The concept of cultural norms and values. Cultural traditions, values, norms

The concept of cultural norms and values. Cultural traditions, values, norms

Federal state educational institution
Higher professional education
"Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service"

Faculty of taxation and management

Specialty "Organisation management"

Department _______Taxation and management _______ __
Discipline______ Culturalology _________________ ____

« Cultural values \u200b\u200band norms »

student 1 Course
Groups No. 314
Vankova Olga Sergeevna


2010/2011 Uch.G.

    The concept of "culture"
    Norms of Culture
3. Values \u200b\u200bof culture
    Culture - This is an integral part of human life.
Culture Organizes human life. In life
people culture largely performs regulating function
into human behavior, spiritual sphere, as well as in the field of creation
material values.
purpose of work: Consideration of culture as a system of values \u200b\u200band norms.
The work consists of three chapters, in which the concept of "culture" is analyzed, the main components of culture are presented: values \u200b\u200band norms.
    The concept of "culture"

Concept "Culture" refers to the number of fundamental in modern social science. It is difficult to name another word that would have such a variety of semantic shades. For us, such phrases as "the culture of the mind", the "culture of feelings", "culture of behavior", "physical culture" sounds well. According to the calculations of American cultures Alfred Krereh and Klajja Clackon from 1871 by 1919 There were only 7 cultural definitions, then 1920 by 1950 They counted 157 definitions of this concept. Later, the number of definitions has increased significantly. L.E. Tartman Specified more than 400 definitions.
It is believed that the word "Culture" Comes from the Latin word " cOLERE "What does it mean to cultivate, or cultivate the soil. In the Middle Ages, this word began to denote the progressive method of cultivation of cereals, thus the term arose " agriculture » - Art of agriculture. BUT B. XVIII and XIX centuries. It began to consume and in relation to people - if a person was distinguished by the grace of the manner and readiness, he was considered "Cultural". Then this term was used mainly to aristocrats to separate them from the "non-cultural" simple people. German word "Kultur" Also meant a high level of civilization.
In an extremely broad sense, culture covers everything created by people - from science and religious beliefs To the ways of manufacturing stone chop.
Culture - This is, first of all, a totality of meanings and values \u200b\u200bthat people are guided in their lives.
Culture - The accumulated, acquired experience transmitted from generation to generation provides a person necessary for the survival of knowledge and samples of behavior that are not inherited genetically, but are transmitted by learning and education.
Culture - this is creative reflection and conversion of nature in
human activity, a step of public consciousness.
Culture - this is a combination of methods and techniques of human
activities (both material and spiritual) expressed in subjects
on material carriers and subsequent generations transmitted.
Culture - This is the process of the creation of material and spiritual benefits.
Today under culture in wide sense Understand all views
People's conversion activities, as well as its results.
In a narrow sense under culture understand creative activity
associated with art.
Culture - this is the same aggregate values \u200b\u200band normsgoverning human behavior.

    Norms of Culture

Norma - This is the inherent communion of the idea of \u200b\u200badmissible behavior, behavioral standards. Norms make people behavior more or less predictable and streamline social interaction. As values, norms have significant variability in different culturesoh.
Norma (Rules) determine how man should behave to live in harmony with the values \u200b\u200bof its culture. The assimilation of certain norms is necessary for a person for successful adaptation in society. The regulatory side of the culture includes a wide range of requirements. This is an elementary tidiness, hygiene, and adherence received rules behavior, and moral (moral) norms, and legal norms (laws). Execution of the norms is provided by various forms of coercion, starting with public opinion and ending with state institutions.
The presence of norms does not exclude, but, one can say, even implies the possibility of deviation from them, denoted in sociology and psychology as "deviation". According to E. Dürkheim The deviation from the norms and especially the following punishment plays a very important role: strengthening the regulatory order and social integration. Norms are associated with existing values \u200b\u200bin culture. Legal normsProtecting private property, "work" in a society where there is, firstly, awareness of the values \u200b\u200bof law, secondly, the value of private property. If there are both moments in the culture, the laws that protect private property, even being introduced, will not be observed by people.
The reactions of the social environment for compliance or non-compliance with the norms are called sanctions. Sanctions may be positive (approval, encouragement) and negative (isolation, punishment). People tend to follow the standards, since the main norms, as well as values, the individual absorbs in childhood and doubt, as a rule, does not expose. However, if the society is observed the heterogeneity and uncertainty of the norms, this naturally entails and the uncertainty of behavior, and the growth of devianity.
There are various standard standards. Allocate: rules rules
(the execution of which is required) and expectations standards (execution
which is desirable, but permissible and deviation); socryptive
(prohibiting one or another type of behavior) and prescribptive
(prescribing a certain type of behavior) norms; Norma formal
(clearly formulated and recorded in documents) and
informal (having the character of expectations and existing only in
collective consciousness) and others.

    Values \u200b\u200bof culture

Values - It is inherent in one or another culture of the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat should strive for. Success, holiness, wealth, freedom, fame, love - all these examples of values. Values - These are spiritual guidelines that ask the general behavioral strategy in society.
Values Possess pronounced cultural specificity: what is valuable for one society may not be value in the other. Thus, the business card of Western European cultures is the recognition of the value of individual freedom. But in most not Western cultures there were no such value, and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need for individual freedom was as a result of Western cultural influence.
Cultural specificity can manifest itself in the features of the values \u200b\u200bhierarchy inherent in such or other society. So, the value of life is an example of universal value. There is not a single culture that would deny life and sought to death. However, not in all cultures, the value of life takes the same position in the hierarchy of values. For the ancient Greek, the good glory has meant more than to save life. For Indian yoga, life is an illusion, a painful dream from which you need to wake up. For a Christian devotee, a monk or layman, earthly life - only a prologue for eternal life in the kingdom of God and independent value has no value.
People often sacrifice their lives (not to mention the lives of others) for the sake of such, it would seem abstract concepts as "truth", "freedom", "state interests", "people", "race", "party", etc. d. It may seem strange, but, in fact, it is impossible to find a culture, where the value of human life would absolutely dominate over other values.
For carriers of a certain culture, the values \u200b\u200binherent in it are faiths. It is impossible to rationally justify the superiority of some values \u200b\u200bover others, the falsity of some values \u200b\u200band the truth of others.
Its values \u200b\u200bseem to us obvious, natural. To make a person accept new values, it needs not just "convince", he needs to "turn into his faith," even if it is not about religion itself.
In domestic cultural studies, until recently, the values \u200b\u200bwere traditionally divided into material and spiritual. Under material values It is understood by the real products of human labor (buildings, clothing, furniture, tools, etc.), spiritual values They appear as partitioned by society or groups of people of persuasion regarding the goals to which it is necessary to strive in life (for example, moral values).
Currently, cultural studies give more developed value classifications. These types of values \u200b\u200bare allocated as:

    vital. (life, health, safety, welfare, etc.);
    social (social status, hard work, wealth, work, etc.);
    political (freedom of speech, civil liberties, legality, order);
    moral (good, benefit, love, friendship, honor, honesty, loyalty, etc.);
    religious (God, Divine Law, Salvation, Faith);
    aesthetic (beauty, beautiful, harmony, etc.);
    family-related (Family coin, interconnection and mutual understanding of generations) and some others.
Culture is a spiritual component of human activity as component and the condition of the entire activity system, providing various sides of the human life. This means that the culture of omnipresent, but at the same time in each specific form of activity it represents only her spiritual side actually - in all the diversity of socially significant manifestations.
The world of man is the world of culture. Culture is a mastered and emitted experience of human life. Culture reveals its content through the system of norms and values \u200b\u200breceiving the expression in the morality system and the right, religion, in the artistic sphere and science.

Culture functions as live system Values \u200b\u200bas a living organism as long as the person actively acts as a creative, creative and actively actively actively. A person organizes streams of values \u200b\u200bon cultural channels, it makes the exchange and distribution of them, it preserves, produces and consumes both material and spiritual culture products, and exercising this work, it creates itself as a subject of culture as a social being.

In spiritual culture can act normawhich have been mediated from customs and acquired independent existence, or specially designed for cases of special regulation of human behavior, indicating their belonging to specific social and cultural groups and expressing the idea of \u200b\u200bproper and desirable. Regulatory regulation of relations implies a voluntary and conscious adoption by each person the norms of activity common in this culture.

In cultural studies, there is the following classification of norms:

1) standards establishing orders in society as a whole and components of its groups (moral and legal);

2) economic;

3) political;

4) technical or technological;

5) norms relating to the field of communication and socialization;

6) Norms are universal, national, class, group, mertinevuala.

In closed cultures, customs and norms are regulated, and their observance is strict. In open cultures, pluralism of norms and customs is possible, which generates an atmosphere of tolerance. Such conditions require a person of choice and more creative approach To elected behavioral motives. All this contributes to spiritual enrichment of the personality and the growth of social comfort in a person's life.

On more high level spiritual culture dominant importance as regulators of human existence are acquired values. Value is understood as a generally accepted norm formed in a certain culture, which sets samples and standards of behavior and influences the choice between possible behavioral alternatives. Value, as a more complex and developed professional behavior, implies a choice, allows polarity of solutions, which indicates the ambiguity of value.

The classifications of values \u200b\u200bare many, and depend on what is found in the base, for example:

values vital.associated with ideals healthy Life, physical and spiritual health, the perfect lifestyle;

values socialassociated with social well-being, post, welfare, comfortable work;

values politicalassociated with ideals of freedom, law and order and security, guarantees of civil equality;

values moralassociated with ideals of justice, honor, good, etc.;

religious and ideological Values \u200b\u200brelated to the ideal meaning of life, the purpose of man;

artistic and aesthetic Values \u200b\u200bassociated with the ideal of beautiful, harmony, beauty;

family-related Values \u200b\u200brelated to the ideal of family comfort, well-being and respect for the ideals of various generations;

values laborassociated with ideals of skill, talentedness, with labor results, etc.

The nature of values \u200b\u200bis such that they theological . Charged by target installations, and the goals, as a rule, have some hill, and therefore they go beyond everyday life. There are always social forces in society that seek to refine values, give them elite status. There are forces that seek to land and simplify value. Flexible, developed culture produces mechanisms for the integration of elite values \u200b\u200band everyday needs. For this, ideologists work, politicians, philosophers, etc.

From time to time, in one or another culture there are concerns that it can be blurring its value core, the substitution of "their" values \u200b\u200b"others". So, today, great concern is manifested in connection with the "Americanization" of Russian culture.

Each culture has a corps of exemplary norms and values \u200b\u200bthat determine its uniqueness and originality. To the number of fundamental values american culture refers " personal success", While in Russian culture is the achievement of truth and justice. In Islam, the absolute value is Allah, but not a person, since Allah is never embodied in humans. In value nucleus chinese cultureRegulated by Confucianism, the cult of antiquity of such force was entered, that the Chinese society and the state did not only existed in almost no form of the form of more than two thousand years, but also acquired a huge force of inertia.

So, the values \u200b\u200bare the basis and foundation of culture, they are deeply rooted and fulfill the role of its most important regulator as at the level of culture as a whole and at the level of personality.

As P. Sorokin noted: "People with a deeply rooted system of values \u200b\u200bcourageously postponing any disaster. It will be much easier for them than people, or at all who do not have any holistic value system, or with a system, founded mainly on earthly values, from "Wine, Women and Songs" to wealth, fame and authorities. Such values \u200b\u200bare destroyed under the influence of crises, and their adherents remain complete bankruptcies, rejected and helpless, no objectives in life and no support. People with a transcendental system of values \u200b\u200band a deep sense of moral debt have values \u200b\u200bthat no person and no catastrophe can take away. Under all the circumstances, they retain the clarity of the mind, a sense of human dignity, self-esteem. Having these qualities, they can endure any test, no matter how severe it is. "

Cultural Studies: Abstract Lectures of Yenikeeva Dilnar

1. Values. Norms. Cultural traditions

Valueit is understood as a generally accepted norm formed in a certain culture, which sets samples and standards of behavior and influences the choice between possible behavioral alternatives.

T. Parsons noted that value - This is an idea of \u200b\u200bdesirable, affecting the choice of behavioral alternative. However, it should be noted that culture does not consist only of positive values, it includes the abnormative aspects of folklore, literature, music, as well as technological and other skills; Secondly, value and recognized behavioral samples may not coincide, for example, prostitution in a number of cultures is a recognized sample of behavior, but is not value.

The problem of values \u200b\u200bis quite deeply designed in philosophy and sociology, anthropology and psychology (E. Durkheim, P. A. Sorokin, T. Parsons and etc.). In Western cultural anthropology, there are two polar theories. One of them is relativisticthe ability to objectively analyze the value structures of various societies and considering value systems as relative. Another (opposite) theory - antireelitivistic positivism,apprough the possibility of studying the value structures from the position of objective science.

What is the role of the value component in the life of people? Cultural life Without values \u200b\u200bit is impossible, as they give the society the necessary degree of order and predictability. Through the system of values \u200b\u200baccumulated in culture, human activity is carried out.

"Decided by their meaningful aspects, all the phenomena of human interaction become simply biophysical phenomena and in such an capacity form the object of biophysical sciences," notes Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin. And indeed, all these cultural phenomena created by people, all these works, mechanisms and things, deprived of the value components, become simply piles of paper, metal or marble, tons of fenced paint or pieces of matter. And then they can be the subject of physics, chemistry or biology that study their structure, structure or properties, but not social or humanities.

According to P. A. Sorokina, it is the value that serves as the foundation of any culture. Depending on which value dominates, it divides all cultural supersystems for 3 types:

1) ideal;

2) sensual;

3) idealistic.

If an ideological culture prevails, God and faith become the highest value, and sensual worldHis riches, joys and values \u200b\u200bare formed indifferent or negative attitude.

In sensual culture, the value of feelings prevails. The meaning has only what we see, hear, touches. The formation of it begins in the XVI century. And reaches its apogee by the middle of the XX century. Values \u200b\u200bof religion, morality, other values \u200b\u200bof ideal culture acquire relative nature: they are either denied or completely indifferent to them. In such a culture, knowledge becomes equivalent to the empirical knowledge represented by natural sciences; They displacing religion, theology and even philosophy.

The idealistic cultural system, according to P. A. Sorokina, is intermediate between ideal and sensual. Her values \u200b\u200bare the values \u200b\u200bof the mind, rationalizing the objective reality, which is partly suspicious, and partly sensual.

In the ordinary consciousness, the concept of "value" is usually associated with the evaluation of human objects and public relations From the point of view of good and evil, truths and lies, beauty or disgrace, permissible or forbidden, fair or unfair, etc. The estimation occurs from the position of its culture, therefore, its own system of values \u200b\u200band is perceived as "genuine" as a point Report for good and bad.

The cultural science comes from an understanding that the value of the whole world of culture is that the value systems of various cultures are equal, that there is no culture with its or someone else, but there is one and other and that the world is more resistant than diverse.

What is the basis of the universal and specific value in nature? There is a huge difference between how values \u200b\u200bare perceived different people different cultures. This perception depends on their ideas of individual or group installations.

There is no culture, where they would not have a negative murder, lie or theft, although there are differences in ideas about the boundaries of tolerance to lies and theft (in some cultures, the hand is cut off as a punishment, in others - deprive of freedoms).

Values \u200b\u200bcommon everywhere and the same or very similar in content are absorbed by all cultures as a necessary part; They are eternal and mandatory for all societies and individuals. But "dressed" these values \u200b\u200binto specific cultural "clothing", i.e., the configuration of the value system, the ratio and interaction of elements inside it are products of a particular culture.

How do values \u200b\u200bchange? What factors affect this? From time to time, in one or another culture there are concerns that the substitution of "their" values \u200b\u200b"others may occur. So, today, great concern is manifested in connection with the "Americanization" of Russian culture.

Values \u200b\u200bboth at the level of personality and at the level of society are exposed in the crisis situation (individual or group - death, fire, disaster) or conflict (family, military, social, political, etc.). E. Durkheim introduced the concept of "Anomy", denoting the state of the value-regulatory vacuum characteristic of transitional and crisis periods and states in the development of society, when old social norms and values \u200b\u200bcease to act, and the new ones have not yet been established. "The former gods are aging or dying, and the new ones were not born" (E. Durkheim, Sociology). It is this state that describes Johan Hasing in the "Autumn of the Middle Ages", representing the picture of the sufferings and conflict of the conflict of the values \u200b\u200bof the leaving culture and occurrence as a result of new forms of socio-cultural reality.

Japan was, maybe the only exception in the modern world, where the spirit of a holistic worldview, formed in a slow medieval and reflected in traditional artistic work, was not supplanted scientific and technical revolution and mass culture.

Meanwhile, the values \u200b\u200bof any culture cannot be changed neither evidence of their insolvency, nor a demonstration of more attractive values. "Mutation" of values \u200b\u200boccurs relatively slowly even with a targeted powerful effect, and they only disappear along with the disappearance of the culture itself.

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3.5. The norms and ideals in the culture of value, the value senses were also embodied in thoughts, feelings, intentions, actions (behavior) of people and are issued, in particular, in the norms of human relations and behaviors, in aggregates and systems of such norms. Standards for

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1.3. Culture and cultural values

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8 Cultural norms An important means of regulating people's behavior is cultural normsThe state has established norms are the official expression of cultural norms. But legal norms do not exhaust all the diversity of norms in society. Cultural

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8 Instead of imprisonment: "Reduced cultural values" and modern writing folklore There are researchers (especially Western Sovietologists), inclined to believe that the folklore is aimed at total overcoming admonish ideology. Here we see a specific example that is

Value orientations. Culture is a set of values \u200b\u200band value orientations, ways to create and consumption. Therefore, the invaluable role of values \u200b\u200bin culture has no doubt about the culture. In cultural studies it is difficult to do without the concept of "value". Moreover, most often the culture as social phenomenon Determine exactly through value orientations. The authors of the sociological study "Youth of Germany and Russia" consider: "Value orientations are a relatively sustainable socially determined electoral attitude of a person to the aggregate of material and spiritual public goods, cultural phenomenaConsidered as a subject, goals and facilities that serve to meet the needs of the human life "(" Youth of Germany and Russia ". Sociological research. M., 1994). Each person is a carrier of certain values, they form a certain system of which there is a lot of human behavior in one situation or another

The value for a person is everything that has certain significance for him, personal or social character. "The value is a positive or negative value of the objects of the surrounding world for a person, class, group, society as a whole, which are not determined by their properties by themselves, and their involvement in the sphere of human livelihoods, interests and needs, social relationship; Criterion and method for assessing this importance, expression in moral principles and norms, ideals, installations, purposes "

Cultural values \u200b\u200bare objects of material and spiritual activities of a person who possess community - useful properties Both characteristics that can satisfy the various needs of people. Value is understood as a generally recognized norm formed in a certain culture, which sets samples and standards and influences the choice between possible behavioral alternatives, allows polarity of solutions, which indicates an ambivalent, dual nature of value. Values \u200b\u200bhelp a person and society to determine the good and bad, beautiful and ugly, substantial and secondary. The priority of certain values \u200b\u200breflects the degree of human spirituality.

Human values \u200b\u200bsuggest, above all, the understanding of the unity of the human race. There are such absolutes that are significant for the whole human kind, without them the unity of humanity would not be so total. Christianity made a tremendous coup in understanding universal connections, Proclaiming the commandment: "Love your neighbor, like yourself." From now on, each person is sorted by another, the universal proximity is strengthened between people, based on a single belonging to the human race.

bescheloval values \u200b\u200bsuggest the preservation of cumulative spiritual experience. The shrines include, for example, Socratic Troubles of Truth, Good and Beauty. This triad is a historically established higher value. These absolutes reflect the wealth of the whole human race.

There is no culture, where they would not be assessed with negatively murder, lie, theft, although there are differences in the submissions about the boundaries of tolerance. Modern culture uniting humanity is based on universal values: the movement of the protection of personal rights, its respect, recognition of its merits, freedom, conscience, humanity, mutual enrichment national cultures, scientific knowledge and advanced technologies and environmental attitude To the life of I. environment. Universal culture is also the best forms of creative activity of people.

Material values \u200b\u200bare material benefits designed to meet the vital needs. Material needs, of course, are determining, but they, especially in the age of century scientific and technological progress Can be quite soon satisfied if we talk about reasonable needs. But, as it says folk wisdom"Not a single bread is alive." An important role in human life, society, in culture has spiritual values. They are thoughts, ideas, theories, norms, ideals, images that can take the form of scientific and artistic works, architecture, painting, music, movies, movies, television gearwho carry high ideas, Images, feelings and presentations. Guardians and distributors of spiritual values \u200b\u200bare museums, libraries, schools, radio, etc. Caring for the multiplication of the material and spiritual values \u200b\u200bof society, about the cultural growth of a person, the consciousness of the necessary conditions for admissions to these values \u200b\u200bis one of the patterns of the development of society.

The concept of cultural norm. The concept of norm is connected with the concept of values. To handle other people, a person must stick to some rules of relationships, have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe right and wrong behavior, how to exercise and restrain itself. In the absence of such representations, it is impossible to achieve concerted actions. Such general ideasThe regulatory behavior of people is produced in one or another culture and are called cultural standards.

There are social norms adopted in any culture in any society, i.e. Communication moral standards: "Do not steal", "do not kill" ... they contribute to morally to improve the public and personal lives of citizens. Live humane. Living in society, a person should strive not to infringe the rights of the other, which means to build his behavior so that it corresponds to the behavior of that social Groupin which he is located, lives, works. In violation of the norms, human behavior becomes an antisocial, anticultural. Living in a particular environment, a person must master her spiritual values, to recognize them, master and use, otherwise he will be torn off from this culture or will come into conflict with it.

Thus, cultural norms - certain rules behavior governing the actions of a person in the most important aspects social Life, providing guarantees of integrity, society sustainability. Therefore, they are more than in values, there is a quasher moment, the requirement to do a certain way. Following the standards is provided by two: by their internalization (transformation of external requirements for the internal need of personality) and at the expense of institutionalization (the inclusion of norms into the structure of society and social control).

The most important components of the picture of the world, along with intuitive representations, archetypes, methods of worldview, are cultural norms and values. Cultural normathere are certain samples, rules of behavior, action, knowledge. They add up, are argued already in the everyday life of society. At this level, traditional and subconscious moments play a major role in the emergence of cultural norms. Customs and methods of perception were formed by millennia and were transmitted from generation to generation. In the recycled form, cultural norms are embodied in ideology, ethical teachings, religious concepts.

So, the norms of morality arise in the very practice of massive mutual communication of people. Moral norms are raised daily by the force of habits, public opinion, assessments of loved ones. Already small child According to the reaction of adult family members, the boundaries of what "can be", and what "is impossible". A huge role in the formation of the norms of culture characteristic of this society is played by approval and condemnation expressed by others, the strength of personal and collective examples, visual behavioral samples (both described in verbal form and in the form of real behaviors). The normality of culture is maintained during interpersonal, massive relationships of people and as a result of the functioning of various social institutions. A huge role in the transfer of spiritual experience from generation to generation is played by the education system. The individual who comes life, assists not only knowledge, but also the principles, norms of behavior and perception, understanding and attitudes towards the surrounding reality.

Culture norms change, the culture itself is open. It reflects the changes that society undergoes. For example, in the XX century. There were fundamental shifts for a person to the family. It is huge

meaning, since it is the personality in it, the cultural norms are mastered.

In the patriarchal family, the children early began their labor Life. First of all, they were the guarantor of the secured old-age parents, liveliers of livelihoods. Now children are primarily the greatest value of the family, in their favor there is a redistribution of the family budget. In other words, the change in spiritual orientation in the family leads to a shift in the content and orientation of national consumer spending. Working chapters of families who are able to satisfy any needs with the help of money, transmit these funds to the family, for it is an emotional and cultural center for the development of the personality. For young people, this change in cultural intrameal norms means the opportunity to "extend childhood", to join the heights of world culture, perceive new spiritual values.

The cultural picture of the world and in its genesis, and informatively includes value judgments. Valuesthere are as a result of understanding by a person's importance for him of certain objects (material or spiritual). Each sphere cultural activity A person becomes characteristic of her value dimension. There are values \u200b\u200bof material life, economy, social order, politicians, morality, art, science, religion. In each type of culture, its hierarchy of values \u200b\u200band value measurements occurs. Thus, in antiquity of all value measurements, an aesthetic approach to the world is put forward to the first place, in the Middle Ages - a religious and moral, in a new time - scientific and value. The process of cultural development is always accompanied by reassessment of values.

All variety of values \u200b\u200bcan be conditionally streamlined and classified on the basis of the allocation of those spheres of life in which they are implemented:

  • vital values: life, health, safety, quality of life. Consumption level, environmental safety;
  • economic values: availability of equal conditions for commodity producers and favorable conditions for the development of the production of goods and services, enterprise;
  • social values: social situation, hard work, family, wealth, gender equality, personal

independence, ability to achieve, tolerance: political values: patriotism, civil activity, civil liberties, civil peace;

  • moral values: good, benefit, love, friendship, debt, honor, selflessness, honesty, loyalty, love for children, justice, decency, mutual assistance, respect for the elder;
  • religious values: God, faith, salvation, grace, Holy Bible and legend.
  • aesthetic values: Beauty, harmony, style, etc.

Ticket 19. Myth as a phenomenon of culture.
Myth is a form of culture, a method of human being. Myth is not only historically the first form of culture, in a sense eternal, because the mythological dimension is present in every culture. Research myth as a form of culture and measurement human soul It occupies an important place in cultural studies. The fundamental contribution to the understanding of the myth was made by Hegel, Freud, Jung, Mill, Levi Strauss. The most ancient, source form mental experience is a myth, so all archetypes, one way or another, are associated with mythological images and experiences. The myth lies at the basis of the human soul, including the soul of a modern man, is the conclusion of Jung. Myth is a way of human being and peace of sensation, entirely based on the semantic breeding of a person with the world; A person here perceives psychological senses as the original properties of things and considers and experiencing the phenomena of nature as an animated creature. Myth is not intended to give an objective picture of the world, he is intended to invent the world meaning, and this is successfully fulfilling this. Myth is historically the first and therefore a very limited implementation of creative human spiritWhen this spirit is undeveloped and is not ready to cope with his own freedom. Myth is a conservative and stable system. The myth collapses as a person gets the opportunity to make freedom melting inside it. Myth is not intended to regulate life free manand therefore the implementation of freedom undermines the foundations of the world and becomes the source new form Culture. The functions that performed the myth are transformed and are now performed by religion art and philosophy. In mythology, all the main stages of the allocation by man from nature and the formation of culture are reflected. Mythological texts reproduce various stages of habitat environment. On the one hand, these are plots telling about the emergence of natural landscapes, about cyclic variability of nature. On the other hand, this is the narration of the exploits of cultural heroes, about the creation of the world of material and spiritual cultures. Myth is the work of oral folk creativity, preserved the experience of poetic understanding of reality; This is a way of life, thinking, feeling. Mythological images and plots It is not difficult to find in those forms of art that are far from verbal incarnation - in sculpture, in painting, in architecture.

"Dictionary of Culture" V. Rudneva notes that in the XX century the myth became one of the most important cultural categories. Indeed, it was the XX century that showed the exclusive importance of mythology not only for the consciousness of primitive peoples, but also for the culture of humanity at all times. Roland Barth considered the modernity of the privileged medium for mythologization, arguing that in the XX century the myth turned into a political demagogue tool.

It became obvious that the mass consciousness in nature is mythological, and any culture has its own myth.

According to the researcher E. M. Mestellian, "Myth is one of the central phenomena in the history of culture and ancient way of concepting of the surrounding reality and human essence. Myth - Primary model of all ideology and syncretic cradle different species Culture - literature, art, religion and, to a certain extent, philosophy and even science. "

The myth is aimed at maintaining the harmony of personal, public, natural, it monitors social and cosmic order. The Myth prevails Paphos to overcome chaos into space, protection of space from the preserved chaos forces.

Myth keeps culture in integrity, it is stable while there is a myth.

According to E. M. Mestellian, some features of mythological thinking (especially the specific and personal expression of abstractions, symbolism, idealization of "early time" as the "Golden Age" and the persistent suggestion of the meaning and appropriate orientation of the whole thing) remain in the mass consciousness, In political ideological systems, in artistic poetic fantasy.

According to the researcher S. Yu. Nezludovoy, mythology is not some separately existing part of the spiritual life - all cultural, artistic and ideological practices are permeated, including positive-rational areas (related to politics, economics, medicine, etc.), t. k. And they, in turn, rely on certain value guidelines and metaphors of generalized empirical observations.

The values \u200b\u200bof the main mythological representations and images are comparable to the most ancient sensations of a person with his orientation in natural environment and in the community of themselves like this, with its "basic" emotions (joy, surprise, anger, fear, hunger, sexual attraction etc.), with psychological universals and archetypes public consciousness. At the same time, if these ideas themselves are universal, then the traditions of national mythology are expressed by the text, and the system of its images embody mythological meanings is due to the peculiarities of national culture.

20. Elite culture.

In the concept of "MK" there was a reflection of substantial shifts in the mechanism of bourgeois culture: the development of media - radio, cinema, television, large circulation of newspapers, cheap "pocket books", magazines, records. Through the mass communication system "MK" covers the overwhelming majority of members of society; Through a single fashion mechanism orientates, subordinates all sides of human existence: from the style of life and clothing and the type of hobby. Serial products "M.K." has a number of specific features: primitiveness characteristics of relations between people, minimize social conflicts to plotically entertaining clashes of "good" and "bad" people whose goal is to achieve their good at any cost, entertainment, comic funny, commercial cinema with naturalistic lap violence and sex; Formalization for subconscious, instincts-sense of property, racial prejudices, cult of success, cult strong personality. The fruit of this type of development is the so-called "one-dimensional man", which has lost integrity and deformed the inner world.
In addition, especially with a pronounced sociological approach to the study of culture, the so-called subcultures, "under" -cultural education, arising within a particular culture may be structurally distinguished. They retain the leading characteristics of the main cultural formBut at the same time they have local differences that give them some feature. Such subcultures can be called some informal youth associations. IN currently Such an elite culture becomes. Culture "New Russians", some time ago, which was a bright subcultural community, begins a gradual battle with official culture

Subculture of privileged groups of circle, characterized by conceptuality, spiritual aristocracy and value-semantic self-sufficiency. Appealing to the chosen minority of its subjects, as a rule, at the same time, its creators and addressees (in any case, the circle of those and others almost coincides), E.K. Consciously and consistently opposes the culture of the majority, or mass culture in a broad sense (in all its Eastr. and typologic. varieties - folklore, folk culture, officer. The culture of a class or class, the state in general, the cultural industry technocratic. ON-BE 20 V. etc.). Moreover, E.K. needs a constant context mass culturebecause it is based on the mechanism of repulsion from the values \u200b\u200band norms adopted in the mass culture, on the destruction of the established stereotypes and templates of the Maceration (including their parody, ridicule, irony, grotesque, controversy, criticism, refutation), on demonstrative self-insulation in general nat. Culture. In this regard, E.K. - Characterized by a marginal phenomenon within the framework of any Eastor. or nat. The type of culture and is always secondary, derivative in relation to the culture of the majority.

As an antipode of mass culture, many cultural studies consider elite culture. Manufacturer and consumer elitar culture It is the highest preferred layer of society - elite (from Franz. Elite - the best, selected, favorites). However, in philosophy and cultural studies gained a great dissemination elites as a special layer of society endowed with specific spiritual abilities.Elite is in every public class. The elite is part of the society that is most capable of spiritual activities, gifted by high moral and aesthetic deposits. It is she who provides public progress, so art should be focused on meeting its requests and needs. The main elements of the elite concept of culture are already contained in the philosophical writings A. Shopenhauer and F. Nietzsche.

In its fundamental work "Peace as a will and idea" A. Shopenhauerin sociological terms, humanity is divided into two parts: "People of Geniya"(i.e., capable of aesthetic contemplation and artistic and creative activity) and "Wealth people" (i.e., oriented only for purely practical, utilitarian activities).

End of work -

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Culturalology as a science, its subject and communication with other humanitarian disciplines

In this era, the main categories of which we thought to this day are laid on the basics of world religions and today defining life .. This process made many of many revise the question of subjected to .. The mythological era of calm stability has come to the end of the basic ideas of Greek Indian Chinese ..

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