Patriotism elevates personality. Patriotism in my understanding

Patriotism elevates personality. Patriotism in my understanding
Patriotism elevates personality. Patriotism in my understanding

We live in a multinational country. And all the nations and the peoples of our country, of course, should love their common homeland. It is impossible to live in Russia and talk about it "this country", Russia is our country.

Patriotism is love for the native country. And why love your native country?

First, never for anything. Just. As loved parents or children, the house where they grew, the courtyard, where he was playing with the boys, where he was friends with Petka, and with Vaska fought, where the girl in a mini-skirt first infected with sharp legs.

Secondly - never for something. Let's say, the Frenchman loves France for the fact that the most beautiful that Paris is the world capital, that Napoleon the greatest commander in history, and Christian Dior is the greatest fashion designer. The American loves his states for the fact that the most free country and the richest, and the Constitution they have the best on the planet. Even Maltian is proud of his tiny island, because it is a unique museum of architecture of seven peoples and twenty centuries.

So we love Russia, first, never for anything. And secondly, why? Attitude towards the Motherland must be sainted, sacrificial. And her joy - ours, and sorrow it is our sorrow. There is patriotism in this.

We are on the eve of the 60th Great Victory, so they decided that the topic: "patriotism true and false" is today relevant.

Interest is an understanding of patriotism as a "main, leading value that is a rod providing the unity and stability of the Company's development" Such patriotism is characterized by a certain activity, "is a generalizing value that actually unites the entire socio-value system into a single integer."

Patriotism can be defined as an elevated, especially in the spiritual and social sense, diverse in their manifestations a sense of love for his homeland, Fatherland.

Patriotism understands and as a manifestation of him by the subjects of a sense of national pride for the power, and as a spiritual and creative act of elevation of a person who has the moral most important and other qualities, before the awareness of its inseparalism, identity with the Fatherland, as the highest value, the need to serve him, to his people.

Finally, patriotism is a vertex spiritual and religious self-defense of the individual who has reached the highest level of development that can experience the Divine Love for Fatherland, who has readiness for self-sacrifice and self-denial for its good.

In other words:

➢ First, patriotism, especially if they keep in mind its genesis, the feeling occurs and develops, more and more socializing and towers through spiritual and moral enrichment;

✓ Secondly, the understanding of the highest development of the sense of patriotism is inextricably linked with its effectiveness, which is manifested in active social activities, actions and actions carried out by the subject for the benefit of the middle name.

✓ Thirdly, one of the characteristic manifestations of patriotism is the principle of holding, reflecting the specifics of the historical development of our society, whose most important factor was the state. At the present stage of the development of Russian society, the revival of patriotism is largely associated as the most important condition for the revival of Russia as a great power;

✓ Fourth, as the primary priority case of patriotism, the personality, a priority socio-moral task, is aware of the awareness of its historical, cultural, national, spiritual and other affiliation to his homeland as a higher principle that determines the meaning and strategy of its life, fulfilled by the service of Fatherland;

✓ Fifth, true patriotism - in his spirituality. Patriotism, as an exalted feeling, an indispensable value and source, the most important motive of socially significant activities, is most fully manifested in the personality, the social group that has reached the highest level of spiritual and moral and cultural development. True, spiritual as its basis, patriotism implies a disinterested, selfless, up to self-sacrifice, the ministry of Fatherland, which in its significance is inferior only to the ministry of God.

Summarizing the foregoing, it is possible to give such a definition:

"Patriotism is one of the most significant, irreversive values \u200b\u200binherent in all areas of society and the state, is the most important spiritual heritage of the individual, characterizes the highest level of its development and is manifested in its active-actual self-realization for the benefit of the Fatherland."

Patriotism personifies the love of his fatherland, the continuity with his history, culture, achievements, problems, attractive and inseparable due to its uniqueness and indispensability, constituting the spiritual and moral basis of the individual who form its civil position and the need for decent, selfless, up to self-sacrifice, Mother's ministry.

True patriotism implies the self-denial of his subjects in the name of the Fatherland, which "there is something great and bright, something holy and clean"

By choosing this topic, we decided to consider the development of patriotism of it since the times of ancient Greece to date, making comparisons and conclusions. But for the beginning, we want to talk about the school of patriots of ancient Greece - Athenian Epheby.

Athens Ephestic is an amazing phenomenon in the history of world civilization. Ephestic (from the Greek word "Efibos" - a young man) is a state organization in Athens to prepare free-born boys from 18 years to military and civil service. Graduated from Epheby became full citizens. After it existed about half a thousand years, they did not remember about it for almost 15 centuries.

In the late XIX - early XX century, the experience of Athenian Ephetic found his new life in numerous "Efbic Societies", which began to arise in the United States, in the boyskout movement, as well as in other organizations that set the purpose of the preparation of young people to execute civil debt, respect moral values \u200b\u200band democratic ideals, as well as education in the spirit of mercy, good, justice, friendship and partnership.

It is important to emphasize the fact that the ancient authors saw the main condition for the victory of Athenian warriors over many times superior to their Persian troops in the fact that the Athenians defended the ideals of democracy, personal freedom, guided in their behavior ideas of patriotism and civil liability.

The young Greek by 18 years was well prepared in general education, gymnastic and music schools, had a fairly developed thinking due to the compulsory study of philosophy.

To enroll in Ephetic, the young man had to go through a complicated initiation procedure. And only then for him began a biennial preparation cycle for military and civil service.

Efeba gave an oath of loyalty, which is given below.

Athenian Efabsk Oath of Loyalty

(from the walls of Akarna)

"I will not be disgraced by my sacred weapons

And not to leave his friend,

Wherever I was.

I will fight the saints

And for affairs worldly

Both one and with everyone who helps me.

I will turn my fatherland not in the detractive,

But in a more powerful and great than

I will obey the ruling

State representatives

Who manage with wisdom.

If anyone is to encroach on the laws

Both one and with everyone who helps me

I will resist him.

I will respect the religion of my fathers,

I urge the witnesses of the gods

Algae, Gestiya, Eney, Arrest and

Athenian Arey, Zeus, Fall,

Avis, Hegemon, Hercules,

Borders of my family

Wheat, Barley, Grapes

Olive trees and figs. "

The efabic oath of loyalty for each Athenian before his entry into citizenship was universal (civil and military) oath. She obliges Ephers not to observe the laws of the state, but also taught to resist everyone who wants to break or circumvent these laws.

We believe that in the synthesis of the guiding role of gods and their own motivations of man Homer, for the first time formulated the model of regulatory behavior, which entered the consciousness of each Greek: to fight in the forefront and not retreat in the face of the enemy, so that it is not for In turn, it is necessary to possess the courage, courage, martial fervor and desire to win.

The adoption by the Epiques of the oath was part of a solemn ritual, which possessed the motivational value in itself.

The ideas of the highest patriotism and self-relief of personal freedom, in our opinion, are the deepest motivational grounds of the actions of the ideal regulatory hero, which it is represented in ancient Greek drama.

Preparation of young men in Ephetic to the defense of the Fatherland, which was built on the basis of the principle of collagia, i.e., the full development of the spirit and body, formed the identity of the Patriot and a citizen, the right ideal of democracy, personal freedom, responsibility that can fight in the most difficult conditions, ready to give their lives For freedom and homeland of their ancestors.

The specific forms of preparation of Ephers to the defense of the Fatherland and psychological mechanisms that determine their effectiveness at all did not lose their significance for our days.

Personal and characteristic features formed by Efbov are their nobility, civil liability, independence, courage, etc. - are the regulatory model that has entered the treasury of human culture forever.

In the Russian state, the experience of Athenian Ephetic may have to be the wider application, since our country has always been closely related to Greek culture.

Should the youth serve in the army?

Motherhood ministry has always been associated in our consciousness with the concepts of "Honor" and "Valor", "Courage" and "Glory". And indeed, the service in the army has always been for the younger generation of the school of courage, pride and glory, hope for approval and testing of their forces. Many of us today hear the voices of citizens who are disturbed by our army. Some say that the army is the subject of their pride, the symbol of state power; Others - that she turned into punishment, and do not want to let go of their sons. Now the military reform is actively discussed in Russia, so the Union of Right Forces proposed its plan for creating a professional army. Expenditures on its implementation will not exceed 10% of all military expenses. In principle, this is from the state. The demographic situation is that soon there will be no one to call on the ranks of the armed forces, in addition, among the conscripts, a large percentage of small. The figures speak for themselves: if in 1985 conscripts with secondary education were 93%, and the initial - only 0.003%, then in the late 90s he graduated from high school only 70% of recruits. The share of small people increased 160 times.

Another problem is the health of recruits, each third young man after the passage of the draft commissions exempt from military service, and at the same time, 45% among the troops directed to the troops do not comply with the requirements.

We live with you in a large, multinational, beautiful and rich country - Russia. And so it turned out that most of the male population is interested in the question associated with the army. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, each male man, who from 18 to 27 (perhaps, up to 31), healthy and smart, rich and beautiful, in general, in full bloom and opportunities are obliged to give their civil debt homeland. "Daughter" is to pass military service.

The prestige of the Russian army is so much "great" that people who have reached the recruiting age go to everything to get into the army. Why does it happen? What do you need a simple soldier? Whether to go to the army - a personal matter.

We conducted a survey concerning the raised topic, among students of grades. They were asked the question: "Whether you want to serve in the army", the results of the survey are given in the diagram.

As a result, it can be concluded that the majority of respondents want to serve in the army and only 20% have not yet made decisions. At the meeting of the former "Afghans" with students of the 9th grades, they were asked by the question: "Do you want to give your sons to the service in the army?" "What they replied:" Of course, yes, since each real man should become a decent defender of his homeland. "

Who in Russia consider patriots?

Patriotism, as a phenomenon of social reality, does not exist outside the subject and outside the object. The subject of patriotism is all social entities: personality, social group, layer, class, nation and other generality. The object of patriotism is Fatherland as a set of elements of the natural and social environment of this society, which, by virtue of the uniqueness and originality of geographical, historical, spiritual, cultural, socio-economic, political and other areas, conditions, the basics for the unity of citizens, social groups, and T . d., constituting the structure of this society. The main sphere of manifestation of patriotism is the activity, the most complete expression, which serves the service of Fatherland, especially related to ensuring its protection.

An example of true patriotism is the feat of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky during the liberation of Moscow, Russia, from the invaders in 1612. Kuzma Minin first sacrificed money for the creation of a folk militia to liberate Russia, the example of Minin followed many merchants and wealthy people. Minin understood that the Nizhny Novgorod would not be able to overcome numerous enemies on their own, all Russian lands should be raised on the struggle. He and his associates began to send diplomas with the call of joint struggle. Armed troops of militias from all lands began to be tightened to Nizhny Novgorod. For the united troops, a solid decisive commander was needed, not stained with the collaboration of impostors and invaders. The choice fell on the prince of Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharski, who had not yet recovered from the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Pozhashi accepted the proposal to head the militia.

In July 1612, the militia, which turned into a completely combat-ready army, made Moscow. Moscow's liberation caused a powerful rise against the invaders who were rebeling in Russia. The local militia with the help of the warriors of the Pozharsky was exterminated, and expelled ingenic detachments.

The true heroes of the liberation of Russia from foreign invaders and the fight against Smutch Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky were pushed back to the background and soon forgotten. Minin became a spirit nobleman, and Pozharsha was granted in the boyars. And only in the XIX century, grateful Russia put a monument to the "Sons of the Fatherland" for funds collected by the people, the author of the monument is Martos.

True heroes - the patriots of our country were the winners of the Patriotic War of 1812. A crushing defeat that Napoleon's invincible Dotole suffered in Russia, agreed on the whole world. No one expected that the "Beach of the Universe", who had already conquered Moscow, after three months not losing, not a single battle in Europe would escape from Russia. Names: M. I. Kutuzov, M. B Barkala de Tolly, P. I. Bagrations will always remember.

When we got acquainted with the literature, we had a question: "Is it possible to consider white patriots during the civil war?"

This question remains discussion. Most officers before the revolution "mentioned themselves out of politics," sincerely believing that the army should not participate in the class struggle. After October, the mistrust in hatred - to the liberals and socialists who were not able to bring order, to bring the war to the victorious end; To the Bolsheviks who concluded the Brest world and depreciated, brought to the altar, the Fatherland of the victim.

During the civil war, opponents, in fact, exchanged slogans. The Bolsheviks from October 25, 1917 began to defend the Socialist Fatherland, and the White were in serious dependence on the Entente, not interested in the restoration of strong Russia.

So were there white patriots? Of course. All the main elements of love for homeland: Caring for the interests and destinies of the country; readiness; for them to self-sacrifice; loyalty to the motherland leading the fight against the enemy; love for people, negative attitude with the vices of society; pride of cultural achievements of Russia; Respect for the historical past of the Motherland and inherited from him traditions - attended their ideology. M. A. Osorgin's rights, which argued that during the civil war "Wall against the walls stood two fraternal armies and each had its own truth and their honor. There were heroes here and there, and clean hearts, too, victims, and feats, and fierce, and high extraciting humanity, and animal atrocity and fear, and disappointment, and power, and weakness, stupid despair. "

White were defeated. The defeat and death of the white movement, the destruction of the communists of the spiritual and moral opposition deprived the society of the spontaneous operating mechanism of self-regulation. The absence of such a mechanism became one of the reasons for the transformation of good intentions of the winners in his opposite, the factor contributing to the reincarnation of the Soviet power, the establishment of the totalitarian Stalinist dictatorship.

Speaking about true patriotism, we could not but affect the topic of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. We managed to meet with one of the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, A. P. Kinilenko and ask him the question:

Patriotism in the concept of veteran of the Great Patriotic War is, first of all, love for homeland. She was taken from the very childhood, at first as just love for the family, to his school, and only then into the deep concept of love for his homeland. When the war came, his peers were not 18 years old, but they were already ready to go to the front and defend their homeland - Russia.

We managed to talk with a person whose grandfather was also a member of the war, Mikhail Vasilyevich Goleev, participated in hostilities 1941-1945.

His grandfather is a very modest man and rarely talked about the war. But in the grandmother's papers, his speech was preserved on one holiday, which was dedicated to the Victory Day, where he said: "For me, war is when from the first battle is almost a third of the combat composition of the company, equipped with your school comrades and the guys you Half a year "Drubil" in a military school.

War is when a week in the trenches under continuous drizzling rain. Without shelter. Wet legs.

War is when when the enemy's tanks appear the advanced, not withstanding their fire and onslaught, throws the trenches and rolls back to the rear, and you return to you!

War is a panic when retreat, when bombarded in emphasis. "

Grandfather was brave and lucky intelligence. The family archive carefully stores the dilated cut from the front-line newspaper, which says that the German thunderstorm is a notable intelligence officer, the cavalier of six orders, Mikhail Goleev - for half a year he led 25 languages \u200b\u200band delivered valuable commands to command.

Our contemporaries were real patriots, one of them is the great citizen of Russia - Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov.

Great citizen of Russia - Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov.

A. D. Sakharov was the largest scientist of modernity, the author of outstanding works on the physics of elementary particles and cosmology, the "father" of the Soviet hydrogen bomb. He invented her, believing that thereby strengthened the power of his homeland, and no one would never dare to attack us. He won a large number of awards from the USSR government, even the title of Hero of Socialist Labor was assigned to him three times.

He knew how to put himself in place of another, understand the pain of man, sympathize, to compare and be merciful. He was a humanist. And this, probably, you should look for the rays of the secret of the personality of Academician A. D. Sakharov, the answer to the question why the outstanding physicist became an outstanding human rights activist.

He, of course, was a patriot, experienced a deep pain for the Fatherland, did not think of himself without him, always sought him to elevate, to ensure that citizens of the country live freely and worthy. Sakharov's patriotism was a high-dimensional feeling.

It can be said that the high feelings of humanity and patriotism of Sakharov were combined with an equally high sense of responsibility. He was the first to raise his voice against the entry of Soviet troops to Afghanistan: "As a citizen, I feel responsible for the tragic events."

The word "citizen" of Sakharov set next to the word "responsibility". And the responsible person is able to consciously, courageously perform his moral debt.

During the work, we conducted survey among students in 8-10 classes, 109 respondents were interviewed. They were asked questions:

1. What does the concept of "homeland" mean?

2. How do you understand the word "patriotism"?

3. Do you consider yourself a patriot?

4. What are this expressed in you?

5. If you had a chance to leave Russia, would you take advantage of them?

6. Would you like to serve in the army? If "yes", then why? If "no" why?

7. Do you know the names of the heroes of Russia?

8. Do you wonder if you study the culture and history of your country?

8th classes

As a result of our research, we concluded that in the 8th grades, almost half of the respondents can give the correct explanation to the word "homeland", but not everyone understands the concept of "patriotism". To the question: "Do you consider yourself a patriot?" Opinions were divided: 49% - they consider themselves patriots, 21% - no, and the remaining - do not know. 49% of respondents would take advantage of the chance of going abroad.

9th classes

Students of the 9th grade practically everyone understands what "homeland" is and only 12% - no. Proper explanation to the word "patriotism" was able to give 79% of respondents. To the question "do you think your patriot?" 91% answered positively, and the remaining, 9% of patriots do not consider themselves. During the border, 66% of respondents would have left, but not forever, but 32% do not want to leave their homeland under any circumstances, and 2% would take advantage of the chance to leave abroad forever.

10th classes

Among students of the 10th grades 68% understands what "homeland" is. The correct explanation of the concept of "patriotism" was given 47% of all respondents, and most of them are mistaken in their explanations. Patriots do not consider themselves almost all half of the respondents, only 38% - yes, the rest are mistaken. The chance of going abroad would take advantage of 49% of respondents, 13% would have left, but not forever, and the rest to leave their homeland do not want.

As for the question: "Do you know the heroes of your country," then among 9-10 classes you can make one conclusion; What the heroes do not know, or call very little.

Conclusion: how to explain such indicators? We concluded that patriotic education today is not at the proper level. School students are little watching movies about war, read little, knowledge about society is not enough.

We have a heavy story, with freedom there was always a dead end, the constitution not only did not fulfill their constitution, but did not read, the fashion used someone else's, in the architecture - what was created, for three quarters themselves and collapsed. To respect your own state there is no possibility: countless officials as the people were sitting on the neck of the people, and now they are sitting. The anthem was redesigned four times, and he came out that even athletes at the honorable pedestal could not remember the learned words. Won in the Great War? Yes, there is nothing to be proud of, but there is enough shame: other people's fascists defeated, and today they march with a swastika according to our cities, and the police guard their rallies in honor of Hitler, and the courts justify. In recent years, they began to be rich, but then everything was not easy, brutal Russian envy immediately affected.

So, it turns out, secondly, we are not for what, to love Russia and not to praise in songs? Yes No - there is for what! Still as it is! At least in one we are on the planet the most weaver and happy. This was once remarkably told the most Russian from the Russian poets, Sergey Yesenin:

"We are in Russia spring girls

On the chains do not hold like dogs.

Kisses learn without money,

Without dargent tricks and fights. "

And this is the whole point. Over the ages of its uncontrolled authorities, the officials of all stripes took away from the people all that was able to freedom, dignity, the opportunity to embrace from the gray row of labor and talent and, in general, to achieve different things, what a person dreams about.

Therefore, we consider:

It is necessary to pay more attention to the school to educate patriotism and love to their homeland;

Attracting public attention, media to the problem of preserving the historical memory of the people;

Caring for the physical and spiritual health of adolescents;

Increasing interest in the pre-office youth to the service in the army.

Study of historical data in classes and in after school hours;

Work in museums, archives;

Regional studies, military field archeology, tourism;

Creating training programs for search engines;

Development of military-applied sports;

Organization of watching films about the Great Patriotic War.

Patriotism is a special emotional experience of its belonging to country, citizenship, language and traditions, native land and culture. A similar feeling implies pride for his country and confidence that she always protects you. These are the main criteria in determining, although there are other interpretations.

What is "patriotism"?

The word "patriotism" translates from Greek as "Fatherland", this feeling, the essence of which - in love for his country and readiness to sacrifice everything. Who is a patriot - personality, which is proud of the successes and culture of their power, seeks to preserve the peculiarities of the native language and traditions. This is the most common option for the essence of the term "patriotism", but there are also other interpretations:

  1. The moral indicator that distinguishes a generous personality from low.
  2. Pride for the accomplishment of their people.
  3. Real assessment of the actions of your state.
  4. The willingness to sacrifice individual interests for the sake of common.

Business patriotism - what is it?

In the 21st century, the feeling of patriotism began to go to a new level, the appeals on the formation of groups of business patriots began to sound louder. It is not only about to give preference to domestic goods, recently the Russian Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism proposed its strategy. The main task of its leaders see comprehensive support for entrepreneurs, since the share of the same small business abroad is more domestic several times. We need conditions for growth in several directions:

  1. Education. Development of youth entrepreneurship, holding master classes.
  2. Support in the implementation of plans and promoting the growth of commerce.
  3. Business club. The place where you can share experiences, contacts and developments.

Nationalism and patriotism - difference

Many confuse the concepts of "nationalism" and "patriotism", even in the dictionaries it is noted that patriotism is love for the motherland and their people. Experienced linguists indicate such an error in the substitution of concepts:

  1. Love for homeland is a feeling of land, nature, native language and state. This is also patriotism - the expanded concept of love for their home.
  2. Love for the people is a wide concept of love for native people, which arises from a person before patriotism. This is already nationalism, awareness of commitment to the nation, which is hidden from birth.

Why do you need patriotism?

Why is patriotism important? Experts believe that this is a natural mental state that is expressed in the willingness to defend its own from someone else, to recognize it under another mask. Without patriotism, it is hard to survive, because each person must have the main values \u200b\u200bfor which the fear of which can actually overcome and even go to death. Only thanks to the huge patriotism, the Soviet people were able to win the second world war, stop the hordes of enemies at the cost of millions of lives.

Patriot is a person for whom the fate of the state is always in the first place. But this attitude appears only when a person is sure: his country will protect it in a difficult moment, will assist the family. Therefore, it is impossible to make patriots of those who survive in poverty, people should have something to be proud of, and what to specifically protect: their well-being, rear, achievements.

Types of patriotism

What happens to patriotism? In different years, this feeling was designated various phenomena, often replacing the concept of "love for the Motherland" on "love for the state". So other types of patriotism appeared:

  1. State. When the interests are powers above all.
  2. Russian as a phenomenon. For centuries for Slavs, and then - both for Soviet people, the main thing was the concept of "homeland," they were compared with the bride, the mother, which must be protected.
  3. National. Based on the history and cultural heritage of the people, the formation of such love develops a sense of pride, the desire to multiply existing values.
  4. Local. Manifests itself in love for her village, city, street, house. A characteristic feature of the Soviet ideology was the upbringing of feelings from private to the general, from loyalty to his region until ready to give life for their country.

Education of patriotism

The development of patriotism at all times was the main task of ideologues of any country. Events were developed with an emphasis on examples of heroism, songs were composed, the events of the past were corrected. The child was supposed to grow with the thought that his country is the best, because she worries, provides a fun childhood, supports in the choice of profession in adolescence and protects against adversity in adulthood.

Therefore, great importance is given to the study of symbols, legal system, to meet the actions of outstanding people. But in the country where there is no return from the state, and the person does not see what he gets in return to his willingness to sacrifice personal, the problem of patriotism becomes especially acute. Sometimes attempts are trying to grow it artificially.

Church and patriotism

Since a long time, patriotism and Orthodoxy were inextricably linked, an example of this is the blessing of the church to the rational battle of the defenders of the Fatherland. This tradition has thousands of years, even during the Second World War, when all Soviet people were atheists, special prayers served, and the priests gathered funds for the purchase of tanks and aircraft. If you turn to the official church documents, the concept of patriotism is set out:

  1. Christians should not forget about their earthly homeland.
  2. Being a patriot is not only my native land, but also to your neighbor, your home, to protect them. Since the victim for Fatherland is applied not only on the field of Brani, but also for children.
  3. Love your land like a place where faith and the Orthodox Church are preserved.
  4. Love other nations, as execution of the command of love to neighbor.

Patriotism - Books

Examples from the life of heroes, which showed real patriotism in thousands of not only in Soviet literature. Many Russian poets and prosaic wrote about such manifestations, they were put in the epons. The brightest works dedicated to patriotism:

  1. A. Fadeev. "Young guard". Roman about Krasnodon's underground heroes during the Great Patriotic War, not one generation of Soviet children has grown on it.
  2. "Word about the regiment of Igor". Ancient legend, telling about the defenders of the native land during the times of hostile raids.
  3. L. Tolstoy. "War and Peace". Important historical episodes of the 19th century - the Patriotic War of 1812, with examples of the heroism of the main characters.
  4. B. Field. "Tale of this person". A novel about the guitle pilot of Maresyev, who managed to return to the aircraft to fight the Nazis again.

Patriotism - (from Greek patris - Fatherland) - moral and political principle, social feeling, the content of which is love for the Fatherland, pride for his past and present, willingness to subordinate their interests to the interests of the country, the desire to protect the interests of the motherland and their people.
National sociological encyclopedia

Patriotism - Love for Fatherland, devotion to him, the desire to serve his interests with his actions.
Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • Patriotism is a moral criterion that distinguishes a noble person from low and spiritual and developed from being in spiritual lethargy.
  • Patriotism is an objective assessment of the position and actions of the native country, combined with an optimistic look at the vector of its development in the future.
  • Patriotism is pride for all the achievements of your people and awareness of all its historical mistakes.
  • Patriotism is readiness to sacrifice personal for the achievement of public goods.

Advantages of patriotism

  • Patriotism gives forces - from the realization that hundreds of generations of His ancestors are invisible behind a person behind his back.
  • Patriotism gives joy - from the awareness of the advantages and success of his country.
  • Patriotism is responsible - for family, people and their homeland.
  • Patriotism gives confidence - due to a sense of involvement in the destiny of the country.
  • Patriotism gives freedom - to act for the benefit of his country.
  • Patriotism gives respect - to the history, traditions and culture of the country.

Manifestations of patriotism in everyday life

  • Geopolitics. The formation of national states is one of the manifestations of patriotism of each nation.
  • Liberation wars. It is patriotism, as the basis of cohesion in the face of the enemy, helped the peoples to win the worst wars in case they were not cesspasizing.
  • Military service. The readiness to protect their homeland from the external enemy is an integral sign of patriotism; A person who has chosen military service shows patriotism.
  • National customs, traditions. An example of "household" manifestation of patriotism can serve as unique national costumes of different nations.
  • National culture. Russian folk songs, the EPOS of the Yakut people, the Scottish play on Volynka - all these examples of patriotism, expressed in the cultural heritage of different nations.

How to develop patriotism

  • Family education. Parents, showing love and respect for their own country, and attaching these feelings to children - raise children with patriots.
  • Interest in national culture and traditions. In order to love his people - he needs to know; Consciously studying the history of its people, a man brings up patriotism.
  • Awareness. Patriotism implies pride for achieving its country; Interest in information related to all sides of the life of society and the country creates a base for the development and manifestation of patriotism.
  • Travels in their own country. The best to know and love your homeland.

Golden mean



Nationalism, xenophobia, chauvinism

Winged expressions about patriotism

Do not ask that your homeland can do for you, - ask what you can do for your homeland. - John Kennedy - it seems to me that the feeling of love for your own people is just as natural for a person, as well as a sense of love for God. - Patriarch Alexy II - Patriot is a person who serves the Motherland, and the Motherland is primarily the people. - Nikolai Chernyshevsky - My friend, dedicate the souls of beautiful gusts! - Alexander Pushkin - it is important that you are ready to die for your country; But even more importantly, you are ready to live life for her. - Theodore Roosevelt - A. S. Cipko / Values \u200b\u200band wrestling of conscious patriotism The author raises the question of nature and the features of Russian patriotism. Based on the point of view of Berdyaev's philosophers and franc, he opposes the "kvass patriotism" a conscious patriotism, which is not a myth, but the historical truth. Patriotism is a spiritual rod of the peoples of Russia The book is devoted to patriotism - a feeling that is inextricably linked with the Russian history and which in many ways the Russian state is obliged to its formation and existence.

Patriotism - moral and political principle, social feeling, the content of which is love for Fatherland, devotion to him, pride for his past and the present, the desire to protect the interests of the Motherland.

Historically, patriotism elements in the form of attachment to their native land, the language, traditions are formed already in antiquity. With the deepening of social antagonisms in the content of patriotism, class components are folded, which generates a complex problem of the relationship of class and universal, class and national in patriotism. Historical experience has shown the inadmissibility of the submenu of love for the Fatherland commitment to the narrowly understood interests, the values \u200b\u200bof classes and social groups

Patriotism is a feature of a dialectical combination of personal and public interests, unity of man and society. Patriotic feelings, ideas towed a person when they are conjugate with respect to the peoples of other countries and are not degenerated into the psychology of national exclusivity. Also, patriotism consists in respecting to its historical past, cultural traditions, ready to help in difficult times, to defend its independence in the face of conquerors, sacrifice life for its independence and freedom. Patriotism is also expressed in critical attitude to the existing social injustice, in the desire to give their strength to its liquidation and for the prosperity and well-being of the Fatherland. At the same time, patriotism assumes both respectful attitude towards other peoples and their cultures, excluding the arrogance of superiority over them, recognition of the rights of peoples on their independence and independence. The sense of patriotism helps a person to realize his belonging to a particular culture, to learn its wealth, without which he cannot take place as a person.

Patriotism in exploitative society

Socialist patriotism

In the socialist society, patriotic feelings of the people receive free development; Patriotism first becomes nationwide. Socialist patriotism is inherent in the organic merger of love for homeland and devotion to the case of communism. Since the true interests of the socialist homeland coincide with the interests of the international labor movement, socialist patriotism, closely connected with proletarian internationalism. In the socialist society, patriotism of the masses is not passive, but active in nature, and not only during periods of wars, but also in everyday work for the benefit of the Motherland. Socialist patriotism is one of the most important principles of communist morality. All its basic requirements affecting the problems of labor, socio-political activities, interethnic relations, personality formation, one way or another, are associated with socialist patriotism, since their implementation is at the same responsibility to their people.

Patriotimm (Greek. RBFSyUFZT - compatriot, RBFsyt - Fatherland) - moral and political principle, social feeling, the content of which is love for Fatherland and willingness to sacrifice its private interests, for the benefit of the interests of the Fatherland. Patriotism implies the pride of the achievements and culture of his homeland, the desire to preserve her character and cultural features and identification of themselves (the special emotional experience of its belonging to the country and its citizenship, language, traditions) with other members of the people, the desire to protect the interests of the birthplace and their people.

The history of the origin of the concept of "patriotism".

The historical source of patriotism - centuries and millennia, the enshrined existence of separate states that form attachment to native land, language, traditions. In the face of education of nations and the formation of national states, patriotism becomes an integral part of a public consciousness reflecting nationwide moments in its development.

I attributing patriotic feelings to other persons, and some events patriotic coloring, having an evaluating face, thereby most often gives a positive characteristic.

The ideas about patriotism are associated with a trembling attitude towards the Motherland, but the idea of \u200b\u200bthe essence of patriotism among different people is different. For this reason, some people consider themselves patriots, and others do not consider themselves.

In history, patriotism, as a special feeling, was called various phenomena in social relations. Often replacing the understanding of love for the Motherland, for example, love for the state, etc. So the terms appeared:

  • · State (etient) patriotism - love for the state.
  • · Imperial patriotism - loyalty (love) to the empire and its government.
  • · Balli patriotism (URA-Patriotism) is a hypertrophied sense of love for the state and their people.
  • · Polis patriotism - love for the policy, that is, the way of life, traditions, features, cults. I existed in the ancient cities-states (polishes) and was founded on local religious cults.
  • · Ultrapatriotism - love for Fatherland in extreme, reckless forms.
  • · Ethnic patriotism is love for your ethnic.

Criticism of patriotism.

In a new time, Lev Tolstoy considered patriotism with a sense of "coarse, harmful, shameful and bad, and most importantly - immoral." He believed that patriotism inevitably breeds war and serves as the main support of state oppression. Tolstoy believed that patriotism was deeply alien to the Russian people, as well as workers to representatives of other peoples: he did not hear any sincere expressions of the feeling of patriotism from representatives of the people, but on the contrary, many times heard the expressions of neglect and contempt for patriotism.

One of the favorite expressions of Tolstoy was the aphorism of Samuel Johnson: "Patriotism is the last refuge of the villain." Vladimir Ilyich Lenin in April theses ideologically, the "revolutionary defense" as conciliators with the temporary government. Professor of the University of Chicago compares patriotism with racism, including that the other suggests the moral duties and communications of a person primarily with representatives of "their" community. Critics of patriotism are also noted by the next paradox: if patriotism is virtue, and during the war, the soldiers of both parties are patriots, they are equally virtuous; But it was for virtue that they kill each other, although ethics forbid to kill for virtue.

Patriotic education is of great importance in the socio-civil and spiritual development of the personality of each person. Many thinkers and teachers of the past, revealing the role of patriotism in the process of personality of man, indicated on its multilateral formative value. For example, k.d. Ushinsky believed that patriotism is not only an important task of upbringing, but also a powerful pedagogical agent: "As there is no person without pride, so there is no man without love for the Fatherland, and this love gives the upbringing the right key to the heart of a person and a powerful support to fight his bad natural, personal, family and generic inclinations. "

The basics of patriotic feelings should be laid in each person from orphanage. Therefore, it is so great in the process of forming the patriotic consciousness of the younger generation the role of kindergarten, schools, of any other educational institution as an integrating center for the joint educational activities of the pedagogical team, family and society as a whole.

Patriotic is the upbringing of the most important spiritual and moral and cultural and historical values, reflecting the specifics of the formation and development of our society and the state, national self-consciousness, lifestyle, the world and fate of Russians. It is built on selfless love and devotion to his Fatherland, pride for belonging to the Great People, to its accomplishments, tests and problems, honoring national shrines and symbols.

The moral meaning of patriotism in legal activity is determined by the fact that it is one of the forms of coented personal and public interests, the unity of the person and the Fatherland. But patriotic feelings and ideas only then morally towers a person and the people, when they are conjugaten by respect to the peoples of other countries and are not degenerated into the psychology of national exclusivity and distrust to "strangers". This aspect in patriotic consciousness in modern conditions has acquired a special relevance.

Each lawyer must overflow the feeling of love for his homeland, devotion to her.

This is a complex socio-moral and moral and psychological phenomenon that is formed by a special worldview.

According to its social content, patriotism is designed to contribute to cohesion, unity of people.

According to individual psychological - it is a feeling and awareness of the organic communication, a person's conclusion to the fate of the Motherland, his unity with the Fatherland.

In the activities of lawyers, the principle of patriotism occupies a significant place. As a representative of state power, he must understand the importance of tasks set before his profession and its own liability for their execution. The assessment of the lawyer's activities is an assessment of the level of legal consciousness and legal culture of his native country. For the guardianship of the law and order the concept of "patriotism" and "official debt" has always been synonymous.