Noble surnames of Russia (2010). Tsarist names

Noble surnames of Russia (2010). Tsarist names
Noble surnames of Russia (2010). Tsarist names

"As you call the boat, it will swim away," said the hero of the famous cartoon about Captain Lunned, meaning the influence of the name on the fate of the floating agent. This winged phrase You can also use in relation to other significant moments.

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If you take russian nobility, then there is a special collection of childbirth, compiled in late XIX. century, where 136 surnames are mentioned. Of course, time has made its own adjustments in terms of adding a list on the results of various studies, but the main data is still relevant. When the need arises to establish the accuracy of one or another noble surname, then be referred to this collection.

The nobility in Russia appeared in about the XII - XIII centuries As a military service, the belonging to which could be obtained thanks to the diligence in the service of Prince or Boyarin. Hence the meaning of the word "nobleman" - a man "Court", "From the Princely Court". This lower layer of nobles differed from the boyars, which was considered the aristocracy, and the title was inherited. After a couple of centuries, two estates are equal in the rights, including in the right of the continuity of the titles, regalia.

When the nobles began to receive land on the condition of the service (the similarity of the feudal militia was formed), then there was a need to designate them in lists as independent units, and not attached to the princes and boyars. They decided that it was more convenient to do this on the basis of binding to the location of his lands. So the first noble surnames appeared: Arkhangelsk, Ukhtomsky, Suzdal, Shui, Belozerski.

Another option of the origin of noble names - from the nickname: Torn, Pennia.

Sometimes for clarification, they were given a dual name, taking the place of one by the place of one and the nickname: Nemirovichi-Danchenky.

Gradually, the penetration of representatives of foreign powers to the territory of Russia was reflected in the birth noble surnames: Matskevichi, the background of Plev, Lukovsky.

The era of the Board of Peter I was marked by many changes in the device of the Russian state, including the strengthening of the role of the nobility. It was possible to get the title through the zealous service of the sovereign than and the many active and landless people of the lower estates took advantage. So the list appeared noble rod Menshikov, according to the name of the associate of the king - Alexander Menshikov. Unfortunately, the ancient genus of the Male line, namely, this factor is determining when transferring hereditary rights.

Based on the origin and antiquity of the genus available wealth and proximity to higher powerAs well as on the left trace in the history of the state, the nobility was divided into several categories. This is: pillars, titled, foreign, hereditary and personal. They can also be determined by last name. For example, the descendants of noble prince and boyars of soda, edges made up the branches of the ancient nobility, or pillars.

The weakening of the positions of this class in the XIX century was due to changes in the political structure of the state, as well as the reforms carried out. A great influence was the abolition of serfdom in 1861, after which the dominant role of the nobility weakened. And after 1917, all classes were completely abolished at all.

The documentary "Noble Surnames of Russia" is a story about the most famous noble births of Russia - Gagarins, Golitsins, Apraksins, Yusupov, Stroganov. The nobles were initially in the service of the boyar and the princes and replaced the warriors. For the first time in the history of the noblemen, they are mentioned in 1174 and this is due to the killing of Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky. Already starting from the XIV century, the nobles begin to receive in possession of the estate for their service. But unlike the Boyarsky layer, they could not transmit land by inheritance. In the creation and formation of a single state, the nobles became a reliable support for the great princes. Starting from the XV century, their influence in the political and economic life of the country has increasingly intensified. Gradually, the nobles merged with the boyars. The concept of "nobles" began to denote the highest class of the population of Russia. The final differences between the nobility and the boyars disappeared into beginning of XVIII century, when the estates and wrappers were equated to each other.

Russian Princely Rod, whose hence, Prince Mikhail Ivanovich Golibesovsky, the descendant of the Starodubsk Prince (XVIII knees from Rurik), had five sons; Of these, three senior, Vasily, Yuri and Ivan Mikhailovichi, had a nickname of Gagar and were the founders of the three branches of the Gagarin princes. The older branch, according to some researchers, stopped at the end of the 17th century; Representatives of the last two exist and today. Princes of Gagarines are recorded in the V part of the partitions of the provinces: Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan, Saratov, Sybirskaya, Tver, Tambov, Vladimir, Moscow, Kherson and Kharkov.

Russian Princely Rod, originating from the Grand Prince Lithuanian Gedimin. Mikhail Ivanovich Mikhail Ivanovich was the direct attitude of the genus, the son of Boyarin Prince Ivan Vasilyevich Bulgaka. In the 5th generation from the ancestor, the genus of the princes of Golitsyna was divided into four branches, of which three exist. From the kind of this it was 22 Boyarin, 3 okolnichih, 2 kravichi. According to the princes of the princes of Golitsyn (see "Rod of Princes of Golitsyna", Op. KN. H. H. Golitsyn, St. Petersburg., 1892, t. I) In 1891, there were alive 90 people of male, 49 princess and 87 Prinjeon Golitsyn. One branch of Golitsyn in the person of the Moscow Governor Governor Governor Dmitry Vladimirovich Golitsyn received the title of lightness in 1841. The genus of the princes of Golitsynye is included in the V part of the pedigree book of St. Petersburg, Moscow, Tverskaya, Kursk, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan, Smolenskaya, Tambov, Tula and Chernihiv province (Hercobov, I, 2).

Russian noble and graphic genus coming from Salhomira-Murza. In the old days were written as defrassic. Salhomira had a great-grandfather Andrei Ivanovich, the nickname of the Obrax, from which the genus went, whose representatives were first written by Obraxins, and then aproarious. The grandchildren of Andrei Obraxes (Apraks), Yerofey Yerof, and Proophyal Matveyevich, with the Grand Duza Moscow Ivan III moved from Ryazan to the service to Moscow. From Yerofey Matveyevich, on the nickname, the branch, whose representatives were subsequently erected into County dignity. From Brother Yerofi, Ivan Matveyevich, the nicknamed dark, the other branch of the kind of apraksyni went. Stepan Fedorovich (1702-1760) and his son Stepan Stepanovich (1757 / 47-1827) Apraksins.

The Russian dashed princely genus originating from Yusuf-Murza (mind in 1556), the son of Musa-Murza, who in the third generation was a descendant of the mangita bit (1352-1419), the powerful Khan of the Nogai Horde and the commander who was in the service of Tamerlane. Yusuf-Murza had two sons, Il-Murza and Ibrahim (Abray), which in 1565 sent the killer of their father to Moscow, Uncle Izmail. The descendants of them in last years Alexey Mikhailovich's reigns accepted holy Baptism and wrote by princes yusupov or yusupov-prince to end of XVIII century, and after it began to be written just by the princes of yusupovy.

Russian merchants and industrialists from which major landowners occurred and state figures XVI-XX centuries. Suites from the rejected Pomeranian peasants. From the XVIII century - Barons and Graphs Russian Empire. Their name is called the direction in Russian iconopusses of the late XVI - early XVII centuries (Stroganovskaya School of Icon Pouring) and best School Church facial sewing of the XVII century (Stroganovsky facial sewing), as well as the Stroganovsky direction of the Moscow Baroque. The genus of Stroganov leads its origin from the Novgorod of Spiridon, the contemporary of Dmitry Donsky (the first mention - 1395), whose grandson owned by the lands in the Dvina Region. According to another version, no confirmed, the surname is allegedly from Tatar, who accepted the name of Spiridon in Christianity.

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Tsarist names

In Russia, the names were also born in the branches genealogical tree. It was in ruling dynasties Rurikovich, Romanov, and in other princely and boyar births. In the chronicle of the "Tale of Bygone Years", it is mentioned that the legendary Varyag Rurik came to Novgorod together with his buddy and began to rule there from 862. Rüric's receiver became Oleg, one of his approximate warriors, who moved to the south and won Kiev. After Oleg, the power in Kiev moved to Igor, and then to his wife Olga. According to some chronicle sources, Igor was considered the son of Rurik, so all the descendants of Igor and Olga began to call themselves Rurikovichi. Dynasty Rurikovichi Rules by Russian lands with IX to the XVI century. They stood at the head of small and large principalities of the period feudal fragmentationAnd then at the head of the ancient Russian state.

The name of the generator of this dynasty turned into a surname. To understand in the sense that the name of Rurikovichi was signed by the name of Rurik. There are two versions of the origin of this name. At one of them, Rurik was not a personal name, but a certain title nickname pointing to the high rank of a person. Translated from the Scandinavian "Hrodder Rikr" means "the glorious ruler." Among the representatives of the Rurikovsky dynasty, there were indeed many famous rulers, which corresponded to this meaning of their surname.

And by the second version, Rurik's name could occur from the Scandinavian word "Ryric" - "Falcon." Since in the surnames it is necessary to consider all possible senses, pay attention to this version. Falcon, on the one hand, is a bird of high flight, and on the other - the falcons tamed and kept for royal hunting. This is a bird of power, but its power is based on subordination to someone. This falcon is different from the Eagle, which speaks by itself. Although falcon and flies high, but subordinate to the Sokolnich team, and on returning to him they put the cap on the head. This bird personifies the principle of ministry, warrior. This sense of the name was very much played in the history of the entire Dynasty Rurikovich.

Novgorod residents hired Rurik along with the Varangian friend, invited them in order for them to defend the city. Prince Rurik was supposed to perform the functions of a commander-commander, to serve citizens, and the city's board should have been carried out by elected veneer. The first princes of the Rurikovsky dynasty really corresponded to the meaning of the surname associated with the image of the falcon, they were warriors, headed all the conquesting hiking, they themselves collected tribute from the subject territories. Svyatoslav Rurikovich, Son Igor and Olga, who was the first of this dynasty, the Slavic name was the most embodied the image of Prince-commander, he spent the whole life in distant military campaigns and battles.

The princes of the Rurikovsky dynasty had to voluntarily obey someone else's influence, they really played the image of a falcon who obeyed someone's hand. At first Olga, and then Vladimir bends before Byzantia, accepted Christianity. Then the Mongols of 200 were kept Russia under their cap, Rurikovich had to receive a label to the jurisdiction in the Golden Horde. But without such subordination to external conditions, they would not be able to cope with the internal straightenings and civilians, collect fragmented land into a single state.

Mystery of the surname shows the true role that its carriers should play in universal history. If Rurikovichi tried to deviate from the role prescribed to them, they immediately lost. When the Grand Duke Kiev Igor felt too volly and tried to meet the tribute to the second time, he immediately paid, was cruelly killed.

Another Rurikovich, Andrei Bogolyubsky, the son of Yuri Dolgorukova, was killed by conspirators after he began to strive for absolute power. He wrote about him in the chronicle: "Although the autocrat of life." Starting from Andrei Bogolyubsky in the Dynasty of Rurikovich, the period of the formation of absolute monarchical authorities began, which eventually led them to the sad finale. In 1547, Ivan Vasilyevich Rurikovich, who received the nickname Grozny, was married to the kingdom. Dynasty Rurikovich became the royal. But this contradicted the meaning of their surname, and in 1598 with the death of the king Fyodor Ivanovich, this dynasty was interrupted.

It should be noted that after the formation of a centralized state, many of Rurikovich have lost their faults, specific possessions and amounted to the highest layer of Moscow seruners, became the so-called "princes", continuing to embody the Mystery of their surname associated with the ministry.

After the decline of the Rurikovsky dynasty, the power passed to the Romanov dynasty. The surname Romanov is derived from the name of the novel. Romanov, this boyars began to call himself from the XVI century, and before that they were cats, then Zakhariani. Archival records indicate that in the first half of the XIV century, the boyar of the Moscow princes Andrei Ivanovich Mare lived. One of his sons, Alexander Tree Kobylin, continued the genus of mare. Another son, Ignatius the stallion of Kobylin, became the priest of the stallion, the youngest of Fedor Cat Kobylin became the Rodonchard Koshkina. Until the XVI century, the ancestors of the Romanovs were called cats, and then the branch of zajakharia was separated from this genus.

The elevation of Zakharian began after the marriage of the king Ivan the Terrible on the daughter of Roman Yurevich Zaharin Anastasia. The third son of Roman Yurevich Nikita Romanovich became the Roman Nikita Romanova. The son of Nikita Romanovich was tonsured to the monks under the name Philaret, and later became Russian patriarch. On the Zemsky Cathedral In 1613, Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, Son Fyodora-Filaret, the grandchildren of Romanov's grandchildren, was elected by the Russian king. At first, the genus Romanov became the Tsarist Dynasty, and from 1721 - Imperial.

Only when this doubt began to call himself Romanov, they really had a chance to get power and immediately the question arose about their election to the kingdom. Romanovs are precisely because they were able to establish themselves in Moscow that in the XVI century it was announced as a third Rome. And as soon as it happened, Romanov appeared. Name Romance translates as "Roman, Roman" and refers to the history of education Ancient Rome. Romanovs were able to eliminate all their competitors to receive royal powerSince the archetype of their surname was in demand at the time. Ivan Grozny declared himself to king, i.e. Cesrere, Caesar showed the archetype of the Roman Empire. After that, Romanov began to rise and changed Rurikovich, as it was better to approach their generic scenario to fulfill the program to create an empire, the third Rome.

The Roman principle, which carried Romanov's surname, predetermined their choice and the path in life. The fate of this dynasty is very similar to the fate of ancient Rome. Having come to power, the Romanov turned Russia into the empire. They also had a Senate, who played with the emperor a parade and decorative role, as in Rome of late times.

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The first names among the Russians appeared in the XIII century, but the majority remained "careless" for another 600 years. Grab name, patronymic and profession.

When did the names appear in Russia?

Fashion on the surname came to Russia from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Back in the XII century, the Veliky Novgorod had tight contacts with this state. Noble Novgorod can be considered the first official owners of the names in Russia.

In various social layers, Russian surnames appeared in different time. The first in Russian lands acquired the names of citizens of the Great Novgorod and its extensive possessions in the north, stomping from the Baltic Sea to the Ural Range. Novgorod chronicles mention a lot of surnames-nicknames already in the XIII century. So, in 1240 among the Novgorod residents who fell in the Nevsky battle, the chronicler mentions the names: "Kostynantin Lugotinitz, Gyryat Pinechinic, Muschy, jerking off the Ubdlytilov Son Kozhevnik ..." (The first Novgorod chronicle of the older faith, 1240). Surnames helped in diplomacy and when taking into account the troops. It was easier to distinguish one Ivan from the other.

Somewhat later in the XIV-XV centuries, the birth names appeared at Princes and Boyar. The princes were called by the name of their lot, and the moment of the emergence of the name should be considered the moment when the prince, having lost his name, still retained his origin as a nickname: Shuisky, Vorotynsky, Obolensky, Vyazemsky, etc. The smaller part of the princely surnames occurs From nickname: Gagarines, humpback, eyes, lobs, etc. Surnames like Lobanov-Rostov combines the name of the princess with the nickname.

Boyars and Princely Surnames

Boyar and noble Russian surnames were also formed from nicknames or from the names of the people. The process of the formation of boyars surnames from hereditary nickname is well illustrated by the history of the Boyarsky (subsequently royal) of the genus Romanov.
At the end of the 15th century, among Russian nobles, the first names of foreign origin appear, primarily the names of Polish-Lithuanian and Greek (for example, philosophers) of immigrants; In the XVII century, such surnames of Western origin as Forms, Lermontov are added to them. The names of the descendants of the Tatarists reminded the names of these immigrants: Yusupov, Akhmatov, Kara-Murza, Karamzin (also from Kara-Murza).
But it should be noted that not always the eastern origin of the surname indicates the eastern origin of its carriers: sometimes they come from Tatar nicknames, former in fashion in Moscow Rus. Such is the name of Bakhteyarov, which wearing the branch of Rostov Prince-Rurikovich (from Fedor Primimkov-Bakhteyar), or the surname of Beklemishev, which occurred from the nickname Beklemis (Turkic - guarding, guarding), which Fedor Elizarovich wore, Boyar Vasily I.

In the XIV-XV centuries, Russian princes and boyars began to take the surname. The names were often formed from land names. So, the owners of the victobs on the River Shuya became Shuyski, on Vyazma - Vyazemsky, on the Meshcheper - Meshcherski, the same story with Tverski, Obolensk, Vorotnsky and other.
It must be said that -sk - this is the Slavonic suffix, it can be found in czech surnames (Komensei), and in Polish (Povetski), and in Ukrainian (Artyomovsky).
The boyars also often received their last names on the baptized name of the attorney or his nickname: such nameplaces literally answered the question "Whose?" (Meaning "Whose Son?", What kind of? ") and had drawing suffixes in their composition.
Suffix -OV- was joined by worldly names ending on solid consonants: Smirnaya - Smirnov, Ignat - Ignatov, Petr Petrov.
Suffix -Ev- joined the names and nicknames on the end of a soft sign, -y, -one or h: Bear - Medvedev, Yuri - Yuriev, Begich - Begichev.
Suffix -In- got surnames formed from nameplaces to vowels "A" and "I": Apukhta -Aapukhtin, Gavrila - Gavrilin, Ilya -Ilin.

Why Romanovs - Romanovs?

SAMI famous last name In the history of Russia - Romanov. The ancestor of Andrei Mauli (Boyarin times Ivan Kalita) had three sons: seeds stallion, Alexander Tree Kobylin and Fedor Cat. They took place according to the stallions, mares and cats. The descendants of the Fedor Cat for several generations were nickname-surname Koshkina (not all: His son Alexander Uzubeta became the Rodnogenic of the Uzabeth, and the other son of Fyodor Goltyayi - Goltyev's Toronochnye). Cat was called by his son Ivan and grandson Zakhari Ivanovich.
Among the Children of the Last, Yakov Zakharovich Koshkin became the sonlock of the noble name Yakovlev, and Yuri Zakharovich began to be called Zaharin-Koshkin, while the son of the latter was already called Roman Zaharin-Yuriev. The surname of Zaharin-Yuriev, or just Zharin, and the son of Roman, Nikita Romanovich (as well as his sister Anastasia, the first wife of Ivan Grozny); However, the children and grandchildren of Nikita Romanovich were already called Romanov, including Fedor Nikitich (Patriarch Filaret) and Mikhail Fedorovich (king).

Aristocratic surnames

Russian aristocracy originally had noborian rootsAnd among the nobles there were many people who came to Russian service from abroad. It all started with the surnames of Greek and Polish-Lithuanian origin at the end of the 15th century, and in the XVII century, Fonvizins were joined in the XVII century), Lermontov (Schotl. Lermont) and other names with Western roots.
Also, the foreign language foundations for the names that were given to illegitimate children of noble people are: Sher (Franz. Cher "Dear"), Amanth (Franz. Amant "Favorite"), Okok (it. OCHS "Bull"), Herz (Herz "Herz" ").
Sidey children generally "suffered" from the imagination of the parents. Some of them did not bother themselves in focusing the new name, and simply declined the old one: so from Repnina Potnin was born, from Trubetsky - Bezzka, from Elagina - Agin, and "Koreans" and those and those have come from Golitsyn and Tenisheva. Left a significant trail in Russian names and Tatars. This is how Yusupov appeared (descendants of Murza Yusup), Akhmatov (Khan Ahmat), Karamzins (Tatar. Kara "Black", Murza "Mr., Prince"), Kudinovy \u200b\u200b(Dismist. Kaz.-Tatars. Kajoy "God, Allah") and Others.

Surname serve

IN XVIII-XIX centuries Surnames began to spread among employees of people in merchants. At first, the surnames were honored only the richest - "Eminent merchants". IN XV-XVI centuries There were few people and, mostly, North Organic origin. For example, merchants merchant - in the old time: a rich trader, owner of a trading enterprise. Kalinikov, founded in 1430 by the city of Salt Kama, or famous stroganov. They, like princes, were also often called at the place of residence, only with the suffixes "simpler": families living in Tambov became Tambovtsev, in Vologda - Vologda, in Moscow - Muscovites and Moskvitinov. Some arranged the "non-infamous" suffix, denoting a resident of this territory in general: Whiteorets, Kostromich, Chernomorets, and someone received a proverb without any changes - from here Tatyana Dunai, Alexander Galich, Olga Poltava and others.
Among the names of the merchant, there were many of those who reflected the "professional specialization" of their carriers. For example, the surname of Rybnikov, formed from the word Rybnik, that is, the "Fish Trader". You can also remember the citizen Kuzmu minina - as not known to the nobility, a nobility - one of the highest estates of the feudal society (along with the clergy), which enshrined in the law and transmitted by the inheritance privileges. The basis of the Economic I. political influence Nobility - Property to Earth. In 1762, the nobility achieved liberation from the mandatory military and civilian state service introduced by Peter I; The nobility was not subjected to corporal punishments, dismissed from the recruitment of duty, personal files. The pledged diploma (1785) of Catherine II (on the rights of liberty and the advantages of the Russian nobility) established a wide range of personal privileges of the nobility, introduced noble self-government. As the estate, the nobility was liquidated after the October Revolution., But the beginning of the XVII centuries had had its own last name at the end of the XVI.

Surnames of priests

The surname of the name began to appear only with mid XVIII century. Usually they were formed from the names of the parishes and churches (Blagoveshchensky, Kosmodemyansky, Nikolsky, Pokrovsky, Preobrazhensky, Christmas, Uspensky, and so paragraph.). Before that, the Jerev was usually called Father Alexander, Father Vasily, Batyushka or Pop Ivan, while no surname was implied. Their children, if needed, often received the name Popov.
Some clergymen acquired the names when issuing from the seminary: Athens, Dukhososhvensky, Palmine, Cypress, Reformed, Pavsky, Golubinsky, Klyuchevsky, Tikhomirov, Soft, Lieperovsky (from the Greek root, meaning "sad"), Gilyarovsky (from the Latin root, meaning "cheerful "). Wherein best pupils The names were given the most harmonious and rigorous positive meaning, in Russian or latin Formation literary language - 3-2 centuries to: diamonds, Dobromyslov, Benemansky, Speransky (Russian analogue: Nadezhdin), Benevolensky (Russian analogue: Dobrovolsky), Dobrolyubov, etc.; on the contrary, bad pupils invented ungrevious surnames, for example, Gibraltar, or the negative biblical characters (Saulov, Pharaohs) formed from the names of negative biblical characters. The most advanced of them became those that were translated from Russian to Latin and received the "Prince" suffix -sk. So, Bobrov became Castor (Lat. Castor "Beaver"), Skvortsov - Sturnitsky (Lat. Sturnus "Skzorets"), and Orlov - Akvilev (Lat. Aquila "Orel").

Peasant family names

In the Russian peasants, during this period, the names were usually not, the function was performed by nicknames and patronymic, as well as the mention of their owner, since in the XVI century the peasantry of central Russia was subjected to massive consolidation. For example, in archival documents of that time, such entries can be found: "Ivan Mikitin Son, and Nickname Menshik", record 1568; "Ondon Mikiforov Son, and the nickname waiting", document 1590; "Mikiforov's lip Son curves cheeks, land-owner", recording of 1495; "Danilo snot, peasant", 1495; "Efimko Sparrow, Peasant", 1495.
In those records you can see the indications on the status of still free peasants (landlord), as well as the difference between the patronymic of the surname (son of such). The peasants of Northern Russia, the former Novgorod possessions, could have real names and in this era, as the serfdom of these areas did not apply. Probably the most famous example of this kind - Mikhailo Lomonosov. You can also remember Arina Rodionno Yakovlev - the Novgorod peasant, Nanny Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Had surnames and Cossacks. The surnames were also endowed with a significant part of the population of the land of the compulsory connivorce - Belarus to Smolensk and Vyazma, Malorosia.
Under Peter I, the Senate Decree of June 18, 1719, in connection with the introduction of the Pochumas and Recruit Meal, the earliest documents of police accounting were officially introduced - passage of diplomas (passports). The passport contained information: the name, surname (or nickname), from where he was sent, the place of residence, the characteristic of his activity, information about family members who went with him, sometimes information about the father and parents.
Decree of January 20, 1797, Emperor Paul I commanded the general gerbank noble childbirth Where more than 3,000 noble generic names and coat of arms were collected.
In 1888, a special decree of the Senate was published, who said:

As practice detects, and between persons born in legitimate marriage, there are many persons who have no names, that is, wearing the so-called surnames by patronymic, which causes significant misunderstandings, and even sometimes abuse ... Named the definite name is not only the right, But the duty of every full-fledged person, and the name of the surname on some documents is required by the law.
The procedure for adopting the law is established by the Constitution. The law is the basis of the system of law of the state, has the highest legal force in relation to regulatory acts other state bodies ..

In Central Russia among the peasantry of the surname until the XIX century were relatively rare. Nevertheless, you can remember separate examples - famous Ivan. Susanin.
The memory of Susanine has been preserved in oral folk legends and legends. His feat is reflected in artistic literature And in Opere Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka "Life for the king" ("Ivan Susanin"). In Kostroma, a monument to Susanin was installed. Who lived in XVI-XVII centuries. In addition, the names of some peasants - participants of certain wars, hiking, cities or monasteries and other historical cataclysms are known. However, indeed, until the XIX century mass distribution Among the peasants of Central Russia, the names did not have. But it is rather due to the fact that in those days there was no need to mention all the peasants, and the documents in which the peasants would have been mentioned, or for the most part would be mentioned. And for the official workflow of those years if the peasant was mentioned in it, it was usually enough to mention the village in which he lived, the landowner he belonged, and his personal name, sometimes together with the profession. Most peasants of the Russian Center were officially endowed with the names recorded in documents only after the cancellation of serfdom.
In the 12th century, the exploitation of role (pashane) purchases and sulcut on the Barechain was close in nature. According to the Russian truth, the princes deaths are limited in property and personal rights (his fraudous property is moving towards the prince; the life of a sideline is equal to the life of the Hall: the same fine is appointed for their murder). In 1861.

Some surnames were formed from the names of the landowners. One peasants were given a complete or changed surname of their former owner, the landowner - so the whole villages of polyvanov, gagary, Vorontsova, Lvivkin, etc. appeared.
In the root of the names of some lay titles settlements (villages and villages), from where there were these peasants. These are mainly the surnames ending on - "sky", for example - Assumption, Lebedevsky.
However, most of the surnames, by origin, are family nicknames, which, in turn, originated from the "street" nickname of a particular family member. The bulk of the peasants in the document was recorded exactly the most "street" nickname, which a different family could have been not one. The nickname surnames appeared much earlier in the midstaming. These family nicknames, sometimes left their roots, in the depth of many generations, actually played the role of the names of the peasants of Central Russia - in everyday life, even before the magnitude of their fixing. They primarily fell into the census sheets, and in fact, the appeal was simply writing these nicknames into documents.

Thus, the ending of the peasant the surname often reduced to official recognition, legalizing, consolidating family or personal nicknames behind their carriers. This explains that in the epoch to the mass endowment of the peasants of Central Russia last names - we are still known for individual names and surnames of peasants who participated in certain other important events. If it becomes necessary to mention the peasant in the chronicle or in the narrative of some event, the participant of which he was - as his last name, simply indicated the corresponding nickname - his own, or his family. And then, during the magnitude assignment of the names to the peasants of Central Russia, which occurred after the abolition of serfdom, the same nicknames were mostly officially recognized and secured.
Mirly surnames were formed on the basis of the name of the world. Worldly names came from pagan times when the names of church did not exist or they were not taken in simple people. After all, Christianity did not immediately flood the minds, and even more so the souls of Slavs. Old traditions were kept long, the covenants of the ancestors were honored. Each family remembered the name of the progenitors to 7 knees and even deeper. Traditions from the history of the genus were transmitted from generation to generation. Instructive stories about the old Acts of the Prazdara (Prashas - a remote ancestor, ancestor) talked to the night with young people of the genus. Many of the worldly were names with their own (much, waiting, loved), others arose as nicknames, but then became names (Nekras, Daughter, Thorough, Evil, Revolution). Here it should be noted that in old Russian system Names were also customary to call babies by security names, chambers - names with negative content - to protect, scare evil forces Or for reverse the name. It is how so far it is customary to scold holding the exam, or wish the hunter "Ne a fluff, no pen." It was believed that he would grow smart, Nekras handsome, and hunger would always be full. Security names later became boring nicknames, and then the surname.
Some as a surname recorded patronymic. In the royal decrees of the census, it was usually said that it should be recorded by all "by name from the fathers and with nicknames", that is, by name, patronymic and surnames. But in the XVII - the first half of the XVIII centuries, the peasants of hereditary surnames were not at all. The peasant surname lived only in the continuation of one life. For example, Born in the family of Ivan Prokopii, and in all metric records He is called Prokoki Ivanov. When Vasily was born at the procopia, then the newborn Vasily Prokopyev became, and not Ivanov at all.
The first census of 1897 showed that the surnames do not have up to 75% of the population (however, it was more than the residents of national outflows than rooted Russia). Finally, the entire population of the USSR surname appeared only in the 30s of the 20th century in the era of universal certification (the introduction of the passport system).
After the cancellation of serfdom in 1861, the situation began to be corrected, and by the time of universal certification in the 1930s, each resident of the USSR had.
They were formed on already proven models: subfixes were added to the names, nicknames, habitats, the professions were added to the professions.

Structure of Russian surnames

Anthroponimika - section of onomastics studying the origin, change, geographical distribution, social functioning of their own names of people. Fames argue that most often Russian surnames are formed from personal names through attractive adjectives. The bulk of Russian surnames has suffixes -On / -Ev, -in, from the answer to the question "Whose?". The difference is purely formal: -s were added to nicknames or names for a solid consonant (Ignat - Ignatov, Mikhail - Mikhailov), -EV to the names or nicknames on a soft consonant (Ignatius - Ignatiev, Holunya - Golodgyaev), -in to the basics of A, I (path - Putin, Erem - Eremin, Ilya - Ilyin). This also says that, for example, having one root of the famine of the starvations and Holodiaev, are related, but externally similar to their hunger, hungry, hungry - no.
The absolute majority of Russian surnames comes from Deed, the last name of the Father, that is, the name of the grandfather, thus fixing the hereditary name in the third generation. So easier began to designate families of one root. In the event that a grandfather, whose name has formed the basis of the established names, was two names - one baptismal, another source, the surname was formed from the second, since the baptized names did not differ in diversity.
It should be known that by the name of the grandfather was recorded by Russian officials at the end of the XIX - early XX century and the names for residents of national outskirts, thus the majority of the names in Transcaucasia and Central Asia arose.

Why and when changed surnames?

When the peasants began to acquire last names, then according to superstitious reasons, from the evil eye, they gave the surname to children are not the most pleasant: dislike, naughty, bad, dulk, mug. After the revolution, a queue of those who wanted to change the surname to more harmonious began to form in the passport tables.

The word "nobleman" means: "Court" or "man from the Princely Court". The nobility was the highest estate of society.
In Russia, the nobility was formed in the XII-XIII centuries, mainly from representatives of the military-serving estate. Starting from the XIV century, the locals were received for their service, the birth of the names - Shuisky, Vorotnsky, Obolensk, Vyazene, Meshchersky, Ryazan, Galitsky, Smolensk, Yaroslavl, Rostov, Belozersky, Suzdal, Smolensk, Moscow, took place from their names. Tver ... Other noble surnames originated from the nicknames of their carriers: gagarines, humpback, eyes, likings. Some princely surnames were a combination of the names of the lot and nicknames: for example, Lobanov-Rostovsky.
At the end of the 15th century, the names of foreign origin began to appear in the lists of Russian nobility - they belonged to people from Greece, Poland, Lithuania, Asia and Western Europewho had aristocratic origins and collaborated in Russia. Here you can mention such names like Fonvizins, Lermontov, Yusupov, Akhmatov, Kara-Murza, Karamzin, Kudinov.
The boyars were often obtained by the surnames on the baptized name or nicknamed the ancestor and had drawing suffixes in their composition. Such a boyars, the surname includes Petrov, Smirnov, Ignatov, Yuryev, Medvedev, Apukhtina, Gavrilins, Ilyina.
The same origin and the royal surname of Romanov. The ancestor of them was the boyar of the time of Ivan Kalita Andrei Mare. He had three sons: Semyon stallion, Alexander Tree
Kobylin and Fedor Cat. Their descendants received respectively the names of the stallion, mare and Koshkin. One of the great-grandfathers of Fedor Cat Yakov Zakharovich Koshkin became the sonlock of the nobility name Yakovlev, and his brother Yuri Zakharovich began to be called Zaharin-Koshkin. The son of the last name was Roman Zaharin-Yuriev. The same name was his son Nikita Romanovich, and daughter Anastasia, the first wife of Ivan Grozny. However, the children and grandchildren of Nikita Romanovich became already grandfather Romanov. This name was his son Fyodor Nikitich (Patriarch Filaret) and the founder of the last Russian tsarist dynasty Mikhail Fedorovich.
In the Petrovsk epoch, the nobility was replenished with representatives of non-military estates that received their titles as a result of advancement public service. One of them was, for example, the companion of Peter I Alexander Menshikov, from the birth of the "low" origin, but awarded by the king prince Titula. In 1785, special privileges were established by decree of Catherine II for the nobles.