Get rid of us God from the Barskie mercy. Aphorisms of grief from the mind

Get rid of us God from the Barskie mercy. Aphorisms of grief from the mind
Get rid of us God from the Barskie mercy. Aphorisms of grief from the mind

Moscow operatic theaters have increasingly become a modern repertoire. Earlier, "Onegin" and "Traviata" dominated the scenes, and the works of the new epoch were lonely shown once in a decade, if not less often. True, Chamber Music Boris Pokrovsky was in the capital, who heard the "Laboratory of Modern Opera" and regularly worked with the living composers now. Now the newcomer ops are good tone in the best opera houses. Such is also in the "Stasika", and in the "New Opera", even the stronghold of conservatism - big - descends not only before Shostakovich with Britten, who are still on our modern department, but also to Weinberg with Banief. Does not lag behind colleagues and restless "Helikon". Not so long ago, he only sometimes diluted the mainstream billboard novelties (as a rule, they did not delay for a long time), and the Cassu theater was made by proven classic masterpieces. Now, cooperation with composer-contemporaries looks one of the strategic directions of the multi-vector activities of Dmitry Bertman.

Librettists (Manot and His partner - author of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe project artist Pavel Kaplevich) took the basis of the immortal Griboedovskaya comedy "grief from the mind." Fabul, dramaturgy, characters and roles, and the lion's share of aphoristic text - all of the textbook, known to everyone since the school. But in order not to associate itself with the need to rigidly follow Griboedov, the producers came up with a clever move - combined the Chatsky, "excess person" of Russian literature, with Chaadaev, "external person" of the Russian reality of the XIX century, adding the text of the comedy excerpts from the "philosophical letters" of the latter and modifying Surname of the main character. It turned out a meaningful symbiosis that allows us to talk about Russia and its timeless problems.

The thought, how to say, is not fresh: the contemporaries of Griboedov "read" in Chahaadaeva, and Peter Yakovlevich is still called one of the "prototypes" of the main character "grief from the mind" (the author himself did not leave any instructions on this bill).

Sold up the world premiere called no less fashionable Kirill Serebrennikov. The situation around the "Gogol Center" led by him attracted additional attention to the formulation. For a PR - just a gift, especially considering that the modern opera, the public, as a rule, scares. Serebrennikov remained faithful, although this setting is no different in particular radicalism. Action begins with a crowd of a broken men. Under the sounds of Griboedovsky Waltz Mi-minor, the lines of sports physique change the costume, in order to take up their usual work - kneading clay or, more precisely, the black, scorched land and wear huge platforms, where, in fact, the highest shine. The idea of \u200b\u200bsocial inequality, segregation, filed more than intelligible, if not to say - in the forehead, novelty in it is a bit, read at times. The "recognition" worked and everything else: conversations on mobile phones (including a sacramental "carriage to me, carriage!"), Olympic costumes with the inscription "Russia" on the inhabitants of the Mizhovsky house, soulless officials in business office two and a secular ball A la Rus in Kokoshniki (with a hint on the famous Romanov Costumed Masquerade 1903).

Signs of this time are scattered across the spectrum, strung, as if beads, for each scene - they cause approving giggling hall, where the premiere shows, of course, the fair number of admirers of the talent of the director. He is expressing the language familiar to him, the Satisfied Public understands that he is incredibly glad. It was not without small obscenities. The Maid of Famous Lisa for Cardigrays chooses a textured cavaller from the people (Petrush's Buffetcher), "Atlanta", which supports the platform - but before picking it up on social top, undressing doggings and launders from dirt, watering water from the hose. Lisa, in another picture, the silellus rapes in another picture - while Famuses pronounces pathetic speeches, that rhythmically plays in ultrahigh tessia. In general, nothing sensational. Something similar we are regularly visible on the stage of the dramatic theater, and not only Serebrennikov. In a word, put, as if you like, and everything will be fine, everything in the nearest, straight in the history of the domestic scene.

The question is, what's all chadaev, remains open.

We will not forget that we are still the opera, a work for the music theater, for singers, orchestra and choir, and, except for the topical topic and fashionable directory, it would be nice that the score constitutes a phenomenon. For this part, somehow did not ask at all. Even in comparison with the previous devils of Manotkov (for example, "Gwidon" and the "titration of impeccable") "Chayad" appears the least expressive and bright product. Music is unitable and boring, has no own person, does not captivate and does not shock, leaving the listener is absolutely indifferent. Operated Griboedovsky Waltza is the only one, for which it is able to "catch the ear", Other - a set of shared places: Postmodern scarked by Souskam, that is, for all the imaginable musical styles of the past. Yes, and execution leaves much to be desired. Whether in that soloists, a conductor, a composer or sound engineers (the use of a pecker is completely obvious), but singing is heard badly, and words cannot be disassembled - all hope for its own memory and running string. Maestro Felix Boxes courageously collects the "Chayad" score into a single canvas, but he does not succeed in it - it seems that the monotony of the sound context testers even so experienced interpreter of modern music.

Photo on announcement: Dmitry Serebryakov / Tass

Blessed, who believes warm to him in the world! Chatsky

When you are happy, turn home, and the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us! Chatsky

Who is poor, you are not a couple. Famuses

Happy hours do not observe. Sofia

It would be glad to serve sissing. Chatsky


Not needed a different sample, when in the eyes an example of a father. Famuses

Fresh legend, but hard to believe. Chatsky

Sharing with all possible laughter. Sofia

Signed, so from the shoulders. Famuses

And the grief is waiting for the corner. Sofia

Clean the teachers of the shelves, the number of more, price cheaper? Chatsky

I do not care what for him, that in the water. Sofia

Horrible eyelids! You do not know what to start! All managed not by the years. Famuses

Who serves the case, and not to persons ... Chatsky

ABOUT! If anyone in people penetrate: what's worse in them? Soul or language? Chatsky

Read not as the Ponomar, but with feeling, with a sense, with the arrangement. Famuses

Like all Moscow, your father is: I would wish the son-in-law with the stars, but with the ranks. Lisa

To whom the need: those arms, lie in dust, but those who are above, flattery, like lace, spill. Chatsky

And a gold bag, and marked into the generals. Lisa

You, people are young, there is no other thing, how to notice the girls' beauty. Famuses

Yes, at least someone will make questions quick and curious look ... Sofia

They believed fools, others pass, the old women will beat the old women - and here is a public opinion! Chatsky

My father bequeathed to me: first, to please all people without rewrittening - the owner, where he will bring to live, the boss, with whom I will serve, the servant of him, who cleans the dresses, to the Swiss, the janitor, for the Evilian evil, the dog of the janitor, so that Laskov was. Molchanin

From the comedy "Mount from the mind (1824) A. S. Griboyedov (1795- 1829). Words Maid Lisa (action. 1, Yavl. 2):

Ah, from the Lord's apartment;

They have troubles for all in every hour,


And Barsky anger, and Barsky love.

The world belongs strong

see right

Peaceful coexistence

From the report of the Commissioner for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Government George Vasilyevich Chicherina (1872-1936) at the meeting of the Central Executive Committee (1920): "Our slogan is a peaceful coexistence with other governments, whatever they are."

In the form of "peaceful cohabitation", the expression was used by V. I. Lenin in his "Answer the questions of the Berlin correspondent Amer. Information Agency "Universal Service" Charles Viganda (1920).

It usually serves to determine the loyadic, even relationship with anyone, without friendship, but also without hostility (joking-ion.).

World grief

From German: WeltSchmerz.

From the unfinished essay "Celina, or about immortality" (publ. 1827) of German satirik Jean field (Pseudonym I.-P. Richter, 1763-1825), which used this expression, speaking of "countless people's torments."

As the Russian poet and translator wrote Peter Isaevich Waynberg (1830- 1908) In its article "Poetry of world sorrow" (1895), world grief is "sorrow of the imperfections of the world, about non-configurations in it and the suffering of humanity."

The expression has become particularly popular after the release of the article "From the exhibition of paintings of 1831" German german poet Heinrich Heine, who, speaking about the picture of the artist Demosha "Oliver Cromwell near the body of Karl I," wrote: "What a huge world of grief expressed a master in a few features!"

Funny-Iron.: About cross-either darkness, bad mood, despondency, etc.

Mister X

The stage name of the main character is operetta Imre Salman "Princess Circus" (1926). Libretto Julius Brarammer and Arnold Grunwald.

Justly ironically: about someone unknown or about who wishes to preserve their anonymity.


The main hero of the comedy "Nepalm" (1783) Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin (1745-1792) - a spoiled preventive son, lazy and ill. The name is nominable for young people like this type.

Bear, Teddy bear, where is your smile?

From the song "Mishka" (1947), words and music (processing V. Nechaeva) to which Poet wrote Georgy Aleksandrovich Titov (1919-1989):

Bear, Bear, where your smile,

Full zador and fire?

The most remarked error -

What you leave from me.

Justly ironically: the call to crook, shake the sadness, smile.

I am sad ... because you have fun

From the poem "Why" (1840) M. Yu. Lermontov (1814-1841):

I am sad because I love you,

And I know: youth is blooming yours

Does not spare with cunning slouch.

For every bright day Ile Sweet moment

Thrings and longing you pay the fate.

I am sad ... because you have fun.

It is used allegorically as a response to a companion who does not understand the only seriousness of the situation around him (the severity of his own offense, guilt, etc.) and still retains a rainbow mood.

I do not dear your gift, / Your love

From the Russian folk song "On the street Mostovoy":

I do not care your gift, -

Your way is love

I don't want to wear

I want to love so friend.

The meaning of expression: it is important not the cost and sophistication of the gift, but the feelings that he is intended to express.

I'm not ridiculous when the painter unfit / me is dirty Madonna Rafael

From the tragedy "Mozart and Salieri" (1830) A. S. Pushkin (1799- 1837):

I'm not ridiculous when the painter is unsuitable

I am dirty Madonna Rafael,

I'm not funny when the phonologist is despicable

Parody will dishonest Aligiery

Allegorically: about non-professionalism, carelessly performed work.

I had no time to write in short

From the book "Letters to Provincial, or Letters of Louis Montalta to a friend in the province and to the fathers of Jesuits about the morality and the policy of Jesuit" (1657) of the French scientist, philosopher and writer Blaze Pascal (1623-1662). At the end of the 16th letter of this book, he wrote: "This letter was longer only because I had no time to write it shorter."

Another famous translation: "I did not have time to write a letter in short."

The meaning of the expression: to compile a brief, logical and meaning text (and, accordingly, its thinking) need much more time than for simple fixation on paper all thoughts that come to mind for a particular occasion. In the latter case, the verbose is inevitable.

I'm silent, and Az we

Of Bible (Church-Slavic text). Translation: I am notching on me, and it will come from me (in the sense: Notification is not for the human court).

It is found in the Old Testament (Fifth Book of Moiseeva) and the New Testament (Message to the Romans of the Apostle Paul, Ch. 12, Art. 19): "Do not take revenge for yourself, beloved, but give the place to the anger of God. For it is written: I'll mess out, I will give, says the Lord. "

This tex L. N. Tolstoy used as an epigraph to novel "Anna Karenina".

Mnimy patient

From French: Le Malade Imaginaire.

Russian translation of the name of the comedy (1673) of the French playwright Jean Batista Moliere (pseudonym Jean Batista Potal, 1622-1673).

Just ironically: about a healthy person who pretends to patients due to some of his circumstances.

6. And Barsky Anger, and Bar Love ...

For a year, forty-eighth, they hit the Magadan, with the gloomy inevitability of punching through the twilight of the ice fog, through the sullen gravitance of people.

The malicious charge of the malice was carried this time not so much prisoners and former zeka, how much free. The monetary reform of the end of the forty-seventh year is perhaps it is more painful than in the residents of any other corner of the country, hit them, according to Kolyma Conquistadors, on these simple Soviet millionaires. In the upper layer of devices, the detachments of these socialist millionaires were already quite significant. But even the Middle Allowers who lived on Kolyma for several years, there were hundreds and hundreds of thousands on their savings books.

All these people who are accustomed to feel like their loved children of Soviet power, were stunned by a blow to them. How! To do this in a similar way with them, with those who made up the distribution of the regime in this region in populated enemies of the people! With those who survived here so many student winters, depriving his body of vitamins!

For many, this reform has become the beginning of the collapse of the illusory world, in which they lived and who seemed to them so flawlessly organized by me I remember the conversation with the former commander of the Tuscan platoon of Harra. I met this "friend" on the street, along the way to work, and he long delayed me so that I would take on the explosion of the words. Oh and amazing it was the words! The voice of the commander Skeid, bumble, chuckled.

Justice is called! Seven years Mantulo as damned! Risked life ... what bison guarded! Baba my guys threw for the good of the saints, herself fled to work, these percentages knocked out. And now ... Only, you understand, I took it on the mainland, quit with a farm. Well, we think the hut in Poltava region will buy, junk all sorts ... in the resorts of SwanTexi ... And so - on you! Buy here Shisha Fir ...

I willingly led with such an unusual interlocutor massively educational work. Say, war and all that ... inflation ... Improvement of the economy ...

And, throw you, you know! Good to you, holoners, about the economy something to chat! You have nothing to lose ... Yes, and people you are desperate. Not only money, but did not regret their children, they went to the enemies ... - And suddenly he interrupted himself, he looked at me closely, waved his hand and grunted: - Or maybe everyone lied about you! Damn it will discern!

The mood of the free was spoiled by the fact that there were new stages of prisoners who received fresh deadlines for frauds related to reform. They were given an article "Economic Counter-revolution", and they, therefore, came again to the category of enemies of the people. There were such cases among the inhabitants of Magadan.

In the corners, they whispered anxiously, transmitting sensational details of various-caliber monetary operations. The very essence of the fraud was absolutely incomprehensible to me: someone warned someone, someone sold someone, someone did not take money on time with a book, not that, on the contrary, put on the book on time. But the disconnection in all cases was standard: ten, sometimes eight years of conclusion for economic counterrevolution.

Yulka rejoiced like a child that we were not at all affected by the monetary reform. Not a single housing!

I'm fine, I'm an orphan! - She set and added: "No, I still have an intuition ... as if some inner voice suggested to me: buy a second clamshell!"

We did this major cost, meaning the upcoming arrival of Vaska. But so far, all this remained within the borders of the dreams, because by the beginning of the past eighth of the year I received an eight eight from the Farrow Department - eight! - Failures for issuing to my son of passing to Magadan.

All the technology of "permanent" application of applications was already worked out with extreme clarity. I went out of the room, where I was reported "you denied", and immediately went to the neighboring, where I handed over a new, preparatory application. New statements were made mechanically and trouble-free. Every time they said: "For the answer you will come of such a number." And after that, despair again inflicted the place of deceptive hopes.

Yes, I was still hoping for a meeting with Vaska. Because letters went from him. Surround, rare, but walked. And he expressed interest in them to the upcoming, the first time in his life distant journey.

But the thought of Anton and his fate wake me among the night with a push in the heart, poured coldly later, stood his eyes with muddy darkness.

After a bag with cedar nuts, long months stretched without any West, without signs of life. I developed mad energy. He wrote to everyone who, after leaving the camp, lived in the berry and assault area. And already before the new year, the answer came, worse than it was difficult to come up with. One of my acquaintances in Ellgen all came out and told me that Anton had long been not on the assault. He was sent to the stage, and under very strange circumstances. In the environment of strict secrecy. Without a violation of the regime on his part. Sent one, special. It seems that on demand from somewhere.

In the sleepless nights in front of me sailed pictures of recent war years. How many prisoners-Germans (Soviet citizens) are also sent to the secret stages to never come anywhere. True, now the war is over. But who will charge for the Kolyma authorities! I was drawn scenes of beatings, interrogations, execution. We saw the Taiga Prison "Serpantine", which no one knew about anything, because no one had returned from there.

The worst was the consciousness of our own impotence. I could not even make an official request about his fate. After all, I am not a relative. Predatory, wrote to Kazakhstan one of his four sisters, who were there in the link. I asked her to make a request on behalf of relatives. They wrote. They were not answered.

Meanwhile, at work, I also had significant changes. Shortly after our return from North Artek, where I was given a diploma, Dr. Gorbatov, he aroused me to him. She began a conversation with what is very pleased with my work.

All you have: Education, hard work, attachment to children. But...

I got cold under the spoon. The meaning of this but was clear. Probably, the personnel department lifts her from the light for keeping the Tryurizka terrorist on the "ideological front". And now this kind woman is looking for words to soften the blow. My God, what will I send Vaska?

No, no, no one dismisses you, - Gorbatov exclaimed, reading all this on my face, - I just want to take some measures to strengthen your position ...

It turned out that in our kindergarten the place of the musical worker is released. Our head, which, part-time, led musical classes, goes to the 1st kindergarten. Thus, I am provided with a wonderful opportunity.

I was told that you play well.

Very no matter. She studied a long time ago, in deep childhood.

Nothing. Exercise - restore. But, you see ...

And then Gorbatova spoke so much openly, the exactly itself was not the boss, but a terrorist turbine.

In the near future, several graduates of educators will arrive from the Krasnoyarsk preschool pedagogian. Then I will be almost impossible to defend you further. And a pianist ... there is no pianist among them. This is a protective extension qualification for you. In addition, the word "pianist" sounds somehow neutral. Away from ideology ... Well, agree? Salary is the same.

The arguments could not cause objections. But still agreed I fasten my heart. After all, there is not Taiga Taskan, where it was enough to disassemble the "songs of a preschooler". Here you will have to hold matinees with a great public, play brix marches in a rapid pace. In a word - it was necessary to immediately return the lost technique.

I gave a telegram to Rybinsk, where my mother lived after the war, remaining at the place of his evacuation from Leningrad. Poor, everything thought that Rybinsk, maybe I will be allowed ... Now I asked to send notes, not really hoping that she could buy in Rybinsk what was needed. But the parcel arrived, and I am amazed discovered my old children's notes in it. How did she manage to save them, make out of two siking, her and my home? However, the fact: I had my own Hanon in my hands, over which I once suffered, eight-year-old. The yellowed knocked pages were nullly with sharp pencils of teacher's pencils, and I remembered her big hand, who had lilated with lilac mugs, those notes on which I faked. On one page it was written by the curves guys: "I do not know how I can take an octave. Hands are missing!" And "I can" - through Yat.

Hanon! I looked at him with deep repentance. After all, it was in it that all the forces of the old world were embodied for me. It is this notebook that I threw away, submitting a statement to Komsomol and declaring parents that I now care is more careful. Let the daughters of the world bourgeoisie look for Hanon!

Did I think then that the day would come when a rejected Hanon arrives at the extreme north to save me from dismissal from work, from trouble, from all kinds? Forgive me, Hanon! And you sorry, Cherni and Clementa!