Western city of Perm Territory.

Western city of Perm Territory.
Western city of Perm Territory.

Have a different story and fate, differ in size and population. How many of them are within the region? When they were based and what can tourists find here? You will learn about this from our article. Special attention will be paid to the second city of the region of the region - Berezniki.

Cities of Perm Region

One of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which is located in its European part, in the principal. Geographically in Asia is only 0.2% of the territory of this region.

The region is famous for the beautiful nature, rich mineral subsoils and developed economy. Coal has been produced here for two centuries, oil from 1929. The chromite deposit in Russia in Russia is being developed. The edge is quite highly urbanized: the share of the urban population here reaches 76%. The city of Perm Territory, with the exception of Perm (administrative center), small. Total 25 them.

A complete list of cities in Perm region (settlements are in order to reduce their population):

  1. Permian.
  2. Berezniki.
  3. Solikamsk (included in one agglomeration along with birchnesses).
  4. Tchaikovsky.
  5. Kungur.
  6. Lysva.
  7. Krasnokamsk.
  8. Chusovoy.
  9. Dobryanka.
  10. Chernushka.
  11. Kudymkar.
  12. Vereshchagino.
  13. Gubah.
  14. Lythe.
  15. Kizel.
  16. Krasnovishersk.
  17. Overlook
  18. Alexandrovsk.
  19. Gornosavodsk.
  20. Gremyachinsk.
  21. Okhansk
  22. Usolye.
  23. Cherdin.
  24. Churm.

It is curious that less than five thousand people live in the last two cities. Within the Perm Territory there are PGT and even the village in which more people live.

The city number 1 in the region is Perm: in size, population and economic potential. But not by age. The Perm Territory is Cherdin, which was once the capital of local lands. It was founded back in the XV century. Today is a provincial town with a population of 4.5 thousand people. Surprisingly, how radically the fate of a particular settlement can change!

Architecture, Interesting Places

The most famous tourist attractions of the Perm Territory are not in cities, but outside them. This is primarily the huge arrays of taiga forests, mountain rivers, mysterious caves and, of course, amazing rock outcrops. Travelers are not in vain call this region the edge of rocks and stones. Gray, speaking, writing stone - all these objects attract many tourists every year.

There are many interesting things in the cities of the region: numerous museums, temples and architecture monuments. Fans of beautiful architecture and vintage ussers are necessary to visit Perm, Usolye, Lysva, Solikamsk and Kungur. Stopping the best in the "capital" of the edge - Perm. The city is located in its central part, and it will be convenient to make radial trips and excursions to different corners of the region.

Berezniki City (Perm Region): History and Attractions

Berezniki - the second in the population of the city of Perm region, about 150 thousand people live in it. It was founded not so long ago - in 1932, although the history of salt crafts on the local lands began in the XVII century. Verkhnekamsky Potash salt deposit is the largest on the planet. And since the 1970s, oil is also mined in the city.

In Berezniki, several vintage architectural structures have been preserved. This is a temple of 1754 and several civilian buildings of the beginning of the twentieth century (hospital, school, cinema).

A peculiar landmark can be considered local failures - unique landscape formations that have arisen on the site of underground workings. In the 2000s, there were several serious failures with a depth of 90 meters in the city.


The city of Perm Territory can be very interesting to tourists and travelers. There are vintage estates and temples, museums and beautiful civil architecture. The most attractive in the tourist plan of the city of the region is Perm, Lysva, Solikamsk, Berezniki, Usolye, Kungur.

Settlements of the Alexandrovsky district
Popularities Bardym district
Settlements of Berezovsky district
Settlements of the Majseskovsky district

Alexandrovsky District of Perm Territory

Vsevolodo-Vilva village

- The village located in the Alexandrovsky district of Perm region. 2.8 thousand people live in the village.

The village appeared in 1811 in the construction and launch of the Vsevolodo-Villevinsky Racely Factory. The plant was called in honor of his founder of the nobleman of Vsevolod Andreevich Vlegovsky and the Ville River, according to which the metal transportation took place.

In 1880, Vsevolozhsky sold their lands to Pavel Pavlovich Demidov, who for five years managed the plants of Vsevolodo-Vilva, after which the manager was his son, Eelim Pavlovich, in which production has suspended.

In 1890, the land and plant acquired Savva Morozov. He redid a railway plant in chemical. Under it, the plant was engaged in processing wood and produced charcoal, ketone, acetic powder, methyl alcohol and acetone necessary for textile dyes and even chloroform. In Western Russia and beyond its borders, the plant's products have enjoyed great demand.

Savva Morozov developed the cultural life of the village. Thanks to his efforts, a hospital, college with factories and libraries appeared here. In Vsevolodo-Ville, under the post of Morozov, an amateum theater was organized. His Russian Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov visited him at his invitation.

After the death of Savva Morozov, the plants moved to his wife - Zinaida Grigorievna, and she gave the plants to the office of Boris Zbarsky, and after a time he sold Wilhelm to the Levi Markovich.

Thanks to Boris Zbarsky in Vsevolodo-Vilve in 1916, Boris Pasternak visited. In order not to participate in the actions of the First World War, the young poet was formally arranged at the factory.

In the house where Boris Pasternak lived from January to June 1916, now the Museum of Pasternak House, a branch of the Perm Regional Museum.

Village Yaiva

The village was founded in 1930, when Special Frameworks arrived here on a new place of residence (delegated peasants).

They settled near the railway station Yaiva

The village was founded not far from the Yayb railway station. In the 1960s, an attempt was attempt to rename the village of Yaiva to the city of Mayakovsky, but this attempt ended unsuccessfully. In the 30s, a sawmill workshop is created in the eggs, which further converted into a house-building company. In the egg in the period of the Great Patriotic War there is a evacuation hospital. In 1956, the construction of the Yavinskaya GRES-16 began. On June 30, 1963, the first aggregates of GRES earned, and by September 16, 1965, the fourth unit was already worked. The status of the village of urban type Ya Wait was assigned on May 12, 1948.

The population of the village of ryy is about 11 thousand people.

In Ya, there is a shelter for children and orphans, a city hospital, two secondary schools, a music school. There is a library and a house of culture.

The basis of the settlement of the village is the Egg Grares-16, Yaiwa-Forest LLC, Yavinskaya Poultry Fabric, and other enterprises.

Yavinskaya GRES is the main employer of the village of Yaiva.

What is interesting in the egg?

The main attractions of the village include a monument to participants in the Great Patriotic War. And another interesting fact: the cult Soviet film "Girl" was filmed on the forest-shops of the Yayvinsky Lespromhoz. Lespromhoz was then one of the largest, advanced in the Soviet Union, and the nature there is gorgeous, therefore chose it for filming.

At the local local history museum to the 50th anniversary of the comedy, the exhibition was arranged: lovingly collected from local surviving black and white pictures and attached to the stand.


The first mention of the village refers to the correspondence of the books of 1630-1631, in which the village of Barda and Krasnoyar are mentioned. In 1750, the first mosque was built in the village, and in 1760 the first Muslim School (Madrasa) was registered with it.

Barda has always been a major village of the whole districts, in 1834 more than 1 thousand people lived in it.

In the middle of the nineteenth century, in the formation of a Bardym parish in the Osinsky district, Krasnoyar village became a volost center. So, according to 1908, the volost board, the Zemskaya station and the school were located in Krasnoyar. However, the burden neighboring him and then played the role of a kind of center of the county. In Barda, there was a paramedic station, held on Wednesdays weekly bazaars and two one-day annual fairs 5 (18) September and 24 November (December 7).

At the beginning of the 20th century, 528 yards with 2,600 inhabitants have already been in Barda.

In 1924, the village of Bard became the administrative center of the newly created district.

origin of name

The name of the bard wears not only the village, but also the village of River flowing around the outskirts - the influx of Tulva. And on the village itself runs a small river Kazmushka. And these two rivers gave the village of their names - Barda and Cupcats.

At the same time, the official name of the bard is known to everyone outside the district, and the name of the Cuppen is used only by local residents - Tatars and Bashkirs. If we talk about the origin of these names, it is worth mentioning the legend about the flooded geese, which there are several options. Here is one of them: once the woman went to go to the river, and the geese sailed. So she runs and shouts: " Kazim acts, Bar Yes, Bar Yes» (« Gus sailed, everything, all"). So they called the Cuppen's River, and the village was Barda.

This is only a legend. Toponym Barda on the geographic map is widespread: the city is known in Azerbaijan with this name, the same name has several settlements in Ukraine, Altai.

Toponym Barda can have their roots and in Slavic languages. The word "bard" is widespread in Russian dialects. Usually the so-called muddy drink, so there is a version that this name was initially given a river with muddy water.

The Barda River and Bard village in the Bardym district are not the only in the Perm region. Another river with such a name is the influx of the Syl River - proceeds in the Kishert district, and the Russian village of Spas-Bard is also located there.

There is also a hypothesis that the name of the village occurred from the Bashkir Name of Fish Harius - Barde. So the final answer to the question, how did the name of the bard appeared, there is still no.

Local residents have a special attitude towards Guse. Goose in these parts is a symbol of purity, wealth and well-being. He is present on the coat of arms of the Bardym region, and as a ritual dish on the wedding table.

A business card of the barda is the rite of "goose rocker" conducted late autumn.

The pennate is important in the streets, confident that no one will dare to encroach from the locals to the symbol of the traditions of their ancestors.

In the title of the village, the emphasis was put on the second syllable, a comic proverb is walking in the Perm region: "Horde, Barda and Kougeda - original Russian cities." The essence of the joke is that it settled in the Perm region, and Barda and Couple are also mainly inhabited by Tatars and Bashkirs.

And the jokes still incomprehensible to me: in local sites they write: "The date of foundation is considered to be 1932, although the first is mentioned in 1740." I thought for a long time over the meaning of this phrase and did not understand him. In Wikipedia and the Barde Guide, published in 2009, the first mention dates back to 1630-1631, that is, more than a hundred years earlier. But what kind of mysterious date is 1932, I have not found anywhere. Why the village, existing for more than 300 years, suddenly was again founded in 1932 - it is incomprehensible. It seems that this date is "from the bald", or, in the context of this situation, "from the bard".

As in the old days, the main pride of the cultural life of the district is the annual holiday of Barda Zien. There are several thousand people from the villages and villages of Prithulvia to this triumph, as well as from the entire Perm Territory from Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and other regions of Russia.

Barda Zien has its own history. Traditionally, the holiday was held in the village of Krasnoyar after the end of spring-field work on June 22 - on the day of the summer solstice.

With the formation of a Bardym region with a district center in the village of Barda, Barda Zien began to be held in the village of Barda from the Tulva and Barda rivers. Currently, the holiday is held on the Maidan - a special area of \u200b\u200bBarda Zien. It is here that thousands of people gather, living not only in Pritulvier, but also guests from the republics of Bashkortostan and Tatarstan.

The most exciting spectacle of the holiday - horse racing. The winners of the most prestigious horse racing horse races on the Barda Zien (Derby) will receive a prize established by the governor.

Telephone Code Barda: +7 34292

Postal Code: 618150

Attractions Barda

In the center of the village there is a Bardym district center of culture and leisure (Lenin st. 39). It is here that holidays and festivals of national cultures are held. The cultural life of the bards is impossible to imagine without a folk theater, which is one of the oldest rural and national theaters of the Perm Territory. The first speech of the theater took place in 1918, in the 1966th theater was awarded the title "People's", and in 1994 - "exemplary".

In the walls of the Bardym Center for Culture and Leisure there is a Bardym district local history museum, which began work in 1974. This is the only district museum, which fully represents the culture of the Turkic population of the region.

In the exposition, festive towels are of particular interest - tastmals, richly decorated with patterned weaving. Towels are surprised not only by the technique of execution and a variety of ornamental motifs, but also a multi-flowing of paints, colorful color. Contrast in the use of color is one of the typical features of the decorative and applied art of Bashkir and Tatars. The Bardym Museum is particularly proud of the collection of tastamalov and other items of patterned weaving.

Not far from the House of Culture is the Victory Square. There was a stela - a monument to fellow died during the Great Patriotic War. From Soviet times, a monument of V. I. Lenin towers in Square.

Another Central Street of the village is Soviet. This street is the main administrative building of the Bardym municipal district. Opposite this building there is a Bardym gymnasium - the first and only rural gymnasium in the Perm Territory. The Bardyman gymnasium was created in 1993-1994. The gymnasium realizes the national-regional component, and the system of general education of elevated level is built under bilingual conditions. In the gymnasium, teaching is conducted in Russian and Tatar.

On the southern outskirts of Barda rises one of the sights of the village - cast iron mountain.

From the mountains open a magnificent view of the surrounding village Krasnoyar, on the river Bardu and Tulva. It is the cast iron mountain that is chosen by the place for the construction of the Bardym Cathedral Mosque, designed to become the architectural center of the landscape.

This is the highest cathedral mosque of the Perm region.

On the cast-iron mountain there is a complex of buildings of the Bardym Central District Hospital, among which the red brick buildings built at the beginning of the twentieth century. For Zemstvo Hospital: Main hospital building, ambulance building and doctor house. The hospital in 1912 had a hospital on 8 beds, one doctor worked in it. At the hospital there was a small pharmacy. More than a hundred years of buildings serve in direct appointment.

In the bard, the traditional rural architecture, wooden houses with carved platbands and divertile roofs and modern brick multi-storey buildings. Recently, new streets and whole neighborhoods appear in the bard.

On the central streets numerous modern shops. In the Bardym market, you can observe such a picture: a lamb peacefully lie, waiting for his new owners, not clenching, pegs and ducklings, and nearby you can buy a super-modern electronic equipment.

Barda - the village of contrasts, in which the past and the present peacefully get along, creating a unique flavor.

Historical essay:

We meet the first mention of the village of Alpaciha in the correspondence of the books of 1630-1631. Original - the village of Yelpakova (suggests that the name of the Tatar nickname of Yalpak is based on the title, which means "flattened, flattened, flat"). And at locals, Bashkirov, their name of the village - Udine.

In the second half of the nineteenth century, the village is the center of the Alpacikhinsky volost of the Osinsky county. And today you can see in the village of the building of the Alpacikhinsky volost board of construction 1908-1912. From red brick. This is one of the few preserved historical monuments of the village.

For a long time, the Alpaciha was the center of Canton control, in this village there was an apartment of the Canton Chief.

(Canton in this case is the Military District). Bashkirs according to the reform of 1798 were equated to the Cossack class, their main responsibility was military service. Bashkirs carried the service with the Orenburg and Ural Cossacks on the Orenburg borderline line. Weapons, equipment, edible supplies speaking to the service on their own funds collected the entire community. Such a military service system Bashkir existed to the 1860s.

Today, the studies of the School Museum and the Museum of the History of the collective farm are told about the history and culture of the village (open in January 1983).

Sights of the Alpachahi:

  • monument to the victims of the Civil War;
  • building of the Alpacikhinsky Volost Board (1908 - 1912);
  • archaeological monuments - Selishche of Alpaciha I, III and III (IV century BC - V. N.E., Ananyan and Glyadenovskaya culture).

According to the Bardym standards, this is a fairly young village, founded in 1832 by residents of nearby villages and villages. It is believed that three brothers were the first inhabitants of the village, by whose names are local Springs - Chismә:

  • Kerlem Chishmә,
  • Marat Chishmә
  • Shәmsәy Chismә.

But the history of the Kudeshevsky land began long before the foundation of the village. She leaves its roots in deep antiquity. On the territory and in the vicinity of the village there are the most famous archaeological monuments of the district:

  • Kudeshevsky burial ground
  • Korevsky settlement,
  • Kudeshevsky Selishche.

They date back to the early iron century (IV-V centuries).

If you look into Kudasha in the summer months, then you can see how archaeological excavations are undergoing, as scientists open secrets

stories, what secrets keep the Kudeshevsky land.

Excavation materials in could not have been demonstrated at exhibitions in the local history museum of the village of Barda, in the village of Kudasha. Among the exhibits found by archaeologists weapons, swords, helmets, chain railings, as well as household items, female decorations, festive horse harness. Currently, the district administration and the archaeologists of the University of Udmurt University work to create an archaeological museum in the village of Kudasha, a branch of the Bardym district local history museum.


According to the results of the 2010 census, the population has amounted to 411 people.

Sultanay is the birthplace of Mansurov Muhammadgata. This is a famous religious and public figure, educator, IHAN, entrepreneur and patron. The emperor Nikolai II was granted the title of general. Comes from the Bashkir prince.

The village of Sultanay is known since 1738 as the village of Saltanaeva.

Here in the middle of the XIX century, with the support of Muhammatgata, Hazrat Mansurov was opened by Madrasa, in which Zinnatul studied - Grandfather Poet Gabdulla Tukau.

In 1897, a secular madrasa school was opened, where humanitarian and natural sciences were taught.

In 1983, the Sultana School in 1983, a historical and local history museum was opened, where vintage books in Tatar and Arabic, materials on the history of the village are stored.

Since 1992, the school is in a new brick building.


History of the village of Aceovo

When the first inhabitants came here, and when the village arose, such information was not preserved. It is only known that the Ass region was settled later than Berezovsky.

The settlement was originally called the village of Osof, and for the first time since 1747, it was mentioned in writing sources. The name is the village received along the river, which in 1623-1624. It was known as the Osov, and from 1625 as Acing. Such a name happened from the Turkic word ASAU "Bitter, Salonish" (in these places there are salt springs).

So far, there was no church in this settlement, the parishioners belonged to the church of the village of Taz. By decree of the Holy Synod of August 31, 1832, it was allowed to build a church in ASO.

Selo became in 1833, when the stone Holy Trinity Church was laid here. In the past, it was the village of Ass.

In 1823, a sawmill enterprise was founded in ASO, which operated until 1917; The last owner was G. I. Commissioners.

In 1833-1836. In the village itself, in the Ass parish and other surrounding volosts, the waves of peasants broke out, frightened by the report on the transfer of them to the specific authority, which meant the loss of personal freedom. These unrest in May-July, 1836 poured into an armed presentation, who led the rebel headquarters headed by V. M. Sukhanov.

Aceovo was the center of the Ass volost of Kungur County.

Sights of the village of Aceovo

The sights of the village of Aseovo are monuments to victims of civil war and participants of the Great Patriotic War.

Interestingly the building of the acting Holy Trinity Church (1833-1844). A large brick church is built in the style of late classicism. It consists of overlapped by the dome couch of a three-time four, an extensive refectory and tent bell tower in the pseudorous style built at the end of the XIX - early twentieth centuries. Closed in 1936, in 1992 returned to believers.

Taz English

Taz English - Village in the Berezovsky district of Perm region. The first mention of the village of Taz Russian refers to 1693, it means it over three hundred years. Once the village was the center of the parish. In 1701, a wooden church had already existed in the village.

She changed another wooden temple. In 1810, the stone church of John the Forerunner was laid. The construction was carried out for 15 years, and in 1825 the temple was fully completed.

The Brick Church of John the Forerunner is built in the forms of classicism. Two-tight low chops are blocked by the dome roof with Lugarne and the Glavaskoy, a two-fingered refectory and bell tower of an eclectic architecture, which is probably rebuilt at the end of the XIX century, is adjusted from the West to the fourtics.

In Soviet times, in 1939, the Temple of John the Forerunner was closed. Here is a grain storage. Then in the building of the Church at different times, cultural institutions and a correctional school were placed.

In the autumn 2008, the Church of John the Forerunner returned to believers.

- Village in the Berezovsky district of Perm region. Population - just over 200 people. This small town is interesting in that there is a valid stone church of the Nativity of Christ, built at the end of the XIX century.

The first in Sosnovka was a wooden church, built and consecrated in 1838. Over time, she dreamed and became close. Therefore, in 1881, a stone church was laid. The church was built 11 years, and was consecrated in 1892.

The brick church is made in eclectic forms. To the main volume, topped with a rod under the dome, is adjacent to a small refectory, which connects the main church church with a three-tier bell tower. The Christ-Church Church in 1938 was closed, mostly used as a club. Only in 1943-1945. It was a grain storage. In 2009, the Church of the Nativity of Christ in the village of Sosnovka was returned to believers.

The landmark of the village is the Tractor's pedestal, which is located in the center of the village. Locals call him "Iron horse". This is one of the four tractors, which were performed first in the Berezovsky district in May 1932 and were sent to the Dawn collective farm. Brand Tractor Stz (Stalingrad Tractor Plant).

On the day of the fortieth of the Great October Socialist Revolution in Sosnovka, a stele was opened, dedicated to the first executive committee of the Sosnovsky volost council of workers, peasant and soldier deputies, brutally killed in 1919 by White Guards

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Most Bolshestsky district

Big Posnova - Cached in the Perm region. Distance to Perm - 134 km. The village stands on the river Posnos, the right influx of the Siva River, which flows into Kamu, the administrative center of the Most Municipal District. The population of the village is about four and a half thousand people.

The village of Large Sosnina appeared in the eighteenth century as a result of a merger of several villages - the sidelines, bribing, Podgorica and Kryysh. In historical documents, the first mention of the village refers to 1716. In 1762, it was named "Vasilyevskoe village, Pineza." In the XVIII century, the village was the postal station of the Siberian tract. In the nineteenth century it was a Sosnovskaya village. It became the district center in 1924.

In 1927, a fraudulent point appeared in the village of Large Posnov, which later grew up to a flax.

Sightseeing Large Pineza

Vasilyevsk Church

The Church of St. Vasily was laid in 1822 in return for the Wooden, which existed in this place already in 1763. Built in 1834 at the means of parishioners. The brick threepress church is built in classicism style. This also indicates the volume solution, and the parts in the spirit of classicism: the frontones, rusty, Tuscan portico, antablement.

At the same time, in terms of the construction of the Baroque style. Three-fed configuration in the plan, a kind of composition of the temple. Closed in the 1930s, the club is located in the walls of the temple. The church is returned to believers in the 1990s, consecrated as Vladimirskaya.

In the 30s of the last century over the Church of St. Vasily, a three-tiered bellow with a spire was towers, the thrones were decorated with a dome, and a white-eyed arch was in front of the entrance.

House of the merchant Limonova

The Limonov merchant mansion was built at the beginning of the 20th century. It is rectangular in terms of a single-storey brick building. The main facade of the mansion is symmetrical, its center will emphasize the attic of complex shape. The cornice is decorated with a gallant frieze. The windows with a segment completion are framed by brick platbands. Sample residential architecture of the beginning of the XX century. The village of Lemonov's merchant fixes the red line of historic building villages. It is included in the list of urban planning monuments and architecture of the Perm region of local importance.

Chapel-monument in honor of the passage of Emperor AlexanderI.

Emperor Alexander I was driving through a large pine in 1824. In the center of the village in honor of this event, a chapel of the monument was built. It is an oct of an oct of a plan with narrow diagonal faces. All facades are symmetrical, completed with triangular fronts, windows with a segment completion, the roof of the tent, the angles are flanked by smooth blades. Chapel-monument is listed in the monuments of urban planning and architecture of the Perm region of local importance. A sample of the cult architecture of the first half of the XIX century.

The main attractions of a large pine belong:

  • lisicin manor,
  • house of merchant Lobashva,
  • monuments to victims of civil war and participants of the Great Patriotic War,
  • birch grove at the Central District Hospital.

Village big pine photo

- The village located on the shores of the Kyzlka River, near its merger with the Siva River, in the Majsesko district of the Perm Territory. The first information about the village of Polozovo belongs to 1748. Selo was in the 1860s. Administrative center of the Polozovsky rural settlement. The population is about 400 people.

In 1891-1898 In Polozov, the brick church of Holy Prince Vladimir was built. Prince Vladimir became famous for the baptism of Russia. Throughout Russia, after the death of the prince, in his memory, they built temples. One such temple was built in the village of Polozov. The architecture of the church is close to exemplary projects. Five-chapted chopper with cut corners, with a small refectory and bell tower adjacent to it. The Church of Holy Prince Vladimir was closed in 1926. Began to restore the temple in 1995.

Currently, on holidays in the temple, services are held.

Village Zachernaya

Village Zachernaya Located in the Magazine region of the Perm Territory. It is part of the Chernovsky rural settlement.

According to the documents, the village of Kurshernaya is known since 1787.

In 1941, most of the Zacchensky men went to volunteers to protect their homeland from fascism. Many have not returned home. In 1947, when it became some kind of waiting from the front, the villagers decided to plant a birch garden in honor of the dead relatives, acquaintances, friends.

The garden was pregnant. The center of the planted garden was paved from the board. Moved strictly so that the tree does not died. Periodically set new ones. At the site were made benches, table.

And now the birch garden in the village of Zarechnaya pleases people. In the Chernovsky rural settlement, this is still the only beautiful birch park.


Langushino- The village in the Magazinsky Municipal District of the Perm Territory is part of the Chernovsky rural settlement.

There is a legend, according to which the first resident of the village of Langushino was the Sagittarius, at the rule of Peter 1 located in these edges. Allegedly he was very high, long-standing, awkward and treated the type of people who were called "frogs" at the time. From his nickname and occurred the name of the village.

At the turn of the X1x - twentieth centuries, the village of Langushino was one of the largest in the Chernovsky parish. By the middle of the twentieth century there were more than 100 peasant yards in the village. The fiction of the Langushino began after the 60s of the twentieth century.

As a hundred years ago, the chapel in honor of the phenomenon of the Tikhvin Icon of God's Mother of God is towering over the village. The chapel is a valid, and near the chapel beats a spring, which residents called "Cross".

The reason for the appearance of this chapel explains the legend, according to which about 100 years ago, at this place, someone from the inhabitants of Langushino discovered the icon of the Tikhvinian Mother of God. The icon was attributed to the church village Chernovskoye. However, after a few days, the icon again turned out to be at this place, and soon the Spring scored here. This event, residents decided to note the construction of the chapel. At the beginning of the twentieth century, a wooden chapel was built on donations, which was named after the icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God. And the villagers quickly noticed the healing properties of water in the spring. After her use, the digestion was improved (heading of heartburn, heaviness in the stomach), he was heaving wounds wounds, inflamed eyes. And since the spring is located near the chapel, the water began to call the saint. Behind the water began to come people from the surrounding villages.

Every year on July 9, hundreds of people are going near the village chapel. Here the priests hold a prayer in honor of the icon of the Tikhvinian Mother of God, and then a solemn procession takes place to the "Cross", a small spring, whose water is considered to be holy.

- Village in the Majols and Municipal District of the Perm Territory. The famous Siberian tract was held through the village, according to which the link was "political".

At one time, Tarakanovo visited the emperors Alexander I and Alexander II. In the village, even in honor of the arrival of Alexander I built a small chapel.

The main pride of the village is the holy source of Seraphim Sarovsky.

The water in the source was considered a healing, and each case of healing the rumor was widely overlooking the widespread. There is a legend, according to which, before this spring, people did not once be the icon of God's Mother.

Spring is named after the people of Sarrefima Sarovsky, celebrated by the Orthodox Church on August 1.

According to the testimony of old people, at the beginning of the XIX century a small female monastery settled here. A two-story wooden chapel was built. The source was inside the chapel, there were wooden benches. People came and came to the source from afar, so they could first rest from the road at the source, and then proceed to prayer.

The monastery was destroyed after 1917, the pilgrimage is prohibited. Old-timers argue that the holy source has repeatedly tried to fall asleep, but again and again the spring pierced to people.

Every year, on August 1, Christians go to the source, there are many people of weakness, patients, in wheelchairs. Source of Seraphim of Sarovsky, now became the place of pilgrimage not only believers from the big pine, but also Perm, the Urals, frequent, these, Mayski.

- Village in the Magazinsky district of the Perm Territory, the center of the Toykinsky rural settlement. Located on the flow river, the right influx of the Black River, which flows in turn into the Siva River (Flow of Kama). About five hundred people live in Toykino.

History of the village of Toykin

The settlement at this place is based in 1715. There is a legend that for the first time a person came to Nick Toyko (on another version of a tudka). He first settled here and built an economy. So appeared to Toykino.

Initially, it was true: "The village of Toykino on the wastewall on the nameplate." There was Toyka or not, it is unknown, and it is known to reliably that the village was founded on the lands of Udmurt Russian Yasashnye Peasants (they paid Yasak). In 1832, when a Bogorodskaya Church was built here, the village received the status of the village.

This church exists so far. True, there is information that its currently existing building was erected in 1908.

In the village of the Bogoroditsky church they call the "Old Church". In 1935, she was closed.

Three kilometers from the village of Toykino, on the slope of the hill framed by the foot of the stream, there was a monastery. The monastery founded the Old Believers who fled from Nikon's reforms. The Toykin monastery existed before the beginning of the 20th century, gradually coming to decline, the last inhabitants left him during the civil war.

During the civil war in the vicinity of the village, there were intensive fighting. These events are stored by the memory dilated during the fighting trenches, now have already overgrown.

Until 1924, the village of Toykino was the center of the Toykinsky volost of the Sarapulsky County of Vyatka province and until January 2006, the center of the Toykinsky Rural Council. Until November 1959, Toykin was part of the Chernovsky district.

The significant date for the village of Toykin was 1922. In July of this year, a column from 21 tractors of the American "Society of Soviet Russia's Friends of Soviet Russia" arrived in Toykinsky. This is a very interesting episode in the history of the Perm Territory. The column was headed by Harold War. These were the first tractors in the Urals. The arrival detachment was placed in the cells of the empty monastery.

In Toykino, the detachment began the disintegration of virgin. The state farm was "launched", for many years the land was not processed. The locals made a stunning impression and tractor, which they had never seen before, and the American guests themselves. The masses of the peasants came here, for dozens of miles, look at the work of cars.

The aid of the Americans was as impossible: in the surrounding villages, there were almost no men, most were not returned from the fronts of imperialist or civil wars, the remaining residents did not have physical instruments to treat their own put on.

According to the memoirs of Old-timers, Toykino, with everyone who came to them, the Americans were friendly, tried to feed the hungry people with dinner. Recently ended the civil war, many people had no pieces of bread.

For all the time of work in Toykin, the Americans plowed and filmed 1400 hectares. In the early 1922 left in the fall of 1922, they left the tractor in the state farm and the fields fell by rye.

Toykinians and residents of the surrounding villages, communicated with the Americans, remained about them the brightest memories.

In 1929, former monastic lands were given to the first organized in the GhossOnesk district of collective economy - the commune "Zarya". In 1935, the Commune "Zarya" was reorganized into the collective farm "Zarya". Next to the former monastery, a village was formed, which also became called dawn.

In connection with the reforms of N. S. Khrushchev, the village of Zarka, along with dozens of other villages in the area, was announced non-prospective, and in 1960-1970. She left all the inhabitants. At home, as well as the walls of the monastery, disassembled and transported to neighboring settlements. All that after that remained, gradually collapsed.

In 2010, a wooden Old Believer Church was built in Toykino. This temple was named after the "saint and Slavnago of the prophet Elijah Fesvitian." Ilyinsk Church Residents of the village of Toykin called "New Church".

, with a population of more than 2 thousand people. Located on the territory of the Magazine district of the Perm Territory, the center of Chernovsky rural settlement.

History of village Chernovskoye

The settlement at this place is known since 1713. Initially, it was called "fixing on the Sivea River." In 1716, already appears in the documents as the village of Ilyinskoye (named so on the Prophet Ilya built in the village of Church), in 1719 it is already called "Ilyinskoye, black identity." The modern name Chernovsky received the black river flowing here, the right influx of the Siva River. The village was the center of the Chernovsky Okhan County. During the years of Soviet power, it was the center of Chernovsky district for two periods:

  • February 27, 1924 - June 10, 1931;
  • January 25, 1935 - November 4, 1959

After the Chernovsky district was abolished, until January 2006 - the center of Chernovsky Rural Council.

From 1932 to 1962 The flanery worked here in the 1950s. - Oilment. In 1960, a rays plant was founded in Chernovsky. Now the village's economy is represented by a number of small agricultural and construction enterprises.

Sightseeing villages Chernovskoye

House of merchant Gorokhova

House of the merchant of Gorokhov - one-storey with the basement of a brick building built in 1903.

In this house there was once the richest young merchant Nikolai Gorokhov. The long facade of them was asymmetric. The house had a lot of all sorts of buildings. The windows with a segment completion are framed by brick platbands. The building is the architectural dominant of the quarter, fixes the red line of historical building villages Chernovskoe.

Sample residential architecture of the beginning of the XX century. The House of the merchant Gorokhov was listed on the monuments of urban planning and architecture of the Perm region of local importance.

Monuments of architecture of the end of the XIX - the beginning ofXX century There are also the House of the merchant Kashkarov and merchant warehouses.

Next to the village - archaeological monuments - Selishche Chernovskoe I, II, III (Iron Age).

Go to the list of settlements of the Perm region by districts ...

Volga Federal District. Perm region. The area is 160.24 thousand k.km .. formed on December 1, 2005.
Administrative Center of the Federal District - the city of Perm.

- The subject of the Russian Federation is part of the Volga Federal District, located in the east of the East European Plain and the Western Slops of the Northern and Middle Urals.

It is part of the Ural Economic Area. Perm region has a variety of natural resources and powerful industrial potential. Main industries: engineering, chemical, petrochemical, refineries, forest, woodworking, pulp and paper, printing, black and non-ferrous metallurgy. In the region, potash and cooking salts, stone coal, oil is carried out. In the north of the region there are largest seals of potash salts in Europe. There are precious (diamonds) and diverse (selenites) stones, gold and platinum, chrome ores, metallurgical and cement raw materials, carbonate raw materials. In the region, 205 fields of oil and gas are open, in the north - eight deposits of placer diamonds. Forest resources of the region are significant. A favorable geographical position determines the full structure of the transport system. In the territory of the region, transcontinental railway, automotive and air lines are intersecting, there are four of the eastern ports of a single deep-water system of the European part of Russia, providing access to North and South Europe. At the same time, natural-climatic conditions are unfavorable in the region for the management of agriculture and self-sustainment of the population. Developed feeding for meat and mowing animal husbandry, grain crops, potatoes and vegetables are grown. The leading industry of agriculture is animal husbandry: milk-meat cattle breeding, pig breeding, poultry farming, diluted goats and sheep. The poultry farming, beekeeping, around industrial centers - suburban farming is developed.

The Perm region was formed on October 3, 1938. From December 1, 2005, as a result of the unification of the Perm region and Komi-Permytsky Avt. Corrugation, the Perm region was formed.

Cities and areas of the Perm Territory.

City of Perm Territory: Perm, Alexandrovsk, Berezniki, Vereshchakino, Gornosavodsk, Gremyachinsk, Gubakha, Dobryanka, Kizel, Krasnovishersk, Krasnokamsk, Kudymkar, Kungur, Lysva, Nemva, Osa, Oshansk, Ochrah, Solikamsk, Usolye, Tchaikovsky, Cherdin, Churm, Chernushka, Chusovoy.

City District of Perm Territory: "City Perm"; "Berezniki"; "City of Kungur"; "Kudimkarsky"; "Star Zato village"; "Solikamsky".

Municipal regions: Aleksandrovsky District, Bardymsky District, Berezovsky District, Masseckovsky district, Vereshchaginsky district, Gaynsky district, Gornozavodsky district, Gremyachinsky District, Gubakhinsky district, Dobryansky district, Elovsky district, Ilinsky district, Karagai district, Kizelovsky district, Kishertski district, Kosinsky district, Kurcha , Krasnovisherskiy district, Krasnokamsky district, Kudymkar district, Kouli district, kungursky district, Lyswensky district, Nytnyansky district, Oktyabrsky district, Ordinsky district, Osinsky district, Okhansky district, Oblina district, Permsky district, Sivinsky district, Solikamsky district, Sucunsky district, Uinsky District, Osolsky district, Tchaikovsky district, Partic district, Cherdysky district, Chernushinsky district, Chusovskaya district, Yullensky district, Yusvinsky district.

The list of cities in the Perm Territory includes 25 settlements, which are administrative centers of districts and districts. In this case, the number of residents varies from 1 million to 3.5 thousand. Many of them are large industrial centers with developed infrastructure.

Historical reference

The history of the cities of the Perm region can be traced from the XIV century, when refugees from the Central Principles of Russia, who suffered from Mongolian yoke began to move on these lands. Mixing with local Finno-Ugric tribes, they organized permanent settlements. The largest settlement of that period is the Christmas in the Karaginsky district, located on the square 20000 m 2. It was the largest center of crafts and trade in the region. Today there is a rural settlement with the same name. In the middle of the XV century, the city of Cherdym is founded, one of the oldest existing cities of the Urals.

The second stage of the founding of cities in the Perm region began in the XVII century after discovering in the region of large reserves of minerals and the beginning of the development of metallurgy. Saol (Solikamsk, Berezniki, Usolye) were mined here, copper (Pysshor, Dobryanka, Cammar) was paid, and later - cast iron and alcohol steel. Since the XIX century, coal and iron ore deposits in the Chusovoy and Merval intercourse are actively developed.

In the time of the USSR, the region became a major center for mining and generating electricity. New factories and hydroelectric power plants were built, around which settlements grew. By this period, the creation of cities of Gornosavodsk, Gremyachinsk, Krasnokamsk, Tchaikovsky.

List of cities in Perm region

After uniting the Perm region with Komi-Permytsky AO in 2005, the Perm region began to withdraw 25 cities.


Date of foundation

Number of residents














The largest city of Perm Territory is the capital of the region - Perm. It was founded in 1723 (according to other data - in the middle of the XVII century) Vasily Tatishchev in a strategic place at the intersection of land and water trading paths. The locality was rich in copper and silver ore. On 4.05.1723, the Hydashinsky copper smelter began to work, which contributed to the expansion of the settlement.

A powerful impetus for development served as a gasket to the city of railway branch in 1878. In 1916, the first Ural University was organized here. According to official statistics, 1048005 people lived in the city at the end of 2017.

Today, among all cities in the Perm Territory, Perm has the most powerful industrial and scientific potential. There are large plants of the metallurgical sector, the military-industrial complex, the petrochemical industry, mechanical engineering and instrument making.


This is the second largest among the cities of the Perm Territory. 14,5115 people live in the settlement. It is based as a center of salvation at the turn of the XVI-XVII centuries. However, a powerful incentive for expansion was the construction of a merchant I. I. Lyubimov in 1883 a soda plant - one of the first in the Russian Empire. Next to the enterprise, a working settlement was built, designed for all rules of urban planning.

Today, Berezniki is the largest center for the extraction of potash fertilizers in Russia. During the long years, emptiness has been formed on earth, which are periodically collapsed. In the photo of the city of Perm Territory, made from height, the formed failures are clearly visible. Some are in the midst of residential neighborhoods.


The city of power engineers was founded in 1955. Over the past six months, its population has grown to 84,000 people. The birth of a settlement is associated with the construction of the Kame River of a large Votkinskaya HPP. By the way, the Osinsky Preobrazhensky Monastery, founded at the beginning of the XVII century, was located on the site of Tchaikovsky, and a saigat village.

In the architectural plan, he embodies the idea of \u200b\u200bSoviet specialists about the perfect city. The residential sector is divided into microdistricts with a multi-storey building, among which many "Khrushchev". Quarters are mixed with parks and squares. Tchaikovsky was invited to build foreign partners, in particular from the GDR and Turkey. The second most important industrial object of the city after VGES is a plant of silk fabrics.