How to learn how to conjure your hands? Basics of magic. Magic lessons: the power of magical words and formulas in witchcraft

How to learn how to conjure your hands? Basics of magic. Magic lessons: the power of magical words and formulas in witchcraft

Many people, especially in adolescence, dream of have supernatural abilities. A person grows on numerous fairy tales and films about the magic, which causes an incredible desire to learn how to conjure.

Magic for beginners exists in reality, and everyone can learn how to challenge.

White magic, whose spells are aimed at the benefit of man. Through bright strength, a sick person can be healing, to attract good luck to unbelieving, to improve the material condition and make it possible to make a family.

Black magic is used only incredibly strong dark magicians who renounced the church and faith, and devoted their lives to the use of prohibited forces. Through such witchcraft, many problems can be solved - cash, love, careers, but for everything in this life will have to pay. Never know when the payback will overtake the dark magician.

Bright sorcerers send their strength for the benefit of a man, dark - harm to him.

All practical magic has bright foundations. White witchcraft originated in the pagan era, when it was taken to worship several gods, spirits and natural elements. Popularity acquires its popularity now. So, to learn magic, you need to learn to manage the elements.

How does training begins?

Many of the modern people, having learned that they could learn to own magic, the Glagol "Want!", At the same time, is completely not realizing that it will be necessary. In order to learn how to own magic, first of all it is necessary to believe in yourself and your strength. Only faith can lead to a positive result. No one can learn magic without faith. The next important point is the will of the student. And the latter is his imagination. So, before starting to conjure, you should learn to own the three above aspects.

During the ritual, novice magazes are completely unacceptable to be distracted by foreign factors, so practiced in quiet and remote places, where no one can prevent. At the time of distraction from the commission of a magical act may occur by irreparable. In addition, a person should get rid of the feeling of fear, learn to draw energy from foreign objects, to receive the necessary information and learn to meditate.

Complexity of the development of light witchcraft

Many are wondering how to learn to use the magic of natural elements, because it underlies the light witchcraft. The practice of learning shows that the assimilation of such skills is reduced to the combaling of numerous spells. So, white magic is an inseparable connection of the artist with the highest forces. At the time of its development, the mediator is a teacher. Instead, the word "want", a beginner magician must devote a long time to study different situations, finding numerous answers and various ways to solve them.

The second point is to learn how to join fear. White magic does not accept fear participation in witchcraft, as it can be directed by evil forces against him. The positive side of the light magic is the use of energy of natural elements. Practical magic sucks a large amount of energy from a person, so it is recommended to support it with energy from water, fire, earth, metal, air and other substances.

Completely unacceptably draw energy from living beings and people.

The use of live energy can lead to the transformation of a novice magician in the energy vampire. Other energy sources are strong human feelings. However, this practice is very dangerous - you can burn yourself.

I want to be a dark magician - is it dangerous?

Is it possible to learn black magic? Black magical practice is extremely dangerous not only for victims, but also for the artist. It is important to know that dark spells contribute to the implementation of contact between the magic and evil spirits, devils, demons and other. Evil forces later begin to control the magician, especially if the latter is weak or beginner.

In order to begin to conjure from a dark point of view, it is necessary to abandon faith and remove from the church. This procedure is performed at midnight on the first day of the decreasing moon. Of course, the annifier from the church will leave an extremely negative imprint on a person. To continue to teach magic, it is necessary to master all the phases of the moon, so the dark forces are most strongest in the days of the decreasing moon.

It is very important to understand that black witchcraft practice will connect a man forever and the road will not be.

After serving, the follower of the dark witchcraft must be dedicated to black magicians. Dedication to the full moon at night the spell uttering. All dark rituals are held near the altar with a pentagram and inverted crucify. Candles and personal beliefs are most often applied. Rituals are fixed with blood.

Black magic is stronger than white, and can not be directed to harm. But all spells are aimed at suppressing the will of the victim. And it is much more difficult to deal with its consequences.

The statements are increasing increasing that each person is originally characteristic of certain magical abilities. But not everyone develops them. Practical magic, through which people since ancient times influenced the course of events or influenced weather phenomena, in the modern world it serves to achieve material benefits, success, happiness and love.

The rite is an indispensable attribute as magic itself. Time, place, clear scheme of action and spell, concentrated by the power of thought and will: a person setting up on a certain course of events, the desired result.

A bit of the history of magic.

Magic, ( mageia.) Translated from the Greek language, means magic or witchcraft. And the word ( magos.) - The magician, originated from the "priest", "clergyman". Translated from the Latin language ( magia.) - a sorceress, witchcraft, magical rites, through which a supernatural impact on the world is produced.

The first magicians can be called shamans: sorcerers and signs of ancient tribes. On their own, they caused the necessary rain tribes or sunny weather. Their magic was more intuitive, in their rituals they did not use scribe tools, and actively influenced by their own power.

Interesting and ambiguous magic "Voodoo" (VODUN). The roots of this magic (religion) go to West Africa. From there, slaves were brought to the island of Haiti, which brought with them the secrets and rituals "Voodoo." The whole essence of the Voodi religion: the world is populated with good and evil spirits ("Loa"), and only the happiness, well-being and health of people depends on them. Rites, sacrifices, ritual dancing - if the spirits are satisfied, the successful result will not make himself wait long. Using wax dolls, the sorcerers of the "Voodoo" are sent to the enemies of damage, and inexpressible fear.

Practical magic is ancient teaching, which always existed, and will live forever. Changed civilization, religions and countries, and magical knowledge is unknowns to be selected, improving, but without losing their first-axis.

Magic black or white magic?

The existing concepts about white magic are so blurred that it will not be able to spend this line between them, probably no one. Traditionally, healing effects on a person belong to white magic. All that destructively affects people - to black.

Another point: All that is positive for one person, for him - "white" magical impact. And if it is for another person - a negative moment, whereas? It turns out: at the same time magic can be both white and black. This is what value will be imposed on the event every person. So: Magic is one, and the face between the shades is illusory.

The material world is the projection of the spiritual world, and the informational impact inevitably leads to a change in physical reality. And improving magical methods, always need to remember what events did not occur, our attitude towards them, to the people with whom we interact are part of us and part of the world, from which we are inseparable. We ourselves build our lives and your happiness. So everything will be right, because this is the universe.

Practical magic is a wide enough concept that includes many directions. Most of all love to share it on black and white. This is a very common division, and yet, in general, it is better to break it into two most common classes.

This is ritual magic and magic without using rituals. And both class use both black magic and white. Most of the representatives of the magical profession are engaged in ritual magic. This is due to a variety of factors.

First, ritual practical magic is less complicated than not ritual, magic without the use of rites can be called higher magic. This is due to the fact that rites play a very strong supporting role in the class of magic.

They help to concentrate and correctly focus their efforts to achieve a specific goal, while significantly reducing the energy consumption of the magician himself, and do not require such qualifications as non-ritual magic operating directly with energies and information.

Secondly, many directions of magic, in particular those popular as love magic, are based on the use of rites. It is unlikely that a person who owns the highest magic will be engaged in such utilitarian things from his point of view. These people have a completely different level, other goals and other tasks.

These people are units around the world, their activities, to put it mildly, is not advertised. Therefore, we are still closer to us just a ritual practical magic, with the help of which we spend your everyday problems from time to time, which we will talk about below.

This is perhaps the most common part of practical magic. Most of the problems with which people turn to the magicians just lies in the love sphere. What is it connected with? Perhaps with the lack of good family psychologists, to whom it would be possible to appeal in the early stages of the problem, perhaps it is due to our mentality. In turn, it is divided into several directions, such as love spells, challenges, correction of relationships, rites for rapprochement.

The love spells are an energy-informational impact on the subconscious of a person who is called "victim". The customer is a program that the magician brings to the subconscious of the "victim" and does so that already at the conscious level there are images, thoughts and desires, pushing the "sacrifice" to re-connect with the partner.

And the higher the level of the magician and the stronger the rites are selected, the natural it is the whole process. The exceptions are rigid zombies, just overwhelming the will of the "victims", but such attractions are fraught with many side effects, they were a lot about them in other articles. It is necessary to clarify that regardless of what methods a spell was made, he refers to black magic.

There is only a conditional division of love spells on black, gray and white. The essence of this division consists only of which attributes and methods are used in certain attributes, but all the love spells are made without the consent of the "victim", and therefore they fall under the definition of black magic.


Revulsions are intended to break energy ties between partners. Sometimes it is done in order to make them up, sometimes a person himself asks to make him, since he does not see prospects in relations with a partner, but cannot break with him on his own. That is, challenges can pursue as good goals, and to be a tool of destruction. Challenges can be made like independent rites and be an integral part of complex combined rites.

Correction of relationships

A fairly interesting section of practical magic lying at the junction of such sciences as parapsychology and classical psychology. If you turn to color coloring, then such practical magic treats white magic, as basically both partners agree to such work, both are interested in the same result.

When solving such problems, the use of such, pure magical methods, as rituals, is combined with conversations, psychological analysis, identifying the cause of the problem. If people would more often resorted to such correction, even parting, and, accordingly, attempts to return a person with the help of more hard funds, such as the attitude, it would be an order of magnitude less. In many countries, this function is fulfilled by family psychologists, we have not yet been developed, and it is unlikely that in the coming years something will change.

As practice shows, in our country it almost does not take root. If a person has a problem, he will go to a friend with a bottle, well, or to the MAG. It remains to hope that people dealing with love magic will be improved in the psychology of human relations, which will give a stunning effect.

In addition to the return of loved ones, recovery of families and correction of relations, practical magic is widely used when working with negative impacts. Moreover, both in one and on the other side: work is underway as with the guidance of such impacts and with their removal.

An induced negative impact applied to apply the maximum damage is called a damage. Pulling can be guided by completely different techniques: from using losages and conspired drinks and food, to work with photos, wax figures, and so on.

In principle, you can do without items and photos. The removal of negative impacts usually occurs according to this scenario: a person comes to Magu, a special test for the presence of induct the negative takes place, then rites on its removal and repeated tests. This continues until the test shows that the impact is removed completely.

The injected negative effects include damage and evil eye, but if the evil eye is an unconscious effect, then damage is quite intentional, planned, aimed at the highest possible harm, up to death.

The evil eye can be obtained literally on the street, of course, it does not happen every day, because each of us has its own protective field, but in cases where the human energy is weakened, the probability of the evil eye rises. After the negative impact is removed, the protection is placed that closes the damaged field of the person.

In addition, there are special methods for the restoration of energy and the prevention of induced negative. These methods are known for a very long time, some of them successfully enjoy, priests, politicians and other public people. All this can be viewed on the site in videos. It is very easy to find them, they have appropriate names.

There are several more specific spheres that use practical magic, such as in business or the manufacture of various amulets, talismans and faces. Nowadays, it became popular to seek help to magicians in various business related affairs. Of course, there are special rituals to help achieve success in affairs, attract money, etc.

But still, it is not a panacea, but just as in the case of the attractions, you are granted a chance, and how you can use it, more depends on you.

Often, people write letters of such a content: "Tell me how I play in one or another gaming game, and I will share with you wins." Skilled fraudsters from magic make the following: they take a very small fee, allegedly for preparatory costs, and then cease to respond to letters (as a rule, besides the mail and some Yandex wallet, they do not indicate). They play on human greed and, compatient with each little girl, collect very decent amounts.

The self-respecting magician is always guided by certain principles, for him a reputation is not an empty sound, so it will simply not be born with such requests. By the way, the same applies to, surprisingly by numerous wishing to sell their soul to anyone, if only to have all the benefits without applying the slightest effort.

Sometimes you look at all this and you think: "Where we are all rubbing." But all this, as they say, Lyrics, I just want to warn lovers of freebies, because precisely such people are most often inhabit resourceful fraudsters.

Amulets, talismans and ladies

As already noted, practical magic is used in the manufacture of amulets and talismans. These items are usually manufactured using black magic rites and are intended for significantly strengthening in some particular area of \u200b\u200bour life.

For example, in love, business, war, etc., that is, they are narrow-controlled, but very strong means of exposure. And everything would be fine, but the use of any amulet can adversely affect another part of your life.

Let's say you become a lucky businessman, but you will not be glued with family life, or you have a lot of women, but there will never be children. And in advance it is very difficult, where exactly will strike the return, so with such orders you need to contact very proven professionals, and, according to any, to be ready to pay for it not only money. Nothing in our lives is given for nothing, for everything you need to pay, so always give yourself a report - there will be less disappointments later.

Alternative to talismans and amulets can serve as a lad farm. Ladanka is a church charm, manufactured by white magic recipes. When it is created, the church incense is used, special prayers are honored, due to which the ladian works on church energy. It's no secret that at all times all temples were built in special places, where there were energy outlets, such places are also called places of force.

Ladanka, due to the mechanism of its manufacture, is fueled by this energy, as well as prayers and requests for those who come to church. Figuratively speaking, if a person, having come to church, asks for health and prays, he also partially prays for you if your Ladanka is buried in this church.

Ladanka is certainly not such a strong tool like a mascot, in relation to one particular sphere of our life, but, first of all, it possesses universality, which is not available to the talisman, and, unlike the latter, does not bear some negative consequences . It makes it noticeably more attractive than talismans or amulets.

Thus, practical magic covers the widest range of our life. Some, probably, it will be interesting to know in more detail what is different directions of practical magic, so to speak, falling to its origins.

In this regard, you can safely recommend the Practical Magic Book, as well as the lectures of the Munich Institute of Parapsychology, especially the book called Parapsychology. In addition, there are also very interesting Hirology courses and. In these materials you will find as theoretical fundamental knowledge about the magic and related sciences and many practical exercises, allowing you to more deeply know yourself and, it is quite possible, to discover unusual, hidden before that opportunity.

It is not so difficult to learn how to challenge. Most people do not even suspect that they are actually magical knowledge they already have. It is only necessary to make a minimum effort to reveal this gift.

A distinctive feature of mankind is a desire for knowledge, it makes us learn what we do not know. Of particular interest was always called magic and witchcraft.

It seems to us that the one who knows how to conjure, secrets and riddles of the universe are available. And such an opinion is not far from the truth. Indeed, real magicians always know much more ordinary people, and therefore are capable of achieving big results.

Such power can not be removed to themselves for whom there is no greater pleasure than command. They break a lot of books, looking for meetings with those who help them learn to conjure magic spells. And at the same time they do not suspect that in fact, everyone has magic knowledge. It is only worth discovering it.

Witchcraft and magic - definition

Magic - These are special knowledge that allows you to turn to invisible forces in order to get the desired one. At the same time, some impact on the object or matter in order to change. Thus, magic is not fictional, but really existing teaching. It is able to open the truth about the universe.

Witchcraft - This is the practice of magical actions under which interaction with otherworldly. Only people who have special knowledge can be killed, that is, a magician can become any.

The doctrine of magic is based on the existence of invisible forces, streams, energies that are present in our world. They are difficult to see or touch, but here to resort to their help, you can get quite a real result. If you allow these forces to manage yourself, then you can turn into a "transmitter" or "medium". And attaching his will to these knowledge, it is possible to achieve obedience, ministry and get control over them. True magicians are those who can manage, and not to transmit.

But if a person received from nature such a talent, this is not a guarantee of success. If he does not work to learn how to manage his abilities and obedient forces, dangerous games with magic can end badly for him. And before learn how to conjure, it is desirable to determine what area of \u200b\u200bmagic would you like to practice.

Types of magic

The most familiar is the separation of magic to "white magic" and "Black Magic". However, erroneous is the opinion that white magic is good, and black magic is bad.

In fact, both can bring a person both good and evil. The difference here is to which forces you appeal for help.

White Magic

If you want to learn how to conjure white magic, then know that this is not a simple way. First of all, you will need to understand how to seek help to light forces. But even after that, painstaking work is waiting for you for many years, in the process of which you will need to comprehend a lot of knowledge and skills.

The main direction in this industry is helping a person. Perhaps it will be the restoration of health, the cleansing of the home, or the removal of damage (evil eye). All actions are performed on the principle of "not harm!". However, be prepared for the fact that this practice can be dangerous, and above all for you. Indeed, in the process, for example, healing, the disease can go to you and in the future you will have to be treated already.

Black magic

The main activity of the Adepts of Black Magic is the desire for power over himself, all people, creatures, over the entire universe. This is the ultimate goal of the Black Magician, which he can devote all his life and even his life. The strength for black magic is drawn from the darkest and countersight of human soul. And for help here turn to evil.

It is important to understand that if you decide to learn all the witching senses of black magic, there will be no expense. You can choose this path only once, but then it is very difficult to collapse from it.

But it is he who helps a person to reveal his abilities as much as possible, climb over himself, to become superhorecom. It is known that many great magicians did not consider themselves "black", although, in fact, they were such rituals, rites.

The line between the black and white magic is very thin, it is easy to break it enough. It is not important for the ritual itself, the actions with his hands and other external attributes, and then where the power is born, and what purposes you want to achieve.

Sea Magic

There is also gray magic based on sexual energy. Many of the teachings of the West and the East practice it, opening in front of a person the possibility of accumulating such energy. However, even its use imposes on the magician responsibility for its actions. It is always worth remembering about it when you start learning to conjure.

How to learn magic

On that day, when you decide to learn how to conjure, not knowing anything about it, you should not make a mistake of many newbies. Namely: do not try to find a teacher. People who possess secret knowledge do not like to share them with those who know nothing, can not, and who will never appreciate it for him. First of all, try to get for yourself at least a minimum of knowledge and practice. Understanding the foundation, you can already seek someone who helps you further develop in this direction. What is it worth starting?

First of all, you need to find and read literature on how to apply magic and witchcraft. But do not think that your guide will be books in the style of "fantasy", "mystics" and so on. Fiction can be an excellent solution to pass the evening. But teach magic and witchcraft, alas, will not be able. Here you need to contact more serious and proven sources. These are works:

  • Castaneda;
  • Paws;
  • Solomon;
  • other famous philosophers and mystics.

The choice of literature should depend on the direction in the magic that you have chosen.

Next you need to learn how to use the knowledge gained in practice. Let it be uncomplicated magic spells and conspiracies whose result can be seen immediately. For example, try to stop the blood or talk to animals. A good result is given to various meditations aimed at disclosing and awareness of their abilities. For example, if you notice that you can predict events, develop this gift with meditation and constantly practice, noting your progress or failures.

Be sure to start a special book in which you can bring witchcraft spells that you have done. In the future, it will become your book of shadows - a storm, which has every magician or witches. Never show it to anyone, otherwise it can be used against you. Remember that the world of magic and witchcraft is merciless and cruel, because you have a matter here not only with human beings.

At the first stage of his learning, you will most likely resort to the magic of words. Its essence is that certain words, phrases or multi-line spells are used. Such magic and witchcraft can be carried out even at home. It can be conspiracy or to attract good luck. Most of the magical rituals, which are described, occur using words. They facilitate the process of addressing the necessary MAGO forces. In addition, words allow you to voice the goal for which you wanted to learn witchcraft.

However, it should be not just words. They are important to fill with their power, their emotions and aspirations. Before starting to conjure, you need to conduct preparatory actions that will make it possible to tune in to the desired mode or concentrate the necessary energy. There are also secret words of special spells, which are generally difficult to find that is quite difficult. But the thing is that they have a very powerful force that should not get into those hands. Only worthy of knowledge possess such knowledge.

Magic gestures

The next stage of your learning should be the use of gestures magic. In this case, the actions of the hands act as a transmitter of your energy and your intentions to the world around. But gestures themselves do not possess power. It only seems to be only a mague to spend your palm, and a miracle happens. In fact, the magic, witchcraft and magic became the result of the right attitude.

Learn to conjure your hands and make the passes correctly, it is impossible. Since this is not a practical skill, but only the result of the ability to listen to yourself and your environment. In fact, the magician by hand runs the complex mechanism of causal relationships, which ultimately give the necessary result.

In order to learn how to conjure the movements of the hands, you need to be able to realize the process of exposure and "see" its end result. If you want to overclock the hands of the clouds, then you first need to make one important thing. As realistic, imagine how the wind breed appears, trees pegs and clouds begin to sail in the right direction. And only then perform movement with hands, which will launch the mechanism of their movement.

Magic thought

And the very last and, perhaps, a difficult stage - how to learn how to conjure with the help of thought. Now you will not need to pronounce complex formulas or perform preparatory actions. Just just imagine what you want and it will happen in reality. These abilities raise the usual magician to the level of God. After all, only a similar ability is available to him, so our universe was created and everything that exists in it. And the magician who has achieved this level will already be able to create its own world, which will exist according to the laws invented by it.

Learn such wizard art is possible only by hard labor. In addition, you will not prevent the help of a more experienced mentor. However, it will be difficult for you to find it, because few people want to share such knowledge.

To condescend to a simple mortal, God may most likely, from curiosity or compassion. But from mortals, it is most often, not merciful gods.

Hands in magic play a special role. With their help, psychics and other owners of supernatural forces receive information and energy. Healers with hands find painful places and treat them. Many are interested in how to be koving hands and whether the possibility of ordinary people learn to be like. There is no unambiguous answer, but each person has a certain energy and simply need to be developed and sent to the right direction.

How to learn how to conjure your hands?

Initially, it is worth a reservation that the process is quite long, and not everyone can achieve good results. It all depends on the desire and abilities. Tips, how to conjure your hands:

  1. Start standing with self-control. To influence others, it is necessary to easily cope with your own emotions. The sorcerer should be able to restrain anger, suppress, concentrate and relate to relax. At this stage will take quite a lot of time.
  2. Before learning to truly conjure your hands, you need to be able to charge other items with a certain energy. Start workouts from water. Mentally send it a certain information, for example, charge the water with energy to get rid of hunger. It is necessary to feel your own inner energy and send it to the liquid.
  3. Now it's time to go to work with your hands. Raise them up to the sun and relax. The challenge is to feel the heat and energy through your hands. It is necessary to learn "recharged" so.
  4. You can start trying to influence the chakras of another person. Watch your palm to heat them, feel how energy concentrates in them. Then a contactless way to act on, mentally reading conspiracy. Integet to a person that he feels. To get the result, you will have to work for a long time.

In the consciousness of modern man, such phenomena as magic and witchcraft are seemed to be fantastic. Most people believe that teaching witchcraft and magic is something exemplary. However, in reality, everything is somewhat different. And learn magic, to become a predictor or clairvoyant, to master the basics of witchcraft today can be very easy. The only thing is that it is desirable to have a right mentor. In the role of a mentor, who can act and anything: from the competent literary benefit or congenital great talent for magic to a wise experienced teacher.

The mysterious sphere of witchcraft is essentially the same ordinary practice, a profession or specialty, as well as the rest, traditional types of human activity, that's just an aura of mysteriousness around it is much higher. This is due to the fact that the traditional society does not recognize such activities. Many consider it to be banal fraud and impose such a look to all modern people.

For personalities dedicated or simply interested in all aspects of this sphere, it becomes clear that magic is just a special work with nature (both spiritual and material), carried out on a thin level. That's why the teaching of witchcraft and magic is able to go far from anyone, but only the one who has at least a minimum set of tendency to work with these matters.

Of course, some rituals can be carried out and purely mechanically, without having talents to work with subtle spheres, but the number of such rituals is strongly limited, and the quality of the act is sharply reduced if its individual is not involved in the process with all its essence. What is needed by the future MAGA to take place as a professional in the Wizard region?

Hereditary don

As you know, the best sorcerers, clairvoyant, fortune-tales and magicians are obtained from those who have become inherited from parents to whom the gift of this kind. With each generation, the power of the gift is becoming more and more, especially if the child is correctly and carefully trained with all the necessary Azam, helping him at every stage of development.

This applies to both white magic and such a sphere, like black witchcraft. Congenital force multiplied by the correct development of abilities and competent learning magic and witchcraft gives a colossal effect. It turns a person with the incarnations of magical energy in a powerful sorcerer or magician (both white and black).

Of course, it is impossible to say that the magician must be only hereditary, because there is no continuity, then in magic he just has nothing to do. There are self-taught wizards that independently go to the development of complex witchcraft technologies. They find a rare video with rituals on the network, they collect and learn the conspiracres and whispers used by various signs throughout the country's corners. They also practice all sorts of techniques for transformation of reality, etc.

If an individual has a sharp desire, which is becoming meaning for him and the goal, he is able to change even unshakable fate and, without having special talents to magic, to become a good wizard.

If you have never been clear, as you can conjure, and the magic itself seemed only to the fiction writers, not to mention the fact that in the family it was treated with contempt, - this is not a reason to argue that the minimum magic spark or the incarnations of the Witchcraft Talent in you no.

Perhaps the force is present in man, but sleeps, since there is no prerequisites for her awakening. How to establish its presence or, on the contrary, the absence? This can be done at home, since elementary tests are usually used (although they cannot be carried out independently, you will need a third-person help).

Typically, the future MAGA is invited to find a magnet and feeling his attraction, with closed eyes. You can try to guess the images on special zener cards (developed precisely in order to establish magical abilities). There is also an option to distinguish between people's photos, now living and have already moved to the best world, consider the information shell of things or places.

Of course, ideally, you need such testing to conduct a person with experience. After all, he will be able to stop or, on the contrary, to strengthen the complexity of tasks. Only a real master can easily say, there were test results by simply coincidence or manifestation of the true gift of clairvoyance.

Magic teacher and witchcraft

The value of the teacher on the path of becoming a sorcerer to overestimate almost impossible. It is from a person to a person going through the transfer of intimate information and special energy. In the student, his mentor invests part of himself, some of his knowledge and experience.

Each magician can confirm the fact that when we are going to teach witchcraft and magic, we usually rely not only on the knowledge received from books, but also to the experience that other people received. In essence, any novice sorcerer need a good mentor who could dilute the book information with his own comments from practice. Only so dry words and figures can come to life and turn into the background for the future magical practice of today's student.

Of course, in the context of the topic about teachers, magicians immediately remember terribles about how the young man comes into the disciples to the evil warlock and turns out to be trapped, forced to give strength and energy to its owner. In turn, such a warlock witchcraft uses for all sorts of black cases - committing crimes, own enrichment and other unpleasant things.

Currently, such stories are not completely excluded, but taking into account the rare profession of the magician, they moved into the section of fairy tales and legends in their total mass. Therefore, in the real world there are no causes for concerns.

Books on magic and witchcraft

Training witchcraft and magic can be started independently by going to the bookstore or in an esoteric store. There you can find a whole sea of \u200b\u200bliterature on the topic, as learned to conjure how to master the magic craft, how to become a good magician, etc.

In the era of freedomiff of such books divorced a lot, but the number of absolutely useless benefits, which seem to write purely to remove the eyes with them.

Agree, there is a difference between the book about the spell of witchcraft, written in the XIX century by the offacarious sorcerer, published in the form of an old foliant, and the benefit for beginner magicians, which is written in the 20th century by some scientist, manifesting interest in this area of \u200b\u200bactivity. The difference between the levels of the gained knowledge is simply colossal.

Book Maga

The saddest thing in such a situation is that Magu without experience and the experience will hardly choose the right artifact and source of information. Either teacher and mentors can come to the rescue here (if any), or their own gift. To use the latter, it should be concentrated on the problem, put yourself in the task of searching for "your book" and go on the road. If the stars are fabricated, and the desire will be strong enough, it will be very simple to find the desired thing.

The true Book of Magic is a thing, most often written by pen from hand on ancient paper, and its pages are stitched with black threads, it is at the same time a strong information source (providing true knowledge), and a powerful artifact.

But why around the "right book of the magician" so much conversations? The secret here is that it is capable of miracles. If you have a real witchcraft book - this is a claim for success, since such a thing is not only a literary and historical value, but also is a strong artifact.

Usually, when sorcerers and magicians work with similar things, they leave their energy imprints on them, enhancing the effect of the book, giving weights and paints by the teams and rituals that are given in it. As a result, the collection of handwritten pages ceases to be simply an information carrier, but becomes a strong assistant in the process of mastering and implementing any magical action.

Witchcraft practice

One of the mandatory conditions for the acquisition of witchcraft is a witchcraft practice. Proper training of witchcraft and magic with an attentive teacher, long-term work on oneself (in particular, to underline conspiracies, magical texts and features of certain rituals) - this is only an exclusively small part of the most complex and time-consuming process of mastering the Azov of the Witchcraft craft, since the doctrine is one The side of the medal, and the practice is completely different.

Without scrupulous practice, exhausting the methodology for the implementation of magical processes to filigree, without permanent exercises in magic it is impossible to achieve even a little more worthy result.

In witchcraft, as in any other profession, you need to work much, so that something began to turn out as it should. And considering the specifics of the crafts, it is impossible to be mistaken here, because such negligence can lead to the most unexpected effects, as a result of which not only the client may suffer, the problem of which is solved, but also the grief-magician himself who has not cope with its work.

First witchcraft

In order to work out primary magic skills, usually for young magicians older and experienced special witchcraft are offered for beginners, which has no risks, but allows you to practice well in this difficult business. The varieties of such a ritual may be much, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the individual to which it is attached.

For example, you can train using a universal conspiracy. It is necessary to do it in the dark, with the limit concentration at the facility. The sequence of actions should be as follows:

  • Collect rainwater (or snow), bring home.
  • Welcome two candles, turn off the light.

After that, you need to boil the following words into water:

"Water-water, help to learn. What I will say you - then you need a day in the cloth. Let me tomorrow (tell the event that should happen). You are the tie of the sky with the Earth. May it be so. Amen".

If you have already mastered how to conjure your hands, you can help yourself in the process of spell pronunciation, making circular passes above the water. It will strengthen the effect of the said.

Scrupulous approach to learning

Important! Scrupulously approach the selection of your first witchcraft technique, as it can set the pace of all future magical activities!

For example, you can work out various conspiracies for food and water. Especially good if they will bear a positive energy promise, for example, to desire recovery or well-being. This is not only good in terms of working out their own practical skills, but also from the point of view of the start of a witch career.

If you figure out how to conjure water, it will be possible to master many witchcraft techniques at once. After all, it is the water that is a strong energy concentrator. Through this hub, you can record and transmit any information and energy to the nosphere.

The simpler, kinder and more positively your first witchcraft, the better. The more spiritual direction, the stronger the significance effect. It is advisable not to make witchcraft for money, jewelry or material items (if, of course, there are no special abilities to this).

Specialists also advise to begin magical exercises with the most authentic human rites: for example,

  • russian witchcraft and magic or Slavic attributes - should do Russian (or Slav),
  • german magic rituals will be the perfect start for the German
  • irish must practice local magic, Hindus - to create rituals according to their traditions, etc.

Such a state of affairs is necessary, in order for the effect of the indigenous, initial knowledge to break through the armor of individual perception and strengthened the effect of magical impact.

These actions deteriorate significantly to karma. They can break all the magical developments that have developed by the sorcerer to a specific point of time by putting a cross on his career.