Why hanging out a shameful penalty. Methods of execution at different times (16 photos)

Why hanging out a shameful penalty. Methods of execution at different times (16 photos)
Why hanging out a shameful penalty. Methods of execution at different times (16 photos)

May 20th, 2012

For a segish day, the death penalty on our planet is canceled on the territory equal to South America ... so
what if you think the electric chair is a relic of the past, you are deeply mistaken. Truth,
the guillotine is no longer used - since 1939 ...

It's terrible, but everything is what you read in the most terrible books in Democratic North America
it still exists so far ... and this country still has something to boast in the sense of guns
executions, and in different states they have a variety of modifications! .. And everything began with ships
Lynch - that is, mass hanging ...

Sometimes guilty for confidence also burned ...

Blacks hung, at least in the south, everywhere (the Lynch court has great amount Victims in the XX century, in 1901
the year was subject to a lynching of 130 people) ...

Indians often executed the punishers who were meant for cutting out the white population. In the wild west at the same time
sheriffs actually executed at their discretion (sometimes personally). The death penalty was used in the USA
also for political reasons against socialists, communists, anarchists.

By the end of the XIX century, there was no longer somehow, but professionally. Was approved, so to speak, "Professional" Visigar,
on which it was possible to hang people of any growth ... She in front of you ...

The hands of the prisoner necessarily contacted ...

A special bag was dressed up on the head - the impression of the face was not shocked for the execution
hangster ...

At the end of the XIX century, an electric chair was invented in the USA, first applied in 1890 ... it was a breakthrough ...

He very soon entered into universal use and in many states pushed his hanging. And with the advent of the chair
invented the so-called "open executions", where the city administration was invited (in special cases
state) and relatives of the victim of the criminal ...

Gradually, the chair was improved and improved ...

On the head of the sentence began to wear a special mask ...

Separate contacts attach to hand ...

But from these improvements to the suffering of the prisoner changed little ...

Although death for an average person comes quickly, in the history of executions there are cases when sentenced
i had to "kill" 20-30 minutes ...

The Americans have introduced the gas chamber even earlier than in Germany, namely in 1924 ...

For execution, consuming cyano potassium pairs are used, and if the convicted deep breathes, death comes almost

Then a truly hello invention appeared - the death chair. The method is still running in Utah and Idaho,
as an alternative to mortal injection. To perform execution, prisoner ties leather belts to the chair
across the waist and head. The chair is surrounded by sand bags that absorb blood. Black hood dress on
head sentenced. The doctor determines the location of the heart and attaches a round target. At a distance of 20.
futs cost five shooters. Each of them aims the rifle through the slot in the canvas and shoots. Prisoner
dies as a result of blood loss caused by a gap of a heart or a large blood vessel, or a break
lungs. If the arrows skip the heart, randomly or deliberately, the sentenced dies slowly ...

Soon there was a last form of an American execution, now the most common, and in many states is the only one:
deadly injection ... in front of you a special couch (Gurney) for sentenced ...

The composition of the deadly injection was developed by the doctor of the Doych. It consists of three chemical components. First
substance - Penotal Sodium - immerses sentenced to deep sleep. Pavlon is marshed. Finally,
potassium chloride stops the work of the heart muscle. After the examination at the University of Texas
the method was approved. Soon he got widespread. Opponents of the death penalty gave him
the name of the "Texas cocktail". Today out of 38 states, which after 1976 again introduced on their territory
the death penalty, only Nebraska does not resort to injections, preferring to them an electric chair.

Poisons are stored here this is the way ...

The killing of the prisoner occurs in the poison introduced into the vein on the right foot ...

But the most terrible state of things with executions is still in Asia and the Middle East ...
executive executions from ancient times: beaten by stones, cutting off the head with a sword and hanging. Before you frame
urban execution - a man just linch crowd ...

But these quite decent people throw these stones into it ...

And this guilty is trying to just turn ...

The corpse that fiber demonstrate the "boss" ...


And just miracle ...

And in China, the shooting is still widely used. Shot in this country the main houses of public houses,
unclean on the hand of officials, dissidents, etc., and so on ...

Moreover, especially mass executions are before the new year ...

Among other things, such sentences are taken public, with a large crossing of the people ...

The execution is executed by soldiers of the urgent service ...

And bodies buried in specially reserved places, - relatives do not give ...

Russia ... On May 16, 1996, the President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, was issued a decree "about phased reduction
applications of the death penalty in connection with the entry of Russia into the Council of Europe. " Since August 1996, in accordance with this
by decree, sentences for the death penalty are not given. Squaders serving life imprisonment ...
Before you a very rare picture of the prisoners of the Orenburg Prison "Black Dolphin" ...

Three more similar prisons in Russia. They do not go out. Nobody never. So human rights defenders are bitterly joking "if
the inhabitants were able to participate in the voting about the use of the death penalty, most of them would vote "for".

See how she carelessly looks like, this most famous prison of Russia ... those who are inside this
a red-winged building built by Ekaterininsky times when there was already a lifelong cat cargo here, never
did not see the sculptures of those most dolphins from fountains, which gave this terrible institution
poetic name ...

To date, Russia has over three and a half thousand people sentenced to life
conclusion. And "Black Dolphin" today is the largest specialized suicide prison ...

With the development of civilization, human life has gained value, regardless of social status and wealth. Thus, it's terrible to read about black pages of history, when the law did not just deprive the person of life, but turned an execution in the spectacle to fun with a simple person. In other cases, the execution could be ritual or edifying. Unfortunately, there are similar episodes in modern history. We collected a list of the most cruel executions ever practiced people.

Executions of the ancient world


The word "scaffle" is formed from the ancient Greek word "bark", "boat", and the method itself went down in history, thanks to Plutarch, who described the execution of the Greek ruler of Mithridate at the order of Artaxerks, the king of ancient Persians.

At first, the person undressed her devils and tied inside the two lobble boats in such a way that the head, arms and feet remained outside the outside, which were thickly deceived by honey. Then the victim was forced by a mixture of milk and honey to cause diarrhea. After that, the boat was descended to standing water - pond or lake. The insects adorn the smell of honey and unclean insects stuck the human body, slowly devoured the flesh and larvaed larvae into the generated gangrenous ulcers. The victim remained alive for two weeks. Death fell from three factors: infection, depletion and dehydration.

The execution through the plant on the thread was invented in Assyria (Sovr. Iraq). In this way, the inhabitants of rebeling cities and women who made an abortion were punished - then this procedure was considered a decision.

The execution was carried out in two ways. In one embodiment, the convict was sicked with a chest cola, with a friend - the edge of the cola passed through the body through the rear pass. Multiple people were often portrayed on bas-reliefs as editing. Later, this execution began to be applied to the peoples of the Middle East and the Mediterranean, as well as Slavic peoples and some European.

Execution elephants

This method was used mainly in India and Sri Lanka. Indian elephants are well for training than and used the rulers of Southeast Asia.

There were a lot of ways to kill a person with an elephant. For example, on the appearance, armor was worn with sharp spears, which the elephant pierced the criminal and then, still alive, ruptured on the part. But most often the elephants were trained to press the foot by a convicted foot and alternately tear off the limbs by a trunk. In India, the defeated man often simply threw an angry animal under the feet. For reference, the Indian elephant weighs about 5 tons.

Tradition of beasts

For a beautiful phrase "Damnatio Ad Bestias", the painful death of thousands of ancient Romans, especially there were many among the early Christians. Although, of course, this method was invented long before the Romans. Usually, lions were used for execution, bears, panthers, leopards and buffaloes were less popular.

There were two varieties of execution. Often sentenced to death tied to a pillar in the middle of the Gladiator's Arena and descended wild beasts on him. There were variations: threw a cell to a hungry animal or tied to his back. In another case, the unfortunate was forced to go on a fight against the beast. They had a simple spear, and from "Armpeople" - Tunic. In both cases, many viewers were collected on the execution.

Death on the cross

The crucifixion on the cross came up with the Phoenicians - the ancient people of the navigators who lived on the Mediterranean. Later, this method was adopted by the Carthaginian, and then the Romans. The Israelis and Romans death on the cross considered the most shameful, because he was executed by the harmonious criminals, slaves and traitors.

Before the crucifixion of a person, undressed, leaving only a loin bandage. It was beaten with leather scam either with fresh cut rods, after which they forced the very penetration of the cross weighing about 50 kilograms to the place of crucifixion. Inside the cross in the ground by the road outside the city or on a hill, a man was raised by rope and nailed to the horizontal bar. Sometimes a convicted person had previously crushed her feet with an iron rod. Death has occurred from exhaustion, dehydration or pain.

After the ban of Christianity in the feudal Japan XVII century. The crucifix was applied against the visits of missionaries and the Japanese Christians. The execution scene on the cross is present in the Drama Martin Scorsese "Silence", which narrates precisely about this period.

Execution bamboo

The ancient Chinese were champions on sophisticated torture and executions. One of the most exotic ways to kill - stretching the guilty over the growing shoots of a young bamboo. Through the human body, the sprouts made their way for several days, causing these incredible suffering to execute.

Ling Chi.

Ling Chi is translated into Russian as "bits of the sea pussy". There was another name - "death from thousands of cuts." This method was used during the rule of the Qing dynasty, and they were executed in such a way of high-ranking officials who were appealed to corruption. Every year, 15-20 people were gained.

The essence of "Ling Chi" - in gradual cutting from the body of small parts. For example, banging one phalanx of the finger, the executioner made a wound and then searched to the next one. How many pieces need to cut off from the body, determined the court. The most popular verdict was cut in 24 parts, and the most revealed criminals sentenced to 3 thousand cuts. In such cases, the victim was poured by opium: so she did not lose consciousness, but the pain made his way even through the veil of narcotic intoxication.

Sometimes, in a special grace, the ruler could order the executioner first to kill the body sentenced with one blow and stretch already. This execution method practiced 900 years and was banned in 1905.

Kazenny Middle Ages

Bloody eagle

Historians questioned the existence of the Bloody Eagle execution, but the mention of it is found in the Scandinavian folklore. This method was used by residents of the Scandinavian countries in the Epoch of the Early Middle Ages.

The harsh vikings killed their enemies as painfully and symbolic. Man tied his hands and put the belly on the stump. The skin on the back was neatly cut with a sharp blade, then the ribs were subsequently, having gone out them in the form, reminding the eagle wings. After that, the lungs extracted from another living victim and hang them on the ribs.

This execution is shown twice in the TV series "Vikings" with Travis Fimmel (in the 7 series of 2 seasons and the 18 series of 4 seasons), although the audience noted the contradictions of the serial execution with the one that was told in the folk "senior EDDE".

"Bloody Eagle" in the TV series "Vikings"

Tearing trees

Such a penalty was distributed in many regions of the world, including in Russia in the pre-Christian period. The sacrifice was tied to the feet to two tilted trees, which then looked sharply. One of the legends states that the prince of Igor was killed by the Dwarons in 945 - for what he wanted to gather with them tribute.


The method was used as in medieval Europe. Each limit was tied to horses - animals were torn off sentenced to 4 parts. In Russia, also practiced quarters, but under this word I understood a completely different penalty - the executioner alternately cut off the ax first legs, then his hands, and then head.


Keeping as a view of the death penalty was widely used in France and Germany during the Middle Ages. In Russia, this kind of execution is known and at a later time - from the XVII to the XIX century. The essence of punishment was that first the guilty face to the sky tied to the wheel, fastening her arms and legs on the spokes. After that, he was crowned with limbs and left to die in the sun.


Freshness, or leather sniffing, was invented in Assyria, then passed into Persia and spread throughout the ancient world. In the Middle Ages, the Inquisition improved this type of execution - with the help of a device, which was called "Spanish tag", the skin of a man burst into small nurses, which did not make up labor.

Welding Zamivo

This execution was also invented in antiquity and received a second breath in the Middle Ages. So executed mostly counterfeiters. The man has shown in fake rushed in a boiler with boiling water, resin or butter. This kind was rather humane - the criminal quickly died of pain. The more sophisticated executioners were sazing sentenced to a cold water cauldron, which heated gradually, or slowly lowered it in boiling water, starting with the feet. The cooked muscles of the legs were separated from the bones, and the person was still alive.
This execution is practiced and East Extremists. According to the former bodyguard Saddam Hussein, he witnessed an acid execution: first in the pool filled with a bare substance lowered the feet of the victim, and then threw entirely. And in 2016, the militants of the prohibited organization ISIL dissolved 25 people in a boiler with acid.

Cement boots

This method is well familiar to many of our readers on gangster cinema. Indeed, they were killed by such a cruel method of their enemies and traitors during the times of mafia wars in Chicago. The victim was tied to the chair, then put a basin under the feet, filled with liquid cement. And when he froze, the man was taken to the nearest reservoir and threw off the boat. Cement shoes MiG dragged him to breed fish.

Flights of death

In 1976, General Jorge came to power in Argentina. He led the country for only 5 years, but remained in history as one of the most terrible dictators in modern times. Among other atrocities, they saw the so-called "death flights".

A person who spoke against Tiran's regime was pumped by barbiturates and in an unconscious state carried on board the aircraft, then discharged down - without fail.

We also suggest you read about the most mysterious deaths in history.
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The first mention of this form of the death penalty as hanging, goes back to the era of antiquity. Thus, as a result of the conspiracy, the cylinder (60s. BC) To death through the hanging of the Roman Senate, five riskers were sentenced immediately. Here is how they describe their execution of the Roman historian of Sallaustia:

"There is in prison, to the left and somewhat lower than the entrance, the room that is called Tulli Dungeon; It goes to the ground for about twelve feet and is reinforced with from everywhere with walls, and overlapped with a stone arch; Dirt, dwarf and SMRArad make impressions vague and terrible. Lentul was lowered there, and the executioners, fulfilling the order, removed him, throwing a loop on the neck ... Similarly, Ztepa, Stalili, Gabinia, Zepary were executed.

However, the era of ancient Rome has long passed, and hanging, as statistics shows, despite all its seeming cruelty, is the most popular method of death at present. This type of execution provides two possible types of death: death from the gap of the spinal cord and death as a result of asphyxia. Consider how dying in each of these cases occurs.

Death from the injury of the spine

If the calculation was performed correctly, the investigation of the fall will be severe damage to the cervical spine, as well as the upper spinal cord sections and the brain barrel. Hanging with a long drop in the overwhelming majority of cases is accompanied by the instant death of the victim as a result of decapitation.

Death from mechanical asphyxia

In case, during the fall of the body of the convicted person, the vertebrae was not shifted sufficient to break the spinal cord, death comes from a slow stroke (asphyxia) and can continue from three to four to seven-eight minutes (for comparison, death from decapitation occurs with the help of guillotine Usually seven or ten seconds after the branch of the head from the body).

The process of dying during hanging can be divided into four stages:

  • 1. The consciousness of the victim is preserved, there is a deep and frequent breathing with direct participation in the respiration of auxiliary muscles, the synushia (cyanosis) of the skin appears rapidly. Heartbeat is rapidly, blood pressure increases.
  • 2. Consciousness is lost, convulsions appear, possibly involuntary urination and act of defecation, breathing becomes rare.
  • 3. Terminal stage, which lasts from a few seconds to two or three minutes. Stop breathing and oppression of cardiac activity occurs.
  • 4. Aggonal state. Following the respiratory stop, cardiac arrest occurs.

It should be noted that in the second case, the process of dying continues longer and not as an example is painful. Thus, setting the humanization of the death penalty, we automatically put the goal of minimizing the number of situations where the convicted dies precisely from suffocation.

Before you - three main ways of location of the loop on the neck: a) - typical (mainly applied in the death penalty), b) and c) - atypical.

Practice shows that if the node is located on the side of the left ear (a typical way of location of the loop), then in the process of falling the rope throws the head back. As a result, sufficient energy is produced to break the spine.

However, not only the danger of the incorrect location of the node on the neck climbs the convicted person. The most important and challenging problem with hanging is the choice of the length of the rope. At the same time, it depends the length of it to a greater extent from the weight of the execution, rather than on its growth.

It must be remembered that the penx rope applied in the execution of this type of death penalty is far from the most durable material and has a property of rushing at the most inopportune moment. It is such a casus that happened, for example, 13 (25) of July 1826 on the Senate Square. This is how the eyewitness describes this event:

"When everything was ready, with the sighs of the springs in the scaffold, the platform, on which they stood on the benches, fell, and at the same instant three broke down - Ryleev, Pestel and Kakhovsky fell down. Flying the cap fell, and the bloody eyebrows and blood was visible behind the right ear, probably from the bruise. He sat raising, because I fell inside the scaffold. I approached him, he said: "What misfortune!" Governor's general, seeing that three fell, sent Adjutant Bashutsk to take other ropes and hanged them, which was immediately fulfilled. I was so busy with Rylev, which did not pay attention to the rest of the collapsed with the gallows and did not hear, whether they said something. When the board was raised again, the Pestel Rope was so long that he got socks to the slowdown, which was to extend his torment, and it was noticeable for a while he was still alive. "

In order to avoid such trouble during the execution (as she could spoil the painchal, demonstrating his inability to handle the execution of execution), in England, and then in other countries practicing hanging, it was taken to stretch the rope on the eve of execution in order to make her More elastic.

In order to calculate the optimal length of the rope, we analyzed the so-called "official fall table" - the reference edition of the UK home office at an optimal height, with which the body of a person condemned to the death penalty should fall upon hanging. In order to calculate the most suitable rope length, it was only necessary to add a "drop height" to the height of the plank or hook to which the rope was attached.

Fall height in meters

The weight of the convicted person (with clothes) in kg


The resulting table allows you to calculate the optimal length of the rope for a convicted with any weight. It is worth remembering only that there is an inverse dependence between the weight of the execution and fall height (the more weight, the less rope length).

The main news of today was undoubtedly the execution of the Minister of Defense of the DPRK on charges of state treason. The minister was shot in a military school from an anti-aircraft gun. In this regard, I would like to recall what kinds of death penalty exist today in the world.

The death penalty is the highest measure of punishment, which is today forbidden in many countries of the world. And where it is permitted - applies only for extremely grave crimes. Although there are countries (for example, China), where the death penalty is still applied quite widely for much smaller offenses, such as: bribery, sanguage, fake money, concealment of taxes, poaching and others.

In the Russian and Soviet legal practice to designate the death penalty at different times, euphemisms "Higher Measure of Social Protection", "Higher Measure of Punishment" were used, and in later times "exceptional measure of punishment", as it was officially believed that the death penalty in the USSR as The measure of punishment is not practiced, but applies in the form of an exception as a punishment for especially grave common and state crimes.

To date, 6 different types of death penalty are most common in the world.

The form of the death penalty at which the killing is achieved by firearms. Currently the most common of all other methods.

The execution is made, as a rule, from rifles or rifles, less often from other manual firearms. The number of arrows is usually from 4 to 12, but may be different, in terms of the situation. Sometimes combat cartridges are mixed to facilitate conscience. Thus, none of the shooters know if he was the one who made a deadly shot.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the execution is the only form of the death penalty. Although the legislatively death penalty in our country is not canceled, only a moratorium on it is observed, caused by international obligations related to Russia's accession to PACE. There was no real attitude of the death sentence since 1996.

In Belarus, the execution is also the only method of executing the death penalty.

Until 1987, the execution was the official method of executing the death penalty in the GDR.

In the US, the execution is maintained as a spare execution method in one state - Oklahoma; In addition, 3 people sentenced to the death penalty in Utah to legislative cancellations can be theoretically, because this law does not have inverse.

In China, where today is provided by the greatest number of death sentences, they shoot in the head of the machine with a condemned kneel. The authorities periodically arrange public demonstration shootings of convicted government officials-bribes.

Today, 18 countries are used as the sole or one of several types of execution.

The appearance of the death penalty in the suffocation of the loop under the influence of the severity of the body.

For the first time, the murder through the hanging was used by the ancient Celts, bringing human sacrifices to the Aerk God to Jusu. The execution of hanging mentions Cervantes in the XVII century.

In Russia, hanging was practiced in the imperial period (for example, the execution of the Decembrists, "Stolypinsky ties", etc.) and opposing parties during the civil war.

Later, hanging was practiced in a short period of military time and first post-war years with respect to war criminals and collaborated with the Nazis of individuals. At the Nuremberg process to the death penalty, 12 senior managers of the Third Reich were sentenced to the death penalty.

Today, hanging as the only or one of several types of execution is used by 19 countries.

The method of making the death penalty consisting in the introduction of a sentence of a sentence of poisons into the body.

The method used at the end of the 20th century, the method was developed in 1977 by Jeide Chapman and approved by Doych. The sentence is fixed on a special armchair, two tubes are introduced into veins. First, the sodium thiopental preparation is administered to the sentence - usually it is used (in a smaller dose) for anesthesia during operations. Then the pipes are entered through the tubes, which paralyzes the respiratory muscles, and potassium chloride, which leads to a heart stop. Texas and Oklahoma soon adopted laws allowing the use of such a combination; The first use occurred in Texas at the end of 1982. Following them, similar laws were adopted in 34 US states.

Death occurs between 5 to 18 minutes after the start of the execution. There is a special machine for entering drugs, but in most states prefer to introduce solutions manually, believing it more reliable.

Today, the deadly injection as the only or one of several types of execution is used by 4 countries.

A device with which in some US states are given by death sentences.

The electrical chair is an armchair from dielectric material with armrests and a high back, equipped with straps for tough fixation of the sentence. Hands are attached to armrests, legs - in special clips of the armchair's legs. Also to the chair attached a special helmet. Electrical contacts are connected to the fastening places of the ankles and to the slope. The technical support includes a boost transformer. During the execution of execution on contacts, an alternating current with a voltage of order of 2700 V is supplied, the current limiting system supports current through the body of a convicted order of 5 A.

The electric chair was first used in the US on August 6, 1890 in the New York United States Prison. William Cammler, the murderer, became the first person that was executed in this way. Currently, it can be applied in seven states - in Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia, on the choice of a convicted along with mortal injection, and in Kentucky and Tennessee, the right to choose the use of an electric chair have only committed a crime of previously defined dates.

Today, electric chair as the only or one of several types of execution is used only in the United States.

The physical branch of the head of the body is performed using a special tool - guillotine or bullshit-cutting guns - ax, sword, knife.

Defaulting will certainly lead to the death of the brain as a result of sharply progressive ischemia. Brain death comes within a few minutes after separating the head from the body. The stories that the head looked at the executioner, learned his name and even tried to speak, from the point of view of neurophysiology, greatly exaggerated. The head loses consciousness through 300 milliseconds after cutting and irreversibly stops almost all the highest nervous activity, including the ability to feel pain. Some reflexes and cramps of the face muscles can last a few more minutes.

To date, 10 countries in the world have laws allowing decapitation as a death penalty, however, reliable information about their application exist only in relation to Saudi Arabia. Most beheads in our days were made in jurisdictions subordinate to the Islamic Sharia, militant Islamists in hot spots, as well as paramilitary organizations and drug trarars in Colombia and Mexico.

View of the death penalty, familiar to the Ancient Jews.

Currently, rocking with stones is used in some Muslim countries. As of January 1, 1989, stones have persisted in the legislation of the six countries of the world. In some media reported on October 27, 2008, a teenage girl in the decision of the Islamist Court after the road from the native city of Kormio to relatives in Mogadishu, three men were allegedly raped. According to Amnesty International, condemned was only thirteen years. At the same time, the BBC channel noted that the journalists present in the execution of the sentence estimated its age at 23, and the condemnation of a 13-year-old girl for adultery would contradict the norms of Islamic law.

On January 16, 2015, it was reported on the breaks of the Militants of the Organization of the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant in the captured by the Iraqi city of Mosul Women, accused of adultery.

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Text descriptions:

1. Garrota

A device that is choking a person to death. Used in Spain, until 1978, when the death penalty was canceled. This kind of execution on a special chair, a metal hoop was attached to the neck. Behind the critic was the executioner, which led to a large screw, located there behind. Although the device itself is not legalized in any country, teaching the use of it, is still produced in the French Foreign Legion. There were several versions of Garota, at first it was just a stick from the loop, then it was invented more "terrible" tool of death. And "humanity" was that a pointed bolt was mounted in this hoop, which was convicted of convicted Fraining his spine, getting to the spinal cord. In relation to the criminal, this method was considered "Humane", because death came faster than with the usual loop. This type of death is still common in India. Garrot was also used in America, even for a long time before the electric chair was invented. Andorra was the last country in the world, which will be announced outside the law of its use in 1990.

2. Skafism
The name of this torture comes from the Greek "Skafium", which means "trough." Skafism was popular in ancient Persia. The sacrifice was put in a shallow trough and wrapped up with chains, they poured milk and honey to cause the strongest diarrhea, then the body of the sacrifice was deceived by honey thereby attracting various kinds of livestock. The excrement of a person was also attracted by flies and other nasty insects, which in the literal sense of the word began to devour a person, and lay eggs in his body. The sacrifice was pierced by this cocktail every day, let you prolong torture, attracting more insects, which would have been lying around and multiply in its all over and more deadly flesh. Death, ultimately went, probably due to a combination of dehydration and septic shock, was painful and durable.

3. Half-Hanging, Drawing and Quartering.

The execution of Hugh Le Dispenser younger (1326). Miniature from Fruissar Louis Wang Gruutuse. 1470s.

Hanging, groaning and quartered (eng. Hanged, Drawn and quarated) - a view of the death penalty in England in the rule of the King Heinrich III (1216-1272) and his successor to Eduard I (1272-1307) and officially established in 1351 as Punishment for men recognized as guilty in state treason. The sentences were tied to wooden sleds, resembling a piece of wicker hedge, and dragged horses to the place of execution, where they were successively hung (not letting suffocate to death), neutered, worked out, quartered and beheaded. The remains of the executiones were exhibited at the most famous public places in the Kingdom and the capital, including the London Bridge. Women sentenced to execution for state treason, for considerations of "public decency" burned on a fire.
The severity of the sentence dictated seriousness of the crime. The state treason, which threatens the authority of the monarch, was considered an act deserving an emergency punishment - and, although for all the time, until it was practiced, several of the convicted sentence was mitigated and they were less cruel and shameful execution, to most English crowns (including Many Catholic priests who were executed in the Elizabethan era, and a group of Karlabyts, involved in the death of King Charles I in 1649), the highest sanction of the medieval English law was applied.
Despite the fact that the parliamentary act determining the concept of state treason is still an integral part of the current legislation of the United Kingdom, during the reform of the British legal system, which lasted most of the XIX century, hanging, burglaries and quarters was replaced by horses, hanging To death, posthumous beheaded and quartering, then decorated and abolished in 1870.

In more detail, the execution of the execution process can be observed in the film "Brave Heart". The participants of the powder conspira were also executed, headed by Gay Fox, who managed to escape from the hugs of the executioner from the loop on her neck, jump from the scaffold and break her neck.

4. The Russian version of the quarters is a rupture by trees.
Two trees were launched and tied the executed to the top and they released "on the will". The trees are inflicted - breaking out the execution.

5. Raise to peaks or spears.
The spontaneous execution carried out, as a rule, the crowd of armed people. Usually practiced with all sorts of military rins and other revolutions and civil wars. The victim was surrounded from all sides, a spear, peaks or bays in her carcass were stuck on her carcass, and then synchronously, on the team raised up until she stops submitting signs of life.

6. keelhauling (passing under the keel)
Special naval option. Applied both as a means of punishment, and as a means of execution. Keepingly tied the rope to both hands. After that, he was thrown into the water in front of the ship, and with the help of the specified ropes, the colleagues stretched the pots along the sides below the bottom, removed from the water from the stern side. Kil and the bottom of the vessel were covered with seashells and other maritime a little more than completely, so the victim received numerous hematomas, cuts and some water into the lungs. After one iteration, as a rule, survived. Therefore, the execution of CI has to repeat, 2 or more times.

7. Drowning.
The victim is sewn into a bag one or with different animals and thrown into the water. Were widespread in the Roman Empire. According to Roman criminal law, the execution was appointed for killing the Father, but in fact it was prescribed for any murder of the younger senior. A monkey, a dog, a rooster or a snake sazed to the idol. Also used in the Middle Ages. An interesting option is to add to the bag of negated lime, in order to be executed before you choose and got hardened.

14. Burning in Siruba.
The appearance of the penalty arising in the Russian state in the XVI century, especially often used to the Old Believers in the XVII century, and used them as a way of suicide in the XVII-XVIII centuries.
Burning as a way of execution has become quite common to apply in Russia in the XVI century during the time of Ivan the Terrible. In contrast to Western Europe, in Russia the sentenced to burning did not execute not on fires, but in the fires, which made it possible to avoid the transformation of such executions into mass spectacles.
Credit for the burning was a small design of bric, filled with pacles and resin. Evalted specifically by the time of execution. After reading the sentence of the suicide bomb pushed into a log house through the door. Often, a log house was made without door and roof - a design like a board fence; In this case, convictedly lowered on top of it. After that, the log house was fit. Sometimes the associated suicide thrown into the already burning log.
In the XVII century, the seasons were often executed in the cutters. Thus, the Avvakum Protopop was burned with three of their associates (1 (11) of April 1681, Eposhr.), German Mystic Quirin Kulman (1689, Moscow), as well as, as stable in old-supplied sources [What?], Active opponent of patriarch reforms Nikon Bishop Pavel Kolomensky (1656).
In the XVIII century, a sect took shape, the followers of which were worshiped by death through a self-immolation of a spiritual feud and necessity. Usually, self-immolation in the cutters was practiced in anticipation of the repressive actions of the authorities. With the appearance of soldiers, the sectarians were locked in a chapel home and set fire to him without entering negotiations with government representatives.
The last famous burner in Russian history occurred in the 1770s in Kamchatka: they burned the Witch-Kamchadlalka in a wooden chair by order of the captain of the Tengin's fortress Shmalev.

15. Hanging behind the edge.

The appearance of the death penalty at which the iron hook was imposed in the sacrifice and suspended. Death fell from thirst and blood loss in a few days. The hands of the victim associated so that he could not free himself. The execution was common in Zaporizhzhya Cossacks. According to the legend, in this way, Dmitry Vishnevetsky founder of Zaporizhia Snish, the legendary "Bida Vyshnietsky" was executed.

16. Grinding in a pan or iron grille.

The frying pan was fried Boyari Pubyatyev, and on the grille - the king of the Aztecs of the cuanthemok.

When Coutymok was roasted on coals with his secretary, dischargeing where he hid gold, the secretary, without holding the heat, began to renounce him to surrender and ask the Spaniards to condescension. The cuanthemok mockingly replied that he enjoyed, as if lay in the bath.

More secretary did not say a word.

17. Sicilian Bull

This device for the death penalty was designed in ancient Greece for the execution of criminals. Perpetual (Perillos), the Mednagratyer invented the bull, so that the bull was hollow. The door was mounted on the side of this device. The convicts were closed inside the bull, and the fire was installed under it, heating the metal, until the person was roasting to death. The bull was designed so that the cries of the prisoner were transformed into a roar of the bull.

18. Futuarium (from Lat. Fustuarium - beating sticks; from Fustis - a stick) is one of the species of executions in the Roman army. It was also known in the republic, but in regular use entered the principle, appointed for a serious violation of the guard service, theft in the camp, perjury and escape, sometimes for desertion in battle. It was produced by the Tribune, which was tuned to a convicted stick, after which the legionnaires were hammered by his stones and sticks. If the flasuarium caught a whole unit, then they rarely executed all the perisons, as it happened in 271 BC. e. With the Legion in the region in the war with Pyrrh. However, taking into account such factors, such as the age of a soldier, service life or chin, Futuarium could be canceled.

19. Welding in liquid

He was a common type of death in different countries of the world. In Ancient Egypt, this type of punishment was used mainly to the persons who had a disadvantaged Pharaoh. Slaves of Pharaoh at dawn (especially in order to see the criminal), bred a huge bonfire, over which there was a boiler with water (and not just with water, and with the most dirty water, where waste was merged, etc.) sometimes they executed the whole families.
This kind of execution was widely used in Genghis Khan. In medieval Japan, welding in boiling water was used mainly to the ninja that failed the murder and were captured. In France, this execution was applied to counterfeiters. Sometimes the attackers were welded in boiling oil. The testimony remained, as in 1410 in Paris, the pocket thief in boiling oil was hidden.

20. Pit with snakes - A kind of death penalty, when the executed is placed together with poisonous snakes, which was supposed to entail his fast or painful death. Also one of the ways torture.
There was a very long time ago. The executioners quickly found the practical application of poisonous snakes that caused painful death. When a person was discharged into a hole, filled with snakes, disturbed reptiles began to bite him.
Sometimes the prisoners were associated and slowly lowered into the pit on the rope; Often this method was used as torture. And so tortured not only in the Middle Ages, during World War II, Japanese militarists tied prisoners during the battle in South Asia.
Often the interrogated was brought to the snakes, pressing his legs to them. The most popular torture was used to the women, when the interrogated snake was made to the naked breast. Also very loved to bring poisonous reptiles to the face of women. But generally dangerous and fatal snakes during the torture were rarely used, since there was a risk of losing a prisoner who did not indicate.
The plot of execution through a pit with snakes has long been known in the German folklore. So, the elder EDDA tells how King Gunnar was dropped into a snake pit on the orders of the leader Hunnov Attila.
This type of execution continued to be used in the next centuries. One of the most famous cases is the death of the Danish king Ragnar of the Librian. In 865, during a raider of Danish Vikings to the Kingdom of Anglo-Saxons, their King Ragnar was captured and on the orders of King Aleli was rebelled into a pit with poisonous snakes, perishing the painful death.
This event is often mentioned in folklore both in Scandinavia and Britain. The plot of the death of Ragnar in the snake pit is one of the central events of two Icelandic traditions: "Saga about Ragnar leather pants (and his sons)" and "strands about the sons of Ragnar."

21. Wicker man (eng. Wicker Man)

Made from IV-rods of a cell in the form of a person, which, according to "Posses about Gallic War", Julia Caesar and "Geography" of Strabo, Druids used for human sacrifices, burning it together with the people who are locked in people who are convicted of crimes or sacrifice the gods. At the end of the XX century, the burden of burning "a wicker man" was revived in Celtic neo-diet (in particular, the teachings of Wicca), but already without a sacrifice associated with him.

22. execution of elephants

For thousands of years, it was distributed in the countries of South and Southeast Asia and especially in India by the method of killing the death penalty. Asian elephants were used to crush, dismemberment, or when tortured prisoners on public executions. Trained animals were versatile trained, able to kill the victim or torture it slowly for a long time. Serve rulers, elephants were used to show the absolute power of the ruler and its ability to control wild animals.
The appearance of the execution of the elephants of the prisoners of war was usually horror, but at the same time the interest of European travelers was described in many then magazines and stories about the life of Asia. This practice was ultimately suppressed by European empires, which colonized the region where the execution was spread, in the XVIII-XIX centuries. Although the execution of the elephants was primarily characteristic of Asia countries, this practice was sometimes used by Western powers of antiquity, in particular, Rome and Carthage, mainly for reprisals over rebellious soldiers.

23. Iron Verva (Eng. Iron Maiden)

The instrument of the death penalty or torture, which was made of iron wardrobe in the form of a woman, dressed in the costume of the XVI century townskens. It is assumed that putting there a convicted one, the wardrobe was closed, and sharp long nails, which were seated with the inner surface of the chest and the hands of the "Iron Virgin", looked into his body; Then, after the death of the victim, the rolling bottom of the cabinet was descended, the body of the executed was discharged into the water and carried away.

The "iron virgin" belongs to the era of the Middle Ages, but in fact the weapon was invented not earlier than the end of the 18th century.
There are no reliable information about the use of iron virgin for torture and execution. There is an opinion that it was fabricated in the Epoch of Enlightenment.
Additional torment caused Tesnest - death did not occur for hours, so the victim could suffer from claustrophobia. For the comfort of the executioner, the thick walls of the device muffled the cries of execution. Doors sash closed slowly. Subsequently, one of them could open so that the executioners check the state of the test. The spikes entered their hands, legs, belly, eyes, shoulders and buttocks. At the same time, apparently, nails inside the "Iron Virgin" were located in such a way that the victim did not die immediately, but after a long time, during which the judges had the opportunity to continue the interrogation.

24. Devil's wind(Eng. Devil Wind, also meets the variant of the English. Blowing from Guns - literally "blowing from guns") in Russia known as the "English execution" - the name of the type of death penalty, concluded in the ties sentenced to the Gerlo Gun and the subsequent shot of her through the body Sacrifice by idle charge.

This type of execution was developed by the British during the uprising of Sipaev (1857-1858) and was actively used to kill the rebels.
Vasily Vereshchagin, who studied the application of this execution before writing his painting "Suppression of the Indian Anglican Rebellion" (1884), wrote the following in his memoirs:
Modern civilization was brazed mainly by the fact that the Turkish decrade was carried out close, in Europe, and then the means of committing the atrocities of the too reminded Tamerlanovsky times: demolished, cut the throat, precisely to the branches.
The case of the British: First, they created the case of justice, the case of retaliation for the filtered rights of the winners, far, in India; Secondly, they did a grandiose: hundreds tied the sieps outrageous against their dominion and not sipaev to the Garls of the guns and without a shell, one gunpowder, they were shot - this is already a great success against the outrage of the throat or breaking the belly.<...> I repeat, everything is done methodically, in a good way: guns, how many of them will happen, are built in a row, it does not rush in a row, they don't rush and tie for elbows to one more or less criminal Indian citizen, different ages, professions and castes, and then Team all guns are shooting at once.

Death, as such, they are not afraid, and they are not afraid of the execution; But what they avoid what they fear is that it is necessary to appear before the highest judge in an incomplete, extruded form, without head, without hands, with a lack of members, and this is precisely not only likely, but even inevitably when shooting from guns.
Wonderful details: While the body is scattered into pieces, all the heads, pulling away from the body, spirally fly up. Naturally, they also bury together, without a strict analysis of the one who belongs to the yellow gentlemen, one or another part of the body belongs. This circumstance, I repeat, very much comes to the natives, and it was the main motive of the introduction of execution by shooting from guns in particularly important cases, such as, for example, with uprisings.
The Europeans is difficult to understand the horror of the Indian high caste, if necessary, only touch the lowest one: he should not close the opportunity to be saved, washed and bring sacrifices after that endless. It is terribly that during modern orders, for example, on the railways to sit elbow about elbow with all sorts, - and here it can happen, no more, no less that the head of Bramin about three cords will fall on the eternal peace near the spine of the Paria - Brrr ! From one of this thought shouted the soul of the hardest Hindu!
I say it is very serious, in full confidence that none of the former in those countries or impartially familiar with them according to the descriptions will not contradict me.
(Russian-Turkish War 1877-1878 in memories V. V. Vereshchagin.)