Why the comfort from the comfort zone is the only way to develop a successful person. How to get out of the comfort zone and change your life

Why the comfort from the comfort zone is the only way to develop a successful person. How to get out of the comfort zone and change your life
Why the comfort from the comfort zone is the only way to develop a successful person. How to get out of the comfort zone and change your life

You probably have repeatedly heard that you need to get out of the comfort zone more often, for it is extremely useful for development. But what is the comfort zone and that we actually know about it, except the following fact:

Signature: Right - Your comfort zone, and on the left - the place where miracles occur

So, what is a people comfort zone and why should we go out of it?

In the science of the "Comfort Zone" is determined through the concept of anxiety, namely: "The comfort zone is such a type of behavior in which anxiety is kept in a consistently low level." Imagine that you are preparing lunch, go to work or watch TV: These everyday classes do not cause worries or feelings of awkwardness, you make them on automation, they make up your comfort zone. That's what the comfort zone is in psychology.

Sometimes, speaking of the exit from the comfort zone, people imply "try something new", but in general, this applies to all situations in which you feel insecure or nervous. So, if on the way to work you got into a plug or you do not like that the train is filled with people, then these familiar situations cease to be neutral for you, and you are discomfort. In this case, why leave the comfort zone and what's good?

Despite the fact that we all strive for pleasant sensations, a certain level of discomfort may be surprisingly useful. Even the smallest inconvenience can push us as soon as possible to finish the work or improve the quality of its execution.

The study conducted in 1908 showed that mice, facing very simple tasks, increased their productivity only with an increase in the level of anxiety. When the task turned out to be difficult, the alarming state helped only until a certain level - when a certain threshold is reached, a combination of complexity and concern led to a drop in performance.

Figure above shows that the growth zone is located outside the comfort zone, however, with a significant distance, excessive anxiety appears from it, which can lead to a panic state. This illustration clearly explains the results of the experiment with mice. It is worth thinking how to get out of the comfort zone with benefit.

How we behave in the conditions of uncertainty

Often the cause of discomfort is uncertainty. You are calm when cook dinner or lead the car, but only if you do it every day and know what to expect. However, if you decide to try out a new recipe, for the first time they got behind the wheel, and maybe they are comfortable for another job or wanted to jump from the parachute, the alarm is provided to you.

Uncertainty can also cause you a stronger response to a negative experience. Studies have shown that when the negative images were preceded by uncertainty, they produced a stronger negative effect than when the participants were ready and knew what to expect.

For the same reason, people tend to negatively respond to any changes, even if they eventually come to them. What will happen if you get out of the comfort zone too far? The American researcher Bren Brown believes that uncertain social, political or economic conditions significantly narrow our comfort zone: the stronger we are frightened, the less we are confident in yourself and tomorrow and the more difficult to get rid of this condition.

Thus, for the human psyche, aspiring to the usual and familiar things, any unknown is a reason to alert. From an evolutionary point of view, this behavior is explained by the balance of the usual situations as more secure: "Hey, we tried it and did not die. Probably, if we try the same again, nothing bad happens. "

Therefore, thinking over the unknown takes a lot of energy, and in case of fatigue or decline, we will rather go with the usual way than we will try to try something new.

Out of the scope

So, how to leave the comfort zone and is it worth doing this? Is this good for you? Scientists say yes, but before certain borders. Like mice in the experiment, do not expose themselves to excessive stress so as not to go into the panic state.

Consider the main advantages of exiting a comfortable zone.


Positive attitude and hope for success in combination with some anxiety and uncertainty in themselves can lead you to personal growth. Therefore, sports such as climbing or parachute jumps are often recommended in the lists of tips, how to bring a person from the comfort zone: you are nervous and worried, but at the end you are experiencing a huge sense of satisfaction from what you coped, and it increases your confidence in yourself.

Expansion of the comfort zone itself

If you have a small comfort zone, that is, there is only a small number of things you can do without experiencing anxiety, you risk live your life in fear and miss the lot of interesting things. Choosing from its comfort zone more or less regularly, you will gradually increase the number of familiar and familiar situations for you.

Thus, you can get much more pleasure from life, as well-known things are pleasant for themselves, even if we first felt uncomfortable when they were developing.

Novelty motivates us and helps to learn

New experience leads to an increase in the level of dopamine in the brain, which is part of the "remuneration system". This hormone makes us search for encouragement, and new situations increase this thirst. It was also proven that novelty is developing our memory and improves learning abilities, making our brain more flexible.

Daniel Pink (Daniel H. Pink), author of work on the motivation and organization of the workflow, in his book "Drive: An amazing truth about what makes us act" says that we all strive for a certain ideal level of discomfort in which we could It would be most productive as possible.

This golden middle, when discomfort does not excessively relax and tones, not depriving desires or opportunities to work, and there is something to strive for. Getting used to a small inconvenience, you will successfully expand your comfort zone. Now you know what it means to get out of the comfort zone and how to do it.

How far are you ready to step for the usual borders? It depends only on you. Perhaps after reading this article, you will decide to try something fundamentally new in life. The most important thing is to observe a healthy balance between security and comfort, and then you are guaranteed pleasure from life experiments.

Welcome to the amazing and useful site of the Diary of Success! 🙂

The inner state of a person in which it is pleasant to be called comfort zone.

She does not give a person to fulfill his dream, makes it degraded and selects the desire to realize its capabilities!

Inner - here is an important word.

The same objects of the outside world for different people can interpret in different ways.

For example, for one steel has become familiar expensive varieties of coffee, tea, cigars, luxury furniture, dear car, which he uses every day - he is no longer impressive.

For the other, all of the above may be only a dream to which he seeks.

In other words, zone of comfortable location - this is:

    Well established habits.

    A person does not develop at all, being in the usual and familiar setting, rooted in a comfortable zone.

    Stereotypes of behavior.

    A man begins to act on the machine, after day, performing the same actions, having ceased to feel and perceive the reality surrounding his own mind.

    Thinking patterns.

    The man becomes the consumer of all ready.

    He gets lazy to think,.

Per comfort zone There is a completely different "side of the coin" - a zone of not comfortable and unusual behavior.

Going out of one zone and getting into an unfamiliar atmosphere, a person learns to live re-feel, to take vital decisions.

Therefore, you have to look for new life guidelines (points of support) so that the new world becomes much clearer and easier.

The state in the opposite zone can be compared with the process of growing a child!

How to get out of the comfort zone? Output methods:

Going out of a comfortable stay will have to anyone.

The thing is when and how he can get out.

Prepared or thrown out of cozy shelter to the mercy of fate.

A second way to go beyond the usual existence more traumating soul: stress, depression.

Life circumstances or changed conditions forcing a person to drastically change the course of his routine life, which entails a considerable threat to health.

So that such sudden changes did not occur in life, it is better to independently accept a conscious decision to choose the first option from the "gray" consumer existence.

Then all changes in life will flow in a softer form with gentle influence on the psyche.

"If you always put the boundaries in what you can do physical or mentally, you can be the dead with the same success. It will spread to work, on morality, for life. There are no boundaries, only horizontal stabilization sites. But it is impossible to stay on them, you need to go beyond their limits. If it kills it - it means that kill. "
Bruce Lee

97% of people 2/3 of their lives hope that they are still ahead!

Enough children's illusions !!!

I bring to your attention 5 invaluable tips to help you get out of the comfort zone And achieve your goals!

    Go to courses or a weekend club!

    Do not be lazy, and look at the Internet, in newspapers - interesting courses in your city.

    Find what you like and go ahead to new acquaintances and exciting activities.

    And yet ... Do not just sign up for courses, and attend them regularly!

    Travel in an unplanned trip!

    Highlight a couple of free days to go to a small trip.

    You will only need to choose a trip route and take the necessary things .. all!

    No longer need to plan anything.

    That's just on the road, think about your time, which you will do where to go ...

    Thanks to this method - you can get out of your comfort zone And get unrealistic impressions! 😉

    Take on new tasks, for example, at work!

    Take a specific project!

    And do not just work on it, and try to make something new, unconventional in order for the case to go, like oil!

    Take yourself sports! If you do - then increase the load!

    Everyone knows that physical exertion add confidence, health, self-esteem and of course!

    Are you still doing sports yet?

    Then your time came to change something in life and start myself in order!

    Put those goals that will completely change your life!

    In our case, you need to take for such a goal that will help change you and your life-being!

    For which you can implement it.

What is dangerous comfort zone?

Dangers that lie down stuck in a comfortable and gray life - no motivation.

Act and even force yourself to act at all is not easy.

Work out the habit to work on itself and make efforts regardless of the mood and weather status - becomes the first priority.

This is facilitated by an active lifestyle, physical activity, curiosity, living life according to the principle "here and now."

In more detail about how else you can get out of the zone of your comfort,

watch in the cognitive video!

Inhale life!

Self-improvement and regular development, and not degradation, allow small chains get out of the current comfort zone.

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Stability that reigns in the comfort zone is not so good, as it seems. This is not only a cozy nest, but also fences with pointers. Refusing a running track, usual thinking and proven actions, you will open a lot of new things.

The comfort zone is a living space in which we feel safe. This is usually not physical, but a psychological framework, the exchange for which is associated with discomfort.

We build our comfort zone from habits, templates and stereotypes. It is cozy to live in a predictable world of our own delusions, but the longer we are in it, the harder it is to step out. Every unusual action scares and upsets. We forget that in the outside world we are expected not only trouble, but also exciting adventures, discoveries and unknown sensations.

When we live, as they say, "on autopilot" - this is staying in the comfort zone. We mechanically repeat the usual actions and know exactly their result. While hands work, a dormant personality for which a constant stay in a closed circle is a familiar work - a familiar vacation. Our personality is degraded with such a well-established mode, and we should not allow it!

Facgows of jams in the comfort zone

The knowledge of the new is always connected with the exit beyond the comfort zone. Risk zone is a space where unpredictable events can occur with us, but it is necessary to go into it to develop. In my youth, we are easily expanding the framework, but the older becomes, the harder it is to give up rest.

A healthy person who lingering in the comfort zone for a long time, tries to degradation. What features become evidence of jams? Suppose you encountered a new situation or simply imagined that you can get into it. If the reaction becomes fear, know - you urgently it is time to get out of the space. Recall that reactions to new circumstances can be completely different: curiosity, anxiety, pleasant arousal, even joy. But the fear you tested is an absolutely destructive feeling, and it clearly testifies to the reluctance to leave the comfort zone. The fear makes us hide from the problem, pretend that nothing happens, resist change. If we decide to expand our comfort zone, the actions must be absolutely different - adaptation and adoption of new circumstances.


As Nile Walsh said, the real life is beyond the comfort zone. The first and most important step towards the exit to true life should be awareness of hanging in deceptive equilibrium. It is important to recognize that we are stuck at the dead point and stopped developing. So it happens very often: there are usual work, boring, but established relationships, uncomfortable, but their own apartment. All this can simultaneously cause deaf irritation and remain unchanged, because we are afraid to break out of us the established barrier.

Close cage

The bear in the zoo was kept in a small cage, where he could do only four steps. For all day, he walked back and forth, measuring his living space. Visitors said that they are sorry for the bear and believed that he dreams of freedom and space. Then the zoo widened, and all the animals moved to spacious green enclosures, and even a pool was built for an unfortunate bear. When "lucky" was transported to a new habitat, he continued to count the usual four steps in close transportation. And finally, he was released in a large aviary. The bear looked around, stepped carefully, then again ... He still did four steps back and forth ... The rods that restrict it existed now only in the imagination, but they were in place and turned out to be too strong. The bear still refers out its comfort zone, not paying attention to the free space around.

Awareness of the lack of borders is the path to freedom. Let's recognize that we ourselves were pregnant - it's time to expand the borders. We offer a program of exit from the comfort zone, consisting of five steps.

Five steps to liberation

Step One - setting the problem

Any path begins with the choice of direction and first step. It is necessary to decide where we want to come and why. Tasks can be the most different. For example, you understand that you have problems with communication, you can not contact with new people and it shines you. So you should meet as often as possible, initiate communication and make it familiar, that is, comfortable.

Step two - what and how much do you want?

The next step is to specify the task. Determine the term and result. Typically, the result can be measured by figures, facts, estimates and other clear criteria. So you can understand how fully the task is. You should also schedule an action plan.

If you decide that your task is to overcome difficulties in communication, you can focus on the state of confidence in new acquaintances, but it is impossible to measure this result in numbers. Therefore, we propose to establish a certain number of dating per month. Perhaps you will not immediately feel comfortable with a new style of life, but progress will definitely be observed. The trick trick is that you switch from the experience of your own state to work to perform the task and gradually work the desired skill. Any new skill requires application effort, so we will work.

Step Three - Work

Systematic perform the intended actions without deviating the plan. It is best to write reports to yourself every day and analyze the results of work.

Step fourth - still work

Yes, it is difficult to work on yourself. Get ready for the fact that on the way to expand the comfort zone you are waiting for difficulties, and it will not be possible to achieve a result of lightning. Do not try to jump over the desired level. Sometimes it turns out, but more often the familiar sustainable feeling of fear is arising, driving back to the comfort zone. Do not try to bite off too much a piece, move towards the goal slowly, looking at every new turn. This will require time, but the result will be stable.

New habits are fixed within 21 days, the same thing will be needed for us. It is necessary to achieve the feeling of comfort at every new stage, then we will be able to "pull out" for themselves a large and convenient field for equilibrium existence.

Pitch Fifth - the development of "new lands"

One day we will definitely understand that yesterday's risk zone has become a comfort zone, and you can master new territories. This will be victory.

Continue move!

We managed to overcome a certain border preventing our development, but it does not mean that it's time to rest on the laurels. Yes, we expanded the framework in which you can live calmly and not torment fear, but the situation will definitely repeat if we do not learn to easily leave the comfort zone. It is important to learn not to experience fear when meeting with the new one. Psychologists offer us tools to develop this habit.

Start changing daily habits. Get to work another expensive, change the routine of the day, select the store, which usually do not go and buy a new set of products.

A proven way to exit the comfort zone is a new acquaintance.

Would you like to attend some courses, trainings? You are interested in a certain area of \u200b\u200bknowledge, but you could not break the usual rhythm of life, so avoided communication with unfamiliar people? Overcome your fears and start communicating with the new round of people.

Perhaps you once wanted to learn how to draw, breed aquarium fish or weave lace? Collect new skills is a great way to expand comfort zone.

Waking up once, get rid and go to an unplanned journey. Let it be a neighboring city, a distant area of \u200b\u200byour city or a park, in which you have not yet been - not important. You are provided with fresh impressions.

Change your clothing style. Girls who do not get out of the trousers useful to wear an elegant dress. Men accustomed to jeans and sneakers will feel like a new way in a classic costume. You will be surprised, noticing how much the mood depends on. Make the permutation of furniture in the house. Come up with "refreshing" situations for yourself, and embody the ideas.

Why leave the comfort zone?

And really, why? Dimensional life without much shocks, familiar little joy, scheduled holidays with a well-known menu and entertainment program. What's bad about it?

Imagine that we are going by the autobahn. Such a long very good road without surprises. You left the point A and head to item B. You have a good reliable car, along the edges of the road there are fast food cafes with the same set of food. You are listening to music that you yourself have chosen. From time to time you see the congresses in the city, but you don't need to go there, you are going to point B. If you decide to turn off the highway, they would have got into an ancient city with a medieval castle or you suddenly opened a blue lake, overgrown with lilies. And maybe on the street of someone else's city, would you meet a person who dreamed of all his life? In those places that you did not visit, unfamiliar people live - they rejoice and upset, cry and laugh, everyone has their own story with joy and despair. Maybe you could help someone and change his life for the better? You never know what could happen, you have to roll from your way. But why? You know what move in the right direction.

And if you imagine that it is a highway - life with two mandatory items? Maybe it is worth getting out of the cabin to find out how spring leaves smell like and hear what Village Harchevni is talking about? There, in life, interesting!

There is a simple life rule - all the most important achievements, development and changes for the better are outside your comfort zone. What is a comfort zone? In fact, this is a life situation that you are the most controlled in which you do not feel the feelings of anxiety, you can easily and calmly.

It is a warm, favorite, cozy swamp. The person is inclined to dive with him even with pleasure, since we all strive for comfort and do not love difficulties.

Each person has 4 basic needs:

  1. Safety
  2. Comfort
  3. Benefit
  4. Prestige

As soon as all these 4 needs are somehow satisfied, we begin to live in the comfort zone. The exit for the comfort zone inevitably threatens the risk of dissatisfaction with any of the needs, and therefore we categorically do not want to leave it. Let's follow the example.

Lera graduated from the Faculty of Economics of N. After graduating from the university, Lerina Aunt arranged her to his firm assistant to the chief accountant. Lera lives with his parents, unlike most classmates immediately got a job and knows exactly that it will not be fired from there. Gets it slightly above average for your city. Since Lera spends money only for himself, then in the firm she will hear fashionista and a party.

All needs are satisfied already at 23 - 24 years. What will happen next? Exit from the comfort zone is to spend time on additional training (1 seconds, languages, Excel), sit late with the chief accountant and comprehend all the depths of reporting, to postpone money on some interesting travel, engage in volunteer activities. What can it give? A leap in a career, spiritual development, the transition to a new level of communication with people, new acquaintances, as a result, more successful marriage, against which Lera, of course, did not object.

But all these examples threaten one of the basic components of its comfort zone. Wouldn't spend money on clothes, but for courses? But what about prestige? Would spend time not for sleep, girlfriends and parties? What about comfort? Go to another job? What about security. Agree for smaller money, but in a more promising place? And the benefit?

Long hanging in the comfort zone inevitably leads to degradation Or ends even more deplorable, when we do not decide to go out for the usual circle, and the circle is narrowing or disappears. For example, Lerina Aunt burned. What can give the world of Lera, which spent 3 years in the illusions of its significance and professionalism, while the other, less successful friends, independently gained experience and fought for good places?

This is another trap of the comfort zone - We are confident that everything will be just as good or only better. And so does not happen. As the Queen of the "Alice in Wonderland" said: "It is necessary to run here very quickly to stay on the spot."

Where are running? Or how to choose the purpose

So, we have already understood that it is for a long time to depend in the situation when all our basic needs are satisfied - dangerous and unpromising. So, the problems themselves create, ask you?

No, not to create. Yes, and the word "problem" has long time to exclude from the lexicon. You must set the tasks.

I am an opponent of the task "get out of the comfort zone." What for? Because so they said in a smart book or at the training? And what to do there? Which way to go? In order to jump on a new level, we must have a goal, the task, then for which we try. In fact, a person is able to survive any "how" if there is "why".

We start with global. Wheel of life.

Step 1. I for the fact that women should develop their lives as harmoniously as possible, so we are equipped with a pencil and leaves and draw the wheel of life. We sign the axis as shown in the picture. Time of honesty. I'll say right away - the task is not for the lazy, but it is necessary to perform it. Think up for you 10 points for each axis? For someone 10 points for money is a personal island, for someone stable income of 2-3 thousand dollars a month. Both are excellent. The main thing honestly write for yourself what you would consider "dozen". Now note wherever this you are on the axis. Connect the marks to each other. This is your wheel life.

Someone has it turned out to be harmonious, but very small, someone has large spikes alternate with failures. Of course, perhaps you have everything on 8-9, but most likely it simply means that you dream little.

Step 2. Choose 1.2 and, which are most falling and start tightened them. Try to imagine what you need, for example, notice your health is not 3, but by 4-5. Presented? Write down. For example, you suffer allergies. What should be done? Pass the blood on extended allergies, sign up for reflexotherapy, breathing in Budeyko. This step can be considered transitional, we need it to tighten the apparent tails.

Step 3. After at least the primary harmonization along the axes, we draw attention to the item that you were more difficult to describe. For example, relationships. Well, there is a relationship. What kind? Normal. And what do I want? Well ... good. Start digging in yourself, what are the questions, the difficulty that I would like to do better. All under the record.

Step 4. We write a plan for achieving what they painted in paragraph 3 and in the same way tighten the rest of life. Smoothly moving to the maximum. What plus such a strategy is sometimes we are tired of "live correctly" and throw the road to the floor started. In this case, come to a nearest logical point and switch to another axis, and not just "nowhere."

SMART and death zone

You worshiped, left and did nothing. Well, it can be painted the wheel and walked. Maybe even decided to work on which axis. But how? It is almost impossible to get out of the comfort zone from p.3-4 - it is almost impossible, for this you need experience and willpower as a steel trap. I know such a person as much as such such a bore that well him with his achievements. I will tell you how I put the goals outside the comfort zone I.

  1. Visualize a goal or a dream. Maximum clear and in detail imagine how your life will change qualitatively when you achieve your goal as you would be proud of. Imagine any pleasant little things, let it really please you. Presented? And now to the case.
  2. We put the purpose of Smart technology. Specific (Specific), Measurable (measurable), Achievable (achievable), Relevant (current) or Realistic (realistic), Time-Bound (limited in time). That is, I want to run 10 km. Less than an hour at the total race on September 28.

The goal is best to show someone knowledgeable in the subject. So, for example, my goal was adjusted - "Do not run out of the pulse of 150 beats per minute, as it is harmful to the heart. With my level of preparation - no less than ten minutes. " That is, it was added realism and some specifics.

  1. We divide the goal on the scenes, SMART technologies are signed in the same way. The plan should help you smoothly enter the work, but do not give to relax.
  2. Place yourself in the "Death Zone". That is, make a maximum not to "leave." Again for money, declare your goal in all social. networks or friends, hang in the hallway schedule. From good online resources - SmartProgress.do.
  3. Mandatory daily report. I just open an Excel sheet, put the dates and write down every day what I did for my goal. When it is required - I enter the speakers for measurable indicators. For example, time spent on training, medium pulse, distance. It helps a lot with self-discipline.
  4. Assign yourself the controller, in front of which you will report.
  5. Be sure to please yourself with something pleasant and small for achieving intermediate goals and discipline. Perhaps also appoint small penalties (not necessarily money), for failure to comply with interim paragraphs of the plan.
  6. Try to refer to the process responsibly, but without excessive seriousness. Smile and rejoice in what you do.

Distantnik.ru - Wheel of life, work on the goals and spheres of life.
SmartProgress.do is a whole community for setting goals. Very convenient interface.


"In search of happiness" - a film with young Will Smith on liability and achieving goals in, it would seem, almost hopeless situation.
"The Devil wears Prada" - the film is not only about achieving the goals, but also about what happens to those who failed to stop.

There is a joke: Melurs who consult to leave the comfort zone, explain to start, how to get into it. The usual lifestyle is primarily the routine, no change. It seems that it is worth abandoning the same lifestyle, and the world will collapse. Many long years float meters: continue to live with her husband-tyrant, afraid of public speeches, do not argue with the bosses, do not travel and not dream. Is the joy of such life?

1. Determine, do not deceive yourself

Suppose you do not like to speak in front of the audience. Instead of overcome the fear and appreciate the advantages that meet with new people, communication with like-minded people and disputes with opponents, begin to look for excuses to their phobiam.

You say: "Participation in this event is not so important," "You can do work without participation in public events" or "Non-Maging is not for me, I am introvert." In these statements, there is some truth, you are afraid of public speeches, but do not want to admit yourself.

To determine whether you cheat yourself, ask the question: "I would like to do what I refuse, provided that the situation would be absolutely comfortable and deprived of stress? Would it be nice or useful for a career? " If so, then you are feeling fear. As soon as you realize this, you can move on.

Now you need to define one or more reasons why you need to do what is afraid. Think how this business will contribute to the implementation of your goals, career and personal growth. The benefits of incomprehensible action is an excellent motivator.

2. Create a plan

Realizing fears, you can proceed to action, but it is better to show wisdom and patience. You risk not getting the desired result if you do not think about the change strategy.

Determine that the most difficult thing in your situation. Then the steps that will lead to the target. You can go to the goal with different roads. For example, for business development, tie contacts with the right people. You are an introvert, and with one thought about a crowded event, it becomes bad. However, apart from participation in exhibitions and conferences there are other ways to meet and communicate with potential partners. For example, by phone and agree on a meeting after a cup of coffee in a quiet cafe. Instead of afraid, you take the situation under control and adapt it to your features and preferences.

3. Find a mentor

Even with a plan, you may need help, inspiration, approval and feedback. Contact your coach, you can ask a friend or colleague. The mentor will help determine the difference between your behavior in the usual situation and how do you act outside the comfort zone. He will discuss with you options for the development of events and will tell you what to do if the situation came out from under control, pay attention to weaknesses, help adapt behavior to a particular situation and simulate the upcoming conversation or activity.