Slavic painting. Slavic gods (28 photos) Buy paintings on Slavic theme

Slavic painting. Slavic gods (28 photos) Buy paintings on Slavic theme
Slavic painting. Slavic gods (28 photos) Buy paintings on Slavic theme

Grow, braid, to the belt, no wonder or hair.
Grow, Cosonka, to toe - all the scores in a row.
Our grandmothers knew this promscar when they themselves were girls.

It can be concluded from it that the most ancient hairstyle in Russia - Spit, but it is not. First we wore loose hair. And so that they do not fall to the eyes, kept the hoop straight or tied up. The hoop was done by wooden, from the Luba or Berest. And she was squeezed with a cloth, he was trimmed with beads, painted by a koyl, bird feathers, alive or artificial colors.

Well, the braids appeared much later. Russian girls turned only one braid. And with this differed from the mothers who were relying two. Girls of Belarus and East Ukraine one spit was blocked only on holidays. And in the working days, we saw two and laid on the head of the crown. In the West of Ukraine, one spit was unknown at all. Two, four and more braids decorated the hairstyles of local girls. They called their "small pigtails" or "dumping".

Before marriage, the girl was wore one braid. On the bachelorette party, girlfriend with however and crying, due, probably envy, intertwined one braid into two. It was two braids that wore married women in Russia. One Spit feeds her life, and the other is the future offspring. It was believed that in female hair is stored power capable of energetically support her family. They were laid as a crown on the head or tape tape so that it was easier to wear a headdress. Since the introduction of a woman's entry into marriage, no one, except for her husband, naturally saw her brand anymore. In Russia, women were sure to cover their heads with the dummy, to rip the headdress was considered a terrible insult (to be wrapped - it means to disgrace). The worst insult was except to circumcision braids. Somehow one barin in rage cut off a fluid pigtail with his maid, and then calmed his indignant peasants, and even the fine paid. If the girl cut a braid on his own, then, most likely, she mourned the deceased groom, and the cutting of the hair was for her an expression of deep grief and unwillingness to marry. Shoot for braid meant to insult the girl.

By the way, those who dared to disrupt the headdress with a woman were also punished with serious fines. Only fines seem to be not at all to amend the moral state of the victim, but to the state treasury.

But Kosh could cut and violently - say if the girl parted with innocence before marriage. This is already in the times of adoption of Christianity, because in the pagan times, the presence of a breast child was not a hindrance for the wedding and even on the contrary: the fertility of the girl was confirmed by a lively accomplished fact. Then the morals became stricter, and the one who allowed themselves to the wedding, could have been punished with her hair - he could also cut off a jealous rival.

In addition, in some places there was a curious custom, when the Spit to the girl was cut off before the marriage, and she gave her her husband, as if by saying this, which gives him all his life, and then drove the new ones. In the event of an attack of enemies - Pechenegs or Polovtsy, for example, the husband could take the virgin braid of his wife with him in the battle, as the whale of misfortunes and the evil. And if the enemies burst into the Slavic settlements, they, in addition to the logically explained robbery, violence and murders, could cut off the hair.

During pregnancy, the hair did not cut, since the woman took energy not only for himself, but also for the child. Cut the hair during pregnancy meant to deprive your unborn child support. The hair was traditionally considered a spacious vitality, so small children were usually not cut until a certain age (usually up to 3-5 years). In the Slavs, the first haircut of the hair performed as a special rite, which was also called - a tonsil. In the princely families of the boy, besides on the day, the posture was first planted at the horse. A newborn child up to a year is not recommended to even combine, not only cut.

Children at a small age, the hair was calculated by their parents, then they did it on their own. Trusting your hair could only someone know who they love well. The girl could afford to leave his hair only his chosen one or her husband.

Children up to 12 years old, even hair tips did not cut, so as not to comprehend the mind, the fastening life, the laws of the kind and the universe, so as not to deprive their vitality given by nature and the guardian force.

Highlighting the tips of the hair for a length of no more than one nail in young people over 16 years old was committed in order to grow faster, and this act could be performed only on New Moon days.

Interestingly, the old devans of strictly-setting were forbidden to intertwine one braid into two, they were also forbidden to wear Kokoshnik.

The so-called three-beam braids, which were a symbol of the Union of Javi, Navi and Rights (present, Past and Future). Spit was located strictly in the direction of the spine, since, according to our ancestors, served to fill a person through the ridge by life forces. Long braid retained female power for the future husband. Weaving Kos defended women from the evil eye, negative and evil.

Spit was not just hairstyle. She could tell a lot about her owner. So, if the girl wore one braid, then she was in the "active search". A tape appeared in the spit? Maiden on the issuance, and all potential candidates urgently should inhibit the woven. If two tapes appeared in the spit, and they were not crowded from the beginning of the braid, and from her middle, everything, the "dry oars", or, as they say, who did not have time, he was late: the girl had a groom. And not just the one that eyes build yes in the relentation plays, but the official, because the tapes also received a blessing for marriage from their parents.

The combing of hair was like a sacred ritual, because during the procedure it was possible to touch the human life. Apparently, with the aim of restoring the vitality lost during the day and was required to spend on the hair of a comb at least 40 times. The babies could comb their hairlessness only parents, and then a person already did this daily procedure. Interestingly, the girl could afford to break his braid and comb hair only to his chosen one or her husband.

The fact that the cutting of the hair is radically changing life, it seems, knew well in the old days. Hence the sign that preserved to this day that pregnant women are extremely undesirable to cut hair. Voluntarily, and sometimes with a reverent thrill, allowed to cut off their braids only women in a state of severe spiritual shocks, for example, with monastic tonsig. The hair in ancient Russia did not have habit of habits, and this custom was preserved in modern male monasteries.

Spit thick in hand was considered a benchmark for women's beauty in Russia. Healthy and shiny hair is better than words of flattering matchmakers could say about the future wife. Unfortunately, not all beauties could boast of fat long braids. There was no heard about the extension, it was not impossible for the extension. So they resorted the young lady to deception - their hair from horse tails was in their pigtails. And what to do, I want to marry everything!

Long hair is a sign of good health, beauty and female inner strength, and therefore subconsciously like men. According to statistics, men, evaluating women, put women's hair in third place after figure and eyes.

An experiment was conducted: children 5 years old, drawing their mother, in 95% of cases painted it with long hair, despite the fact that mom had short haircuts. This suggests that the image of the mother is gentle, kind and gentle, subconsciously binds to young children with long hair. The same statistics argue that 80% of men correlate short haircuts with courage and aggression.

Long hair gives a woman strength, but what is important: they can not be worn out. Disassemble long hair was indecent, it's how to strip. "Masha's braid dismissed, and for her all the sailors."

Disgraceing hair in the presence of a man meant an invitation to proximity. Therefore, before a woman was impossible to dismiss hair with outsiders. Women who wore loose hair were fallen, they were called the "libertines".

It was not accepted to dissolve the hair also because it was considered unsafe to spread with energy and strength, blunt hair. Therefore, the hair was taken and braided into braids. After all, the woman is a blunt hair, could attract other people's glances, could cause envy of ill-wishers. Women are bliss in this sense, as they knew that in their hands the energy protection of the family and their home.

Women's hair has a very powerful sexual attractiveness, probably, so married women could show their hair only with her husband, and the rest wearing a handkerchief. Therefore, a woman in the temple should wear a handkerchief so as not to confuse men and not distract them from prayer.

And also the handkerchief symbolizes the power of her husband and female humility and humility. Only unmarried women could not cover her head with a handkerchief in the temples.

It is very important to know what kind of power is female hair and use these knowledge to themselves, and most importantly remember that the hair is our dignity and our pride.

Pictures of Slavic subjects: Images of gods and ornaments in memory of the genus Russian

The faces of the gods are their image for our understanding, what powerful forces are managed by Russian, it is an opportunity to remember and read their intercessors and patrons, to establish a direct connection with them.

In our catalog you can choose pictures and order their full color printing on the canvas of the desired size, as well as arrange the finished canvases into the frame. They will become an excellent decoration of the interior of your home, a gift for loved ones and expensive people. Slavic paintings have the most powerful energy and give a feedback to achieve new cases, strengthen faith, help to get and give the descendants to lead about the roots of the Russian tree.

Variety of Slavic paintings: History of kind in the eyes of the artist

Slavic paintings Maxim Kuleshov have long been known and collect enthusiastic comments around the Internet. Surprisingly pronounced details and the characters of the gods in images created by hand, heart and soul of this artist cause warm and kind emotions.

In all the pictures of Slavic themes there is an expression of one simple thought - we kind and we are one. Here's affectionately looking at us grandfather Dazhbog, and Father Svarog is ready to help in every difficult moment and protects his sons and his daughters, wise Veles shows the right way and protects the goal, gives a lot of ideas to achieve the goal, and the concerning mother's mother helps And the world in your family ...

Our also presents magnificent Slavic pictures with the gods and based on Russian tales of the brush of an equally famous master. His series "Slavic world" is unusually colorful and with one look tolerates us into the world of the rule.

Each picture is not simply written in Slavic subjects, but reflects the whole story - the history of the laws of the genus of our, to which we have the most direct relationship.

We constantly replenish our gallery of Slavic paintings with the gods and heroes of the Russian land - I am pleased to exhibit in the catalog to the possibility of assessing and buying all the wishing canvases as famous masters and talented young artists.

Paganism is a religion based on beliefing in the existence of several deities, and not in one God-creator, as, for example, in Christianity.

Slavic culture was distinguished by a great peculiarity. Our ancestors hit representatives of other races of their spirit and a unique burden to the creation and knowledge of the world. Slavic mythology represents a peculiar concept of the transfer of sacred knowledge of world-upsion and life in harmony with nature, as well as knowledge about the image of the life of ancestors.

Perun Ruburzzts - The main god of Pantheon, the patron saint of Prince and squad, also, sturverzitz.

Horse - Elimination of the Sun.

Number - One of the highest gods from Slavs. The priests of the number knew the secret ancient sciences of the score of days, months and years. The legend reads: "He had two faces: one thing - like the sun, the other is a crescent, for the Sun sighs the current day, and the moon is the night.

The number is the keeper of the universal scales, on which the time and measure of each being measured, and the time of time, by drinking from which you can return the past or to get into the future. Symbols of chute - scales, scores, measuring instruments, numbers and arithmetic signs. The sacral bird is a bunny cuckoo, which on certain days and the clock broadcasts people about the timing released. "

Dazhibogog. - The solar deity is considered the ancestor of Russian people.

Striboga - Divine associated with winds.

Veles. - The patron sieve of teachers and poetry.

Svyazbor - God of forests and forest land.

Rod and Gignitza - Divities, personifying fate.

Zarya-Zarnaya - Goddess Morning Dawn.

Devan - Hunting goddess.

Quasura - God of fun, joy and hops.

Lel - God of love.

Belun - The incarnation of light, the God of good, good luck, happiness, benefits, personification of the day and spring sky.

Kolyada - God of winter festivals, God began a new life.

Sure - Solar goddess of joy and light.

Buying and Kostroma. Kostroma - sister and wife Kupalya, goddess of fertility, crop, summer and sun, patroness of lovers. He was a spontaneous incarnation of water, creative female primo enterprge. Kupala (the faithful pronunciation of Kupalo or Kupail) is the Old Slavic Solar Deity, personifying the apotheosis of the active creative energy of sunlight.

Wolga - epics character.

Mother Bird Sva Glory - The Great Mother of Glory, the patroness of the Russian lands, the ancestor of all kinds of Russians.

Epics. The epics (starns) are the heroic-patriotic legend songs telling about the exploits of the heroes and reflecting the life of the ancient Russia of the 9th-XIII centuries.

Volkhv - sorcerer, magician, wellness, sage.

Adding the name. It was believed that only the person who passed the sacred community of name is really full and has the right to occupy the appropriate place in childbirth.

Herbalist - in glory. myth. Forest deity.

Spring. In ancient times, the spring ended up with magical strength and worshiped him as a deity.

In modern Russia, and in the whole of the world, only a few artists devoted themselves to the study and recreating the image of our ancient Russia hyperborean. Among them, Alexander Uglanov, who has already held a master of easel painting. His fabulous paintings could be seen in the original on the best collective exhibitions in Slavic themes organized by Yuri Mikhailovich Medvedev at the Moscow Museum (2009) and at the art school. Balakirev (2010). And now it's time to comprehend Creativity Uglannova as an individual, peculiar and unique world.

Alexander Borisovich Uglanov was born in 1960 in the city of Tver. In 1979, he graduated from the Art School named after Venetsianova (formerly Kalininskoye art school), where he studied at the Working Department at the teacher of Vladimir Ivanovich Burov. An experienced master taught his followers to strict canons of academic art, demanded that they carefully examine nature and high-quality drawings, as the foundations of machine painting, and at the same time, contributed to the development of the student's individual talent.

In the school, Alexander Glannov met Vsevolod Ivanov with another student of the Kalininsky artistic school. Young artists from Tver for many years tied creative friendship. They lived with one dreams, images and even wrote pictures in one style. The tone asked the older in the age of Vsevolod Ivanov (1950), dreamed of fantastic myths about the dead civilizations of atlantide and hyperborery. In the works of Alexander Glannov we find a similar topic. It is "Guests from Hyperborei" (2002), Atlantis (2004), "Mysterious Sturdy Ocean" (2007) and others.

A young artist tried different styles and shapes. He has portraits of a classic genre, romantic visions, exotic plots, complex surreal compositions. Among them is the picture "Dream Dandy" (1998), written in the best traditions of European romanticism of the XX century.

Already at the first personal exhibitions in the native Tver (1998) and in Moscow (2001), Talent, Uglannova was evaluated by the audience according to merit. They celebrated his skill as a painter, deep love for their native nature, to the origins of Russia, his non-profit sincerity and good irony. Orders followed the paintings, invitations to other cities and countries.

Especially it should be said about the Hellenic period of Creativity Glannov. The fact is that from October 2003 to May 2004, the artist lived and worked in Greece, collaborated with the Gallery of Athens, Solonik and Veria. Here he created such a canvas as "Elena's abduction", "Goddess of Wisdom", "Dionysius" and others. On the Balkan soil, the master saw his native roots and adequately supplemented the collection of Russian Hellensky.

Gradually, the artist from Tver finds its topics and forms his author's style. He focuses on the Rus hyperborean and Vedic, closest to us in time and space. A series of folklore images appears: Prince Slovenia, Lena, Bannik. On the canvases "Migrdarika fog", "The Sanctuary of the Forest", "Test" before us appears the strict nature of Northern Eurasia, with its dopiciously, shaggy rocks and pure rivers.

In this severe nature, the wooden architecture of our ancestors is naturally fits: Vintage temples and settlements. In the reproduction of the original-Russian world, the influence of the pre-revolutionary architect V.V. Souslova, with his fantasies in the spirit of fabulous termes.

The study of the native sources led Alexander Merganov to comprehend the secrecy of the sacred knowledge, which makes his art a few levels above souvenir crafts "A La Rus." "Volkhv" Uglannova reminds us of Leshgo or Veles, northern severe and wise. On the picture of the "Virgin Daria" depicted the summer holiday of the juggles, the most popular of folk densities. Winter winter is personified in the image of the Moraine, rarely depicted with such a piercing, chilling coldness.

One of the best paints of the artist is called "Veda". Here is a whole philosophy of Shaktism, the Matriarchal Cult of the pre-Christian era. Of the workshop of the world tree, the Great Mother performs, personifies the female deities and Zhrice-Beregin, the keepers of the Aryan tradition. The goddess surround the sacred animals of Hyperborei: Bear, deer and swan. In the center, the symbols of Triglava and Rune gifted. Before us, the work of a mature thinker and master decent representing the Russian revival of the beginning of the 20th century.

The new school of Slavic-Aryan art, for which we worked for several decades, is born and ripen in our eyes. Rus hyperborean acquires increasingly visible features, turns from the ancestry to the Wednesday of our modern habitat, in our hometown.

The Old Slavic Pantheon is very complex in its structure and is numerous in composition. Most of the gods were identified with various forces of nature, although there were exceptions, the most striking example of which is the genus - God Creator. Due to the similarity of the functions and properties of some gods, it is difficult for sure to determine which names are only variations of the names of the same God, and which belong to different gods.

The entire pantheon can be divided into two large circles: the elder gods that have ruled all three worlds in the pristine stage, and the second round - the young gods who took the brazers of the board in the new stage. At the same time, one senior gods are present in the new stage, while others disappear (more precisely there are no descriptions of their activities or interference in anything, but the memory of what they were, remains).

In the Slavic Pantheon there was no clear hierarchy of the authorities, which was replaced by a generic hierarchy, where the sons obeyed the father, but the brothers were equal to each other. Slavs did not have pronounced evil gods and good gods. Some of the deities granted life, others were taken, but everyone was worshiped equally, since Slavs believed that the existence of one without another was impossible. At the same time, the good gods could roe the good effects and harm, and evil on the contrary to help and save people. Thus, the gods of the ancient Slavs were very similar to people not only externally, but also in nature, since both good and evil in themselves.

Externally, the gods were like people, while most of them could turn into animals in the image of which they usually appeared before people. The ordinary creatures of the gods were distinguished by superposts, which allowed the Divities to change the world around. Each of the gods possessed power over one of the parts of this world. The impact on other parts of non-luxury deities were limited and was temporary.

The most ancient supreme male deity from Slavs was a genus. Already in Christian teachings against paganism of the XII-XIII centuries. About the way they write as God who worshiped all nations.

The genus was the God of Heaven, thunderstorms, fertility. He was told about him that he was going on the cloud, rain moon to Earth, and children were born. He was the Lord of the Earth and all the living, was the pagan God-Creator.

In Slavic languages, the root "Rod" means kinship, birth, water (spring), profit (harvest), such concepts as the people and their homeland, in addition, he means red and zipper, especially a ball called "Rhodium". This variety of single-colored words, undoubtedly, proves the greatness of the pagan God.

Rod is God-Creator, together with his sons Belboga and Chernobog, he created this world. Alone, the genus created in the sea chaos right, Jaw and Nav, and, together with his sons, created the earth.

The sun came out then from his face. The month is light - from his chest. Stars are frequent - from his eyes. Zori clear - from his eyebrows. Nights are dark - yes from the spirit of it. Buus winds - from breathing ...

"Book of strides"

The Slavs had no ideas about the appearance of the genus, since he never immediately in front of people.

The Kapieche in honor of the Divine was arranged on the hills or just large open areas of the Earth. His idol had a phallic form or simply performed in the form of a column painted in red. Sometimes the role of idol and at all performed the usual tree growing on the hill, especially if it was fairly ancient. In general, the Slavs believed that the genus is in everything and therefore he can worship anywhere. There were no sacrifices in honor of the kind. Instead, holidays and feasts are arranged, which are carried out directly near the idol.

The satellites of the genus were the genoven-women's fertility fertility in Slavic mythology, patroness of the kind, family, homemade hearth.


Son of the kind, God of Light, Good and Justice. In Slavic mythology is the creator of the world with a family and black. Externally, Belboga was presented in the form of a gray-haired elder, dressed as Magi.

Beloboga in the mythology of our ancestors never acted as an independent single character. Both any object in the world of Javi has a shadow and Beloboga has its integral antipode - black. A similar analogy can be found in the ancient Chinese philosophy (Yin and Yang), in the Ingliament of Icelanders (Rune Yuj) and in many other cultural and religious systems. Belobogo, thus, becomes the embodiment of bright human ideals: good, honor and justice.

The sanctuary in honor of Belbog was arranged on the hills, turning the idol to face the east, towards the sunrise. However, the Belboga was read not only in the sanctuary of the Divine, but also in the peaks, necessarily pronounce the toast in his honor.


One of the greatest gods of the ancient world, the son of the family, the brother of the Svarog. His main act was the fact that Veles led the world created by the family and weld. Veles - "Cotiona God" - the owner of the wildlife, the owner of Navi, the mighty wizard and the waswolf, the interpreter of laws, the teacher of the arts, the patron of travelers and the vessels, God of good luck. True, some sources point to it, as in the God of death ...

At the moment, among the various pagan and spring directions, a fairly popular text is Velesov the book, which became known to the general public in the 1950s of the last century thanks to the researcher and writer Yuri Mirolyubov. Velesova The book actually represents 35 birch powder, made by symbols, which language scholars (in particular, A. Kur and S. Forest) are called Slavic Docyrillic writing. It is curious that the original text really does not look like a Cyrillic, nor on the verbs, but also the features of the Slavic Runnica are represented in it indirectly.

Despite the large distribution and massive reverence of this God, Veles was always separated from the rest of the gods, his idols were never put in common capital (sacred places in which images of the basic gods of this territory).

With the way, two animals are associated with the way: a bull and a bear, in the popsies dedicated to the deity of Magi, often kept the bear, who played a key role in the rituals conducted.


The God of the Sun, the head of the heat and the world, the God of fertility and the lifeful strength. The symbol of the Dazhbog invoko was considered a sun disc. His color is gold, speaking about the nobility of this God and his unshakable strength. In general, our ancestors had three main solar deities - Horsa, Yaril and Dazhibog. But Horse was the Sun Winter, Yarilo - Spring, and Dazhbog - Summer. Of course, Dazhibog deserved special respect, because of the summer position of the Sun on the heavenly arch for the ancient Slavs, the people of the landpashers, depended very much. At the same time, Dazhbog never knew a steep temper, and if drought suddenly attacked, then this god our ancestors never vinyl.

Dazhbog's capital was arranged on the hills. The idol was made of wood and put the face east or southeast. As a gift, the deity brought feathers of ducks, swans and geese, as well as honey, nuts and apples.


Devan - the goddess of the hunt, the wife of the Forests of Svyazbor and daughter Perun. Slavs represented the goddess in the form of a beautiful girl, dressed in an elegant kunny coat, confused by a squirrel. On top of the fur coat, the beauty worked the skin with a bearish, and the head of the beast served her a hat. The daughter of Perun was an excellent bow with arrows, a sharp knife and hergatine, which is going to the bear.

A wonderful goddess not only hunted on forest animals: she herself taught them how to avoid dangers and transfer harsh winters.

To Devan, first of all, honored hunters and hunting, they prayed the goddess to give good luck in the hunt, and in gratitude they brought part of their prey to its sanctuary. It was believed that it was she who helped find the secret trails of animals in a dense forest, to avoid shacks with wolves and bears, well, if the meeting still took place, to leave a person from her the winner.

Share and undercover

Share is a kind goddess, Macau's assistant, a happy fate.

It seems in the appearance of a cute young man or a red maiden with curly gold and smiling fun. There can be no place in place, it goes through the light - no obstacles: swamp, river, forest, mountains - the share of the Namig will overcome.

Do not love the lazy and unrelaxed, drinking and all sorts of bad people. Although at first, friendship turns with everyone - then will figure out and from a bad, evil person will leave.

Nearby (Zaga, Need) - Goddess, Macoosh's assistant, an unfortunate destiny.

Share and underworld - not just the personification of abstract concepts that have no objective being, but by contrast - live persons identical to the devies of fate.

They act on their own calculations, regardless of the will and intentions of a person: happy at all does not work and lives in contentment, because the proportion works for him. On the contrary, the activities of the underwent are constantly determined to harm. While she wakes - the trouble follows the misfortune, and only then it becomes easier to be mad, when he falls asleep him: "if he sleeps famously, not wing it."


Dogoda (weather) - God of excellent weather and a gentle, pleasant breeze. Young, ruddy, ruskwall, in cornflower wreath with blue, on the edges of gold-plated butterflies wings, in a somber-lining bluish clothes holding a spike and smiling with flowers in her hand.


The striding is the baby's sun, in Slavic mythology - the embodiment of the New Year's cycle, as well as the character of the holidays, similar to the Avsen.

"Once the strid was perceived not as oh. The carriage was the deity, and one of the influential. The wheelchair clicked, called. The stroller was dedicated to the New Year's days, the players were arranged in her honor, those who later were tested on the sagnes. The last patriarch ban on the worship of the wheelchair was published on December 24, 1684. It is believed that the block was recognized as the Slavs for the deity of fun, because it was called him, they climbed in the New Year festivities of merry vatagi youth "(A. Streyev." People's Calendar ").


The son of the Most High and the goddess of Maya, he brought his brother the first to the world himself, although it was much younger than him. He returned the fire to people, fought on the coast of the Ice Ocean with a black and defeated him.


Buy (Kupail) - a fruitful summer deity, summer hatch of the God of the Sun.

"I caught, Yako Mall, the god of Oblihood, Yako, Ellyin Ceres, he was insane for the abundance of thanks to happiness to the time, according to the vehicle name.

His holiday is dedicated to the Day of the Summer Sunstream, the most long day of the year. The sacred was and night, on the eve of this day - the night should be bored. All this night continued to drink, playing and mass swimming in the water bodies.

He was sacrificed before collecting bread, June 23, on the day of St. Agrippines, which was nicknamed in the people of the swimsuit. Young people were decorated with wreaths, laid out the fire, danced around him and chased the purchase. The playing continued all night. In some places on June 23, the baths were treated, we laughed in the grass of a swimsuit (buttercup) and after bathed in the river.

At the very native of John the Forerunner, the gossip wreaths, hung them on the roof of houses and on the beauties to remove evil spirits from the dwelling.


Lada (Frey, Perishing, Siv or Zif) - the goddess of youth and spring, beauty and fertility, having a hatched mother, patroness of love and marriage.

In the folk songs "Lado" still means gently beloved friend, lover, groom, husband.

Frei outfit shines a dazzling gloss of sunlight, her beauty is charming, and droplets of morning dew are called her tears; On the other hand, she acts as militant heroine, is worn in storms and thunderstorms on heavenly spaces and rain clouds drives. In addition, this is a goddess, in the retinue of which the shadows of the departed march into the afterlife. Cloud fabric There is exactly the peselle, on which the soul, by the death of a person, is asked to the kingdom of blissful.

According to the testimony of folk poems, the angels, being for the righteous soul, take it on the veil and carry on the sky. Frei-Sivi's cult is explained by superstitious respect, powered by Russian commoners to Friday, like a day dedicated to this goddess. Who on Friday starts the case, in that, according to the proverb, will be puzzled.

In the ancient Slavs Berez, who personified the goddess of Lada, was considered a sacred tree.


Ice - this Divine Slavs prayed for success in battles, he was revered by the ruler of military actions and bloodshed. This fierce deity was depicted in the form of a terrible warrior, armed in Slavic armor, or all-arms. On the hip, sword, spear and shield in hand.

He had his temples. Having gathered against the enemies, the Slavs prayed to him, asking for help and promising in case of good luck in military actions.


Lel- in the mythology of the ancient Slavs God of love passion, the son of the goddess of beauty and love of the Lada. About the Lele - this is a merry, frivolous god of passion - still reminds the word "cherish", that is, the undead, love. He is the son of the Goddess of Beauty and Love Lady, and beauty, naturally, gives rise to passion. Especially brightly, this feeling flashed in spring and in a bathing night. Lelle was depicted in the form of a chille as a mother, a winged baby: after all, love is free and elusive. Lel Metal from the hands of Spark: After all, passion is fiery, hot love! In Slavic mythology, Lelle is the same God as Greek Eros or Roman Cupid. Only antique gods are striking the hearts of people arrows, and Lel touched them with his tary flame.

Holy bird was considered a stork (heron). Another name of this bird in some Slavic languages \u200b\u200b- Lelka. In connection with the Lellem, they worshed and cranes, and the larks are symbols of spring.


One of the main goddesses of the Eastern Slavs, the wife of the thumbnail of Perun.

Its name is made up of two parts: "Ma" - mother and "Kosh" - a walker, a basket, a koshara. Mankos - mother filled with wives, mother of good crop.

This is not a goddess of fertility, but the goddess of the outcome of the economic year, the goddess of the harvest, the granitor of the goods. Vintage is defined every year, fate, so it was still honored as the goddess of fate. Mandatory attribute with its image - a horn of abundance.

This goddess associated the abstract concept of fate with a specific concept of abundance, patronized with household, streamed sheep, nailed, punished negligent. The concrete concept of "sparkle" was associated with metaphorical: "Spinning of Fate."

Makos patronized marriage and family happiness. It appeared as a woman with a big head and long hands, hiding at night in the hut: Belutors are forbidden to leave the Cuppe, "and then Makosha will give up."


Moraine (Maran, Moragan, Mara, Maruha, Marmara) - the goddess of death, winter and nights.

Mara is the goddess of death, daughter of Lada. Outwardly, Mara looks like a high beautiful girl with black hair in red clothes. Maru can not be called an evil and good goddess. On the one hand she grants death, but at the same time she gives life.

One of the favorite classes of Mary is a needlework: she loves to spin and weave. At the same time, like Greek Moi, the fate of living beings for the needlework of the threads, taking them to the turning point in life, and, in the end, cutting the thread of existence.

Mara sends over the world of his envoys, who are people in the appearance of a woman with long black hair or in the appearance of the twins of people who are intended for warning, and foreshadow about early death.

In part of the Mary did not build permanent places of worship, it was possible to post anyone anywhere. To do this, an image of a goddess carved from a tree was installed on Earth, or made of straw, around the place was blocked by stones. Immediately in front of the idol installed a larger stone or a wooden plank, which served as an altar. After the rite, it all disassembled, and the image of Mary was lighted, or dropped into the river.

I worshiped Maru on February 15, and as a gift, the goddess of death brought flowers, straw and various fruits. Sometimes, during the years of strong epidemics, they were sacrificed by animals, putting blood to them directly at the altar.

Meeting the spring with a solemn holiday, the Slavs committed a rite of expulsion of death or winter and plunged the stuffed morals. As a representative of Winter, Moran wins Spring Perun, who brings themselves with his blacksmith hammer and all summer time will fall into the underground dungeon.

According to the identification of death with thunderstorms, the ancient belief made these latter fulfill its sad duty. But since the Romelnik and his companions were both the organizers of the Heavenly Kingdom, the concept of death was rapidly, and the fantasy portrayed her by the creature evil, fond of the souls into the underground world, then the Messenger of the Supreme Divine, accompanying the soul of the deceased heroes in his heavenly character.

Diseases were considered by our ancestors as a sopper and the assistants of death.


God-rod, the deity of the victorious, punishing, whose phenomenon excites fear and thrill. Perun, in Slavic mythology is the most famous from the Sagrazhichi brothers. He is the God of thunderstorms, thunder and lightning.

It is represented by state, high height, with black hair and a long golden beard. By recreation on the flame chariot, he travels around the sky, armed with onions and arrows, and brings the wicked.

According to the testimony of Nesor, the wooden idol of Perun, delivered in Kiev, had a gold mustache on a silver head. The Peunun time became the patron of Prince and his squad.

The Kapiep in honor of Perun was always suitable on the hills, and the highest place in the district was chosen. Idols were made predominantly out of oak - this mighty tree was a symbol of Perun. Sometimes there were places for the worship of Perun, arranged around the growing oak hill, it was believed that the Perun himself denotes the best place. In such places, no additional idols were put, and the oak, located on the hill, was revered as an idol.


Radiast (Radigity, Radigast) is a lightning god, a murderer and a clouds, and at the same time the light guest, which is with the return of spring. The earthly flame was recognized as the son of the sky, a declared share, as a gift, long-faced lightning, and therefore the idea of \u200b\u200bthe honorary divine guest, the aliens from heaven on Earth also connected with him.

Russians are honored with his guest name. At the same time, he received the character of the god-savisher of any interemphenica (guest), which was in someone else's house and defended local fenats (ie, the focus), a patron God who came from the distant countries of merchants and in general trade.

The Slavic Radia was depicted with a buffalo head on his chest.


Svarog-God-creator of the Earth and Heaven. Svarog - source of fire and its lord. He does not create a word, no magic, unlike the Veles, and his hands, he creates the material world. He gave people to the sun and fire. Svarog dropped a plow and yarm from the sky to cultivate the Earth; A combat sequir to protect this land from enemies, and a bowl for cooking a sacred drink.

Like the genus, the Svarog is God Creator, he continued the formation of this world by changing his original state, improving and expanding. However, the famous exercise of the Svat is a blacksmithing business.

The Kapieche in honor of the Svary was arranged on the hills, cropped trees or shrubs. The hill center was purified to the ground and the bonfire was divorced at this place, additionally idols in the chapter was not installed.


Svyazbor - God of Forest. Externally, it looks like a generic bogatyr, representing the old man of a strong physique having a thick beard and dressed in animal skins

Svyazbor violently protects forests and mercilessly punishes those who harm them, in some cases, even death or perpetual conclusion in the forest in the appearance of the beast or wood can be punished.

He is married to Svyazbor on the goddess of the hunt of Devan.

The Kapic in honor of Svyazhobor was not suitable, their role was carried out by groves, bors and forests, which were recognized by the sacred and in which no cutting down of the forest was carried out, nor the hunt.


One of the welded was the god of fire - SEMARGL, who sometimes, by mistake, consider only the heavenly dog, the guardian of seeds for sowing. This (storage of seeds) was constantly engaged in a much petty deity - we are transferred.

In the ancient books of Slavs, it is told about how Semargl was born. Svarog hit the magic hammer about the Stone Alatyr, the divine sparks that broke out, and the Fire God of Semargl became visible in their flame. He recresented at the Zlatogrivy Kone of Silver Maste. Thick smoke became his banner. Where SMARGL passed, remained the burned footprint. That was he in force, but more often looked quiet and peaceful.

SEMARGL, God of fire and the moon, fiery sacrifices, houses and hearth, keeps seeds and crops. May be turned on the sacred winged dog.

For now, the name of the fire of fire is most likely, his name is so holy. Still, because this god lives not somewhere in the seventh heaven, but directly among the people! His name is trying less often to say out loud by replacing allegoryrs. With fire Slavs bind the emergence of people. According to some legends, the gods made a man and a woman of two sticks, between which the fire was flared up - the very first flame of love. SEMARGL does not allow evil into the world. At night, he stands on guard with a fiery sword and only one day in a year SEMARGL comes from his post, responding to the call of a swimsuit, who calls him on love games on the day of autumn equinox. And on the day of the summer solstice, after 9 months, the children are born in the semarlang and swimsuits - Kostroma and caught.


In the East Slavic mythology, the God of Wind. It can cause and tame a storm and can turn around with his assistant, the mythical bird is stirred. In general, the wind was usually represented in the image of a gray-haired old man who lives on the edge of the world, in the deaf forest or on the island in the middle of the sea-opaire.

The Kapieche of the Striboga arranged on the banks of the rivers or seas, especially often they are found in the mouths of the rivers. The Kapigih in his honor did not fend away from the surrounding area and were designated only to the idol made from the tree, which was established by the North. In front of the idol also watered a large stone, which served as an altar.


In the Old Slavic mythology, this is the unity of the three main entities of the IPostasiy gods: Svaroga (Creation), Perun (Law Rights) and Svyatovitis (Light)

According to various mythological traditions in Triglav included different gods. In Novgorod, the 9th century, the Great Triglav consisted of Svarog, Perun and Snovet, and earlier (before relocation to the Novgorod lands of Western Slavs) - from Svarog, Perun and Veles. In Kiev, apparently - from Perun, dazhbog and striboga.

Small triglavs were made up of the gods facing the hierarchical staircase.


Horse (Korah, Kore, Korsh) - the Old Russian deity of the sun and the sun disc. It is known most of the Southeast Slavs, where the sun just reigns over the rest of the world. Horse, in the Slavic mythology, the god of the sun, the keeper of the shine, the son of the genus, Brother Veles. Not all the gods from Slavs and Rusov were common. For example, before the arrival on the shores of the Dnieper Rusov did not know Horse here. Only Prince Vladimir set his image next to Perun. But it was known from other Aryan peoples: among the Iranians, Persians, Zoroastria, where the god of the rising sun was worshiped - Horset. This word was and wider importance - "radiance", "glitter", as well as "glory", "greatness", sometimes "royal dignity" and even "Hvern" is a special marketer of gods, chosenness.

The Khorosha Khoros arranged on small elevations in the middle of meadows or small groves. The idol was made of wood and installed on the eastern slope of the hill. And as a sentence, a special cake "good" or "Kurni", which crumbled around the idol was used. But to a greater extent, dancing (dances) and songs were used to take the departure of Horsu.


God of cold, destruction, death, evil; God madness and the incarnation of all bad and black. It is believed that the black-prototype of a snatch of the immortal from fairy tales. The cult character of Slavic mythology, whose folklore image is extremely far from the original. Kashing Chernobogvich was the youngest son of a black bog, the Great Snake Darkness. His older brothers - Goryn and Viy - were afraid and respected by the silence for great wisdom and as great hatred of the enemies of the Father - the Iriendian gods. Hading owned the deepest and gloomy kingdom of Navi - by the Koshchev kingdom,

Chernobogo - Ruler Navi, God of time, Son of the kind. In Slavic mythology, he is the creator of the world along with the family and Belbog. Outwardly appeared in two hypostasses: in the first he looked like a sloped thin old man with a long beard, silver mustache and a curve stick in her hands; In the second, he was depicted as a man of middle-yard-free physique, dressed in black clothes, but, again, with silver mustache.

Armed with a black sword, who owns masterfully. Although it is able to instantly be at any point Navi, it prefers to move on a fiery stallion.

After the creation of the world, Chernobogu for the patronage went to Nav, the world of the dead, in which he is at the same time the ruler and prisoner, because, despite its entire strength, he is not able to leave it. The Divine does not produce from Navi the souls of people who came there for sins, but the sphere of his influence is not limited to one. Chernobog managed to bypass the restrictions imposed on him and created Koshiya, which is the embodiment of the ruler Navi in \u200b\u200bJavi, while the power of God in another world is significant less real, but still allowed to spread its influence and on the point, and only in the gun the blacks never appears.

The Kapic in honor of the blacks was made from dark rocks of the stone, the wooden idol was completely offended by iron, except for the head, on which the metal was finished only a mustache.


Yarilo is the God of Spring and Sunlight. Outwardly, Yarilo looks like a young young man with red hair, dressed in white clothes with a flower wreath on her head. This god moves through the light top on the white horse.

The Kapieche in honor of Yaril was arranged on top of hills, cropped trees. The tops of the hills were purified from vegetation and at this place was erected an idol, in front of which a large white stone was installed, which could sometimes be at the foot of the hill. Unlike most other gods, there were no sacrifices in honor of God. Usually, the deity was read by songs and dances on the temple. At the same time, one of the participants of the action certainly dressed in Yarloy, after which he became the center of the entire festival. Sometimes they made special figures in the image of people, they were brought to the temple, and then broke the white stone installed there, it is believed that it brings the blessing of Yaril, from which the crop will be greater, and the sexual energy is higher.

A little about the world order of Slavs

The center of the world for the ancient Slavs was a global tree (world tree, the tree of the world). It is the central axis of all the universe, including the Earth, and connects the world of people with the world of gods and the underground world. Accordingly, Krone Tree reaches the world of the gods in heaven - Irium or Svarga, the roots of the tree go under the ground and connect the world of gods and the world of people with the underground world or the world of the dead, which is ruled by Chernobog, Maren and other "Dark" gods. Somewhere in the embroidery, behind the clouds (heavenly hlybami; over the seventh sky), the crown of a sprawling tree forms the island, here is the Iri (Slavic paradise), where not only the gods and ancestors of people live, but also the progenitors of all birds and animals. Thus, the tree of the world was fundamental in the world of Slavs, its main component. At the same time, this is also a staircase, the road at which you can get into any of the worlds. In the Slavic folklore, the tree of the world is called differently. It may be oak, and Yavor, Iva, Lipa, Kalina, cherry, apple tree or pine.

In the ideas of the ancient Slavs, the world tree is located on the island of Buyan on Alatyr-stone, which is also the center of the Universe (the center of the Earth). Judging by some legends, bright gods live on its branches, and dark gods in the roots. The image of this tree reached us, as in the image of various fairy tales, tales, epic, conspiracies, songs, riddles and the form of ritual embroidery on the clothes, patterns, decorations of ceramics, painting dishes, chests, etc. Here is an example of how the tree of the world is described in one of the Slavic folk fairy tales, which occaned the hero of the Hero-hero: "... The copper pillar is worth it, and the horse is tied for him, on the sides of the pure stars, the month is shining on the sides, during Lear Red Sun ... ". This horse is the mythological symbol of the whole Universe

Of course, in one post, do not cover all the gods that our ancestors worshiped. At various branches of the Slavs, the same gods were called differently, there were also their "local" deities.