Why Sergei Netyevsky left "Ural Pelmeni"? Sergei Netyevsky left the "Ural Pelmeni" show and first voiced the true cause of his departure Sergey Netyevsky Reason for leaving the Ural Pelmeni.

Why Sergey Netyevsky left
Why Sergei Netyevsky left "Ural Pelmeni"? Sergei Netyevsky left the "Ural Pelmeni" show and first voiced the true cause of his departure Sergey Netyevsky Reason for leaving the Ural Pelmeni.

Sergey Netyevsky is a talented humorist and a person who has invested a large number of effort into the development and formation of the "Ural Pelmeni" show. Moreover, thanks to his efforts, the team went out for the KVN gate and became federal. And after Sergey occupied the post of director, he was able to conclude a long-term contract with STS for shooting and showing performances.

First version

Netievsky had to leave the dumplings team due to the fact that "his shirt is closer." Sergey realized that his own well-being was much more important than the money of the team. Therefore, he just left the project, leaving friends in free swimming.

Sergey switched to producing television serials and other projects, so he didn't want to lose personal time on the show - there is no interest, there is no such profit.

This is the version that some of the participants of the Ural Pelmeni voiced, but Sergey himself disagree with her. Sergey told a completely different story, radically different from the first. In support of its version, it can be noted that it is supported by biennial litigation.

Second version

According to this version, the public presented by Sergey himself, he at first did not know that he had left the project. Yes, yes, it happens. As provided, the team members had long been looking at each other for a long time. Most of the team was confident that Sergey not only badly pays for their work and work, but also takes all the money to himself. There were also complaints about the fact that Sergey began to spend too much time in other projects, throwing his own show.

After some time, the team simply gathered and wrote a collective claim in which there was a request to remove the Directors of the UE from their position. Naturally, Nethievsky, no one began to warn about it / but Sergey, having learned about it, filed documents for an appeal, and they were accepted in 2016. Then the team filed another lawsuit, and Netyevsky filed a counter.

After the courts were held, Sergey was still restored in the directory position, and the collective claim was recognized illegal. But why then Sergey gone? Nothing amazing - after all the events it would be difficult to simply forget oblique glances and a collective claim, and there was no old Ural friendship. Therefore, Sergey handed over to Isaev and wrote an application for dismissal at his request.

Where is Sergey now and what does he do?

At the moment, the former director of the humorous show, everything also lives in Zlato-Favoria with his family. In the possession of Sergey is his studio produced by Idea Fix Media. The main generation of Studi is the produce of television serials.

Where did NETIEVSKY from the "Ural Pelmeni" and will he come back again? Sergey Netyevsky is a very colorful character of the humorous team "Ural Pelmeni", which for some time was the director of the popular show. However, in 2015, he disappeared from the screens of viewers than caused a wave of misunderstanding.

The biography of the artist takes his beginning at the end of March 1971, when in a small village of Basyanovsky near the Ural Mountains was born simple and no noticeable boy. Here he spent his youth and received secondary education.

After that, the trip to Ekaterinburg and the admission to the UPI on the specialty "Technology of Mechanical Engineering" was followed. During training, Sergey became one of the founders and member of the "Ural Pelmeni" team, the activities in which will accompany it for another 21 years, and during the age of 17 he will be the director of the team.

In addition to participating in the popular show, in the biography of Sergei Netyevsky from "" there are several personal achievements. This versatile developed man has shown himself as a talented actor, screenwriter and lead, as well as the head of Idea Fix Media. His account of work in several television programs, writing scenarios for movies and producing a sketch show.

In 2019, Netievsky from the Ural Pelmeni will be the Ambassador of the World Winter Universiade, which must pass in Krasnoyarsk.

Personal life

Sergey Netievsky's biography from the Ural Pelmeni contains very little information about his personal life. For a long time there were rumors about his novel with a colleague for the humorous show Julia Mikhalkova, but they were not justified.

Netievsky and Mikhalkov

In fact, Successful Showman Sergey Nethe's personal life tries to hide his own, unlike most other stars of modern show business. It is worth noting that he to keep his family in secret will be perfectly successful, because the presence of a family, as such, it became known only from the mouth of the artist himself.

It turns out that the man has a beloved wife Natalia, who gave him three wonderful children. The older sons Timofey and Ivan were born in 2002 and 2005, respectively, and the daughter of Maria is the smaliest representative of the family, born in 2007. The pages of some magazines suggested that the artist's wife sits at home and deals only with children. In fact, these are only speculation representatives of the press, and the general public is definitely unknown than Natalia Netievskaya and children with a married couple.

At one time, the network of Sergei Netievsky with his wife was leaked to the network, and so far they can be found in the World Wide Web. From that moment on, the head of the family began to thoroughly hide his personal life, trying not to make her public domain, so today it remains only to expect that Sergey himself or his relatives will open the veil of this mystery.

Relationship with "Ural dumplings"

Since Sergey was one of the founders of the team, and for a long time he was his director, his disappearance from the stage in 2015 could not pass unnoticed. From the very first speeches without his participation, the audience began to wonder where Netievsky from the "Ural Pelmeni". A lot of guesses were built on this expense, and representatives of the yellow press wrote that their welfare, the artist put the team's success above and simply threw his colleagues on the mercy of fate.

A little later, the culprit himself did a public statement and answered the question why Netievsky left the Ural Pelmeni. As it turned out, the showman himself did not know about his care, as the team filed a petition for the resignation of the director to court without notifying the plaintiff. Colleagues accused Sergey in fraud with earnings team, low wages and insufficient number of time he devotes "Ural dumplings." At the time of the trial, the director of the team was unanimously marked by Sergei Isaev, and the speeches continued as usual.

Where Sergey today

During 2016, the court has once again accepted oncoming claims participants of the team, then from the defendant, trying to somehow sort out the situation and make the right decision. For a long time, the former director struggled for the restoration of his rights and, judging by the latest news, Sergey Netyevsky won the trial from the team. It was fully restored in his director's rights.

Obviously, the trial negatively affected the relations of the director with the team, so Sergey decided to leave for his will and leave the team a trademark. Unfortunately, for some reason, it seemed a little to the team, and in February 2017 a new trial began against the former director. This time, he was accused of illegally using a trademark, which he gave at his own wishes. Sergey did not endure such a relationship and filed a counterclaim, in which he requested the court to recover the moral damage from the team of the cost of conducting a lawsuit in the amount of more than 700 thousand rubles.

As expected, this time the court again stood up the defendant, but decided to satisfy the counterclaim only partially. As a result, instead of sucking 400 million rubles from the former Director, not very friendly colleagues should pay 300 thousand rubles themselves.

After a long trial, a successful showman continues to live with his family in Moscow on an ongoing basis. The family of men, as far as it is known, lives with him and supports him in all endeavors.

Why Sergei Netyevsky left "Ural Pelmeni"?

    According to rumors, Netyevsky, as director, has rewritten on himself a brand pack, which was in equal shares is painted in all old participants. A brand is assessed by eight-digit numbers in the bucks.

    Well, somehow so in general ...

    The dismissal of Sergei Netievsky was taken by the collegial entire team, according to constituent documents.

    In Ural dumplings Sergey Netyevsky since 1994 and immediately became director of the team. His efforts were concluded the main contract valve; With the company STS, who started broadcasting the show Ural dumplings.

    Founder of the show Ural dumplings; So commented on this decision of the team:

    New director of the show Ural dumplings; Sergey Isaev also refused to comment on the decision of the team.

  • I would like to believe that the problem is not in star Sergey Netievsky, and simply that he has already converted a project, moved to Moscow, and is going to work on another project. It seems to me that it is partly confirmed by silence of both sides, that is, the care was a consistent step.

    He grew up as a professional, I think. Heard that he was engaged in other side projects, on Ural dumplings; Probably lacking no creativity or time. Although Netievsky was a long time by the Director of the Show. By the way, Sergei Isaev took this post now.

    I do not think that the team with Netievsky has a conflict. It's time to come, and the roads diverge. It happened to the other Participant of the show - Stefania-Mariana Gursky, who left Pelmeni Spring last year. I'm sorry, but what you will do. Everything changes in this life.

    And Nethevsky, I heard, wrote a new project with Alexander Furs. I hope they will succeed.

    And maybe Nitiyevsky tired of censorship and other providen organs, which indicate how to merry the Russians, and as a free, creative person he did not want to dance under their duff. Mature, see.

    Even one left. Instead of Netyevsky now Isaev. Ural dumplings change the face in stages. But there is no explanation from the first mouth. Created and decided. No, you could not shift it. There was no conflict. Lean and asked to vote for it. I felt that the project was trampled. Sergey Netyyevsky has a high threshold of belliness. I understood: when there is where to leave, you need to do it now.

    The man is just tired of me. A member of the popular team Ural Pelmeni Sergey Alexandrovich was quite a long time. Sooner or later, the same thing comes and bored. So Sergey apparently decided to try himself in anything else. Although it is impossible to exclude the option that there was some conflict inside the team - and possibly because of this conflict, Sergey Netyevsky and left the Ural dumplings. The truth we will never know. Only if Sergey or anyone else speaks.

    Director Ural Pelmeni Sergey Netheyevsky in the fall of 2015 resigned and the reason for such a step is not known. Sergey Isaev became a new director by the team decision. Nor a new director, nor the founder of the show Dmitry Sokolov, nor Netyevsky himself do not give comments on the cause of resignation. There are several rumors, but they are not confirmed by anything.

    In a popular comedian show Ural dumplings; There was a change of power, earlier the director of the show was Sergey Netyevsky, but in the fall of 2015 Sergey left this position and the post of Director of the show took SERGEY ISAEV. Resignation from the post of Director of Sergey Nehteyevsky It happened as a result of the meeting of all participants of the popular team and their decision is collegial.

    What exactly served the resignation of Sergei Netievsky is currently not specified, they write that the guys have ceased to trust their previous director. It is also assumed that financial differences arose. Later it is planned to release a press release, where the official position of the entire team will be announced.

    Now it will not be known whether Sergey will remain as part of the team.

    Read more about changing power in Ural dumplings.

    In the fall of last year, the director Ural Pelmeni. Instead of Sergey Netheyevsky, a permanent lead show, Sergey Isaev became the director. None of the parties gives comments on this.

    Maybe Sergey really convert this project and he has other chances to realize himself.

    It seems to me that by the director for a long time, he, Sergey Netyevsky, Podtatol in administrative tricks, overgrown with connections.

    After the team Ural Pelmeniin full, successfully starred in the cinema, where he acted as a co-producer, he realized that they could master Even one Klondike, that is, cinema.

    Why not?

    Relationship with the guys, he retained. He always has a charismatic, recognizable guys, organizational abilities in Sergey is enough.

    Therefore, in my opinion, it is worth expecting its appearance as a successful; cinestock; Producer.

    Only good luck to him and Ural dumplings You can wish.

    I love the show Ural Pelmeni. As I understood the honest elections took place and Sergey Isaev was chosen by the gene director. Sergey Netyevsky has long been living in Moscow, and the band lives in Yekaterinburg. Non-dumplings painfully perceived that Sergey is no longer Urals. The dumplings are well-strained relationships because of this and with Svetlakov.

Sergey Aleksandrovich Netyevsky - Russian Showman and Producer, former director of the Creative Association "Ural Pelmeni", in 2015, who has gone from the team because of the scandal.

Childhood and Youth Years

Sergey was born and grew up in the small Uralskaya village Basyanovsky, lost among the dense taiga. As all the boys of that time, in childhood he played with his friends in the courtyard, drove on a bike, went fishing, was engaged in sports.

After graduation, he went to Sverdlovsk (now Ekaterinburg) and entered the Machine-Building Faculty of the local Polytechnic Institute. In the university, Netyyevsky recorded in the student team of the KVN "Ural Pelmeni", which became the starting platform for his future career. Together with his comrades, he invented the jokes, went on stage and worked in the "Dream" construction team.


After graduating from the institute in 1993, the young man managed to get a job as a director to the economic shop, but soon made the final choice in favor of KVN and completely devoted himself to his beloved business.

The popularity of the team grew rapidly, and soon the guys were in the Higher League. In 2000, "Pelmeni" became champions, and after two years - owners of the Summer Cup of the Higher League. By this time, Sergey headed the team and perfectly coped with his duties. Under his leadership, "Pelmeni" became the winners of the festival "Voting Kiwin" and played a draw in an international tournament between Asia and Europe.

In 2007, Netievsky moved to Moscow, where there were completely different prospects before him. Channel TNT launched a new entertainment project "Show News" and offered Sergey to head it. Having plunged on his head into new activities, Sergey realized that both "dumplings" need to go to television.

The success of Sergei Svetlakova, who, who left the team, quickly "unwound" on TNT, only confirmed his right point. In 2009, the first release of the new CTC Show "Ural Pelmeni" was broadcast, which immediately caused great interest in the audience. Already in 2013, the Urals became owners of the Teffi award and were noted on the Forbes pages on the list of the most successful Russian celebrities.

In parallel, Nehtievsky was engaged in several more projects: produced the show "Unreal Stories" and performed a leading role in it, he was a member of the jury and the ideological inspiration of the talent show "Myasorrchak" and participated in writing the scenario for the sensational comedy "Freaks".

He even graduated from the directorial courses to remove a full-length film about the "dumplings" to twenty years. But these plans were not destined to come true.

Why did Northyevsky left the "Ural Pelmeni"?

In 2015, Netyevsky was in the epicenter of the scandal. Comrades on the team accused him that he for three years (from 2012 to 2015) hid from them a part of the income from the sale of the show television. Allegedly, the producer convinced the "Pelmeni" that they work exclusively for the fees, and satisfied the part of the money and allowed them to the needs of their produce center FIRST Hand Media.

Interview of Sergei Netievsky

In this regard, the remaining members of the team filed a lawsuit against Nethevsky and removed him from office. Sergey Isaev became the new team leader. For Netievsky, it became a complete surprise. He filed an appeal, after which the court recognized the illegality of his suspension.

Litigation lasted for several years; In January 2018, one of the participants of the Ural Pelmeni, Andrei Rozhkov, announced the filing of a new claim against Nehteyevsky - in the amount of 28 million rubles.

In turn, Sergey demanded from the court to recover from UE 107 million: these are loans that the Fix Media idea ("daughter" owned by Sergey Nehtya "Ferst Hand Media") issued 4 legal entities, including Ural Pelmeni LLC , as well as

According to the head and participant of the famous TV shows, the Ural Pelmeni, Sergei Isaeva, it became known that Sergey Netyevsky was fired for theft. The latter confirmed that there was no anything between the television show's team and the ex-director of Sergei Netyevsky creative disagreement.

In his interview on the TV channel "Star", Showman Sergei Isaev explained that the creator of the Ural Pelmeni project Sergei Netyevsky did not leave the project, and he was kicked out for theft. He noted that each of the team members made his contribution to the development of this show, including financial, and Netyevsky decided that all merits belong to him. Also, Sergey Netyevsky has established itself as a "producer", and the rest of the team has a minor role. On this statement, Sergei Isaev replied: "So let them create a show now and will spin it up to any level, which wishes. We will only be glad. And then, he says he has "stopped burning her eyes." Apparently, began on the financial part of the show. " Sergei Isaev in his interview accuses the ex-director of the television show in the assignment of money, which were reversed for the production of this show.

Sergey Netyevsky left the Ural Pelmeni, the reason: the answer to the creator of the "Ural Pelmeni" for the accusations of theft

In an interview with Internet editions, the Ex-director of the Ural Pelmeni, Sergey Netyevsky calls accusations of his address in theft "Black PiR."

He explains that all financial issues that arose after his departure from the television show "Ural Pelmeni" were resolved earlier in court. He also noted that this is not the first accusation and a year ago the court justified him and obliged the prosecutors to pay him compensation.

In turn, he was surprised that the current leader of the Ural Pelmeni, Sergei Isaev re-decide to raise the topic of theft. He believes that these charges must be confirmed by the facts and must be proven in court, as well as for this slander, he recommends Isaev to bring public apologies.

Sergey Netyevsky hopes that the morals and personal hostility of Isaeva will not prevent him from continuing negotiations on peaceful settlements of questions with the captain of the Ural Pelmeni captain Andrei Rozhkov. He also noted that he will figure it out with a slander to his address. At the same time, he believes that the show created by them should continue to function in the same form as now. "Someday we will jook together and let's get together" - he summed up.

Sergey Netyyevsky left the Ural Pelmeni, the reason: the ex-director said he was preparing for courts with former colleagues

The reason for the negative around Netievsky was the statement of the participant of the TV show "Ural Pelmeni" Sergey Isaeva that the ex-director was kicked out for theft.

In turn, Netyevsky threatened Sergey Isaev by the court and, in his opinion, the latter must publicly apologize for such accusations. He also believes that no disagreements and misunderstanding justify such slander.

As you know, the scandal around Sergei Netievsky continues since 2015. Then he tried to ban his former colleagues on the set to use the "Ural dumplings" trademark. By decision of the court, the right to a trademark remained for the participants of this show.