The Navy is important. Navy

The Navy is important. Navy
The Navy is important. Navy

| Types of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation | Navy

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Types of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation


From the history of the creation

In 1695, the young king Peter I took an attempt to master the busy by the Turks the fortress of Azov. The siege ended in failure, since the garrison of the fortress provided great help and the support of the Turkish fleet dominated by the Azov Sea.

After analyzing the reasons for an unsuccessful siege in Russia, Admiralty was established, and on r. Voronezh laid shipbuilding shipyards. As a result of energetic measures taken in 1696. It was possible to create the first combat and transportation vessels in the history of Russia, the so-called sea military caravan. Its composition had 2 frigates, 23 galleys, 4 brandres and about 1000 small rowing vessels. In May 1696, the land army (about 75 thousand people) and the sea military caravan reached Azov and blocked him from Sushi and from the sea, and on May 20, a detachment of 40 Cossack boats attacked a Turkish squadron. Turks lost 2 ships and 10 cargo ships. At the same time, the main part of the military caravan took a position in the mouth of the river. Don and did not allow the Turkish fleet to come to the shore and land the reinforcement for the help of the Azov garrison.

As a result of these actions, on July 19, 1696, Azov surrendered. In connection with these events of 1696, the year of the founding of the Navy of Russia is considered to be rightfully.

Organizational structure of the Military Fleet

  • Main Command of the Navy
  • Superwater forces
  • Underwater power
  • Sea aviation
    • Coasting troops:
    • Coastal Rocket and Artillery Troops
    • Marines

Navy- The type of armed forces, designed to strike at industrial and economic districts (centers), important military facilities of the enemy and defeat its naval forces. The Navy is able to inflict nuclear strikes on the ground objects of the enemy, destroy his ships to the sea and in the databases, violate its ocean and sea communications and protect their own, to promote land forces in conducting operations, land maritime assaults and reflect the disembarkation of enemy marine assaults, transport troops, material Funds and perform other tasks.

Part Navyit includes several genera: underwater, surface, sea aviation, coastal troops. It also includes ships and vessels of the auxiliary fleet, part of special purpose and various services. The main kind of forces are underwater forces and sea aviation.

Navy It is one of the most important foreign policy attributes of the state. It is intended to ensure the safety and protection of the interests of the Russian Federation in peaceful and wartime on the ocean and marine borders.

The Navy is able to inflict nuclear strikes on ground objects of the enemy, destroy the grouping of his fleet in Morse and databases, violate the ocean and sea communications of the enemy and protect their sea transportation, to promote land forces in operations at the continental theaters of hostilities, plant seasons, participate In the reflection of the enemy's papers and perform other tasks.

Today, the Navy consists of four fleets: the North, Pacific, Black Sea, Baltic and Caspian flotilla. The priority task of the fleet is to prevent the unleashing of wars and armed conflicts, and in the case of aggression, its reflection, cover of the country, forces and troops from the ocean and marine directions, applying the enemy defeat, creating conditions for the prevention of hostilities at the possibility of an earlier stage and the conclusion of peace on Conditions in the interests of the Russian Federation. In addition, the task of the Navy is to conduct peacekeeping operations by decision of the UN Security Council or in accordance with the International Allied Obligations of the Russian Federation.

To solve the priority task of the Armed Forces and Navy - preventing the unleashing of the war in the Navy, there are marine strategic nuclear forces and general purposes. In the event of aggression, they should reflect the strikes of the enemy, to defeat the impact groups of his fleet and prevent them with large-scale marine operations, as well as in cooperation with other types of armed forces of the Russian Federation, ensure the creation of the necessary conditions for effective investigative operations at the continental hostilities of hostilities.

    Navy (Navy) Consists of the following genes of forces (Fig. 1):
  • underwater
  • openers
  • naval aviation
  • marine infantry and coastal defense troops.
    • It includes:
    • ships and courts
    • parts of special purpose
    • parts and units of the rear.

The main shock power of the Navy is atomic submarines armed with ballistic and cable missiles with nuclear charges. These ships are constantly in various parts of the oceans, ready to immediately apply their strategic weapons.

Underwater atomsArmed with welked ship-ship rockets, are aimed mainly to fight large surface vehicles of the enemy.

Torpedo nuclear submarines Used to disrupt the underwater and surface communications of the enemy and in the defense system from the underwater threat, as well as for the escorting of rocket submarines and surface ships.

The use of diesel submarines (rocket and torpedo) is mainly due to the solution of typical problems for them in limited areas of the sea.

Equipment of submarines with nuclear power and rocket-nuclear weapons, powerful hydroacoustic complexes and high-precision navigation armaments, along with a comprehensive automation of management processes and the creation of optimal conditions of the crew, significantly expanded their tactical properties and forms of combat use. Superwater forces in modern conditions remain the most important part of the Navy. The creation of vehicles - carriers of aircraft and helicopters, as well as the transition of a number of classes of ships, like submarines, on nuclear power thank energy would increase their fighting opportunities. Equipment of ships with helicopters and aircraft significantly expands their ability to detect and affect the enemy submarines. Helicopters create the opportunity to successfully solve the problems of relaying and communications, targeting, transferring goods to the sea, landing the landing on the coast and the salvation of personnel.

Superwater ships They are the main forces to ensure the exit and deployment of submarines in the fighting areas and return to the database, transportation and cover of the assaults. They are given the main role in the formulation of mine-barrage, in the fight against the mine danger and the protection of their communications.

The traditional task of surface ships is to strike, but the objects of the enemy on its territory and covering their coast from the sea from the naval forces of the enemy.

Thus, a complex of responsible combat missions is assigned to surface ships. These tasks they solve groups, compounds, associations both independently and in cooperation with other types of fleet forces (submarines, aviation, marine infantry).

Sea aviation - genus forces of the Navy. It consists of strategic, tactical, deck and coastal.

Strategic and tactical aviation Designed for confrontation with groupings of surface ships in the ocean, submarines and transport, as well as to apply bomb and missile strikes on the coastal objects of the enemy.

Deck aviation It is the main shock force of aircraft carriers of the Navy. Its main combat challenges in the armed struggle for Mors are the destruction of opponent's aircraft in the air, the starting positions of anti-aircraft controlled missiles and other means of the opponent, tactical intelligence, etc. When performing combat missions, the deck aviation is actively interacting with tactical.

The helicopters of marine aviation are an effective means of targeting the rocket weapons of the ship during the destruction of submarines and the reflection of attacks of low-fat airplanes and anti-workers opponent missiles. Bearing air-surface and other weapons on itself, they are a powerful means of fire support for the landing of marines and the defeat of rocket and artillery enemy boats.

Marines - a genus of the Navy forces, designed to conduct hostilities in the composition of marine assaults (independently or jointly with ground troops), as well as for the defense of the coast (naval databases, ports).

The fighting of the marines is carried out, as a rule, with the support of aviation and artillery fire of ships. In turn, the maritime infantry uses in hostilities all types of weapons characteristic of motorized rifle troops, while applying the tactics of landing tactics specific to it.

Coastal defense troopsas a genus of the Navy forces, are intended to protect the items of the Basement of the Navy forces, ports, important sections of the coast, islands, straits and narrowness from the attack of ships and marine assaults of the enemy. The basis of their weapons is the coastal rocket complexes and artillery, anti-aircraft missile systems, minerals and torpedo weapons, as well as special coastal defense ships (water protection). To ensure defense forces forces on the coast, coastal fortifications are created.

Parts and units of the rear Designed for the rear provision and hostilities of the Navy. They ensure the satisfaction of the material, transport, household and other needs of the joints and associations of the Navy in order to maintain them in combat readiness for the fulfillment of the tasks.

Navy (Navy), type of armed forces (Sun), designed to solve strategic and operational tasks on ocean and sea twearies; In a number of states - naval forces (Navy). According to their combat capabilities, modern Navy is able to inflict nuclear strikes on important ground-based enemy objects, destroy the forces of his fleet in the sea and in the databases, violate the (tear) ocean and sea transportation, conquer the domination of marine (ocean) areas, to promote land forces (SV) In carrying out operations on continental TVD, to defend their maritime (ocean) transportation, land maritime assaults. The Navy conducts operations and conducts fighting independently or together with other types of Sun. The main properties of the Navy: high mobility, large autonomy, the ability to operate in any areas of the world's ocean, constant combat readiness and high combat stability of its underwater forces and aircraft carrier groups.

The development of the fleet began in ancient times. In ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, ancient Rome and China, trade vessels were originally built, and later military rowing ships. In the Greek Fleet in the 5th century BC, the main class of the warship was triger. The most common types of vehicles of the Roman fleet in the 3-2th century BC were Trill (the same as Triele) and Pentera (a lot of large sizes with 5 rows of chest). In the 1st century BC in Rome, along with these types of ships, Lubourgs appeared - small ships with a single-row placement of chest and greater maneuverability. The main methods of armed struggle on the sea were Taran and Aborduzh. Later, throwing machines were used as weapons - ballists and catapults, installed in the nasal part of the ship and shifted by stones and incendiary shells. In the 7th century of our era, Venetsians based on Roman Lubourne created an improved type of rowing ship - a gallery, which gradually pushed out other types of row ships and by the end of the Middle Ages became the main combat ship. In 10-12 centuries in a number of Mediterranean countries, as well as in the Anglo-Sailors, Normannov and Danes have emerged sailing ships. The transition from rowing courts to sailing ended by the middle of the 17th century. Artillery becomes the main weapon of sailing ships. In 16-17 centuries in England, France, Spain and Holland are constant military fleets. By the beginning of the 18th century, ships, depending on the displacement, the number of guns and the number of crew, began to divide into classes and ranks. At the same time, the combat organization of a sailing fleet was formed - a squadron appeared. The tactics of maritime fighting with sailing fleets was to build his ships to the brilvater column, to take a covered position in relation to the enemy ships and, concerning them with them, destroy them with fire of their artillery. If the artillery duel did not lead to success, the battle was completed by an arbor bit.

The beginning of the creation of a regular military fleet of Russia was founded in 1696, when the Azov flotilla was built in order to fight for the Azov and Black Seas on the river, the Azov Flotilla was built on the river. During the Northern War, 1700-21 years was created by the Baltic Fleet, who nominated Russia to the number of large marine powers. Already at the beginning of its formation, the Russian fleet won the first victory over the Swedish fleet in the ganguta sea battle of 1714 and later entered many heroic pages in the domestic history.

In the 2nd half of the 18th century, the development of industry, science and technology made it possible to significantly improve the design of ship housings, their sailing and artillery weapons. The displacement of linear ships increased from 1 to 4 thousand tons, the number of tools increased to 135, the ship artillery was improved (bronze guns were replaced with cast-iron, rapidity increased to 1 shot of 3 minutes, shooting range - from 300 to 600 m). Sailing fleet reached its top.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the first steam warships appeared. After the Crimean War of 1853-56, all states moved to the construction of steam armored ships. The transition to the construction of the steam fleet coincided with the introduction of a row ship artillery, which has a greater range and shooting accuracy. The appearance in the 1870s mines, and then torpedo led to the creation of mine barrels and the destroyers. Stormy technological progress led to the creation of three main types of ships on a fleet: squadron battleships for artillery battle; cruisers for the sentigible service, exploration and destruction of merchant ships; Mission to complete the combat minno-torpedo attack of damaged ships. Increasing the role of the Navy at the end of the 19th century (the theory of "sea strength", the founders - the American counter-admiral A. T. Mahan and the British vice-admiral F.H. Kolombo) was associated with the active colonial policy of the leading states of the world.

After the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-05, bathers appeared in the Flotov, who became a decisive force in the armed struggle on the sea. They are constantly improved: the number of artillery of the main caliber artillery, its range and rapidity (up to 2 shots in 1 min), reservation, speed of stroke. In connection with the technical improvement, the role in the sea battle of torpedorate weapons increased and as part of Fleets instead of the destroyers, the Squaded Mission (destroyers), equipped with artillery and torpedo weapons appeared. For the intelligence, the fight against the enemy's esmin and actions on maritime communications in many states built light cruisers. Improving internal combustion engines, electric motors, batteries and periscopes created prerequisites at the beginning of the 20th century for the construction of submarines (PL), which in most states were originally intended to combat surface vehicles of the enemy in coastal waters and intelligence. In a number of states, the construction of hydrosalets began.

In the 1st World War in battles at sea, hundreds of surface ships, pl, and at the last stage - and airplanes. The battleships were used extremely limited due to sharply increased mine danger, threats from pl and other combat. A wide application was widely used, the displacement of which by the end of the war increased to 8 thousand tons, and the speed of the course was up to 30 knots (55.5 km / h) and more. The vehicles of the universal destination showed themselves to the destroyers who became the most numerous in the composition of Fleets who fought states; Their displacement was reduced to 2 thousand tons, speed - up to 38 knots (70 km / h). Further development received miner barriers. Special types of trawls appeared: Squaded (speed), basic and trawl boats. An important role in the hostilities on the sea began to play PL, which were taken into an independent genus of the Navy forces, capable of successfully solving not only tactical, but also operational tasks. During the 1st World War, aircraft carriers appeared, guard ships, torpedo boats. For the first time, maritime aviation was used, the airplanes of which were engaged in reconnaissance, caused bombing strikes on ships and fleet databases, corrected fire artillery fire. Arms of marine aviation aircraft along with bombs Torpeda became a bomb. The Navy began to turn into the appearance of the aircraft, combining compounds and parts of surface ships, pl, aviation and marines, with the dominant value of the surface ships.

In the period between the 1st and 2nd world wars, preference was given to the construction of battleships. Ships of other classes are aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers, etc. - were intended to ensure the actions of the battleships. In 1937-38, the United Kingdom, Japan and the United States moved to the serial construction of aircraft carriers. Creiser, destroyers, pl, torpedo boats were intensively built. Flotov included bomber, mino-torpedo, intelligence and fighter aviation. Ships were equipped with an improved artillery and torpedo weapon, non-contact mines appeared, new anti-submarine weapons, radar and hydrolytics began to be used.

In the 2nd world war, the will with the sea increased significantly. During the war, the battleships lost to aircraft carriers the role of the main shock force. Intensive development received marine aviation (deck and ground-based base). The role of the PL, which was used mainly to combat surface ships. Aviation, pl and mine weapons were used to combat enemy PL. Flots began to use air defense ships. The war confirmed the conclusion that the goals of the armed struggle on the sea are achieved by the combined efforts of the heterogeneous forces of the fleet.

In the post-war period in the construction of the Navy of many foreign countries, and above all, the United States, the main efforts were directed to the creation of atomic pls armed with ballistic missiles, as well as aircraft carriers. There was a quality update of the park aircraft aircraft Navy. Superwater ships began to be equipped with anti-workers, anti-submarine and anti-aircraft missiles, and atomic PL - strategic rockets. The saturation of ships and aircraft aircraft Aviation VMS with various electronic means has sharply. The anti-submarine and landing helicopters, ships and boats appeared on underwater wings, on an air cushion, etc.

In Russia, after 1917, the Navy was created and developed as an integral part of the RSFSR (since 1924 - the USSR). Decree on the creation of the working and peasant Red Fleet (RKKF) was adopted by SNK 29.1 (11.2) .1918. During the years of the Civil War, 1917-22 in the RKKF, more than 30 marine, lake and river military fleets are formed, mainly from the ships of the Baltic Fleet. Most ships of the Black Sea Fleet due to the threat of capturing their German occupiers 18.6.1918 was flooded in the area of \u200b\u200bNovorossiysk, some of the ships went to the Azov Sea and amounted to the core of the Azov military flotilla. Ships acting on the side of the White Movement, in November 1920 were taken to Tunisia. After the end of the Civil War from the Russian Imperial Fleet, the units of ships were left, which demanded repairs.

In 1926, the first Soviet program of military shipbuilding was adopted. By 1929, a significant part of the ships was repaired, the Esminians, partially battleships were modernized, naval bases were restored. In 1929-40, the Baltic and Black Sea and Chernomorsky (1935) and North (1937) fleets were established at the expense of the construction of new ships. For the direct leadership of the Navy, the People's Commissariat of the Navy of the USSR (December 1937) was formed. At the same time, the People's Commissariat of the USSR shipbuilding industry was allocated from the national commissariat of the Defense Industry of the USSR. In 1938, a program for the construction of the Big Maritime and Ocean Fleet was adopted. At the same time, new forms and ways of conducting hostilities at sea, directions for the development of the fleet forces were actively investigated. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the USSR Navy included about 1 thousand warships of various classes (including 3 lincars, 8 cruisers, 54 destroyers and leaders, 212 pls, 22 watchdogs, 80 trawls, 287 torpedo boats), Over 2, 5 thousand sealed aircraft and 260 coastal artillery batteries. The system of basing the forces of the Navy has significantly improved.

During the Great Patriotic War, the USSR Navy was fighting for the destruction of the fleet of the enemy, violated his maritime communications, guarded his marine, lake and river transportation, promoted the Primorsky grouping of Soviet troops in conducting defensive and offensive operations. The Northern Fleet together with the Allied Navy (Great Britain, USA) provided communications connecting the Northern Ports of the USSR with the ports of these states, conducted active actions on the maritime communications of the enemy. To ensure the safety of vessel traffic in the Arctic, and in particular in the Northern Sea Route, the White Sea military flotilla was created. In 1942, the Northern Fleet was entrusted with the defense of the Peninsula Middle and Rybachi. The Baltic Fleet participated in the defense of Liepaja, Tallinn, the Moonzund Islands, Hanko Peninsula, Oranienbaum Bridgehead, Vyborg Bay Islands and the Northern Coast of Lake Lake, and also played an important role in the heroic defense of Leningrad. The Black Sea Fleet together with SV defended Odessa, Sevastopol, Kerch, Novorossiysk, participated in the defense of the North Caucasus. On multi-water rivers and lakes to create defensive frontiers, river and lake floties: Pinskaya, mantle, Ladoga, Onega, Volzhskaya, detachment of ships on Lake Ilmen. From the Azov military flotilla, the detachments of ships were allocated for action on the Don and Kuban rivers. Ladoga military flotilla provided communications through Lake Ladoga (Road of Life) with a besieged Leningrad. The sailors of the Volga military flotilla in the defense of Stalingrad and to ensure important national business transportation on the Volga, made a great contribution. In 1943, the Dnieper Military Flotilla was recreated, and in 1944 - Danube military flotilla. The ships of the Dnieper flotilla, relocated in the pool of the Oder River, took part in the Berlin operation of 1945. Danube Flotilla participated in the liberation of Belgrade, Budapest and Vienna. The Pacific Fleet and Amur Military Flotilla in August - September 1945 participated in the defeat of the Japanese Quantong Army, the liberation of Korea, Manchuria, South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. The Navy sent about 500 thousand sailors and officers to land fronts. Military sailors fought near Odessa, Sevastopol, Moscow, Leningrad. Over the years of war, the Soviet Navy conducted over 100 maritime operational and tactical landing operations. For combat merits in the Great Patriotic War, 78 ships were assigned to the Guards title, about 80 compounds and parts were honored with honorary names, over 240 ships, parts and various formations of the Navy received state awards. More than 350 thousand sailors were awarded orders and medals, over 500 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, of which 7 were twice.

In the post-war time, the USSR Navy developed, taking into account the experience of the Great Patriotic War on the basis of achievements of science and technology. Diesel and atomic submerities were created, rocket ships and boats, anti-submarine ships capable of conducting successful struggle with modern PL. Sea aircraft received jet aircraft, capable of carrying rocket over long distances and hit the ships of various classes, replenished with antiwriter airplanes and helicopters. Rocket complexes were admitted to the Navy. Marine infantry received military equipment necessary to land off marine assaults on an unequipped coast.

The Navy of the Russian Federation is the successor of the Russian Navy and the Navy of the USSR, intended to ensure military security from the marine and ocean areas, the protection of the interests of the Russian Federation and its allies in the world ocean by military methods, maintaining military-political stability. In addition, the Navy creates and maintains the conditions for ensuring the safety of the Morcherya activities of the Russian Federation in the World Ocean.

The Navy of the Russian Federation consists of maritime strategic nuclear forces and naval forces (troops) of general purpose. Includes: underwater forces, surface forces of the fleet, sea aircraft and air defense, coastal troops, which are the values \u200b\u200bof the forces (troops) of the Navy, as well as special troops (intelligence, communications, radio engineering, radio electronic struggle, sea engineering, ship repair, hydrographic, etc.) and rear. Coastal troops, in turn, are divided into the kind of troops: maritime infantry, coastal rocket-artillery troops and coastal defense troops. In organizational terms, the Navy includes the Baltic, North, Pacific and Black Sea Fleets, as well as the Caspian military flotilla and compounds, parts, central subordination institutions. The main shock force of the Navy is a rocket underwater cruiser of strategic destination, multipurpose atomic submarines and marine rocket-bearing aviation.

The US Navy, Great Britain, France and China includes: strategic nuclear forces (atomic missile PL) and general purpose (aircraft carriers, battleships, multipurpose pl, escort ships, fire support ships, various landing ships, etc.), as well as aviation Navy and marine infantry. Navy Italy, Germany, Canada, Turkey, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands and other NATO member countries, as well as Sweden, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Arab Republic of Egypt, India, Israel, Pakistan, Japan, etc. include diesel pl, surface Ships, aircraft Navy, marine infantry and subsidiary ships (see more details in articles about these states).

Lit.: Combat Chronicle of the Russian Fleet. Chronicle of the most important events of the military history of the Russian Fleet from the IX century to 1917 M., 1948; Gorshkov S. G. Sea Pole State. 2nd ed. M., 1979; The fighting path of the Soviet Navy. 4th ed. M., 1988; VEYNENKO N.P., Makeev B. N., Skivarev V. D. Naval Fleet: the role, development prospects, use. M., 1988; Armed forces of basic capitalist states. M., 1988; Firsov I. I. Peter Creation: To the 300th anniversary of the Russian Fleet. M., 1992; Berezovsky N.Yu., Berezhnaya S. S., Nikolaev 3.V. Movie Chronicle of the Navy, 1917-1941. M., 1992; Military encyclopedia. M., 1994. T. 2; Gribovsky V. Yu., Zrolgin A. A. History of the Russian Fleet. St. Petersburg, 1996; Russian science - naval fleet. M., 1997; Kostya G. G. Naval Fleet of the country, 1945-1995: ups and downs. St. Petersburg., 1999.

Russia's naval forces were created to ensure the safety of the maritime borders of the state and demonstrating military power in the international arena. From how seriously other countries will perceive our fleet, the possibility of political influence in the world depends. That is why the country's leadership has always paid special attention to the development of the fleet.

Historical reference

A great contribution to the development of the fleet of the Russian Empire made Peter I, which was a big fan of the sea and ships. During his reign, the first large military vessels, equipped at that time with modern weapons appeared. Thanks to this, Russia managed to defend many of his lands, both from the north and from the south.

During the existence of the Soviet Union was built a large number of Heavy warships, many of which continue to perform their functions today.

The history of the creation of a military fleet of Russia

Structure and dislocation of the Navy of Russia


Submarines are divided into the following types:

  • Multipurpose diesel-electrical submarines - Types of "Haltus", "Warshavyanka" and "Lada" - at the moment there are 18 ships in the ranks. Caliber's winged rockets are carried out, SM-54 and Oternal Rockets, Minno-torpedo weapons.
  • Rocket underwater cruisers of the strategic appointment type "Kalmar" and "Dolphin" - 10 units that are equipped with ballistic missiles R-29P and P-29RM, Torpeda of SET-65, SAET-60M and 53-65K, Plur "Waterfall".
  • Atomic torpedo submarines, including those equipped with wicked rockets, types: "Pike", "Shark", "Barracuda", "Condor", "Antey", "Pike-b" and "ash". The total number of vessels in the ranks - 17 units. It is in service with the winged and anti-worm rockets "Caliber", C-10 "Granat" and "Onyx", self-equipped Torpedoes USU-80.
  • RPKSN "Borery" - 3 vessels, including solid fuel ballistic missiles "Bulaw", torpedoes 533 mm and 324 mm, onyx wing missiles and "caliber", etc.


As part of the Russian Fleet, there are 6 Escort Ministry of Economics of the Sarych project, which carry the following weapons:

  • Rockets of P-270 "Mosquito", Hurricane SPC;
  • Anti-submarine RBU-1000;
  • SET-65 torpedoes.


The last linear ships were in service with the Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century, with the arrival of Soviet power this type of ship was not made due to the lack of need.


Russian frigates of the project 22350 are under construction. At the moment, 8 ships are ordered, 2 of which are already tested and tested. Planned armament: Zrak "Palash", PKR ZM55, ROSK "Reduce", PLR 91R2, PTZ "Planets-NK" and others.


Speaking of missile boats, which are also called light Cortets, refer to the types 12411t "Lightning-1" and 12411 "Lightning-1". The total amount is 26 units. Rocket armament includes PKR PKR P-15 "Termit", PKR PKR PKR P-120 "Mosquito", CRKK "Strela-3" and Zrak "Kortk".


Russian travelers gradually leaving Russia's weapons, since their functions are performed by modern submarines. At the moment, ships include the installations of RBU-1200, PU SPC "Needle" and "Strela-3".


Corvettes of the project 20380 began to produce since 2001, at the moment there are 5 ships, which include the Uranus PCRK, Kortik-M Sprk, Reduce Sprink. At the end of 2018, it is planned to enter the incoming corvette of the project 20385.

At all times, the war was one of the main spheres of human activity. Of course, its consequences have always been extremely negative, nevertheless, in a social environment, it enjoyed quite very popular. This is due to the fact that through war, it is possible to obtain land, power, resources, etc. In addition, with the help of military operations, many international political conflicts have been solved. Thus, the armed struggle is an important part of social activities.

Throughout the history, society upgraded its capabilities in the field of martial art. This led to the emergence of standard rules for building troops that are used to this day. According to one of them, all the armed forces of any state are divided into three components: marine, land and air. In this article, the author would like to talk about who today occupies a weighty place in the world ranking of such troops.

What is the navy?

To date, in the Russian Federation there are a large number of military formations that have different tasks and functions in their essence. From here there is a completely logical question: what is the fleet of marine? In essence, this is an integral part of the naval forces of any state, in our case of the Russian Federation. This component is divided into two main elements: surface and underwater. It should be noted that a large number of traditions and the peculiarities of this formation are largely due to the development of marine relations and territorial characteristics of the country. The Russian Federation in this regard has a rather long history of the formation of marine military formations, which will be indicated below.

Fleet of the Russian Empire

The Russian imperial fleet existed in the period from 1721 to 1917. During this time, the formation participated in many marine battles. In addition, the imperial fleet was distinguished by a high level of combat training and efficiency in water warfare.

The first representatives of the formation were vessels built to conduct hostilities within the Northern War. The main databases of the Imperial Fleet at this time were Kronstadt, Revel, Abo and Helsingfors. Already by the beginning of 1745, the forces of his imperial majesty at sea consisted of 130 sailing ships, 36 linear, as well as 9 frigates and other types of vessels. The sea fleet of the Russian Empire lived in a special charter.

In the history of the imperial fleet there are many well-known personalities, such as Admiral Nakhimov. This person distinguished himself with the heroism and competent construction of tactical defense during the siege of Sevastopol in 1854-1855. To date, Admiral Nakhimov is a unwashed symbol of the Russian fleet.

It should also be noted that the formation was used in Crimean and Russian-Japanese wars. In addition, the final stage of the development of the Sea Imperial Fleet was its participation in the First World War.

Military formations of the Soviet Union, based on the sea, existed from 1918 to 1992. The main task of the USSR fleet was the protection of the boundaries of the state from external aggression. The formation included submarines, marine aviation, surface ships, rocket-artillery troops, as well as maritime infantry. The command was made from the Navy headquarters located in Moscow. During its existence, the fleet participated in the most large-scale military conflict - World War II.

At the end of the 80s, the following amounts of equipment were as part of the formation: 160 surface ships, 113 submarines, 83 rocket mines, as well as about 12 thousand personnel of marines. The peak of his development of the fleet of the Navy USSR was by 1985. At that time, he ranked second in the number of vessels after the United States of America.

Fleet tasks at the present stage

The modern sea fleet of the Russian Federation is one of the main elements of the Armed Forces of the state. In accordance with this, it fulfills its fulfillment of a number of specific tasks in its essence:

Comprehensive containment of any use of military force on the sea;

Constant protection of state borders, as well as the sovereignty of the Russian Federation in the areas of the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf;

Ensuring security in the implementation of the activities of the Morchean nature on the territory of the World Ocean;

Providing and widespread maintaining the military presence of the Russian Federation on the territory of the World Ocean;

Participation in peacekeeping, as well as military missions, if they meet the interests of the Russian Federation;

As we see, the fleet of the Russian Russia has a rather extensive range of the main tasks that must be implemented everywhere.

Structure of the Navy of the Russian Federation

The Navy of the Russian Federation has its own structure that ensures the effectiveness of the application of this formation in the conditions of military operations on water. But it should be noted that in its composition Navy has a large number of units, which, in turn, are endowed with several sufficiently specific functions. Consists of the following elements:

1. Superwater forces, which include divisions that use surface tools, that is, ships.

2. Underwater forces.

3. The third element is marine aviation, which, in turn, is divided into smaller structural units.

4. Coastal troops belonging to the sea fleet.

At the same time, as mentioned earlier, each of the presented components performs its own functional tasks to ensure the effectiveness of the application of the Navy as a whole.

Objectives of using surface and underwater forces

As you understand, the main forces of the Navy of Russia are surface and underwater units. It is they who implement the main tasks of this part of the armed forces. But in the structure of the Navy Fleet of the Russian Federation, surface and underwater units implement a number of their specific functions. For example, the first type of formation is used as a rule:

To cover the landing landing, as well as its transfer to the point of disembarkation and evacuation;

Protection of the territorial borders of the state;

Establishing barriers from min;

Ensuring the activities of underwater units.

The second, no less important division in the composition of the Navy of the Russian Federation, is underwater formations. Their main task is the exploration of sea depths in peacetime, as well as damage to water and terrestrial purposes in the military. It is worth noting that atomic submarines are the key technique in the composition of underwater units. They are armed with quite serious weapons, namely, ballistic and winged rockets.

Sea aviation

For many people, maritime aviation is incomprehensible. Many confuse this component with a separate native troops, which is an error. It is worth noting that the army is included in the armed forces, the sea fleet and at the same time the uniform units in the structure of the Navy have nothing to do with the latest element of the Russian Armed Forces. Sea aviation has a range of its own functional tasks, for example:

Opposition to the aerial forces of the enemy;

Implementation of blows on the objects of the coastal base of the enemy;

Reflection of aviation strikes.

Thus, sea aviation is a special division created for the implementation of functions within the framework of the activities of the Navy.

Features of marine infantry

The history of the marine fleet at all times was inextricably linked with the development of units of marines. The formation refers to the structure of the coastal troops. In fact, such units are designed specifically for the actions of combat nature through marine landing. The casing of the marines were known during the reign of Peter the first. In those distant times, the number of this unit was about 20 thousand people of personnel.

To date, this figure is at the mark of 8 thousand people who are distributed in four main brigades. The main task of Morpekh is landing activities, that is, short-term landings for the implementation of individual tasks, as well as the protection of coastal tactical objects and surface vehicles.

The main groups of the Navy

Fleet can be seen not throughout the state. Forces and means of this element of the armed forces are distributed in accordance with the tactical necessity. Simply put, the main groups are located in those places where the Russian Federation is washed with water. Based on this important factor, the entire Russian Federation is divided into the following individual groups:

1. The Northern Fleet is based on the White Sea military base in Severodvinsk. His main task is to protect the territorial interests of the Russian Federation in the same part of the world.

2. The Pacific Fleet is based mostly in the East of Russia, in such cities as Vladivostok, Danube, Soviet harbor.

3. The Baltic group is located near the cultural capital of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg. The place of basic is an equally significant historical monument. In this case, we are talking about Kronstadt.

4. The Caspian Fleet is based in Astrakhan and Caspian.

5. As for the Black Sea group, it is based in the area of \u200b\u200bthe same sea. The fleet is located on the territory of the Sevastopol once owned by Ukraine. It should be noted that this group of Navy has a rather important tactical value. Its main goal is to protect the interests of Russia in the regions of the Black and Mediterranean seas. The commander of the Black Sea Fleet today - Admiral Alexander Viktorovich Vitko.

Emblem and Flag of the Navy RF

The symbolism of the Russian Navy raises a lot of issues and disputes worldwide. It should be noted that the main designation of the fleet today is its flag. It depicts the Kosya Andreevsky Cross. Few people know that almost identical symbol is the flag of Scotland. The banner of the sea fleet was the symbol in 2001.

The Emblem of the Russian Navy also has a special symbolic subtext. It is a golden coat of arms, on the back background of which the anchors are crossed. This emblem of the Navy of Russia is generally recognized and used in all groups of the relevant kind of troops.


So, in the article, we tried to consider all aspects and the characteristic features of the Navy of the Russian Federation. To date, this part of the Armed Forces is one of the most powerful in the world, which speaks of the high level of military power of the Russian Federation as a whole.

The Russian Navy is currently a very controversial picture.

Despite the fact that Russia's Navy is only the shadow of the once mighty Navy of the USSR, it is still among the most strongest Navy of the countries of the world, taking into account the total composition of ships and submarines, as well as their qualitative level.

At the same time, the Russian fleet and naval industry still have a huge number of problems. Let's try to figure out how satisfactory Russian naval forces can perform the tasks set in front of them and what prospects are waiting for them in the future?

Before talking about the status and prospects of the Russian naval forces, it is necessary to consider the tasks and threats that they should oppose them. One of the main and "traditional" problems of the Navy is in the geographical situation of the Russian Federation, as a result of which the Russian Navy is divided into 4 virtually isolated fleet from each other - the Black Sea, Baltic, North and Pacific, the interaction between which is difficult, and it is often impossible at all. . At the same time, before each of the four Russian fleets, there are their own, in many ways, specific tasks. As a result, Russia is forced to have enough numerous naval groups on each of the directions. Therefore, even despite the nominally numerous grouping of the Navy of the Navy, its composition in a particular strategic direction is often completely insufficient.

The tasks of the Baltic and Black Sea Fleet is to prevent the actions of a potential enemy in the respective seas, which is quite easy to implement. Given the small geographical sizes of the Baltic and Black Sea, the action of large groups of a potential opponent is difficult there. At the same time, these sea is easily "overlapped by" the forces of small rocket ships, coastal rocket complexes, aviation and diesel submarines.

A completely different situation for the Northern and Pacific Fleet of Russia. Even those seas that are in the "zone of responsibility" of the Northern and Pacific Fleet, have a huge area that forces the fleet data to have forces capable effectively to act on a large deletion of the coast. At the same time, unlike the Baltic and Black Sea fleets, the forces of the Northern and Pacific fleet can not be covered with aviation forces and air defense - at a distance of several hundred kilometers from the coast, the time of cargo of aviation from terrestrial airfields is too large, and taking into account the radius of action even Modern tactical aircraft, patrol time, during which they can carry out the cover of the ships is completely insufficient.

Consider what threats are in front of the Northern and Pacific Fleet. To do this, let us turn to the report of the Ministry of Defense of Russia "On a comprehensive assessment of the state of national security of the Russian Federation in the field of maritime activities in 2016." The report for the Navy of Russia indicates the following threats:

  • "Potentially possible military conflict" with NATO countries.
  • Sophisticated military political situation in the Black Sea region.
  • Strengthening the struggle for control over the areas of the Arctic shelf, attempts to increase military presence in the Arctic region, as well as attempts to revise international agreements, from some NATO member countries that have access to the territories of the Arctic. For example, as one of the threats, the desire of Norway is considered to establish complete control over the Svalbard archipelago and the waters adjacent to it.
  • Territorial claims of Japan on the Kuril Islands.

Thus, for the Northern Fleet, the greatest military threat is a clash with large naval-maritime groups of NATO, including with aircraft carrier groups. For the Pacific Fleet based on the above potential threats, the basic probable enemy is the Navy of Japan. Given the huge numerical and qualitative composition of the naval "self-defense forces" of Japan (which are only on the name), the task of countering the grouping of the Navy of Japan, taking into account the maximum close location of Japan to the potential theater of hostilities, as well as extremely powerful Air Force, in its complexity exceeds the task of countering Aug United States.

Based on this, in almost any case, the naval groups of the Northern and Pacific Fleet are required to have the ability to effectively counteract numerically superior shipping groups of a potential enemy, which in turn requires creation on each of the directions of developed and highly efficient groups of heterogeneous forces.

Currently the main forces of Russian fleets are as follows:

  • The surface forces of the Northern Fleet in its "active" composition has an aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov", a heavy atomic missile cruiser "Peter Great", a missile cruiser of the project 1164 "Marshal Ustinov" (in 2016, completed full recovery and modernization), a large anti-submarine ship ( BOD) Ave. 1155.1 "Admiral Chabanenko", 3 BPK PR.1155 and 1 Esminet PR. 956. Underwater forces of the North Fleet include a rocket underwater cruiser of strategic appointment (RPKSN) PRK.955 "Yuri Dolgoruky", RPKSN Ave. 941U TK -208 "Dmitry Donskoy", 6 RPK CN. 667BDRM, 3 Nuclear submarines (APL) with wounded rockets Ave. 949A, the newest multipurpose sub-generation sub-generation AF. 885 - "Severodvinsk", 6 Multipurpose APL PR.971 Pike-b ", 3 Underwaterboats of projects 945 and 945a, 3 Upgraded APL PR. 671TMK, as well as 5 diesel submarines Ave. 877 and the latest diesel submarine PR.677" Lada ".
  • The "core" of the surface forces of the Pacific Fleet constitute a scarlet cruiser "Varyag" (Ave. 1164), 4 BPK Ave. 1155, 2 destroyers Ave. 956, the newest Corvette PR.20380, as well as 4 small missile vehicles 1234, and 11 rocket boats PR.1241. The underwater forces of the Pacific Fleet consist of 3 obsolete RPK CN. 667 KDR (in the coming years will be written off), 2 new RPK Sn Pr.955 - "Alexander Nevsky" and "Vladimir Monomakh", 5 submarines with covered missiles Ave. 949a, 4 Multipurpose APL Ave. 971 and 8 diesel submarines Ave. 877.
  • The "core" of the Black Sea Fleet form a missile cruiser "Moscow" (Ave. 1164), the watchdog "Rutter", 2 Conducting ship Ave. 1135m - "Mathetically" and "Fal", 3 of the newest Frigate Pr.11356 - "Admiral Grigorovich", "Admiral Essen" and "Admiral Makarov" (officially accepted on the fleet on December 27, 2017), high-speed small rocket ships PR.1239 - Bora and Samum, 2 small missile ship PR.1234, 5 rocket boats. 1241, as well as a diesel submarine PR.877 and 6 of the newest submarines Ave. 636.3
  • The main forces of the Baltic fleet include the destroyer Ave. 956 "persistent", 2 Frigate PR.11540 - "Foreign" and "Yaroslav Wise", 4 new Corvette PR.20380, 4 small rocket ship PR.1234.1, 2 newest small rocket ship PR.21631 "Buyan-M" and 7 rocket boats PR.1241, as well as 2 diesel submarines of PR 877.

In general, the state and level of combat readiness of the Navy of Russia is quite good. The fleet is actively engaged in combat training, on a regular basis makes campaigns in various parts of the world's ocean. At the same time, the dynamics of "activity" of the Navy of Russia over the past 5 years is growing continuously. For example, according to the report of the Ministry of Defense, in 2016, the ships and submarines of the Navy of Russia have committed a total of 102 hikes, having spent 9538 days in the sea, while the intensity of tasks has grown 1.3 times compared to 2015. The military campaign of Russian ships, led by the aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov", held in 2016 to the shores of Syria showed that Russia is completely able to "expose" if necessary, a powerful multi-purpose ship's shock group in the required area of \u200b\u200bthe World Ocean.

In general, the level of serviceability and combat capability of the ship's range has grown significantly, although there are significant problems. For example, from 5 multipurpose nuclear submarine underwater fleets of the Pacific Nuclear Fleet, only 1-2 are combatants, the remaining permanent are in repair, as a rule, sluggish.

A separate problem of the Navy of Russia is its very non-balanced composition, as for the surface fleet. The main forces of the Northern and Pacific Fleet have very significant anti-submarine opportunities, but the number of ships capable of providing effective collective anti-sophisticate defense of ship compounds and possessing powerful impact possibleities of the total units. Such ships is a heavy atomic missile cruiser "Peter Great" and three rocket cruisers Ave. 1164 - "Moscow", "Varyag" and "Marshal Ustinov". Therefore, the Navy of Russia is in dire need of new ships of the far ocean zone.

Construction of new large superwater ships.

The greatest problem for the modern Navy of Russia is the construction of new warships. By the middle of the two thousand years, a large-scale re-equipment and reinforcement of the fleet with new ships for 10-15 years has been assumed. However, hopes for it were not justified. The speed of construction of new large superwater ships was extremely low. For example, the head of the newest Frigate PR.22350 (which should have become the main "workshops" Navy of Russia) "Admiral Gorshkov", laid out in 2006, was still not officially transferred to the fleet. The situation with the construction of surface ships for the modern Navy of Russia is constantly exposed to a squall of criticism in various media.

At the same time, it is worth noting that the fleet and naval industry are most affected in the 1990s. For example, many enterprises of the aviation industry, especially the OKB them. Dry, as well as plants producing the development of this CB, managed to "survive" due to numerous export contracts (primarily for India and China). These contracts allowed to maintain key enterprises in a solid currency, which in turn allowed them not only to "hold on the way", but also to finance new developments. The Naval Industry has not had such "generous" contracts. The navy, being an extremely complex military-technical mechanism, requires very significant funds for content. Therefore, almost complete lack of funds for the detention of the fleet in the 1990s, he led to the fact that he began to degrade, perhaps, the most rapid pace, compared with other types of Russian armed forces.

Thus, in parallel with the construction of new ships, it was necessary to restore the entire naval industry as a whole. In addition, in the two thousandth years, the most priority direction of development of the Navy has become an update of the marine component of the Russian strategic nuclear forces and the construction of new underwater rocket mines of ART55 "Borey" and the creation of their main weapons - intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) of the Marine Basery of the R-30 "Bulava" , To which the extremely significant proportion of funds released on the development of the fleet.

A separate problem was the need to equip new ships of the Ocean zone with fundamentally new samples of weapons. The frigates of PR.22350, which should be in the future the basis of the ships of the Far Ocean zone of the Russian Navy, initially had to use only the most modern, promising systems of weapons - 2 universal shipboards (ochers), which has 8 cells in each of which can Supply supersonic PCR "Onyx" or one of the winged rockets of the "Caliber" family - antique 3M54, winged 3m14 rocket for terrestrial targets or antique rocket 91r, the newest universal artillery installation A-192 "Armat", new radio electronic struggle, and most importantly - The newest anti-aircraft missile complex "Polyment-Reduce". The Polyment-Red Sprinkment consists of a multifunctional radar "Polith" and the Activities of the RED ", which has the latest anti-aircraft missiles of the 9M96D family with the active heads of homing. The "Polith" radar consists of four angle-oriented 90 degrees to each other for a friend of phased antenna grids, each of which provides an overview of the space and the radioocorrection of anti-aircraft missiles on the marching portion of the trajectory in the 90 degree sector in the azimuth and 90 - at the corner of the place. Thus, 4 antenna lattices provide a circular overview of the space and the possibility of shelling goals in any direction. Each of the four decisions provides guidance 4 of anti-aircraft missiles, and the number of simultaneously indoor missiles when reflecting the blow from one direction is 8 (when the ship is orientation, so that the air attack attacking agents were on the "intersection" of the sectors of the two antenna lattices). The anti-aircraft missiles of the 9M96 family have active heads of homing, which reduces the deployment site with the help of radar, ensure the possibility of damage to the air target in the event of its radiocorrine care, and in the future it allows to ensure that shelling targets for radiorrizzone. These rockets have gas-dynamic steering, which allows at altitudes less than 5 kilometers to develop overloads to 60 (according to other data to 65 units), allowing you to confidently combat the intensively maneuvering objectives and ensures the likelihood of damage to subsonic PCRs close to guaranteed (0.9 - 0.95).

The creation of new samples of marine weapons "from scratch", in the conditions of the naval industry in the extremely problematic state, could not affect the timing of their creation. As a result, the head ship of the project 22350 "Admiral Gorshkov" began a move test only in 2015, but so far the fleet is not formally referred. The reason for such long delays with commissioning was the need to test the huge number of new systems, and mainly the Polyment-Red Sprink. At the end of 2017, enterprises of the Almaz-Antea concern managed to successfully solve most of the problems with the "Polith-Raltut". Moreover, it is reported that during tests and improvements of the complex, the use of an anti-aircraft missile 9m96d, which has a range of over 100 kilometers is provided. All other weapons of weapons of the ship, as well as the latest RES funds, successfully passed tests. It is worth noting that in itself "tightening" the deadlines of the improvements of ship's SPRs are not something from a number of outgoing, and there was a place in the years of the Cold War and in the United States, and in the USSR, who did not experience any problems in the field of MIC. For example, the fortieth-missile complex "Fort", which armed modern cruisers PF.1164 was brought to full compliance with the specified characteristics 3 years after commissioning of the first ship armed with this complex - Cruiser PR.1164. BPK PR.1555, which are the most numerous type of ships of the far ocean zone in the Navy of Russia, after the construction actually several years have not had the laid SPK "Dagger", which was officially adopted only in 1989. At the same time, Fort and Dagger Complexes Until now, have excellent combat capabilities. The first ship of the US Navy, equipped with a multifunctional weapon management system "IJIS" entered the American fleet in 1983, but the IJIS system and a complex of weapons integrated into it were brought to an acceptable level of combat capability for another 3 years.

There are no exception and modern combat ships of other fleets of the world. So for example, the first British destroyer of the new generation air defense, such as 45 "Daring", became commissioned with actually with the "conditionally" workable PAAMS SPK (which is its main weapon), now the destroyers of this series are considered the world's best air defense ships. A similar situation has been developed by the Indian-Israeli Ship "Barak-8". Because of the problems and its creation for many years, the deadline for commissioning the latest Indian destroyers "Calcutta" was shifted. The head ship was laid in 2003, and the system entered in 2014, although it was planned to commission in 2010. The last, the third destroyer of this series entered into force at the end of 2016, more than 10 years after the bookmark. Moreover, it is not known whether 100% combatable "Barak-8" SPC on Indian destroyers is currently.

Apparently, the command of the Navy of Russia and the Ministry of Defense want to get a completely combal ship immediately, without bringing his various weapons systems during operation. In addition, the frigates PR.22350 as a whole will determine the appearance of surface ships of the Russian Navy in the coming decades. It is possible to predict with a lot of probability that after adopting the Fleet of the Fregates "Admiral Gorshkov" and "Admiral Casatonov" (the second ship of the project 22350), which has already completed the completion, the construction of other ships of the series, as well as the possible construction of the frigates of the improved project - 22350m will go much higher rates.

In the current decade of the Naval Industry of Russia, Russia failed and mass construction of the project of 11356 - "simplified" frigates created for the "inland" seas - the Baltic and Black. Until 2014, shipbuilders managed to withstand high rates of building data of ships, because They were built on the basis of the Fregates of the Talvar Fregates built in two thousand years and were equipped with existing and spent weapons, radio engineering and information systems. By 2014, it was possible to build 3 such ship from 6 stored, however, after the events of 2014, Ukraine unilaterally ceased military-technical cooperation with Russia, and in particular, ceased delivery of ship gas turbine power plants for Frigates PR.2230, and PR.11356, manufactured in Nikolaev plant "Zorya-Mashproekt". As a result, it took almost 3 years to deploy production of these power plants in Russia, in the Rybinsk NGO "Saturn". Fortunately, this task was successful to solve. At the moment, the Russian Navy includes 3 project frigates 11356 - Admiral Grigorovich, Admiral Essen and Admiral Makarov, and the latter was officially adopted on the fleet on December 27, 2017. Another 3 frigate of this project will be completed with Russian power plants, and is expected to come into the fleet in 2020-21 years.

Thus, the main efforts in the military-maritime construction of Russia over the past decade have been aimed at the modernization and restoration of the shipbuilding industry, as well as on the development and "compensation" of promising weapons systems. Under these conditions, the leadership of the Navy of Russia and the Ministry of Defense were forced to somewhat adjust the concept of the development and application of naval forces.

Until the emergence of major superwater ships of the new generation, the leadership of the Russian fleet and the Ministry of Defense, obviously elected a course on the large-scale construction of small rocket ships and coastal missile systems, in order to create, as they call in Western countries "Zanesaur and Access" zones in the most important areas adjacent to the Russian coast and territorial waters, and reliable "overlap" of the so-called. Litator zone, as well as the modernization of existing large warships and submarines.

To be continued...

Pavel Rumyantsev