming to power and initially did not carry such an ominous meaning.

The main emblem of the Third Reich has a centuries-old history. She was widespread in Iran already in the VI Millennium. BC e. Later, the swastika met in the Far East, in Central and Southeast Asia, in Tibet and Japan. It was widely used and Delling Greece. In Kiev Rus, this sign, called "Kolovrat", was also very popular. The swastika and the indigenous people of American continents did not go around. And the peoples of the Caucasus and the Baltic Pomper used it as an element of ornaments even at the beginning of the 20th century.

Naturally, all this time, the cross with the curved ends did not associate with the massive murders, destructive war and crimes against humanity. By the way, historical information that this sign used the ancient German tribes, no. The fascists who came to power were looking for a suitable emblem for the Nazi state and owed their choice on a swastika, surrounding it with ancient German, and even the Aryan symbol.

The value of this symbol is not defined. There is a version that he was one of the varieties of a cross with broken ends, symbolizing, according to historians, the inner world of a person is a space located between perpendicularly intersecting lines. However, the most common look at the swastika is that it is seen solar, that is, a sunny sign. Ethnographers consider it just a harmless symbol of the movement of the heavenly shine and the change of seasons.

Adolf Hitler for some reason saw something fundamentally different in it. In his opinion, the cross with curved ends personified the superiority of the Aryans over other peoples. What was guided by the German Führer when issuing such an assessment - a mystery.

Moreover, it is relifically known that the idea of \u200b\u200busing a swastika as an emblem occurred by no means Hitler. The main symbol of the third Reihu "presented" ... German Masonic Lodge! More precisely, its successor is the secret organization "Tula". Initially, this society was engaged in the study and popularization of ancient history and folklore. However, its members kept the nose in the wind and with pleasure responded to the ideas of Hitler. The ideology "Tula" began to be based on the concepts of German racial superiority, anti-Semitism and Pangerman Dream about the new powerful German Reich. All this was densely "seasoned" by the occult: members of society conducted special rites and magical rituals. Among the characters used in these rituals were swastika.

Hitler, always interested in the occultism, this sign climbed, and he decided to make it the emblem of his party. The leader of the NSDAP has changed a little swastika, and in the summer of 1920 a symbol was born, who after two decades was horrified on the whole of Europe: a black cross with curd ends, inscribed in a white circle on a red background. Red symbolized the social ideals of the party, and white - nationalist. The cross pointed to the victory and the rule of the Aryan race.

Hitler's arrival post to power Swastika has become an indispensable attribute of state, official, military and corporate symbolism of Germany. The Germans were so trended by this "the sign of superiority", which in 1935 there was even a special decree "On Prohibition of Jews to hang the flag with a swastika." Apparently, the Nazis believed that the elements will deflate their shrine with their touchs "racially unclean".

During the existence of the Third Reich, the swastika was used everywhere: on monetary signs, dishes, souvenirs. Flags and transparencies with this sign during any festivities were carried away by the streets of German cities, and they were hurt so tightly that passersby began to rich in the eyes. However, sometimes the Nazi shrine was used not by appointment: the fashionable of fashion was considered a ladies' dress, the fabric of which was decorated with an ornament of thousands of small crosses.

It is possible that the swastika would remain a symbol of the sun, fire and fertility. If it were not for the second world, with the beginning of which she thanks to Hitler definitely ceased to be "solar".

It was the use of the Nazis runes to be the basis of the names of the Herman and Scandinavian peoples, more organically and appropriate from the point of view of racial theory. As you know, ancient times, the Runic signs were not only letters, but also had magical importance - used for divination and as security amulets. Historians believe that by introducing runes in everyday life, Hitler and his surroundings tried not only to develop patriotism among the residents of Germany, but also hoped to use runic signs as a magical instrument. True, they interpreted their Führer selectively: he left only the meanings that responded to his worldview. So, Rune Zig, the double image of which was the "logo" of the SS, in the canonical interpretation meant the desire for the light and enrichment of the spiritual world, as well as the flourishing of creative abilities. Naturally, the valiant sieves such qualities were anything, therefore, in the interpretation of Hitler, Runa-Zipper, "thunder, lightning and, again, the superiority of the Aryan race.

An eagle and oak branches can also be attributed to the "rented" symbols. The authorship of these signs goes back to the Roman Empire. Decorating the coat of arms of German Reich, Hitler wounded, no much, for the most common attributes of the authorities of the Roman Caesarians.

Such an ominous sign of distinction, as a skull ("dead head"), the fascists borrowed from the Okoloson Order - Rosenkreyers. And at first, this dark image symbolized, according to his "primaries", the victory of the Spirit over the marine matter. Remember medieval philosophers, pondering with a skull in their hands on the topic: "Poor Jorik ..."? But in the hands, more precisely, on the fingers of the SS officers who mounted the "dead head" on silver rings, this sign acquired a completely different meaning. He became the embodiment of cruelty, destruction and death.

So do not be mistaken: the Nazis did not themselves invented the symbolism of the "millennial" Reich. All characters used and attributes have been existed for a long time and used in much more humane purposes.

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The swastor symbol is a cross with curved ends directed by or counterclockwise. As a rule, now all the swastor characters are called in one word - the swastika, which is incorrectly incorrect, because Each welcoming symbol in ancient times had its own name, faithful strength and figurative value.

With archaeological excavations, the swastitic symbolism was most often found on various details of architecture, weapons, clothes, household utensils of the many Nations of Eurasia. Swastacious symbolism everywhere meets in ornamenty as sign of Light, Sun, Life. The oldest archaeological artifacts with the image of the swastika are dating about 10-15 millennium BC. According to the materials of archaeological excavations, the richest territory for the use of swastika, both religious and cultural and consumer symbol is Russia - neither Europe nor India can compare with Russia in the abundance of welcoming symbols covering rusk weapons, steaks, national costume, houses, everyday life and temples. Excavations of the ancient Kurgans and settlements speak for themselves - many ancient Slavic settlements had a clear form of a swastika oriented in four sides of the world. Swasty symbols denoted calendar signs in the times of the Great Skift Kingdom ( depicted a vessel from the Scythian kingdom of 3-4 thousand BC.)

Swastika and swastor symbols were the main and, you can even say, almost the only elements of the oldest praslavyan ornaments. But this does not mean that Slavs and Aria were bad artists. First, the varieties of the image of the swastor symbols were very much. Secondly, in antiquity, no pattern was applied simply so, each element of the pattern corresponded to a certain cult or security (charcoal) value.

But not only arias and the Slavs believed in the magical force of this pattern. This symbol is detected on clay vessels from Samarra (the territory of modern Iraq), which are dated by the V Millennium to our era. Swastile symbols in the left-hand most advocating form are found in Mohenge-Daro Poary culture (Indus River pool) and ancient China around 2000 BC. In Northeast Africa, archaeologists have found the funeral stele of the Kingdom of Meroz, which existed in the II-III centuries of our era. The fresco on the stele depicts a woman entering the afterlife, a swastika in the paddle's clothes. The rotating cross decorates the gold weights for the scales belonging to residents of Ashanta (Ghana), and the clay utensils of the ancient Indians, beautiful carpets woven with Persians and Celts.

Swastika in beliefs and religions

The wastuchy symbolism was an observed almost all peoples in Europe and Asia: Slavs, Germans, Pomorov, Skalvov, Kurys, Scythians, Sarmatov, Mordvov, Udmurts, Bashkirov, Chuvash, Hindus, Icelanders, Scots and many other peoples.

In many ancient beliefs and religions, the swastika is the most important and brightest religious symbol. So, in ancient Indian philosophy and buddhism (Fig. On the left of the Buddha stop) swastika - the symbol of the eternal cycle of the universe, the symbol of the Buddha law, which is subject to everything. (Dictionary "Buddhism", M., "Republic", 1992); in tibetan Lamazme. Swastika - a security character, a symbol of happiness and a talisman. In India and Tibet, the swastika is depicted everywhere: at the gates of the temples, on every residential building, on the tissues, which wrap up all the sacred texts, on the funeral covers.

Lama Beru-Kinze-Rimpoche, in our time one of the greatest teachers of official Buddhism. The rite of creation of ritual mandala will fall in the photo, that is, clean space, in Moscow in 1993. In the foreground of the photo there is a tank, a sacred image drawd on the fabric, depicting the divine space of the mandala. In the corners, swastor symbols protecting the sacred divine space.

As a religious symbol (!!!), the swastika has always used followers Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism in the East, Druids of Ireland, Scotland, Scandinavia, representatives Natur-religious denominations Europe and America in the West.

On the left - Ganesh, the son of God Shiva, God from the Hindu Vedic Pantheon, his face illuminate two swastor symbols.
On the right is a mystical sacred chart taken from the Jainan prayerhouse. In the center of the chart, we can also see the swastika.

In Russia, the welcoming symbols and elements are found in supporters of ancient generic and Vedic cults, as well as the Orthodox older ingling ingling profession, in the Slavic and Aryan communities of the generic circle and, wherever you thought in christians

Swastika on the shield of the thing Oleg

For many and many millennia, Slavs used a swastika symbol. This symbol of our ancestors depicted on weapons, steaks, clothes, on the subjects of life and cult. Everyone knows that the prophetic Oleg nailed his shield on the gates of Tsargrad (Constantinople), but few of the modern generation is known that the shield was depicted. However, the description of the symbolism of its shield and armor can be found in the historical chronicles. True people, i.e., possessing the gift of the spiritual foresight and the ancient wisdom, who left the gods and ancestors to people, were endowed with diverse symbols. One of these most visible in the history of people was the Slavic Prince - Veus Oleg.. In addition to the fact that he was a prince and a magnificent military strategist, he was also a priest of high initiation. The symbolism, which was depicted on his clothes, weapons, armor and the princely tie, tells about it in all detailed images.
Fire Swastika (symbolizing the land of ancestors) in the center of the nine-pin star Inglia (the symbol of the Faith of the First Persons) surrounded the Great Colo (a circle of patrone gods), which radiated eight rays of the spiritual light (the eighth degree of progical initiation) to the navigation circle. All this symbolism spoke of a huge spiritual and physical strength, which is directed to the protection of the native land and the Holy Faith. When the prophetic Oleg nailed his shield with such a symbolism to the goal of Tsargrad, he wanted figuratively, to clearly show the insidious and twilight of the Byzantines, the fact that later the other Slavic Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich (Nevsky) will explain the Teutonic knights: " Who will come to us with a sword, from the sword will die! Tom stood, standing, and will stand the land Russian!»

Swastika for money and in the army

With Tsar Peter I, the walls of its suburban residence were decorated with swastic patterns. The ceiling of the throne room in the Hermitage, is also covered by these sacred symbols.

At the end of the XIX, the beginning of the twentieth century, among the highest estates of European states in Western and Eastern Europe, as well as in Russia, Swastika (Left) has become the most common and even fashionable symbol. It affected the influence of the "Secret Doctrine" E.P. Blavat and its theosophical society; Occult-mystical teachings Guido background sheet, German Knight Order of Tula and other spiritual circles.

The simple people, and in Europe and in Asia, for thousands of years, used welded ornaments in everyday life, and only at the beginning of the current century, the interest in the steastal symbols appeared in the authorities of the property.

In young Soviet Russia sleeping stripes The fighters of the Red Army of the Southeast Front since 1918 decorated with a swastika, with Abbrevia R.S.F.S.R. Inside. For example: a sign for command and administrative composition was embroidered with gold and silver, and for the Red Army was screening.

After overthrowing in Russia, the autocracy, the swastor ornament appears on new monetary bills of the temporary government, and after the coup on October 26, 1917 on the monetary signs of the Bolsheviks.

Now, few people know that the matrices of monetary bills are worth 250 rubles, with the image of a savvy symbol - Kolovrat Against the background of the double-headed eagle, were manufactured at a special order and sketches of the last Russian king - Nicholas II.

Starting from 1918, new bills are introduced by the Bolsheviks, the advantage of 1000, 5,000 and 10,000 rubles, which shows not one Kolovrat, but three. Two kovovrats are smaller in lateral veins intertwined with large numbers 1000 and a large colocher in the middle.

The money with the Swastika-Kolovrat was printed by the Bolsheviks and were in everyday life, until 1923, and only after the formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was derived from circulation.

In national: Rusky, Ukrainian and Belarusian costumes, on the sundresses, tunnels and other things, the swastor symbolism was the main and, almost the only one of the existing oldest faiths and ornaments, up to the first half of the twentieth century.

Our great-grandparents loved somehow in a summer evening gather at the village of Village and under long singing stans ... Swastika. An analogue of the symbol was in the Russian dance culture - the dance of Kolovrat. On the feast of Perun, the Slavs were drove, and still water horics around two burning swastik: "Fash" and "Agni" laid out on Earth.

Swastika in christianity

"Kolovrat" richly decorated temples in the Russian lands; He shone brightly on the sacred subjects of an ancient sunshine of the first as well as on white robes of clergy of the old faith. And even on the robes of servants of the Christian cult in the IX-XVI centuries. Pictured welder symbols. They decorated the image and kummyra gods, frescoes, walls, icons, etc.

For example, on the fresco of the Pantokratcher depicting Christ, in the Sofia Cathedral of the Novgorod Kremlin, the so-called, left and right swastika with short bent rays, and right "Charovrat" and "Somaton", placed right on the chest of the Christian Godhow symbols began and end of all things.

In the saint-rank, in the Sofia Cathedral of the city of Kiev, in the ancient Christian church, built on the Russian land, Yaroslav Wisely, depicted belts in which alternate: "Swastika", "Sust" and straight crosses. Christian theologians in the Middle Ages, commented on this painting, so: "Swastika" symbolizes the first coming into the world of the Son of God's Jesus Christ, to save people from their sins; Next, a straight cross - his earthly path ended with suffering on Calvary; Finally, the left swastika is "sustini", symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus Christ and his second coming to the Earth in force and glory.

In Moscow, in the Kolomna temple of the celening of the head of John the Baptist, on the day of renunciation of the king Nicholas II from the throne, was found in the cellars of the temple icon "Our Lady-Power" (Fragment on the left) On the headdress of Christian Our Lady is a wastued guard symbol - "FASH".

There are many legends and rumors about this ancient icon, for example: allegedly on personal orders I.V. Stalin, a prayer was performed on the front line, a procession, and thanks to this, the troops of the Third Reich did not take Moscow. Full absurdity. German troops have not entered Moscow, completely for another reason. They were blocked by the road to Moscow. People's militia and division of Siberians filled with spiritual power and faith in victory, and not strong frosts, guiding power of the party and government, or some icon. Siberians not only beat all the attacks of the enemy, but also switched to the offensive and won the war, because the ancient principle lives in the heart: "Who will come to us with a sword, from the sword will die."

In medieval Christianity, the swastika also symbolized fire and wind - Elements that embody the Holy Spirit. If the swastika, even in Christianity, was indeed considered a divine sign, then only unreasonable people can say that the swastika symbol of fascism!
* For reference: Fascism in Europe, existed only in Italy, Spain. And the fascists of these states did not have a swastor symbolism. The swastika as a party and state symbolism used Hitler's Germany, which was not a fascist, as they interpret now, and the national-socialist. For those who doubt, read the article I.V. Stalin "Hands away from Socialist Germany." This article was printed in the Pravda and Izvestia newspapers in the 1930s.

Swastika as a talisman

In Svatika believed both in the talisman, "attracting" good luck and happiness. On ancient Russia it was believed that if you draw Kolovrat on my palm, then I will definitely be lucky. Even modern students draw a swastika on the palm of the exams. The swastika drew on the walls of the house to preil happiness, and in Russia, and in Siberia, and in India.

In the Ipatiev House, where the seven of the last ruin of Emperor Nikolai II, Empress Alexander Fedorovna painted all the walls by this divine symbol, but a swastika did not help with Romanov, this dynasty did too many evil on the land of land.

Nowadays, philosophers, losas and psychics offer build urban quarters in the form of a swastik - Such configurations must generate positive energy, by the way, these conclusions have already been confirmed by modern science.

The origin of the word "swastika"

The generally accepted name of the solar symbol is a swastika, by one version, comes from Sanskrit word Suist. Su. - beautiful, good, and asti - To be, that is, "be good!", Or in our opinion "all the good!". According to another version, this word has old Slavic originWhat is more likely (which is confirmed by the archives of the ancient Russian inglistic church of Orthodox older ingling), as it is known that the swastitic symbolism in various variations, and its name in India, Tibet, China, Europe brought ancient Aria and Slavs. Tibetans and Indians still claim that the swastika, this universal symbol of prosperity and happiness, they were brought from the high Northern Mountains (Himalayas) White Teachers.

In ancient times, when our ancestors enjoyed X'ary runes, the word swastika ( see left) Translated as he came from heaven. Since Rune SW Meaning heaven (hence and Svarog - Heavenly God), FROM - Rune direction; Rune Tika [The last two runes] - movement, coming, flow, running. Our children still utter the word to tick, i.e. Run, and we encounter it in the words of the Arctic, Antarctic, Mystic, etc.

Ancient Vedic sources, tell us that even our galaxy has the form of a swastika, and our system of Yaril-Sun is in one of the sleeves of this heavenly swastika. And since, we are in the galactic sleeve, our entire galaxy, its ancient name of the swastika, is perceived by the path or the Milky Way of Perunov.

The ancient names of the wastuchy symbols in Russia are mainly preserved in the use of Orthodox older-ingling and righteous strip-owned solutions. In the east, followers of Vedic religion, where an ancient wisdom is recorded in the scriptures in ancient languages: and X'arysky. In X'ary writing used Runes in the form of a swastika (See text on the left).

Sanskrit, more correct SAMSKRAT (SAMSKRITA), i.e. An independent secretive, used by modern Indians occurred from the ancient language of Ariyev and Slavs, it was created as a simplified version of the X'ary Karuna, for the preservation of the ancient Vedas of Dravidia (Ancient India), and therefore ambiguous interpretations of the word "swastika" are possible, but reading The materials given in this article, a slightly person, whose consciousness has not yet managed to finally score false stereotypes to be convinced of the undoubted Vine Slavonic and the ancient Originsky, which is the same, the origin of this word.

If in almost all foreign languages, various inventories of the solar cross with curved rays are called in one word swastika - "Swastika", then in ruffle, there existed for various versions of the swastor symbols. 144 (!!!) titlesthat also talks about the country of origin of this solar symbol. For example: Swastika, Kolovrat, Somaton, Saint Dar, Svladi, Swor, Swor-Solntserat, Agni, Faha, Mara; Inglia, Sunny Cross, Saltard, Jedar, Sleeper, Fernist Flower, Perunov Color, Wathy, Race, Conversation, Welders, Yarovrat, Lebel-Grass, Romar, Charovrat etc. Slavs, depending on the color, length, direction of the cooler ends of the solar cross, this symbol was called differently and had various shaped and facing values \u200b\u200b(see).

Wastie runes

Various variations of swastor characters, with no less different values, are found not only in the cult and facing symbols, but also in the form of runes, which, as well as letters in ancient times, had its own shaped value. So, for example, in the ancient X`yrine karun, i.e. The rune alphabet, there were four runes with the image of the welded elements.

Rune Fash. - had a figurative meaning: a powerful, directional, destructive fiery flow (thermonuclear fire) ...
Runa Agni. - had figurative meanings: the sacred fire of the home the hearth, as well as the sacred fire of the life of a person in the body and others. Values \u200b\u200b...
Runa Mara. - had a figurative meaning: ice flame guarding peace of the universe. The rune of the transition from the world of Javi into the world of light Navi (Slavov), incarnation in a new life ... Winter and sleep symbol.
Rune Inglia - had the figurative meaning of the primary fire of the creation of the universe, from this fire there were many diverse universes and various forms of life ...

Swastile symbols carry a huge secret meaning. They laid a huge wisdom. Each wastuchy symbol opens up a great picture of the universe. Ancient Slavic-Aryan wisdom says that our galaxy has the form of a swastika and is called watiAnd the system of the Yaril-Sun, in which our Midgard-Earth makes his way, is in one of the sleeves of this heavenly swastika.

The knowledge of the ancient wisdom does not accept a stereotypical approach. To the study of ancient symbols, runic writing and ancient legends, it is necessary to approach open-hearted heart and pure soul. Do not be a corner for, but knowledge for!

Swastika - fascist symbol?

Watching symbols in Russia, not only the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks were used for political purposes, much earlier, the swastika began to use representatives of black hundreds. Now, the swastitic symbolism uses Rusky National Unity. A knowledgeable person never pizws that the swastika is a German or a fascist symbol. So miserable only the essence of unreasonable and ignorant people, for they reject the fact that they are not able to understand and know, and also try to give the desired for the real one. But if ignorant people reject any symbol or any information, it still does not mean that this symbol or information does not exist. The denial or distortion of truth in favor of some, violates the harmonious development of others. Even an ancient symbol of the greatness of the mother's fertility of raw land, called in deep antiquity - Solore (see above), and now used by Russian national unity, some incompetent people are counted for German-fascist symbolism, the symbol that has appeared for many hundreds of thousands of years before the emergence of German National Socialism. At the same time, it is not even taken into account that Sollard from Rusky National Unity is combined with eight-pointed Lada-Virgin (image 2.), where the divine powers (a malic field), the forces of the primary fire (red), the celestial forces (blue) and the power of nature (green) connected together. The only difference between the initial symbol of mother nature and the sign that uses the Russian National Unity's social movement is the bioavair of the initial symbol of the Mother nature and two-color among representatives of the Rusky National Unity.

Swastika - Kickl, hare, horse ...

Simple people had their own names of the swastor symbols. In the villages of Ryazan province called her " kovyl"- the embodiment of the wind; on the Pechora " hare"- Here the graphic symbol was perceived as a part of the sunlight, a ray, a sunny bunny; Some of the Solar Cross was called " cycle"," Horseback "(horse head), because a long time ago, the horse considered the symbol of the Sun and the wind; called swastiki-solarices and " fires", Again, in honor of Yaril-Sun. The people really felt the fiery, flame nature of the symbol (sun), and his spiritual essence (wind).

The oldest master of Khokhloma painting Stepan Pavlovich Chelovov (1903-1993) from the village of Mogashino, the Nizhny Novgorod region, observing the tradition, painted on wooden plates and the swastika's bowls, calling her " ryzhika", Sun, and explained:" This is the wind blasting wheels, mechanical. " On the shown fragments you can see the welcoming characters even on such household appliances used by the rux people as a spinning and cutting board.

On the village to this afraids, women's elegant sundresses and shirts are dressed for holidays, and the mies of splashes embroidered with swastic symbols of various shapes. Bake lush karavai and sweet cookies, decorated with on top of the Kovovrat, Ambassadine, Sunflow and others. Swasty patterns.

Prohibition of the use of swastika

As mentioned earlier, before the afternoon of the second half of the 20th century, the main and almost only patterns and symbols, existing in the Slavic embroidery, were welded ornaments. But the enemies of Ariii and Slavs in the second half of the XX century, they began to decisively eradicate this solar symbol., and eradicated it in the same way as previously eradicated: the ancient People's Slavic and Aryan; Ancient faith and folk traditions; True history of the rulers, and the long-suffering Slavic people, the carrier of the ancient Slavic-Aryan culture itself.

Yes, and now, in the government and on the ground, many officials are trying to ban any kinds of rotating solar crosses - in many ways the same people, or their descendants, but using other prepositions: if earlier it was done under the pretext of class struggle and anti-Soviet conspiracies, then Now these are opponents of the entire Slavic and Aryan, sounded by fascist symbolism and Russian chauvinism.

For those who are not indifferent to an ancient culture, several (very small number of pictures, due to limiting the scope of the article) of typical patterns in the Slavic embroidery, on all enlarged fragments you can see the welder symbols and ornaments.

The use of welcoming symbols in ornaments on Slavic lands is simply inchange. Academician B.A. The fishermen called the solar symbol - Kolovrat, a link "link between the Paleolithic, where he appeared for the first time, and modern ethnography, giving an innumerable number of examples of welder patterns in tissues, embroidery and weaving."

But after World War II, in which Russia, as well as all Slavic and Aryan peoples suffered huge losses, the enemies of the Aryan and Slavic culture, began to sign equality between fascism and swastika. At the same time, they absolutely forgotten (?!) That fascism, as a political and state system in Europe, existed only in Italy and Spain, where the symbol of the swastika was not used. The swastika, as a party and state symbol, was adopted only in National Socialist Germany, referred to in that period Third Reich.

Slavs used this solar sign throughout its existence (according to the latest scientific data this is at least 15 thousand years), and the President of the Third Reich Adolf Hitler is only about 25 years old. Flow of lies and fictions, relative to the swastika, overflowed the cup of the absurdity. "Teachers" in modern schools, lyceums and gymnasiums of Russia, they teach children full nonsense that the swastika and any swastitic symbol is the German-fascist crosses made up of four letters "G", denoting the first letters of the leaders of Nazi Germany: Hitler, Himmler, Gering And Goebbels (sometimes replaced by hessom). Listening to such "teachers," you might think that Germany at the time of Adolf Hitler used exclusively by the Russian alphabet, and the Latin font and the German mechanical man at all. Is it in the German names: Hitler, Himmler, Gering, Gebels (Hess), there is at least one Russian letter "g" - no! But the flow of lies does not stop.

Swastile patterns and elements are used by nations, which is confirmed by archaeologists over the past 5-6 thousand years. And now to a person who is the ancient Slavic overlap or mittens with the image of the swastor symbols, a sundress or a refuge with a swastor embroidery, people who have been trained at the Soviet "teachers" are wary, and sometimes even aggressively. Ancient thinkers did not say in vain: " The development of a person is prevented by two troubles: ignorance and ignorance" Our ancestors were knowledgeable and vivid, and therefore used in everyday life of various welded elements and ornaments, considering their symbols of Yaril-Sun, life, happiness and prosperity.

Only closer and ignorant people can displaced everything clean, bright and good, which remained from the Slavic and Aryan peoples. We will not be like him! Do not paint the same savory symbols in the ancient Slavic castles and Christian temples, in Kummika, bright gods and images of multi-dimensional ancestors, as well as on the oldest Christian icons of Our Lady and Christ. Do not destroy, by whim, the so-called "Soviet staircase", and the ceilings of the Hermitage, or the dome of the Moscow temple of Vasily blissful, just because there are no one hundred years with various swastika options.

One generation is replaced by another, government systems and regimes are crumbling, but until then, until the people remember their ancient roots, honor their great ancestors, retains their ancient culture and symbols, until that time people are alive and live!

A lot of legends and speculations accumulated around this ancient symbol, so someone can be interesting to read about this with an ancient solar cult symbol.

In fact, I, who grew up in the USSR to the swastika, was biased attitude, as a fascist sign. But is it so in self? Swastika is one of the most archaic sacred symbols found in many nations of the world.Swasty symbols denoted calendar signs in the times of the Scythian kingdom.

Many people are currently Swastika Associate with fascism and Hitler. It was driven into people's heads of the last 70 years. It's time to correct the situation.
In modern schools, and in the lyceums and gymnasiums of Russia, modern children are voiced by a fairly delusible hypothesis that the swastika is a German-fascist cross, compiled from four letters "G", denoting the first letters of the leaders of Nazi Germany: Hitler, Himmler, Gering and Goebbels (sometimes It is replaced with hess). Well, variations on this topic, Germany Hitler Goebbels Gimler. At the same time, few children think about the fact that in German names: Hitler, Himmler, Gering, Gebels (Hess), no Russian letters "g". I do not know what they give out the truth in the Western schools, but more than confident that there is a swastika first a fascist symbolism.Unfortunately, the true meaning of this runic symbol over the past 70 years was lost this stereotype. At the same time, the imaging of centuries swastika was an integral part of the Slavic ornament.

Moreover, not wanting to peel into the depths of the centuries, you can find more accurate examples. Not many remember that on Soviet money from 1917 to 1923, a swastika was depicted as a legalized state symbolism; Not immediately noticeable, but the fact itself. She is in the center.

As you can see the Soviet power, 18th.

No doubt, it was no less popular before the stars.

Yes, and not only on Russian money she was. Here are Lithuanian five litas.

Forgotten the fact that the soldiers and officers of the Red Army soldiers and officers were also a swastika in a laurel wreath in the same period, and the letters R.S.F.R. And how to remember when almost 100 years have passed since then. That is, you must not remember, but to know.

There is such a hypothesis that the Golden Swastika-Kolovrat as the party symbol Adolf Hitler presented himself to Comrade I. V. Stalin in 1920. But it can already be invented, not sure.

Well, for equilibrium, American troops 30 years. 45 Infantry Division.

And the famous flying division of lyphanette.

And there were still Finnish, Polish and Latvian stripes with a swastika. If you have interest, you can independently find them all on the Internet.

A thoughtful man and not stupid always distinguish with a swastika swastika veteran's grave in ethnic ornament.

Neo-fascist antics and just bastards, drawing black crosses on the tombstones of the old Jewish cemetery in Riga, cannot be attributed to ethnic rituals. And yet, with all my uncompromising attitude towards the fascism and the results of the war and the consideration of a considerable attitude towards the swastika, I decided to ink the information on this topic. But since I touched the most famous interpretation of this symbol today, let's talk about the fascism itself.
The term fascism comes from the Latin Fascio bunch, beam. The Vuscian language is a similar word File - a bunch of branches, rods. File symbolizes something strong, reliable created from weak, fragile. Recall the parable of the fingers that every one is weak, and being compressed in a fist is power. Or a historical example, when you can easily turn out each arrow, but it is impossible to do it with a whole beam.

"The first fascists began to call themselves the Roman soldiers Julia Caesar, who won Egypt. (In many respects, they had enough fascist in modern sense) in the image of Medeza, the Romans believed that they were carrying order and law to the barbaric country. The symbol of the emperor was considered a combat The ax, covered by a bunch of rods and a passing ribbons, which was called Fashinta. The symbolism is that around a strong resistance (ax), by small restrictions (ribbon), peoples will be fixed (rods). " (c) But back to the sign of the Swastika Runic Solar Symbol.

We will return to the symbolism of the Third Reich closer to the end of the publication. In the meantime, let's consider the swastika without shudder and prejudice. Let's try to get rid of a contemptant look at this ancient symbol of eternal rotation.

I decided to remove with the filing of this topic by navigasy preachers. It is impossible to deny the fact that the Old Slavic traditions used the solar sign of the swastika, but they have a very obsessive approach. What would not roll in the opposite side of the delusions look at the swastika somewhat wider.

Given the fact that long texts are not mastered, I decided to show the collected examples, for the rehabilitation of the sign itself. Just let's pay attention to the diversity of the swastik in the cultures of different peoples. To understand the essence of this should be enough.

Let's, perhaps, with the universe. Find a big naughty, and you will see the constellation in the form of a swastika left. I do not know if it is true, but now it is excluded by their starry sky atlas. So approve in articles. He himself did not check, it is not so important.

Is it really like spiral gallotics.?
And here are the Runic Symbols of the Fabric. There are also many examples, and interpretation options.

And India, where the swastika is very common.

Even among the jungle, you can find a swastika.

What do you think in the picture? This is a fragment of the robes of the Orthodox Priest of the Higher Church Sana.

Do you still believe that the swastika came up with Nazi Germany's fascists?

And in this picture you will not recognize anyone? The Russian emperor hurries to his car.

But you do not see the king, but on the hood of the car. Found? The appearance of a swastika at the court of the last Russian king is connected with the name of his wife, Alexandra Fedorovna. Perhaps there was an influence on the empress of the doctor Peter Badmaeva. Buryat by origin, Lamist, Badmaev preached Tibetan medicine and supported ties with Tibet. Known images of a gammmatic cross on hand drawn postcards of the public.

"The left-sided swastika had a special meaning in the royal family and was used as an overlap, and as a symbolic mapping of the king's personality. Before the execution of the former Empress, the Swastika had written on the wall of the House of Ipatiev and wrote something. The image and inscription photographed, and then destroyed. The owner of this photo was The leader of the White Motion in Emigration General Alexander Kutepov. In addition, Kutepov kept the icon found on the body of the former Empress. Inside the icon was a record in which the Society "Green Dragon" was commemorated. Strange telegrams signed "green" received Grigory Rasputin from Sweden. Society " Green ", relatives to Society Tula, is in Tibet. Before the arrival of Hitler to power in Berlin, Tibetan Lama lived, called the" man in green gloves. "He was regularly visited by Hitler. Lama has reported to newspapers three times without mistakes, how many Nazis will be held in Reichstag elections. Dedicated to Lama "Keys Holder from the Kingdom of Agarti". In 1926, in Berlin and Munich There are still small colonies of Tibetans and Hindus. When the Nazis got access to the finances of Reich, they began to send large expeditions to Tibet, this livelihood was not interrupted until 1943. On the day, when Soviet troops ended the battle of Berlin, about a thousand bodies of death volunteers, people of Tibetan blood were found among the corpses of the last defenders of Nazism. (C)

In July 1918, immediately after the execution of the royal family, Yekaterinburg occupied the troops of the White Army. The first to do officers hurried to the Ipatiev House - the last refinement of Augustors. There, among other things, they saw signs of signs familiar to icons - crosses with curious ends. It was a left-turn, the so-called collective swastika - "Oberega". As it turned out, Empress Alexander Fedorovna painted it.

It was for these signs that the ignorant London reviewers of the film about the Romanians will later surround her "fascidizing Brungilda", not leading about the ancient Christian Indian traditions - to leave the swastika where the attributes of a holiday are removed after its completion so that no evil penetrates. The Empress sanctified the house "faucet", sighting the end of the holiday of life ... (c)

And in this photo shows Jackie Buvier, the future Jackie Kennedy, in a festive costume associated with culture american Indians.

Geography expands.
In India, the swastika is a symbol of esoteric Buddhism. According to legend, she was captured on the heart of the Buddha for which it was called "Heart Printing".

We look at the dissemination history of the swastika.
"" Together with one and branches of Indo-European tribes, moving from the southern regions of the Russian Plain in the south-east direction and reached through Mesopotamia and Central Asia to the Indus Valley, the Swastika fell into the culture of eastern peoples.
It was spread on painted tableware of ancient Susian (Mesopotamian Elam on the east coast of the Persian Gulf - III Millennium BC) - on bowls, where she was located in the very center of the composition. This is perhaps a characteristic example, when the swastika was used by the ancient non-invo-European people. Signs are symmetrically located relative to the rectangle, crossed by the oblique cross, denoting the land.
Someone later, the swastika began to use Semitic peoples: the ancient Egyptians and Haldei, the state of which was located on the West Bank of the Persian Gulf.

If you wish, you can even find a combination in the ornament of the swastika and the six-pointed star of Malendowide.

With the same wave of Indo-Europeans in the middle of the second millennium BC. The swastika penetrated into the culture of Northern India. There she has existed safely until our time, but acquired mystical meaning.

In the most common interpretation, the swastika is considered the Indians with a symbol of movement and the eternal rotation of the world - "Circle of Sansary". This symbol was allegedly captured on the heart of the Buddha and therefore is sometimes called "Heart Printing". He is put on the chest dedicated to the secrets of Buddhism after their death. It is carved on every rock, temple, as well as everywhere where Buddhism founders left their milestones.

Later, the swastika penetrates Tibet, then to Central Asia and China. Through the century, the swastika comes to Japan and Southeast Asia, together with Buddhism, who made it with his symbol. "

Together with Buddhism from India, the swastika penetrated Tibet and Japan. In Japan, the swastor symbol is called Manji. The image of Manji can be seen on flags, armor and family coat of arms of samurai.

Along with North America and East, Eurasia is marked by a solar sign and a Japanese in a decorated Manzy helmere.

Japanese engraving 18th century

Japanese roof

Here decorated with a swastika facade of a building in Kathmandu.

And here is the Buddha himself.

At this place could already put a point. For general, understanding that there is nothing wrong with the swastika in itself there is no longer enough. But we will see some more. East generally kept its history and keeps traditions. Tower of pagoda with golden swastika, solar sign.

Another Buddha
Whether it is not an example of the fact that the solar colocrat is not just an ornamental ornament, but a symbol of a sacred, having a deep sacral meaning. Therefore, we can see it on the Buddhist Mandala.

And on the sacred

Modern Nepal

Kolovrat-Swastika is captured on the bezles of mammoths. Under the Golden Kovovrat on Alom, the legendary prince Svyatoslav went to Constantinople, Bil Khazar. This radiant symbol was used by the pagan waxes (priests) in rites associated with the ancient Slavic Vedic faith, and still embroidered him, Kostroma,
Vologda needlewomen.

In early Christianity, the swastika was known as a gammed cross, until the end of the Middle Ages was one of the emblems of Christ, it was often possible to meet on Orthodox icons. As an example, a swastika on the headdress of God's mother icons, called "powered". Remember the ornament on the festive robe of the Orthodox priest above? From there.

According to legend, Genghis Khan wore a ring with the image of a swastika on the right hand, into which magnificent ruby \u200b\u200bwas in the sun, a sunny stone. In the oldest Israeli synagogue on the floor, the swastika is depicted, although it is believed that Jews almost the only tribe that does not consider the swastika with a sacred symbol.

Again the swastika has become popular in European culture in the XIX century. It has become used everywhere in ornamentika as a sign of light, sun, love, life. There was even a interpretation that the symbol of the swastika must be understood as an abbreviation from four words, starting with the Latin letter "L": Light - light, sun; LOVE - Love; Life - Life; Luck is fate, luck, happiness. This is already its modern interpretation, without signs of a pagan cult.

But the very old "fossil" example of a swastika.

Currently, the swastika is depicted at the Presidential Stand of Finland.

And it can be found on the map of modern America ...

Disputes on the origin of the swastika do not subside for many years. Its fragments were found at almost all continents in the cultures of Hinduism, Lamaism, Christianity. Today it is believed that this sign originates from the ancient religion of Ariyev - Indo-European. The first images of the Aryan altars and the burials of the Harappi seals and weapons, the Samariy bowls belong to the 30th century BC. In the Urals, an excavator, a peer of Egypt's pyramids, having a planning of streets in the form of a round swastor mandala with altar in the center.

What did the swastik mean? This is an Aryan symbol of unity of the heavenly forces of fire and wind with the altar - the place of mergers of these heavenly forces with earthly. Therefore, Altari Arii was decorated with a swastika and worshiped saints protected from evil. The name "swastika" occurred from the Sanskrit term "sustini" - "prosperity under the sun", and the swastory mandala - from the concept of "wheels", "disk", or the "circle of eternity" separated by the sector. In China and Japan, swastika hieroglyphs mean the wishes of longevity under the sun.

In the middle of the 20th century, the Swastube has become one of the main tools in the confrontation of civilizations. And this was reflected not only in the massive use of a symbol as a "marker" of certain forces, but also in active esoteric-mystical application technology. Special communities of 3 Reich were engaged in this aspect, first of all Anenbe. The swastika was used as a universal tool of contact and remote mental coding of individuals and groups, volitional projection on the geographical region, the formation of events (future specified type), etc. Not all manipulations with the swastika gave the expected effect, but the degree of efficiency and nature of use are not well-known information. This Party of the 2nd World War still keeps its secrets.
In general, the swastik great many.

But how did the swastika become the personification of fascism?

Created in 1921 according to the sketches of Adolf Hitler's party symbolism and the NSDAP flag (National Socialist German Workers Party) subsequently became government symbols of Germany (1933-1945). It is possible that Hitler when choosing a swastika as an emblem was guided by the theory of German geopolitics Karl Haushofer, who believed that the swastika is a symbol of thunder, fire and fertility among the ancient Aryan magicians.

It is a haouseholder who belongs to the expression: "Space as a factor of force", which Hitler borrowed from him. In the representation of Hitler himself, the Swastavi symbolized the "struggle for the celebration of the Aryan race." By this time, the Swastika has already been actively used by Austrian anti-Semitic organizations.

Then the Nazi greeting "Ziga" was adopted. "Ziga" ("Sieg" - Victory - this is the gesture of the greeting of the Sun: from the heart to the sun, the dear right hand, the palm of the left hand is inner at the inside on the stomach, forming a zig-rune. After 1933, the swastika finally became perceived as a Nazi symbol, as a result of which, was excluded from the emblems of the scout movement. Kipling removed the swastika from the covers of his books.

"A special toolkit is widely used in the modern world - a graphic symbolism is widely used - for a focused impact on feelings, thoughts and desires of people. The history of the use of symbols is as deep as the history of a man of reasonable. And in this story there is a special place to search for some kind of searching for a special place. A universal key, a magical sign, mastering which it becomes possible to manage not only by a person, but also with whole nations. How real is this idea?
The answer is associated with the answer to another question: what is the world in which we live? Thousands of years they were asked outstanding thinkers, it remains relevant in the modern world. In the era of antiquity, the idea of \u200b\u200bonly a few fundamental principles hiding behind the variety and phenomena was popular - elements: fire, water, land, air, and quintessence of these elements - ether. According to antique teachings, all known objects and phenomena are formed from these substances, and the system-forming process is the interaction of the world of ideas and the world of elements. The world of ideas in this case is similar to "Grand Software" for the Universe. Such a interpretation of the structure of the world allows the materialization of ideas into certain monads through a special substance - a substance of net information - any object in the real world is capable of modifying in the real world. Maybe this should be understood the meaning of the mysterious "philosophical stone".
In this case, we define information as one of the primary principles, a kind of element. What are the elements of the world of ideas reflected in the form of a substance? How will their consciousness of man be perceived? Apparently, in the form of characters and signs. Probably, the internal mental space of a person is possible to present in the form of living characters combined into texts. Having at its base, one nature is one in the Universe of the world of ideas, people regardless of race, era, language culture, habitat, have the same primary symbolic structures in their mental structure. Such a point of view makes it possible to understand why throughout the history of the civilization of people, there are similar and even completely identical symbols used in almost all regions of the planet from various peoples. "(C)

And if you are interested in the Swastika Museum

VIDEO And the last photo of a friend. Swastika in Singapore.

The publication used material with a dozen articles and publications.

What is a swastika? Many, without thinking, will answer - the swastika symbol used fascists. Someone will say - this is the Old Slavic chaff, and both will be right and not right at the same time. How many legends and myths around this sign? It is said that on the shield that the prophetic Oleg nodded to the doors of Tsargrad was depicted with a swastika.

What is a swastika?

The swastika is an ancient symbol that appeared before our era and having a rich history. Many peoples dispute the right to her invention. The images of the swastika were found in China, India. This is a very significant symbol. What denotes the swastika - creation, sun, well-being. Translation of the word "swastika" from Sanskrit means - the wish of good and good luck.

Swastika - the origin of the symbol

The swastika symbol is a sunny, solar sign. The main meaning is movement. The Earth moves around the Sun, four times of the year constantly replace each other - it is not difficult to see that the main meaning of the symbol is not just a movement, but the eternal movement of the universe. Some researchers declare a swastika by mapping the perpetual rotation of the galaxy. The swastika is the symbol of the sun, the mention of it is in all the ancient peoples: on the excavations of the settlements of the Incas found fabrics with the image of the swastika, it is on the ancient Greek coins, even on the stonestores of Easter Island there are welded signs.

Initial drawing of the Sun - a circle. Then, noticing a four-part picture of being, people began to paint a cross with four rays to a circle. However, the picture came out static - and the universe is forever in the dynamics, and then the races bent the ends - the cross turned out to be moving. These rays symbolize four more significant for our ancestors per year - the days of summer / winter solstice, spring and autumn equinox. These days determine the astronomical shift of the seasons and served as signs when engaged in agriculture when construction and other matters are important.

Swastika left-sided and right-sided

We see how much the connection this sign. It is very difficult to explain one thing - which means the swastika. It is multifaceted and multigid, it is a sign of the primary base of being with all its manifestations, and among other things, the swastika is dynamic. It can rotate and right, and left. Many confuse and consider the direction of rotation to the direction where the ends of the rays are watching. It is not right. The side of rotation is determined by the angles of bending. Compare with the foot of a person - the movement is directed to where the bent knee is directed, and not the heel at all.

Left-sided swastust

There is a theory that says that rotation clockwise is the correct swastika, and against the bad, dark, swastika on the contrary. However, it would be too trite - right and left, black and white. In nature, everything is justified - the day is replaced at night, summer - in winter, there is no separation for good and bad - everything that exists is necessary for something. So with a swastika - no good or bad, there is a left-sided and right-hand.

Left-sided swastika rotates counterclockwise. This is the value of purification, recovery. Sometimes it is called the sign of destruction - to build something bright, you need to destroy the old and dark. The swastika could wear left rotation, she was called the "Heavenly Cross" and was a symbol of generic unity, imparting to the one who wears the help of all the ancestors of the kind and protection of heavenly forces. The left-sided swastika was considered a sign of the autumn sun - collective.

Right-sided swastust

Right-sided swastika rotates clockwise and denotes the beginning of all the existing - birth, development. This symbol of the Spring Sun is creative energy. He was also called - a logbook or a sunny cross. He symbolized the strength of the sun and the prosperity of the genus. Sun sign and swastika in this case are equal. It was believed that he gives the greatest strength to the priests. The prophetic Oleg, who was spoken at the beginning, had the right to wear this sign on his shield, because I knew, that is, I knew an ancient wisdom. From these beliefs and went theories, proving the Vine Slavic origin of the swastika.

Slavic Swastastics

Left-sided and right-sided swastika Slavs are called - and the embonodent. The swastika Kolovrat fills the light, protects against darkness, the embonodies gives hard work and spiritual resistance, the sign serves as a reminder that a person is designed for development. These names are only two of the large group of Slavic swasting signs. They had a cross with bent rays. The rays could be six, and eight, they hurt and right, and left, each sign had its own name and was responsible for a certain security function. The main swastical symbols of Slavs 144. In addition to the above-mentioned, the Slavs were:

  • Solntty;
  • Inglia;
  • Welmer;
  • Wedding;
  • Perunov light;
  • Heavenly Wear and many more types of variations based on solar elements of the swastika.

Swastavast Slavs and Fascists - Differences

Unlike the fascist, the Slavs did not have strict canons in the image of this sign. The rays could be as much as you like, they could be broken at different angles, could be rounded. The symbol of the Swasthana in Slavs is a greeting, the wish of good luck, whereas at the congress of the Nazis in 1923, Hitler convinced supporters that the swastika denotes the fight against Jews and the Communists for the purity of blood and the superiority of the Aryan race. The swastika fascist has its own strict requirements. This is only this image - German swastika:

  1. The ends of the cross should be broken down on the right side;
  2. All lines intersect strictly at an angle of 90 °;
  3. The cross must necessarily be in a white circle on a red background.
  4. Correctly talk not "swastika", and hakkenkreyz

Swastika in christianity

In early Christianity, they often resorted to the image of a swastika. She was called "Hammated Cross" due to similarity with the Gamna Gamma. The swastika masked the cross in the times of persecution of Christians - Catacomb Christianity. The swastika or gammadion was the main emblem of Christ up to the end of the Middle Ages. Some experts spend a straight parallel between Christian and Swasting crosses, calling the last "circling cross."

The swastika in Orthodoxy was actively used before the revolution: as part of the ornament of priesthood, in icon painting, in the frescoes, which the walls of churches are painted. However, there is a direct opposite opinion - Gammadion is a broken cross, a pagan symbol, to Orthodoxy who does not have any relationship.

Swastika in Buddhism

With a swastika, you can face everywhere where there are traces of Buddhist culture, she is the trail of the Buddha foot. Buddhist Swastika, or "Manji" denotes the multilateralness of the world order. The vertical feature is opposed horizontal, as the ratio of the sky / land to the relationship between male and female. The turn of the rays in one direction emphasizes the desire for kindness, softness, in the opposite - to hardness, strength. This provides an understanding of the impossibility of the existence of force without compassion, and compassion without power, denial of all one-sidedness, as violations of world harmony.

Indian Swastube

The swastika in India is no less common. There are left-hand and right-sided swastika. Rotation clockwise symbolizes the men's energy "Yin", against the women's "Yan". Sometimes this sign denotes all the gods and goddesses in Hinduism, then the "Ohm" sign add on the line intersection of the rays - a symbol of what all the gods have a common start.

  1. Right rotation: Indicates the sun, its movement from the east to the West - the development of the universe.
  2. Left rotation personifies the goddess of Cali, magic, night - folding the universe.

Is swastika forbidden?

The swastika sign was banned by the Nuremberg Tribunal. Ignorance gave rise to a mass of myths, for example, the fact that the swastika denotes four connected letters "g" - Hitler, Himmler, Goering, Goebbels. However, this version turned out to be completely untenable. Hitler, Himmler, Göring, Goebbels - No surname starts on this letter. There are cases when the most valuable specimens are seized from museums, containing images of the swastika in embroidery, on the decorations, the Vine Slavic and early Christian charms.

In many European countries there are laws that prohibit fascist symbolism, but the principle of freedom of speech is practically indisputable. Each case of the use of symbols of Nazism or swastika has the appearance of a separate trial.

  1. In 2015, Roskkomnazus allowed the use of the Wastika's images without propaganda purposes.
  2. In Germany, strict legislation regulating the image of the swastika. There are several solutions of vessels prohibiting or allowing images.
  3. In France, a law adopted prohibiting the public demonstration of Nazi characters.