What are you passionate about the modern man. Hobbies of modern man

What are you passionate about the modern man. Hobbies of modern man
What are you passionate about the modern man. Hobbies of modern man

Modern man and his interests

As you know, everything changes in this world. This is the law of the arrows of time. Epochs, climate change, time of time and even people are changing. In addition, the interests of a person also change. We would like to reflect on what is interested in a modern person.

Many years ago, when there were no modern technologies, people practically did not know what was happening in the world. Everyone lived in his own, foreseeable space. And in order to get to the neighboring city, or village, a lot of time was required, not to mention other countries. Newspapers appeared in the 18th century, helped a little improve informational support. But it did not come in comparison with the speed and the volume of modern information support. As well as communication capabilities, today you can easily see and talk to a person in a distance of several thousand kilometers. So, together with the site dedicated to various topics that can be interesting to a modern person, let's try to draw up an approximate list of his interests ...

The possibilities of a modern person is much more extensive than the possibilities of past generations. These features include the availability of information, communications, training, expanding the idea of \u200b\u200bthe device of the Universe ...

Today, many are interested in the universe. UniverseMaybe is one of the main interests of the modern person. Although interest in the Universe is not one thousand years old. Modern technologies, bring it to a new level. Those researchers who watched hundreds of years ago on planets of the Solar System In primitive telescopes, no doubt, were very interested in these planets, but at the same time could not dream, to see Martian landscapes and the sunrise from space. What is quite accessible to almost every modern person. Today, millions of people all over the world are fond of, to one degree or another studying the universe. The number of network project participants, for example, is several million.

By the way, the Internet is an excellent tool for studying the universe. Mobile, or computer with access to the worldwide network, today there is practically every modern person at hand.

The same devices are greatly expanding the possibilities of communication. And this is another contemporary person's interest. The following interest is associated with it, this is the study of foreign languages. Learn foreign languages \u200b\u200bhas become much easier, thanks again, modern technologies. And first of all the worldwide network.

After studying foreign languages, after watching other planets and stars and talking with distant buddies in social networks, a modern person wants to look at the countries where these people live and speak their own languages. Thus, the next interest of the modern person can be called travels.

So, let's try to summarize everything that can be interested in a modern person. This is: Foreign Languages, Communication, Movement ( tourism and immigration), new technologies, universe (planets and other universe phenomena). Of course, this is not a complete list, but still the main interests we formulated. As can be seen, they are all based on the development and new technologies, and an important means for their execution, as before, as hundreds of years ago are money. Here is another interest of a modern person and many thousands of years for this interest!

Publication prepared together with the portal that interested in a modern person

According to psychologists, the lack of leisure classes, the cases for the soul adversely affects the psychological state of the person. We need creative discharge, outlit for realizing the ideas forgotten on the shelf, the expansion of the fantasy, the field for the manifestation of hidden abilities of the personality, otherwise we will lose in the boring vitality. Some of the most useful versions of pastime are creative classes in which part of the soul is embodied, becomes tangible aspires and desires, secret reserves, talents. For example, someone makes dolls, figures from clay, wood, sewing toys, sneakers, knitting mittens, socks, someone draws, embroiders with a cross, photographs, breeds cats, reads books. Active types of hobbies are also useful: Sports, Dancing, Traveling, Diving, Gardening Gardening. Creative classes - movement and development for mental energy, active types of hobbies - combine the implementation of mental and physical potentials.

Some of the most unproductive "hobbies" - watching the TV, aimless seat on the Internet, unspofitive "parties" with friends, endless shopping, casino games, frequent visits to nightclubs, mass entertainment places.

The choice of hobby depends on the level of personality development, preferences, character, temperament, and on the availability of certain leisure activities, from the presence of time, opportunities, desire to engage in their hobbies. Routine work in the office or physical, but often monotonous, at the factory - as the main one, the most absorbing filling of life stains it in gray. And people employed on such categories of labor among the working population are an overwhelming majority. If you do not dilute the dull color - gray becomes and the mood, mood, and everything around. In a few work is at the same time a favorite activity, which has a place for the flight of the soul, and the work that is like is important, both for the soul and for the quality of the execution of the case. The hobby basically does not have the goal of making money, but can grow into a business. In general, with the fact that the hobby, hobbies are needed, I think everyone agrees. But still, if ideally, it is possible to understand some kind of useful case under the hobby, then in reality, the passion is often a banal, modest occupation.

What are you fond of today?

There are enough of us those who prefer some unusual, fantasy types of creativity. However, unfortunately, the picture of reality is such that most prefer "lazy" or light, useless types of leisure.

According to Poll, the FOM (2014) - 17% of the population as a whole do not have a leisure time, among those working - 21%. Among the remaining 83% who have free time, spend it on: the most popular occupation - view TV, communication with friends, homemade, games with children, grandchildren, reading, rapprochement with nature, "Nothing", "Sowing" on the Internet, for "Compom", Sports, Needlework, Gardening, Gardening, Visiting the Theater, Cinema, Museums, Exhibitions, Fishing, Hunting, Dancing in Clubs, On Disco, Creation, Listening to Music, Solving Crosswords, Shopping Tuning, Auto Tuning, Restoration, Repair of an apartment, at home, learning for something, improved health, 3% - are engaged in incomprehensible hobby, 3% found it difficult to give the name to their leisure lesson.

As for the activity in visiting real places of accumulation of people and ripples of life, the most popular place is shopping centers, shops, which is relevant for all categories of respondents. Among people with access to resources in second place in the frequency of visits - parks, forests, nature, on the third - baths, saunas, on the fourth - cafes, restaurants, on the fifth - cinemas, on the sixth - concerts, then exhibitions, museums, excursions , zoos, billiards, bowling, swimming pool, sports club, etc. Among the working caste - the picture in the places is approximately the same, but in a percentage a bit more meager than in the case of the first category. Libraries attend 10% of the population as a whole.

In the photo: Green strip - the population as a whole - relevant for all groups

And if, responding to the question of how they spend their free time, they stated that in 18% watch TV, then in case of an answer to the question "do you have hobbies, favorite activities that are not related to work, study? If there is, then what are these hobbies, what exactly do you do? " - The vast majority of the respondents chose all the same viewing TV.

Thomas data are unknown with such a correlation, it is possible with the difference in question or in interpreting information. However, it is so clear: television and the Internet have dragged in their networks a lot of people, and this is not 18% of the population.

In general, 46% of the population as a whole as a favorite occupation watch TV, 24% are sitting in the internet, but in among the age category 18-30 years old - as much as 49% is constantly being in the World Wide Web and consider it the main passion in life, 38 % Watch TV, 54% - allocate as an important passion for communication with friends. Dacha, the garden loves 32% of respondents, reading - 30%, cooking - 19, diluted pets - 18%, cars - 19%, fishing, hunt - 13%, needlework and similar - 13%, sport - 10%, music, music Singing - 9%, floristry, flower growing - 8%, computer games - 8%, the most rare hobbies - artistic creativity (4%), dancing (3%). They read most of all women with higher education, are engaged in breeding animals, colors, cooking and needlework, too, most often women.

But what we tell us the data taken from the page of one blogger (it is stated that the survey was conducted among a wide range of people who wrote a post):

"How do people spend their free time?"

Holidays abroad - 13.7%

Computer games - 8.5%

Books - 20.8%

Visiting cultural institutions - 26.5%

Hobbies - 23.7%

Health Strengthening - 20.8%

No money for "culture" - 46%

"Do you have a hobby and what? "

No - 51.2%

Collectibles - 20.4%, more about collecting coins

Activities - 9.5%

Occlamor games - 6.2%

Applied Art - 8.5%

Technochobby - 6.6%

Floriculture - 11.4%

Two hobbies - 13.7%

"Do you visit cultural events?"

Theater - 49.8%

Cinema - 37%

Concerts - 31.7%

Exhibitions - 40.3%

I do not attend - 27.9%

If you look at Wikipedia, then the hobby is not at all viewing TV, it is some kind of unusual lesson than people do almost secret. Come from work, buying on the way home the new old march of 1949, carefully fill it into a solid album, where hundreds of similar pictures are admired, after all the mezzanine. This is a hobby. It turns out, most Russians simply do not have a hobby. That is, or they have a favorite job, or absolutely no time, or the usual occupation for dispelling boredom, or too lazy to start not only the passion, but also work.

From peculiar classes, the most loud and wisdom - phalathricism (collecting various medals, badges), Skripofilia - (picking up from the circulation of securities), scrapbooking (creating and decoring family or personal photo albums), a folding, swimming with sharks in a cage, carving (cutting on eggshell, vegetables, fruit). But, it should be noted, completely extraordinary hobbies can finely overcome the face of abnormality. For example, well, why a adult, an adequate person to collect a collection of scissors, glass bottles of Soviet time, battled tickets from all station stations in which the traveler was? Or subjected yourself danger ... one thing is extreme sports neatly, and another game with sharks, walking along the rates of balconies, etc.

Despite the fact that it is very little found in polls such classes, like the collection of mushrooms, berries, fishing, hunting - many prefer them.

Recently, such, earlier exotic types of hobbies, as origami, decoupage, wool felting, weaving beads, making cards from healthy materials with their own hands, stained in painting, sewing and manufacture of dolls, toys, construction of models (aircraft, houses, houses, Temples, Ward natural soap with different additives, registration of old pieces of furniture in unexpected (bright, opposite old style) paints and forms, decoration of different things, collecting vintage boxes, wooden carved plates, mirrors, burning around the tree. Generally, some of these hobbies. Steel became fashionable if earlier the needlework was considered a boring occupation, today this sphere is started to look different.

The people are to create something simple and at the same time unusual with their own hands, adding the peppercut, the highlight, stylizing in a vintage style, bending the item aside, so as not to both. Girls wear bracelets, bead earrings related to their own hands. This is also a kind of time chip - "decoration from the past" or with ethnic motifs, bright colors. My friend, for example, knits beads from woolen threads, whining the balls around the rolled foil, small dumplings from different materials. If a couple of years ago, such jewelry was taken reluctantly, today the demand for them is much higher.

Another interesting occupation today can be allocated: reading e-books on the bus, the composition of poems is not for publications, photographing - amateur or professional level, collectibles of dollars, chess, picking up magnets to the fridge, Argentine tango, walks along the abandoned places, playing guitar.

According to the VTsiom, the most popular underwent classes, namely, hobbies, hobbies - collection of berries, mushrooms (each second prefers this type of hobbies - 44%), every fourth fishing - 25%, and much less often - every twenty fifth (i.e. 4%) - Hufts, gather grass 8% of the respondents (although 2013 data, but it is unlikely that something has changed dramatically).

"Fishing is especially popular among 25-44-year-olds (31-33%), secured (32%) respondents. In the smallest degree of fishing, elderly respondents are fond of (12%). Fishing - Major Male Hobby: 42% of those surveyed men are fond of her. However, among women there are fans of fishing (10%).

As for the remaining types of leisure, hiking in the forest for mushrooms and berries are most popular among Muscovites and Petersburgers (55%), women (47%), 35-59-year-olds (48-50%), collecting herbs - among women (10 %) "

Watch TV, collect mushrooms, needle up, read .. this, it turns out, the majority of Russians are engaged during rest.

Probably, if you look from the side of knitting or making crafts - it may seem boring. But today's modern, gloss and drive, brought to the scope of creativity, pulled many doubters to join the group of creative things with their own hands. Bright colors of materials, ribbons from satin, beads, resembling Swarovski crystals - of this will get a completely different greeting card than from paper and color cardboard. It is very tightened and revitalizes. Yes, and psychologists say that work with materials, creating images, paintings, art therapy Some of the most optimal options for the release of negative emotions, getting rid of depression, switching consciousness with some kind of problem to positive. In general, needlework and creativity became a creative affair.

"Passion" means not only the desire for activities, but also the separation from the prevalence of potential concerns everyday, distraction.

Therefore, instead of watching TV - it is better to make a beautiful postcard, sign up for dancing, go fishing.

Question themes

1. The world is controlled by the word. Body-monster-word?

2. What is genuine culture? How to raise a cultural person?

3. Is Russia revives? Where rushes a bird-triple?

4. Why don't you build a good language?

5. What are we singing and will we sing? Tell me what you sing - and I will tell who you are.

6. Internet: Do I need to enjoy all -emary cobwebs?

7. What is a man in the world of modern technologies?

8. Modern body: good or evil?

9. TV - voice of the people or our delaying deception?

10. Tempelii, is it time to send Yankee GO HOME?

11. What are you passionate about, modern person?

12. Computer: Does he kill the ability to live communication?

13. Do we need to chase success? What is success?

14. Does the post-Soviet society believe in God?

16. Is it possible to learn to speak, speak, own speech? How?

17. Word of silence. Is there a "feat of silence"?

18. Word on the art of the word. Is there a "feat of communication"?

19. Is it worth learning abroad?

20. Will the concept of "homeland" continue in the future?

21. Do you need to talk about God at school and university?

22. Do we live for pleasure or anything else?

23. Is it possible to talk about the equality between a man and a woman?

24. Is it possible to drink an immortal soul with a water of earthly pleasures?

25. Is it possible to build a fair world in the modern world?

26. Is it possible to live without deception?

27. Is politics always - "dirty case"? What kind of "good" politicians do I know?

28. Is it possible in the "honest word" and "pure business" business?

29. "Blessed are meek ..." Is it so?

30. Is it possible to overcome the conflict of generations?

31. All beauty will fade ... Is there beauty that will not fade?

32. "What is beauty? And why does her deify people? "

33. Do I need to be able to forgive? Do you know how to forgive?

34. Why do you need to know the story?

35. What day in history would you like to live?

36. What is fashion? Style? Life style?

37. Encourage or punish?

38. What do you consider the best invention of humanity?

39. Is it profitable to be a good person?

40. Is it possible to convince the fool?

41. What is inspiration?

42. Do we need to strive for glory and wealth?

1. In life - the sea is evil, and good is the ocean. (Archimandrite Rafail).

2. For happiness, go beyond the sea, and it is in our heart. Look for happiness in your own heart.

3. The happiest person is the one who gives happiness to the greatest number of people. (D.Didro)

4. Whatever happens, do not lose cheerfulness ... / L. Tolstoy /

5. Science to be happy is simple: love your duties and look for pleasure in them.

6. There are things more than happiness ... (Andrei Tarkovsky)

7. Now children do not play, but learn. ʜᴎʜᴎ all learn, learn and will never start living (A.S.Grin)

8. The most difficult words in the case of the word - ϶ᴛᴏ to make a judge of himself (M. Prysvin).

9. Conversations, long-reaching, devouring life (Vasily Great).

10. Eloquence, precisely pearls, shakes content. Real wisdom of a few (L. Tolstoy)

11. Short thoughts are the good that they force a serious reader to think (L.N. Tolstoy).

12. You need to joke in order to commit serious affairs (Aristotle).

13. Pride - ϶ᴛᴏ a kind of contempt for all other, except yourself (theophrast, ancient Greek philosopher)

14. In the dispute, the audacity and eloquence often won, but not truth (Menandr, ancient Greek playwright and poet).

15. Detect a friend time as gold - fire (Menandr)

16. The talent of great shower is to recognize the Great in other people (Karamzin)

17. Yes, the pity that in whom the Conscience of the Unclean (Pushkin. Boris Godunov)

18. Immortality is the goal of human life (Koshansky, teacher Pushkin, the topic of composure in the Tsarskos -elsky Lyceum)

19. It is hardly a higher pleasure, as a pleasure to create (Gogol)

20. Inspiration is not an exceptional belonging of the artist; ... it is everywhere, in every case, in every work (Belinsky)

21. Greywee - ϶ᴛᴏ Outstanding man features (Dostoevsky)

22. The main thing in a person is not the mind, but what is managed by: character, heart, good feelings, advanced ideas (Dostoevsky)

23. The highest and most characteristic feature of our people - ϶ᴛᴏ a sense of justice and thirst for her (Dostoevsky)

24. When Don Quixhots are translated, let the history book closes. There will have nothing to read in it (Turgenev)

25. It is possible to wave life only as a result of apathy and laziness (L. Tolstoy)

26. Knowledge without moral foundation means nothing (L. Tolstoy)

A man in his nature is so arranged that he quickly bother to engage in one thing. This primarily concerns work that accompanies us throughout life.

When we really get tired of some lesson, the best vacation option can be a constant hobby. It is for such a favorite thing that we can fully relax, as well as spend time with real benefits.

Search for your hobby

As statistical studies have shown, about half of the respondents could not immediately call some kind of hobby, which they are engaged on a regular basis. This is really sad statistics, as scientists have repeatedly been proved by the positive effect of the presence of a hobby in a person's life.

To start looking for such hobbies that can take you for a long time, stands with simple experiments. You should not be afraid to try something new, participate in some movements, communicate with other people and like-minded people. All this will allow you to reveal this or that or another that you can do constantly.

Also free yourself from any prejudices that today reign in society. People can boil into absolutely any matter, and at the same time they will not do anything. Just close your eyes on them and do what you really like.

The main passion of modernity

List modern hobbies that are in demand among people can practically indefinitely. Most of them are somehow connected with modern technologies, including with computers and the Internet. This is exactly what computer games are particularly popular today, which you probably have at least once, but something they still heard.

If you have thought for a long time to try such entertainment that everyone somehow passed by you, then we are in a hurry to recommend a gaming institution. It has been developing for several years, and constantly offers users really interesting options for leisure. In total, more than 50 fascinating slot machines were collected on the site, which were developed by the magistrates.

The most interesting is the fact that each user can lose here without registration and need for something to pay. It has a really big impact on attracting new users who are just starting to get acquainted with the games. For registration on the site, the initial bonus is paid here, which can be spent on the first rates, and with their help to break a large jackpot.

Today, life is very rapid, in modern society there is no longer enough 24 hours in days in order to have time to do all the current affairs, and the time for rest and leisure does not reach and is suppressed. A large percentage of the population lives according to the principle: from Monday to Friday, and on weekends, people elementary swell, coming to feel after a tense labor week. The picture is repeated from year to year, so the whole life passes!
Such a situation should not be allowed, and if you already have such an abnormal, in all respects, the image should urgently adjust it.
Man is a biological creature, he needs rest, but not only. It has a mindset and a number of needs that everyone has each. Someone besides your favorite sofa, TV and satisfying dinner do not need anything, someone seeks more.
The presence of some hobbies or hobbywho is given with all passion, helps to overcome everyday routine, bring something new, fascinating and interesting.
There are hobbies that can be divided into 2 main groups:
- for the soul: needlework (knitting, embroidery, beadwork, etc.), scrapbooking, soap, decoupage, patchwork, origami, aromatherapy occupation, pottery, wood carving, modeling, collecting, foilware - felting, cooking, shopping, Photography, gardening, quiet hunting, aquarium, carving and many others, as far as fantasy will allow.
- Active Lifestyle Hobbies: Various Sports, including Extreme, Fitness, Dancing, Yoga, Bath, Fire Beach, Stoking, Dog, Historical Reconstruction, Geocaching, Hunting, Highway, etc.
As you can see, the list of hobbies is implanious, there is a lot of interesting ways to organize and diversify your leisure, it remains only to choose a lesson in the shower.
Another fascinating hobby, rapidly gaining popularity in view of its simplicity and, at the same time, entertainment, and is also not limited to show fantasy, is Sand animation, Sand or Powder Animation, in the original.

With the help of ordinary quartz sand, you can create not only drawings and landscapes, but also the entire plots for cartoons and comics.
Sand animation is the direction of visual art. His birth occurred in 1969. The American Multipletor Carolyn Life demonstrated a cartoon created using this technique. In my opinion, a very interesting hobby.

To create bright and unique work, you will need, in fact, the sand, as well as the surface emitting the glow. The light source is directed upward, and images are applied to the surface with sand with sand, for drawing small parts, the sand is poured with a thin layer. If you create a non-static pattern, but a whole animation plot, you can install the camera and falling on it the whole course of the creative process.
This hobby will have to taste not only adults, but, of course, and children. During the work, imagination is developing, as well as a small motor.

With the help of sand animation, you can arrange a real representation, come up with and create a whole magic world.
Drink, try, create and enjoy the process and result!