Peoples who inhabited Crimea at different times. All about Crimea

Peoples who inhabited Crimea at different times. All about Crimea
Peoples who inhabited Crimea at different times. All about Crimea

Crimea was like a long-awaited award for those who move from the depths of Russia, managed to overcome the sleeveless heat of the steppe. Steppes, mountains and subtropics of the South Coast - such natural conditions are no longer found in Russia anywhere. However, in the world too ...

The ethnic history of the Crimea is also unusual and unique. Crimea was populated by primitive people thousands of years ago, and all his history constantly accepted new migrants. But since on this small peninsula there are mountains that more or less could protect the inhabitants of the Crimea, and there is a sea, from which new migrants, goods and ideas could have saved, and seaside cities could also give protection to Crimeans, it is not surprising that Some historical ethnic groups could continue here. Here there have always been mixing peoples, and it is not by chance that historians speak "Tavroskify" and "Gotoalans" living here.

In 1783, Crimea (together with a small territory outside the peninsula) entered Russia. By this time, 1474 settlements were numbered in the Crimea, most of the very small ones. At the same time, most of the Crimean settlements were multinational. But since 1783, the ethnic history of the Crimea changes radically.

Crimean Greeks

The first Greek migrants arrived on the ground of Crimea for another 27 centuries ago. And it was in Crimea that a small Greek ethnic group, the only one, from all Greek ethnic groups outside Greece, was maintained. Actually, two Greek ethnos lived in the Crimea - the Crimean Greeks and the descendants of the "real" Greeks from Greece, which moved to the Crimea at the end of the XVIII and in the XIX centuries.

Of course, the Crimean Greeks, in addition to the descendants of the ancient colonists, have absorbed many ethnic elements. Under the influence and charm of the Greek culture, many brands were eliminated. Thus, the tumors of a certain Tikhon, a genus of a brand belonging to the V century BC Many Scythians also had evernized. In particular, explicitly Scythian origin had some royal dynasties in the Bosporian kingdom. The strongest cultural influence of the Greeks was experienced by Goths and Alans.

Already from the I century, Christianity begins in Tavrid, finding many adherents. Christianity accepted not only the Greeks, but also the descendants of the Scythians, Goths and Alans. Already in 325, on the first universal cathedral in Nica, I was present by Cadm, Bishop Bosporus, and Feofil, Bishop Gothia. In the future, it was the Orthodox Christianity that it became united into a single ethnic, the heated population of the Crimea.

The Byzantine Greeks and the Orthodox Greek-speaking population of Crimea were called "Romaine" (literally by the Romans), emphasizing their belonging to the official religion of the Byzantine Empire. As you know, the Byzantine Greeks called themselves rompoms and several centuries after the fall of Byzantium. Only in the XIX century, under the influence of Western European travelers, the Greeks in Greece returned to the self-confidence of Ellina. Outside Greece, the ethnonym "Roma" (or, in the Turkish pronunciation of Uruma), was preserved until the twentieth century. Nowadays, the name "Pontic" (Black Sea) Greeks (or Ponti) has been approved for all the diverse Greek ethnic groups in Crimea and the entire Greek ethnic groups.

Goths and Alans who lived in the southwestern part of the Crimea, which was called the "Country Dori", although many centuries retained their languages, but they had Greek in writing in writing. The overall religion, similar life and culture, the spread of Greek led to the fact that with the time of Goths and Alans, as well as the Orthodox descendants of Tavroskifov, joined the Crimean Greeks. Of course, it happened not immediately. Back in the XIII century, the bishop Theodore and the western missionary of Rubruk met in Crimea Alan. Apparently, only by the XVI century Alans finally merged with the Greeks and Tatars.

Around the same way and the Crimean Goths disappear. From the IX century, Goths cease to be mentioned in historical documents. However, Goths still continued to exist as a small Orthodox ethnos. In 1253, Rubruk, along with Alans, also met in the Crimea is ready, which lived in fortified castles, and whose language was German. Rubruch himself, who was Flemish in origin, of course, could be distinguished by Germanic languages \u200b\u200bfrom others. Goths preserved loyalty to Orthodoxy, which, with regret, wrote in 1333 by the Roman Pope John XXII.

Interestingly, the First Hierarch of the Orthodox Church of Crimea was officially called Metropolitan Gothic (in the Church Slavonic sound - Gotheface) and Cafai (Cafinsky, that is, theodosius).

It is probably precisely from the Hellenized ready, Alans and other ethnic groups of Crimea, the population of the Principality of Feodoro, which existed until 1475. Probably, the russian Russians from the former Tmutarakan principality were also included in the Crimean Greeks.

However, from the end of XV, and especially in the XVI century, after the fall of the Feodoro, when the Crimean Tatars began to turn their lists in Islam in Islam, the Goths and Alans finally forgot their languages, going to the Greek, which was all familiar with them, and part of the Tatar who became the prestigious language of the dominant people.

In the XIII-XV centuries, "Surozhan" were well known in Russia - merchants from the city of Surozh (now - Sudak). They brought on Russia special Sourozh products - silk products. Interestingly, even in the "Live Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" V. I. Dalya, there are concepts that have been preserved until the XIX century as "Surovsky" (i.e. Souroogi) goods, and "Syrov series". Most of the merchants-Sourozhan were Greeks, some of the Armenians and Italians who lived under the rule of the Genoesers in the cities of the southern coast of Crimea. Many of the Surozhan over time moved to Moscow. Of the descendants, the famous merchant dynasties of Moscow Rus - Hovrins, Salarev, Troparev, Shikhova took place. Many of the descendants of Surozhan became rich and influential people in Moscow. The Hovrins family, whose ancestors came from the Mangup Principality, even got a boyars. With merchant surnames of descendants of Surozhanov connected the names of the villages of villages - Hovrino, Salarevo, Sofrino, Troparevo.

But the Crimean Greeks themselves did not disappear, despite the emigration to Russia, Surozhan, on the appeal of their part in Islam (which turned newly converted to the Tatars), as well as an increasing east effect in the cultural and language spheres. In the Crimean Khanate from the Greeks, most of the farmers, fishermen, winegartes were consisted.

The Greeks were oppressed of the population. Gradually, the Tatar language and oriental customs were increasing among them. The clothes of the Crimean Greeks differed little from the clothes of Crimeans of any other origin and religion.

Gradually, the Ethnic group "Urumov" was developed in the Crimea, (that is, "Romeev" in Turkic), denoting Turkic-speaking Greeks, who retained the Orthodox faith and Greek self-consciousness. For the Greeks, which preserved the local dialect of the Greek language, the name of "Roma" has been preserved. They continued to speak 5 dialects of the local Greek language. By the end of the 18th century, the Greeks lived in 80 villages in the mountains and on the south coast, approximately 1/4 of the Greeks lived in the cities of Khanate. About half of the Greeks spoke in Christatar, the rest - on local dialects, differing from both the language of the ancient Eldla, and from conversational languages \u200b\u200bof Greece itself.

In 1778, by order of Catherine II, with the aim of undermining the economy of the Crimean Khanate, the Christians living in the Crimea - Greeks and Armenians were evicted from the peninsula in a public. As A. V. Suvorov reported, which carried out the resettlement, only 18,395 Greeks left the Crimea. Migrants founded on the shore of the Azov Sea Mariupol and 18 villages. Part of the Armed Greeks later returned to the Crimea, but most remained in a new homeland on the north shores of the Azov Sea. Scientists were usually called them Mariupol Greeks. Now it is the Donetsk region of Ukraine.

To date, there are 77 thousand Crimean Greeks, (according to the Ukrainian 2001 census), most of which live in a public. From their number, many outstanding figures of Russian politics, culture and economy came out. Artist A. Kindji, historian F. A. Khartahai, Scientist K. F. Chelza, philosopher and psychologist G. I. Chelza, art historian D. V. Ainalov, Tortanist P. N. Angelina, Test Pilot G. Ya. Bakhchivandzhi , Polarnik I. D. Papanin, politician, Moscow Mayor in 1991-92. G. Kh. Popov - All this is Mariupol (in the past - Crimean) Greeks. Thus, the history of the most ancient ethnos of Europe continues.

"New" Crimean Greeks

Although a significant part of the Crimean Greeks left the peninsula, in the Crimea already in 1774-75. New, "Greek" Greeks from Greece appeared. We are talking to those natives of the Greek Islands in the Mediterranean, which during the Russian-Turkish war 1768-74. Helped the Russian fleet. After the end of the war, many of them moved to Russia. Of these, the Balaklava battalion was formed, which carried the coast from Sevastopol to Feodosia with the center in Balaclava. Already in 1792, new Greek immigrants had 1.8 thousand people. Soon the number of Greeks began to grow rapidly due to the unfolded immigration of the Greeks from the Ottoman Empire. Many Greeks settled in the Crimea. At the same time, the Greeks came from various regions of the Ottoman Empire, speaking different dialects that had their own characteristics of life and culture, differing from each other, and from Balaklava Greeks, and from the "old" Crimean Greeks.

Balaklava Greeks defeated in wars with the Turks and during the Crimean War. Many Greeks served in the Black Sea Fleet.

In particular, such outstanding military and political Russian figures were published from among Greek refugees, as the Russian Admirals of the Black Sea Fleet Brothers Alexiano, the hero of the Russian-Turkish war 1787-91. Admiral F.P. Lalli, who fell in 1812 near Smolensk General A. I. Bella, General Vlasto, one of the main heroes of the victory of Russian troops on the Berezine River, Count A. D. Kurut, commander of the Russian troops in the Polish War of 1830-31.

In general, the Greeks served hard, and the abundance of Greek surnames in the lists of Russian diplomacy, military and naval activities is not accidental. Many Greeks were urban heads, the leaders of the nobility, the Graduals. Greeks were engaged in business and were abundantly represented in the business world of the southern provinces.

In 1859, the Balaclava battalion was abolished, and now most Greeks began to engage in peaceful activities - viticulture, tobacco production, fisheries. Greeks belonged to shops, hotels, taverns and coffee shops in all corners of the Crimea.

After establishing in the Crimea of \u200b\u200bSoviet power, many social and cultural changes occurred in the Greeks. In 1921, 23,868 Greeks (3.3% of the population) lived in Crimea. At the same time, 65% of the Greeks lived in cities. Competent Greeks were 47.2% of the total. In Crimea, there were 5 Greek rural councils in which the office work was conducted in Greek, there were 25 Greek schools with 1500 students, several Greek newspapers and magazines were published. At the end of the 30s, many Greeks became a victim of repression.

The language problem of the Greeks was very complex. As already mentioned, part of the "old" Greeks of Crimea spoke in the Crimean-Tatar language (until the end of the 30s. There was even the term "Greco-Tatars" for their designation). The remaining Greeks spoke at various mutually reconnected dialects, distant from the modern literary Greek language. It is clear that the Greeks, mostly urban residents, by the end of the 30s. Switched to Russian, retaining their ethnic self-awareness.

In 1939, 20.6 thousand Greeks lived in Crimea (1.8%). Reducing their number is explained in the main assimilation.

During the Great Patriotic War, many Greeks died from the hands of Nazis and their accomplices from among the Crimean Tatars. In particular, Tatar punishers destroyed the entire population of the Greek village of Lucky. By the time of the liberation of the Crimea, about 15 thousand Greeks remained there. However, despite the loyalty to the Motherland, which was demonstrated by the overwhelming majority of the Crimean Greeks, in May-June 1944 they were deported with Tatars and Armenians. A certain number of people of Greek origin, which were considered on questionnaires of other nationalities, remained in the Crimea, but it is clear that they tried to get rid of all Greek.

After removing restrictions in the legal position with the Greeks, Armenians, Bulgarians and members of their families in the special settlement, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 27, 1956, the Special Fleets found some freedom. But the same decree deprived them of the possibility of obtaining the confiscated property and the right of returning to the Crimea. All these years, the Greeks were deprived of the possibility of studying the Greek language. Training took place in schools in Russian, which led to the loss of the native language in young people. Since 1956, the Greeks are gradually returned to the Crimea. Most arrivals were on their native land cut off apart from each other, and lived in individual families throughout the Crimea. In 1989, 2,684 Greek lived in Crimea. The total number of Greeks from the Crimea and their descendants in the USSR was 20 thousand people.

In the 90s, the return of the Greeks to the Crimea continued. In 1994, about 4 thousand lived them. Despite the small number, the Greeks are actively involved in the economic, cultural and political life of the Crimea, ranking a number of prominent posts and the administration of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, engaging (with great success) entrepreneurial activities.

Crimean Armenians

In Crimea, more than millennium lives another ethnos - Armenians. There was one of the brightest and most distinctive centers of Armenian culture. Armenians appeared on the peninsula for a very long time. In any case, in 711, a certain Armenian Vardan was declared by the Byzantine emperor in the Crimea. The mass immigration of Armenians in the Crimea began in the XI century, after the Seljuky Turks defeated the Armenian kingdom, which caused a mass flight of the population. In the XIII - XIV century, Armenians are especially much. Crimea is even referred to as "Marine Armenia" in some Genoese documents. In a number of cities, including in the largest Cafe Peninsula (Feodosia), Armenians make up the majority of the population. At the peninsula, hundreds of Armenian churches were built, in which schools existed. At the same time, some Crimean Armenians moved to the southern lands of Russia. In particular, a very numerous Armenian community has developed in Lviv. The numerous Armenian churches, monasteries, economic buildings have been preserved in Crimea.

Armenians lived throughout the Crimea, but until 1475, most Armenians lived in the Genoese colonies. Under the pressure of the Catholic Church, part of Armenians moved to the Ulya. Most Armenians, however, remained faithful to the traditional Armenian-Gregorian church. The religious life of Armenians was very intense. In one cafe there were 45 Armenian temples. Armenians were managed by their community elders. Armenians were sued according to their laws according to their court.

Armenians were engaged in trade, financial activities, among them there were many skillful artisans, builders. In general, the Armenian community of the XIII-XV centuries flourished.

In 1475, the Crimea was dependent on the Ottoman Empire, and the city of the South Coast, where the main Armenians lived, transferred to direct control of the Turks. The conquest of the Crimea by the Turks was accompanied by the death of many Armenians, by vs. part of the population in slavery. The number of Armenian population has declined sharply. Only in the XVII century their number began to increase.

For the three centuries of Turkish domination, many Armenians adopted Islam, which led them to the assimilation by Tatars. Among those who preserved the Christian faith of Armenians received the spread of Tatar and Eastern customs. Nevertheless, Crimean Armenians like an ethnos did not disappear. The overwhelming majority of Armenians (up to 90%) lived in cities, engaged in trading and crafts.

In 1778, Armenians, together with the Greeks, were evicted in the Azov region, in the lower order of Don. In total, according to A. V. Suvorov's reports, 12,600 Armenians were evicted. They founded the city of Nakhichevan (now part of Rostov-on-Don), as well as 5 villages. Only 300 Armenians remained in Crimea.

However, many Armenians soon returned to the Crimea, and in 1811 they were officially allowed to return to the previous place residence. Approximately about a third of Armenians took advantage of this resolution. They were returned to temples, land, city blocks; In the old Crimea and Karasubazar, urban national self-governed communities were created, until the 1870s operated a special Armenian court.

The result of these government measures, along with the involvement of the Crimean Ethnic Sheet, inherent in the Armenians, was the prosperity of the Armenians. The XIX century in the life of the Crimean Armenians was marked by wonderful achievements, especially in the field of education and culture related to the names of the artist I. Ayvazovsky, composer A.Pandiarov, artist V.Surienyan, and others. At the military field, the admiral of the Russian fleet Lazar Serebryakov (Arzatogantiyan ), founded the city of Novorossiysk in 1838. Among bankers, shipowners, entrepreneurs Crimean Armenians are also presented very significantly.

The Crimean Armenian population was constantly replenished due to the influx of Armenians from the Ottoman Empire. By the time of the October Revolution of Armenians, 17 thousand numbered on the peninsula. 70% of them lived in cities.

The years of the Civil War were hardly reflected in the Armenians. Although some prominent Bolsheviks came out of the Crimean Armenians, (for example, Nikolay Babakhan, Laura Bagaturiants, etc.), who played a big role in the victory of his party, but still a significant part of the Armenians of the peninsula treated, in the Bolshevik terminology, to "bourgeois and small-bourgeois elements" . The war, the repression of all Crimean governments, the famine of 1921, the emigration of Armenians, among which there were really representatives of the bourgeoisie, led to the fact that by the beginning of the 20s, the number of Armenian population decreased by a third. In 1926, 11.5 thousand were in the Crimea Armenians. By 1939, their number reached 12, 9 thousand (1.1%).

In 1944, Armenians were deported. After 1956, a return to the Crimea began. At the end of the twentieth century, Armenians in Crimea had about 5 thousand people. However, the monument to the Crimean Armenians will forever the name of the Crimean city of Armenian will remain forever.


Crimea is the birthplace of one of the small ethnic groups - Karaimov. They relate to the Turkic peoples, but differ in their religion. Karaimi are Judaists, and they relate to its special branches, whose representatives are called Karaimi (literally "readers"). The origin of the caraims mysteriously. The first mention of Karames applies only by 1278, but they lived in the Crimea for several centuries earlier. Probably, Karaim are descendants of Khazar.

The Turkic origin of the Crimean Karaimov has been proven by anthropological studies. Karaim blood bands, their anthropological appearance is more characteristic of Turkic ethnic groups, (for example, for the Chuvash) than for seven. According to the anthropologist academician V.P. Alekseeva, detailed by Craniology (the structure of skulls) of the Karaimov, this ethnic group really originated from the mixing of the Khazar with the local population of Crimea.

Recall that Khazara owned the Crimea in the VIII-X centuries. According to Religion, Khazars were Jews, not being ethnic Jews. It is possible that some Khazars settled in the mountainous Crimea retained the Jewish faith. True, the only problem in the Khazar theory of origin of the Karaimov is the fundamental circumstance that the Khazars adopted an orthodox Talmudic Judaism, and Karaims even have the name of another direction in Judaism. But Crimean Khazars, after the fall of the Khazaria, could well move away from the Talmudic Judaism, if only because the Talmudic Jews had not previously recognized Khazar, as well as other Jews of non-Jewish origin, with their own co-workers. When Khazara took Judaism, the teachings of Karaim were still born among the Jews in Baghdad. It is clear that those Khazars that preserved faith after the fall of Khazaria could take the direction in religion, which emphasized their difference from the Jews. The feud among the "Talmudists" (that is, the main mass of the Jews) and the "sharp" (Karaimami) has always been characteristic of the Jews of the Crimea. Crimean Tatars called Karaimov "Jews without Pans."

After the defeat of Svyatoslav Khazaria in 966, the Karaims retained independence within the borders of the historic territory of Kyrk Yera - the districts in the interfold of the Alma Rivers and Kachi and found their own statehood in the framework of a small principality with the capital in Kale's fortress (now - Chufut-Kale). Here they were their prince - Sar, or Biy, in the hands of which was administrative and civil and military power, and the spiritual chapter - Kagan, or Ghana - all Karaimov Crimea (and not just the principality). Its competence included judicial and legal activities. The duality of power expressed in stock and secular and spiritual chapters is inherited by Karaimi from Khazar.

In 1246, the Crimean Caraems partially moved to Galicia, and in 1397-1398, part of the Karaites (383 families) fell into Lithuania. Since then, besides historical homeland, Karaims constantly live in Galicia and Lithuania. In places of living, Karaim enjoyed a good attitude of the surrounding authorities, they maintained national identity, had certain benefits and advantages.

At the beginning of the XV century, Prince Eliasar voluntarily obeyed the Crimean Khan. In gratitude, Khan gave Karamim autonomy in religious affairs,

Karais lived in the Crimea, especially not standing out among the locals. They accounted for most of the population of the cave city of Chufut-Kale, the quarters in the old Crimea, Gezlev (Evpatoria), cafes (Feodosia).

The joining of Crimea to Russia has become a starry hour for this people. Caraims were freed from many taxes, they were allowed to acquire land, which turned out to be very profitable when many lands were empty after evicting the Greeks, Armenians and the emigration of many Tatars. Karaims were liberated from the recruitment of service, although their voluntary arrival for military service was welcomed. Many Karais really chose military professions. A lot of them distinguished themselves in battles when defending the Fatherland. Among them, for example, the heroes of the Russian-Japanese war, Lieutenant M. Tapsashar, General Y. Kefhelia. In the First World War, 500 personnel officers and 200 volunteers of Karaite origin participated. Many have become St. George Cavaliers, and a certain gammal, a brave ordinary soldier, produced on the battlefield in the officers, earned a complete set of soldiers' of St. George crosses and at the same time an officer George.

The small KaraiSH people became one of the most educated and rich peoples of the Russian Empire. Karais almost monopolized tobacco trade in the country. By 1913, there were 11 millionaires among the caraims. Karaims experienced a demographic explosion. By 1914, their number reached 16 thousand, of which 8 thousand lived in Crimea (at the end of the XVIII century there were about 2 thousand).

The prosperity ended in 1914. Wars and the revolution led to the loss of the Karaims of the former economic situation. In general, the cariams did not take the revolution in the mass. Most officers and 18 generals from the number of Karaim fought in the White Army. Solomon Crimea was the Minister of Finance in the Wrangel Government.

As a result of wars, hunger, emigration and repression, the number has declined sharply, first of all, at the expense of the military and civil elite. In 1926, 4,123 caraims remained in Crimea.

In the Great Patriotic War, over 600 caraims participated, the majority were awarded combat awards, more than half died and disappeared. The artilleryman D. Pasha, Marine Officer E. Efet and many others became famous among the caraims in the Soviet Army. The most famous of the Soviet military commander-Karaimov was Colonel General V.Ya. Kolpacci, participant of the First World and Civil Wars, a military adviser in Spain during the war of 1936-39, commander of the armies during the Great Patriotic War. It should be noted that Marshal R. Ya. Malinovsky is often attributed to the Karaimam (1898-1967), twice Hero of the Soviet Union, the USSR Defense Minister in 1957-67, although his Karaite origin has been proven.

In other areas, Karai also gave a large number of outstanding people. The famous intelligence officer, diplomat and at the same time writer I. R. Grigulevich, composer S. M. Makapara, actor S. Tongur, and many others - all of this Karai.

Mixed marriages, language and cultural assimilation, low birth rate and emigration lead to the fact that the number of caraims is reduced. In the Soviet Union on censuses 1979 and 1989, residual 3,341 and 2 803, including in the Crimea - 1,200 and 898 Karaimov. In the XXI century, about 800 caraims remained in the Crimea.


Crimea is home to another Jewish ethnos - Crimea. Actually, Crimeca, like Karai, are not Jews. At the same time, they confess the Talmudic Judaism, like most of the world's Jews, their language is close to the Crimean-Tatar.

The Jews appeared in the Crimea yet BC, as evidenced by the Jewish burial, the remains of the synagogue, inscriptions in Hebrew. One of these inscriptions is dated to the first century BC. In the Middle Ages, the Jews lived in the cities of the peninsula, engaged in trading and crafts. Back in the VII century, Byzantian Feofan confesser wrote about the many Jews who lived in Fanagoria (on Tamani) and other cities on the north shores of the Black Sea. In 1309, a synagogue was built in Feodosia, which indicated the numerous of the Crimean Jews.

It should be noted that mostly Crimean Jews took place from the descendants of the local residents facing the Judaism, and not emigrated to the Jews of Palestine. Until our time, the documents dated to the first century were reached, on the release of slaves, subject to their appeal to Judaism with the owners of Jews.

Conducted in the 20s. Studies of the blood groups of Crimeans conducted by V. Zabolotny, confirmed that Crimellians did not belong to the Semitic peoples. Nevertheless, the Jewish religion contributed to the Jewish self-identification of Crimeans, who themselves considered themselves Jews.

Among them was the Turkic language (close to Crimean-Tatar), oriental customs and life, distinguishing the Crimean Jews from the tribesmen in Europe. Their self-configuration was the word "Crimea", meaning the Turkish resident of the Crimea. By the end of the XVIII century, about 800 Jews lived in Crimea.

After the joining of Crimea to Russia, Crimea remained a poor and a few confessional community. Unlike Karaimov, Crimea did not show themselves in commerce and politics. True, the number of them began to grow rapidly due to high natural growth. By 1912 they had 7.5 thousand people. The Civil War, accompanied by numerous anti-Jewelproofs, which carried out all the authorities, hunger and emigration in the Crimea led to a sharp reduction in the number of Crimeans. In 1926 there were 6 thousand people.

During the Great Patriotic War, Most Crimekov were destroyed by German invaders. After the war, no more than 1.5 thousand Crimeans remained in the USSR.

Nowadays, emigration, assimilation (leading to the fact that Crimeans are more associated with Jews), emigration to Israel and the United States, and depopulation finally put the cross on the fate of this small Crimean ethnic volume.

And yet we hope that the Little Ancient Ethnos, who gave Russia the poet I. Selvinsky, partisan commander, the hero of the Soviet Union Ya. I. Chapicheva, a large Leningrad engineer M. A. Trezhodod, the laureate of the State Prize, and a number of other prominent figures of science, Arts, politics and economics will not disappear.


Of incomparably more numerous in the Crimea were the actual Jews who spelling to Yiddish. Since the Crimea was in the "Damage of Smeal", then quite a lot of Jews from the Right Bank of Ukraine began to settle in this fertile region. In 1897, 24, 2,000 Jews lived in Crimea. Their number doubled to the revolution. As a result, the Jews became one of the largest and most noticeable ethnic groups on the peninsula.

Despite the reduction in the number of Jews during the years of the Civil War, they still remained the third (after Russian and Tatars) Etnos, Crimea. In 1926 there were 40 thousand (5.5%). By 1939, their numbers increased to 65 thousand (6% of the population).

The reason was simple - Crimea in 20-40. Considered not only and so much by Soviet, how many world Zionist leaders as a "national focus" for the Jews of the whole world. It was not by chance that the resettlement of Jews in the Crimea took a significant scale. It is significant that if in all the Crimea, as in the country as a whole, urbanization occurred, then the opposite process took place among the Crimean Jews.

The project on the relocation of Jews in the Crimea and the creation of the Jewish autonomy there was developed in 1923 by the prominent Bolshevik Y. Larina (Lurie), and in the spring of next year, the Bolshevik leaders of L. D. Trotsky, L. B. Kamenev, N. I. Bukharin . It was planned to move 96 thousand Jewish families to Crimea (about 500 thousand people). However, there were more optimistic figures - 700 thousand by 1936. Larin openly spoke of the need to create in the Crimea of \u200b\u200bthe Jewish Republic.

On December 16, 1924, even a document was signed under such an intriguing name: "On the Crimean California" between "Joint" (the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee - American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, as the American Jewish Organization was called in the first years of the US Soviet authorities) and CEC RSFSR. According to this agreement, "Joint" allocated USSR by $ 1.5 million per year for the needs of Jewish agricultural communes. The fact that most of the Jews in Crimea agriculture did not do, did not matter.

In 1926, the head of Joint Joint N. Rosenberg came to the USSR, as a result of meetings with the leaders of the country, an agreement was reached on financing D. Rosenberg events for the resettlement of Jews of Ukraine and Belarus to the Crimean ASSR. The assistance also provided the French Jewish Society, the American Society for Jewish Colonization in Soviet Russia and other organizations of a similar type. On January 31, 1927, a new agreement was concluded with Agro-Joint (a subsidiary of Joynta's own company). According to him, the organization has allocated 20 million rubles. The Soviet government has allocated 5 million rubles for these purposes, the Soviet government allocated 5 million rubles for these purposes.

The planned relocation of Jews began in 1924. The reality was not so optimistic.

For 10 years, 22 thousand people were asssets in Crimea. They were provided with 21 thousand hectares of land, 4,534 apartments were built. The Crimean Republican Representative Office of the Committee on the Land Association of Jews in the Presidium of the Nationalities of the Russian Federation (Comzet) was engaged in issues of resettlement of Jews. Note that each Jew has accounted for almost 1 thousand hectares of land. Almost every Jewish family received an apartment. (This is in a housing crisis, which in the resort Crimea was even more acute than the country as a whole).

Most immigrants land were not treated, and mostly separated by cities. By 1933, from immigrants of 1924, only 20% remained on the collective farms, and in Larindorf MTS 11%. According to individual collective farms, the fluidity reached up to 70%. To the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, only 17 thousand Jews in the Crimea lived in rural areas. The project failed. In 1938, the relocation of the Jews was discontinued, and the Compes was dissolved. The "Joint" branch in the USSR was eliminated by the decision of the Politburo WCP (b) of May 4, 1938

The mass outflow of the immigrants led to the fact that the Jewish population increased not so much as expected. By 1941, 70 thousand Jews lived in Crimea (excluding Crimeans).

During the Great Patriotic War, more than 100 thousand Crimeans, including many Jews, were evacuated from the peninsula. Those who stayed in the Crimea had to experience all the features of the Hitler's "new order", when the invaders began the final decision of the Jewish question. And on April 26, 1942, the peninsula was declared "purified from the Jews." Almost everyone who did not have time to evacuate, including the majority of Crimekov, died.

However, the idea of \u200b\u200bJewish autonomy not only did not disappear, but also acquired a new breath.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating in Crimea of \u200b\u200bthe Jewish Autonomous Republic again arose late in the spring of 1943, when the Red Army, defeating the enemy near Stalingrad and in the North Caucasus, freed Rostov-on-Don and joined the territory of Ukraine. In 1941, about 5-6 million people were fled from these territories or evacuated in a more organized manner. Among them more than a million were Jews.

In practical terms, the question of the creation of the Jewish Crimean autonomy appeared in the preparation of the propaganda and business trip of two prominent Soviet Jews - actors S. Mikhoels and Poet I. Fefe in the United States in the summer of 1943. It was assumed that US Jews would perceive this idea with enthusiasm and agree to finance all the costs associated with it. Therefore, the delegation of two people sent in the US received permission to discuss this project in the Zionist organizations.

Among Jewish circles in the United States, the creation of the Jewish Republic in Crimea really seemed quite real. Stalin seemed not to mind. Members of the EAC (Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee) created during the war during the US visits to create the republic in the Crimea, they spoke openly as something predetermined.

Of course, Stalin was not going to create Israel in the Crimea. He wanted to make the most use in the Soviet interests of the influential Jewish community in the United States. As the Soviet intelligence officer P. Jeroplats wrote, the head of the 4th Department of the NKVD, responsible for the special operation, "immediately after the formation of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, Soviet intelligence decided to use the communications of the Jewish intelligentsia to determine the possibility of obtaining additional economic assistance through the Zionist circles ... with this The goal of Mikhoels and Fefera, our proven agent, was instructed to transform the reaction of influential Zionist organizations to the creation of the Jewish Republic in the Crimea. This task of a special intelligence procurement was successfully completed. "

In January 1944, by some Jewish figures of the USSR, a draft Stalin's memorandum was drawn up, the text of which was approved by Lozovsky and Mikhoels. In the "note", in particular, it was said: "In order to normalize the economic growth and development of the Jewish Soviet culture, in order to maximize the mobilization of all the forces of the Jewish population for the benefit of the Soviet Motherland, with the aim of a complete equation of the position of the Jewish masses among fraternal peoples, we consider timely and expedient, in order to resolve post-war problems, formulation of the issue of the creation of the Jewish Soviet Socialist Republic ... It seems to us that one of the most appropriate areas would be the territory of the Crimea, which most complies with the requirements of both the capacity for resettlement and due to the existing Successful experience in the development of Jewish national districts ... In the construction of the Jewish Soviet Republic, we would have had substantial assistance to us and the Jewish masses of all countries of the world, wherever they are. "

Even before the liberation of the Crimea "Joint" insisted on the transfer of Crimea to the Jews, evicting the Crimean Tatars, the conclusion of the Black Sea Fleet from Sevastopol, the formation of an independent Jewish state in the Crimea. Moreover, the opening of the 2nd front in 1943. The Jewish lobby linked with the fulfillment of Stalin debt obligations to Joint.

Deportation from the Crimea of \u200b\u200bTatars and representatives of other Crimean ethnic groups led to the launch of the peninsula. It seemed that now places for arriving Jews would be plentifully.

According to the famous Yugoslav Worker M. Gilas, to the question of the reasons for expulsion from the Crimea of \u200b\u200bhalf of the population, Stalin referred to the Data Roosevelt obligations to clear the Crimea for Jews, for which the Americans promised a preferential 10 billion credit.

However, the Crimean project was not implemented. Stalin, by using financial assistance from Jewish organizations, to create the autonomy of the Jews in Crimea. Moreover, even returning to the Crimea of \u200b\u200bthose Jews, which was evacuated during the war years, turned out to be difficult. Nevertheless, in 1959, 26 thousand Jews numbered in Crimea. In the future, emigration to Israel led to a significant reduction in the number of Crimean Jews.

Crimean Tatars

Even since the times of Gunnov and Khazar kaganate, the Turkic peoples began to penetrate the Turkic peoples in the Crimea, which were still the steppe of the peninsula. In 1223, Mongol-Tatars hit the Crimea for the first time. But it was only a raid. In 1239, Crimea was conquered by Mongols and became part of the Golden Horde. The South Coast of the Crimea was under the rule of the Genuses, in the Mountain Crimea there was a small principality of the Feodoro and an even smaller principality of Karaimov.

Gradually, a new Turkic ethnos began to develop from the mixing of many nations. At the beginning of the XIV century, the Byzantine historian Georgy Pakhimer (1242-1310) wrote: "Over the course, Mixing with them (Tatars - Ed.) Peoples who lived inside those countries, I understand: Alans, Zikhi (Caucasian Circassians who live on the shore Taman Peninsula - Ed), Goths, Russians and various peoples with them, learn their customs, together with customs absorb language and clothing and are made by their allies. " The uniting principle for the folding ethnic group was Islam and Turkic. Gradually, the Tatars of the Crimea (which, however, was not called themselves by the Tatars) become very numerous and powerful. It is no coincidence that it is the Orda governor in the Crimea Mamay and managed to seize power in the entire Golden Horde. The capital of the Ordahn's governor was the city of Kyrym - the "Crimea" (now - the city of Old Crimea), built by the Golder Towns in the Valley of the Chuok-Sous River in the south-east of the Crimean Peninsula. In the XIV century, the name of the city of Crimea gradually passes to the entire peninsula. Residents of the peninsula began to call themselves "Kyrymla" - Crimeans. Russians called them by Tatars, like all Eastern Muslim nations. To call itself the Tatars, the Crimeans became only already in the composition of Russia. But for convenience, we will call them all the same Crimean Tatars, even speaking of earlier era.

In 1441, the Tatars Crimea created their own Khanate under the rule of the Gireev Dynasty.

Initially, the Tatars were the inhabitants of the Steppe Crimea, the mountains and South Coast were still settled by various Christian peoples, and they numerically prevailed over the Tatars. However, as Islam is spreading in the ranks of the Tatars, both indigenous people began to join. In 1475, the Omman Turks defeated the colonies of the Genoesers and Feodoro, which led to the submission of Muslims of the whole Crimea.

At the very beginning of the XVI century, Khan Mengley-Gary, defeating a big Horde, led the whole uluses of Tatar from the Volga in the Crimea. Their descendants were subsequently called Yavagski (that is, by the Zavolzhi) Tatars. Finally, in the XVII century, many Nogai settled in the steppes near the Crimea. All this led to the strongest Turkization of the Crimea, including the part of the Christian population.

A significant part of the population of the mountains was turned out, which was a special group of Tatars, known as the Tati. The racial attitude of the Tatha belongs to the Middle Eastern race, that is, externally similar to representatives of the peoples of Central and Eastern Europe. Also gradually joined the number of Tatars and many of the residents of the South Coast, the descendants of the Greeks, Tavroskif, Italians and other inhabitants of the region. In the inhabitants of many Tatar villages of the South Coast, up to the deportation of 1944, elements of Christian rites inherited from the Greek ancestors were preserved. In a racial attitude, the South Coasters belong to the South European (Mediterranean) race and externally similar to the Turks, Greeks, Italians. They compiled a special group of the Crimean Tatars - Yalybel. Only the steppe nogaev remained elements of traditional nomadic culture and some mongoloid features were preserved in physical appearance.

They also joined the Crimean Tatars also descendants of prisoners and captives, mainly from the eastern Slavs remaining on the peninsula. Sleepings, who became the wives of the Tatar, as well as some men from among the prisoners who took Islam and thanks to the knowledge of any useful crafts, also became tatars. "Tuma", as the children called Russian prisoners born in Crimea, amounted to a very large part of the Crimean-Tatar population. It is indicative of such a historical fact: in 1675, Zaporizhia Ataman Ivan Sirko during a successful raider in Crimea liberated 7 thousand Russian slaves. However, on the way back, about 3 thousand of them were asked for a sirko to release them into the Crimea back. Most of these slaves were Muslims or tums. Sirko let them go, but then ordered his Cossacks to catch up and kill them all. This order was completed. Sirko drove up to the slaughter's place and said: "Forgive us, the brothers, and they themselves sleep here to the terrible court of the Lord, instead of multiplying you in the Crimea, between the bassurmen to our Christian youth heads and on our eternal without forgiveness."

Of course, despite similar ethnic cleansing, the number of tums and the spontaneous Slavs in the Crimea remained significant.

After the joining of the Crimea to Russia, the part of the Tatar left the homeland by moving to the Ottoman Empire. By the beginning of 1785, 43.5 thousand, male souls were taken into account in Crimea. Crimean Tatars amounted to 84.1% of all residents (39.1 thousand people). Despite the high natural increase, the share of Tatars was constantly declining due to the inflow on the peninsula of new Russian immigrants and foreign colonists. However, the Tatars amounted to the overwhelming majority of the population of Crimea.

After the Crimean War 1853-56. Under the influence of Turkish agitation among the Tatars, a movement for emigration to Turkey began. Military actions ruined the Crimea, the Tatar peasants did not receive any compensation for their material losses, therefore additional reasons appeared for emigration.

Already in 1859, departure to Turkey Nogai Azovia began. In 1860, the mass outcome of the Tatars from the peninsula itself began. By 1864, the number of Tatars in the Crimea decreased by 138.8 thousand people. (from 241.7 to 102.9 thousand people). The scale of emigration scared the provincial authorities. Already in 1862, the cancellation of previously issued passports began, and refuses to issue new ones. However, the main factor in the termination of emigration was the news that the Tatars is waiting in the One-Room Turkey. The Tatar's mass was killed in the way on overloaded fellows in the Black Sea. Turkish authorities simply discarded immigrants on the shore, without giving them any food. Up to a third of Tatars died in the first year of life in a one-day country. And now the re-emigration began in the Crimea. But neither the Turkish authorities, who understood that the return of Muslims from under the authorities of the Khalifa, again, the Russian king will make an extremely disadvantageous impression on Muslims of the world, nor Russian authorities, also the fallen returns of embittered, all who lost people were not going to help return to Crimea.

Less large-scale Tatar outcomes in the Ottoman Empire occurred in 1874-75, in the early 1890s, in 1902-03. As a result, most of the Crimean Tatars were outside the Crimea.

So the Tatars on their own will became an ethnic minority on their land. Due to the high natural growth, their number by 1917 reached 216 thousand people, which was 26% of the population of Crimea. In general, during the years of the Civil War, Tatars were politically splitting, fighting in the ranks of all the fighting forces.

The fact that Tatars amounted to a little more than a quarter of the population of Crimea, the Bolsheviks did not confuse. Guided by his national politics, they went to the creation of an autonomous republic. On October 18, 1921, the Central RSFSR and the Soviet University of the RSFSR issued a decree on the formation of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic as part of the RSFSR. On November 7, the 1st All-Russian Constituent Congress of Soviets in Simferopol proclaimed the formation of the Crimean ASSR, elected the leadership of the republic and adopted its constitution.

This republic was not, strictly speaking, purely national. Note that it was not called Tatar. But the "core of personnel" was consistently carried out here. Most managers were also tatars. Tatar language was, along with the Russian, language of office work and school learning. In 1936, 386 Tatar schools existed in Crimea.

During the Great Patriotic War, the fate of the Crimean Tatars has developed dramatically. Part of the Tatars honestly fought in the ranks of the Soviet army. Among them were 4 generals, 85 colonels and several hundred officers. 2 Crimean Tatarin became full cavaliers of the Order of Glory, 5 - Heroes of the Soviet Union, the pilot Amet Khan Sultan - twice the hero.

In his native Crimea, some Tatars fought in the partisan detachments. So, as of January 15, 1944, there were 3,733 partisans in Crimea, of which Russians - 1 944, Ukrainians - 348, Crimean Tatars - 598. In retaliation for the actions of partisans, the Nazis burned 134 settlements in the foothill and mountainous locations of Crimea, 132 Of which were mainly Crimean Tatar.

However, I will not throw out words from the song. During the occupation of the Crimea, many Tatars were on the side of the Nazis. 20 thousand Tatars (that is, 1/10 of the total Tatar population) served in the ranks of volunteer compounds. They were attracted to the fight against the partisans, and especially actively participated in the sprauls over the civilian population.

In May 1944, literally immediately after the liberation of the Crimea, the Crimean Tatars were deported. The total number of deported amounted to 191 thousand people. From deportation, members of the families of the Soviet army fighters, the participants of the underground and partisan struggle were released, as well as Tatars, who married the representatives of other nationalities.

Since 1989, the return of Tatars in Crimea began. The repatriations actively promoted the Ukrainian authorities, hoping that the Tatars weaken the Russian movement for the accession of the Crimea to Russia. In part, these expectations of the Ukrainian authorities were confirmed. In the elections to the Ukrainian parliament, Tatars voted in the mass of his "Ruh" and other self-sustained parties.

In 2001, Tatars have already been 12% of the population of the Peninsula - 243,433 people.

Other ethnos of Crimea

On the peninsula from the moment of joining Russia, there are still representatives of several small ethnic groups, also become crimeans. We are talking about the Crimean Bulgarians, Poles, Germans, Czechs. Living away from its main ethnic territory, these Crimeans have become independent ethnic groups.

Bulgarians In Crimea, appeared at the end of the XVIII century, immediately after the joining of the peninsula to Russia. The first Bulgarian settlement in Crimea appeared in 1801. The Russian authorities appreciated the diligence of Bulgarians, as well as the ability to keep the economy in the conditions of subtropics. Therefore, the Bulgarian migrants received from the treasury of the daily rate of 10 kopecks per soul, each Bulgarian family was given to 60 tents of state land. Each Bulgarian immigrants were provided with benefits in serve and other financial concerns for 10 years. After their expiration, they were largely preserved over the next 10 years: Bulgarians have only been taxed in the amount of 15-20 kopecks from decade. Only after the expiration of twenty years after his arrival in Crimea, migrants from Turkey were equalized in applied with Tatars, immigrants from Ukraine and Russia.

The second wave of the resettlement of Bulgarians in Crimea fell on the time of the Russian - Turkish war 1828-1829. About 1000 people arrived. Finally, in the 60s. The XIX century the third wave of Bulgarian immigrants arrived in the Crimea. In 1897, 7,528 Bulgarians lived in Crimea. It should be noted that the religious and language proximity of the Bulgarians and Russians led to the assimilation of the part of the Crimean Bulgarians.

Wars and revolutions were hardly reflected in the Crimea Bulgarians. Their number grew pretty slow due to assimilation. In 1939, 17.9 thousand Bulgarians lived in Crimea (or 1.4% of the total population of the peninsula).

In 1944, Bulgarians were deported from the peninsula, although, unlike the Crimean Tatars, there were no evidence of Bulgarian cooperation with German invaders. Nevertheless, the entire Crimean-Bulgarian ethnic group was deported. After rehabilitation, the slow process of repatriation of the Bulgarians in the Crimea began. At the beginning of the XXI century, a somewhat more than 2 thousand Bulgarians lived in Crimea.

Cheri. Appeared in the Crimea a half century ago. In the 60s of the XIX century, 4 Czech colonies appeared. Czechs have differed in high level of education, which paradoxically contributed to their quick assimilation. In 1930, Chekhov and Slovaks in Crimea had 1,400 people. At the beginning of the XXI century, only 1,000 people of Czech origin lived on the peninsula.

Another Slavic ethnos Crimea is represented poles.. The first settlers were able to arrive in the Crimea in 1798, although the mass resettlement of Poles in the Crimea began only in the 60s of the XIX century. It should be noted that since the Poles did not inspire confidence, especially after the uprising of 1863, they not only did not provide any benefits as the colonists of other nationalities, but even forbidden to settle in separate settlements. As a result, the "purely" Polish village did not arise in Crimea, and the Poles lived along with the Russians. In all big villages, along with the church, the church acted. Chostels were also in all major cities - Yalta, Feodosia, Simferopol, Sevastopol. As the religion loses its former influence on ordinary Poles, a quick assimilation of the Polish population of Crimea was held. At the end of the XX century, about 7 thousand Poles lived in the Crimea (0.3% of the population).

Germans appeared in the Crimea already in 1787. Since 1805, German colonies with their internal self-government, schools and churches began to occur on the peninsula. The Germans arrived from a variety of German lands, as well as from Switzerland, Austria and Alsace. In 1865, there were already 45 settlements with the German population in Crimea.

The benefits provided by the colonists, the fertile natural conditions of the Crimea, the diligence and the organization of the Germans led the colonies to rapid economic prosperity. In turn, the news of the economic successes of the colonies contributed to the further influx of the Germans in the Crimea. For colonists, high fertility was characterized, so the German population of the Crimea grew rapidly. According to the first All-Russian census of 1897, 31,590 Germans lived in Crimea (5.8% of the total population), of which 30 027 - rural residents.

Among the Germans almost all were competent, the standard of living was significantly higher than the average. These circumstances affected the behavior of the Crimean Germans during the Civil War.

Most of the Germans tried to be "above the fight", without participating in civil-bodies. But part of the Germans fought for the Soviet power. In 1918, the first Ekaterinoslav communist Cavalry regiment was formed, who fought against the German occupiers in Ukraine and in the Crimea. In 1919, the first German cavalry regiment in the army of Budenny led an armed struggle in the south of Ukraine against Wrangel and Makhno. Part of the Germans fought on the side of the White. So, in the army of Denikin, the Hanger Rifle Brigade from Germans fought. A special regiment from Mennonites fought in the Army of Wrangel.

In November 1920, the Soviet government was finally established in Crimea. The Germans, who recognized her, continued to live with their colonies and their farms, practically without changing their mistake: farms were still strong; Children went to their schools with teaching in German; All questions solved together inside the colonies. On the peninsula, two German areas were officially formed - Biyuk-Onlarsky (now Oktyabrsky) and Telmanovsky (now Krasnogvardeysky). Although many Germans lived in other places in Crimea. 6% of the German population produced 20% of gross income from the entire agricultural products of the Crimean ASSR. Demonstrating the full loyalty of Soviet power, the Germans tried to "do not climb into politics." It is significant that in the 20s only 10 Crimean Germans entered the Bolshevik Party.

The standard of living of the German population continued to be much higher than in other national groups, so the collapsive collectivization, and for it, the mass degradation touched first of all German farms. Despite the losses in the civil war, repression and emigration, the number of the German population of Crimea continued to increase. In 1921, the Crimean Germans numbered - 42,547 people. (5.9% of the total population), in 1926 - 43,631 people. (6.1%), 1939 - 51 299 people. (4.5%), 1941 - 53,000 people. (4.7%).

The Great Patriotic War became the greatest tragedy for the Crimean-German Ethnic Sheet. In August-September 1941, more than 61 thousand people were deported (including about 11 thousand people of other nationalities associated with the Germans family bonds). The final rehabilitation of all Soviet Germans, including the Crimean, followed only in 1972. From this time, the Germans began to return to the Crimea. In 1989, 2,356 Germans lived in Crimea. Alas, part of the deported Crimean Germans emigrates to Germany, and not to their peninsula.

East Slavs

Most of the inhabitants of the Crimea are Eastern Slavs (we will polishly call them so, considering the Ukrainian self-consciousness of the part of the Russians in the Crimea).

As already mentioned, Slavs lived in the Crimea with deep antiquity. In the X-XIII centuries, Tmutarakan principality existed in the eastern part of Crimea. Yes, and in the era of the Crimean Khanate on the peninsula, a part of the prisoners from the Great and Small Russia, monks, merchants, diplomats from Russia were constantly located. Thus, the Eastern Slavs over the centuries were part of the constant indigenous population of Crimea.

In 1771, when the Crimea was busy with Russian troops, about 9 thousand Russian liberated slaves were released. Most of them remained in the Crimea, but already as a personally free Russian subjects.

With the accession of Crimea to Russia in 1783, the settlement of the peninsula by migrants from the whole Russian Empire begins. Literally immediately after the manifesto 1783 on the accession of the Crimea, on the orders of A. Potemkin, the warriors of the Yekaterinoslav and Fanagori regiments were left to the king. Married soldiers gave holidays for a government account so that they could pick up their families in the Crimea. In addition, girls and widows, agree to marriage with soldiers and to relocate in Crimea, were called from all over the corners of Russia.

Many nobles who received estates in the Crimea began to translate their fortress in the Crimea. The state peasants were also transferred to the execution lands of the peninsula.

Already in 1783-84, in one of the Simferopolsky subsection, the settlers formed 8 new villages and, in addition, were located together with Tatars in three settlements. In total, by the beginning of 1785, 1,021 male men from among Russian settlers were taken into account. The new Russian-Turkish war of 1787-91 somewhat slowed down the influx of immigrants to the Crimea, but did not stop him. In 1785 - 1793, the number of countries taken into account Russians reached 12.6 thousand male shower. In general, the Russians (together with the Malorus) have already over several years of the stay of the Crimea as part of Russia amounted to approximately 5% of the population of the peninsula. In fact, the Russians were even greater, since many passionate fortress, deserters and old goods were sought to avoid any contacts with representatives of the official authorities. Not taken into account liberated former slaves. In addition, there are always tens of thousands of military on a strategically important Crimea.

The constant migration of the Eastern Slavs in the Crimea continued the entire XIX century. After the Crimean War and the mass emigration of Tatars in the Ottoman Empire, which led to the emergence of a large number of "drawing" fertile land, new thousands of Russian immigrants arrived in the Crimea.

Gradually, the local Russian residents began to form special features of the farm and life, caused by both the peculiarities of the geography of the peninsula and its multinational character. In a statistical report on the population of the Tauride province for 1851, it was noted that the Russians (Velikorsa and Maloros) and Tatars walk in clothes and shoes, there is little different from each other. The dishes are used equally clay, fulfilled at home, and copper, manufactured by Tatar masters. Ordinary Russian carts shortly upon arrival in Crimea were replaced by Tatar Arbami.

From the second half of the XIX century, the main wealth of the Crimea is its nature, made the peninsula to the center of recreation and tourism. The palaces of the imperial surname and influential nobles began to appear on the coast, thousands of tourists began to arrive at rest and treatment. Many Russians began to seek to settle in the fertile Crimea. So the influx of Russians in the Crimea continued. At the beginning of the XX century, the Russians became the prevailing ethnic group of the Crimea. Given the high degree of Russification of many Crimean ethnic groups, the Russian language and culture (largely lost their local peculiarities) prevailed in the Crimea absolutely.

After the revolution and civil war, the Crimea, which turned into the "All-Union Sanitary Health", continued to attract the Russians to him. However, Maloros, who were considered special people - Ukrainians began to arrive. Their share in the population in the 20-30s increased from 8% to 14%.

In 1954, N.S. Khrushchev Voluntarist gesture attached the Crimea to the Ukrainian Soviet Republic. The result was Ukrainization of the Crimean schools and the office. In addition, the number of Crimean Ukrainians has grown sharply. Actually, part of the "real" Ukrainians began to arrive in the Crimea back in 1950, according to government "plans for the establishment and movement of the population in the collective farms of the Crimean Region." After 1954, Novoseli from Western Ukrainian regions began to arrive in the Crimea. Migrants for moving were allocated whole wagons where all the property could fit (furniture, utensils, decoration, clothing, multi-meter canvases of dominar), cattle, bird, apiary, etc. in the Crimea, who had the status of the usual region in the Ukrainian SSR, profits numerous Ukrainian officials . Finally, since the Ukrainian began to be prestigious, some Crimeans also turned into Ukrainians on the passport.

In 1989, 2,430,500 people lived in Crimea (67.1% of Russians, 25.8% of Ukrainians, 1.6% of the Crimean Tatars, 0.7% of Jews, 0.3% of Poles, 0.1% of the Greeks).

The collapse of the USSR and the proclamation of the independence of Ukraine caused economic and demographic catastrophes into the Crimea. In 2001, there were 2,024,056 people in the Crimea in Crimea. But in fact, the demographic catastrophe of the Crimea is even more terrible, since the population decline was partially compensated by the Tatars returning to Crimea.

In general, at the beginning of the XXI century, Crimea, despite its centuries-old polyethnicity, remains mainly Russian in the population. In two decades of stay in the composition of independent Ukraine, Crimea has repeatedly demonstrated its Russianity. Over the years, the number of Ukrainians who returned Crimean Tatars have increased in Crimea, thanks to which the official Kiev was able to get some of its supporters, but, nevertheless, the existence of the Crimea precisely as part of Ukraine is problematic.

Crimean SSR (1921-1945). Questions and answers. Simferopol, "Tavria", 1990, p. twenty

Jeroplats P. A.. Intelligence and Kremlin.m., 1996, p.339-340

From the secret archives of the CPSU Central Committee. Peninsula. Possed about the Crimea / Comments Kozlov Sergey and Kostrchenko Gennady // Motherland. - 1991.-№11-12. - P. 16-17

From Kimmerians to Crimean. The peoples of the Crimea from ancient times until the end of the XVIII century. Simferopol, 2007, p. 232.

Broadworm A. B. Russian-Turkish wars. Minsk, Harvest, 2000, p. 55.

Peoples inhabiting Crimea

The ethnic history of the Crimea is very complex and dramatic. One thing can be said: never the national composition of the peninsula was not monotonous, especially in its mountainous part and seaside areas. Speaking about the population of Tavrichesky Mountains in the II century. BC, Roman historian Pliny Elder notices that there are 30 nations there. The mountains and islands often served as a refuge for relic peoples, once the great, and then descended from historical arena. So it was with the militant goths who conquered almost all of Europe and then dissolved in its expanses at the beginning of the Middle Ages. And in the Crimea settlement was ready to be kept until the XV century. The last reminder of them is the village of Kok-goat (now blueberry), that is, blue eyes.

Today in Crimea more than 30 national cultural associations, 24 of which are officially registered. The national palette is represented by semi-dying ethnic groups and ethnic groups, many of which have retained their traditional household culture.

Casual photos of Crimea

The most numerous ethnos in the Crimea, of course, the Russians. It should be noted that in the Crimea they appear long before the Tatar, at least from the time of the prince of Prince Vladimir on Chersonesos. Already then, along with the Byzantines, Russian merchants are traded here and some of them settle in Chersonese seriously and for a long time. However, only after the joining of the Crimea, Russia arises a numerical advantage of Russians over other peoples inhabiting the peninsula. For a relatively short time, Russians have been making up more than half of the population. This comes, mainly from the Central Chernozem Province of Russia: Kursk, Orlovskaya, Tambov and others.

Since ancient times, Crimea was a polyethnic territory. For a long time on the peninsula, a rich, interesting and world importance was formed, historical and cultural heritage. From the end of the XVIII - early XIX centuries. Due to a number of historical events on the peninsula, representatives of various peoples began to appear, which played a certain role in the economic, socio-political and cultural (architecture, religion, traditionally consumer culture, music, visual art, etc.) of life.

Ethnic groups and ethnic groups contributed to the cultural heritage of the Crimea, which in the aggregate is a rich and interesting tourism, uniting in ethnographic and ethnic tourism. Currently, more than 30 national cultural associations are operating in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, 24 of which are officially registered. The national palette is represented by semal ethnic groups and ethnic groups, many of which have retained their traditional household culture and actively popularize their historical and cultural heritage.

Secondly, peoples (ethnic groups), massively appeared on the peninsula 150 or more - 200 years ago, having a kind of history and culture. Their traditional household culture was in one way or another subjected to ethnic assimilation, mutual influence: regional features appeared in it, and some parties of material and spiritual culture were preserved and began to actively revive since the late 80s - early 90s. XX century. Among them are Bulgarians, Germans, Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Jews, Czechs, Poles, Assyrians, Estonians, French and Italians.

And, thirdly, after 1945, Azerbaijanis, Koreans, Volga Tatars, Mordva, Koreans, Ganghane, and Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians from various regions, began to come into the Crimea, and gradually to form diasporas. This page describes ethnographic facilities characterizing the culture of 16 ethnic communities.

This includes architectural monuments left in the Middle Ages Italians (Venetians and Genoese) and early Christian cultural monuments, which are considered to be polyethnic objects, because it is not always possible to identify the ethnic affiliation of the creators of cult facilities, or in the complexes include objects created by representatives of various ethnic groups, for a long time adjacent On the territory of Crimea.

Stock Foto Beautiful places of Crimea


To characterize objects according to the traditional culture of Armenians, it is necessary to refer to the history of their relocation from the ancient capital of Armenia Ani. The core of the first Armenian settlements was an ancient salt (Old Crimea), and Cafe (Feodosia), as evidenced by numerous chronicle sources. The best monuments of Armenian architecture are concentrated in the eastern and southeastern Crimea and belong to the XIV - XV centuries. Beautiful samples of urban dwelling are preserved in Feodosia, Sudak, old Crimea and small villages.

Special excursion interest is the monastery complex of Surb-Khach ("Holy Cross"), the date of construction - 1338 is located three kilometers south-west of the city of Old Crimea. The ensemble of the Surb-Khach Monastery is one of the best works of Armenian architects not only in the Crimea. It showed the main features of Armenian-low-immigination architecture. Currently, the monastery is under the jurisdiction of the State Committee of the ARC on the protection and use of historical and cultural monuments.

Former monastery of Surb Stefanosa (6.5 km south of the city of Old Crimea), and the miniature church of the Twelve Apostles, which is part of the Middle Ages Fortress complex in Sudak. Of the 40 Armenian churches of the Cafa have been preserved a few so far. Among them - the Church of George-victorious - a tiny basilical structure, more significant in size of the temples of John the Forerunners and Archangels of Mikhail and Gabriel with a carved turret, decorated with the finest stone carvings. In Feodosia, Sudak and the Old Crimea and their surroundings have preserved Khachkars - ancient tombstones with the image of the cross.

In the old Crimea once a year, members of the Armenian community of Crimea, guests from Armenia and far abroad - up to 500 people are collected for the Holiday Exaltation of the Cross. At the festival, a service is being conducted in the temples, traditional rites are performed, national dishes are preparing.


The history of the appearance of Belarusians in the Crimea refers to the end of the XVIII century. Migrants of their Belarus arrived on the peninsula and in the XIX - XX centuries. Currently, in places of compact residence of Belarusians are the village of a wide Simferopol region and the village of Maryanovka of the Krasnogvardeysky district. A popular museum operates in the village, which has the ethnographic exposition according to the traditional and consumer culture of Belarusians, there are children's and adult folk groups. The traditional days of culture of the Republic of Belarus became traditional, in which not only the Belarusians of the Crimea are actively involved, but also professional performers from Belarus.


The culture of Bulgarians is of interest, the appearance of which in the Crimea refers to the beginning of the XIX century. According to traditional household culture, Bulgarians revealed 5 ethnographic objects that are of attention. They can serve as the preserved houses of the construction of the 80s. XIX century - The beginning of the XX century. In traditional architectural style and with traditional planning in the village of Kursk, Belogorsky district (former colony, Kislav) and PGT. Koktkbel, who played a significant role in the economic, socio-political, religious and cultural life, until 1944, the rich folklore heritage remains in the village of Zhelyabovka Nizhnegorsky district, folk holidays are organized, customs and rites are played.


In the field of view of the studies of the Crimean Ethnographic Museum, the Institute of Oriental Studies, the Greek Ethnic Group of Greeks falls (new time). These are descendants of migrants of various periods from mainland Greece and the islands of the archipelago of the late XVIII - the beginning of the XIX centuries.

One of the villages, which preserved the monuments of the traditional culture of the Greeks arriving in the Crimea after the Russian-Turkish War (1828-1829) from Rumelia (Eastern Frakia), is the village of Chernopol (former Karachol) of the Belogorsky District. The dwellings of the beginning of the 20th century are preserved here. Currently, the church was restored in the name of Saints Konstantin and Elena (built in 1913), the source of St. Constantine - "Holy Critique", where the Greeks come after liturgy for ablution and drinking. Enjoy the fame of the Greeks of Crimea and the Donetsk region of the Holy Holiday Panair, held annually by the Chernopolskaya community on June 3-4. Folk rites, traditions and customs, rich song folklore are preserved not only in families, but also in the folk team. In January 2000, an ethnographic house museum opened in the village of Chernopol.

In addition to the so-called "new Novogreic", many monuments characterizing various periods of Greek culture in the Crimea have been preserved in Crimea. Christian and Muslim necropolis XVI-XVII centuries were found in the Bakhchisarai district. Among the old-timers of the Greek population were Greek Christians (Rumea) and Turkic-speaking - Uruma, so the inscriptions on the tombstones are found in two languages. These invaluable monuments of history and culture, many of which are dated and retained ornamentation cause enormous interest among residents of the peninsula and researchers. Thus, the village of Bakhchisarai district is high, rich, gorge, browsing, multidiction, green with Christian and Muslim necropals, preserved housing XIX century. It may be allotted as ethnographic facilities that characterize the spiritual and material culture of the late-medieval population of the Crimea - Greeks.

For a long stay with representatives of other ethnic groups (Russians), there were mutual influence of cultures not only in the field of material, but also spiritual. It is known that the self-sizing of people of one of the branches in the Greek line - Bustry, which appeared due to a long joint residence of several ethnic groups. Such a mixture and assembling of crops are known in the village of Alekseevka Belogorsk District (the former village of Sartan). These objects require further study and special arrangement.

Many cult monuments of Christianity of the period of the Middle Ages and the New Time are associated with the culture of the Greeks. One of the interesting monuments of the culture of the Greek-Christian is the Assumption Monastery in the rocks under Bakhchisaram, the foundation of which belongs to the VII century. ad. The meaning of the monastery, as the patron of Christians, attracted many locals to the settlement around him. In the Middle Ages near the monastery there was a Greek settlement, where, according to legend, the inhabitants were the icon of God's Mother of Panagi. Nowadays, this object is attracted by many pilgrims, she has been held in it.

The total number of objects allocated for the culture of the Greeks - 13, geographically located in the Bakhchisarai and Belogorsk districts and the city of Simferopol (Greek trading rows, the former Church of Konstantin and Elena, Fountain A. Copup).


The history of the various peoples of the Crimea has been studied unevenly. Currently, the greatest interest of scientists attracts the history of Jewish communities on the peninsula, which appeared here from the first centuries of our era, as well as the history of Karaim and Crimekov, who came out of medieval Jewish communities and consider themselves independent ethnic groups.

After 1783, the numerous Jewish families of the Ashkenazian sense began to move in the Crimea (Jews-Ashkenazis accounted for about 95% of the number of Jews of the former USSR, that is, they were the descendants of the so-called German Jews). The emergence of numerous Ashkenazov jews on the peninsula was associated with its inclusion in 1804 as a stencil, i.e. Areas, where it was allowed to shave Jews. Throughout the XIX century. Commons in Kerch, Feodosia, Simferopol, Evpatoria, Sevastopol, as well as in rural areas appear. 1923-1924 The natural relocation of Jews in the Crimea, mainly from Belarus and the creation of Jewish agricultural colonies, mainly in the steppe of the peninsula. Interests may represent standard houses for the Jewish-immigrants built under the program of the American Jewish United Agronomic Corporation (Agrojoined) as the base for the creation of an open-air museum or ethnographic village.

Currently, tourist and excursant interests can cause the traditional activities of the Jewish urban population in the field of handicrafts (tailors, artists, jewelers, etc.), as well as the religious and spiritual life of the community. According to the degree of preserved objects (synagogues, residential buildings, schools), the city of Simferopol, Feodosia, Kerch, where to the beginning of the 20th century should be highlighted. lived a numerous community.

In Kerch, the buildings of several synagogues are preserved, the Ginzburg family house, in good condition and the former Jewish street (now Volodya Dubinin Street), located in the historic part of the city.


The interest among the tourists can also cause an ethnic group of Italians, which throughout the I half of the XIX century. Food in Feodosia and Kerch. The Kerch group of Italians was one of the numerous in the south of Russia, after the Italians of Odessa, was preserved largely in the 30s - 40th. XX century, and their descendants live in the city and now. The Kerch "Colony" was not a solid village, busy with the same Italians. They settled in the outskirts of Kerch, and at present the streets where they lived are part of the city. One of the preserved objects is the Roman Catholic Cathedral, built in the middle of the XIX century. And now acting. It is located in the historic part of the city. Interesting is the fact that in the Catholic Church of the Nuns, by the origin of Italian, was engaged in knitting elegant lace.


Great interest among tourists has a Karaim culture. In the XIX century The center of public and cultural life of Karaimov from Chufut-Kale moved to Evpatoria, there were communities and in other cities of the peninsula - in Bakhchisaraye, Kerch, Feodosia, Simferopol.

Ethnographic facilities can serve as preserved monuments in Evpatoria - the Kenass complex: Bolshaya Kenassa (construction of 1807), Small Kenassa (1815) and courtyards with arcades (XVIII - XIX centuries), a number of residential buildings with traditional architecture and layout (for example , House M. Shishman, the former cottage of Bobovich, a house with Armechelem P. 3. Duvana, etc.), Duvanovskaya Karai-Laddle, as well as a unique Karaite necropolis, who did not avoid losses in previous years.

The objects in Feodosia should be added to this list: the former cottage of Solomonov Kryma (built in 1914) and the building of the former cottage of Stamboli (1909-1914). In the first building, the Sanatorium "Sunrise" is now, and in the second - theeodosia city executive committee. In addition, a permanent exhibition on the culture of Karaimov is exhibited in the exhibition of the Feodosi Local Lore Museum.

In Simferopol, the building of Kenassa (1896, Perestroika 1934/1935) is preserved, where the editorial office of GTRK "Crimea" is currently located, as well as houses belonging to Karaimam in the historical part of Simferopol, the so-called. "Old city".

One of the masterpieces of the medieval architecture is the fortress and the cave city of Chufut-Kale, where many monuments on the history and culture of Karaimov (fortress, "Cave City" have been preserved (fortress, "Cave City", Kenassa, House A. Firkovich, Karaite Cemetery Banta TiMEZ). This complex on the culture of Karaimov is one of the promising ethnographic objects. Karaite society has a plan for its development. The Bakhchisarai Historical and Cultural Reserve is kept and the Collection of Culture Culture Chufut Calais and Bakhchisaraya is being established and exhibited. The number of cultural objects is more than 10, the main of which is "Chufut-Kale", is already used in tourist-sightseeing services.


The focus of Crimea culture in the XIX century. The Karasu Bazaar remained (Belogorsk; Crimea community appeared here from the XVI century). The city has been preserved. "Crimea Sloboda", which pretended on the left side of the Karasa River. In the XX century Gradually, the spiritual and cultural life of the Kramchak community moves to Simferopol, which remains such and now. From the preserved monuments should be remembered about the building of the former Crimea Kaal.

Crimean Tatars

The cultural objects should be attributed to ethnographic facilities in Crimean-Tatar culture. According to the religion of the Crimean Tatars - Muslims, we are confessing Islam; Their cult facilities are a mosque.

The influence of Turkish architecture on the architecture of the Crimea can be considered the structures of the famous Turkish architect Hadji-Sinana (the end of the XV - XVI centuries). This is a jum-jami mosque in Evpatoria, a mosque and baths in Feodosia. Juma-Jami's mosque is well preserved. A mighty tremendous rose over the one-story city quarters of the old part of the city. Mosque Khan Uzbek in the city of Old Crimea.

Interesting buildings are gravestone mausoleum-durbe. They are eight-marched or square in terms of dome overlap and crypt. As ethnographic facilities, such dups are allocated in the Bakhchisarai district.

Muslim architecture is called the Khan Palace in Bakhchisarai. In 1740-43 In the palace, a large Khan Mosque Khan-Jami was built. Two minaret are preserved, which are high thin towers with screw staircases inside and balconies upstairs. The Western Wall of the Mosque was painted by Iranian Master Omer. Now it is the exposure room of the Bakhchisarai Historical and Cultural Museum. A small palace mosque is one of the early buildings of the Palace (XVI century), built by the type of Christian temples. The latest restoration works were restored by the painting of the XVI - XVIII centuries.

The eski-shed mosque in the Simferopol district was built in the XV century. There is an assumption that there was a Khan Mint. The mosque is a square building, over which the dome is erected on the octagonal base. The mosque building passed to the Muslim community of Simferopol.

In 1989, he was transferred to the Muslim community with Kebir jami mosque in Simferopol. Building time - 1508g., Built in traditional Muslim architecture, repeatedly resumed. When the mosque was an educational institution - a madrasa, the building of which was also preserved in the city.

Of great interest is the Zindzhiryli-Madrasa, which is in the suburb of Bakhchisaraya - Starlae (formerly. Salachik). Madrasa was built in 1500 by Khan Mengly-Gipe. This is the work of early Crimean Tatar architecture. It is a reduced and simplified version of the Seld Madrasa in Asia Minor. Madrasa is the only surviving structure of this kind in the Crimea.

Old Tatar cemeteries with the burials of the XVIII - XIX centuries can also be attributed to ethnographic facilities for the culture of the Crimean Tatars., Save traditional tombstones with inscriptions and ornaments. Location - villages and inter-aided territory of the Bakhchisarai district.

Tourist interest is traditional (rural) Crimean Tatar architecture. Examples of housing, as well as public and economic buildings, have been preserved in almost all parts of the Crimea, having regional features (steppe, foothill and southern coast of Crimea). The greatest concentration of such ethnographic facilities falls on the city of Bakhchisarai, Bakhchisaray, Simferopol and Belogorsky districts, as well as the village of Alushta and Sudak City Council and the Old Crimea. A number of rural sites and cities are currently the meeting place for fellow villagers and the national holidays.

The revival of a certain specificity of objects, which was interested in tourists and travelers already in the XIX century, perhaps at the present time. For example, music and dances, where professional and folk groups will be involved. They can also be used in the dramatization of traditions, rites, holidays. At the end of the XIX and early XX centuries. The attention of holidaymakers attracted and widely used in excursion services, conductors and shepherds, which differed from other layers of the Crimean Tatars with vitality and even traditional clothing.

In total, in the Crimea, as the most preserved in places of good transport accessibility, with the base for further development currently, more than 30 facilities can be distinguished according to traditional Crimean culture.


The attention of tourists can attract the culture of Germans, which has been preserved in the Crimea in the form of architectural facilities - public and cult buildings, as well as traditional rural architecture. The most optimal way of acquaintance with the material and spiritual culture of the Germans is the immediate trips to the former German colonies based in 1804-1805. And throughout the XIX century. On the peninsula. The number of German colonies was numerously, they are mostly concentrated in the steppe part of the Crimea.

Currently, a number of villains (former colonies) have been identified, who played a significant role in the economic, socio-political, religious and cultural life of the Germans until 1941, first of all - this is the former colonies of Nezatz, Fredental and Rosenthal (now with. Krasnogorier, resort And the fragrant Belogorsky district), located at a short distance from each other and speakers as complex ethnographic facilities characterizing the traditional planning of villages, architecture (houses, estates, economic buildings).

The opportunity to get acquainted with the cult facilities - the building of the Catholic Church (built in 1867), in p. Aromatic - Currently given to the Russian Orthodox Church of the Crimean Diocese. Acquaintance with destroyed Kirychi in s. Krasnogorier can be carried out according to the materials of the State Archive of Crimea. The building was built in 1825, rebuilt in 1914, Kirch was named after the emperor Nicholas II, but in the 60s completely destroyed.

Among the preserved objects are the elementary school building and the Central School (built in 1876), as well as the old German cemeteries (XIX-XX centuries). These objects have good transport accessibility, the degree of preservation of monuments, but require further arrangement, setting monuments for accounting and interest from German societies, since the Germans do not live in villages. Among the objects in the countryside, a number of other villages can be distinguished in the countryside, for example, Alexandrovka and Lenin (former colony of Byuten) of the Krasnogvardeysky district, the golden field (Colony Zurichtal) of the Kirov district and Kolchugino (Colony of Kronenthal) of the Simferopol region. In objects on the culture of the Germans of the Crimea, it is also necessary to include cult structures, public buildings in cities, for example, Simferopol, Yalta, Sudak, (in the last place there are objects in C. Cozy Sudak City Council, that is, the territory of the former colony of Sudak, which was His specialization winery).

Currently, the number of ethnographic (in rural areas) and architectural objects allocated on the culture of Germans, more than 20.


Monuments of Russian culture in Crimea are almost all under the protection of the state and one way or another, included in various tourist routes. An example is the Palace of Count Vorontsov in Alupka, which is one of the most unique monuments of the architecture of the Russian period in the history of the Crimea (after signing Catherine II of Manifesto on the accession of the Crimea to Russia, there were many luxurious, fulfilled in the best traditions of the time of cultural monuments belonging to Russian and Russian Veliefs and nobility).

The Alupkinsky Palace is built on the project of the English architect E. Baber, but embodied the features of both classicism and romantic and gothic forms, as well as techniques of Mauritanian architecture. This structure could be attributed to polyethylene cultural monuments, but not always ethnicity is determined by the style of execution used by styles, techniques and even the accessories of the architect. The main feature that allocates this object is the Russian existence environment.

According to the same principle, the Livadia Palace, built in 1911, is attributed to the monuments of Russian culture. According to the project of the Yalta architect N. Krasnova, on the spot burnt in 1882. Palace. The building was built according to the latest technology: here and central heating, and elevator, and electric lighting. Fireplaces installed in the halls serve not only with decorative decoration, but can also give the halls of the palace. Traditional for Russian architecture XVII century. Forms determine the appearance of the Alexandrovsk Church in Yalta, also built by the architect Krasnov (1881).

In Sevastopol, many buildings completed in the tradition of the Russian-Byzantine style are preserved. Bright embodiment of this area - Vladimir Cathedral - Tomb of Admirals M.P. Lazareva, V.A. Kornilova, V.I. Istomy, P.S. Nakhimov (built in 1881 by architect K.A. Ton). Using forms and receptions of the clasics are built in the 50s. Xx in. Ansumps of residential buildings on Nakhimov Avenue. In the style of Russian classicism, a number of buildings were performed in Simferopol - the former suburban manor of Mühuzen's doctor (1811), a stable house Taranova-Belozerova (1825), Country House Vorontsov in Salgirka Park. All these buildings are protected by law and regulations of the Republican authorities about security, may be included in the list of ethnographic facilities in Russian culture.

The masterpieces of traditional rural Russian culture were identified in the process of studying the Simferopol region. This is the villages themselves based at the end of the XVIII century. Retired soldiers of the Russian Army - Mazanka, Kurtsy, Kamenka (Bogurcha). Among the first Russian settlements are also pos. Zuya, Belogorsk district, p. Cool (former Mangushi), Bakhchisaray district, pear (former Salay) of the Sudak City Council. In these settlements, the dwellings of the late XVIII - early XIX centuries have been preserved. (Mazanka, pear). Some of them are abandoned, but retained the elements of traditional architecture, internal layout. In some places, dugouts preceded by the Mazankam Soldiers' Housing.

Away from s. Mazanka has survived the old Russian cemetery with the burials of the beginning of the XIX century, in good preservation, the stone tombstones in the form of the St. George Cross, the inscriptions, ornamentics are viewed by places.

The cultic facilities of traditional architecture include the current Nikolsky churches: in Mazanka, Zew, Belogorsk, whose bookmark refers to the beginning - the middle of the XIX century.

The most significant objects include the Petropavlovsky Orthodox Cathedral, the Cathedral Holy Trinity Cathedral, the Church of the three saint in Simferopol. All these cult objects are valid. A number of Orthodox Cathedrals, Churches, Chapels are highlighted as ethographical objects in the districts of Big Yalta and Big Alushta. On the eastern tip of our peninsula, such an ethnographic object can be distinguished as the Old Believer village of Resort, Leninsky district (formerly. Mom Russian). A prayer house has been preserved here, the traditional shutders of the Old Believers, the customs and rites are fulfilled. In total, on ethnographic facilities reflecting Russian material and spiritual culture in the Crimea, 54 were allocated, including some facilities were noted as "East Slavic." This is explained by the fact that many so-called. Russian-Ukrainian, Russian-Belarusian families were determined in the category of Russian population.


To study the culture of the Ukrainian ethnos in the Crimea, the village of Novonikolayevka of the Leninsky District, which is also presented with an ethnography museum, which also presents the exposition of both East Slavic traditional material and spiritual culture, and the subject row on the Ukrainians of Crimea, the settlers of the XIX - early XX explosive The villages of the late XIX century are also preserved in the village., One of them is equipped with the "UkrSKA Kata" Museum (the initiative and ethnographic material of the local resident of Yu.A. Klimenko). The traditional interior is settled, household items are presented, furniture, many folk sketches are collected.

In terms of the national holidays, the execution of Ukrainian rites and rituals are interesting to migrate villages of the 50s. XX century Among them are a fire and aqueous Simferopol region (folk ensembles in traditional costumes are arranged suit at the topics of beliefs and traditions). The venue for the holidays is chosen "crying rock" - the monument of nature is not far from. Water

Among the ethnographic facilities identified during the research work of the employees of the Crimean Ethnographic Museum are both objects on the traditional culture of such small ethnic groups, as the French, Crimean Roma, Czechs and Estonians.

French people

The culture of the French is connected with a number of places on the peninsula. Undoubtedly identifying objects and their further use will be interested in tourists.

Crimean Gypsies

In the culture of Crimean Roma, you can reveal a number of interesting moments, for example, one of the groups of Chenggin (so called the Gypsies of the Crimean Tatars) in her own classes were the musicians who in the XIX century. played in the Crimean and Tatar weddings. Currently, Chenggin live compact in PGT. Oktyabrsky and PGT. Soviet.

Czechs and Estonians

In places of compact residence of Chekhov and Estonians are the steppe of the peninsula: Chekhov - with. Lobanovo (formerly with. Bohemka) of the Janka district and with. Alexandrovka of the Krasnogvardeisky district, and Estonians - Newestonia village, Krasnodarka (the former s. Kochoy-Shavva) of the Krasnogvardeisky district and with. Coastal (s. Zashruk) Bakhchisarai district. In all villages, traditional dwellings are preserved with a characteristic layout and elements of the decoration of the late XIX - early XX

Weekly tour, one-day hiking and excursions in combination with com forte (tracking) in the mountain resort Hajokhokh (Adygea, Krasnodar Territory). Tourists live on the turbase and attend numerous monuments of nature. RFABGO waterfalls, Lago-Naki Plateau, Mesh Gorge, Great Asian Cave, River Canyon, White, Guam Gorge.

We offer attention the readers of our site ethno-historical excursion Igor Dmitrievich Gurova, regarding the issue of the rights of one or another nationality on the Crimea Peninsula. The article was published in 1992 in a small monthly "Politics", published by the Deputy Group "Union". However, it still remains relevant, especially now, when during the period of an acute political crisis in Ukraine, the question of the broad autonomy of the Crimea is solved, just frozen in the same 1992.

Despite the fact that Kiev and some Moscow newspapers and telecasts proclaim the Crimean Peninsula's Crimean Tatars today, and the Russian Tauricians are depicted exclusively as invaders and invaders, the Crimea remains Russian.

Let us turn to real historical facts. In antiquity, the Crimea was settled by the tribes of the Kimmerians, then - Tavrov and Scythians. From the middle of the i-th millennium BC. e. On the coast of Tavria, Greek colonies arise. In the early Middle Ages Scythians, german-speaking goths are replaced (later mixed with the Greeks in the chronicle "Grechan-Gotfin") and Iranian-speaking Alans (related to modern Ossetians). At the same time they penetrate here and Slavs. Already in one of the Bosporological inscriptions of the V century, the word "ant", which, as is known, the Byzantine authors called Slavs, who lived between Dnipro and Dniester. And at the very end of the VIII century, a campaign in the Crimea of \u200b\u200bNovgorod Prince Briverlin is described in detail in the "Life of Stefan Surozhsky", after which the active Slavic of the Eastern Crimea begins.

Arabic sources of the IX century report about one of the centers of ancient Russia - Arsania, in the opinion of the majority of scientists, in the territory of the Priazia, East Crimea and the North Caucasus. It is t. N. Azov, or Chernomorskaya (Datmutarakan) Rus, which was the supporting base for hiking of Russian budgets in the 2nd half of the 9th and early x centuries. On the low-apia coast of the Black Sea. Moreover, the Byzantine historian Lev Deacon in the story of the retreat of Prince Igor after his unsuccessful campaign on Byzantium in 941, he speaks of the Bosporus Kimmerian (East Crimea) as the "Rodin of the Russians".

In the 2nd half of the IX century. (After the campaign of Prince Svyatoslav and defeated them in the 965 Khazar Kaganata), Azov Rus finally entered the scope of the political influence of Kievan Rus. Later here was formed the Tamutarakan principality. Under 980, the son of the Grand Duke Vladimir Saint - Mstislav Khrave is first mentioned in the "Tale of Bygone Years" for the first time; There is also reported that the father endowed the Mstislava of the Tamutarakan Earth (which he had herself to his very death in 1036).

The influence of Russia and in Western Taurida is strengthened, especially after Prince Vladimir in 988 as a result of a 6-month siege took the city of Chersonese and accepted baptism there.

Polovkoy invasion at the end of the XI century weakened Russian princes in Tavrid. The last time in the Chronicles of the Tamutarakan is mentioned under 1094, when the prince of Oleg Svyatoslavovich ruled here (who worn the official title "Archont Matrah, Zikhi and the whole Khazaria") in the Union and Polovtsy came to Chernigov. And at the beginning of the HSh century, the lands of the former Damutarakan principality became the easiest mining of enterprising Genoesers.

In 1223, Mongols make the first raid on Tarakik, and by the end of the XIII century, after the defeat of the Kirkel principality created by the Hellenized Alans, the city of Crimea became the administrative center of the region (now - the old Crimea), from 1266, became the place of stay of Mongol-Tatar Khan .

After the fourth crusade (1202-1204), who ended with the defeat of the Tsargrad, first, Venice, and then (from 1261), Genoa get the opportunity to establish themselves in the Northern Black Sea region. In 1266, the Genoese bought from the Golden Horde of Cafu (Feodosius) and then continued to expand their possessions.

The ethnic composition of the population of the Crimea during this period was quite a militant. In the XIII-XV centuries. The Greeks, Armenians, Russians, Tatars, Hungars, Circassians ("Zihi") and Jews lived in the cafe. In the charter, the chart of 1316 is mentioned about Russian, Armenian and Greek churches located in the trading part of the city, along with the Catholic temples and Tatar mosque. In the 2nd half of the XV century. It was one of the largest cities in Europe with a population of up to 70 thousand people. (Of these, the Genuses amounted to only about 2 thousand people.). In 1365, the Genoese, having enlisted with the support of the Goldenopa Khanov (which they gave huge cash loans and delivered mercenaries), captured the largest Crimean city of Surezh (Sudak), inhabited mainly by Greek and Russian merchants and artisans and supported close ties with the Moscow State.

From Russian documents XV century. It is also known about the close contacts located in the southwest of the Crimea of \u200b\u200bthe Orthodox Principality of Feodoro (another name - the Mangup Principality), which arose on the ruins of the Byzantine Empire, with the Moscow State. For example, the Russian chronicle mentions Prince Stefan Vasilyevich Khovra, who emigrated to Moscow along with one of the sons in 1403. Here he accepted monasticism under the name Simon, and his son Grigory founded the monastery, named after Father Simonov. Another son - Alexey - at that time he managed the Principality of Feodoro. From his grandson - Vladimir Grigorievich Hovrina - there were well-known Russian childbirth - heads, Tretyakov, dirty and others. Communication between Moscow and the Feodoro was so close that the Grand Duke Moscow Ivan III was about to marry his son on the daughter of the Fodorite Prince Isaac (Isaico), but This idea failed to carry out due to the defeat of the principality of Feodoro Turks.

In 1447, the first attack of the Turkish fleet on the shores of the Crimea took place. Capturing Cafu in 1475, the Turks disarmed all its population, and then, according to the testimony of an anonymous Tuscan author, "7 and 8 June, all Valahs, Poles, Russians, Georgians, Zihi and all sorts of other Christian nations, except Latinians, were grasped, deprived Clothes and part sold into slavery, part of the chain ". "Turkova, the Cafu and Guests of Moscow are a lot of beaches, and other Podimash, and other, whipping, at the Okup Davash," Russian chronicles report.

After approving his power over the Crimea, the Turks included the previous Genoese and Greek signs that they began to populate their tribesmen - Anatolian Turks-Osmans in the composition of the Sultan Land. The remaining areas of the peninsula moved to predominantly steppe Crimean Khanate, which was in vassal dependence on Turkey.

It is from the Anatolian Turkish Osmanov lead their origin that "South Coast Crimean-Tatars", which identified the ethnic line of modern Crimean Tatars - that is, their culture and literary language. The subordinate Turkey, Crimean Khanate in 1557, was replenished with representatives of the Small Nogai Horde, which had revealed in the Black Sea and the Steppen Crimea from the Volga and Caspian. Crimean and Nogai Tatars lived exclusively by nomadic cattle and robbery raids on neighboring states. The Crimean Tatars themselves spoke in the XVII century. Messengers of the Turkish Sultan: "But here there are more than 100 thousand Tatars who do not have any agriculture, nor trade. If they do not make raids, then what will they become? This is our service of Padyshah." Therefore, twice a year they made raids to capture slaves and robbery. For example, for 25 years of the Livonian War (1558-1583), the Crimean Tatars made 21 raids on Velikorvsky regions. Even more suffered worse than the protected Little Russian lands. From 1605 to 1644 Tatars committed at least 75 raids on them. In 1620-1621. They managed to ruin even the distant Prussian Duchy.

All this forced Russia to take retaliatory measures and fight for the elimination of this permanent focus of aggression in his south. However, it was possible to solve this problem only in the 2nd half of the XVIII century. During the Russian-Turkish War, 1769-1774. Russian troops mastered the Crimea. Fearing response religious pogroms, most of the indigenous Christian population (Greeks and Armenians) on the proposal of Catherine II moved to the Mariupol district and Nakhichevan Rostov. In 1783, Crimea was finally attached to Russia and in 1784 became part of the newly formed Tauridic province. Up to 80 thousand Tatars did not want to remain in Russian Taurid and emigrated to Turkey. In their place, Russia began to attract alien colonists: the Greeks (from Turkish possessions), Armenians, Corsicans, Germans, Bulgarians, Estonians, Czechs, etc. In the mass number of Velikorsosa and Malororsius were moved here.

Another emigration of Tatars and Nogai from Crimea and the Northern Black Sea region (up to 150 thousand people) occurred during the Crimean War of 1853-1856, when many Tatar Murza and Bai supported Turkey.

By 1897, significant shifts in the ethnic composition of the population of Taurida were outlined: the Tatars were only about 1/3 of the population of the peninsula, while Russians are over 45 percent. (Of these, 3/4 believers and 1/4 are Malorus), the Germans are 5.8 percent., Jews are 4.7 percent., Greeks - 3.1 percent., Armenians - 1.5 percent. etc.

After the February Revolution of 1917, the Nationalist Protective Party of the "Mill Firk" ("National Party") originated in the Crimean Tatar environment. In turn, the Bolsheviks conducted the Congress of Soviets and March 1918. The creation of the SSR Tavrida was proclaimed. The peninsula was then occupied by the Germans, and the power received the MilliFirkov directory.

At the end of April 1919, the Crimean Soviet Republic was created here, but in June it was eliminated by the units of General Denikin's volunteer army.

From this time, Russian Tavrid has become the main base of the white movement. Only by November 16, 1920, Crimea again captured the Bolsheviks, knocking out the Russian army of General Wrangel from the peninsula. At the same time, the Crimean Revolutionary Committee was formed (Krymvsky) under the leadership of the "internationalists" of Bella Kun and Rosalia countrymen. According to their instructions in Crimea, a bloody russeau was organized in the Crimea, during which the "fiery revolutionaries" destroyed for some information to 60 thousand Russian officers and soldiers of the White Army.

On October 18, 1921, VTCIK and SNK published a decree on the formation of the Crimean ASSR as part of the RSFSR. At this time, 625 thousand people lived in the Crimea, of which the Russians were 321.6 thousand, or 51.5% (including Velikorsosa - 274.9 thousand, Malorossa - 45.7 thousand, Belarusians - 1 thousand .), Tatars (including Turks and part of the Gypsy) - 164.2 thousand (25.9%), other nationalities (Germans, Greeks, Bulgarians, Jews, Armenians) - St. 22%.

From the beginning of the 1920s, in the spirit of the Bolshevik-Lenin National Policy, WCP organizations (b) began to actively carry out a course on the Turkization of the Crimea. So, in 1922, 355 schools were opened for the Crimean Tatars, and universities were created with teaching in the Crimean Tatar language. At the posts of the chairmen of the Crimean CEC and SNK, the Crimean ASSR were appointed by Tatars - led Ibraimov and Deren-Ayerly, who conducted a nationalist policy, covered with communist phraseology. Only in 1928 they were removed from posts, but not for nationalism, but for contact with Trotskyists.

By 1929, as a result of the Campaign on the Criminal Proceedings, their number increased from 143 to 427. At the same time, the number of national village councils was almost tripled (such councils or areas were considered in which the majority of the national population was 60%). A total of 145 Tatar village councils were formed, 45 German, 14 Jewish, 7 Greek, 5 Bulgarian, 2 Armenian, 2 Estonian and only 20 Russians (since the Russians in this period were held on the category of "great-maintained chauvinists", with administrative dressing was considered normal to give an advantage to others nationalities). Special courses in the preparation of national personnel in government agencies were created. The campaign for the transfer of office work and communals for "national" languages \u200b\u200bhas unfolded. At the same time, the "antireligious struggle" - including against Orthodoxy and Islam, continued and intensified.

In the prewar years, there is a significant increase in the population (from 714 thousand in 1926 to 1126429 people. In 1939). At the national composition, the population was distributed in 1939. So: Russians - 558481 people (49.58%), Ukrainians, 154120 (13.68%), Tatars - 218179 (19.7%), Germans 65452 (5.81%) , Jews - 52093 (4.62%.), Greeks - 20652 (1.83%), Bulgarians - 15353 (1.36%), Armenians - 12873 (1.14%), Others - 29276 (2.6% ).

Hitlerovtsy, taking the Crimea in the fall of 1941, skillfully played on the religious feelings of the Tatars, their discontent with the military atheism of the Bolsheviks. The Nazis was convened in Simferopol a Muslim congress, at which the Crimean Government was formed (Tatar Committee) led by Khan Bellyal Asanov. During 1941-1942 They were formed by the 10 Crimean-Tatar battalions of the SS, who, together with the police officers of self-defense (created in 203 Tatar settlements), had over 20 thousand people. Although among the partisans were and, Tatars are about 600 people. In punisitive operations with the participation of the Crimean-Tatar parts, 86 thousand civilians of Crimea and 47 thousand prisoners of war were exterminated, about 85 thousand people were grieved in Germany.

However, the measures of retaliation for crimes committed by the Crimean-Tatar punishers were distributed by the Stalinist leadership to the entire Crimean-Tatar ethnic group and a number of other Crimean peoples. 11th 1944 The State Committee for Defense of the USSR adopted a decree on which 191088 Tatars, 296 Germans were resettled from the Crimea in Central Asia for 18-19, 32 Romanians and 21Avustic. On June 2, 1944, another State Resolution was followed, in which 15040 Greeks were evicted from the Crimea on June 27 and 28, 12422 Bulgarians and 9621 Armenians. At the same time, foreign subjects living in Crimea were sent in Crimea: 1119 Germans, Italians and Romanians, 3531 Greeks, 105 Turks and 16 Iranians.

In July 1945, the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces, the Crimean ASSR was transformed into the Crimean Region as part of the RSFSR, and on February 19, 1954, N. S. Khrushchev presented the Crimea Radyan Ukraine, obviously, in memory of his many years of secret education in KP (b) .

With the onset of "Perestroika" Moscow and Kiev media began to portray Tatars the only "indigenous" residents of the peninsula, its "original" hosts. Why? The "Organization of the Crimean-Tatar National Movement" announced not only the return of up to 350 thousand Tatars - natives of Solar Uzbekistan and other Central Asian republics in the Crimea, but also the creation of a "national state" there. To achieve this goal, they were conveted in July 1991. Kurultay and elected "Majlis" from 33 people on it. The actions of the OKDE, headed by Yarym Turkophil Mustafa Jamilev, were excited by the Kiev "Rukhovsky" and the formeristic leadership, acting on the principle of "good all who against the swirl moskales." But why did Jamilev need to create his "National State" in the Crimea?

Of course, the thirst for revenge is clear from the Tatar New Selers offended by Stalin. But nevertheless, the gentlemen of OKCA, so diligently calling for the soul mates, should be remembered about their Anatolian and Nogan origin: after all, their true praodine is Turkey, the South Altai and the hot stupies of Sinjiang.

And if you create some "national states" in Tavrid, then you will have to satisfy the aspirations and gigorons, and Ukrainians, caraims, and the Greeks, and all other indigenous inhabitants of the peninsula. The only real perspective for the Crimea is the peaceful coexistence of ethnic groups living here. To share the population for "indigenous" and Russian - the task is insolvent historically and dangerous politically.

Igor Gurov
Newspaper "Politics", 1992, № 5

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Ancient peoples of Crimea

In the days of the Jurassic period of the Earth, when there was no man yet, the northern outskirts of Sushi was located on the site of the mountain Crimea. Where the Crimean and South Ukrainian steppes are spread now, the huge sea poured. The type of land gradually changed. The bottom of the sea was rising, and where there were sea bumps, the islands appeared, the continents were put forward. In other places, the island of the mainland descended, and their place was occupied by the boundless marine surface. Huge cracks split the mainland boulders, reached the molten subsoil of the Earth, and the giant lava flows were poured onto the surface. The peys of the ashes of the multi-meter thicker was put in the coastal strip of the sea ... The history of the Crimea has similar stages.

Crimea in conservation

By the place where the Balaklava's Balaclava is stretched now, a huge crack took place at one time. Everything that was located south of her was plunged into the bottom of the sea, which was north, rose. Where there were sea depths, a low shore appeared, where there was a coastal strip - the mountains rose. And from the fracture itself, huge pillars of fire in the flows of molten rocks were broken.

The history of the formation of the Relief of the Crimea continued when the volcanic eruption was over, the earthquakes were silent and plants appeared on the emerging of the depths of land. If you carefully look at, for example, the Kara-Dag breeds can be noted that this mountain massif is permeated by cracks, here the part is rare minerals.

For years, the Black Sea has crossed the coastal rocks and threw their fragments ashore and today on the beaches we walk along the smooth pebbles, we have green and pink jashers, translucent chalcedones, brown pebbles with calcite, snow-white quartz and quartzite debris. Sometimes you can also meet pebbles that were previously molten lava, they are brown, as if filled with bubbles - voids or embosses of milk-white quartz.

So today each of us can independently plunge into this distant historical past Crimea and even touch his stone and mineral witnesses.

Prehistoric period


The oldest traces of habitat the hominid on the territory of the Crimea belong to the middle Paleolithic - this is the parking lot of Neanderthals in the cave of Kikoba.


According to the hypothesis of Ryan-Pitmen, up to 6 thousand BC. The territory of Crimea was not a peninsula, and was a fragment of a larger array of sushi, which included, in particular, the territory of the modern Azov seaf. About 5500 thousand BC, as a result of a breakthrough of the Mediterranean Sea and the Education of the Bosporge Strait, a fairly short period was flooded with significant territories, and the Crimean Peninsula was formed.

Neolithic and Eneith

In 4-3 thousand BC. Through the territory north of the Crimea, migrations were migrated to the west of tribes, allegedly carriers of Indo-European languages. In 3 thousand BC. In the territory of Crimea existed Kemi-Obneysk culture.

Nomadic peoples of the Northern Black Sea region I Millennium BC.

At the end of the II thousand BC. From the Indo-European Community, the Kimmerians tribe. This is the first people who lived in the territory of Ukraine, which is mentioned in written sources - "Odyssey" of Homer. The greatest and most reliably told about the Kimmerians Greek historian V c. BC. Herodotus.

Monument to Herodota in Galicarnassa

Mention of them are also found in Assyrian sources. The Assyrian name "Kimmya" means "giants". According to another version with the ancient, the "moving equestrian detachment".


There are three versions of the origin of the Kimmerians. The first is the Ancient Genuine People who came on the land of Ukraine through the Caucasus. The second - the Kimmerians appeared due to the gradual historical development of Prauran steppe culture, and their praodine was the lower voltage. The third-inamers were the local population.

Archaeologists find real monuments of Kimmerians in the Northern Black Sea region, in the North Caucasus, in the Volga region, at the bottom of the Dniester and the Danube. Kimmerians were Iranian-speaking.

Early kimmerians led a settling lifestyle. Later, due to the onset of a arid climate, they became a nomadic people and bred mainly horses, which were led to riding.

The tribes of the Kimmerians were combined into large unions of the tribes, who headed the king of the leader.

They had a big army. It consisted of moving riders' riders armed with steel and iron swords and daggers, onions and arrows, molds and bulbs. Kimmerians fought with the kings of Lydia, Urartu and Assyria.

Kimmerian warriors

The settlements of the Kimmerians were temporary, mainly-inlays, wintering workers. But they had their forge and blacksmiths, which made iron and steel swords and daggers, the best at that time in the ancient world. They themselves did not produce metal, they used iron, mined satellites or Caucasian tribes. Their masters were made by horses lunches, arrows tips, decorations. They had a high level of development of ceramic production. Especially good were Cups with a ground surface decorated with a geometric ornament.

Kimmerians knew how to handle bones perfectly. They were very beautiful decorations made of semi-precious stones. Preserved to this day are made by Kimmerians stone grave plates with the image of people.

Cymmerians lived by patriarchal births, which consisted of families. Gradually, they allocate military to know. This largely contributed to the robber wars. Their main goal was the robbery of neighboring tribes and peoples.

Religious representations of the Kimmerians are known for the materials of the burial. Noble people buried in large mounds. There were male and female burials. In male burials put daggers, bridles, set of tips for arrows, stone bars, sacrificial food, horse. In female burials put gold and bronze rings, glass and gold necklace, clay dishes.

Archaeological finds show that the Kimmerians had ties with the tribes of the Azov region, Western Siberia and the Caucasus. Among art products found women's decorations, decorated with weapons, stone steles without an image of the head, but with a carefully reflected dagger and quiver with arrows.

Along with the Cimmerians, the central part of the Ukrainian forest-steppe occupied the descendants of the Belogrudovsk culture of the bronze era, carriers of the Blacks and Culture, which are considered the ancestors of the Eastern Slavs. The main source of study of the life of Chornolysiv has settlements. Found both ordinary villages with 6-10 housing and fortified settlements. A line of 12 settlements built on the border with the steppe defended Chornolyviv from the attacks of Nomidiv. They were located on closed nature sites. The fortifications surrounded the shaft on which a wall of wooden log cabins was built. The Chernolessskaya fortification, the southern arbitrariness, defended three lines of shafts and pvv. During the attacks behind their walls, the residents of neighboring settlements were defended.

The basis of the farm Chornolyvziv was arable farming and native cattle breeding.

An outstanding level of development has reached a metalworking craft. Iron used primarily on the production of weapons. At the Satobrovsky fortification, the largest sword was found in the then Europe with a steel blade of a total length of 108 cm.

The need for a constant anti-attack attacks forced Chornolyviv to create a walking army and Connection. In the burials found a lot of konsky sabs and even the skeleton of the horse, laid next to the dead man. The findings of archaeologists showed the existence of the Kimmerian day in the forest-steppe, a fairly powerful association of Praslavan-farmers, which for a long time opposed the threat from the steppe.

The life and development of the Kimmerian tribes were interrupted at the beginning of the VII century. BC. The invasion of the Scythian tribes, with whom the next stage of the ancient history of Ukraine is associated.

2. Taurry

Almost simultaneously with the Kimmerians in the southern part of Crimea, the indigenous population lived - Tavra (from the Greek word "Tavros" - tour). The name of the Crimean Peninsula -tavrid, introduced by the royal government after the accession of the Crimea, which was introduced by the royal government after the accession of the Crimea to Russia, was also told by Herodota's ancient Greek historian in his book "History" said that the brains on the mountain plateau were engaged in cattle breeding, in the valleys of the rivers-go rivers, and on the Black Sea coast - fisheries . They also engaged in the crafts - were skillful potters, they knew how to spin, handle stone, tree, bones, horns, and metals.

From the second half of the first millennium BC. In Tavrov, like other tribes, the property inequality appeared, generic aristocracy was formed. Around its settlements, the brass struggled. Together with neighbors - Scythians fought against the Greek city-state of Chersonesos, who captured their lands.

Modern ruins of Chersonese

The further fate of the brass was tragic: first - in II century. BC. - They were conquered by the Pontic King Mithridate VI Evpator, and in the second half of I century. BC. captured the Roman troops.

In the Middle Ages, the brands were exterminated or assimilated by the Tatars who won the Crimea. The original culture of Tavrov was lost.

Great Scythia. Antique cities-states in the Northern Black Sea


From VII century to the III century. BC. The horror of the tribes and states of Eastern Europe and the Middle East have shown the Scythian tribes that came from the depths of Asia and invaded the Northern Black Sea region.

Scythians won a huge territory between Don, Danube and Dnipro, part of the Crimea (territory of modern South and South-Eastern Ukraine), forming Scythia state there. Consuten than the characteristic and description of life and life of Scythians left Herodotus.

In V c. BC. He personally visited Scythia and described it. Scythians were descendants of Indo-European tribes. They had their mythology, ritual, worshiped the gods and mountains, brought them a blood sacrifice.

Herodota highlighted the following groups among the Scythians: Tsarist Scythians who lived in the lower reaches of the Dnieper and Don and were considered the top of the Union of the tribes; Scythians-pahares who lived between Dnipro and Dniester (historians believe that it was defeated by Scythians descendants of Chernolessian culture); Scythians-farmers who lived in the forest-steppe zone, and sociophy-nomads who settled in the steppes of the Black Sea region. Among the tribes called the tribes, the tribes of the royal Scythians and Scythians called the tribes. They dominated all other tribes.

Scythian Tsar and Warlought

At the end of the VI century. BC. In the Black Sea Steppes, a powerful state association, headed by Scythians, is formed - large Scythia, which included the local population of steppe and forest-steppe regions (chip). Great Scythia, according to Herodoto, was divided into three kingdoms; One of them was headed by the main king, and the other two are the youngest kings (probably the sons of the main thing).

The Scythian state is the first political association at the Yuget Eau's Early Iron Age (the Scythian Center in the V-III V.D. N. EF. Was the Kamensky settlement near Nikopol). Scythia was divided into the county (nomes), which were ruled by leaders appointed by Scythian kings.

The highest lifting has reached Scythia in the IV century. BC. It is connected with the name of Tsar Athey. Athei's authorities extended to huge territories from the Danube to Don. This king minted his own coin. The power of Scythia did not shake even after the defeat of the Macedonian Tsar Philip II (Father Alexandra Macedonsky).

Philip II in the campaign

The state of Scythians remained powerful and after the death of a 90-year-old atheya in 339 BC. However, at the border of the IV-III centuries. BC. Scythia comes in decline. At the end of the III century. BC. Great Scythia under Natius Sarmatov ceases to exist. Part of the Scythian population moved to the south and created two small Scythias. One, which was called the Scythian Kingdom (III century BC - III V.N.) with the capital in Naples Scythian in the Crimea, another - in the lower current of the Dnieper.

Scythian society consisted of three main layers: warriors, priests, ordinary communities (farmers and cattle breeders. Each of the layers led their origin from one of the sons of the first term and had its own sacred attribute. For warriors it was an ax, for priests - a bowl, for communities - Plow Sigom. Herodotus said that seven gods were used by the Scythians; they were considered the progenitors of people and the creators of everything on Earth.

Written sources and archaeological materials indicate that the basis of the Scythian production was a cattle breeding, since it gave almost everything necessary for life - horses, meat, milk, wool and felt for clothing. The agricultural population of Scythia grown wheat, millet, cannabis, etc., and bread sowed not only for themselves, but also for sale. The farmers lived in settlements (townships), which were located on the banks of the rivers and were strengthened with Rips and shafts.

Decline, and then - the disintegration of Scythia was caused by a number of factors: worsening climatic conditions, drying steppes, decay of economic resources of forest-steppes. In addition, in the III-I centuries. BC. A significant part of Scythia conquered Sarmati.

Modern researchers believe that the first sprouts of statehood on the territory of Ukraine appeared precisely in Scythian times. Scythians created an original culture. In art dominated the so-called. "Warming" style.

Monuments of the Scythian era of the mounds are widely known: Soloha and Gaimanova graves on Zaporizhia, fat grave and throat in the Dnipropetrovsk, Kul-both and others found the royal decorations (golden pectoral), weapons, etc. found.

FROM kiwa Golden Pectoral and Sheath With Tolstoy Grave

Silver amphora. Kurgan Chertomlyk

Chairman of Dionysus.

Kurgan Chertomlyk

Gold scallop. Kurgan Solok

Interesting to know

Herodotus described the burial rite of the Scythian king: before buried his king of the Holy Territory - Herra (Dnieper, at the level of the Dnieper thresholds), -Sequifa took his dismissed body on all Scythian tribes, where a rite of memory was made over him. In Herra, Body was buried in a spacious tomb with his wife, the closest servants, horses, etc. At the king put golden things, precious decorations. Huge mounds embanked over the tombs - the more significant the king, the higher the Kurgan. This indicates a property bundle in Scythians.

4. War of Scythians with the Persian king give

Scythians were militant people. They actively intervened in conflicts between the states of the anterior Asia (the struggle of the Scythians with the Persian king gives, etc.).

At about 514-512 to AD. Scythians decided to conquer the Persian king Darius I. By collecting a huge army, he crossed the flood bridge through the Danube and moved deep into the Great Scythia. Daria I army, as Herodota claimed, had 700 thousand soldiers, however, as this figure is exaggerated several times. Scythian army is probably about 150 thousand fighters. According to the planar commanders plan, their army avoided open battle with the Persians and, gradually leaving, lured the enemy into the depths of the country, destroying the wells and pastures on him. Currently, the Scythians planned to collect forces and defeat weakened Persians. This "Scythian tactic", as they called later, turned out to be successful.

In the darius camp

Darius built a camp on the bank of the Azov Sea. Overcoming huge distances, the Persian army tried in vain to find the enemy. When Scythians decided that the forces of Persians were undermined, they began to act decisively. On the eve of the decisive battle of Scythians, they sent the king of Persians strange gifts: bird, mouse, frog and five arrows. The content of the Scythian Dara Giving His adviser to interpreted like this: "If the Persians, you will not become birds and do not fly high into the sky, or mice and do not work in the ground, either frogs and do not jump into the swamps, then you will not return to yourself, You will lose these arrows. " It is not known what Darius I thought, despite these gifts and on the Scythians, which built detachments into battle. However, at night, leaving the wounded in the camp, which could support fires, he ran with the remnants of his army.


Tsar Savromatov, who lived in the VI century BC. e., mentions in his books father Herodotus history. By combining the Scythian army, Skopasis defeated Persian troops under the command of Darius I, who came to the northern shores of Meotyda. Herodotus writes that it was Schopasis who regularly forced Darius to retreat to Tanais and did not give him to invade the Great Scythia.

So shamefully ended the attempt of one of the most powerful owners of the then world to conquer the Great Scythia. Thanks to the victory over the Persian army, which was considered the strongest, the Scythians won the glory of invincible warriors.

5. Sarmaty

During III century. BC. - III century. AD In the Northern Black Sea region, Sarmati dominated, who came from the Volga-Narral steppes.

Ukrainian lands in the III-I centuries. BC.

As these tribes called themselves, we do not know. The Greeks and the Romans called them Sarmatians, which is translated from the ancient warrant as "Own a sword". Aerodot argued that the ancestors of Sarmatov lived east of the Scythians behind the Tanais River (Don). He also told the legend that Sarmatians lead their pedigree from the Amazons, which were taken by Scythian boys. However, they could not well master the language of men and therefore Sarmatians talk to a spoiled Scythian language. Part of the truth in the statements of the "Father of History" are: Sarmatians, as well as Scythians belonged to an Iranian-speaking group of peoples, and they had a very high status of women.

The settlement of the Black Sea Stete Sarmatians was not peaceful. They destroyed the remains of the Scythian population and turned most of their country to the desert. Subsequently, in the territory of Sarmatia, as these lands called Romans, several Sarmatian tribal associations appear - arses, sirackes, roksolanes, languages, Alans.

Settling in the Ukrainian steppes, Sarmat began to attack the neighboring Roman provinces, ancient cities-states and settlements of agriculture-glorust, Lviv, Zarubinets culture, forest-steppe. Evidence of the attacks on Praslavan became numerous findings of the tips of Sarmatian arrows during the excavations of the trees of Zarubinetskikh settlements.

Sarmatian rider

Sarmatians were nomads. The necessary products of agriculture and handicraft products they received from the settled neighbors of the method, tribute and the usual robbery. The basis of such relations was the military advantage of nomads.

Of great importance in the life of Sarmatov had wars for grazing prey.

Outfit Sarmatian warriors

No Sarmatian settlement by archaeologists was found. The only monuments that they left are mounds. Among the excavated Kurgans there are many female graves. They found magnificent samples of jewelry made in the "animal" style. The indispensable affiliation of male graves is weapon and horse equipment.

Fibula. Nagaychinskiy Kurgan. Crimea

At the beginning of our era of the dominion of Sarmatov in the Black Sea region reached the highest point. Sarmatization of Greek cities - states, the current time of the Sarmatian dynasty rules by the Bosporian kingdom.

They, like Scythians, existed private property on cattle was the main wealth and main means of production. The labor of slaves played a significant role in the economy of Sarmatov, in which they turned captured during the continuous wars of the prisoners. However, the tribal system of Sarmatov was held pretty steadfast.

The nomadic lifestyle of Sarmatians and trade relations with many nations (China, India, Iran, Egypt) contributed to the spread of various cultural influences among them. Their culture combined elements of the culture of the East, ancient South and the West.

From the middle of the III century. AD Sarmatians lose its leading position in the Black Sea steppes. At this time, people from Northern Europe appeared here - Goths. Together with local tribes, among which were Alans (one of the Sarmatian communities), Goths made devastating attacks on the cities of the Northern Black Sea region.

Genoese in Crimea

At the beginning of the XIII century, after as a result of the fourth crusade (1202-1204), the crusaders captured Constantinople, the opportunity to freely penetrate the Black Sea received an active part in the organization of the Venetzian campaign.

Sturm Constantinople

Already in the middle of the XIII century. They regularly visited Soldia (modern Sudak), settled in this city. It is known that uncle of the famous traveler Marco Polo, Maffeo Polo, owned home in Soldier.

Fortress of Sudak

In 1261, the emperor Mikhail Paleologist frees Constantinople from the Crusaders. This was promoted by the Republic of Genoa. The Genoese receives the monopoly goal of navigation in the Black Sea. In the middle of the XIII century. The Genoese won in the six-year-old war of Venetsians. It was the beginning of the two-year stay of the Genoesers in the Crimea.

In the 1960s of the XIII century, Genoa is justified in Caffe (modern Feodosia), which becomes the largest port and shopping center in the Black Sea region.


Gradually, the genes expand their possessions. In 1357, Cagebalo (Balaclava) was captured, in 1365 - South (Sudak). In the second half of the XIV century. Captured the southern coast of the Crimea, so on. "Captimity of Gosti", which was previously part of the Principality of Feodoro - Lupiko (Alupka), Muzahori (Mishor), Yalita (Yalta), Nikita, Gorzovium (Gurzuf), Partenit, Lusta (Alushta). In total, about 40 Italian colonies in the Caucasus came in the Caucasus. The main activity of the genuses in the Crimea - trade, including the slave trade. Cafe in the XIV - XV centuries. Was the largest slave market on the Black Sea. More than a thousand slaves were sold annually on the Kafinsky market, and the permanent slave population of Kafa reached five hundred people.

At the same time, by the middle of the XIII century, there is a huge empire of the Mongols, formed as a result of the conquest trips of Genghis Khan and his descendants. The ownership of Mongols extended from the Pacific coast to the steppes of the Northern Black Sea region.

Cafe is actively developing at the same time. However, its existence was interrupted in 1308 by the troops of the Golden Town Khan Tachta. The Genoese managed to run by the sea, but the city and the marina were burned down. Only after the new Khan Uzbek reigned in the Golden Horde (1312-1342), the Genoese again appeared on the shores of the Feodosi Bay. By the beginning of the XV century. A new political situation is developing in Tavric. At this time, it is finally weakened and begins to fall apart on the part of the Golden Horde. The Genoese ceases to consider themselves to be Vassal Tatars. But by their new opponents, the princess of the Feodoro, who claimed the coastal Gothia and Chamblock, as well as the descendant of Genghis Khan Hadji-Gury, who sought to create an independent Tatar state in the Crimea.

The struggle of Genoa and Feodoro for the gothium lasted with breaks almost the first half of the XV century, and the Feodorites supported the Hadzhi. The largest military collision between opposing parties occurred in 1433-1434.

Haji Gire

At the approaches to Salthat, the Genuses were unexpectedly attacked by the Tatar Connections of Hadji-Gurya and the short battle was defeated. After the defeat in 1434, the Genoese colonies were forced to pay the annual tribute to the Crimean Khanty, which headed the Haji Gary, who had to drive the Genoesees from their possessions on the peninsula. Soon the colonies appeared another deadly enemy. In 1453 Omman Turks seized Constantinople. The Byzantine Empire finally ceased to exist, and the sea route connecting the Genoese colonies in the Black Sea with the metropolis was taken by Turks under control. The Genoese Republic was in the face of a real threat to the loss of all its Black Sea possessions.

The total threat on the part of Turk Osmanov forced to get close to the Genoesees and with another of their irreconcilable enemy. In 1471, they entered into an alliance with the rule of Feodoro. But no diplomatic victories could save the colonies from death. On May 31, 1475, a Turkish squadron approached the cafe. By this time, an antitaryo block "Crimean Khanate - Genoese colonies - Feodoro" gave the crack.

Siege of Kafa lasts from 1 to 6 June. Genoes capitulated at the moment when the means for defense of their Black Sea capital were not exhausted at all. According to one of the versions of the city's power believed the promises of the Turks to preserve their lives and property. One way or another, but the largest Genoese colony went to the Turks surprisingly easily. The new owners of the city took away the property of the Genoese, and they themselves were immersed on the ships and taken out to Constantinople.

Soldia has reached the Turks-Osmans more resistant resistance than cafe. And after the precipitating managed to break into the fortress, her defenders were locked in the church and died in a fire.

Pont Evksinsky - Sea Scythian

For world history, Crimea has become known for many centuries to our era. In the most ancient times, the peninsula was called Tarakik. This name recorded the Byzantine historian of the VI century of our era of the proofing of the NZ Caesarea. The Old Russian chronicle "Tale of Bygone Years" leads a somewhat modified form of this name - Tavria. Only in the XII century, the Tatars who conquered the peninsula, called the Greek city of Solhat (now the Old Crimea), which became the center of their possessions. Gradually, throughout the XIV-XV centuries, this name has spread to the entire peninsula. The names of the Greek colonies arising in the Crimea in the VI century BC It is impossible to be considered the oldest Crimean toponyms. Before the arrival of the Greeks in Crimea, numerous tribes lived here, who left the trail in history, archeology, and toponymics.

Crimea belongs to those few places on Earth, where people have appeared from time immemorial. Here, the archaeologists were opened by their parking lot of the Paleolithic - early Stone Age.

Scientists believe that before the beginning of the discrepancies of peoples - about 3700 BC. On the entire territory of the Caspian steppes of Eastern Europe and Western Asia, a single language of communication was, the roots of which lie in.

The roots of the most ancient names of Crimean places, rivers, mountains, lakes should be sought in the Proto Indo-European language - Vedic Sanskrit: Support, stronghold, tower, tower, pylon. (related word in other Russian lang kr "and" KRTA "- create, build, do, that is - This is a man-made structure - the fortress, the Kremlin.

Historian-Slavist, archaeologist, ethnographer and linguist, author of 11-languid encyclopedia "Slavic antiquities" Lubeza Hidelle claimed that "... Among the Scythians mentioned by the Herodot, not only the neury ... but also scythians are referred to as pahars and farmers ... were undoubtedly Slavs, who experienced the influence of Greco-Scythian culture. "

The first known from the ancient Greek sources of the population of Crimea was Scythians, Tavra And the Kimmerians who were relative or Thracian.

In the southwestern part of the Crimean Peninsula, 15 km from Sevastopol, there is an ancient city of Balaklava, who has a rich history, which has more than 2500 years.

From ancient times, it was a powerful military fortress created by nature itself. Balaclava harbor is closed with high cliffs from all sides of the sea storms, and a narrow entrance to the harbor reliably protects it from the enemy invasions from the sea. Reports that in the mountains of Tavrida, there were brands who know a lot in military art.

within the Dnieper Levobasya there are two toponyms an ancient Slavic species - Perepop, Szrenevsky - Rocking, Possible tank of reference Indo-Aryan * KRTA - "Made (i.e. - manually dug)" , Hence the name of the Crimea. In about the same place, the founding of the Crimean Peninsula has other Russians. Oleshye , one of the "populated places" by the sea, which from time immemorial - from Herodotovskaya Gileses ('Y - "Forest") to the current Aleshkovsky (!) Sands - Stalling conveyed and retained the image of this "wooded" Piglet among those surrounding unplaced spaces.

The name "Balaclava" comes from the word, power, power, energy, power, military force, army, army. " The word "BALA" occurs from RV). Perhaps the name of the Harbor "Bala + Klava" - comes from the "Bala" - military, "Klap, Calpat" - Klṛ p, Kalpate - "Fasten, strengthen, fortress" (from the root "Kḷ P"), that is - Military fortress.

Ancient Greek Geographer and Historian Strabo (64 BC. E. - 24 N. E.) and Roman writer, author of the "natural history" of Pliny Senior (23-79. N. E.) Tied the name of the harbor and military fortress named Son (II century BC.) Palak - "Strong warrior." The names of the God of war in ancient Greece - Pallas (Pallas), the epithet of the goddess Athena Palada (Dr.Grech. παλλὰς ἀθηνᾶ)militant goddess military Strategies and wisdom, and the name of Scythian Tsarevich Palac - "Warrior", come from one root.

In the V century, a powerful, residents of which consisted of representatives of various peoples - Greeks-Colonists, Scythians arise on both shores of the Kerch Strait. Dynasty dominant Spartakida was Thracian origin, the Tsarist Guard was also the same. In Proto-Indo-European language, the roots of the Scythians, Kimmerites, Greeks are ready, is why they found a common language and, allowing the interpenetration of cultures and linguistic borrowings on the peninsula, for example, the German tribes - Scythians, which were in the Unified Gothic Tribal Union in Crimea .

The role is ready in the life of the Crimea, it was very significant, because even in the Byzantine medieval sources of Crimea called Gothia. Belongs to the Indo-European group of languages. The few fortified Outcast settlements remained in the Black Sea region in the western mountain part of the Crimea, populated by the Greeks and Subordinate Byzantium, as well as from the V century in the Azov of the Taman Peninsula at the end of the IV century, turned out to be cut off the invasion of Huns and other nomads in the Black Sea region. Byzantine Emperor Justinian I Built in the Crimea to protect the settlements of the sharp (oriental ready) line of fortifications. In Tavrida (Crimea) was Gothic Mongup City Fortress, Doros (Doros), Feodoro, Ready-Trapezite traders living on "Dining Mountain" (near Alushta).

In the 6th century, Crimean goths accepted Orthodox Christianity and patronage from Byzantium. In Crimea, the Crimean-Gothic language was preserved for a long time, ascending to the Ostrovsky dialect of the Eastern tribes, which came in the Black Sea and in the Azov region in 150-235., And living in the neighborhood with Greek migrants and Scythians. Flemish monk V. Rubruk, who testifies in 1253, that the Goths in the Crimea at that time were spoken at the German Teutonicum (IDIOMA Teutonicum). The Crimean Peninsula in the history of Ukraine occupies an important place. The population of Crimea and Ukraine was associated with general economic, political and cultural processes.

Distribution of power kiev princes of ancient Russia At quite most of the peninsula, the population of the Crimea with ancient Russian state brought closely and for a long time. There were a kind of gate through which Kievan Rus Communication with the countries of the East came out. In the first century, our era appeared in Crimea slavs. Their resettlement on the peninsula naturally explain to the so-called great relocation of peoples in the II-VII centuries.

About the Slavs in Crimea, from time to time, the Byzantine sources recall. But a more complete idea of \u200b\u200btheir lives on the peninsula, scientists were able to receive, just starting with the era of Kiev Rus. Archaeologists have discovered the remains of material culture in the Crimea, the foundations of architectural structures close to those built in the cities of Kievan Rus. Moreover, the frescoes and the plaster of the Crimean Russian churches in their composition very much resembles the frescoes of Kiev Cathedrals of the XI-XII centuries.

Much of the Old Russian population of Crimea becomes famous from writing sources.

Of "Lives of Stephen Surozhsky" learn that at the beginning IX century Russian Prince Braclin convinced the Crimean cities of Corsun (or Kherson,so in the Middle Ages began to be called Chersonese) and Sudak. And in the middle of the same century, the ancient rhuses for a long time settled in the azazovoy, mastering the Byzantine city of Tamarukha later Tmutarakanya, the capital of the future of the Old Russian principality, part of which extended to the Crimea. Gradually, the Kiev government extends its power to the north-western part of him to the Gerson's Occolic, the entire Kerch peninsula.

Tmutarakanaca Prince Forest in the middle of the X century. Remote from other Russian lands, it was under constant pressure of Byzantium, but managed to preserve. Successful hike Vladimir Svyatoslavich on Kherson in 989 expanded the ancient Russian possessions in the Crimea. In the Russian-Byzantine Agreement, Kievan Rus was able to join the city of Bosporus with the Ocean, who received the Russian name to Tmutarakan Principality Kortchev (from the word "Corca" - the forge, the current Kerch).

Arabic geographer Idrisi called Kerch Strait "The mouth of the Russian River". There he was even known to the city with the name "Russia". The medieval European and eastern geographical maps of the Crimea recorded a lot of toponyms, the names of cities and settlements, indicating the long and long stay of Russov in the Crimea: " Cosal Di Rosia, "Rossia", "Rosmozofar", "Rosso", "Rossika" (last near Evpatoria) and others.

At the end of the XII century, Navalo-Polovtsev's nomads, who took out the steppes of the Northern Black Sea region, cut off the Crimea from Kievan Rus for a long time. At the same time, Polovtsy destroyed the Tshutarakan princess, to a significant part of the Russian population kept on the peninsula. One NZ of his support points was the city of Sudak (Russian name Surozh). According to reports of the Arabic writer Ibn al-Asira. In the late XII - early XIII centuries, many Russian merchants lived in the Crimea. The Russian population of the peninsula, as well as representatives of other local peoples, caused an irreparable blow to the conquest of the peninsula mongol-Tatars after 1223.