The role of children's fiction in the formation of the personality and speech development of the child. The role of fiction in the formation of personality and speech development of the child

The role of children's fiction in the formation of the personality and speech development of the child. The role of fiction in the formation of personality and speech development of the child

Yulia Gladkikh
The role of fiction in the formation of personality and speech development baby

Fiction serves the mighty, an effective means of mental, moral and aesthetic education children, she has a huge impact on development and enrichment of the child's speech.

In poetic images fiction opens and explains to kid life of society and nature, peace human feelings and relationships. It enriches emotions, fosters imagination and gives to kid excellent examples of Russian literary language ... These samples different in their own way impact: in stories, children learn the conciseness and accuracy of the word; in verse they capture the musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of Russian speech; folk tales reveal to them the accuracy and expressiveness of the language, show how rich the native speech is with humor, lively and figurative expressions, comparisons.

"Education program in kindergarten» sets the task of laying in children love for artistic word, respect for the book, defines that circle of works fiction, which children need to read, tell, memorize.

Repertoire literary works given in "Program" for all age groups, is mandatory for every educator, it is also mandatory to fulfill all the tasks that are posed in connection with familiarizing children with fiction .

Children preschool age- listeners, not readers, artistic the work is conveyed to them by the teacher, so his mastery of the skills of expressive reading takes on special significance.

Before the teacher stands difficult task- each artistic to convey the work to children as a work of art, to reveal its intention, to infect listeners with an emotional attitude to literary characters , their feelings, actions or to the lyrical experiences of the author, that is, intonationally convey their attitude towards the heroes and actors... And for this it is necessary for the educator himself, before acquainting children with the work, to understand and feel it, to be able to analyze from the side of the content and art form... And, of course, the teacher must master the technique of reading and telling - clear diction, means of intonation expressiveness (correctly arrange logical stress, pause, master the tempo, being able to speed up or slow it down, in the right places raise or lower voice).

Only under the condition of an expressive report to literary child works of each genre can be said about its correct perception.

Ability to perceive literary work , be aware along with the content and elements artistic expressiveness by itself to the child does not come: you need it develop and educate from the very early age, to to form the ability to actively listen to the work, listen to artistic speech.

Of course, this is a very difficult task - to convey to child and educational, both moral and aesthetic essence literary work but it is necessary. When analyzing the text, it is very important to observe a sense of proportion, avoiding straightforward moralizing, naked edification, and correctly combine questions about content with questions about artistic form of the work.

In the classroom, children learn the works recommended by the program. The teacher uses a variety of methodological tools in order to deepen the initial perception of the works, to help children better understand the author's intention. But the recommended list artistic pieces for each age group - this is only the minimum that must be mastered during the year. At the same time, it is not always provided for the repeated meeting of children in the classroom with the same literary work... Meanwhile, preschool children have important feature- a constant need for repeated perception of the same poems, stories, fairy tales.

Reading and telling books is organized at all moments of the life of children in kindergarten, it is associated with games and walks, with everyday activities and work.

The teacher uses nursery rhymes, songs, small poems in connection with life circumstances... While dressing for a walk, it may be appropriate to read a poem by E. Blaginina "I'll teach you how to shoe and brother"(“I know how to put on shoes, if I only want to, I'll teach my little brother to put on shoes. Here they are, boots: this one - from the left leg, this one - from the right leg "). Calming baby, the teacher touches his fingers and says nursery rhyme: “Finger-boy, where have you been? "I went to the forest with this brother, cooked cabbage soup with this brother."

During washing, the teacher reads poetry: "Water, water, wash my (Vitino, Vovino) face, so that the eyes shine, so that the cheeks turn red, so that the mouth laughs, so that the tooth bites. " It's good if folk songs, jokes, jokes are constantly heard, they teach child mind, amuse, create a mood. The teacher needs to know many short poems, proverbs, shape-shifters, so that at any the right time he could address them to children.

In order to formation of children's interest in fiction and education respectful attitude a book corner is created in each group for the book. It is calm, comfortable, aesthetically pleasing decorated place where children have the opportunity to communicate in an intimate setting with a book, look at illustrations, magazines, albums.

Periodic change of material is required (literature, paintings, portraits) and communication with educational work in the group. For example, in a book corner, you can prepare children to talk about Moscow: consider illustrations, photographs, make an album.

In younger groups, the corner of the book is not immediately organized, since children do not have the skill to use a book, and often they use it as a toy.

Many children's books are designed for leisurely, extended reading. Reading "With continuation" develops in the child the habit of listening to a book, forms sustained interest in fiction... It is all the more attractive for child and needs him that day in preschool scheduled by the minute. While reading, you should create an atmosphere close to home, not in any way reminiscent of classroom activities.

Free hours are a great time to read poetry. It is far from always possible to memorize a poem, and even learn to read it expressively within one lesson. In the lesson, as a rule, the first meeting with a poetic work takes place, where the teacher helps to kid get into his mood, see the paintings drawn by the poet, enjoy the music poetic word... Children repeat lines of poetry with pleasure, try to memorize them, but real memorization comes later, because the assimilation of the text by memory, consciousness, as psychologists testify, is delayed from the moment of memorization. V free time the teacher consolidates in the memory of children the poems learned in class, works on expressive reading their.

Free time from classes is rich in opportunities and for organizing various artistic activities : dramatization of books beloved by children; games-dramatizations, creative role-playing games on literary themes ; views of the puppet show and shadow theater, filmstrips; literary matinees and entertainment... Actively involved in performances, literary games , matinees and entertainment, children often rediscover literary works learn more deeply literary text ... Participation child in the artistic activity often becomes the impetus for the emergence of his interest and love for the book. After all, any reenactment, any literary matinee - the fruit of a long acquaintance with the book: reading and learning a work, playing out the plot, staging roles, drawing invitation cards, making decorations, registration hall and much more. The main thing here is to involve all children in active preparation for the future performance.

In each age group a zone for literary and artistic activities and an area for theatrical games. The most significant categories of equipment - various screens and sets of dolls, theatrical costumes, a stage for table theater, board games, portable diascopes and filmoscopes for older children.

Various types of work with a book, which the teacher organizes in his free time, play a special role in shaping preschooler as a future reader. This is primarily due to the fact that the atmosphere of freedom and ease makes baby more relaxed in creative manifestations, allows him to more fully realize his individual literary interests and inclinations. It is also essential that child during these hours he takes an active reading position, he acts in diverse roles - both as a listener to a book, and as a reader-performer, and as an actor, and as painter, and as a guesser literary riddles , etc.


Alekseeva, M.M. development speech and learning native language preschoolers [Text]: textbook. manual for students of higher and secondary ped. study. institutions / M. M. Alekseeva, V. I. Yashina. - 3rd ed., Stereotype. - M .: Academy, 2000 .-- 400 p.

Gurovich, D. M. Child and book [Text]: a book for a kindergarten teacher / D. M. Gurovich, L. B. Beregovaya, V. I. Loginova. - M .: Education, 1992 .-- 64 p.

Ushakova, O.S. Development speeches when familiarizing with fiction [Text] / About... S. Ushakova // Development preschool children speech age: a guide for a kindergarten teacher / ed. F. A. Sokhina. - M., 1984 .-- S. 144-161.

1. Features of children's perception and understanding of literary works of different genres 3
2. Tasks and content of familiarizing children with fiction 4
3. Principles for the selection of literary works 7
4. Methods of familiarization with fiction 8
Conduct comparative analysis speech development programs for preschool children under the section "Familiarization with fiction" 11
References 15

2. Features of perception and understanding by children of literary works of different genres

The impact of fiction on the mental and aesthetic development of a child is well known. Its role is also great in the development of the speech of a preschooler.
Teachers, psychologists, linguists (K.D. Ushinsky, E.I. Tikheeva, E.A.Flerina, L.S.Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinstein, A.V. . Zaporozhets, A.A. Leontiev, F.A.Sokhin, A.M.Shakhnarovich, L.I. Aidarova, etc.)
Fiction reveals and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. It develops the thinking and imagination of the child, enriches his emotions, and gives excellent examples of the Russian literary language.
Its educational, cognitive and aesthetic value is enormous, since, expanding the child's knowledge of the world around him, it affects the personality of the baby, develops the ability to subtly feel the shape and rhythm of the native language.
The problem of perception of literary works of different genres by preschool children is complex and multifaceted. The child goes a long way from naive participation in the events depicted to more complex shapes aesthetic perception. Researchers drew attention to characteristics understanding by preschoolers of the content and artistic form of literary works. This is primarily the concreteness of thinking, small life experience, directly related to reality. Therefore, it is emphasized that only at a certain stage of development and only as a result of purposeful perception is it possible to form aesthetic perception, and on this basis - the development of children's artistic creation.
Based on the analysis of a literary work in the unity of its content and artistic form, as well as in the active development of funds artistic expression children acquire the ability to convey a certain content in a figurative word.

2. Tasks and content of familiarizing children with fiction

The most important sources for the development of the expressiveness of children's speech are works of fiction and oral folk art, including small folklore forms (proverbs, sayings, riddles, nursery rhymes, rhymes, phraseological units).
The educational, cognitive and aesthetic value of folklore is enormous, since, expanding knowledge about the surrounding reality, it develops the ability to subtly feel art form, melody and rhythm of the native language.
The artistic system of Russian folklore is unique. Extremely varied genre forms works - epics, fairy tales, legends, songs, legends, as well as small forms - ditties, nursery rhymes, riddles, proverbs, sayings, the language of which is simple, precise, expressive.
The formation of imagery of speech should be carried out in unity with the development of other qualities of a coherent statement, based on ideas about compositional features fairy tales, stories, fables, poems, a sufficient supply of figurative vocabulary and an understanding of the appropriateness of its use in the respective works.
V younger group familiarization with fiction is carried out with the help of literary works of different genres. At this age, it is necessary to teach children to listen to fairy tales, stories, poems, as well as to follow the development of the action in a fairy tale, to sympathize with positive heroes.

4. Describe the techniques of teaching coherent speech and their use, depending on the age and level of speech skills of children.

5. Show the approximate workflow for teaching descriptive and narrative speech on the example of one type of storytelling (at the student's choice).

Chapter VIII. Methodology for working with fiction in kindergarten

§ 1. The role of children's fiction in the formation of personality and speech development of the child

Children's books are viewed as a means of mental, moral and aesthetic education. Children's poet I. Tokmakova calls children's literature the fundamental principle of education. According to V. A. Sukhomlinsky, "reading books is a path along which a skillful, intelligent, thinking teacher finds a way to a child's heart." Fiction forms moral feelings and assessments, norms of moral behavior, fosters aesthetic perception.

Literary works contribute to the development of speech, provide samples of the Russian literary language. EA Flerina noted that a literary work provides ready-made linguistic forms, verbal characteristics of an image, definitions that a child operates with. By means artistic word even before school, before mastering grammar rules Small child practically masters the grammatical norms of the language in unity with its vocabulary.

N. S. Karpinskaya also believed that fiction book gives excellent examples of the literary language. In stories, children learn the laconicism and accuracy of the language; in verse - musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of Russian speech; in fairy tales - accuracy, expressiveness.

From the book, the child learns many new words, figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Literature helps children express their attitude to what they listened to, using comparisons, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expression.

When reading the book, the connection between speech and aesthetic development, language is assimilated in its aesthetic function. Possession of linguistic visual and expressive means serves the development artistic perception literary works.

The practical part. Develop the content and design of the corner of the book for your age group, show the methods of working with children with the given content of the corner of the book.

Fiction is one of the most important means of all-round harmonious development of a personality.

Works of fiction reveal to children the world of human feelings, arousing interest in the personality, to inner peace hero. Fiction contributes to the purposeful literary development of the individual. V.A. Levin understands literary development as one of necessary conditions becoming a person modern culture, independently building his life and responsible for his actions before people and conscience.

In the process of reading works of art the child accumulates the experience of a variety of direct reading experiences: differently colored reading emotions - from delight to sadness and even fear; feelings associated with the perception of works of different genres, styles, authors, historical eras... The child gains affection; realizes his preferences, makes the reader's choice. fiction speech for children

Children's books are viewed as a means of mental, moral and aesthetic education. The children's poet I. Tokmakova calls children's literature the fundamental principle of education. According to V. A. Sukhomlinsky, "reading books is a path along which a skillful, intelligent, thinking teacher finds a way to a child's heart." Fiction forms moral feelings and assessments, norms of moral behavior, fosters aesthetic perception.

Literary works contribute to the development of speech, provide samples of the Russian literary language. EA Flerina noted that a literary work provides ready-made linguistic forms, verbal characteristics of an image, definitions that a child operates with. By means of the artistic word, even before school, before mastering the grammatical rules, a small child practically masters the grammatical norms of the language in unity with its vocabulary.

NS Karpinskaya also believed that a fiction book provides excellent examples of the literary language. In stories, children learn the laconicism and accuracy of the language; in verse - musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of Russian speech; in fairy tales - accuracy, expressiveness.

From the book, the child learns many new words, figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Literature helps children express their attitude to what they listened to, using comparisons, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expression.

When familiarizing with the book, the connection between speech and aesthetic development is clearly visible, the language is assimilated in its aesthetic function. Possession of linguistic pictorial and expressive means serves the development of artistic perception of literary works.

The people are an unsurpassed teacher of children's speech. In no other works, except for folk, you will not find such an ideal arrangement of difficult-to-pronounce sounds, such an amazingly thought-out mixing by a number of words that hardly differ from each other in sound. Benevolent teasing, subtle humor of nursery rhymes, teasers, counting rhymes - effective remedy pedagogical influence, a good "medicine" against laziness, cowardice, stubbornness, whims, selfishness.

A journey into the world of fairy tales develops the imagination, the imagination of children, encourages them to write themselves. Raised on the best literary samples in the spirit of humanity, children in their stories and fairy tales show themselves just, protecting the offended and the weak and punishing the evil.

Reading works of art contributes to the formation of moral ideas and the education of feelings and emotions in junior schoolchildren... The guys are expanding their concrete ideas about the attitude towards their comrades. This is helping each other in joint affairs, in study, play, feasible work, in trouble, an attentive attitude to others (relatives, comrades, acquaintances and to strangers), a manifestation of honesty and goodwill. Preschoolers get acquainted with situations requiring a high and moral readiness of a person, get an idea of ​​a sense of justice, modesty, as well as about negative features character - injustice, rudeness and greed.

The educational influence of the book on the child is also manifested as the power of example, but it never immediately affects the behavior, actions of the reader; this impact is much more complex and mediated by reality. "" Art, - wrote the psychologist L.S. You are Gothic, - never directly strikes out of yourself this or that practical action, it only prepares the body for this action "".

The introduction of the younger preschooler to the classics of fiction forms the child's aesthetic attitude to life, develops his interest in literary creation, to the work of the writer, creators of works of verbal art, develops the ability of the little reader to live like his life on many other people's destinies, to actively act in unexpected circumstances, fictional plots, to empathize with the characters he loves.

An emotionally correctly perceived book evokes a stable emotional attitude in the child, which helps him to clarify for himself and realize the moral experiences that arise in him while reading. This organic fusion of aesthetic and moral experience enriches and develops the child's personality spiritually.

In no case should we forget that the texts of works of fiction are an excellent material for the formation and development of speech skills in a preschooler, the main of which is the reading skill. The development of the reading skill as a type of speech activity occurs from an expanded, loud speech form of reading aloud to reading to oneself, carried out as a mental action taking place in the internal plane.

Thus, reading and adequate perception of works of art, firstly, expands and deepens the horizons of students and enriches their knowledge and emotions; secondly, it serves as a means of educational influence on students; thirdly, it contributes to the enrichment and development of the language of students.

Burdyko T.S.

"The role of literature in the formation of personality"


The article outlines the role of reading classical fiction in the spiritual space modern man... The features of the state of reading in the context of social changes are analyzed; the main functions of fiction, contributing to the formation of a person's worldview, are highlighted.

Keywords: Worldview, literature, spiritual culture, personality.

« Good book- exactly a conversation with smart person»

Leo Tolstoy.

The role of literature in the formation of personality is, of course, enormous. In any book, in one way or another, the essence, morality, is conveyed to a person. Whether it is the mistakes of the heroes or their dignity - the author, by his attitude towards them, also determines our opinion about the characters. For example, any child will tell you that the wolf in the tale of the seven kids is bad, and you don't need to take an example from him. So, reading books and drawing conclusions, each person determines life priorities for himself - good and bad, nobility and meanness, good and evil. And this is especially important in childhood and adolescence, in the formation of character, choice moral values... At all times, fiction has played a leading role in the formation of a person's worldview, in the formation of a personality. The book is considered a unique form of storage and dissemination of knowledge accumulated over the centuries by mankind, it is the foundation of the spiritual culture of the people. But currently due to development information technologies v modern world there is a general decline in interest in fiction. Children don't want to read. This means speech, literacy, intelligence suffer, moral education, emotional sphere... This problem is becoming urgent all over the world. It is no coincidence that 2015 was dedicated to the Year of Literature, and the media are increasingly attracting famous people to reading excerpts from works of art. All this indicates the urgency of the problem and the need to increase interest in the book, especially in childhood when the personality of the child is being formed. Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky and many others. others called for the importance of introducing children to literature from childhood, developing a child using the examples of heroes of fiction.

Literary education subject to the influence of destructive external factors, which are especially active in recent times... At the same time, it is difficult to overestimate the influence of literature on the formation of personality. As a form of cognition of reality, fiction expands the child's life experience, creates for him a spiritual and emotional environment in which the organic fusion of aesthetic and moral experiences enriches and spiritually develops the child's personality. Books not only expand general views child, enrich him with knowledge about reality; the main thing is that they introduce him to a special world of feelings, deep experiences and emotional discoveries. The power of art's influence is that it does not impose conclusions, but forces the reader himself to come to this conclusion, to formulate it.

The study of fiction, has the goal personal education: awakening love, respect, pride for Russian literature and art of the past, for outstanding monuments literature, to achievements artistic culture... Enrichment the spiritual world personality occurs through the comprehension of ideals and through empathy for the heroes, through complicity and sympathy.

Summing up the above, we can conclude that fiction forms such feelings as responsiveness, mutual assistance, love for their homeland, nobility and kindness. Therefore, the only real obstacle to degradation public values there remain books that have been tested by time, filled with sublime meaning and kind-heartedness.


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