Message on the topic: "Pages of world history. The beginning of the history of mankind

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Message on the topic: "Pages of world history. The beginning of the history of mankind

The most vivid facts that disprove the traditional version of the history of the planet Earth

When did Dinosaurs died out? Was the territory of the current Russia inhabited in the "Ice Age"? How many ancient civilizations existed on the planet Earth and what was the level of them technological development? Is it true that the gigantic spaces of the North of Russian Plain, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East remained uninhabited already before the new time? What traces of ancient civilizations found in the territory of the current Russia? Why do the facts say one thing, and scientists are completely different? How many more irrefutable evidence of the existence of the oldest highly developed civilizations? In this film, only some of the most vivid facts contradictory official historydominating today in the scientific world. Famous Russian scientists, writers and travelers Andrei Burovsky, George Sidorov and Vitaly Sundakov will share their thoughts about what the history of mankind actually actually was.

Each resident of the Earth, who was lucky enough to study at school, receives about the same set of ideas about the past of our planet and its inhabitants. It is believed that about 3 billion years ago life originated here. She developed, became more complicated - and here 2.5 million years ago, the first person appeared in Africa, who firmly went on two legs, and to defend the baton to defend (still uncertain).

As many as 2 million years, he lived on trees and in hard to reach mountain caves. She was collecting - I was looking for edible berries, nuts, fruits of covered bridge trees. He mined the shallow water of sea and river mollusks, split them and eat raw. Pick up fresh Padal - the remains of someone else's prey.

Later, about 300 thousand years ago, he mastered the technology of joint hunting with the use of the simplest weapon. Without sharp fangs and claws, our distant ancestor began to use angular pieces of rock rocks. And over time, I even learned how to make the stone axes and spears from them. Primitive people They gathered in hunting brigades - and together mined large and small animals. Then they shared prey and lived in small tribes, defending against wild animals and tribal hostile. So finally the human society appeared. Gradually, the number of primitive people has increased so much that they began to diverge throughout the planet, population in Europe, Asia, both America and Australia. A familiar picture, isn't it? ..

Moreover, when we say "Europe", we mean only the southern part of Western Europe in this case. And the entire north of the Eurasian continent in the epoch, according to scientists, occupied a multi-kilometer glacier, who melted only 15-10 thousand years ago.

And here we are faced with the first serious contradiction. In the second half of the twentieth century, several high-profile archaeological discoveries were made on the territory of Russia, which cast doubt on the theory of glaciation. When digging a pit Vladimir region Builders accidentally discovered the burial of ancient people. Later, it will be known for the entire world by the Sungir archaeological monument, which comes to some estimates for up to 28,000 years. Ancient people who lived in Sungori did not differ from us, their distant descendants. They had high growth (up to 187 cm), white skin and the same as we have a brain volume. They had a developed civilization, which had a high level of technology for that pore. They knew how to straighten the mammoth's bone and sewed fashionable dublins, decorating them with rhinestones (multicolored bone beads). Agree, it is rather strange for primitive people who descended not so long ago from the trees.

Another discovery hit the scientist world even more. In Western Siberia, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, near the city of Achinsk, on the lands, which were always considered "not historical", the Soviet archaeologist Vitaly Larichev discovered a strange subject, seemingly resembling a rod with a spiral pattern. With a careful study, this pattern consisting of 1065 small icons turned out to be a lunarly sun calendar for several years. Something like a modern souvenir calendar, what we put on our table. Only at once for 3-4 years. The calendar's character gave reason to argue that his compilers had serious knowledge in the observed astronomy and could predict the lunar and solar eclipses. This discovery was painted by the Achinsky Wand. His age is about 18,000 years. This is an oldest calendar on earth. And more, quite accurate.

As you probably know, in Siberia a very harsh climate, even today, when there is no glacier on the Eurasian continent. The thermometer column in the winter is lowered to minus 50 degrees. What should have been there when a multi-kilometer freezer of the Würm Glacier lay literally a few hundred kilometers, and the whole territory was covered with an eternal Merzlot? .. Is a civilized life and ... Is the fundamental science? .. In the same Krasnoyarsk region, In the Denis Cave, the remains of the girl who lived 75 thousand years ago were found. Now in science a term "Denisovsky man" appeared. Archaeologists suggest that already starting from a period of 40,000 years before the new era "Denisovsky man" inhabited the extensive territories of Western Siberia. Recall once again that Siberia is modern historians consider "non-historical land", there were allegedly no foci of civilization. All the foci are customary to find only in the Middle East and in Western Europe. But no hope - the Siberian archaeological finds are several times older than their analogues in other parts of the world. It turns out that people in Siberia lived from time immemorial. Could they not create cultures, science and at least the simplest statehood? ..

And at all at all does not fit into the theory of glaciation of a find, made for the polar circle, in Yakutia, at the mouth of the Burleyh river. There found a parking of primitive people who - attention! - tamed mammoths! Yes, yes, tamed mammoths and used them as domestic animals. As you understand, Mammoths - animals are very large, more elephants and much larger than cows. They need a lot there are not to lose weight. Therefore, they simply can not live in the territories of permafrost. They need meadows, whipped with juicy grass and shrub ... Which of this can be concluded? Only one thing: in antiquity in the north of Siberia was quite a soft climate. There the generous sun shoved there, the warm winds were blown and the vegetation escaped.

By the way, the habitat of mammoths for the current polar circle has long been no longer a mystery for both scientists and for ordinary residents of these latitudes - northern Peoples, as well as Russian scientists and workers. The fact is that in the north of Russia, in the permafrost, the Mammoth's tissue was always found and found today in quantities close to industrial.

Of these, the northern people of ancient times are made up of household items (for example, bone knives and copies), as well as works of art. In historical museums of almost every major russian city There are numerous skeletons and even mummies of mammoths.

And in the zone of permafrost, hunters and reindeer breeders to this day sometimes find frozen mammoth meat. For the absence of better use, these simple people Feed them dogs.

What do we see? Where, according to scientists, there was a giant glacier and prevailed a full deserted, it turns out, quite successfully lived enough civilized people. Engaged agriculture, scored cattle, developed their culture and science ... And all this is according to official data of archeology. It turns out, the school version of the story in this question is erroneous? ..

And this is only a part of the discoveries made in Russia. In other countries and on other continents of findings that completely refute the traditional version of the story, not less, and the visuality of them sometimes shakes. The expedition of Russian researchers, led by Andrei Sklyarov, discovered in Peru and Bolivia on the ruins of the ancient cities traces of civilization, which for 10,000 years ago possessed construction technologies, to which modern engineering science is still very far away.

Most of all today's scientists affect the phenomenon of the so-called polygonal masonry. When large stone blocks are not standardized in size, but perfectly fit together according to the features of their form, including the smallest bulges and slopes. Thanks to this fit, the blocks fall one on the other, like puzzles, and are perfectly held without any solution.

By the way, the blocks of the Egyptian pyramids on the Plateau Giza are also laid in the same way. Something similar researchers are found in Russia. What is an example of a recent discovery in Mountain Shorei, made by the expedition of Georgy Sidorov. Having tried to imagine, with the help of what tools could be so laying stones, Russian researchers put forward several hypotheses, each of which implies the highest level of technical progress. Another hypothesis involves the unknown method of chemical or temperature softening of the stone to the state of plasticine. This alleged technology was conventionally called "Plasticine".

The expedition members of Andrei Sklyarov traveled around the world and in many places on the oldest buildings whose age is hidden by a lot of millennia, traces of high-tech engineering machining. Including traces of disk saws and grinding on the lathe. Here is an example from Lebanon, with the ruins of the ancient city of Baalbek. Recently, scientists in the whole world are increasingly and more often thinking that it was time to reconsider our ideas about the development of human civilization.

In Mexico in the local history museum of the city of Icke is kept huge collection Stones on which the scenes are engraved from the life of ancient people adjacent to dinosaurs. Their Local Spanish Surgeon and Aristocrat Javier Kobrero collected them in the mid-20th century. One and a half thousand of the most complex drawings are applied to water-rolled granite pieces. Make such difficult even with the help of modern devices. And in the collection of Dr. Cobreo more than one and a half thousand such stones. The most amazing thing is that on some stones are ancient animals, known only to those skilled in the art. Where did the Indians who are not familiar with paleontology, could have known the features of the building of extinct animals? ..

Researchers suggest that Icca stones are a kind of library, which is designed to store a variety of knowledge and convey them to the descendants. Therefore, the collection of Dr. Kobreo is called lithotek. In addition to dinosaurs, the stones depict the scenes of medical procedures, including such complex as expensive operations and the trepanation of the skull. Even the devices for deep anesthesia and the doctor anesthesiologist are visible! Other stones captured astronomy classes and even stylized aircraft.

The scientific world preferred to dismiss these finds, calling them by the crafts of local Indians for sale to tourists. Souvenirs, in general. But tell me who can apply sophisticated drawings on solid granite? Do thousands of such items in a single style? With scientific accuracy, depicting animals that extorted many millions of years ago and even in modern textbooks are not described all? Transmit with drawings complex processes, even stripe and cranopy and brain operations? And all this in order to try to sell tourists at a low price (Icca stones have never been in price)? .. Agree, the combination of these factors completely excludes whatever handicraft production.

In another part of Mexico, in the middle of the twentieth century, countless ceramic figures depicting dinosaurs with all possible details were found. The local White Aristocrat Waldemar Giulsrud on his own money hired ordinary peasants, and those for 7 years simple kirk and shovels dug out these figures for him. Naturally, with this method of excavations, most of the figures were just broken. And Julsrud paid the peasants only for entire figurines. How many artifacts have died, remains only to guess. But the surviving turned out to be so much that the aristocrat had to spend their entire state on them.

And just like the stones of Lithotki Dr. Kabrroo, the figurines of Waldemar Julsruda show us dinosaurs, peacefully coexistent with people. This statuette depicts a woman with a little baby dinosaur on his hands. Laboratory studies have shown that the age of figures from the Giulsrud collection from 3 to 6.5 thousand years. Suppose that six thousand years ago people no longer saw dinosaurs, but they looked out of clay according to the existing ancient traditiontransmitted from previous generations. But even in this case, the tradition could hold one thing - a maximum of two millennia. After that, her meaning would be lost and the overall style of figures would inevitably change. However, we have anatomically detailed images of ancient lizards. It is difficult to get rid of the idea that they were sculpted from nature. And they did it small children at leisure in children's garden. It turns out, or dinosaurs did not extinct 65 million years ago, or ... it's even scary to assume ... or people modern type Live on Earth for many millions of years.

Ordinary Firebird, say you? But a professional paleontologist quickly recognizes in this picture a stylized image of Foradakus - an ancient giant bird of prey, living on Earth in the Miocene era, that is, about 20 million years ago. That this is not an ordinary pigeon or the wooder indicates several features. First, starving legs are too long for our fauna. Secondly, on embroidery for comparison, other features are given, significantly smaller in size. Thirdly, also for comparison near the birds are also depicted by a person who barely pulls into the chest of giant birds (as it was in fact - Foracuses reached 2.5 meters in a height). By the way, pay attention to the strange image of a man's head. Does it not reminiscent of a skaand? ..

But drawings from other Slavic tablecloths, pushers and handkerchiefs.

In general, according to the anthropologist George Sidorov, on Slavic embroidery, dishes and patterns of carved wooden platbands, you can often see extinct animals and disappeared plants. Similar drawings are in the ornaments of other nations. Our consciousness refuses to take this fact, so we treat all these lizards, dragons and hotels as fabulous creatures, folk fantasy. But what if we are mistaken? ..

Could our distant ancestors see all these animals with their own eyes? Theoretically, individual representatives of fossil species could live before the start of the Stone Age. Still, they were warm-blooded animals and knew how to adapt. But the probability of such a phenomenon can be equated to the miracle. Another miracle can be considered that our ancestors retained the memory of these animals in the form of drawings - and were able to convey it to us.

There are quite a few facts that do not fit not only in the picture of the events of the last 40-50 thousand years, but even within the limits of simple human logic.

Rostov mines in coal layer at a depth of 300 meters found petrified ... wheel from cart. In the accuracy of these pictures, you do not have to doubt. However, as such is possible - because the coal layer was formed ... 250,000,000 years ago?! .. Once again: Two hundred fifty million years ago ...

In the geological formation of land formed millions and even billions years ago, they find a variety of items that seem to be modern man-made origin. These are the stone tools of labor in California. And the iron bowler in Oklahoma. And strange steel balls in Africa. And even - that is absolutely incredible - petrified spare parts for watchmaking in Kamchatka.

Some of these dizzying finds can be explained by the theory of abiogenic (chemical) coal origin. It is believed that coal and oil formed not millions of years ago, but arise even even today. Therefore, the man-made objects that have come into layers in the layers can be in the coal formation over time. But the hourly mechanisms in the stone layers, which millions of years could only be found as a result of the settlement of the planet Earth from space. Well, or it can be assumed that modern Swiss watchmakers invented the car time - and transported their production to the era of Paleozoic. Of course, many finds like this are the fruit of scientific falsification or erroneous interpretation. But there are facts and absolutely indisputable.

To date, all over the world has accumulated such a number of reliable discoveries that refute the traditional version of history, which in order to explain to them, it is necessary to create a new system of historical representations. Which would include the data of all reliable sources about the events of the past and logically they interpreted them. Of course, to do this work, observing all the requirements of the scientific school, under the power of only a large team of scientists. The research institutes funded by the state and the Department of History of Large Universities should be worked on this.

But, unfortunately, today the fundamental science threatened himself from solving this task. Academics and Doctors, university teachers and the authors of historical textbooks continue to insist on the infallibility of the existing version of history and persistently do not want to notice newest discoveries. Any facts that do not fit into their picture of the past, they declare fake or just do not notice. A paradoxical situation originated: the facts that refute the theory are officially recognized scientific worldBut the theory itself does not change. And it lasts decades.

Meanwhile, the need to explain the discoveries made and give society a new consistent picture of the past has long begins. Therefore, individual researchers around the world, without waiting for official science, began to create their own versions of the origin of life on the planet Earth. One of them was the writer-historian, traveler and anthropologist Georgy Alekseevich Sidorov. Summarizing the information of a variety of sources - from the scientific monographs of Soviet scientists, to the legends of the Evenki Shamans - he is his picture of the history of mankind. As an artist-ipressionist, about working with large strokes, painting era and millennia. But sometimes his research look snatches and very thin details of the historical and cultural process.

The peculiarity of George Sidorova as a researcher is that it does not apply to the class of cabinet scientists, and leads an independent search for testimonies of the past. They made a lot of discoveries that science is not yet able to master. These include and recorded legends of the northern peoples shamans telling about the times of a big catastrophe and the subsequent recreation of the world. And decoding historical information On Slavic Embroidery and Wooden Threads. And numerous archaeological finds in Siberia, the Far East, Russian North and Even Germany. Someone his historical and ideological buildings may seem too fantastic. But let's remember that the statements that the Earth is a ball, someone once also seemed too fantastic.

Like any researcher, which comes with his own way and thinking independently, he is not insured against mistakes and delusions. Actually, he himself always advises to check the information provided by them and its interpretations. One thing that can be said to: the work that George Sidorov did and other independent researchers around the world, is the most important breakthrough in the field of understanding who we are actually.

Hundreds of thousands of people in different countries The world was appreciated by the work of George Sidorov. His books are sold by large circulations, which there will be no well-known journalists and even politicians. His video speeches on the Internet enjoy the constant popularity. And at meetings, people from the most remote corners of Russia and even Europe come to meetings. Today it is already impossible to simply rebound from numerous facts, testifying to a completely different course of historical processes on the planet Earth, rather believed before. But information about them continues to be hung hard and hide.

In order for the facts that refute the existing version of the story, they have become the property of all people living on our planet, an electronic catalog of the unique historical and archaeological discoveries "The Tanet" has been created on the Internet.

If you want to learn more about alternative versions of human history, get acquainted with artifacts, testifying about the events of the distant past, or wish to participate in the search and study of unique historical monumentsJoin our project! Come on the site of the propertyplants. FLF, register and proceed to study!

As the Russian politician Peter Stolypin said, "a people who do not have national self-consciousness, there is a manure on which other peoples grow." The same can be said about humanity as a whole. If we have no genuine knowledge of yourself, we will infinitely be manipulated, bringing to the state of animals. Therefore, the establishment of truth about our origin, awakening historical memory All residents of the planet Earth is a vital need for all of us. In the end, we are with you too - the wealth of the planet!

According to various testimonies and research, approximately three million years ago (although the alternative history of mankind calls other numbers) a person came out of the world of animals. About 35 thousand years ago the formation began modern people. Thigh thirty thousand years, civilizations began to develop different parts World.

If the history of mankind was equated to day, then from the moment of the formation of classes and states to our time, according to scientists, only 4 minutes passed.

The primitive purchase system was the longest stage. He lasted about a million years. It should be noted that the exact time when the history of mankind began, it is very difficult to call. The upper boundary (final stage) of the primitive commuting system varies in different limits depending on the continent. For example, classes in Africa and Asia began to be formed at the turn of 4-3 V. BC er, in America - 1 c. BC e.

As the history of mankind began, why where and when it happened, remains a mystery. Unfortunately, there are no monuments of those eras.

Humanity by different scientists is carried out in different ways.

Another ancient Roman and the ancient Chinese philosophers knew about the existence of three (copper), stone and iron. In the 19th - early 20th centuries, this archaeological periodization received scientific development. As a result, scientists typicalized the stages and the era of these periods.

Lasted several times longer than the entire subsequent history of mankind. The separation into steps within this era is based on the complication and change of the forms of stone guns.

The Stone Age began with Paleolithic (ancient), in which, in turn, scientists allocate the stage of the lower (early), middle and upper (late) Paleolithic.

Complete stone Age Neolithic (Novocamena Century). At the end of this period, the first copper guns appear. This indicates the formation of a special stage - Eneolyt (Halkolite).

The structure of the internal periodization of the subsequent centuries (Novocamena, Iron and Bronze) is represented by different researchers in different ways. Defined cultures within the stages themselves are quite high.

Archaeological periodization is based on wholesale technological aspects and does not give the idea of \u200b\u200bthe formation of production as a whole. Currently, the separation system at the stage wears not so much global as regional.

Some limited goals are present in the paleoanthropological periodization of primitive system. It is based on the principle of the biological evolution of people. According to this separation system at the stage of development, researchers talk about the existence of ancient (archantrop), ancient (Paleoanthroprope), as well as the fossil modern (neoanthrop) of a person. Despite some controversial moments, the Paleoanthropological system for dividing the development of people to the steps is closely echoes the archaeological system.

At the same time, the specified special periodization human history It will not be equal to importance with the overall division system of past people. The development of the direction of the historical and material understanding of the human development was first seriously launched by the Morgan (American ethnograph). In accordance with the separation of the entire process to the era, barbarism and wildness established in the 18th century, given the indicators of the development of the production of "means of life", the American ethnographer allocated the highest, middle and lower level in each specified era. Subsequently, Engels, having highly appreciated this periodization, summarized it.


1. Historical era.
2. Acquaintance with history and archaeology.

4. Primitive world.
5. Conclusion.

1. Historical era.

The history of mankind can be divided into several large epochs:

  • - primitive story;
  • - history Ancient Mira;
  • - history of the Middle Ages;
  • - the history of the new time;
  • - History of the Newest Time.

2. Acquaintance with history and archeology

The most ancient era of human history is named primitive.

How did people find out about primitive people? Scientists produce excavations, remove the things of ancient people from the ground, their bones. Scientists producing excavations are called archaeologists.

Archeology - Science of antiquity. It studies the history of society for the remainders of the life and activities of people. Scientists believe that the most ancient people, traces of which were found in Africa and Asia, lived over a million years ago. By the remnants of the skeletons of the oldest people managed to install as they looked.

The first people and monkeys known to us lived more than two million years ago and were called Driopites.

3. Difference primitive man from modern.

Ancient man It was very different from us with you - modern people - and looked like a major monkey. However, people did not go on four paws, as almost all animals walk, but on two legs, but at the same time they leaked forward. The hands of a man breathed to his knees were free and he could do them simple work: grab, hit, dig ground. The foreheads had low and lowered people. They had more brain than the monkey, but significantly less than that of modern people. He did not know how to speak, made only a few ripple sounds, they expressed fear and anger, called for help and warned each other about the danger, ate only what was found.

These were wood animals that resemble human-like monkeys in their structure. Some of them were only a woody lifestyle. They could give the beginning of the line of animals who later subsequently the ancestor of man.

4. Primitive world.

SAMI ancient era The history of mankind is named primitive. Primitive (generic) community. Characterized by collective labor and consumption.

Primitive people We lived with groups, because alone was impossible to cope with the difficulties of life. They did not need to take care of warm clothes. They lived where it is always warm. Primitive people built dwellings to defend against the scorching rays of the sun, bad weather, predators.

The first tools of the labor of people were hands, nails and teeth, as well as stones, wreckage and bitch from trees. The first people were to hunt, collect different plants, as well as learn how to make the first simple guns from sticks, bones and animal horns, and then out of stone.

Basic ancient people There were hunt I. fishing (Classes for men) who demanded great strength and dexterity. An ancient person is unlikely to be able to consider more than five, but he could sit still at the ambush during the hunt or to build a cunning trap for a huge mammoth. Collecting (occupation for women) - the ability to understand different plants and collect edible mushrooms, as well as the exchange of prey - with other tribes.

Ancient man Together with other animals ran from fire in fear. But then there was a brave, which began to use the fire left by natural phenomena as a result of thunderstorms, volcanic eruptions, forest fires. Man has not yet been able to mine fire itself. And that's why big problem There was a preservation of fire. The loss of fire was equivalent to the death of the whole genus. Later, a person learned to extract the fire, and the fire saved it during the period of cooling on earth. He began to use fire for cooking. He could fry a piece of meat on it, bake on coals root and extract them in time so as not to burn. The fire gave man what is not in nature.

Inside each tribe, certain customs and behavior rules were folded. Living in the caves, they painted on the walls. They screamed from clay or squeezed out of the stone of people, animals, decorated with dishes. Probably, they wanted to portray the world in which they lived.

5. Conclusion.

Primitive story She lasted hundreds, thousands of years. During this time, people settled all the continents besides Antarctica. In our country, they appeared approximately half a million years ago.

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Considering the development of civilization, one cannot bypass such the topic as the origin of mankind and his early story. And, in fact, here we have two options. The first is to take the version that the "official" science offers us, to sign up to the ranks of "alternatives", supporters of alternative history. What option is more faithful and why do you need to doubt the official version?

A detailed consideration of the situation in modern science is beyond the scope of this part, it will be done later. Nevertheless, it is possible to clearly say that those who are engaged in science in their most are essentially no more intelligent than ordinary people. The Catina Peace proposed by science is not rational, but only rationalized. A significant part of those methods that are considered scientific are actually irrational and illogical. From the main irrationalities of modern Western science (and the whole, in essence, built on the Western tradition), highlight 2 problems having special meaning For this topic. First, it is often, and even as a rule, a plausible hypothesis is taken for the official, reliable scientific theory, in favor of which, compared with alternative versions there are no obvious and strict evidence. Moreover, even if there are facts, evidence contrary to this official hypothesis, they are discarded, they are silent, without any causes are declared errors, falsifications and simply nonsense. Secondly, when the "official" position of science is brought to the broad masses, simply monstrous reduction and simplification is made up to the distortion of the painting that has specialists working in this field. If experts know about alternative versions and interpretations of certain finds, they know about disputes around them and the arguments that are brought by a particular party, they know about inconvenient facts, etc., then in popular presentation, all these features disappear and controversial hypothesis, extended , for example, to the forefront by the authority of some scientist, acquires the specimen of the proven truth. In history and archeology, these 2 problems are very strong, and the fact that a very strong impact on history has always provided politics and ideology, gives sufficient grounds for considering the official version of history, especially ancient, not reliable. Yes, and it's no secret that Western historical science Already experienced a lot of "punctures" - for example, at 19 V. Many historians considered tales described in the ancient sources of three and Babylon (until their ruins were excavated), and the theory of human origin in the first half of the 20th century. Constructed largely on the find of the skull, so-called. "Piltdown man", subsequently produced by a fake.

Of course, there are even more problems in the works of numerous "alternative" historians. More than 90% of their theories are complete nonsense, although they may at first make some impression on an unprepared reader. Often, "alternatives" act much more nonsense methods than scientists - dome separate fragments from the myths, and arbitrarily interpreting them, give them out for reliable facts, attract some secondary artificial arguments for the ears, completely ignoring everything that their versions are contrary to and t . n. have both those who generate a frank nonsense for the sake of PR. Having read such alternative mountain theory, you will learn that recently there was a nuclear war on Earth, which threw out 7/8 atmospheric to space, and that the whole world history is falsified by the 18th century, and the people of the Stone Age were talking And wrote in modern Russian. However, there are more adequate "alternatives", paying attention to a rather detailed study of facts and providing visual and sufficiently convincing evidence in favor of the erroneousness of official theories. For example, reports on expeditions organized by the "Alternative History Lab" deserve attention.

One way or another, in order to make a partly applying for reliability ancient history Humanity, it is necessary to carefully study and compare the facts, certificates, a deep testing of the validity of certain conclusions and theories.

What is the official version of the human origin and the emergence of civilization? Human ancestors - ancient hominids lived in Africa. 6-7 million years ago a branch leading to a person separated from the branch leading to the nearest modern "relatives" Homo Sapiens - man-like monkeys. A gradual evolution began to increasingly developed types of man, while sometimes dead-end species of man were clenched from the main branch, subsequently extinct. As a result of the reduction of forests and the offensive of Savannah, the ancient ancestors of man (Driopiteki) were leaking from the trees, mastered the strain, began to use primitive tools of labor. Then they learned how to use the fire, they appeared, primitive forms of culture. Modern view - Homo Sapiens, according to modern ideas, appeared in Africa about 100-200 thousand years ago. For a long time, our ancestors lived in hunting and gathering, for this for a long time they from Africa settled almost all over the world, where, after graduating from 10-12 thousand years ago, the last glacial period (the interpretation itself is also controversial) in some favorable for of this foci (Egypt, Mexico, India and China, Mexico and Peru) moved from hunting and gathering to farming and cattle breeding, and then in the same foci approximately 5-6 thousand years ago (3-4 thousand years of the day) were the first Civilization.

Now consider controversial questions And the problems of this official version and the arguments speaking in favor of another version.

1) oddity in human origin.

The evolutionary version looks rather logical. Despite some confusion in the definitions of species of ancient people, modern anthropologists are ready to draw an exemplary scheme of the evolution of a person from the early ancestors to the modern form:

The most interesting is the last transition - from Heidelberg man to modern Homo Sapiens. On the basis of archaeological data it turned out to be difficult to establish exemplary circumstances, the place and time of such a transition. For a long time, 2 theories - theory of origin of Homo Sapiens in one place and the subsequent settlement throughout the planet (with the displacement of other species of ancient people who settled earlier) and the theory of multi-regional origin, according to which the process of "Sapients", i.e. turning the archaic forms The sensible person occurred independently in different regions. The weighty word in this dispute in favor of the theory of origin from one center said DNA studies of modern people. It follows that, firstly, the genetic diversity of modern people (despite the presence of different races) is extremely little and significantly inferior to the genetic diversity among the specific species of the same monkeys, despite the fact that the number of people population is much more. And secondly, they lead to the conclusion about the existence for all people on the planet of the only common ancestor on the maternal line (so on. "Mitochondrial Eva") and that all modern Homo Sapiens occurred from a very very small initial population of people who lived about 100-200 thousand years ago. Modern science explains this "the effect of a bottle neck" - once ancestors of modern people as a result of some natural cataclysm, epidemics, etc. Almost extinct, with the exception of just a few dozen people, and from these few survivors, all modern humanity occurred. In itself, this circumstance looks somewhat strange, but in addition, it gives arguments to the hands of supporters of an alternative version of the human origin, namely, the evolution of our species intervened and made the very key, final Step In the transition from not too reasonable being to this person, some external forces, for example, alien civilization.

2) mythology.

Commenting on myths, scientists love to explain their contents of empty fantasy. Of course, it is hardly worth calling to take everything described in them for reliable facts. Many myths are obviously "fabulous" and unrealistic in their content. It is clear that, for example, a magic cow, performing desires, or a river, turning into a girl, in Mahabharata - definitely fabulous elements and stupid to try to read this fairy tale literally. Nevertheless, if you think logically, even described in myths from somewhere takes. And if in myths of different nations Let in different words, but referring to similar events, if there are specific elements there, it should bring researchers to certain thoughts. To write off absolutely everything for fantasy is unscientific.

And myths speak not in favor of the official version. Myths of the peoples of the world do not say that people occurred from not too reasonable ancestors And they independently seized by those or other achievements. On the contrary, everything as one myths of the peoples of the world say that a person is created by some kind of gods, as well as that it was the gods that taught him the main technologies of antiquity, brought cultural plants as a gift and taught them to grow them. And the myths tell about what miraculous abilities were the gods and those people who were sometimes transmitted to. And if in some myths about this tells allegorically and with the mixing of a large share fabulous elementsIn others, it is quite specifically and unequivocally. For example, there have no logical explanation in the official version of myth african tribal Dogonov, which tells about the arrival of the gods in the distant past. At the same time, in favor of the plausibility of the myth, the astronomical information present in it, which coincide with the latest discoveries of modern astronomers, and certainly could not be opened independently open by the primitive tribe. Full of the descriptions of the gods and their acts Ancient Indian myths, while they are so many mention of "Viman" - flying devices and they are described so in detail that it is very difficult to write off this on a simple fantasy. In the "History of Egypt" of the Manefon, which is considered one of the most valuable sources on history Ancient Egypt, Pharaoh rulers, according to the author, precedes a long period Board of gods and demigods, and this period continued 12 thousand years. However, recognizing the reality of the pharaohs described in this work preceding the period of modern historians consider simple fiction.

3) the buildings and artifacts of the past.

Material evidence of the presence on Earth those who possessed high technologies exceeding the possibilities modern civilization, in sight. Simple acquaintance S. egyptian pyramidsFor example, leads to an unambiguous conclusion that their construction lay far beyond the possibilities of the bronze century civilization. Neither the scale of construction, nor the huge size of stone blocks nor the amazing quality of their processing in no way agreed with the official version. Moreover, an attempt to build with the help of ancient technologies (which is believed to be used in the construction of the pyramid) a small pyramid similar to the Hoeop Pyramid, undertaken in 1978 by Japanese researchers ended in failure.

Part of the pyramid of Goser, visually showing the difference in technology - apparently, using ancient blocks at the base of the pyramid, completed its ancient Egyptians on their own

Baalbek - Even today, no one would be able to build buildings from such blocks

And such "impossible" structures in different parts of the world still many: the pyramids in Mexico, the fortress in Peru, the temple in Baalbek, etc., etc. Moreover, not fit into the official version of history, but at the same time completely reliable artifacts And monuments of antiquity (which, however, does not interfere with official science, still trying to deny them and declare fakes) are not completely exhausted by huge buildings. Among them, for example, stones Iki, Akambairo figures, Map of Faries, Sakkar Collection, etc.

A detailed consideration of the theory of Paleokontakt and the reconstruction of real events of the ancient history of mankind goes beyond the scope of this concept. Nevertheless, today has already accumulated enough facts that doubt the official version. Probably, the immediate intervention of extraterrestrial civilizations in the development of mankind really had, and the "launch" of human civilization, and possibly the appearance of the type Homo Sapiens itself is the result of this intervention. However, approximately 5-6 thousand years ago or earlier, extraterrestrial civilizations stopped direct intervention and provided humanity to develop independently.

Materials for additional familiarization:

In most mythologies, the whole human race comes from a pair of first-leaders, who became the father and the mother of the rest of the people. In Scandinavian mythology, this is ASK and Emble, in Judaism and religions from him - Adam and Eve.
In some mythologies, the gods create a whole people once.
In Hinduism greek mythology The human genus arose several times.
According to scientific vision modern man Appeared in Africa about 200 thousand years ago as a result of evolution from monkey-like ancestors. With the help of the "coarse" analysis of the mitochondrial DNA Rebecca Cann determined the age of the first Eva-agencies of all modern humanity about 160 thousand years. 196 thousand years ago - the age of skulls Omo-1 and Omo-2 (Homo Sapiens) in Ethiopia. At the time of the beginning of the resettlement (100 thousand liters ago), 10 thousand individuals did not exceed the primary humanity. And for the limits of Africa, only a few hundred people were resettled.
66 thousand l. Back people reached India. Coexistence of people and Neanderthals in the Middle East.
40 thousand l. Back the appearance of perfect Orignacre culture.

The real history of mankind begins with the emergence of humanity itself. To lead a further conversation, it is necessary to immediately decide what humanity is and when it appears. Unnecessary not philosophy can be output next definition - humanity is a totality of all people inhabiting our planet, each of which has a mind and ability to creative activity (who is more, who is to a lesser extent), which is implementing in practice (when with benefit, and when harmful and other). Such humanity exists today, it existed 100, 1000 and 10,000 years ago. About when people arose, many teachings narrate picturesque. Carefully studying the sacred texts, you can determine the date of what happened directly or hint. Thus, the Irish priest James Usher, Skpuplesenly exploring the Bible, found that the first people - Adam and Eve were created in 4004 to R.Kh. However, modern anthropologists, analyzing the remains of C14 carbon, came to the conclusion that people modern view We lived for 40,000 to R.Kh.
In those distant times, people have already had a mind and ability to creative activity - among the remains, archaeologists find the fruits of human hands. However, objects of artificial origin are found in much more ancient layers, when people of modern species have not yet existed. Did the aliens worked here? No - among these guns there are remains of creatures similar to people, but not people. These creatures have so much with us the features that when they were submitted in the 19th century, they were taken for the remains of congenital freaks or people who had bone diseases. However, a whole pyad of similar remains was discovered. This convinced scientists in the fact that they were being the creatures of other biological species that extorted to our time.
Numerous findings of fossil remains used a variety of theoPi. The evolutionary theory of Darwin stands out. And although it is often raked by kcription, there are still no more aggressed explanations - why biological species appear and disappear. If you believe that there is a modern person, it has not immediately, as a finished look, but gradually evolved from other species. His ancestors were creatures that clearly possessed by reason, since they made various psyms. Can there be groups of these creatures by humanity? Considering this, the definition is probably possible.
Biologists call such creatures by hominids. Thus, the history of humanity begins with the history of the hominid. Approximately 2.200.000 to R.Kh. - When the first guns appeared (more precisely, the most ancient of the instruments found are such age). However, creatures made by these guns lived long before the appearance of the guns themselves. They appeared from 3 to 5 million years ago. These creatures are similar to monkeys than on people. But they have one important feature, thanks to which we consider them more people than animals ...

Adam and Eva
"Creation of the World" Michelangelo, from the Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo showed God, creating Adam, and Eve in his hand.
Adam (IVR. אָדָָדָ, Adam - Earth or Man) and Eve (IVR. חַוָּה, Havva - Living or Life) - In the Avraamic Religions, the first people on Earth created by God.
The history of creation is described in the Book of Pentateuch - Genesis, in chapters 2 and 3, as well as in chapters 4 and 5. The main story elements include the creation of a man and a woman, temptation and fall; Exile from Eden; As well as the subsequent resettlement of people around the world outside the Eden Garden. The story of the creation of a person introduced several characters into a culture below, including itself, among other things, the tree of knowledge, the forbidden fruit, serpent, as the embodiment of Satan, as well as several provisions christian faith, such as, for example, the original sin and the subordination of the woman man.
History about creating a person
The history of Adam and Eve is told in chapters 2 and 3 Books of Genesis, in addition, some mentions are available in chapters 4 and 5 of the same book.
Chapter 2 refers to the creation of the whole world (the description is different from those in chapter 1) in the context of the fall.
"And the Lord created the god of a man from the dust of earthly, and blown his breath of life in his face, and a man was a soul. And the Lord gave the Lord Paradise in Eman in the East, and placed the man there, which was created. " Among the paradise there were two special woods: the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and God told a man: "From every tree in the garden you will eat, and from the tree of knowledge of good and evil do not eat from him, for the day you are in which you You taste from him, die death. " Then God created from the ground of all animals and birds, so that they were to him assistants, and led them to a person so that he gave them the name, "but for a person there was no assistant like him." Then God took the edge of a man when he slept, and made the first woman from this rib, and the man said that "she will be called his wife, for being taken from her husband [her]." "And both Nagi, Adam and his wife, and not ashamed."
Chapter 3 describes a snake, which "was hecta of all the beasts of the field, which God created the Lord." Snake tempts (seduces) a woman and tries to persuade her to eat the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowing good and evil. A woman refuses, saying that God forbade them to eat from this tree, since the fetus would die. Snake answers her that she would not die: "You will be like gods who know good and evil." Woman ate the fruit and gave to eat her husband. "And the eyes of them were opened with both, and they learned that Nagi, and sewed the molded leaves, and made their owns." And when God walked around the paradise in the coolness of the day, then Adam and his wife had disappeared from him, as they became ashamed of their nudity. Adam told God that his wife persuaded him to eat fruit. The wife said him that she was seduced by snakes and persuaded to eat the fruit. Then God cursed the snake: "You will walk on your womb, and you will have dust in all the days of your life." God also told his wife that she would give birth in flour and obey a man. He said that he would hardly have to feed food from the ground, which God cursed, as well as the fact that people ceased to be immortal and after death should return to the ground in the form of dust from which Adam was created. Adam gives his wife the name Eva, "For she became the mother of all living." God expels Adam and his wife from the Eden Garden and puts Heruvim at the entrance to the garden with a rotating fiery sword.
In Chapter 4, it tells how Eva was conceived and gave birth to Cain, saying: "I acquired a person from the Lord." Then Eve conceived and gave birth to the second son, Abel, and then, after the murder of Abel, the third - Sif.
Chapter 5 is listed by the genealogy of Adam: all the patriarchs from Adam before Noah and how much they lived. Like all the patriarchs before the flood, Adam lived for many years: it is indicated that he lived for 930 years.