How to get a blessing from the Batyushka for the operation. How to ask for a blessing from the father so that the highest strength you heard you

How to get a blessing from the Batyushka for the operation. How to ask for a blessing from the father so that the highest strength you heard you
How to get a blessing from the Batyushka for the operation. How to ask for a blessing from the father so that the highest strength you heard you

Every Orthodox Christian is trying to get a blessing from the father, sometimes, without hesitation over the action itself and his grace. The blessing from the clergy is anointing, helping and protection against God for the life of a Christian or some kind of specific situation.

What is blessing

During his stay in the temple, when reading a homely prayer or a meeting with a priest, Christians are asking for a blessing, implying under this word or the action of something good.

Being Christians, we constantly utter "bless", deeply not understood in meaning. Already in the first chapter of the Bible, we read that God blessed Adam and Eve on a fruitful life, to power over all earthly creation.

Blessing we get not from the father, but from the creator himself, it is:

  • God's power;
  • His defense;
  • anointing;
  • God's cover.

The Lord blessed Abraham, who lived childless up to 90 years old, a numerous offspring, among them was also members of Jacob. The grandson of Abraham and the son of Isaac, he became a 15-knee son, from one of them, Judine, Jesus was born, sent to the earth of God's Son. God blesses not only parents, but also children. Through the laying on the hands received Jacob to their championship in the family. Jesus blessed food and apostles, his receivers later also blessed people through ordination, thereby transmitting divine power.

Important! Blessing a Christian, the priest reveals the grace of God, recognizing the primacy in one or another situation of God himself.

Blessing - Prayer, Unity with the Almighty and Holy Trinity, calling the divine force to the life of the Orthodox believer. Believers can bless each other by investing in the meaning of this action, the call of God's help to the life of another person, emphasizing that without the help of God all our thoughts and aspirations are in vain.

The Creator tells us through the Holy Scripture that his word is filled with the power that bears victory in all the situations of the life of Christians. In the 28th chapter of Deuteronomy Blossom, the Lord on the items painted the types of blessings and the conditions for their receipt, and a warning is also painted there that the curses do not come to our lives.

Anointing on affairs, health, family life received from God, have a huge potential to grow and multiply. This can be observed in Orthodox families, leading a truly correct way of life. A blessing God gives us anointing through your servants, the Batyushki, who are not intermediaries between God and people, they are those who are closest to the Creator and can best communicate with him.

A Christian who received a blessing should spread it, reward praise to the Lord.

Blessing through the priest

Blessing Christian Prayer is symbolically committed by prayer, a petition before God for the appointment of anointed one.

When contacting the priest with the words "bless", it is necessary to specify its request. Blesses the father on various situations in life, on the road or study, for operation and other situations.

Tip! Going down, before accepting an important decision, contact your blessing, which will be the key to a successful solution to your problem.

The church rite is carried out only in the temple and at the same time the clergyman is necessarily dressed in a risk.

To the priest can be suitable for blessing only in the temple

The godfather, according to the definition of the Holy Righteous John Kronstadt, has a priestly force. It is a calling for God's grace on who asks. Divine grace is replenished and updated everything around, its fruits can be seen in various fields:

  • earth fertility;
  • abundance of life;
  • health;
  • world;
  • rest;
  • multiplication of faith;
  • justice and many other areas.

Blessing prayers are not magic, you can not ask for a blessing:

  • on the wedding, without having a bride and groom;
  • to work without having an invitation to it;
  • at the birth of a child, until the conception occurred;
  • at study at the Institute, there is no enrollment.

All unresolved problems are brought to the Lord in permanent prayers, posts, with deep repentance and repentance.

The priest, having learned all the details about your future work, perhaps will not give divine permission or anointing, the presentation of the problem. Take any decision of the priest with gratitude and humility, and not with irritation and misunderstanding. Sometimes God himself saves his children from mistakes.

Early Christians without a blessing prayer did not begin any matter, considering that without this rite, the life of a person was dangerous during the journey, and the undertakings will not be successful.

Important! Blessing prayer from the father is the strongest protection acting anywhere at any time.

Before contacting the father for the blessing of the wedding, the service in the army, the road or the undertaking of the new case, Christians first ask parents to bless them, regardless of age and well-being.

In the monasteries, it is not customary to say "Allow", "bless" is always pronounced, thereby emphasizing that every case is given to the court of God, and only the Lord managers, who can give grace and protection, and who should warn from making an error.

How to ask for a blessing from a priest

The best place to get a blessing is the temple. After worship, you can approach the priest if he is not busy with other parishioners or clergy, and ask for a blessing prayer. At the same time, the outdoor palms are superimposed on another and stretched towards the father.

Open palms from Batyushka with blessing

Open palms show loyalty and humility, safety and honesty. In terms of respect for the San of the clergy, a light polliplon is made in front of him.

Depending on the situation, the priest can utter "God blesses" and call on the Holy Trinity, saying "in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit," or to pray to another prayer, putting the godfather on the concern. After receiving a blessing prayer, she secessing his open palms takes the hand and slightly applied to her lips.

Hand kissing is a symbol of humility and thanksgiving to the Most High God through his minister. A simple chain, after the one, the request sets out, on the solution of which the priest asks grace from God, after which his hand kissing with a bow as a sign of thanksgiving.

Not all priests give a hand to kiss, guided by their personal relationships with God, but they definitely impose their palm on the head of the asking, symbolizing this convergence of God's grace.

An interesting fact for which few people pay attention - the fingers of the priest are composed by a special way in the form of the Savior, Jesus Christ, IC XC. This letterproof shows that everything that happens is subject to the will of God.

In the church hierarchy, first take a blessing from the senior to the scenario, and then everyone else, if the priests are somewhat. You can get a blessing of the father when meeting with him on the street, even if he is dressed in church apparel. "Bless" may sound like a greeting or farewell.

Attention! It is important to remember that the priest, first of all, a person who needs a personal life and does not stand for a blessing prayer approach several times a day, waiting for the father at any time in various places.

How to take a blessing from the priest

How to ask for a blessing from the father?

  1. Bless, honest Father!
  2. Appeal to the priest. How to take a blessing. It is not customary to contact the priest by the name-patronymic, it is called the full name as it sounds in Church Slavonic, with adding the word Father: Father Alexy, or (as it is accepted by most church people) Batyushka. You can also contact the Diacona by the name to be preceded by the word Father but at the Dacon, since it does not have a fertile strength of ordination into the priesthood, the blessing is not allowed.

    Appeal Bless - this is not only a request to teach the blessing, but also the form of the welcome priest, with whom it is not pleasant to greet the word Hello. If you are at this point next to the father, then you need to, bowing, stand up before the priest, folding his hands up the right on top of the left. Batyushka, autumning you with a congestion, says: God bless, or in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit - and puts his right, blessing hand to your palms. At that moment, the layman, who receives a blessing, kisses the hand of the priest. It happens, kissing hands leads to embarrassment of some newcomers. You should not confuse, we are not a priest with the hand of the hand, but the Christ himself, who at this moment invisibly goes and blesses us and touches we are tired to the place where the wounds from nails were in the hands of Christ

    The father can bless and at a distance, as well as impose a godfather on the prone Miryanin's head, touched by his head with his head. Not only before you take a blessing from the priest, to autumn yourself with a cross-sign, that is, be baptized to the priest.

    The situation is tactlessly and unrealized by the situation during worship, when someone from the priests heads from the altar to the place of confession or to commit baptism, and many parishioners at this moment are thrown to him for the blessing, the tester of each other.

    In the Orthodox Church in official cases (during the report, speeches, in the letter) adopted to the priest-fraudulent to contact your presence, and to the abbot, governor of the monastery (if he is Igumen or Archimandride) add your high-finished or your presence, if the governor of the Hieromona. Your Eminence, to the Archbishops and Metropolitans - "Your Eminence" appeals to the bishop. In a conversation to the bishop, Archbishop and Metropolitan, you can also turn to less officially Vladyko, and to the governor of the monastery, the father's governor or father Igumen. Your Holiness is customary to His Holiness Patriarch. These names, of course, do not mean holiness of a particular person of the priest or the patriarch, they express respect for the sacred San of the conformists and the saint.

The priestly blessing is only a pious church etiquette, rite, kind tradition or is it a deeper intimate meaning?

The clergymen (i.e., particularly dedicated to people who commit worship) are our spiritual fathers: bishops (bishops) and priests (hyreys) - we autonomize our procession. Such an autumn is called a blessing.

When the priest blesses us, he folds his fingers so that they depict letters: Is. Xs., That is, Jesus Christ. This means that the Lord my Jesus Christ blesses us through the priest. Therefore, the blessing of the clergy we must take with reverence.

When we hear the words of the general blessing in the temple: "Peace to everyone" and others, then in response to them should worship, without procession. And in order to get separately for yourself blessing from the bishop or priest, you need to fold the hands of the cross: right on the left, palms up. Having received a blessing, we kiss your hand, bless us, we kiss the invisible hand of Christ the Savior himself.

Saint Tikhon Zadonsky writes: "When you kiss the priest blessing hand, kiss thinks mentally formed by it. Someone from the fathers, being stocked from the iconoborets, which is collapsed by the crossed tree, answered: "I would kiss with awe and every tree, from which I would know that the image of the Cross of the Lord will be made ... And then the saint explains:" The index finger And the inclination of the average is depicting the name "izus". The position of the straight fingers is depicted by the letter І; The average letter C, transversely folded ring finger with a little finger, mean the name "Christ". A blessing hand means the name of the blessed Jesus Christ, in which all the peoples are blessed, as Blessed Patriarch Abraham was promised: they will be blessed in the seed of your all the tribes of the earth (Genov.12,3). Did not say, explains the divine apostle, about many (seeds), but about the seed, which is Christ (Gal.3.16). Like the formation of a blessing hand is nothing but the name of the one who is blessed. Therefore, I think, the amount of fingers on the hand on the hand first, nor more, nor less, so that neither is unnecessary, it is not enough, but they were pretty for such a sign "(creation in the holy Father of our Tikhon Zadonsky. M., 1889. T .1. P. 234).

So, according to the thoughts of Tikhon, the priestly blessing has a deep sacral meaning. God's fishing even in the location and the number of fingers of a blessing hand marked the name of his beloved son. A person who takes a blessing with faith with the priest, not only expresses his respect for him, welcomes him, but he gets great benefits - he attracts himself the grace of God. The Lord himself, with the priest's blessing hand, blesses him into good deeds.

In ancient times, no good deed people began, without having received a blessing from the priest. From the conception of a child and until death - all stages of human life were accompanied by a priestly blessing. The Lord bestowed by people who ask for a blessing, good health, many hours, the fertility of the earth, victory over the conquerors. Although there are many unsightly pages in the history of the Russian state, but from all state-owned, the Russian people always went out by the winner, thanks to the solid unshakable faith of most people in the invincible strength of God's blessing. So, for example, in the Khiv century, the holy blessing prince Dmitry Donskoy, having received the blessing from St. Sergius, the blessing on the battle on the Kulikov field, broke superior in the number of Chana Maama. In the XVII century, on the blessing of St. Patriarch Hermogene, Novgorod merchants Minin and Pozharsha collected a folk militia and liberated Moscow from foreign conquerors. And how many special cases of manifestation of a special force of priestly blessings in a particular matter!

The blessing of the priest is different. It happens like a greeting. Here we see the father and say: "Battyushka, bless!" Batyushka says: "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Hello, Petya!" And asks us about something. That's how we greeted. There is another blessing. When we, for example, pray and are already leaving the temple and say: "Battyushka, bless on the road!" The father bless us, and somehow warmer will become for us - this is my father and I said goodbye. And it still happens that we ask blessings when we do not know how to do in a responsible case, morally serious, or in the one that can determine the whole of our future life, and here we want to avoid a matter, do not do as I like , and how to God please. And then we, knowing that if you come with a prayer and faith to the priest, then through it the Lord will tell us how to do, we come together and say: "Batyushka, this is such a situation, I don't know what to do. Bless, and I I will accept your will, because I believe that the Lord himself will send me through it. " And if we really go with such a feeling and take it that the priest will say, the Lord will send us for the better.

In the life of every believer, there are days when he visits the church and comes to spiritual cleansing. Orthodox people are often talking to conversations with God through their thoughts or through the father. It was the father who is a guide to God and to the truth for every believer. But did you think about whether you need to ask for a blessing on one or another required.

Imagine for a moment if the father is a conductor to God, and you want to ask for approval for the commission of a special case from God, then, accordingly, you need to contact the father so that it gives you this approval - God's grace from the face of Batyushka. Then, of course, you think about the question, as under what circumstances it needs to be done. This article will just be useful for everyone. orthodox and believers who came early Or late to this issue.

What is a blessing and how to ask for a blessing from the father

- These are the actions of the father aimed at the wish of good man who came to him with a request for a blessing. In other words, this is a special prayer, whose words depend on human circulation. And it is also considered to approve God, any business in the face of the father.

Many parishioners of the church meeting the father in his way, they want to ask him a blessing. But often they do it wrong. Of course, there are no mandatory canons how to ask for a blessing from the father, but still to answer the question of how to get a blessing from the Batyushka, you need to know certain rules. First of all, all the applicants need to know what to ask for a really existing one. To ask God's grace for marriage, for example, it is impossible if you still do not have a bride or bride. Consider an example of obtaining approval from a priest to marry:

  1. Before you get approval you need to get a bridegroom (bride), to agree on everything, and then come to the father and ask for a fare of that everything is good in this matter.
  2. You will be asked if your chosen one does not have to relate to another faith and is committed by both.
  3. After that, he will approve and says: "God bless."

The rite itself also occurs in a certain way. In order to get a blessing, you need to go to the father, put the right hand on the left, while the palms should be directed towards the sky. After saying: "Bless, Patus!" Then the crusade will follow.

The clergyman spends this ritual hand, folding his fingers so that they depict IC XC - Jesus Christ. Thus, the Lord himself blesses us, through the priest. After sure to kiss the hand of the priest, it will mean that we as if we kiss the invisible hand of God.

When to ask for a blessing from the father

Before nor the believer did not leave far And I did not commit any important affairs without the blessing of the priest. It was believed that precisely the prayer and God's grace defend a person from troubles and sins. Now they stopped treated so seriously. So, when to take a blessing from the priest? Recently, believers are addressed for the blessing:

  • On the road.
  • For good exams.
  • To perform work.
  • On the faithful education of children.
  • For the commission of some purchase and so on.

If you go or just plan to go to the long road, it is best to get a fare of the father. All this is done in order so that the road was calm, without incident and brought only joy.

When preparing for passing exams or performing work, you can take approval in order for all the intended work out and prevent you out on your way.

In order not to doubt the correctness of its methods of education of children, the priest will also help you. Tell me, will tell and bless. Then there will be only a small probability that you can do something wrong.

God's grace can and should be asked about and without reason. For those who are a regular visitor of the temple, instead of the words "hello" and "goodbye" priest blesses you. By the way, it is also impossible to greet a handshake with a father, only individuals are eligible for it.

In order for your purchase to bring you the benefit and no problems arose with it, you also appeal to the church. There are no restrictions on what exactly questions and cases ask God's grace. It is important to remember that it is not necessary to baptize before and after the rite.

The priest, has the right to bless being not only in the temple and Sacred Ryasa, but also outside the church in civilian clothes, but only in specific cases. Ask and you will be heard, and your words and actions will be blessed. Do not forget about responsibility. As the saying goes: "We hope for God, and you are not a root."

Do I need to get a blessing for the post

Post in Orthodoxy is the time of abstinence. If possible, permission or blessing to the post must be taken. But if you do not have the opportunity for any reason to go to church and do it, then you, of course, can keep the post alone. The blessing of the great post, for example, is the day forgiveness Sunday. On this day, all Orthodox gather in the temple and ask for forgiveness as each other and the priesthood of free and involuntary resentment. The post is our victim to God. And the great thing in itself begins the meaning of the Jesus's forty-day post in the desert.

Although church posts do not need to keep all believers, but it is important to ask for a blessing to abandon the post for one reason or another, for example, because of the disease.

How to ask for a blessing from the father for childbirth or surgery

In order for you to calmly in childbirth or at the emergency, contact your father. Order prayers before childbirth, let the priest and your child bless you on the lungs. There is no set time to take a blessing for future childbirth or surgery. You can contact the church with these at any time both in a week and in a few days.

Do not forget that it would be necessary to come. Of course, the priesthood will ask you about when your event will be held, as well as other details. Do not be afraid that you will not be blessed, the father will find time for you, hears and will help to deal with the plans. You will not stay without God's grace. The rite of blessing itself will be held according to the same scheme as in the example described with the blessing of marriage. However, mostly all blessings are given in this way.

Number of records: 96

Bless, father! Is it possible to replace the prayer rule of the Prayer of Seraphim Sarovsky? Do I need to take the blessing of the confessor? Save you Lord!


Paul, why do you need to replace the prayer rule? The Rule of Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky bless the elderly, weak and sick people who are difficult to keep attention. If you do not approach this category, then you do not need to be lazy to fulfill its rule - reading the morning and evening prayers. It takes 15-20 minutes. In general, such questions are better to solve with your spiritual father. I do not know your inner spiritual state.

jeromona Victorin (Aseev)

Bless, Father Victorin! Over the years, I have come to services to the monastery on Karpovka, located at one end of the city of St. Petersburg, where my confessor became Archpriest Father Georgy. But the location of my work was changed, and it became difficult for me to go there (I did not have time for service, and on weekends was lazy, sinner). I lost contact with the father. I began to attend services in the Novodevichy Monastery, located closer to the house, and more affordable. I confessed and sacraged in him from different priests, and did not open them that I already have a confessor. How do I do in this case? Tell the Holy Father in the new temple about this condition, ask the blessings from your confessor from the monastery on Karpovka? Save you Lord.


Boris, there is nothing terrible that you moved and are far from your confessor. It is not necessary to go to the confessant every week, you need to go to him if necessary, once a month, and can be possible once a year. You can confess to any priest, and it is not necessary to talk to confession that you have a confessor. We appeal to the conf desk when we have serious questions about life, and more minor, or ask the blessing to something, you can have another priest where you live. With serious questions you need to contact the confessor. You're better to contact your confessor on this issue, and do the way he blesses you.

jeromona Victorin (Aseev)

Hello! I am a believer, baptized, I go to church, I try to observe the post, but I did not know that you need to take a blessing from the priest to the post. I thought it would go without saying, once the great post. And what should I do now?


Olga, take a blessing for the post not necessarily. You are right, the post is of course, and we must fulfill it. Take a blessing - this is a kind tradition, so that the Lord gives his strength easier to transfer the post. What you did not take a blessing is nothing terrible. As they fed, so fast.

jeromona Victorin (Aseev)

Hello! Made a big sin! I did not comply with the great post until today! Did not take a blessing from the father! I can't even repent in the church, since the critical days began! What should I do now?


Catherine, Start following today. As stated in the gospel "the latter will receive as much as the first." Start a full post, and the Lord will credit you, as for the entire post. When you can, go to the church, reveal to confession, ask the blessings from the priest, and the Lord will forgive you. For the future - you need to be more serious in relation to your soul.

jeromona Victorin (Aseev)

Bless, father!


Lord God bless, Galina!

igumen Nikon (Golovko)

Dear father! Writes you a slave of God Sophia. Help, please, with your wise advice. I am 19 years old, and I meet with a guy who loves me, and I am. We passed through a lot, we know each other for 5 years, and we are found for 3 months. And we plan a wedding. My parents, having learned about it, came to full indignation. Too early, no one marries so much and so on. Every evening now scandals about this. And recently it turned out that I am pregnant. I do not know how to tell them, because I see how they reacted to the news about the wedding. And I am sure that with their blessings, we would live together very happily, despite problems and obstacles. What should I do in this situation? How to convince parents? Or is it worth leaving their parental will? Thanks in advance for your answer!


Well, in fact, your pregnancy is the most serious argument in favor of marriage. If you are afraid to talk to your parents on this topic, try to find the "ally". Maybe you have aunt or the godpa, with which you have more trusted relationships and which relates to you with great understanding? Talk first with this person and ask him about mediation. Well, of course, pray that the Lord all arranged peacefully and love.

deacon Elijah Cocine

Hello, father. I have a print on the post that and when there is and drinking, very strict adherence to the post. I observe the post not the first year, but I did not know what to take a blessing, and only this year I asked for a blessing. I do not know how to ask a question. At my work, two women asked this printout, I gave it to them, tolding it in general, that so strictly starting to fast and need to get a blessing (permission). They said that it is necessary to start at once, etc. But I am tormented by conscience (I think it means that my act is incorrect), since one woman temple visits extremely rarely, and another Muslim (she, however, their own rules Not everyone keeps out, says God is one for everyone and she will support a girlfriend). What is my fault and how to say to confession? Sorry for the mobility, maybe it's stupid, but I do not give rest.


Hello. I want to understand what the essence of blessings. For example, I approached the father and asked for a blessing. What does it give? If helping in some kind of, then people do not always say "bless something and that". After all, the priest should know what blesses. Simply, as an example: let's say, a person wants to make a plastic surgery to remove a serious congenital defect. And he says Batyushka: Bless, without calling what. And maybe call. A congenital defect in humans - maybe it's the will of the Lord, the cross of a person from him. If the father blessed that it is possible to make an operation, then God himself allows? It does not concern me. But how to know the will of God for removal, for example, a congenital defect? Already two questions. I think you understood my misunderstandings. Please give the answer. Thank you.


When we take the blessing from the priest, "just so," we mean that this is a blessing, on the one hand, our everyday affairs, on the other, to the main case of our life - the salvation of the soul. As for the specifically, your question, I think you should not be embarrassed, you need to take a blessing for the operation at the priest (in this case a special prayer is read).

deacon Elijah Cocine

Hello, father. Tell me, please, how much to the Orthodox Christian during the Great Post is allowed to view telecasts, films, reading secular books? Is it also appropriate to visit a cafe to meet with close friends (with a moderate taste of lean food)? I would also like to know if I need to take a blessing for the post? Save me, God.


Tatiana, very good to take a blessing for the post. Meet the cafe with friends (especially, you note that you will not break the post) is quite acceptable. As far as telecast, movies and books distract you from the post, - define themselves, just do not forget that in addition to the secular media, the post is good to have a separate time for reading spiritual literature and prayer. Help you God.

ieria Sergiy Osipov

Hello, father! I have a female health problem, in which the operation is recommended. My girlfriend, who had the same problem, went to some married couple who are treated with his hands, and she passed everything. Then her girlfriend and her mother went to these people. And they were helped. My friend's mother, before going to them, received the blessing of the priest. Can I try to go to them too?


Nina, I do not think that it is necessary to go to them, even if some kind of priest blessed someone. "Hand treatment" is an occult practice, in a certain sense of the word - a satanic cult, with faith in God, it is absolutely not compatible. Leave the blessing of the priest behind the brackets: in this episode there may be a lot of ambiguous - or this is a mistake, or the father misunderstood, or is simply badly mistaken as a person. All this is possible. But we need to firmly know that after a temporary relief, the appeal to such "healers" subsequently brings a serious complication, and is uniquely serious spiritual harm. I understand that the question is not simple for you, or such an easy way. But this is a matter of confessionism! It is not necessary illusions: the ease of healing is deceptive, and for contact with demons will have to pay all life. Protect the Lord!

igumen Nikon (Golovko)

Good day. Please tell me. I want to start fasting. How to get a blessing, what day it needs to be done, as you need to prepare, I do not know anything about it. Thank you in advance.


Alevtina, we have already received a blessing for the post from the Holy Apostles. We need to keep all the posts that are in the church within the course of the whole year. This post is strict or great, during this post you can not eat meat, dairy and fish products. Orthodox Christians are commued in the first week of the post, and before this you need to confess and, of course, fast. March 17, in forgiveness resurrection, come to church, and after the service, the father will be blessed with the great post. In the church shop, find a small brochure "to help walking", it is written there how to prepare for confession and communion and how to fast.

jeromona Victorin (Aseev)

Good day. My name is Alexey. Married, two children. From June 2012 and before the New Year, he worked in Russia, before this she took a blessing, confessed and communioned. And he took a blessing to a new job before riding to Russia, St. Petersburg. He worked unsuccessfully, and also injured. Now, fell and confessed, and again with work bad luck. Wlown to loans and rags and poverty. And already on the verge of possible patience. I prayed and read the Akathists holy, and nothing. Question: How to understand God's blessing to be lucky with work for the benefit of the family? Tell me what to do. Neither work, no money, alone debt and disappointment. Gave an ad in the newspaper to make the "Shabshka", and here is deaf.


Hope for luck and prayer for the help of God is a bit of different areas. Try while working at least on that work that is (well, some vacancies, although not the most attractive, just at first, should be!). In the meantime, I am very advised to start praying to the Holy Martyr and the Wonderworker Trifon, it is usually prayed when looking for work. And do not despair, the Lord will arrange everything at the right time, although, of course, from the inside of this situation everything seems much more serious. God to help.

deacon Elijah Cocine

The priest blessed for reading Akathist to the Holy Spiridon, I was able to read with the icon not 40, but only 15 days, and this is due to the fact that strong headaches began, as soon as he decided to more not read - pains stopped during the day. A month later, without the blessing of the clergyman, I decided to read Nikolai the Wonderworker, I could only again 15 days for similar reasons, and ceased similarly ... Tell me, please, would have happened so ever with anyone and for what reasons What could be the case? I'm a little shock! Thank you.


Gennady, I personally had never heard such a similar, although, of course, there is a lot of temptations on prayer, and they are different. Pray on obedience, as you blessed, overcome slowly obstacles, and God bless you!

igumen Nikon (Golovko)

Save me, God! Is it possible to put a photo of the deceased on the shelf on which the icons hang and stands the lamp? And another question: I read the morning and evening rules on the prayer, and now I downloaded the translation into Russian and started reading on the leaflet. I do not sin if I need to take a blessing for it?


Natalia, we pray on the icons on the saints that are glorified by God and the Church. Put a photo next to icons is not good. Photos of our loved ones should be in the appropriate places (box, album), or if you really want to - then you can hang on the wall or in the server to put, but not next to the icons. Prayers read how before they read, on prayer, do not change anything.

jeromona Victorin (Aseev)

Hello, dear Batyushki! The closer to the church, the more questions. Tell me, please, how often and what questions you need to take a blessing from the father in the temple? I thought (and take it) - in extreme cases, for example, before the operation, reading the psaltiri, etc. Probably, on some important things, the trips should be taken. The other day after the service heard the conversation of two women in the temple, one another said that it was necessary to take a blessing for the taking a pill - at what time to take it. I also take this medicine, but how to drink it - a doctor appoints. We also read very often on the site that you need to take a blessing, it turns out, literally on everything. By the way, I on your advice went to my father to bless to read the akathists and canons, he, of course, blessed on the go, but somehow strangely looked at me. So I argue - if we are with all kinds, and they are neuroral to each person, we will approach the father, then where do they gain so much time on us? And, by the way, the second question is connected with this issue. Also, often very much on the site I read your recommendations and advice else to ask your tickets in the temples. Alas. Ask about the important, the main thing perhaps on the go, on the run, or at all - in no way. And to talk, consult ... just dream. For confession, too, everything is about all a few minutes. I think in many temples as well. It turns out that you have a wonderful site, it helps us (often there is no place to ask more, learn), but sometimes - disperse with reality. I wish you all the best and kind.


Tatiana, the blessing should be taken when spiritual assistance is required and assistance. Of course, on the adoption of the tablet, and for any "Chih" is already too. As for our discrepancy with reality, it's rather, dear Tatyana, you have a light reproach, not the site. The fact is that to your soul to all we need to treat very and very carefully, and if it is not possible to talk with the priest in your temple, it means that you need to look for such a priest with which you can talk. You should not get used to the bad thing, but it is "on the run" and there is bad, but you do not need to humble with it and make the norm that is unacceptable. Talking about the soul - the conversation is serious, it is impossible to be mistaken here, since this conversation is about eternal life and eternal death, and do not run it. It does not work in your temple - look for, if you can, another, look for a more affordable confessor, but do not stop at such a state. Do not argue with what is, look for the best!

igumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, father! Tell me, please, can I read the detention prayer? In which cases it can be read, is it necessary for the blessing? God bless you!


Hello Inna. This "prayer" is a pseudo-plant Novodel, according to his spirit - paganism, and comes from the perverted consciousness of the fallen person. And the Orthodox man should be aware that no troubles and misfortunes, no "arbitrarians" can happen to him, if there is no will of God, the Good, Holy and Volya. In the attacks, it is necessary to pray as as teaches the Gospel: "My Father! If possible, yes, the bowl of Yiya will send me; however, it's not like I want, but like you. May Will Your Will" (MF.26.39,46). And as a prudent robber, to recognize yourself with a worthy of any punishments and sorrows, any god to give us to buy us an eternity to this low price to a limited time of earthly life.

ieria Alexander Beloslud.

Good evening. My name is Victoria. I need your help. On the eve, we were asked to marry a couple of young people. The bride comes from me a cousin. My parents were crowned by the bride's parents. In what cases can we abandon their wedding? I believe that the refusal to become a godfather is a sin. We are not able to venture young at the moment. My husband and I got married half a year ago and we live on a removable apartment, and still remained a duty to give away from the wedding. Moreover, for all this time I have not seen a special honor and respect from them to my parents, as to their godfather, and on the contrary, ridicule and arrogance. Therefore, we do not want to wenstly, since they need it only for a tick. Moreover, I understand all the responsibility of commitments made if we agree to wenst. And they turned to us only because there are no more wedded couples in their circle. And so we do not want to marry. And one more question - how to get a blessing to the conception of the baby? We 3 months ago lost a baby on early last period, 5 weeks, and were very worried. Now with God's blessing we want to try again. Waiting for an answer. Thank you.


Victoria, look for any particular reasons for refuse to be a witness to weddings, it is not necessary, this is a voluntary business. If you do not want to participate in their wedding, do not participate - this is not a sin, this is a free Will of Man. Here is a prayer for the birth of a child, read it every day. "We hear us, merciful and almighty God, yes, I will be graceful to our rally." Be merciful, Lord, to our prayer, remember your law about the multiplication of the genus of the man of God and Budy the gracious patron. From nothing, everything created and laid the beginning of everything in the world of the existing one - created a man in the image and high secretly consecrated the union of the marriage and prepayment of the mystery of Christ's unity with the church. Watch, merciful, on the slaves! Your help, let your mercy of yours, will be fruitful and they will see the sons of their sons even before the third and fourth of the kind and to the desired old age will live and enter the kingdom of heaven through the Lord of our Jesus Christ, who is all glory, honor and worship is appropriate With the Holy Spirit forever. Amen. "