The difference between the Orthodox Cross from the Catholic. What does the cross mean

The difference between the Orthodox Cross from the Catholic. What does the cross mean
The difference between the Orthodox Cross from the Catholic. What does the cross mean

The history of the appearance of the Cross in Orthodoxy is very interesting. This ancient symbol was revered even before the emergence of Christianity and had a sacred value. What denotes the Orthodox cross with the crossbars, what is his mystical and religious meaning? Let us turn to historical sources to learn about all kinds of crosses and their differences.

The symbol of the cross is used in many world beliefs. Only 2000 years ago, he became a symbol of Christianity and acquired the value of the overag. In the ancient world, we meet the symbol of the Egyptian cross with a loop expressing the Divine beginning and the principle of life. Karl Gustav Jung refers the emergence of the symbolism of the cross in general to primitive times when people mined the fire with two crossed sticks.

Early images of the cross can be found in a wide variety of forms: T, x, + or t. If the cross depicted an equilateral, he symbolized 4 sides of the world, 4 natural elements or 4 sky zoroistra. Later, the cross began to compare with four seasons of the year. However, all the values \u200b\u200band types of crosses have somehow corrected with life, death and revival.

The mystical significance of the cross at all times was associated with the cosmic forces and their flows.

In the Middle Ages, the Cross began to be firmly associated with death and the resurrection of Christ, acquired Christian importance. The equilateral cross began to express the idea of \u200b\u200bdivine presence, power and strength. It was joined by an inverted cross as a symbol of the denying Divine power and commitment to Satanism.

Cross of Saint Lazarus

In the Orthodox tradition, the cross can be depicted in different ways: from crossed two lines to a complex combination of several crossbars with additional symbols. All types of Orthodox crosses carry a single meaning and significance - salvation. Special distribution received the eight-spin cross, which is also common in the countries of Eastern Mediterranean and Eastern Europe. This eight-pointed symbol is a special name - the cross of the Saint Lazarus. Often, this symbol is depicting a crucified Christ.

The eight-pointed Orthodox cross is depicted with two transverse crossbars at the top (top shorter) and the third - inclined. This crossbar carries the value of the foot: the legs of the Savior are based on it. The tilt of the foot is always depicted equally - the right side is higher than the left. It has a certain symbolism: the right foot of Christ relies on the right side, which is higher than the left. According to Jesus, on the terrible court, the righteouss will stand at the right hand from him, and sinners - on the left. That is, the right end of the crossbar symbolizes the path to heaven, and the left is the path to the hellish insidency.

A small crossbar (top) symbolizes a sign over the head of Christ, which nailed Pondi Pilate. It was recorded in three languages: Nazori, King Jewish. Here is the meaning of the cross with three crossbars in the Orthodox tradition.

Cross Golgotha

There is another image of the eight-pointed Orthodox cross in monastic tradition - the Skimnic Cross of Calvary. It is depicted above the symbol of Calvary, on which crucifixion was carried out. The symbol of Calvary is depicted by steps, and under them is a skull with bones. Other attributes of the crucifixion can be depicted on both sides of the cross -, cane, spear and sponge. All these attributes have a deep mystical meaning.

For example, the skull with the bones symbolize our progenitors, on which the glass sacrificial blood of the Savior and washed from sins. Thus, the connection of generations is carried out - from Adam with Eve to the times of Christ. It also symbolizes the bond of the Old Testament with the new one.

Spear, cane and sponge - another character of the tragedy on Calvary. The Roman Warrior Longin pierced the Savior's Rear with a spear, of which blood and water flowed. It symbolizes the birth of the Church of Christ, like the birth of Eva from the edge of Adam.

Crest Sedmone

This symbol has two crossbars - upper and foot. The footage has a deep mystical meaning in Christianity, as it binds both covenants - dilapidated and new. The foot of the prophet is mentioned by the prophet Isaiah (Is. 60, 13), the Psalmopevets in Psalm No. 999, and you can also read the outcome in the book (see: Ex. 30, 28). The sadded cross can be seen at the domes of Orthodox churches.

Sedmone Orthodox Cross - Image:

Cross six-spin

What does the cross stack mean? In this symbol, the lower inclined crossbar symbolizes the following: the raised end is the value of exemption through repentance, and lowered down - an unrecorded sin. This shape of the cross was distributed in ancient times.

Cross with crescent

On the domes of churches, you can see a cross with a crescent below. What does this church cross mean, is there a connection with Muslim? Crescent was a symbol of the Byzantine state, from where and came to us the Orthodox faith. There are several different versions of the origin of this symbol.

  • Crescent symbolizes Nasry, in which the Savior was born in Bethlehem.
  • Crescent symbolizes the bowl in which the body of the Savior was.
  • Crescent symbolizes the sail under which the ship of the Church in the kingdom of God is floating.

Which of the versions is correct, it is not known. We only know one thing that the crescent was a symbol of the Byzantine state, and after his fall he became a symbol of the Ottoman Empire.

The difference between the Orthodox Cross from the Catholic

With the acquisition of the faith of ancestors, many newly minted Christians know the main differences in the Catholic cross from the Orthodox. Denote them:

  • On the Orthodox Cross there are always more than one crossbar.
  • In the Catholic eight-pointed cross, all the crossbars are parallel to each other, and in the Orthodox Lower - oblique.
  • The Savior's face on the Orthodox Cross does not express torment.
  • The legs of the Savior on the Orthodox Cross are closed, on the Catholic depicts one above the other.

Attracts special attention to the image of Christ on the Catholic and Orthodox Cross. On the Orthodox we see the Savior, who gave humanity to the Eternal Life. On the Catholic Cross, a dead man underwent terrible torment.

If you know these differences, easily determine the identity of the symbol of the Christian cross to a church.

Despite the variety of forms and symbols of the cross, his strength is not in the number of ends or the crucifixion depicted on them, but in repentance and faith in salvation. Any cross carries a life-giving force.

Crosses: the most common forms. The class of signs in the form of identical geometric elements, widely used in emblems and heraldry. Published on a web portal

Crosses: The most common forms

The overall symbol of humanity is the cross. It can be found in the most ancient religions, in the most ancient civilizations: in Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, etc. Who invented the cross? No one - for it exists in nature. This is an ancient universal symbol and above all - a symbol of communication of micro and macrocosm, spirit and matter in their compound. The cross symbolizes the involvement of the spirit (vertical line) during (horizontal line).

The shape of the cross is diverse. They differ in the number of crossbars, and the number of cross, and proportions.

Greek cross

Greek cross

The cross is the simplest shape: square, with ends of equal length, horizontal crossbar is located in the middle of the vertical. Cross of St. George. This sign, also called Crux Quadrata, was used from prehistoric times in various values \u200b\u200b- as a symbol of the God of the Sun, the Rain God, the elements of which the world was created: air, land, fire and water. In early Christianity, the Greek cross symbolized Christ. It is also a symbol of secular, earthly power, but received from God. Used in medieval heraldry.

Cross Molot.

Cross Molot.

Cross hammer is a type of Greek cross. One of the main heraldic crosses is called this from the French Potenee - "Support", since its form looks like supports used in antiquity.

Latin Cross

Latin Cross

Another name of the Latin Cross is a long cross. Its horizontal crossbar is located above the middle of the vertical crossbar. This is the most common Christian symbol in the Western world. It is believed that Christ was removed from such a cross, hence the other names: Cross Crucifixes, the Cross of the West, the Cross of Life, the Cross of Suffering. This form, so similar to the man who spread his hands, symbolized God in Greece and China long before the appearance of Christianity. The Egyptians rising from the heart cross symbolized kindness.

Cross of St. Peter

Cross of St. Peter

The Cross of St. Peter is an inverted Latin Cross. From the IV century, it is one of the symbols of St. Peter, which is believed to be crucified down on an inverted cross in 65 N. e. During the rule in Rome Emperor Nero.

Inverted Latin Cross, that is, the cross of St. Peter, with pointed ends - the emblem of the Order of the Templars.

Andreevsky Cross (oblique cross)

Andreevsky Cross (oblique cross)

It is also called diagonal or oblique. On such a cross adopted the martyrdom of the apostle Saint Andrei. The Romans used this symbol to designate the border, the passage beyond which is prohibited. The oblique cross also symbolizes perfection, the number 10. In Heraldry, this cross is called the Saltir.

St. Andrey is a patron of Russia, and when Peter the Great created the Russian Navy (in the 1690s), he accepted for the Fleet Fleet Blue Skit Cross on a white background.

Tau-Cross (Cross of St. Anthony)


Cross of St. Anthony

Tau-Cross is named so due to the similarity with the Greek letter "T" (Tau). He symbolizes life, the key to the supreme power, phallus. In ancient Egypt - a sign of fertility and life. In biblical times - symbol of protection. Scandinavians have a thorah hammer. In the Christian churches - the Cross of St. Anthony (founder of Christian monastics, IV century). From the beginning of the XIII century - the emblem of the Francis of Assisi. In Heraldry, this is an almighty cross. Also known as the "Hangs Cross" because of the similarities with the gallows, as she was done in antiquity.

ANKH (Egyptian Cross)

Ankh - the key to the goal of death

Ankh is the most significant symbol of the ancient Egyptians, also known as "cross with a handle." In this cross, two symbols are combined: a circle (as a symbol of eternity) and a Tau-Cross suspended to him (as a symbol of life); However, they denote immortality, eternal life. Ankh also personifies the "life that comes", "the time that will come," hidden wisdom, the key to the secrets of life and knowledge, as well as the key that opens the gate of death. Perhaps he symbolizes the tree of life, as well as the sun rising above the horizon.

Maltese cross

Maltese cross

The Maltese cross is also called eight-pointed. He symbolizes the four great gods of Assyria: RA, Ana, Belus and Hea. The emblem of the Knights of the Maltese Order. The white cross of this shape on a black background from the very beginning was the emblem of the military and religious Order of Hospitallers (John), who transferred their headquarters to Malta (in 1529) - hence this name.

In the philatelation, the Maltese cross is the first post-post stamp, which fell postage from 1840 to 1844.

Patriarchal Cross

Patriarchal Cross

The patriarchy cross is used by archbishopas and cardinals. It is also called the Catholic Cross of Cardinal and a cross with two crossbars. The upper crossbar is a title (name-writing board) introduced by order of Pittius Pilate. Under the title Archbishop Cross, he is often found on the coat of arms of the archbishop.

This cross is widespread in Greece and is sometimes called Anzhui or Larring. Sometimes it is mistakenly called Lorran Cross.

Papal Cross

Papal Cross

The papal cross with three horizontal crossbars is also known as the triple cross. Used in processions in which dad participates. Three cross lines symbolize power and tree of life.

Russian Cross

Russian Cross (Cross of Saint Lazar

This eight-spin cross is the cross of the Russian Orthodox Church. It is also called the East Cross or the Cross of Saint Lazar. The symbol of the Orthodox Church in Eastern Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and Russia.

The top of three transverse crossbars - the title, where the name was written, as in the Patriarchal Cross, the lower crossbar is beveled.

Cross Konstantin (sign "Chi-Ro")

Cross Konstantin

Magic seal with the symbol of "chi-ro" (Agrippa, 1533)

The cross of Constantine is a monogram, known as "chi-po" ("hee" and "ro" - the first two letters of the name of Christ in Greek). The legend states that this cross Emperor Konstantin saw in the sky on the road to Rome, along with the cross he saw the inscription "SIM Win." According to another legend, he saw a cross in a dream on the night before the battle and heard the voice: "You will win with this). It is said that this prediction consisted of Constantine into Christianity. And the monogram became the first generally accepted symbol of Christianity - as a sign of victory and salvation.

Rosencraser cross

Cross with a rose (Rosencraser)

Another name is the cross of roses (five-floor). The emblem of the Order of Rosenkraucers. Symbol of harmony, center, hearts. Rose and cross symbolize the resurrection and the atonement of Christ. This sign is understood as the divine Light of the Universe (Rose) and the Earth World of suffering (cross), like a feminine beginning and male, material and spiritual, spiritual and sensual love. The cross with a rose is a symbol of a dedicated, who thanks to the work on himself managed to develop love, life-giving and transforming matter.

Masonic cross

Masonic Cross (Cross in Circle)

The Masonic Cross is a cross, inscribed in a circle. It means holy place and space center. Four dimensions of space in the celestial circle symbolize the totality, which includes the Great Spirit. This cross personifies the cosmic tree that spreads horizontally over the Earth and relates to heaven through the vertical central axis. Such a cross or was performed in stone, or depicted on the walls of Roman gothic temples, symbolizing their consecration.

Pacifist cross

Pacific cross (cross of the world)

This symbol was developed by Gerald Holt in 1958 for the movement of the nuclear disarmament that created then. To develop a symbol, he used a semaphore alphabet: made a cross from its symbols - for "n" (Nuclear, nuclear) and "D" (disarmament, disarmament) - and placed them in a circle, which symbolized the global agreement. Soon this cross was one of the most common signs of the 60s of the twentieth century, symbolizing both the world and anarchy.

The history of the Orthodox Cross has many centuries. The types of Orthodox crosses are diverse, each of them has a symbol in itself. The crosses were intended not only for wearing on the body, but they also crowned the domes of churches, the crosses are at the roads. Crosses paint objects of art, put at home near the icons, wearing special crosses and clergy.

Crosses in Orthodoxy

But crosses in Orthodoxy had not only a traditional form. Many diverse symbols and forms were such a matter of worship.

Forms of the Orthodox Cross

The cross, which is worn by believers, is called a native one. The clergymen are on the back of the cross. They differ not only with dimensions, there are many of their forms, each of which has its own value.

1) T-shaped cross. As you know, the execution by crucifixion on the cross came up with Romans. However, in the southern and eastern parts of the Roman Empire, several other cross was used for this purpose, namely "Egyptian", in shape resembling the letter "T". This letter "T" is also found on the tombs of the III century in Calcis Calisbach and on one coronary of the II century. If this letter met in the monogram, it was written in such a way as to perform over all others, as it was considered not only a symbol, but also a privileged image of the cross.

2) Egyptian Cross "Anh". This cross was perceived as a key with which the gates to Divine Knowledge were opened. The symbol was associated with wisdom, and the circle that this cross is crowned with eternal start. Thus, in the Cross combined two symbols - a symbol of life and eternity.

3) The cross is alphabet. The first Christians used alphabetic crosses so that their image would not scare the pagans who were familiar with them. In addition, at that time there was not so much the art side of the image of Christian characters, but rather the ease of their use.

4) Anchor-shaped cross. Initially, such an image of the cross was discovered by archaeologists in the Solun inscription III century. In the "Christian symbolism" it is said that on the plates in the caves of the pretext, there were alone anchors. The image of the anchor belonged to a certain church ship that sent everyone to the "quiet marina of eternal life." Therefore, the cruciform anchor was considered from Christians a symbol of Eternal Being - the kingdom of heaven. Although Catholics have this symbol rather means the strength of earthly affairs.

5) Monogram chart. It represents a monogram of the first letters of Jesus Christ in Greek. Archimandrite Gabriel wrote that the shape of the monogram chassis crossed by a vertical feature, and there is a pierced image of the cross.

6) Cross "Persoy Pastor". This cross is the so-called Egyptian staff, which crosses the first letter of the name of Christ, which in the aggregate is a monogram of the Savior. At that time, the form of the Egyptian rod resembled the Pasta staff, its upper part was bent down.

7) Burgundy Cross. Such a cross is also the form of the letter "X" of the Greek alphabet. He has another name - Andreevsky. The letter "X" from the second century preferably served as the basis for monogamous characters, because the name of Christ began with her. In addition, there is a legend that the Apostle Andrey was crucified on such a cross. At the beginning of the 18th century, Peter is great, wanting to express the religious difference between Russia from the West, placed the image of this cross on the coat of arms of the state, as well as on the naval flag and its print.

8) Cross - Monogram Constantine. Monogram Constantine was a combination of letters "P" and "x". It is believed that it is connected with the Word of Christ. It has this cross such a name, since such a monogram often met on the coins of Emperor Constantine.

9) Poshonstantinovsky Cross. Monogram letters "P" and "T". The Greek letter "P" or "RO" means the first letter in the word "times" or "king" - symbolizes the king of Jesus. The letter "T" means "his cross". Thus, this monogram is the sign of the Cross of Christ.

10) Cross Trident. Also a monogram cross. The trident has long been symbolized the kingdom of heaven. Since the trident was previously used in a fishing, the trogbed monogram of Christ meant involvement in the sacrament of baptism as a court in the network of the kingdom of God.

11) Cross round fuel. According to testimonies, Gordia and Martial, Christians have just cut the backed cruciform bread. This was done in order to be easier to break it easier. But the symbolic transformation of such a cross came from the east long before Jesus Christ.

Such a cross shared an integer on the part, combining it used. Met such a cross, divided into four parts or six. The circle itself was displayed before the Nativity of Christ as a symbol of immortality and eternity.

12) Catacomb cross. The name of the cross comes from the fact that he often met in the catacombs. It was a quadrangular cross with equal parts. Such a shape of the cross and some of its forms find the most frequent use in ancient ornaments, which were used to decorate the accumulation of priests or temples.

11) Patriarchy Cross. In the West, the name Lorensky is more common. Already from the middle of the past millennium began to use such a cross. It was this shape of the cross depicted on the press of the governor of the emperor Byzantium in the city of Corsuni. In the museum of the Old Russian art name, Andrei Rublev stored just such a copper cross, which belonged to Abraham Rostvoy in the XVIII century and was cast according to the samples of the XI century.

12) Papal cross. Most often, such a form of the cross is used in the bishops of the Roman Church of the XIV-XV centuries, and it is because of this that such a cross is wearing this name.

Types of crosses on the domes of churches

The crosses that are put on the dome of the Church are called the names. Sometimes you can see that straight or wavy lines come from the center of the chapter. Symbolized lines transmit the radiance of the sun. The sun is very important in a person's life, it is the main source of light and heat, life on our planet is impossible without it. The Sun of Truth is sometimes even called the Savior.

The famous expression reads "The Light of Christ enlightens everyone." The image of the world is very important for the Orthodox, therefore, the Russian blacksmiths were invented such a symbol in the form of lines emanating from the center.

You can often notice small stars on these lines. They are the symbols of the queen stars - the Bethlehem Star. That very, which led the Magicians to the place of birth of Jesus Christ. In addition, the star is a symbol of spiritual wisdom and purity. The stars depicted on the Cross of the Lord so that he "shone the star to the sky."

There is also a trilding shape of the cross, as well as the trilly completion of its ends. But the godpanis was decorated not only in this image of the leaves. It was possible to find a huge amount of diverse colors and leaves in the shape of a heart. The tribal can have both a round or pointed shape and the shape of the triangle. The triangle and the shaded tribal in Orthodoxy symbolize the Holy Trinity and are often found in temple inscriptions and inscriptions on tombstones.

Cross "Visitnik"

Spirling Cross Vine is a prototype of a living cross, as well as it is a symbol of the sacrament of communion. It is often depicted with a crescent at the bottom that symbolizes the bowl. The combined together, they resemble believers that during the communion of bread and wine turn into the body and blood of Christ.

In the form of a pigeon on the cross is depicted by the Holy Spirit. The pigeon is mentioned in the Old Testament, he returned to the Noah's ark with an oilseed branch to hear people about the world. Ancient Christians depicted a man's soul in the form of a dove, reproached in the world. The pigeon in the meaning of the Holy Spirit flew and to the Russian lands and sank to the Golden Dome of the churches.

If you are going to look at the openwork crosses on the domes of churches, then many of them can be seen pigeons. For example, in Novgorod there is a church, called Mironosian wives, on her dome you can see a beautiful pigeon, woven "literally out of the air." But the most often cast dove figurine is at the top of the cross. Even in ancient times, crosses with pigeons were quite frequently phenomenon, even the volumetric film figures with open wings were met in Russia.

Clear crosses are called such, from the foundation of which shoots grow. They symbolize the revival of life - the resurrection of the cross from the dead. The Cross of the Lord in the Orthodox canon sometimes magnifies the "livery garden". You can also hear the holy fathers call it "life-giving". Some crosses generously littered with such escapes that really resemble flowers in the spring garden. Weave thin stems - art made by masters - looks alive, and sealing with taste of vegetable elements complement the incomparable picture.

The cross is also a symbol of a tree of eternal life. The cross is decorated with flowers, shoots from the core or from the lower crossbar, remembering here about the blooming leaves. Very often, such a cross crosses the dome.

In Russia, it is almost impossible to meet crosses with a terns. And in general, the image of Christ-Martyr did not fit here, unlike the West. Catholics often depict Christ hanging on the cross, with blood traces and ulcers. We accepted to glorify his domestic feat.

Therefore, in the Russian Orthodox tradition, the crosses are often crowned with floral crowns. The thorns of the crown was assigned to the Savior's head and was considered healing for warriors who splrew him. Thus, the crown is becoming a crown of truth or a crown of fame.

At the top of the cross, although it is infrequent, there is a crown. Many believe that the crowns were attached to the temples that had attracted to hires, but this is not. In fact, the Crown was placed on the top of the Cross churches built in the royal decree or money from the royal treasury. In addition, in Holy Scripture it is said that Jesus is the king of kings or Mr. Mr. The royal power, respectively, is also from God, that is why crosses and contain the crown on their top. The cross, crowned with a crown, is also sometimes called the royal cross or cross of the king of heaven.

Sometimes the cross was depicted in the form of divine weapons. For example, its endings could have the shape of a spear tip. Also on the cross could be a blade or his handle as a symbol of a sword. Such details symbolize the monk by the warrior of Christ. However, he can only speak as a weapon of peace or salvation.

The most common types of crosses

1) The eight-spin cross. This cross is the most relevant historical truth. This form of the cross acquired already after the crucifixion on him Lord Jesus Christ. Before the crucifixion, when the Savior carried a cross on Calvary on his shoulders, he had a four-pointed form. The upper short crossbar, as well as the lower oblique, were made immediately after the crucifixion.

Eight-spoard cross

The lower oblique the crossbar is called the footrest, or fit. She was acknowledged to the cross when the soldiers became clear where his legs would get. The upper crossbar represented a sign with an inscription, which was made by order of Pilate. To this day, such a form is most common in Orthodoxy, the crosses of the eight-pointed form are housing, they walked the dome church, they are installed on the tombstones.

The eight-pointed crosses were often used as the basis for other crosses, for example, premium. In the era of the Russian Empire, with the reign of Paul I and to him, under Peter I and Elizabeth Petrovna, there was a practice of rewarding the clergy. As awards were used in the midst of the crosses, which was even legislatively decorated.

Pavlovsky Cross was used for this purpose. It looked as follows: on the front side there was an overhead image of a crucifixion. The cross himself was eight-pointed and had a chain, all this was made of. The cross was issued for a long time - from his statement Paul in 1797 to the 1917 revolution.

2) Practice to apply when awarding the crosses were used not only to present the award to the priests, but also soldiers and officers. For example, it was used for this purpose later very well known, approved by Catherine, St. George Cross. The quadrangular cross is also reliable from a historical point of view.

In the Gospel, he is referred to as "His Cross." Such a cross, as already mentioned, carried the Lord on Calvary. In Russia, he was called Latin or Roman. The name comes from the historical fact that it was the Romans that the execution of the crucifixion on the cross was introduced. In the West, such a cross is considered the most faithful and distributed more than the eight-spin.

3) The cross "Vine" is known from antiquity, they were decorated with tombstones of Christians, utensils and liturgical books. Now such a cross is often possible in the church. It is an eight-spin cross with a crucifix, surrounded by a branched vine that germinates and is decorated with full-fledged brushes and leaves with a variety of patterns.

Cross "Vine"

4) The cross of a petal form is the subspecies of the quadrangular cross. Its ends are made in the form of flower petals. This form is most often used when painting the buildings of churches, decorating the liturgical utensils, in the vestments for the sacrament. Petal crosses are found in the oldest Christian temple in Russia - in the temple of Saint Sophia, the construction of which is dating from the 9th century. Native crosses in the form of a petal cross are also found often.

5) The Triliste Cross is most often four-way or six-pin. The ends of it have, respectively, the shape of a trillery. Such a cross could often be found in the coat of arms of many cities of the Russian Empire.

6) Seven cross cross. On the icons of the Northern Letters, such a form of the cross is found very often. These messages are dated mainly by the XV century. On the domes of Russian temples it can also be found. Such a cross is a long vertical rod with one top cross and oblique pedestal.

On the gold pedestal of the clergy, before the appearance of Jesus Christ, they performed a redemptive sacrifice - it says in the Old Testament. The foot of such a cross is an important and essential element of the Old Testamental altar, which symbolizes the redemption of the anointed of God. The foot of the seven-pin cross concludes one of his most sacred qualities. In the sayings of the Messenger Isaiah, there are words of the Most High: "Redee the praise of my legs."

7) Cross "Ternist Crown". Different peoples who adopted Christianity depicted a cross with a tern wreath on many subjects. On the pages of ancient Armenian handwritten book, as well as on the icon "The glorification of the Cross" of the XII century, which is located in the Tretyakovka, on many other elements of art can now meet such a cross. Teren symbolizes the thorns suffering and the thorny path, which had to go through Jesus, the son of God. The thunder wreath often cover the head of Jesus as it image in pictures or icons.

Cross "Ternist Crown"

8) Hanging cross. Such a shape of the cross is widely used when painting and decorating temples, closures of priests and litagon items. In the images in such a cross, the Universal Holy Teacher John Zlatoust was often decorated.

9) Korsunsky Cross. Such a cross was called Greek, or ancient Russian. According to church legend, the cross installed Prince Vladimir after returning from Byzantium to Dnipro. A similar cross is now stored in Kiev in the Sofievsky Cathedral, it is also carved and on the tombstone of Prince Yaroslav, which is a marble board.

10) Cross Maltese. Such a cross is called Georgievsky. It is a cross of equal shape with expanding parties to the edge. Such a form of the cross was officially adopted by the Order of St. John Jerusalem, which was formed on the island of Malta and was openly fought against Masonry.

This Order organized the murder of Pavel Petrovich - the Russian emperor, the Lord of Maltesers, therefore, it has a corresponding name. Some provisions and cities had such a cross on their coat. The same cross was a form of award for military courage, referred to as Georgievsky and had 4 degrees.

11) Refractory Cross. He is somewhat similar to Georgievsky, but includes words written in Greek "IC. XP. Nika ", which means" Jesus Christ - winner. " They were written with gold on three large crosses in Tsargrad. According to ancient tradition, these words along with the cross are printed on the prosforas and mean the redemption of sinners from sinful captivity, and also symbolize the price of our redemption.

12) Woven cross. Such a cross can have both equal side and a longer lower side. Weaving to the Slavs came from Byzantium and was widely used in Russia in antiquity. Most often, the image of such crosses is found in Russian and Bulgarian ancient books.

13) Wedge-shaped Cress. Expanding cross with three field lilies at the end. Such field lilies in Slavyansky are called "Cryna Rich". The cross with field lines from the XI century serenity can be seen in the book "Russian copper casting". Such crosses were widespread both in Byzantium, and later in the 14th and 15th century in Russia. They meant the following - "Heavenly Groom, when it goes to the valley, made Lily."

14) Dropped four-pin cross. The four-pin cross has a small mug in the form of a drop at the ends. They symbolize the blood drops of Jesus, which during the crucifixion sprinkled the glooring tree. The drowned cross was depicted on the first sheet of the Greek Gospel of the II century, which is located in the State Public Library.

Often met among the copper inappropriate crosses, which were cast in the first centuries of the second millennium. They symbolize the struggle of Christ to the blood. And they say to the martyrs that the enemy needs to fight until the latter.

15) Cross "Calvary". Since the XI century, an image of Adam, buried on Calvary, appears under the lower oblique crossbar of the eight-pointed cross. The inscriptions in the Calval Cross mean the following:

  • "M. L. R. B. "-" Lob's place will crucify "," G. » - Mount Golgotha, "G. BUT." - Head of Adamov.
  • The letters "K" and "T" mean a spear of a warrior and a cane with a sponge that is depicted along the cross. Above the middle crossbar: "IC", "XS" - Jesus Sristmos. Inscriptions under this crossbar: "Nika" - winner; On the title or near her the inscription: "Sn BJ" - the Son of God. Sometimes "I. N. Ts. And "- Jesus Nazori Tsar Jewish; The inscription above the title: "CZP" "Clamps" - the king of glory.

Such a cross is depicted on the burial Savane, marking the preservation of vows, which are given when baptized. The sign of the cross, in contrast to the image, transmits its spiritual meaning and displays a real meaning, but is not the cross himself.

16) gammatic cross. The name of the cross is like its similarity with the Gamma's Greek letter. Often, this shape of the cross was used in Byzantium to decorate the Gospels, as well as temples. The cross was embroidered on the venues of the servants of the church, he was depicted on church utensils. The gammatic cross has a form similar to the ancient Indian swastika.

In the ancient Indians, such a symbol meant eternal being or perfect bliss. This symbol is associated with the Sun, he received widespread in the ancient culture of the Aryans, Iranians, is found in Egypt and China. In the era of the spread of Christianity, such a symbol was widely known and read in many regions of the Roman Empire.

The ancient Slavic Gentiles in their religious attributes also used widely this symbol. The swastika was portrayed on rings and rings, as well as other decorations. She symbolized the fire or sun. The Christian Church, which possessed powerful spiritual potential, was able to rethink and choke many cultural traditions of antiquity. It is possible that the gammatic cross has exactly such an origin and in Orthodox Christianity he entered as a churchargeable swastika.

What is the orthodox cross?

This question is one of the most frequently asked among believers. Indeed, this is a rather interesting topic, because with such a large variety of possible species, it is difficult not to get confused. The main rule that should be remembered: Orthodoxes are a native cross under clothes, only priests have the right to wear a cross over clothes.

Be sure to anyone should be consecrated by the Orthodox priest. It should not be attributes that relate to other churches and do not belong to the Orthodox.

The most significant attributes are:

  • If it is a cross with a crucifix, then it should be not three crosses, but four; Both legs of the Savior may be broken to one nail. Three nails refer to the Catholic tradition, there must be four of them in the Orthodox.
  • Previously there was another distinguishing feature that is not supported now. In the Orthodox tradition, the Savior would be depicted on the cross alive, in the Catholic tradition, his body was depicted on his hands.
  • The sign of the Orthodox Cross is also considered oblique crossbar - the footrest of the cross with the right ends up, if you look at the cross in front of him. True, the ROC also uses crosses with a horizontal footrest, which were previously met only in the West.
  • Inscriptions on Orthodox crosses make in Greek or Church Slavonic languages. Sometimes, but rarely, on a table over the Savior, you can find inscriptions in Hebrew, Latin or Greek.
  • Frequently common erroneous opinions about crosses. For example, it is believed that the Orthodox should not wear the Latin Cross. The Latin Cross is a cross without crucifixes and nails. However, such a point of view is a delusion, the Latin cross is not called for the reason that it is distributed among Catholics, because Latinians crucified the Savior.
  • Absent on the Orthodox Cross must necessarily have the emblems and monograms of other churches.
  • Inverted cross. Subject to the absence of crucifixes on it, historically was always considered the Cross of St. Peter, who in his own request was crucified down. Such a cross refers to the Orthodox Church, but now it is rare. The top beam in it is greater than the lower.

The traditional Russian Orthodox cross is the eight-pointed cross, on top of which there is a sign with an inscription, oblique footboard downstairs, as well as the six-pointed cross.

Contrary to the common opinion, the crosses can be given, find and wear, you can wear a baptistic cross, but just to store. It is very important that any of them is consecrated in the church.

Woney cross

In Russia, there was a custom in honor of the memorable dates or holidays to install the bridal crosses. Usually such events were associated with the death of a large number of people. It could be fires or hunger, as well as cold winter. Crosses could be installed and as gratitude to get rid of any trouble.

In the city of Mezen in the XVIII century, 9 such crosses were installed, when during a very harsh winter, almost all residents of the city were not killed. In the Novgorod principality, registered woven crosses were installed. After that, the tradition passed to the Northern Russian principalities.

Sometimes certain people installed the woven cross as a sign of a certain event. Such crosses often wore the names of the people who created them. For example, in the Arkhangelsk region there is a settlement of Koins, where there is a cross, called Tatianin. According to the inhabitants of this village, the cross was established by a one-bedroom, which gave such a vow. When his wife Tatiana overwhelmed his wife, he decided to take her to church far, because there were no other churches nearby, after which his wife recovered. It was then that this cross appeared.

Poklonnaya Cross

This is fixed next to the road or near the entrance, designed to perform prayer bows. Such positive crosses in Russia were fixed near the main urban gates or at the entrance to the village. The Poklonny Cross prayed to the protection of residents of the city with the help of the miraculous power of the resurrection cross. Cities in antiquity on all sides often struck with such fanish crosses.

Among historians, there is an opinion that the first Poklonny Cross was installed on the initiative of the princess Olga more than a thousand years ago on the slopes of the Dnieper. In most cases, Poklonnaya Crosses from the Orthodox were made of wood, but sometimes it was possible to meet stone or cast worship crosses. They decorated with patterns or carvings.

They are characterized by the direction east. The base of the cruster was laid out by stones to create his elevation. The hill personified Mount Calf, at the top of which crucified Christ. For the basis of the cross when it is installed, people laid the land brought from the threshold.

Now the ancient custom to install Poklonnaya Crosses is gaining strength. In some cities, on the ruins of ancient temples or at the entrance to the village, you can see such crosses. They are often installed on the hills to honor the victims.

The essence of the Poklonnaya Cross is as follows. It is a symbol of gratitude and hope for the Most High. There is another version of the origin of these crosses: they assume that they can be associated with the Tatar ig. There is a belief that the most courageous inhabitants who were hidden from raids in the forest cups, after the past danger returned to the burned village and installed such a cross as a gratitude to the Lord.

The species of Orthodox crosses great set. They differ not only in their form, symbolism. There are crosses that carry a specific purpose, for example, baptismal or koyny, or crosses that are used, for example, for awards.

The Holy Cross is the symbol of our Lord Jesus Christ. Every truly believer man at sight is involuntarily executed by the thoughts of the death torments of the Savior, adopted by him to get rid of us from eternal death, which became the lot of people after the Fall of Adam and Eve. A special spiritual and emotional load carrying an eight-pointed Orthodox cross. Even if there is no image of the crucifixion on it, it always appears to our inner breath.

Death weapon that has become a symbol of life

The Christian Cross is an image of an execution gun, which Jesus Christ was subjected to the forced sentence, made by the procurator of Judea Pittiya Pilate. For the first time, such a type of death of criminals appeared from the ancient Phoenicians and already through their colonists - Carthaginians got into the Roman Empire, where he received widespread.

In the pre-Christian period to the crucifixion on the cross, they were mainly the robbers, and then the followers of Jesus Christ took this martyrdom. Especially frequent, such a phenomenon was during the reign of Emperor Nero. The death of the Savior herself made it a gear tool and suffering a symbol of the victory of good over evil and the light of eternal life over the darkness of hell.

The eight-spin cross - the symbol of Orthodoxy

The Christian tradition knows many different designs of the cross, from the most common crossing of straight lines to very complex geometric structures, supplemented to the same varied symbolism. Religious meaning in them is laid the same, but external differences are very significant.

In the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean, Eastern Europe, as well as in Russia for a long time, the symbol of the church is the eight-spin, or, as often they say, the Orthodox Cross. In addition, you can hear the expression "Cross of Saint Lazar", this is another name for the eight-pointed Orthodox Cross, which will be said below. Sometimes the image of a crucified Savior is placed on it.

External Features of the Orthodox Cross

Its feature is that besides two horizontal crossbars, of which the bottom is large, and the upper is small, there is also a sloping, called fit. It is small and placed in the lower part of the vertical segment, symbolizes the crossbar to which the legs of Christ were relied.

The direction of its inclination is always the same: if you look from the crucified Christ, the right end will be higher than the left. This laid a definite symbolism. According to the Savior in the terrible court, the righteous will stand according to his right hand, and sinners - on the left. It is the path of the righteous in the kingdom of heaven who points up the upward end of the foot, and the left in the depths of hell is addressed.

According to the gospel over the Savior's head, they knocked the board, on which the hand was written by hand: "Jesus Nazoria, the king of the Jewish". This inscription was performed on three languages \u200b\u200b- Aramaic, Latin and Greek. It is her who symbolizes the upper small crossbar. It can be placed both in the interval between the large cross-shirt and the top end of the cross and on its very top. Similar drawing allows with the greatest accuracy to reproduce the appearance of the instrument of the suffering of Christ. That is why the Orthodox cross is the eight-spin.

About the Law of the Golden Section

The eight-pointed Orthodox cross in his classic form is based on the law so that it is clear that we are talking about, we will discuss somewhat in this concept. It is customary to understand the harmonic proportion, one way or another, underlying everything that is created by the Creator.

One of its examples is the human body. By simple experience, you can make sure that if we split the magnitude of our growth to the distance from the soles to the navel, and then the same value is separated by the distance between the navel and the top, the results will be the same and amount to 1,618. The same proportion is imprisoned by the phalange of our fingers. This ratio of the values \u200b\u200bcalled by the golden section can be found literally at every step: from the structure of the marine sink to the shape of the ordinary garden turnip.

The construction of proportions based on the law of the golden section is widely used in architecture, as well as other areas of art. With his accounting, many artists manage to achieve in their works of maximum harmony. This regularity was observed by composers who worked in the genre of classical music. When writing compositions in the style of rock and jazz, they refused.

The Law of Building an Orthodox Cross

Based on the Golden section, the eight-spin Orthodox cross was built. The value of his ends was explained above, now we will turn to the rules underlying the construction of this main thing they were not established artificially, but they resulted out of the harmony of life itself and got their own mathematical justification.

The eight-pointed Orthodox cross, drawn in full compliance with the tradition, always fits into a rectangle, the aspect ratio of which corresponds to the Golden section. Simply put, dividing its height to the width, we get 1.618.

The cross of Saint Lazarus (as mentioned above, this is another name for the eight-pointed Orthodox cross) in its construction has another feature associated with the proportions of our body. It is well known that the width of the hands of man's hands is equal to its growth and the figure with cultivated hands on the parties perfectly fits into the square. For this reason, the length of the middle crossbar corresponding to the wise of the hands of Christ is equal to the distance from her to the inclined foot, that is, its growth. These simple, at first glance, the rules must take into account every person, before which the question is about how to draw an eight-spin Orthodox cross.

Cross Golgotha

There is also a special, purely monastic eight-pointed Orthodox cross, whose photo is presented in the article. It is called the "Cross of Calvary". This is the drawing of an ordinary Orthodox cross, which was described above, placed above the symbolic image of the Golgotha \u200b\u200bMountain. It is usually represented in the form of steps under which the bones and skull are placed. On the left and right of the cross can be depicted cane with a sponge and spear.

Each of the listed items has a deep religious meaning. For example, skull and bones. According to the sacred legend, the sacrificial blood of the Savior, shedding them on the cross, falling on the top of Calvary, leaked at her subsoil, where the remains of the progenitor of our Adam were resting, and washed off the curse of original sin. Thus, the image of the skull and bones emphasizes the connection of the victim of Christ with the crime of Adam and Eve, as well as the New Testament - with the Old.

The meaning of the image of a spear on the Cross of Calvary

The eight-pointed Orthodox cross on monastic vestments is always accompanied by images of canes with a sponge and spear. Familiar with the text well remembers full of drama moment when one of the Roman warriors named Longin pierced by this weapon of the Savior's Ribra and blood and water flowed from the wound. This episode has a different interpretation, but the most common one is contained in the works of Christian theologian and philosopher of the IV century St. Augustine.

In them, he writes that, just as the Lord made him from the edge of the Sleeping Adam, so from the wound in the side of Jesus Christ, who defeated the Warrior, was created by his bride church. Blood and water, according to St. Augustine, symbolize the holy sacraments - the Eucharist, where the wine is put into the blood of the Lord, and the baptism, in which the person entering the Lono of the Church is immersed in the font water. The spear, which was applied by the wound, is one of the main relics of Christianity, and it is believed that at present it is it stored in Vienna, in the Hofburg Castle.

Image of canes and sponge

Image of canes and sponges are equally important. From the narratives of the saints of evangelists, it is known that the crucified Christ was suggested to drink. In the first case, it was a wine mixed with Smirnaya, that is, a dopeful drink that allows you to fit pain and thereby extend the execution.

In the second time, having heard from the cross, the chuck "thirst!", He was brought to him with a sponge filled with vinegar and bryel. It was certainly mockery over the exhausted person and contributed to the approach of the end. In both cases, the executioners used a sponge planted on a cane, since without her help could not reach the mouth of a crucified Jesus. Despite such a gloomy role assigned to them, these items, as well as a spear, became among the main Christian shrines, and their image can be seen next to the Cross of Calvary.

Symbolic inscriptions on the monastic cross

For those who first see the monastic eight-pointed Orthodox cross, there are often questions related to inscribed on it. In particular, it is IC and XC at the ends of the middle crossbar. These letters denote nothing more than the abbreviated name - Jesus Christ. In addition, the image of the cross is accompanied by two inscriptions located in the middle crossbar - the Slavic inscription of the words "Son of God" and Greek Nika, which means "winner."

On a small crossbar, symbolizing, as mentioned above, a sign with the inscription made by Pontiya Pilate, the Slavic abbreviation of Intzі is usually written, denoting the words "Jesus Nazarey Tsar Judaisky", and above it - "King of Glory". Near the image, the spear entered the tradition of writing the letter K, and about the canes of T. In addition, from about the XVI century began to write at the base of the cross the letters ml on the left and RB on the right. They are also an abbreviation, and mean the words "Lob's Lob's Place".

In addition to the listed inscriptions, you should mention two letters of r, standing on the left and right from the image of Calvary, and are initial in its name, as well as G and A - Adam's head, written on the sides of the skull, and the phrase "King of Glory", the wedding monastic eight-pointed Orthodox cross. The value embedded in them is fully consistent with the evangelical texts, but the inscriptions themselves may vary and replaced by others.

Immortality given by faith

It is also important to understand why the name of the eight-pointed Orthodox Cross is associated with the name of the Holy Lazarus? The answer to this question can be found on the pages of the Gospel of John, which describes the miracle of His Resurrection from the dead, committed by Jesus Christ, on the fourth day after death. The symbolism in this case is quite obvious: as Lazarus was returned to the life of his sisters Martha and Mary in the omnipotence of Jesus, and everyone, who fishes the Savior, will be delighted with the hands of eternal death.

In a vulnerable earthly life, people are not given to those who have been able to see the Son of God, but they are given by his religious symbols. One of them is the eight-pointed Orthodox cross, proportions, a general view and sense load of which were the subject of this article. It is accompanied by the believer man throughout life. From the holy font, where the sacrament of baptism breaks him the gates of the Church of Christ, up to the grave tombstone, the eight-pointed Orthodox cross falls.

A native symbol of the Christian faith

The custom wearing small crosses made from a wide variety of materials on the chest, appeared only at the beginning of the IV century. Despite the fact that the main instrument of the passion of Christ was the object of honor in all his followers, literally from the first years of establishing the Christian church on Earth, it was generally taken to wear no crosses on the neck, and the medallions with the image of the Savior.

There are also evidence that in the period of persecution from the middle of I and before the start of the IV century, there were voluntary martyrs who wanted to suffer for Christ and the image of the cross on his forehead. According to this sign, they were recognized, and then betrayed torment and death. After the establishment of Christianity as a state religion, wearing the native crosses entered the custom, and in the same period they began to be installed on the roof of the temples.

Two types of native crosses in ancient Russia

In Russia, the symbols of Christ appeared in 988, at the same time with her baptism. It is curious to note that our ancestors were inherited from Byzantines two species, one of them was taken to wear on the chest, under the clothes. Such crosses were called tanks.

Along with them, the so-called encasps appeared - also crosses, but a few more sized and put on top of the clothes. They lead their origin from the tradition to carry carpets with relics, who were decorated with the image of the cross. Over time, Enkenpirans were transformed into priests and metropolitans.

The main symbol of humanism and humans

For the millennium, lasting since the Posh, when the Dnieper shores littered the light of Christ, the Orthodox tradition has largely undergone changes. Only its religious dogmas and the basic elements of symbols were unshakable, the main of which is the eight-pointed Orthodox Cross.

Golden and silver, copper or made of any other material, he keeps a believer, protecting him from evil forces - visible and invisible. Being a reminder of the victim brought by Christ to the salvation of people, the cross became a symbol of the highest humanism and love to the neighbor.

Cross - a symbol of very ancient. What did he symbolize the Savior's godfather? Which cross is considered more correct - the Orthodox or Catholic four-spin ("Kryzh"). What is the reason for the image of Jesus Christ on the cross with crossed steps in Catholics and detached feet in the Orthodox tradition.

Heromers Adrian (Pashin) is responsible:

In different religious traditions, the cross symbolized different concepts. One of the most common - our peace meeting with the world of spiritual. For the Jewish people since the Roman rule, the cross, the crucifix was the method of shameful, cruel execution and caused an insurmountable fear and horror, but, thanks to Christ the winner, he became welcome trophy, causing joyful feelings. Therefore, the Holy Ippolit Roman, the husband of the apostolic, exclaimed: "And the church has its trophy over death - this is the cross of Christ, which she is on Himself," and St. Paul, the apostle languages, wrote in his message: "I wish to boast ... Only the Cross of the Lord of our Jesus Christ "(Gal. 6, 14).

In the West, the most commonly used is the four-star cross (Fig. 1), which the Old Believers are called (for some reason in Polish) "Latin's roof" or "Rymski", which means the Roman Cross. According to the Gospel, the crossed execution was distributed by the Empire precisely by the Romans and, of course, was considered Roman. "And not in terms of the number of woods, the cross of Christ is worshiped by us, but by Christ himself, the most famous blood of whose blood has risen," says Saint Dmitry Rostovsky. "And showing a wonderful strength, any cross does not act by himself, but by the power of the crucifier on him Christ and the calling of the Most Holy Name."

Starting from the III century, when, for the first time, such crosses appeared in Roman catacombs, the entire Orthodox East and today uses this shape of the cross as even to everyone else.

The eight-pointed Orthodox cross (Fig. 2) most corresponds to the historically reliable form of the cross, on which Christ is already crucified, as they testify to Terertullian, the Holy Irina Lyon, St. Justin philosopher and others. "And when Christ, the Lord on his shoulders, wearing a cross then the cross was still four-spin; Because there was no Title on it, nor foot. There was no foot, because Christ is not raised on the cross and warriors, not knowing what place to get the legs of Christ, they did not attach the foot, finished it already on Calvary "(Saint Dimitri Rostovsky). There was also no Title on the cross before the crucifixion of Christ, because, as the gospel reports, first "crucified it" (in. 19, 18), and then only "Pilate wrote an inscription and put on the cross" (John 19, 19 ). It was first that I shared the "clothes" of the warriors "attended it" (MF. 27, 35), and only then "put his inscription on his head, meaning his guilt: this is Jesus, the king of Jewish" (Matt. 27, 37).

Ancient times also known images of the Crucifixion of the Savior. Until IX century, Christ was inclied on the cross not only alive, risen, but also triumphant (Fig. 3), and only in the X century images of the Dead Christ appeared (Fig. 4).

From the oldest times, cross-crucifixes, both in the east and in the west, had a crossbar to stop the crucifier feet, and his legs were depicted by their nail separately (Fig. 3). The image of Christ with crossed feet, naught one nail (Fig. 4), for the first time appeared, as an innovation, in the West in the second half of the XIII century.

From the Orthodox dogma of the cross (or atonement) undoubtedly implies the idea that the death of the Lord is the redemption of everyone, the vocation of all nations. Only a cross, unlike other executions, gave the opportunity to Jesus Christ to die with open hands, calling on "all ends of the earth" (Isa. 45, 22).

Therefore, in the tradition of Orthodoxy - to depict the Savior of the Almighty as already the resurrected cruster holding and calling in its arms of the entire Universe and carrying Novokavtaya altar - a cross.

And traditionally the Catholic image of the crucifix, with the hands of Christ, on the contrary, has a task to show how it all happened, to portray the death sufferings and death, and not at all that essentially there is an eternal fruit of the cross - his celebration.

Orthodoxy invariably teaches that all sinners are needed for the humble assimilation of the fetus of the redemption - the Holy Spirit sent by the sinless redemption, which the Catholics are not understood in pride, seeking participation in sinless, and therefore the redeective passionists of Christ and thereby flowing into a cross-country heresy "Sumpassing".