Even then we were not. "Even then we were not in the world." Methodical development on music on the topic

Even then we were not. "Even then we were not in the world." Methodical development on music on the topic

When it thundered salute from the edge to the edge.
Soldiers gave you to the planet
Great May, the victorious May.

Even then we were not in the world,
When in the military bora of fire
Fate solving future centuries,
You are a fight, the sacred battle.

Even then we were not in the world,
When you came home with a victory,
May soldiers, thank you forever
From the whole land, from the whole earth!

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    We are glad, with the brightest day!
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    Dnipro, Vistula conquered, gum,
    To give a native debris
    One for all century spring!
    We are only asking you:
    Yourself for grandchildren take care!
    More - such! - More Spring!
    And - how then! - Forward run!

  • You deserve the world throughout the earth

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    Love, create and live in heaven,
    Planet all sails on the ship
    Under your raised sails.

    You deserve the world in your soul,
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    Thank you, not scary to us already
    Nights under the decent roof.

    You deserve the world in the system of soldiers,
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    And their mother still do not sleep
    And they are waiting for their sons, whispering prayers for them.

    You deserve the world in the hearts of people,
    Earth bow to you who won time
    Smiles, laughter and happiness of all children -
    Reward for the defeated beast.

    You deserve the world, the bay of fire,
    "Brown Chumoy" divorced
    And on a century, the descendants were given reservation
    On the way of freedom, you are beaten.

    You deserve the world, I am interested in death,
    That death that life remained forever
    And the memory of the human swing,
    We do kindness and humane.

  • For a long time ended the war

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    But every year less than you,
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    Did not heal your wounds.
    And here in place of these meetings
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    In the rear of Il on the battlefields, -
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  • With a victory over the army of terrible

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  • Without tears, this day does not happen

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    Let tears from happiness flow!
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    Want to congratulate heart!

  • Victory Day, memory day light

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    Those who survived and who survived.

  • Dear citizens

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    In this wonderful May day
    Recall those over the enemies
    The flag to raise in hand managed.
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    Exorbitant price.
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    We give for our peace!

  • Again came victory day!

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    Paler under eyebrows shadow,
    Yachny Stan from Veteran!
    He runs to the parade, rushing:
    Burn in the sunshine awards
    And the soul flies above the roofs
    Both children, grandchildren are very happy!
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    Let there be sickness, troubles.
    Be happy, our native hero, you live before one hundred years of victory !!!

  • Small alarms

    Small alarms
    Thick years are distant ...
    Your first expensive
    Start with the war.

    Well, the fight means a fight,
    That Yuntu is seventeen years old!
    But the war is such a bjaka! -
    Even in the valor of victories.

    Waited for milf son,
    The winning hour came!
    You, reached Berlin,
    Today, here he is among us.

    Cheerful, funny,
    What and the years! Though henna! -
    As if it was not heavy,
    Gloover War.

  • Congratulations to grandfather

    Congratulations to grandfather
    Happy Victory Day.
    It's even good
    That he was not on her.
    Was then like me now
    Vertically challenged.
    Although he did not see the enemy -
    Hated simply!
    He worked as big.
    Behind the hill bread,
    Brought by Victory Day,
    Though the fighter was not.
    Stall all the extra snow
    Having paid by childhood
    To live and grow in the world
    His grandson is wonderful.
    To input and love
    Enjoyed life
    So that I have not seen war,
    Grandfather my saved schism.

  • You are forever young soul

    You are forever young soul,
    Though sometimes the wounds are ...
    With victory nice, big
    Congratulations on you, veterans!
    Let go of the year
    But memory will live in centuries,
    As a red army soldier
    Fucked violently with enemies.
    For peace and happiness, for love,
    For life and first children's bow
    In the attack you went again and again,
    And the soup for everything answered.
    We are inspired by the feat of your
    Before you bow your head ...
    For us you shed blood,
    Happy Victory Day Congratulations!

"Even then we were not in the world."

(Open event for war veterans dedicated to

70th anniversary of the Great Victory)


MUZ. Leader: Proskurina E.Yu.

Naro-Fominsk 2015

Music "Victory Day" D. Tukhmanova sounds. Children of senior groups and veterans in the auditorium.

Lead 1: Hello children! Hello, dear our guests! Today we gathered in the musical hall of our kindergarten on the occasion of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War! Children, let's greet the applause of veterans - the soldiers who gave the world of our great homeland!

Lead 2:

When it thundered salute from the edge to the edge.

Soldiers gave you to the planet

Great May! Victory May!

Lead 1: Even then we were not in the world,

When in the military bora of fire

Fate solving, future centuries

Were you fight, sacred battle!

Lead 2: Even then we were not in the world,

When you came home with a victory.

May soldiers - Glory you forever

From the whole earth!

Presenter1: We thank we all soldiers

For life, for childhood, for spring,

For silence, for a peaceful house,

For the world in which we live!

The curtain opens. The scene is decorated. In the corner of the scene, the frame (imitation of a photographic frame). Inside 2 girls are sitting on the chairs, behind their backs of 2 boys.

Lead 1: Many years ago on June 22, 1941 was a Sunday summer day. People rested after the work week, were engaged in their home affairs. Moms and dads walked with kids in the parks, made a photo of the memory, danced.

Sounds "Rio Rita"(1 Coupling) Children come out of the frame. Dance. (Children from the Dance Mug "Chamomile"). At the end of the dance, they return to the frame.

(Girls give the boys in the hands of the machine, accompany. Mashed by hand).

Boys come forward. The curtain is closed by leading. Poeses read.

Summer at night, at dawn,

When they sleep calmly children

Hitler gave the troops order.

And sent the soldier of the German

Against the Russians. Against us!

(Boys go beyond the scenes)

Sounds "Sacred War"(1 verse)

Lead 2: So the war began! Our whole country rose to the fight against the fascists.

Child: Get up, people!

Hearing the cry of land,

On the front soldiers of the Motherland left!

Wanted to take revenge on the enemy

For old men, for women, for children!

Lead 1: Every day, the front of the fighters on the front took the front.!

The curtain opens. Under the song "10 Our landing battalion" pass the boys from the 10th group.

Lead 2: And at home remained to wait for moms, sisters, loved ones. Wait for your men with a victory!

The curtain opens. The dance of the "Blue Robs" is performed

Curtain closes.

Lead 1: The brutal was this war, but our people defeated German invaders! Defeated the enemy. A lot of songs are devoted to victory and our soldiers. Listen to one of them.

Performing a song "On Victory Day"(execute the older children of kindergarten)

Lead 2: And now our guys will read poetry.

"Shinel" E. Blaginina.

Why are you sinel

Berge? -

I asked my dad. -

Why don't you break

Will you burn? -

I asked my dad. -

After all, she is a dangle and old

Briefly better

On the back won what hole,

Briefly better!

Because I am her shore, -

I answer me dad, -

Therefore, I do not break, burn, -

I answer me dad, -

Because I'm the road,

What's here in this coin

We went, my friend, on the enemy

And he overcame!

Lead 1: We have nothing to be afraid! The enemy will not laugh more to attack our homeland, because we grow real defenders.


The curtain opens. Performed dance "Border"(Boys 10 Group)

Curtain closes.

Lead 2: I suggest listening to another poem that our children prepared.

Child: We want the birds sang

So that the forests around Shill

So that the cinema heaven,

Let the stork bearing on the roof,

Cornish in the sky

Let the world be, he needs it so

He needs children all the earth!

The curtain opens. Performed dance "Stork on the roof"

(girls from the dance circle "Chamomile")

Curtain closes.

Leaders read poems "guarding" V. Souslova

Any soldier and commander

You will say very accurately;

The country is needed by the country,

Good, long, durable!

We need to build cities,

Grow wheat

And always ready

To fight with any enemy!

That is why our clock

Always on guard.

He guards the world, peace.

And the machine is charged!

Performed song "Let there always be the sun»

Host: Our concert approached the end! We wish our strong health veterans, longevity and peace over their heads.

Under the song "Victory Day", children are handing veterans flowers.

"Even then we were not in the world."

The purpose of the event: to develop moral and patriotic qualities in preschoolers. Reliable respect for the older generation, love for the Motherland, kindergarten.

Preparatory work.

Heading songs, poems with children, individual work with children, registration of the musical hall.

Conducting practices for patriotic education, the contest of drawings on May 9th.

Technical means: Music Center, Piano.

Children come to the music with flowers get a semicircle.

Leading. Today, in this May day,

We are singing our veterans,

More fresh wounds

In those days when lilac flowers.

Long ago there were fights for a long time,

For a long time I came to the end,

We won, we managed

Drink the enemy .... And the end!

Many years ago, this war ended, which took thousands of the lives of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. This war ended with the victory over the fascist Germany. But how much grief and tears, loss and separation she brought.

Children. In flowers all the streets are dressed

And songs are audible

Today holiday - Victory Day

Happy, bright day spring!

Then the morning became famous

All over the planet, the news went

Fascists are subligated

Russian army praise.

Breathe people in full

End of war! End of war!

And multicolor salutes

Sparkled long in the embroidery.

Thunder celebrations Mighty shaft

Rolled around the edges of the native

Farm Salyutoval

Brave warriors your own.

Song "Great holiday Victory Day"

Leading. I got raced the war, the world came to the ground. People put monuments to the warriors - the liberators who always lie flowers. These flowers are the sign of our memory and the deepest gratitude to those who defended our homeland in the battles and died for it. Guys! Let's remove the memory of the dead a minute of silence. And we will lay flowers

For the music of "Victory Day", children lay flowers.

Leading. And since then, every year on this day on May 9, our people celebrate Victory Day. Congratulations to each other with the fact that there is no more war on our land. They remember those who died, fighting with the fascists. Thank warriors who defeated the fascists and freed our land from enemies. These warriors are now very old people, new victory holiday, they wear orders and medals received for the heroic fight against the enemy, and go to the Victory Parade.


When salted salute from the edge to the edge

Soldiers presented the entire planet

Great May, the victorious May.

Even then we were not in the world

When you came home with a victory

May soldiers, thank you forever

From the whole land, from the whole earth!

Even then we were not in the world

When war was announced

And the adults and children stood up.

To protect yourself together from the enemy.

Dance "Blue handkerchief" senior group

Leading. In the battlefields there were many wounded soldiers who had to be tied up, send to Medical Science. And the medosistra had to quickly wear bathrobes, take medicine and hurry to help. And now we will see how girls are owned by these skills.

Game - Attraction "Medical"

2 teams girls. Each team has a medical suitcase. Opposite each team, there are chairs, on which the nurse form is lying, bathrobe, hat, etc. At the Signal of "Medical" should take a suitcase, reach chairs, put on the form, break the chair, remove the form. Take a suitcase and return to the next player. Whose team will quickly cope with the task, and will be considered the winner.

Leading. Seventy-one years has passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War. But we should not forget this terrible history lesson.

Children. It becomes very scary.

If you hear a terrible word - war

Above the planet over the whole world

Pulls black hands she.

Does it need it to someone

So that burning the city

So that children hid in fear

And forgot about light on always

I want to shine the sun

But not only over our planet

So that children on the entire planet

Smiled with me

So that in the morning they woke up

And we saw the sun in the window

And not black smoke

Plugging on the ground

Let in a dream do not dream such

And only my mother will dream

Or Sun Golden

Spring day, native edges

What is needed for life?

The sun! The sun!

What is your friendship?

A heart! A heart!

What is needed for the heart?

Happiness! Happiness!

What is needed for happiness?


Peace in every home in every country

The world is life on the planet.

The world is the sun on our land!

The world needs adults and children!

Leading. Now we live in peacetime, but the memory of the soldiers is eternal. In many families still stored letters from the front. What do you think I wrote soldiers home? Of course, they wrote about the war, that they miss their families, that they fight for happiness and peaceful sky for all people.

Game - Competition "Take a letter"

I play two teams. Each team has a letter. By the signal, children with a letter run running, performing tasks: run on the bridge, jump over the moat, climb under the wire, return and betray the letter to the next player.

Dance "Ah these clouds in blue"

Leading. They happened at the front and moments of rest, when it was possible to sing the favorite songs by the fire. The harmonist took the harmony, and at the light of the fire sounded a sincere song about the house, close and relatives and funny songs.

Song "Fight soldiers in the city"

Leading. Victory Day, Grandfall.

This is your holiday and mine.

Let the sky be clean

At the guys above your head.

We once again congratulate everyone on the holiday of the Great Victory.

(Children go to the music from the audience.)