By which the sign of the zodiac is born the most beautiful women. The most beautiful signs of the zodiac among women

By which the sign of the zodiac is born the most beautiful women. The most beautiful signs of the zodiac among women
By which the sign of the zodiac is born the most beautiful women. The most beautiful signs of the zodiac among women

As studies of various fashion magazines show, the most beautiful girls are born under the sign of the lion. Some astrologers are attractive than called water and scales. And on the forums on the Internet, you can often meet statements that scorpions are the first beauties.

However, whoever kept "Palm Championship", it is so unfair to representatives of other signs! After all, men are melting from a mysterious look of fish, their tones the originality of the Sagittarius and manites the unpredictability of the twins. In general, in every representative of the zodiac pantheon there is something that attracts the opposite sex.

And today we will tell you what is the feature of each of the twelve signs, and we will define their the most outstanding features of the external and internal attractiveness.

But first, let's say, in contrast to the nature and addiction, the appearance of zodiac has not the strongest influence. Much depends on which signs there are other planets of a personal horoscope, as well as from genes, that is, from parents and other ancestors. So among the representatives of any sign there are also "Beauties", and "monsters". Not to mention the fact that beauty is a constant concept, and the fact that one seems the riding attractiveness, others are perceived as a frank deformity.

Therefore, we will concentrate on the best sides of representatives of each sign of the zodiac.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Girls-Aries rarely leave indifferent. They know how to make them notice and remember. These ladies attract attention to bright outfits "on the contrast", but it is worth looking into the face, and no longer want to consider what they are dressed. In their appearance, the will and the desire for victory, the desire to live, love and be beloved, the originality and challenge, and also, no matter how surprisingly, defenselessness. And even if some asymmetric looks in their appearance, it is perceived as "highlight", and not as a flaw.

Women born in the first decade of Aries often have a complete figure, but if they competently pick up clothes and accessories, their lush forms attract no less interested glances than the slender legs of some young charming.
Beauty born under the sign of Aries: Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Tatiana Navka, Celine Dion.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

The first thing that attracts in the girls' girls is their swollen softness and a huge personal charm. Men are bought at it instantly and only then, already falling in love, they discover that iron will and steel nerves are hidden behind the apparent stagnation. But according to some incredible coincidence, they still continue to consider their beloved "white and fluffy", defenseless and wounded, as well as the most beautiful.

And they are absolutely right, because the ladies are cozy, they are never the first to be satisfied; The representatives of this sign of the zodiac carefully followed by itself, skillfully use cosmetics and have a subtle taste in the selection of clothing. So even if suddenly, nature did not endorse them with classic beauty, they still rarely remain in the shade.

Beauties born under the sign of Taurus: Rene Zellweger, Mind Tourman, Penelope Cruz.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

Gemini girls are multipoint. They change so rapidly that it is impossible to keep track of them. Today, you are a vamp woman with bloody-red lips, sharp nails and a fatal look, and tomorrow is a modest landscape (approx. Ed. - peasant woman) with hair braided into a braid or laid tight node at the base of the neck. It all depends on what role this lady performs, that is, from the fact that at this particular point is consonant with its minority.

The beauty of the twin women is ambiguous, and someone perceives them as a goddess, and someone does not react to them at all. But in any case, you can not get around their hands. As a rule, they live their lives, separate from the rest of the body, something is told or from something refuses when their owner seems to agree with the interlocutor. And sometimes it seems that the monologue leads the whole body of the twins. And it is incredibly attractive and erotic.

Beauties born under the sign of the twins:Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman, Marilyn Monroe.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

The beauty of female cancers rarely immediately rushes into the eyes, it must be able to see, feel, realize. However, the one who managed to do this is hardly gently gears such a lady on a brighter person. In the representatives of this sign, the features of the loving and caring mother, faithful companion and the hostess of the house, which always want to return.

And let the woman cancer do not sparkle with all the paints of the rainbow spectrum, she quietly warms it, kindly and condescendingly smiling, as smiling with heaven her patroness - Moon. And if she suddenly comes to unfold, it will easily "shut up for the belt" of those who occupy the leading places in the ranking of the most beautiful signs. By the way, the crayfish and themselves are not outsiders themselves and, despite the absence of enchanting appearance, it is usually worth 3-5 positions.

Beauties born under the sign of cancer: Zhanna Friske, Natalia Varley, Nonna Grishaeva.

Lion (July 23 - August 22)

The lioness, as already mentioned, recognized beauty, and it is surprising that they attract attention even if their appearance, to put it mildly, far from ideal. There is something in them, which makes them beautiful and in the absence of this beauty itself. The sun is their heavenly patron, put the representatives of this sign with an incredible charm. Especially he is manifested when the woman is smiling. Her face is strikingly changing, and from the usual, nothing noticeable person turns into a princess-swan or in the goddess Baste (approx. Ed. Bast, or Bastet - in ancient Egypt, so called the goddess of love, joy and fun, homemade hearth and fertility. She was depicted in the form of a woman with a cat's head) - who likes more.

The lionesses can fascinate, they do not take it. But sometimes they get tired of foreign attention and disguise, hide, cease to emit light. However, not long. After all, for them, the adoration of others is a necessary condition for existence.

Beauties born under the sign of the lion: Sandra Bullock, Charlize Theron, Jennifer Lopez.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

The girls born under the sign of the Virgin make themselves. They may not have congenital beauty, but usually surrounding it rarely notice. Virgin knows how to present themselves so that men, and in women, there is no doubt - they are lucky to be close to such an attractive and charming special.

The representatives of this sign carefully take care of themselves, followed by his figure, a lot of time is given to cosmetic procedures, they have a magnificent taste, so they are always nice to watch.

And from them constantly proceeds by the bare of freshness of forest herbs, even if they enjoy quite aggressive and sweet perfume. These ladies can not only attract attention to themselves, but also to keep it, so their fans unequivocally gave them an apple with the inscription "the most beautiful."

Beauties born under the sign of the Virgin: Salma Hayek, Sophie Loren, Cameron Diaz.

Scales (September 23 - October 22)

Girls-scales are incredibly attractive. As a rule, they possess a special article that attracts attention to them around. They have the figure of ancient goddesses, beautiful hands, an expressive face. In general, nature worked on fame, creating these women.

True, sometimes they themselves spoil all, choosing clothes that they do not go, or hair color, which is actively knocked out of their harmonious appearance. And this despite the fact that the scales have a subtle congenital taste! Sometimes it seems that they themselves are frightened or shy their beauty and try to get rid of it. However, sooner or later, they understand what they harm themselves, and returned their magnificence. And still women-scales are very artistic, and this also becomes their advantage in the struggle for the leading place in the ranking of the most beautiful signs of the zodiac.

Beauties born under the sign of the scales: Catherine Zeta-Jones, Kate Winslet, Monica Bellucci.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Women scorpions are difficult to name unconditionally beautiful. Although they consider themselves the riding perfection. And, in principle, they are correctly done, because their attractiveness has little to be doubted. That's just their beauty, rather exotic, rather used to our gaze. And they are "taken", as a rule, coming from them with sexuality, and not correct features of the face and the prettyness.

And the ladies scorpions force to compete and conquer themselves, and it rarely leaves representatives of the opposite sex indifferent - men like the hunting process. The sharp on the tongue, scorpions, do not relax, they constantly attack, without waiting until they do the surrounding, and elude how only someone from their fans decide that they caught this incomprehensible and dangerous creation.

Beauty, born under the sign of Scorpio: Julia Roberts, Sophie Marso, Demi Moore.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Sagittari ladies can be any - angular, sharp, not very beautiful, but it does not change anything. They still stretch both men and women. They forgive the fact that other people would not apologize for anything and never. Maybe all the case in charismaticness, in generosity - spiritual and material, in the ability to entertain and passibly, that is, in all that is the strong parties to representatives of this sign of the zodiac.

However, it would be unfair to say that women-fittings are unattractive externally. Often they are amazingly beautiful, especially if you apply conscious efforts to this. Just sometimes they are so little attention to how they look like that their natural data is lost, fad. However, if they are set to "conquer the whole world", it is impossible to go past them.

Beauties born under the sign of Sagittarius: Mill Yovovich, Svetlana Svetikova, Scarlett Johansson.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Capricorn girls have non-standard appearance. About such people say "on an amateur". But representatives of this sign absolutely does not care how they are perceived by others. They are too purposeful to pay attention to such little things as someone else's opinion about their outference. They have other priorities.

And at the same time they manage to create their own unique style, elegance - their second name. That is why it often happens that their supposedly negligent attitude towards her appearance becomes a new fashion. They involuntarily imitate, as even men's clothing of the Capricorn ladies are able to wear with an indescribable chic, and in a business suit look sometimes much better than many ladies in evening dresses. So they conquer love by not a lubricant face, but their personal qualities and the ability to competently present themselves.

Beauties born under the sign of Capricorn: Vanessa Paradi, Marlene Dietrich, Renata Litvinova.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Aquarius girls are definitely beautiful. Moreover, they differ not only by external attractiveness, but also inland light, which attracts views and hearts to them. The representatives of this sign are rarely "slim", but they have such an appetizing forms that men are happy to forgive their extra kilograms.

And the ladies-aquaries have beautiful skin, behind which they carefully carefully be proud of it and protect against negative impacts. Therefore, you want to touch these women, feel them. But often they have to love them, since they are very picky, sometimes they are arrogant, so who fell, they do not allow themselves. And the more inaccessible beauty, the more welcome. Woman Aquarius is a picture that many dreams to get to their collection.

Beauties born under the sign of Aquarius: Vera Brezhnev, Jennifer Aniston, Paris Hilton.

Fish (February 19 - March 20)

Female fish are one of the most beautiful representatives of the zodiac pantheon. They attract to themselves not only with their appearance, but also mysteriousness, incomprehensible, outer coldness. They want to warm up, surround love and make smiling.

Many are striving to solve them, but under power it is extremely elected - those who know how to finely feel, empathize, show mercy. After all, fish only look indifferent and detached. In fact, they rages the fire of passions, he is simply manifested rarely - these ladies can control their emotions.

And they have excellent taste. They (with rare exceptions) will never allow themselves to scream or ridiculous outfits, their style is always turned out, and things make up a skillfully selected ensemble.

Beauties born under the sign of the fish: Jennifer Love Hewitt, Eva Hersigova, Drew Barrymore.

Summing up, it can be said that the representative of any sign of the zodiac has every chance to become the winner of the beauty contest. Especially if she wants it very much.

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People who are fond of astrology often are interested in what kind of zodiac sign is the most beautiful. Many consider Lviv the riding perfection, others believe that the title is worthy of weight, because the Venus itself patronizes, the third sighs of fish. So what zodiac sign is the most beautiful?

The most beautiful signs of the zodiac among women

Of course, it is impossible to definitely answer, under what constellation the most beautiful women appear. Perhaps, even the most experienced astrologers will not be able to answer this question. After all, every woman is good in its own way, and all the tastes are different. As often happens that what we consider a disadvantage, on the contrary, is the most important advantage of a woman, its highlight. But, nevertheless, statistics suggests that the brightest and beautiful representatives of beautiful sex are born under the constellations of twins, Taurus and Aries.

This sign patronizes fire. Therefore, a woman born under the sign of the Aries is endowed with brightness, self-sufficiency, it is impossible not to be distinguished from the crowd. It is unlikely that there are men who are able to resist the woman-autumn, because it instantly cares look. It is often its features of the face are not symmetrical, which gives its special appeal. Naturally, at first a man notices a spectacular appearance, but then his personality of a woman, strong, with a huge will and the ability to love him. At the beginning of the dating, you might think that these women are impregnable, but if you dig deeper, you can see that it is gentle and varying creatures. More information on the lunar calendars and zodiac signs can be taken from this.

Among these women are often the owners of a beautiful feminine figure. They love and know how to care for themselves, which brings them huge fruits, wear well, and their charm makes them the most attractive signs of the zodiac. Yes, women-carts know how to conquer men! For their apparent defenselessness and fragility, huge power of the spirit and iron nerves are hidden.

These eternal experimenters for appearance adore to change and create new, always beautiful, images. It is in this thirst for change that the attractiveness of women twins for the opposite sex lies. Each new image embodies sexuality and grace. True, sometimes it happens that such a craving for change causes shock in the elect representatives of this sign. But does the twins causing it?

The most beautiful signs of the zodiac men

Many women celebrate the special attractiveness of men born under the constellation of Scorpio. Of course, because among them are stars like: Leonardo Dicaprio and Gerard Butler - bright male attractive patterns. Other girls like Capricors and Gemini. Although the attractiveness of a man, as women themselves noted, rarely depends on external data, so in any sign of the zodiac you can meet a charming man. Therefore, it is difficult to understand, this most zodiac sign is beautiful or not, because it is impossible to collect statistical data about it. Women themselves are often attracted by a sense of humor of a man, his charisma, and sometimes even the size of the wallet.

Spearly on the forums arise disputes, which signs of the zodiac are the most beautiful. To call the representatives of one sign attractive than others unfairly, because its natural beauty and the "raisin" have each. For example, the fish are sitting in their deep and mysterious glance, the Aries can beautifully and tastefully choose clothes, and the shoulders attract personal charm.

Consider the features of each of the twelve signs to determine their most noticeable features of both external and internal attractiveness.

The most beautiful women on the zodiac sign


Women-Aries simply do not know how to be "in the shade", they make every effort to notice and appreciate them. Ladies-Aries are able to attract bright outfits, but it's only a look in the face to understand the essence of their natural beauty. The stars were awarded the Aries by a volitional expression, a constant desire for victory, the ability to throw and receive a challenge. But at the same time, a certain defenselessness is guessed, from which a man is simply crazy.

Famous beauties-Aries: Tatiana Navka, Reese Witherspoon, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Keira Knightley.


Tales are bribed with their softness and personal charm. But behind this bait hides a strong character and iron will. Men who fell in love with the calves, even after the disclosure of this, the secretions continue to be considered them with the most tender, wound and defenseless. Ladies-calfs skillfully use cosmetics, they differ in a subtle taste in the selection of clothing.

Beautiful zodiac sign representatives: Madrid Turman, Penelope Cruz, Jessica Alba.


The beauty of twin girls is Multicolia. They change their image so rapidly that it is very difficult to keep track of change. The appearance of twins fully corresponds to their inner mood. Twins are destroyed: some men simply cannot understand why changes occur so rapidly.

Famous beauties: Marilyn Monroe, Nicole Kidman, Angelina Jolie.


Different with refinement and originality in the ability to apply makeup. Not fans of bright images, but they like to emphasize their originality with the help of unusual accessories. Capable to bring a highlight to their image, thanks to which they are allocated against the background of others.

Famous beauties: Natalia Varley, Zhanna Friske, Giselle Bundchen, Sofia Vergara.

a lion

The beauty of the lioness in many ways comes from the inside, they know how to sue themselves and emphasize their natural royal posture. For them, it is not necessary to have a beautiful appearance, thanks to its natural charisma, the lioness can seem stunningly beautiful.

Famous sign representatives: Jennifer Lopez, Sandra Bullock, Mila Kunis, Charlize Theron.


Not even possessing the natural beauty of the Virgin knows how to beautifully present themselves. It turns out so successfully that even the rivals in the soul recognize that Virgo today really was the queen evening.

Beauty for virgins is everyday and painstaking work. They give a lot of time to various cosmetic procedures, virgins have a good taste, so it's nice to see the representatives of this sign.

Famous beauties: Sophie Loren, Salma Hayek, Cameron Diaz.


Women scales attract the attention of others with a beautiful figure, sophisticated features, expressive face. Nature on glory worked, creating scales. Scales are very artistic and know how to properly present their natural data. But sometimes they are able to spoil all any random detail, which seems completely inappropriate to their image.

Beautiful zodiac sign representatives: Monica Belucci, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Gwyneth Paltrow.


Women scorpions from nature have a certain authority in the character, which gives them magnetism. Very often, the beauty of scorpions is exotic, combined with natural sensuality capable of attracting men as a magnet. Scorpions perfectly know how to like men, so use their knowledge and natural skills on the full coil.

Famous beauties scorpions: Demi Moore, Julia Roberts, Ann Hathaway, Scarlett Johansson.


The stars were awarded the Archers Harisma and the ability to stand out from among other people with their character. Natural beauty is also available, just to care for yourself and emphasize the advantages of Sagittarius for some reason. But if the Archers want to conquer a man, he soon or later will have to surrender to charm.

Beautiful representatives of Sagittarius: Mill Yovovich, Patricia Kaas, Taira Banks, Elizabeth Boyarskaya.


The appearance of Capricorns is often far from the ideals of beauty. They say "Beauty on an amateur". But Capricors do not care about someone else's opinion, they just "bent their line" and look like they want. Blue hair, business suit at a party and evening dress on Halloween - all about Capricorn. Often become fashion laws.

Famous beauties: Marlene Dietrich, Ingeborg Dapkunayte, Kate Moss, Kate Middleton.


They know how to love men as they are. With its appearance, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe reference beauty is roasted. Therefore, we often see chubby and unbelievable aquaries next to the written hands. They liked the natural charisma and ease of water.

Famous beauties-aquaries: Vera Brezhnev, Jeniffer Aniston, Nastasya Kinski.


Attract with their peacefulness, calm, coldness. This is a damn beautiful zodiac sign that can in love with the opposite sex. Especially crazy about fish impulsive and slightly hot-tempered men. In the Union with Fishes, they find their quiet harbor, in which they remain until the end of life.

Zodiac sign representatives: Drew Barrymore, Eva Hercigova, Ornell Mutty, Sharon Stone.

The most beautiful men by the sign of the zodiac

The rating of the most beautiful signs of the zodiac would be incomplete without a description of the top of attractive men. Yes, for men, natural beauty is far from the only factor of attractiveness, but still we pay attention to appearance.


The king of charm, the appearance of the Aries does not always succeed, but they know how to charm the lady. May and love to be romantic, but do not tolerate long courtes. If a man-Aries does not receive for a long time from the lady of what he wants, he just pay attention to the other.

Famous beauties - Evan McGregor, Robert Downey Ml., Jean-Paul Belmondo.


Men-carts are very beautiful: both face and figure. Their high growth and slim body attract representatives of the opposite sex. Lack of calves - a complex of inferiority. They simply can not believe that they are loved for beauty, and not for money, social position, etc.

Famous representatives of the zodiac sign - George Clooney, Jack Nicholson, James McAvoy.


Not so much beautiful how much you know how to prevent yourself well. Talents are exhibited at the bottom, and disadvantages - hiding. Many women seriously believe that the beauty of the twins lies in the fluids they emit next to them. Therefore, the ladies are simply melted, and immediately prepared with twins at least in bed, even under the crown.

Famous beauties - Johnny Depp, James Belosha, Colin Faell.


Women attracts natural restraints, calm and aristocracy in cancers. Some ladies consider these qualities of cancers more attractive than a beautiful face and a pumped body. Cancer cavering is sensual, able to morally support his beloved in a difficult situation.

Famous handsome crayfish - Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Cruise, Josh Harnette.

a lion

Royal posture, ability to file yourself and magnificent charisma are the main strong features of the character of the lion. Women like his sensual and expressive smile, along with charm and a thin soulful organization, she always provides a lion with a cable of fans.

Famous representatives of the sign among men - Ben Affleck, Chris Hemsfort, David Gukhovani.


Attracts with its inner beauty. Skup on emotions, a lot of time pays psychology and its personal development. Through sees his beloved, understands all her fears and internal complexes. Successfully becomes not only a lover and husband, but also a better girlfriend and psychoanalyst in one person.

Famous beauties - Keanu Reeves, Tom Hardy, Colin Firth.


The stars were awarded men-scales with a beautiful body, the ability to convincingly speak, with the mind, in a sensitive character. But one large drawback was given: the scales are very demanding on their companion. 99% of girls are not suitable for the weight by definition. From the remaining 1%, it will still choose for a long time, so often goes in bachelors to 40 years.

Famous beauties - Hugh Jackman, Sergey Bezrukov, Guy Pierce, Will Smith.


It seeks the location of women with complex psychological techniques. By nature, sexy and mysterious, so a certain part of women is simply crazy about charming scorpions.

Famous handsome representatives of the sign - Leonardo di Caprio, Matthew McConaja, Gerard Butler.


High growth and unusual view depth is a typical image of Sagittarius. Its innate sexuality uses in dishonest games, as a result - the cable of broken hearts of the fans appears.

Famous handsome men among the Streltsov - Jake Jillenhol, Brad Pitt, Anton Makarsky.


Attracts with its internal organization and thoroughness. The seduction refers to work, reads books and uses classic techniques. But it may be damn boring because of his predictability. External beauty is not deprived, but does not know how to use it.

Famous beauties - Orlando Bloom, Bradley Cooper, Jude Low.


Attractive and charming handsome, followed by girls running. But very passive, as it is afraid to make a mistake in relationships. Along with beauty, natural energy is combined.

Wonderful representatives among men - Cristiano Ronaldo, Christian Bale, Joseph Gordon-Levitt.


It is able to melt the heart of even the most impregnable beauty, has female intuition and uses it against women. He thinks like a girl, so he should not be enthusiastic behind him almost any. Often possesses beautiful appearance and charisma.

Famous beauties - Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem, Bruce Willis.

As studies of various fashion magazines show, the most beautiful girls are born under the sign of the lion. Some astrologers are attractive than called water and scales. And on the forums on the Internet, you can often meet statements that scorpions are the first beauties.

However, whoever kept "Palm Championship", it is so unfair to representatives of other signs! After all, men are melting from a mysterious look of fish, their tones the originality of the Sagittarius and manites the unpredictability of the twins. In general, in every representative of the zodiac pantheon there is something that attracts the opposite sex.

And today we will tell you what is the feature of each of the twelve signs, and we will define their the most outstanding features of the external and internal attractiveness.

But first, let's say, in contrast to the nature and addiction, the appearance of zodiac has not the strongest influence. Much depends on which signs there are other planets of a personal horoscope, as well as from genes, that is, from parents and other ancestors. So among the representatives of any sign there are also "Beauties", and "monsters". Not to mention the fact that beauty is a constant concept, and the fact that one seems the riding attractiveness, others are perceived as a frank deformity.

Therefore, we will concentrate on the best sides of representatives of each sign of the zodiac.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Girls-Aries rarely leave indifferent. They know how to make them notice and remember. These ladies attract attention to bright outfits "on the contrast", but it is worth looking into the face, and no longer want to consider what they are dressed. In their appearance, the will and the desire for victory, the desire to live, love and be beloved, the originality and challenge, and also, no matter how surprisingly, defenselessness. And even if some asymmetric looks in their appearance, it is perceived as "highlight", and not as a flaw.

Women born in the first decade of Aries often have a complete figure, but if they competently pick up clothes and accessories, their lush forms attract no less interested glances than the slender legs of some young charming.

Beauty born under the sign of Aries: Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Tatiana Navka, Celine Dion.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

The most beautiful girls on the signs of the zodiac

The first thing that attracts in the girls' girls is their swollen softness and a huge personal charm. Men are bought at it instantly and only then, already falling in love, discover that iron will and steel and steel and steel is hidden behind the apparent stagnation. But according to some incredible coincidence, they still continue to consider their beloved "white and fluffy", defenseless and wounded, as well as the most beautiful.

And they are absolutely right, because the ladies are cozy, they are never the first to be satisfied; The representatives of this sign of the zodiac carefully followed by itself, skillfully use cosmetics and have a subtle taste in the selection of clothing. So even if suddenly, nature did not endorse them with classic beauty, they still rarely remain in the shade.

Beauties born under the sign of Taurus: Rene Zellweger, Mind Tourman, Penelope Cruz.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

The most beautiful girls on the signs of the zodiac

Gemini girls are multipoint. They change so rapidly that it is impossible to keep track of them. Today, you are a vamp woman with bloody-red lips, sharp nails and a fatal look, and tomorrow is a modest landscape (approx. Ed. - peasant woman) with hair braided into a braid or laid tight node at the base of the neck. It all depends on what role this lady performs, that is, from the fact that at this particular point is consonant with its minority.

The beauty of the twin women is ambiguous, and someone perceives them as a goddess, and someone does not react to them at all. But in any case, you can not get around their hands. As a rule, they live their lives, separate from the rest of the body, something is told or from something refuses when their owner seems to agree with the interlocutor. And sometimes it seems that the monologue leads the whole body of the twins. And it is incredibly attractive and erotic.

The most beautiful girls on the signs of the zodiac

The beauty of female cancers rarely immediately rushes into the eyes, it must be able to see, feel, realize. However, the one who managed to do this is hardly gently gears such a lady on a brighter person. In the representatives of this sign, the features of the loving and caring mother, faithful companion and the hostess of the house, which always want to return.

And let the woman cancer do not sparkle with all the paints of the rainbow spectrum, she quietly warms it, kindly and condescendingly smiling, as smiling with heaven her patroness - Moon. And if she suddenly comes to unfold, it will easily "shut up for the belt" of those who occupy the leading places in the ranking of the most beautiful signs. By the way, the crayfish and themselves are not outsiders themselves and, despite the absence of enchanting appearance, it is usually worth 3-5 positions.

Beauties born under the sign of cancer: Zhanna Friske, Natalia Varley, Nonna Grishaeva.

Lion (July 23 - August 22)

The most beautiful girls on the signs of the zodiac

The lioness, as already mentioned, recognized beauty, and it is surprising that they attract attention even if their appearance, to put it mildly, far from ideal. There is something in them, which makes them beautiful and in the absence of this beauty itself. The sun is their heavenly patron, put the representatives of this sign with an incredible charm. Especially he is manifested when the woman is smiling. Her face is strikingly changing, and from the usual, nothing noticeable person turns into a princess-swan or in the goddess Baste (approx. Ed. Bast, or Bastet - in ancient Egypt, so called the goddess of love, joy and fun, homemade hearth and fertility. She was depicted in the form of a woman with a cat's head) - who likes more.

The lionesses can fascinate, they do not take it. But sometimes they get tired of foreign attention and disguise, hide, cease to emit light. However, not long. After all, for them, the adoration of others is a necessary condition for existence.

Beauties born under the sign of the lion: Sandra Bullock, Charlize Theron, Jennifer Lopez.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

The most beautiful girls on the signs of the zodiac

The girls born under the sign of the Virgin make themselves. They may not have congenital beauty, but usually surrounding it rarely notice. Virgin knows how to present themselves so that men, and in women, there is no doubt - they are lucky to be close to such an attractive and charming special.

The representatives of this sign carefully take care of themselves, followed by his figure, a lot of time is given to cosmetic procedures, they have a magnificent taste, so they are always nice to watch.

And from them constantly proceeds by the bare of freshness of forest herbs, even if they enjoy quite aggressive and sweet perfume. These ladies can not only attract attention to themselves, but also to keep it, so their fans unequivocally gave them an apple with the inscription "the most beautiful."

Beauties born under the sign of the Virgin: Salma Hayek, Sophie Loren, Cameron Diaz.

Beauty of scales, scorpions and firemen

Scales (September 23 - October 22)

The most beautiful girls on the signs of the zodiac

Girls-scales are incredibly attractive. As a rule, they possess a special article that attracts attention to them around. They have the figure of ancient goddesses, beautiful hands, an expressive face. In general, nature worked on fame, creating these women.

True, sometimes they themselves spoil all, choosing clothes that they do not go, or hair color, which is actively knocked out of their harmonious appearance. And this despite the fact that the scales have a subtle congenital taste! Sometimes it seems that they themselves are frightened or shy their beauty and try to get rid of it. However, sooner or later, they understand what they harm themselves, and returned their magnificence. And still women-scales are very artistic, and this also becomes their advantage in the struggle for the leading place in the ranking of the most beautiful signs of the zodiac.

The most beautiful girls on the signs of the zodiac

Women scorpions are difficult to name unconditionally beautiful. Although they consider themselves the riding perfection. And, in principle, they are correctly done, because their attractiveness has little to be doubted. That's just their beauty, rather exotic, rather used to our gaze. And they are "taken", as a rule, coming from them with sexuality, and not correct features of the face and the prettyness.

And the ladies scorpions force to compete and conquer themselves, and it rarely leaves representatives of the opposite sex indifferent - men like the hunting process. The sharp on the tongue, scorpions, do not relax, they constantly attack, without waiting until they do the surrounding, and elude how only someone from their fans decide that they caught this incomprehensible and dangerous creation.

Beauty, born under the sign of Scorpio: Julia Roberts, Sophie Marso, Demi Moore.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

The most beautiful girls on the signs of the zodiac

Sagittari ladies can be any - angular, sharp, not very beautiful, but it does not change anything. They still stretch both men and women. They forgive the fact that other people would not apologize for anything and never. Maybe all the case in charismaticness, in generosity - spiritual and material, in the ability to entertain and passibly, that is, in all that is the strong parties to representatives of this sign of the zodiac.

However, it would be unfair to say that women-fittings are unattractive externally. Often they are amazingly beautiful, especially if you apply conscious efforts to this. Just sometimes they are so little attention to how they look like that their natural data is lost, fad. However, if they are set to "conquer the whole world", it is impossible to go past them.

Beauties born under the sign of Sagittarius: Mill Yovovich, Svetlana Svetikova, Scarlett Johansson.

Charm of Cashers, Aquarius and Fish

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

The most beautiful girls on the signs of the zodiac

Compatibility Horoscope: Scales The most beautiful zodiac sign is the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Astrologers argue that the zodiac sign does not affect the external beauty of man. But, nevertheless, every constellation has its own external distinguishing features, on the basis of which it is possible to draw up the rating of the most beautiful signs of the zodiac.

What constellation is considered the most pretty in the opinion of astrologers?

According to astrological analysis, each sign has its own characteristic features: Body type, face features, eye and hair color. This allows you to determine the most attractive constellation.

Among women, the most beautiful sign is called Scorpion. Woman Scorpio has a unique appearance, which, sometimes it is impossible to clearly describe in words. Her raisin is not only in external female attractiveness, but also in internal magnetism. The representative of this constellation has charisma, charm and exceptional ability to like almost all men.

Charming, smart, feminine, memorable - all these words can be attributed to scorpion girls. Most often, men celebrate their deep look, eye color and sophisticated face features. Appearance is most often unusual, but in memory remains for a long time. The woman scorpion has very few girlfriends, and even no.

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This is explained in most cases by the fact that other women are not able to compete with it for the championship in the society of men. She is often jealous and want to be similar to her.

Among the men, Capricorn is considered the most beautiful sign. What attracts women in this constellation and why his appearance is so entails everyone around? First, the male Capricorn most often has a strong physique, which speaks of his physical strength and health. Secondly, his mounted and tenacious glance attracts attention to others.

The main beauty of Capricorn hides at all in a nice face or an attractive body. Its main trumps - mind, calm and prudence. Next to such a man, any woman can feel like a stone wall. Capricorn inspires confidence in himself, the impression of a reliable, interesting and adequate person who can cope with any problem.

Rating: Who is attractive as attractive?

The list of the most attractive signs of the zodiac is based on the data of periodicals that make up each year the rating of the most beautiful people of the world, which includes artists, models, public figures and other representatives of public professions and show business.

Possess stunning appearance that they play with the style of their clothing and accessories. Wherever they appear, all attention is drawn to them. Distinctive features of the representatives of this constellation are thick long hair, which are most often crowned, as well as large, beautiful, smoked eyes and full lips.

In addition to the beautiful appearance of the lion endowed inner beauty, the desire to evolve extraordinary thinking and wit. This is exactly what attracts the opposite sex.

This is an amazing creature, mounted by your gaze and inland rod. A distinctive feature of people of this sign is languid eyes, black thick eyebrows, aristocratic features of the face and a beautiful physique. Their main chip is that they can impress only when it is profitable. Therefore, not everyone can notice something unique and clinging.

Different internal confidence in themselves. Of course, they are beautiful outwardly: the right features of the face, a sports physique, blonde hair and a fun look. However, internal beauty attracts most of all. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac can please everyone in any situation. They are able to find the right approach to both men and women.

Could sew and like others. Due to their attractiveness, they often achieve success in his career and personal life. Their beauty is supported by confidence in itself, which makes representatives of this sign of the zodiac attractive for a wide range of people.

Besides, Aries carefully follow their appearance. They love to change, experiment with image and wardrobe. Aries are always in trend - know that we are fashionable to wear, how to paint and what hairstyle to do.

Differ non-standard, original appearance. They have big eyes, thin lips, slightly wavy hair, fine features. Their main feature lies in multipleness. Representatives of this constellation will not allow themselves to walk in the same season and not change the haircut during the year.

They are accustomed to constantly changing their image, which often attracts surrounding people. Another distinctive feature is the ability to quickly put your appearance after a difficult day or party. They are rapidly restored and come back.

Their beauty is not immediately striking. To see it, it is necessary to feel the representatives of this sign and know more about them. Their appearance is not shy, not bright, but at the same time, attractive and mounted. Cancers do not attach special attention to their appearance and appearance of the people around, they more appreciate the inner world of man, his dreams and aspirations.

I make the impression of very kind, responsive and good-natured people. Their appearance is very harmonious with their inner world. Not possessing special external data, they, nevertheless, enjoy mad popular with the opposite sex.

Tales are always careful, love to follow and care for your body. Adjusts cosmetic procedures, homemade beauty recipes and skillfully use them to maintain an attractive appearance and youth.

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Someone their appearance will seem repulsive, and for someone, on the contrary, attractive. Representatives of this sign have internal magnetism attracting others. A deep voice, a meaningful look, good manners and cleanness - this is what people are paying attention to when communicating with scorpions. Their beauty is most often exotic and beyond the clear description.

Another reason for the attractiveness of scorpions is their ambitious and obvious character. They will never give to relax their enemies and will go to their goal until the last.

Tenderness, sensitivity, softness in them are combined with practicality, realistic look at the world and calcality. Representatives of this constellation carefully follow themselves - attend gyms, sit on diets, are engaged not only by physical, but spiritual development.

These are versatile people who may like their sometimes contradictory views on life. Their appearance may be far from ideal, but few notices this, because the Virgin is the owners of an extraordinary charisma.

Representatives of this sign appreciate beauty and aesthetics. Therefore, they are trying to follow themselves, regardless of the gender. Male scales can often be accused of narcissism, as they love to look in the mirror, make styling on the head and boast their press. Women of this constellation do not lag behind them, trying to always be aware of fashionable innovations and trends.

Trying to always look at the altitude, they impose increased demands on the appearance of their riders. Scales rarely pay attention to people who seem to be incompatible.

People are very unusual, with their eyes on beauty and appearance. Their beauty is often extraordinary and does not give in any description. The representatives of the sign have dense wavy hair, chubby lips and small-sorrible eyes. Most often they have a slim or thin figure.

Raisin Aquarius is that they never sit in place and often change their style. They try to find a balance between their inner sensation and appearance. Often others scare away their choice of clothes. But the Aquarius is completely indifferent to the opinion of people, they live as they want.

Fragile and delicate creatures that you want to protect and protect. This is exactly what makes them attractive. A distinctive feature of their appearance - big eyes slightly on cake. Representatives of this constellation very subtly feel around the world, so they strive to harmonize everything around themselves, even their appearance. That is why they often resort to plastic operations, seeking to achieve perfection.

Still fishes love to dress beautifully. Most of them are trying to compensate for some disadvantages of fashionable clothing, expensive jewelry and accessories. But real beauty and uniqueness often hides behind tons of cosmetics, trend styling and the latest fashion peak on the body. Having removed all this, the fish turn into truly pretty people.

Beauty - the concept of subjective. Despite this rating, it is impossible to determine the appearance and attractiveness of a person with accuracy, knowing only his zodiac sign.

Under what the sign of the zodiac is born the most beautiful men and women

Disputes about the most beautiful people are underdeveloped in different spheres of life. The beauty is measured by gender, nationality, profession and even zodiac signs. Astrologers are ambiguous in the opinion, which of the representatives of the zodiac circle takes the beauty championship. And yet they highlight the signs of the zodiac, under which the most recognized by many ratings of the beauty of men and women were born.

Top 3 most beautiful women on zodiac sign

To whom, as not to the lioness - proud, majestic and supporting themselves in the life of the Queen - to hold a leading position in the ratings of beauty? And just not by external data they take the demanding public, namely feeding themselves and incredible charisma. Perhaps in everything "guilty" the sun, which, being the heavenly patron of the sign, gifts his wards unsurpassed charm and attractiveness. The lionesses shine everywhere - whether at home in the kitchen or in secular events, without which they do not think of their existence. The secret of beauty of all the liones is simple - smile! She enchants and fascinates men and neutralizes even recognized Korolev beauty.

Famous beauty-lioness: Jennifer Lopez, Hilary Syanka, Sandra Bullock, Melanie Griffith, Whitney Houston, Madonna, Julia Menshov, Dasha Astafieva, Nyusha, Ravshan Kurkova.

Women of this sign, Nature gave the perfect beauty of the body, which would envy even recognized ancient beauties. Do not borrow them and inner beauty - they are smart, talented, possess a subtle taste and are endowed with a feeling of beautiful. A set of such qualities allows women-weights to be demanding and in choosing a partner. A man must fit and be at a decent level to a representative of the sign of the scales them become interested. Although it can completely not show it and even close at the sight of a man attracting her, unconsciously provoking it on the manifestation of fantasy in courtship. Favoring woman-scales man will not be afraid to show the initiative and will be awarded for advantage!

Famous beauty-scales: Monica Bellucci, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Gwen Stephanie, Kim Kardashian, Brick Bardo, Kate Winslet, Sigurney Weaver, Catherine Denev, Chulpan Hamatova.

Women-aquaries are not just beauty, which all men turn around. They are a benchmark for femininity and beauty, relevant for all times and peoples. Often women of this sign nature gives magnificent forms, beautiful skin and hair. Looking from the beauties, the look is difficult and because they emit incredibly attractive energy. Kindness, reliability, loyalty is also integral traits of their character. The complex of internal and external attractiveness and makes women-aquaries among the most desirable girlfriends, mistresses, brides and wives for many men. But the drains themselves are in no hurry to open the heart. By virtue of their gulling and attractiveness, they were not burned more than once, so in the choice of a satellite of life behave extremely parallers.

Famous beauties-aquaries: Shakira, Tiffany Tissren, Nastasya Kinski, Oprah Winfri, Jennifer Aniston, Paris Hilton, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Ekaterina Klimova, Vera Brezhnev.

Top 3 most beautiful men by zodiac sign

It is difficult to be born ugly if the zodiac constellations under which you were born, drive Venus and the Moon. Almost all men are beautiful! From their face, as they say, you can drink water: expressive eyes, sensual mouth, thick eyebrows and eyelashes, attractive face form. Many Taur Councils God did not adopt the growth and slim physique. True, not all men can save perfect forms to old age, but weakness to excesses, spoiling a figure, they compensate for charm. Wherever the calves were not, women always spin around them, fell on men's beauty. Men-Tales, of course, know what impressed the surrounding, but at the same time many of them manage to suffer in a complex of inferiority.

Famous handsome Tales: David Beckham, George Clooney, Enrique Iglesias, Jack Nicholson, Robert Pattinson, Dennis Hopper, Helmut Tom, Danil Kozlovsky.

The breathtaking beauties from the twins makes any appearance, how much the ability to talented themselves, to make professional advertising to their advantages and allotted attention from flaws. Many women calling Men twin with a model of male beauty, are confident that the case is not the right features of the face, expressive eyes or perfectly folded figure. Twins are literally "injected" into the atmosphere of fluids, followed by women are ready at least to bed, even on the edge of the world. Of course, such an unconscious charm can not last forever and, come back, many women understand that they were victims of loving alpha males, in the "all-service list" which a whole collection of broken hearts.

Famous twin beauties: Johnny Depp, Paul McCartney, Tom Cruise, Clint Eastwood, Mario Casas, Chris Evans, Colin Farrell, Victitative Miller, James Belosha, Vensen Perez, Alexey Guskov, Gosh Kutsenko.

Sagittari men fell into the top three leaders of the handsaws, sweating the male scorpions, which, although incredibly beautiful, but still their beauty has some kind of mystical origin. Therefore, the "palm of the championship" women still gave to the arteries. Men of this sign attract strict features of the face, big eyes, looking straight into the soul, and high increasing with a tightened figure. It is difficult to resist such handsome people, especially when they go into the course of their sexuality, which legends go. Not less than the fame and the loyalty of the Men-Sagittarov. Is it so, can only find out the chosen one, with which the windy Sagittarius will decide to tie his destiny. Become a companion of life charming Sagittarius, of course, a great honor, but a horoscope of love, says that a man-Sagittarius is very in love with a nature, so it is possible that tomorrow he will be faithful to a new wife.

Famous twin beauties: Brad Pitt, Woody Allen, Frank Sinatra, Stephen Spielberg, Danny de Vito, Jake Jillenhol, Kirk Douglas, Yen Somerhalder, Brendan Fraser, Don Johnson, Til Schweiger, Vladimir Mashkov, Anton Makarsky, Maxim Averin.

Which zodiac sign is the most!

What zodiac sign is the best, according to astrologers? Each zodiac sign is the best in something! Aries best beggar, new ideas generator, discoverer! Taurus the best implementator capable of embodying conceived in life! Gemini are the best in communication and information transfer! Cancers are the best familymen and psychologists! Lions best artists and leaders! Virgin best workers who are capable of small counting! Scales The best designers capable of partnerships! Scorpions are the best psychotherapists, cascaders capable of changing you with their stormy energy! Sagittarius Best teacher and inspirer! Capricorn is the best in his career and durability! Aquarius is the best in the team, where it is the center of the most original ideas! Fish The best empathists, with a unique imagination!

The strongest zodiac sign

Anyway, every sign is strong in something, but let's consider the human strength as the ability to defend its rights and be confident. What zodiac sign is the strongest, according to astrologers?

The most perfect zodiac sign

Here is the question so the question. There are no ideal signs! Everyone has both dignity and disadvantages! Aries are a good starter, but it will not be able to complete until the end, it will be overgrown! Taurus will ideally perform what he is already able, but it is worth it to give something new, as he will be accustomed for a long time! The twins are perfectly presented, translated, work with information, but they are superficial and do not like to delve into the essence. Cancer is an ideal family man, but he is like a child outside. Lions are ideal patrons, bosses, popular personalities, but they are vain and pant on flattery. Virgin ideal workers, but they are too disciplined and looped on trifles. Scales are ideal partners with a good taste, but they are hard to take responsibility for themselves. Sagittarius perfect teacher generously giving experiences, but for the whole, they often do not see the details. Capricorns are excellent workers and administrators, but they are too tough outside, because too soft inside. Aquarius perfect friends, but sometimes their interests for them become above all in the world. Fishes are ideal in their world of fantasies and unique imagination, but in reality they can not rely on them.

The most difficult sign of the zodiac

Consider which sign or signs of the zodiac are the most difficult for family (or just under one roof) of life? First of all, it should be said that in the solar sign of the zodiac it is impossible to judge this, any of the 12 signs can be very pleasant in the family life, but the moon in the sign of the zodiac will tell a lot about man!

The surest zodiac sign

Let's consider which sign of the zodiac is considered the most faithful in men? The most faithful signs of the zodiac can be called Taurus and a virgin. The calves are pretty lazy to go left, besides, they are very attached to the partner and are seriously getting used to the new one, therefore among the calves fewer modes.

In general, according to statistics, the signs of the Earth change the least (they are tied for a long time, and they are difficult to get used to the new one) and air signs are most often (as opposite land)

The most beautiful zodiac sign

By consider what kind of zodiac sign is the most beautiful, according to astrologers? The most beautiful signs of the zodiac are considered "human" signs. That is, Gemini, Virgo and Aquarius. However, the appearance largely depends on all the planets of the natal map and a very important first home or ACS.

The sexiest zodiac sign

What is the sexiest zodiac? It is believed that the sexiest zodiac sign is scorpion. But this is not quite so, Scorpio has sex to reset the extra accumulated energy, and in the second stage for pleasure. However, he is the sexiest zodiac sign man. The most sexy sign among women can be called Taurus. Taurus is very sensual (under the control of Venus) He loves to enjoy all the way he does. Therefore, the Taurus can rightly be called the sexiest zodiac sign.

The worst zodiac sign

What zodiac sign is the worst? According to astrologers, there are no worst / magnificent signs of the zodiac. However, if we consider this question from the point of view of men and women and their roles, that is, signs are not very successful for men and not the best for women.

The most accurate zodiac sign

The most accurate sign of the zodiac can be called a virgin, Virgo is capable of keeping a thousand little things in her head, she thinks everything in advance and constitutes an action plan. Rarely late, because Pedantic. The virgin has a good rational mind, it is able to decompose on the shelves and structuring the information obtained. In addition, Virgo loves when everything around perfectly and for sure!

The most jealous zodiac sign

What is the most jealous zodiac sign in men and women? Of course, Scorpio is considered the most jealous zodiac sign. Especially if the moon is also in this sign. People with this sign are very jealous, they do not trust the world around themselves and everywhere looking for a catch, in addition, they love to dig in anything (for example, in the phone) and to get to the very essence (for example, what exactly led to treason, where did the origins come from?)

The most intelligent zodiac sign

Let's see what the smartest zodiac sign, according to astrologers? Planet Mercury is responsible for our mental abilities, and therefore the sign of this planet will show our mental potential:

The kindest zodiac sign

It's hard to say what kind of zodiac sign is the kindest, according to astroloks every kind of kind, for example, the fish always sympathize with you, the scales will listen, the lion is probrit, and Aries will say, but not to whine, it's time to act!

The most evil zodiac sign

Consider what zodiac sign is the most angry, according to astrologers? What do we understand under anger? Most often, this question is asked for varying representatives of the water element of fish and crayfish. For them, anger is an increase in voices and screams. And if for representatives of the fiery element, it does not mean anything, well, I scream sometimes, so what? That's fish, crayfish, scales and other gentle representatives of the zodiac circle, each time they are bored from any jump to the change of intonation. If we consider anger in this vein, then the "evil" can be called scorpion, aries and lion. All of them are running fiery shining.

The most crazy zodiac sign

Planet Uranus patronizes the whole original and not standard and the most crazy people on the sign of the zodiac Aquarius!

The most crazy sign can be called Aquarius. Being under the patronage of the planet Uranus, representatives of this sign are original and not standard, they adore groups of people and communication, adore the time of change, when the course of life is completely changing, new people appear, new impressions that have never seen!

The richest zodiac sign

Take a look at the statistics of Forbes magazine and see what zodiac sign is the richest? Which is not surprising for the Word, because in the first place, of course, there is a sign of a lion (14% of the capital "Golden hundred".) Twins with Aquarius are also not bad and have (11%) Aries with weights slightly smaller (10% ) Tales and fish have software (7.7%) and scorpions and Capricorn (6.6%) of Virgin, Sagittarius and Craki are in lagging behind.

The most wrong zodiac sign for a woman

Loyalty largely depends on the signs of Venus and 7 houses of the horoscope. For Venus, signs of twins and fish are not too favorable. Especially if Venus is in a non-harmonious aspect with Neptune. It is also necessary to pay attention to the ruler of 7 at home and its aspects with Venus and Saturn. The harmonious aspects of Venus and Saturn, on the contrary, will prevent treason. Neptune, negatively affecting 7 houses, can give many confusing and secret links, and uranium frequent breaks of relationships.

Therefore, we can say that the most incorrect sign of Venus are twins and fish.

The most harmful zodiac sign

Let's look at what zodiac sign is the most harmful, according to astrologers? Twin and Aquarius are considered the most harmful signs of the zodiac, as they love freedom, rarely recognize their mistakes. Twins are good lies and love to get out of it seemed to be hopeless situations. And Aquarius often put the interests of comrades and their own above the interests of the family.

The happiest zodiac sign

What is the happiest zodiac sign? Happiness is faith in yourself and your strength, it is optimistic, it's fire! The happiest signs of the zodiac: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius! However, happiness for everyone.

The most successful zodiac sign

What are the most successful people on the sign of the zodiac? The most successful sign of the zodiac is something like the richest sign of the lion. After all, what is success? Success for each sign your own. The fish will be successful away from society, where they will be able to realize their inner potential, but the Aries need to be ahead of the rest of the rest, and even if the Lower hemisphere and women's planets will be highlighted at the Aries, he will still be the leader, albeit at home!

The most cruel sign of the zodiac

What zodiac sign is the most cruel? The most evil sign of the zodiac in astrology recognized Scorpio. It is a peculiar zodiac cleaner. Inside scorpion, constant transformation and restructuring occurs. At a low level of development, especially with poor upbringing, scorpions, called tarantulas. The victims of themselves are attracted to them, whose scorpions are stupid, thereby causing to work out their karmic lesson.

Also, the signs of the fire of Aries and the lion, poorly feel the emotional atmosphere of other people and may irregularly hurt a person, and they may not even notice that they did someone painfully.

The most lucky zodiac sign

What sign of the zodiac is the most lucky in the opinion of astrologers? The most lucky signs of the zodiac are the twins with their ability to appear at the right time in the right place. Twins are light on the rise, they will be the first to be where they need, they are active and in something child. In addition, the twins are smart enough to see the first to see future trends and apply them in their favor, no wonder in the Forbes list twins make up 11% of all signs.