What an Orthodox Christian should never do: is it possible for Orthodox Christians to enter Catholic churches and mosques? Is it possible for Orthodox Christians to go to churches of other religions.

What an Orthodox Christian should never do: is it possible for Orthodox Christians to enter Catholic churches and mosques?  Is it possible for Orthodox Christians to go to churches of other religions.
What an Orthodox Christian should never do: is it possible for Orthodox Christians to enter Catholic churches and mosques? Is it possible for Orthodox Christians to go to churches of other religions.

There may come a moment in life when a person of the Orthodox faith will need to go to a Catholic church. The reasons are very different - from banal curiosity to an invitation to an event from friends and family. What rules must be followed in order not to find yourself in an awkward position and not offend, albeit accidentally, the feelings of faith of others?

Is it worth going to a Catholic church?

To begin with, I would like to note that for an Orthodox person, visiting a church of another faith should be minimized. According to the ancient church canons, it is not proper for a Christian not only to pray with the Gentiles, but also to visit joint institutions, to receive medical treatment from each other. But time has partially erased some of the limitations.

Let's try to explain this with a small example.

In the first centuries of Christianity, society was divided into those who believe in the Lord and deny Him. When the corresponding canons were adopted, this caused some bewilderment. Since most of the heretics were literate people, they went against the teachings of the Church deliberately, out of pride. And the same doctors, examining the patient, not only treated his bodily ailments, but also prayed and talked. That is, at an appointment with a heretic doctor, the patient would inevitably become acquainted with heresy. And, perhaps, would have fallen on the hook of temptation. Nowadays, when very little is said about religion, exposure to heresy in public places is practically minimal.

However, it is worth taking into account the fact that Orthodox, Catholics and Protestants all carry faith in the One God. We have a lot to learn from each other about missionary work or social service. But due to a number of conflicting rules, de facto one denomination considers the other heretical. In this article, we will not dwell on dogma and look for differences between Christian sects - this is a topic for a separate discussion.

Nowadays, visiting an Orthodox Catholic church remains on the conscience of a person. Priests can give their blessing only when a believer makes a pilgrimage to common Christian shrines.

A few simple rules

Why go to a church? The reasons, as already mentioned, are many. Organ concert, worship of the relics of the first bearers of the faith, attendance at celebrations at the invitation of friends. The list can be supplemented.

As in the Orthodox, in the Catholic Church there are a number of rules that it is advisable to observe. This way you will not embarrass yourself (or the person who invited you) and will not bring the disgruntled glances of devout believers to your person. Immediately it is worth making a reservation that below is a "gentleman's minimum", which will not harm either your or someone else's views.

1. The church is arranged a little differently from the Orthodox church. In particular, there is no iconostasis - it is replaced by an altar fence. No outsider is allowed to enter there. Worship takes place in the central part, which in the Catholic tradition is called the presbytery. In the same part there is a tabernacle, next to which a lamp is always burning. The choir is located in a separate room, a little further from it is the sacristy. You should not enter these premises without special permission;

2. Even deeply religious Catholics have no serious restrictions on clothing. But the outfit shouldn't be too revealing. A plunging neckline, short skirt, or shorts are likely to draw unwanted looks from the temple. But, unlike the Orthodox tradition, a woman can enter the church in trousers and not cover her head. A man is obliged to take off his headdress;

3. Having entered the church, each Catholic goes to the sprinkler, put the fingers of his right hand there, and then he is baptized. An Orthodox Christian, being in a church, can do the same. However, the sign of the cross should be imposed according to the Orthodox tradition. It is not forbidden to bow to the east (not to the altar or four-pointed crucifix, but to the east!);

4. You need to memorize a few greeting phrases in advance. They should not be taken as "ritual"; rather - to support church etiquette. The following greetings and responses are accepted:

Glory to Jesus Christ!
- Forever and ever, amen

Bless the Lord!
- Thanks be to God

Save me, God!
- For the glory of God

5. Catholics kneel before the tabernacle, and they do it always as they pass by. If a person, for some reason, cannot kneel, he simply bows his head. The same is recommended for guests (not for religious reasons, but out of a sense of respect for the place). If you are invited to attend Mass, then it is best not to go deep into the temple, but to stay at the entrance. It is not forbidden to ask the priest or church officials for advice on what to do in this case - to stand on your feet, watching the service, or to sit on a bench;

6. You can sit on any prayer bench - they usually stand on either side of the central aisle. In some churches, where the service is conducted in two languages, there is a division. On one side of the aisle, parishioners of one nationality sit down, on the other - the other. There are also small benches in front of the benches. They are needed so that the believers kneel during the service. Therefore, do not put your feet on them when you sit;

7. It is not customary in the temple to interrupt prayer, even if you have come to meet a specific person. Wait for him to finish;

8. In no case should you interrupt the priest during prayer. The same applies to the case when he talks with someone from the parishioners. Throw away even the intentions to approach them, for a purely personal conversation may be conducted. For the same reason, stay away from the confessional if you hear voices from there. You need to address the priest with the words "holy father" or simply "father". Regardless of whether you are talking during a divine service or at other times, communication with a person of the clergy must comply with the rules of good form.

Follow the same rules that apply to any temple. As in the Orthodox Church, you cannot smoke or drink alcohol in the church. Besides, it is not customary to make noise in the church. Remember that people go to the temple for different reasons. Treat them with respect.

About prayer

As mentioned above, it is undesirable to pray to an Orthodox Christian in a church. But in case of extreme need, when there is no Orthodox church for kilometers around, this is allowed. You can pray before or after Mass, when you and God are alone.

Although the temple is the house of the Lord, it will not be superfluous to enlist the support of a priest. If for some reason he refuses you - do not contradict. If the good has been received, then one should pray according to the Orthodox canon and, preferably, silently.

It is permissible for an Orthodox to attend a Catholic service, although it is not encouraged. An important point - you should firmly refuse to participate in the Sacraments, such as Confession or Communion!

When visiting temples with shrines of early Christian times, the Orthodox, of course, are allowed to pray according to their faith, and also to light candles. By the way, in the churches themselves, Catholics do not trade - there is a separate building or room for this. It should also be noted that their items were not originally consecrated. If there is a need for consecration, then you should contact the pastor, he will conduct the ceremony.

And finally

Do not think that since Catholics and Orthodox Christians believe in one God, then this is one religion. The difference between currents is significant. If you consider yourself Orthodox, then you can go to a Catholic church only on an excursion or in exceptional cases requiring your presence. And if you do not care in which church, Catholic or Orthodox, you pray, then, most likely, you should first familiarize yourself with the faith in which you were baptized, and then draw the appropriate conclusions.

- Andrey, the editorial board of Pravoslavnaya Zhizn regularly receives various questions from readers. We have selected the most frequently recurring ones and would like to discuss them with you. Let's start with this question: is it possible for Orthodox Christians to enter Catholic churches and mosques? How to behave there? - In one of his Epistles, the holy Apostle Paul says: “Everything is permissible for me, but not everything is beneficial” (1 Cor. 6:12). Therefore, in order to more correctly answer this question, it is first necessary to determine the very purpose of visiting a heterodox or heterodox religious building. If we go to a church or a mosque to see, so to speak, expand our cultural horizons, then, in principle, there is nothing reprehensible in this. If we visit non-Orthodox churches in order to pray, we should remember the 65th Apostolic Canon: "If someone from a clergy or a layman enters a Jewish or heretical congregation to pray: let him be cast out of the sacred rite and excommunicated from the communion of the church." ... But there are exceptions: in many Roman Catholic churches, as well as in churches belonging to the jurisdiction of the so-called Kiev Patriarchate, there are shrines that are revered by the Orthodox. The above Apostolic Canon refers to the prohibition to participate in PUBLIC worship together with non-Orthodox. Therefore, there is nothing reprehensible in the fact that an Orthodox Christian prayerfully reveres this or that shrine located in a non-confessional church. Regarding how one should behave in non-Orthodox churches, there can be only one factor as a rule for leadership: good breeding. An Orthodox Christian, wherever he is, must behave in a cultured and restrained manner. Despite our personal convictions, we in no way have the right to offend the religious feelings of other people in any way, because the main criterion that distinguishes a Christian is, first of all, love. And this criterion was determined by our Lord Jesus Christ Himself: "By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another" (John 13:35). - Is it possible to turn to alternative medicine, for example, Chinese? - The Orthodox Church has never considered advances in the field of medicine to be a spiritual obstacle. But before resorting to the help of this or that "nontraditional doctor", a person must understand for himself what sources he uses, otherwise he can bring considerable harm to both his body and his soul. One researcher of alternative therapies once remarked that the Chinese, for example, regard their medicine as a religion. Such an attitude towards medicine should alert an Orthodox person, because nothing can be higher and more sacred than religion. In addition, German scientists, studying the practice of acupuncture, conducted the following experiment: some patients were given needles, so to speak, according to all the "canons" of Chinese medicine, while others, roughly speaking, at random, so as not to hurt important organs and not harm them. As a result, the effectiveness of the first acupuncture was 52%, and the second - 49%! That is, there was practically no difference between "smart" and "free" acupuncture. However, the question of the use of a certain spiritual practice in medicine is more acute. So, for example, some "healers", in order to cure this or that ailment, suggest that their patients try to get out of the physical world into the supersensible, extrasensory world. But we must remember that our physical body is a kind of barrier that separates us from direct direct communication with the spiritual world and, in particular, the world of fallen spirits. Some Eastern cults use a whole range of exercises that facilitate such an exit into the "spiritual world", and this practice weakens our defense against demons. Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov (Caucasian) warns: "If we were in sensual communion with demons, they would in a very short time completely corrupt people, constantly instilling evil in them, clearly and incessantly contributing to evil, infecting them with examples of their constant criminal and hostile activity to God." ... That is why any "alternative medicine", practicing some kind of communication with the spiritual world, even if it promises its patients physical recovery, in the end becomes dangerous for their spiritual health. - What does it mean not to go to the council of the wicked? - The meaning of this verse, which is the first verse of the first psalm of the Book of Psalms, is very deep and ambiguous. Thus, St. Athanasius the Great says: "the council of the wicked" is a gathering of wicked people who seek to divert the righteous from following the path of God. And St. Basil the Great clarifies: "the advice of the wicked" is all sorts of impious thoughts that, like invisible enemies, overcome a person. In addition, it is very interesting that in the above psalm about the opposition of the righteous to the "counsel of the wicked" it is said "in three dimensions" - walking, standing and sitting: the seats of the destroyers are not gray. " According to Saint Theophan the Recluse, the purpose of such a threefold indication is to warn against the three main degrees of deviation towards evil: in the form of an internal attraction to evil (marching towards sin), in the form of an affirmation in evil (standing in sin) and in the form of struggle with good and propaganda. evil (co-sitting with the destroyer, that is, the devil). Thus, going to the council of the wicked is all kinds of participation in evil, whether by thought, word or deed. According to the Monk John Cassian the Roman, in order to be saved, a person must constantly control himself, exercising in spiritual work: without the latter there will be no spiritual life. - Is it possible to go on vacation, for example, to a ski resort during the Christmas post? - According to the thought of the Monk Ephraim the Syrian, the purpose of fasting is so that a person can overcome lusts, vices and sins in himself. If fasting does not help us overcome sin, we should consider: how do we fast, what are we doing wrong? Unfortunately, historically, in the life of a modern person, most of the holidays fall on the time of the Nativity Lent - during the New Year holidays. The purpose of the Nativity Fast is to prepare a person to receive the Infant Christ, who comes into this world and becomes a person in order to save each of us from the power of sin and death. And therefore, the main thing that an Orthodox Christian should think about on the eve of Christmas is how best of all, most correctly, to prepare himself for the meeting of the Savior. Active recreation, such as skiing, is very beneficial for health if it is combined with the spiritual growth of a person. Otherwise, there will be no benefit from such a "recovery". Therefore, if our rest does not allow us to make our heart a worthy container for the Living God, it is better to refuse such rest. - Can a woman get a tattoo, for example, for cosmetic purposes? - In order to answer this question, you need to decide: why do you need such a tattoo at all, what are the reasons that encourage a person to make certain images on his body? Even in the Old Testament it was said: “For the sake of the deceased, do not make cuts in your body, and do not inscribe writing on yourself” (Lev. 19:28). This prohibition in the Pentateuch of Moses is repeated twice more: in the same Book of Leviticus (21: 5), and also in the Book of Deuteronomy (14: 1). Moses forbids disfiguring the human body, since such an action is an insult to the Creator, who gave man a beautiful flesh. Historically, a tattoo is a sign of belonging to a pagan cult: with the help of a tattoo, people hoped to gain special favor from one or another deity. That is why, since ancient times, tattoos have been "an abomination to the Lord." According to Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh, the body is the visible part of the soul, therefore any external change is primarily a sign of internal, spiritual changes taking place in a person. The main attributes of a Christian are modesty, meekness, and humility. A tattoo is, according to one modern author, an escape from modesty, an attempt to present oneself more elegantly and, possibly, with the aim of some kind of seduction of others. Based on this, we can make a confident conclusion: even the most seemingly harmless tattoos can cause irreparable spiritual harm to a person. - Is it possible to listen to the prayer rule with headphones on the way to work or using a disc in the car? - Prayer is primarily a conversation with God. And therefore, the statement that it is possible to pray with audio recording seems to be very doubtful. Unfortunately, modern man, who has simplified his life so much with the help of certain technologies, is ready to devote less and less time to God and communication with Him. Therefore, we try to pray with audio recordings, listen to evening and morning prayers in the car or on the way home. But if you think about it: how carefully can we listen to such recordings? How focused can we pray for them? The Holy Fathers always said: it is better to sincerely say a few words to God than, without thinking about Him, to say long prayers. The Lord needs not our words, but our heart. And He sees its contents: striving for His Creator and Savior, or an attempt to dismiss Him, hiding behind a half-hour audio recording. - What should an Orthodox Christian never do? - The Orthodox must first of all be afraid to sin, but not because of the fear of God's punishment. The Monk Abba Dorotheos says: the fear of God is not at all the fear of God as a kind of avenger for sins; the fear of God is the fear of offending the love of God manifested in Christ. Therefore, every Orthodox Christian should try to control himself, suppressing even the very thoughts of committing a sin, because with our sins, according to the word of the holy Apostle Paul, we crucify our Lord Jesus Christ again. With sins, we destroy everything that God has done for our own salvation. And this is what we should fear and avoid in our lives. Interviewed by Natalia Goroshkova ("Orthodox Life")

I just remember this rule, because it was very often repeated on the occasion of the joint prayer of the Moscow Patriarch with the Catholics in Notre Dame Cathedral. If an Orthodox person came to a Catholic church with a guided tour or just for fun he entered, should he pray there? But the fact is that the patriarch prayed in the church. Of course, it is better to do this at a certain time, so as not to interfere with those who come to the temple to pray. In Catholic it is unlikely. There, everyone is sitting on benches, and walking around the church for the sake of viewing is just the height of indecency.

Having crossed the threshold of a Catholic church, an Orthodox Christian just needs to bow his head slightly or cross himself according to his custom. It is allowed to sit in Catholic churches. An Orthodox (as well as an unbaptized) person cannot participate in communion. During the service, you should not walk around the church, talk loudly, take pictures. Before communion in a Catholic church, it is customary to shake hands with the words "Peace be with you!", So be prepared to stretch out your palm.

About how Catholics usually behave in the church during the service and outside it. Dress code: free. That's all. What is that! There is one guy who generally crosses himself with two fingers as the Old Believers, because he is trying to follow the pre-Niconian tradition. Turn off the sound of the mobile phone. Regarding liturgical activities: for those who are not Catholic, nothing is particularly prescribed except for decent behavior. You can also show your participation in what is happening by overshadowing yourself with the sign of the cross at the right time. At the beginning of the Mass, when the priest says: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” to which everyone answers “Amen” and is baptized.

There may come a moment in life when a person of the Orthodox faith will need to go to a Catholic church. Priests can give their blessing only when a believer makes a pilgrimage to common Christian shrines. As in the Orthodox, in the Catholic Church there are a number of rules that it is advisable to observe. 7. It is not customary in the temple to interrupt prayer, even if you have come to meet a specific person. Follow the same rules that apply to any temple. As in the Orthodox Church, you cannot smoke or drink alcohol in the church. As mentioned above, it is undesirable to pray to an Orthodox Christian in a church. It is permissible for an Orthodox to attend a Catholic service, although it is not encouraged.

Is it really bad if I, raised in Orthodoxy, go to the Catholic Church? The Orthodox Church is heretical and therefore opposed to its parishioners visiting others. If you're not really churchgoed, you probably don't care where you go, so it's hard to explain in the format of these answers. But Catholicism is still not Orthodoxy. And who said that God is in an Orthodox Church or a Catholic church, in a Lutheran church or a Protestant prayer house, in a Buddhist pagoda or Vaishnava ashram ??

Archpriest Oleg Stenyaev: "There are cases when there is nothing wrong with this"

You can enter, just not for the purpose of prayer. An Orthodox Christian can pray before them, but only on his own.

We asked the famous Moscow pastor, Archpriest Oleg Stenyaev, to answer these questions. But there are cases when there is nothing wrong with that. If a Russian person is on vacation in Egypt, then in Hurghada he may well visit the Coptic Kinissa, where a particle of the relics of St. Ignatius the God-bearer. I know that many Orthodox Christians come to this church to venerate the holy relics that are there next to the altar. Russian people can also find a lot of Christian shrines in Western Europe, where they were taken during the Crusades.

Therefore, there is nothing strange that Orthodox lovers of union with Catholics meet there. There are very few of them, but unfortunately they are. I express my regret for the apostate clerics, not the green hounds. No, it's just that Father Oleg (Stenyaev) apparently did not study at the seminary a little. For participation in them, the Christian is excommunicated, and the priest is deprived of his dignity. What's not clear here? Alexander Vasilyevich really does not have a direct ban on visiting churches of other religions. But the Christian never ceased to be a bored, idle tourist. But is it possible to find it there. No. This is only a temptation for the soul. If the canon forbids us to pray in churches of other religions, then we have nothing to do there. The grace of grace is different. The non-Orthodox from the relics, undoubtedly, also feel grace, but rather in a slightly different form than we are used to imagining.

Before changing (betraying) the faith, you need to know well about Catholicism. You, Irina, does it make no difference which church to turn to? Father, dear Archpriest Alexei! His name is George and, if possible, pray for him. Save me, God! Charbel ', but somehow I doubt that it can be read. I will definitely pray for you and Alexey. And you say that you and I have different faiths. Faith is one, as it turns out.

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Can an Orthodox go to the Catholic Church? Answer from JaluDon't listen to anyone who says that God is only in my church, you fool. Answer from Tatyana Frolova There is no difference for God where you go, just to love people. Answer from Olga If you are in doubt, think a hundred times whether you need to convert to Catholicism ... Answer from Vladimir Makarov only if an Orthodox Christian does not show up at a church somewhere in Vilnius in the full dress uniform of a Russian paratrooper ..

There is such a site: pravoslavie.ru is the site of the Sretensky Monastery in Moscow, you can leave a question on it, to which one of the monks will answer. I found a question similar to yours: How should an Orthodox person behave when visiting a Catholic church (as a historical monument)? Is it possible to light candles, sign yourself with the sign of the cross?

Did the Lord tell you this? Or maybe the father told you something in the church? Your friend probably did not take the path to God - that is only why she goes to the church. So ask her sometime if he knows the Orthodox Creed by heart ... Surely, the answer will be negative (and if so, then with the dogmas of faith If she got acquainted with the Orthodox, then now she does not know them ... Do you understand? Don't you agree with what the holy righteous John of Kronstadt said (entries from his diary): "How holy is the Orthodox faith and the Church! The Church satisfies all the needs of the human spirit and saves everyone who is devoted to her and faithful to the end of his life. Glory to Your faith, Lord, an Orthodox saint, but because ... I just said that “God has neither Catholic, nor Protestant, nor Orthodox Christians.

Hello! Can a Christian (a person who does not adhere to a clear faith, but a believer in Christ and the law of God) go to a Catholic church for spiritual nourishment and health? We are often frightened that visiting a temple of another Christian movement is a betrayal of our church. But every person must have God in his soul, and enmity between churches is unacceptable according to the law of God. The Spirit of God breathes where faith is manifested in His servants or followers. In this answer to your question, I am not urging people to renounce their faith or switch from one religion to another.

What if you are an Orthodox person and find yourself in places where there are no Orthodox churches?

Is it possible for Orthodox Christians to enter a Catholic church

I approximately understand about psychological help, but besides this, if, for example, a person was left without a livelihood, or became disabled, can the Orthodox Church help him with something? Young people and children are happy to go to church after the service (as in a "hobby club") just to communicate, to compose songs. Only we live in Ukraine, a Catholic parish. And then on Easter in the church, the priest noticed how Polina fervently pray (her great-grandmother taught her everything) and invited her to study at the Orthodox gymnasium (near metro Sviblovo). The less conventions the Orthodox Church has, the more parishioners it will have, it seems to me. In "From a year to 3" a very interesting conversation arose about the baptism of a child (dad is an atheist, mom is a believer). Someone told the boy's parents that in such cases the child must be some kind of third religion (???). The boy was baptized in the Orthodox Church. The daughter goes to the Catholic garden. In the morning they have a little prayer, all religious holidays are celebrated on a grand scale, they explain and talk a lot about the life of Christ, about the ten commandments, etc. Today my interlocutor, the Catholic priest of the temple in the city of Chiari, says that it would be nice to appear once a week at the church. And your duty as an educated person is to enlighten a child in the history of religions, both Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, and (do not fall) Muslim, and even Buddhist.

Or just get used to it. Or not be baptized during the liturgy. I wanted to order forty for six months (who does not know - this is such a many-day prayer for health, which can be ordered in a church shop, and which gives powerful divine protection). And when she started asking for names, I hesitated, knowing that the names of some members of our family are not in the Orthodox Holy Calendar, and they do not accept other names for prayer. I think it's unnecessary to bow the knee to a Catholic in an Orthodox church. I will allow myself to intervene as an Orthodox. Moreover, not all (maybe so far?) In Orthodox churches perceive the heterodox adequately.

Hello Ilya.
Forever Glory!
Heresy is a deliberate deviation from the dogma of the Christian faith clearly formulated by the Ecumenical Church and, at the same time, the separation of a new community from the Church.
The Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church unanimously characterize papism and Roman Catholicism as a whole as a false heretical faith, divorced from true apostolic Christianity, and denounce the new teachings and new teachings of the Vatican that are contrary to Divine Revelation.
I will not say now that there are many ritual deviations in the RCC - fasting on Saturday, the celebration of the Eucharist on unleavened bread, the anointing of the bishops alone, the celibacy of the clergy. Finally, I will not talk about the incredible innovation - the Pope, as the head and supreme judge of the entire Ecumenical Church. By the way, I will step aside a little from the topic of conversation, there is such a passage in the Acts of the Apostles: “Peter and John went together to the temple at the ninth hour of prayer. Red, to ask for alms from those entering the temple. When he saw Peter and John in front of the entrance to the temple, he asked them for alms. Peter and John, looking at him, said: look at us. And he stared at them, hoping to receive from them But Peter said: I have no silver and gold; but what I have, I give you: in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk "(Acts 3: 1-6). I have no silver and gold ...
The main dogmatic innovations of the Western Church:
1) The doctrine of the absolute, sole authority of the Roman bishop (pope) over the Church, and of his infallibility!
2) Teaching about the procession of the Holy Spirit "and from the Son" (filioque).
3) The doctrine of salvation, of original sin has changed, as a result of which dogmas (!) Arose about the satisfaction of God for sins, about purgatory, a treasury of merit and indulgences;
4) in the XIX - XX centuries. two new, so-called, marial dogmas were proclaimed: on the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary (1854) and Her bodily ascension to heaven (1950).
5) in 1962-1965, at the Second Vatican Council, the doctrine of the Church and its role in the salvation of man was radically revised.
Let us remember that one of the main reasons for the falling away of the ROC from the Eastern Church was its claim to the absolute power of the Roman high priest in the Church.
On July 5, 1054, the legates of Pope Leo IX themselves placed in the church of St. Sophia, placed on the throne an act of excommunication for Patriarch Michael Kerullarius of Constantinople and the entire Eastern Church. Before their departure, they published another anathema - against anyone who would accept communion from a Greek who condemned the Roman Eucharist.
Do you know there was a time when Catholic modernists celebrated Mass in Pepsi-Cola (1965-67)? Did Christ eat with his disciples-apostles on Pepsi-Cola? Well, yes, okay, you say, this does not concern us. Regarding, dear Ilya, the whole life of the RCC is full of "miracles" and that is not a century, then everything is "more miraculous and miraculous".
Are you saying that everything in the RCC is based on love? But what about the Holy Inquisition, for example? And the famous work of Heinrich Insistoris and Jacob Sprenger: "The Hammer of the Witches"? Let's go back to our time. In June 1991, John Paul II gave a speech to the Polish rabbis (!), In which he said: "meetings with representatives of the Jewish communities are a constant element of my apostolic trips." This fact speaks for itself and underlines in a special way the unique confession of faith that unites the sons of Abraham, who profess the religion of Moses and the Prophets, with those who, in an identical way, recognize Abraham as their "father in the faith."
In the early 1990s, John Paul II entered into an open agreement between Catholics and Jews. Any mention of the murder of Christ by the Jews, of the abuse of the "sons of the devil" over the Savior is excluded from the official documents of Catholicism. The Bible itself is blasphemously revised, from which it is recommended to exclude all the words of Christ against the Jews and other "inconvenient places for Jews."
On September 21, 1993, in Castel Gandolfo, the Pope met with Chief Rabbi Isaille Meir Lau, and on December 30, an agreement was signed between the Vatican and Israel on the recognition of each other and the establishment of diplomatic relations.
You write: "Jesus himself said, really, exactly where, I do not know:" Do not worry about the past. "
Elijah, Jesus did not say this, here are His words: "So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow (itself) will take care of its own: it is enough for (each) day of its concern. (Matthew 6:34)
And I can write to you a lot, but I don't have enough time ...
Christ is Risen!
Archpriest Alexei


Orthodox believers who see a large number of Muslim churches in their cities or while traveling to other countries, ask themselves the question - is it possible for an Orthodox to enter a mosque? There is a whole set of rules for this that apply to all believers, as well as Orthodox Christians who want to visit the mosque. To answer the question, is it possible for an Orthodox person to go to a mosque and find out the rules, it is necessary to turn to Muslim sources, which describes in detail the rules of conduct in a mosque. All questions were answered by Munir - Hazrat Beyusov, who is the imam of the Leningrad region.

Many people want to visit the mosque

According to Imam Munir, every believer or non-believer may want to visit a mosque, and according to the Muslim faith, this is one of the best places for prayer. Every Muslim, making a prayer, can come to the mosque, and Friday is considered a sacred day for every Muslim believer, he performs juma - namaz every week. Each mosque has its own imams, this is the same as the priests, as well as people who sing the adhan, in addition, there is always a watchman and a cleaner in the mosque.

The imam of the mosque meets everyone who has visited the temple and can explain what needs to be done, in addition, he prays together with the believers. Azanchey is the person who calls to prayer, his duties include keeping track of the namaz schedule, in addition, he helps during the general prayer. The caretaker and janitor do their job of protecting and cleaning the temple, which is very important. The entire territory of the mosque is fenced off and is considered a sacred zone, as believers come to pray, get rid of sin, and also try to learn to read the Koran, this will allow you to become closer to the Almighty. That is, according to Muslim teachings, having gone to a mosque, a person does not visit it as a guest, but visits the house of the Creator.

If a person is Orthodox or of another religion, then the Muslim creed does not prohibit visiting, but simple rules must be followed. It began with the words of the famous Imam Abu Hanif, who said that the Prophet, after his sermons, could receive a delegation of Christians in a Muslim temple, in addition, when there were conflicts, the supporters of Islam helped the captives and hid them in the mosque.

Strong odors are prohibited

It is imperative to know that you should not eat garlic or onions before visiting. This rule was adopted due to its peculiar smell. The point is that it is believed that such a “scent” will interfere with concentration and cause bad feelings. In addition, some smells can be ranked here - tobacco smoke, sweat, various ointments, cheap colognes. In the house of the Almighty, the prayer should not be distracted, there should be no strong smells of plants, and food can be taken at home after prayer is performed.

There is even a hadith where one of the Prophet's companions told an interesting story:

No sooner had the Muslims taken Khaybar than they began to use a spice called garlic. In the evening the Muslims went to the temple. When the Prophet smelled garlic, he said that whoever eats even a little of this plant should not come to the mosque. The believers thought that the Messenger of Allah forbade garlic, but then doubts were quickly dispelled, since the Prophet said that he could not forbid what the Most High allowed.

In the mosque, one must not cross the path to the one who performs namaz

Another rule to follow is visiting the mosque early. Arriving at the mosque, it will be possible to take a better place, there will be very few people and then everyone will be able to examine the ornament of the walls, see patterns and much more. The main thing is that a non-Muslim does not interfere with the prayer and that one cannot pass in front of the head of a person who is performing namaz.

There is one more rule, but it can be rejected, although everyone can take a note. The fact is that the best way to get to a Muslim temple is on foot. Usually this rule applies to those who have a temple nearby, when it is very easy to walk to it. The fact is that the Prophet himself asked that everyone get to the mosque slowly, so that there is no rush. For example, in the modern world, many do not have time for namaz, so they have to flee.

In addition, the Imam shared his thoughts on the religion itself and confirmed that the Islamic faith has given the whole world a unique culture, a great moral heritage and much more.

Therefore, every Muslim tries to follow the prescriptions of the Prophet himself. Believers of different denominations are obliged to follow the rules for visiting mosques, so it will always be clean and calm in them. Modern people have always admired the grandeur and beauty of Muslim temples.