Comus musical instrument. Kamos - Altai Musical Instrument

Comus musical instrument. Kamos - Altai Musical Instrument

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Altai folk music has its own, one inherent in it, the characteristic features of the pentatonic system. Lada is based on the five-stage gamma with several modified halftone combinations. Altai melodies are not large in the range and rarely exceed the octave interval. Harmonic accompanies on Topshure and Ikili singi usually are composed of a consonance of quarts, Quinta, and sometimes from large seks and small septim. Topshchur and Ikili are configured to the quartile interval.

Folk Musical Increments of Altaians: topšur - Plipken, - Booked, show - brave, comms (comus) - Tongue.

Household musical instruments: Amarka (Malink) - brave, tent (ratchet) - noise, kamchy.- Knut, edski (Malink) - brave, kirlee, the same tana-Topchs, shang. - medium-sized bell, conco - Little bell.

Folk musical instruments of Altaians

Topšur - two-string musical instrument, in its kind, similar to the Kazakh Dombroy. The housing and neck panshura are completely cut from one piece of wood (cedar). The duckly oval body is coated from above thin skid or raw calf leather. Strings were made of horsehair, a pigtail rope. The hair is selected white. On the top deck the hole is cut, the neck does not have the lads. The sound extracting on the strings is reminded by the sound of a tight strained thread, but cleaner and brighter. Before the game topschore, having a leather top deck, dried.

There is no certain height for Topshura. Strings are configured by quarts as it is convenient for the vote of the performer. "Topshchur is tuned by quart, but it is not settled: it sounds a bit above clean and below the enlarged. It is more likely to be attributed to a special category of intervals called" sharp "among Asians, they are perceived as a condance, i.e. she begins and ends singing. Meet more Other intervals, the dominant interval except the Quinta Topshur in accompaniment gives a clean quint, greater and small seven.

Accompaniment on Topshure - Variations. Depending on the content of the kaych, various techniques of the game on Topshure are used: "Bryatsania" (punches) with fingers on both strings, "Pizzikato" (Plipki) with a thumb, "tremolo" (frequent blows on one string). As an image of the height of the hero on horseback, rhythm and techniques change dramatically, drawing a picture of the rapid movement. In lyric sites, Tremolo or Piticato (on one string) prevails in lyrical locations.

Ikili - Looks like topschur, but with a higher stand. Playing Ikili with a lean bow made from a jerk rod to which hair stretches. It is rubbed by a larch or cedar resin. When playing, the instrument put on the left knee or hold between the legs tilted, slightly pressing the body to the knees. The tension pad does not have a bow, so during the game weakened hair pulls up with his finger right hand. Strings hair. The sound is quiet, but melodic and rich. Stroy quarthouse, slightly higher in the range than Topshura. The people meet a double tool - on the one hand Ikili, on the other - topschur. Ikili used Kozhekchi - artist of lyrical, household, historical songs. Often kaych and leathering the same face. Known ensembles of national instruments with Topshur tools Prima, Topshur Tenor and Bass Topshchur and Ikili - Prima Ikili, Tenor Ikili, Bas Ikili, Second and Alt Ikili.

Show - Type of longitudinal flute, similar to the Bashkir folk instrument, dries, but not having side holes. The shor is made from the hollow smooth stem of the dried gorgeous plant of Curgai, a length of at least 50-60 cm, the diameter at the base is 1.5-2 cm. On both sides of the shor is open. The wider end of the tube is pressed at the right half of the mouth to the upper teeth. At air blowing, a whistling sound is obtained. Periodically, closing and opening the outlet, as well as changing the pressure of the air, the performer gets sounds, obhrothon the main main tone. The sound of the showor is soft, overflowing. The system of a certain height does not have, depends on the length of the tool. Common mostly among the shepherds.

Comsu - Altai Vargan (Comus). The device is simple: a horseshoe-shaped extended rim with a steel vibrating plate in the middle. Under execution, it gives an organ paragraph of quite strong soundness (buzzing in small octave) and a melody (the second octave above), which resembles the timbre of the violin flags. Altai people themselves are of soft iron or untreated steel.

Tuben (Tungur) It belongs to the discharge of the drum tools and is used exclusively during Kamlany. The cube is a wooden, an animal skin is stretched on the shell and hangs to the shell belt. "In the open side of the tambourine, a wooden crossbar is fastened, for which Kam is holding a tambourine, and two iron. On the skin of the tambourine, pictures of animals, birds and a person are hung. At the iron crossbars there are small curved glands and rags of various colors. When hitting the alcohol , It turns out a strong buzz and bryacy of the glands. In Kamlany, the tambourine is glowing on fire and bring to height, understandable to Kama himself. Tuben at the Altants in everyday life as a shock musical instrument is not used, because is a shaman.

Dyadan Scythian harp.The tool is found in the Pazyryk Kurgan Archaeologist Rudenko S.I. In 1939, the original is kept in the Hermitage of St. Petersburg, dated about 500 BC. A copy is made by Mastener Gerezdilov A.I. (Barnaul). It was made of solid wood, the strings were stretched by residential. Sounds in the song "Altyn Koyl" on the album "where Altai is born" Altai Kai ensemble (Eles Tadykin played)

Household musical instruments

Household musical instruments of the Altaians create sounds bringing closer to the sounds of nature, i.e. Sound resistance is the most accurate image of each particular animal, birds: cuckoo singing, sinister laughter of owls, howl wolf, crane cry, voice and wings of the wings of the crow, votes of ducks, squirrels, cheek, bear, etc. Or the creation of the image of animals and birds by a human voice. Many tools were used on the hunt.

Amarka. It was imitated by a cry of Marala. It is made of honey animal or wood. Sounds are extracted by an overtone row with an air pulling.

When hunting for a roof or cabgaru uses ediskmanufactured from Beresta. The high sound of this tool resembles the skull of female Kabargi and her young. Sometimes instead of Besters use Badan leaves (Kylbysh) or oscillation (Kyar Olon).

Sound-powered hunting reception - wolf shirt: voice and palms of hands, folded in the form of a sink - kosh-Adysh. Mimically, howl wolf. The same method can serve for sound-powered by Votes - Filin, owls, cuckoo. Changing the timbre and Manera imitation makes other animals, for example, the chipmuncture.

Shphank noise musical instrument - tent. A wooden ratchet from Barismar, her noise expelled sheep.

The sound tool of cattle breeders was Beach, knut - Kamchy.. His whistle, cutting air, holly click, sounding louder shot, helps to control a big flock or to herd. Kamchy is an intimate attribute of a male traditional costume.

Kirlee and Tana Fucks They have a characteristic sound, similar to buzzing, buzz, howl, howl wind.

Shang. - The bell of medium sizes with a strong, ringing, long unsuccessful sound.

Conco - A small bell. Little bells were laid to decorate a girl. I knew that the girl was far from gone and was not stolen.

Household percussion instruments: kushka - breaking the saddle, dyryn - Bone, lamb scatter, hoof, Kuzuk, Kumourgai - noise bundle.

To the question in which country is popular with the use of this musical instrument? Posted by the author trident The best answer is This is Altai, Buryatia, Tyva or Bashkiria, Flute Shor
Kurai, Shokor, Sur
Kurai - Bashkir and Tatar brass musical instrument: longitudinal open flute from the stem of an umbrella plant.
Bashkirs say: "As I remember, I remember, and you remember." About antiquity, Kuray says, for example, such a fact: the Bashkir folk melody "ringing cranes", performed only on the coupe, has more than 1000 years of history.
In Altai, in Tuva and Buryatia, this tool is called Show or Sur
It has 4-5 gaming holes on the front side and 1 on the rear. Length 45-100 cm. The range in the amount of sexts, with the help of ding, reaches 2-2.5 octave.
Famous Kiraks have long been accompanied by her gaming of throat singing. If the Kuraist (Shorist) owns the skill of the throat singing, then he was considered the master of the highest class
Produce such tools are usually from dried Borshevik, cane or buckwheat
Folk Musical Increments of Altaians: Topshchur - Plug-in, Ikili - Booked, Showor - Dukhovova, Comsus (Comus) - Tongue.
Household Musical Instruments: Amarka (Malink) - Dukhova, Tent (ratchet) - Noise, Kamchy - Knut, Edski (Malink) - Duchow, Kirlee, Same Tana-Tag, Shang - Medium-sized Bell, Condo is a small bell.
Playing such tools in these republics, but not yet found images on the flag
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When Savor sing: Comus
A heavy cargo falls from the soul ...
I can imagine the mountains ...
To the jet of the handfulness we substitute,
What beats with a steep vertex down
Where splashes with a roar awkle.
And the heart will joyfully let
Among the Altai mountains
When they sing Kamos, Show,
As if the sun will look
To visit us I am fulfilled in the window.
I will say on conscience, for honor,
When a shor with Camus together
Sing, the soul is not all equal.
V. Kitchin
The shor is a type of a longitudinal flute, similar to Bashkir, Kyrgyz Soyzgi, but not having lateral, holes. Until now, the shor is made from the hollow smooth stem of the dried plant (bundles. The usual showor length 50-80 cm with a diameter of 1.5-3 cm. On both sides, it is open. The wider end of the pipe is pressed at the right half of the mouth to the upper teeth. By blowing the air into it, a whistling sound is formed, which is regulated by the index fingers on the other end.
The system of a certain height does not have, as it depends on the length and diameter of the pipe. Basically, the shor is distributed among shepherds and shepherds.
If all the bow and plug-in musical instruments have received their shape about one historical period, then the group of wooden winds developed unevenly. Some instruments are known since the times of deep antiquity, others have recently appeared. But it is surprising, all of them still continue to be improved and everyone has a completely individual design. They have a way to extract sound.
How does the sound on the show and other wind instruments arise? The sounding body here is a airfield enclosed in the tube. At the blow of the air jet performer, the pillar comes to oscillation. If you close all the available holes on the housing, we will get the lowest sound. And if we open the holes gradually, the air pole, naturally, will turn into shorter and the sound will rise. In Altai Dudka-Show, the performer receives a number of sounds in the form of overtones from the main one. Therefore, there is no certain skewing on it, but practically, spent a lot of work, it is possible to get this series within the octave and more.