Are there any illuminators now. Illuminati: curious facts from the history of secret society

Are there any illuminators now. Illuminati: curious facts from the history of secret society

Not immediately the mystery of the Illuminati was opened, because these goals this secret society was carefully hidden. To understand the meaning of the doctrine of Adam Weishauptu (the founder of the Order), and what is the ideology of Bavarian Illuminati, it is necessary to consider the document known as the "New Testament of Satan". The illuminates kept it in the conditions of strictest secrecy, and it became available only in 1875, when the courier of the Bavarian Illuminati on the way from Frankfurt to Paris was killed by lightning. Thanks to this case, part of the conspiracy of the worldwide world has become publicly available (this case shows how much still a mad struggle against God, in whose power is the life of every person).

So, here are the excerpts from the "New Testament of Satan", brightly reflecting "mystery of the Illuminati":

The first secret in managing people is mastered by public opinion, and you need to sow discords so long, doubt and plan contradictory views, while people are not completely lost and will not lose the orientation in confusion, and do not decide that it is better not to have in political issues Own opinion. People's discontent should be excited; Successful, unclean literature. The task of the press is to prove the inability of anyone, besides the illuminators to do something in any regions of state and religious life.

The second mystery is to maintain the weakness of people, all their bad habits and mistakes - until people cease to understand each other.

First of all, it is necessary to fight with the power of a separate personality, since there is nothing more dangerous. If it has creative spiritual energy, it is able to achieve more than millions of people.

Through envy, hatred, contention and war, through deprivation, hunger and the distribution of infection (for example, artificially obtained diseases like AIDS - approx. Auth.) All nations should be brought to the fact that they will no longer see any exit, except How to completely surrender to the submission of the Illuminatas.

If any state is undermined by the revolution or as a result of a civil war, it is worth the danger of an external enemy attack, then this is always a favorable course of events and works in our favor.

It is necessary to teach people to ensure that they take the receipt as genuine coins, they were content with the outside, chased for pleasures, being in a continuous search for something new, confusing in it and eventually following the illuminators; This can be achieved through a good remuneration of the masses for their submission; You can attract their attention.

Through the corruption of society, people will be deprived of any faith in God.
Through consistent treatment with word oral and written, as well as specially designed forms of deception of mass will be inclined towards the will of the illuminates. The ability to think independently should be liquidated in humans through the introduction of teaching finished views; Spiritual forces must be undermined by the use of empty demagogy. The free thoughts put forward by the parties should stretch the osters to stretch so that people tired of the hearing make out aversion to the speakers of any orientation. In contrast, the state's state's doctrine should be presented to citizens in a tireless form so that they can safely perceive it.

Mass should remain blind, unreasonable and devoid of their own opinions so that they cannot discuss on the themes of the state device; To manage them should be fair, but the inexorable force and the principle of unconditional submission.

World dominance can be achieved only by the neighboring paths, through a focused undermining of all genuine freedoms, the legislation, the order of elections, the press, the freedom of personality, and above all the system of education and the formation of the people - and with the strictest observance of the mystery of all events.

Through specially detailed economic crises, during which all available funds will be withdrawn from turnover, thereby producing the undermining of the cash economy.

The power of money should become the only force moving trade and production so that the industrialists can also receive political power.

Along with the Illuminati in this category, millionaires depend on them; Police and soldiers must remain poor.

Through the introduction of universal equal election law, the undivided majority dominance must be established. Through the teaching to independence, the destruction of the family and its educational strength is made.

Through education based on fake data and false exercises, the youth should be wounded, enclosed aside and corrupted.

Through all these events, the peoples should pushing the idea of \u200b\u200binviting the Illuminati to the role of world rulers. The new world government should be aware of the well-width-shirma leadership to which they resort completely voluntarily. If any state is against him to object, his neighbors will start war against him. The creation of such a government requires World War Organization. [Coralif: "Maitreya, World Teacher of the Future"].

Modern illuminati - Secret society, seeking to establish a new world order with the global government and a single non-cash monetary system. Each person in this society will be required to receive a chip implant for identifying a person. Dissenters will be deprived of the possibility of buying something or sell.

Order of the Illuminati. History of origin

The question of the origin of the illuminates is not fully known. The most popular is the version that the Illuminati is a secret society, which was founded in the second half of the 18th century by Adam Weishaupt, Professor of Ingolstadt University [I]. However, this is not an exhaustive answer, since this date speaks only about the beginning of the formation of the modern doctrine of the Illuminati. In this period of time, the secret society has become such as it is known today. In fact, the history of the emergence of the Illuminati goes to the distant past. Some conspiraologists based on the Masonic legend are so far that they consider the beginning of the reference. They are convinced that order of Illuminati It has already been 6,000 years old, when either extraterrestrial, or otherworldly forces opened the priests to the priests to the priests, which was captured by them in stone. Egyptian priests, according to these legends, became receivers of these knowledge, coping the book on papyrus, which are strictly kept in the strictest mystery to this day.

There is another tradition, who adheres to more moderate views, which argues that the Order of the Illuminati appeared in the Middle Ages as an educational secret society of scientists, leading the struggle against persecution by the Inquisitors. As well-known illuminates, this tradition leads such names as Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo Galilee, Nikolai Copernicus, Isaac Newton. This is evidenced, in particular, the Book of French Journalist Etienne Casse "Falsified History" has recently translated into Russian. Sometimes there are allegations that the illuminates were an union of a number of scientists who protected secret knowledge from ordinary mortals. This version takes the time of antiquity as a point of reference, and the famous pillars of ancient Greek wisdom included in the secret society.

As confirmation of antiquity of the Orden of the Illuminati, it is possible to bring the fact that in the fourteenth century the highest dedication of the secret society "Brotherhood of the Snake", which has the Latin name "Illuminati". V. Cooper told the following: "The Brotherhood of the Snake devotes their activities to the preservation of" secrets "and recognition of Lucifer, as one and the only one." That Lucifer himself, the fallen Heruvim, who rebelled against his God, was expelled from heaven and became Satan. Thus, the ideological core of the Order of the Illuminati is the occult and serving of the Darkness forces.

In the XVIII century On the historical stage, the Bavarian Illuminations of Adam Weishaupta appeared. The first members of the Order were adopted on it on May 1, 1776. It is difficult to imagine, however, initially the Order of the Illuminati consisted of only five people, but the secret society developed a fantastic pace: after three years, the Bavarian cities had four branches of secret society. By the middle of 1782, approximately 300 were held in the Order, and another two years - more than 650 people. By that time, the illuminates owned offices in Poland and Austria-Hungary, Holland and Denmark, Sweden and Italy, Spain and Switzerland, France and Russia.

Elite Order was loud pseudonyms. Directly Weishaupt had a nickname Spartak, Baron Kniege - Philo, Professor Westnerrider was called dedicated not else like Pythagoras, trader books Nikola - Lukian, Canonik Gletel was known as Mari, and the Strangy Tsvakk - Caton. Responsibilities were distributed among the leaders of the secret society: personally, Adam Weishaupt recalled in the Order of the most talented young people from their students, and Baron Bookge acted in another direction, the recruitment, as a rule, the most noble, scientists and noble people. He managed to attract a fairly large number of members to the Order, awakening the hottest hopes did not reform the state device dominated at that time. To show how influencing the Order of Bavarian Illuminates, it is enough to mention such names as Prince Neuvid, the Duke of Ernest II Gothic, Karl Augustue Weimar, Ferdinand Braunschweigsky, a number of hetgetinen professors, as well as the famous Pestalozzi teacher. Ultimately, the Order included about 2000 people.

However, feeling danger from rapidly developing secret societies, Kurfürst issued a decree, which imposed a ban on all their activities. As a result, in 1784-86. Bavarian illuminates were defeated, and their temples were closed. The police began to conduct searches in the homes of the leaders of secret society, which brought valuable information. In particular, it was found that the Order of the Illuminati was secretly financed by the Rothschilds clan. This pointed out that such rapid spread and growth of the influence of the Illuminati of Bavaria was based not only on the charismatic abilities of Adam Weishaupta and Baron Bookge, but also on extensive financial opportunities.

Family of Illuminati today. Knowledge about which is known selected. Secrets of society.

As a rule, the illuminates belong to one of the thirteen richest families of the globe, and are the force that invisibly rules the world. Family of Illuminati - "Black to know", makes decisions and defining rules for presidents and governments. There is not a single country in the world that would be completely free from their influence. Their pedigree is rooted in deep antiquity for many millennia, and they carefully keep the purity of their blood from generation to generation. The secrets of the Illuminati are known only to a narrow circle of people. Their power is based on secret knowledge and emergency economy. The illuminators belong to the most powerful production and trade organizations, as well as international banks and oil business.

About the leading clans of this secret society describes in detail the book of Fritz SpinGameer "Family Family". The list of thirteen of the most powerful illuminates today includes Astor's families, Bundy, Collins, Du Pont, Freeman, Kennedy, Lee, Obscis, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, Van Meroving. Merovingings in this case imply all royal families in Europe. Four families are closely connected with this vertex - Reynolde and Disney, croup and pople dald.

The secret knowledge of the Illuminati gave rise to a set of rumors, among which are found both relevant truth and frank fiction. Where the border between them is difficult to say. In particular, among the issues discussed in the environment of conspiracles, issues of the flame agreement of the Illuminati with representatives of alien civilization, usurpation of non-traditional technologies (for example, in the field of anti-gravity), carrying out prohibited experiments on people, concealing important knowledge and discoveries for humanity. There are evidence of gigantic underground bases (zone 51) under the control of certain reptiloid creatures and much more. However, even in the case of the truth of such applications, it is extremely difficult to check such facts. Considering whose representatives are in power, they have enough resources so that unwanted facts to disclose carefully to carry and hide. However, despite the high level of secrecy, some secrets of the illuminates are still becoming publicity.

New world order

The ultimate task that the Illuminates pose is a new world order. It is understood by the union of all states under the start of the United World Government. He must be controlled by the entire planet with the full abolition of national, state, economic, cultural, moral, religious borders. The basis of the new world order should be a single non-cash electronic-monetary system controlled by the global government through a network of supercomputers with artificial intelligence. This concept includes the following mandatory point: Each personality of society must be unified, representing a fully controlled object. Control is assumed to be carried out by identifying with an implantable microchip. An important part of this doctrine is the concept of "Golden Billiona", according to which the population of the planet must be reduced in various ways to a controlled minimum - one billion people. In this world there will be only two categories of people: the control elite and fully controlled people serving the elite. All disagree will be outlawed ...

Masons and illuminates. Masonic conspiracy

It should be noted that the names of the secret societies did not always remain constant. Depending on the circumstances, the same society flooded under a different name, and the same people could be seen at the head of various, at first glance not related to each other organizations. At that time, the Masonic lodges were quite widespread in Europe, which included many well-known politicians, science and culture figures, representatives of the aristocracy. Freemasonry was fashionable and very influential secret society, collecting the most famous and rich people of their time with the help of exciting ideas for some ("Freedom, equality, fraternity") and the prospect of gaining secret power for others. This circumstance took advantage of the Illuminati, penetrating into Masonic lodges, which, over time, they managed to completely take control. Masons and illuminates are currently essentially one with that feature that the illuminates are only masons of the highest degrees of dedication ...

Secret World Government

The concept of "illuminati" translated from Latin means "enlightened". In this case, the name is derived from the name of Satan before its overthrow from the sky: Lucifer (in the Russian Bible, the word Dennica is used - "light-point"). According to the Internet journalist, which is known under the pseudonym Ovest Penre, modern illuminates are the elite club closely woven the financial oligarchs that control the power in the world in a hard hierarchical principle. It is they who are genuine rulers in all areas of spheres that are social, scientific and political. This is a carefully worked organization, which includes people who occupy very high posts. The scale of their activity is planetary. Controlling 95% of the material resources of the planet, they are higher than any laws of states by manipulating presidents and governments at their discretion. Recently, these people refer to their organization "Victory Wind Morai". These people meant the author of the book "Committee 300". They are the Secret World Government ...

The secrets of the Illuminati Adam Weishaupta

Like any secret society, secrets of Illuminati Carefully guarded and crowned so far. To understand the meaning of the doctrine of Adam Weishauptu, the founder of modern illuminates, helped a document known as the "New Testament of Satan". It was stored in the conditions of strictest secrecy, but due to the circumstances, its content was opened by attaching everyone to horror ...

Not immediately secrets of Illuminati It was opened, because these goals are a secret society carefully hid. To understand the meaning of the doctrine of Adam Weishauptu (the founder of the Order), and what is the ideology of Bavarian Illuminati, it is necessary to consider the document known as the "New Testament of Satan". The illuminates kept it in the conditions of strictest secrecy, and it became available only in 1875, when the courier of the Bavarian Illuminati on the way from Frankfurt to Paris was killed by lightning. Thanks to this case, part of the conspiracy of the worldwide world has become publicly available (this case shows how much still a mad struggle against God, in whose power is the life of every person).

So, here are the excerpts from the "New Testament of Satan", brightly reflecting "mystery of the Illuminati":

    The first secret in managing people is mastered by public opinion, and you need to sow discords so long, doubt and plan contradictory views, while people are not completely lost and will not lose the orientation in confusion, and do not decide that it is better not to have in political issues Own opinion. People's discontent should be excited; Successful, unclean literature. The task of the press is to prove the inability of anyone, besides the illuminators to do something in any regions of state and religious life.

    The second mystery is to maintain the weakness of people, all their bad habits and mistakes - until people cease to understand each other.

    First of all, it is necessary to fight with the power of a separate personality, since there is nothing more dangerous. If it has creative spiritual energy, it is able to achieve more than millions of people.

    By envy, hatred, discord and war, through deprivation, hunger and the distribution of infection (for example, artificially obtained diseases like AIDS - approx. Auto) All nations must be brought to the fact that they will not more see any exit, except to be completely surrendered to the subordination.

    If any state is undermined by the revolution or as a result of a civil war, it is worth the danger of an external enemy attack, then this is always a favorable course of events and works in our favor.

    It is necessary to teach people to ensure that they take the receipt as genuine coins, they were content with the outside, chased for pleasures, being in a continuous search for something new, confusing in it and eventually following the illuminators; This can be achieved through a good remuneration of the masses for their submission; You can attract their attention.

    Through the corruption of society, people will be deprived of any faith in God.

    Through consistent treatment with word oral and written, as well as specially designed forms of deception of mass will be inclined towards the will of the illuminates. The ability to think independently should be liquidated in humans through the introduction of teaching finished views; Spiritual forces must be undermined by the use of empty demagogy. The free thoughts put forward by the parties should stretch the osters to stretch so that people tired of the hearing make out aversion to the speakers of any orientation. In contrast, the state's state's doctrine should be presented to citizens in a tireless form so that they can safely perceive it.

    Mass should remain blind, unreasonable and devoid of their own opinions so that they cannot discuss on the themes of the state device; To manage them should be fair, but the inexorable force and the principle of unconditional submission.

    World dominance can be achieved only by the neighboring paths, through a focused undermining of all genuine freedoms, the legislation, the order of elections, the press, the freedom of personality, and above all the system of education and the formation of the people - and with the strictest observance of the mystery of all events.

    Through specially detailed economic crises, during which all available funds will be withdrawn from turnover, thereby producing the undermining of the cash economy.

    The power of money should become the only force moving trade and production so that the industrialists can also receive political power. Along with the Illuminati in this category, millionaires depend on them; Police and soldiers must remain poor.

    Through the introduction of universal equal election law, the undivided majority dominance must be established. Through the teachment to independence the destruction of the family and its educational strength. Through education based on fake data and false exercises, the youth should be wounded, enclosed aside and corrupted.

    Through all these events, the peoples should pushing the idea of \u200b\u200binviting the Illuminati to the role of world rulers. The new world government should be aware of the well-width-shirma leadership to which they resort completely voluntarily. If any state is against him to object, his neighbors will start war against him. The creation of such a government requires World War Organization. [Coralif: "Maitreya, World Teacher of the Future"].

The content of this program is almost identical to the well-known "protocols of the Zion Wise men", which, however, are noisily disputed by interested parties. Adam Weishaupt organized the Order of the Illuminati, as mentioned above, on the task of the Rothschilds. The question arises: why Rothschilds who personify the richest part of Jewish circles went to such steps? The origins of this mystery of the illuminates should be sought in ancient times. Israel is indeed a God-framed people, and its representatives are very capable and talented people. However, having high abilities (god donated to them), however, this people divided into two. From one of them, the Lord Jesus Christ occurred, the apostles, the prophets, the great number of righteous people. Through them, the world received the Word of God - the Bible. Another part of this people was on the path of irreconcilable hostility with their own God and with the part of his people, which followed the Lord. They crucified Christ, they were the persecutors of their Bogroli brothers in the flesh. This is where the irreconcilable hatred of Rothschilds, Morganov, and others. To Christianity. They are the spiritual heirs of the Pharisees who hate Christ. However, it is becoming interpreted by the words about Israel's glory, they were transferred to the spiritual plane to the material. Instead of holiness and achieve spiritual heights, what the ancient Jewish prophets said, they chose the way to acquire earthly wealth and power. These are the roots of the philosophy of this Order, and, as the result of the complete renunciation of God, Satan's ministry. However, before Adam Weishauptu, Rothschilds and the likes there were no access to the Freemasonry and the existing society of the Illuminati. Bavarian Illuminati solved this problem, gradually subordinate to themselves these secret societies. This is what paragraph 11 "Protocols of the Sion Wise men" says: "The conspirators had knowledge regarding the strength and influence of the already existed lies of free bricklayers; Now they started to penetrately penetrate them and capture control over them. " Masonic lodges, which were already under the control of the Bavarian Illuminati, were denoted by the term "lodges of the Great East."

Modern illuminati - Secret society, seeking to establish a new world order with the global government and a single non-cash monetary system. Each person in this society will be required to receive a chip implant for identifying a person. Dissenters will be deprived of the possibility of buying something or sell. At the beginning of the XXI century, they were able to achieve control of them most of the world, introducing their people to the governments of almost all states. Nevertheless, there is reason to believe that being united in strategic plans for the future of the world order, their separate groups in different ways see tactics. This is evidenced by the division in the elites of the United States and the European Union regarding their relationship with Russia. At the same time, the series of "color revolutions", as well as the attack on traditional moral values \u200b\u200bin combination with globalistic movements, speaks of their full mutual understanding concerning the concept of a new world order.

Order of the Illuminati. History of origin

The question of the origin of the illuminates is not fully known. The most popular is the version that the Illuminati is a secret society, which was founded in the second half of the 18th century by Adam Weishaupt, Professor of Ingolstadt University [I]. However, this is not an exhaustive answer, since this date speaks only about the beginning of the formation of the modern doctrine of the Illuminati. In this period of time, the secret society has become such as it is known today. In fact, the history of the emergence of the Illuminati goes to the distant past. Some conspiraologists based on the Masonic legend are so far that they consider the beginning of the reference. They are convinced that order of Illuminati It has already been 6,000 years old, when either extraterrestrial, or otherworldly forces opened the priests to the priests to the priests, which was captured by them in stone. Egyptian priests, according to these legends, became receivers of these knowledge, coping the book on papyrus, which are strictly kept in the strictest mystery to this day.

There is another tradition, who adheres to more moderate views, which argues that the Order of the Illuminati appeared in the Middle Ages as an educational secret society of scientists, leading the struggle against persecution by the Inquisitors. As well-known illuminates, this tradition leads such names as Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo Galilee, Nikolai Copernicus, Isaac Newton. This is evidenced, in particular, the book of French journalist Etienne recently translated into RussianCasse "Falsified History". Sometimes there are allegations that the illuminates were an union of a number of scientists who protected secret knowledge from ordinary mortals. This version takes the time of antiquity as a point of reference, and the famous pillars of ancient Greek wisdom included in the secret society.

As confirmation of antiquity of the Orden of the Illuminati, it is possible to bring the fact that in the fourteenth century the highest dedication of the secret society "Brotherhood of the Snake", which has the Latin name "Illuminati". V. Cooper told the following: "The Brotherhood of the Snake devotes their activities to the preservation of" secrets "and recognition of Lucifer, as one and the only one." That Lucifer himself, the fallen Heruvim, who rebelled against his God, was expelled from heaven and became Satan. Thus, the ideological core of the Order of the Illuminati is the occult and serving of the Darkness forces.

In the XVIII century On the historical stage, the Bavarian Illuminations of Adam Weishaupta appeared. The first members of the Order were adopted on it on May 1, 1776. It is difficult to imagine, however, initially the Order of the Illuminati consisted of only five people, but the secret society developed a fantastic pace: after three years, the Bavarian cities had four branches of secret society. By the middle of 1782, approximately 300 were held in the Order, and another two years - more than 650 people. By that time, the illuminates owned offices in Poland and Austria-Hungary, Holland and Denmark, Sweden and Italy, Spain and Switzerland, France and Russia.

Elite Order was loud pseudonyms. Directly Weishaupt had a nickname Spartak, Baron Kniege - Philo, Professor Westnerrider was called dedicated not else like Pythagoras, trader books Nikola - Lukian, Canonik Gletel was known as Mari, and the Strangy Tsvakk - Caton. Responsibilities were distributed among the leaders of the secret society: personally, Adam Weishaupt recalled in the Order of the most talented young people from their students, and Baron Bookge acted in another direction, the recruitment, as a rule, the most noble, scientists and noble people. He managed to attract a fairly large number of members to the Order, awakening the hottest hopes did not reform the state device dominated at that time. To show how influencing the Order of Bavarian Illuminates, it is enough to mention such names as Prince Neuvid, the Duke of Ernest II Gothic, Karl Augustue Weimar, Ferdinand Braunschweigsky, a number of hetgetinen professors, as well as the famous Pestalozzi teacher. Ultimately, the Order included about 2000 people.

However, feeling danger from rapidly developing secret societies, Kurfürst issued a decree, which imposed a ban on all their activities. As a result, in 1784-86. Bavarian illuminates were defeated, and their temples were closed. The police began to conduct searches in the homes of the leaders of secret society, which brought valuable information. In particular, it was found that the Order of the Illuminati was secretly financed by the Rothschilds clan. This pointed out that such rapid spread and growth of the influence of the Illuminati of Bavaria was based not only on the charismatic abilities of Adam Weishaupta and Baron Bookge, but also on extensive financial opportunities.

Family of Illuminati today. Knowledge about which is known selected. Secrets of society.

As a rule, the illuminates belong to one of the thirteen richest families of the globe, and are the force that invisibly rules the world. Family of Illuminati - "Black to know", makes decisions and defining rules for presidents and governments. There is not a single country in the world that would be completely free from their influence. Their pedigree is rooted in deep antiquity for many millennia, and they carefully keep the purity of their blood from generation to generation. The secrets of the Illuminati are known only to a narrow circle of people. Their power is based on secret knowledge and emergency economy. The illuminators belong to the most powerful production and trade organizations, as well as international banks and oil business.

About the leading clans of this secret society describes in detail the book of Fritz SpinGameer "Family Family". The list of thirteen of the most powerful illuminates today includes Astor's families, Bundy, Collins, Du Pont, Freeman, Kennedy, Lee, Obscis, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, Van Meroving. Merovingings in this case imply all royal families in Europe. Four families are closely connected with this vertex - Reynolde and Disney, croup and pople dald.

The secret knowledge of the Illuminati gave rise to a set of rumors, among which are found both relevant truth and frank fiction. Where the border between them is difficult to say. In particular, among the issues discussed in the environment of conspiracles, issues of the flame agreement of the Illuminati with representatives of alien civilization, usurpation of non-traditional technologies (for example, in the field of anti-gravity), carrying out prohibited experiments on people, concealing important knowledge and discoveries for humanity. There are evidence of gigantic underground bases (zone 51) under the control of certain reptiloid creatures and much more. However, even in the case of the truth of such applications, it is extremely difficult to check such facts. Considering whose representatives are in power, they have enough resources so that unwanted facts to disclose carefully to carry and hide. However, despite the high level of secrecy, some secrets of the illuminates are still becoming publicity.

New world order

The ultimate task that the Illuminates pose is a new world order. It is understood by the union of all states under the start of the United World Government. He must be controlled by the entire planet with the full abolition of national, state, economic, cultural, moral, religious borders. The basis of the new world order should be a single non-cash electronic-monetary system controlled by the global government through a network of supercomputers with artificial intelligence. This concept includes the following mandatory point: Each personality of society must be unified, representing a fully controlled object. Control is assumed to be carried out by identifying with an implantable microchip. An important part of this doctrine is the concept of "Golden Billiona", according to which the population of the planet must be reduced in various ways to a controlled minimum - one billion people. In this world there will be only two categories of people: the control elite and fully controlled people serving the elite. All dissenters will be outlawed ... Read

Masons and illuminates. Masonic conspiracy

It should be noted that the names of the secret societies did not always remain constant. Depending on the circumstances, the same society flooded under a different name, and the same people could be seen at the head of various, at first glance not related to each other organizations. At that time, the Masonic lodges were quite widespread in Europe, which included many well-known politicians, science and culture figures, representatives of the aristocracy. Freemasonry was fashionable and very influential secret society, collecting the most famous and rich people of their time with the help of exciting ideas for some ("Freedom, equality, fraternity") and the prospect of gaining secret power for others. This circumstance took advantage of the Illuminati, penetrating into Masonic lodges, which, over time, they managed to completely take control. Masons and Illuminati are currently essentially one with that feature that the illuminators are only masons of the highest degrees of dedication ... Read

Secret World Government

The concept of "illuminati" translated from Latin means "enlightened". In this case, the name is derived from the name of Satan before its overthrow from the sky: Lucifer (in the Russian Bible, the word Dennica is used - "light-point"). According to the Internet journalist, which is known under the pseudonym Ovest Penre, modern illuminates are the elite club closely woven the financial oligarchs that control the power in the world in a hard hierarchical principle. It is they who are genuine rulers in all areas of spheres that are social, scientific and political. This is a carefully worked organization, which includes people who occupy very high posts. The scale of their activity is planetary. Controlling 95% of the material resources of the planet, they are higher than any laws of states by manipulating presidents and governments at their discretion. Recently, these people refer to their organization "Victory Wind Morai". These people meant the author of the book "Committee 300". They are the secret world government ... Read

The secrets of the Illuminati Adam Weishaupta

Like any secret society, secrets of Illuminati Carefully guarded and crowned so far. To understand the meaning of the doctrine of Adam Weishauptu, the founder of modern illuminates, helped a document known as the "New Testament of Satan". It was stored in the conditions of strictest secrecy, but due to the circumstances, its content was opened by attaching everyone to horror ... Read

[i] Bavaria

Latin "Illuminare" - "Enlighten"

Lucifer - the literal meaning of "light-point"

Satan - opponent

Illuminati today

Activities of any secret society (especially achieved influence and having significant means) always gives rise to many legends and myths. Did not exception and illuminates. Many serious historians specializing in the study of secret societies and sects believe that the real history of Bavarian Illuminati ended in the late 1780s. Nevertheless, the People's Solva threatened a lot of fantastic assumptions about how the illuminators were able to maintain their organization until this time. Some experts left, from those who dream of a sensation and glory in the depths of the soul - even to the detriment of objective truth ... Thanks to their efforts, the versions arose that the heads almost all the world's governments are illuminations or closely connected with them! Moreover, a series of publications appeared, seriously those who considered the Illuminati as an organization who had the goal of establishing a new world order. By the way, the evidence in favor of this can be discovered even on the turnover of 1-dollar bills! Supervisory Dan Brown reveals the most important elements of the symbols of the Illuminati in the 31st chapter of its "Angels and Demons". What are these characters?

So, as you can notice, an eagle image is located on the right side of the banknote, which in 1841 replaced the Phoenix present earlier in this place.

Obollar Current Co.

Eagle is a sunny symbol of Egyptian philosophy.

The tail of the Eagle consists of nine feathers - this is nine degrees of initiation according to the Masonic rite of York, common in the XIX century on the American continent. The number of feathers on the wings (32 and 33) also matters, recalling the Scottish initiation ritual.

In the right paw, an eagle is an olive branch, a symbol of spirituality and enlightened thinking. She has 13 leaves.

In the left paw - 13 arrows; This is an obvious appeal to active creative actions. 13 leaves and 13 arrows make us recall the 13 stages of the initiation of the Bavarian Illuminati; In general, in the traditional Masonic understanding, the number 13 is an impersonation of power, incredible power.

Thus, we immediately come across contradictory aspirations, the source of which, nevertheless, is one!

13 stars in Oleole above the head of Eagle is the exact number of states included in the young American state. Stars have a five-pointed form (Masonic symbol), moreover, their number (i.e. 13) again involuntarily suggests the idea of \u200b\u200bthe 13th levels of the initiation "Illuminati"!

In the beak from the Eagle - the fluttering parchment tape, which means: "E Pluribus Unum" ("From the set - one"). This is an unequivocal (13th letter!) Call, which may be regarded by Dvoyko: First, as the need to integrate the former colonies to one state in order to create a single American nation; Secondly, it is a literal reflection of the conceptual doctrine of illuminates: to reduce all the nation available in the world to one - the nation of the illuminates.

Now is the time to pay attention to the left side of the banknote.

There we see several characters "Illuminati" at once. Consider them in more detail.

The pyramid with a truncated vertex is an occult symbol that talks about the merger of forces, directed upwards to the light source.

The pyramid consists of 72 stones - this is a symbol of 72 stairs of the Jacob stairs (explicit communication with Kabbalah!). The same fact that the pyramid is depicted as if without a vertex indicates a country that is in front of the choice, which is essentially, and so obvious: for any country there is only one way, and this is the path to the light, that is, to the illuminators !

In its foundation, we see Roman numbers - M, D, C, C, L, X, X, V, C, L, X, X, V, I. \u200b\u200bThis is the date - 1776 - the year of declaration of independence. However, you may have already noted that this is also the year of education of the company "Illuminati" !!!

And below the semicircle there are three words, because of which, mostly, fierce disputes are still underway: "Novus Ordo Seculorum" ("New secular irreligious order "; "New order for centuries"; This translation is possible: "New World Order").

If we stop on the version "non-religious", then the question immediately arises, why, in this case, the inscription is placed in the center of the banknote: "In God We Trust" ("We believe in the Lord")? Another exciting contradiction!

Dan Brown in "Angels and Demonies" rightly claims that the notorious symbolism on a banknote arose with the knowledge of Vice-President of the United States Henry Wallace, who occupied this post from 1940 to 1944 and the former, by the way, an influential massone! It was Wallace who was convinced by US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (also Masona !!!) in the feasibility of accepting the proposed formula, arguing that it was actually about the "new course". The experts of American history will probably remember that this name was the name of the economic policy of the President F. D. Roosevelt, concerned about the country as soon as possible overcame the terrible consequences of the "Great Depression", the terrible economic crisis that struck the United States in the 1930s.

Above the pyramid is another symbol of the Illuminati - TrinCria, or "Shining Delta". It is characteristic that this symbol is included in the emblems of most Masonic lodges. Its value is revealed simply: calling for changes, evolution, enlightenment. This is also talking about the triangular form, referring to Delta, the letter of the Greek alphabet. The same eye symbolizes the desire of the Illuminati to penetrate the very essence of all things, as well as being present everywhere and everywhere.

Above the "shining delta" is placed inscription from 13 letters: "Annuit Coeptus" ("Lord favors to our undertak"). Experts converge in the opinion, seeing the alleged state that the illuminators still succeeded in their mission ...

Additionally, it must be said that the pyramid with a radiant delta and quoted inscriptions is, in fact, the US state seal! It has become reproduced on banknotes since 1935, and at the personal insistence of the aforementioned Henry Edgar Wallace. Back in 1934, Wallace said: "To her (state press. - R. G..) It is destined to decide even greater approval of the great Creator of the Universe, and earlier than the keystone (the so-called castle stone, usually located on the top of the pyramid. - R. G..) It will be, in the end, in its place, and this country (USA. - R. G..) In the absolute heyday of its power, the dominant position will take and will lead to other nations, personifying the "new order for the century".

By the way, since we analyze the one-dollar bill so in detail, it would be uncomprisingly not to pay a few words and her face. Actually, we are talking about the portrait of George Washington, on which he amazingly reminds ... Adam Weisgaupta!

Facial side of one-dollar bills

In other words, the circle closed.

The theme of the Illuminati could not not find his reflection in art. So, let's call at least the most famous of the artistic works in which the illuminates appear. First of all, this is the famous Trilogy of Robert Neck (Shi) and Robert A. Wilson "Illuminatus!"; It is impossible not to name and Roman Umberto Eco "Foucault Pendulum", which gives an objective characteristic of the activities of the Illuminati. But really attracted the attention of the reading and thinking public to this topic, of course, the adestrated Deng Brown with his cult thriller "Angels and Demons." In this novel, the illuminates with brilliance carry out their treacherous intent, threatening the polls of the Catholic Church. Might immediately come to memory of the cracked young people from the Kroft of Angelina Jolie "Lara Croft - a rapid tomb". They are due to the directorial arbitrariness - for some reason, for some reason, they were named the illuminators and dreamed of conquering peace. We will not stop at all the plot of the plot, since Dan Brown's Roman, becoming even in Russia the bestseller, for surely read by everyone who is a little interested in literary innovations. We will not analyze the believance of the version with the version, since the best critical source on this topic (it is natural, it is about the book of Simon Coke "Angels, Demons and Illuminati") has long been translated into Russian and is quite accessible. However, we note that, unfortunately, the source of the mass culture is most often not facts, but sensational hypothesis. In this regard, the idea of \u200b\u200ba conspiracy of the Illuminati, dreaming to establish their power over the world, is truly a win-win story!

Currently, several organizations are registered in the world, leaders and simple members of which are considered to one degree or another followers of Adam Weisgaupta: "Bilderberg Club", "Trilateral Commission", "Council on International Relations", Elite Yale Club "Skull and Bones" and Dr. There is even ... "Order of the Illuminati" (we will also tell about it)! Moreover, the famous organization of elite students "Fi Beta Cappa" ("Phi Beta Carr", from Greek. ????????? ???? ?????? ???? - Love for wisdom directs Life) is considered a direct branch ... the most Bavarian Illuminati, the small group of which was supposed to avoid arrest and find salvation in the USA !!! So says Charles William Heckertorn in his legendary encyclopedia "The secret societies of all ages and all countries" (1874), where "fi beta kappa" appears under the number 384. Here, unfortunately, there is an obvious problem: "Fi beta kappa" is educated in college William and Mary on December 5, 1776, i.e. 7 months after the formation of "Illuminati"! Only here, according to a number of sources, "fi beta kappa" is an organization that arose on the basis of another, even more secret society of "flat hats" ("The Flat Hat Society"). A member of this society, operating since 1750, was (in students) Thomas Jefferson, the third US president and an influential Mason who created the Declaration of Independence!

The secret key that is awarded to a student awarded the honor of joining the fi beta kappa society

The circle closed again, is it not true?

In the manifesto published in exile, the newest survey of Spartak and Philon in the Order of the Illuminati (1794) Adam Weisga Paul announced: "The cover is always necessary. In secrecy - a fair part of our power. That is why we will continue to hide under the name of any other society. "

Is his covenant still been observed and embodied in life?!

And in order to provide you with an additional material for thinking, we intend to tell you ... More about several of the societies of the Illuminati, largely and spectacular in our time.

by Sparov Victor

From the book Secret Societies, the ruling world by Sparov Victor

From the book Secret Societies, the ruling world by Sparov Victor

From the book Secret Societies, the ruling world by Sparov Victor

by Sparov Victor

Illuminati (ch. Blagoveshchensky) Copyright When today it comes to the Illuminati (and after the publication of the "Angels and Demons" Dan Brown, this topic has gained incredible popularity!), As a rule, it is refers to the secret society "Illuminati" ("Illuminati"),

From the book full story of secret societies and sects of the world by Sparov Victor

Avignon Illuminati is believed that this is a fairly influential society was created in 1786 by the house of Antoine Joseph de Perenoktii (once monk-Benedictine) with the support of the Polish Mason of the noble origin of Gabereki. Both were fierce admirers

From the book full story of secret societies and sects of the world by Sparov Victor

Paris's Illuminati Theosophists, apparently, did not want to lag behind Avignon. After a short time after the emergence of the Society of "Avignon Illuminati", Frankmason Chartle, who had previously led by the Lyuch "Socrates", was to create a Society of Illuminati

From the book Key of Solomon [the code of world domination] author of the author of Etienne

The illuminates against Jesuitis this enemy became science. Many outstanding scientists have fallen victims of Catholicism at that time. It was burned at the fire of Jordan Bruno, Copernicus was pursued. The church sought to brake any scientific progress, strangle any

From the book of the Mystery of St. Grail: from Renn-le-Chateau to Maria Magdalina author Markal Jean.

1. Bavarian Illuminati Brotherhood Bavarian Illuminati is not very old, since it was created only at the end of the 18th century in Europe, worried about various philosophical currents, which under the clue turned out to be precursors of the French revolution.

Author Luis Fuck Migel Martinez

Illuminati and Rosencracers of Illuminati, enlightened, are called people guilty to the fact that they dare these days to organize almost a criminal association in Germany, who has tried a terrifying project: to end Christianity and royal power in Europe. But this

From the book of the Illuminati. Trap and plot Author Luis Fuck Migel Martinez

Chapter 2 Bavarian Illuminati Characteristic features of the Illuminati from Bavaria, Illuminati or Ordo Illuminatorum, is that they do not claim the mythical predecessor-founder of their society, and call as its creator of their contemporary, Adam Weisgaupta. it

From the book of the Illuminati. Trap and plot Author Luis Fuck Migel Martinez

Bavaria's Illuminati was a refuge of Catholicism, Cleanism, Aristocracy and Jesuits. Ingolstadt, the cradle of Weisga Paul and the Illuminati, is on the shore of the Danube, about 65 km north of Munich and about 48 km south of Regensburg. Economic and cultural

From the book a large plan of the apocalypse. Earth on the threshold of the end of the world Author Zuev Yaroslav Viktorovich

8.7. Illuminati Masonry is what everyone uses, and not what uses everyone. And now they, most advantage, enjoy the purposes of non-Christian and anti-church. Politically European Freemasonry is now the direction of bourgeois radicalism. N. A. Berdyaev me

From book History of secret societies, unions and orders by the author Schuster Georg


From the book of mystical order Author Andreev Alexander Radhevich

Rosicracers and illuminates. XVIII century Rosencraceraries 1378 In one of the German principalities in the noble family, Christians of Rosenkreitz, Christians of the Cross and Roses were born. In the young years he, together with monks, traveled in the east. For several years he was in Arabia,

From the book Terrorists Author Andreev Alexander Radhevich

Masons, Rosenkraucers and Illuminati in the summer of 1717 in the London tavern of "Crown" several merchants, shop artisans, doctors, pastors, manufacturers, writers, journalists were very quietly talked. The third estate, later called the bourgeoisie, was enough

I ask everyone to understand that everything is written here is only the author's opinion - that is, the facts are filed with his personal understanding of the facts and events, and his conclusion is not the absolute truth - so what to think with your head, but at the same time this article is big and complex. I found some non-reliable facts and dates, but because of the limitations of articles in 500,000 characters, I simply cannot comment all and besides cutting and cropping the comments of the authors, and so:

Brief history of "Morai" and the Secret Government
Author West Penre for Illuminati News site, November 27, 2003 (1)

All that is connected with the illuminators and the secret government may seem impossible for most people, but staying with me even for a while and try to imagine that everything is the same. Almost everyone agrees that something is wrong with our planet. Civil wars, epidemic, hunger, ethnic cleansing, war per faith, various oppression and non-compliance with human rights ... The list can be continued until endless. Does all these disasters are not related to each other, or do they have a general source?

Illuminati (or "Victory Wind Moraia", as they prefer to call themselves today) is the secret society of the occultists who exist next to us. This is not a club for teenagers, and not adult uncle, looking for entertainment. It is much more. This is a detailed developed organization, including people who occupy very high places. These people are very rich and stand over the laws of states. And many of them never appeared in the lists of the richest people of the planet, their names are mystery.

Illuminati and black to know

The word Illuminati means 1. People applying for emergency enlightenment, super-knowledge in relation to the subject studied. 2. Any of religious groups announcing its special religious knowledge and education. Latin Illuminati, Multiple from Illuminatus, Communion POST. Time from Illuminare - Lighting. From "The American Heritage Dictionary of The English Language".

These people are the main players of the international platform. In their most, they belong to one of the thirteen (our emphasising when translating) of the richest families of the world, and it is they who are those who rule the world from behind the Kulis (almost all of them are men with rare instructions). They are "black to know", those who make decisions who writes rules for presidents and governments. And they are delivered from the test public opinion, because their actions are not noticeable in principle. Their pedigree goes roots for many millennia, and they carefully protect the purity of their blood from generation to generation. The only way to do is a bloodstream.

Their power is based on secret knowledge and in economics - money provides power. The illuminators belong to international banks, oil business, the most powerful production, trade organizations, they flooded political structures, they bought most of the governments - or at least control them (our uplux when translating). For example, take a look at the election of the President of America. It is no secret that the candidate wins, whose sponsoring was greater with money, as it makes it possible to deploy another candidate.

And who sponsors the "right" candidate? Illuminati. And this happens much more often than they allow the country to play, not sponsoring anyone. They decide who will be the next president, and carefully follow that he won, even if they have to cheat, like, for example, in Florida, when George Bush, Jr. "won" Albert Mountain. Most presidential campaigns are funded by money from drug business, because, as you understand, the illuminators control the drug business and allow it to exist (our uplift when translating). In fact, they do not need elections at all, but in this way they give us to play, feel something depends on us - so they pretend that the Constitution is observed.

But did the president decide something? The last word is not behind him. Power belongs not to politicians, but by illuminators, many of which are international bankers. Leading presidential candidates are carefully chosen from among the occult blood lines of the thirteen families of the Illuminati, and if you explore the pedigree presidents of the United States from the beginning to the present day, we will see that all of them without exception belong to the same royal line that they are all one family". They are connected by the ancestors and the surname tree. The royal line is equivalent to the terms of the Illuminati.

What are the goals of the Illuminati? Create a Unified World Government and New World Order (2)In which they will be on top of the top, and they will rule the world thrown into slavery and fascism (our selection when translating). This is a very ancient purpose, and to realize it in general, it is necessary to understand that it is not the goals that are achievable for the life of one generation. This is a goal that can be achieved slowly and for quite a long time.

This goal was developed away from the annoying crowd, inside the secret societies. All secret societies with their dedication system are an instrument of illuminates, fully controlled by them. The most widely known free bricklayers of the Masons. People manageing secret societies and illuminators - occultists and satanists practicing black magic. Their God is Lucifer - bearing light, enlightener. And with the help of occult practices, they control the masses and affect them. It doesn't matter to believe it in it, or I believe, because they do it anyway. And they are suitable for this very seriously.

Is it terrible to think that this black magic (our emphasising when translating) rules our planet, on which the existence of magic is not considered possible. If someone speaks about the reality of magic, it is most likely raised to laugh. After films like the "Lord of the Rings" (3), people wanted to be more magic in their life. Blessed languages! ..

From the occult, the practice of consciousness management has grown. Taking custody to the custody of the company, recording companies, and controlling all elegant arts, they learned how to manage adolescents, forcing those to dance to their drawing and take the version of the reality, which they impose the masters of the arts. It is not deprived of meaning if you look at those "entertainment" in which we are drawn.

The music that teenagers are doomed is most often poor and leading them to "robotism" (4), apathy, violence and drugs. It also uses consciousness to control the consciousness as we will see further. The recordings of truly good music are rejecting the recording companies, preference to non-flame resorts. Starting with Black Sabbath and Rolling Stones of the beginning of the 70s, Satanism is actively promoting through music. Many groups went on their way, and all their aggressively worked out, advertised and published wide circles.

The same applies to Hollywood, which was also created to this day leads by the Illuminati. All these space wars, pictures of the vessel day, the catastrophe films are removed to push us in a certain direction. Films about Satan also became popular. Everything to prepare for the hour X.

I said above that people managers are illuminated are members of the thirteen richest families, the authorities were transferred from fathers to sons from generation to generation. Their personalities at all times were a careful secret. However, nothing can remain a secret forever, and sooner or later there will be a leakage. So in our case. Few know that it is precisely what kind of families, but recently this secret was loose, thanks to members of the Illuminati, who left the Order and who discovered the most wonderful information. So, then there are 13 families - a secret government.

1. Astor (ASTOR)
2. Bundy (Bundy)
3. Kollins (Collins)
4. Ponte (DuPont)
5.Friman (Freeman)
6. Bankny (kennedy)
7. Li (Chinese Family) (LI)
8.Onsis (Onassis)
9.Copeller (Rockefeller)
10.Retshild (Rothschild)
11.Rasel (Russell)
12.Van Duyn (Van Duyn)
13. Meroving (all European royal families) (Merovingian)

The following families are also associated with the above:

1.Ranolds (Reynolds)
2.Disney (DYSNEY)
3.Kroups (Krupp)
4. Mak Donald (McDonald)

In addition, in addition to these four, there are hundreds of others that are more remotely connected with the thirteen main lines of illuminates. Although they are important here they are not mentioned. Thirteen elite families consider them less powerful and less clean.

All the mentioned families can be read in detail in the magnificent book of Fritz Springmeyer: "Family Family" (5).

Secret societies

Secret societies were presented in the history of mankind from a long time. It all started thousands of years ago with the Brotherhood of the Snake, the secret society, which referred to Satan (the Great Snake), able to help people return to Eden. Illuminati consider Satan to good God, and the Old Testament God is evil. They believe that Satan gave people knowledge, while God is trying to prevent this. Satanism was developed from these positions, and it is practiced inside the secret societies to this day.
There are various theories about the origin of secret knowledge in secret societies.

We mention here about the two most dispersed:
Sumerian inscriptions of a 6000-year old ago, representing stone slabs, diverge about Annunaki - "who came from Paradise." According to such researchers like Zakhariya Sitchin, David Ike, William Bramley 6, Annunaki was those gods that they were mentioned in the Old Testament. They were aliens who came to Earth and creating people as slaves for themselves. Sumerian Scriptures talk about Anu, who was the ruler of Anunakov, and EA (Enki), whose equivalent is Satan. It is said that he was the only one who gave people knowledge in the Garden of Eden and created the first secret society - the notorious "Brotherhood of the Snake." It is said that Annunaki appeared to the ground, in order to master its resources, and primarily gold, which was lacking on their planet, although it was an important element of their atmosphere. This Ea, being a great scientist, created a person as a hybrid of primitive earthly life and the race of aliens.

Enki (EA)

At first, people were intended only for ministry and could not multiply. Later it changed. Ea did not like that creatures created by them were a lower race. He wanted to enlighten them, teach them to those who they are, and where they came from. He also wanted to join them that every human being is the spirit, the universe in the body, and after the death of the body, he continues to live and again embodies into the body on Earth.

David Ike, who studied the Illuminati for decades, argues that the supreme genus of the Illuminati is changing the form of reptiles, aliens are not from space, but from another dimension, and what they are - "gods" Annunaki. According to him, they are responsible for all secret societies. These creatures have the ability to change the case on human, and IKE says that he knows hundreds of eyewitnesses who have seen how they turn back to reptiles.

Christian viewing on this fact is that Annunaki was in fact the giants that went on the ground, which the Bible tells about. These giants were nephilima (Nephilim), who have seamined against God, and for it overthrown to Earth from Paradise, headed by their leader - Satan. Christianity explains the theory of transformations by the fact that the aliens actually demons and nefilims. They argue that people who have seen a changing form are in fact simply obsessed with demons because of their classes of black magic. And sometimes the demons "break through a person" and are in the form of reptiles or "gray aliens". Maybe different conclusions are different points of view on the same thing?

Whatever the truth, something is definitely happening. There is too much evidence, and in the era of the Internet, people around the world became easier to communicate.

This may have become the reason that now we hear so much about this phenomenon, about which so long was silent. On the Internet you can not hide information. On the other hand, we cannot organize each speakers on the Internet seriously, because information like this may cause a psychological chain reaction. Some people "believe" that they survived something that was not really. This is not a religious site, so I will not make an intention about it, especially since I do not know the answers to many questions. On the contrary, the site of one of its goals is putting an explanation of the situation in the world with as an objective point of view as possible.

The truth is that throughout history, secret societies have been behind her kulis. The initial fraternity loomed on numerous cults and sects, due to the conflict in the top. There were various poles of management, which secretly fought with each other (and still continue) invisible to the ignorant majority. They invented various religions, sects and cults so that people were engaged in nonsense instead of paying attention to the fact that the fraternity actually does. They began to manage the churches to enslave people [on the third priority of management, owning the first (our note when translating)] and regulate them into interfaith rosas. Most wars were ideologized as wars "for faith."

Masonic orders, Rosoplacers, Templars, Ordo Templi Orientis 8, Maltese knights and others came from the original fraternity. Someone may argue that Freemasonry is a charitable organization and even Christian society. Yes, all this is told there, and this believes most of the ordinary members of the Order. The vast majority of Masons are good people, ignorant with what happens at the highest levels. They do not know that the Satanists and the admirers of the Dark Forces are standing on them. They do not serve God, they worship Satan or Lucifer, and this is the essence of what is happening in the modern world.

Bavarian Illuminati

Adam Weishaupt (1748-1811), initially, a Jew, accepted Catholicism and graduated from the creation of the "new" secret society of the named "Illuminati". In fact, it was not a new society at all, it existed under various names for a long time, but during the life of Weishaupta the organization publicly opened. It was unclear whether he was under anyone's influence, but most researchers, including I, converge that Weishaupt was no more than a doll in the hands of the Masonic elite.

Masons recently founded a new branch of Freemasonry - Masonry of the Scottish Ritual with 33 degrees of initiation. Today it is one of the most influential secret societies, including prominent politicians, religious leaders, businessmen and other people useful. Facts indicate that Weishaupta sponsored Rothschilds, which are then heads of Masonian structures around the world.

The illuminates have their own hierarchy of initiations above (or rather after) 33 degrees of Freemasonry. Even people who have come down to the highest degrees of Freemasonry have no idea about the degrees of the Illuminati - this is a secret. Weishaupt dreamed of editing the world, and he developed a clear strategy for the creation of a "global government" and "new world order". All this was recorded in the so-called "protocols of the Zion Wise men" 9, which made it possible to dump the guilt on the Jews in the event of a plan.

And the plan failed! The messenger of the Illuminati was killed by a zipper when he poured over the field, and the "protocols", which he had been found and became publicity. This happened in the 1770s. Weishaupt and his "brothers" Illuminati were forced to escape and work underground, as their organization's activities were banned. The Brotherhood decided never to use the term "illuminates", but to preserve their agents to achieve the goal of world domination. One of these agents was the Union of Free Masonicov - Freemasonry, which earned a good reputation in society.

It is believed that Weishaupt was killed by his brothers Masons for the fact that he could not keep the tongue for his teeth and continued to use the name "Illuminati". There may be other reasons.

The secret goal, however, has been preserved. Weishaupt and Rothschilds became after that the head of the Illuminati (and remain to this day). Mason Cecil Rhodes (Cecil Rhodes) had great help in achieving the goal, which in the XIX century tried to build a unified world government headed by the British Empire. This plan was financed by Rothschilds. And it was Rhodes that created the secret society "Round table", named after King Arthur and his round table, in which the Elite of the Brotherhood meets today.

The first and second world wars were attempts to capture power. When they failed, the following happened. After the Second World War, people are so tired of all the horrors of the murders, which happily welcomed the creation of the UN, who proclaimed its goal to prevent the repetition of the horror of the Second World War. However, in fact, the UN is an important tool of illuminators to combine all countries in one. This is a typical example of the work of the brotherhood illustrating their scheme: "Problem-Reaction-Decision". Starting two world wars, they created the problem. In turn, it caused the population reaction that wanted to solve the problem of wars.
Thus, the illuminates easily achieved the creation of the UN - another step towards the global government. This, obviously, led to the emergence of the European Union (EU), which, if you look at him with a unlucky eye, develops towards the largest fascist state, ever existing, in which a separate country is less and less rights and independence, and Europe falls under Arbitration of a small reigning group - the central government. And who manages the EU? Freemasonry and illuminates.

Supporting catastrophically progressive inflation, international bankers (read the Illuminati) forced us to believe that only the single currency of the European Mint-Euro will solve the problem - euros. While this project is safe, the Central European Bank fully controls the economy of Europe and can lead us where he wants. Some politicians are simply short-sighted and hoots to power, others are afraid of facts and work on (or c) illuminators. Innocent people, deceived, suffer the most. Is it not a betrayal over understanding!

The European Union can soon be shared to the United States of Africa, Asia and South America. In the end, these countries can merge into one giant fascist state, which exists thousands of years, as they say in their occult faith. And then the "golden age" will come - the age of the Antichrist.

Secret societies and illuminates, including believe in virtue of various symbols. The world is full of their cegromagical symbols. Despite this, we are so accustomed to see them everywhere, which is not paying attention. Illuminati believe that the more around the characters, the most powerful their magic. The emblem of the Illuminati and "New World Order" is the "Pyramid with the All-Timing Eye", which you can find on the US Tomollar bill (a few years ago a series of brands containing this symbol was released in the Vatican). All-seeing eye is the eye of the mountain, he is the eye of Lucifer. The history of this symbol is rooted in the era of ancient Egypt. The appearance of one-dollar bill was developed by the administration of President Roosevelt, and the Wallace Letter below shows that the president pretty worked on its design:

"Once in 1934, when I held the post of Minister of Agriculture 11, I was waiting for Halla 12 in the external office [State] secretary [Cordell] 12. While I decided to extract the publication of the US State Department, which was standing on the stand entitled" State Status Prints of the United States. " Opening page 53, I found the color reproduction of the reverse side of the print on it. The Latin phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum shook me - she meant a "new course for a century." I took the publication to President Roosevelt and suggested that the coin would have been depicted on which both sides of the press were depicted.

Roosevelt, looking at the color reproduction of the press, first was amazed by the presence of the "all-seeing eye" on it - the Masonic interpretation of the great architect of the Universe. He was then impressed by the fact that the beginning of "new order for the century" was laid in 1776, but it could be only reached under the supervision of the Grand Architect. Roosevelt, like me, was a 32rd degree of dedication. He suggested typing a print on a dollar bill instead of a coin, and he himself decided to talk to the Minister of Finance 13.

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