Basic water resources are concentrated. Updating water resources

Basic water resources are concentrated. Updating water resources

Water resources are water suitable for use. Water resources are concentrated in surface and underground water bodies, atmosphere and soil (Table 2.1). Actively used water resources form a water fund.

Characteristics of worldwide stocks

Water objects

Freshwater stocks,%

Renewal time

Use for water consumption

not used

The groundwater

drinking goals

not used

wide use

Soil moisture

consumption by plants

Atmospheric moisture

not used

not used

wide use

Water Fund - withvegetability of water bodies inwithin the territory of the Russian Federation, included or subject to the State Water Cadastre. Rivers, underground aquifers and lakes, in which 55% of the resource is concentrated are most widely used. Lakes and groundwater, in addition to the resource, are characterized by static (centuries-old) reserves, which make up about 54068km 3 (Table 2.2).

Total Water Resources of Russia

(according to the register and cadastre center)

Midnogeneity of renewable flow

Static reserves

River stock *

The groundwater

Soil moisture

* Including 227 km 3 / year of the river flow coming from the territory of other states.

Fig.2.1 The ratio of water resources concentrated in the objects of the water fund.

Freshwater reserves focused in the Russian Federation are estimated at 50 km 3. The water availability of the population in this case is about 1000 l / day * people, with an average need for water about 200 l / day * people. However, the uneven distribution of water resources and resettlement of people is crucial in the water supply of the population and sectors of the economy. In the most developed areas of the European part of the country, where up to 80% of the population and production potential are concentrated, less than 10% of water resources are concentrated.

Information about water bodies are presented in the State Water Registry. The state water register is a constantly replenished and updated systematized architecture on water bodies and their use. It is created for the purpose of information support for the integrated and targeted use of water bodies, their protection, planning and developing measures to prevent the negative impact of water and eliminate its consequences.

The state water register contains information:

    about water bodies and their pools, the peculiarities of their water regime, their physico-geographical, morphometric and other features;

    on water management systems and the use of water bodies for water consumption and drainage;

    on water protection zones and coastal protective stripes, other zones with the special conditions of their use;

    on the provision of water bodies for use and on water use agreements.

      Surface water resources

Swamp occupy 140.8 million hectares, which is about 8% of the country's territory. The main arrays are concentrated in the North-West region, in the north of the central region, the south of Ural and Siberian regions. About 3000 km of 3 static reserves of natural waters are concentrated in the swamps. Mennoyar Operational resources of the marshes are about 300 km 3 / year. The swamps contain a large amount of water, but low quality, which does not allow it to use even for technical purposes. The required water treatment is currently too expensive, therefore waters of swamps in the Russian Federation are not used for water consumption purposes.

The swamps play an important role in the formation of the hydrological and hydrochemical regime of the rivers. Slowing water exchange swamps allows you to accumulate stock with a catchment area during the snowy and rain falling out and redistribute it during the year, making the flow mode more uniform. Therefore, the swamps lead to a decrease in flood and flooding costs and an increase in flow volumes into the inter-period periods.

Fig.2.2 Square Boths, as a percentage of the subject of the subjects of the Federation


The swamps are a kind of biological filter that reduces surface flow pollution and thus adjusts the hydrochemical flow mode.

Glaciersare essential batteries of fresh water. On the territory of Russia, the main mass of glaciers is concentrated on the Arctic Islands and in the mountainous areas. Glaciers perform the function of redistribution of drain and precipitation and regulating the flow of mountain rivers. For use, the glaciers of mountain areas are of interest, which determine the water content of mountain rivers.

Fig.2.3 Distribution of glaciers in Russia, km 2.

The possibility of using water icebergs is considered. Transportation of iceberg with a volume of 10 billion m 3 in California (USA) and the creation of a special reservoir, where melt water from Iceberg will accumulate, will require no more than $ 1 million, the cost of the water obtained will be at least 100 million dollars. The use of fresh water of the glacier is much more profitable desalination of salty water or the transportation of fresh water from remote areas.

Lake. On the territory of Russia there are 2.7 million lakes with a total reserve of fresh water 26.5 thousand km 3. The deepest freshwater lake of the world - Baikal. Its depth reaches more than 1.5 km. It is concentrated in 23 thousand. km 3 of water, or 20% of world and 87% of national freshwater reserves. In the territory of Russia of lakes are unevenly distributed. The North-West region is considered the edge of the lakes.

In the nature of the lake perform the following main functions:

    accumulating substances flowing from the territory of the catchment and transported by rivers accumulate in lakes;

    regulating - lakes make part of the drains coming from the territory of the catchment, reducing the height of the seals and floods, creating a more uniform intransigational mode of the river flow.

Characteristics of large lakes of Russia

Square, km 2

Average depth, m

Stock of water, km 3

Resource, km 3 / year








Currently, lakes serve as a source of drinking, industrial and agricultural water supply. Lakes are used for tourism purposes, recreation, sports. Lakes have always been used for fisheries purposes.

Underground water resourcesthey have a high degree of protection against technogenic pollution, so their environmental condition, compared with surface waters, is much better, which determines the maximum use of their use for economic and drinking water supply.

Natural resources of groundwater are approximately 790 km 3 / year. Potential operational resources account for about 316 km 3 / year. More than a third of potential resources are concentrated in the European part of the country. Small stocks of fresh groundwater are concentrated in the North-West region, in the south of Volga, in the southern and individual regions of the central regions. In general, the country does not exceed 19% in the country.

In a number of countries (for example, Hungary, Iceland), thermal underground water are widely used for heat supply and electricity. Russia has very significant potential resources of such water in the Far Eastern and Siberian regions, but their explored reserves and use are small.

By the beginning of 2000, 60 thermal waters deposits were explored in Russia, including 5 deposits have an operational resource of 315 thousand m 3 / day. Water production was produced from 28 deposits with an annual volume of 34 million m 3. The total capacity of Russian geothermal stations and installations is a little more than 500 MW.

Fig. 2.4 The structure of the use of thermal groundwater,%.


Underground waters play a huge role in nature, participating in almost all physico-geographical processes occurring in a lithosphere. Due to their movement, dissolved substances are obtained, the plants receive nutrient salts and moisture. Underground water actively affect the formation of relief: landslides, erosion; Call under certain conditions. They participate in the nutrition of rivers and lakes, while being the most sustainable part of the drain.

Rivers.Russia has more than 3 million rivers with a total length of more than 9.5 million km. The total volume of the country's river flow is 4043 km 3 / year.

River runoff is formed due to surface and underground power. The surface runoff is formed on the territory of the catchment area as a result of the fallout of the rain and melting of snow. The timing time of the surface runoff to rivers with the most remote points of the catchment area depends on the terrain, the density of the river network and the water-physical properties of the soil-soils, and is approximately 1 ... 15 days. Passing through the surface of the catchment, the stock acquires a specific hydrological mode and forms its own hydrochemical composition due to the washing of substances from the soil. So a specific flushed of phosphorus from the territory of the catchment occupied by mixed forests is about 0.056 kg / ha, the meadows give the river about 0.1kg / ha, and for low-voltage swamp, this value is 0.4 kg / ha. The volume of flusfactory flushing from agricultural space changes in the range of 1 - 5kg / ha, i.e. In 3-100 times more than with natural land.

The main characteristics of major rivers of Russia.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe catchment, thousandkm 2

Length, km

Mid-long-term consumption, m 3 / s

Flock volume, km 3

Western Dvina

Fig.2.5 The length of natural watercourses in% of their total length.

(Classification of rivers over longness:

brooks - length up to 10km,

small rivers 10 ... 100km,

middle rivers 100 ... 300km,

large - more than 300 km).

Thus, the qualitative and quantitative stock of rivers is determined by the conditions that are addressed on the catchment area, which makes it possible to consider it a state indicator and the measure of the use of the territory of the catchment.

Underground flow is divided into two components: soil (stock of the first non-pressure aquifer) and interplastic stock. The soil flow is more inert compared to superficial and allows us to take into account mostly seasonal changes. In this case, the soil stock, as well as the surface runoff, can serve as an indicator of the state of the catchment area and the conditions of human economic activity. The most constant in quantitative and qualitative terms is the flow of groundwater itself, i.e. Waters of the second and underlying aquifers. It provides the river with a certain background component, ensuring the minimum volume of water in the river and its quality. Important for the river ecosystem are seasonal flow changes, as in seasonal plan, the functions of the river are significantly changed.

Summer inter-day period is characterized by relatively small expenditure, depths and speeds of water flow. This creates a favorable temperature regime, water is saturated with oxygen, which contributes to the growth and development of water biota. Biomass of plant organisms increases due to the absorption of biogenic substances, which leads to a decrease in their concentration in water, i.e. occurs self-cleaning of water.

In the autumn period, active vegetation ends, which is accompanied by a decrease in the growth of biomass of aquatic organisms. The water temperature is reduced, which is accompanied by: an increase in water transparency, by reducing the plankton biomass and the deposition of suspended substances to the bottom; an increase in the oxygen content in water, by increasing the solubility limit; Reducing the intensity of the flow of physicochemical processes. All this prepares conditions for overreating biota.

Winter rest, Before the next stage of active life, which comes in spring.

Spring is characterized by large expenses, depths and speeds of water flow. So, at the spring period accounts for up to 60-80 volume of annual flow. Stormy streams of water have a large transporting ability, which allows the rivers to be cleaned from the deposits and deposits ( self-cleaning of the river), which are taken out on the filler meadows, are postponed in the old men or redistributed along the river bed. At the same time, at the expense of wastewater from the catchment area, especially with the filled floods, the water is saturated with biogenic substances.

Most large rivers flow on the plains. The plain rivers have wide valleys and small slopes, which determines the calm flow mode with low speeds. For example, the smallest average bias has a river OB, which is 0.00004, and the largest bias of the plain rivers has an Yinisei, which comes to 0.00037.

Reservoirs. Reservoirs allow for guaranteed water supply due to the redistribution of water resources. Currently, there are 2290 reservoirs in Russia in excess of 1 million m 3 and 30 thousand small reservoirs and ponds. The total capacity of the reservoir is 800km 3. To large and especially large objects include 325 reservoirs (more than 10 million m 3 capacity). The largest number of reservoirs is located in the Volga region - 600, Central Black Earth - 434, Ural - 383. The largest reservoirs are located in the Asian part of Russia. Thus, the average volume of one reservoir of the Siberian region reaches 26.4 km 3, Far Eastern - 7.4 km 3, and for example, the Volga region is 1.4 km 3.

Along with a positive role, the reservoir should note their negative impact on the environment, which is, for example, in the following:

    flooding and flooding of land;

    destruction of shores;

    the activation of landslide phenomena, in which many settlements fall, including such large, like Volgograd, Saratov, Ulyanovsk;

    the deterioration of the technical condition of the hydrauses, most of which need to be repaired, and hundreds are in a pre-emergency state.

      Water management of the territory

Water management of the territory is intended for the implementation of measures: planning the use of water resources, operation of water systems, protection and restoration of water bodies, in particular, to develop "integrated use and water protection schemes". Zoning is carried out on the basis of information on hydrographic units (River basin and subabases of rivers flowing to the main river)basin districts.

Basin District is the main unit of management in the field of use and protection of water bodies, consisting of river basins and related underground water bodies and seas.

1 - Barents-Belomorsky 2 - Belomorsky 3 - Dvinsko-Pechersky

4 - Verkhne-Volzhsky 5 - Oksky 6 - Dneprovsky 7 - Kamsky 8 - Don

9 - Kuban 10 - West Caspian 11 - Lower Volzhsky 12 - Ural

13 - Irtysh 14 - Nourine-Osksky 15 - Upper Osk 16 - Yenisei

17 - Lensky 18 - Amur 9 - Angaro-Baikal 20 - Anadro-Kalamsky

Fig.2.8 Basin districts in Russia

Self-control questions

    Water resources and their main characteristics

    What is the state water register?

    Water management of the territory

    Territorial division of Russia and the main characteristics of water resources of territories

    Characteristic Surface water resources: swamps, glaciers, lakes, rivers, reservoirs.

    Underground water resources and their characteristics

Water resources sushi.

Even relatively recently, water, like air, was considered one of the free gifts of nature, only in the areas of artificial irrigation, she always had a high price. Recently, the attitude towards water sushi has changed. This is explained by the fact that freshwater resources are only 2.5% of the total hydrosphere. In absolute terms, this is a huge amount (30-35 million m 3), which exceeds the current needs of humanity by more than 10 thousand times! However, the overwhelming portion of freshwater as it can consistent in the glaciers of Antarctica, Greenland, in the ice of the Arctic, in the mountain glaciers and forms a kind of "inviolable stock", not yet available for use.

96.5% - the saline waters of the World Ocean; 1% - salted groundwater; 2.5% - Freshwater resources.

Fresh water: 68.7 - glaciers; 30.9% - groundwater.

Table 11. Distribution of worldwater resources for large regions.

The data of this table allows you to make interesting conclusions. First of all, how much the ranking of countries in the first indicator does not coincide with the arrangement of them on the second. It can be seen that Asia has the greatest resources of freshwater, and the smallest - Australia and Oceania, whereas by the specific security they change their places. Of course, the whole thing in the population, which in Asia has already reached 3.7 billion people, and in Australia barely exceeds 30 million. If you reset Australia with accounts, South America will be the most secured fresh water. And it's not by chance, because it is here that Amazon is - the very full river of the world.

Even more differences in stocks and provision of fresh water. Individual countries. Based on the principle of "the most", we will show which of these are the category of the richest and poorest fresh water.

Table 12. The first ten countries for freshwater resources.

It also does not coincide with the ranks of the specific security, and in each individual case such a difference can be explained. For example, in China and India, a huge population, therefore, is low security per capita. But there are even less secured by fresh water of the country, where there are less than 1 thousand m 3 of water per capita (i.e., such a number that a resident of a large European or American city consumes in about two days). The most vivid examples of this kind can be found in the Prisha'ar part of Africa (Algeria - 520 m 3, Tunisia - 440 m 3, Libya - 110 m 3) and in the Arabian Peninsula area (Saudi Arabia - 250 m 3, Kuwait - 100 m 3).

These individual examples are interesting to what makes an important generalization: at the end of the XX century. Approximately 2/5 of the population of our planet experience chronic flaws of fresh water. In this case, it is mainly about those developing countries that are located in the Aridal belt of the Earth. It is impossible not to take into account that even existing fresh water in these countries is so polluted, which is the main cause of most diseases.

The main consumer of fresh water - agriculture, where the irrevocable water consumption is very large, especially for irrigation. Industrial and power and utility water consumption is also growing all the time. In economically developed countries, a city resident uses 300-400 liters of water per day. A similar increase in consumption with unchanged river runoff resources creates a real threat to the occurrence of short-water deficit.

It should be taken into account not only the quantity, but also water quality. In developing countries, every third resident suffers from lack of drinking water. Consumption of polluted water serves as a source of 3/4 of all diseases and 1/3 of all deaths. In Asia, access to clean water has no more than 1 billion, in Africa south of Sahara - 350 million and in Latin America - 100 million people.

But, in addition, fresh water reserves on Earth are distributed extremely unevenly. In the equatorial belt and in the northern part of the moderate belt it is available in sufficiency and even in excess. Here are the most popular countries where there are more than 25 thousand m 3 per year per capita. In the arid belt of land, which covers about 1/3 of the area of \u200b\u200bsushi, the water deficit is felt particularly acute. Here are the most low-water countries, where there are less than 5 thousand m 3 per year per capita, and agriculture is possible only with artificial irrigation.

There are several ways to solve the water problem of mankind. The main one is to reduce the water-intensity of production processes and a reduction in irretrievable water loss. First of all, this refers to such technological processes as steel production, synthetic fiber, cellulose and paper, to cooling power units, to irrigation of rice fields and cotton. Of great importance for solving the water problem is the construction of reservoirs regulating river stock. Over the past fifty years, the number of reservoirs on the globe increased by about 5 times. In total, more than 60 thousand reservoirs were created in the world, the total volume of which (6.5 thousand km 3) is 3.5 times the one-time volume of water in all rivers of the globe. Take together, they occupy an area of \u200b\u200b400 thousand km 2, which is 10 times the area of \u200b\u200bthe Azov Sea. Large rivers such as Volga, Angara in Russia, Dnipro in Ukraine, Tennessee, Missouri, Colombia in the United States, and many others, actually turned into reservoir cascades. The large and largest reservoirs play a particularly important role in converting river flow. The problem is that the main source of satisfying the needs of humanity in fresh water was and remain river (channel) water, which determine the "water supply" of the planet - 40 thousand km 3. It is not so significant, especially given the fact that it can actually use about 1/2 of this quantity.

According to the number of large reservoirs, USA, Canada, Russia, some countries of Africa and Latin America are highlighted.

Table 13. The largest reservoirs of the world in terms of water (country)

In the United States, Canada, Australia, India, Mexico, China, Egypt, a number of countries included in the CIS, numerous projects of the territorial redistribution of river runoff are carried out or are projected using its transfer. However, recently, the largest projects of interrabassal transformation on economic and environmental reasons were canceled. In the countries of the Persian Gulf, Mediterranean, in Turkmenistan, in the Caspian Sea, in the south of the United States, in Japan, the desalination of sea water is applied on the Caribbean Islands; The world's largest producer of such water - Kuwait. Freshwater has already become a commodity product: it is transported in marine tankers, from far water supply. The projects of towing icebergs from Antarctica are being developed, which each polar summer sends 1200 million tons of fresh water to the countries of a arid belt to swim.

You know that the river stock is widely used and to obtain hydropower. World hydropower potential, suitable for use, is estimated by almost 10 trillion kWh. Possible electricity generation. About 1/2 of this potential has only 6 countries: China, Russia, USA, Congo (former Zaire), Canada, Brazil.

Table 14. . World economic hydropotential and its use



Including used, %

billion kW * h

in %




Foreign Europe

Foreign Asia






North America



Latin America



Australia and Oceania

The whole world

Basic concepts: Geographical (surrounding) environment, ore and nonmetallic minerals, ore belts, mineral pools; structure of global land fund, southern and north forest belts, forest science; hydropower potential; shelf, alternative energy sources; resource availability, natural resource potential (PRP), territorial combination of natural resources (TPSR), regions of new development, secondary resources; Environmental pollution, environmental policy.

Skills: be able to give the characteristic of the country's natural resources (region) according to plan; use various methods of economic evaluation of natural resources; give a characteristic of natural prerequisites for the development of industry, agriculture of the country (region) according to plan; give a brief description of the placement of the main types of natural resources, allocate the countries "leaders" and "outsiders" on the provision of one or another type of natural resources; Conduct examples of countries that do not have rich natural resources, but have reached a high level of economic development and vice versa; Conduct examples of rational and irrational use of resources.

If you look at our planet from the space, the earth seems a blue ball, completely covered with water. And the continents, as if small islets in this endless ocean. It is understandable. Water takes 70.8% of the entire surface of the planet, and only 29.2% remains to the share of sushi. The aqueous shell of our planet is called hydrosphere. Its volume is 1.4 billion cubic meters.

The water appeared on our planet about 3.5 billion years ago in the form of vapors that were formed as a result of the degassing of the mantle. Currently, water is the most important element in the Earth's biosphere, because it cannot be replaced with anything. Fortunately, water resources are considered inexhaustible, since scientists have invented the method of desalination of salted waters.

The main purpose of water as a natural resource is to maintain the vital activity of all living - plants, animals and humans. She is the basis of all living on our planet, the main supplier of oxygen in the most important process on Earth - photosynthesis.

Water is the most important climate formation factor. Absorbing heat from the atmosphere and giving it back, water regulates climatic processes.

It is impossible not to note the role of water sources in the modification of our planet. People breeding centuries settled near water bodies and water sources. Water serves as one of the main means of the message. There is a view of scientists that if our planet was completely sushi, then, for example, the opening of America was postponed for several centuries. And about Australia, we would hardly have learned in the next 300 years.

Types of water resources of the Earth

Water resources of our planet are stocks of all water. But water is one of the most common and most unique compounds on Earth, since it is present at once in three states: liquid, solid and gaseous. Therefore, water water resources are:

. Surface waters (oceans, lakes, rivers, sea, swamp)

. The groundwater.

. Artificial reservoirs.

. Glaciers and snowflashs (frozen water of the Glaciers Antarctica, Arctic and Highlands).

. Water contained in plants and animals.

. Atmosphere couples.

The last 3 points relate to potential resources, because humanity has not yet learned to use them.

Freshwater is the most valuable one, it is much wider than sea, salty. From the entire water reserve in the world, 97% of the water falls on the share of the seas and oceans. 2% freshwater is enclosed in glaciers, and only 1% is fresh water reserves in lakes and rivers.

Using water resources

Water resources are the most important component and vital activity of a person. People use water in industry and in everyday life.

According to statistics, the most water resources are involved in agriculture (about 66% of all freshwater reels). About 25% uses industry and only 9% is coming to satisfy the needs in the communal and household sphere.

For example, to grow 1 ton of cotton, it is necessary about 10 thousand tons of water, 1 ton of wheat - 1500 tons of water. For the production of 1 tons of steel - 250 tons of water, and at least 236 thousand tons of water need to produce 1 tons of paper.

A man in a day is required to drink at least 2.5 liters of water. However, on average, 1 person in large cities spend at least 360 liters per day. This includes the use of water in the sewage, water supply, on watering the streets and extinguishing fires, on the washing of vehicles and other, and so on.

Another option of using water resources is water transport. Every year, only over 50 million tons of cargo is transported only in Russia.

Do not forget about fisheries. The breeding of marine and freshwater fish plays an important role in the economy of countries. Moreover, clean water saturated with oxygen and not containing malicious impurities is required for fish breeding.

An example of using water resources is also recreation. Who among us does not like to relax by the sea, fry the kebabs on the banks of the river or swim in the lake? In the world, 90% of recreational facilities are located near the reservoirs.

Protection of water resources

To date, there are only two ways to maintain a stock of water resources:

1. Preservation of existing fresh water reserves.

2. Creating more advanced collectors.

The accumulation of water in reservoirs prevents its drain into the world ocean. And the storage of water, for example, in the raising cavities allows you to protect the water from evaporation. The construction of the channels allows you to solve the issue of shipping water without seeping it into the ground. There are also new irrigation methods of agricultural land, which allow to use wastewater.

But each of these methods affects the biosphere. Thus, the reservoir system prevents the formation of fertile or strong deposits. Channels prevent the replenishment of groundwater. And the filtration of water in the channels and on dams is the main risk factor for the marshes, which leads to violations in the planet ecosystem.

Today, the most effective measure for the protection of water resources is the wastewater treatment method. Various methods allow to remove up to 96% of harmful substances from water. But often it is not enough, and the construction of more perfect treatment facilities is often economically unprofitable.

Water Pollution Problems

Population growth, production and agriculture development - these factors led to a shortage of fresh water for humanity. Every year the share of contaminated water resources is also growing.

Main sources of pollution:

. Industrial wastewater;

. Waste waters of municipal trails;

. Plums with fields (when water is oversaturated with chemicals and fertilizers);

. Burial in water bodies of radioactive substances;

. Streams from livestock complexes (in such water a lot of biogenic organics);

. Shipping.

Nature provides self-cleaning of water bodies, which occurs due to the cycle of water in nature, due to the vital activity of plankton, irradiation with ultraviolet rays, sedimentation of insoluble particles. But all these processes no longer cope with the mass of pollution, which gives water to the world's water resources.

Which can be used in economic activity.

The total volume of static water resources of Russia is estimated at about 88.9 thousand km 3 of fresh water, of which a significant part is concentrated in groundwater, lakes and glaciers, the estimated fraction of which is 31%, 30% and 17%, respectively. The share of Russian static freshwater reserves in global resources average is about 20% (excluding glaciers and groundwater). Depending on the type of water sources, this indicator varies from 0.1% (for glaciers) to 30% (for lakes).

Dynamic stocks of water resources in Russia are 4,21.8.6 km 3 per year (more than 10% of the world indicator), which makes Russia the second country in the world on the gross volume of water resources after Brazil. At the same time, in such an indicator as security by water resources, Russia ranks 28th in the world ().

Russia has considerable water resources and uses no more than 2% of their dynamic reserves every year; At the same time, a number of regions are lacking in water, which is mainly due to the uneven distribution of water resources throughout the country - on the most developed areas of the European part of Russia, where more than 80% of the population are concentrated, there are no more than 10-15% of water resources.


The river network of Russia is one of the most developed in the world: in the territory of the state there are about 2.7 million rivers and streams.

Over 90% of rivers belong to the pools of the Northern Ice and Pacific Oceans; 10% - the Atlantic Ocean Basin (Baltic and Azov-Black Sea Pools) and the Fine Indoor Pools, the largest of which is the Caspian Sea pool. At the same time, in regions relating to the Caspian Sea basins and the Atlantic Ocean, about 87% of the population of Russia lives and the main part of the economic infrastructure, industrial capacity industry and productive agricultural land is concentrated.

The length of the overwhelming majority of rivers of Russia does not exceed 100 km; Significant part of them is less than 10 km long. They present about 95% of more than 8 million km of the Russian river network. Small rivers and streams are the main element of the route of the waterborne area. To 44% of the population of Russia live in their pools, including almost 90% of the rural population.

The average long-term river stock of Russian rivers is 4258.6 km 3 per year, most of this volume is formed in the territory of the Russian Federation and only a small part comes from the territory of neighboring states. River runoff is distributed by regions of Russia uneven - the average annual figure varies from 0.83 km 3 per year in the Republic of Crimea to 930.2 km 3 per year in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The average in Russia is 0.49 km / km 2, while the scatter of the values \u200b\u200bof this indicator is uneven for different regions - from 0.02 km / km 2 in the Republic of Crimea to 6.75 km / km 2 in the Altai Republic.

A feature of the structure of the river network of Russia is a predominantly meridional direction of the course of most rivers.

The biggest rivers of Russia

On the question of which river is the largest in Russia, it can be answered in different ways - it all depends on what indicator to compare. The main indicators of the rivers are the area of \u200b\u200bthe pool, the length, the average multi-year stock. It is also possible to compare in such indicators as the density of the river network of the pool and others.

The largest water systems of Russia in the area of \u200b\u200bthe basin - Ob systems, Yenisei, Lena, Amur and Volga; The total area of \u200b\u200bthe pools of these rivers is over 11 million km 2 (taking into account the foreign parts of the basins of Ob, Yenisei, Amur and, slightly, Volga).

About 96% of all the reserves of lakety waters are focused on the eight largest lakes of Russia (excluding the Caspian Sea), of which 95.2% is located in Lake Baikal.

The biggest lakes of Russia

Defining which lake is the largest, it is important to determine the indicator by which the comparison will be carried out.The main indicators of the lakes are the area of \u200b\u200bthe mirror and the area of \u200b\u200bthe pool, the average and maximum depth, the volume of water, salting, height above sea level, etc.The undisputed leader in most indicators (area, volume, pool area) - Caspian Sea.

The largest mirror area of \u200b\u200bthe Caspian Sea (390,000 km 2), Baikal (31,500 km 2), Lake Ladoga (18,300 km 2), Lake Onega (9,720 km 2) and Lake Taimyr (4,560 km 2).

The largest lakes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe catchment area - the Caspian (3,100,000 km 2), Baikal (571,000 km 2), Ladoga (282,700 km 2), UBSU-Nur on the border of Mongolia and Russia (71 100 km 2) and Vuoksa (68,500 km 2).

The deepest lake is not only Russia, but also of the world - Baikal (1642 m). The following are Caspian (1025 m), Hantaysky lakes (420 m), ring (369 m) and Ceric Koel (368 m).

The floppy lakes - the Caspian (78,200 km 3), Baikal (23,615 km 3), Ladoga (838 km 3), Onega (295 km 3) and Hanty (82 km 3).

The very saline lake of Russia - Elton (the mineralization of water in the lake in autumn reaches 525, which is 1.5 times more mineralization of the dead sea) in the Volgograd region.

Lake Baikal, Teletsk Lake and UBSU-NUR are included in the UNESCO World Natural Heritage List. In 2008, Lake Baikal is recognized as one of the seven wonders of Russia.


On the territory of Russia, about 2,700 reservoirs are in operation of over 1 million m 3 with a total utbitable amount of 342 km 3, and more than 90% of their number falls on reservoirs having a capacity of over 10 million m 3.

Basic goals of the use of reservoirs:

  • water supply;
  • agriculture;
  • energy;
  • water transport;
  • fisheries;
  • lespal;
  • irrigation;
  • recreation (rest);
  • flood protection;
  • flood;
  • shipping.

The stock of the European part of Russia is most steadulated by reservoirs, where there is a shortage of water resources in certain periods. For example, the runoff of the Ural River is regulated by 68%, dona - by 50%, the Volga is 40% (the reservoir of the Volga-Kamsky Cascade).

A significant proportion of regulated runoff falls on the rivers of the Asian part of Russia, primarily Eastern Siberia - Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Irkutsk region (reservoir of the Angaro-Yenisei Cascade), as well as the Amur region in the Far East.

The biggest reservoirs of Russia

Due to the fact that the ratio of the reservoir depends seriously on seasonal and annual factors, the comparison is usually carried out in terms of reservoir reacting with (NPU).

The main tasks of the reservoirs are the accumulation of water resources and regulation of the river flow, so important indicators for which the dimensions of the reservoirs are determined are complete and. You can also compare the reservoirs by such parameters as the value of NPU, the height of the dam, the area of \u200b\u200bthe mirror, the length of the coastline and others.

The largest reservoirs in full volume are located in the eastern regions of Russia: fraternal (169,300 million m 3), Zeyskaya (68,420 million m 3), Irkutsk and Krasnoyarskoye (63,000 million m 3) and Ust-Ilimskoye (58,930 million m 3).

The largest reservoirs of Russia for useful volume - fraternal (48 200 million m 3), Kuibyshevskoe (34,600 million m 3), Zeysky (32,120 million m 3), Irkutsk and Krasnoyarskoye (31,500 million m 3) - Almost all located in the east; The European part of Russia is represented by only one reservoir, Kuibyshev, located in five regions of the Volga region.

The largest reservoirs on the square of the mirror: Irkutsk on the r. ANGARA (32,966 km 2), Kuibyshev on r. Volga (6,488 km 2), fraternal on r. ANGARA (5 470 km 2), Rybinskoe (4,550 km 2) and Volgograd (3,309 km 2) on r. Volga.


The swamps play an important role in the formation of hydrological regime of rivers. As a stable source of nutrition, they regulate floods and floods, stretching them in time and highest, and within their arrays contribute to the natural purification of river water from many pollutants. One of the important functions of the swamp is carbon deposit: the marsh binds carbon and thus reduces the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, relaxing the greenhouse effect; Every year, Russian swamps associate about 16 million tons of carbon.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe swamps of Russia is more than 1.5 million km 2, or 9% of the entire area. On the territory of the country, the swamps are uneven: the largest amount of swamps is concentrated in the northwestern regions of the European part of Russia and in the central regions of the West Siberian Plain; The south of the swamp formation is weakened and almost stopped.

The most wetland is the Murmansk region - the swamps make up 39.3% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe region. Penza and Tula region, the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, North Ossetia and Ingushetia, the city of Moscow (including new territories) are about 0.1%.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe marshes ranges from several hectares to thousands of square kilometers. About 3,000 km of 3 static stocks of water are concentrated in the swamps, and their total average manner of the stock is estimated at 1,000 km 3 / year.

Important elements of the marsh is peat - a unique fuel mineral fossil, possessing and. The total reserves of the peat of Russia are about 235 billion tons, or 47% of world stocks.

The biggest swamps of Russia

The biggest swamp in Russia and one of the world's largest - Vasyugan Swotto (52,000 km 2), located in the four regions of the Russian Federation. - Salymo-Yugan Bolotnaya System (15,000 km 2), Verineal Wetlands (2 500 km 2), Selgonho-Harpinsky Swamps (1,580 km 2) and Usinsky Boloto (1 391 km 2).

Vasyugan Swobno - a candidate for inclusion in the list of UNESCO World Natural Heritage List.


The total number of glaciers in the Russian Federation - over 8 thousand, the area of \u200b\u200bisland and mountain glaciers is about 60 thousand km 2, water reserves are estimated at 13.6 thousand km 3, which makes glaciers one of the largest water resources batteries in the country.

In addition, large freshwater reserves were mocked in the ice of the Arctic, but their volumes are constantly reduced and, according to the latest estimates, by 2030, this strategic supply of fresh water may disappear.

Most of the Glaciers of Russia is represented by the Ice Coverings of the Islands and Archipelasses of the Northern Ocean Ocean - about 99% of the Glacial Water Resources of Russia are concentrated. The share of mountain glaciers accounts for a little more than 1% of the stock of glacial waters.

The share of glacial power in the overall flow of rivers, originating from glaciers, reaches 50% of the annual volume; Mid-year glacial stock, feeding rivers, is estimated at 110 km 3 / year.

Glacial systems of Russia

On the area of \u200b\u200bglaciation, the largest mountain glacial systems of Kamchatka (905 km 2), the Caucasus (853.6 km 2), Altai (820 km 2), Koryak Highlands (303.5 km 2) and Suntar Hayat Ridge (201.6 km 2).

The greatest stocks of fresh water are contained in the Caucasus and Kamchatka mountain glacial systems (50 km 3), Altai (35 km 3), East Sayan (31.8 km 3) and Suntar Hayat (12 km 3).

The groundwater

The groundwater accounts for a significant part of freshwater stocks in Russia. In the conditions of an increasing deterioration in the quality of surface water, fresh groundwater - is often the only source of providing the population of high-quality drinking water, protected from contamination.

Natural stocks of the groundwater of Russia - about 28 thousand km 3; Forecast resources, according to state monitoring of the state of subsoil, are about 869,055 thousand m 3 / day - from about 1,330 thousand m 3 / day in Crimean up to 250,902 thousand m 3 / day in the Siberian Federal District.

The average security of the forecast resources of groundwater in Russia is 6 m 3 / day per person.

Hydraulic systems and structures

Hydraulic structures (GTS) - structures for the use of water resources, as well as to combat the negative impact of water. Dams, canals, dams, shipping gateways, tunnels, etc. GTS constitute a significant part of the water management complex of the Russian Federation.

In Russia, there are about 65 thousand GTS of water management and fuel and energy complexes and transport infrastructure.

To redistribute the flow of rivers from areas with an excess of river runoff to areas with its deficit, 37 large water systems have been created (the volume of the flow of about 17 billion m 3 / year); To regulate the river runoff, about 30 thousand reservoirs and ponds are built with a total capacity of more than 800 billion m 3; For the protection of settlements, economy and agricultural facilities, over 10 thousand km of protective water management dams and shafts are built.

More than 60 thousand different hydraulic structures include more than 230 reservoirs, more than 2 thousand regulatory hydraulic parts, about 50 thousand km of water supply and reset channels, over 3 thousand km of protective shafts, and dams, including over 230 reservoirs. .

The composition of transport hydrouses includes more than 300 shipping GTS located on inland waterways and federal property.

The hydraulic structures of Russia are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Agency for Water Resources, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Part of the GTS is in private ownership, over 6 thousand - inconsolable.


Artificial channel channels is an important part of the water system of the Russian Federation. The main tasks of the channels are the redistribution of the drain, shipping, irrigation and others.

Almost all the existing shipping channels of Russia are located in the European part and, for some exceptions, are included in a single deep-water system of the European part of the country. Part of the channels is historically combined into waterways, for example, the Volga-Baltic and North-Dvinsky, consisting of natural (rivers and lakes) and artificial (canals and reservoirs) of waterways. There are also marine channels created to reduce the length of marine roads, reducing the risks and hazards of the navigation, increasing the passability associated with the seas of water objects.

The main part of the economic (reclamative) channels with a total length of over 50 thousand km is concentrated in the Southern and North Caucasus federal districts, to a lesser extent - in the Central, Volga and in the south of the Siberian Federal District. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe landlocked land of Russia is 89 thousand km 2. Irrigation is of great importance for agriculture of Russia, since the arable land is mainly located in the steppe and forest-steppe zones, where the yield of crops varies sharply by year, depending on weather conditions and only 35% of the arable land is in favorable conditions for moisture supply.

The biggest channels of Russia

The largest waterways of Russia: the Volga-Baltic Waterway (861 km), including, in addition to natural ways, Belozersky, Onega, Vytegorsky and Alpoogo Channels; Baltic Channel (227 km), Volga-Caspian Canal (188 km), Moscow channel (128 km), North-Dvinsky Waterway (127 km), including Topogan, Kuzminsky, Kishem and Vaserny Channels; Volga-Don Canal (101 km).

The longest economic channels of Russia, carrying out water intake directly from water bodies (rivers, lakes, reservoirs): North-Crimean Canal - a regulatory act, regulating relations in the field of water use.

In accordance with Article 2 of the Water Code, the Water Legislation of Russia consists of the Codex itself, other federal laws and the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as subtitle acts adopted by the executive authorities.

Water legislation (laws and regulatory acts published in accordance with them) is based on the following principles:

Part of the legal system of Russia in the field of use and protection of water facilities are international agreements of Russia and ratified international conventions, such as the Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, 1971) and the Convention of the United Nations Economic Commission for the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Helsinki , 1992).

Water Resources Management

The central link in the field of use and protection of water resources is the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation (Russian Ministry of Earth), exercising authority to develop public policy and regulatory legal regulation in the field of water relations between Russia.

The Water Resources Management of Russia at the federal level is carried out by the Federal Agency for Water Resources (Rosjodresurs), which is included in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The powers of Rosjodresurs for the provision of public services and the management of federal property in the regions are carried out by territorial units of the agency - basin water management (BWU), as well as 51 subordinated institutions. Currently, Russia has 14 BBUs in Russia, the structure of which includes departments in all regions of the Russian Federation. The exceptions are the regions of the Crimean Federal District - in accordance with the agreements signed in July - August 2014, part of the Powers of Rosjodresurs were transferred to the relevant structures of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea and the Government of Sevastopol.

Water resources management, which are in regional property, is carried out by the relevant structures of regional administrations.

The management of federal objects of the reclamation complex is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (Department of Melioration), water facilities of the transport infrastructure - the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation (the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport).

State accounting and monitoring of water resources is carried out by Rosjodresurs; on the maintenance of a state water register - with the participation of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet) and the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use (Rosnedra); According to the management of the Russian register of hydraulic structures - with the participation of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Atomic Supervision (Rostechnadzor) and the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport (Rostransnadzor).

Supervision of compliance with legislation in terms of the use and protection of water bodies is carried out by the Federal Service for Natural Resources (Rosprirodnadzor), and hydraulic structures - Rostekhnadzor and Rostransnadzor.

According to the water code of the Russian Federation, the main unit of the management structure in the field of use and protection of water facilities is the basin districts, however, today the existing structure of Rosjodresurs is organized according to an administrative-territorial principle and in many respects does not coincide with the borders of basin districts.

Public policy

The basic principles of state policy in the field of use and protection of water facilities are enshrined in the water strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 and include three key areas:

  • guaranteed provision of water resources of the population and sectors of the economy;
  • protection and restoration of water bodies;
  • ensuring protection against negative impact of water.

As part of the implementation of state water policy in 2012, the Federal Target Program "Development of the Water Management Complex of the Russian Federation in 2012-2020" (FTP "Water of Russia") was adopted. The Federal Target Program "Clean Water" was also adopted for 2011-2017, the Federal Target Program "Development of land alarm of the agricultural land for Russia for 2014-2020", targeted programs in the Russian regions.

The article contains information on water resources of the planet. Statistical data on the water content on the planet are given. Specify paths to prevent global catastrophe.

What is water water resources?

Water resources are a totality of water of the hydrosphere, including the world's ocean, as well as terrestrial and hidden water of the continents.

Water is the most numerous substance on the planet. Water suitable for drinking - without it, human existence is not possible without it. The main features of the resource are that it has no analogues and alternatives. Humanity has always used water in different areas of its activities: domestic and agriculture, industry.

Determine what the number of water reserves contains the earth is not easy. This is explained by the fact that water is in constant motion and is able to change its condition on:

  • liquid;
  • solid;
  • gaseous.

The total amount of water resources of the Earth is defined as free water, which is present in all known states and atmosphere.

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Fig. 1. Antarctic glaciers.

The planet contains about 1.386 billion km. cube water. But a significant part of the total (97.5%) is salted water and only 2.5% - fresh. The main share of fresh water (68.7%) is in the ice of Antarctic, Arctic, and mountainous areas.

Once inland water and water resources were generally related to the number of renewable resources due to the cycle of water and the ability to cleanse it. These specific features of the living moisture gave rise to a common myth about the immutability and inexhaustibility of the resource.

However, now the situation has changed much. In most parts of the world, the consequences of a long and incorrect impact of man on the most valuable resource were revealed. Over the past three decades, there is a mass change due to human fault in a water cycle, which negatively affects its quality and potential as a natural resource.

The volume of water resources, their geography and temporary distribution dependes not only from natural climatic oscillations.

Fig. 2. Pollution of water by man.

Because of the positive and negative impact of a person on the planet, many parts of world water resources are simply depleted and strongly polluted. This circumstance is now a major factor that significantly slows down economic development, and at the same time the increase in population. Therefore, the topic and the question concerning the irrational use of water resources is relevant today more than ever.

Protection of water resources

Water resources provide for rational use from each resident of the Earth, enterprises and states.

Fig. 3. Cleaning the surface of the ocean from the oil stain.

To prevent irreversible consequences on the planet, it is necessary to attach all segments of the population to the problem and create a legislative framework that will contribute to the manifestation of concern for water resources both from individuals and enterprises.

The garbage of garbage in the sea and the oceans now causes global problems, since it negatively affects the living gum, which inhabit the sea depths. Aservant rating: 4.5. Total ratings received: 125.