What are the causes and consequences of "Handra" of Onegin? (According to Roman A.S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin")

What are the causes and consequences of "Handra" of Onegin? (According to Roman A.S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin")

At the beginning of the novel, a picture of the education, education of the pastime and interests of a typical young man who born "on Brega Neva" and the will of the fate of the "heir of all his relatives" will appear.

Pushkin in more detail describes the typical day of Onegin, its classes and hobbies:

Here is what the hero leads to Handre: the monotony of life is only outwardly motley, but in fact who rigs into the established circle: "Lunches, dinners and dancing", as Griboedovsky Chatsky said about it.

A man generously gifted with a variety of abilities cannot find a different classes, except for those "so pleased ... a proud mediocrity." Such attempts at Onegin were: he, leaving his felt flirt with secular beauties, "yawning, for the feather took." But it is not only in the absence of Onegin writer's gift, the withdrawal of the author is more general: "the work has been tesid."

NEWS OF ONEGINA, associated with the Western European "Bayronism", is no coincidence that it is his own, brought up and grew up "on Brega Neva". The fact of Onegin from the national "soil" is at the same time the reason for his Handra, and the fact that it is the basis of very important consequences of Onegin Disease .

handra Onegin and got the best answer

Answer from Angela [Guru]
What are the reasons for "Handers" of Onegin? .
At the beginning of the novel, we appear the picture of the upbringing, education of the pastime and interests of a typical young man born "on Brega Neva" and the will of the fate of the "heir of all his relatives".
Why does the dream of Nature of Onegin goes into disappointment, and the deep analytical mind becomes sharp and cooled? It is not difficult to guess this: Pushkin in more detail describes the typical day of Onegin, his classes and hobbies. The author's conclusion is obvious:
Wake up for noon and again
Before the morning, his life is ready,
Monotony and sand.
And tomorrow is the same as yesterday;
Here is what the hero leads to Handre: the monotony of life is only outwardly motley, but in fact who rigs into the established circle: "Lunches, dinners and dancing", as Griboedovsky Chatsky said about it. Belinsky rightly said about Onegin, that "the inaccessibility and vulgarity of life stroke him, he does not even know what he wants; But he knows, and very well knows that he does not need that he does not want what is so happy, so happy by proud mediocrity. " And here is the result:
NEWCH, which is the cause
It would be time to find it
Similar to english splin
In short, russian kandra
They gradually took possession;
He shoot, thank God.
I did not want to try
But at all cool
A man generously gifted with a variety of abilities can not find another classes, except for those "so happy ... Proud mediocrity. " Such attempts at Onegin were: he, leaving his felt flirt with secular beauties, "yawning, for the feather took." But it is not only in the absence of Onegin writer's gift, the withdrawal of the author is more general: "the work has been tesid." Here it is - Neginskaya laziness.
But maybe Onegin used not all means capable of healing his illness? And actually, what other "recipes against it are offered? Of course, traveling, such a typical feature of the romantic hero Onegin and was going to go south with the author about what he informs us in a lyrical retreat. But here "turned up" inheritance and he is limited to the "journey" and the village. True, then he will be destined to "travel in Russia", but it will not be exactly that Onegin, who is bored and haandering, with whom we met s of this part of the novel
And what else is trying to make a hero to disperse "Handra". In fact, nothing can in this and consists of the reason for the village, where the usual living conditions of Onegin really changed:
boredom same
Handra waited for him guard
And she ran after him,
As a shadow Ile is a faithful wife
The ailments of Onegin, associated with the Western European "Bayronism," it is no coincidence that it is his, brought up and grew up "on Brega Neva".
The cutoff of Onegin from the national "soil" is at the same time the cause of his Handra, and the fact that underlies the very important consequences of Onegin Diseases.

In Evgenia Onegin, "a typical hero in typical circumstances is presented - it does not have the slightest hint of an exceptional, exotic situation inherent in romantic works. But even more important than the other "world grief" of romance, which appears as a consequence of the opening of the hero, the personality of the exceptional, general imperfection of the world and disappointment in everything, in "Onegin" is motivated by quite realistic reasons. Moreover, instead of this traditional romantic feature, Russian Child Harold Onegin is endowed with "Russian Handrea". At the same time, the word "Handra" is filled with a slightly different content here the shade of disappointment, general skepticism, but at the same time appears, and what is associated with a boredom, suggestion, even some lazyness and phlegmaticity appear. But the most important thing is that all these qualities of Onegin, who have quite obvious investigators in the future of plot development from the very beginning receive an exhaustive explanation. So, what are the reasons for "Handra" of Onegin?

At the beginning of the novel, we appear the picture of the upbringing, education of the pastime and interests of a typical young man born "on Brega Neva" and the will of the fate of the "heir of all his relatives".

Why does the dream of Nature of Onegin goes into disappointment, and the deep analytical mind becomes sharp and cooled? It is not difficult to guess this: Pushkin in more detail describes the typical day of Onegin, his classes and hobbies. The author's conclusion is obvious:

Wake up for noon and again

Before the morning, his life is ready,

Monotony and sand.

And tomorrow is the same as yesterday;

Here is what the hero leads to Handre: the monotony of life is only outwardly motley, but in fact who rigs into the established circle: "Lunches, dinners and dancing", as Griboedovsky Chatsky said about it. Belinsky rightly said about Onegin, that "the inaccessibility and vulgarity of life stroke him, he does not even know what he wants; But he knows, and very well knows that he does not need that he does not want what is so happy, so happy by proud mediocrity. " And here is the result:

NEWCH, which is the cause

It would be time to find it

Similar to english splin

In short, russian kandra

They gradually took possession;

He shoot, thank God.

I did not want to try

But at all cool

Generously gifted with a variety of abilities, a person cannot find himself a friend of classes, except for those "so" so pleased ... a proud mediocrity. " Such attempts at Onegin were: he, leaving his felt flirt with secular beauties, "yawning, for the feather took." But it is not only in the absence of Onegin writer's gift, the withdrawal of the author is more general: "the work has been tesid." Here is she-Onegin laziness.

But maybe Onegin used not all means capable of healing his illness? And actually, what other "recipes against it are offered? Of course, traveling, such a typical feature of the romantic hero Onegin and was going to go south with the author about what he informs us in a lyrical retreat. But here "turned up" inheritance and he is limited to the "journey" and the village. True, then he will be destined to "travel in Russia", but it will not be exactly that Onegin, who is bored and haandering, with whom we met s of this part of the novel

And what else is trying to make a hero to disperse "Handra". In fact, nothing can in this and consists of the reason for the village, where the usual living conditions of Onegin really changed:

Boredom same

Handra waited for him guard

And she ran after him,

As a shadow Ile is a faithful wife

The ailments of Onegin, associated with the Western European "Bayronism," it is no coincidence that it is his, brought up and grew up "on Brega Neva".

The cutoff of Onegin from the national "soil" is at the same time the cause of his Handra, and the fact that underlies the very important consequences of Onegin Diseases.

The image of Onegin greatly influenced the further development of Russian literature. Next for Onegin, Pechorin and Rudin appeared. This string of heroes is subsequently called "superfluous people." Pushkin emphasizes the typical of Onegin, their complete inability to the real life.

And at the same time Pushkin saw the arrival of the hero:

Inimitable strangeness
And sharp chilled mind.

This is a flattering characteristic, it seemed to promise a lot. But at the first test, Onegin leaves before circumstances. But everything is in order ...

So, Onegin is a typical young man of the late 20s - early 30s of the X1x century. His upbringing is no different from the upbringing of noble children of the time: "We all studied little by little // something and somehow ...". Evgenia had a fashionable French Gutener in those days, which "... Branled slightly for pranks. And in the summer garden he drove ...". The behavior of Onegin in society is also dictated by fashion: "Store silence in an important dispute // and excite the smile of the ladies ...". The day of the hero was painted a minute, with a perfect absence of free time. But at the same time, our hero misses:

Shorter, russian kandra
They gradually took possession ...

What is the reason for this Handra, who mastered almost all society? Pushkin gives an answer: the culprit of all the troubles writer sees the morals and customs of the world. And to whom, how not Pushkin, know about the nrules of that time? No wonder he calls Onegin his "old buddy." He knows his tastes so well, habits and thoughts, which involuntarily arises the feeling that in contradictory of the image of Onegin, in the description of his mistake of the life of Pushkin to some extent expressed himself. It may be that that is why he allows himself sometimes to be very severe to his character.

In addition, the defeat of the Decembrist uprising and tightening censorship for "intellectual activity" also played a role. These are the causes of Handra Onegin. But it would be Polbie, if only the hero himself suffered from this. No, his "sincere disease" made others suffer from others.

First, he refuses the love of Tatiana, not believing in the sincerity of her feeling, not inspired by him. Only later, I will understand the light, he will understand what has done, but will be late - Tatyana is married after another, she completely merged with other representatives of the world. In her heart no longer left the shadows of the former passionate nature.

Secondly, the coldness of the heart and soul led Eugene to a stupid quarrel with a friend - Lensky. Life in St. Petersburg made a hero cynical, so his assessment of Olga Larina, Vladimir's beloved, rather Surov. Lensky, as a real loved, challenges the offender. This step becomes fatal. On the night before Duel Lensky writes Olga last poems, and Onegin ... Sleeps hard.

This quarrel will end with the death of the "philosopher in the amp of the years." In the fatal morning, before Paullen Onegin will be the "Prashoi Ball", a slave of a secular conventionality:

And here is a public opinion!
Spring honor, our idol!

Although the involuntary, but Onegin is still a killer. This imposes an indelible imprint on him. No wonder he confesses in a letter Tatiana:

One more separated us ...
The unfortunate victim of Lensky fell ...

It is from here that begins a fracture in the life of the main character: hasty escape from the village, wanderings in native land and an ever-growing sense of own inferiority and uselessness:

Why am I a bullet in the chest not injured?
I am young, life in me is strong;
What should I wait? longing, longing! ..

In the eighth chapter of the novel, another Onegin appears in front of us. He matured, became richer spiritually, deeper, sincere. And the letter to Tatiana is confirmation of that. But he was late, Tatiana is not free. The journey has greatly changed the hero, however, Tatiana's refusal will change it no less. But the author does not say anything else:

And here is my hero,
Per minute, evil for him
Reader, we will now leave
For a long time ... Forever.

Thus, Pushkin emphasizes that Onegin shaped the surrounding medium. It was she who turned once an ardent soul into a stone. And there is no other as Vladimir Lensky, who, on the one hand, the Antipode of this Eugene, on the other hand, is the proof of Onegin's dustiness and heartiness. That is why Pushkin pronounces an important, albeit a short phrase: "They agreed ..."