Europe. Interesting traditions

Europe. Interesting traditions
Europe. Interesting traditions

Seminar 1.

The art and religion of the ancient world

(2 hours)

1. The art of the crotto-mycke period.

2. Art of the Homeric period.

3. Art of classic Greece.

4. Hellenistic art.

5. The art of ancient Rome. Republic and empire.

Seminar 2.

Art of medieval Western civilization

(2 hours)

1. Rated medieval art (V - X centuries).

2. The art of the Romanesque period (XI is the first half of the XII centuries). Romanesque style (1050-1150); Rhinean-Romanesque style (1200-1250); Late Rhinestone-Romanesque Style (1250-1300).

3. Gothic (second half of the XII centuries. - XV centuries). Early Gothic (1223-1314); High Gothic (1314-1422); Late ("Flaming") Gothic (1422-1453).

Seminar 3.

East culture and art

(2 hours)

1. Ancient and medieval China. Culture, art, religion.

2. Ancient and medieval Japan. Culture, art, religion.

3. Ancient and medieval India. Culture, art, religion.

Seminar 4.

French Renaissance and Northern Revival

(2 hours)

1. Netherlands Revival. Humbert and Jan Wang Eyki. Hugo bath der Gus. Hans Mamling. Bosch. Peter Bruegel senior.

2. German revival. Albrecht Durer. Hans Golbien Junior.

3. French revival. Jean Fuki. Jean and Francois Clou. Jean Stuzon. Germain pylon.

Seminar 5.

Music in the history of Western European civilization

(2 hours)

1. The musical art of Europe of the Renaissance era and church. Giovanni Pierluigi de Palestrina.

2. Music Baroque era. Dzhirolammo Frescobaldi. Jean Batista Lully. Antonio Vivaldi. Georg Friedrich Handel. Johann Sebastian Bach.

3. Classical music of Europe in the second half of the XVIII century. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Ludwig van Beethoven.

4. Classical music of Europe of the XIX century. Ferrenz leaf. Johann Strauss.

5. Opera art of Europe. Composers. Operas. Performers. Legitists. Joakino Rossini. Richard Wagner. Georges Bizeta. Giuseppe Verdi. Jacomo Pucchini.

Seminar 6-7.

Theater and cinema in the European culture of the XVII-XX centuries.

(4 hours)

1. European Theater of the XVII-XVIII century.: Plays, authors, actors. Theater tradition and dramaturgy. Changes in the Theater of Europe XIX century. Democratization of the theater.

2. The emergence of cinema in Europe - from art to industry (1896-1918).

Brothers Auguste and Louis Lumiera. The first film studios of France and Germany. Georges Mel Mesh and innovation in the cinema.

3. European cinema in interwar and military periods (1918-1945).

4. Modern European cinema: genres, studios, actors, directors. European Film Festivals and their role in the film industry.

View movie.

Seminar 8.

History of the costume and its role in the history of European civilization (2 hours)

1. Changing the costume of the aristocracy from the Middle Ages to a new time.

2. External appearance of simpleness in the Middle Ages and a new time.

3. History of professional costume. Clergy, military, doctors, etc.

4. The story of the costume of Europeans in the bourgeois epoch. XIX - the beginning of the twentieth centuries. Influence of the industrial revolution on changes in the costume of Europeans.

5. History of fashion houses XIX -ХХХ.

6. Changes in the appearance of Europeans in the twentieth century.

Seminar 9.

National traditions and holidays of European peoples

(2 hours)

1. State, religious and folk traditions and holidays of Western European countries: emergence, change, regional and confessional features (England, France, Germany, Spain, Italy).

2. State, religious and folk traditions and holidays of countries of the East: emergence, change, regional and confessional features (India, China, Japan, etc.).

3. Government, religious and folk traditions and holidays of the peoples of America (North American, Meso-American, South American - historical and modern).


History of world civilizations:

Bobrov I.V., Galkin V.T., Diryabab L.A., Emanov A.G., Kondratyev S.V. History of world civilizations: in 2 hours. Tyumen, 2001.

Ancient civilization / sub. G.M. Bongard - Levin: in 2 t. M.: Thought, 1989.

Emanov AG, Galkin V.T., Diryabab LA, History of world civilizations: (pre-industrial epoch). Tyumen, 2002.

Moiseeva L.A. The history of civilizations. Rostov-on-Don, 2000.

Comparative study of civilizations: Reader / Sost. B.S. Eras. M., 1998.

Makarova E.I., Malysheva E.M., Petrunina O.E. History of world civilizations: studies. Location. For a seminar. Classes. M.: Univ. Humanite. Lyceum, 2000.

Matyushin G.N. Secrets of civilizations: the history of the ancient world. M., 2002.

Mesnikov L.I. Civilization and great historical rivers. M., 1995.

Ostrovsky A.V. History of civilization: studies. M.: Mikhailov, 2000.

Essays on the history of world civilizations: studies. Location. Surgut, 2000. Part 1.

Panova I.A., Stolyarov A.A. The historical world of civilizations: studies. Location. Ufa: Vost. University, 2000.

Panova I.A., Stolyarov A.A. Civilization: Historical fates: studies. Location. M., 2001.

Semennikova L.I. Civilization in the history of mankind: studies. Location. Bryansk: italics, 1998.

Senilov G.N. History of civilization: brief ref. M.: Monolith, 1998.

Modern theories of civilizations: Ref. Sat / Answer ed. M.M.Narinsky. M.: IVI RAS, 1995.

Sorokin P. man. Civilization. Society. M., 1992.

Toynby A.J. Civilization before the court of history. M.: Progress, 1995.

Toynby A.J. Comprehensive history. M.: Progress, 1996.

Ferguson A. Experience in the history of civil society. M., 2000.

Khoti A. Theory of society: in 3 tons. Kazan, 2000.

Civilization: in 2 vol. M.: IVI RAS, 1992.

Eisenstadt Sh. Revolution and transformation of societies: a comparative study of civilizations. M.: Aspect-press, 1999.

Yakovets Yu.V. The history of civilizations. M., 1995.

Culture and art:

Abelar P. History of my disasters // Augustine Aurelius. Confession. Abelar Pierre. The story of my disasters. - M., 1992.

Avesta in Russian translations (1861 - 1966). - St. Petersburg., 1997.

Avesta / Trans. I. Steblin-Kamensky. - M., 1992.

Agada. Taken, parables, Talmud and Midrash. - M., 1993.

Alpatov M.V. Etudes on the general history of arts. - M., 1979.

Alimov I.A., Ermakov M.E., Martynov A.S. Middle state. Introduction to the traditional culture of China. - M., 1998.

Antique literature / ed. P.A. Tahoe-go. - M., 1986.

Antique lyrics. - M., 1968.

Averalius Augustine. Confession. - M., 1991.

Ammonian Marcellin. Roman history. - St. Petersburg., 1996.

Antique culture: Dictionary-directory. - M., 1995.

Apule. Golden donkey. - M., 1956.

Apollodor. - Mythological library. - M., 1993.

Aretino P. Comedy about courtists // Comedy of Italian Renaissance / Per. with ital. - M., 1965.

Aristlets. Love letters // Byzantine Love Prose: Aristlets "Love Letters". Emmaty Makrevolit "Tale about Ismia and Ismin". - m.; L., 1965.

Atlas Wonders of Light: outstanding architectural structures and monuments of all times and peoples. - M., 1995.

Ashwaghosha. Buddha's life // Ashwaghosha. Buddha's life. Kalidas. Dramas. - M., 1990.

Afanasyev V., Lukonin V., Pomerantseva N. Art of the Ancient East. - M., 1976.

Baj Wallis. Egyptian religion. Egyptian magic. - M., 1995.

Bartold V.V. Islam and the culture of Muslim. - M., 1992.

Bathkin L.M. Italian revival: problems and people. - M., 1995.

Bakhtin M.M. Creativity F. Rabl and People's Culture of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. - M., 1990.

Biedermann Encyclopedia Characters / Per. with it. - M., 1996.

Belitsky M. Forgotten World of Sumerians. - M., 1980.

Beliansky A.A. Babylon legendary and Babylon historical. - M., 1970.

Bicylie P.M. Elements of medieval culture. - SPb., 1995.

Boccaccio J. Decameron. Dante's life // Bokcchcho Giovanni. Collected Works: In 2 tons. T. 1. / Per. with ital. - M., 1996.

Brand. Ship fools. Erasmus. Praise stupidity. Conversations are easily. Letters of dark people. Gutten. Dialogs / per. with it. and lat. - M., 1971.

Borudt Ya. The culture of Italy in the Renaissance Epoch. - M., 1996.

Brooke K. Revival XII century. // Theology in the culture of the Middle Ages. - Kiev, 1992.

Bois M. Zoroastrians: beliefs and customs. - M., 1988.

Bonnar A. Greek civilization. - M., 1992.

Bonnar A. Culture of ancient Rome. - M., 1985. T. 1.

Bongard-Levin GM. Ancient Indian civilization. - M., 2000.

Bongard-Levin GM. Ancient India. History and culture. St. Petersburg., 2001.

Bongard-Levin G. Kalidas and his fate in Russia // Ashwaghosha. Buddha's life. Kalidas. Dramas. - M., 1990.

Buddhism: Dictionary. - M., 1992.

Braginsky I.S. Iranian literature // Poetry and the prose of the Ancient East. - M., 1973.

Vanaslov V.V. Aesthetics of romanticism. - M., 1968.

Vasari J. Signatures of the most famous painters, scales and architects: in 5 tons / lane. A.I. Venediktova and A.G. Gabrichevsky. - M., 1994.

Vasilyev L.S. History of the East: in 2 tons. - M., 1993.

Vasilyev A.A. History of the Middle Ages. - M., 1994.

Vasilyev L.S. Ancient China. - M., 2000.

Vasilyev L.S. Cults, religions, traditions in China. - M., 2001.

Williams K.A. Encyclopedia Chinese characters. Book VI. - M., 2001.

Vinogradova N.A., Nikolaeva N.S. Art of countries of the Far East. - M., 1979.

Vergili. Eniida // Vergilius. Bulb. Georgiki. Aeneid. - M., 1971.

Weimarn B.V. The art of Arab countries and Iran. - M., 1981.

Vinogradova N.A, Capteleva P., Starodub T.X. Traditional art of the East. Terminological dictionary. / Ed. T.X. Starodub. - M., 1997.

Herodotus. History. L., 1972.

Homer. Iliad. Odyssey. Ed. Any.

Greivs R. - Myths of Ancient Greece. - M., 1992.

Grigulevich I.R. The history of the Inquisition (HSH - XX centuries). - M., 1970.

Grigunina N.G. The history of world artistic culture. At 4 h. - Tver, 1993.

Green R.L. Adventures of King Arthur and Round Table Knights. - M., 1981.

Gyro P. Private and social life Romans. - SPb., 1995.

Dante A. Divine comedy. - M., 1968.

Dae De Jing. - Dubna, 1994.

Dae De Jing // from the books of the wise men: the prose of ancient China. - M., 1987.

Dmitrieva N.A., Vinogradova N.A. The art of the ancient world. - M., 1986.

Ancient Egypt. Legends. Proverbs. - M., 2000.

Dmitrieva N. A. A brief history of the arts. - M., 1996.

Dubies J. Europe in the Middle Ages. - Smolensk, 1994.

Droisen I. History of Hellenism. In 3 tons - Rostov-on-Don, 1995.

Euripid. - Medea. // Euripid. Tragedy: in 2 tons - M., 1980.

Gospel of childhood // Apocryphas of ancient Christians. - M., 1989.

Gospel from Matthew // Bible. - M., 1990.

European Poetry of the XVII century. - M., 1997.

Zelinsky F.F. History of ancient culture. - St. Petersburg, 1995,

Zamarovsky V. Their Majesty Pyramid. - M., 1986.

Ilina T.V. History of Arts. Western European art. - M., 1993.

Ibn arab. Wemmas wisdom // Smirnov A.V. The Great Sheikh Sufism. - M., 1993.

History of the Ancient East / Ed. IN AND. Cousins. - M., 1979.

History of the Ancient East. Ed. IN AND. Cousins. - M., 2001.

History of the Ancient East / Ed. IN AND. Cousin. - M., 1979.

The history of the art of foreign countries: primitive society, the ancient East, antiquity / ed. - M.V. Dobroklonsky and A.P. Chubov. - M., 1981.

The history of the culture of Western European countries in the Renaissance Epoch. LM Bragina. - M., 1999.

Idris Shah. Sufi. Kharkov, 1993.

Irmaeva tiyu the history of the Muslim world from the Khaliphat to the brilliant port. - Perm, 2000.

Islam. Brief reference. - 2nd ed. - M., 1986.

The history and culture of China. - M., 1976.

Kantor A.M., Kozhina E.F., Lifshitz N.A., Zernov B.A., Voronicheaa L.N., Nekrasova E / L. Art of the XVIII century. - M., 1977.

Capteeva TP, Vinogradova N.A. Art of the medieval east. - M., 1989.

Kalidas. Shakuntala // Ashwaghosha. Buddha's life. Kalidas. Dramas. - M., 1990.

The book is thousands and one night: at 8 t. T. 5. - M., 1959.

Kerram K. Gods. Tomb. Scientists. - SPb., 1994.

Karsavin L.P. - Monasticism in the Middle Ages. - M., 1992.

Königsberger Middle Ages Europe 400 - 1500 years. - M., 2001.

Confucianism in China. Problems of theory and practice. - M., 1982.

Kremer S.N. The story begins in Sumer. - M., 1965.

Kravtsova M.E. The history of China's culture. - SPb., 1999.

Xenophan. Masselling poem // Prestortiasis on the ancient literature. - M., 1965.

Xenophon. Domostroy // Xenophon. Memories of Socrates. - M., 1993.

Quran / lane. and comments. I.Yu. Krachkovsky. - 2nd ed. - M., 1986.

Culture of Byzantium. - M., 1984.

Culture of Byzantium: the second half of the VII-XII century. - M., 1989.

Kukakkin A.V. Bourgeois mass culture. - M., 1978.

Kuznetsova I.A. French painting XVI is the first half of the XIX century. - M., 1992.

Kun N.A. What they told the Greeks and Romans about their gods and heroes. - M., 1992.

Literature of the East in the Middle Ages: Texts / Ed. N.M. Sasanova. - M., 1996.

Le Hoff J. Civilization of the medieval West. - M., 1992.

Lilly S. People, Machines, History / Per. from English V.A. Alekseeva. - M., 1970.

Losev A.F. Aesthetics Renaissance. - M., 1982.

Lunyui // From the books of the wise men: the prose of ancient China. - M., 1987.

Long. Daphnis and Chloe // Tatia. Levkippa and Clotophon. Long. Daphnis and Chloe. Petronia.

Lyubimov L. Art of the ancient world. - M., 1971.

Mathieu M. E. Art of Ancient Egypt. - M., 1970.

Makiavelli N. Sovered // Makiavelli Niccolo. Selected Works / Per. with ital. - M., 1982.

Mannering D. Rembrandt. - M., 1997.

Maenetti J. About the dignity and superiority of a person // Bowl Hermes: Humanistic thought of the Renaissance and hermetic tradition / Sost., Author of entry. Art. and comments. O.F. Kudryavtsev. - M., 1996.

Metz A. - Muslim Renaissance. - M., 1996.

Montesquieu sh.l. About the spirit of laws // Anthology of world philosophy: in 4 tons. T. 2. - M., 1970.

Muratov P.P. Images of Italy. In 3 T. - M., 1993.

Mobyan // Anthology of world philosophy: at 4 t. T. 1. - M., 1969.

Mo Tzu // from the books of the wise men: the prose of ancient China. - M., 1987.

Nizami. Five poems. - M., 1968.

Nikulin N. German and Austrian painting XV - XVIII centuries. St. Petersburg., 1992.

Nemirovsky A.I. - Myths and legends of the Ancient East. - M., 1994.

Oppenheim A. Ancient Mesopotamia. - M., 1990.

Ovidi. Love Elegia // Ovid. Love Elegia. - Metamorphosis. Sorrowful elegances. - M., 1983.

Monuments of Byzantine literature IX - XIV centuries. - M., 1969.

Pandar R.B. Old Indian home rituals. - M., 1990.

Petronia referee. Satirikon. - m.; L., 1924.

Petrol FR. Sonnets, selected chants, sextones, ballads, madrigals, autobiographical prose. - M., 1984.

Piotrovsky MB Koranic legends. - M., 1991.

Pliny senior. Natural science // Pliny senior. Natural science. About art. - M., 1994.

Plato. Feast // Plato. Writings: at 3 t. T. 2. - M., 1970.

Plutarch. Likurg // Plutarch. Favorite lives: at 2 t. T.1. - M., 1987.

Plutarch. Isis and Osiris. Kiev, 1996.

Prose ancient China. - M., 1987.

Poetry and prose of the Ancient East. - M., 1973.

Poetry of Vagatants. - M., 1975.

Popular story of painting. Western Europe / Avto-Sost. G.V. Dyatleva, S.A. Khvorostukhina, O.V. Semenova. - M., 2001.

Popular art encyclopedia. In 2 tons. - M., 1986.

Pruss I.E. Western European art of the XVII century. - M., 1974.

Purishev B.I. Foreign literature of middle ages. - M., 1975.

Radhakrishnan S. Indian philosophy. - M., 1993.

Roa Zh.zh. History of chivalry. - M., 1996.

Revald J. History of Impressionism. - M., 1994.

Rigveda: Mandalas I - VI / Per. С. Elizarenkova. - M., 1989.

Rudakov A.P. Essays of Byzantine culture according to Greek Agiography. - St. Petersburg., 1997.

Rousseau Zh.-zh. Reasoning on the origin and foundation of inequality between people // Anthology of world philosophy: in 4 tons. T. - M., 1970.

Ruthenburg VI Titans of Renaissance. - L., 1976.

Satirikon. Apule. Golden donkey. - M., 1969.

Svetoniy Guy Tranquille. The life of twelve Caessees. - M., 1988.

Seneca. EDIP // Seneca. Letters to Lucilia. Tragedy. - M., 1986.

Sidihmen V.Ya. China: Pages of the past. - Smolensk, 2000.

Snorry Sturlson. Saga about Olawe Triuggwasone // Reader on the history of the Middle Ages: at 3 t. T. 1. - M., 1961.

Secrets of painting old masters. - M., 1989.

Art Dictionary / Per. from English - M., 1996.

Sorokin P.A. Human. Civilization. Society. - M., 1992.

Sum Tsyan. Historical notes (Shi Ji). - M., 1972.

Temkin E.N., Erman V.G. - Myths of Ancient India. - M., 1982.

Terentities. Comedy. - M., 1985.

Tit Libya. The story of Rome from the founding of the city. - M., 1989.

Heavyweight V.N. The art of middle ages in Western and Central Europe. - M., 1981.

Heavyweight V.N., Sopozinsky O.I. Art of the Middle Ages: Byzantium. Armenia and Georgia. Bulgaria and Serbia. Ancient Russia. Ukraine and Belarus. - M., 1975.

Tommaso Campanella. City-sun // Anthology of world philosophy. In 4 tons. T. 2. - M., 1970.

Tokarev S.A. Religion in the history of the peoples of the world. - M., 1976.

Turchin V.V. The era of romanticism. - M., 1978.

Fucidide. History. - M., 1993.

Khayyam Omar Rubai. - Tashkent, 1982.

Readings in Islam. - M., 1994.

Shakespeare W. Hamlet // Shakespeare W. Tragedy / Per. from English - M. Lozinsky. - Yerevan, 1986.

Schmitt. G. Rembrandt. - M., 1991.

Shprenger Ya., Institutes. - Witch Hammer / Per. with lat. N. Tsvetkov. - M., 1990.

Spengler O. Sunset Europe: essays of morphology of world history. - M., 1993.

Steinpress B.S., Yampolsky I.M. Encyclopedic music dictionary. - M., 1966.

Hook S. G. - Mythology of the Middle East. - M., 1991.

Hasing J. Autumn Middle Ages: Study of the forms of lifeflow and forms of thinking in the XIV and XV centuries in France and the Netherlands. - M., 1988.

Reader for ancient literature / Sost. N.F. Deratani, N.A. Limofeyev. - M., 1965.

Christianity. Encyclopedic Dictionary: 3 t. T. 2 / Ed. count S.S. Averintsev (ch. Ed.) And others. - M., 1995.

Udaltsova E. V. Byzantine culture. - M., 1988.

Upanishad. In 3 tons / lane. AND I. Syrkina. - M., 1992.

Chatterji S., Datt D. Indian philosophy. - M., 1994.

Yuan Ke. - Myths of Ancient China. - M., 1987.

Yu Dun, Zhong Fan, Lin Xiaolin. Chinese culture. - Beijing, 2004.


100 operas. History of creation. Plot. Music. Edition 8th. L., 1987.

Universal art history. T.2. M., 1960.

Gachev GD National images of the world. M., 1998.

Druskin M.S. HISTORY OF FRUADY MUSIC. M .. 1963.

Zubareva L.A. The history of the development of music. M .. 2006.

History of foreign music. M., 2005.

Korotkov S.A. The history of modern music. M., 1996.

Livanova T. History of Western European music. In 2 m. M., 1982.


Anikst A.A. The theory of drama from Aristotle to Lessing. M .. 1967.

Anikst A.A. The theory of drama in the west in the first half of the XIX century: the era of romanticism. M., 1980.

Anikst A.A. The theory of drama in the West in the second half of the XIX century. M .. 1988.

Brecht B. On the experimental theater. "Small Organon" for theater. Cathedral op. In 5 t. M., 1965.

Goldoni K. Memoirs. M., 1933.

Zola E. Naturalism in the theater. Cathedral op. In 26 t. T. 26. M., 1966.

History of the Western European Theater. In 8 tons. M., 1956-1988.

Karelian A.V. Drama of German romanticism. M., 1992.

Cockle-senior. Art of the actor. L., 1937.

M. M. M. M. Comedy Del Arte. History and modern fate. L., 1990.

Examples A.G. Bernard Shaw and European Theater Culture at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. M., 1974.

Theatrical encyclopedia of B5 t. M., 1961-1967.

Readings on the history of the Western European theater. In 2 tons. 1955.

Show B. About drama and theater. M., 1963.

Aesthetic ideas in the history of the Foreign Theater. Sat scientific papers. L., 1991.


Abramov N. Expressionism in cinema / in Sat. "Expressionism". - M., 1966.
Bozovic V.I. About the "New Wave" in French Movie / Question Cinema, V.8. - M., 1964.
Bozovic V. Modern Western filmmakers. - M.: Science, 1972.

Vlasov M. Types and genres of cinema. M., 1976.

Q. S. Cinema to the touch. St. Petersburg., 2001.
Zhankola J.-P. France cinema (1958-1978). After the Republic. - M., 1984.
Stars of silent movies. - M.: Art, 1968.
History of foreign cinema (1945-2000). - M.: Progress tradition.
Kartseva E. Western: Evolution of the genre. - M., 1975.
UK Cinema / Collection of Articles. - M.: Art, 1970. - 358С., 32 liters. Il.
Movie Italy: Neanalism / Per. with ital., Sost. and comm. GD Bohemian. - M.: Art, 1989.
Claire R. Movie yesterday, cinema today. / Lane With Fr. T.V.Ivanova and L.M. Zavyalova; Preface S.I. Vekevich. - M.: Progress, 1981.
Kolodyagnaya I., Troutko I. History of foreign movies. 1929-1945. - M.: Art, 1970.
Komarov S. History of foreign movies. Silent movie. - M.: Art, 1965.
Worldwide comedians / commonly. R. Yurev. - M., 1966.
Krakauer Z. Psychological history of German cinema: from Caligari to Hitler / Per. from English - M.: Art, 1977.
Marcus Ya. Foreign Coestone. - L.: Art, 1975.
Markulan Ya. Kinyloidrama. Horror. - L.: Art, 1978.

Mitta A. Cinema between hell and paradise: Cinema in Eisenstein, Chekhov, Shakespeare, Kurosava, Fellini, Hichkoku, Tarkovsky. M., Eksmo-Press, 2002.

Sadul J. Universal movie history: at 6 -th t. M. 1959-1980.

Director of Europe Cinema Encyclopedia. - M.: Mainland, Research Institute of Cinema, 2002.

Greenhouse E. History of cinema. In 4-tons. M .. 1968-1974.

Everyday life:


Chicalov R.A., Chicalova I.R. New history of Europe and the USA. 1815-1918 M., 2005.


Balzac O. De. Collected Works.

Bronte Sh. Jane Eyre.

Gardi T. Works.

Goldoni K. Comedy.

Gauty T. Works.

Didro D. Works.

Dickens Ch. Collected Works.

Defo D. Joy and sorrows the famous Moll Flenders.

Zola E. Collected Works.

Calderon P. Works.

Conan Doyle A. Adventures Sherlock Holmes.

Larancy P. Aphorisms.

Laklo, Sh. De. Dangerous ties.

LESAZH A.-R. Chrome demon. Housing blas.

Lope de Vega. Pieces.

Mann T. Buddenhead. The history of the death of one family.

Moliere J.-B. Pieces.

Montesquieu Sh.L. Works.

Moem S. Theater. Pies and beer. Works.

Tirsco de Molina. Pieces.

Tekkerei W. Vanchsa Fair.

Osten J. Writing Collected.

Sand J. Collected Works.

Steel J. de. Works.

Standal. Parm monastery. Red and black. Works.

Uald O. Portrait of Drian Gray.

Champhic. Aphorisms and jokes.

Flaubert of Essays.

Elliot D. Works.



Abrams L. Formation of a European woman of the new era. 1789-1918. M., 2011.

Eisenstat M. British Parliament and Society in the 30-40s. X1x century. M., 1998.

Argee F. Man in the face of death. M., 1992.

Argee F. Child and Family Life in the Old Man. Ekaterinburg, 1999.

Basin J. Baroque and Rococo. M., 2001.

Badenther R. Free and equal: Emancipation of Jews in the times of the French revolution. 1789-1791. M., 1997.

Bebel A. Woman and Socialism. M., 1959.

Blaise A. History in the costumes from Pharaoh to Dandy. M., 2001.

Bovwar C. The second floor. M, 1997.

Bryson V. Political theory of feminism. M., 2001.

Brion M. The daily life of Vienna in the times of Mozart and Schubert. M., 2004.

Strettle F. What is France? T. 1-2. M., 1994.

Strettle F. Material Civilization. M., 1989.

Brun R. History of the costume: from antiquity to the new time. M., 1995.

Buru N. History of the costume. M., 2002.

Vasilchenko A.V. Fashion and fascism. 1933-1945. M., 2009.

Weber M. Protestant ethics and the spirit of capitalism. M., 2000.

Weiss G. The history of civilization. Architecture. Armament. Clothing. Utensil M., 1998.

Glagoleva E.V. The daily life of European students from the Middle Ages to the Epoch of Enlightenment. M., 2014.

Grigoriev TS Culture everyday life. T. 2. Private life and morals from the Middle Ages to the present day. M., 2006.

Gordin Ya. A. Duelei and Duelyanta. St. Petersburg, 1996.

Gordienko M.P., Smirnov P.M. From the wagon to the car. Alma-Ata, 1990.

Gurevich E.L. History of foreign music. M., 2000.

Decoisett F. The daily life of Venice during the time of Goldeni. M., 2004.

Defurno M. The daily life of the Golden Century Spain. M., 2004.

Dittrich T. Everyday life of Victorian England. M., 2004.

European art XIX century. M., 1975.

European monarchs in the past and present. M., 2001.

Yodik Yu. The history of modern architecture. M., 1972.

Yermilova D.Yu. History of fashion houses. M., 2003.

Woman in society: myths and realities. M., 2001.

Zabludovsky P.E. History of medicine. M., 1953.

Zbrozh E.V. Victorianism in the context of everyday culture // News of the Ural State University. 2005, No. 35. P. 28.

Zeldin T. All about the French. XX century. M., 1989.

Zider R. Social history of the family in Western and Central Europe. M., 1997.

Zuykova E.M., Eruzlanova R.I, feminology and gender policy. M., 2007.

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In Western Europe, 58 nations. 96% of the population speak in the language of the Indo-European family. The most significant of this family (by the number of peoples) is the German Group, Romanesque Group, Slavic Group, etc.

Anthropological composition: Caucasian racial type.

Greek: The beginning of this ethnos on the lands of modern Greece. In 8-5 centuries. BC. There was a general ethnic name - Ellina, Motherland - Ellad. Basic classes - grow grapes, olives, almonds, distant sheep and breeding goats, pottery and rope. Houses from the raw stone (1 and 2 floors), where lives lives. People's Men's Costume: Black or Blue Sharovar, White Shirt, Vest, Kushak, Fesca, Cloak; Female - long white tunic shirt with a wide long sleeve, wide long skirt.

Albanians. Take place from the ancient population, the Balkans - Illyrians (Thracians). In 4v. BC. First public entities. Main classes: Discompanying cattle breeding, agriculture (grain - barley, rye; in the mountains - oats, wheat; in the valleys - millet; potatoes, corn, cotton, sugar beet) are also grown. Rural settlements of three types: scattered, crowded and regular. Usually 2-storey houses with a veranda. More than 2/3 - Muslims, about a quarter - Orthodox.

Romanesque group. 15 peoples (Italians, Italy, Corsicans, Spaniards, Portuguese, French, Romanians, etc.). The Romans subordinate to themselves and assimilated many nations, the ratomanization went down to 5 V. AD Traditional Italians - Gardening, Grain Agriculture, Livestock. Food - Pasta, many spices and seasonings. More than half of the population lives in cities, rural settlements of 3 types: villages, farm, fortresses. Suit: Male - Pantalon, Kamiech (Tunic-shaped shirt), Jacca (jacket), hat or takes; Female - gene (long skirt), kamiech, corsetto, jackett (outerwear), Fazcoletto (head shawl), wooden shoes with iron spikes. Believers in most Catholics. Traditional French classes: animal husbandry, field growing, viticulture. Major cultures - rice, corn, rye. Food: cheese, rabbits meat, bird (in south of pigeons), vegetables, roots. Rural settlements 2 species: Street Plan (row) and cumulating. This is a 1-storey house under the roof, residential and economic premises. Male suit: pants, shirt, vest, neck scarf, straw hat. Believers mostly Catholics. Wallons (40% of the population of Belgium) - craft people. Large streets of street and cumulus type. Peoples of the Pyrenean Peninsula: Spain stands on 1 place for the production of olive oil. Developed grain farming. Already in the Roman era, large horned cattle was bred, fishing has very ancient origins. Women's suit: Wide assembly skirt with a front, light blouse, a corsage, on a head head. Catholics.

German group - 17 nations. They speak in the languages \u200b\u200bof the German Group (Germans, Austrians, German Manchanis, Luxembourgs, Larring, Danes, Swedes, Dutch, Norwegians, British, Scots, etc.). Traditional occupation - animal husbandry (cattle) - distilmed-stalk, agriculture. Traditional settlements: Large cumulative villages with randomly located houses and curves streets. Clothing: Men's - shirt (consists of two cloth), long pants, shoes served leather sole with leather straps; Women's - Ruba is also of two cloth, a raincoat with a hood. Crafts - knitting, rope, weaving, embroidery.

Celtic group. 4 people - Irish, Welsh, Galy, Bretonians. Traditional classes - agriculture and cattle breeding. Broken barley, oats, wheat. The main role is played by animal husbandry (cattle). Food - cereals, fish, dairy dishes, soups. One of the oldest cities is Dublin. Rural settlements of the farm type. Houses stone and braided. Traditional costume: black clothes in older women; Young man has a long wide skirt and corset, long white apron and white lace cape; Male - narrow short pants, jacket with a deaf gate, hat. In most Catholics.

The peoples of Europe are one of the most interesting and at the same time complex themes in history and cultural studies. Understanding the peculiarities of their development, life, traditions, culture will better understand the modern events that occur in this part of the world in a wide variety of areas of life.

general characteristics

With all the diversity of the population living in the territory of European states, we can say that, in principle, all of them passed one common path of development. Most of the states were formed on the territory of the former Roman Empire, which included huge spaces, from German lands in the West to Gallian regions in the East, from Britain in the north to North Africa in the south. That is why we can say that all these countries, with all of them incurrence, are nevertheless formed in a single cultural space.

The path of development in the early Middle Ages

The peoples of Europe as nationality began to develop as a result of the great resettlement of the tribes, which covered the mainland in the IV-V centuries. Then, as a result of mass migration flows, a fundamental transformation of the social structure occurred, which existed during the centuries during the ancient history period, and new ethnic community took shape. In addition, the formation of nationalities had an influence and movement that was founded on the lands of the former Roman empire their so-called barbaric states. In their framework, the peoples of Europe are approximately in the form in which they exist at the present stage. However, the process of final national design fell for the period of mature Middle Ages.

Further folding of states

In the XII-XIII centuries, in many countries, the process of forming a national self-consciousness began. It was the time when the prerequisites for the residents of states began to identify and position themselves precisely as a certain national community. Initially, this was manifested in language and culture. The peoples of Europe began to develop national literary languages \u200b\u200bthat determined their belonging to a particular ethnic. In England, for example, this process began very early: already in the XII century, the famous writer D. Choseer created his famous "Canterbury stories", which laid the foundation of the national English language.

XV-XVI century in the history of Western European countries

The period of late Middle Ages and early new time played a decisive role in the formation of states. It was the period of the formation of monarchies, the design of the main bodies of the department, the formation of ways to develop the economy, and, the main thing - the specificity of the cultural appearance was formed. In connection with the specified circumstances, the traditions of the peoples of Europe were very diverse. They were determined by all the prior development. First of all, the geographical factor, as well as the features of the folding of national states, which finally took shape in the era considered.

New time

The XVII-XVIII century is the time of turbulent shocks for Western European countries, which survived a rather difficult period in their history in connection with the transformation of the socio-political, social and cultural medium. It can be said that in these centuries, the traditions of the peoples of Europe passed the durability test not only, but also revolutions. In these centuries, states conducted the struggle for hegemony on the mainland with varying success. The XVI century passed under the sign of the domination of the Austrian and Spanish Habsburgs, the next century - under the explicit leader of France, which was facilitated by the establishment of absolutism here. The XVIII century shaved her position in many respects due to the revolution, wars, as well as a domestic political crisis.

Expansion of spheres of influence

The next two centuries were marked by serious changes in the geopolitical situation in Western Europe. This was due to the fact that some leading states rose on the path of colonialism. Peoples living in Europe have mastered new territorial spaces, primarily north-American and oriental lands. This significantly affected the cultural appearance of European states. First of all, this applies to the UK, which has created a whole colonial empire that covered almost polim. This led to the fact that it was English and English diplomacy who began to influence European development.

Another event was greatly reflected in the geopolitical map of the mainland - two world wars. Peoples living in Europe were on the verge of destroying as a result of devastation, which caused her fighting. Of course, all this affected the fact that it was the Western European states that influenced the beginning of the process of globalization and the creation of global bodies for the settlement of conflicts.

Modern condition

The culture of the peoples of Europe today is determined in many ways to erase national borders. Computerization of society, the rapid development of the Internet, as well as broad migration flows set the problem of erasing national original features. Therefore, the first decade of our century passed under the sign of the question of the preservation of the traditional cultural appearance of ethnic groups and nationalities. Recently, when expanding the globalization process, there is a tendency to preserve the national identity of countries.

Cultural development

The life of the peoples of Europe is determined by their history, mentality and religion. With all the variety of ways of cultural appearance of countries, one general development will be distinguished in these states: this dynamism, practicality, purposefulness of the processes that occurred at different times to science, art, politics, economics and in society in general. It was on the last characteristic feature that the famous philosopher O. Spengler pointed out.

The history of the peoples of Europe is characterized by early penetration into the culture of secular elements. It determined such a rapid development of painting, sculptures, architecture and literature. The desire for rationalism was inherent in leading European thinkers and scientists, which caused a stormy growth rate of technical achievements. In general, the development of culture on the mainland was determined by the early penetration of secular knowledge and rationalism.

Spiritual life

The religions of the nations of Europe can be allocated in two large groups: Catholicism, Protestantism and Orthodoxy. The first is one of the most common not only on the mainland, but throughout the world. At first, she was dominant in Western European countries, but then, after the Reformation that occurred in the XVI century, Protestantism originated. The latter has several branches: Calvinism, Lutheranism, Puritanism, Anglican Church and others. Subsequently, on its basis, individual generality of a closed type arose. Orthodoxy is distributed in Eastern Europe. It was borrowed from the neighboring Byzantium, where he penetrated on Russia.


The languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Europe can be divided into three large groups: Romanesque, German and Slavic. To the first owned: France, Spain, Italy and others. Their singularities are that they have formed under the influence of the eastern peoples. In the Middle Ages, these territories were subject to the invasion of Arabs and Turks, which undoubtedly affected the folding of their speech features. These languages \u200b\u200bare distinguished by flexibility, sonicity and singer. No wonder it was in Italian that most operas are written, and in general, it is he who is considered one of the most musical in the world. These languages \u200b\u200bare easy to perceive and learning; However, the grammar and the pronunciation of French can cause some difficulties.

The German group includes the languages \u200b\u200bof the Northern Scandinavian countries. This speech is characterized by the hardness of pronunciation and expressive sound. They are more complicated for perception and learning. For example, German is considered one of the most difficult among European languages. Scandinavian speech is also characterized by the complexity of building proposals and rather difficult grammar.

The Slavic group is also quite difficult to master. Russian is also considered one of the most difficult to teach. At the same time, the opinion is generally recognized that it is very rich in its lexical composition and semantic expressions. It is believed that it has all the necessary speech funds and language turns to transfer the necessary thoughts. It is indicative of the fact that it is European languages \u200b\u200bat different times and centuries considered world. For example, at first it was Latin and Greek, which was associated with the fact that Western European states were already mentioned above, formed on the territory of the former Roman Empire, where both were in the go. Subsequently, the Spanish was very popular due to the fact that in the XVI century, Spain became a leading colonial power, and her language spread to other continents, primarily in South America. In addition, it was due to the fact that the Austro-Spanish Habsburg was leaders on the mainland.

But subsequently, the leading positions occupied France, which also also entered the path of colonialism. Therefore, French has spread to other continents, primarily for North America and North Africa. But already in the XIX century, he became the dominant colonial state, which determined the main role of the English language around the world, which is preserved in our. In addition, this language is very convenient and simple when communicating, its grammatical structure is not as complicated, as, for example, in French, but in connection with the rapid development of the Internet in recent years, English has greatly simplified and has become almost conversational. For example, many English words in Russian sound entered use in our country.

Mentality and consciousness

The peculiarities of the peoples of Europe should be considered in the context of their comparisons with the population of the East. This analysis was held in the second decade of the famous cultural scientist O. Spengler. He noted that for all European peoples, it was characterized by a rapid development in various centuries of technology, technologies and industry. It was the last circumstance that determined, in his opinion, the fact that they very quickly stood on the path of progressive development, began to actively master new lands, improve production and so on. The practical approach has become a key to the fact that these nations have reached great results in the modernization of not only economic, but also of social and political life.

The mentality and the consciousness of Europeans, according to the same scientist, the time immemors were aimed at not only to explore and know the nature and surrounding their reality, but also to the active use of the results of these achievements in practice. Therefore, the thoughts of Europeans have always been aimed not only to receive knowledge in its pure form, but also to use them in the conversion of nature for their needs and improve the conditions of being. Of course, the above-mentioned path of development was characteristic of other regions of the world, but it was in Western Europe that he manifested itself with the greatest fullness and expressiveness. Some researchers associate such business consciousness and the practically directed mentality of Europeans with the peculiarities of the geographical conditions of their residence. After all, the majority of European countries are small in size, and therefore, to achieve the progress of peoples inherent in Europe, we went to. E. Due to the limited natural resources, they began to develop and master various technologies to improve production.

Characteristic features of countries

The customs of the peoples of Europe are very indicative to understand their mentality and consciousness. They reflect them and priorities. Unfortunately, very often in the mass consciousness is formed an image of a nation for purely external attributes. Thus, labels are superimposed on this or that country. For example, England is very often associated with reference, practicality and exceptional businesslikeness. The French are very often perceived as a cheerful secular and open people, relaxed in communication. Italians or, for example, the Spaniards are very emotional nation with a rapid temperament.

However, peoples inhabiting Europe have a very rich and difficult story that put a deep imprint on their life traditions and life. For example, the fact that the British are considered houses (from where I went to say "My Home - My Fortress"), undoubtedly has deep historical roots. When fierce internecine wars were followed in the country, apparently, the idea that the fortress or the castle of some feudal was a reliable protection. In the British, for example, there is another interesting custom, which also goes back to the era of the Middle Ages: In the process of parliamentary elections, the defeating challenger literally makes his ways to his place, which is a kind of reference by the time a fierce parliamentary struggle. Also still preserved the custom sitting on a bag with wool, since it was the textile industry that gave impetus to the rapid development of capitalism in the XVI century.

The French still has a preserved tradition to desire to especially express their nationality. This is due to their turbulent history, it applies to the XVIII century, when the country has experienced a revolution, Napoleonic Wars. During these events, people felt their national identity particularly sharply. The expression of pride for their fatherland is also a long-time French, which manifests itself, for example, in the execution of "Mosselease" and today.


The question of which peoples inhabit Europe seem to be very complex, especially due to the turbulent migration processes recently. Therefore, in this section, it should be limited to only a small overview for this topic. When describing the language groups, it has already been said about which ethnic groups inhabited mainland. Here it is also necessary to designate a few more features. Europe became the arena in the early Middle Ages. Therefore, its ethnic composition is extremely PEST. In addition, at one time the Arabs and Turks dominated on it, which put their imprint. However, it is still necessary to indicate the list of Europe's peoples from the west to the East (only the largest nations are listed in this series): Spaniards, Portuguese, French, Italians, Romanians, Germans, Scandinavian Ethnic groups, Slavs (Belarusians, Ukrainians, Poles, Croats, Serbs , Slovenians, Czechs, Bulgarian Slovaks, Russians and others). Currently, the question of migration processes that threaten to change the ethnic map of Europe are particularly acute. In addition, the processes of modern globalization and the openness of the borders threaten the erosion of ethnic territories. This issue is now one of the main policy in world politics, therefore, in a number of countries, a tendency to preserve national and cultural isolation was designated.

Like any other continent, Europe has its own traditions and customs. Some of them can be rather unusual for those who live in other corners of the planet. Even residents of Europe may not know about others, if the custom is distributed only in one country. All this is incredibly interesting, and sometimes it is useful; For example, a tradition called Hyugge would be definitely useful to any person. Get acquainted with this list and think about what traditions you would like to observe?

Lubrication of the bride and groom with something sticky, and then sprinkled with feathers

This tradition was already almost forgotten, but returned amazingly and spread again in Scotland. The essence of this custom is that the bride and the bride kidnap their friends, after which they are covered by substances like flour, custard or soot, and then sprinkle with feathers. It is believed that this unusual procedure will bring good luck with a pair. Yes, the ritual may seem suspiciously enough, nevertheless the bride and groom only strengthen relationships, surviving such an adventure together. Wedding dress in the process do not spoil, because everything is not on the day of marriage, but a few days before.

Quiet attitude to stay topless

In most countries of the world, even if society is quite freedom-loving, women are forbidden to nude in public. For example, in America, it is embarrassed even to breastfeed the child, and the topless of the street is simply unacceptable. Nevertheless, for some Europeans, this is not a problem. In Germany, admitted to be found in the sauna, pool, park and on the beach. It is the norm in Finland, where they are freely exposed to visit the public sauna. In these countries, people relate to the question of nudity more committed, while on other continents, even in the bath it is customary to remain in a towel or swimsuit.

Swedish Cleaning Tradition before death

It may sound gloomily, nevertheless the Swedes approach is really practical. To protect your loved ones from heavy experiences after death, older people come through their belongings in the last years of their lives. This does not mean that they plan to die. They simply browse all their things and get rid of unnecessary trifles so as not to force relatives or friends to clean up in a difficult moment. This trend is not represented in other countries, nevertheless, it begins to gradually gain popularity. It is not necessary to even associate it with death - it is important to get rid of extra things at any age. It helps to feel calmer at home, not distracted by mess and unnecessary little things.

Entertainment for schoolchildren for the month in Norway

Norway very seriously refers to the celebration of the graduation - there is a tradition, involving a celebration for a whole month. Young people use any desired amount of alcohol and constantly suits parties. There is nothing like that in the world. Sometimes this leads to negative consequences, for example injuries, nevertheless, as a rule, everything is in order. The older generations are laid with this tradition, because it has existed for more than a hundred years. It is thought that it is permissible, because such a fun is in life only once. During the rest of the time, such behavior would be under the ban.

Cozy Danish secret of happiness

Hyugge is not just a tradition, it is a lifestyle for residents of the Scandinavian countries. The principle of Hyugg has been there for several centuries already, according to Make Viking, who wrote a book about this tradition. This is the central part of Danish culture, familiar to each resident of the country. She describes how to live and relate to things. This concept can be a secret of happiness. It should be understood that this is a special approach to life. Some think that Hyugg is just comfort and warm, but it's not just aesthetics. The essence is to abandon the annoying things that are too straining you emotionally, making a priority for things truly meaningful. It helps to feel comfort in his own home and enjoy simple life moments.

Jumping for children in Spain

Jumping over children is the most unusual version of the leaps, which can only be represented. The Spanish tradition is complied with every year for hundreds of years in the village of Castrillo de Murcia. During the festival, some people dress up as devils that priests are expelled. They jump over children born in the previous year to protect them from diseases and misfortunes. This may seem dangerous, but there is no information about accidents, fortunately. Contrary to lack of injury, some want to cancel this religious festival. Even Pope recommended Spanish priests to abandon such practices. Nevertheless, it is unlikely that the tradition that existed several centuries will quickly disappear - the locals are very loved.

Dangerous cheese tradition

Every year in the English Gloucestershire, people participate in the race behind the cheese head. Participants pursue the Gloucester's large head, which rolls along the hillside, risking to get injuries and falling. The tradition originated in the nineteenth century, although there are opinions that it exists much longer. In 2009, the event was officially canceled because it attracted too many participants and spectators, which was due to security doubts. Nevertheless, it turned out that this is too popular tradition - informal events are still held. What is interesting, in other regions of England, people are in no hurry to risk themselves for the sake of cheese. Anyway, the inhabitants of the glossa do not plan to refuse their custom.

Rhinestones in the eyes in the Netherlands

If you have ever dreamed that your eyes shone brighter, you can easily achieve this literally. In the Netherlands there is a procedure that allows you to implant jewelry in the eyes. It is reported that such a decoration does not cause any side effects. In other countries, doctors on such steps are usually not solved. Most likely, the trend will not spread, because some doctors are confident - it is dangerous.

Incredible boredom to quickly sleep, in Norway

In Norway, there is an amazing way to quickly fall asleep. Residents of this country love to watch incredibly boring television shows. This genre is called "Slow Television" and is an equivalent of neutral background music. Spectators include such programs when they want to acquire a background that does not attract all attention. On the screen, several hours are demonstrated by people who are engaged in knitting, or burning fire. This genre is even distributed to other countries - everyone can check whether to stay beeps for watching something like that. One of the most popular gears is the shooting of a train travel, lasting seven hours and includes only landscapes outside the window.

Regatta in baths

This unique race is held in Belgium and is distinguished by an unusual history. According to the Air Force, the first race passed in 1982, when Alberto Cerpali found forty-used baths. They were selling them in the local market. Baths were transformed into homemade means for movement on water. So the history of regatta began, in which people are descending along the river, sitting in a bath or a boat created on its basis. This is a very popular event that is arranged every year. Who would have thought that the bath could be used as a boat?

Every year, interest in European states from foreigners grows with a huge speed. In most cases, this attraction is tourist. To conquer the impregnable mountain peaks, solar rays in the resort beaches, plunge into the blue abyss of the seas and the oceans, see the beauty of majestic architectural structures or just relax in luxury apartments - these are the main goals pursued by tourists from around the world. The question involuntarily arises: "But what about the acquaintance with the cultural traditions of European countries?" After all, they are the plast of culture of the peoples of Europe. Let's deal with the most popular of them.

The origin of the traditions and customs of the peoples of Europe. European etiquette

The rules and norms of behavior exist since ancient times, but the word "etiquette" itself appeared in France and received its distribution in Europe, and then the whole world only in the 17th century. It all started with the receptions in the royal courtyards, which were accompanied by the distribution of the so-called "labels" - cards with certain rules of behavior for guests.

The modern etiquette of Western European states had a huge influence of established folk traditions and customs transmitted from generation to generation. These include different kinds of legends, legends, religious rites and beliefs. Communication among themselves in political, trading or other purposes led to the confusion in European countries of cultural traditions, which, in turn, made it possible to identify the basic rules of the good tone of the peoples of Europe. Among them are a delicate attitude and respect for the customs and traditions of each country without comparisons or criticism for their part, knowledge and skillful use of titles of interlocutors, appeal to the names of persons participating in the conversation and others. The most popular European cultural traditions today are wedding customs and culinary art.

European wedding traditions

Most customs related to the preparation and holding of a wedding celebration are well acquainted, but there are those that can become a real discovery for you.

For example, in Portugal and Hungary, there is a certain rule of invitations of the bride to the dance. Wishing to dance with a young need to get a coin into one of its shoes pre-furnished in the center of the wedding hall.

The custom of the sprinkles of newlyweds petals of roses, which is a symbol of light and happy life, appeared in the UK and joined the wedding culture of almost all countries of the world. Trying to make this tradition more unique, each of the countries contributed to her "highlight". So, on Romanian wedding rites, along with roses petals are also present and nuts and nuts.

In the Slovak Republic there is a tradition of sharing gifts between future spouses. The bride gives his beloved ring and a shirt from Sochel, embroidered with gold threads. The response of the groom should be a silver ring, a fur hat, a tank and a belt of loyalty with three keys.

In the Norwegian and Swiss weddings, we mandatory custom are the landing of trees: two firs and one pine, respectively.

The beginning of the ceremony in Germany is accompanied by beating with friends and relatives of the bride's dishes in her house, in the Netherlands - a festive banquet, and in France, with newlyweds of wine from cups, symbolizing happiness and love.

In addition to the traditions associated directly with the marking procedure, great attention is paid to the addition of wedding images of future spouses. So, for English brides, the presence of horseshoes or pins on the wedding dress is very important, which is a sign of a happy marriage, and the crown should be present on the heads of Finnish young people.

The peculiarity of the wedding traditions of the European Society is the uniqueness of each of them, as well as popular among modern Europeans.

European culinary traditions

Traditional European cuisine is collected from amazing culinary recipes for national dishes of europe peoples. At the same time, each European state boasts individual culinary masterpieces.

On the territory of Central Europe, Polish and Hungarian dishes are most popular, the crown recipes of which are goulash, strudel, vegetable dill soup.

Eastern European cuisine has developed under the influence of customs of cooking by nomadic peoples inhabiting this territory in the old days. The most famous among culinary dishes of Eastern Europe - borsch, dumplings, pies.

A special place in the culinary arena of Western Europe is the French cuisine, which is an example for imitating many countries around the world. A feature of the culinary masterpieces of France is the use of wines and spices in almost any dish. Unlike the French, their neighbors are Germans - prefer to eat potatoes, meat and beer.

The culinary traditions of Northern Europe are extremely diverse. The most common cuisine dishes of European northerners are cream-brulee, sweet chocolate, duck in orange sauce and chicken hunts.

South European cuisine is largely similar to Western European, especially with French. It is also popular to add wine to most of the dishes, but at the same time, also separately submit it at mandatory on the table before the start of the meal.

Promotion to modern European culture

In addition to wedding and culinary customs, modern European culture contains a huge number of diverse traditions related to all the areas of human activity. To get acquainted with them closer, to join or even become their integral part can any foreigner who received the passport of the European Union. Romania enjoys the greatest demand in the design of European citizenship. Romania's citizenship is the fastest and cheap way to integrate into European society today.