The project in the preparatory group on the topic "Fiction in the education of preschoolers. Literary National Community Project "Books - Best Friends

The project in the preparatory group on the topic
The project in the preparatory group on the topic "Fiction in the education of preschoolers. Literary National Community Project "Books - Best Friends

Type of project: informative-creative, group.

Project Type: Short-term

Integration of educational areas in various activities: speech development, socio-communicative development, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Project participants: Children 4-5 years old, teacher, instructor physical culture, music leader, children's employees central Library, Parents.

A book has a great importance in the child's life. The book is the necessary element of his spiritual life. A persistent interest in reading and habit of a child is formed in the family. As a result of reading books, the child appears not only new knowledge, but the most important thing is a new emotional attitude towards the surrounding.

But in our time, children and their parents began to more often replace children's literature with a TV and a computer, and the artistic book remains not touched and loses its meaning in the formation of artistic taste. Most parents have no time to sit with the child and read the book. Children's psychologists consider it a big omission of adults in the upbringing of their children.

Questioning of parents and a survey of children of our group showed that at home reading children's books pays very little time, and some parents cannot even call the works of children's writers. But in fact, children's literature is one of the most ancient means of moral, aesthetic education, as well as forms behavioral stereotypes of future members of the adult society. Therefore, we decided to pay a little more time for children's literature in the development and upbringing of our children.

Project goal: Formation of sustainable interest in books, as a source new information, artwork.


  • Promote the formation of interest in books, works of children's literature;
  • Raise the ability to listen and understand the works of different genres, express emotions;
  • Educate love I. careful attitude To the book, to promote the revival, maintain and preserve the traditions of family reading.
  • Develop elements of creativity, form the ability to use read in different activities;
  • Attracting parents to the pedagogical process, strengthening interest in cooperation with DOO.
  • Develop creative skills With constant handling of the book. IN role-playing games by literary plots, in dramatitations and dramatization, in expressive reading of poems.

Expected results:

  • Children have an interest in books and the ability to use read in gaming, productive and artistic activities.
  • Creative abilities, communicative skills, connected speech, significantly replenish the dictionary;
  • The ability of children to learn and call read children's works, their authors, texts, characters, morality;
  • The ability to plan yourself independently, manufacture and design "Baby-baby" ;
  • Formed ability to expressively retell literary text, on your own or according to plan to make stories (according to plot pictures, from personal experience, fantastic stories, fairy tales, noby).

Interaction with parents:

  • Consultation for parents
  • Manufacture "Kids' books" together with children;
  • Participation in photo exhibition "My favorite book" ;
  • Sleeping crossword "K.I. books Chukovsky " Together with children.

Project Products:

  • Replenishment of the center of the book in the group;
  • Photo exhibition "My favorite book" ;
  • Exhibition "Kids' books"
  • Productive activities in organized educational activities;
  • Exhibition "Bookmarks for my favorite book" ;
  • Recommendations "How and what literature to read for children 4-5 years old" ;
  • Crossword on the works of K.I. Chukovsky;
  • Interactive presentation to the final event "Journey to book" .

Project implementation

Stage I. Preparatory.


  • Creating an object and developmental environment in a group
  • Children's selection I. methodical literature, illustrations, portraits of writers and poets, for project implementation.
  • Selection of information for the registration of the parent corner.
  • Agreement on creative cooperation with MBU of the Voznesensk CBS Children's Library.
  • Discussion on the parent meeting on the start of the project, about the purpose and objectives of the project.
  • Consultation "With what books are better to be friends with reoxoites" ;
  • Questioning of parents about the presence and preferences of artistic literature at home.
  • Joint making parents with children "Baby-baby" ;
  • Participation in photo exhibition "My favorite book" .

Stage II. Main.

Day 1. "Tili-Tili-Tili-Bom, Cat sunk House" (Day S.Ya. Marshak)


  • Introduce children with creativity S.Ya. Marshak, cause interest in his work, the desire to memorize the texts and analyze the actions of heroes;
  • In various activities, offer to children apply literary material By creativity S.Ya. Marshak.

Socio-communicative development Travel in the exhibition "Merry poems" (by verses S.Ya. Marshak);

Excursion to the Children's Garden Library

Speech Development Reading the work of S.Ya. Marshaca "Cat house" , "Fire" , "Tale of a stupid little mouse" , "Mustachioed - Striped" , "Scattered from the Baseyan Street" In kindergarten and at home.

The game "Magniki and Mistnie" According to works, S.Ya. Marshaca

Physical development Morning gymnastics "On how Katkin's house caught fire"

Movable game "Find your house"

Cognitive development Integrated occupation "Cat house"

Didactic game "Find the heroes of the fairy tales"

Didactic game "You can not"

Artistic and aesthetic development Music game "Mice water dance" , Lepak "Cat house" .

Day 2. "Funny pictures for children" (Day V.G. SUTEEVA)


  • To acquaint children with the author and artist V.G. SUTEEV;
  • In didactic, rolling games, in creative activities, in theatrical activity to consolidate the knowledge of children of plots and heroes of Tales V.G. SUYEEVA.

Socio-Communicative Development Theater Activities "Dramatic tale V.G. SUYEEVA "Under the mushroom"

Consider illustrations for works by V.G. SUYEEVA.

Speech Development Reading works V.G. SUYEEVA "Under the mushroom" , "Wand-cutting" , "Who said to meow?" , "Three kittens" , "Chicken and duckling" In kindergarten and at home.

"Who is faster under fungus" , mobile game "Affectionate kittens"

"Find the hero on the description" , didactic game "Sequential pictures" in the series "Funny pictures" V.G. SUYEEVA, Didactic game "Learn voice"

Artistic and aesthetic development organized educational activities on artistic and aesthetic development "Magic brush" (by works by V. SUTEEVA)

Music game "Bunny gray is washed"

Day 3. "Dr. Aibolit" (DAY K.I. Chukovsky)


  • To acquaint children with the work of K.I. Chukovsky, cause interest in the literary Word, to communicating with the book.
  • Contribute to the formation of the ability to express their opinion on read, to assess the heroes, to promote the activation of a coherent speech;
  • Training memory, expand the horizons, the development of attention, imagination, perception.

Socio-communicative development viewing illustrations for works by K.I. Chukovsky.

Theater activity "Staging a fairy tale K.I. Chukovsky "Muha-Cost

Repairs "Sick" books "Knikina Hospital"

Speech development Reading works by K.I. Chukovsky "Dr. Aibolit" , "Telephone" , "Stolen Sun" , "Taracanishche" , "Barmalei" , "Confusion" , "Fly Tsokotukha" , "Fedorino Mount" In kindergarten and at home.

Physical development movable game "Confusion" , mobile game "Who quickly"

Cognitive development didactic game "How to behave with patients" , didactic game "Help Fedor" organized educational activities "The roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky and his fairy tales"

Crossword "Tales k.I. Chukovsky "

Artistic and aesthetic development Organized educational activities in visual activities "Let's help Dr. Aibolit to cure cubs"

Day 4. "Dunno visiting the guys" (Day N.Nosova)


  • Introduce children with the work of N.Nosov, create conditions for creating children creative work based on read;
  • Develop creative imagination, thinking, memory, form the ability to comply with the rules of mobile, desktop and didactic games.
  • Educate partnerships between children, communicative qualities, create a joyful emotional attitude, encourage creative initiative.

Socio-communicative development viewing illustrations for works by N.Nosov.

Picture game "Dunno in the sunny city" .

Speech Development Reading works by N.Nosov "Dunno on the Moon" , "Patch" , "Cucumbers" , Mishkin Poros , "Adventures minor" in kindergarten and houses

Physical development movable game "Find a couple of yourself" , Sports entertainment "Dunno visiting the guys" , mobile game "Cats of Mice"

Cognitive development Mathematical game "Let's help me"

Organized educational activity "Nicholas Nosov and his works" .

Didactic game "Dunno in the country of geometric shapes"

Artistic and aesthetic development Organized educational activities "Ship for Minor"

Day 5. "The fairy tale came to us" (Day fairy tales)


  • Introduce children S. various species fabulous works, to form the ability to recognize the heroes of fairy tales, know the names and author, retell the content to express their attitude towards the heroes of fairy tales;
  • Fasten the ability to use the means of expressiveness (poses, gestures, facialy, intonation, movement) and different types of theaters (Finger, Picture Theater, Puppet, Magnetic)
  • Improve skills yourself choose a fairy tale to produce, dramatize, cook necessary attributes and scenery for the future performance, distribute duties and roles among themselves.

Socio-communicative development Consider illustration different types fairy tales

Traveling around the exhibition « Magic fairy tales» - viewing books that differ in content, design, orientation.

Staging Russian folk tales "The wolf and the seven Young goats" - puppet show.

Conversation "Tell your favorite fairy tale" - Stories of children.

Speech development reading fairy tales "Cockerel and bean grains" , "Fox with a rill" , "Three pigs" , "Teremok" , "Kolobok" , "Masha and the Bear" In kindergarten and at home.

Physical development movable game "Zhmurki with a bell" , mobile game "Snacks" .

Cognitive development of the conversation "What is a library?"

Event "Our favorite fairy tales" - held employees of the children's central library.

Didactic game "Boarding Sloves" - Riddles about the heroes of fairy tales.

Artistic and aesthetic development Drawing on the topic "My favorite tales hero"

III stage. Final.

  • Summing up the project activities;
  • Conducting a final event - Children's quiz "Journey to the country" Knikograd "
  • Registration finger theater for fairy tales;
  • Photo exhibition "My favorite book" ;
  • Exhibition "Baby-baby" made by children in conjunction with parents;
  • Drawing recommendations for parents to read fiction to children 4-5 years.


  1. Herbova V.V. Speech development in kindergarten. Medium group. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2014
  2. Komarova TS Fine activity In kindergarten: the middle group. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2014
  3. Comprehensive program classes "From birth to school" Edited by N.E. Veracses, MA Vasilyeva, TS Mosquito. Medium group / auth. - Sost. T.V. Kovrigina, M.V. Kosianenko, O.V. Pavlova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2015
  4. Lykova I.A. Fine activity in kindergarten: planning, abstract classes, guidelines. Medium group. - M.: "Karapuz-dodactics" , 2007
  5. Ponomareva I.A., Pozin V.A. Formation of elementary mathematical representations: the middle group. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2014
  6. Developing classes with children 4-5 years / Ed. L.A. Paramonic. - M.: Olma Media Group, 2012

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1 municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten 14 Pedagogical project "The admission of children to artistic literature Through reading fairy tales »Prepared: Dmitrieva Yulia Anatolyevna, educator of the highest qualification category Gusev 2014

2 "To prepare a person spiritually to independently need to introduce it to the world of books" V. A. Sukhomlinsky. Project type: Cognitive-research, creative. Duration of the project: long-term. Project participants: children of preschool groups, educators, parents of pupils. Covered educational regions: Communicative development, cognitive development, socio-personal development, artistic easthetic development, physical development. Problem: Reducing interest in reading fiction. Project relevance: among the main directions preschool education One of the central places has work on attaching children to the world of fiction. The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by the fact that children decreased interest in reading. Today, the whole world is facing the problem of preserving interest in the book, reading as a process and leading human activity. Audio and video equipment, giving ready-made auditory and visual images, special method affecting people, weakened interest in the book and the desire to work with it: after all, the book requires a systematic reading, tension of thought. Therefore, modern children prefer the book to view the TV, computer games. But artistic literature plays big role in man's personal development. Entering the life of a person in early childhoodThe literature gradually creates a circle of its moral judgments and ideas. Artistic literature opens and explains the life of society and nature to the child, the world human feelings and relationships. She develops the thinking and imagination of the child, enriches his emotions, gives excellent samples of Russian literary language. Her educational, cognitive and aesthetic importance, because, expanding the knowledge of the child about the world around the world, it affects his personality, develops the ability to finely feel the image and rhythm of the native speech. The book should enter the child's world as early as possible, to enrich it the world, to make it interesting, full of unusual discoveries. All subsequent acquaintance with huge literary Heritage will rely on the foundation that is laid in preschool age. According to scientists, the XXI century will be a century of new values, where capital will not be money, land, guns and means of production, and knowledge, possession of information and the ability to dispose of them. To modern child was prepared for life, you need to instill in

3 children love artistic Word, respect for the book, to bring up the competent reader. Acquaintance with the literature for each child begins with fairy tales that accompany all his childhood and stay with him for life. The goal of the project: to form a steady interest in the fiction, to develop the literature of speech, to help maintain the traditions of family reading. Project tasks: to introduce children with the history of the creation of fairy tales; develop the ability to listen to the ability to compare, compare, analyze and argue; develop a connected speech; develop thinking, attention, memory, imagination; Rise the ability to listen to fairy tales, stories, poems, follow the development of action, empathize the heroes of the work; bring up a careful attitude to books as the result of the labor of many people; Increasing the competence of parents in the acquaintance of children with artistic works fairy tales. The prospect of this pedagogical process is based on educational project "The acquisition of children to the world of fiction through reading fairy tales" I have developed a project "Child and Book". At the pupils in the process, interest in the works of Russian classics will be formed, best books Children's writers, poets and works of other peoples. The reading process will contribute to spiritual enrichment of children and parents. This project has developed a universal scheme of working with a fairy tale, where such problems are solved on the example of one fairy tale as moral education, speech development, development of thinking and imagination, environmental education, development small Motoriki. Universal work scheme with a fairy tale: Tale name. Moral lesson. Education good feelings. Speech charging. Development of thinking and imagination. Tale and knowledge. The fairy tale is developing hands.

4 When working with a fairy tale, it is important to know what a moral lesson is needed: there is no wonder there is a saying "Tale - a lie, yes in it a hint, good young lesson." Reveal this "hint", show him the essence, give yourself a lesson here the main task. The non-traditional approach gives the educator, and the child is able to understand that in a fairy tale or a hero is good, and what is bad, to create a new situation, where the hero corrected, good truthful, evil was punished, but not cruelly and inhuman. The next item to raise good feelings. The kindness became the most deficient phenomenon in the surrounding world, so the acquaintance of children with a fairy tale should pay attention to the moments in moral terms, namely: to teach children to compare, compare; form a habit to prove, reason; put a child in place positive or negative herothereby giving the baby the possibility of choosing his own position; Exercise children in synchronous expression of feelings and televitations, providing a much deeper empathy of the actions and actions of heroes, for example: "Prove that Alenka is the best of all", "How would you go on the spot", "like movements to praise a cock", etc. . It is difficult not to evaluate the role of fairy tales in raising the correct oral speech. If we talk traditionally, the texts are expanding vocabulary, help correctly build dialogues, affect the development of connected, logical speech. But besides all these, albeit nodal tasks, it is equally important to do our oral speech Emotional, figurative, beautiful. The third item of the Speech Charging method is sent to solve these problems. The ability to ask questions is one of the indicators successful development preschoolers. To help children understand the idea of \u200b\u200bfairy tales and figurative sense Molds of small folklore, in the technique are used specially selected phraseologists and proverbs. Having disassembled them with the child and discussing the meaning of each of them, I help the child to remember the sayings, I teach them to apply them to the place, helping to more clearly understand the inner content of the fairy tale. The next significant point in this technique is the item - develop thinking and imagination. The imagination is very useful and important for the preschooler: it makes his life individually creative, unique, non-standard. Here I offer children for the first time to move away from the primary stereotypes and invent new fairy tale Or some kind of her episode, etc. Now about the connection of fairy tales and knowledge. This is unusual mathematical tasksrequiring seductors from children, skills to establish links and relationships. When a child gets acquainted with geometric figuresis useful to encrypt and simulate familiar fairy tales, i.e.

5 Hold the heroes in the figures that can be easily guessing in form and magnitude. The game "What seems to be different", for example, what is similar and what is the difference and golden Egg? etc. Another of the most important tasks worth today on the formation agenda environmental culture Children. The fairy tale itself suggests which question or task to give children in the "Tale and Ecology" paragraph. All around us are adaptable: the hare changes the color, the lisus tail helps to take tracks, the long neck of the giraffe helps him fed, etc. This understanding of the interdependencies is desirable to transfer to fairy tales, helping your favorite heroes in their troubles (for example, a balloon is better to change the color on green, then it will be unparalle on the grass, etc.). Finally, the fairy tale helps to develop hands. It is not by chance that "when I listen to know when I remember." Children offer something to do: Cut, glue, portray a fairy tale schematically, show the episode with gestures and facial expressions, dramatize. The usefulness of such tasks was mentioned above. Be sure to introduce children with the technology of creating a book (conversation with children "From where the book came to us"). I pay attention to how much work is invested in creating a book, how many people are involved in its manufacture, how many trees have given their lives in order for the child to get this book. This work accompanying visuality, examples from life. Interaction with parents parents must be partners in the acquisition of children to read. Without close cooperation with them there will be no high result. Therefore, I build your work in such a way as to maximize the parents to solve this task.

6 Perspective plan Project work: December January February March April 1. Survey of children on the topic "My favorite fairy tale." 2. Questioning of parents "Child and Book". 3. Looking with children of books with fairy tales in the group. 4. Reading fairy tales: Russian folk "Kolobok", "Repka", "Teremok" 5. Moving games with the heroes of fairy tales. 1. Conversation with children on the topic "Rules for the use of the book" 2. Puppet Theater "Teremok" 3. Reading fairy tales: Russian folk "Winter beasts", "Wolf and Fox", "Neveling and Lisa" 4. Morning gymnastics and team work With the heroes of fairy tales (for weeks): Wolf, Fox, Cockerel. 5. Creating advice for parents "Features of reading fairy tales about animals." 1. Parent meeting "The role of fairy tales in the life of a child." 2. Artistic creativity "Kolobok runs on the track" 3. Reading fairy tales: Russian folk "Zayushkina Hut", "Cockerel and leggings", "Three Bear". 4. Staging the fairy tale "Kolobok". 5. Creating a memo for parents "read me a fairy tale." 1. Conversation "Creativity K. Chukovsky" 2. Artistic creativity "Mitten", "Visiting Moydodyra". 3. Puppet Theater "Three Bear". 3. Reading fairy tales: Russian People's Mittens, Fairy Tales K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr", "Muha-Codochuha", "Stolen Sun" 4. Movable games with the heroes of fairy tales. 5. Registration of the photo exhibition "Reading in a family circle". 1. Games "Puzzles for fairy tales", "Guess-ka" 2. Reading fairy tales: Russian People's "Wolf and Seven Cats", "Cat, Rooster and Fox", "Zhikharka", hungarian fairy tale "Lazy

7 Brocholina. " 3. Morning gymnastics and joint activities with the heroes of fairy tales (for weeks): wolf, fox, cat, goat. 4. Staging the fairy tale "Teremok". 5. Registration of the exhibition artistic creativity "My favorite fabulous hero"May 1. Games" Tell me a fairy tale by pictures "," in the bookstore. " 2. Quiz "Guess the fairy tale." 3. Reading fairy tales: Russian folk "chanterelle with a rill", "Masha and the Bear", english tale "Three pigs", the fairy tale of S. Perro "Red Cap". 4. Morning gymnastics and joint activities with the heroes of fairy tales (for weeks): Alenushka, frog, rooster, Kolobok 5. Awarding the winners of the drawings of the drawings "My favorite fabulous hero" and the presentation of the project for parents.

8 Literature 1. Herbova V. V. Promotion of children to the artistic literature. M.: Mosaic Synthesis, Gritsenko Z.A. I came reading good. M.: Enlightenment, Gritsenko Z.A. Put your heart at reading. M.: Enlightenment, Gurovich L.M., Coastal L.B., Loginov V.I. Child and book. M.: Enlightenment, Ushakov O. S. I know preschoolers with fiction literature. M.: Ed. Lite, Timofeev I. N. What and how to read the child from the year to ten. Encyclopedia for parents. St. Petersburg: 2009.

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Pedagogical project on the topic: "My favorite hero, Carlson" on the work of Astrid Lindgren. Completed: Ivnitskaya V.S., Educator MBDOU 62 Type of project: Cognitive view of the project: Group duration

Babkina M.V. Educator MBDOU "Kindergarten 4" "Sunny" family is the most expensive and native, which is every person. The family is the same environment in which a person learns, and he himself is good. V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten combined species 33" Project "In the guests' tale has come to visit us" Completed: Educator Vlasova E.N. Project "A tale has come to visit

Consultation for parents. How to teach a child to love literature (material from work experience) Romanova Julia Valerievna Educator MKDOU "Kindergarten of the Outdoor Type 152" Cyrov city Romnikita.julia

"Book best friends»Educational project Municipal State Preschool Educational Institution Kindergarten" Rodeök "Kargat Sunyakina Tatyana Leonidovna Safonova Natalya Viktorovna 2015

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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Children's Development Center Kindergarten 33" G. Nakhodka Creative project "Traveling to Tales K.I. Chukovsky "2015 tutor, etc. Polyenko

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"Pedagogical project" The introduction of children to the artistic literature through reading fairy tales "prepared: Dmitrieva Julia ..."

municipal autonomous pre-school educational institution

kindergarten №14.

Pedagogical project

"The acquisition of children to artistic


through reading fairy tales »


Dmitrieva Julia Anatolyevna,

tutor Hospital

"To prepare a person

spiritually to independent life

we must enter it into the world of books "

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Project type: Cognitive-research, creative.

Duration of the project: long-term.

Project participants: children of preschool groups, educators, parents of pupils.

Covered educational areas: Communicative development, cognitive development, socio-personal development, artistical development, physical development.

Problem: Reducing interest in reading fiction.

The relevance of the project:

Among the main directions of pre-school education, one of the central places has work on attaching children to the world of fiction.

The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by the fact that children decreased interest in reading.

Today, the whole world is facing the problem of preserving interest in the book, reading as a process and leading human activity. Audio and video equipment, giving ready-made auditory and visual images, a special way affecting people, weakened interest in the book and the desire to work with it: after all, the book requires a systematic reading, the tension of thought. Therefore, modern children prefer the book watching TV, computer games. But the fiction plays a big role in the personal development of man. Entering a person in early childhood, literature gradually creates a circle of its moral judgments and ideas. Artistic literature opens and explains the child's life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. She develops the thinking and imagination of the child, enriches his emotions, gives excellent samples of the Russian literary language. Her educational, cognitive and aesthetic importance, because, expanding the knowledge of the child about the world around the world, it affects his personality, develops the ability to finely feel the image and rhythm of the native speech.

The book should enter the child's world as early as possible, to enrich it the world, to make it interesting, full of unusual discoveries. All subsequent acquaintance with a huge literary heritage will rely on the foundation that is laid in preschool age.

According to scientists, the XXI century will be a century of new values, where capital will not be money, land, guns and means of production, and knowledge, possession of information and the ability to dispose of them. In order for the modern child to be prepared for life, you need to instill in children love with artistic words, respect for the book, to bring up a competent reader.

Acquaintance with the literature for each child begins with fairy tales that accompany all his childhood and stay with him for life.

The goal of the project: to form a steady interest in the fiction, to develop the literature of speech, to help maintain the traditions of family reading.

Project tasks:

Introduce children with the history of the creation of fairy tales;

Develop the ability to listen to the ability to compare, compare, analyze and argue;

Develop a connected speech;

Develop thinking, attention, memory, imagination;

Rise the ability to listen to fairy tales, stories, poems, follow the development of action, empathize the heroes of the work;

Bring up a careful attitude to books as the result of the labor of many people;

Increasing the competence of parents in the dating issues of children with artistic works - fairy tales.

The prospect of this pedagogical process is, on the basis of the educational project "Attachment of children to the world of fiction through reading a fairy tales", I have developed a project "Child and Book".

Pupils in the process will create interest in the works of Russian classics, the best books of children's writers, poets and works of other peoples. The reading process will contribute to spiritual enrichment of children and parents.

This project has developed a universal scheme of working with a fairy tale, where the example of one fairy tale is solved such tasks as moral education, speech development, development of thinking and imagination, environmental education, the development of shallow motility.

Universal fairy tale work scheme:

Target name.

Moral lesson.

Raising good feelings.

Speech charging.

Development of thinking and imagination.

Tale and knowledge.

The fairy tale is developing hands.

When working with a fairy tale, it is important to know what a moral lesson is needed: no wonder there is a saying "Tale - a lie, yes in it a hint, good young lesson." To reveal this "hint", to show it the essence, give yourself a lesson - this is the main task.

The non-traditional approach gives the educator, and the child is able to understand that in a fairy tale or a hero is good, and what is bad, to create a new situation, where the hero corrected, good truthful, evil was punished, but not cruelly and inhuman.

The next point is to raise good feelings.

The kindness became the most deficient phenomenon in the surrounding world, so the acquaintance of children with a fairy tale, attention should be paid to the moments meaningful in moral terms, namely:

· Teach children to compare, compare;

· To form a habit to prove, arguing;

· To put a child in place of a positive or negative character, thereby giving the baby the possibility of choosing its own position;

· Exercise children in synchronous expression of feelings and televitations, providing a much deeper empathy of the actions and actions of heroes, for example: "Prove that Alenka is best of all", "How would you enroll in place ...", "how to praise a cock" and t .P.

It is difficult not to evaluate the role of fairy tales in raising the correct oral speech.

If we talk traditionally, the texts are expanding the vocabulary, help correctly build dialogues, affect the development of connected, logical speech. But besides all these, albeit nodal problems, it is equally important to make our oral speech emotional, figurative, beautiful. The solution of these problems is sent a third clause of the method of methods - speech charging. The ability to ask questions is one of the indicators of the successful development of preschoolers.

To help children understand the idea of \u200b\u200ba fairy tale and a figurative meaning of small folklore forms, specially selected phraseological units and proverbs are used in the technique. Having disassembled them with the child and discussing the meaning of each of them, I help the child to remember the sayings, I teach them to apply them to the place, helping to more clearly understand the inner content of the fairy tale.

The following essential point in this method is item

We develop thinking and imagination. The imagination is very useful and important for the preschooler: it makes his life individually creative, unique, non-standard. Here I offer children for the first time to move away from the primary stereotypes and invent a new fairy tale or some kind of her episode, etc.

Now about the connection of fairy tales and knowledge. These are unusual mathematical tasks, requiring sedition children, the ability to establish links and relationships. When a child gets acquainted with geometric shapes, useful to encrypt and simulate familiar fairy tales, i.e.

hold the heroes in the figures that can be easily guessing in form and magnitude.

The game "What seems to be different", for example, what are similar and what is the difference between a simple and golden egg? etc.

Another of the most important tasks today on the agenda is the formation of the ecological culture of children. The fairy tale itself suggests which question or task to give children in the "Tale and Ecology" paragraph. All around us are adaptable: the hare changes the color, the lisus tail helps to take tracks, the long neck of the giraffe helps him fed, etc.

This understanding of the interdependencies is desirable to transfer to fairy tales, helping your favorite heroes in their troubles (for example, a balloon is better to change the color on green, then it will be unparalle on the grass, etc.).

Finally, the fairy tale helps to develop hands. It is not by chance that "when I listen to - I find out when I do it - I remember." Children offer something to do: Cut, glue, portray a fairy tale schematically, show the episode with gestures and facial expressions, dramatize. The usefulness of such tasks was mentioned above.

Be sure to introduce children with the technology of creating a book (conversation with children "From where the book came to us"). I pay attention to how much work is invested in creating a book, how many people are involved in its manufacture, how many trees have given their lives in order for the child to get this book. This work accompany visibility, examples from life.

Interaction with parents parents must be partners in the acquisition of children to read.

Without close cooperation with them there will be no high result. Therefore, I build your work in such a way as to maximize the parents to solve this task.

Prospective project work plan:

1. Survey of children on the topic "My favorite fairy tale."

December 2. Questioning of parents "Child and Book".

3. Looking with children of books with fairy tales in the group.

4. Reading fairy tales: Russian folk "Kolobok", "Repka", "Teremok"

5. Moving games with the heroes of fairy tales.

January 1. Conversation with children on the topic "Rules for the use of the book"

2. Puppet Theater "Teremok"

3. Reading fairy tales: Russian folk "wintering animals", "Wolf and Fox", "Neveling and Fox"

4. Morning gymnastics and joint activities with the heroes of fairy tales (weekly): Wolf, Fox, Cockerel.

5. Creating advice for parents "Features of reading fairy tales about animals."

February 1. Parent meeting "The role of fairy tales in the child's life."

2. Artistic creativity "Kolobok runs on the track"

3. Reading fairy tales: Russian folk "Zayushkina Hut", "Cockerel and leggings", "Three Bear".

4. Staging the fairy tale "Kolobok".

5. Creating a memo for parents "read me a fairy tale."

March 1. Conversation "Creativity K.

Chukovsky "

2. Artistic creativity "Mitten", "Visiting Moydodyra".

3. Puppet Theater "Three Bear".

3. Reading fairy tales: Russian People's "Mitten", Tales K.

Chukovsky "Moydodyr", "Muha-Codotha", "Stolen Sun"

4. Moving games with the heroes of fairy tales.

5. Registration of the photo exhibition "Reading in a family circle".

April 1. Games "Riddles for fairy tales", "Guess-ka"

2. Reading fairy tales: Russian folk "Wolf and Seven Cats", "Cat, Rooster and Fox", "Zhikharka", Hungarian fairy tale "Lazy Brocholina".

3. Morning gymnastics and joint activities with the heroes of fairy tales (for weeks): wolf, fox, cat, goat.

4. Staging the fairy tale "Teremok".

5. Registration of the exhibition of artistic creativity "My favorite fabulous hero"

May 1. Games "Tell me a fairy tale on pictures", "in the bookstore".

2. Quiz "Guess the fairy tale."

3. Reading fairy tales: Russian folk "chanterelle with a rhe", "Masha and the Bear", the English fairy tale "Three Piglets", the fairy tale of S. Perro "Red Hap".

4. Morning gymnastics and joint activities with the heroes of fairy tales (for weeks): Alenushka, frog, cock, kolobok

5. Awarding the winners of the contest of drawings "My favorite fabulous hero" and the presentation of the project for parents.


1. Herbova V. V. Promotion of children to the artistic literature. - M.:

Mosaic - Synthesis, 2005.

2. Gritsenko Z.A. I came reading good. - M.: Enlightenment, 2003.

3. Gritsenko Z.A. Put your heart at reading. - M.: Enlightenment, 2003.

4. Gurovich L.M., Coast L.B., Loginov V.I. Child and book. - M.:

Education, 1992.

5. Ushakova O. S. Introducing preschoolers with fiction literature. - M.: Ed. Library 2012.

Encyclopedia for parents. - SPb.: 2009.

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Nelson Christina Ervinovna
Position: Educator
Educational institution: MGOU Kindergarten№5 "Golden Key"
Locality: G. Lyubertsy
Name of material: ARTICLE
Subject: "Experience in the introduction of children of senior preschool age to artistic literature"
Publication date: 20.01.2018
Section: preschool education

The theme of my work experience: "The admission of children to the fiction literature"

Everyone knows that an effective means of mental, moral and

the aesthetic education of the child in kindergarten is artistic literature.

Reading art works playing important role In the process of comprehensive

children and their parents to the book in a kindergarten

The relevance of the admission of preschoolers to the world of fiction

determined by the fact that children decreases interest in reading. Already in preschool age

children prefer the book viewing the TV or computer games as well

all sorts of gadgets: tablets, phones, etc. As a result, already the younger

problem, so for me it is especially relevant.

The purpose of my work was the formation of interest in the reading and needs of the child.

in fiction.

And to achieve this goal, I allocated for myself the main tasks in this


1. To provide the formation of interest in books, works


2. Rail the ability to listen and understand the works of different genres,

express emotions.

3. Develop elements of creativity, learning to use read in other types

activities (gaming, productive, in communication).

4. Give information to parents about the importance of reading artistic books in

development of a child.

For your work, I use the following methodical literature:

1. V.V. Gerbova "Attachment of children to fiction literature"

2.C.A. Gritsenko "I came reading a kind"

3. L.M.GUREVICH "Child and Book"

4. O.S. Shushakov "Introducing preschoolers with fiction literature"

parents "

6. Federal State Standard of Preschool Education.

I led my job in two directions: in kindergarten, this is working with children and with

teachers; And work with family.

Acquisitive children to fiction, I use a variety of methods,

takes and tools such as: Reading works, discussion with children

read, retelling the work, memorizing by heart poems, flows, games

dramatization didactic games, Theatrical games, staging elements.

More efficient, in my opinion, is practical method, namely

theatrical activity for read, since it contributes to understanding and

the assimilation of children of meaning artistic workallows you to reveal them

acting talents, makes you empathize with your heroes and just helps children

find mutual language together.

In addition, in order to familiarize children with fiction and

forming love and interest in the book I use the following forms of work:

Design of a bookcard in a group;

- Registration of thematic exhibitions, dedicated to creativity writers.

Classes in familiarization with the biographies of writers.

Creating a "book hospital" in groups, which helped to instill with children careful

attitude towards the book.

Exhibitions children's creativity based on read works.

- Excursions to the library

In order to improve their qualifications, I conducted various consultations, seminines

workshop, master classes for teachers for











teachers, skill work in the team; disclosures of the creative potential of each

teacher. The result of our collaboration was made a performance for children.

I lead your work with children regularly and systematically. But she would not have

full and effective without attracting parents because a decisive role in

the child's development at any age stage is played by the family.

Work with parents for the introduction of children to artistic literature I started on

first parent meeting with survey. Parents were invited to answer

for several questions, in order to determine the role of parents in the development of interest in

family reading with children and identify whether the interests themselves are interested in

artistic literature.

According to the results of the survey me was made output -

it is important to attract the attention of parents to family reading. It was necessary

expand work with parents on this topic. And I was developed and implemented

project "Choice Family".

The goal of the project is to help parents aware of the value of family reading as an effective

means of education and education of preschoolers, revive the traditions of family reading.

On the initial stage Project I made a memo for parents about the importance of daily

home reading proper selection literature for children, about the upbringing of care

relationships to the book and many others.

To implement the project, a "reading family" was created in the group. In this corner two

artwork not included in the kindergarten program. Next parents

suggested to answer a number of questions on the work of the work that I

preparing in advance. The parents answered questions together with the children and their answers they

lowered in a special mailbox. And at the end of each month summed up -

what family was the most active and correctly answered all the questions. And at the end of the year I

summed up a general result, and the most reading family was awarded a diploma.

At the final stage of the project implementation, I invited parents with children to be not

only readers, but also publishers. To do this, it was necessary to choose the most

loved work from read and make this work

family book with your own hands. Many families showed incredible creative

abilities. Now our corner in the group has been replenished with joint creativity books

child and parent.

Upon completion of the project, I conducted a re-questioning of my parents, asking them the same

questions as early as early as a year, and saw a positive trend. Parents became more often

they are greater importance, family reading traditions appeared.

Summing up the work on the admission of children to the artistic literature, I did

conclusion: My targeted, systematic work gave high results. In children

increased interest in the book, enriched knowledge about works of art

literature, children became more active in classes, their vocabulary expanded

the speech of children has become more competent, saturated, formed monologic speech,

their imagination enriched, fantasy. Children began to show more sympathy for

heroes, began to worry with them their adversity, adventure, victory. In many

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Children's garden "Baby" R.P. Mokshan

Project " Pro. reading"

Divisions, organizations involved in the project

  • Ministry of Education of the Penza region
  • GAU DPO IRR PO (Project Coordinator)
  • Regional library. M.Yu. Lermontov
  • Regional Library for Children and Youth
  • Educational organizations and libraries of the Penza region

Project Coordinator, performers

Project coordinator:

Piskunova Olga Aleksandrovna


Chupsheva Natalia Anatolyevna Lyadova Julia Alekseevna Piskunova Olga Aleksandrovna Zubrilina Nadezhda Nikolaevna Dmitrieva Lyubov Vladimirovna Tykushina Vera Yakovlevna Fast Svetlana Aleksandrovna Atyanina Nadezhda Mikhailovna Golovina Nadezhda Viktorovna Trushnikova Olga Pavlovna Akimova Irina Viktorov on

Terms and stages of project implementation

  • the federal law "On education in Russian Federation"Dated 29.12.2012 № 273-ФЗ;
  • National strategy public Policy RF for the period up to 2025;
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the holding of the Year of Literature in the Russian Federation" of 06/13/2014 No. 426;
  • Federal State Educational Standards of the Primary, Basic and Medium (Full) General Education;
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) of 10/17/2013, No. 1155 Moscow "On approval of the Federal State educational Standard pre-school education ";

Grounds for project initiation

  • State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013-2020;
  • The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia;
  • On holding in 2014 in Russia of the year of culture;
  • About holding in 2015 in Russia years of literature;
  • National Support and Development Program in Russia for 2007-2020, approved Federal Agency In print and mass communications and the Russian book union, November 24, 2006


The current situation is characterized as a systemic crisis of reader culture, when the country approached the critical limit of neglecting reading. The trend of falling interest in reading in Russia is an alarming phenomenon for the country in which reading has always been an exceptionally significant.

Reading problem

remote B.

modern world


and state.

purpose Enhancing the level of reader's reading competence, growth in the reading activity of the population of the region


  • To monitor the reader's reader and reading activity of children and parents.

2. Develop family and leisure reading programs.

3. Conduct events aimed at promoting reading, support and development of reader competence.

  • 4. Ensure information and scientific and methodological support of the project.

Events for Pupils DoO:

  • Conducting literary matinees: "Russian folk tales"," Merry book in kindergarten "," Our favorite poems ", etc.
  • Organization of the activities of the club "Booklogo" (for children of senior preschool age, parents and teachers)
  • Organization of the day of the book in pre-school groups of kindergarten (according to the regional program "Child and the whole world")
  • Organization of thematic exhibitions in the corner of the book

Events for parents Pupils DoO:

  • Promotion "Read at home with children"
  • Organization of the literary living room
  • Consultation, organization workshops children reading At home: "How to choose a book for a child-preschooler", "Malyshkin book" and others.
  • Creating literary and artistic

children's magazine

  • Presentation of children's books for

parents "My home book

libraries »

  • Booklet edition "How

help your child love

. Events and stocks Depending on the support and development of reading:

  • Pedagogical Council "How to educate a child for reading?"
  • Marathon parental meetings "Reading parents - reading child"
  • Flash Mob "West before bed"
  • "Family reading hour"
  • Educational watch reading "Tale on Thursdays"
  • Marathon-relay "50 books read with parents"
  • 2. Competitions :
  • Competition of projects "Children's Garden" "Family and Book" (the most reading family) "My favorite fairy tale" (Children's drawing competition for preschoolers)
  • Competition of projects "Reading kindergarten"
  • "Family and Book" (the most reading family)
  • "My favorite fairy tale" (Children's drawing competition for preschoolers)

  • MBC (Inter-Sectal Central District Library of Mokshansky District) :
  • - Create a cycle of family reading "Golden Bookshelf"
  • - organize and hold forums and festivals:
  • "Good World of Favorite Books" - Festival of Children's Book "Eternal Wisdom of Fairy Tales" - Week national Literature Peoples of the Volga region
  • "Good World of Favorite Books" - Children's Book Festival
  • "Eternal wisdom of fairy tales" - the week of national literature of the peoples of the Volga region
  • - Organization round tables and disputes about the role of the book in the life of a person, family, society
  • - Develop a methodological recommendation for shares:
  • Buklosing "Read - Leave another!"
  • - create booklets on topical issues of family reading

  • Educational organization :
  • Organize a presentation of children's books for parents "Book of my home library"
  • Participate in regional events aimed at supporting and developing reading
  • Create family and leisure reading programs:
  • Parent literacy clock ("How and what to read children!", "Creating a spiritual climate of a family that contributes to the formation of a child-reader", "reading parents is a reading child", etc.)
  • Maternal universality « Book in mom's hands » (creation of angle for mothers, meeting mothers, with writers, publishers of children's literature, attracting psychologists, teachers, librarians)
  • Prepare and hold master classes "Read along with dad is cool!"
  • Organize and develop the activities of the family reading club "Book"

Project results

The project performance indicators are :

  • positive dynamics of the number of students who are interested in reading;
  • attraction to family reading at least 30% of families studying by the end of 2015; at least 50% of families - by the end of 2017;
  • an increase in the number of participants in contests, shares, activities aimed at improving the level of reader competence at least 10% annually;
  • development of family programs

and leisure reading at least 70%

educational organizations K.

at the end of 2015; 100% - by the end