What dreams to swim in cold water. What dreams to swim in clean water

What dreams to swim in cold water. What dreams to swim in clean water
What dreams to swim in cold water. What dreams to swim in clean water

A sign of repentance in his sins and fulfill its debt before Allah. If he reaches cold water in winter, then this is a sign of worries and misfortunes, and if it bothers in winter with hot water, then this is a sign of profits, benefits and healing from diseases.

If he commit a ritual bathing for haja (Igor) or entering Mecca, then this indicates joy, babysitting, meeting with those who have absent for a long time, and debt payment.

If the patient gets rid of and dressing in new clothes, Allah will heal it, if he is a debtor, Allah will help him pay his duty, if he is in prison, he will delete it from her if he is concerned and alarmed, Allah will save him From worries and alarms, if he has not yet performed a hajj, he will make it, and if he is poor, then the Most High enriches him.

And if he put the old clothes after bathing, then his anxiety and sadness will disappear, but he will decide. To wash among people at first to achieve good and success, and then be robbed. Start and not finish swimming in a dream, it means that there is no goal in life.

Interpretation of dreams from Islamic dream

Dream - Water

Water plays a huge role in the history of mankind. Regardless of whether it is a deep fresh lake, a river, carrying life, or the ocean, absorbing people, the water is both a friend and the enemy. If the dream contains this significant symbol to any form, it is extremely important to understand its role.

Water in dreams is a strong symbol, because very often its appearance coincides with the highest point of feelings. If other objects are relaxing, then the murdering stream flowing through the meadow increases this action. If some symbols give rise to a sense of fear or anxiety, the stormy ocean enhances it. Water has a symbolic, primary value, according to which it either provides the existence of life, or keeps the secret, hazard. This is a reflection of human experience with water.

At the dawn of mankind hunters-collectors quickly realized that water is a central component of the life component. (From thirst die much faster than from hunger.) It was even more important to know where water is located, because it gave to understand where food is located. However, with the spread of trade, the water has become inevitable evil, which thawed unknown dangers. The journey around the water was dangerous and mysterious, as marine creatures, storms and stormy seas took the lives of many travelers; Polluted water hit livestock and distributed disease.

Stressing a positive view of the water, it should be noted that it is often a symbol of a new life, restoration of forces and energy. Water in controlled quantities or in a managed atmosphere almost always causes a sleeping feeling. Controlled water is the key to solving problems.

If a lake is present in a dream, is the entire coastline is within visibility and probable reach?

If you dream of a river or stream, if they did not come out of the banks, and is it possible, in your opinion, to overcome in conventional ways? These are all examples of controlled water.

The water presented in this way often testifies to the update. For example, traveling and tired, cut suddenly running on the stream. The place where you can refresh yourself and gain strength to continue the trip, close, at hand. Perhaps the flowing sails on the boat, slowly gliding on the surface of the water. It must be sleeping anticipating the time of the respite from everyday worries or tries to specifically create a similar opportunity.

Unmanaged water generates a feeling of anxiety. The raging rivers, thresholds and boundless lakes reflect the uncontrollability of the circumstances in which there is a bit. Quiet deep water, apparent refreshing, can also generate a feeling of anxiety. The reason for this is the danger and unexplodiance in the darkness that is in depth.

The exception of the generally listed statements is water taps. In a dream, it is important to determine, controlled by a crane by a coloring or other person and for what purpose it is done. If the flowing is inefficiently controls the crane, then it can be assumed: it feels that it does not control and is not able to cope with simple circumstances (or, even worse, there is no water in the crane). If the crane is controlled by another person, then it can be concluded that the cutting feels that its position, no matter well or bad, is determined by the whim of another, this whim may cause significant discomfort or comfort, depending on whether it comes from an unpredictable chief , lover or other people meaningful for you.

Interpretation of dreams

Swim in a dream - is it to joy or misfortune? Approximately one third of their own life people lives sleeping. It is not surprising that the mysterious world of dreams is of great interest among scientists, doctors, predictors. It is believed that colored and black and white pictures that can be seen during the rest talk about the future. Details help to solve the meaning of such vision.

Swim in a dream: General Information

Water has long caused people's positive associations. It is called a source of life, youth, purity. Does this mean to swim in a dream - to good?

After reading the opinion of Vangi, Miller, Hasse and other famous predictors, you can get a mess, often controversial information. To understand what events of a person is preparing seen sleep, you need to remember as much details as possible. There is no joyful events or failures, there will be a state of water, its temperature, the mood of bathing, place and other important factors. So what does it mean to swim in a dream?

Cold or hot water

The temperature of the water is important details that first should be remembered during waking.

Negative omen - swim in a dream in ice water. Ice over the centuries symbolizes cold. Such a dream should be regarded as a warning of a sleeping person. It is possible that he is going to do it thoughtlessly, to risk where there is no need. Safety is much more important than fleeting profit.

Cold (not ice) water in which a person bathes in a dream, talks about his emotional state. It is possible that the sleep is immersed in deep depression, which has become the result of an emotional shock. Also, sleep speaks of excessive passivity where active action is necessary.

To see yourself floundering in warm water - on the contrary, to good. The in love may not doubt that they will answer his feelings. A man starting a new thing will soon receive evidence of his profitability.

Clean water

Not only the temperature, but also the condition of water in which the owner of sleep is bathed, plays an important role. The interpretation of the obtained dream varies depending on whether it is clean or dirty.

Swim in a dream in clean water is wonderful, especially if it is also transparent. Healthy will remain as such, the sick already took a step towards cure. You can safely count on positive changes that will soon happen in life. At a minimum, pleasant news is expected.

The vision in which dirty water appears, has a direct opposite interpretation. A bathing person risks spoaling relations with native people because of a stupid quarrel, to part with someone important for a long time. It is also worth remembering if Tina was not swimming in water. If so, then it is worth paying maximum attention to the professional sphere, since the deceleration of career growth is not excluded. If the one who consists in a romantic relationship, they can collapse. If a lot is a lot, it sometimes talks about the appearance of envious capable of harvesting.

Times of Day

Interpretizing seen sleep, you need to take into account the time of day. Bathing in the light of day does not carry an additional semantic load, in this case other factors will help to explain the resulting dream: the temperature and purity of the reservoir will help, the place in which the sleeping is floating. The other thing is immersion in the water at night.

Night bathing with an overwhelming majority of dreams is deciphered as a negative omen. The combination of darkness and water is capable of indicating the threat of severe diseases. It is possible that the mischiefs dismissed the gossip behind their backs, it can turn into a quarrel with relatives and friends, problems at work.

Also swim at night in a dream in clean water or dirty means to experience doubts, experiences. It may be that the owner of a dream pursue the remorse, he is not able to forget about any other non-residential act.

Place Bathing - River

Swimming in the river in most cases is a positive sign. Sleeping people stay in a state of harmony, nothing bothers him. Seeing himself in a reservoir, the beginning of changes should be assumed that wrapped in good. An exception is polluted water, indicating conflicts and trouble, which already happened or only expected.

Swim in the river in a dream with someone - an excellent sign. People who see such paintings will soon wait a higher position, recognition in the team, unexpected profit, the permission of financial difficulties.


What means to swim in waking up, you must remember how the waves behaved. Negative omen - swimming in the storm. The owner of sleep or has already lost the ability to suppress negative emotions, or is about to face it. Also probably a strong shock, loss. Bad and get confused in algae during swimming. This picture speaks of the loss of inner freedom, depression, which has become the result of painful experiences.

Swim into the sea in a dream - a good sign if the water behaves calmly. This may indicate the emergency resolution of serious problems, eliminating the effects of old errors. Warm water promises sudden permission of financial problems, rapid enrichment.

All of the above is relevant for swimming in the ocean in dreams.

Swimming Pool

In his dreams, people swim not only in natural water bodies. Swim in the pool in a dream - is it good or bad? To answer this question correctly, first of all, it should be estimated. Swimming in a small pool - you can decipher as a warning that a person has doubts about its own forces, it is not decided to start a serious matter, postpones the transition to active actions.

The situation is a big pool. Immersed in such a dream, you can hope for a quick promotion. Improving the material situation is also to be, it is possible that significant.

What does swimming in the pool in a dream for a young girl. If it does not wear a swimsuit, it is worth putting priorities correctly. It is possible that the owner of sleep is unnecessary focused on personal life, neglecting the construction of a career.

Bath, shower

Cardiac troubles caused by the behavior of the Love object promises young people swimming in the bathroom. Special attention to such a dream should be paid to those who are married and suspect a partner in married treason. It is possible that suspicions will soon turn into confidence.

Swim in a dream in clean water in the bathroom - still half of the trouble, much worse, if it is dirty, opaque. A person who woke up with the memories of such a picture should be closed to his own surrounding among loved ones and friends may be people, poorly related to it, capable of creating trouble. Also such a dream is a warning about the danger of pregnant women, future mothers need to be aware of an accident and follow their well-minded.

Bathing under the shower, on the contrary, promises having seen sleep soon positive changes. A man will soon feel or already feel a tide of energy, it will be on the shoulder of any accomplishment, even the most incredible. It may imply such sleep and pleasant events on the love front. Exception - cool water, pouring from the crane with hot. This promises disappointment in the romantic sphere.

Swimming in the lake

If you swim in the river in a dream - it is rather good than bad, the lake and all sorts of benefits at all. It has long been associated with the inhabitants of our planet with calm and wisdom. Just perfectly, if the lake in which a person is picturesque and beautiful, envelops transparent water.

Positive changes that such a dream can happen in any sphere. Most often, it indicates the upcoming start of a serious relationship, promises a strong marriage.


What does it mean to swim in water in a dream, depending on what is wearing sleeping people? If the dive occurs without prior stripping, a man swims in clothes, it is a positive vision. It is expected to receive unexpected profits, inheritance.

If you have dreamed of bathing naked, you should remember the mood with which it happened. When bathing feels pleasure from touching water to the body, it will enjoy pleasure, recovery from the disease. A business is a feeling of shame due to the fact that someone is watching swimming without clothes. In real life, the owner of sleep can survive an awkward situation or already suffers from memories of her.

What else do you need to know

To glad is worth a person who saw himself in the hole. Such a picture promises peace of health, it is also possible to reconcile with close, incident after a long conflict. Whistest in which there is a bathing in warm milk. Such a vision indicates the upcoming physical pleasures, pleasant communication.

Interpretizing sleep, associated with swimming in any reservoir, first of all it is worth remembering your own sensations. The more pleasure a man experienced, floundering in the water, the more positive events will be on the occurrence of which such a vision warns.

    Dream Interpretation "Ladyelena"

    Bathe - Dream Vangu. See Himself bathing in snow - This is the foresight of the speedy relief of some false accusations with a person. If you dreamed that battle unfamiliar people, then you will find a common language with those with Kemel in snow They prevented you swim Or did not give it to the end, then in reality, your affairs will not be completed with due images. Your dreams and plans regarding this will not be fully implemented. If a in snow You bathe not alone, then you will soon find the thing that you once were stolen. Total

    Dream "Astromeridian"

    BathingBathe in snow - To joy or hiking. Bathe in snow In the marble bath - to a joyful surprise, in Zinc - means that it is difficult for you to understand your feelings, in the cast iron enamelled - to progress in affairs. Accept in snow Souls - means that you will soon have the opportunity to get rid of constantly interfering circumstances. Bathe In pure water - to a carefree life, in a pond to the troubles, in dirty muddy water - to the charges of children bathing see - To the joy of parents. Duck - unfortunately ... Read completely

  • Dream Interpretation "Magiachisel"

    Bathe in snow batter See Nude bathing see bathing Read completely

    Dream "SNY-SONNIK"

    See Bathing in snow If a in snow you batter In the pool - in reality it foreshadows getting rid of disease and alarms. Bathe in the sea - you will be happy to successes, and for a young girl such sleep foreshadows the wealthy groom. Bathing in the river - will experience strong pressure from the head, manifested the courage and excerpt, do not change its principles and interests. Total

    Dream "Junona"

    If somebody in snow sawn, what occupal and put on various clothes, his alarms will disappear, but some need will appear. The one who in snow Performed ablution, but did not bring him to the end, he would not be able to complete his affairs and would not receive what he wanted to get. Bathing. Bathe see bathe In clothes - inheritance views ... Read more

    Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

    What dreams of Bathe in snow By dreams? By dream, if you batter In an unlucky reservoir - you are guaranteed to succeed absolutely in all life areas. If it is or litter and littered - the fate is now not to dreamed for you except for trouble and deprivation. Bathebut the necessary interpretation sleep Bathe in snow in snow videli This symbol. Total

    Dream "Magickum"

    Bathe in snow It means that events will soon occur, because of which you will experience a lot of emotions and get a lot of impressions. What will they be the question? Bathe In pure water - a sign of well-being and health. In dirty - illness. Sleepin which you bathe In the sea means significant and important changes. In the ocean - fateful. Sometimes dreams that bathing happens at night. Such sleep predicts the events of the future, which is still visible»Only intuitively. Total

    Dream "Sudba"

    What means see in snow to swim In the river with a slow, calm current - the joy of life, well-being, the upcoming triumph. To swim In the lake in snow - Free online Dream Interpretation of Fate says: If the water in the lake is clean, such sleep to the conclusion of marriage. If see in snow What in the bath battle Children, then for the Big Free Destiny of Fate - this is an indication of the relationship of spouses. Total

    Dream "SNY-SONNIK"

    See Bathe in snow So - Bathing: Bathe in the bath - getting rid of the disease and alarms; see In the room - take a good, rich wife (husband); in the river - power and despusting; In muddy water - a small change in position; warm - benefits; bathe in clothes - inheritance views; wash your legs - have a good farm. Total

    Dream "Vedunica"

    Bathe in snow In milk means wealth and success that I expect you ahead. If you are in your dream batter Nude - this means that you will give a person with all passion, much superior to you by age. See Nude bathing Men means that you will have full fans and adorable; if a see bathing naked women - unfriendly people try to draw you into a scandal or some non-departious business. Total

    Dream "Astralomir"

    See in snow lot bathing People, meaning to be in the center of some events, maybe these events are associated with work with a large team of people, perhaps reputation was very shaken lately, it is possible to prepare not a pleasant conversation, in the presence of a large number of people. See in snow bathing with a loved one means treason and betrayal, dividing family relationships on this basis. Total

    Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

    Bathe in snow In milk - means wealth and success that I expect you ahead. If you are in your dream batter Nude - this means that you will give a person with all passion, much superior to you by age. See Nude bathing Men - means that you will have full fans and adorable; if a see bathing naked women - unfriendly people try to draw you into a scandal or some non-departious business. Total

    Dream Interpretation "Esonniki"

    If you dream of a pleasant bathing in snow You batter See in snow Bathing - this is an occasion to once again look into the dream book and find out the meaning and interpretation snov Bathing. Thank you for visited by our dream book, we will be happy see You again, add our site esonniki.ru to favorites or post a link to us in your blog).

    Dream "Sonnik.bun"

    Bathe in snow: To joy or hiking. Bathe in snow In a marble bath: to a joyful surprise, in zinc. Accept in snow Souls: Means that you will soon have the opportunity to get rid of constantly interfering circumstances. Bathe In clear water: to a carefree life, in a pond to the troubles, in dirty turbid water. Children bathing see: to the joy of parents, dive down completely

    Dream "Astromeridian"

    Dream: To swim see in snow. To swim - Calm life, good career. Dream of Medium Hasse. Dream: To swim in snow. To swim - in clean water - life without alarm; in muddy water - obstacles; sink - misfortune; in raging water - you will be more active; see floating - Your aspirations will be fulfilled; in running water - a difficult path in life. Total

    Dream Interpretation "Esonniki"

    See in snow Bathe - It does not necessarily mean something bad or good, sometimes dnah to take about the latest events, namely, what did you think before sleep or on this day. And what means sleep Bathe If really see in snow Bathe And what to expect from sleep - If you find yourself similar questions, the answer to them and the interpretation of these snov You will find exactly from us. Dream book Bathe will help you learn everything about snow in which you saw Bathe.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

    Dreamed To swimbut the necessary interpretation sleep No in dream book? Our experts will help you learn what to dream. To swim in snow, just write a dream in the form below and you are plundered what it means if in snow videli This symbol. Try! Hello .. Today I dreamed sleepthat my son swims In the water on the back ... what it is all ... Water I don't remember exactly, but it seems clean .... And he is joyful, he loves in life bathe... waiting for a response thanks ... Aliya .. what is my address [Email Protected]Read completely

    Dream "Sonnik-Enigma"

    Bathe (to swim) in snow It is a symbol of getting rid of problems, wealth and joy. To figure out what dreams and what does bathe in snow, it should be analyzed by a dreamy sleep, previously remembered in detail seen. Towel, see Himself in snow bathing In the pure lake, in the dream, means the normalization of love relationships with the chosen one, as well as the fulfillment of cherished desires and aspirations. Total

    Dream "Astromeridian"

    Dream interpreters - Interpretation snov free »Meaning snov on the letter to "dream book Bathewhat dreams Bathe in snow see.Why in snow dream Bathe : Bathe (see water) - on joy, pay debts, visiting to be, and even get drunk; in clean water - good luck, joy, health, success, happiness; In muddy water - failure, sadness, death of relatives, troubles, disease, dirty business; In cold - health, this is so deciphered by this sleep.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

    Dream "Son.ymym"

    Decoder (modern dream book) if you see in snowWhat you want to install a new decoder on TV, it means that in the near future in your family will kill happiness and peace. You will BATHE In love your home. See in snowthat you have broken a decoder, - you have to listen to reproaches because of your non-departious behavior. Total

    Dream "Sudba"

    See in snow yourself bathing in water - value according to the exact dream of such sleep Positively, and it can say that the gossips were silent, unfair accusations were removed with you. What did you dream that float In the water, other people are according to popular dream book sleep means that it is likely that you will be able to blame with ill-wishers. See sleep that you floor In clothes - such a plot sleep is a mustache serious illness. Total

    Dream "Junona"

    Dream Sheremen. In snow see To swim. To swim In water, it may mean that you have not yet separated yourself from the maternal essence and mother's psyche. Becoming quite an adult person, you still continue to keep a "mother's skirt".

    Dream "Detskiysad"

    See in snow bathing In clean and pleasant water - the beginning of a successful period in your life. If the young woman dreamed sleepin which she battle In the lake, then in the real life of its dignity will be seen and evaluated for advantage. If you dreamed that you bathing, I decided to swim with someone by chairs, and you lost in this competition, I can still expect that in a short time you will be forced to make unknown acts for you. Total

    Dreamnov Domsnov

    What dreams of bathe in the sea in snow. If you saw a dream in which someone from your friends battle In the sea, it has a fairly good value. See Himself in snow serene bathing in endless sea waters - such sleep suggests that you currently feel excellent, and you manage to adequately complete all your undertakings. Total

    Dream "AstroKey"

    If you see repeating sleepYou dream when you were very young, most likely, he belongs to the aspect of your personality, which was problematic for you all my life. When you understand the question that puts in front of you sleep, it will disappear. If you dream of a pleasant bathing In calm water, you certainly expects success in everything, for whatever you take. If a in snow You batter in the bathroom, then be prepared for disappointment. Total

    Dream "Astroscope"

    Bathe in snow in clean water Bathe In the clean sea or in the river - update, cleansing, self-knowledge and spiritual growth. Very favorable sleep. Water present in snow, Responsible for the unconscious. Probably, in reality now you live in full harmony with you, at the moment the full balance is reigning between your mind and unconscious. Seeed in snow How my fee wash my work colleagues. Paul was brown, like a tiled. The place was not familiar to me. Total

    Dream "Owoman"

    To swim in snow By the river - a sign that you will interfere with the implementation of bad ideas against your relatives. Bathe In the river - the time of disagreements and misunderstanding will come in your family life. Dream of zodiac signs. To swim in the sea - sleep Means that you are poorly dealing in the case where you are going to take part. Be careful! Dream Peter I. See To swim in snow: To swim - sleepwhere you go to the marine swimming, foreshadows you to get the inheritance.

Swimming in night gold symbolizes cleansing, getting rid of all problems. But to know exactly what it means to swim in a dream, you can only after the entire seen scenario is played in the memory. Depending on what exactly I had the same, the value can change dramatically.

Bathing in night gold symbolizes cleansing, getting rid of all problems

Each of the famous dream books indicates its meaning of such a dream. The most accurate of them allocate the following:

  1. Interpreter Miller. If you had a chance to swim in warm water, then the sleeping soon awaits financial well-being. In the same case, if the water turned out to be muddy, then the person threatens the loss of the item to which he strongly values.
  2. Dream Vangu. Reputation will soon be restored, it will be possible to cleanse and get rid of the unreasonable slander.
  3. Esoteric dream book. Getting rid of duties, burdening a dream.
  4. English Dream. Clean water foreshadows positive changes, and dirty - troubles and misfortunes.
  5. Female dream book. All undertakings will have a grand success.
  6. Modern interpreter. Bathing in the bathroom is promoting disappointment, but a quiet font - success in affairs.

Bathing in Dream Interpretation (video)

Swim in a dream in pure or muddy water

Naturally, in the process of interpretation, it should take into account not only the fact of seen water procedures, but also water, its quality:

  • net - the achievement of the goals are not disturbed by no obstacles, all conceived will soon come in and will be successful;
  • muddy, dirty - enemies will soon go to active actions, there will be many problems in this regard. The spread of rumors will damage not only professional activity, but also of personal life;
  • the girl in the pure lake is a romantic relationship and a lot of positive emotions, the execution of cherished desires.

Sleeping about swimming in a clean reservoir dreamed of a unmarried woman - soon she would like to meet her companion of life

Sleeping about swimming in a clean reservoir dreamed of a unmarried woman - soon she would like to meet her companion of life.

What dreams swimming in the hole

In most dreams, such a night vision is foreseen an ambulance misfortune, a serious illness or grief. Often, such night visions are dreaming to those who in real life recently experienced a strong stress. It is still in a far away in this day. Sleep points out that he does not need to sit back. It is recommended to go to active actions as quickly as possible and radically change the way of life.

In most dreams, such a night vision is foreseen an ambulance misfortune, a serious illness or grief

If such water procedures were not accompanied by negative emotions, meaning such a dream can meet with a long-time enemy. Avoiding it, no matter how much I wanted, it will not be possible. In this case, the long-time conflict will be resolved.

Swim in a dream naked or in clothes: what is that dream

Bathing Nagishm in a dream can be interpreted in different ways. To do you need to take first of all your own sensations:

  • to merge with the reservoir in a single whole - and in real life, the dreams are in harmony with himself, soon it will be possible to get rid of all problems and bad thoughts. It will be possible to realize its most intimate desires;
  • feel an embarrassment - the man appears too seriously to the opinion of others. For this reason, it cannot be self-improvement;
  • disgusted, due to the fact that water is dirty - there will be serious health problems.

If the bathing was carried out in clothes, then such a dream directly indicates that the dreams feels unprotected, he has intimate secrets and he is afraid to reveal to their second half. Serious conflicts and long defensive relationships are not excluded. It is necessary to be prepared as it should be prepared, otherwise there are all chances to be humiliated and offended.

See in sleep swimming people

Watch in a dream for frolicking in a reservoir, a good sign. Such a dream promises carefree and happy, filled with fun life. If the baby sits on the shore, but it is afraid to plunge, it can be safely said that in real life a dream doubts, he worries about something.

Watching one bathing in a dream - the ambulance loss, but a large number of swimsters indicates that in real life it will be possible to establish relations with people

Bathing kids symbolize forgiveness, cleansing from memories that oppress the dream. If the latter bathes in the bathroom, then it is worth paying to spend all your free time in a kour of the family and the closest people.

Watch over one bathing in a dream - the ambulance loss, but a large number of bathrs indicates that in real life it will be possible to establish relations with people with whom conflicts have not been so long ago.

Swim in a dream with a man in a reservoir: what it means

There are several definitions of what a woman can be dreamed of bathing in a reservoir with a man:

  • an unmarried girl had a chance to swim with an unfamiliar man - very soon her expects a fateful meeting. It is worth remembering how a man looked in Gresses, it is quite possible that it will be possible to find out in real life, you should not miss this fate;
  • a man is familiar - and romantic relationships with him are not excluded, but about the final result of these relations can be judged, exclusively considering additional details;
  • slow, try to hide or swimming at all - the relationship with this man in reality is not crowned with success, there are many unpleasant surprises on his part;
  • enjoy swimming - relationships will be filled with positive emotions and bright feelings;
  • with the Beloved - the hope of further development of these relations in the soul of the dreams. It is necessary to fear so bold desires. There is a risk to lose inner freedom and with your head to surrender to feelings;
  • the reservoir is very small - the woman is afraid that the relationship with this man will be famous for others. The chances of the fact that her mystery will soon be revealed;
  • with a lover - an ambulance quarrel with him and a serious conflict with a legitimate spouse.

Unmarried Girl happened to swim with an unfamiliar man - very soon her expects a fateful meeting

If in a dream you have to swim in the pond

In dreams It is said that in order to accurately decipher such night visions, it is necessary to take into account all the items seen, and only after playing in the memory of the whole scenario, proceed to the analysis:

  • pure pond - good luck will accompany the dream, it is waiting for mutual love and financial well-being;
  • fly naked - it is worth thinking about our own behavior. It is possible that in real life a person is too frank;
  • fall into a transparent pond and happily swim - a major money replenishment is expected or gaining love;
  • swim and feel confidence - regardless of the circumstances, a person is always confident in its own;
  • suddenly start sinking - it threatens a serious danger, it is worth being very careful and engage in strengthening your health.

In dreams, it is also said that swimming in the pond can mean that in real life, man brazenly interferes in someone else's life. It is worth playing in memory all events lately, it was possible to meet with a long-time friend or simply happened to discuss someone's life with the surrounding.

What dreams of the sea (video)

To interpret the dreams in which you had to swim or watch this process from the side, it is possible in different ways. Meaning such a night vision can both something good and foreshadow. Only after complete sleep analysis, you need to start active actions so as not to miss a chance that has emerged in life or prevent the development of unwanted events.

ATTENTION, only today!

As researchers, scientists and esoterics say - any people with water with water are extremely useful for both physical and psychological health. You float in the pool or in the lake, stand in the shower or just take the bath - all this allows you to get in touch with the most powerful energy on Earth.

Of course, the dreams impose their imprint on reality, there we see the world distorted, as in the reflection of the mirror curve. But even in night Gresses, contacts with water foreshadow something good.

What dreams to swim? As the modern dream book says, swim - it means to get rid of myself from troubles and suffering. Olion among the predictors is considered a good sign. You can swim, swim and splashing you can in different places, in clean or dirty water, so consider this when analyzing.

  • In muddy or clean?
  • How did you feel?

In the pool or in open water?

Before the analysis, it is important to remember what was your contact with, were you under the shower or swam in the river? These details will significantly affect the interpretation.

  • Swim in a bath with clean water means that the atmosphere of harmony and peace will soon reign in your house. You only need to maintain respect and love in your family.
  • Also swim in the bath means that you can save your energy.
  • If you dreamed that you were splashing in a marble bath, then such a dream talks about soon recovery, but to wash in a metal bath - to wealth.
  • If you were in a muddy water in the bath, then this suggests that you are a mysterious and secretive person.

Stand in the soul means to wash off the negative. Also wash under the shower means that soon your negative emotions will go away, and you will feel more comfortable and calmer.

Swim in a dream in the public soul means that you are poorly defending your borders. Do not close to let everyone who ask you for help, you should think not only about others, but also about yourself and your desires. Also stand in the public soul means that your secrets can be disclosed.

If you dream that you are floating in small, then you lack a place for self-realization, you are limited to the framework of your work, try to change the work and start doing what you can really succeed. But swimming in a huge pool means that you have all the conditions for self-improvement.

If you dreamed that you were soared in, this means that soon you will get rid of long-time chronic diseases. Your health will begin to strengthen through sports and proper nutrition. Also be in the bath means to be in contact with your ancestors.

Bathing in the public bath means that guests will soon be granted. As Dream Interpretations say, if you were in a bath in the night gold, then be prepared for troubles, noise and fun.

    With clean water means that you will gain new knowledge.
  • If you swam in a mountain river with ice water, then soon you are aware of your value.
  • If you dreamed that you swam in the river and took you downstream, it means that you do not cope with your emotions, you need to learn to let go of the situation and not worry about trifles.

Swim in a dream in the lake means that you are worried a very favorable period. It can be said that it was now that you have started a white strip, so do not waste time in vain and use it for the benefit.

Also swimming in a calm lake means that you have achieved a certain level of development. But to sit and look like others splashing in the lake, means that you are closed and do not come to contact, thereby moving away from the people around.

It means that incredible opportunities will open before you. Your task is to start using the fact that Fortune gives you. If in a dream you swam in the ocean, it means that you are waiting for luck and success. As Eastern Dream Interpretation says, swimming in the ocean means that you will find your horn of abundance, which will open the way to new tops.

You have to swim in ice corner means that you are a brave and bold man. Soon you will prove to all that you have these qualities. Also swimming in the corruption symbolizes your self-confidence. If in a dream you have bathed in the hole, floating in cold, icy water, it means that you are waiting for the problem. Also, such a dream speaks of spiritual healing.

What was water and how did you feel?

If the water in the ocean was crystal clear, it means that the thoughts of your friends, loved ones and relatives are absolutely clean. You are very lucky because you are surrounded by truly good people. If with the help of clean water, you were washed off the streams, it means that your friends will help you.

Swim in the dirty, muddy, bad smelling water - a sign that there are vigilant people in your environment. Someone thinks only about himself and seeks to rise at your expense. Also dirty water is a symbol of your inner insecurity.

If you dreamed that you are standing under the shower, from which the steep boiling water be poured, then this means that you "burn" at work. You as soon as possible you need to finish all the case and relax, because further overvoltage can lead to a nervous breakdown.

If you were afraid of dirty, muddy water in the river, it means that you are afraid of unknown. But if the type of muddy water pleased you and you felt the tide of strength, then, it means that you will entail all the mysterious and uncharted. If, swimming in the sea or ocean in clean water, you have experienced a feeling, then, it means that you are not ready for change. You need time to deal with what you are offered.

Anger or rage from bathing in water with waves - a sign of internal exhaustion. You need to be more in the fresh air to restore your energy balance.

If you are wondering what you dream to swim, then, it means that you happened in a dream to plunge into the beautiful world. This dream promises you soft transformations and new acquaintances.