What does 7 in numerology mean. "Sacred" meaning of numbers in beliefs and teachings

What does 7 in numerology mean.
What does 7 in numerology mean. "Sacred" meaning of numbers in beliefs and teachings

What the most oldest science numerology is about the meaning of the figure 7.

7 - symbolizes the secret, as well as the study of the unknown and invisible. This is the seven ruling planets, seven days of the week, seven notes of Gamma. No wonder seven days of divine creation, seven notes of harmony represent the seven of the perfect number. According to popular beliefs, the seventh son of the seventh son is endowed with an incredible magical force. Seven combines the integrity of 1 with the ideality of 6 and forms its own symmetry, making it really mental number.

Seven is a figure of luck, the most magical and sacred number, personifying wisdom, holiness and secret knowledge. The line of this contradiction can continue. Here such property properties like diligence and poetic soul, a tendency to analytical thinking and severe intuition, a rich fantasy, a living, vivid imagination. 7 This is a sign of nature of nature in the development of man.

This number is born and educated composers and musicians, writers and poets, philosophers and recluses, thinkers and hermits. Their inspiration requires privacy and loneliness. These are their needs and their elements. With the number 7 become bright personalities, people with world name. 7 The ability to send talent to the science sphere, to the world of art or philosophy, in religious activities. But the success of their activities largely depends on the deep analysis of the results of the already achieved and from the actual planning of its future. 7 - The symbol of the whole mysterious and magical, is the most interesting and most mysterious number. Holders 7 talented, emotional and inquisitive, have a good sense of humor and soundness to inventiveness.

Motto numbers 7.: Understanding. Figure 7 is an introvert number.

Positive qualities seven: Number 7 independently and loves privacy and meditation. The seven skillful hands, it is prone to observation, research, analysis and scientific thinking, has abilities for technology and ingenuity, the seven has very skillful hands. The figure is 7 charming, intellectual and insightful, she has a sense of self-esteem. Also, the characteristic quality of the number 7 is perfectionism.

Negative qualities seven: The number of seven loves controversy and sarcasm, she is very proud, you can say about the seven "on my mind." The number seven is closed and unnecessarily suspicious to others, loves self-confidence. It sometimes is unreasonable and too positive. Often, figure 7 is not capable of self-expression.

Colors numbers 7 : Pearl, pale red, purple, gray-pink, purple.

Favorable features for figures 7.

Number 7. First of all, the owner itself itself. Number 7 always strive to check the value of all activities at all levels of life.

The number seven never accepts any idea or plan for a clean coin. The number seven will always ask himself a question "why," and this question will give her an answer to which the rest could not reach.

Number 7 by nature - thinker. It is not able to find peace until the unknown will be connected with the famous. Thanks to its analytical warehouse of the mind, it all the time encounters unavailable facts. Therefore, the number of seven more often becomes the discoverer or an inventor, and sometimes even a religious leader or an ocultist. For the figures, seven power lies in knowledge.

The number seven is often extremely unsuitable for everyday life, it sometimes hardly expresses his own thoughts, digit 7 silent and hidden from nature. But it is worth 7 to find their own way in this world, and her loneliness disappears, and people are already trying to try their wisdom to their wisdom.

Empty dreams are not for the number of seven, it does not like to waste time in vain, and his thirst for knowledge does not allow it. But at the same time, the number 7 loves secluded places where you can be alone and reflect. The figure 7 dreams of beautiful and romantic, it very thinly feels all the occult and metaphysical.

The number seven is a happy number, they guide the law of the desection (this is attracted to the like). He gives a figure seven of her inner strength, which in turn seeks for seven help and support. The number 7 loves to risk, although it has a very careful and calculated character.

Figure seven in human relationships.

Number seven. Good comrade, talent and achievements of which are always admired by others. The figure 7 is balanced and is raised, smart and smart, it has a sense of self-esteem, sometimes demanding, but it is always ready to help a friend.

Many may seem that the number seven lives somewhat alienated life. Because of its recovery, the number 7 is not always easy to converge with people, trying to learn them as best as possible, but with people close to her are always kind and charming. It always needs to look worthily and maintaining composure. The number seven is capable of losing their attractiveness for others, living in conditions of constant confusion and chaos.

The number seven is sometimes difficult to adapt to the circumstances. It is difficult for her to change and rebuild under a specific situation, and if forced it to this, she can block themselves very long. Number 7 usually does not recognize its sensitivity and emotionality, the need for love and understanding, but they extremely need it.

You should not ask the figure 7 questions in the forehead, most likely you will not get an answer and warm it up. It is better to wait for the moment when she herself will be ready to open you. Meanwhile, the number of seven herself loves to ask questions, and the evasive answers will never satisfy it. Often it can be a skeptic requiring evidence in everything. Such a feature can also help her succeed in business, but aggravate family relationships. Number 7 should be rendering the same trust as she wants to give her and in general to try to understand other people and be understandable to them.

The number seven loves a good environment, a woman at number 7 will always strive to have a good house, with all the details that rely on it.

The figure 7 does not like when it has a lot of people at home, while only those who have intellectual interests with it will be interesting. Often the number seven is the head of the family, although it is not always given to her easily. Satellite, she should choose to settle myself - interested books, sophisticated, looking for knowledge. The number 7 should be careful in relation to marriage with a big native, since in that case it may have dislike for a family hearth.

The number seven has tremendous emotionality and sexual energy, but her self-control allows her to live alone. At the junction of its restraint and non-evidence of emotions, digit 7 can demonstrate very bizarre character traits. For a happy marriage, she needs an attraction of the soul and mind.

The number of seven is demanding in relation to nutrition. The correct combination of physical exertion and rest is very important for her. It is worth considering that some parts of the body in the number 7 are particularly sensitive, it is a spleen, gland and spine.

Many can calculate the number of seven stupid. Seven loves to spend money and time for herself, but often forgets about the needs of others. She is not capable of patronizing the whole world, because its role is to teach. But if the figure 7 is to convince the benefit and expediency of any case, then it will sacrifice many for this.

The doctrine of the numbers surrounding a man or a woman from birth to death - numerology. Providence is hidden in special numerological codes. Symbolic figures are used in Orthodoxy, proverbs and sayings are being built on them. The seven number is essential in ancient teaching.

The role of numerology

The numbers and their designation affect the identity, its worldview and behavior. The force that each number pays in itself is an energy that allows to grow and develop. From birth, people are endowed with certain talents and abilities. They help to follow the fate predicted by the numerological code.

A person who opposes providence, problems appear. Internal experiences, illnesses, fears - the reflection of the fact that a person does not know himself, does not know his own desires. He seems little in life.

Numerology allows you to look at the situation from the other side and understand where the person accepted the wrong decision. Codes obtained as a result of simple calculations serve as a prompt and advice.

How to use the received code

To get a simple code you need to fold the date, month and year of birth. Such a sequence simplifies: remove zeros that are not taken into account, and the remaining numbers are summed. As a result, a code consists of one digit should be.

People can use such a code:

  • to improve the quality of life, because knowing about their abilities, they can be developed;
  • to eliminate internal fears and phobias that do not have grounds;
  • for tips when people are confused and can not make an important choice.

The essence of numerology is the knowledge of himself. Personal code allows you to gain freedom and find harmony.

Interpretation Seven

A lot of myths walk about the seven. Such a number is called good luck sign. The value of the number 7 for numerology is different from the generally accepted: such a sign symbolizes the luck that is not accidental. This is the result of the attached effort, how many people did for himself. If the person is gifted by a persistent character, the value of the seven is positive. When the person suffers from doubt and only worsens its position - negative.

Such a sign can serve as a punishment if a person earned bad karma in the past life. Number seven talks about Lena, which prevails in a man or woman. They know that efforts are needed to achieve the goal, but they continue to wait for luck, and having received, perceive it as due.

The general value that the number is in itself and the figure 7 is the test. So fate is experiencing a person's aspirations. In the process of developing the soul there are many stages. An important step is to purify the thirst for profit. Such a cleansing symbolizes the seven. She says that it is impossible to enjoy temporary success if they are not supported by real actions.

The number 7 in numerology can also say that a person has stood his tests, stopped being sprayed and, putting efforts, received what she woke up.

The seven assigned as the code depends on the total personality nature. She either enhances positive qualities, or level them against the background of negative prevailing features.

The magic numbers lies in the fact that the main codes are only nine, but each of them can make a unique forecast. Number 7 reflects human nature.

What does the seven in the life of a man or a woman mean?

  • The number of the Great Divine Tines. Such a sign brings some success, but in classical numerology he is ephemeral and short-term. The figure carries the necessary deception, revealing the secret, says that if we rejoice only to temporary success, then it will not be possible to get more.
  • Junction sign. Says a figure about how the fate of a person is already developing. The well-established life collapses, and the person itself does not understand this. Such a number in numerology is a signal that life needs to be changed.

Seven means changes in life. Without a person's knowledge or with his participation, such changes will occur.

Says a seven about moral readiness for luck: not everyone can withstand even good changes.

Positive value

The value of the number 7 is an opportunity. A small help, which a person asks. He does not always have enough strength, not always enough persistence. For this reason, luck, even short-term, becomes an impetus for such a person. The qualities that seven carrying: tolerance, nobility, humility.

What Solit Seven as a favorable code:

  • the ability to make benefits from any accident;
  • luck is a legitarious success, an intermediate result;
  • aspirations - personality is not always lucky, but it does not give up.

In our Universe 7, as the main code suggests that any success is born long before the moment of triumph. This is a systematic process created from thousands of correctly accepted solutions.

Negative value

The magic number pursues people with bad karma. This is a certain experience that has not learned the soul. According to ancient teachings, she finds a new bodily shell, but continues to carry this experience. The magic number indicates the desire to get someone else's.

The number 7 has many negative values, especially for people who do not know how to listen to other people's advice. Upper people, unlike persistent, do not know how to see further the borders that themselves painted themselves. If 7 neighboring codes indicate self-confidence, the person will perform former mistakes. If the number 7 is adjacent to 3 or 4, the person learns on its own errors. Says the seven about the need to think about others - such a quality will be able to reduce the impact of a negative sign.


Each sign in numerology carries important information. The number 7 reveals internal problems, indicates the insufficient number of forces or the reluctance to invest in self-development. Seven as a numerological sign symbolizes good luck, but temporary and useless in the future.

For most people, the number 7 means good luck. It is true, and yet it is much more important than what is considered. But only a person who is versed in numerology can prove the significance of this figure.

Seven days of the week, seven colors of the rainbow, seven wonders of the world, seven notes, seven circles of hell or seventh sky. Everywhere number 7.

What is this mystical figure?

There are many concepts in numerology - the number of numbers, the consciousness of numbers, types of numbers and other, no less interesting details. All of them are somehow concerned and seven. The language of the numbers is the most ancient of all known, and the number 7 on it means divine intervention in human destiny. They say the success of the blind. How wrong! This Number of Good luck sees perfectly and understands and understands, since the numbers, in addition to their own language, have consciousness. The seven on everything has its own opinion, which often does not coincide with the human. And luck comes always suddenly.

And all because she lives not by law, but according to the law of eternity. How often do people believe that one or that is not at all worthy of happiness and good luck, so why do they get them? As they say, on all the will of God. This is exactly the case. Because this number sees a person through and awards those who are really worthy.

"Divine" digit

The number 7 in numerology is Divine, so it refers to the main numbers and is the most insightful of them. But, clearly seeing the essence of things, it nevertheless does not open the divine secrets to anyone. The expression "for seven seals" will be very appropriate. The seven does not like magicians and prunerators who are trying to predict unpredictable or find out unrecognized. She is the keeper of the mystery.

And yet, what else can you say about the seven? Lots of. Treating the category of spiritual numbers, it symbolizes the sword, while the number of 8 is the shield. Together they are designed to defend the nine - spiritual knowledge. Translated to the human language we can say that a person who is engaged in cases that do not contradict spiritual logic will be in all and everywhere to help.

Moreover, the number 7 is considered active protection, and the number 8 is passive. You can ask how important this spiritual protection is. A person needs her constantly. Otherwise, the material beginning will take the top over spiritual. This means that the personality will lose their individuality, and spiritual death will come, which is much worse than physical. It leads to absolute non-existence.


The value of the number 7 is very multifaceted and contradictory. It symbolizes the mind and order, analytical thinking and philosophy of life. It enclosed the harmony of nature - the rainbow has seven colors, and the music is seven notes. God created the Earth in six days, and the seventh made a weekend. This is what characterizes the figure 7 as the number of order and organization. A person should work six days, and to devote the seventh to rest and reflections on God. From here, these properties of the number as loneliness and self-knowledge are followed.

Nowadays, mysterious numerology, the number of fate 7 is of great interest. Everyone seeks to find out how lucky, turning to help this science.

What does Number 7 mean in the fate of each of us?

A man who born seventh numbers has contradictory features, since this figure symbolizes both secret and knowledge. This line of contradictory properties can be continued.

A person will have a strong intuition, but at the same time is capable of analytical thinking. This is with a live imagination. The strong representatives of this number become composers, musicians, poets, philosophers and thinkers, the weakness will easily delay the swamp of despondency and pessimism.

Dar over

If 7 refers to the name, such a person will be no less gifted than the seventh number born. This figure constantly sends its owner to the right direction of activity - in the sphere of science and creativity. Often, such people become leaders, but for this it is necessary to carefully analyze the achieved and clearly plan the future. But in business they will always need help from the side. It should be remembered.

The number of fate 7 is an introverted. It awards its owner a very bright personality. This is an independent and closed person who always has its own opinion. He has few friends, but those who were lucky enough to acquire a reliable comrade for life in it.

A lover of books and connoisseurs of countries - so you can describe a person with a seven in fate. He loves to travel and, if enough funds, be sure to go to the tourist trip abroad. Given this quality, it can be safely argued that work in a travelative agency or a position related to permanent foreign business trips is what is needed for such a person. Claught charity brings special satisfaction with seven. They like to take care of disabled people, sick children and everyone who needs help.

Negative features

The seven gives a person and negative qualities with which he fights all his life. Such people may be prone to alcoholism, often secrets, trick and nervousness deliver to them a lot of problems. Thanks to the habit of talking out loud, all that these people often get into unpleasant situations.

They simply forget that the diplomaticity can be achieved much more result. But the smart owners of this number choose the path of wisdom and understanding that help them restrain the negative traits of their character. Running on the path of self-knowledge, the seven is looking for attendance to the secrets of life. They have strong intuition and often see the prophetic dreams. All this brings them to the study, such people easily develop the gift of clairvoyance and often become extrasens.

Good days for people with a number seven

The most successful days of the week for them are Sunday and Monday. And the most difficult affairs you just need to start 7, 16 or 25 numbers of any month. The best seven find a common language with those who were born 2, 11, 20 or 29 numbers. And even though people having a number 7 in fate are endowed with the features of the introvert, it is desirable to have a friend who would share their interests and was always there.


The value of the number 7 is in marriage huge. It gives her owners with loyalty and a sense of duty. If both spouses are semens, there are particularly strong relations between them, based only on reciprocity and trust. Sevenges - good parents. They have a strong relationship with children. They rarely allow mistakes in education.

These are loyal parents who try not to abuse the confidence of children. Not too demanding, nevertheless, they responsibly and competently approach the upbringing of their children. For their happiness, such parents are ready to go to any sacrifices. The same applies to family well-being.


Children who were born at number 7 will deliver joy to their parents. From early age, they will strike around their prudence. These children are fantasies. They love privacy when you can fully go to your dreams. Seven kids have a well-developed feeling of compassion to other people. Soft character and responsiveness make them favorites of educators and, of course, classmates. At school, they are not the most successful disciples, but congenital perfection and infevering helps them cope with any tasks and problems. Parents can not be particularly worried about their children. The only problem is the tendency of kids to introversion - can be solved if you lead with them candid conversations, encourage them to express our thoughts out loud. Only this can be removed from the child fear and anxiety in front of the society that can be treated.

Psychomatritsa, or makes it possible to determine the main characteristics of the person by the date of birth of a person. And there is a special meaning in it to people who have numbers 0 or 7. These numbers are special signs left by nature itself. If a number 0 is present in a psychomatrice of a person, he during his life, working in the fate of his fate, can make an important discovery for humanity. A man with a seven in psychomatrice is protected by all the forces of nature. It contains information that is very important for people in this historic period. And the more seven in psychomatrice, the more importantly his role in this life.

The most unlucky person who has no number of life path 7. This means that at the moment it does not have any particular task necessary for the development of the world. He speaks independently to find his calling and makes many mistakes. It does not lead to nature at the moment, she simply does not control it. Such a person can devote all his life to search for the scope of activity that it came to him. Individual qualities in nature in each person can come to the rescue. This is mind, insight, logic, a tendency to accurate sciences or, on the contrary, to natural. All will tell me how and where it is better to implement themselves. And then failures will leave.

People who have one seven in their psychomatrice possess a minor fraction of luck. By and large, failures and chance they simply bypass. On this luck and ends. To understand where they should reveal their potential and bring the world to favor, they will have to fill a lot of cones. After all, control and help from nature are minimal. And yet, when a person makes an incorrect step and gets trouble, this is a signal that he needs to change the direction and move to the other side. Only such prompts, the nature of the "pamper" of a person with one digit 7. But you should not lower your hands. Having a patience, you can find your way in life and do even on the right track you can not relax in such people and continue to hope only for good luck. Otherwise, the number 7 will go smoothly in 6. At the same time, the luck will disappear, and with it and energy with health. You can avoid this if you bring up in yourself and constantly control the love of parents, tolerance for people and kindness. These qualities will help preserve the number 7 in the psychomatrice. Especially if 6 is already present in it. In addition, there is always the possibility of translating this six to the number 7.

Good luck in life

We can say about people with two seven people that they are real luck. Nature leads them in life and prompts the right way to disclose in the person the abilities laid it. These people quickly find the right direction thanks to the prompts of fate. And if the trouble happens, then only, of course, by their fault.

With two seven, you can believe in luck and do not try to find your way yourself. And if still a person, contrary to fate, comes around, not believing in his luck, then various surprises with him begin to occur. The second option of trouble occurs when the seven goes into the six due to non-fulfillment of debt to parents and intolerance to others. Such people should constantly remember their task in this world and responsibility to generations.

People having three or more seven are the most real owners of their lives. They themselves build life around themselves, possessing tremendous knowledge about nature and its secrets. Rare failures in the life of such people happen only by their fault and because of the disbelief in their own strength.

Little conclusion

Many mistakenly believe that 7 is a happy number. This is not quite so in reality. It will be more correct to say that the seven brings good luck. In numerology, as you understand, there are no happy and unhappy numbers. These qualities give them a person.

Now, knowing everything about the number 7, you can try to find your way that would benefit humanity.

Numerology allows you to find answers to many key questions. Numeric laws make it possible to calculate how certain events will develop. The science of numbers fascinates many, and in order to be inserted in it, you do not need to own some special knowledge. Each digit is characteristic of its unique value, for example, the number of fate 7 is a mystical and fateful, it personifies the unity of matter and spirit.

Traditionally means self-sufficiency. Such people are never advised to others, they do not perceive and morals from outsiders. The volitional man always clearly understands what he needs and how can it be possible. Many have to spend a lot of time to achieve well-being.

When the patron saint is seven, life seems happy from birth. If unfavorable events occur, then problems are quickly resolved by themselves. Seven is well developed physically and spiritually, she seeks to know everything new. It is not surprising that such people are often in science.

On Vedic Numerology, the figure indicates the relationship with the energy of the Sun and sacral sources. The date personifies the collence, activity, composure, perseverance, purposefulness, ambition. The number like to overcome the difficulties on the way and to achieve the intended goals.

Character features

A person who is under the patronage of the mystical number 7, from birth is endowed with the abilities of a psychologist, he has excellent intuition, thin fits the world, I brightly show emotions. The figure personifies:

If there are 7 years old, a person is open to the world, but somewhat conservative in many matters. He strives for harmony, peacefulness, equilibrium, calmness. In Numerology, 7 marks the passion for esotericism and mysticism, immersion in other reality, the highest spirituality and depth. The "seventh" woman is often a brilliant cook, having a big ability to cook from nature. Such people are often engaged in folk healing, study occult medicine, are interested in Tantra.

Among the seeds, a lot of talented teachers, philosophers, parapsychologists, writers, painters. People who patronize the number do not seek enrichment, they are not interested in their accumulation, they are on spiritual development and knowledge of themselves. Having the number of fate 7 man is not ambitious, it is inepled inside himself and is busy self-development.

Intuition and fear

Some confuse intuition and fear, although these are completely different concepts. The nature of fear is destructive. When this feeling makes itself felt, the will and man begins to collapse. The ability to adequate perception is due. The intuition, on the contrary, gives additional resources. This is a kind of wave forcing it to make the right choice, often ignoring all sorts of logical explanations. If the intuition is developed, it is necessary to listen to it, such people can grab an umbrella in sunny weather and then get under the rain, to make strange, at first glance, actions, but as a result of being right.

7 in the date of birth

The born 7 numbers are super-afraid, erudite and are read. They are characterized by the following:

Often, people with the number of fate 7 are hiding, not wanting to demonstrate their weaknesses around others. They may not share emotions, keeping them deep in themselves. Seven problems decide without any assistance, not wanting to make it difficult for third parties. This does not mean that they do not know how to trust, they just do not want to strain anyone. Related always have the opportunity to rely on them in a difficult moment. Seven wake up their help, and completely disinterestedly.

Personal life

As individualists and introverts, the birth of 7 numbers people do not differ, they love to listen more than speak. It may seem that they are secretive or arrogant, but in fact, the semens are simply prone to loneliness, in which they feel excellent, having the opportunity to make spiritual practices and look for themselves. Undoubtedness can generate some problems with the search for the second half, because the seven are not easy to show the initiative when meeting or support the dialogue. So, sometimes these people can not find their love for a very long time.

Sevenka does not seek noisy companies, she is more comfortable to be in a circle of the closest. In friendship and family, they are always devotees. Friends of such a person a little, but the relationship is strong. He is inclined to maintain friendly relations with those who are interested in communicating.

Possessing the number of fate 7, the woman is looking for its only love. Such a lady is idealist, which manifests itself in the field of relationships. She needs a partner with which it will be compatible sexually, intellectually and spiritually. It is important that harmony can be traced absolutely in all aspects. The woman is inclined to be attached to her partner, so it is sometimes very vulnerable, and in case of disappointment, it feels acute pain and is very injured. Often for a long time can not find your perfect man.

Weak sides

Characterizing positive vibrations, the seven still has some weaknesses that actively manifest themselves under adverse circumstances. Can make themselves to know the following flaws:

If esoteric abilities are well developed, openness to otherworldly forces can harm, making a person with defenseless before their negative impact. Trying to find the truth, the seven is constantly engaging in disputes, seeks something to prove something that he spends a tremendous amount of energy. Many people are peculiar to sarcastic sarcasm, the rich fantasy sometimes takes into the world of illusions and useless dreams.

The magic number generously gives up its owner, but he has to pay for it. To facilitate the situation, seven should know about their good and bad periods, to be able to pick up stones and help others, not asking anything in return. So they will be able to smooth the karma and minimize negative vibrations.

Stones talismans

For additional protection, seven shows the use of certain stones that should be stored at home or wear with them. Talismans will help to protect against the impact of enemies, it is recommended to meditate on them.

Amazonite helps to achieve equilibrium and inner rest. Hematite protects against the effect of evil spirits. Wanting to get a feline eye, it is better to give preference to gas products, they are best attracted positive.

Having in his arsenal a tiger eye, you always easily define the enemy. Moonstone means confidence and balance. Pearls - the keeper chastity and purity, and the pink quartz is able to help in bringing the second half sent by the fate. What to choose pebbles, solve only you.

Working on himself, a person with a number of fate 7 is really able to achieve huge heights in its spiritual development.

How things are in business

A person who is under the auspices of Number 7, happily takes over any job, should not be adapted to new conditions. It is more productive to work alone than in a team, because the seven is much more successful colleagues and easily copes independently even with the most difficult projects. Opening his business, such a person, most likely, will flourish, getting a permanent small income.

It will be worthwhile to develop a company that manufactures some beautiful goods. It doesn't matter what exactly the jewelry, elegant accessories or fashionable clothing. The patronage of the magic figure will contribute to the recognition of the company and will give it prosperity. Most likely, such an organization will often be offered favorable contracts and promising transactions.

Despite the fact that 7 is a happy number, a major profit, he does not have to wait. The whole thing in spirituality that opposes the opposite material side. So, to those who patronize the figure 7, do not need to blame the means or to ask for money in debt. It is not recommended to store the amounts forming the seven.

Wedding 7 numbers

Numerologists are advised to make marriage of the 7th, since talented children appear in such families, which then become real geniuses in their own business. Do not be afraid of negative seven manifestations, in the case of a wedding, they will not show themselves.

It is said that the couple who married this day will always be happy, love all the time will open some new parties in each other, every time I am pleasantly surprised. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to appoint a marriage ceremony for this day, it is necessary to agree. The date will turn into a holiday of mutual discovery and knowledge. As for the seventh month, in July, the marriage is better not to conclude. It is believed that the July couple is less happy than those who brought the marriage bonds in June or August.

Housing problem

It's no secret that the living area has a certain impact on its owners, and the apartment number is also able to influence the energy of the housing. It feels wonderful in the apartment with the seventh room, people prone to loneliness, who like to deepen into themselves, to engage in spiritual practitioners and for a long time to explore their inner world in complete solitude. Living space under the influence of seven allows you to improve intuition, the discovery of telepathic abilities is favorable, attracts good luck, promotes the desire to find itself and his way in life.

While in such an apartment, the greatest comfort is experiencing students involved in the study of metaphysics, philosophical sciences or parapsychology. The fact is that tenants are not physical labor, but they realize certain benefits from such work. The space sets up to relax people who do not seek to communicate, it helps them to liberate and remove psychological blocks.

It must be said that in the house there will be badly feeling those who seek to increase profits and improving business. In such space, simply will not remain material values, because it is completely concentrated on the spiritual. A similar problem is peculiar and relationships in a married couple. Living in the seventh apartment, partners are likely to be constantly annoyed, quarrel and scandaling loudly.

The mystical number is characterized by numerous positive qualities, and in order to be able to successfully cope with unwanted manifestations of seven-year, it is necessary to constantly develop, use suitable talisman stones, to do yoga and perform spiritual practices. Staying in awareness, born under the auspices of seven people will be able to achieve a lot, overcoming all the difficulties and obstacles on its path.

ATTENTION, only today!

Figure 7 means for humanity primarily the sacred divine number, an angel sign that brings good luck. Pressing the number of unusual and mysterious planet Saturn.

The value of the number 7 was formed by centuries and was supplemented by the tag of the folk observations, facts, information related to this number. So grew, fastened and the faith of the human faith in the fact that the number of the magic mysterious meaning of the absolute and one perfection of the universe was carried out.

Saturn's children are perfect and self-sufficient, with a sustainable and extraordinary worldview, creatively thinking and all having their own non-standard response. They are able to see the meaning of God even in the most simple inanimate things. These are thinners with an analytical complex warehouse of the mind. They are inherent inventors, pioneers-discovers. They seek power in knowledge, all religions and philosophical doctrines in search of truth are capable of turning alongside their heads on the head. They are restless and changeable, constantly learn, in their house all free places are filled with books.

"7" The number of happiness for its owner

The value of the figure 7 is largely intertwined with the previous 6, endowing the gears and perseverance inherent in the gears and perseverance. Those. All beginnings of the seven will invariably lead to a beneficial outcome.

People of this symbol have positive character traits prevail over negative.

They are happy people with a sophisticated sense of humor, very bright and eccentric, often leave their mark in history.

These are talented people with developed intuition, they draw knowledge from human experience and successfully apply them in their activities, career. The result of their works seven can be contemplated by 25 years. To this age, they can get fame and wealth to which they seek.

Seven will succeed in the field of teaching, analytical activities of the investigating authorities, may even become agents of the special services. They are great connoisseurs of art and hands they grow as it should, so the people of the number 7 can become docks in jewelry or engraving. Born at number 7 should be aware that all their undertakings will be successful, and not be afraid to implement their ideas.

Perhaps some will call the seven closed and bully. But this is far from that. Just the friends of the seven are picked up according to their interests and hobbies, they do not need a large circle of communication. Friendship for them is something valuable and intimate, and be a guardian to the whole world troublesome and ungrateful occupation. The seven does not like a large number of people in his own home, so choosing a partner for marriage to this person need to pay attention to the presence of numerous relatives who can deliver irritation and violate the comfort.

7 in Pythagorean teaching

The number 7 in numerology takes an honorable leading place. It happened not because 7 alleged the symbol of luck. Because the concept of luck with a persistent purposeful work is controversial.

This figure implies the interest of its Majesty of Nature in the disclosure of human perfection.

If there is no seven in a psychomatrice, it does not mean that the luck does not see the luck and he will not be able to achieve anything. Just such people on the path of self-knowledge will go in other ways, overcoming independently all adversity and difficulties. But the sign with one seven is also sufficiently weak to turn out the "lucky". It will be perfect if a person with a lot of seven will fall in their life.

A man with two digits 7 in a psychomatrice patronizes luck. He can safely risk, get involved in gambling events, Fortuna he has a sinus.

People with three and more seven people in personal psychomatrice are owned by the most advanced form of Being. These are builders and engineers-designers of their own destiny, who speak solid knowledge about the nature of things. Such people are desirable to devote themselves to the sciences about the soul, natural science and bring their knowledge to the world.

Magic number 7 in history

The philosophy of the ancient Egyptians and Babyllyan represented the seven as the sum of the two magical numbers: 3 and 4. Troika - the basis of life - child and father and a mother, and the foursome - the vital number of countries of the world, wind directions. The meaning of the number is 7 magic and in the ancient Romans (worship of seven sages) and the people of ancient Greece (annual holiday of seven actors).

Christian religion, starting with the seven days of the creation of the world, continued a list of sins, family Christian sacraments, passionate saddemic. Seven truly is considered the number of Almighty Lord.

Muslims in their beliefs are extolled by the seventh sky - a place for pleasing shower Allah.

The Japanese believe that for the whole life path, a person is given seven luck from seven good gods. Known to everyone and the story of seven wonders of light. Seven seas, seven notes, seven days of the week ... And the Word of the Family is no wonder in its title this is a mystical number. So, the seven denotes the success and perfection of nature.

Video: Number 7

7 - What means in numerology




What is the psychology number 7

The number 7 has long been considered a number with a positive modus.

Sacraments (in the Orthodox Church) - 7.

Of the sum of 3 and 4 - the main numeric parameters, the number 7 arises. "Magic-1" (according to J. Miller) characterizes the overall idea of \u200b\u200bthe universe, a constant in the description of the world tree, the full composition of the Pantheon, the number of fabulous heroes - brothers (Wed " Seven brothers "," Seven Simeons "and sisters, etc.), the number of days of the week, the number of days of holidays, the number of spectrum colors, tones in music, basic smells of stereochemical theory, constant, determining the amount of human memory, etc. In some cultural-language traditions, there is a seminar number system and / or number 7. In general, as the most common number, characterizing almost universally all, which is calculated in the mythopoetic space (CP. Number 7 at Ketov on Yenisei). From the work 3 and 4, the number 12 arises, which also belongs to the most common patterns in mythopoietic cultures (12 parts of the year, respectively - signs of the zodiac, 12-character pantheons, etc.). 12 How a happy number is opposed by an unhappy number 13 (12 + 1). In a number of traditions with Number 7, the number 9, obtained by a triad repetition of the triad. In the old Chinese poetry, the number 9 is used in the meaning of "all". It plays a big role in individual mystical experience. Sacred marked and, accordingly, the other derivatives of the numbers derivatives from 2, 3, 7, 9, 9, 12, and 38, and 38, and 35, also number 108 / 12x9 are also sacred marked and, accordingly, in the ritual and in mythopoietic texts ), marked in Buddhism; This is the number of countable elements in traditional rosary with which meditation is conducted.

The number 7 symbolizes the secret, as well as the study and knowledge as the path of studying the unknown and invisible. From ancient times, she captivated imagination and caused admiration of philosophers, priests, magicians. They believed that sevenchestralism underlies the entire evolution. This is the seven ruling planets, seven days of the week, seven notes of the gamma, seven colors of the rainbow, etc.

It corresponds to the mysterious seven-point star of magicians, which helps to anticipate cyclical changes in the development of not only individuals, but also by the whole peoples.

Psychology of Numbers 7. "Seven" is a sacred number. "Seven" is mentioned in the Bible 770 times. The seventh day was the day of rest of the Lord God, seven days there are one phase of the moon. Seven - symbol of space. The Bible speaks of seven fat cows and seven thin cows. "Our Father" contains seven requests, Archangel Mikhail is struggling with the seminal dragon. The Catholic Church speaks of seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, seven virtues and seven death sins. It is recommended to measure seven times before cutting off. We know the fairy tales about the princess and seven heroes, about Snow White and seven gnomes, about the grateful tailor, one inhabit seven killing. In the ancient times there were seven wonders of the world. It is known a legend about seven sages. There are seven continents. Man's senses are associated with the seven major structures.

ki - detachment, striving for solitude. Often, the seven has the talent to find lost things, unleash the protracted nodes, find the solution of confusing problems. At the same time, the fuss of external life is little interesting to seven, and often they neglect the financial side of life, consider unworthy occupation to take a penny. It is very difficult to influence the opinion or intentions of the seven, since all their actions are usually well thought out, have deep "roots".

Vibrations of numbers 7.


Wisdom, analysis, thoughtfulness, thoughtfulness, ability to deal with complex concepts, criticality, intelligibility, attention to detail; intuitiveness, knowledge, faith, striving for excellence; Sensitivity, mysteriousness, non-obstacles, depth, spiritualization, transformation, restraint, spirituality, skepticism, invention, thinking, discovery, mystery.


Supercriticality, rebel, inability, hopelessness, skepticism, humiliation, nervousness, unusual, embarrassment.


Impermanence, skepticism, embarrassment, evilness, deceit, trick, depression, duplex, secrecy.

The number 7 is generally recognized is sacred for many nations. In fact, the whole cosmos has a seminary structure.

The seven is the first of the prime numbers that can be called truly simple. Consider preceding seven simple numbers. Unit is a simple number. Simple are divided into ourselves and per unit. But in this case, per unit and means. That is, the unit is only one divider, and all other simple numbers have two divisors. The next simple number is 2. It features all other simple parity. Troika - Abel. You just read about his distinctive sign, digital root equal to himself. Perhaps the ancient Greek myth of Narcissue, ever-as-aware of his reflection, is a story about the same number "three" and the digital root of "3" reflecting his digital root, the only one of its kind "simple". Such an exclusivity of reflection and serves as a racissive reason for self-examination. The latter before the seven is a simple number - 5. The only one of the prime numbers ending on five. Simple numbers ends with any odd digit except five. But "the seventh from Adam"

Enoch is no longer different from all subsequent simple, for which he is ascended. In the number of 7 two divisors, like everyone else, except for one; It is odd, like all simple, except for two; His root "7" carry a simple 43, 61, 79, 97, etc; 7 ends simple 17, 37, 47, 67, 97, etc.

There is another reason for which the Egnuch number deserves special differences. The seven hides in itself all six digital roots of prime numbers. If the division of seven in the answer is a fractional number, then you will see that these digital roots are cyclically repeated in the fractional residue: ... 1, 4, 2, 8, 5, 7. ENOH, as if suggests that the fractions that result in The result of dividing one natural number to another will always be cyclical. This means that on the usual calculator, the division operation can be made with any accuracy.

Thus, a possible conclusion is suggested: twenty-two levels of the hierarchy of the universe are distributed between the seven primary cells of the universe. At the same time, the "filling" of one such cell is the number "PI" (as 22/7 \u003d P)! On the other hand, considering the relations of the three of these numbers, it would be logical to assume that 22/7 \u003d P - there is a diameter (the question, in which units?) The universe, since the circumference of L \u003d P X D! Answers to all these issues to humanity still have to be find

Tell me the value of the number 7 in numerology, but not in the date of birth, but as a sign of something

I explain: in the storage chamber, I open the key from №11 my box number 11, and there is empty, just in case I try to open number 12 - there are my things there. I go to the locker room, I give numbers 86, and I say that my coat is not, I go, and it is hanging on № 96. With me, this was never happening, but here 2 times in a row. There were four digits: 11-12 and 86-96. If you add to all, it turns out 7. Tell me what it means

Figure 7 symbolizes the mystical nature of man. 7th is the number of priests that owns 7 keys, Ie, having a surrounding magical authority, this holiness and mind (holy sage, who is associated with God) is on the patronage of Saturn, it turns out time, responsible for the inner rod, symbolizes the depth of thoughts, hardworking, mind, Wisdom, asceticism, seriousness. Manages the concentration of thought, will and energy.


The number of seven was always associated with the concept of luck (good luck). Sometimes this figure is called an angel sign.
Most likely, more or less logical explanation of such interpretation of the figures 7 can be made from an example with a landpaste, which, treating the land with a plut, has always hoped for a happy, successful outcome of his business. Simply put, Paharar expect for luck, which he could only send the sky - God, Angel, the Holy Spirit or Holy Power. A man has nowhere to handle his requests for a good crop. It remained to hope for a miracle, and much easier and more convenient for luck. So it turned out that it was the combination of three factors and gave rise to a figure of 7 as a number responsible for the luck: a horse (4 legs), a plower (2 legs) and God (angel, luck, good luck, hope). In addition to the already said you can add that it was in the seventh day of the week - the resurrection - people tried to achieve their luck or good luck, asking for this God during prayers, since this day should be dedicated to God.


Number 7 in numerology
Magic number. Symbolizes the secret, learning and knowledge as the path of studying unknown and invisible.
In Russian folklore, also distinguishing number - to death seven times ...
Seven troubles - one answer .. Seven one is not waiting ...
In the daily life of Semyon almost everywhere:
Seven ruling planets, seven days of the week, seven notes of the gamma, seven colors of the light spectrum, seven heaveles, seven holes on the head.

11-loyalty, 12-nobility, 86-grace, and 96 deception.
11 + 12 + 86 + 96 \u003d 205 (Will strength) \u003d 7 (persistence)
It turns out that you knew that on the right path, but there was some kind of deception, and thanks to my stubbornness, the power of the will, you Blahley, elegantly came out of this staution.
The situation is written right in numbers.

The value of numbers in numerology. This means the figure 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,

The entire system of numerology is based on one-valued figures from 1 to 9, with the exception of two-digit numbers with a special value. Therefore, to make all the calculations simply simply, it is enough just to correctly perform subtraction and addition on the basis of the numbers included in your date of birth. All the letters of the name also have a corresponding digital equivalent or number. It usually depends on where the letter is located in the alphabet. For example, A-1.B-2, B-3, etc.

The numbers are archetypes. The value of numbers in numerology reflects the individual qualities of the person under consideration, but only every person has a different qualities of qualities. Each number is archetypal quality. The numbers are very similar to people and is sometimes very difficult, to collect together all the qualities that the number has, and analyze them. Even the characters themselves and writing numbers sometimes talk about the meaning of numbers, and what qualities they represent
Figure 1.
- It has the type of pillar and means leadership, strength and independence. It is also a symbol of various undertakings, innovation, exceptional individuality. It encourages not to think, but immediately act. It works well in that good, and what is bad. Indicates energy as directed towards fate. Instigator.
Figure 2.
- Means sensitivity, diplomaticity and softness, and also has good flexibility and elasticity. Symbolizes refinement and femininity. Indicates love for music and sophistication. Avoids all confrontation, but gives power to promote.
Figure 3.
- means skill, self-expression, inspiration, enthusiasm. It symbolizes the desire as if concluding everyone to his arms in this world. It is considered a very happy and successful number. Expresses optimism and enthusiasm. Rejoices life and everything easily perceives.
Figure 4.
means rigor and pragmatic, being a support for all other digits and reliability. It is the most moving number. It has wit and unusual perception of the world. Does not tolerate changes. He is strongly tied to traditions. It is characterized by honesty and uses authority.
Figure 5.
- It is the most dynamic number open to everything new and unknown. Symbolizes inborn ability to trade and administration. It is characterized by courage and burden to various adventures and adventures.
Figure 6.
- the most loving digit. It means the willingness to go to self-sacrifice and motherhood. It is harmoniously combined with all other numbers. Capably stand on the protection of weak and humiliated. Externally artistic and talented.
Number 7.
- means a thinker and rejection looking for the truth, and stretching a hand with a lamp, scattering darkness. It is characterized by deep knowledge and wisdom, as well as intuition and understanding. The closure in itself and passing your positions. Loneliness and contemporary
- Means the balance between the spiritual and material world, being a symbol of infinity of being, transition from one world to another. Characterized by the ability to use money as a tool. It has the strength and ability to see all through, and also points to a wide mind.
Figure 9.
- completes the cycle. It looks like a figure of 6, but love in it is intended to the whole world. The most humanistic number. It is characterized by limitless consciousness, genius and creativity. It has nobility and aristocracy.

Numerology message series:
Part 1 - Numerology What is
Part 2 - Number Value
Part 3 - the value of numbers in numerology. This means the figure 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
Part 4 - What does the date of your wedding in Numerology, which means the date of your wedding in numerology