Who and how does hurricane names? Who and how Hurricanes gives the names of the Caribbean, the Mexican Bay and the Northern Atlantic.

Who and how does hurricane names? Who and how Hurricanes gives the names of the Caribbean, the Mexican Bay and the Northern Atlantic.
Who and how does hurricane names? Who and how Hurricanes gives the names of the Caribbean, the Mexican Bay and the Northern Atlantic.

Hurricanes are customary to give names. This is done in order not to confuse them, especially when several tropical cyclones have several tropical cyclones in the same area of \u200b\u200bthe world, so that there are no misunderstandings when predicting the weather, in the release of storm alerts and warnings.

Before the first system of assigning the names of the Hurricanes, they received their names unsystematic and accidentally. Sometimes the hurricane was called the name of the saint on the day of which disaster occurred. So, for example, Hurrica "Santa Anna" received his name, which reached Puerto Rico on July 26, 1825, on the day of St. Anna. The name could be given around the terrain that suffered from the element most. Sometimes the name was determined by the most form of the development of the hurricane. So, for example, he received his name Hurricane "Plug" No. 4 in 1935, the form of the trajectory of which resembled the mentioned item.

The original method of assigning the names of the Hurricanes, invented by the Australian meteorologist Clement Raggom: he called Typhoon with the names of members of parliament, who refused to vote for the allocation of loans for weather-examination.

Wide distribution of the names of cyclones received during World War II. The meteorologists of the US Air Force and Naval Forces were monitored by typhoons in the northwestern part of the Pacific. To avoid confusion, military meteorologists called typhoon with the names of their wives or tech. After the war, the US national meteorological service amounted to an alphabetical list of female names. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis list was the use of short, simple and easily memorable names.

By 1950, the first system appeared in the names of hurricanes. At first they chose the phonetic army alphabet, and in 1953 they decided to return to female names. Subsequently, the assignment of feminine hurricanes entered the system and was distributed to other tropical cyclones - on the Pacific Typhins, the storms of the Indian Ocean, the Timor Sea and the North-West Coast of Australia.

I had to streamline the name of the name assignment. Thus, the first hurricane of the year began to call the female name beginning with the first letter of the alphabet, the second - from the second, etc. The names were chosen short, which are easily pronounced and easily remembered. For Typhoon there was a list of 84 female names. In 1979, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) together with the US national meteorological service expanded this list, including male names.

Since the pools where hurricanes are formed, several, then there are also several name lists. For hurricanes of the Atlantic basin, there are 6 alphabetical lists, each of the 21 names that are used for 6 years in a row, and then repeated. If the year will be more than 21 atlantic hurricane, the Greek alphabet will go into business.

In case Typhoon is particularly destroyed, the name assigned to him is crossed out of the list and is replaced by another. So the name of Katrina is forever crossed out of the list of meteorologists.

In the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, the names of animals, flowers, trees and even products are seized for typhoons: Schimi, Yefung, Canvuri, Cow. The Japanese refused to give deadly typhoons for women's names, because women there consider creatures gentle and quiet. And the tropical cyclones of the North of the Indian Ocean remain unnamed.

Nowadays, it is not difficult to give the name of a distant star in honor of himself, his girl or a beloved hamster. What about the tropical cyclone, which can destroy several cities in the day, flood regions and cause billion losses in the country? Why are destructive hurricanes call more often with women's names? Over the past 150 years, all major cyclones have scientists assign their own names. Often these names were conjugate with racism, sexism, personal preferences or thirst for revenge. Much time passed before a single system appeared.

A question may appear: why do these names need these names? In fact, under the concept " cyclone"You can understand the actual cyclones, as well as hurricanes, storms, typhoons, but most people are inconspicable difference. On the individuality of natural disasters begin to speak only after damage caused, and there is a need for a clear designation.

A few years ago were hearing Sandy and Katrina. These female names were called two destructive storms that rummaged through the American continent.
Returning a hundred years ago, in the notes of meteorologists, you can find the names: Xerxes and Hannibal (Collections of antiquity), Drake and Dikin (Australian politicians), Elina and Mahina (beauty from Tahiti).

Over the past one and a half century, the names for hurricanes were taken from the names of the places, the names of saints, wives and girlfriends, "favorite" mother-in-law and politicians. British meteorologist, member of the royal geographical society Clement Ragge (Clement Wragge) He was the first to start calling a storm. Describing hurricanes over Australia, New Zealand and the Arctic, Ragge initially took the names from Greek and Roman mythology, and then switched to beauties that were attracted. It was this series of storms of the 1890s - 1900s with the names of the charming girls of Polynesia, became a precedent for the present practice to give women's names to hurricane.

In those days, the storms were usually called on their own. In 1903, one officer as a friendly gesture called in honor of Ragge Musson. But when public figures protested this practice, Ragge began to assign their names to storms. Few, some of the politicians liked to read in the newspaper that "his" hurricane "caused great destruction" or "wandering aimlessly on the Pacific Ocean."

After the death of Ragge in 1922, his system stopped used. Hurricanes began to be called geographical signs or inflicted destruction. So, a ship cyclone of 1911 (1911 Ship Cyclone) and a hurricane of New England Hurricane appeared (1938 New England Hurricane). The lack of clarity in such a system often led to confusion and lining.

During World War II, Practice Ragge resumed. In the meteorological service of the Air Force and the Navy again began to give names to tropical cyclones on the names of wives and girlfriends, waiting at home. In 1945, the National Weather Bureau presented a clumsy phonetic alphabetical list of recommended names. Words like
"Able", "Baker", "Charlie" and "Dog" ("capable", "Baker", "Charlie" and "Dog"), were good for transferring encryptions and radiograms, but not comfortable in a civilian life. Moreover, there existed only 26 words. And after a few years they returned to the names, already consolidating this rule at the official level.

One of the reasons why hurricanes give women's names, according to scientists, is the "unpredictability" of natural phenomena. Motivating this, against the tradition of female names in the names of storms began to perform US feminists.

In various regions, the globe use different names characteristic of local crops. In fact, it is meaningless to call the cyclone, going to India, Eugene or Svetlana. Locals can hardly utter them correctly. For the storms of the Atlantic, they use predominantly English names, as well as French, German and Russians (Ivan, Katya, Tanya, Olga, Igor), in Central and South America - Spanish, in Oceania - Hawaiian. For each region, the names of the names are presented in advance for each year, starting with the letter "A", regardless of how many names were used in the previous year.

Returning to the initial issue: Is it possible to give your name hurricane? If the name is not very long - yes. It is necessary to contact the regional representative of the World Meteorological Organization. And then, with luck and some perseverance, the new name will replace the other on the same letter.

Dangerous element brings not only destruction, but also pushing people art to create
. Probably, many know the picture "Ninth Val" Aivazovsky, but few knows.

Hurricanes are customary to give names. This is done in order not to confuse them, especially when several tropical cyclones have several tropical cyclones in the same area of \u200b\u200bthe world, so that there are no misunderstandings when predicting the weather, in the release of storm alerts and warnings.

Before the first system of assigning the names of the Hurricanes, they received their names unsystematic and accidentally. Sometimes the hurricane was called the name of the saint on the day of which disaster occurred. So, for example, Hurrica "Santa Anna" received his name, which reached Puerto Rico on July 26, 1825, on the day of St. Anna. The name could be given around the terrain that suffered from the element most. Sometimes the name was determined by the most form of the development of the hurricane. So, for example, he received his name Hurricane "Plug" No. 4 in 1935, the form of the trajectory of which resembled the mentioned item.

The original method of assigning the names of the Hurricanes, invented by the Australian meteorologist Clement Raggom: he called Typhoon with the names of members of parliament, who refused to vote for the allocation of loans for weather-examination.

Wide distribution of the names of cyclones received during World War II. The meteorologists of the US Air Force and Naval Forces were monitored by typhoons in the northwestern part of the Pacific. To avoid confusion, military meteorologists called typhoon with the names of their wives or girlfriends. After the war, the US national meteorological service amounted to an alphabetical list of female names. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis list was the use of short, simple and easily memorable names.

By 1950, the first system appeared in the names of hurricanes. At first they chose the phonetic army alphabet, and in 1953 they decided to return to female names. Subsequently, the assignment of feminine hurricanes entered the system and was distributed to other tropical cyclones - on the Pacific Typhins, the storms of the Indian Ocean, the Timor Sea and the North-West Coast of Australia. I had to streamline the name of the name assignment. Thus, the first hurricane of the year began to call the female name beginning with the first letter of the alphabet, the second - from the second, etc. The names were chosen short, which are easily pronounced and easily remembered. For Typhoon there was a list of 84 female names. In 1979, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) together with the US national meteorological service expanded this list, including male names.

Since the pools where hurricanes are formed, several, then there are also several name lists. For hurricanes of the Atlantic basin, there are 6 alphabetical lists, each of the 21 names that are used for 6 years in a row, and then repeated. If the year will be more than 21 atlantic hurricane, the Greek alphabet will go into business.

In case Typhoon is particularly destroyed, the name assigned to him is crossed out of the list and is replaced by another. So the name of Katrina is forever crossed out of the list of meteorologists.

From time to time, hurricanes of destructive power arise in various parts of our planet. They hit the cities and towns, turn the trees with the root, turn the cars, tear the roofs from houses, bring with them a mass of precipitation that cause floods. The most interesting thing is that women are assigned women's names. It is clear that femininity, tenderness and beauty here is completely nothing. Most likely, the reason for such names is associated with the explosive female character, with which men are familiar.

Regarding the names that were assigned to hurricanes, there is a mass of hypotheses. For example, a meteorologist from Australia Clement Ragg proposed them to call them the names of officials who blocked the parliamentary decision on financing meteorological studies. However, the scientific world did not support this idea. Suggestions were also expressed that the name Hurricane should be given to the place and time of its occurrence. At the same time, special attention was paid to obtaining its nature and level of destructive power. There were weights of such proposals. In the end - ends, hurricanes and typhunas began to assign women's names. The greatest originality in this respect was shown by American meteorologists who began to call these natural phenomena by the names of their mother-in-law and wives.

A worldwide meteorological organization was developed even a special algorithm, according to which the names of tropical cyclones and Typhounds were assigned. The first name began with the first letter of the alphabet, and all subsequent were in alphabetical order. A little later was drawn up a list that included 84 female names, which were assigned to Typhnem. At the same time, a separate list existed for each individual region. For example, for the Atlantic basin, six copies were developed, each of which included 21 female names, and was used for one year. After six years, everything was repeated again. If, in some region, the number of hurricanes exceeded 21, then the next name should have begun to begin with 22 letters of the Greek alphabet. The names of the most destructive hurricanes were excluded from this list, and were never more used. By their number, for example, a hurricane Catherine can be attributed, which took 1836 human lives.

The sake of fairness must be said that the Typhins who had a place from the coast of Japan were named after animals, trees and flowers. And all because the Japanese consider women unusually cute, gentle and peaceful creatures. And therefore, to call them with the names such a monstrous and destructive natural phenomenon, it would be incorrectly in the root. For the same reason, hurricanes arising in the northern part of the Indian Ocean have no names. Actually, the names are assigned only to the most devastating hurricanes, which are characterized by the presence of a huge rotating counterclockwise of the funnel, and the speed of the air flow, at least 63 kilometers per hour. The remaining cyclones remain unnamed.

Watching news on television or radio, we are from time to time to face the alarming messages that tell about the fact that somewhere on the planet rages the element. Hurricanes and Typhoon reporters are often called women's names. Where did this tradition come from? We will try to figure it out.

Women's names as names for hurricanes were first to apply in the USA. In the period of World War II, military meteorologists, in whose department there was tracking the climatic condition of the Pacific Ocean, began to use female names to designate a storm. Oddly enough, these names wore their wives or mother-in-law. The innovation quickly gothes, and for instructions on one or another Typhoon began to use women's names in all meteorological stations of America. Women's names are easily remembered and contributed to the emergency transmission of accurate data between stations, ships, bases.

There are several systems that determine the regulations of titles for typhoons. Not absorbed into all the subtleties of military weather forecasters, we note that the rule remains unshakable, according to which the global hurricanes, entailed the death of many people, "take" their name forever. Hurricane "Katrina" Waving on the American coast in 2007, only one remains in history. No more meteorologist calls Typhoon with this female name.

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